#fics id recc
nastylillad · 9 months
oops i thought i already answered this
heres a few of the little creature’s favs <3
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ghostly-cabbage · 1 year
I think it's so interesting to notice fandom booms and how outta nowhere they can feel.
Recently, I've gotten super into Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (which is fantastic btw. If you love cool animation and family centric themes give it a watch, seriously) thanks to a beloved bestie BUT. I ofc, dragged @kkachis and @artistfingers down with me. We have self proclaimed turtle disease now and it's been so fun.
Anyway, it's been so interesting to see that we aren't the only ones??? Around the same time we've all noticed other DP mutuals also getting into turtles and it's just kinda funny bc separately, but all at the same time, it's been infecting us.
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royaltrios · 1 year
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books came in at work today :) v excited
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megamindsecretlair · 5 months
Beginner's Guide to Your Fanfic Tag Game
Thank you @nerdieforpedro for the tag! I love self fic recs because I love seeing writers love on their skill! Im gonna do 5 as well. But you can choose how many you wanna do. And gonna challenge myself not to recc the same fics in the past 🤣
1. Through the Fire - Franklin Saint. It still has one of the best comments Ive ever gotten on my fics. I pulled from the show and it gave it more depth than I realized. I adore it 🥹
2. The God Who Stole Me - Loki. I feel I write Loki pretty well. And while I have a series with him, my one shots are so cute 🥹 this does have a degradation kink, but like all of my stories, it's always love at the core of it.
3. Break Me - Tyrone. I tried a new dynamic and I really love how it came out. It's the right amount of toxic and sweet and Tyrone being the one sprung or harboring feelings is something I deff thought was cute.
4. Have Mercy - Tyrone. This one was just pure nasty 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and purely for my own enjoyment. And if you're going to start anywhere with my writing, may as well start with one of the nastiest ones. To get my back blown out just like that? Whew 🥲 Yall would never see me again, Id never let that mf breathe without me 🤣🤣🤣
5. A Little Mad Sometimes - I had been feening for Ghostface smut and this was my first time writing a three-way. Yall dont understand the chokehold Scream has on me 🥲 or Matthew Lillard. I finally watched Five Nights at Freddys and may have to do a fic for him 😮‍💨
No pressure tags: @notapradagurl7 @wide-nose-and-wonderful @mybonafidefeelings @saturn-rings-writes @harmshake @halfofmysoulsblog
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fairyhaos · 8 months
in love with how to fucking write!! i started a few months ago with a couple of shitty writings so id love to make a good use of your guide. i still need to practice a lot since im not a native but wanna write in english (i feel like it conveys the message better and less cringey). so thank you for the guide, hope to see more tips in the future!
alsooo do you have any fics reccs? (kind of wanna see the writings you found interesting)
thanku so much omg!!! i really do hope my guide can be useful, and just send an ask if you want any advice on anything <3
as for fic recs, my immediate thought is to direct you to my ao3 fic rec list which is basically my holy grail of ao3 fics. they're all member x member stuff though, so if that's not your thing then a couple of yn fics i like are:
you say the stupidest (sweetest) things
by @ savventeen, seungkwan x reader
reader's personality is sooo vivid and is such a beautiful example of finding a voice for your characters! also it's really cute and i just love the idea so much
as the sun dies, so do we
by @kyeomyun , joshua x reader
very very good working with tension through the use of time. the thickening of time, of slowing everything down to make sure you can feel every excruciating second as it ticks by? the perfect way to create angst fr ✨
most of the yn fics i read are just really fluffy short oneshots which you can find under my #fairyhaos.recs tag ^^ these were a couple that i could tie back to techniques ive talked about in my htfw series, and i assumed you might want to see examples of my bullet points in fics ive really liked!
