#firetruck boyfriend
so im revealing my heatwave sideblog, it's on my pinned post
i just think he's neat
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my ultimate 911 spec is we get the slowest burn before buddie canon, buddie does secret relationship until they’re sure/talk to christopher, chris reacts poorly/says he’s fine but isn’t/is scared of this all blowing up his life, buddie takes a step back/breaks up (mirroring eddie leaving the 118 for dispatch), like half a season or more goes by, buddie back together, season finale buddie wedding (maddie gives buck away somehow even if not officially we get a big buckley siblings moment) (chris is eddie’s best man), next season we get conflict from the being-married-at-work of it all (buck is told firmly he cannot go by “buckley-diaz” at work/on his turnouts because then it sounds like people are talking to both him and eddie at once; something happens where one of them is at risk and the other defies a direct order and the brass wants bobby to transfer one of them; bobby is looking at retirement and encourages them both to think about their careers long-term and realize that may mean leaving the 118), fundamentally their dynamic doesn’t change in ensemble scenes except for the fact that buck is constantly slinging his arm around eddie’s shoulder but otherwise they are just like they’ve always been. this is my vision and i am manifesting it.
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n3wtiepatootie · 1 year
When I talk about a cockroach, it's normal and no one bats an eye.
However, when I talk about a roach cock, the whole population of this spinning play dough ball turns to look at me.
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norrisleclercf1 · 11 months
Okay okay I love dad!Fernando but switch the roles around with single mom!reader and Fernando. Reader not telling him at first cause she doesn't want to scare him. Fernando just spoiling the hell out of the two of them
Warnings: Fluff, that's it just fluff
Not telling him in the beginning probably wasn't smart of you, yet he was the most important man in your life.
Of course, if you said that, people would think it'd be your boyfriend Fernando Alonso, infamous F1 driver. But, that wasn't the case. The most important man in your life was you 4 year old toddler, Damon.
No one knew of him, which you made sure to keep to yourself, not even your boyfriend of 8 months knew of your son. Damon's father wasn't in the picture. Not because he had left you pregnant, but he passed away when Damon was just a little thing.
People would judge you for not telling Fernando, but you were terrified to introduce Fernando to him. Worried he'd leave you the moment he found out you're a single mother to a 4 year old.
"Why don't you ever invite me over?" Fernando's question wasn't one of anger or anything, just curiosity. Biting your bottom lip you think about telling him, that your little boy was home with your best friend.
"I....." "If you're married, you can say that." Fernando did sound bitter that time, you can't help the laugh that breaks out in the car, as he parks in front of your driveway. ""I....." "If you're married, you can say that." Fernando did sound bitter that time, you can't help the laugh that breaks out in the car, as he parks in front of your driveway.
"I'm not married Fernando. Just, I haven't told you something that might cause us to break up." You whisper climbing out of the car, Fernando following you.
"Whatever it is, I highly doubt it could break us." He smiles grabbing your hand. "Just know, that when we walk through this door, you're about to meet the most important person in my life. If you don't approve you're leaving. Understand." It wasn't a question as Fernando nods.
He was utterly clueless to what it could be, that you lied about for almost a year, but at this point you could be married but he honestly wouldn't care. He loved you.
Your friend opens the door first and glares at Fernando. "Oh hey, Nila." You smile but she pays you no mind, if she could Fernando would be on fire right now. "Hurt them, and I'll ruin that ugly green car." She hisses and spins on her heel stomping back into the house.
"Ugly?" Fernando whispers as he follows you into the house. Looking around he smiles, how it feels like a home. He kicks something and looks down, seeing a toy firetruck and raises an eyebrow.
He stops when his eyes clash with a picture of you and this little boy, give or take 5 years old. He was all yours, he'd know those eyes and mouth anywhere. He loved those eyes and mouth.
"You're a mother." He picks up the picture studying it, you freeze and see him holding the picture. Your heart stops. Not because he was furious, but he was smiling. "I am." You whisper, gently prying the picture from his hands.
"Can I meet him?" Fernando's excitement getting the better of him. "Wait no, I'll meet him when you're comfortable with it, and he is. Shit, should I have brought something. I can meet him tomorrow. That way he isn't shocked, and I have a stuffy." You giggle seeing this grown man freak out about impressing a toddler.
"He knows about you, Nando. He's four, name is Damon. His father died when he was young, doesn't remember him. He likes firetrucks and the color red." You smile setting the picture where it belongs.
"Does he know what I do?" Fernando asks, curious if he could win the mini you over that way. "Yes, he says it's loud and boring." Fernando's smile fades as he glares at you. "Well, that will change in the future." You try hard to ignore the butterflies in your stomach, but that proves hard to do.
"Come on, let's meet Damon." Pulling him deeper into your home.
"Do not, tell your mother I bought it." Fernando whisper to the now 6 year old, soon to be his stepson, well he didn't consider Damon his stepson, that was his little boy.
"I won't daddy. Mama is still mad you bought her a new house." Damon holds the mini Ferrari car close, red was still his favorite color, which influenced him heavily in his choice of favorite team.
"That's my boy." Picking Damon up, he kisses his cheek.
Fernando was all in when he first walked into that house 2 years ago, of course he still argues with Damon that it's not boring. Of course the 6 year old doesn't find it boring when Charles or Carlos are winning, but that was an ongoing argument.
"Daddy?" Fernando hums gathering their bags, as they just got back home from a race. Fernando loved spoiling you two like crazy, taking you on crazy vacations, toys, houses, cars.
He wanted his family to have everything and he did give you everything. "Can we go see the red cars again?" His eyes growing wide, giving puppy dog eyes.
He groans, knowing that Damon needed to go to kindergarten, but saying no to him was very hard. "Yes, just don't tell you Mama." He tickles him.
"Don't tell me what?" Both your boys freeze hearing your voice as Fernando turns around slowly.
"Nothing." They both say smiling, you swear that Damon wasn't Fernando's, but fuck were they carbon copies sometimes.
"Good." You smile and skip down kissing them both on the lips. You all talk about the race, you happy to have your boys home that you don't even see the new toy.
When you put Damon to bed, is when you notice it and shake your head. Walking out you wrap your arms around Fernando's waist face pressed into his back as he washes his mouth.
"I love you." You whisper, Fernando's heart speeds up, always does when you say those words. "Also, want to explain why our son has a new, very expensive mini Ferrari, and why he said he was going to the next race with you?" Fernando turns and kisses you.
"I love you, so much, did you know that? You're a goddess." You walk away as Fernando spews out praises and compliments knowing he'd be paying for this later.
Stupid Damon and his 6 year old mouth.
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lovewithmary · 7 months
Listen, and hear me out on this request, have you considered writing one where Max wants to cook for reader, to try and be a good romantic boyfriend, except he's shit at cooking, so he calls up Lando, minor minor minooor issue Lando has been buying takeout and taking credit for the food for years, he's even worse in a kitchen than Max is. But Max doesn't know that
reader finally comes home, and who doesn't love seeing a firetruck pulled up outside of your apartment complex because your boyfriend and his friend can't cook
hope you find this as funny as i do, have a good weekend :)
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summary: In an effort to try and be a good boyfriend to you, Max tries to cook up a romantic meal for the two of you. Except, he's shit at cooking. So, he enlists the help of Lando, who has been bragging and posting about his cooking on his Close Friends Stories for a year now. There's just one problem: it's all fake. And what do you get when you have Max and Lando trying to cook? A visit from the firefighters to your house, of course.
warnings: use of you
notes: first request WOOO. this request was so fun to write, so thank you for requesting! I tried to make it funny so I hope it's funny?? idk
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"Lando, you have to do it. You agreed to help me cook,"
"But it's fish. I hate fish," he replied, pointing at the fish as if Max didn't know there was a fish in his own kitchen.
"Y/N's favorite dish has fish in it," Max told Lando, already sounding as if he was exhausted with cooking even if they hadn't even started yet.
"And you're still dating her?" Lando questioned, and Max had to resist punching him.
"Alright, I'll help cook the fish but I hope you know I don't like it," he informed Max.
"Really? I didn't even notice," Max said sarcastically.
Max then decides he is going to take charge of dealing with the fish since Lando's one step closer to walking out if he's the one who does it. As he is looking through the recipe on his phone, he notices that Lando is in front of the vegetables.
He was only staring at them, holding a knife in one hand and his phone in the other but nothing was happening. "Lando, I sent you the recipe," Max told him.
"I know, but you should cut the onion," Lando said, trying to hand Max the knife.
"Okay, but you have to cut the fish then—"
"Never mind, I'll cut the onion," Lando said, taking back the knife.
Max watched as Lando continued to do nothing, switching between looking at him, the onion, the knife, and his phone in his hand. Suddenly, he put the knife down and looked at Max.
"I have to tell you something, but you cannot tell anyone, including your own girlfriend," Lando said, emphasizing how serious it is by making Max swear not to tell you.
"What is it?" Max asked, skeptical.
“You don’t know how to cook?!” Max exclaimed.
“This is all your fault!” Lando shot back.
“How was I supposed to know you don’t know how to cook?!”
“Why did you even ask me? Do you not know other people who might know how to cook? You could’ve asked Yuki!”
That stumped Max. If he was being honest, he didn’t even think about who to ask to help him cook for you, considering he was panicking and called whoever he called the most recent, which just so happened to be Lando. And he figured that the McLaren helper could give him a hand considering Lando had been posting what he had been cooking on his Instagram close friend's story for a little over a year now.
Only for Lando to admit that the whole thing was fake, everything was takeout put onto a plate, and he was fooling everyone with his story. Including Max. “Why did you even say yes when I asked you to help me if you knew you didn’t know how to cook?” Max questioned, clueless as to why Lando still came over.
"It all happened so fast, Max. I posted a picture on my story of my takeout that was just put on a plate and everyone was responding to it, saying it looked good. And then it kept on happening and next thing you know, I was considered good at cooking! I thought I was going to avoid, you know, actually cooking but then you asked me to help you cook dinner for Y/N, and if I said no, you'd get suspicious—" Lando started to rant.
"Lando," Max interrupted Lando, immediately quieting the McLaren driver. 
"I'll keep your secret, no matter how weird I think it is. Just, help me cook, and don't burn down the kitchen,"
"I can do that," Lando said
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Lando burnt the kitchen down. 
Well, nearly burnt the kitchen down because apparently, he didn't know you aren’t supposed to put tin foil in the microwave and he didn't know what was happening in the microwave until Max saw it and yelled. Once Lando finally saw the fire, instead of trying to do something, he ran out of the kitchen and left Max to deal with it instead.
“I could’ve died,” Max told Lando.
