#fic: sanctuary
bitbybitwrites · 5 months
Inspiration Weekend - tag game
Thanks to @wordsofhoneydew for the tag!
I've only done an moodboard/inspiration board for one of my stories before, so this was an interesting exercise to see what I could come up with for a couple of WIP/story ideas in my head.
So I made two moodboards.
the 1st: Is for a RWRB historical fic idea that I've been toying around with since I read the book/watched the movie: spanning two countries and a heck of a lot of time. - starting during the War for Independence in Mexico and ending up in either Regency or Victorian England. I've got a few chapters outlined, but nothing written yet for this.
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the 2nd moodboard is for my Klaine fantasy AU fic: Sanctuary ( which has not been abandoned, just shelved for the time being till I finish up with my current works)
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Tagging ( if you want to jump in - and anyone else who sees this and wants to, come on in the waters fine): @rockitmans, @heartsmadeofbooks, @gleefulpoppet, @kirakiwiwrites @madas-ahatters-world , @1908jmd , @14carrotghoul , @myheartalivewrites , @little-escapist , @clottedcreamfudge , @hkvoyage , @gleefuldarrencrissfan , @spaceorphan18 @special-bc-ur-part-of-it
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lecstappen · 1 year
hello!! literally no pressure at all just curios but do you think you'll ever finish sanctuary?
Hi! Yes, I actually have the last chapter written and I’m just waiting for my beta to be free to review it a bit. Thanks for the interest!
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avelera · 4 months
Plot bunny idea but… what if Hob has an identity crisis after he and Dream have dated more than 30 years?
Like his relationships have always had an expiration date when he has to fake his death and leave or otherwise abandon the other person. Maybe there were a few exceptions where he stays with someone who “knows” until they get old but even then the relationship changes, inevitably.
He’s never been with someone as unchanging as him.
Would it be a little terrifying? A lot terrifying? It’s as close to “actually grow old with someone” as he can get, with the whole “not growing old at all” thing. They’re aging at the same pace, something he’s not even had to think about as an option in almost 700 years.
Suddenly it’s not about making the most of your brief time together, it’s a marathon not a sprint. It’s continuing to be interesting. It’s accepting the change in someone else when it’s a much slower to near nonexistent change and it’s not defined by aging the way the others were.
Even if Hob is resilient and bounces back quickly or even sees this as a good thing, an amazing thing, that’s gotta hit hard at some point, right?
Edit: I should add, what if it’s not just being with the same person, it’s being the same person with that person? Like, every 10-30 years, Hob becomes a new person by necessity, one would assume (this is admittedly somewhat more fanon than canon but it follows logically that any immortal with a day job would have to switch it up from time to time to stay under the radar).
On the one hand, I’m the first to say that Hob is probably overjoyed to be with someone who knows who he is and who has constantly known who he is through all his eras and personalities.
But even then, those were for very brief meetings.
Does Hob have an identity crisis when he’s Hob and he’s still Hob with Dream 30 years later? When he can’t escape from himself, when the joy of having that one person with whom he can always be himself, his literal self without lying about his age or accomplishments or failures, is great and wonderful but also really uncanny valley strange for him all of a sudden? He could always escape his old baggage, except at the centennial meetings but those were so brief. (Heh, get it, brief lives oh no…)
Hob hasn’t had to deal with someone knowing his embarrassing childhood memories in over 600 years. It’s great but also must be so weird to have a partner who knew you back when and back when is the 1380s. No one alive knows he was called Hobsie once except Dream. There is no escaping the Hobsie allegations the way he once could in a few decades minus the occasional centennial meeting. It’s great but it must be so weird.
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hopefulpenance · 1 year
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After a month apart ✨
From Giving Sanctuary by @avelera
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alexxuun · 1 year
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T-The dads…
Giving Sanctuary (chapter 12) by @avelera
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insightfulinsomniac · 7 months
OUT NOW: Desperation Was My Sanctuary (the unconventional sugaring AU)
By InsightfulInsomniac
Rated: E; 101k words
I am so, so honored to finally share this with you all ❤️ Thank you so much for your encouragement and support!! Enjoy!!
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sailor-aviator · 8 months
Singing in the Sanctuary: Chapter One
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Singing in the Sanctuary: Chapter One
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw is a simple man. Well, as simple as one can be while living a life of crime. The notorious outlaw of the western territories has never been interested in settling down and having a family, but will that all change when he meets a shy, new teacher who just moved into town?
Warnings: Swearing, Bradley Bradshaw being a flirt, suggestive language. I think that’s all?
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: Here's Chapter One!! I hope you all enjoy. As always, validation of any form (reblogs, comments, and likes) are always appreciated. And if you want to swing by and leave me a message or ask, you are always free to do so! I love talking about my works. 18+ ONLY!! Find me on AO3 under sailor_aviator where I will be posting these fics as well!
Series Masterlist || DGU Masterlist || Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw Tag List
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Maverick had taken you home and let his wife, Penny, help you get settled in to your temporary home. Penny was a lovely woman, smile lines clear on her face. While she was easily one of the most beautiful women you had ever seen in your entire life, her easy confidence is what ultimately drew you to the older woman.
“It’s lovely to meet you,” you had gushed as Maverick led you into their home. It was a simple, white house close to the edge of town, and the interior gave a particularly cozy atmosphere that had you relaxing almost instantly.
“You as well, darlin’,” she smiled, green eyes twinkling. You went to shake her hand, but she pulled you into a tight hug instead. “No need to be so formal, sweetheart. You’ll be staying here until we can find something else for you, after all.”
“Of course,” you sighed. Penny pulled away and rested her hands on your shoulders. Peering over at her husband, the corners of her mouth dipped down in disapproval.
“Speaking of which, Pete, when are you going to get that school house built?” she griped. Maverick rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and offered her a small smile.
“We’ll start it here soon, I reckon,” he murmured, causing Penny’s frown to turn into a full blown scowl.
“You’ve been saying that for months now!”