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attyattlaw · 6 months
Your last art is beautiful as always ! Regarding your tags, do you have some recommendations for good Kidlaw to read ?
thank you! admittedly i dont get to read much because....it ruins my life... but the offending kidlaw in question that specifc night was vegaisthesound's High Maintenance (nsfw, but its just so goddamn hilarious)
though pls, if you have kidlaw fic reccs or self promo feel free to drop it in replies or rbs id go through them eventually and one could always use more fics
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okay but hold me like you scared to sounds so good already (they all sound so good tbh but this one piqued my interest lol) what's it about? and for the fanfic questions 32, 50 and J :))
@frappe-the-peppermint WE GOT ONE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 ahem oh wow who said that. anyway ill do the questions first then get into fic discussion…
32) Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
i listen to SO MUCH MUSIC!!!!! it depends on what im wrting tbh but i just queue up a bunch of songs in my liked playlist and write and write until it ends or im no longer on that flow. and well my music taste is an absolute mess so there isnt any one definitive band or genre that does it for me (i only pay attention Sometimes) but i suppose artists like mitski and queen would be a decent summary of my taste 😅
50) How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
gravity falls, no stop. the first one that ever piqued my interest was versability (originally on ff.net me thinks) and god damn it HOOKED ME!!!! gravity falls was already getting me up but wow that just got me SO MUCH HIGHER. i have a few authors i started binge reading like thesnadger and pinesinthewoods, i started extracting fics from reccs from tumblr artists, soon discovered ao3, and never looked back. and as for writing fic,,,,, well frankly it was the search for the cure’s original form that got me GOING!!!! it originally had crappy ocs as the forefronters but i soon changed that lmao (im definitely not saying theyre bad in general, just those… no) and i wrote So Much For It on my notes app. i didnt realize i culd actually show people until way later, in which i did, and realized that it could actually be better. thats why i reversed back to part one, made the story a part two, scapped the ocs, and…now we’re here. i still love it and gravity falls, i dont really show it here anymore. i really should, man. i need to write for them again!!!! it still excites me!!!! and the prose that im weaving now,,,, id DEMOLISH THE GAME!!!!!!! :)
J) what your favorite fanfic trope? have you written it?
honestly i think just showing you my favorted ao3 tags will paint a very detailed picture. here:
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though i suppose if i had to pick one here…god its between time loop and presumed dead (and grief/moruning but idk if thats a trope so much as it is a theme). MMMMMMMM. mmmmm. just YES. the psychological affects of both being a time loop and thinking someone you love is dead but they arent actually are DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!! they are a MUST HAVE. i daydream constantly, but i havent written time loop yet because while i love it, i havent hadthe motive to write such a thing myself. reading is chill ✊ and presumed dead well i try to throw it is as much as i can, the most recent ive used being a west end town and my favorite being that one kid from jersey ! i need to do more of these fr. its just so GOOD!!!!!!
okay. its finally time for the brainwashing discussing of the fic ! i can tell you alllll about that story and it will be my pleasure sonny 🫡 its a very long story. but short verison in case you dont want to go on: its a Titanic epic . april 1912. iceberg. ive read a few that are AMAZING, but i wanted to write one that catered it allll to Me. it has lesbians, heaven sucking ass, flood parallels, and a king of the world AND draw me like one of your french girls scene. very nice 🔥
okay now its time for the long story. so a super super long time ago for a post i cant even remember (i really wanna find it 😭😭) i for someone reason went on a tangent about the titanic. i had just read this fic called sinking into the sea which was tbh VERY GOOD (and i would read it again fr fr ) but at the time, i was kinda bummed that aziraphale and crowley never actually Interacted when i had expected. aziraphale didnt even know crowley was there!!! it left me feeling melancholy, and realizing that all of the titanic fics ive ate up to that point didnt HIT hit the spot (i didnt find this after this realization, but again, theyre not even on the boat 🤧) so i was feeling a bit incomplete. i started ranting and ranting it was a wholeee wall of a text of what I would do with a titanic story and i realized oh wait i can Do Something with this because i haev free will and actual (somewhat) coherent skill. pepper jumped on the wagon, REALLY REALLY encouraged which i cant thank enough for, and….we’re here. its brewing. i had a very large interest in the titanic for a long time before this tbh, so being able to insert it into The Interest just JUMPSTARTED my brain and it still does to this day. now for the plot….
