#fin son of rapunzel and eugene fitzherbert
hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Out of all of Rapunzel and Eugene’s kids (they have three in ours if I recall) how is Hannah’s relationship with em all and who’s the person she gets along with the most!
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Hannah surprisingly gets along with all three of Flynnpunzel/Eugunzel's kids. Seriously. There's not a single one of them she doesn't like or not get along with.
But to answer your question, this is how her relationship with all of them individually is like:
Hannah and Fin: Hannah and Fin adore one another and spend lots of time together. Being around him makes Hannah feel like she's back at home and feel relaxed. She reads to him and dances with him and they play lots of games and have lots of tea parties together. And Hannah spoils the hell out of him every chance she gets.
Many of the stuffed animals he has he got from her and they also finger paint together. And draw. And sometimes he lets her hold his pet chameleon. Which excits her and amuses everyone greatly.
Hannah and Ruby: The two of them do art together often. They draw and paint and color and do tye dye projects together. Occasionally dancing and brushing one another's hair (Hannah forgets to do her own often and doesn't really know how to do it properly, and Ruby likes when other people brush her hair). Ruby is also trying to teach her how to ride a horse and fight with a frying pan.
They also gift eachother their art often and try to show eachother new things they discover and like.
Ruby also tries her best to teach Hannah how to take care of herself in Auardon since the isle doesn't really have the proper self-maintenance supplies like shampoo in big enough quanites on the isle for everyone to get them. Often recruiting her friends-- like Audrey-- to assist her.
She does the stuff Hannah's older sisters would have taught her if they had, had the proper supplies to.
Hannah and Anxelin: Hannah and Anxelin have a tentative relationship. Niether are quite sure of one another or how to interact but they try.
They rant to one another when the others are driving them nuts. They teach other swear words and draw the darker things that they can't draw around others with one another.
They also have a similar taste in dark humor and dark music, which is something they both desperately need in the world of Auardon after Anxelin goes goth (She changed drastically after the school of secrets web series).
She gets along with Fin the most though and even has a nickname for him. Finny.
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