#feel free to send requests for headcanons in
vermilionsun · 3 days
(Feel free to ignore this request if you’re not comfortable writing it)
may I ask for some headcannons for Ais and Vere (separately please) whose s/o suffers from depression? Thank you 💙
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Sure thing! Disclaimer! They/them for s/o because we love inclusivity!
TW! Depression (obvi) I tried to make the headcanons as general and "light" as possible, since everyone experiences depression differently
If anyone wants more angst or heavier/darker themes, send a req
And always remember; Seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.
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✦ Unlike with most things, Vere isn’t here to play around. Due to his apathetic exterior and ribald attitude, most people tend to underestimate his ability to care about anyone other than himself, yet that's far from the truth. In reality, Vere is fiercely loyal to those he cares about and will go to great lengths to protect them, even if it means putting himself in harm's way a̶n̶d̶ r̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ i̶n̶t̶o̶ t̶h̶e̶ S̶e̶n̶o̶b̶i̶u̶m̶'s̶ c̶o̶l̶l̶a̶r̶.
✦ He is there, okay? Even if he has to remind his beloved every other minute, he will.
✦ He will become their biggest supporter and advocate, their cheerleader in times of need, the person who will always be there to lift them up when they are feeling down.
✦ He is there to listen, to offer aid, and to provide a comforting presence and a fluffy tail during difficult times.
✦ Encourages them to seek a professional therapist or psychiatrist if needed and haven't already received such help. He will find the best resources and support available in all of Eridia. Plus, he offers to accompany them to their appointments.
✦ If he feels something's wrong with his s/o while other people are around, he will find a discreet way to ask them if they are okay or need to talk later in private. His s/o's well-being is his top priority.
✦ In addition, he always makes sure to check in with his s/o regularly to see how they are feeling. This includes visiting during work hours, bringing them their favorite snacks, and being available to listen whenever they need to talk—even if he has to sneak away.
✦ He'd get meals for his s/o when they are feeling down or stressed, run errands, or simply spend quality time together.
✦ He believes in showing his love and support through actions, not just words, and that small gestures of love can make a big difference. He always goes the extra mile through various small gestures or grand displays of affection—a surprise date night, a gift, a sketch of them, a handwritten love letter.
✦ Of course, if his s/o feels overwhelmed, he will respect their space and give them the time they need to themselves.
✩ He will prioritize his s/o’s well-being and make sure they know they are not alone in their struggles.
✩ He isn’t the type to push his s/o to talk about their feelings, but he’s there to will offer a listening ear without judgment, a shoulder to cry on, and a comforting hug when needed.
✩ This man is the  E P I T O M E  of patience.
✩ He will encourage his s/o to go outside, and find excuses to take them out with him.
✩ Otherwise, if they were staying home for extended periods of time, he’d make sure to distract them with activities they enjoy.
✩ Did I mention he's the word "comfort" personified?
✩ If there are other people around, he'd keep an eye on them and see how they're feeling. If he notices that they're getting overwhelmed or uncomfortable, he'll get them alone or somewhere less busy.
✩ He'd be more protective, a̶s̶ i̶f̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶'s̶ p̶o̶s̶s̶i̶b̶l̶e̶, making sure they have everything they need and checking in on their well-being.
✩ He'd encourage them to look for a therapist or counselor who specializes in depression to help them better understand and cope with it. He'd be there every step of the way.
✩ He'd always remind them that it's okay to not be okay sometimes, that they are not alone in their struggles, and that he will always be there to support them through all of it; there to listen, there to support, and there to love them.
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brookiidookiii · 7 months
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i am manifesting axelle next season.. i need them to be toxic yuri
i wanna see axel try and take charge of her team but nichelle grabs her face and is like "nope we're not having a repeat of lastt ime!" and tries to take control and in that moment axel has a realization.
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cuubism · 9 months
hello friends. despite my 9 million existing dreamling wips i'm feeling the need to branch out a bit for the sake of my mental variety. what pairing other than dreamling should i write a little something for? could be romantic or platonic
other way of phrasing i guess: any pairings you really want to see more fics for in the fandom?
#i actually do have one someone asked me for ages ago i've been meaning to get to so i'll try to do that too#bonus points if it still involves dream bc you know i love dream XD#probably wont do any romantic pairings /between/ the endless because well yeah#but open to exploring pretty much anything else... feel free to send whatever if you want. dont worry about if i'll like it#if i can't vibe with it or find it uncomfy i just won't write it no harm no foul#not me soliciting little prompts fully knowing that motivation is a fickle beast and who knows if i would get to writing them XD i want#to though! or like. idk. if anyone wants to share headcanons about their favorite pairings i am happy to receive them#the sandman#a couple that are bouncing around my head already:#rose meeting desire. this could be really interesting i think (they are of course her grandparent)#calliope and lucienne post-calliope's imprisonment: i think their dynamic could be interesting since they both have/had close relationships#with dream. but of course calliope's relationship with him fell apart. i think lucienne with whatever context of it she had would probably#be sympathetic to calliope's perspective but still staunchly On Dream's Side so the speak bc she is ultimately very loyal to him... could b#an interesting convo.#additionally - calliope and johanna. both suffered things recently. both had curious interactions with dream where they recently saw both#his vicious side AND a kinder more understanding side of him... [dream gave rachel a peaceful death at johanna's request etc]#but they've come out of their suffering really differently (granted it was different types of suffering. but)#wow here i am asking for people's ideas and then just coming up with my own XD#anyway#wait two others: i'm fascinated by the potential dynamic of lucienne and the corinthian they only had like one short scene together in the#show but can you imagine. spending eons being loyal to dream and then going opposite directions with that loyalty. being among dream's inne#circle so to speak except lucienne is her own entity while corinthian was /created/ by dream. they have the most fascinating venn diagram o#personality traits and narrative positions...#secondly. and this is kind of crack. but like. imagine johanna and corinthian in the same room XD 'hi i'm an exorcist and this is my pet#serial killer' 'yeah my lord gave me a vacation to go kill some demons' why doesn't he try to kill johanna? bc she tried to destroy him#first time they met and he can't help but respect it XD
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poproccks · 6 months
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A scene from my boyfriend @dulltoned ‘s amazing fic Elapse! Please give it a read if you haven’t, it’s absolutely amazing!!! This took many hours and was definitely my biggest art project ever! I’m still deciding how I want to draw trolls, so be nice please about my massive inconsistencies haha.