its 2020, a year after the apocalypse (no pandemic). anathema, newt, brian, crowley, and aziraphale have been assigned to plan adam’s 12th birthday party—they shenanigan, as you do. on the day of the party (adam’s birthday) anathema and newt find a chest in jasmine cottage’s attic full of titanic relics, including a pack of polaroid photos (handheld cameras did indeed exist in 1912, i checked !) which kinda might sort of have a photo of aziraphale and crowley!?!?! it was sent to them about six months before. but after the whole Second Volume fiasco, anathema just sort of wrote it off in that way and Hid It. but newt was curious, he found it, and god it was writtent his way wasnt it. (well, not by the nutter they were thinking of actually). anathema confronts them about itsoon after, and they all sit down to hear the story of the titanic in a sort of rose dawson beat. then its 1912—50ish years since the holy water incident and almost a century since the resurrectionists disaster. aziraphale has been assigned to take this trip to new york for Some Reason (we found out why later) and happened to invite crowley to come along to attempt to make amends after Allat (he really does feel bad, but he will NOT do the holy water thing yet </3) shit occurs, but history atlarge will not be rewritten. it does change their story, though. adding a sprinkle of interest in the device family line. agnes prophec(y)(ies), dancing on deck under the stars, playing cards with humans and winning by a Lot, aziraphale’s artistic skills are put to use at one point—ughghgufhits just so DEAR TO ME!!!!! and of course the conflict will come later, especially considering the religious connections to the titanic sinking—“not even God can sink this ship” type conversation 🥰 aziraphale can and will be made uncomfortable. its for the character development dont worry about it. i even have a playlist for this fic (it sorted by the way the tone shifts thru the story, some songs are silly but they had to stay). pep has also made some song covers to some of the songs that ive heavily connected to the fic and I REALLY FUCKING LIKED. LIKE A LOT. THEYRE AMAZING YOU SHOULD LISTEN IF YOU WANT TO!!!!
the point of all this is that i like titanic fics and im trying to throw my hat in the ring even if its just for me and my friend 🔥🔥 because while others have fed me, i havent seen ones that have documented like Every Single Day on the titanic that aziraphale and crowley would theoretically have as well as developing aziraphale and crowley’s relationship while taking into account whats happened before (insert the story into a part of the timeline seamlessly i think thats how i’d describe) AS WELL AS connecting the reason why the titanic was such a freak tragedy and how the world is not fucking fair instead of just “oh whoops the thing sank 😞” i want NITTY GRITTY DETAIL!!!!!! I WANT GUILT!!!!!!! I WANT CHAOS!!!!!!!! I WANT TALKING ABOUT GOD!!!!!!! I WANT AZIRAPHALE IN A MENTAL CRISIS!!!!! I WANT CROWLEY JUST WANTING TO FUCKING LIVE FUCKING PEACEFULLY!!!!!!! I WANT LESBIANS!!!!!! i need to get on this,,,, so much to do. i love it all and TY FOR THE ASK!!!!
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firein-thesky · 1 month
hi again!! im the same anon with the niki song reccs! im glad you appreciated my first ask cuz i was nervous that itd look like an unsolicited reccommendation 🥹
can i just ramble a bit more because—PLEASE the stage play format!! ive only read a few ever but the way kaeya's face is almost always shadowed or turned away from the audience to show his shady-ish and closed-off nature⁉️ how it ties in with his in-game-all-the-world's-a-stage thing⁉️ the way the fic plays around the concepts and thin lines of truth and lies, secrets, show and pretend⁉️ I AM ALL FOR ITTT 😩🩷🫶 and the way you describe the setting, its also very reminiscent of like, the paper storybook animation mondstadt had in some of its cutscenes!! every time i read it i can imagine myself in a proscenium, thrust, or black box stage akzjdjfkdsk
also if you dont mind me asking, what are some songs in your playlist for my heart, your song? id love to give them a listen!! 🩷
omg no anon you’re all good!! i loooove song recs like all the time!! and i also just think its really sweet you have songs that you associate w a fic of mine 😭 like i could cry forever 😭😭💗
ANDDD 😭😭 the fact that you picked up on kaeya’s staging!! anon!! i’m so glad that it came across!!! even in writing scenes for stories and not plays, i think about the like “staging” of them quite a lot, often like i’m an audience member myself and i’m always trying to find unique “stage pictures” or like…..these “pictures” that convey something, like in theater. and i loved the idea of having kaeya’s face and staging always away from the audience until he reads the letter at the end of act ii!! and i could CRYYY to compare the scenes to the mondstadt storybook 🥺🥺💗💗 waahhhh thank you so much this fr means the world to me oh my god 💗💗
i do not mind at all!! my heart, your song has a very long playlist with a lot of live music on it bc the reader is a performer!! also some from musicals where i took inspo on the kinds of songs reader was performing!! here are some of my favs on that like 4 hour long playlist:
1. this live more acoustic version of Venus as a Boy by Bjork
2. Would That I by Hozier
3. Lover’s Desire by Anais Mitchell for more upbeat “chase” scenes as i call them—lots of flirting and playing and falling.
