#fightbox cover
hivvernal · 1 year
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Wallpaper/Controller Cover gift commission for my good friend @ex-tenebris
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anywho-hello · 2 months
rate my underverse oc! (Warning, long description.)
LIMINAL; nightmare Aliza.
Originally Horror’s human, ended up eating a dark apple while alone in Nightmare’s castle when Error decided he wanted that kid’s SOUL for his collection. She ate the apple as a sort of last resort, and with her being a FEAR SOUL to begin with, the dark apple immediately bonded with her, turning her into Liminal.
When the others returned, Error was nowhere to be found, and Liminal was sitting in the middle of the room, looking at her hands. She acted mostly the same, only slightly altered by the apple… (Error is fine by the way, she just flung him back through his glitchy portal thing.)
Horror was very concerned for Liminal, and oddly enough so was Nightmare. She seemed physically ok, other than the obvious goopification. She was just stunned for a little bit, that was all.
Liminal acts shy, normally hiding behind pillars and stuff within the castle. She knows everything that happens in the castle, and will know about intruders even before Nightmare himself. She likes Phantom Papyrus, Nightmare, and Horror the best.
In battle, she’s surprisingly aggressive, using a sort of hit-and run tactic where she teleports around and uses tendril spikes to disorient the opponent. If possible, she’ll even create a giant goop maze for the opponent to get lost in, hence the name Liminal.
She looks like a slightly older version of Aliza, but covered in this blackish violet goop, one eye completely obscured. She sports thin, whiplike tendrils and a traditional nightgown. When yawning, spines will crack out of her shoulders and her mouth goes unnaturally wide. This serves no purpose other than to freak people out and unsettle them. Liminal feeds off of those weird uneasy feelings that you get if you’re alone in an area that should have people, the feeling of being watched, and overall backrooms vibes. When not in the castle, she likes hiding out in the forest in Horrortale. Horrortale Papyrus cannot tell the difference between Liminal and Aliza.
Passive abilities; can hold stuff within her goop like a pocket dimension(once she pulled Ink out of her pocket to everyone’s surprise), the yawning thing, teleportation, and the only one who can sneak up on Killer and Horror. (Not Dust, Cross, or Nightmare though. She can’t sneak up on them.)
Attacks; tendril spikes. (Half the fightbox becomes damaging.) Whiplash. (Her main ‘normal’ attack. Note that while using this attack, she also moves her hands around like she’s from Avatar or something.) Face Your Demons. (Purely meant to jumpscare the opponent; blue ‘bone’ area while different attacks play chicken with the soul sprite. None actually hit the soul but it will spook people into moving out of the way.) and finally…
Labyrinth. This move enlarges the fightbox, and Liminal disappears from view. The player then has to navigate their soul through a whole maze, and some areas have attacks that are hidden until a trigger point.
Note that despite these advantages, Liminal actually has pretty low health and will get hit if you time your strikes right.
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antiv3nom · 1 year
the bottom plate for my fightbox has officially printed Well Enough(tm) that i can start printing the rest of it!!! the calibration still aint perfect so there were some waves, but that shouldnt be a problem on the rest of it since this is the only piece that's quite this large and flat, and im just gonna cover up the fucky side with some grippy material for ease of use
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emergenciesstory · 4 years
Fight Night
 Pairing: Fem!Reader x Boxer!Steve
Boxing AU. Sequel to Fight for you - but can be read as a one-shot (as can most of my work). For @star-spangled-bingo square “Free Space”. 
Summary: Y/n was a boxer for “The Gym” who is returning for a charity match. Coming back is like coming home, but what will happen when she is selected to go against her boyfriend- “The Captain”?
A/n: With everything going on (Pandemic)- I’ve struggled to keep up with the challenge and work and just life in general. But! I found some time and a need to destress and here we are! Hope you enjoy. Also- I try and write as inclusive as possible, but I’m female, and I picture myself, so i’m sorry. And I’m not a boxer, I just likes this AU so again- Sorry. 
   “Tonight’s line up is a special treat for fans new and old!” The reporter said, a smile on her face. She was standing in front of “The Gym” you had found as your second home. You finished packing your workout bag , listening in.
