#fe5 umemura novel translation
four-loose-screws · 1 year
Fire Emblem Novel Translations Sub-Master Post: FE5
A master post for the Fire Emblem novel translations based on Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 (AKA FE5).
First, here’s a list of all the novels out there, fyi.
Link to my main FE novels translations folder on Google Drive.
Umemura Novelization Translation
For the Google Drive folder with high-quality scans of all the images and art, and two Google Docs containing the entire translation, click here!
Book 1:
Front Cover, Back Cover, Title Page, and Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11
Chapter 2: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Chapter 3: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Chapter 4: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Chapter 5: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
Chapter 6: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
Book 2:
Front Cover, Back Cover, Title Page, and Table of Contents
Character Introductions
Summary of Volume 1
Chapter 7: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
Chapter 8: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Chapter 9: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
Chapter 10: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Chapter 11: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
Chapter 12: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Afterword & About the Author
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four-loose-screws · 5 years
Fire Emblem Thracia 776 Novelization - 100% Complete Translation
A year and a month or two ago, I felt that I was ready to translate an entire novel set, and today I can say that I was! I’d still like to edit the whole thing one more time, to fix any possible errors, but the translation is 100% complete and ready to be shared across the FE fanbase and the entire net!
Shoutout to the awesome Takashi Umemura for undertaking the monumental task of squishing this whole game into two books. He did a great job and I enjoyed reading this novelization as much as I did translating it.
Now, enjoy!
Also note: This is the Takashi Umemura novelization - it is 1 of 2 novelizations of Thracia 776.
Volume 1:
Front Cover, Back Cover, Title Page, and Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11
Chapter 2: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Chapter 3: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Chapter 4: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Chapter 5: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
Chapter 6: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
Volume 2:
Front Cover, Back Cover, Title Page, and Table of Contents
Character Introductions
Summary of Volume 1
Chapter 7: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
Chapter 8: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Chapter 9: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
Chapter 10: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Chapter 11: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5- Part 6
Chapter 12: Character Introductions - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Afterward & About the Author
310 notes · View notes
four-loose-screws · 5 years
FE5 Novel Update
The FE5 Google Doc has been updated to reflect Orsin/Othin’s newly localized name, Osian.
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four-loose-screws · 5 years
The FE5 novelization translation Google Drive folder has been massively overhauled!
All of the images and art from the novelization have been re-scanned, re-edited, and re-uploaded. I’ve learned a lot about scanning since I originally started the project...
The folder also includes a Google Doc of the translation, though it currently only goes up to chapter 3. I figured Google Docs would be the easiest way to provide a presentable, easy-to-read version of the entire novelization in one convenient link.
Also, please let me know if you’d like me to change the document background color. 205/255/205 green makes everything 100% easier for me to read, but I don’t know if it’s everyone’s cup of tea.
8 notes · View notes
four-loose-screws · 5 years
FE5 Umemura Novel Translation - Chapter 12 Part 2
If you would like to start from the beginning, read a missed part, etc., click here!
Pre-3DS FE Translations - FE Awakening Translations - FE Fates Translations - Original FE Support Conversations
Since we’ve reached the end of the story and major spoiler territory, I put all of the text under the cut.
Leif and his army traveled down to the lowest floor of the underground temple.
It felt like an entirely different world from their own.
The room before them was so large that it appeared endless. Inside it were six rooms spaced out in a rectangular shape, and in the middle of the space between the six rooms was a pillar of darkness larger than the rooms.
August looked at the darkness. “Veld is probably hiding in there.” He hissed.
“In the darkness? Then how do we fight him?” Leif asked, eyes as wide as saucers.
“It’s probably a giant wall. There’s no question that the magical power coming from within each of the rooms is what created it.”
“So how can we destroy it?”
“By destroying the summoning circles in each of the rooms at the same time, most likely.”
“Sounds difficult.” Leif frowned a little and nodded.
“Please be careful. Those rooms are Veld’s lifeline. They are probably being protected by foes he trusts to protect him.”
“Got it. Still, we have no choice but to fight them and win! We can’t afford to worry about the details. The bigger problem is, how do we destroy the six summoning circles all at once?” Leif crossed his arms and looked down.
“Please leave it that me!” Olwen said.
“What’s your plan?”
“I’ll unleash a thunder spell that will echo throughout this entire room. I’ll cast it once I’ve gotten a signal from each of the six small rooms. Then, my spell will signal everyone to destroy the summoning circles.”
“Perfect! Let’s go with that! Alright, I’m going to make the six groups that will break into the rooms.” Leif went round and divided his army up. “Everyone else, you’re on guard duty. Be on the lookout for enemy reinforcements.” He said, ending his orders.
Everyone nodded in unison.
“Okay, everyone! Move out!” On his order, they all ran off.
Leif dashed towards the closest room. Nanna and Asbel were right behind him.
The room’s guardians, a dark mage and two knights, attacked them
The dark mage chanted a spell, and the two knights swung their axes, one coming in from the left, and the other from the right.
Leif ducked and took a step towards the mage.
The axes swung right over his head, only cutting a few hairs from his head.
He thrust his sword faster than the dark mage could cast his spell, and stabbed the enemy in the chest, who then fell to the ground. Next, he turned around and pointed his sword at the knights. “Oh…” He gasped and lost all the strength in his body.
The two knights had already been taken out by Asbel’s magic and Nanna’s sword.
“That didn’t take as long as we thought it would, huh?” Asbel said.
They all laughed.
But then, something began to move from further within the room.
Leif whirled around in surprise.
He didn’t feel any murderous intent. Or anything, for that matter. But one thing was for sure, there was definitely an enemy standing there.
He held a wide sword and had a thick beard.
“Raydrik!” Leif unsheathed the Bragi Sword and took a fighting stance.
Raydrik started to slowly walk over towards him.
Leif didn’t move, but furrowed his eyebrows. He wanted to say that Raydrik’s skin was pale, but it was closer to green. It was clearly a different color than that of any living person. His eyes were a dull yellow and hollow. He appeared to be staring at something, yet Leif also sensed that he couldn’t see anything at all.
Raydrik exhaled, then laughed. “Die!” He said, his voice sounding as if it was muffled. He lunged at Leif.
The speed and might of his sword was far greater than it had ever been before.
Leif blocked the attack with his sword, but flew back and slammed into the wall.
“Lord Leif!” Nanna and Asbel ran over to him.
“I’m fine! Stand down!” Leif used his sword as a support and he stood up. He glared at Raydrik.
Raydrik slowly turned towards Leif and smiled so wide that he showed all his teeth. Cold breath leaked from his mouth.
“Is he even human anymore!?” Leif readied his sword and furrowed his brow once more. “He was so blinded by his greed that he allowed himself to be turned into a puppet…” He gripped his sword harder. “Doesn’t matter! This still ends here!” He took a step towards Raydrik.
Leif swung the Bragi sword, glittering with light, and clashed with Raydrik.
Raydrik’s head rolled across the floor. His body fell without spilling even a single drop of blood.
Leif fell to a crouch at the same time. He had a huge gash in his side. Blood gushed from it.
“Lord Leif!” Nanna’s face turned pale. She ran over to him and raised her staff.
The staff covered his body in light. He felt the pain begin to lessen.
“You okay, Lord Leif!?” Asbel looked down at him, worried.
Leif pushed himself to smile through the pain. “Yeah, I’ll make it, thanks to Nanna.”
A faint blush appeared on her cheeks.
“Really? Thank goodness.” Asbel smiled.
“But forget about me, Asbel. Send Olwen the signal.”
“Oh, yes! Of course!” He ran off towards the doorway.
Leif closed his eyes and took in the warm, healing light enveloping him.
“Let’s go!” Ced called out to Brighton and Machyua, who were behind him.
They both nodded.
Ced looked back to confirm that they had heard him, then slammed open the door to the small room.
Darkness immediately poured out at him.
He began to cast a spell to counter it, but he was too slow. The darkness pushed him and sent him flying. He rolled across the floor.
“Lord Ced!” Brighton started to run over to him.
“Don’t worry about me!” The darkness engulfed him, causing to cough so hard blood leaked out of his mouth. “You’ve got to win before he can cast another spell! Go!” He yelled, sending blood and spit flying through the air.
“Yes sir!” Brighton and Machyua replied while running into the room.
Ced forced his shaking limbs to move, and pushed himself up. “I can’t give up yet. I must keep fighting a little while longer, for Manster’s sake.” He muttered to himself, then spit out the blood that had collected in his mouth.
The moment Brighton and Machyua stepped into the room, a warrior faced them. He swung his axe.
Brighton and Machyua blocked the attack with their swords.
However, the man was so strong that their attempt to defend themselves meant nothing.
Both swords shattered into pieces.
They went flying.
“Graaaaahhhhhhh!!” The warrior shouted like a rabid beast and raised his axe.
He had his eyes on Brighton, who was lying on the floor, defenseless.
“Guh!” Ced raised both of his arms at the man and began to chant. His fingertips went numb. His hands twitched. His vision became hazy and the man before him became blurry.
He unleashed his spell.
A small tornado formed and assaulted the warrior.
Unable to withstand the backlash of his own spell, Ced fell on his back.
“Lord Ced! Lord Ced, are you alright!?”
Ced heard his name several times, then opened his eyes. He realized that had lost consciousness.
Before him were Brighton and Machyua. Behind them, he saw the lower half of the axe fighter, dead and stuck in a hole in the wall. “Yeah… I’m okay.” He tried to stand up, but neither his arms nor his legs had any strength in them.
“Please don’t push yourself. I’m going to go get a healer now.” Machyua said before rushing out of the room.
“Brighton?” Ced asked, his voice horse.
“Yes sir?”
“The signal.”
“We’ve already sent it. Now, we’re waiting for the signal to destroy the summoning circle.”
“Okay.” Ced nodded slowly. “Do you mind if I leave that to you?”
“Huh? Um, not at all. I’ll do it.” Brighton nodded, looking a bit shocked.
“Really? Sorry, but please let me rest for a bit.” Ced sighed deeply, leaned against the wall, and closed his eyes.
Galzus opened the door without looking back, and ran into the small room.
Mareeta and Eyvel frantically followed him.
The moment the two stepped in the doorway, they saw Galzus kill a swordfighter. Ignoring his surroundings, he viciously pressed forward, cutting down the enemies in the room, one after the other.