“You’re overreacting. It was just the microwave,” Lando said.
“I was overreacting? You didn’t even know what was happening and just ran out without even helping,” Max said.
“What the fuck was I supposed to do?”
“Call the firefighters!”
“Well, they’re here, aren’t they?!”
Before either one of them could bicker anymore, you rushed towards them, wearing your work clothes. “Max? Why are there firefighters— Lando? Why are you here? Were you and Max hanging out when the fire happened? Are you guys okay?” You asked, checking both of them for any injuries.
“Schat, we’re fine. We were cooking when the fire happened,” Max said, gently prying your hands away from his face and holding your hands in his own.
“Cooking? But neither of you cooks,” You pointed out, confused.
“Of course, I cook! I post whenever I cook,” Lando tried saying.
“Post? Oh, you mean when you post on your story about your take-out food on a plate?” You said, unaware of how Max was laughing and Lando looking like a kicked puppy.
“You know it’s take-out?” Lando asked.
“Lan, you can see the logo of the restaurants in some of the pictures,” You tried saying carefully, now aware of how sad Lando was.
Spotting the firefighters from afar, who were waiting for one of you to talk to them, you turned to Max and Lando, who went back to bickering about something. “How about I cook something? Lando, you can join us if you want,” you offered, but before Lando could answer, you went to talk to the firefighters.
“You can’t eat with us,” Max immediately said.
“Why not? She just said—”
“I don’t care. Tell her you’re busy or something,”
“But I like her cooking,”
“She’s my girlfriend!”
“Why can’t you be the one to tell her that you don’t want me to eat dinner with you guys?”
“And get scolded about how we should spend time with our friends? No thanks,”
“Well, I guess I’m eating with you guys,” Lando said, smug.
Max glared at him and said, “I shouldn’t have said anything and just left the kitchen,”
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usereddie · 2 months
k but rewatching 2x01 and it's gotta be Buck's pov of ugh, this new guy who's all handsome and perfect or whatever
Be curious about Eddie's pov bc I feel like it would be 70% Panic like omg pls don't mess this up and also 30% Gay Panic like why doesn't the pretty guy like me :(
(fair warning, this may have spiraled past 2x01......a lot. bear with me.)
i don't think we've ever gotten eddie's pov the way we've gotten buck's (2x01 and 7x04 for example) HOWEVER i do think we more or less know who buck is from eddie's pov through his actions.
which, considering their characters, tracks so hard.
buck didn't realize he was queer until a man quite literally kissed him on the mouth. seeing eddie from buck's pov is safe because buck has no idea what his feelings are. we watched buck's complicated feelings of jealousy towards eddie unfold TWICE and neither time did he realize what the feelings actually were (physical attraction and y'know. being in love with the guy). buck's pov is one we're allowed to see through as the audience, because it's not actually gonna tell us much, seeing as buck hasn't realized anything.
eddie, though?
reservoir of catholic guilt eddie? the guy who had panic attacks about the idea of being married to his girlfriend? the same man who was diagnosed repressed by a cardiologist?
he knows. he knows and he's been pushing it down since he and buck met, and if we were to ever see buck through eddie's eyes it'd give away everything. the eddie we've seen through buck's pov is just. pure golden sunshine, laughter, love, and buck's best friend in the whole fucking world. buck's best friend that he's in love with, sure, but buck hasn't put those dots together yet, so we, as the audience, won't see that.
buck, to eddie, is home. is family and warmth and comfort. and, obviously, eddie is the same to buck, but eddie knows this. eddie is fully and completely aware of who buck is to him, he's just shoving it all the way down. eddie gave buck a place to land ("it's eddie's house, i'm not really a guest"), eddie trusts buck wish christopher more than he trusts his parents with christopher (ramon and helena saying to eddie 'don't drag him down with you' and him leaving for LA -> eddie saying to buck 'there's nobody in this world i trust with my son more than you' after the tsunami), eddie let buck in when he was at his absolute lowest.
and, you know.
the will.
we've talked about it a half dozen million times in this fandom but we're gonna talk about it again because it's brain melting. we've never seen buck through eddie's eyes but we've seen exactly who he is to eddie through his actions. eddie trusts buck. eddie needs buck to know he has a reason to stay, that eddie and chris are his reasons to stay. eddie told buck flat out that his life means something. that buck thinks he's not worth anything but he's wrong because he means everything to eddie. eddie loves him.
eddie loved him when he held his hand when buck got pinned under a firetruck and eddie loved him when he dropped chris off before the tsunami and he still loved him when the water went back to the sea and eddie loved him when buck sued the city because the worst part of the whole lawsuit was how much he fucking missed him and eddie loved him when he was trapped under a well and all he could think about was his son and how, if he goes too soon, christopher deserves to be with someone who will love him the way eddie does and eddie loved him when he thought buck was the last thing he was ever gonna see, bleeding out on the streets of los angeles and eddie loved him when he told buck in the only way he knew how to (because, evan) and eddie loved him through panic attacks and mental breakdowns and lightning strikes and new girlfriends and a broken ankle and a new boyfriend because there is no version of eddie diaz that isn't in love with evan buckley.
and eddie knows that.
which is why we don't see it.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 1 month
So I haven't written a lot of meta in a while for anything, but I feel the need to talk about this because I just have a lot of feelings about it.
I want to talk about the two kisses Buck and Tommy have shared on screen. What I like about the two kisses is that there's this wonderful difference between them.
The first one is the one Tommy initiated with Buck. There's this caution and care and easing that Tommy brings, partially because he doesn't know where Buck stands and he's taking a chance on this feeling. He gives Buck the opportunity to move away from the kiss, to not let Tommy guide him into that kiss.
And even when Buck kisses back, Tommy is still gentle; Tommy is soft and he lingers. Tommy soaks in that moment.
And Buck's kiss at the hospital?
Oh wow it's beautiful in a completely different way. Buck has seen this man not only come to a bachelor party Buck organized despite Tommy being on call, but Tommy coming to Chimney and Maddie's wedding at a random hospital as soon as he could after fighting a 24 hour forest fire. Buck has seen Tommy make him a priority when so many people don't do that for Buck.
But here Tommy is.
Rushing to the hospital.
Tommy probably had his coworkers drop him off in their station's firetruck. Tommy didn't even go back to his station to change, he rushed into that hospital with his entire uniform on, still covered in soot.
Tommy was there for Buck.
Because Buck is important to Tommy. Because this was important to Buck. And Tommy had promised he would be there.
And there's this joy Buck has in someone caring about him that much; to date someone who actually thinks about what's important to Buck. This person who keeps being there for him even when work makes it difficult.
And there's a confidence in Buck.
In how he feels about Tommy.
In what he wants.
These two have been going out for weeks, and you can see the difference in how Buck acts in public with his boyfriend now, even if he's not out to most of his loved ones (yet).
That's so clear in Buck's actions. Buck takes control of that kiss in a way that surprises Tommy, you can hear it in the surprised moan. Because Tommy wasn't putting any expectations on Buck, he was okay with whatever Buck could give him. He never pressured Buck.
And this is what Buck gives when he's comfortable and feels loved.
And part of Tommy's surprise must be that no one actually handles him like this. People see Tommy's size and assume that he would be the one who would initiate, who would take control.
And Tommy?
Tommy melts into that kiss. And Buck can tell and he keeps kissing Tommy like that.
And you know, people talk about how Tommy should have warned Buck to wipe the soot off his face, but honestly how would Tommy have the brain cells to do that after a rough 24 hour shift and that kiss? I bet Tommy could barely focus enough to apologize to Maddie and Chimney for being late.
Buck is also so pleased with himself. You can see that when he goes upstairs. He's been making out with that man long enough to where people are casually chatting while eating wedding cake and he is just energized.
I just really love both of these kisses.
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newobsessionweekly · 22 days
A heartbeat away
Crossover 911 x The Rookie
Evan “Buck” Buckley x paramedic!Bradford!reader Tim Bradford x paramedic!sister!reader
Fandom: 911, The Rookie Summary: The tense relationship between your brother, Tim, and your boyfriend, Buck, comes to a head when a catastrophic car accident leaves you critically injured. Forced to confront their differences and work together to save you, both men come to terms with their shared fears and love for you. Angst Warnings: ANGST, Descriptions of injuries, blood, trauma, strong language, emotional conflict, intense arguments, vehicle accident, and hospital scenes, fluff at the end cuz my heart was breaking for my babies, not proofread yet?
Requested: No
Words: 3k
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You finish restocking the medication kit, methodically checking each item against the inventory list. The firehouse is alive with its usual buzz, the sounds of laughter and banter mixing with the occasional clang of metal or hum of machinery. You adjust the last of the syringes in their slot and close the kit with a satisfying snap. This place, with its organized chaos, has become your second home.
Just as you’re about to put the kit back in its place, you glance up and see Tim and Lucy entering the fire station. Tim’s tall frame is rigid, his posture tense, while Lucy walks beside him, her hand intertwined with his in a gentle but firm grip. Her presence is calming, a subtle yet powerful reminder of why he’s here. Lucy’s eyes scan the firehouse with curiosity, taking in the new environment with an open mind. Without a second thought, you drop what you’re doing and rush over to them.
“Hey!” you call out, your voice filled with excitement and relief.
Tim’s stern expression softens slightly when he sees you, and Lucy’s face lights up with a warm smile. You reach them and wrap your arms around both of them in a tight hug, feeling the tension in Tim’s body as he slowly relaxes into your embrace.
“Thank you for coming,” you whisper, before you pull back, looking into Tim’s eyes, then turn to give Lucy a quick, grateful squeeze.
Tim grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest. “You owe me for this,” he mutters, his tone a mix of reluctance and protectiveness.
Buck strides over behind one of the firetrucks and his face lighting up when he sees you standing next to your brother. His blue eyes twinkle with warmth, and he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you close for a quick kiss on the cheek. His touch is comforting, grounding you amidst the tension.
“Hey, Tim. Good to see you,” he says, extending a hand towards your brother.
Tim nods curtly, his posture stiffening even more. “Buckley,” he acknowledges, ignoring Buck’s outstretched hand.
You lean in and whisper, placing a gentle hand on his arm. “Give him a chance, please. Buck’s really changed,” you plead, your eyes searching his for any sign of softening.
Tim’s jaw tightens, his gaze remaining hard. “We’ll see about that,” he mutters.
You motion to the table where lunch is set up, inviting the officers to join you. As everyone sits down, Bobby walks over, wiping his hands on a towel. His authoritative presence is softened by a friendly smile spreading across his face.
“Sergeant Bradford. Good to see you here. How’s the force treating you?” Bobby asks, extending his hand to your brother.
