#eye trauma mention
prokopetz · 11 months
To be fair, there are perfectly practical filmmaking reasons why cool guys don't look at explosions:
Most low to medium budget productions don't use compositing or CGI to put the actor in the same shot as the explosion – they just put the actor much further away from the explosion than you think they are, and use forced perspective tricks to minimise the apparent distance. There are a limited number of camera angles those tricks permit, and most of them require the actor to be directly between the explosion and the camera.
In spite of the fact that the distance between the explosion and the actor is larger than you think, mistakes happen, and the best way to avoid catching a piece of flying debris in the eye is to direct your line of sight away from the explosion.
"Cool guy slowly walking away from explosion" happens to be a very obvious way of satisfying both of those safety constraints.
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aita-blorbos · 3 months
aita for killing my sister?
took a lot of guts to tell my friends this, which is why i’m putting it on anonymous now that i’m telling you
and yes, unfortunately, you read that correctly. i (m, 16) killed my sister (f, 15) when i was still 12. she died at 15, so that’s what i’ll put for the age
to provide some context and background, i am in a group of friends consisting of 6 people at the time. now only 5
all of us are 16 except for one of the people in this friend group (m, 19) and overall we got along pretty well. we still do now but things aren’t the same, we are slowly rebuilding our bond.. and we are grieving together
now, let me just preface this.. me and my sister were the best of friends, we had the best bond out of anyone we knew. i didn’t kill her on purpose, i never would
so let’s get onto that i guess
basically, we were practicing for our recital for the past few days, she plays the piano and i play the violin. and because of her perfectionism i threw my violin down the stairs, being too stressed and um..
you know, threw it down
she got mad at me, and we argued for a good while until i was tired of it, trying to walk back to my room but she got in my way.. so um, i pushed her out of the way and
she fell down the stairs
i don’t think she would’ve died if it wasn’t for the violin, probably just a mild injury
my friend (m, 16 now but 12 at the time) was there, i don’t remember why.. it was 4 years ago, and it’s all a blur now. but, he was there, and we both tried to wake up my sister
but she wouldn’t wake up
we dragged her into bed because at the time we didn’t realise she was dead, and so much time passed.. so he came up with a plan, telling me that we should make it seem as if she killed herself so we don’t get in trouble
i followed through, because i didn’t know what else i could do
for the past 4 years, my friends were deceived, and i was isolating myself inside of my house. i wasn’t taking care of myself, and all i wanted to do was sleep, sleep, sleep and more sleep
i no longer wanted to face the outside world, i regressed into my mind, which i dubbed headspace. it had all the younger versions of my friends, all being the ages they were when the accident happened
i had a different name in there, but my friends kept their names. and all sorts of adventures happened.. there’s too much to explain when it comes to that, but let’s just say i had and still do have a wild imagination
after the 4 years were up, one day one of my friends (m, 16) knocked on the door, gesturing for me to come outside and hang out with him as our house was being sold in only a couple of days
i followed through, and felt a lot more happier alongside him. we encountered my old friends too, and um.. yeah
one night when we were sleeping over at my accomplice’s house, while everyone else was asleep he confronted me and well..
he blinded me in one of my eyes, and because of that i fought back
i was sent to the hospital, and so was he
at the hospital, i confessed to my friends. all of them being upset but eventually being able to forgive me, i felt the heavy weight of this guilt lift off of my shoulders.. and finally felt as if there were people there to help me
nowadays we are still very good friends, it just took a while for them to forgive me, which i understand. some longer than others, and some shorter than others, especially the friend who convinced me to come outside..
so.. um, am i the asshole?
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science-slapfight · 1 year
18. Alice Luoja (She/Her) @cantdanceflynn @pyxehastoomanyinterests
Known as “The Bitch” by her creator and I, Alice is a crusty old woman who has dedicated her life to tracking down and studying gods with the hopes of becoming one herself. She does this with the help of her brainwashed “adopted”(stolen) son. She had started this journey when she was 15 years old, and has not stopped because she is a very pathetic woman with nothing better to do(god forbid she take care of her son). When she does get her hands on the gods, her experiments range from creepy to life threatening. A personal favorite of mine is when she plucked the eyeballs out of an approx. 9 year old. She uses the blood of her “patients” to fuel many weapons(guns, knives, etc.). Alice just loves to fuck everything up, including her own life and others’. She’s also - drumroll please - a cult leader! Or an attempted one, for she’s such a picky loser that she tosses aside most potential members because of their lack of “use”.
tl;dr - Mother Gothel found a new, mainly not hair related obsession!