The enemy furthest in the back of the room, a thief, swung his sword.
Galzus glared at the thief and hit the enemy’s sword with his own.
The sound of the two blades clashing rang through the air.
Galzus clutched his ears and stumbled a few steps backwards before shaking his head a little and fixing his grip on his sword. “Is he still human?!” Galzus muttered with a chuckle.
The thief swung down his sword again.
Galzus jumped to the side.
The thief’s blade hit the floor.
Galzus swerved around behind the thief and stabbed him in the back. “It’s over!” He yelled before pulling his sword upwards and slicing diagonally, cutting through the thief’s body. He took one look the thief collapsing on the floor, before sheathing his sword and looking up at Eyvel and Mareeta. “Please send the signal.”
Eyvel, who had been staring at him dumbfounded, finally snapped to attention and nodded. Mareeta did the same. He heard her swallow.
“Oh, but, um, we should dress your wounds first!” Mareeta said.
Galzus looked down at his body and smiled a little. “I’m always like this. It’s nothing to me. Don’t worry.”
But Mareeta looked at him, very worried.
Eyvel stared at her, and took a long pause before saying, “I’ll send the signal.” She turned her back to them and left the room.
Finn and Glade nodded to each other, then burst into the small room at the same time. The two quickly jumped to the side, one to the left, and the other to the right.
The enemies reacted slowly, Confused because they didn’t know what the two were doing.
In that split second, Finn and Glade killed them all like it was nothing. Before anyone could even blink, only the sage guarding the summoning circle was left.
She had not been tricked by their odd movements, and immediately cast a spell.
Finn and Glade jumped in the opposite directions, switching positions.
However, the sage was still not fooled, and stuck her arm straight out in front of her.
“Dammit!” Glade yelled, and started to run.
The sage unleashed another spell, hurling a ball of light at Selfina, who was standing near the doorway.
Glade leapt in its path.
The light hit him dead-on, sending him flying. He landed on the ground, smoke billowing from his body.
The sage began to chant once more.
Finn ran straight at her, and stabbed a sword into her chest.
However, it didn’t even seem to bother her, much less stop her. She continued chanting.
Finn’s eyes opened wide with shock. He couldn’t hear a heartbeat, yet the sage kept chanting. “Grah!” Finn pulled his sword out of her chest and aimed for her face.
The blade stabbed through her mouth, finally stopping her chanting.
Finn swung the sword sideways.
It sliced through her mouth, and she toppled backwards.
“Glade, are you alright!?” Selfina picked him up and repeated his name over and over again.
Glade moaned and opened his eyes slightly. “Yeah, I am.”
“Thank goodness…” Her tears fell on his smiling face.
“I promised you that we would have children like Lord Leif and Lady Nanna once the war is over. I won’t die until we have.”
“I know.” Selfina smiled through her tears.
“You seem to be doing okay.” Finn walked over to the hugging couple and looked at Glade.
“Yeah, I am.” Glade answered with a smile.
“I’ll get a healer once I’ve sent the signal. Hang in there until then.”
“Sure. I would have even if you didn’t tell me anything, though.”
Finn replied with a nod, then headed for the doorway.
“Finn!” Glade called out to him.
“What is it?”
“Being married is amazing. You should hurry up and get hitched soon yourself.”
Finn didn’t respond, instead only frowning.
“Ready? I’m going to open the door now!” Carrion put a hand on it turned around.
He first confirmed that Conomor had nodded at him, then Miranda.
He ran into the room, with Conomor following soon after him, and Miranda coming in last.
By the time she stepped through the doorway, Carrion and Conomor had already taken out most of the enemies.
The only one left was the person standing atop the summoning circle, a sniper with an ominous air about her. She readied her bow without making a sound, and shot three arrows back-to-back. One was aimed at Carrion, the next at Conomor, and the last at Miranda.
Carrion and Conomor blocked the arrows with their swords.
Miranda chanted a spell.
The arrow was headed straight for her eyes.
She started to unleash a fireball, but Conomor jumped in front of her.
The arrow pierced through him and stuck out of his back.
“Ugh… gah…” He groaned quietly and his face twisted in pain.
Miranda looked up at his face and gasped. The magic that she had gathered in her hands dissipated.
“You aren’t hurt, are you, Princess?” He forced a smile.
Miranda ground her teeth. “Stop it already!” She spat out under her breath.
“Princess…?” His eyebrows raised in disbelief.
“I can defend myself!” She noticed the enemy sniper grab another arrow, and started running. “I at least need to be strong enough to do that much…”
The sniper pulled her bow’s string.
Miranda chanted.
The sniper shot the arrow. Then another, then a third.
Miranda unleashed a fireball. It burned the arrow to ashes and continued towards the sniper.
The sniper grabbed another arrow, but was too slow. The fireball hit her dead-on. It destroyed her bow and arrow before exploding with a loud bang. She panicked as Miranda came closer to her.
Miranda thrust both her arms out in front of her.
“Die!” Fire shot out from her outstretched hands.
The sniper’s entire body caught on fire, yet she didn’t writhe or seem affected by pain at all. She fell backwards to the ground.
Miranda let out a short sigh, turned her back to the fallen sniper, and began walking towards Conomor.
“I apologize, Princess. I went too far.” He said and bowed his head deeply.
“It’s fine. You put yourself in harm’s way for me. I’m grateful. The mage part of me was just being selfish.” She answered with a smile.
“Princess…” Conomor’s expression softened, finally feeling at ease.
“You must be in great pain. I’ll send the signal so you can rest for a bit. Carrion, take care of Conomor for me.”
Carrion nodded without saying anything.
After seeing him nod, Miranda started for the door. “Conomor!” She stopped in the doorway and turned back. “Please continue to serve Alster.”
“Of course.” Conomor bowed his head once again.
Fergus, Diarmuid, and Karin all rushed into the small room at once.
Diarmuid took down the knights, and Fergus killed the dark mage.
They looked at the mercenary guarding the summoning circle.
“Aaaaaaah!” Karin’s screech echoed throughout the room.
Fergus whirled around to see her lying on the floor and swinging her sword. In front of her was a knight raising his sword into the air. He clicked his tongue. “I told you to wait!” He threw his sword at the knight.
The sword landed in the knight’s back. He screamed and fell to the ground, dead.
“Th-Thank you…” Karen said, her voice shaky and her expression terrified.
Fergus frowned at her.
The mercenary started moving.
Fergus’ head snapped towards him.
He headed straight towards Fergus and raised his sword.
Fergus panicked.
He sliced diagonally.
Fergus jumped sideways to dodge the attack, but was unsuccessful. He felt the blade slice through his shoulder. He fell on the floor, pressed his bleeding shoulder, and stood up.
The mercenary slowly turned around.
Fergus glared at him and cringed. Because he had thrown his sword to save Karin, he no longer had a weapon to defend himself.
The mercenary was coming closer and closer. He stuck his sword out in front of him.
Fergus rolled backwards and felt his back hit someone.
“You okay!?” It was Diarmuid.
Fergus looked up at Diarmuid and grabbed the spare sword on his hip. “I’m borrowing this!” He unsheathed it and stood up.
“Hey, wait! That sword is…!” Diarmuid cried out.
Fergus ignored him and turned towards the mercenary, who was now swinging his sword. Fergus turned to the side, dodging the attack, and swung Diarmuid’s sword sideways, then downwards, cutting a cross-shape into the mercenary, who fell to the ground.
Fergus breathed a huge sigh of relief, then looked down at the sword in his hand. It had a very peculiar design: the blade was single-sided and curved. “Thanks. This thing saved my ass.” He handed it back to Diarmuid.
“N-No problem.” Diarmuid took it with a shocked expression on his face.
“What’s wrong?” Fergus asked.
Diarmuid shook his head. “Nothing. I just didn’t think anyone other than I could wield this sword.”
“Yeah, it sure is a weird one. But, somehow, it was easy to wield. Like… it was made for me.”
“Uh-huh…” Diarmuid said and tilted his head.
“Anyway, we can talk all we want about it later. For now, we gotta send the signal.” Fergus ran over to his sword, grabbed it, then exited the room.
Olwen received the last signal. She chanted a spell and unleashed it.
Thunder echoed throughout the entire large room.
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four-loose-screws · 5 years
FE5 Umemura Novel Translation - Chapter 12 Part 4
If you would like to start from the beginning, read a missed part, etc., click here!
Pre-3DS FE Translations - FE Awakening Translations - FE Fates Translations - Original FE Support Conversations
Since we’ve reached the end of the story and major spoiler territory, I put all of the text under the cut.
Leif and his army left the underground temple and returned to above ground.
Dean, who had been on guard duty, ran over to him. “I take it you were successful in freeing Manster?”
“And I have received word that Lord Seliph has freed Conote, and is coming this way.”
“Really? He’s already freed Conote…? He really is everything everyone says he is.” Leif felt overwhelmed with emotion.
This meant that the empire no longer had any power over Thracia.
He regretted that he had not killed King Bloom of Conote with his own hands, but that was just his own selfish desire. It didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.
“Congratulations, Lord Leif.” August walked up to him and bowed his head.
“Thanks, August. It’s all because you were with me. If it wasn’t for all the things you taught me, there’s no way I could have done this.”
“You give me too much credit.” August scratched his chin in embarrassment. “Honestly, at first, I thought that freeing Northern Thracia was nothing more than a dream.” He said, then suddenly looked at Leif with a serious expression. “But then you stepped up, and before I knew it, I was thinking, that maybe, just maybe, you could do it. I am the one who is here now because of you.”
“You are already a fine ruler. And you probably won’t let what everyone is saying stay an ideal forever. You might just make it a reality.”
“Huh? What is everyone saying?” Leif tilted his head.
August raised his eyebrows. “Oh, you don’t know what I’m talking about? People have been saying that you are the rightful heir to Northern Thracia’s four kingdoms, and will unite them all under Leonster.”
“This is the first time I’ve heard that.” Leif swallowed. “Could I really do it?”
“It is what many of the people are hoping for.”
“I see.” Leif took a deep breath and nodded. “However, I have decided that my next move will be to go with Lord Seliph and overthrow the empire. I’ll worry about Northern Thracia after that.”
“August… can I entrust Leonster to you until I return? And will you continue to serve me after that?”