Ft. A doodle and word of wisdom from the author himself on my canvas + some close ups because Tumblr destroyed the quality.
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honeykngdom · 9 months
the caretaker | iruka umino
Pairing: Iruka Umino x 19+f!reader Synopsis: It's particularly rainy that Sunday morning. You have places to be, and the rain certainly wasn't going to stop you - a pothole in the road might, however. How embarrassing, now you're late and wet. Oh, God, please tell me you didn't see that? WC: N/A - nothing but fluff. Word Count: 5.5k A/N: tbh I fell in love with the idea of iruka being soft and taking care of me, so I decided to write something to fulfil my own need since I couldn't find anything to scratch that itch. Reader is a Sarutobi bc the plot required it. If you liked reading my work, please know my requests are open & I offer taglists for new content I post! :)
Read part two here!
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It was raining outside. Under any other circumstance, Iruka wouldn’t have minded. Except that it was cold, and wet, and it was Halloween. And normally, Iruka didn’t have arrangements for Halloween, so the terrible forecast wouldn’t have been a concern – except that he did this year, and the rain was impeding on those particular plans. 
For the last two years, Halloween landed on a school day. For the most part, he was bogged down with lending an additional hand after class. In prior years, he didn’t bother to celebrate the holiday simply because he hadn’t had the time. It appeared that wasn’t a sufficient answer for Master Jiraiya. 
The Sannin arrived in town just the night prior after a gruelling month of training with Naruto; he was dining at Ichiraku’s with Kakashi and Asuma. They feasted on ramen while Iruka listened to the tales of their various training. He was always impressed as a teacher of the Academy to listen to the growth and strength that students of his past accomplished in their own personal endeavours. Especially with Naruto. The boy was an enigma, Iruka decided, one he was keen on rooting for. 
But no amount of compliments to Jiraiya and his masterful work with Naruto could spare Iruka from the dreaded conversation; what was going on for the holiday in the village? Iruka all but hung his head in his ramen bowl as the conversation around him ensued. It was unsurprising that Kakashi knew the goings-on of celebrations within the village; the man knew everything about everyone, for the most part. Asuma, not unlike Iruka, also didn’t typically partake in the festivities, but appeared rather intrigued at the prospect of joining his fellow comrades in a night of fun. 
Iruka tried to avoid it; he was busy grading, preparing next week's lessons, and watering his plants – to no avail. Jiraiya all but insisted that Iruka join them for the evening. No if, ands, or buts about it. This brought Iruka to his current predicament. Not only did he have plans for the evening, it was also pouring with rain. 
He watched the puddles from his perch on his small balcony attached to his second story apartment. The streets were painted a dark grey from the moisture, curbsides overflowing with an ongoing stream that seemed to come from and go nowhere in particular. The tea in his hand was far from serving its purpose of keeping him warm, which was a pity, given it was the last of his favourite herbal blend. Iruka signed petulantly, circling the remainder of the cup's contents in a slow motion.
When he heard the yelp, he nearly leaped from where he stood to the sound. Looking up to search the street once again, he noticed the laying figure of a young woman. From the way her wicker basket sat several feet away from her, Iruka determined she must have fallen in her travel. He watched her for a few moments, noticing that she was slow to rise to her feet. Ultimately, he decided if anything, he needed to ensure she wasn’t injured. 
In your rush to make it to your aunt’s get together in time, you had stupidly forgotten to securely fasten one of the ankle straps on your rollerblades. Under normal conditions, it wouldn’t have proven to be too much of a problem; but when you’re speeding down the road and forget about the pothole just on the left hand side, it certainly can be. 
You probably should’ve moved. You were in the middle of the street, after all. Sure, it was raining and there was likely no one coming that you could be a bother too, but nonetheless. You were laying in the dirty street. In a puddle. And you’re pretty sure your ankle would begin to swell just about any moment. 
“Just great,” you muttered to yourself, unable to contain your annoyance any longer. It was nothing but obstacles since your eyes opened that morning. You ran out of your favourite tea blend, and in your search of finding something new to pair with your morning eggs, you burnt the last of them. You had no hot water when you went to shower – something that now seemed futile, given that your hair was soaked in rain water and mud. And, you were running late.
You heard the slam of a door followed by the approach of footsteps. You turned slowly, using your arms to push yourself up off the ground with a groan. 
“Are you alright?” 
Looking up, a gentleman stood above you with an umbrella in one hand and the other stretched out as an offer of help. He looked so comfortable in his training pants and turtleneck – comfortable and dry. You went to grab the hand he held out, and grimaced when you noticed the scrapes across your palm mixed with pieces of gravel. 
“I’ve been better.” You conceded, brushing your hands across your pants as soon as you were standing upright. You noted a tear in the knee in one pant leg and frowned. “Thank you for coming to help me, though.” You turned to the man that was now bent over and collecting the various items that had fallen from your basket. Oh, no – the taiyaki! “My desserts!” 
Rolling forward to grab the basket, the movement of your weight from one leg to the next sent a shooting pain throughout the entirety of your ankle and up the front of your leg. With a short cry, you went to collapse to the ground again, but found yourself caught by a pair of firm hands. 
“Woah, easy! I think it’d be best if you get that ankle checked out.” Iruka felt horrible. There was something about the way your face broke at the sight of your soaked taiyaki that made him feel all the more guilty, although he hadn’t the faintest clue why he would. “Those are death traps you have strapped to your feet.” 
You shot a look up at him. “They are not!” 
“That so?” Iruka’s brow lifted in challenge, slowly removing his grip from your arms to allow you to steady yourself on your own feet. From the look of pain that pulled your brows together, he had proven his point. “It should be looked at.” 
You sighed petulantly. Looking up at him now that the umbrella was situated over both of you, you allowed your brain a moment to register the man standing in front of you. You knew Iruka. You were only a few years his junior, so the pair of you never shared a class or completed any training together. But he was a familiar face, and a friendly one at that. 
“I appreciate the concern, Iruka. But I’m actually running late.” 
“I don’t think you understand,” he began, shaking his head slowly as he explained, “you’re not going to make it very far in this condition, and certainly not in this weather. Aren’t you in pain?” 
Of course I’m in pain, you thought coarsely. “I promised my nephew taiyaki, I’m bringing him taiyaki.” 
Iruka paused. As much as he wanted to argue that it was imperative you seek medical attention, he could appreciate that you felt you had a duty to fulfil. He often felt that same sense of duty when tending to his students. He took a moment to assess the situation, gnawing on the inside of his cheek while he processed. 