Tim shakes it, his grip firm and unyielding. “Busy, as always. How’s it going here?” he replies, his tone polite but distant.
“Same old, same old. Always something to keep us on our toes,” Bobby replies with a chuckle, glancing around at his team bustling about.
“See? We're all just doing our best out here,” you add, hoping to bridge the gap. You reach for Buck’s hand under the table, giving it a reassuring squeeze. He squeezes back, his thumb gently stroking the back of your hand.
Tim softens a bit, nodding. “Yeah, I guess. Still don’t trust Buck though,” he says, his voice gruff but slightly less hostile.
The firefighter, taking mock offense, raises his hands in surrender. “Hey, I’m right here!” he exclaims, a playful grin on his face.
You laugh and playfully nudge your brother's shoulder. “Tim, give him a break. He's not so bad,” you say, leaning your head against Buck’s shoulder for a moment, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
Tim looks at you seriously, his eyes softening as he meets your gaze. “I'm here because I love you, and I want you to be happy,” he says, his voice sincere.
“And Buck makes me happy. Can't you at least try to see that?” you plead.
The Sergeant sighs, his shoulders relaxing slightly. “I'll try. But it's going to take more than a lunch break to convince me,” he admits, his tone grudging but slightly more open.
Buck, with a sincere expression, leans forward slightly, his eyes meeting Tim’s. “Fair enough. Just know that I'm not the same guy who stole that firetruck."
Lucy, nodding in agreement, adds, “Yeah, Buck's grown up a lot. We all have.”
Your brother smirks, a hint of a challenge in his eyes. “We'll see. Just don’t give me any reason to pull out the cuffs,” he says, a slight teasing edge to his voice.
Buck grins, reaching across the table to shake Tim’s hand. “Deal. I'll be on my best behavior,” he promises, his grip firm and sincere.
You smile gratefully at your, squeezing his hand over the table. “Thanks, Tim. It means a lot to me."
Tim’s expression softens as he looks at you, his eyes filled with brotherly concern. “Yeah, well, anything for you. Just don’t make me regret it."
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As you stepped out of the ambulance onto the freeway, the first thing that hit you wasn't the rain, but the sheer chaos unfolding before you. Cars were strewn across the asphalt like toys in a child's playroom, their twisted metal frames bearing witness to the violent collision that had brought them to this sorry state.
The rain pelted down relentlessly, transforming the freeway into a shimmering river of asphalt and water. Puddles had formed in the potholes, turning them into miniature lakes that reflected the flashing lights of emergency vehicles like twisted mirrors.
And there, in the center of it all, was Tim, a lone figure amidst the chaos. His uniform was soaked through, the rain plastering his hair to his forehead as he barked orders at his officers, directing traffic with the precision of a seasoned officer.
But despite the controlled chaos Tim was orchestrating, there was an air of urgency that hung heavy in the air. It was as if the storm itself was a living, breathing entity, threatening to swallow everything whole if you didn't act fast.
Buck, your fearless firefighter, was already in the thick of it, his focus unwavering as he followed Bobby's orders in extracting victims from the mangled wreckage. You followed his lead, weaving through the sea of twisted metal and flashing lights with the ease of someone who had seen it all before.
But just as you thought you had the situation under control, your eyes fell upon a lone blue sedan at the far end of the pileup. The driver was slumped over the wheel, unconscious and vulnerable. Without hesitation, you rushed towards the car, your heart pounding in your chest like a drumbeat of impending doom.
"I'm gonna check that car!" you shouted over the din of the storm, your voice barely audible above the roar of the rain.
"Be careful, okay?" Buck's words were a whispered plea, lost in the chaos of the moment.
With a nod of determination, you wrenched open the door and slid inside, the rain-soaked interior a surreal sanctuary amidst the wreckage outside. The driver lay motionless, a ghost in the machine, and you wasted no time in assessing his condition.
Just as you began to work your magic, the sound of screeching tires and blaring horns shattered the relative calm. Before you could react, another car, blinded by the rain, crashed into the sedan with terrifying force.
The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, followed by a deafening explosion that seemed to swallow everything in its path. Pain exploded through your body as you were thrown forward, your head colliding with something hard and unforgiving.
Darkness enveloped you quickly, swallowing you whole as consciousness slipped away.
In that moment, as you teetered on the edge of oblivion, you couldn't help but wonder if this was how it all ended. Alone, in the pouring rain, surrounded by chaos and uncertainty.
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Buck and Tim both turned at the explosion, horror etched on their faces. The sight of the blue sedan engulfed in flames, with you inside, was a nightmare come to life. Buck’s heart seized, a cold dread gripping him.
“Y/N!” Tim’s voice was raw, a mix of fear and rage, as he started to sprint towards the blazing car.
Buck grabbed his arm, yanking him back with a force fueled by desperation.
“Bradford, stay where you are and do your job. I’ve got her.”
Tim’s eyes were wild, burning with fury. “The hell I’m gonna stay behind. That’s my sister!”
“And she’s my everything! I won't lose her because of you!” Buck’s voice cracked, matching Tim’s intensity as he locked eyes with him. “If you want to help, you need to trust me and listen to me! This is my job and I know how to do it!”
Tim hesitated, torn between his instincts and his training. His heart pounded in his chest, the image of you trapped in the car searing into his mind. With a reluctant nod, he followed Buck, and they moved as one, sprinting toward the flames.
The heat was almost unbearable, a suffocating blanket that seared their skin, but they didn’t hesitate. Buck grabbed a crowbar, his muscles straining as he pried at the door. His thoughts were a chaotic whirl of fear and determination. He couldn’t lose you. Not now. Not ever.
Tim smashed the remaining glass with his bare fists, ignoring the shards that tore into his skin. His mind was a turbulent sea of rage and helplessness. This couldn’t be happening. Not to you.
“Stay with me, Y/N,” Buck muttered, his voice a desperate prayer as he wrenched the door open.
Tim reached in, his hands trembling slightly as he carefully but swiftly pulled you from the wreckage. “She’s breathing.”
“We need to move her, now!” Buck’s tone was urgent, his eyes scanning the flames that threatened to consume the car.
Together, they carried you away from the burning wreck, laying you on a stretcher that Hen had ready. Your breathing was shallow, your skin pallid against the backdrop of rain and fire. Hen immediately went to work, her hands steady despite the chaos.
“I've lost her pulse.” Hen said urgently. “We need to get her to the hospital now. There might be an internal bleeding and something more serious than a concussion.”
As the other paramedics loaded you into the ambulance and Hen began performing CPR, the adrenaline and fear between Buck and Tim transformed into anger.
“This is your fault!” Tim shouted, his face inches from Buck’s, rain mixing with tears of frustration and fear.
“My fault? You’re the one who—”
“I told you to watch her!”
“And I did! Until you—”
“Hey, hey! Stop it!” Lucy’s voice cut through their argument as she and Eddie rushed over. She grabbed Tim’s arm, her grip firm, while Eddie stepped between your boyfriend and your brother, a calm but authoritative presence.
“Calm down,” Lucy ordered, her tone brooking no argument. “This isn’t helping.”
“She’s my sister! I can't just stand by!” Tim’s voice cracked, his usual composed expression shattered.
“And she’s also one of ours,” Eddie interjected, his voice steady and firm. “This isn’t going to help her right now. She needs you.
But their attempts to calm the two men seemed futile. They continued to argue, the stress and fear bubbling over until Bobby intervened.
“Enough!” Bobby’s voice cut through the chaos. “Both of you, to the hospital. Now. You can fight all you want later, but right now, she needs you both to be there for her.”
The weight of his words sank in, and finally, the two men nodded, albeit reluctantly. As the ambulance sped away with you inside, Buck and Tim followed closely, their hearts heavy but united in their concern for you.
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The hospital waiting room was a stark contrast to the chaos of the freeway, yet it felt equally suffocating. Sterile white walls seemed to close in on Buck and Tim as they sat in opposite corners, their bodies tense with worry and guilt. Neither dared to meet the other's gaze as if the mere sight of one another would ignite another fiery argument.
Tim's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions—fear for his sister's life, anger at Buck for not protecting her, guilt for not doing more to protect you, his little sister, from harm. He clenched his fists, nails digging into his palms as he struggled to contain the storm raging within him.
Buck's heart felt heavy in his chest, his eyes were red-rimmed from tears he refused to shed. He couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness that gnawed at him, the overwhelming sense of failure. He was supposed to protect you, to keep you safe, and he had failed miserably.
He replayed the events of the accident over and over in his mind, each moment etched with painful clarity. He should have been faster, stronger, better. But now all he could do was wait, his hands trembling with the desperate need for redemption.
Hours crawled by like an eternity, each passing minute stretching into infinity as they waited for news about your condition. They both knew the longer they waited, the slimmer the chances of a positive outcome became. But still, they clung to hope like a lifeline, unwilling to let go.
Finally, your doctor entered the waiting room, and both men shot to their feet, their hearts pounding in their chests. The doctor's expression was grave as she scanned the room, her eyes finally settling on Tim and Buck.
"Are you family?" she asked.
Both men nodded eagerly, a flicker of hope igniting in their hearts.
"How is she?" Tim's voice cracked with emotion, his hands trembling with anticipation.
The doctor hesitated, her eyes flickering with sympathy. "She's stable, but her condition is still critical," she began, her words hanging heavy in the air. "We're not sure when she'll wake up, or what the extent of her injuries might be."
The words hit Buck and Tim like a punch to the gut, leaving them reeling with a fresh wave of despair. They exchanged a wordless glance, their eyes filled with a shared anguish that transcended their grudges.
"We've moved her to a private room," the doctor continued, her voice softening with empathy. "You can visit her, one at a time."
Buck and Tim nodded numbly, their minds a blur of conflicting emotions.
"I'll go first. I'm her brother," Tim insisted, his voice a low growl.
"And I'm her boyfriend. I have every right to be with her too," Buck shot back, his eyes blazing.
"Look, I'm not—"
Their voices started to rise, tension thickening the air once more. Before things could escalate further, Lucy stepped in, her tone authoritative. "Enough. Stop it, both of you."
She turned her attention back to the doctor, silently apologizing for their behavior "I think it would be best if they both went in together. For everyone's sake."
The doctor sighed, clearly exhausted from dealing with more than just medical emergencies today. "Fine. But if you disturb the other patients or cause any more scenes, I will kick you both out. Understand?"
They both nodded, subdued for now, and followed the doctor to your room. Inside, the sight of you lying so still in the hospital bed was like a punch to the gut. Tubes and wires connected to machines that beeped rhythmically, a stark reminder of your fragile state. Tim and Buck rushed to opposite sides of the bed, each grabbing one of your hands.
