#fear no evil
digitalfossils · 23 days
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pierppasolini · 1 year
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Fear No Evil (1981) // dir. Frank LaLoggia
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sadiecoocoo · 6 months
Sooo I’ve heard some ppl say that fear no mort is gonna be abt them facing their greatest fears or something, and I’ve seen some ppl theorize on what said fears will be. And id like to give my two cents on the matter :)
Rick’s fears
I think that Rick would honestly be terrified of seeing Diane or prime again. Like imagine if Diane’s ghost just showed up and was rlly nice to him and jsut not like herself at all (cuz we know her personality is the same as the ship and garage AI, so she isn’t the nicest person in the world, which like slay). I think her just being nice to Rick and saying how it wasn’t his fault would freak him tf out, cuz let’s remember that he made a ghost AI of her that was programmed to berate him and be mean to him, so he didn’t want comfort or to be told that it wasn’t his fault.
Now, if Rick saw Prime again, one of two things would happen; he would either break down fully, or just be rlly fucking mad and try to kill prime again (personally this is what I want to see the most, but I’ll explain that in a bit)
Another fear could be that the rest of the family (mainly Morty) dies or is fatally injured to the point of no return. Because we’ve seen Rick bring Morty bad from fatal injuries, and death from the last episode multiple times, but how would Rick react if he couldn’t do anything?
Another fear for Rick (this guy is gonna be going thru it) would be that he sees more of prime in Morty. I’ve read multiple fics where Rick is scared of Morty turning out like prime, so what would happen to Rick if that rlly started happening?
Now, another fear, this one I think would be the most intense for Rick, would be pirates. No more to add to that, we all know why :)
Morty’s fears
I think Morty would have more basic fears, things more that a teenager would be afraid of (along with all the other crazy shit that Rick has exposed him to). For starters, he may just be terrified of rejection, which would be an interesting thing to see. Like imagine if Rick was having a full on break down, and then Morty’s just dealing with minor stuff like being told no in a mean way.
A more in depth fear could be abandonment issues. He was definitely rlly upset with the two crows, and very worried abt the Jerrick stuff. Imagine Morty’s stuck in a dark room, completely alone, and then when he does see “Rick” again, he’s just being rude to Morty and telling him how worthless he is (but in a harsher way than he used to, in a way that makes it seem serious). What if Morty got a vision of Rick replacing him with another Morty, like holy shit that would mentally scar him so badly! Or what if a fake Rick started taunting Morty with the free Morty coupon?
I also think that Morty has a buried fear of ending up like prime. Like he’s already sort of on his way to becoming like any Rick, what with him being desensitized to violence and being seen as a national threat. I think that both him and Rick would be absolutely terrified if that happening to Morty, if he someday snaps and Rick can’t do anything abt it.
Edit: just thought abt this but, uh- king jellybean… not much needs to be said for that one…
In conclusion,
I’m seriously excited abt the next episode, I wanna see what theories (from anybody) were correct and I wanna see if the finale is gonna be as mentally scarring as the others have been!
Back to what I said abt Rick seeing prime, you all know abt the theory of prime downloading a bit of himself into Rick’s head right? What if Rick sees Prime’s “ghost” in whatever haunted house they go to, and he fully thinks that it’s just fake and stuff after the initial shock. But when they get back home, what if Rick sees prime again? What if he continues to see prime on a daily basis? What if that escalates to prime always being there, always tormenting him, always telling him how worthless he is, until Rick can’t take it anymore?
Ig all I have left to say abt all this is, what if?
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weirdlookindog · 9 months
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Stefan Arngrim in Fear No Evil (1981).
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witch-of-the-south · 11 days
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the-sycophant · 7 months
once you're stripped clean, what's at your core?
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sympathy for the devil
you try so hard to be a beacon of hope for everyone, but nobody’s a beacon of hope for you. most likely, someone’s betrayed you in the past. it’s not like you’re easy to walk over, you just believe(d) too much in the inherent good of people. that isn’t a bad thing, and there’s nothing wrong with being kind and forgiving… i just feel kind of bad for you. i hope you can get a friend who doesn’t fuck with your head and take advantage of your kindness for once.
