#fe sephiran
This meme i made must be shared here too
This is Fire emblem Radiant Dawn
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Last post of 2022! Let's go!
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dominicsorel · 4 months
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and yet it's in their cruelty that you find kindness
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ailingwriter · 2 months
Sephiran 🤝 Salem
If you know you know.
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moonstoneraven · 2 years
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i made these like 2 years ago so here have them :)
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moaa · 1 year
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thousand-winters · 1 year
😭 Sephiran babbling so much about Sanaki that Bernadetta had to interrupt him, my heart.
AND planning a gift for her on top of making Zelgius organize a party to make her happy. Proud dad 💕
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zantetsukennn · 10 months
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light of creation ✨🖤
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rajaions · 4 months
Unused and scrapped content in Radiant Dawn
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(Unused logo for Radiant Dawn)
Earlier today, I was looking for one of the background illustrations used in Radiant Dawn for one of my future posts. My research eventually led me to this topic on serenes forest.
I downloaded the folder and as I looked through all the pictures, I found a lot of things I have never seen nor heard of before.
I felt like this topic might interest some people so I'll share my discoveries here!
Ⅰ - Unused CGs
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The CG of Ena holding a sending stone was probably going to be used in the final chapter of part 3 or the prologue of part 4.
Sephiran and Sanaki waving at the people of Begnion from a balcony is mentioned by Lekain in Endgame, but the illustration is not used in the game.
Lekain: "Even in the face of overtly unreasonable legislation, the two of you would stand on the balcony… A smile and a wave later, the people would cheer and go on with their happy lives."
Ⅱ - Scrapped CGs?
I found a lot of pictures with the following format:
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We have no context on what these pictures are, my theory is that these were illustration ideas but I have no way to confirm it so take everything say with a grain of salt!
I will use google and my limited knowledge in Japanese for the translations, I apologize any inaccuracies.
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(Note: The A B and C on the "473" pictures were added by me to make things easier)
109 - Return of the shrine maiden
301 - Rafiel and Begnion
315 - Micahia's tears
404 - The apostle and all the vassals (I don't know who the vassals are supposed to be)
405 - Serenes forest Hetzel
473 (A) - Misaha and Lillia
473 (B) - Cursed blood
473 (C) - Black dragons tribe
474 - Lehran and the mobs
In his base conversation with Yune, Stefan says branded people have cursed blood so it could be related to that.
If my theory is true, the fact that Misaha and Lillia could have gotten official designs will keep me up at night
The black dragons specifically were supposed to get something too.
I have not much to say about the others, each of them can be associated to certain plot points.
Ⅲ - Other
There's very rough sketch for this CG
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Ⅳ - Last but not least
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minimutty · 2 months
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Legit one of the best boss line I've heard in FE lol
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elite-4 · 3 months
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there was a twitter art game going around asking people to merge their favorite female + male fe characters into one person and their favorite protag + antag into another
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I love you light magic users. I love you Miccy and I love your absolutely amazing game. I love you Lucius and I love your dynamics with Priscilla and Raven. I love you Marianne and I love your character arc. I love you Rinnen and I love your constant sass. I love you Artur and I love your Slayer skill. I love you Julia and I love your story and internal conflict. I love you Renault and I love your whole backstory. I love you sephiran and I love how you were written. I love you Oliver and I think you're kinda hot. I love you light magic users. Please come back. Just come back.
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fefuckability · 5 months
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Feel free to rb/comment with your reasoning!
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knighteclipsed · 3 months
♡ dont feel obligated to answer this ajlks
this was put in my askbox last may. anyways.
send me a ♡ and i'll make up a fankid (informal reopening of the box)
long as fuck post oops
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Name: Aphina
Gender: F (cis, she/her)
Class: Assassin -> Unique Class
A pleasant individual to be around, save the occasional dark gleam in her eye. Whenever it's pointed out, however, she tends to brush it off. A girl with short hair in a family of long-haired men.