August paused, then nodded. “Of course.”
Leif parted ways with August, then started to walk into town.
Along the way, Miranda ran past him. She looked like she was running from something.
“Miranda!” He called out to her.
She looked at him, raised her eyebrows, and looked away.
“Huh? What’s wrong?”
“Listen, um… the Alsterian court has been pressuring me to marry you.” She furrowed her eyebrows.
“Well, you’re the sole survivor of a royal family, too. There’s also been talk about unifying Northern Thracia, so of course a lot of the officials would be considering something like that.”
“No, they’re just looking down on me because I’m a woman.” She hissed, then suddenly looked up at him, and was silent for a moment. “How do you feel, Prince Leif?” She asked slowly.
“About what?”
“About marrying me! How do you feel about it?”
“I won’t get married for politics. Even if I am royalty, I’m at least going to marry whomever I want.”
“That’s not what I meant! I meant, how do you feel about us? Just… us, a man and a woman?”
“Huh?” He was at a loss for words.
She stared straight at him.
He still didn’t know what to say.
They were silent for a moment.
Suddenly, Miranda laughed. “I’m just joking! Don’t kill yourself over it. I know who you’re crazy for.”
He stared at her, still without an answer.
“Oh, yeah. I wanted to return this to you. I don’t need it anymore.” She said, and pulled a small object out of her bag.
He didn’t know what it was, but took it anyway. Once it was in his hand, he realized that it was an old wooden ball.
“I’m going home to Alster now. As the sole survivor of the royal family, there’s a lot I have left to do before we unit with Leonster. And the people are waiting for me.” She bowed slightly, then started to run off, but turned around after taking a few steps. “Kick the empire’s ass for me! If you don’t, then I won’t hand over Alster to you!”
“I will, you can count on that.” He answered.
She smiled and ran off.
After Miranda left, he stared at the small wooden ball in his hand for a while.
“Lord Leif!”
He snapped to attention. Evyel and everyone else from Fiana was standing around him.
“I hate to say it, but we have to part ways here. We’re going home to Fiana.”
“Really?” He looked around at them in surprise.
“There’s not much we can do to help you in your next battle, so we’re going to go home and fight our own. The pirates and bandits aren’t really gone forever just yet, after all.”
“That’s true… It’s too bad, but it is what it is. Take care, everyone.” His chest swelled with emotion as he looked at everyone one-by-one. First Eyvel… then Mareeta… then Orsin… then Halvan… then Dagdar… then Tanya.
“You too.” Evyel said.
They all smiled and left.
He watched them walk away.
“Mareeta,” Eyvel stopped walking and looked at Mareeta, who was walking beside her, “I know I said otherwise, but if you want to, I don’t mind if you go with him.” She said and looked at Galzus.
Mareeta looked over at him as well, but quickly returned her gaze to Eyvel. “I’m your daughter. Fiana’s the only place I call home.” She said without hesitation.
“Okay.” Eyvel nodded and couldn’t help but smile. “Then shall we go home together?”
Mareeta nodded. “Yeah, but… in a minute, okay?” She asked, then rushed ahead to catch up with Nanna.
‘They’re the same age, so it must be hard for them to say goodbye.’ Eyvel stopped walking and watched them talk.
Mareeta put her hands on Nanna’s back and pushed her up to Leif. “And make sure you say it! I have to go. See you, Nanna.” She patted Nanna’s shoulder, then ran off.
“Um…” Nanna reached out for Mareeta, but Mareeta ignored her and kept running. She took a deep breath, then looked at Leif once more. “Uh… um… Lord Leif…” Her voice shook and she stared at her feet.
Leif waited patiently to hear what she had to say.
However, no matter how many times she moved her mouth, the words didn’t come out.
They stood in awkward silence for a few seconds.
Finally, Leif couldn’t take it anymore. He sighed, then opened his mouth. “I have something that I need to say to you too, Nanna.”
“Huh?” Nanna raised her head in surprise. Her cheeks turned red.
“We’ve always been together, and were raised together like brother and sister.”
“And you’ve helped me time and time again. Thank you.”
“I… I haven’t really…”
“You have. I made it this far because you were with me. And…” He grabbed her hands and held them tight.
She was overcome by even more surprise than before. Her eyes opened wide.
“I’m going to go with Lord Seliph and take down the empire, and I want you to come with me. Now, and…” He swallowed. “…forever. I want us to be together forever.”
Nanna exhaled slowly and looked back down at her feet.
Leif stared at her, waiting for her answer.
Silence fell between them once more.
Finally, Nanna whispered, “Me too.” And nodded.
Leif’s entire face lit up. He had no words. He simply stared into her eyes and squeezed her hands tighter.
Nanna, stared back, her cheeks flushed and mouth smiling calmly.
“Lord Leif, Lord Seliph has arrived!” He heard Finn say from afar.
“Okay, I’ll be there in a minute!” He answered, then looked back at Nanna. “Let’s go, Nanna.”
“Yes, let’s.”
He started to walk, still holding her left hand.
And so, Leif set out to fight a new battle.                
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four-loose-screws · 5 years
FE5 Umemura Novel Translation - Chapter 12 Part 3
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Pre-3DS FE Translations - FE Awakening Translations - FE Fates Translations - Original FE Support Conversations - Ko-fi
Since we’ve reached the end of the story and major spoiler territory, I put all of the text under the cut.
Leif heard a single clap of thunder. “Now!” He raised his sword and stabbed the center of the summoning circle.
Cracks spread across the floor. Light pouring forth from them.
“That should do it! Nanna, Asbel, let’s go!” Leif sheathed his sword and ran out of the small room.
Six pillars of light shone towards the ceiling. The brighter they got, the more faint the pillar of darkness became.
“Looks like we succeeded! The barrier vanishing!” August said while looking up at the darkness.
Leif nodded.
Once the darkness disappeared completely, it revealed a long staircase. At the top of it was an altar.
“All we have left to do is defeat Veld! Let’s end this here and now!” Leif looked up at the altar and ran towards the stairs. There weren’t any enemies left standing in their way, so he was able to make it straight up.
When he got to the top, he saw a dark bishop glaring down at him. It was the elderly man he had seen one year ago in the arena. There was no doubt in his mind that it was Veld.
“Your plans have failed! Get ready to die, Veld!” He yelled and unsheathed his sword.
“Impudent boy! You already know what happens to those who challenge me!” Veld screamed, eyes full of anger.
“Say your last words!” Leif ran up to him and raised his sword.
Veld lips twisted into a grin. A blinding light flashed from his staff. The moment his eyes readjusted, Leif’s body turned to stone, sword still aimed at him. “Kah ha ha! For you foolishness, you will stay that way for all of eternity!” His laughter echoed throughout the entire area.
Then, a pale light enveloped Leif’s stone body.
Veld’s triumphant expression changed to one of shock in an instant. “What!? Why!?” When he noticed Sara standing behind Leif and raising a staff, he gasped through trembling lips. “Why, Lady Sara!? Why are you here!? Why are you helping a boy like him!?” He screamed in complete confusion.
Sara, still holding her staff up, furrowed her eyebrows and stared at him. “Because I hate your eyes. Leif’s are much better.”
“Because of his eyes!?” Enraged and twitching, he looked at Leif.
And Leif looked back at him.
He froze.
Leif stared straight at Veld and brought down his sword, just as he had meant to before he was turned to stone, slicing open Veld’s chest.
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Veld’s face froze, then he fell to the ground and landed on his back. Blood spewed forth from his chest and formed a pool around him.
Leif stared down at Veld in shock for several seconds. “It’s over… I killed Veld…” He whispered, still unable to believe what he had done. The reality of the situation slowly started to hit him.
When it finally did, he breathed a huge sigh, raised his sword, and shouted as loudly as he could.
Everyone else joined in. Their cheers of joy all echoed through the air.
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four-loose-screws · 5 years
FE5 Umemura Novel Translation - Afterword
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Pre-3DS FE Translations - FE Awakening Translations - FE Fates Translations - Original FE Support Conversations
Happy Y2K! …Wait, you mean April is over already?
When I think of April, I think about how it is a huge turning point in many people’s lives, as the fiscal and school years begin anew.
The world around us both does and doesn’t change. We’re filled with both hope and anxiety. We renew our New Year’s resolutions.
It’s also when things slowly start to settle down, and we form a daily routine.
Greetings, everyone! This is Takashi Umemura, who’s been caught in the middle of these thrilling and fast-paced times for what feels like forever.
How did you like my novelization of Thracia 776?
As a simulation game, Thracia 776 has tons of characters to recruit. And they are all so interesting. I love it! It’s a feature that makes me really happy.
You may have guessed this, since you have read the books already, but my favorite character is Miranda. She died once while I was playing the game. I liked her death quote so much that it gave me the idea to include her in the story.
I also like Shiva a lot, even though he didn’t appear in the books. He’s my first, or maybe second, favorite male character. He looks so cool. It’s such a shame that he wasn’t in the books. I mean, I was the one who made the decision not to include him, but still…
I apologize to not only his fans, but also to the fans of all the other characters that I didn’t include.
I think there can be too many interesting characters sometimes too!
And finally, I’d like to thank all of you for picking up these books. Thank you. I’m so happy that you spent your precious free time with my books.
I hope fate brings us together again.
Takashi Umemura
About the Author
Takashi Umemura was born in Kanagawa Prefecture in 1973. As of 2000, when this novel was published, he lived in Nara Prefecture. His hobbies include reading and gaming. He spends the majority of his income on books, games, and CDs. At Enix, he has written novelizations of “Star Ocean,” “Legend of Legaia,” and “Samurai Spirits 2: Warrior’s Rage.”
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four-loose-screws · 5 years
FE5 Umemura Novel Translation - Chapter 12 Part 1
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Pre-3DS FE Translations - FE Awakening Translations - FE Fates Translations - Original FE Support Conversations - Ko-fi
Since we’ve reached the end of the story and major spoiler territory, I put all of the text under the cut.
Eyvel blinked a few times, still completely out of it.
“Eyvel, are you okay?!” Leif asked her.
She looked at him, shocked. “Lord Leif! And Mareeta!”
“Yes! You’re back! You’re really back!” Tears poured down his face.
