#fascism is here
smeetlinglord · 3 months
On Not Masking
If you have a death wish for the disabled, you will probably continue to do this. If you are entitled to personal comforts over public safety, you will probably continue to do this. If you would like to see more people permanently disabled and die young and spry and filled with ambition, you will probably continue to do this. The words have to cut deep for you to feel them anymore. You better listen the fuck up and act on it, or keep yourself far away from other people. We are tired of burying our loved ones. Start caring or else we will get loud, nasty, and ugly. I'm learning to brawl. If you threaten my medical safety I will threaten your physical safety. Watch your mouth, watch your tone, watch your back. I am past playing nice.
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bixels · 3 months
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I watched Starship Troopers tonight.
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elbiotipo · 6 months
The Florida Republican legislator who praised Javier Milei and then praised Argentina with the straight up nazi thinking of "one race, one culture, one religion", which is not only Nazi propaganda but a complete and absolute lie, really puts into perspective the whole "ARGENTINA IS WHITE XDXDXDXDDX" memes anglos have been spreading uncritically like it's just a funny joke. It's not an insult, it's an ASPIRATION for them. They WANT to be the Nazi Argentina which only exists in their heads and memes.
They had so much fun calling us nazis and there you have it, straight up white supremacists in their politics praising and supporting our far right, which has also been funded by US "think-tanks" such as the Atlas Network. THE CALL IS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE, YANQUI. YOUR COUNTRY IS THE ONE FULL OF NAZIS, YOU HAVE THEM IN YOUR GOVERMENT, IN YOUR POLICE, IN YOUR MILITARY.
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ms-boogie-man · 2 months
Fascism is dictatorship. It is authoritarian, totalitarian, tyrannical
Communism is just rebranded fascism with a committee rather than a dictator
Socialism is just communism-lite *but it will go full force communism in a very short time
The Nazi party is just rebranded fascism with a socialist take
None of the above are economic systems, or any sort of systems of government. They are simply the very, very few ruling the very, very, very many… and with tech on their side this time, if they are not stopped NOW, there will be no stopping them later
Anarcho-literally-anything will descend very quickly into authoritarianism, totalitarianism… tyranny… and you will not be able to organize quick enough nor effectively enough to stop it
Change my mind…
… and quit playing cute little childish fucking games with our freedom
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girlgerard · 7 months
hey! ik you have a big following, and you’ve mentioned visiting israel and palestine on school trips— i really think your voice would be valuable in speaking out on the injustices happening in that region. you always speak so eloquently on race/gender issues on your blog and i’m really interested in hearing your take! plus i think your platform is large enough to really make a good stand!
i appreciate that you sent this ask, and i appreciate that you thought of me. i agree with everything you’re saying, and i wanted to respond to this immediately because of that, even if i don’t have much of an answer to share.
i’ve studied the conflict for years and, like you said, was in israel and palestine (as in the territories named as such) six months ago; i was at the gaza border in may. i actually disqualified myself from birthright because i wanted to be able to go on academic dispensation specifically (i couldn’t go to the west bank otherwise). i study sociology and jewish studies in my degree program. i’m jewish, i’m south asian, i come from a family of refugees, i come from a family of jains, i come from a family of, like, californians, i come from a family with just as many intersections as any other. suffice to say, i have a lot, a lot of emotions tied up in the levant.
the thing is, because i’ve studied it for so long, and because i study sociology specifically, i also know that saying something before i’ve processed it well enough is irresponsible. this conflict is wrapped up in linguistics; the wording you use is everything. i’m really aware of that, i’m also really aware that i’m not in a place where i feel comfortable enough to articulate myself properly. for my own safety, for responsibility’s sake, and because i’m aware of how nuanced and linguistically fucked discussing this conflict is, i don’t want to make a large statement on it while i’m not in a place to do so.
what i will say for now is that if you’re viewing this conflict as a soccer game between two teams, you are not viewing this conflict in a humanist way. normal civillians, palestinian, druze, samaritan, jewish, israeli arab, armenian, any normal person who lives in the land, should be the only “team” you’re on the side of. listen to people who are from the land, read sources in arabic, read sources in hebrew, read multiple perspectives in multiple languages for every event you want to understand better. understanding how important history, generational trauma, and narrative are in this conflict is essential to understanding why any of this is happening, and if anyone says there’s a simpler way to do it, there’s not. no one tribe in the land can leave, and no one tribe in the land deserves anything less than peace and self determination. personally, my first thought about war is how much i care about people, not which state i feel like backing.
i may post more on tumblr, i may post more on other platforms, i may choose keep my activism in-person rather than purely online. navigating all of this while also being pretty devastated and horrified is complex, and i ask for understanding.