Appearance and Personality
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Middling in height with naturally long hair, she cuts those locks to mid-length as a way of distinguishing herself from her family. Definitely has some of the curliest hair of her folks though, and Kano had to fight her hair color to keep it from making her look like a morph with those golden eyes.
Her brand, like her older brother's is located on her neck, but it's actually high enough that her collar doesn't hide it. She doesn't really care though since it's on the back specifically—if someone catches a glimpse of it, what are they going to do about it? This is precisely what's she been trained for; Aphina isn't afraid of anyone.
Generally tries to appear unassuming at first glance, but she's inherited the act of keeping a bit of distance from her peers. Doesn't share Valter's aversion to vulnerability at least. Far from an open book (especially when it comes to the topic of her past), but she has faith in other people. (What a dangerous thing to have.)
But next: she's a charming gal! Warm smiles and always seems to say the right things, easily getting what she wants from other people. Aphina learned the art of manipulation when she was rather young, though it never quite worked on her fathers. (Sephiran would play along, at least; Valter was not so kind in that regard.) Quickly became dangerously good though—in less questionable circumstances, perhaps this would've been hindered rather than fostered.
Despite her friendly disposition, she spends a lot of her time in solitude, citing that it helps her focus when she trains. In actuality, she's just a massive introvert, but such an admission feels to her like it would break her well-crafted facade.
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Much like her older brother, she learned to be wary and cautious of others. Unlike him, however, she never quite internalized them; Aphina was always a fairly observant child, and she sought to question them and their validity before thinking to take them to heart. Fatally, a stranger once showed her an act of kindness while she was young, and while she does not remember exactly what it was, she does remember the feeling—and with that recollection, she resolved that her parents were wrong.
Kept that thought much to herself though, of course, instead fighting those ideas quietly. This is what led to her routinely cutting her hair, and though she still spent much time with her family, she also spent a great deal of time alone.
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In her silent rebellion, she refused to take up her fathers' weapons, instead taking up daggers and anima magic. Though she'll primarily use blades in combat, she won't squander a victory simply to preserve the wild card that is her magical abilities.
Adding on: those who recall her cheerful and positive demeanor would notice an immediate shift once combat begins: this is because she realized once when she was younger that she liked to hurt others, and to avoid the consequences of such an indulgence, Aphina instead chooses to shut off her emotions when fighting. Though it mostly works, some can note an odd gleam in her eye as she fights, as though dealing with an ancient curse.
Aside from fighting on the front lines, she also functions as a bit of a tactician. By getting to know her allies so intimately, she can better judge their aptitudes and relations to others, and thus use that to secure a victory.
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Though she recognizes that there are people with bad intentions, she also wants to believe that there are some who can be good as well. As such, she begins encounters with strangers by determining as quickly as she can what their values are—what it is they believe and how far they will take those ideas.
Following that train of thought: the map where Aphina is recruited would have her posing as a helpless civilian in the midst of a battle between the lord's army and an enemy force (could be people, could be monsters). While she would be completely willing to take injuries herself, if any harm befalls any of the actual villagers, she'll reveal her capabilities and take care of it herself, locking off the ability to recruit her.
Following a successful recruitment: she feels no remorse about having to fight her fathers. While Aphina isn't confident that she could beat both of them (or even just one) alone, if she had to face them in combat, she would still give it her absolute all. Unique quotes against both, but no consequences for her dealing the final blow save for some unique death dialogue. Only has platonic paired endings. Completely content to go it alone.
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orphanbasement · 6 months
lrb I'll be spaced out as fuck for 3 hours daydreaming intensely about my dogshit nonsensical Fate/Drakengard crossover
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lily’s poise
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 “Look at you,” the stranger had mused, “poised as a lily.”
 The hall was high, but just at that moment it felt very close.
 Everything reeked of stale rain.
 Zelgius wanted.
Zelgius does not have to be immovable. Zelgius does not have to be alone.
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godly-feh-edits · 2 years
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(Mod Toto) Today’s reshare is Xmas Sephiran with Sephiroth’s color palette!
Would it be more fitting with a wing or without? hmm-
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