#fd: peaky blinders
eddysocs · 2 years
Homey Hanukkah (Alfie Solomons x OC)
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Summary: Alfie is recovering from a fight and recent bout of illness and Angelica is just trying to make him feel comfortable, and make sure Hanukkah isn’t forgotten despite it all.
Word Count: 1,259
Warnings: Possible minor inaccurate representation of Hanukkah, but it’s not supposed to be super traditional, so 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Plans had fallen to the wayside after Alfie's latest skirmish with the Blinders, and such halts to his annual Hanukkah get together had only served to agitate his recovery. His wounds, alongside the chill in the air that winter, had teamed up to make Alfie absolutely miserable. Angelica had assured him that everything was in hand for the company party, but she’d lied. Not intentionally, at first, but with her efforts focused on Alfie's recovery, time had gotten away from her in the end.
Alfie didn’t yet know that the company party was cancelled, that she’d failed to dispense the formal invitations Alfie usually insisted upon and that the most important holiday of the year to him would be little more than a flash in the pan this season. Her reassurances had served their purpose, and allowed Alfie to take it easy and focus on regaining his strength and allowing his wounds to heal. As much as she wished for him to be back on his feet, she had to admit she was somewhat thankful that he was still bedridden so that she was able to escape his inevitable disappointment.
She had to think of some way to recover from her lapse in preparation. They could still manage a lower scale party, but if Alfie wasn’t well enough to attend it in his usual high sprits, it may set him back. Perhaps she should just break the news to him softly, and promise to double their usual efforts next year. Now or never, Angelica told herself.
"Alfie," she broached softly, tentatively, in case he was resting.
"Angel," Alfie greeted warmly, though not quite with his usual luster. He sounded more himself than he had in the past couple of weeks, however, which was a nice change of pace.
"Would you be terribly disappointed if we weren’t having your Hanukkah party this year?"
Alfie contemplated a moment, before letting out a heavy sigh that Angelica couldn’t quite determine the meaning of. "Relieved, actually, I think," he finally settled on. "Knew you weren’t planning when I asked. Too damn worried about little old me." The fact that he’d thought to tease her was a great sign of his improvement.
"Are you sure you’re not angry?"
"Far from it. I need the rest, and frankly, so do you, my girl."
Angelica smiled. "I won’t let the holiday pass us by," she insisted, "just perhaps something smaller is in order this year, don’t you think?"
Alfie nodded, both in confirmation and dismissal. Angelica took her leave of him, let him get some more shut eye so that he’d continue his path to wellness. Meanwhile, she spent less time at his side and more in the kitchen. She wasn’t an incapable cook, but she was no gourmet either, and she wanted their Hanukkah dinner to be one to remember, preferably in a positive light if she were able to manage it.
A few failures and near successes later over the following days, and Angelica felt she had a decent handle on the dish she put it upon herself to master. She looked to the time and realize she’d been slaving away at her task for hours, not even realizing night had fallen. In fact, it was nearly morning, only a couple hours off of daybreak. She really should sleep. And clean. Angelica surveyed the state of Alfie's kitchen, an utter disaster if there ever was. It almost looked worse than Alfie had when he returned from that nasty fight with Thomas Shelby.
A yawn signaled her ultimate decision. The kitchen could wait. She was going to end up bedridden herself if she caught cold, so it was advised that she get her rest if she planned on not entirely ruining Hanukkah for Alfie this year. With a regretful sigh, she went off to bed.
When she woke it was nearly midday. She’d have to resume a normal schedule eventually, but this was too important to her to worry about sacrificing a few hours here and there. With the beginning of the holiday just around the corner, Angelica doubled her efforts. Her cooking improved, but her baking was still quite lacking. Then she realized, there was no reason for her to bake herself. Alfie had his own bakery, and she was almost certain his workers would be willing to help her out, especially when they caught the state of her.
Her glance in the mirror before heading out was enough to confirm her suspicions. She looked as frazzled as she felt. Yet she smoothed down her hair, grabbed a relatively clean cloth from the kitchen to wipe off her makeup that had ran in the heat of the oven the night before and escaped her notice. Once she deemed herself suitable enough for the public, she went to put in her request.