--------------------------------------- Tagged by (TY!!!) | @musesofawolf
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alienbeeusa · 25 days
I have time to watch a movie this morning so I thought I’d revisit Fear No Evil. This 1981 horror obscurity is a mix of teen horror and religious horror. It’s a really good movie! If you like The Omen then you’ll dig this one!
The story follows two archangels who battle it out with Lucifer who takes possession of several people as the movie plays out. There’s also some teenage bullying going on and the victim happens to be the antichrist. Yikes!
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calchexxis · 2 years
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We’re back everyone. Fear No Evil will be back on the posting schedule in a couple of weeks! For now, enjoy this prologue to Act II before we get into the proper meat of the story.
And don’t worry about that shadow in the window.
After all.
It’s just a scarecrow.
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movieposters1 · 1 year
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Doro - Running From The Devil
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Trouble - Fear No Evil
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horror-aesthete · 2 years
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Tony and Andrew, Fear No Evil Moodboard
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cutescreenfashion · 1 year
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gone-by · 2 years
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mxliv-oftheendless · 2 years
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freebiblestudies · 2 years
Psalm 23 Lesson 04: The Shepherd’s Rod and Staff
Today we are going to study one of the most famous verses in the Bible.  It has given comfort to countless Christians in difficult times.  Even non-Christians are familiar with the first half of this verse.  What Bible verse is it?
Let’s read together Psalm 23:4.
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”
“The valley of the shadow of death” is a rather striking phrase.  What could it mean?
Let’s read together Job 10:21-22; Job 16:16; Psalm 107:10; Isaiah 9:2; and Jeremiah 2:6.
A sheep wandering in a deep ravine or a gloomy valley would be vulnerable to dangers ranging from predators to falling into pits. When David was on the run from King Saul, he may have felt like one of these fearful sheep.
Let’s read together Psalm 139:23-24 and John 16:33.
However, a shepherd would not leave the flock alone in a deep ravine or a gloomy valley.  A shepherd would be with the sheep and guide them through a perilous path to safety.  Jesus, as our Good Shepherd, promises to be with us in difficult and dark times as well as the good times.  
You may wonder what is the difference between a shepherd’s rod and a staff.  A rod is a short piece of wood with an enlarged knob at the end of one side.  (Imagine a wood baton or mace.)  On the other hand, a staff is a long stick, around six feet long.  A staff usually has a curved end.
A rod is used by a shepherd for protection.  A rod can be worn on the body, like a police nightstick.  A skilled shepherd can throw the rod at a predator to scare it away from the flock.  A rod can also be used as a short-range weapon to defend the flock from predators.
A shepherd’s staff is a multipurpose tool.  It is used to guide sheep.  It can be used as a lantern holder in the evenings.  A staff can be used as an extension of a shepherd’s arm with spooking the sheep.  A shepherd can lean on a staff for support.  Finally, a shepherd can use a staff to safely bring a ewe to its mother.  (A shepherd would not want to use his hands for this task, because he would risk leaving his scent on the ewe.  If the mother smelled the shepherd’s scent on the ewe, she might reject the ewe.)
So, why would a sheep be comforted by a shepherd’s rod and staff?
These two items indicate the presence of the shepherd, who can protect the flock.
Sometimes a sheep will stray from the flock.  The shepherd will first try to use his staff to gently prod the sheep back to the flock.  However, occasionally a sheep may be very stubborn and not follow the prodding of a shepherd.  In certain cases, a sheep may be walking towards a dangerous situation, like the edge of a cliff.
If the sheep does not respond to the staff, the shepherd might have to club it with the rod.  The sheep would be hurt, but it is better than falling off a cliff and dying.
C.S. Lewis once said, “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”  Sometimes God has to use drastic measures to get our attention in life.  God is trying to rouse us from falling into a spiritual death.
Psalm 23:4 is a promise Jesus will guide us through trials and tribulations in our lives if we allow Him to.  We fear no evil as long as we have Jesus as our Good Shepherd.
Friend, will you take comfort in the Good Shepherd’s rod and staff?
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