“And when I find the workers, we’ll get right on it,” he replied pointedly. “Besides, we just now got ourselves someone to teach all the little hellions.”
Penny rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath that you didn’t quite catch. She turned her attention back to you and smiled, guiding you towards the stairs. “Come on, darlin’. Let’s go get you situated. Mav’ll bring your things up in a little bit.”
You followed her dutifully up the stairs and down the hall until she stopped in front of the the last door on the left.
“This is you, sweetheart,” she said, opening the door. It was a simple room. A four poster bed was placed against the far wall and a wardrobe on the wall to your right beside the window. A small vanity sat at your left, and as you took it all in, you felt the excitement of the day wash over you.
“I love it,” you said quietly, grinning from ear to ear. Penny’s smile matched your own.
“I’m glad. I know it’s not much, but you’re free to do with it what you like until we get you your own place. It even has a view of the mountains.”
At her words, you moved over to the window, drawing back the curtains and leaning in to look out. There were no words to describe it. You had been a little worried to move out to the middle of the desert, knowing how much you’d miss your sprawling green landscapes. The mere thought had you feeling a mixture of guilt and homesickness. Your parents were probably beside themselves at that very moment, despite the note you had left them explaining where you were going. You could practically hear the wails of your mother from hundreds of miles away. But the view of the mountains before you almost made up for those awful feelings within you. It was like a painting you had seen once at the market. The blue sky popped against the muted oranges and brown that lay underneath, and the white clouds that floated by looked almost unreal.
“It’s beautiful,” you breathed quietly, and Penny chuckled.
“It is, isn’t it?” she began, coming over to stand next to you. “It’s even more beautiful at night when you can see all the stars in the sky.”
“I can imagine,” you said, already smiling at the thought. Penny straightened up and clapped her hands together.
“Right! Well, how about you and I go downstairs and get supper started? The butcher sold me a prime cut of beef today, and there’s a recipe I’ve been dying to try.”
You followed her out the door, the smile still plastered on your face. “I’d love to.”
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Your dinner with Maverick and Penny had been full of conversation and laughter. Maverick told you about how he had come to found the town with his best friend, Tom “Iceman” Kazansky, who also happened to be the towns sitting sheriff.
“He’s a stubborn son of a gun,” Maverick had said with a hint of a smile, “but there’s no one I trust more.”
Penny had cocked an eyebrow at him at that, and Maverick chuckled, placing his hand on top of hers where it sat at the table. “No one else but you, of course darlin’.”
“Do you know when Bradley and the others are getting back into town?” she had asked him some time later. Maverick sighed, sitting back in his chair with a wistful look on his face.
“I don’t. You know how those boys are. Here one minute, gone the next. If I’ve told them once, I’ve told them a thousand times, ‘keep me posted so I know you’re still alive.’ Do they listen to me? No, I’m just an overly cautious, old man.”
“You’re not that old,” Penny smiled, causing the corners of Maverick’s mouth to twitch into a small, returning one. “You’ve still got a couple of years, I’d say.”
“How kind of you to say,” Maverick laughed. He stood up from the table, stretching. “That was a mighty fine meal you two girls cooked up. But, I have some things I need to tend to before the night is over. Y/n, you’ll be joining us at church in the morning, won’t you?”
“Oh, I wasn’t sure I was allowed to,” you said, setting your fork down sheepishly. Penny smiled at you warmly.
“Of course you are! You don’t need an invitation to attend service. The reverand will be happy to meet you, and I’m sure it’ll be a good opportunity to see where you’ll be teaching the young ones. When did you want to start? We can announce it while everyone is gathered tomorrow.”
“Oh,” you said, thinking. Much like every other decision you had made recently, you decided to dive head first into the opportunity. “I can begin on Monday. Let’s say, eight o’clock? I can start getting things ready tomorrow afternoon after the service, provided that’s alright with the reverend.”
“I don’t see why that would be a problem,” said Maverick. “I’ll let him know as soon as we get there tomorrow morning. Have a pleasent evening, ladies. Penny, I’ll probably be late, so don’t wait up.”
“That man never stays still for long,” Penny sighed, smiling fondly after her husband. Standing, she stacked the dishes in her hands and made her way to the kitchen. “You go on ahead to bed, sweetheart. I’ll get the dishes tonight.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, following after her, and she waved you off.
“‘Course! You’ve had a long day, and you’ve still got some unpacking to do. You can help me after breakfast in the morning.”
“Alright,” you relented, turning to head upstairs. “Goodnight, Penny.”
“Goodnight, darlin’.”
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The following morning came quickly, and you found yourself excitedly walking into the sanctuary of the church in your Sunday best. A few people milled about you as they took their seats in the pews up and down the aisle. Some looked at you curiously, but you paid them no mind as you followed Maverick and Penny to the front of the church. You all sat down in the front pew and waited for the service to start.
“Did you hear?” said a girl to your left. “The Dagger Gang is back in town!”
“Really?” squealed her friend, earning looks from some of the older townfolk. “When did they arrive?”
“Just last night! Oh, that Jake is so handsome, isn’t he?” the first girl giggled. You heard someone snort, and turned to see a pretty girl a few rows back from you roll her eyes. She sat next to a handsome man who looked like he might be her brother and a pretty girl with dark hair and deep, brown eyes who smiled at him affectionately. The two girls continued, not paying any mind to the one who snorted.
“He is, but that Bradley isn’t so bad on the eyes either! It’s been horrible going this long without seeing all those handsome men walking around town,” said the second girl.
Her friend nodded enthusiastically. “You’re right. A month is simply too long.”
Before her friend could reply, the reverend made his way to the front to begin the service. The chatter died down as the reverend began to speak. It was a lovely service, and before you knew it, the hour had passed. The reverand gestured to Maverick, who stood up and turned to face the rest of the congregation.
“Mornin’, folks,” he said, earning a cacophony of “good mornings” from those around him. “You all know me, and you also know that we’ve been doin’ our best to get a school established here in Maverick. Well, I’m happy to announce that as of yesterday, our humble, little town finally has a new teacher!”