“What’s wrong, Lord Leif? You too, Mareeta… Why are you both crying? And where are we? What happened?” She asked, still totally lost.
“I’m sorry, Mother… It’s all my fault…” Mareeta said, choking back tears, before running over to her.
“Mareeta…” Eyvel looked down at her daughter and furrowed her brows. Suddenly, she seemed to have remembered something, as her eyes opened as wide as they could. “Mareeta! You’re back to normal!” She held the crying Mareeta and ran her fingers through her hair.
“I’m so sorry, Mother! I’m so sorry!” Mareeta repeated over and over again into Eyvel’s chest.
Leif wiped away his tears with his hands and looked at Eyvel. “Eyvel, listen to me. It’s already been nearly a year since you and Mareeta fought while you were trying to protect Nanna.”
Eyvel’s hand froze. “A year…? What…?” She muttered in disbelief.
“You were turned to stone by a Loptyrian bishop named Veld. A lot’s happened since then. A lot.” Leif managed to say before tears spilled from his eyes once more. “Anyway, let’s head back. Orsin and the others are waiting.”
“Y-Yes.” Eyvel nodded weakly, still looking terribly confused.
When they reached the bottom of the stares, Orsin, Dagdar, and Halvan rushed up to them.
They all expressed their words of joy in-between tears. Being surrounded by everyone that was happy to reunite with her slowly turned Eyvel back to normal.
Once the excitement died down, Galzus, who had been standing around waiting, walked up to her.
She went on guard when she saw him.
“He’s my father…” Mareeta, who was snuggled against Eyvel, forced herself to say.
Eyvel looked surprised for a moment, but then she nodded and took a step towards Galzus. “My name is Eyvel.”
“Mareeta told me about you. First of all, I want to express my thanks to you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving and raising my daughter.” He bowed his head deeply.
Eyvel pressed her mouth into a thin line. She looked at him without saying a word.
“When she was young, I brought her with me on a journey. I only took my eyes off her for a split second, however, in that moment, she was kidnapped by slave traders. I searched tirelessly for her, taking down countless groups of slave traders. But I never found her.” He paused for a moment to raise his head. “I’m so glad that she was saved by someone like you. She’s very happy.”
Eyvel still didn’t say anything.
“I’m still traveling now. And I will be for a long time, probably. This might be selfish of me, but if you can, please continue to take care of her.”
Eyvel sighed. “Of course! Mareeta is my daughter. Even if you had told me to give her back, I wouldn’t have. I would have continued to take care of her no matter what you said.”
“I’m sorry.” Galzus bowed his head again.
“However, I have one request for you.”
Galzus looked at her with a puzzled expression.
“Even if it’s only once a year, please come visit her. No matter what. You’re her father, after all.”
Galzus’ face relaxed, and he nodded. “I promise.”
“Thank you.” Eyvel nodded back with a smile. Then, she looked at Leif, and said, “Alright, let’s go, Leif! The battle’s not over yet!”
Leif, who had been half paying attention, half spaced out, immediately snapped to attention. “Listen up, everyone! Now, we will fight the final battle with Veld! Move out!”
His army unleashed an especially loud battle cry.
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four-loose-screws · 5 years
FE5 Umemura Novel Translation - Chapter 10 Part 4
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Pre-3DS FE Translations - FE Awakening Translations - FE Fates Translations - Original FE Support Conversations - Ko-fi
Leif’s army left Danzhi and started marching towards Manster. About a day later, they came across a large river.
It was The Great River of Thracia, the largest river of the Thracian Peninsula.
This grand river was not only important geographically, but also historically. It had been the battleground for many critical battles.
About ten years ago, the river had been the stage for the battle between Northern Thracia and The Kingdom of Thracia; where Leif’s grandfather, the previous king of Leonster, had lost his life due to Conote’s betrayal. Because of that, Leonster lost the power needed to oppose the Thracian army, and was soon conquered.
Since it had happened right after he was born, he had only heard about it through stories. Still, the sight of the river filled him with regret.
He balled his hands tightly into fists.
“This river has been filled with blood and tears. Even now, it’s full of things we cannot change.” August muttered.
“Yeah, it is.” Leif nodded slightly, then looked away from the water’s surface.
They followed the riverbank a little south, and saw a huge stone bridge. The imperial army had it surrounded, and looked ready to fight.
On the other side of the bridge, Leif could see a fort. “Once we pass through here, we’ll reach Manster soon after! Move out, everyone!” He yelled and unsheathed his sword.
Partway through everyone’s battle cry, August looked at the fort and shivered.
“What’s wrong, August?” Leif furrowed his brow and looked at August.
“Can you see that red-haired person?” August pointed a shaky finger in the direction of the fort.
Everyone looked at where he was pointing, and sure enough, there was a red-haired young man near the fort.
“Ah!” Mareeta gasped.
Leif whirled around. “What’s wrong, Mareeta?”
“N-Nothing. I’m sorry.” She said with furrowed brows, but also a smile
“He is Saias, a bishop of the Bragi Church. However, he is a prodigy in tactics first and foremost, and should be feared. So long as he is here, this is going to be a difficult battle.” August said while grinding his teeth over and over again.
Leif nodded. “I understand. Let’s proceed with caution.”
At the same time that the sight of Saias surprised August, Olwen was very surprised by the sight of one of the enemy units.
“What’s wrong, Lady Olwen?” Fred asked, puzzled.
“Fred, look over there!” Her eyes didn’t move from where she was staring as she answered and pointed at the mage knight unit positioned near the fort.
He looked at where she was pointing. “That’s the Gelben Ritter, isn’t it? …Oh, and that’s…!” Fred realized why she was pointing near the fort, and responded in a shocked voice.
The Gelben Ritter were the honored imperial guards of Conote’s House Freige, made up entirely of mage knights. The members they could see were the best of the best.
And in the back of the group was their leader, Reinhardt... Olwen’s older brother.
“What’s Brother doing in a place like this?” She stared at him and furrowed her eyebrows.
“First, we’ll get across the bridge. No matter how great a tactician Saias is, there’s no way he can be giving out orders to a unit on the other side of the riverbank. Move out, everyone!” Leif raised his sword over his head once more, then started marching towards the stone bridge.
Positioned on the front line was a unit of soldiers.
Leif and the swordfighters charged at them.
The soldiers themselves weren’t that strong, however, they were gathered together in a tight formation with no openings, giving Leif and the others a much more difficult fight than they had expected.
“There’s no way Saias is giving them orders too!” Leif dodged a lance and glared at the opposing riverbank. He realized just how difficult this battle would become.
They defeated the soldiers, reached the bridge, and turned towards a cavalier unit, who were nearing the bridge one by one.
They also noticed several ballistae positioned around the riverbank.
The arrows probably wouldn’t reach their current location, but it would be too dangerous for Dean, Karin, and Eda to fly.
Leif ground his teeth together while crossing the bridge and glaring at the cavaliers.
The land around them was a field that was almost entirely flat, the most advantageous kind of terrain for cavaliers to fight on. If his army could intercept them on top of the bridge, they could possibly limit their movements, but there was little chance that would be good enough.
“Spread out left and right! Block them!”
Everyone followed his orders and spread out in a wide formation.
So long as the cavaliers couldn’t pass them, they should be able to face them head on.
The enemy cavaliers broke down in to equally-sized small groups and pressed forward one-by-one. Just when Leif’s army thought they had defeated one group, the next attacked them.
Demoralized by the cavalier’s movements, their formation gradually started to crumble.
Yet there were still a lot of cavaliers left to fight.
“Grrr… Don’t let them break our formation! Keep pushing forward! Leif yelled. He jumped and stabbed his sword into the chest of an oncoming cavalier. He pulled out his sword and was shot in the shoulder with an arrow.
He groaned and fell on his back.
“Lord Leif!” Nanna rushed over to him.
“I’m fine! Stand down!” He pulled the arrow out and stood up. Blood trickled down his arm.
The cavalier that had shot the arrow readied his next attack.
Leif ran straight at the enemy with his arms crossed in front of him, forming a makeshift shield.
The cavalier shot his arrow.
It pierced through Leif’s arm, grazed his side, and ripped open his thigh. Yet he didn’t stop, and continued running. He jumped and swung his sword.
The cavalier fell to a crouch.
He heard hooves galloping closer, and raised his head to see a lance cavalier coming at him. Using his sword as a crutch, he forced himself up.
The lance cavalier was getting closer and closer to him.
He swung his sword upwards.
The cavalier didn’t stop, instead galloping right past him.
“Gah!” He turned around and tried to follow after the cavalier, but his knees gave out and he fell forwards.
The cavalier rushed straight towards his army.
The lance cavalier weaved through Leif’s army’s battle formation, and raised his lance over his head.
He aimed it at Sara.
Her entire body stiffened up.
“Look out, Lady Sara!” Salem rushed at her and pushed her away.
The lance pierced through his chest. It stuck out from his back, now dyed red.
“Ah… Ahh…” Sara’s lips trembled. She couldn’t bring herself to say anything.
Salem grabbed the lance with his left hand and tried to pull it out.
The cavalier started to panic.
Salem smirked and raised his right hand. Dark magic shot out from his palm.
The darkness covered the cavalier, and he screamed in agony and died.
Now that his body no longer had any support, Salem fell backwards on the ground.
Sara rushed over to him.
“Are you safe… Lady Sara?” Though blood was flowing out of his mouth, he was smiling.
She stared at him, expressionless. “Why did you save me? For my grandfather’s sake?”
“He has… nothing to do with it… I’m… not… a Loptyrian priest… anymore…”
“Then why?” She asked.
He tilted his head slightly. “I… wonder… Think… about it… a bit…” He made a disappointed face, and stopped moving.
Though her expression had not changed, tears poured down her cheeks.
Nanna helped Leif up, then removed the arrow from his arm and healed him.
“Thank you, Nanna.” Leif started to walk, but was a bit unsteady.
“Please don’t push yourself, Lord Leif!”
“I’m fine, thanks to your healing spell!” He smiled at her, then dashed off.
The stone bridge was right in front of him, and only a few cavaliers were left.
“Keep moving forward, everyone! Let’s get across the bridge before the next unit attacks!” Leif yelled through ragged breaths.
Everyone followed after him, nearing the bridge while routing the enemy cavaliers.
On the other side of the river, they could see nearly twenty knights and two ballistae waiting for them.