Buck leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, tears streaming unchecked down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry, baby," he whispered, his voice breaking.
Tim held your hand gently, his tough exterior cracking as tears welled up in his eyes. "You better wake up, sis," he murmured, his voice a choked whisper. "I need you to be okay."
Both men took seats next to your bed, their eyes never leaving your face. Tim's usual grumpiness returned, masking the deep fear and guilt that gnawed at him. Buck wiped at his tears, trying to stay strong for you.
After a moment of heavy silence, Tim spoke, his voice gruff but sincere. "Look, Buckley... I'm sorry for what I said. For the fight. For everything else I said since you started... dating. I am scared for her every shift and I took it out on you."
Buck nodded, tears still glistening in his eyes. "I'm sorry too. Look... I know I'm not a saint, I've done a lot of things that I regret. But I've changed, she changed me. I want and I will be a better man for Y/N."
Tim sighed, his shoulders slumping. "I know, I saw that. I was just... terrified. I’ve seen a lot, but nothing scared me more than seeing her like this."
"She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’d never forgive myself if something happened to her because of me."
Tim's expression softened, a rare look of vulnerability crossing his features. "She’s always been the strong one, you know? Always looking out for me. She was 9 when I left home and she was always looking out for me, even if she didn't understand what war was. Ever since I joined LAPD, she thought I was this superhero and even then Y/N was taking care of me like she was the one 15 years older. And now... I couldn't take care of her."
"And now we look out for her," Buck corrected Tim, his voice steady with conviction.
They sat in silence for a while, the only sound the steady beeping of the heart monitor. The room was filled with a shared sense of purpose, the bitterness between them dissolving in the face of their mutual love for you.
"Let's make a deal," your brother said quietly. "No more fighting. We focus on Y/N and getting her through this."
Buck nodded, a faint smile breaking through the sadness. "Deal. For her."
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buckleyx · 1 year
I just read the cute story of Buck showing the kids the firetruck. I LOVE IT
Can I request a little story of Buck and reader having fun with Chris and Eddie making a comment about them being good parents?
More fluff!
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the gif i used is not mine! all credit goes to the owner!
Author’s note: THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING ANGEL and thank you for the love for the open house fic !! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEEEEE BUCK WITH KIDS !!!
Evan Buckley x gender!neutral reader
Warnings: FLOFFFF
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"Wait!" You pleaded, holding your hands in the air. Chris let out a giggle as he and Buck walked closer to you. The orange water gun in their hands ready to be fired. You couldn't hold your laughter as they cornered you further into the backyard.
It was Friday night and a massive heat wave just hit Los Angeles. Buck and Eddie just finished working overtime so you promised to take care of Christopher until the end of their shift. When the tired firefighters came home they couldn't help but notice the wholesome life hacks you tried out to help Christopher cope with the warm temperatures. One of them ofcourse, water. When Buck eyed the water guns and balloons he couldn't stop his own excitement from growing. The little kid in him awoke and was ready for the water game of his life.
"What do you think Chris? Should we let y/n go?" Buck teased, resting the water gun against his shoulder while raising his brow.
"Nooooo!" Chris laughed before he and Buck started shooting the water at you. You tried your best to stop the water with your hands but the cold liquid splashed against your side. You squeeled loudly, throwing your head to the side so the water wouldn't hit your face. After you fell completely soaked, you managed to call out for a truce.
Chris smiled widly, running over to Eddie once he noticed his dad step outside on the patio. Buck carefully walked over to you, a mischievous smirk plastered on his beautiful lips. You panted slightly, whipping the water from your face as you looked over at your cocky boyfriend. His face fell once you mirrored his expression. He noticed the dangerous sparkle in your eyes, meaning you had something planned. Before he could react, you grabbed the gun Christopher dropped and started shooting at Buck. The Buckley shrieked loudly. Then proceeded to walk over to you once the gun ran out of water. You laughed loudly, trying your best to quickly run off. You didn't came far, Buck managed to catch you by grabbing your waist and pulling you closer to his chest. You both couldn't contain the giggles passing your lips as you fell to the ground. You tiredly reached over to your boyfriend. One hand rested on his stomach as the other holded your waist after giving it a playful tickle. You noticed that the water slowly absorbed in the material of his shirt. The short sleeves hugging his biceps perfectly. 'God.' You thought, admiring your boyfriend. Before you could wonder further, your train of thought was quickly abrupted by Buck's lips pressing a soft kiss against your temple.
Chris and Eddie walked over, a wide smile on their lips as they helped you both get back up. "You're smart, Chris. Running off to stay dry." Buck praised. "But I have some bad news for you." Before Chris could react, Buck grabbed him in the air. Hugging him tightly so the water could absord against his skin. Christopher let out a cheerfull yell before hugging Buck back. Eddie smiled in content. A warm feeling took over your chest as you admired your boyfriend. You loved how good he was with kids, especially Christopher and Jee-Yun. The little play dates he would organize and the amount of effort he would put to make them smile. Buck was a perfect uncle and hopefully someday a perfect father.
"I saw you guys at the open house yesterday." Eddie admitted as if he could read your mind. His arms were crossed, pressed against his chest. "You'd make great parents." He looked over at Buck and the smile on his son's lips. "Just saying." He chuckled, throwing his hands up after noticing your wondered expression. You bited down on the inside of your cheeck, trying your best to stop yourself from getting red. Eddie smiled before walking back inside to prepare tonight's dinner. Buck managed to hear what Eddie said. His eyes gazed at yours. His stomach dancing with butterflies at the thought of seeing you as a parent. He couldn't hide the shit eating grin from forming on his lips. He tried playing it cool by putting Chris back on the ground and helping him inside to his father. You followed their action and still deep in thought took place in your friends couch.
Maybe Eddie was right. You thought. Maybe you're ready.
A few moments later Buck wandered in, taking place next to you in the couch. "Christopher is helping Eddie with dinner." He said. "But I think we should check every 5 minutes, because Eddie and cooking." He joked, secretly knowing it was true. You snickered, sinking further into the couch.
"So," Buck started, stretching his arm so you could curl closer in his side. "I heard what Eddie said." Your head perked up, gazing at your boyfriend's beautiful eyes. "What do you think?" You asked.
"I think we should think about it." Buck admitted, caressing your face with his thumb. "Maybe do some research for what works best for us. Doesn't mean we have to do it now. Just... so we can think about it and look things over."
You smiled, you couldn't expect a better answer. Starting with kids can be scary, so you praised your boyfriend for also wanting to take it slow and get informed first without jumping into things. "I'm really happy you say that." You admitted, pressing a kiss to his lips.
"A little Buckley." Buck dreamed. "I can get used to that idea."
911 Taglist: @roseelonee @persie123 @nycbaddie @mrspeacem1nusone @ittzzgillianj @princessamericachavez @campingmonkey @barzy90 @911readercollection @rapunzelflynnrider @stark3y-l3cl3rc-p3t3rs @essienoe @chloepluto1306 @zephyrmonkey @ittzzgillianj @quacksonhq @x-hey-its-paige-x @essienoe @sweetwerewolf @babygirlwilly @100layersofdaddyissues @yvonne-dump @callsign-serpent @crazycrowncollecter @wallawegi @imaginesofdreams @xgreywardencouslandx @daddysfavoritesexkitten @cluster-buck @maddieslaysworld @darlingkiara @missarreaga @p0is0nivy1 @1234-angelika @lectoramaniaca @yokan033 @j-worlds-blog @quacksonhq @ikhluv @maseybabys @bisexualblckcanary @riskytaiker @roseymendes @strangerpotternatural @essienoe @acrosscosmic @persie123 @idekwhatmyusernameis1 @batsy-bats1 @not-leaprvt @pinkpunkdynamite
My requests are open! :)
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Main Taglist:  @onlinevampire1898 @reality1escaping @musicsavedme98 @zombiedixon89  @ladamari68 @angelofbowersgangwifey @incendiotriaaa   @embon   @pansexualmommamess  @mykookieme-blog  @fairyhope028  @alexxavicry  @alexloveskili @one-sweet-gubler  @attackonnat   @strangersomeone  @ahookedheroespureheart @911readercollection
Let me know if you want to be added for future work!
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pinkthrone445 · 2 months
-Let it burn to the ground- Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:fluf, soft, love
Warnings:Mention about past trauma, fires, boring but useful explanation of CPR
Summary:Melissa lets the fire of love consume her when she meets the new chief of the fire station.
After the amazing night of sex, you both have to deal with the consequences.
Mel ate breakfast in silence, glancing from time to time at her cell phone to see if you responded to her good morning message, but no notification came, you didn't even had opened her message, what made the redhead sigh sad
-"Soooo..."-Her housemate couldn't stand the silence any longer and started talking-"Last night was that good or did you scream like a wild animal on purpose to boost the chief's ego and interrupt my beauty sleep?"- Jacob asked as he ate his cereal, staring at her
-"My body hurts in parts that I didn't even knew existed, so yeah, she was that good" - The redhead replied without much emotion in her voice
-"So why do you look so sad?" - He asked, confused, and Mel sighed again
-"Because she left without saying goodbye... And now she doesn't even read my messages..."- She murmured sadly. Mel wasn't a self-doubting person, she was usually very confident in who she was and how she looked. But she couldn't help but wonder what had made you leave just like that, maybe you hadn't liked her body, she usually turned off the lights, but last night she was so desperate that she completely forgot about it. Or maybe you didn't like that the night focused only on her pleasure and not on you too... Maybe you'd reconsidered that she'd been with one of your subordinates in that same bed and you didn't like it...
-"Maybe she had an emergency at work and had to run away, she's the chief after all, her day off only lasted until 12 o'clock yesterday, if she was called after that time for an emergency, she would have had to run to help..."-Her friend commented and Mel nodded thinking about that possibility, it was something that could have definitely happened, which calmed her down a bit.
But two more days passed without you giving any signs, your son continued to go to school, but in none of those days that had passed had you gone to take him to school or pick him up. She even saw that your son was picked up by one of your sisters who looked a lot like you and the redhead thought about going to talk to her to find out something about you, but she didn't want to look so desperate so she didn't do it.
On the other hand, Jacob was upset to see his housemate so sad, and he wasn't a person who sat idly by when he saw one of his friends in pain, so he decided to do what the redhead would never do, visit you at the station to see what was going on and get answers.
When he arrived at the station he was surprised to see all the firetrucks outside being washed and cleaned so thoroughly he could see his reflection in the red metallic paint
-"Excuse me, hi" - Jacob spoke up to get the attention of the firefighters who were cleaning-"Does anyone know where I can find the station chief?"-He asked with his best smile
-"She is in her office, but I wouldn't recommend you to see her, lately she has been more bitch than usual..."-One of the annoyed firefighters commented-"Be careful, maybe you'll go see her and she'll get you cleaning up too" - He joked making the others laugh and Jacob rolled his eyes going to the entrence desk asking to see you.