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centrally-unplanned · 19 days
I'ma explain the Stardew Valley fascism thing because I am bored and sometimes explaining obvious things is good for your brain. So the idea here is that "the simple country life" of farming, hanging out your small town neighbors, building an elaborate produce gift-based harem, and existing in perpetual tranquility with them is very appealing to fascist/reactionary aesthetics. Cosmopolitan urbanity is a disease, a blight upon society, sucking the spirit of the yeoman people out of their souls and blending it with degenerate races/liberals until they are too weak and dependent to fight the forces of globalism and they cope by being gay living in the pod. If the people could just return to the land, work by the sweat of their brow, they would have beautiful blond wives and their spirit/t-levels would soar to the heights God intended for us. Or whatever. So Stardew Valley is an indulgence of that fantasy by letting you reject urbanism, embrace tradition, and thus it has fascist aesthetics.
The problem here is A: what the fuck you are talking about, and also B: misunderstanding cause & effect. The appeal of farm life does not cause a fear of rootless jews queering your children outside of the most banal ways, the fears come first, the farming life is stapled on. Which you know, because everybody loves the farm life as a fantasy! Not in practice, obviously, which is why its a video game and not an agribusiness contract. But we all love the fantasy of a beautiful farm in the countryside, being one with the earth and baking rustic dinners in bronze kitchenware on hand-carved wooden tables. Since 90% of people don't take that fantasy and blame its lack of actualization in their lives on filthy immigrants, its probably not the causal factor in these things! People liking trees is not problematic because it has (virtually) no political implications without a ton of other context. Most people have more than one fantasy after all, often contradictory ones.
But if you are a political radical doing propaganda on the internet, its far more appealing to the audience (which includes yourself) if your vision is all-in, has the carrots and the sticks. For some the insane rush of a totalitarian world order wiping clean the slate of human society and re-ordering it according to your own mercurial whims is enough regardless of why, but for some (pathetic losers ofc) out there they need a little more juice, something concrete. So its married to reactionary aesthetics for the full picture, that this political order will deliver the farm life unto you. That works because, again "everybody" likes the farm life, that is way of broadening the appeal. But its neither the problem with the vision nor the cause of the political ideology. Some people who authentically like the farm life become farmers, you can just do that. Most don't, because they just wanna play a video game.
To clarify, what I am not saying is that the "reactionary aesthetics" are irrelevant and could be swapped out. My point is that instead they are universal. They are normally built out of uncontestably positive things. Those blond tradwives are hotties! Wheat is pretty and tastes good! You can't remove that from culture outside of being a fascist yourself. None of that makes fascism what it is, its all the other stuff. And when people make media out to be fascist, they are almost always bringing in from the outside 99% of the secret sauce. It is case by case of course, there is authentically authoritarian media out there. But in practice, 90%+ of these accusations are "Stardew Valley is fascist" level. Its a very silly debate to get drawn into.
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Powerful cautionary clip. Short clip, 1:09 long.
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tempesthreads · 11 months
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brookheimer · 1 year
yea i'm handling grief really well (fires someone cuz they mentioned my dad) (fires someone incredibly important to me cuz they mentioned my dad) (tries to get brother to maybe undo firing the person i care about but he says it's a good thing and mentions dad so i smile and believe him) (listens to an edited recording of my dad telling me i'm always wrong on repeat the entire drive home trying not to cry)
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scrawnytreedemon · 8 months
While I intend this blog to remain a largely news-free space due to the constant hellstate of the world, let me be clear that I stand in full support of both the Palestinian and Jewish peoples who are currently experiencing relentless hate and suffering in these horrid times.
I am disgusted at the number of people, especially "progressives" on this website who have used this situation to spread both Islamophobia and Antisemitism. This goes double if you dared to reblog those "punch nazis/fascists <3" and "[x] are welcome here!" posts while in the next breath spreading dangerous fucking narratives that kill people.
So many people in online political spaces evidently see this as nothing more than a case of picking "sides", when ultimately what matters is supporting the oppressed against fascist governments and militias, wherever they are.
Common people will always have more alike with each other than their leaders. This is not a novel concept. Your activism should always be motivated by love and compassion first, and hatred second. If you use your beliefs as an excuse to find an acceptable target to vent your hatred towards regardless of the actual material outcome, you are no fucking activist.
You're a bigot.