He gestured to you, and you stood up shyly, waving at the people surrounding you. Several people clapped and you could have sworn you heard a few people say “finally!” Maverick continued.
“Unfortunately, we still don’t have a schoolhouse built for our little critters, so for the foreseeable future, I’ll be looking for volunteers to help me build not only a schoolhouse, but a home for our wonderful new addition.”
“Thank you, Pete,” said the reverend as Maverick sat back down. “If anyone should have any questions for our new teacher, I believe she’ll be taking some time to get our sanctuary ready for school tomorrow morning. Eight o’clock, was it?”
“Yes,” you chirped. The reverend smiled.
“Eight o’clock tomorrow morning is when school will start. I hope to see many young, shining faces here on time ready to learn! That’s all I have for today. May God bless you all this fine Sunday.”
You sat back as the congregation began to file out of the sanctuary. Once everyone had left, you got up and walked up to the front. Behind the pulpit, you found the slate tablets that Penny had told you about earlier that morning. You grabbed a few of them and began to place them in the first few rows of the pews. You began to hum a little melody as you worked, allowing the sound to roll through you. Your mother had always been proud of your ability to sing.
“Like an angel here on earth,” she had said once. You had shied away from the compliment, but it never deterred you from enjoying the hobby.
“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,” you sang as you walked back up towards the pulpit to grab more slates. “That saved a wretch like me.”
Turning, you moved to the other side of the aisle, repeating the task from before.
“I once was lost, but now am found,” you continued, turning back to grab the last few remaining tablets. Gathering them up in your arms, you turned. “Was blind, but now I see.”
Your finished the last note, looking up towards the door and nearly dropping the slates in your arms as you jumped. Standing in the doorway was a devistatingly handsome man. His skin was golden like it had been kissed by the sun itself, and chestnut brown hair curled at his forehead. His mustache sat above his lips that were curled into a small smile as he watched you with deep, brown eyes.
“Hey, little songbird. Don’t stop on my account,” he drawled, leaning against the doorframe. You didn’t say anything, to nervous to speak. This only seemed to amuse him, and he pushed off from the doorframe and started walking over towards you.
“That’s a pretty voice you got there,” he continued, causing you to tighten your hold on the tablets. “Maybe I can get a private show here soon.”
“C-c-can I help you?” you asked, cursing yourself for stuttering. The man hummed, coming to a stop in front of you. He was so tall, that you had to crane your head back in order to meet his gaze. He looked at you thoughtfully, biting his bottom lip before leaning down so close that his breath fanned over your face.
“That depends,” he smirked. “What are you offering?”
“I don’t,” you started, but your sentence was cut off by a squeak as the man cornered you against the wall by the pulpit.
“You gonna let me have a taste, darlin’?” He asked huskily, sliding his hand down to grip your skirt.
“We’re in a church!” You gasped, your brain struggling to catch up with what was happening. You put a hand on his chest, trying to use the tablets to push him back. He chuckled, taking them out of your hand and tossing them to the floor.
“I won’t tell if you won’t.”
Your pulse skyrocketed and your breath caught in your throat as he leaned in closer, close enough for you to see the green in his eyes.
“Oh, Rooster,” called a voice in a sing-song tone. You glanced over to see another tall, handsome man. This one, however, was blond and just a breath shorter than the one currently caging you in.
“‘M busy,” the man—Rooster—grumbled, softly stroking your cheek. You felt the skin in where he touched you blaze, and you tried to suppress the shudder that ran up your spine. Rooster’s smirk returned as he pressed in closer to you.
Rooster continued to ignore the man, cupping your jaw. He leaned in so that his lips hovered over yours, and you let out an involuntary whimper, feeling your resolve weaken.
“Don’t worry,” he cooed softly. “I’ve got you.”
“What, Hangman?” Snapped Rooster, Bradley, whirling around to glare at the man, thunder in his eyes. The man, Hangman, didn’t seem phased by the sudden hostility of his friend. In fact, he looked bored as he inspected his fingernails, propped up against the door frame where Bradley had just been minutes before.
“Well, Roo, I hate to interrupt your,” Hangman paused, casting you a quick glance before smirking, “fun, but we do have some things we need to take care of.”
Bradley didn’t say anything, still looking at Hangman with a thunderous look. Hangman cocked an eyebrow as if to challenge Bradley to argue.
“Have you even found Maverick?” Hangman asked exasperatedly.
“Maverick?” You questioned, your sense slowly coming back to you now that Bradley wasn’t quite so close. “He left already.”
Both men turned to look at you.
“Do you know where we can find him?” Asked Hangman, standing up straight now, hand on his hip.
“I believe he and Penny went home,” you said carefully, unsure of what these men wanted with your host.
“Well, thank you kindly, darlin’,” Hangman said, throwing you a wink before sauntering out the door. A moment passed and Bradley turned back to look at you, but your gaze was focused on your hands. Bradley’s hand reached out to cup your cheek again, pulling your face up to look at him. An unreadable expression was on his face as he studied you. His thumb gently stroked your bottom lip, and you once again found yourself having difficulty breathing and focusing on a single thought. His hand was so warm.
Bradley seemed to make up his mind about whatever it was he was thinking about, and he pulled away with another smirk. He turned and walked down the aisle of the church and out the door without another word to you. You shook your head in an attempt to clear it.
You quickly placed the rest of the tablets in the pews and waved goodbye to the reverend who had wandered back in from outside. You dragged your feet a little more than what was necessary as you made your way back to the house. You spotted several horses tied up by the gate outside, and you took a steadying breath to brace yourself for what, or who, was on the other side of the door. You stopped just outside and debated on whether or not it was too late to run off to another town. Deciding against it, you swung the door open before you lost your nerve. A group of six men were sprawled across varying pieces of furniture in the parlor, two of whom were now familiar to you. Both looked at you in surprise, but Bradley’s shock quickly turned into a lazy smirk.
“Well, hi Birdie,” he drawled, earning looks from both Maverick and Penny. “What’re you doing here?”