“For Halloween?” 
You nodded your head. “It’s his favourite holiday, and I love that he loves all things scary. I make him taiyaki every year and we eat it after we carve pumpkins.” 
Iruka fell into silence again; the two of you stood under the shared umbrella surrounded by the pouring rain with your basket full of the ruined dessert hanging between the two of you in your hands. If you weren’t soaked to the bone, and your ankle wasn’t screaming with pain, it might have otherwise been quite a pleasant little moment. 
Finally, Iruka spoke with an even and controlled tone. “I think it would be a good idea if you let someone take a look at your ankle. Besides, you can’t bring these to Konohamaru,” he held up one of the fish-shaped waffles between his fingers, “he’ll just come to the Academy tomorrow and tell everyone all about it. Do you want all the other youth to hear about how your taiyaki was soggy?” 
Could this be considered blackmail? You wondered, skeptically eyeing him. Probably not. But he was making a good case, unfortunately. 
“If I go to the clinic now, I can kiss the rest of my day goodbye.” 
Iruka paused, pursing his lips together in a firm line; then he sighed. “I can take a look at your ankle for you.” 
This time, you hesitated. You watched him for a long moment, searching his face for any indicator that he might be just saying that for the sake of being polite; but from where you stood, he appeared nothing if not sincere. While you didn’t entirely love the prospect of letting Iruka see your foot, there was still the matter of your wet clothing. 
You grimaced. “I’m not sure.” 
“At most, it’s probably a sprain. You can ice it for a bit and then I’ll wrap it for you.” He replied, his face remaining calm and even. 
You looked down, tugging at the hem of your shirt. “I’m going to drag mud in.” 
Iruka sighed. “Are you always this stubborn when offered help?” 
You almost laughed. “Unfortunately. Bad habit, I guess.”
“How about this: I’ll help get you back home, that way you can change into something dry and then we can set you up with a temporary fix for your foot.”
Admittedly, that was a better option. The feeling of your pants clinging to your body from the rain was beginning to irritate you greatly, and you were itching to get out of these clothes. “Okay, that’s not a horrible idea.” 
Iruka lifted the corner of his mouth in a half-grin, shifting the umbrella from one hand to the next. “Do you think you can manage if you hold onto me?” 
You shrugged. “I guess we’ll find out.” 
The pair of you only made it to the top of the hill and around the corner before you halted entirely and shook your head. If you lived closer, it may have been feasible, but you still had another eight minutes to go. No chance you’d make it. After another five minutes of arguing, Iruka opted to pull you onto his back. It was decided that it was the easiest option to get you back to your apartment without putting further strain on your ankle, all while keeping you both safe from the rain. 
The short walk back to your home was quiet. Iruka needed to use both hands to hold you steady, leaving you in charge of keeping the umbrella upright and over the both of you. Sometime along the way, you became increasingly aware that you were soaking his clothing with your own — something you felt terribly for. You wanted to apologize for it, but you knew Iruka would shrug it off. Always the gentleman. 
“Here, let me help you.” Iruka knelt down once you were safely concealed inside your apartment. Remnants of your baking clung to the air and the space was still warm. You watched as the man’s fingers worked to undo the straps on your rollerblades; you quickly placed a hand on the wall beside you to steady yourself when he loosened the laces. “Can you step out of them?” 
Albeit painful, you did manage to remove your feet and place them flat on the floor. Iruka placed your rollerblades next to a pair of sneakers you had just to the left of your front door, then stood and immediately began removing his own footwear. 
“Do you own a tensor bandage?” He inquired, placing his jacket on the hook next to the one you had opted to leave at home just twenty short minutes ago. 
“Somewhere in the bathroom,” you pointed to the door across the way. 
Iruka nodded once. “I’ll go look for it. You find something dry to change into.” 
He left you where you stood and made his way across your tiny studio to where the bathroom was. He shut the door behind him, offering you a moment of privacy; it was when the door was closed and you were alone that you finally took a moment to process what was happening. 
Six years ago, you would have simply died to have Iruka hold you close, in any regard. Thankfully, you no longer felt like your tongue was swollen every time he happened to say hello when passing by in the streets. Overtime, the silly school-girl crush dissipated into respect - a mutual respect. You weren’t entirely sure when it happened. Maybe after Konohamaru started at the academy. 
Not wanting to waste any more time, you quickly rummaged through your closet for a pair of clean joggers and a matching sweater. Peeling the rain-soaked jeans from your legs was the least enjoyable part of the process, but one you were grateful for. The flesh of your thighs were so cold it felt as though it was being pricked by thousands of tiny needles. 
By the time Iruka exited out of the bathroom, you were pulling your sweater over your head. He found the tensor bandage and was stretching it out between his hands, his eyes lifting up to meet yours from across the space. “You look more comfortable.” He smiled. 
“I am,” you conceded with a nod and a smile in return, “thank you for getting me home. I’m sure you have better things to be doing with your afternoon.”
Iruka chuckled and shook his head. “No bother at all.” The man appeared sincere, coming to sit down next to you on the tiny loveseat nestled at the foot of your bed. He pursed his lips together tightly and patted his meaty thigh twice. “Alright, let’s take a look.” 
Removing the sock from your foot was the last thing you had wanted to do, but it couldn’t be put off any longer. You gave a quiet sigh, then reached down to slip the material of your sock away from your foot. Iruka helped guide your ankle into place on his leg; he then spent a few moments surveying the tenderness, his fingers gently touching along the swollen area. He kissed his teeth, offering a slight ‘tut’. 
“I think you may need something to help bring the swelling down.” He finally decided.
“I’ve got a bottle of painkillers up there.” You sighed, pointing over to the cabinets above your stove. “There’s also a bag of frozen vegetables in the freezer, could you grab it for me?” 
Iruka was quick to retrieve the items; he filled a small glass with some tap water and made his way back over to the loveseat to sit next to you. He set two tablets into the palm of your hand and watched you throw them into the back of your mouth before he handed you the water to swallow them down. When he was sure you had taken them, he took the glass from your hand and placed it on the table in front of him before gingerly placing the frozen bag of peas over your ankle. 
You couldn’t help but still feel embarrassed. Surely he had better things to do with his Sunday than play caretaker for you. “I’m so sorry.” 
Surprised, Iruka looked over at you. “What are you apologizing for?”