You were reading some reports with a very deep frown when Jacob entered your office
-"Excuse me chief..."-Jacob spoke in a soft tone, your angry face did caused him a little fear
-"I told them that nobody could interrupt..."- You began to speak annoyantly, but relaxed your gaze at the sight of the scrawny young man at your door-"Hello Jacob, what are you doing here?" - You consulted and he looked at you confused
-"You know my name? Wow..."-The young man was proud of that for some reason
-"Yes, you are the boyfriend of one of my younger firefighters, besides Melissa told me some really funny anecdotes about you... Can I help you with something? I'm a little bit busy" - You asked seriously looking at your paperwork again
-"He is not, we are not... Did he said something to you?... Nevermind, that's not why I'm here for, I'm here for Melissa..."-Jacob spoke, smiling a little as he saw your interest return to him at the slightest mention of the redhead, you put your papers aside and looked at it with complete attention
-"What happened to Melissa? It she ok?" - Your voice sounded really worried
-"She is not, she is sad because you didn't call her again and you run away in the middle of the night after interrupting my beauty sleep with those screams... Why haven't you call her again?" - He asked with a frown, approaching you more confidently
-"Because I can't..."-You whispered without looking at him
-"WHY!?" - He yelled at you slamming your desk, but his anger and confidence quickly disappeared when you stood up from your desk with a frown and crossing arms facing him, sudently he felt small and had to take a few steps back-"Why ma'am? If you care to tell me, please" - He asked again but softer this time
-"Because I can't do casual, no with her at least... Melissa wants casual sex, no a relationship right now, and I can't do it... Have you seen her? We had this amazing connection, amazing chats, amazing dancing, funny moments and amazing sex and she is amazing... Do you know how often that happens in a first date? Never... Even my first date with my husband was worse and I end up marring him... I can't do casual sex after that, I can't when I feel that kind of connection with her... And if I keep seeing her I won't be able to say no everytime she asks me to come, and that would only destroy me more because I will keep my hopes up even if I know it's a dead end... I got scared of getting hurt okey?"-You sighed a little, embarrassed to admit that out loud while almost a complete stranger listened to you. Jacob, on the other hand, didn't know what excuse for your behavior he was waiting for, but it certainly wasn't that.
-"I... Didn't knew, sorry... But at least you own her an explanation, you can't vanish like that, she is sad and it scares me when she is sad... Please talk to her" - His friend whispered and you sighed
-"I'll talk to her... Later, I need to work right now..."-You whispered going back to your desk and he nodded opening the door
-"Thank you..."-He answered
-"By the way cupid, make a move on your friend, he will say yes, he is always checking his phone at work for your messages, God knows how many times I gave him a warning for being with that phone talking to you at work..."-You whispered without looking at him, but you could feel the way he smiled at your comment when he closed the door.
Hours later, you went to pick up your son from school, arriving a little bit earlier, trying to see Mel and talk a little before your son finished his classes.
After introducing yourself at the entrance, you made your way to Melissa's classroom to find it empty, confused you walked down the hallway until you heard her familiar tone of voice
-"Fudge! How is possible that he keeps winning?!" - The redhead spoke annoyed, looking at her phone while sitting in the teacher's room. You approached carefully and knocked on the door gently to get her attention, when her gaze fell on your face she raised her eyebrows in surprise, but quickly her face changed to seriousness and she looked back at her phone
-"Hi Melissa..."-You whispered but she didn't even look at you, you sighed and moved a little closer carefully-"How are you?..."-You gave her a little smile
-"Fine"-It was all the answer she gave you
-"Look... I can see you are mad at me and you are in all your right... I'm sorry for not answering your texts this few days" - You whispered and she just shrugged her shoulders
-"I don't care..."-She replied curtly again and you walked closer to her
-"I am really sorry, I didn't wanted to hurt you... I just got scared of how fast everything went and didn't find the strength to answer..."-You whispered looking at her-"Do you think I could have another chance? I know you felt our connection too, maybe it's worth another try? I promise not to disappear again" - You muttered and she looked at you over the edge of her glasses
-"I can't, I'm busy, I have a date with someone tonight" - She replied seriously and you sighed, on one hand you were afraid of the anger in her eyes and on the other hand this was exactly what you feared, she didn't want something serious and the fact that she already had another date after 3 days of being with you confirmed it even more
-"Oh, Okey, sorry for bother you"-You whispered walking to the door-"And sorry for ignoring you..."-You left the room heading to the exit to wait for your kid. For some reason the redhead's response had hurt you more than you'd like to admit, though maybe the fact that you ignored her had pushed her to that, you thought maybe you'd get another chance. Maybe you'd have to get used to mediocre dates since no other could match the connection you'd had with her in the first one.
After being lost in thought, your son ran out of school towards you with his small backpack on his back, smiling a lot when he saw that you were the one who went to pick him up
-"Mommy!" - The little one hugged you tight and you hugged him too, needing those hugs more than he knew. When he stepped back a little and saw your face, he frowned-"Why are you crying mom?"-Your son took your face with his little hands and you sighed, you didn't even realize that a tear had escaped your eye
-"It's just that I missed you so much" - You whispered and hugged him again-"Do you want to go for ice cream?" - You asked and he smiled and nodded excitedly.
Another week passed and your station had returned to Abbot to take the CPR trainer test to the teachers who had not been present the past time and again to a few who didn't do it correctly, although you did not want to go, the other firefighters had training exercises and you were one of the few who was free, so you had to attend along with Jacob's "friend", Avi.
Gregory, Melissa, Ava,Janine, Jacob and another teachers had to take it again, so there was no scape of seeing the redhead.
When you arrived, you prepared the room with the practice dummies, placing some on the floor and others on tables. When everything was ready, the teachers came in. Melissa frowned as she walked in and saw you, but you just decided to keep greeting them as if nothing happened.
As the exercises began you leat Avi lead the way and you stood on a corner in silence with a very rigid posture, you could quickly saw why Melissa had failed her previous test, she had terrible posture and her compressions were very weak, Jacob was there because he wanted, Janine was doing it again because she hadn't taken the proper time to do it last time and Ava and Gregory had to do it because they hadn't been certified because they hadn't been present the time before.
-"I want to clarify a couple of things... Since the previous instructor didn't explain everything that was needed... Before we start compressions, you need to check that you don't have anything around that could cause further harm to you or the victim, like fire around or something that could fall on you. Second, you need to check first if the person is conscious, to start CPR, you need to have 3 missing things, no breathing, no movement and no response on someone, at that point you need to ask someone to call 911 while you start the compressions, if there is no one around, you call it first and then start the compression. The person has to be on a hard and flat surface, we are going to find the center of the chest, place one hand on top of the other and interlace the fingers, pressing mostly with our palm. We bend over the victim, our elbows locked and arms straight. They have to be at least 2 inches deep and at least 100 times per minute, it's more than one per second so they have to be fast and consistent"-As you explained each step, you only looked your eyes at the doll or the others avoiding the redhead, even though you knew her gaze was fixed on you-"Every 30 compressions, keep count, give 2 breaths to the victim... If you start to get tired, it is preferable to have someone else continue the compressions for you while you rest, because if you are tired your compressions will not be as deep as they were at the beginning nor will they be very effective... Here at school they have masks to give mouth-to-mouth breathing, they cover the nose and the mouth and they are only one way air pass, it is preferable that you use them as this way we avoid contaminating ourselves with viruses, budy fluids or contagious deseases. If we don't have a breathing shield to do it and we are not sure if we should touch the other person's mouth, remember that CPR without mouth to mouth interaction is also effective and can provide the effect that we need in a safer way. Now! Pay attention, it's different for children till the age of 15 depending how big they are. You still have to control the same thing as at the beginning, check if they breathe, move or have reactions. Check that the environment is safe and call the 911. But when we start compressions, you will do it with one hand only, no both because children chest are more fragile and we can broke a bone... After 30 compressions, you breath twice on their mouth using the face shield or breathing mask and then keep with the compressions until the ambulance arrives... Any questions?"-You finished your explanation and asked as everyone shook their heads-"Okey, then, if everyone payed attention, dived yourself into couples and start your compressions, if everything goes as we instructed, you will have your certificate at the end of the class"-You commented and watched as everyone worked.
Melissa was annoyed with the lack of attention you were paying to her, but it started to bother her more when her name started coming out of your mouth non stop
-"Melissa you didn't check your surroundings" "Melissa you need do deeper compressions" "Melissa arms straight" "Melissa, faster" "Melissa use the face shield" "Melissa, Melissa, Melissa" - she was tired of hearing you complain about her all the time, even tho in reality you were checking everyone's movements.
The redhead put the doll aside and stood in front of you with her arms crossed and her brow furrowed
-"Can we talk in the next room?"-She asked and you looked at her with a frown too
-"Avi, keep checking them, I'll be back in a minute" - You commented by following the redhead to another classroom
-"What was all of that?! You were being a bitch to me!" - The redhead whispered/screamed
-"I just was correcting what was needed to be corrected, it's my job, you need to do the things right to get your certificate" - You muttered authoritatively and she scoffed
-"Admit it you were only trying to make me embarrassed! You are only mad at me because I didn't accept another date after you vanish for three days!" - The redhead tapped your shoulder trying to push you but she didn't move you an inch, on the contrary, you got closer to her coming face to face
-"I'm not mad at you for that! I'm mad at myself because I run away because it scared me how casual everything is with you!" - You replied with a frown
-"I didn't wanted casual with you! I wanted a million more dates! You think I didn't felt that connection with you?!" - Melissa commented annoyed
-"Then why you went out dating again so soon?" - This time your tone of voice was calmer and softer, but little hurt
-"I didn't had a date, I just wanted you to feel hurt like I felt..."-she confessed and you sighed
-"I hate you" - You whispered laughing softly - "I hate that that worked" - You confessed and she smiled arrogantly
-"I hate you too" - She said and tried to give you a little peck, but you grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to you kissing her deeper, grabbing her jacket with force and making her moan a little bit when you pull apart biting softly her lip- Can we have another date tomorrow?" - She whispered over your lips
-"Chris has a football game and I promise to be there" - You whispered and she signed-"But you are invited if you want... He will be happy to have more people cheering him" - You commented and she smiled
-"I will love it..."-she answered and walked away toward the door
-"The kiss doesn't mean that you don't need to be better at the test, if you don't improve I won't give you the certificate" - You confessed and she rolled her eyes
-"I hate you!" - She replied and you laughed walking behind her.