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mayhemspreadingguy · 1 year
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“If I had known that I was always doomed to lose him so young…That there was nothing I could do to change his fate…” Dream swallowed and when he spoke again the unshakeable calm of his voice wavered and finally broke, “I would have told him how I loved him, each day when he woke and each night while he dreamed. I would have embraced Eurydice as if she were my own daughter. I would have danced at their wedding.”
“I know,” Hob tightened his arms around Dream. “I know you would have.”
Giving Sanctuary by @avelera
This fic absolutely destroyed me! One of my favourites! Love it! 💕
I had it marked for later and avoided to read it because at the time it was already considerably long and I didn't really have the time for it (I have no self-control I'm hopeless binge reader so it would totally fuck up my schedule). I decided to read it not long ago aaaand then I caught up... to chapter 18 😭. WHY WHYYY WHAT A TERRIBLE TIME TO CATCH UP!?!??!!!
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housh · 1 year
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smashing together my current interests like a toddler w legos
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Welcome to the prompt list for platonic and romantic love for February 2024!
18 prompts, 9 regular and 9 dialogue to choose from, open to gen ficcers and shippers alike.
Only rules required is you must properly tag your writing so no one is triggered or misled.
Feel free to reach out if you have questions!
Prompts are also listed below the cut.
Regular Prompts:
2. Favorite Meal
3. Gentle Touch
4. Trying the other's favorite pastime
5. Outdoor Activity
6. Blanket
7. Silly Memory
8. Handmade gift
9. Forehead kiss
Dialogue Prompts:
"Give me your hand."
2. "We're going to be late!"
3. "You did this for me?"
4. "Can I hug you?"
5. "Just for tonight."
6. "Just come here already."
7. "Please?"
8. "I already told you!"
9. "This was not what I planned on."
Thanks to amphytrionwrites for the lovely graphic! Prompts done by yours truly.
@tinknevertalks I promised I'd tag you, so here you go! 🥰
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tinknevertalks · 7 months
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Roll up! Roll up! It's that time of year again: the nights are longer, it's all feeling colder, and the shops are all trying to sell you stuff. But here in the Sanctuary side of fandom, it's the start of the festive fic exchange!
Do you like writing fic?
Do you like reading fic?
Do you like putting unnecessary stress on yourself to make a wonderful gift for someone, just to have half of the fandom turn around and say, "Aaaaaaah, that's exactly what I needed to read right now?"*
Then this is the fic exchange for you! Today's post is the sign up post. Under the cut will be a list of questions. All you have to do is send me either a DM or an ask with your completed questionnaire then wait for your match!
Sign up: 21st Nov - 5th Dec
Matches sent out by 7th Dec
Touching base post: 20th Dec**
Collection open for posting: 26th Dec
Collection reveal: 31st Dec
This is open to anyone in the Sanctuary fandom, regardless of character/shipping preferences. When it comes to fic length, the minimum is 300 words. I don't really wanna give a max (because I know how the muse can get sometimes), but if we cap it around the 2k words mark that should be cool.***
I'll be posting a link to this around the place (and reblogging again this evening for the later crew), and you are more than welcome to message/contact me with any questions, queries or concerns.
Under the cut: the questions!
Username on Tumblr/AO3: (I need a method of contacting you 😊. If you have neither, pop me your email or something? We'll figure it out.)
Things I am comfortable writing: (gen or shippy? Fluff writer or angst? Family feels?)
Things I would not want to write about: (all the things you don't wanna write - characters you dislike, pairings you don't vibe with etc. Also heads up on any triggers you might have - you don't need to explain the whys.)
What I'd like to receive: (go for gold! The more info you can give, the more tailored to you the fic will be.)
What I would not like to receive: (All the things that you do not vibe with, or squick you. Please please please again with any trigger warnings - I don't want a gift to upset you. 😊)
Any other info that doesn't fit in the other questions: (General vibes, could you be a pinch hitter, any thoughts, questions, etc)
And that's that. 😊 Thank you for joining in, and see you December 7th with your matches!
*You can answer no to this one - it's just how I am when it comes to these things. XD
**If you find you can't finish, or something comes up that means you have to pull out, please let me know so I can arrange a pinch hitter. I won't be angry or disappointed or anything because this is for fun, and your health (mental and/or physical) is more important.
**Obviously, if you find you go over a bit, don't freak out or anything. This is just for fun, after all.
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bitbybitwrites · 4 months
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Thanks to @forabeatofadrum and @onthewaytosomewhere for the tag!
Got a number of items I'm working on so here some bits for you: from a few WIP of mine.