You shrugged once. “This definitely isn’t the best way to spend an afternoon, let alone your Halloween.”
The smile that Iruka flashed at you was warm and comforting. “Trust me, this is more up my alley than going out to celebrate.” 
You rolled your eyes. That felt hard to believe. “What, you don’t go out with Asuma and the others?”
This time, it was Iruka who looked embarrassed. He brought a hand up to rub the back of his neck in a guilty manner, his eyes slipping closed as his cheeks lifted in an innocent smile. “I have a great deal of respect for your brother,” he admitted, “but Jiraiya can certainly be a little enthusiastic. Large gatherings aren’t exactly my idea of a good time.” 
You blinked twice, then snorted. “Are you scared of the jōnin, Iruka?” 
“Absolutely not!”
“Master Jiraiya’s enthusiasm is not a good enough excuse to opt out of Halloween,” you retorted. 
Iruka sighed. “What if I say something stupid?” 
You couldn’t help but laugh again. What a silly thing to be worried about, given that your older brother had his own fair share of stupidity. However, you also knew that Asuma also held most people at arm's length at all times, and so the remainder of the village didn’t have the privilege of knowing the Asuma that your family did. For the most part, he was rough around the edges; most certainly the suffer in silence type. But over the last few years during his budding relationship with Kurenai, another side of him began to make its appearance. Someone softer, more tender. 
“If that’s what you’re worried about, don’t.” You lamented. “People say stupid things when they’re halfway through a bottle of sake.” 
The man next to you seemed to visibly relax. “I suppose you’re right.” 
“Besides, if Master Jiraiya invited you, then you’d ought to be there. I don’t really think anyone in the village turns down a request from one of the Legendary Sannin.”
Iruka seemed to consider this. Admittedly, he would never let it be known that he just simply didn’t care for the antics of the holiday. In his youth, Halloween was the perfect day to plan for. He’d spend hours upon hours pulling together the most elaborate pranks; as responsibility came to the forefront, Iruka found that he spent less and less time giving a second thought about trivial things like holiday celebrations. Not having a family to celebrate with may have also played a part in that. 
“What about you?”
Confused, you replied, “What about me?” 
“Do you have any plans for the evening?” Iruka inquired, quickly followed by: “I mean, apart from trying to deliver moist desserts to a poor unsuspecting child?” 
“To be fair, Konahamaru is expecting them.” You couldn’t help but snicker at his words. He was teasing you, and despite the fact the pair of you had not engaged in a steady conversation in almost four years, Iruka teasing you felt natural. As though he had been doing it his whole life. “But no, no plans. I probably would’ve been home after spending the afternoon with him and spent the evening watching a bad thriller and eating leftovers.” 
“That doesn’t sound like an awful time.” He lied. Did she do this every year? Understandably, bringing sweets to your nephew seemed like a wholesome tradition – returning home like a hermit to indulge in the most basic and mundane of activities? 
Well, Iruka couldn’t really judge. If he had it his way, he would be staying home tonight. Glancing down at your iced ankle, he decided if he was lucky enough, he could maybe weasel his way out of it.
You shrugged. “Not as fun as hanging out with my brother, I suppose.” 
Iruka tensed, lifting his hand to the back of his neck to scratch the area lightly. It was still damp with rain from outside, but he was no longer cold. Actually, he noticed it was quite warm inside your studio. “Can I ask you a favour?” 
“Anything.” It came out embarrassingly fast. You hoped he couldn’t see the heat creeping up your neck. 
He appraised you for a long moment, then shook his head. “Nevermind. I couldn’t ask that of you.”
You decided not to press it any further; truthfully, you were a little annoyed. Now you were curious. What had he wanted to ask you? “I think I should probably wrap it now.” 
Iruka nodded, dutifully tending to your ankle. Using both hands, he gently guided your foot from the table to his lap; he spent time examining the wound closely before unravelling the tensor bandage. He began at the base of your foot, then slowly brought it up in careful motions around your swollen ligament. When he was satisfied with his handiwork, he tucked the loose end of the bandage into one of the loops and repositioned the bag of frozen vegetables over your ankle. 
“I appreciate you helping me,” you said after a moment. Admittedly, everything that happened to you up until this point should have had you in tears of frustration — nothing had gone right. Yet, from the moment Iruka joined you outside in the rain to offer you a helping hand, the anger began to melt away. Now, the only thing weighing on your mind was the fact Konohamaru would go his first Halloween in six years without you and your shared desserts. “It’s nice to have a friend.”
It sounded so foreign coming from your mouth, but you were sincere. 
“I won’t keep you any longer.” You said suddenly, feeling silly for not sending him off sooner. “Wouldn’t want to keep Jiriya waiting, would you?” 
Iruka sighed. “I suppose.” He was slow to move, staring down at his hands that rested in his lap for a few moments longer before he turned towards your body. “I have a few hours before I’m expected anywhere, and I think I should make sure you get something to eat first.”
“Iruka, I’m fine.” You assured him. 
The man nodded in agreement, but remained seated. “I hear you, I just think Asuma may think differently of me if I were to head out without making sure you were set for the rest of the evening. What kind of a man would I be if I left you now?” He said it nonchalantly, but there was a heavy insinuation behind his words. 
You sighed, “I highly doubt Asuma would care.”
Iruka looked pointedly at you, “Would Asuma do it?” He asked, waiting patiently for your answer. When you lowered your eyes to the table in front of you, the man next to you chuckled and nodded in satisfaction. Because he was right – Asuma wouldn’t have left anyone’s side without ensuring they had everything they needed. You chalked it up to the way you were raised; your father had been an attentive man, and your brother seemed to be following in his footsteps. “That’s what I thought.” 
Unwilling to argue with him, you accepted defeat and leaned back into the cushions of your sofa. “Fine. If you feel you must,” you grumbled lowly, trying to sound annoyed albeit unsuccessfully – Iruka appeared amused – and folded your arms indignantly across your chest, “what were you thinking?” 
The man simply smiled, pushing himself off the sofa to wander over to the pantry just next to your fridge. He spent a few moments browsing through the various items you had leftover in your fridge and cupboard, compiling a batch of ingredients onto the countertops. 
He paused after a while, a sound of displeasure breaking the silence. “No eggs?” 
Guilty, you sunk lower into the pillows. “I used my last two this morning.” 
Iruka looked over his shoulder to where you sat. He didn’t appear to appreciate that answer, and after shutting the fridge door, he made his way over to where he had left his shoes by your front door. 