Leif held up his hand, motioning for everyone to stop in front of the bridge.
The enemies didn’t look like they were going to move.
He started thinking to himself while staring at them. ‘The knights won’t be a problem, but the ballistae… There’d be nowhere for us to run if they shot at us while we were crossing the bridge. What should we do?’
“Lord Leif!”
He suddenly heard a voice. It was Olwen’s.
“Please consider leaving the ballistae to me!” She said while staring straight ahead.
“Will you be okay?”
“With my horse’s speed and my thunder magic, I can take care of them in no time!”
“Well…” He thought her plan through while looking at the ballistae once again.
“I’m off, Sir!”
“Huh? Hey, wait!”
She dashed off without waiting for his answer. Her horse galloped across the bridge and straight towards the enemies.
Upon noticing her movements, they brandished their weapons and readied the ballistae.
She reached them before they could shoot the ballistae arrows.
Her horse jumped high in the air, over the knights’ heads.
She unleashed an attack from midair.
Her thunderbolts hit the ballistae’s strings dead on. Thy burned away and the giant arrows fell to the ground with a thud.
“She did it! Way to go Olwen!” Leif cheered.
However, she didn’t come back, instead continuing forward at full speed, towards where the elite mage knight unit was positioned.
“Wait! Olwen, stop!”
But it seemed she hadn’t heard him, as she didn’t stop.
“Move out everyone! Let’s hurry across the bridge!” Leif ordered, though he was troubled by Olwen’s sudden reckless behavior.
The moment his army started to cross, the knights on the other side all started to march at once. They walked slowly, and their armor clanked as they walked along the bridge.
The two groups met in the middle.
While the short width of the bridge and the knights’ tough armor gave them trouble, they weren’t very difficult enemies for Leif’s army at their current strength.
They slowly pushed the knights back.
In the corner of his eye, he saw Saias raise his hands over his head.
It seemed to be a signal, as the knights wielding bows, who were on both the right and left sides of the unit, all shot flaming arrows down at the bridge.
The next moment, a low, heavy sound echoed through the air, and the bridge started to shake.
The knights all retreated to the end of the bridge.
Once Leif realized what was going on, he ground his teeth together. “Run as fast as you can! Force your way through the knights, and get across!” He yelled while running.
Cracks started forming beneath their feet. He heard a noise, and the bridge began to fall from the edges inward.
The knight unit faced Leif’s army head-on and reacted to their moving forward. They hardened their defenses and kept Leif’s army from progressing.
At this rate, there was no way that Leif’s army would be able to get across before the bridge completely collapsed.
Leif swung his sword around as hard as he could and bit his lip.
Dean, Eda, and Karin’s mounts all flew down to his side.
Chances were, their enemies hadn’t expected to be attacked from left, right, and above; which would allow them to attack from the three directions and break the knights’ formation all at once.
They rushed through the knights, scattering their formation, and made it across the bridge.
Now, all Leif had to do was get his allies on the rear line across. It would be a close call, but they should be able to make it.
He returned to the bridge. One by one, the remainder of his army crossed it.
However, Sara had stopped in the middle of the bridge, and was looking back.
She was staring at where Salem’s body lay.
Linoan, who had been running just ahead of her, noticed her and ran up to her. “Sara! We must move forward right now! If you stop here, Salem’s death will be for nothing!”
Sara nodded, still expressionless. She started to run.
Linoan tried to follow after her, but the moment she stepped forward, the bridge shook violently. Another huge crack split through it.
“Eeeeek!” Her foot got stuck in the crack.
“Linoan!” Sara stopped and turned around.
Linoan shook her head while standing up. “I’ll be fine, so go on ahead!”
Sara nodded and ran off, but kept looking back at Linoan.
Linoan stood back up and started running again.
Sara made it across.
Now Linoan was the only one left, and she was almost there.
Another huge crack ran through the bridge, and it made an even louder sound than the others had.
The bridge collapsed.
“Ahhhh!” She tumbled backwards and fell along with the bridge.
“Linoan!” Leif extended a hand towards her.
However, it didn’t reach her, and all he caught was air.
She fell further and further towards the river.
Then, Leif felt a gust of air blow past him.
It was Dean. His dragon flew up into the sky, then came straight down. “Lady Linoan!” His dragon flew past the falling rubble.
She reached for him.
Mere inches above the water, she grabbed his hand.
The dragon changed direction and began to arch back up into the air.
Dean leaned over to shield her.
The rubble fell into the water, causing splashes the size of pillars to rise up from the river.
Dean’s dragon weaved through the splashes and returned to Leif and the others.
He had been hit by both the water and the rubble, leaving him soaked and bleeding, but only the bottom of Linoan’s dress was wet, and she was unharmed.
“Thank you, Dean.” She said while dismounting the dragon. She seemed to be embarrassed, as her cheeks were a bit red.
“Don’t mention it.” He answered quietly, then looked at Sara. “We’ll give Salem a proper burial when the battle is over, so don’t worry about his body for now.”
“Okay.” She answered with her face down.
Everyone was silent for a moment.
Leif nodded slowly and looked around at everyone. “We have just a little further to go! Let’s hurry and take the fort!”
After destroying the ballistae, Olwen didn’t stop, and continued onwards.
All she could see was the Gelben Ritter… no, her brother, Reinhardt.
She galloped straight towards the Gelben Ritter.
They were so surprised to see a single enemy come at them that their reaction was a bit late.
Leaving some space between her and the group, she stopped.
Her eyes met Reinhardt’s.
His eyebrows twitched a little.
The cavaliers readied their weapons and tidied up their formation.
“Wait!” Reinhardt held back the cavaliers and moved forward by himself.
“What are you doing in a place like this, Brother!? Wasn’t it your duty to serve Lady Ishtar?”
“This is also my duty. But don’t change the subject. It appears the rumors that you defected to the rebel army are true. How despicable!”
“What’s so despicable about it!? It’s the empire’s actions that are despicable!”
“It seems that the rebels have completely changed you. Have you forgotten your vows to chivalry!?” He glared at her.
“If it’s a code that tells me to serve my masters even when they are wrong, then I don’t need it!” She spat out and glared back at him.
He narrowed his eyes and smirked slightly. “Though you may have broken your vows, you seem to be following your own beliefs.” He said, then removed one of the swords from his waist and tossed it at her.
She stared at it in shock. It was his favorite sword.
“This sword belongs to one who tries to walk their own path.”
“Brother…” She put both hands around the sword, and looked at him.
Suddenly, his expression became grim. He unsheathed a sword. “Don’t misunderstand me! This doesn’t mean I approve of your actions! I fight all those who oppose me! Will you stay loyal to your beliefs, even if they mean you must defeat me!?”
Olwen furrowed her brow, sighed, and attached the sword to her waist. “Of course!” She unsheathed it and stared at him.
Their horses started running at the same time.
Their swords clashed.
They put all their power into pushing against each other.
Their swords screeched, then snapped back.
They stepped away from each other.
The one to recover their horse first was Reinhardt.
Naturally, the power between her and her brother, the leader of the Gelben Ritter, was great.
Once she had finally recovered her horse, his sword was already coming at her.
Somehow, she managed to block his attack.
He didn’t stop moving, and swung at her again.
She did everything she could to block his second and third consecutive attacks.
He thrust his sword at her again, this time, it was aimed at her chest.
She stopped the tip of his sword with the blade of hers, but the force pushed her backwards. She grabbed her horse’s reigns to keep herself from falling off.
Her horse reacted to the pull on the reigns by standing up on her hind feet and neighing.
While somehow keeping herself from falling and maintaining her posture, Olwen began to chant quietly.
“It’s over!” Reinhardt swerved around the side of her bucking horse and brought his sword up.
…Just as she had planned.
She unleashed her spell. Since she had cast it from such a compromised position, it didn’t hit its target, but the effect was more than enough.
The surprise attack had broken Reinhardt and his horse’s form.
She kicked her horse’s side and pulled the reigns. With her front feet still in the air, her horse turned slightly sideways.
Using the force from the turn, with her body still crooked, Olwen swung her sword.
The blade hit Reinhard’s sword and sent it flying.
Olwen clung to her horse’s back, pulled the reigns, and finally fixed her posture.
Lastly, she pointed her sword at his throat. “I won!”
“It appears so.” He answered, defeated.
“If you understand, then please hurry up and retreat back to your unit.”
He furrowed his brows at her. “What are you doing? You should kill me without a second thought! Or are you going to show mercy because I am your brother!?”
“That has nothing to do with it! I just fight how I choose to!”
“You’re soft!”
“Perhaps. But that’s how I do things.” She stared straight at him and hissed.
He broke out in laughter. “You’ve changed. But not in a bad way.”
Still smiling, he raised both of his hands. “Understood. I’ll retreat.” He said calmly. He turned his back to her, gave an order to his unit, turned north, and galloped off.
She watched him leave.
Olwen seemed to have defeated the cavaliers stationed next to the fort herself, as they were nowhere to be seen.
“Lady Olwen!” Fred rushed up to her.
Olwen whirled around as if she had been attacked from behind.
“Are you alright?” He asked, worried.
She nodded and smiled without saying a word to him.
They returned to Leif and the army.
“I’m sorry for rushing ahead, Lord Leif.” She bowed her head.
“It’s fine. What matters most is your safety.” He answered with a grin. It seemed like something had happened, but based on how the two of them had been acting, he decided that he shouldn’t pry.
“All that’s left is the unit guarding the fort! Let’s take them out in one fell swoop!” Leif ordered while looking at the people in front of the fort: Saias, an elderly baron, and a few cavaliers.
As they approached the fort, the cavaliers rushed at them.
‘We’ll be able to beat a group this small easily! No matter how great a tactician Saias is, it’s gonna be difficult for him to turn the tables this time! We have no reason to fear!’ Leif thought as the cavaliers readied themselves to take the attack.
Suddenly, someone ran past him.
It was Mareeta.
She paid no attention to the cavaliers and turned straight towards the fort.
Leif tried to follow her, but the oncoming cavaliers and blocked him from doing so.
Saias opened his eyes wide at Mareeta, who was coming towards him.
“What’s going on, Bishop?! Why are you in a place like this, working as a tactician of the empire?!” She pointed her sword at him and yelled.