1.) From the next chapter of Puppy Love (RWRB fic)
“Tia Nora is pretty fun,” Alex admitted. ”That’s why we’re best friends.”  He sighed and stared up into the sky. “I know it’s tough Raf.  Us being all the way in New York, so far from family and your other friends back in Texas.” “But Tia June is here. And I’m making friends, Papi,” Raf reassured him. “You are?” Raf nodded as he took a handful of snow and tossed it up in the air so it fluttered down on them both. “ There’s Milo and Becky and Thomas and Belle . .” “Wait, like the Disney princess?” “She told me she’s named after her grandmother.  Isabelle, I think?” “Oh.” “Those are my new friends at school.  Milo is nice.  He has glasses.  Becky shares her snack with me at lunch time.  Her mom gives her CAKE.”  Raf turned to look at his father with wide, amazed eyes. “CAKE, Papi.” Alex rolled his eyes.  “I doubt its as good as Abuelita’s Tres Leches," he sniffed. “Well, duh . . “
2.) From Falling For You (Klaine fic)
“Who is Carole?” Kurt smiled and grabbed his phone to open up to a picture of his Dad and his stepmother smiling and laughing with each other.  It had been his father’s birthday and the two of them had cracked each other up with some silly joke or reference.  Kurt quickly took a picture to freeze that moment in time. “This is Carole, “ Kurt said as he showed Tracy.  “Dad met her when I was in high school.  And they fell in love and got married.  Now that doesn’t mean he forgot my mom or anything.  He just had a lot of love in his heart - enough for both of them.  Carole loves my Dad a whole lot.  She loves me just as much too.  She’s amazing.”  He leaned in a bit closer to Tracy.  “I’ll let you in on a secret.  She also makes the best cookies.  Remind me to make you some of her recipes some time.” “Like Christmas cookies?” “Exactly.” “Mr. Kurt?”   “Yes, sweetheart?” “Can I meet Carole one day?” “I think we can arrange that.” Kurt said.  “And maybe if we’re lucky, she may bring some cookies when she comes. “
3.) From Sanctuary (Klaine fic)
It was a good handful of time before he got to his destination, having managed to successfully slip by a number of the palace guards in the process.  Blaine was able to sneak just outside of the castle walls.  He followed a well-worn path into the wood to a small cottage hidden just a few feet hidden in the trees. In the front yard, a young woman paused in her task of hanging her wet wash to dry. She stood, she groaned, rubbing the small of her back.  As she did the swell of the growing babe in her belly protruded forward.  She smiled to herself, caressing her abdomen, forming a beautiful picture even Blaine could appreciate: her soft blond hair escaping from her kerchief, brushing her brow.  The young woman’s brown eyes danced as she spotted the princeling approaching. She dipped into as low of a curtsey as she could manage without tipping forward.  “Your Royal Highness,” she said in a soft voice.  “Good morrow.  I was wondering when you would come by this day.” Blaine smiled sheepishly as he held aloft his offering from the head cook.  “Mistress Fabray,“  he said proudly.  “I come bearing gifts!”
4.) Untitled Klaine Valentines 2024 Challenge fic
OK, am loving all the work I'm seeing from the folks doing the Klaine Valentines 2024 challenge set out by the @klaineccfanficlibrary
I got an idea for something, inspired by their first day song selection (Padam. by Kylie Minogue) so here's just a little bit from something I started . . The best way I could sum up this fic is this section of the story:
The young men from Dalton House weren’t just lookers.  They were well versed in everything from English Literature to economics. They could hold their own in academic debates while also using those dexterous mouths and tongues to suck your brains out of your cock.  Brains and beauty - and all of them looking for older (preferably more financially well off) “patrons.” Or so the rumors went.
So yeah, there's a bit of an age gap planned , Blaine in his mid-late 20s, Kurt in his mid-late 30s. and a bit of a Pretty Woman vibe to the story . . you know, hooker with a heart of gold type thing :)
And the selection from the fic so far:
“The auction.” Kurt’s mind puts two and two together. Elliot nods and motions towards the front of the ballroom.  Up on the stage there were three large gilded cages, each with a young man, scantily clad within them.  The boys were dancing as seductively as they could manage.  The two on the far right and far left of the stage (one brunette, and one blonde) kept throwing worried glances to one another as Dalton House patrons gathered at their feet, appraising them. “The ones on either end . . . despite flouting the refusal clause, they were caught with each other in bed.  Fraternizing with another student in contract is strictly forbidden.” Elliot said in a low voice.  “Nick and Jeff were just stupid.  I had warned them, but they weren’t careful.” Elliot shook his head. “And now I can’t protect them. They go to whoever is the highest bidder for them tonight, no matter what.” “And the boy in the center cage?” Kurt was hypnotized watching the young man sway his hips, his arms raised above his head, eyes closed to shut out the world around him.  Dark curls fell gently over his brow - curls that looked so soft, Kurt realized he wanted to run his fingers through them. “Blaine?”  Elliot sighed.  “I don’t know why he signed with Dalton, to be honest.  He just didn’t seem like the type, you know?  But again,  he refused one time too many for the administration’s liking. And now it’s come to bite him in the ass. He’s up for auction too.” “That’s . . . too bad . . “ Kurt murmured, still transfixed with watching Blaine.  Kurt couldn’t explain it - it was like the blood was rushing to fill his ears. And all he could hear was his own loud heart beat in syncopation with the music in the room: Padam, padam Padam, padam Padam, padam
OK . . tagging folks ( jump in only if you want to!) : @hkvoyage, @kirakiwiwrites, @little-escapist, @myheartalivewrites, @wordsofhoneydew, @14carrotghoul @fallevs, @spaceorphan18, @gleefulpoppet, @madas-ahatters-world, @rockitmans
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lecstappen · 2 years
Hii, I really loved Sanctuary, do you have any idea when the third chapter will be out?
Thank you anon!
I do have an idea, yes c: I’ll be on vacation till the 17th, so you’ll have it within a week of me returning.
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avelera · 1 year
Sandman Meta: Hob has exactly zero way of figuring out who Dream is (before they reunite)
More than once in a fic I've written from Hob's POV I've had readers note their astonishment that Hob has not yet figured out Dream's identity, even if Dream does not reveal it himself.
Even in fics of mine where Dream reveals his name, like in Giving Sanctuary, I have Hob be slow on the uptake when it comes to the extent of Dream's powers, even things like being able to enter and control dreams, and the reason I do this is carefully considered and based in the fact that Hob would have no way of knowing who Dream is or by extension what he can do.
So I kind of want to take a step back and address in detail just how actually impossible it would be, objectively, for Hob to figure out who Dream is in a world that doesn't have The Sandman comic for him to read to figure it out.
This is, of course, because, from a Doylist angle, Neil's "Dream of the Endless" is not based in any single mythology. Indeed, Dream as we know him is cobbled together from at least three or more different mythological figures, none of which combine to actually form the "Dream of the Endless" we see in the show or read in the comics. The Endless are completely made up for the comic and the Sandman, Morpheus, and Oneiros are all from wildly different mythologies and none of them actually overlap to form the complete picture of who Dream is as an entity in the Sandman show or comic.