    “Trainer Tony Stark, formerly known as the boxer, Iron Man, has announced tonight to be the Charity match- bringing home boxers who have gone far, and some who have formerly announced retirement. Tonight's line-up includes Black Widow v. The Captain, The Soldier v. Former Partner and returning Vet. Little Minx, and lastly, The formerly retired War Machine v.  Honorary guest: The Falcon. We’ve been promised two fan based match off’s of the previously mentioned fighters and one surprise match!”
    You smirked, your phone going off in the group chat, Wanda reminding everyone of the line up. You replied letting them know you were heading over soon, cutting off the TV in your apartment and pulling a hoodie over your head. 
    The chat blew up, the guys talking beef as you all ventured from different areas. As you approached the gym, you found The Falcon standing outside, phone in hand.
    “Hey, Sam, Right?” You smiled, holding your hand out.
    “Little Minx- Pleasure.” He shook your hand. “Any Idea how to get into this place?”
    “Y/n, please. We’re friends here. And You’d want the side door- Tony often forgets guests come in the main entrance on fight night. Follow me.”
    “Thanks. You know, this is great, the Charity fights are something I’ve tried to bring to my old box but they wouldn’t hear it.”
    “Maybe you should come here then. Tones likes to give back to the community- we do all sorts of things around here.” you slipped your badge on the door lock, hearing the click and holding the door open. “Welcome to the Fightbox.”
    Sam smiled, slipping into the members only areas you were so familiar with. You remembered what the visiting fighters room was, a smaller training room used for classes or storage. Sam seemed out of his element- still as a statue but not saying much. A laugh escaped your lips.
    “Don’t worry, I’ll give you the grand tour. Through here is the locker room- pick any along the wall for your things for the night.” You dropped your things in your old locker on the corner, grabbing the magnets on the side of the entry door with your name and a write on one. Placing your magnet on your locker, you Wrote “Falcon” on the other and handed it to Sam.
    “For your door, so no one accidently goes to use it.” You leaned on the one beside his, wrapping your hands. “Through that hall is the hold- similar to the one you came through last time you fought here. And if you go through the door to the left, it’s the viewing box.” 
    Sam was quiet for a minute, taking in all the information. “The viewing box? Sorry, my ring is smaller than here. They were, to say the least, money crazed. We just had a locker room.”
    “You used to fight at Brock’s, didn’t you?” you asked, smiling. Sam nodded. “Great fighter, bad guy. No biggy- I’ll show you. Tony listens to what we want, and tries to make it happen. This gym- it was our way to give back to the community here. It brings a lot of business.”
    “Is that why it’s on the bad side of town?” Sam mocked, following you into the viewing box.
    “Sort of. This was just where we had the space. Viewing box- you can see everything, but they can’t see you. Soundproof too. A place to watch but also get away from the fight if you need the headspace.” You stepped out on the balcony, even with the ring floor. Wanda and Pietro were setting the brackets and prepping the ring- both waving when they saw you.
    “We’re all family here. Everyone does their part. Everyone preps, cleans, and has a say in the fights.” You said, smiling at Sam. “And everyone is open to having a new family member.”
    “Depending on how tonight goes, perhaps I’ll talk to Tony about it.” Sam smiled, jogging over to help Wanda set one of the higher brackets she couldn't reach. You smiled, moving over to the visitors hold to set up the pre-fight workouts for everyone to warm up.
The thing about Charity matches was that they were more relaxed than normal matches. The stadium was packed, food trucks stationed around the building to drum up business- as the concessions were closed inside to encourage this, but the oddest part of all, before your match, everyone went out and talked to the news station who covered all your matches. That’s where you found yourself now. 
    “This is MJ, coming at you live from The Gym, the location for tonight's Charity match! All of the profits from tonight's match are going right back into the community, and some directly as seen by the vendors here behind me. I’m currently joined by boxer Bucky Barnes, The Soldier, and his former fighting partner Y/n y/l/n, Known as Little Minx! How are you guys tonight?”
    “We are so excited to be able to pull something this big off. Being the last fight before the Three special matches- it’s really touching to end tonight the way this Gym began.” Bucky said, throwing his arm around your shoulders.
    “That is correct, Ladies and Gentlemen. Little Minx and The Soldier were the first to fight on this location- the grand opening of Tony Starks dream.” MJ said with a smile. “Y/n, last time we spoke- you told us you were looking toward the future, a possible family. How are things going with you?”