It was Saias who had taken her out of Manster after the grey-haired swordsman had saved her. It was him who had healed her heart from the regret of losing herself to the Shadow Sword and attacking her mother.
Yet now, he had appeared before her as an enemy.
“Each person has their place, their own part to play. I am only staying true to mine, whether I be saving you or devoting myself to this battle.” He chuckled at himself.
Mareeta tightened her grip around her sword.
The muscular, elderly baron stepped between Saias and Mareeta. “Your place is not here, Saias.” He readied his lance and glared at Mareeta.
“Lord Cowen!” Saias furrowed his brow and looked at the baron.
“You yourself should know best where your place is. Hurry out of here, Saias.”
“But if I do that, Lord Cowen, then…”
Cowen frowned at his response. “No matter what we do, we will not be able to stop them here. Whether you are here or elsewhere, there is nothing you can do to change that. There’s no need for you to force yourself to stay here any longer.”
Saias stared at Cowen, speechless.
“Quit dawdling!”
Saias took a few steps backwards. “I-I’m sorry, Lord Cowen.” He said quietly, then ran off.
Cowen didn’t even look back once, instead readying his lance. “Come at me, miss!” He said with a small smile. In his eyes were nothing but the will to fight.
Mareeta readied her sword and swallowed.
After they defeated the last cavalier, Leif and the others started towards the fort.
In front of it, Mareeta was fighting the baron.
For some reason, Saias had disappeared.
Mareeta ducked a horizontal swing from the baron. His lance grazed her hair, but went over her head.
She stepped forward. In one fluid motion, she swung her sword at him five times.
The attacks broke his armor and he fell where he stood.
She crouched and pointed her sword at his nose, signaling that the difficult battle was finally over, and that Leif’s army had seized the fort at The Great River of Thracia.
Afterwards, they buried Salem, and spent the night resting at the fort.
They were very close to arriving at Manster Castle.
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four-loose-screws · 5 years
FE5 Umemura Novel Translation - Epilogue
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Since we’ve reached the end of the story and major spoiler territory, I put all of the text under the cut.
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Once Leif had joined up with Seliph, they first invaded the Kingdom of Thracia.
There, he reunited with Altena.
She doubted him at first, but eventually, her childhood memories came back to her, and she chose to stop fighting and return to Leonster.
General Hannibal of Mease Castle also lay down his weapons when Leif asked him to help put an end to the fighting between the north and the south.
However, King Travant and Prince Arion, as true soldiers of their country, refused to abdicate and fought to the very end. When he killed them, Leif was filled with mixed feelings.
After that, Seliph’s army invaded Grannvale, and killed Emperor Arvis, crown prince Julius, and the Loptyrian Cult’s founder, Manfroy. Their deaths signaled the downfall of the empire.
Leif never left Seliph’s side throughout the entire battle, and helped him countless times.
Several years passed.
The countries of the Thracian Peninsula all united under Leonster, forming the New Kingdom of Thracia. Leif was crowned as its first king.
While the bitter feelings between the people of the north and the south still persisted, all traces of war vanished from the peninsula, and an era of peace began.
Then, one calm day, a huge crowd of people all gathered before Leonster Castle.
The door to the castle opened, and Leif stepped outside.
He was greeted by a loud cheer. Confetti fluttered through the air.
He slowly looked around. He saw Seliph, Altena, and all the members of his army standing nearby, surrounded by countless civilians.
And at his side was the woman he had just vowed before the gods to cherish forever as his wife – Nanna, wearing a white dress and snuggling up to him.
He looked down at her and grinned from ear to ear.
She smiled back.
“Hey, lookin’ good, you two!” Orsin shouted.
Tanya elbowed him.
“Ow, what did you do that for!?”
“Have some class, you boor! You’re so rude!”
“What did you just say!?”
And with that, they started bickering, just like always.
Everyone burst out laughing.
Surrounded by his laughing friends and basking in the calm atmosphere, Leif couldn’t help but think, ‘I hope things stay like this forever and ever.’
The wedding bells rang through the air the moment he finished his thought, as if agreeing with him.
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four-loose-screws · 5 years
FE5 Umemura Novel Translation - Chapter 11 Part 4
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Pre-3DS FE Translations - FE Awakening Translations - FE Fates Translations - Original FE Support Conversations - Ko-fi
After resting for a bit in Manster City, Leif’s army and the Magi Squad invaded the castle together. Between their teamwork and the Manster Army being weaker than they had anticipated, they were able to make it inside in no time.
Now, they were in hallway that divided into three different paths.
Ced looked straight down the hallway and said, “If you go straight, you should reach the throne room.”
It wouldn’t be much longer now before Manster would be free.
As soon as Ced finished his sentence, they heard armor clanking in the direction they had come from.
“What’s going on!? There shouldn’t be any soldiers left!” Fergus whirled around in shock.
“Maybe it’s a trap, and they kept some soldiers in hiding so they could all attack us here at once.” Delmuid said quietly with his mouth twisted in annoyance.
“So you’re saying that there’s a good chance a bunch of enemies are going to come from the left and right too, huh…” Brighton looked straight down the hallway.
‘Most likely. What should we do?’ Leif bit his lip and checked his surroundings.
“Please leave this place to us!” One of the members of the Magi Squad shouted.
The others all followed along with his idea and spread out behind Leif’s army, readying themselves to fight the oncoming enemies.
“Okay! We’ll go on ahead! Everyone in my army, break into three groups, and guard all three paths!” Leif ordered.
The enemy soldiers were now very close.
“Let’s go, everyone! Our goal is to defeat Raydrik and free Manster!” Leif dashed towards the throne room.
Ced stopped in front of the door. “Inside this room should be the mercenaries that Raydrik hired. They’re all about as strong as Galzus is.” He looked at Leif’s army with a grim expression on his face.
Leif was leading in the center group facing the door, with Ced, Nanna, Mareeta, Finn, Delmuid, Asbel, and Sara surrounding him.
Glade and Selphina were leading the group on the left, and Fergus and Dagdar were leading the group on the right.
Brighton, Machyua, Perne, and Laura had stayed behind, and were fighting the enemies attacking from the rear alongside the Magi Squad.
“Understood.” Leif nodded and put a hand on the door.
“Please leave Galzus to me.”
“Huh?” Mareeta’s sudden request made Leif whirl around with his eyes open as wide as they could be.
“Let me fight him! Please!” She looked him and said.
He looked back at her in complete bewilderment.
She looked straight into his eyes.
Neither of them said anything for a moment.
Her gaze didn’t waver, nor did she blink.
“Okay.” Leif nodded with a small sigh.
Her expression brightened. “Thank you!”
“But please, don’t die.”
She stiffened up at his words, but nodded.
“Let’s go!” He slammed the door open.
A red carpet and evenly spaced pillars stretched out in front of him. Inside of the long room were several mercenaries waiting for their arrival. Past the mercenaries was Raydrik, sitting on the throne.
He and his army all ran inside at once.
The mercenaries faced them. Only one of them did not come to help fight. It was the silver-haired swordsman Leif had seen in the arena. He stood still, not appearing to be in the mood to fight, yet was still intimidating enough to strike fear in Leif and the others. There was no doubt that he was Galzus.
Ced and Asbel each cast a wind spell at the same time.
The strong wind stopped the mercenaries in their tracks.
Finn and Delmuid followed up with their own attack.
Leif and Mareeta ran ahead.
The mercenaries noticed Leif and Mareeta run past them, and turned to follow their movements.
This left the mercenaries wide open. Delmuid took advantage of the opportunity.
Their death screams echoed through the air, and they fell.
Galzus started to come towards them, but Mareeta quickly rushed to meet him. His eyes opened wide in shock.
‘It looks like there’s a special connection between them.’ Leif thought. He ran past Galzus and towards Raydrik.
Galzus’ eyes opened wide with shock. “Why have you come back?” He narrowed his eyes and asked.
“To save my mother.” Mareeta raised her sword and glared at him.
“Your mother? Do you mean the woman that was turned to stone?
“Yes. I’ll cut down anyone who stands in my way to save her! Even my own father!”
He looked completely surprised. His eyes opened even wider than they had when she ran towards him. “So you knew…” He forced himself to say.
“I don’t have any proof. But when you saved me from the cell, and I was following behind you, you looked just like I remember.” She began to feel tears well up in her eyes as she spoke.
“You remembered me because I look just like the father who lost you…” He turned his back to her. “When I took my eyes off of you for a second, and you were kidnapped by slave traders, I thought that I had lost you. I never imagined we would ever meet again. And it’s all thanks to her, isn’t it?”
“It is. Mother saved me after I had been sold as a slave, and raised me as her daughter.” She tightened her grip on her sword. “Now, she is my mother, and no one could ever replace her! I’ll do whatever it takes to save her!!” She yelled and raised her sword once more.
Galzus turned around and spread out both arms.
“Die!” She screamed without even realizing what she was saying.
“I won’t resist. If you’re fighting for your mother and miss her dearly, then I don’t want to get in your way. And being killed like this is the least I can do to atone for not fulfilling my duties as a parent.”
Her eyebrows twitched, and she took a deep breath.
He looked at her with a thin smile spread across her face.
She took a step forward, and lowered her sword.
His didn’t even twitch.
Just before her sword hit him, Mareeta stopped moving.
“Why won’t you kill me?”
She could see his frown in the reflection on her blade. “If it’s atonement you want, then find some other way of doing it. Fight… with me, and Prince Leif.” She said and put away her sword.
“You’ve grown into an amazing young woman. Your skills with the sword, your personality, and your kindness all burn as bright as the sun. And it’s all because of her, isn’t it?” His expression suddenly crumbled. “Then I have to thank her, don’t I?”
“Huh? You mean…”
“Yes. I’ll go with you.” He nodded.
Mareeta smiled with pure joy.
Leif approached Raydrik, who stood up slowly.
“So you’ve made it this far. I knew I should have killed you back then!” His bearded face twisted into a frown and he unsheathed his sword. Its blade was wider than average.
“Your luck has run out! Get ready to die, Raydrick!” Leif raised his sword and charged at Raydrik.
“Hmph. You’re all bark and no bite, boy. You couldn’t possibly kill me!” Raydrik laughed at him.
Leif swung his sword downwards.
A sharp sound echoed through the air with a flash of light.