Alfie's staff were quite agreeable to her plight, even without her having to mention Alfie's recent state of health and spirit. They promised her a fresh loaf of Challah bread and a handful of knishes for their cozy observance of the holiday. That just left her the brisket. Manageable. Angelica let out a sigh of relief on her way back to Alfie's.
The daunting task of the uncleaned kitchen faced her upon returning. She made quick work of it, leaving out only what she’d need for the brisket. It may not have been the tidiest, even after she’d put everything away, but it looked much improved. Then she began to cook. It was time consuming, but relatively simple after some days of practice. Most of it was simply a waiting game, but she felt confident it would be ready in time for the following day.
When the time finally neared, she quickly ran out to grab her goodies from the bakery, and they looked amazing. She just hoped her brisket would hold up when compared. With luck, she hadn’t burned down the house when she left. It was only fifteen minutes she’d left it unattended to, so she figured not much could go wrong. And it hadn’t.
The meal came together well, and after plating it up for both her and Alfie, she went to his bedside, surprised to find him out of bed and up reading in his chair. "Feeling better then," she asked, happy to see him upright. "Hope you’ve got an appetite. I cooked."
"I smelled it," Alfie informed, and she would be a fool of she thought he hadn’t. "I’ve been smelling it for the past week," he joked, and she realized he must have been sick of it by now. "Mouth's still watering though," he added and she broke out into a smile.
"I hope I did it justice. The rest came from your bakery. They were nice enough to assist." Alfie nodded what she assumed was a sign of appreciation, though sometimes his nods were hard to read into. Either way, he accepted the plate eagerly.
"Angel," Alfie began, mid bite, "you ought to stay here. Permanently. Lord knows I could use someone around here to keep things in line. What do think?"
"I’d love nothing more, Alfie," Angelica replied tenderly, reaching out and brushing her hand down Alfie's untrimmed beard. She made a mental note to do something about that now that he was up and moving. Despite nothing being formal nor all that traditional, the two of them seemed to find a way to enjoy the time together in relative good health and cheer, and really, that’s all either of them could have asked for.
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Angelica Morley: @borg-queer, @chickensarentcheap, @tropetember
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arrthurpendragon · 2 years
Hi, I'm Julyzaa and my pennane on ao3 is julyza.
I write for
Peaky blinders (side blog @evita-shelby)
A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones (side blog @lya-dustin)
The boys (no blog yet)
Silmarilion/ Lord of the Rings(no blog nor fic yet lol)
I used to write for the inuyasha, avatar/legend of korra, star wars and batman fandoms but I've lost interest
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Spotlight Masterlist
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ocappreciation · 2 years
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Hi i am Julyzaa. My pronouns are she/they and I am 20+ Aromantic Asexual Mexican American fanfic writer.
Here’s my oc masterlist
I am on Ao3 under the pen name julyzaa
I use side blogs for my writing and most ,if not all, of my ocs are queer and my current fave oc, Eva Shelby, is a bisexual mexican exile
@evita-shelby -for my peaky blinders oc, Eva Smith Shelby and also for my reader inserts and fandom stuff as well
@lya-dustin -for my A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones oc, Lyanna Dustin, but mainly for fandom things
@erinti-of-the-maiar -for my Silmarillion/Lord of the Rings( and Rings of Power) oc, Erinti of the Maiar and also fandom stuff
Hope to make new oc writing mutuals and also have my writing seen because i have been told my oc fics can be too niche.
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starryeyes2000 · 2 years
Recommendation: Life Begins Again
Check out this Peaky Blinders story, the first in a series, by @foxesandmagic.
Status: Complete
Rating: Mature - graphic descriptions of violence.
Read on AO3
Read on Fanfiction.net
I've not had the opportunity to watch Peaky Blinders, yet I was drawn into the world by the first chapter of this work. I immediately felt the bleakness and bareness of post WWII Britain, the characters’ scars from the war, and the grittiness of this underground association in Birmingham. The story is compelling, and the original characters are well drawn. I identified with Luce, entering the story through her eyes, ears, and experiences.
Stan melts my heart. Will he become Luce’s protector?
Hal intrigues me, what’s his backstory? (I admit, I’m shipping him a bit already.)