So even if someone straight-up told Hob that the person he meets is the Sandman, Morpheus, or Oneiros (btw, there is no singular figure of "Oneiros" in Greek mythology) he would still not be able to put together the full picture of who Dream is. Even if he's given the name "Dream of the Endless" to work with, those words combined don't mean anything on their own if you don't have what an Endless is filled in, because it was made up entirely for the comic. (Of course, a fanfic author absolutely could make up such a book for their fic but it would be a creation for that fic, serving a purpose within that story like to tip Hob off, though I think it's entirely reasonable to make up a book in the Sandman world that goes into detail on who the Endless are. The Magdalene Grimoire, btw, is not that book. It only talks about Death. Death is a figure in many mythologies including the Christian one, but Dream is not. Even Burgess needs the Corinthian to tell him who Dream is in the show, and he's an occultist.)
Couple all of this with Hob's personal experience with Dream, encountering him as part of a wager with Dream's sister Death to see if Hob could bear a life of immortality, you get far more clues that would send him hurtling off into a totally incorrect direction before you'd get anything close to the truth, if we assume only the books available in our world are available to him.
So the reason this is a bit of an irritation for me that there's this idea that Hob has "all the clues" to figure out who Dream is because it smacks of a logical fallacy.
Basically, it's easy to see that the answer to a complicated math problem is "obvious" if someone just hands the answer to you. But challenging people to actually solve it themselves could be quite a bit more complicated. And in this complex formula solving for "Who the fuck is Hob's mysterious stranger?" there's actually so many blank X's of unanswered questions that I genuinely think there's no way for Hob to solve this equation without someone giving him the answer.
Let's go through this systematically, using just what Hob knows as observed on screen in the show.
1389 - a pale man in all black with a ruby at his throat approaches Hob's table and challenges Hob to meet him there in 100 years. He then smiles enigmatically and leaves.
That's it. That's all Hob has to go off of. He never sees Death, he has no idea about the wager. As far as he knows, Dream gave him immortality. It would be the most logical conclusion given that the day before Hob didn't have immortality and the day after, presumably, he does.
1489 - The only confirmation he has is actually seeing Dream there in 1489 and the first thing he asks is, "How did you know that I'd be here?"
Dream does not answer him. Hob takes a few stabs at guessing his identity which reveals his Christian European context: are you a wizard, or a saint -- to be clear, these are two types of human magic users that make sense to Hob for his context. The only other figure he can think of is The Devil. He doesn't ask if Dream is a pagan god or a faerie, he assumes a man with arcane or divine magic, or the Devil.
Dream says that he's not the Devil, much good that would do if he was a Devil who could just presumably lie to Hob, and says he's interested in Hob's experience and implies that he will grant him another 100 years of life. He is sarcastic and unimpressed about Hob's wonder at the world. He doesn't even actually show much interest in Hob being in the printing business. He only shows a spark of interest in Hob's continued desire to live, and then immediately takes off.
1589 - The only new information Hob gets this year is 1) Dream is supremely uninterested in food or the wealth Hob has earned, or his family, and 2) puny little Will Shaxberd, a crap playwright with no shot at becoming anything more, suddenly becomes a famous playwright. He would eventually become a renowned playwright in his day but keep in mind, Shakespeare didn't actually become mega famous centuries after his death. In his day, many people thought other playwrights like Marlowe were better.
My point is, from this Hob doesn't necessarily get even the pieces to determine that Dream likes art. It might seem obvious to us because Dream is Prince of Stories, but that's not the offer Dream gives Shaxberd. He just asks if it is Will's will to create dreams to spur the minds of men. Yes, we know that Dream wants Will to make dreams for him, but in Hob's context, Dream is just asking what Will would sell his soul for, just like he overheard Hob saying he had no intention of dying. From this perspective the only strong conclusion Hob can draw is that Dream grants wishes.
From this, Hob could conclude that Dream is a djinn/genie, or perhaps a faerie, but there is absolutely nothing to indicate he's associated with dreams or literature directly besides a mention of creating dreams nested in the context of asking Shaxberd what he wants, giving him a supernatural gift much like the one Hob believes Dream gave him.
At this point, the domains of Dream's power are very muddled for Hob because he doesn't know Death gave him immortality. So as far as he knows, Dream can give immortality AND make an amateur playwright into the greatest writer who ever lived. Putting these two things together does not bring you naturally to the domain of dreams by any stretch.
(I will note here, that in Giving Sanctuary, I had Hob learn that "Death" is Dream's sister before he learns Dream's name. There, his initial conclusion is that Dream must therefore be Famine, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the one known for wearing black (and not eating seems like a clue with Dream too) my point being that having another, small piece of the whole puzzle still would probably send him flying off in the wrong direction given his cultural context.)
1789: The next time Hob gets any hint that Dream has powers is with Lady Johanna. He uses his sand to show her her, "old ghosts". Note, she does not fall asleep but rather begins to hallucinate.
The Sandman myth has its origins of Scandinavia and it is first written down in in "Der Sandmann" a context that Hob might have access to, if he's very well read, in the early 1800s. By the way, the description of the Sandman in that book bears a striking resemblance to the Corinthian, because he eats the eyes of naughty children, and very little to Dream beyond the use of sand in his magic.
There is absolutely nothing to link the Sandman to Morpheus the Roman God of Dreams, who was made up entirely by Ovid in the Metamorphoses and never mentioned anywhere before that. That's because Neil Gaiman was the first to link those two mythological figures.
And on that note, there is no Oneiros attested to in Hesiod. The mention of Oneiros is actually to the "Oneiroi" an entire tribe of dreams and nightmares who are the children of Night (Nix). There's Hypnos (Sleep) who is the brother of Thanatos (Death) but that is about as close as we get to the Endless in any other mythological source besides the comics. And again, Dream does not put Johanna to sleep, he makes her hallucinate.
1889- Again, there is precious little to go off of. Dream is tight-lipped as ever. The only thing he gives away is that Lady Johanna later helped him with a task, a fact Hob is visibly annoyed and I daresay jealous about, and when he lashes out he refers to himself as, "One such as I."
