#fire emblem engage diamant
cosmikbread · 1 year
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He 😳
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blast-period · 1 year
Diamant a little too eager to be the next king
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rexcaliburechoes · 1 year
diamant’s framing in his supports // literally no one asked
there’s something here with diamant and how he’s framed in his supports with various characters, based on this post talking about the red stripe in his hair being an “imperfection“. i wanted to see if, in his supports, his framing showing/hiding the red stripe in his hair signified anything regarding how genuine he is, his intentions, etc.
so, like any sane person, i sat and obsessively watched collector togami’s video on all of his supports and made a ranking list.
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this isn’t comprehensive, and you could argue some of these conversations have more/less framing of his left/right side than i’ve put here, but a lot of his supports have him framed on his right side, especially citrinne’s support. he talks specifically talking about the brodian nobility, and it’s only when he’s talking to her and apologises for the mess (showing his true intent, if you will, compared to saying what others want to hear, to so speak) where he’s framed on his left.
you’d think alfred’s support is a little odd, but if you think about the fact that brodia has a non-aggression pact with brodia (and thus, should be more friendly compared to solm, of which is in direct geographical opposition to brodia) and elusia (literally waging wars on elusia), it makes a lot of sense that he would be less guarded, so to speak, around alfred. it helps that alfred’s design is more... triangle-y than the others, which i want to bring in a connection about how triangles are the strongest shape... (yes i know i’m not good at character design don’t @ me lmao). also alfred, in general, just Is Like That in getting people to lower their guards around him, so it sort of tracks.
what’s incredibly interesting to me is that, in his ivy c-support, he’s framed with his left side to the camera, and yet his face is hidden from view when he tells ivy that “it’s okay if you don’t want the courage talisman rock thing i’m gifting you” where, throughout the rest of the conversation he’s been rather chill talking with ivy and 100% empathises with the whole “i have to keep appearances for my country“ thing. later, when he talks about how “ivy doesn’t owe him anything because brodia has a lot to answer for“, he’s fully facing the camera and you get a better glimpse of the red streak in his hair.
what’s also veeeeeery interesting is his b-support with alcryst; throughout the entire conversation, he’s been winded from practicing with mages and alcryst comes up and talked to him, freaks out a little, and then diamant finally tells him “hey so uh. i might be afraid of mages“ but ends up concluding the conversation of “it’s fine tho don’t worry abt it :)“ and just fucks off to go back to talk with the mages. we see his model turn around so that his left side flashes past the camera as he walks away. otherwise, he’s framed to his right facing the camera at all times
in his conversation with framme, the camera does this neat thing where, when he talks about his brodian ancestors and the founding of brodia, it suddenly cuts to framing him on his right side where the camera had solely been focused on his left, showing off the red streak in his hair. when he talks openly about the warmongering of brodia against elusia, he’s framed with his left side by the camera. pretty neat, eh?
also, because of his saying “let’s just call [my study habits] good enough“, i’d like to headcanon him as kind of a bad student, or at least one that doesn’t have study skills come to him easily. he definitely drilled himself in “normal“ ways of studying, but because it just... doesn’t click as well for him as it probably should, he considers himself “pretty good“ or “good enough“.
his s-support with alear is also pretty neat in that when he walks into frame, you only see his right side when he asks “is this a good time to talk?“, but then the camera switches so you see his left side through the rest of his conversation with alear. in his cg, the red streak in his hair is more vibrant than any other piece of official art we’ve been given of him in promotional material, but it’s still not very obvious.
so what does this say about diamant’s intentions? well, i’d like to say that he does try to be genuine/unguarded. in very support we see the red stripe in his hair in plain view at least once. in some supports it’s more obviously showcased than others. even in veyle’s support chain, he’s framed facing the camera head on, even if he’s not being fully unguarded, so you get to see a lot more of the red stripe. he’s letting his guard down, as much as he allows himself to.
but overall, he’s a really guarded person. he doesn’t tend to let others in aside from alear (who is the divine dragon and also technically his commanding officer and also Literally God) and alfred (who just has this way to get others to lower their guard, or at least, throws others who do have their guard up for a loop when he’s so darn genuine all the time). it makse sense given his archetypes, but it’s interesting in how the camerawork reinforces this.
it’s a little sad, though, that he doesn’t let his guard down around alcryst very much, if we take this interpretation as how his relationships with other people go...
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munnmo-fe-pit · 1 year
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krazieka2 · 1 month
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Fire Emblem Engage Outfit Swap! Yay
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ctlyrt · 4 months
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brodian brothers
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articianne · 1 year
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this is literally what fe engage feels like
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reapervows · 1 year
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theres only one thing in that tiny brain of his and i refuse to believe that it’s anything other than other men (and their muscles). we all know what you are alfred.
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gzeidraws · 6 months
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Diamant, Alear, and Alfred enjoying a meal at a sushi bar 🍣 A commission for Raikkun!
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septiseph · 1 year
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after training at the somniel arena
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larachelledrawsfe · 1 year
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A very, very late FE anniversary scribble.
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takawbird · 1 year
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an unbearable burden
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mazarin · 1 year
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I tried my best to draw the FE Engage cast in the 90's anime art style. Not sure if I even hit the classic vibe of what is old anime, but it was so much fun to draw the lineart nonetheless!
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rexcaliburechoes · 1 year
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Fire Emblem Series, Fire Emblem Engage
Character: Diamant (Fire Emblem)
Additional Tags: Drabble, Introspection, Character Study, Hopeful Ending, Double Drabble, if you count the words on each phase it is exactly 200 words long :), Inspired by Music, Lowercase, Spoilers, technically spoilers for chapter 10, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, no beta we die like Lumera, Post-Canon
Summary: "western composers, expressing the 'rightness' of happiness by means of a major third, expressed the 'wrongness' of grief by means of the minor third, and for centuries, pieces in a minor key had to have a 'happy ending' – a final major chord (the 'tierce de picardie') or a bare fifth." - deryck cooke
a small double drabble right before diamant's coronation.
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hekxate · 1 year
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diamant goes out with the soccer team
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troofless · 1 year
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i can’t wait for dlc wave 4!!!!! alcryst will be taking “brb i’m going to kill myself” to a whole new level
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