“Where are you going?” You asked, embarrassed by how quickly it had come from your lips. 
He looked over to you again, his expression blank as he responded. “Heading to the market, I need eggs.” 
You looked over to where your bag sat at his feet and sat up. “I have some change in the front pocket —”
Iruka held up his hand to stop you. “Nonsense, I’ve got it.”
Iruka looked so out of place standing in the middle of your tiny kitchen. He towered over the top of the fridge, needing to bend considerably in order to investigate its contents. His shoulders and back flexed with every movement; you found yourself mesmerized as he diligently diced the veggies into fine slices, absolutely enamoured with the current visual taking place. Admittedly, you never wanted it to end. For a moment, you allowed yourself to live in delusion. Having Iruka up close and personal like this made you long for something more permanent. 
An hour later, Iruka set down a large bowl overflowing with a heaping pile of steaming deliciousness. “Tantanmen is served!” 
You watched as he sat down across from you, noting the way he left his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and kept the apron around his waist. It was amusing to see Iruka so domestic; you only knew him as a prankster growing up, and in his later years, as a dutiful and dedicated teacher. To see him in any other light was strange, and yet, still refreshing. 
“It looks incredible,” you couldn’t lie even if you wanted to. The scents that now filled your apartment had you practically drooling by the time dinner was ready. 
“I wasn’t sure how much spice you could handle, so I went a little easy on yours.” He admitted, watching you intently as you took the first bite. When you closed your eyes and hummed in delight, his mouth broke open into a wide-toothed grin. 
“It’s delicious.” You claimed, happily digging in for a second bite. “Wish I could cook like this.”
“Asuma doesn’t bother to teach you?” He inquired. 
You shrugged. “When we were younger, sure. But, it’s been sixteen years since our mom died. I can’t imagine he remembers all of her recipes.” 
Iruka hesitated with his next question. “Do you remember much of her? Your mom?” 
“No.” You frowned, pushing the noodles around in the broth. “I was six when she was killed. Most of any memories that I have of her include watching her practice medical ninjutsu, more so when Kushina was pregnant.” 
“That’s right,” Iruka nodded, “I had forgotten Biwako was one of Kushina’s midwives.” 
You sat back, staring down into your bowl of ramen. “Seems like so long ago, when you consider everything.” 
The man pursed his lips, watching you quietly for a moment before he leaned forward onto the table. “Do you ever think about following in her footsteps?” 
You smiled, mostly to yourself. “Sometimes. I’m a fair kunoichi, don’t get me wrong. I’m just not sure if maternal practice is the best suited for me.” 
Iruka nodded. “You mean that you prefer to be in the field.”
You shrugged sheepishly, meeting his gaze. “I blame Asuma for that. Reckless as he is, he may as well have his own team of medical-kunoichi.” You sighed deeply, dropping your eyes. “Not that I’ve been out in a while. Since my old man died, well . . .” you trailed off, chewing on the inside of your cheek. 
“No one thinks any less of you, if that’s what you’re implying.”
“I’d like to say I believe you,” you mumbled dryly, “but people treat me differently now that he’s gone. Not bad, but almost like they feel bad for me. Like I need their pity.” 
Iruka folded his arms on the table, “I hardly think anyone pity’s you. You’re a Sarutobi, for God’s sake.”
“Sure feels like it.” Now you just felt silly, pouting at your grown age like this. In front of Iruka, nonetheless. 
The man across from you sighed, unsure of how else he could comfort you. Iruka had watched you train plenty of times; from his classroom at the Academy, he had the perfect view of a few of the training fields that chūnin and jōnin gathered at to practice. He would be lying if he said he didn’t watch Asuma help you work on your hand signals from time to time, or that he found it amusing when you became frustrated.  
“You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for,” he said after a while of silence. The softness of his voice surprised you. “I know that living this life can be difficult for most, but I would like to think that your father and mother wouldn’t want you to feel like this. Hiruzen spoke about the will of fire so often, I felt like I needed to make it my personal mission to ignite it within the youth of our village. 
Sometimes I forget about how much will the rest of us harbour. I see it in Asuma everyday. I see it in Kakashi, and even Naruto and Shikamaru. They show up for their teammates and their friends every day, they make the choice to continue to aid the community and village in their own unique ways. Whether that be through completing missions at the benefit of protecting the village, or through enhancing their own strengths with vigorous training. It exists in all of us, and undoubtedly within you, too.” 
Unable to hide the blood that rushed to your cheeks, you looked down into your bowl and moved around the noodles. Iruka was right. Maybe you did need to stop being so hard on yourself. 
The pair of you sat across from each other for at least another hour or two before either of you realized the sun was setting behind the tops of the apartments; the rain had cleared, but the streets remained damp with puddles. A part of you was a little disappointed the afternoon had flown by so quickly. Spending time with Iruka turned out to be incredibly relaxing, and it turned out the two of you had a lot more in common than you previously thought. 
You decided that you liked the way he smiled with his eyes. You liked the way the area around them crinkled whenever he lifted his lips into a grin. His hair was beginning to fall in stray strands from his neatly formed ponytail, and while you didn’t understand the logic, it made him all the more human. Intimate, even. Iruka was always seen pulled together, despite working closely with some of the most rambunctious youth the village had ever seen. Even during his sparring matches, a single hair never fell out of place. 
The broad shouldered man was leaning into the counter as he washed the small batch of dishes you had accumulated throughout the day. You told him to leave them and protested profusely, but he waved you away with a laugh in reassurance.
“Are you going to end up meeting with Asuma and the others?” You asked after a few minutes of silence. 
“Why don’t you come with me?” He asked in return, turning away from the sink. “I’m sure no one would mind.”
You almost laughed in disbelief. “I wasn’t necessarily invited.”
Iruka shrugged nonchalantly. “I fail to see the problem. Like you just said, Asuma’s going.”
You thought about it. Surely you would get some grief about not making it to see Konohamaru, but being able to join your brother and his friends in the festivities. Not that Asuma would truly care — if anything, you were more concerned about how he may react to seeing you in a bandage. Protective as ever, Asuma was. 
“Should I really be walking around just yet?” You wondered, looking down at your ankle with uncertainty.
Iruka wiped his hands on a small towelette, his head tilting to the side as he appraised you for a brief moment. Then, he replied, “If it gets to be too much, I will carry you home.” 