But "One such as I," only reveals something Hob already knew: that Dream thinks highly of himself. That doesn't actually reveal that Dream is even magical, he could just be nobility or a powerful immortal magic user and refer to himself that way. Hob already knows that Dream is magical, and immortal, and probably some sort of high born or aristocrat. He's probably known that since 1389 given how Dream was dressed and given that giant fuck-off ruby (which actually might make Hob, in that day, wonder if Dream was a relation to the Black Prince)
That's it. That is the grand total of everything Hob has seen of Dream.
Hob in the comic will eventually admit, in The Wake, that he figured out who Dream was on his own. But this is after Seasons of Mist when Dream toasts him in Hob's dream and Hob wakes up with the impossible bottle of wine on his bedside. He has another encounter too with Dream where Dream eventually accedes to Hob's request to make the men who killed Audrey, his dead girlfriend, know who she was. Presumably, Dream makes them dream of her.
So Hob in the comics by the time we get to The Wake has more to go off of to make the link to the Lord of Dreams. Hob as we see him in the show, has had much less to go off of.
Even if you give Hob one piece of the puzzle, like one of the names like Morpheus, or The Sandman, or Oneiros, that still doesn't help give him the whole picture. The word "Endless" would be meaningless. He would have to have read at least three pretty obscure books that span a period of 2,000 years (between Hesiod and Der Sandmann) to get the three books that Neil primarily drew from to combine these figures into the Dream of the comic.
Look, my point is, unless someone gives the answer to Hob, and explains the full extent of what the Endless are, he's got little to go off of. Arguably, not enough at all to solve for "X" as to who Dream is, even if he's given more pieces. This would be a tough problem to solve.
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virgo-dream · 1 year
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In 1689, Hob Gadling and Dream meet once more, after Hob has lost everything. That night, their meeting goes on longer than expected when the conversation turns to what it means to live, to lose, and to be the fathers of dead sons. Unable to bear the thought of sending a man who so echoes Dream's own grief back into the night alone, Dream breaks his own rule and invites Hob to stay with him for a time, at least until he can get back on his feet.
giving sanctuary by @avelera
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negansbackdoorwhore · 2 years
Point Proven
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Requested by @phoenixiza
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, swearing
This asshole walked around everywhere like it’s his and yet he just did things to you. And of course he knows very well about the dirty things you have in mind. Eventually all his attention shifted towards the newest wife. A part of you felt relieved not having to deal with his ass getting too close for comfort and having to hear his nicknames he would call you. The other part was becoming a green eyed monster. His hands that held her waist were meant for your body not hers. And how he would coo sweet things in her ear causing her stupid ass to giggle. That should be you not fucking her. He used to give you that attention but you didn’t fold so easily for him. You felt he needed to do more for your affection. But with her around, it was like he just tossed you aside. It was obvious toward everyone how you felt about the situation.
You decided to go bother your husband for a quick talk by randomly going to his room. It would piss him off but you felt it was deserved for the way he made you upset. Upon opening the door, you peeked in to see the new girl in his lap. The sight made you extremely jealous and to see him kissing her only made it worse. They were both to wrapped up in each other to notice the door, so you just shut it quietly.
“What’s got you down?” You look to see Simon leaning against the adjacent wall.
“Bullshit. I can see right through you. You miss his attention.”
“You don’t know anything.” You scoffed.
“Whatever you say. But only way to teach him a lesson is to find someone else.”
You immediately understood Simon’s words. If you wanted to get him back or just make him feel like shit, flirt with his right hand. So next time opportunity struck, you gave a little look when Negan and Simon were leaving. Automatically Negan assumed that look was for him but when he walked closer and pecked your cheek, you rolled your eyes.
“Bye Simon.” You say in a different tone that had Negan mumble something as he walked away. No doubt it was already getting to him especially since Simon winked in your direction. You pretended to let out a girlish giggle and saw Negan scowl. Throughout the week it continued like this and what makes it better is that Negan was ignoring his new wife. She was pouting all over the lounge to your pleasure.
“Sweetie it’s going to fine. Negan tends to be like this sometimes, all his attention on you then it shifts.”
“I could care less! He was all over me last week, now it’s just a few greetings and no affection.” She said with an angry tone and you decided to keep the amusement to yourself. You watched her storm out of the lounge and got a quick look of Simon passing the opened doors. You left the room and poked his arm.
“Hey you.”
“So? How’s Negan?”
“Trying to hide his emotions but so far not going well.”
You laugh at how childish the leader can be and he walked you to your room. You stop at the door and Simon sees Negan at the end of the hallway with Lucille on his shoulder.
“Play along.” He said just above a whisper. You didn’t expect the motion when his hand rested along the wall near your head and you understood what he was doing. Your back leaning onto the wall and you smirk at him.
“You always look so damn good sweets.”
“Well I try my best. It’s nice to get some attention around here.” Your fingers playing with the ends of your hair and Simon smiling at you.
“Si! Get your ass down to the courtyard!” Without hesitation Simon left you and Negan made a straight line toward you. “Get inside there. Now.”
He said in a firm tone and you go to open the door and you felt him pushing on your lower back. As the door shut you were prepared for whatever he had to say or what he was going to do. Not even a word was said once you heard Negan toss off his leather jacket. That was when he was roughly pulling you into a hard kiss. You groaned at first contact and how he pushed you onto your twin bed.
Without thought you hand was brought across his cheek to hear a smack sound. His eyes widened and you were still pinned beneath him. There was no sound except the breathing between you two, as soon as your lips parted Negan got up. He grabbed his jacket along with Lucille leaning on the wall and slammed your door shut.
You couldn’t think straight with the encounter you just experienced as you were eating dinner. Through dinner you stayed quiet and decided to skip eating for the night. You left the mess hall and started walking around the empty halls. You stop midstep as Negan was entering his quarters and wanted to go to your room, or to accompany him. You decided to see him and walked in front of his door.
“Can I come in?” There was no answer and you took the initiative to open the door. You stepped in to see Negan lying shirtless against his bed. His eyes still shut and you walk closer.
“I didn’t say you could come in.”
“How would I know if you didn’t answer.” He scoffed at you but you had your arms crossed while looking at him.