The blade didn’t touch Raydrik, as he seemed to be covered in an invisible film-like wall that blocked the attack.
Leif flew back and landed on the floor.
“You fool! A child like you cannot possibly defeat me! Now be a good boy and die!” Raydrik raised his sword and approached Leif.
Leif stood up and grabbed the sword at his waist. It was the one weapon that could defeat the power of the Loptyr Sword – the Bragi Sword. He took a step forwards and unsheathed the Bragi Sword faster than Raydrik could lower the Loptyr Sword.
The Bragi Sword cut through the invisible wall with a flash of light and hit Raydrik.
Raydrik tumbled backwards and started to tremble. The tip of the blade had sliced a small cut in his abdomen. “I-Impossible! Where did you get that sword from!?” He screamed.
“Don’t even think that things are going to go your way this time! This is the end for you, Raydrik!” Leif screamed and swung his sword down.
The blade sliced through Raydrik’s chest. “Urgh… Gah… Impossible…” Raydrik clutched his bleeding chest and looked at Leif in fear. “I… don’t… want to… die… yet… Help… me…” He reached for Leif’s chest.
Leif glared at him and ground his teeth together.
Raydrik slowly fell backwards. “L… Lord Veld… help me… I… don’t… want… to…” Suddenly, his body became transparent. “I… don’t… want…”
To Leif’s surprise, Raydrik’s body vanished before his eyes. “…What was that…?” He asked, standing frozen in complete shock.
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four-loose-screws · 5 years
FE5 Umemura Novel Translation - Chapter 11 Part 1
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Pre-3DS FE Translations - FE Awakening Translations - FE Fates Translations - Original FE Support Conversations - Ko-fi
Manster Castle was in an uproar over the news that the liberation army led by Prince Leif of Leonster would soon arrive, and that Castle Conote had been attacked by the liberation army from Isaach.
Realizing that there would never be a better opportunity to do so, the Magi Squad, led by Ced, attacked Manster Castle. However, Ced didn’t think that any amount of chaos would be enough for them to win against the army stationed there. Therefore, their goal was to rescue the children being held captive, and take them back to their homes.
Things were worse within the Manster Army than he had anticipated. To their surprise, they were able to sneak into the castle and rescue the children very quickly.
While there, Ced also found a sword. It had been stored behind a tightly locked door, and was filled with powerful magic. “Th-This is…” His gut feeling was that it was the trump card that could take down Raydrik. The moment he grabbed it, he heard the sound of armor clinking from the doorway.
“Lord Ced, imperial soldiers have arrived! Let’s get out of here!” A soldier from the Magi Squad yelled.
“Understood! Get the children and retreat as quickly as you can! I’ll guard the rear!”
“Yes sir!” The soldier nodded and ran off.
Ced attached the sword to his belt, then exited the room.‘As a sage, I can’t use this. I’ll have to give it to someone who can fight Raydrick.’ He thought as he followed behind everyone else.
In the morning, Leif’s army left the fort at The Great River of Thracia, and soon found themselves near Manster Castle.
They had all stopped, and were now hiding in the forest, looking up at the castle, which was atop a hill.
It was so quiet that they felt uneasy. The Manster Army should have known they were coming. Surely there would be enough soldiers stationed atop the hill to take them on.
Leif checked out their surroundings and frowned. ‘Our best bet would be to attack from above. There must be some way we can make up for the disadvantage caused by needing to climb up the hill. If only we knew their numbers and position, we could come up with a basic strategy, but… Maybe it would be best for Dean or Karin to do some recon first, even if we’d risk being detected.’ Leif considered while biting his lip.
Suddenly, an uproar broke out atop the hill.
Though he didn’t know what had happened, he could say for sure that something was going on.
This just might be the opportunity they needed.
hythe forest.
Ced and the Magi Squad had collected the captured children, left the castle, and reached town.
More enemies appeared than they expected.
Ced stopped and turned around to face them.
Enough soldiers to fill the entire road were coming at them.
His face twisted into a small frown. He chanted and unleashed a gust of wind at them.
Though he had used a very powerful spell, the attack did little damage to them, as they were spread out across the wide road. It appeared that it had only slowed them down.
Ced turned towards them but looked behind him. He saw the backs of the children and members of the Magi Squad that were running away.
He wanted to do whatever it would take to get the children out of Manster and back home to their towns and villages. To do that, the Magi Squad needed to get out of the city with them as soon as possible. If they didn’t hurry, then Leif’s army would arrive, and the entire area would become a battlefield, making it extremely difficult to escape.
Ced noticed another group of soldiers come running from another road and head towards the Magi Squad.
“Dammit. Now what?” He clicked his tongue while continuing to assault the soldiers in front of him with magic.
“Shall I take over the role of getting the children to safety?” He suddenly heard a voice come from a narrow side road.
There stood a red-haired young man wearing a white priest’s robe.
“And you are…?” Ced looked at the man with suspicion in his eyes. He ceased his attack.
“I am a bishop of the Bragi Church. I’m on a journey and staying in this town for the time being.” The man said quietly and bowed his head.
The soldiers unsheathed their swords and continued coming closer.
Ced looked from the man back to the soldiers, then shot out another gust of wind.
It was a direct hit. The soldiers fell to the ground.
But in their shadows was yet another group of soldiers.
‘I’m not gonna make it in time!’ He thought as he chanted.
Suddenly, the soldiers were hit by a flash of light and flew backwards.
He whirled around in shock.
The one who had cast the light magic was the man.
“I think I can be of help to you.” A thin smile spread across his face, and he looked at Ced.
Ced unleashed another gust of wind, halting the soldiers’ progress again, before running up to the man. “I’ll take you up on your offer. Please safely take the children to their parents.”
The man nodded, still smiling.
“And take this.” Ced removed the sword from his belt and handed it to him. “I want you to give this to Prince Leif of Leonster, who is currently marching towards the castle. He probably won’t be able to defeat Raydrik without it.”
“You want me to give this to… Prince Leif?” He looked at the sword and was silent for a moment.
Ced raised an eyebrow and stared at him.
“Understood.” He said and took the sword.
“Please, make sure Prince Leif gets it.”
“Yes.” The man answered simply, then turned around and ran off.
Ced faced the soldiers and started chanting once more.
Once they reached the base of the hill, Leif heard Eda’s voice come from the sky.
“I see children! They’re coming down the hill!”
The moment she said that, the running children came into his field of vision.
“It’s the Magi Squad! They’re escaping with the children who were being held at the castle!” Lara cheered.
Assuming that the uproar happening at the castle was caused by a rebellion started by the Magi Squad, she was undoubtedly right.
“Head for the castle while ensuring that the children have an escape route!” Leif ordered. He started up the hill and took a deep breath.
Their presence surprised the people fighting the imperial cavaliers and protecting the children.
Leif saw a red-haired young man wearing a robe among them. There was no mistaking who it was. ‘Why is Saias fighting the imperial army?’ Leif found it hard to believe.
But now wasn’t the time to be worrying about something like that.
Leif rushed up the hill.
He and the children ran past each other.
Now, Saias was nearing him.
Saias cast a light magic spell at a cavalier that was right behind him.
The light hit the cavalier and he fell off his horse.
However, at the same time, another cavalier galloped around Saias and aimed at his his back.
“Look out!” Leif jumped and swung his sword at the cavalier.
The cavalier groaned. Blood gushed from his abdomen, and he died.
“Thanks, you saved me there.” Saias turned around and smiled calmly.
“Don’t mention it.” Leif answered, though he was on guard.
“I have no intention of fighting you now, so please let down your guard.”
“I don’t think my trust is something that you can win over with mere words.”
Saias frowned. “Probably not.”
“Why have you decided to rebel against the empire?” Leif asked.
Saias’ expression suddenly hardened. “I am a bishop of the Bragi Church. Therefore, I do not approve of the child hunts. I don’t think a world where many of the people suffer is a good one. However, I also don’t think that Emperor Arvis’ ideals are wrong.”
“You don’t think his ideals are wrong?” Leif’s expression became grim at Saias’ words.
“But many of those among the ruling class are very stupid, and the tenacity and power of Loptyr is greater than the emperor imagined it would be.”
Leif didn’t say anything, instead glaring at him.
“The empire has drifted away completely from Emperor Arvis’ ideals.” Saias said as he handed Leif a sword.
“What’s this?”
“The sage that leads the Magi Squad entrusted it to me. He wanted me to give it to you. He believed it to be the Bragi Sword.”
“The Bragi Sword?”
“Yes. It is the only sword that can counter the magical power contained within the Loptyr Sword that Raydrik possesses. Without it, you probably won’t be able to defeat him.”
Leif took the sword, didn’t take his eyes off Saias.
“I must return the children to their parents, so please excuse me.” Saias said and continued down the hill.
“Please, wait!” Leif called out to him.
Halfway down the hill, Saias stopped and turned around.
“Would you like to fight with us?” Leif asked.
Saias smiled and shook his head. “I have a role that I must play, in a place that is not likely to cross your path. Therefore, I cannot go with you. Please excuse me.” He said before running off behind the children.
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four-loose-screws · 5 years
FE5 Umemura Novel Translation - Chapter 11 Part 5
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Pre-3DS FE Translations - FE Awakening Translations - FE Fates Translations - Original FE Support Conversations - Ko-fi
Leif was still standing in front of the throne when his army and Galzus ran over to him.
“You’re Prince Leif? I’m Galzus. I’m going to be traveling with you for a while.”
Leif responded by bowing back.
“So what happened to Raydrik? I don’t see his corpse.”
“Um, yeah… I’m sure I killed him, but he vanished…” Leif tilted his head and answered. He still had no idea what had happened.
“It was probably Veld’s doing.” Galzus answered without wasting a second.
“The Loptyrian mage that was with Raydrik, who turned Mareeta’s mother, the female swordswoman, to stone.”
Leif thought back to the arena and remembered that an old man in a robe had been sitting in the spectator’s seats. “He’s still in the castle?”
“Yeah. There’s a secret Loptyrian temple in the basement, and inside it is his altar. Chances are, he’ll be there. Raydrik too, probably.”
“Really? Then let’s get everyone together and go there right away!” Leif looked around at everyone and nodded.
After some time passed, Fergus and the others who went down the right path arrived in the throne room. Brighton and Magi Squad followed in behind them.