#current events#antisemitism#islamophobia#scrawny rambles#scrawny speaks#again i have not been saying much both for the fact that this blog is meant to be a quiet place#and that i do not consider myself to be a reliable source of serious information and/or morals#but regardless i have been watching i have been taking note#i see you i hear you#and while i am currently in no position to materially help right now#the moment i can i will#i don't like signalling this kind of thing because i want it to be evident in how i *act*#but as this cannot be taken as a given i will say this:#you are welcome here. i am so sorry the world is hateful and vile and i wish i could wipe it all away.#you and your folk did nothing to deserve this and you are right to be scared. and i wish to give you my love.#fascism and genocide are not things to be taken lightly. bigoted 'jokes' are vile and dangerous. human life is what's at stake.#we are heading into a wave of hate that has the potential to repeat history in the worst way imaginable. get a fucking grip.#i'm unlikely to address this further as again. reasons stated above. but i wanted to make my stance clear.#it is late as fuck and i'm pissed. people who should know better miss the fucking memo completely.#i'm fucking glad i unfollowed a popular blogger when i did because look what they're posting now. antisemetic 'jokes'.#i really wonder how common this shit truly is. how many people get away with cloaking themselves as 'progressive.'#or perhaps they genuinely think they are. cognitive dissonance is one hell of a drug. fuck them regardless. scum.#you are no progressive. you are a bigot. a leftist bigot is a bigot regardless of how 'revolutionary' you posture to be.#anyhow apologies for any errors. again. it's late. hope you guys are doing well <3
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cruelsister-moved2 · 7 months
i honestly think one thing gentile non-palestinian leftists need to do urgently is eradicate the idea from your mind that zionism is somehow good for jewish people. we pay lip service to the fact that antizionism isn't antisemitism, that jewish people aren't inherently associated with the state of israel, even that israel doesn't keep jews safe; yet the subtle implication that jews ultimately benefit from zionism creeps into our arguments.
zionism has fostered fundamentalism and pushed jewish communities globally to the right, marginalised and outright erased disaporic cultures, and has contributed to the near-disappearance of entire judaic languages. the zionist project exacerbates antisemitism and then warps discussions of it, encouraging the same dual-loyalty myths and racialised categorisation that were popular in nazi germany. it courts antisemitic christian fundamentalists who fund it because of their apocalyptic beliefs which ultimately involve the annihilation or conversion of all jews, and provides a smokescreen for antisemites who want to push jews from their own countries. and it isolates, incriminates, silences, and arrests the many, many jews who speak out against it.
i don't say this to try and decentre palestinian suffering at this time, hence why this isn't directed at palestinians, but i think it's incredibly important for the integrity of our arguments to recognise unequivocally that zionism is not beneficial to jewish people either.
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kicktwine · 3 months
no one asked me to do a specbio post on garleans but im gonna!!!! the fact that no one asked means no one can stop me!!
garlean people and hyur share a very recent common ancestor, but it’s far enough back that they should be considered distinct from like a different kind of hyur like midland or highland. They kind of adopted their place name into their “species name”. the fact is they used to be called something else, but both internally rejected the use of anything but a locator and externally so deeply associated themselves with garlemald that any notion of the name is gone. and they weren’t incredibly populous to begin with, so no one had a chance to set something else.
anyways! What’s this thing about
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THIS is a small organ that has a hard keratin protrusion and is very loosely connected to the skull. most notably this eye is used for spatial recognition. The external part of it is rumored as being used for distance recognition, being able to sense better how far away something is, but Lucia asserts it doesn’t matter so. It might not matter. But the internal organ is used for proprioception! Very similar to the otolithic organ in your ears! While that will tell you if you’re accelerating or which way you’re moving, the “third eye” addition to the vestibular system tells you which way is down. The heavier calcium deposit on the inside of the organ always orients the brain to where down is and where it is in reference to you and where you’re angled in reference to Down, as long as you’re not shaking your head around like crazy to disorient yourself. If you’ve ever been on a big rollercoaster and closed your eyes the whole time, you’ll notice you can sort of tell when you’re on the loop because of the pull of gravity, but it’s hard to tell exactly where you are on the loop or if you’re tilting. Someone with the Garlean third eye will know exactly where they are in the loop, and also not get dizzy, hardly ever! Even if their ears are sending confused signals to the brain, the more rigid horn organ says no we’re fine we’re standing.
so where did this come from. Not a lot of documentation remains on the subject — some controversial studies claim it evolved for swimming. You’ll notice I called it a horn earlier, though it’s very very uncommon to actually see it grow into horn shape anymore. in 95% of people it stays a little nub shape, but sometimes can grow out or up in odd ways and maintenance is as important as cutting your nails. Some very few people out in the world are able and willing to let it grow out, where it kind of turns into a unicorn type thing? In even fewer people, funny enough more people who were cured of tempering than found naturally, a fasciation disease causes it to constantly grow in many directions, causing possible balance issues and nausea if left untreated (or if it curves back into your head that’s not good!), but it’s not a problem if you keep on top of it. If it’s left to grow it will eventually become vascularized, just like it is in the standard eye shape.