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bigdumbbambieyes · 5 months
the relief that Steve feels when he collides with Billy that night, hands grasping desperately at that dirty white tank top as Billy grabs at his Scoops uniform, both looking the other over frantically for fatal wounds because that fucking monster almost got them, almost got Billy-
Steve nearly jumps onto the blond in his arms, wraps his own around those strong shoulders as their lips fumble together and seek out one other, Steve pouring a sob into his boyfriend's mouth as they kiss in relief
in the joy of surviving
it's like dawn breaking in a horror movie, nerves soothed and settling, as Steve feels his man in his arms, so warm and so alive
and Billy holds him tighter than ever, despite the probable ache in his arms from fighting off the monster, adrenaline pumping down to his marrow where his love for Steve lives
"i was so scared," Steve admits under a whisper, trembling now, just as Billy is, pulling away to see those blue eyes full of tears
"me, too," Billy whimpers, buries his face in Steve's neck as he cries and shakes apart, overcome with everything
Steve smoothes his palm over Billy's hair, ignores the calls of his name until he feels someone pulling on his arm, telling him to hurry up
it's Robin, her eyes wide and frantic as the mall starts to go up in flames, the monster dead behind them
Steve pulls Billy with him, feels fingers slotting between his own as they run out hand-in-hand, sucking in lungfuls of cool summer air as they make it outside where there's already firetrucks and ambulances
the paramedics attempt to separate them, attempt to take them to different vehicles, but Billy grips his hand tight and Steve holds on just as hard, until they're taken to the same ambulance to be checked over
not long after, they're wrapped up in shock blankets and sitting on a curb in the parking lot, watching Starcourt burn
he feels the weight of Billy's head on his shoulder and Steve finally breathes a sigh of relief
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sassycheesecake · 6 months
Based on this video. It’s fluff and a lil' suggestive. Sorry.
Dating the twin of someone sometimes has its perks and downsides.
That of course would be great to know, if your boyfriend of two months even shared with you beforehand that he has a twin.
But it is to be expected that someone like Atsumu would forget to mention that he has a twin.
It seems so naturally, it has always been the two of them. They were attached to the hip for good 19 years of their life, everyone knew them. The famous Miya twins.
Everyone, except you.
So one day, when you came to Atsumu‘s apartment after work, you saw him standing in the kitchen cooking something.
Yes, cooking without actually burning down the kitchen and hearing firetruck sirens in the distance.
Huh, maybe Atsumu picked up cooking lessons online or something like that.
You can’t deny, that it is indeed super hot.
What is also different about your boyfriend is that he has very dark hair now. Like, it’s almost a shade of black.
You do remember Atsumu mentioning that he was going to re-dye his hair soon but you didn’t think it would be THAT color.
Although, the cooking and the new hair color really suit him.
You step closer to your boyfriend, wrapping your arms around his middle frame and you can feel him tense up.
"My, my. First cooking and then a hair change. What else is new? You also quit volleyball?" You mumble against his back, rubbing your face against the back muscles.
Not seeing him for almost three weeks, there was something else you missed.
Your hands wander down to his sweats and two hands stop you from going further.
Without saying anything, Atsumu pulls your arms from his frame and he turns around to look at you.
Now, this is getting a little freaky.
Something else changed.
His eyes.
They’re not the usual warm chocolate brown, they’re gray. Like a dark rain cloud.
Wait a minute.
You back away slowly, getting really freaked out by the complete plastic surgery change of your boyfriend.
"Tsumu, did you get surgery done while you were away in Seoul or something? I mean, don’t get me wrong I uh… like the new look. But your eyes? They were my favourite part about you. Always made me feel like I was drowning in hot chocolate. I didn’t know you can change your eye color. That is very dope. What made you decide to change everything? Did you kill someone? Is this some sort of protection so no one recognizes you in public?" You watch him with big eyes, rambling down your questions because your mind is running wild.
"Ya ask a lot of questions, don‘tcha?" Atsumu quietly laughs. His voice sounds a bit more rough too, not as light as you are used to.
All of sudden, a third voice joins you, coming from Atsumu‘s bathroom.
"Yannow, (Y/N) will be here soon. I think ya should go, thanks for makin' us dinner though." This sounds more like Atsumu. Wait. Then who is this?!
"W-Who are you?" You stammer out, backing away slowly until you feel the counter behind you.
"My brother didn’t tell ya he had a twin? Figured he’d be the one to forget to mention something like that. Nice to meetcha. Name‘s Osamu. I am Atsumu‘s twin brother." He gives you a slight smile as he introduces himself to you.
"Oh, uhm likewise. My name is (Y/N), I am Atsumu's partner." You blush as you introduce yourself back to him, mirroring his smile.
"Oi, did ya not hear me? Can ya leave-" The heavy steps finally come out of the bathroom, Atsumu is only wearing his MSBY training shorts, rubbing a towel across his wet blonde hair.
Atsumu stops in his tracks and looks between you and his brother.
Osamu looks at the blonde Setter, a mischievous grin adorning his face.
"Ya forgot ta mention ya had a twin. They thought I was you. Which I actually should consider offensive. 'm obviously the better lookin' twin."
"Shut yer trap asshole, 'm the one with the significant other remember? Ya've been single since ya were born." Atsumu scowls at first and then grins mischievously, like he just won the round.
Osamu is not done though. He turns to you.
"How long ya been datin'?"
"About to hit the three month mark, why?" You frown in confusion at Osamu, who turns back to look at his brother.
"Did ya hypnotize 'em or somethin'? Most of yer so called relationships lasted max a week or two, after they realized what a complete asshole ya are."
Osamu turns back to you, after seeing his brother‘s jaw open in shock at his remark.
"Do yerself a favor and run, I’ll hold ‘im down." Osamu stretches his arms out, basically forming a little wall to shield you from Atsumu.
Next thing you know, Atsumu tackles his brother from behind, jumping on his back.
Obviously Osamu didn’t see this coming, so he falls forward with a big grunt and tries to get Atsumu off of him.
You watch first in shock, then in amusement as your boyfriend tangles with his brother on the floor.
"Tsumu, I will just come by later on okay? Have fun and love you!"
You grab your bag and leave the boys to it.
Atsumu has his brother in a chokehold, messy hair and an adorable grin adorning his face as he returns your love.
Osamu uses the moment of distraction to knock him down again and that’s really your cue to leave.
You still hear a lot of rumbling, crashing, shouting and cursing from outside Atsumu‘s home but you can’t help but smile at the deep bond between the two brothers.
And you are certainly looking forward to meeting him again.
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ash5monster01 · 6 months
Learning to Love Part 5
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Pairing: Rafe Cameron x FemReader!PlusSize
Warnings: 18+, langauge, angst, fluff, mentions of bullying, body image issues, fat shaming, fake relationship, eventual smut, minor enemies to lovers trope.
Summary: It's not uncommon for you to be shamed for your size, it is however uncommon to be told that no one would ever date you because of it. Rafe on the other hand is used to being called a jerk, that is until he is accused of seeing people for only what's on the surface. It's purely coicidental you two meet right after these accusations are thrown your way. So even though you two don't know each other, and probably never would've looked the others way before this, now you're both going to prove a point. It's simple really, prove others wrong and don't fall in love. Easier said than done.
word count: 2.5k
Part 4 ←→ Part 6
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“You’re going to his place again?” Mila groans from the couch. She thought you were going to stay home after the insane shift you both had just worked. She had also managed to put away half a bottle of wine in the time you were getting ready to go to Rafe’s. He had to work a late night at the office and he had practically begged you to come over for an hour or two even though you were exhausted as well.
"Yes, he is my boyfriend and he wants to see me" you tell her and she pouts, refilling the glass in her hand. You realize she should just drink from the bottle at this point.
"Lame" she says and you chuckle, pulling a hoodie over your head.
"You're only saying that because I have a boyfriend and you don't. Now you know what it's like for me sister" you point at her and she rolls her eyes so hard you're positive they could've gotten stuck.
"True but also why doesn't he ever come here, is he to good for our little apartment or something?" you know she's wine drunk but her words still make you freeze. You hadn't considered going to Rafe's all the time hadn't benefited your end of the bargain for a while. Your neighbors, friends, peers, were all supposed to see that tall glass of water come in and out of your own apartment too.
"No, we're just used to me going there" you defend and she shakes her head like this says something about your relationship that you don't know or understand. Before you can ask her what she's thinking your phone rings and your sliding it out of your pocket.
"Hey Rafe, I'm leaving now" you answer and Mila perks up on the couch, eyes landng straight on you.
"Is that Rafe, tell him he sucks!" she says just loud enough that you know Rafe had heard.
"Baby, can you ask Mila why I suck?" he asks and you sigh as you turn and face your drunk friend who should be bothering some other boy tonight.
"He wants to know why he sucks" you tell her and she grins deviously before propping herself on her knees and leaning over the back of the couch.
"He sucks because he expects his girlfriend to be at his beck and call to every need, always making her go over there to satisfy him when he can come over here and tap that fine ass in her own space too" the deep blush that covers your cheeks from your best friends drunken rant is close to a firetruck as Rafe chuckles darkly on the other end of the phone.
"So Mila wants me to come satisfy your needs in your own space for once huh?" you hate that his words send nervous tingles through your body.
"She's had a little bit of wine, mixed in with some shots some customers bought for her" you tell him and he laughs loudly.
"Stay home, I'll be there in a little bit. She's right, this isn't just about me" and you nervously gulp while nodding even though he can't see you.
"Alright, I'll be here" you muster out and he mutters a goodbye that has you ending the call and shoving your phone back in your pocket. The second you look up you're shooting a glare at your bestfriend who's devious plan has just worked.
"He's coming here, you happy?" you ask as you walk into the living room, flopping onto the couch next to her and she grins, sipping at the wine.
"I guess I better open another bottle" she tells you and you shake your head as she stands to find another glass which you'll happily take to calm the nerves you have about Rafe being in your own space. It's only after one glass he finally makes an appearance with a soft knock on the door. Mila yells for him to come in as you prepare to entertain the boy for God knows how long. Yet when he opens the door and saunters in you find your mouth gaping. The Rafe you knew was always dressed to the nines, his leisure wear was still some sort of collared shirt and slacks, but the Rafe that just walked through your door is not. The thin fabric of his black t-shirt is stretched tightly over the expanse of his chest and the grey sweatpants he wears hang low on his hips, you catch his grin as he slips off the white converse on his feet that he had left untied, leaving him in only some socks.
"Damn" Mila says outloud and that has you blushing bright red once again. Rafe chuckles at your friend before walking over to you.