Alice is a Phineas and Ferb OC that (basically)lost the last poll she was entered into because she was too mean and terrible for the mean and terrible competition. So y’know. Just so y’all can gauge her character skdhksbd.
Relevant Links: https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Alice%20Luoja
3. Gordon, Fritz, and Fresco (He/Him for all 3) @subparticlesupercollider
Fresco is a chemistry professor at [REDACTED] University and Gordon is his TA. Fritz is a student at the university who has a big crush on Gordon <3 all three end up studying reanimation together until one day Fresco literally explodes and becomes an undead creature (hence why he’s just a brain with eyes and a skeleton) and then later Gordon has to get reanimated (long story) and becomes a Frankenstein-esque undead creature as well. Fritz is ok though.
Relevant Links: https://www.tumblr.com/subparticlesupercollider/651018126352433152/whew-heres-a-full-lineup-of-my-protag-ocs-from-my
(Image credits: @pyxehastoomanyinterests and @subparticlesupercollider, respectively)
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sporesgalaxy · 2 years
somethings irritating my eye today n lookig at it has reminded of how i used to be OBSESSED with the inside of my eyes and eye sockets as a kid???? I used to wish all the time that I could take out my eyeball and look at the back of it and look inside of it. why was i like that. Well this is why I have a fucked up eye motif in all my sonas i guess
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bugboy111 · 9 months
So I’m studying to become a forensic pathologist and part of my like “at home training” has been forced exposure to pictures of trauma, death etc. I can handle myself pretty well so far but I know for a fact that I’m going to struggle with eye trauma oh my gooooood its so horrible to look at 😭😭😭. I know that I’ll eventually have to deal with much worse than pictures but wow getting over the eye thing is going to suck. I’ll take advanced decomp any day over eye trauma
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miseriathome · 5 months
Celeste’s smile is that of a doting mother, but her eyes are cold and calculated, the eyes of a solider, of a scientist, of a killer, of a spy. They are Sherlock’s eyes and John wants, for a horrible split second, to gouge them out of her head with his fingernails and then maybe eat them so he could both own them totally and never have to see them again.
Multiply (the sum of our parts)
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artycat101s · 5 months
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So this is an au of an oc ive been rotating for a while
This is Artem Sweet! Originally they were a self insert oc but they really took on a life of their own so! They’re no longer a full self insert haha
Anyway this is Artem as a low level noble in @cottonb0mb’s RK!wally au
Their family doesn’t have a lot of land but they manage to maintain their status due to their family keeping the knowledge of how to weave magic into embroidery
Their family makes things like bags of holding
Since nobody can see the king (and since I kind of designed them being a handmaiden for @artsybug0’s oc Millie )
They ended up having their eyes gauged out and the blind fold allows them to see without seeing so they can continue their duties
When accepting the position of a royal handmaiden the sweets family assumed the blinding would be symbolic, that they would alway wear the blindfold
It was not
They were physically blinded
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foolondahill17 · 1 year
The Benders should have taken Dean's eye out with the hot poker, and Dean should have worn an eyepatch for the rest of the series.
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cambriancutie · 1 year
shiver is one of those kids in middle school who would put hot sauce in their eye to make it a different color
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gengarpng · 1 year
i want to hear your fun fact about eyeballs
Sooo basically from what I understand your eye has immune "privileges " and is kind of hiding from ur main immune system via a protective layer. And if u get a bad enough scratch on your eye ur immune system doesn't recognize your eyeballs cells that enter the blood stream so it can attack ur injured eyeball, and potentially your good eye later on (called Sympathetic Opthalmia) :~)
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aita-blorbos · 3 months
AITA for attempting to repay a kindness?
Now, for some well-needed context, I, (erm, I have stopped counting, but I find myself well into adulthood, though my roguish charm does tend to shine through, M), am an author! I am known far and wide for my many manuals and manuscripts of the world I've traveled. And other worlds I've traveled!
Now, in a life such as mine, one ends up picking up certain skills. I'm a bit of a jack of all trades, you see, and I thought I would try my hand at a bit of diplomacy in my attempts to gather details for my latest manuscript.
Rather embarrassingly, however, things went a bit TOO well, and I found myself in the rather unenviable role of a pet pigeon in the very same camp I had attempted to learn from.
Nevertheless, I made a daring escape, assisted slightly by a witness to an attack on a sanctuary I was writing on. They so graciously invited me to join THEIR camp, which I gladly accepted. When I was there, they told me of an affliction I had heard of- although theirs was quite different than the typical cases. After painstaking research, I believed I had the opportunity to assist my new compatriot in ridding themselves of their parasite.
A steady hand and a good bit of misplaced self-confidence does the trick, I always say!