as things start to get angstier and reader gets more reckless:
4. Hymn / Her by Jordaan Mason
5. Eric by Mitski
6. I Don’t Care Much from the 1998 Broadway Cast Recording of Cabaret (this is actually the song i kinda envisioned reader playing at diluc’s in the postface to scene ix—or something like this)
7. this live version of Shrike by Hozier
and for some softer, more healing ones that are towards the end of this playlist, and that i’ve been writing act iii to!
8. No One Else from the Broadway Recording of Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
9. An Ending (Ascent) by Brian Eno
10. this piano version of Avatar’s Love from ATLA because I’ve always had a soft spot for this melody lol
sorry if this got kinda long 🙈🙈 but fr the playlist is actually like. 3 hours jfkdjska and i’ve tried to make all the songs flow into each other genre/sound wise….as well as have a complete arc of the story bc i’m just. insane LMAO
but thank you so so so much again—for your song recs previously and also your lovely thoughts and further curiosity for music 😭💗💗💗 it means a lot to me and makes me so excited jfkdjska
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Hey! on the dawn of the final day 24 hours remain, i thought id recc some of my favorite fics for both yoohankim and the leverage OT3. I’ve been a fan of the leverage OT3 for years and while my vote’s going toward the YOOHANKIM SWEEEEEP!!!! I love Hardison Elliot and Parker so I thought I’d share some of the best of both ships
YOOHANKIM (novel spoilers in all)
the chaos of stars - vaphelion
“The distance between stars is so vast that it is unlikely they'll ever meet.
Stars are not meant to collide.
But they can.
They do.
of yoohankim, as they navigate all the universe throws at them, just to find each other again.”
https://archiveofourown.org/series/3135981: my favorite, incredible, heart-wrenching. No Words. READ IT. Both parts
Ain't Nobody Solving That Declining Birth Rate - dulcetair
“Yoo Jonghyuk and Kim Dokja both marry Han Sooyoung for tax benefits in the post Epilogue world. This is, in fact, illegal, but they run with it. It turns out better than it has any right to.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/37386946: what if a fake(?) marriage was equivalent to leaving a trail of food to a box trap? the climax is just so much fun!
Spoils of War - nonprophet123 (warning this one’s explicit!!!)
“After his father's betrayal, Prince Kim Dokja prepares himself for his inevitable death at hands of the enemy queen and king. This, he doesn't expect.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31747369:  whoooo weeeeeee… literally I finish this fic every time I read it with the biggest smile on my face
Leverage OT3
the punchline to this - bydaybreak
“The woman laughs, her eyes crinkling behind her silver cat-eye glasses. "You must be Eliot,” she says, cheerfully. “He warned me you were charming. Where is he?”
Eliot’s stomach drops as he realizes that this is a terrible fucking mistake, because this ain’t a random elderly woman showing up to collect cans or take up donations or whatever it is that elderly woman in weird fucking places like Portland do. This is Hardison’s nana, and Eliot has just opened the door to the apartment—to Hardison and Parker’s apartment—like he lives there.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5601130 just like super super fun and angsty
Hearth and Home - lady_ragnell
“When Eliot goes to a temple, or when he’s in one place long enough to build a shrine, he doesn’t do it for Ares. He does it for Hestia.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2696900 the world building is so cool in this one
Wash the sorrow from off my skin - Keiya
“He lays on his bed and knows without a doubt that his soulmates can read Fucking Genius on their skin, or maybe just Genius, but Fucking gives a ring to it.