From the definitive look in his gaze, you could tell he was sincere. You felt like you had no other choice but to chalk it up to the simple fact Iruka didn’t want to attend this gathering any more than you did, but a small, miniscule part you really wanted it to be because he enjoyed spending time with you. 
“You’ll carry me all the way back?” 
He nodded once. “And you can always lean on me if you need to take a load off, though, I imagine we will be able to sit.”
We will. It may have been wishful thinking, but you wanted to believe that meant he would stay by your side the rest of the night. Suddenly excited with the prospect of spending the remainder of your evening with him, you finally decided to nod and brace your hands on your knees. 
“Alright. I’ve just got one more favour to ask before we head out anywhere, though.” You admitted sheepishly, looking sideways at him. 
He only chuckled, something that always sounded carefree. “Name it.” 
“I may need help changing into something a little less … casual.” 
This time, it was Iruka who appeared to scramble to hide blush that creeped into his own cheeks. Flustered, he nodded but for the first time, suddenly looked completely frozen.
“Don’t worry,” you giggled, noticing the way he gulped noticeably when you began to unzip your sweater, “I won’t tell Asuma that you had a peek.”
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colliholly · 1 year
if you do Buck Ruffler x reader headcanons I will love you forever ( no pressure if not tho <3 )
Sure! I love Buck a lot, he's one of my favorites.
Putting it under the cut as usual:
🦆🎰💸 Duck Shuffler/Buck Ruffler x Reader HCs
• Listen. I love Buck very much, but I know deep, deep in my heart he would be a terrible person to date. That man can barely hold his current job, he steals and sells company property and uses it to gamble. Buck will gamble away your valuables, he can’t help it.
• But let’s focus on the positives! What is he good at? He’s probably one of the most fun people to be around. Buck is the life of the party! 8) He’s loud, enthusiastic, sporadic, and always excited over something.
• He’d let you spin his slots as much as you wanted, since it’s fun for both of you. He’s essentially an endless jelly bean machine.
• He really enjoys playing games with you, whether it’s video games, Toono, mini golf, kart racing, etc. He’s naturally very competitive, though in a friendly good-natured way around you. He loves when you’re neck and neck, that’s when it’s the most fun for him.
• It’s not uncommon for him to spice up these games by including a silly bet of some sort. For example, loser has to share an embarrassing secret (don’t worry, it’s in good fun, and Buck won’t judge!)
• Speaking of which, Buck is extremely nonjudgmental. He’s a weird goofy guy himself, and one who doesn’t get along well with his fellow Suits (and one who probably needs some therapy, frankly.) He knows how it is, he won’t judge you for any of your faults. He won’t gossip either - a good gambler knows when to keep secrets, after all.
• He’s ironically very good at cheering people up, despite being a Cog. If you were feeling down, he’d take you out to do some fun stuff. Think casinos, arcades, or parties!
• Buck is also very knowledgeable on certain topics like stocks and day trading. You can likely learn a thing or two on investing from him.
• He’s also naturally adventurous, since it ties into his love of risk-taking. He loves new experiences and going to new places. It’s unlikely dates with him will be at the same place twice. Regardless of whether the place was a good experience or not, his main goal is to spend time with you and have fun together.
• There is rarely a dull moment around him. All in all, be prepared for lots of surprise gifts, sporadic dates, and an exciting relationship.
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ya-boy-polaris · 9 months
i was checking the piers and raihan x reader tag and im surprised its updated, im excited cause this idea had been around my head all day. So hear me out on this request, feel free to ignore! But like
Can i request a piers x reader and raihan x reader seperate? Enemies to lovers but they live in the same apartment together?
Whoever that singer was that lived right next to you, you initially declared them to be your mortal enemy.
From early sunrise to the afternoon, they would loudly sing and play their instruments. Except for the weekends oddly.
You marched over one day, ready to make a verbal complaint. To you he was public enemy number one but what stopped you is when a little girl opened the door instead.
A five year by the name of Marnie greets you. You stop and shatter your resolve that day, not wanting a little girl to witness what would have been adult frustration. You instead give Marnie a note and tell her to give this to him. She closes the door soon after.
These new neighbors were a bit of a pest but now you couldn't help but wonder about the little girl they had.
But in passing you did see Piers, you two would share a glare at each other before going on your merry way from the laundry room.
Then Marnie knocked on your door. She was asking for help. She's so hungry and Piers isn't waking up.
You go over to check on Piers immediately and see that he's shivering in his sleep. You were able to conclude that he had gotten the flu. You ask him about his family and he doesn't respond at all.
Given the circumstances, you relent and tell him that you'll help look after Marnie until he recovers.
For the next week, you help Piers in exchange for sweet sweet silence. You make meals, you help clean the apartment, you even go out of your way to take Marnie to school?
Piers softens immediately after he gets better. His music isn't as loud as it used to be but it's a constant reminder of who lives next door. His music has actually been improving a lot these days and you've seen some high looking executives talk to him.
Marnie has taken such a liking to you, despite the very rare smiles she would give. You know she adores you with the way she runs to hug your legs and refusing to let go.
Piers can't apologize enough for the trouble he put you through and vows to repay you. So the next day he comes back with fresh fruit.
So the next day, you return the favor by giving him fresh made jam with the fruit he gave you.
But this sort of exchange never stopped. You both kept giving each other things every day for the next week. At the end Piers gave you a dawn stone, saying it reminded him of you.
Despite hating his music, you practically live in it now. Piers is always talking, singing, or mumbling, his presence only leaving yours in glimpses to spend time with Marnie.
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bugbytez13 · 6 months
Hey I just found your blog and i really like it!!
do you have any sick Dazai headcanons (specifically stomach related cause those r my favorite but I’ll take anything)
or maybe something for Welt or Dan Heng along the same lines? Ik you haven’t really posted HSR stuff but i noticed ur into it on the top post
(also do you have an AO3)
omg hi!! welcome and thank you!!
i’ll put both of my dan heng and welt hcs in a separate post just because i like to keep things contained! i’ll try to post them soon ❤️
and i do have an AO3! it’s bugbytez :3 i haven’t posted anything on there yet but i have a few wips in the works… hopefully i’ll be able to get something posted soon!
dazai is. super whiny. if he feels sick he will let you know, especially if he has a tummy ache. it is extremely annoying to everyone around him.
he’s pretty loud about. well. everything. his stomach is loud when it’s upset, he’s loud when he complains, he’s loud when he throws up.
majority of the time he’s always a little nauseous, nothing major but still bad enough to. be present i guess?
when he’s super nauseous he’s very sensitive. a little pressure on his stomach and he’ll throw up for sure, poor guy 😭
despite having a small capacity, he tends to overeat! whenever he goes out to dinner he knows he will be soothing a bloated upset tummy for the rest of the night.