“What’s your problem? What the hell was that shit earlier?” Negan opened his eyes and leaned up to look at your body still standing tall.
“You need a fucking reminder Y/N. I give you all kinds of special shit because you are my wife. I give you the privilege of staying here sitting on your pretty ass while I am out there keeping shit up.”
“First of all…”
“I am not done talking!” He yelled and you stopped your quick mouth from saying something to piss him off.
“Look here, I chose you for a reason. I like your attitude and shit. But you kept on pushing me away so I fucking left you alone like you fucking wanted. But now you’re out here moving your precious ass like you own this joint by daring to flirt? Don’t you remember you cannot cheat on me?”
“I remember just fine.”
He was wearing this scowl on his lips and just then he roughly grabbing you to pin onto the couch. You didn’t fight him this time as your eyes were locked.
“Then why do you feel the need to be hitting on Simon?”
“Because maybe you’re being to distracted by someone else.” You hated that you just spilled out how you really felt but he probably wouldn’t have figured it out since he can be dense sometimes.
“So? You’re acting all put out because I was giving dick to someone who wasn’t you?” You refuse to answer and turned your head away.
“Act like that all you want. But I am going to get an answer.” You scoffed while he started to get busy with his hands shoving up thr hem of your dress. You shut your eyes and thought about whatever could keep your mind off him. But the touch of his rough hands made you feel things. He hands caressed the top of your thigh and his lips connected to your neck. It was torture with how you were hiding how good this felt and yet you wanted your point proven.
Negan saw you still unresponsive and picked up the pace by his fingers moving to your inner thigh and toward the center of your panties. You bit your inner cheek as his fingers were now sliding against in a slow motion. You tried and tried but once he went beneath the material to touch your wet sex, your mouth opened to let out a noise.
“I know you can’t resist this.” He said with a light chuckle and teased your clit. You turned to face him and he looked pleased to see you giving in.
“You’ve been dying to have me touch you like this. Am I right?”
“Yes.” You whimpered out and felt him pulling away from you. He smirks at you as he tugs your underwear to come off. He slides them slowly off your legs until they tossed on the floor. You bit your lip as he pulling your legs to hang off the couch and had himself kneeling in front of you. His eyes focused on you before his tongue stuck out to lick you.
It made your breath hitch and that encouraged him to full bring his mouth against you. The feel of it made your thighs go tight on his head but he easily held them apart. He moaned against you as he sucked your sweet pearl between his lips. You moaned at how good he worked your pussy and grabbed onto the couch cushions.
It was getting harder as his tongue was flicking against you and had his moans vibrated against you. You were getting closer to coming against his mouth but he pulled away. Your breathing was heavy and he was smiled as he licked his lips. You whined and wiggled your hips for him to continue.
“Oh? You want to come don’t you?”
“Yes, Negan please!”
“I don’t think so. You’ve been a tease for a while and the fact you were flirting with someone else isn’t going to just be forgotten.” You whined as he scooted up and kissed your lips. His kiss captured all your breath and made you flush against his body.
“You are most certainly adorable. I want see you like this more often.”
“Stop teasing, I need come already!” You pouted and he just kept wearing a smug grin.
“Not yet. You’ve been really pushing it, you seem to forget who owns you.”
“You do. I said it, now please just keep going!” Negan clicked his tongue and shook his head.
“That ain’t enough baby.” You were then pulled to sit up and Negan took advantage of your vulnerability by putting you into his lap. Your hands were shaky as they rested on his chest and he looked you up and down.
“How about you start taking off this dress? You won’t be needing it.”
You groaned as you wanted to bring your center down against his lap but he moved his hands to keep you in place just hovering over him.
“Bad girl. Stay up and take off that dress.” His fingers squeezed your skin and you lifted it above your head. Your body exposed and only a bra to cover your chest but Negan immediately went to tug at your straps.
“All of it off.” He whispers and you unhook your bra and it let it fall off to hit his lap. The feeling of the air on your skin gave you goosebumps.
“Oh shit! Look at this, being completely exposed and seeing your pussy all wet just for me. It makes me feel all kinds of things!”
His eyes focusing on your pussy and seeing him biting his lip made you shudder. He pulled you closer to tease your body with the flick of his tongue. Your chest moving to press further on his lips and he had closed his eyes to concentrate on sucking your nipples. He hummed and held you in place when you started to squirm.
“C’mon Negan. I need to come.” You say as your fingers dig into his shoulders.
“Not until you understand who you belong to baby.” He muttered and looked up at you with his dark pupils.
“I do understand dammit!” You huffed out and feeling the frustration of incompletion. He couldn’t help his laughter as he moved his hand to run up your side and back down to your thigh. Your mouth hung open as he lingered close toward where you needed but he moved his hand away. It was then you heard the sound of his pants being undone. You were trembling at the sight of his hard cock being freed. You gasped when he lowered you to feel his tip caress your clit.
“You want this?”
“I need it Negan. Please, I want you only you. I belong to you.”
“Say that last part louder.” You hesitated but felt the sharp slap of his hand on your ass. You winced and dug your fingers into his skin.
“I belong to you Negan.”
“Good girl.” You moaned loudly as he brought your hips down onto his cock. He breath heavy and how your hips seemed to have a mind of their own. You moved against his lap with a fast rhythm, Negan moaned as his eyes focused on your body.
“Yeah baby. That’s it, fuck yourself on my dick.”
He licked his lips and held you tight. Your body quivered and the approaching orgasm made you weak. You leaned closer to press against his chest and held him tightly around his neck. Negan then began thrusting his hips up into you while groaning into your ear.
“Fuck Negan!” You cried into his neck and your walls clenched down on him. His chest vibrated as he growled when unloading into you. Negan swore under his breath as both your bodies fell relaxed on the couch. You were moved off his lap and watched him stand to grab a rag to clean up. You felt a bit anxious as to see him straightening himself up in front of the dresser’s mirror.
“Guess I’ll be going.” You announce and went to dress yourself.
“Nope. You better hop that ass on my bed. I’m not done showing who you belong to baby.”
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