Because he is, baby, he is.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/9071065 there’s such a lovely flow to this one
playing both sides so u win no matter what i respect that
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faithdeans · 1 year
me an absolute horror slut: did u say horror reccs? ok first of all the bread that is my body by @themauvesoul they have a bunch of consumehimnatural fics this one is my fav. askance ofc you've probably read a bunch of their popular works but a lesser known one with claire!vessel body horror is apocrita it's so fucking disgustingdelicious. clearcutting by @lies-unfurl is one of those ones that i read over and over the twist makes you want to eat your intestines. bound to follow you down by @littlehollyleaf for some good ol naomi torture horror. (small self plug i do write a lot of horror too but it's less slutty more sad) those are all oneshots if you're looking for a longfic id recommend every part of the animal by askance if you haven't read it yet
HELLO??? hugging you forever you absolute ANGEL. i am so excited, i am gonna spend most of my week off reading i literally can't wait THANK YOU
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saewokhrisz · 2 years
D. Do. Do you perhaps have any moicy fic recs. Very sorry to bother you, especially in case you don't read fanfiction at all, I'm just craving more content of them, badly
uuhh i do read a Lot of fanfiction but almost all of it is explicit or has *cough* nicher kinks so.... idk if its something you'd like or something id feel comfy immediately recommending, dear anon, but i can try to give a few reccs of stuff ive read and enjoyed
An Angels Descent - HackedTig (unfinished longfic, explicit)
Oasis - Begging_For_Mercy , FancyPants (finished longfic, explicit)
Redefining Collaboration - AmputeeTrainee (oneshot, explicit)
I Am As Human As You - kittymsmith (longfic, mature)
here's few of my favourites, most are longfics cuz i looooveeee good and well built up slowburns so, hope i could be of help!
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tomatoswup · 10 months
also whoops sorry i forgot to toss this into my other ask, but do you have any reccs for how to start up an interactive fic/game? i know there's the classic formatting it in docs and imbed links, but if u have any reccs id love to hear it!
Hmmmm,,, honestly what i can recommend is to work it the way that's easiest for you😭,, in a bit of a way I kinda eyeballed it ngl?? i drew inspiration from an old bts au that i participated on twt back around 2016/17 that only used two choices and had like three endings,,,, not too complicated and short but I just hand planned everything (i made a tree :) ) since I've been away from my laptop lately😭😭 also it's more easier for me to follow/change than working it like the classic way people do it
personal tip is to remember that the readers are the ones controlling the big decisions but what are the stakes? how do those decisions affect the story?
also grab inspiration from things u like! Otome games? Make some routes! :D Mystery? Who managed to kill them? although you try to make it fun for the readers, make sure you have fun too!!!!!!
i got inspiration from a few horror games like phasmaphobia, fatal frame(heavy) and corpse party (whoever knows this game yall know this gon be a bumpy ride) so just have fun with it really :) and everything's gonna be ok :D
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kidflashimpulse · 2 years
Any yj fanfic recs, it doesn’t have to be just Bart or zetaflash. It can be anything! I’m just trying not to think about the cancellation lmao
im glad im answering this now instead of when I first saw it cause all this time I thought u were asking about fics in general and ive been trying to come up with some since and WHEW I have zero idea on where to start id be at it for hours. 
apologies for only replying now, ik this might've been more helpful in the moment but I was hoping my post on YJ status was somewhat helpful on the matter ! still imma give some reccs in case u need it in the future
though warning... I get the impression its entirely possible (very likely) u might have read them all already? im gonna try my best with variety but I can't promise u haven't read it already
for YJ, I have to confess....... I have tunnel vision for bart, I don't recall reading much outside/beyond him and those that I have, well since I don't archive what I read (one of my worst traits if u ask me), its not coming to me rn, but next time I read smn I wanna recc Im gonna try to remember to add it to this post as an edit lol
but for now...
Sunshine. Falling by @/radioactive-earthshine 
ok...so ik im gonna mostly be giving the stuff that ive bookmarked on ao3 (which isn't at all a comprehensive list, theres sooo much more that ive loved but I don't use my acc to read at all so I usually just free-ball it when trying to remember fics, and yes, its a habit I very much hate lol) and in fact, I wish I could mention them all here but I would be writing a novel if I spoke about each and every one of the so ur best bet is to just check that list out honestly 
and also, yeah its not a YJ fic, but I enjoy how it follows his comic characters run and builds on it. I find his characterisation in this fic rlly interesting and authentic (also Max being Native American there is everything, I actually have this whole theory/HC in YJ that Max is a Native American “God” (like the ancient greek/roman gods) i.e commonly known as Mercury, that just kinda roams about but is mostly in New Genesis (no idea where that thread/post is rn but I read someone connecting Lightray to Hermes/Mercury and since then that idea has been stuck in my head lol)) 
okay I have gone totally off track (im so sorry omg) im gonna try to keep it concise from here lol, anyway supper recc sunshine falling, the writing is gorgeous and the plot is rlly interesting! 