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ritzy-reminiscence · 5 months
ೀ⋆。askbox + rules + masterlist ! ɞ°
⸝⸝ tl;dr : title says all ! my askbox is open, and under the cut are just some general rules to follow when submitting requests / asks ! also under the cut is my masterlist -- i thought to include both of them in one post to make it easier to navigate ^^
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ʚĭɞ || RULES ♡
I will only write for Lackadaisy for this blog ! For all Slam Dunk asks, please go to my other blog ! :DD
10 requests at a time, please ! Once I've received 10, I will close my askbox and will only open it again after those 10 have been posted .
Absolutely NO NSFW . Romantic stuff and displays of affection like kissing is fine, but I won't write about anything further than that .
I also won't write anything within the lines of pedophilia, abuse, traumatic deaths, or any form of bigotry or hate, as it not only makes me extremely uncomfortable but it also goes against what I stand for .
Please go through my askbox rather than commenting on my posts or messaging me ! It helps me keep track of everything a lot easier .
Do be patient ! I'm only a student with not much free time on my hands, and although I do love to write, I also prefer to do it in my spare time . I can't guarantee that I'll answer your requests quickly, but I'll still try my best ♡
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⋆୨୧˚ fanfictions
Melancholy Hours - mordecai heller
Snuggle Struggles - rocky rickaby, calvin mcmurray, ivy pepper
⋆୨୧˚ headcanons
Shut-Eye - rocky rickaby, calvin mcmurray, ivy pepper
Shut-Eye² - nicodeme + serafine savoy, mordecai heller, mitzi may
Lacka-Lacy - lacy hardt
Lacka-Lacy² - lacy hardt
Apricity - rocky rickaby x reader
Selcouth - rocky rickaby x cyclops! m! reader
Vivacity - romantic rocky x reader headcanons
Star-Struck - rocky rickaby x heterochromia! reader
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ʚĭɞ || SLAM DUNK - migrated to here ! ♡
⋆୨୧˚ fanfictions
Criminally Pretty - kicchou fukuda
Sakuragi Hanamichi Celebrating Haruko's Birthday - sakuragi, haruko akagi
⋆୨୧˚ headcanons
Kogure + Fukuda Helping You w/ Exams - kogure, fukuda
Megane-kun ! - kiminobu kogure
Pillow Wars - shohoku starting five
Secret Santa - shohoku starting five + kogure, haruko, ayako
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kakusu-shipping · 9 days
The Rising Volt Tacklers as Caregivers
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(this post is specifically about the adults, if you wanna know my hcs for Liko, Roy, and Dot or any of the Pokemon of the crew as CGs or Regressors feel free to ask)
Friede is a very adaptable Caregiver. Whatever kind of little you are, he can match. He's best when winging it, so not much for schedules. He's surprisingly a big stickler for rules, like no baby on the top deck unsupervised, because those kinds of things are there to keep you Safe. When not with the little he's a massive worry wort, you're constantly on his mind even when left with someone else. He's just concerned you're not having a good time. Sensitive babies make him anxious, he desperately wants to avoid making them cry but.. He can be a lot.
Murdock loves a little he can hold on his hip. He loves to cook with and for littles, watch them eat, clean them up if they make a mess. He'll experiment and try all sorts of things for you if you're a picky eater, anything for his baby. This man has baby fever like you wouldn't believe. Ten THOUSAND photos of his baby on his rotom phone, at least. He's who Friede goes to if he makes the baby cry on accident, because he is a master of stopping water works. He's the best there is. I think the only kind of little he'd struggle with is someone who's grumpy or fussy no matter what, mostly because he'd take it very personally and be very broken up about it, worried about being a bad caregiver. He'd go crazy trying to become the perfect CG.
Orla doesn't really know the Dos and Don'ts of babycare. What do you MEAN a baby can't held disassemble an alarm clock? That's what she was doing as a kid! You have to be a very specific kind of little to find Orla's baby activities entertaining, as she completely does her own thing with you along for the ride. Like Murdock she can very easily pick you up, at least, though she's less on her hip and more a piggy back kind of gal. You're at high risk of boo-boos running around with Orla, luckly she always carry's bandages and gives the BEST healing kisses.
Mollie seems like the type who's really awkward around kids under a certain age. She's not a baby person, she does not want to hold the baby she does not want to baby talk the baby, she thinks they're kinda yucky and a pain, no offense. She does better with older kids she could have a conversation with, but even then she's entirely too polite and might snap someone out of littlespace by talking to them like an adult. The ONLY time she's good with a little is when they've regressed while sick. She's a doctor and she takes that role very seriously, so if you need to be baby talked into taking medicine, or blown raspberries while she's taking your temperature, she'll do it, and you might even catch a little genuine smile on her face while she does.
Ludlow is a very go with the flow kind of CG. He does best with a stationary little, a baby having tummy time or someone so sleepy they just can't seem to move. He tells stories in a very soothing voice, and offers the best hugs and comfort on the ship. Though again, he's really only good with a baby willing to sit and stay with him. If you were to get up and start waddling away, he'd follow until the two of you come across someone to take over for him and return to his fishing spot. He also could easily pick you up and hold you on his hip.
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thatgrumpybxtch · 2 years
Camilo Madrigal with an S/O who suffers from nightmares?
It was quite literally the first time you were officially spending the night with Camilo as a couple
The day had been fun and a bit chaotic but it was late and time to finally go to bed
So, you and Camilo cuddled up together in his bed and were eventually sound asleep
...Until you woke up shaking and in tears from one of your worst nightmares yet
Camilo is a bit of a heavy sleeper so when you pull away from him he barely notices and almost goes back to sleep until he hears you sniffling
He is immediately up and fully awake after noticing that you're crying
Before you can even say anything he's about to run out of the room and get his Tia Julieta thinking that you got hurt somehow!
But before he can he hears you manage to tell him it was just a nightmare and there was no need to get his Tia
He calms down and approaches you, rubbing your back, hugging you to calm you down
He reassures you that you're okay and listens to you talk about your nightmare if you're willing to
Once you've calmed you're breathing and stopped crying, he'll offer to make you tea or get you something to eat
He'll also offer to hold you until you go back to sleep if that will help
Either way, he spends the rest of the night being so gentle, patient, and kind with you
He just wants to make sure you are okay :)
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sarcasticgiggler · 3 months
Byakuya Togami for the headcanons? Thank you!