The quality of the writing and the crafting of the tale made up for my lack of knowledge of the Peaky Binders universe. Well done and thank you for creating this story.
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pinkykitten · 4 years
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always find a reason to laugh. it may not add years to your life but will surely add life to your years.
OC FOREVER TAGLIST: @witchofinterest, @chlobenet​, @abbysarcane​, @myocmultiverse​, @nkskywalker​, @whctsherncme​, lmk if you want to be on my permanent oc taglist or red’s taglist!
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raging-violets · 4 years
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600 Follower Giveaway: Red and Tommy Shelby for @wowihavetoomanyocs [2/2]
Felicity Ivy Jones / “Red”: red was mostly raised by her father as red’s mother left the family when seren was a baby. red only remembers some things of her mother but not that much. through hard work arlo went to birmingham small heath to pursue his car manufacturing (this was around the time where in a couple of years tommy would be drafted). red had a good time in small heath yes it was dark and gloomy but she liked it. when she was at small heath she was goofy and silly always making jokes. she became friends with the shelby’s and all their friendships grew. in that time life was more lighthearted and red was more innocent not really caring or giving two thoughts about the darkest places.
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waterloou · 4 years
I’m requesting and the song is creep from vintage postmodern jukebox my oc felicity ivy jones but everyone calls her red who Keira knightly is the fc fun fact this is the song my oc sings in peaky blinders since she owns a club. This is for peaky blinders and she has a crush on Tommy Shelby and alfis Solomon’s. If you want to know all about her pls I advise u look at her bio in my masterlist which is in my about me there is a link if u need help just message me
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Felicity Ivy Jones x creep moodboard
Request a song and character and I’ll make a moodboard for ya. OCs included
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Czech test skates
The video of the whole first day of Czech test skates was immediately blocked on Youtube which means I haven’t seen a single SP or RD... But I’ve seen all FPs and FDs I wanted! 
Senior men
Matyáš Bělohradský - The greatest showman He’s returning on the ice after almost a year, he attempted a 3A and his goal is to try to reach the TES minimum for Worlds this season, so all things considered we can’t want more right now. He showed what he could and I have to say he had some energy left until the end. Though I don’t like The greatest showman, the choreo and step sequences were, in fact, a lot of fun. 
There were only two participants, Michal Březina, quite understandably, skipped this as he lives in the US. So... everybody was expecting to see Jiří Bělohradský... and instead here is...
Leonid Sviridenko - Elena & Lila by Max Richter He’s considering switching to the Czech Republic, so he skated here... He showed 4S, 4T (with a fall) but also some doubled jumps... 
What is even more surprising than a Russian skater wanting to switch countries is Jiří Bělohradský wanting to switch disciplines. He’s apparently switching to pairs and looking for a partner. I can’t find any post by him himself but as per Twitter accounts and ice partner search it’s true. 
Junior men
There were also two participants. I can assure you that Damian Malczyk is still a Javi fanboy and skated his SP to Black Betty. In the FP he skates to Unstoppables and this program could work. There are nice moments in the choreography where he can interact with the spectators, there’s an interesting entry into the spin, this time unfortunately, there were too many doubles in the jumps. 
It was Georgi Reshtenko who stole the whole show and got the highest score among men, junior and senior. He’s still skating to Joker and he went all out. 4T (fall), beautiful 3A, 4T2T... It was a great skate!
I didn’t watch juniors and watched two out of three senior ladies. 
Eliška Březinová was, a bit surprisingly, second after the short, she skated the FP to Circles inspired by Einaudi, choreographed by Benoit Richaud. This program really screams loudly Benoit Richaud. If I had to describe his choreographies with one word it would be “round”. A lot of weird bent “round” moves... (Idk I think Misha Ge is so far not that versatile choreographer but you wouldn’t recognize that a program was choreographed by him in the first five seconds as you do here.) I get it, skaters want something new, Benoit is modern, but in fact the field of choreography where he moves is so narrow (and than he does a masterpiece like Matrix for Kaori or a good program like Peaky Blinders for Gabriele Frangipani). I don’t think the music does Eliška justice, it’s weird, but also it wasn’t the best performance. She was studying for her final exams at university, got a master’s degree, so she didn’t have that much time for training... But the most important thing is that she is excited about the program and cooperation with Benoit Richaud. 