"Hi" you grin at him as calmly as you can and he smiles, slipping in the spot beside you on the couch.
"Hi" he says back to you, leaning forward where you catch the glint of the silver chain on his neck. His lips brush softly against your own and you try to remind yourself that none of this is real.
"Damn I need to get laid" Mila mutters beside you and this has you giggling against Rafe's lips before he pulls away. You watch as he nods at the glass in Mila's hand.
"You going to share?" he asks and she smiles at him, a sign she likes how comfortable he already is being here. As she had prepared for this she leans to the coffee table, pouring some wine into the empty glass she had set aside for him.
"Have at it" she tells him as she slips the wine glass into his hand and he smiles before taking a sip and wrapping his arm around you on the couch.
"So what're we doing? Movie night or something?" he asks and Mila smirks as she grabs the remote, happy to be third wheeling and get a front row seat to this relationship you've been experiencing.
"Exactly that, welcome to our apartment" she tells him before clicking a few buttons. You're not sure what kind of evil she is on tonight when she clicks The Notebook knowing this movie wrecks you absolutely every time. Rafe snuggles closer into your side as the movie starts and you accept your defeat, already knowing it's going to be a long night.
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When the movie ends you have tears running down your face. Tears that make Rafe realize how empathetic you are to the characters on the screen. The notion makes him want to curl up and comfort you all night. When the screen finally goes black and the credits run down the screen Mila makes her great escape, leaving the two now empty bottles of wine that she mostly completed herself, sit on the table. "Well that’s it for me. Have fun you two, I expect another hickey like last time"
"What?" you splutter out, curious as to what hickey she had meant. You had a mark on your neck after the night at the hotel but you just chalked it up to drunken injury.
"Goodnight" Rafe tells her as she disappears down the hall and into her room and that is when you realize she was expecting Rafe to spend the night.
"I guess she thinks you’re staying the night" you whsiper into the quiet of the room and Rafe chuckles dryly.
"And giving you a hickey" he laughs and his smile makes a smile of your own break out across your face.
"If you're comfortable I dont mind" you tell him and Rafe raises his eyebrows at this.
"Comfortable with staying or giving you a hickey?" you blush at his words which only causes him to laugh even more. "Come on you, I can handle a sleepover. I'll jump on your bed if we need to make things convincing"
"You're insane" you tell him and he only smiles as he stands and reaches a hand out to help you from the couch. When he doesn't start walking you give him a confused look and before you can react he’s bending down and wrapping his arms behind your legs. Panic shoots through you at the idea of him not being able to lift you, your weight dragging him down, but what you dont expect is how easily he props you on his shoulder and starts down the hallway.
"Rafe, oh my God" you sqeual unbeknownst to Mila who has poked her head out of the room to see you two. She’s surprised you’ve allowed Rafe to carry you but happy you’re beginning to learn that a man can love you for exactly who you are.
Rafe finds your bedroom easily, carrying you in and dropping you in a heap on top of the bed. You can’t help the grin that’s on your face from how he had carried you with ease. Yes you were big but he was strong. Had you been looking at this size difference all wrong? Rafe jumps beside you, fingers tickling your sides that has you squealing into the late night air. It had to be almost 3am by now but you didn’t even care. Rafe had become one of your best friends and you never would’ve thought some aggravated deal would’ve gotten you into this situation.
“I like your room” he says once he stops, you both trying to catch your breath. You don’t miss the way he hovers above you, the chain now loose from the collar of his shirt. He finds himself holding a breath when your finger curls around it, giving it a light tug.
“Thank you, if I had known you were coming sooner I would’ve cleaned up a bit” you tell him, mindlessly playing with the chain.
“I don’t mind” he tells you and you smile, letting the chain go and moving to sit up.
“I’m gonna wash my face, you need anything?” you ask and he shakes his head, moving to the side to allow you to leave. As you wash your face he pulls back your covers, slips off his shirt, and crawls inside. When you’re back in the room you find yourself laughing at the way he lays leisurely in your bed, entirely at home with both arms propped behind him. “You comfy?”
“Never better” he grins and you shake your head before shutting your door and turning off the light. The lamp on your bedside table is the only illumination back to the bed where the most good looking guy you’ve ever seen lays topless in. You smile shyly at him as you crawl in beside him, lifting the covers over yourself, and realizing this is the first time you’ve spent the night with him sober.
“Goodnight” you tell him softly before reaching for your lamp. In just one click you two are enveloped by darkness. You can barely see him but you can feel the warmth that comes from the usually cold side of your bed.
“Goodnight sweetheart” he returns in the darkness and you try your best to pretend he’s not there and just fall asleep. It’s proven to be useless because you’re hyper aware that the most good looking man you know is trying to sleep beside you.
“Rafe?” you plead out and you feel the bed shift as he rolls on his side to face you.
“Yeah baby?” he asks and you sigh, nerves licking up your spine. So you do the only thing you do best, ramble.
“I know Mila was just teasing but if she doesn’t see evidence we did anything she’ll feel bad for intervening but then I feel like if she does see evidence she’ll have something more to tease us about. It’s silly I just don’t know how to do this whole fake dating thing, hell I’m barely good at real dating, and I’m pretty sure I’ve never had a real hick-“ you’re cut off by his finger pressing against your lips in the dark.
“You don’t shut up sometimes” he teases and you blush, which for once he can’t see. “Do you want to give me a hickey?”
“W-what?” you stutter out and he chuckles which makes your whole body warm over.
“Fair trade, since she thinks you had a hickey last weekend” he says and you heart triples in speed.
“I don’t really know how” you say and he tenses beside you, something you take as surprise but really he finds himself extremely turned on by your inexperience.
“I can show you” this is the last thing you expect him to say so you take a moment to let it soak in before answering.
“Okay” you say and the bed shifts again as Rafe sits up, rolling over to face you a bit better. You can barely makeout his form but still can tell how handsome he is.
“It’s easier then you think, just relax” and you almost laugh because how can he expect you to relax when he’s about to kiss your neck. He places a hand on your waist and your stomach jumps at the feeling. He leans some of his weight on you until his hot breath is fanning across your skin. “Ready?”
You nod feverishly, just wanting him to get it over with. He starts small, just a few pecks up the expanse of your neck and you try to keep your breathing regular. Then finally where you neck meets your shoulder he wraps his lips around the expanse of skin, tongue lapping smoothly over it, while he sucks. A small squeak leaves your throat as he continues. The minute he finds the sweet spot you have to surpress a moan but based on the way you’re breathing he can already tell you’re enjoying it.
As if you’re no longer in control of your body your hand meets the back of his head, fingers tangling into his hair and gripping slightly. What you don’t expect is the hum of delight Rafe sends into your neck from the action. He works you over as best he can, fighting the urge to kiss you literally anywhere else. When he finally gets the small moan he was searching for the hand that’s on your waist meets your waist band. The shorts you wear are pulled above your belly button and you know the further his hand goes down the more fat he’ll find. Yet you hate the anticipation you have mixed with fear. He truly could just reach down, give you the relief you need but your panic still wins. Loosening your hand from his hair he gets the memo that this is too much and as much as he’s disappointed, he’s more disappointed you don’t believe that his attraction can be real.
“That should’ve done it” he says as he releases from you and you nod even though he can’t see you.
“Is it okay if I don’t try, not quite yet?” you ask nervously and Rafe’s shoulders drop in disappointment which you can barely see.
“Yeah, it’s okay. Next time” he says with a teasing tone even though he was quite excited to have your warm mouth all over his neck as well. Especially since just the few small sounds you had made turned him on more than anything.
“Goodnight for real” you say with a light laugh and he gives a tight lipped smile that you can’t see and rolls back into his spot beside you.
“Goodnight for real”
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a/n: listen my plus size girlies, I know the whole lifting you up thing isn’t entirely believable. I myself fully believe Rafe/Drew could never lift me. I’ve been trying to make this fic as accurate and believable for us bigger girls as possible, but don’t we deserve the cliches sometimes! Rafe is a fictional character, I can make him able to lift the biggest of us if he wants! I stand by that <3
Taglist: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @fishingirl12 @houseofperfecttaste @abbybarnesstuff @carma-fanficaddict @jjmaybankisbae @exhaustedbutelated @diagnosedpsychosis @daivny @drewstarkeygf @vinniehackersbaee @emsgoodthinkin @apollo3475 @https-urwife @willowalexissss @kisstaya @hcneyedsstuff @lexiereblogs @drewsuncrustables @mveggieburger @marvel4life3000 @bibliophilewednesday @humungouspatrolwolf @ijustwanttoreadlols @jaijustreads @sleepjam @dilvcv @aaronhotchswife @sunshine1218 @lavenderhazeq
Comment if you want to be added to the taglist :))
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enypsh · 4 months
TRY AGAIN - 02. so whenever you ask me again
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SYNOPSiS. the expected had unexpectedly, but finally, happened. infamous heartbreaker sunghoon park and quiet girl y/n. broken up. you and sunghoon, the college campus it couple. what happened? what happened to the two lovers who had the most love for each other in the world? broken promises and broken hearts. but do you two ever want to try again?
PAiRiNG. non idol!sunghoon x fem!reader (ft. rest of enhypen)
WARNiNGS. mentions of: party & drinking. + angst if you squint, the boys are kinda jerks here (sawry..), niki isn't in this scene (#4ThePlot), swearing
TAGLiST. open! send in an ask or dm
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“i think i love you y/n. let me take you out on a date.” words spilling out of sunghoon’s mouth that you definitely were not expecting out of the blue.
turning firetruck red again, words coming out of a sputter you managed to reply to him. “what?” okay, maybe not a reply. more like another chance to get your mind straight.
“i said i like you,” sunghoon smiled. the same genuine smile he flashed at you under the tree, with the soft eyes staring into you. the warmth, too? “you’ve had my interest for such a long time, we’ve talked here and there. so i’m here taking my chances to ask if i can be your boyfriend.”
heart pulsating too fast, and the world going hazy around you. “are you sure?”
oh stupid stupid choices. if only you knew what happened just about five minutes ago. the talk sunghoon had with his friends five minutes ago. or perhaps the way five minutes the best amount of money was offered to him. all revolving around you. only if you knew, that if it wasn’t for the stupid party. maybe you would’ve been asked out by sunghoon - but genuinely.
around an hour ago, the reeking smell of alcohol was the last thing sunghoon wanted to smell. just about everywhere in the room, it was filled with people dancing and drunk flirts here and there. he didn’t want to be here - definitely not when all he could think about was you.
playing dare or dare, with the side of shots on the side, with his half-sober ass friends was definitely not a good idea. and yet here he was, playing the fifth round of this stupid game. shots were taken, and the rounds kept going. about 40 minutes had passed and it was still going.