After the fall of Olympus by @/greycappedjester  
okay, im obsessed with this series, the world building is INSANE, the first fic in the series is basically a YJA AU where failsafe actually happened (whole flashfam except jay dies, but YJA bart still makes it to that TL cause he actually ended up dimension hopping rather than time travelling, or smn like that). To keep it short, his characterisation here is AMAZING, I love it sm, the second fic, flash facts is one of my all time favourites (if u ask me its the only canon take of his interaction with the rogues, cause don't get me started on how foul his comics history with them is (and not in a gd way)) so personally, this series, particularly flash facts, is just fantastic. it also very much explores other YJ/DC characters, (Dick is the central figure in AFTO and bart appears relatively later on and when the YJ Invasion plot passes, the plot focuses alot on other characters, especially considering its largely about Dicks evolution).
For zetaflash, I mean it quite literally when I say I think ive read almost all the fics under the tag... we are very much at that stage in the fandom, so yeah lol, quite a few of my faves are in my bookmarks but I haven't updated it in a while
Sooner than later, a Wally and bart oneshot on their YJ bond, its quite sweet, ft spitfire
Waking up to Ash and Dust  its incomplete (just one chapter) and quite an old fic, its also been super long since I last read it so I can't remember it clearly, gotta give it a reread but I remember it being a rlly interesting take on things so it stuck with me, basically an outsider POV of bart with OCs 
ill try to update this list when I can! and my bookmarks at some point too whilst im at it lol, hope u can enjoy these (if u haven't read them already lol) and im so sorry for the totally unwarranted random essay lmfao
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brainddeadd · 25 days
i used to have an account where id reblog fics i loved
I don't use it anymore but this is the account so you can look if you want
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slipscout · 2 years
i am sitting here absolutely mind boggled after reading Odin’s Son Tyr’s Son for like the 5th time siri how do i bind fanfics into books
Literally one of my top 5 favorite fanfics. It has the found family, the drama, the realization of ‘hey loki was like. super mistreated’, the emphasis on the side characters and expanding everyone into fully fleshed out people with THOUGHTS and IDEAS and their own concepts and tones of speech!!!! a fantastic series please i know its ended but i crave more Tyr Being A Good Dad
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metfell · 3 years
Metfell bestie i have been inspired by the anon and i now ask for your top 5 FFs you reccomend. No matter the genre, just favorite FFs.
oh god yall caught me at the WORST time i cleared out my entire ao3 history the other day like. 65 pages of fic history just poof gone
my favorite dsmp fics so far (minus passerine and the orphans path series i love them both but obviously theyre good) are:
Promised Land, an IRL magic au with Ranboo as the main character, but focuses on all of SBI and Tubbo, and doesn't have dream as a villain which is good because you'd expect that from this kinda fic! It's very good but if you have religious trauma you may just wanna be slightly careful. Nothing much! Just a bit.
Cross Platform my beloved <3333 the author recognized me in their comments so hiiii author ur fic makes me happy!!!! It's got a similar premise to The Waking World Around us aka "oh fuck what happened why are we in minecraft holy shit" but it has SUCH interesting worldbuilding for the in-game universe I keep getting more and more intrigued! And this isn't really a spoiler it's in the opening tags so: there's a neat bit about players getting glitched and becoming mob hybrids, and that's how I believe we're eventually gonna get raccooninnit, goat tubbo, and enderboo! Good fic it's pretty long though, which while I enjoy that, it may be a read for some people!
And while I'm not normally into Dream Redemption Fics, I really enjoy this one: Call this World Home, it's a fic where Dream, thanks to XD, is trapped within the barriers of the arctic commune, mainly Ranboo's house. It's really fun because Ranboo grows a spine in this, and we get some good Techno and Phil content, and it also explores Dream's relationship to the server itself because he created it and everything. It's good!
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