Nikola Rychtaříková - Final contest I was so happy for her, it was a good skate. Quite nice jumps, beautiful spiral, a cartwheel, great entry into the sit spin (she enters from this “heroic” almost- slide). I really really liked that. 
Ice dance
In juniors, Denisa Cimlová/Vilém Hlavsa withdrew and Kateřina Mrázková/Daniel Mrázek were already at JGP Courchevel which leaves us with one participating team: Barbora Zelená/Jáchym Novák skating to Fire on fire. It’s quite lyrical, they looked good except for a twizzle mishap. 
Natálie Taschlerová/Filip Taschler - Yuyo verde, Invierno porteno Sadly I didn’t see their new RD... They recycled their FD which is very understandable - Filip is coming back after a knee injury so they didn’t have the time for training new choreography, they almost didn’t show the FD internationally last season (didn’t advance into FD at Worlds) and especially they need to be ready in a month for Nebelhorn Trophy trying to qualify for the Olympics. So any experimenting wouldn’t be that wise. I love them, they are awesome, so smooth, wonderfully in synch, have great twizzles and I think their approach is “a lot of energetic skating” but here it wasn’t just pure energy and power they were also so light. 
Martin Bidař/Elizaveta Zhuk were not participating but look, there is a junior pair? Barbora Kuciánová/Filip Vochozka skating to Someone you love. It was great! They really skated and performed to the music, which I think in pairs is often not the case because the skaters concentrate so much on the difficult elements. Interesting is that twist is their fourth element, at first they did the sbs jumps to get them out of the way (2A + 2T, 2T fall), good landings on throw jumps, one great lift, one not so great lift. I saw them for the first time and I love them already!
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eaitemjogo · 3 years
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Recebidos do fds (que eu estava fora) uma caixinha maneira com inserts dos parceirões da @bucaneiros com direito a mimos com temática do Peaky Blinders... Se você quer manter seus jogos organizados a pedida são os inserts e sleeves da Bucaneiros Jogos!!! #eaitemjogo #bucaneirosjogos #peakyblinders #boardgames #tabletopgames #jogosdetabuleiro #jogosdemesa #inserts #sleeves #juegosdemesa #bgbr #ludopedia #jeuxdesociete https://www.instagram.com/p/CTiPi_eLuRn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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eddysocs · 2 years
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Introducing: Gloria Astor
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Face Claim: Hayley Atwell
Full Name: Gloria Margaret Astor
Age: 30
Myers Briggs Type: ESFJ
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Love Interest: Tommy Shelby
Occupation: Seamstress
Collections: Thimbles
Style/Clothing: Gloria tends to favor browns and greens in the beginning of her story, and later ventures into jewel tones as her go to.
Signature Quote: "I sometimes feel as if my life isn’t quite my own."
Plot Summary: Gloria did her time in the war as a nurse until her older brother George went MIA. She then cut all her long hair off and went to the front, effectively taking his place. She came back to Small Heath a changed woman and took over George’s tailoring business. When the Peaky Blinders come in looking for handouts, Gloria doesn’t take kindly to them. After all, she’s got to make a living, she can’t just go around giving out suits for free now can she? And it certainly doesn’t matter how charming their leader is.
Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @borg-queer, @antonybridgertons, @foxesandmagic, @connietheecunning, @chickensarentcheap
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arrthurpendragon · 2 years
OC Creators Spotlight Intro: Im so bad at introducing myself. But here goes, my name is CJ/Rosie/I dont care. You could call me Octopus face and I'd answer. I write for and have many many OC's for (Buckle up guys, its a long list)
Harry Potter/WIzarding World
Game of Thrones/ASOIAF
Doctor Who
Peaky Blinders
Shadow and Bone
BBC Merlin
BBC Robin Hood
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit
And Im gonna attempt Star Wars
I say I write for them. I just dont ever post, I hate my writing half the time and yes I know. I'm a real geek. ALSO: if anyone's heard of BBC Robin Hood and BBC Merlin I'll jump for joy
I dont interact with Minors as a rule because I'm an adult and I write things mainly intended for adults. I only have three people I talk to under the age of 21 but we're in a shared fandom and we mainly just shout about the one guy who unalived himself in that fandom. Yeah I dont know what else to say except for; Hi Kass, how are the kitties? I like hearing stories about them
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Spotlight Masterlist
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Arsenal Boss Unai Emery Is Learning English By Watching 'Peaky Blinders' - Esquire.com
Arsenal Boss Unai Emery Is Learning English By Watching 'Peaky Blinders' Esquire.com The life of a decent football manager must be a weird one. Shifting your family and kids halfway across Britain to take up a no-hope rescue job at St Mirren is a pretty hefty thing to deal with alongside being bollocked by the fans you despise and the ...