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bullying jullus. Unfortunately, secret stripes are a trait that did not follow them 😔 stripeless. (maidenless voice) stripeless
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ceruleanmindpalace · 4 months
I am anti-Fascism.
I live in the country that allowed a fascist to rise to power and kill millions. After this Germany made sure to teach every child what fascism looks like (and what dead bodies of Jews, political opponents and gay people piled up in concentration camps) look like, so this never happens again.
Hitler rose to power because he was able to inspire the masses. And people fell for his lies and hate speech. Additionally, people didn't bother or dare to stand up to his shit - or because their friends/families where fascists and they didn't want to step on their toes.
If I stumble into a blog that supports fascism (by spreading pro-MAGA, pro-Trump, pro-racism, anti-LGBTQ+, or anti-democracy stuff) I will block that blog.
I don't want my art to be reblogged in between their pro-fascism shit.
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askinnyblackman · 1 month
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So after (during) all this he still says he will not change his approach to foreign policy (his words). So tell me, liberals, how “elect biden and push him left” is working out? Or was that just a thing you say to silence anyone to the left of you
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racharii · 1 month
coming from an enby whos tme (tho i myself am not transmasc), i feel like a lot of transmasc people are doing this "have their cake and eat it too" thing where they want to be perceived as men or men adjacent, in our society a part of the oppressor class, while also still wanting to benefit from structures meant to protect against said class. specifically ones that have been set up in queer spaces. ive met quite a few trans men who were just as vehemently misogynysitic as your average dude bro. and (this is speculation based on convos ive had with trans men im not in every transmascs head) a lot of transmascs have a lot of internalized misogyny that they project onto trans women. ive had an irl ex friend of mine say something that i think encapsulates this particular issue fairly well. this was like 8 years ago, we were talking about trans rep in media (specifically orange is the new black iirc) so im paraphrasing; 'its messed up that we (afabs in this context) are sidelined for people who used to be men, we cant escape the patriarchy.' that was horribly transmisogynistic, so lets unpack it.
it assumes that trans women are just men
it assumes sex essentialism, that they and i were just women. that we were just poor Females having 'our space' encroached on by mean 'former men.'
im not saying that all transmascs think like this ofc. #notallmen. im saying that some do, and enough transmascs have internalized misogyny and not enough self reflection.
just because you are trans doesnt mean you are immune to bigotry and recouping oppressive structures. none of us are free of Sin™️. you as an individual have to make an effort to reflect on your thoughts and actions and how they might affect yourself and others, so that you are not a willing participant of our communities oppression.
for example, ive talked a lot privately about my journey to being a better person, (and pobodies nerfect, its always a learning process, you always will have things you can improve on. and thats okay, were all just human) i initially hated it/its pronouns. 'it' gave me the ick. i was called 'it' as a kid incessantly to make fun of my gender presentation, i couldnt fathom someone else finding peace and even euphoria in using it/its. i bought into the conservative talking points about neopronouns and it/its being detrimental to the trans community. they were "the bad transes" and me? well i use they/them but shakespeare used the singular they so im fine :), im one of the good ones. then one day, i was listening to some video essay idr what or who, but something they said stuck with me, "if it/its makes me happy, why do you care? how does 'it' hurt you really?" my trauma is not everyones trauma, people will find comfort in things that i wont, and thats okay. 'it' hurt me when i was young, by cruel kids and uncaring adults. why am i hurting my community, my fellow transes, by continuing to deny them their autonomy to identify how they like? so i got over 'it.' i saw the real harm was the fucking wedge being driven between us by conservative grifters trying to pick off the weakest in the herd before they go in for the rest of us.
visibility isnt necessarily a good thing for marginalized people. transfemmes are the biggest target of hate in our community atm. they unfortunately serve as the canary. global fascism is on the rise and to be frank, a targeted hate campaign against a trans woman is asking for her to be killed. outed, paraded as a freak, doxxed, swatted, killed. protect trans women, fascism doesnt stop with one group nor will you be saved by being "one of the good ones." trans solidarity, even the people you dont like, even if you think theyre icky or gross or whatever the fuck else you do Not give up trans solidarity. you dont make callout posts, you dont send death threats, you dont send hate mail, if you dont like someone Block Them and move on.
we stand together or we will be eradicated.
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roetrolls · 1 month
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misc schooling headcanons because bulk anon got us chatting about it
To the surprise of no one, I, the art student, am most interested in examining how Alternia's fascist dystopia would affect the advent of "high/low class" art (the distinction of which is in itself a means of suppressing marginalized voices)
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