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byakuya tk headcanons:
as a ler
- calculating and methodical
- already knows what spots get you good and will produce the loudest laughs because he’s observed you
- his teases are more on the demeaning side
- “you can’t even contain yourself, how sad.”
- “don’t bother trying to hide. i’ve seen how weak you are.”
- can and will tickle you as he’s in the middle of doing something else and will act perfectly nonchalant about it
- “hm? you’re making too much noise.” while he’s wrecking you
as a lee
- adamant about hiding his sensitivity
- he will resist your advances and hold back his laughter unless you find one of his death spots
- has a tendency to threaten you but they’re always empty <3
- “q-quit this right now!”
- blushes. blushes. blushes. oh boy does he blush
- curses and splutters through laughter because he finds it humiliating being on the receiving end
- doesn’t want anyone else to find out and take advantage of it because of his status
- “t-this stays between us, do you understand me?”
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redrose-arrow · 1 year
ranger’s apprentice character headcanons as randomly generated character prompts, part 1: Will Treaty
1. Do they have any moles, birth marks, or beauty spots? Where? Describe them.  Ironically, Will actually has a birth mark on his shoulder that, with a little bit of imagination, looks like a butterfly. Alyss couldn’t stop giggling when she first found out. 
2. Hair is not character. However, it can show something unexpected or unusual about your character. Write a scene featuring your character’s hair, without relyingon the usual tropes.  I can’t. I just can’t. 
3. Write what your character thinks when they see their reflection.  Will’s never really liked seeing his reflection, for various reasons. It wasn’t so bad when Alyss was still around, because half the time she’d be in the reflection with him. But now she’s gone, and his reflection remains. Every time Will sees his reflection, he sees an older version of himself. Older. More tired. More bruised. But still happy. 
4. What are their earliest memories?  Maybe he’s just imagining it. Maybe it’s his brain trying to convince itself that it remembered. But sometimes, there’s the faintest hint of a woman singing and a man laughing, while the sun is shining and the bubbly water almost boils over on the stove. 
5. What is their bedtime ritual?  First: clean up. Dishes clean and away and all the documents neatly stacked, hidden, if they have to be. Then, a quick run to the stable to check if Tug has everything he needs for the night, followed by a quick wash (or a full-on shower if it’s been a day like that). Back inside, Will hangs his cloak by the door, places the bow and quiver with arrows against the wall and puts his scabbard with the knives on the bedside table. Changing into his pj’s, he usually just throws his clothes on the ground. Clean-ups are for the morning. Rolling into bed, covers tightly tucked around him, he’ll just lay there, for a few minutes. Think about the day. What went right. What went wrong. He slows his breathing, remains in control. And then allows himself to fall asleep. Today’s over, after all.
6. Your character gets stung by a bee. How do they react?  At this point, Will doesn’t even feel it any more tbh. 
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castformation · 2 years
Hi there! Got anything on the best special-needs boy, Porygon-Z? I love my weird duck. ❤️
Porygon-Zs are such funky and delightul little pokémon! The heated academic debate about their existence/evolutionary status, combined with the highly passionate community of trainers and programmers that care for these distinctive mons, made them very interesting to research for. Here's some stuff I was able to dig up!
Due to the line's unique evolution methods, newborn Porygon, if patched with the proper data, can become fully evolved almost immediately after hatching. While these newly hatched Porygon-Z can and usually do go on to live full and happy lives given the proper care, this practice is banned in several regions due to the severe behavioral and developmental issues that often result from premature evolution.
Some websites have “Porygon-Z enrichment packs” available for download, which include dummy files that can be safely corrupted, notepads to store the copious amount of junk code they like to generate, and very simple computer games, alongside other assorted virtual goodies for the mons to occupy their time with. Some trainers go as far as to have VMs or even actual PCs dedicated to their Porygon-Z, allowing the pokémon to “go ham” without having to worry about it deleting or altering anything important to the trainer in question.
Unused code in early versions of Porygon-Z's files seem to indicate that it was created for the purpose of exploring “alien dimensions.” As Silph Co. claims to be totally unaffiliated with Porygon-Z, some have begun to theorize-- given the recent situation down in Alola-- that the Aether Foundation may have been behind its creation.
While Porygon-Zs are ergovores, and really only need to spend some time in virtual space to fulfill their energy needs, they're very capable of converting conventional food and drink into energy in a pinch. Their eating process is infamously messy, and the fact that many are apparently fond of jell-o and other "gummy" foods doesn't seem to help. Be sure to keep a towel (and perhaps a mop) on hand for mealtime!
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doefluffs · 6 months
added a fandom list to my pinned :]
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jrwi-agere · 2 years
Gillion Tidestrider Age Regressor Headcanons
Requested by @internet-collective! Thank you for the request! <3
🔱 when he was in his early-mid teens, edyn wanted him to be able to be a kid again (since he didn’t really get to) so she asked him if he wanted to try age dreaming in his small amount of free time
🔱 at one point he accidentally regressed during training and he got so scared he didn’t age dream again for the rest of his days in the undersea
🔱 one day after joining the riptide pirates and becoming more comfortable, he accidentally regressed while playing with ollie
🔱 after having a talk with his fellow captains about his regression, the two were more than happy to be his caregivers!
🔱 he’s a very energetic little and he constantly tries to climb the various ropes on the ship. he’s definitely broken things before on accident, but usually someone is able to stop him before he does.
🔱 playing with ollie can go one of two ways: he and ollie lay down on the main deck and draw peacefully until gil falls asleep from laying in the sun OR they rile each other up and are the most chaotic but adorable duo
🔱 he LOVES to swim (even more than when he’s big) so he’ll bother jay and chip until they put the anchor down and go swimming with him. he loves to find little things in the ocean to give to his crew and always makes his arrival back to the surface of the water known by spitting a fountain of water into the sky
🔱 sure, jay and chip are technically his main caregivers, but pretzel is the real best caregiver. pretzel has easily mastered the art of puppy dog eyes, so gil can’t possibly refuse when she tries to get him to take care of himself. even jay and chip trust her enough to leave little gil alone with her when they have to.
🔱 after running around the ship, he always gets super sleepy. he will drag one, if not both of his caregivers down below deck and cuddle until he falls asleep
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