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bestbusinessguides · 6 years
Arsenal boss Unai Emery is watching Peaky Blinders to learn English - The South African
The South African
Arsenal boss Unai Emery is watching Peaky Blinders to learn English The South African Arsenal are gearing up for a mouthwatering derby clash against Tottenham on Sunday afternoon and if manager Unai Emery has been paying attention, he might have a few new catchphrases to use. The Spaniard, who took over from Arsene Wenger this ... and more »
source http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNEhB9gR2uk0qYiQ9HNlTp_whUpPag&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&cid=52780123732578&ei=38oIXJjQNpDzzQaGp7OgCw&url=https://www.thesouthafrican.com/arsenal-unai-emery-peaky-blinders-english/ from Blogger https://ift.tt/2ATYZly December 06, 2018 at 01:17AM
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raging-violets · 4 years
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600 Follower Giveaway: Red for @wowihavetoomanyocs [½]
Felicity Ivy Jones / “Red”: red was mostly raised by her father as red’s mother left the family when seren was a baby. red only remembers some things of her mother but not that much. through hard work arlo went to birmingham small heath to pursue his car manufacturing (this was around the time where in a couple of years tommy would be drafted). red had a good time in small heath yes it was dark and gloomy but she liked it. when she was at small heath she was goofy and silly always making jokes. she became friends with the shelby’s and all their friendships grew. in that time life was more lighthearted and red was more innocent not really caring or giving two thoughts about the darkest places.
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fashionbuzz · 6 years
via fashion week - Google News
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Gran Premio Italia Final
We may not get Grand Prix Final but we certainly got Gran Premio Italia Final! 
MEN I like Mattia dalla Torre’s In this shirt FP so much, but this sadly wasn’t his best competition. Gabriele Frangipani did a good job. I liked his Peaky Blinders FP from the beginning and I think the choreography and performance is getting better and better.  Daniel Grassl returned to training just a few days prior to the competition and it must have been very difficult for him. The coaches were considering if he should take part or not but then thought it would be a good practice for Worlds regardless. And he really fought so much. (I still really don’t like his programs but the costume change in the FP is cool?)  And Matteo! Matteo as the king of changing programs mid season changed his SP. I loved his Romanza SP but Matteo probably didn’t get the results he wanted so he changed the program and it seems like a good decision. It went so well. And Matteo clearly loves his FP. He did two 4T and also a 4Lo!!! I’m just so happy for him. The season hasn’t been easy for him and now it’s looking good again. 
ICE DANCE There were only two participants, Guignard/Fabbri and Moscheni/Fioretti, but still we saw four great dances. I love Charlene and Marco’s Atonement FD the most. (Also the more I watch it the more similar I think it is to Faiella/Scali’s Imigrants FD ten years ago). I really hope they’ll use it for the Olympic season (here I don’t know because verbs are difficult, if the Italian commentators said “they should keep it” or “they will keep it”). Their synchornicity at twizzles is amazing, it’s as if they were one person (especially at the first part of their twizzles).
PAIRS I like them alllll. Conti/Macci are the future, they have an amazing SP, gooood side by side jumps and did a good job. Ghilardi/Ambrosini have great programs, they are performing as a pair so well together. Della Monica/Guarise as expected won. But poor them, they had an accident while training. I’ve gradually come to like their short program so much. It keeps giving them trouble though, especially the throw jump. And the same in the FP... I just want them to do good programs so that they are confident at Worlds please 🙏
ICE DANCE JR. I didn’t watch (RAI did some weird things with the broadcasting) but Carolina Portesi Peroni / Michael Chrástecký won! 
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