    “Well, MJ, I’m so happy to be able to cheer on all the fighters for the past six months since then. When Tony asked me to come back to fight tonight, I was thrilled. These guys, my team, we are a family, and it’s always growing. Steve and I are happy as ever, and I’m so thankful to this Gym for bringing us together.”
    Your’s and Bucky's pagers dinged- a sign your fight would be coming up shortly. 
    “Well, I’m so glad we got to speak- and will look forward to talking after tonight's fight. Any last words before the fight?”
    “I’m excited to get back in the ring with this girl- She’s in for a hellava fight.” Bucky laughed, pulling both you and MJ into a hug.
    “He’s going down.” You laughed, pulling Bucky behind you. “Mark my words.”
    You stood in the ring with all the nights fighters, One last special surprise fight to go. The fans had pitted Nat and Bucky, followed by Sam and Bucky. You all stood around Tony, who held the microphone in hand. MJ’s crew was filming these last fights in the viewing balcony, and Tony played to the Camera.
    “Before we end the night with one last match, I wanted to say how happy I am for tonight's success! I’m so glad we can bring you all together here in town, and give back to the people who make this town worth being in.” Applause, hoots, and hollers filled the stadium. 
“We are so fortunate to have fighters willing to come back after retirement to give back,” Tony gestured to you and Rhodes, “and I’m excited to announce that The Falcon will be joining the Family here at The Gym.” You laughed and hugged Sam quickly, knowing he’d fit in great.
“We have one last fight for you all tonight, and I’m sure it will be quite the treat.” A drumroll of stomping feet grew in intensity. “Tonight, for the first time ever, officially that is, Little Minx v. The Captain!” 
You rolled your eyes teasingly as everyone cleared the ring but you, Tony, and Steve. You shook hands with Steve mockingly, but he pulled you in planting a kiss on your lips. The crowd cheered as you swatted him away.
    “The Captain is starting mind games already!” Tony sassed as you both went to your corners to Glove up. Bucky was coaching you, while Nat and Sam were in the other corner talking to Steve. Tony continued to talk to give you both a minute, but it was buzzing. Your adrenaline picked up as Bucky placed your guard in your mouth, hitting your gloves in your old patterns.
    “Make him regret challenging you.” Buck smirked, jumping down off the side of the ring. You turned, seeing Steve’s face shift into game mode. You met in the middle, tapping your gloves together, took two paces away, and the bell rang- round one.
    The two of you danced around, landing some punches. The bell rang, sending you to your corners. 
    “Practice Rep #4.” Bucky said softly. “He doesn’t know that one.” 
“The one with the kickflip?” You asked, mentally thinking.
“The reverse kickflip. You’ll throw him off.” You nodded, putting your mouth guard back in and stepping up. Steve was smirking, and you watched his movements on his feet. Left, Left, Punch, Right, Punch, Left. Repeat.  He did this twice before doing the opposite and then back to it. You counted it out, landing a couple hits. On his second switch, you flipped back, sliding down into a sweeping crouch to knock his legs out as you came around. The crowd roar was deafening- your signature move from long ago, but as you turned back to the middle of the ring, Steve was crouching away from you, holding his Jaw, gloves discarded. The bell rang out three times- signaling an interruption for possible injury. 
“Stevie?” You said, quickly moving towards him, ripping off your gloves. You tried to process if your foot had hit his jaw, it shouldn’t have, placing your hand on his back. “Are you okay? Did I-” Words caught in your throat as you moved in front of him, a coy smile on his face, no mark in sight.
“Little Minx,” Steve said, taking your hands. His voice was amplified across the Gym, throwing you off slightly. “I have loved you since I first saw you kick Bucky’s ass here on this ring. I knew I had to have you, and after months of trying to ask you out, you asked me out to Tacos after a match. I fell in love with you more and more each day.”
Your eyes were tearing up as you listened to Steve talk. 
“This is where we began, and it wasn’t a coincidence we would end the night in a fight. I just wanted to start a new chapter in the same place the first one began.” Steve reached behind him, pulling a ring out of what looked like thin air. 
“So, Y/n, Will you marry me?” Words escaped you as you nodded your head, sinking to your knees before him. Steve undid the wrap on your left hand, slipping the silicone ring onto your hand. He pulled you in for a kiss as all your teammates joined you in the ring, applauding. “Don’t worry, the real one is in your locker.” He sassed, holding you.
“I love you, Steven Rogers.”
“I Love you, Y/n Y/l/n.”
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