A few minutes after that, those who had gone down the left path came in.
“Hey, does anyone know what this is?” Lifis asked as he entered the room, holding up a staff.
Its design was one that Leif had never seen before.
No one spoke up.
“Nobody knows? So it’s just a regular old staff with a rare design?” Lifis tilted his head.
Sara walked up to him.
“Um, what? Do you know?” Lifis asked, confused.
She took the staff from his hands without even looking at him. “This is it. If I have this, I can save her.” She turned to Leif, smiling.
“Huh?” Leif cocked his head. He had no idea what she was talking about.
“You want to save someone who was turned to stone, right?” She blurted out.
The impact her words had on Leif left him speechless.
“I-Is that the Kia Staff?” August asked in shock.
“I don’t know if it has a name or anything, just that if I use it, I can save a person who was turned to stone.”
“But only those of Manfroy’s bloodline are supposed to be able to use it!”
August’s words made Sara’s otherwise expressionless face grimace. “I don’t want to hear Grandfather’s name! I hate him!” She glared at him, and he shut his mouth.
There was a long pause.
“What’s the matter? You mean you don’t want to save that woman?” Sara pouted. She sounded bored.
“N-No, that’s not it.” Leif said, panicking a bit. “Galzus, do you know where Eyvel is?”
“Yeah. She’s inside the underground temple too.”
“Please lead us there.”
“Of course.” Galzus nodded and started walking.
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four-loose-screws · 5 years
FE5 Umemura Novel Translation - Chapter 9 Part 6
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Pre-3DS FE Translations - FE Awakening Translations - FE Fates Translations - Original FE Support Conversations - Ko-fi
Nearly another month passed.
It had been almost six months since the imperial army had surrounded the castle.
The situation had only gotten worse. Aside from the wing containing the throne room, the entire castle had been captured.
Everyone was injured and very fatigued. They were now sitting and resting in the rooms and hallways.
Leif assessed the situation while walking towards the throne room. ‘We just might be at our limit.’ He thought.
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“Prince Leif!”
He suddenly heard some call his name and stopped. He forgot what he was thinking about.
It was Miranda. She and Conomor were walking up to him.
“Princess Miranda!” He swallowed and looked at her. “I might not be able to fulfill my promise to free Alster. I’m really sorry.”
“It’s fine.” She shook her head and closed her mouth.
They were quiet for a moment. He figured she had gotten his attention because she had something to say, so he waited for her to say it.
“Go ahead, Princess.” Conomor encouraged her.
She nodded meekly and looked at Leif. “Prince Leif, I’ve been thinking for a long time that I need to apologize to you.”
“You, apologize to me?”
“Yes. We’re in this situation all because I asked you to fight an impossible battle. I’m really sorry.” She bowed her head.
Leif found what she was doing so strange that he smiled. “It’s not your fault, Princess Miranda. So please, raise your head.”
She did as he told her to, but looked anxious.
“But forget about that, is it okay for you to be here? For Alster’s princess to die in Leonster? Even now, you should be able to run a…”
“I won’t. I’m okay with whatever might happen to me.” She yelled and cut him off. “There’s no country for me to go home to. That, and…” She stopped there and looked up.
“It’s nothing. I’m going now.” She said, then hurried away.
Conomor bowed and followed after her.
Leif cocked his head and watched her leave.
When Leif returned to the throne room, he leaned against the door and breathed a small sigh. “This might be the end.” He muttered.
August glared at him. “What are you saying, Prince Leif?” But even he was clearly exhausted.
“Everyone’s completely worn out! What good will it be to keep going?! It’s only a matter of time now before the castle falls, isn’t it!?” Leif yelled.
The two glared at each other for a while.
Suddenly, August smiled. “Not all hope is lost.”
Leif frowned. “What do you mean, August?”
“I’ve received news that a huge rebellion happened in the Kingdom of Isaach. The liberation army is putting up a good fight against the empire, and traveling across the continent.”
“So you’re saying that if we’re lucky, they’ll come here.”
“Considering their route so far, they just might.”
Leif didn’t say anything, instead getting lost in thought. ‘This story is no doubt a ray of hope for us.’
“By the way, Lord Leif. Who do you think the leader of the liberation army is?”
“If they’re from Isaach, then they must be Prince Shannan. I’ve also heard rumors of him before.”
“No, it’s not him. While he is one of the important people in the army, the leader is someone else.”
“It’s not Prince Shannan? Then who could it possibly be?”
“It is Lord Seliph of Chalphy, the orphaned child of Lord Sigurd. He’s the best suited to be the leader of the liberation army. The people call him Grannvale’s Scion of Light.”
Leif had heard stories of Sigurd’s son from Finn before, who should be about the same age as him. He bit his lip. ‘Seliph is the same age and in the same situation as me, yet he’s fighting really well, and here I am, about to give up on protecting a single castle. What am I doing?’ He opened his eyes and picked up his sword that had been leaning against the wall.
“Lord Leif…?”
“I’m going to fight on the front line. There’s no way we can let things end here.” He pushed the door open and dashed out of the throne room.
Leif fought on the front line for several days after that.
Everyone fought well, most likely because their leader was there with them. They fought as if they had never been the losing side at all, and the imperial army was never able to enter the last corner of the castle.
Days passed, yet the castle did not fall.
Perhaps to put an end to it once and for all, one day, more imperial soldiers appeared than ever before.
“So they’re finally getting serious, too, huh?!” Fergus’ face twisted into a frown when he saw the enemies coming at them.
“We have no reason to fear! They’re just getting as fired up as we are! No matter how many come, we will not prove to be weaker than them!”
Everyone responded to Leif’s words with a mighty battle cry.
“Let’s go!” He rushed at the imperial soldiers, leading the charge.
Imperial axe fighters destroyed a section of the castle wall with hammers. It collapsed in a cloud of smoke.
Countless imperial soldiers climbed over the collapsed castle wall and marched on.
Imperial mages shot fireballs that landed in front of the castle.
Leif cut down a knight. “Guard the center, everyone! Do not push yourselves to advance forward!” He yelled out the order while moving back. ‘How long have we been fighting for?’
The bodies of countless imperial soldiers covered the entire castle lawn.
The numbers were finally starting to be in their favor, however, everyone in his army was starting to look tired.
Meanwhile, the next wave of the imperial army’s reinforcements now arrived, and all sense that their numbers were decreasing was gone at once.
“I don’t care if you abandon the eastern wing! Gather in the center of the castle, everyone! Lure the enemy into this narrow hallway, and pick them off one by one! Our goal is not to rout the enemy! Only to survive! Those who are injured, don’t push yourselves! Stand down for healing!” Leif stood in the entryway to the castle and yelled.
The entryway behind him led to the throne room. He planned to guard that door, even if it cost him his life.
The sun was beginning to set in the west.
His entire army was breathing heavily.
‘How much longer are we going to be able to hold out like this?’
As he was thinking than thought, the imperial army started to cause a commotion for some undiscernible reason.
‘Something unexpected must have happened.’
“C’mon! What are you all doing?! What’s going on?! Listen up! Leonster will fall! We’ll never give up!” A man screamed. He appeared to be their commander.
The imperial soldiers got even louder
‘This is our ray of hope!’ Leif smirked. “Get him! He’s their commander!” He yelled.
Mareeta and Dagdar started running. They flew past the imperial soldiers and straight towards the commander.
Mareeta swung her sword down.
The commander blocked it with his shield, and swung his axe down.
She jumped back.
He followed up by swinging his axe upward.
She blocked with her sword.
He pushed his axe down, sending her and her sword flying backwards.
She fell to the ground.
“Die!” He swung his axe down at her.How
Dagdar stepped in-between them with his back to the commander. The axe became lodged deep in his right shoulder.
Mareeta and Tanya screamed in unison.
“This is nothing!” He yelled and swung his hammer.
The commander blocked with his shield.
The hammer smashed through it.
The commander stumbled back, causing him to pull his axe out of Dagdar’s shoulder.
Dagdar groaned and fell to his knees.
“Thanks! Leave the rest to me!” Mareeta said to him before while running towards the commander.
She swung her sword down.
The commander stopped the blade with his axe.
She attacked him over and over again, but he blocked every slash with his axe.
He took every attack with a calm smile on his face.
Suddenly, his helmet burst into pieces.
Miranda had hit him with a fireball.
He instinctively glanced at Miranda for a second.
That second was all Mareeta needed to stab him in the throat.
His eyes opened wide, and he tried to groan, but nothing came out.
She pulled out her sword.
Blood spurted out of his throat as he fell forward.
“L-Lord Barat has been killed!” One of the imperial soldiers screeched.
The imperial army started to cause a commotion once again. But this time, within seconds, they began to scatter and rush to be the first to run away.
Leif watched them retreat and sat down.
One by one, the rest of his army did the same, sitting down as if they were collapsing.
Tanya was the only one who ran. “Dad, are you okay?”
Dagdar clutched his wound. He winced, then pushed himself to smile through the pain. “C’mon, this is nothing! I ain’t gonna kick the bucket ‘til we’ve saved Eyvel.”
“Dad, you old pervert!” She sighed while holding back tears.
Everyone laughed weakly.
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four-loose-screws · 5 years
Fire Emblem 5 Umemura Novelization Translation - Chapter 12 Character Introductions
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Character Introductions
Eyvel: When Nanna and her adopted daughter, Mareeta, were kidnapped, she decided to fight the empire. This decision lead her to Manster Castle, where she was turned to stone by Bishop Veld’s magic. Now, a year has passed. Thanks to Leif and Sara, she has turned back to normal, regained consciousness, and finally reunited with Mareeta.
Mareeta: Adopted and raised by Eyvel in Fiana Village. She was kidnapped and sold by slave traders when she was a child. Eyvel saved her, and she has called Eyvel her mother ever since. Because she has never known her birth mother, Eyvel’s role in her life is irreplaceable. When Eyvel was turned to stone, she blamed herself until she accepted that there was nothing she could have done to stop it. Now, Eyvel has been saved, and they have finally reunited.
Selfina: Dorias’ daughter and an Arch Knight. She took care of Leif when he was a boy and is like an elder sister to him. She has accepted the death of her father, and is not only continuing to fight to restore peace to the Thracian Peninsula, but also to support her husband, Glade.
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