That said, my procedure did involve... an ice pick, a rather unsalvageable eyeball, and a failure to remove the offending parasite. I gave them a shiny new prosthetic eye, free of cost, and I am sure, if they survive this ordeal, a wonderful story for parties.
That said, am I the asshole for repaying my rescuer with an improvisational medical procedure, which I may have slightly fumbled?
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science-slapfight · 1 year
7. Suspicious Stew (He/Him, Xe/Xem) @hilaomart
Stew is the reincarnation of a thief and swindler who died from poison. This untimely death leads him to an early interest in various poisons and their effects on the body. Fearing his own untimely death, xe begins to drink his experiments in small doses to give himself an immunity to the substances. His lack of basic lab safety led to an incident in which he lost his right eye, leaving a large chemical burn over the right side of his face. Other than this, for a while, he was relatively normal. After an incident with another mad scientist in which he was the unwilling subject, Stew began to lose himself in his work to cope. Xe branched out into the broader fields of biochemistry and potion magic, experimenting on himself to avoid putting anything else in the position he was once in. Xe got a job in a more normal lab to pay the bills, occasionally stealing equipment and materials from his job for his own home lab. He began to sell potions and poisons on the black market to fund his work.
Xeir hubris began to catch up to xem. One incident in his lab with a dangerous substance led to permanent damage to his body as well as the loss of his right arm. The various mutations he gave himself were slowly making him less and less human as his morals slipped away. He experimented with the art of creation, bringing abominations of flesh to life. Xe began to rob graves and steal corpses to experiment on. He was becoming what he feared the most, though xe didn’t have enough humanity left to care.
Stew is a strange little guy. He’s quite unnerving and dare I say, suspicious. He’s protective of those he cares for to a dangerous degree. Xes awkward, finding trouble in social interaction due to years of self isolation. He’s doomed by the narrative and only half aware of it. Besides his scientific endeavors, xe enjoys practical jokes, skateboarding, and the company of whatever family he has left.
Also he does like cupcakes <3
Relevant Links: https://toyhou.se/9067965.suspicious-stew
14. Edgar Gahds (He/Him) @kursed-curtain
Edgar Gahds is a 19 year old forensics scientist (and absolute sweetheart, but don't tell him I said that)
CW: Blood n death n organs, etc in his description. He is a mad scientist after all!
- He's a huge fan of gothic horror novels like Frankenstein and The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and he essentially bases his entire career on them!
- He has a fascination with how humans work. That's why he took up forensics! It means you can look at corpses without getting in trouble!
- He's so excited about blood and organs! He has models he plays with during court cases sometimes. He doesn't think of it as playing though. It's expressing himself!
- Edgar's experiments mostly consist of murder victims because wow there are a lot in this universe. A lot.
- He loves animals and dislikes animal testing :(( he's not against human testing tho lmao go ham
- He loves horror movies and the makeup and special effects that go into them!
(He's my Ace Attorney OC but I didn't wanna deter any potential voters!! ;) he's simply a silly guy!)
(Also Edgar loves a good red velvet cupcake haha)
Relevant Links: https://www.tumblr.com/kursed-curtain/712085998004305920/ledger-de-maine https://www.tumblr.com/kursed-curtain/tagged/%40edgar%20gahds
(Image credits: @hilaomart and @kursed-curtain, respectively)
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1merfairy · 2 years
Your eye ever itch so bad that you just want to pop it out of its socket and leave it in a cup of eye drop solution until it learns to behave?
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sunnygotsniped · 2 years
Oh yeah when my brother got to the part where Obito takes the Rinnegan back after Nagato dies he asked me "That doesn't happen again right? Like they can't just take eyeballs out of each other's skulls right???" and then I had to tell him without spoiling it that it was actually a recurring thing that they do in fact trade eyeballs like a fucking swapmeet and he looked so scared 😭
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Shark Fact! Greenland Sharks are almost all blind in either one or sometimes both eyes! Their small eyes are often the target of parasites, most commonly a form of parasitic copepod called Ommatokoita elongata, which attach to their corneas and hinder their vision. Though they can still partially see light and shadows, the damage done by these parasites means this cold-water shark doesn’t often have much use for them after they’ve been infested. However, they are far from helpless, and rely on their other powerful sense like smell and their lateral lines to navigate. 
I will advise anyone who wishes to look into this particular shark species be careful if you are sensitive to parasites or eye trauma. While it does not hurt the shark and they can function perfectly fine, some individuals may have eye or parasite related triggers and those individuals I would advise to exercise caution when researching for yourself.
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asbestieos · 1 year
I CANTT AKE THIS ANYMORE DOES ANGONE WANT YO HELP ME. (makes plucking gesture at my eyes)
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