“hey hoon,” jake grinned. “i have a good one for you.”
not good. jake’s words were slurred, and that was definitely a wasted man down. it wasn’t going to go well.
“ask the girl out. the girl from earlier today, whoever it was.” another grin, but this time. from everyone. 5 drunk fucks staring at sunghoon with the most vile smiles on their faces, something that he wished he could just slap off.
a humph from sunghoon, and a firm, “no. and i’m leaving.” he might’ve been tipsy but he knew that this was stupid. he didn’t want to play you - i mean. notorious for being the college heartbreaker, you were different. if he wanted to get with you, he would do it for all the realness and truth behind it. not just become of some stupid game he wanted to win. he was already at the door before leaving the small room upstairs, apart from the whole party downstairs.
“500 dollars.” 
a number and cash value enough to make sunghoon stop and turn around to stare at jay. “what?”
another smirk with slurred words, “500 dollars. tell her you like her. and then go on a date her, break up with her after. it’s a take or leave, you could have so much fun with this.”
oh. 500 dollars was a huge bag for sunghoon. with 500 dollars he could finally pay off some money he, well claimed, to have “borrowed”. with 500 dollars he could get more stuff he wanted. or 500 dollars to spend on you, while dating you. while sharing the kisses with you. while sharing his love with you. 500 dollars and he could possibly beat the heartbreaker allegations around the campus, and just prove how much of a good boyfriend he could be. 500 dollars that you would never know about, while having the perfect relationship with him. a fever dream. surreality.
“500 dollars and it’s a deal.” if only the world could scream at sunghoon and tell him how much of a dick he was for doing this to you.
and now here you two were, eyes on each other. playing a game of a staring contest, in silence. if you exclude the loud thumping noises from downstairs with all the jabbing music and laughter. and if you also exclude the low-whistle that jay, and presumably the rest of boys, let out after seeing this moment. a moment where if anyone walked past, they would see two lovers mindlessly boring into each other’s eyes.
“sunghoon,” you started of slowly. you were aware that his friends were practically eyeing you two wildly, and you needed to say something. “i think you’re drunk.” you said that he was drunk but you were now in love. the boy who you’ve secretly crushed on for the past months was here confessing to you first. obviously this would get you giddy.
500 dollars sunghoon. “i’m not. you’re really pretty and you’re smart. i’ve noticed it during class, and i’ve liked you for a long time. you’re cute, too.” spot the lie kind of game. lies made up on the spot, but genuinely, were they actually lies?
you could’ve easily said that you weren’t interested. or you could’ve asked him why he first said he loved you, only repeating himself to say that he liked you. you could’ve questioned him and what he wanted, that out of the blue he would tell you this. things that could've been done to prevent you from exemplifying the consequences, that didn’t feel like troubles to you in the future.
“sunghoon,” you sighed. you didn’t know where this was going, and it was making you feel uneasy, in a good way. unfortunately. “it’s just so random, you know. we’ve never even properly talked until today. and that was awkward, too.”
“let me take you out. one date and tell me how you feel. one date and we could get to know each other more. let me show you that i’m not drunk right now and i truly like you. and if things go well, i’ll ask if i can be your boyfriend. that’s it. that’s all i ask for.” this was a huge hit or miss for sunghoon. he knew that you could easily say no and walk away as if nothing happened. or maybe ignore him forever now.
but maybe luck was on his side as you softly said, “okay.” elated on the inside, thinking he was grabbing this chance to keep you at his side. where he could give you endless amounts of love.
love, meaning a deep affection for someone or something. and he could say that he loved you. he’s noticed the small things you’ve done in class. the way you turned your paper 15 degrees to the left when writing stuff down. or the way you furrowed your eyebrows when you were typing on your laptop. the specific angle and place you held a pencil in between your fingers. oh, how he loved the way you would ask him in a soft voice for something, maybe an eraser, getting him giddy for nothing. too deep of a crush, that he’s never revealed before.
and maybe, it was time for him to finally get the chance and prove it. prove to everyone that you two were meant to be. but only if he knew the troubles issued per se the ones that he unintentionally created.
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NOTE. sawry for the delay and this is kinda half assed... i got so busy with school i kept forgetting to update it. but i really wanted to post at least something for this chapter 😭 i didn't proofread it too so LAWL hope you enjoyed it though :]
TAGS. @lovingvoidgoatee @babystrlla @adoredbyjay @eneiyri @bts-army380 @rikibun @ddazed-lhs @txtlyn @enhastolemyheart @nyfwyeonjun @sunsunl0ver TAGLIST IS OPEN!
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s8 should start out with a call back to s1...
by having Buck be a pain to Gerrard and steal the ladder truck to sneak off and have fun firetruck sex with his boyfriend.
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pretty-red-garnet · 9 months
Sparkly Blues
Daryl Dixon x fem! Reader • Pre-apocalypse/Prison • Fluff/Angst
I’m not really sure how I feel about this one. I kept going back and forth about it and deleting parts and then rewriting and blah blah blah. But it took way too long to write, so I’m posting it anyway lol. I hope someone enjoys it. Also! I’m taking requests! So give me some for our love Daryl. <3
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You had met Daryl by bartending. You were new to the town and it was the only shit job you could manage to get. You were staying in the small Georgia town to take care of a sick family member, and all the money you could get was needed. Even if the job sucked.
It was the hot spot for the local bikers. The patrons you were forced to deal with were all seedy, loud, and rude. You had to stop a bar fight at least twice a night, and got groped and flirted with at least a thousand times. You had only been there a few weeks and you were about to quit. If you thought your sick aunt could make it back to your home town, you would've packed her up in a second.
But then Daryl showed up, in toe with his rowdy older brother. They sat at the bar, and one flash of his sparkly blue eyes and you were hooked. Your heart did one hard thump and your knees just nearly buckled. Damn he was cute.
"Hey, give us two pints!" His brother demanded, his eyes also blue but lacking the sparkle the younger man had. Lacking what made his eyes so pretty. His were empty and had blown pupils. His demand broke your daze, and you rushed to give them their beers. You smiled lightly at Daryl, who just avoided your eyes. You could just barely see in the dim lighting his face was a little pink.
At closing, you questioned your coworker about the brothers, mostly to learn more about the cute quiet one. She paused her wiping a table to look at you with confused eyes.
"Merle and Daryl? They've been coming for years, they go on hunting trips a lot though. That's why you haven't met them," she explains.
"Sooo... who's the quiet one?" She gives you a questioning look with a brow raised.
"You mean Daryl? Daryl Dixon?" She had asked.
"Is Daryl the really cute one with pretty blue eyes?" She laughed and rolled her eyes. "What? I'm serious!"
"Y/N, he's a Dixon," she said, like that was all the explanation you needed. You raised your brows at her to keep talking, she rolls her eyes. "They're no good. Believe me."
"He seemed plenty nice to me..." you say with a shrug. "Quiet, shy, he even thanked me! I mean I think it's the first 'thank you' I've gotten since I got hired."
"Daryl isn't bad I guess. He doesn't really talk to anyone." You nod and when she stops talking, you nudge her. "Y/N believe me, maybe he was ok today, but he's gotten in his fair share of fight. He doesn't say much, but when he does, it's usually yelling. And he's Merle's brother, who you should really stay away from."
"Damn," you mumble with a sigh. "He's really cute though." She laughed and slapped your shoulder.
"This isn't the place to find boyfriend material." She sighed dramatically and fumbled with something behind the bar. You looked at her with a puzzled expression. "But it is the place to drink!" She slams a hefty bottle on the bar and you laugh.
     When the weekend rolls around the Dixons come again. You try to snap yourself out of your daze and do your work, but it's a little hard with the handsome stranger sitting there and your coworker snickering whenever you so much as glanced at him. When closing time came around, you grabbed the wet towel you were cleaning with and snapped her behind with it.
     "Can you blame me?! Have you seen his eyes?!" You snapped at her with a red face, but she only laughed even harder.
     This little routine continued for another two weeks. Stealing little glances at the man and your friend laughing and poking at you until you were red as a firetruck.
    One night though, during a busy Friday night, your friend called out. You were all alone managing both the bar and waitressing as she did. You scurried to the bar from the backroom as you heard a loud ruckus and yelling. And to no one's surprise, it was another bar fight.
     This time it was the Dixon brothers against another two biker assholes. Merle against one and Daryl the other. You yelled and shouted at them to stop, but no one was letting up. Daryl was almost underneath the biker he was fighting, and so against your better judgment, you stepped in.
     "Alright, alright! Enough!" You shouted and tried grabbing his arm that was just about to wail on Daryl. He looked back just a split second before breaking his arm from your grasp and slamming it back into your face. You immediately stumbled back and onto the floor clutching your head, where he got you with a big metal ring right in the temple.
     Finally, an older, more respected biker stepped in. He broke up the fight and shoved the two bikers— who you assumed must've started the fight— out the door.
     You reached up a hand and slightly panicked when you pulled your fingers away and saw blood. Your vision was a little blurry and you looked up blearily to who crouched in front of you, only to see the prettiest eyes imaginable.
     "You alright?" Daryl asked. You nodded in a daze, but his brows furrowed in concern still.
     "Y-yeah. I'm ok." He nodded and reached his hands out to help you up. Even in your state, you can see his knuckles are bloodied and busted.
     He helped you to sit on a bar stool before walking off, and you took a quick glance around. It was just about closing time now, so most were gone. All that remained was the older biker that broke up the fight, a few stragglers, and Merle bragging that he won the brawl.
     "Everybody out! Come on," Daryl calls out. The stragglers filter out the doors pretty quick, still probably buzzing from the excitement of the fight.
     Daryl retuned to you with a little first aid kid. He grabbed a clean wet towel and wiped at the blood on your face. If you weren't still seeing stars, you'd probably be having a conniption right now.
"You gonna fix up the girl, baby brother?" Merle asks with a sickening grin. Daryl just hummed a yes. "Don't come home without getting some tail first!"
"Shut up, man!" Daryl yelled, turning to him. He turned back once he was out the door and his checks were a little flushed.
     "You need a hospital?" He asked a moment later, recovered from Merle's obnoxious comment. His tongue was peaking out of his lip in concentration as he puts a little bandage to your cut. Oh boy.
     "No, no," you stammer out. Now that you were beginning to recover from your state, you realize you were completely alone with him, and he was helping you. Being all gentle while he wipes your face softly, close to his face, staring into his eyes... this is heaven. "I'm ok. Thanks."
     He nods, biting the inside of his lip. He closes the first aid kit and stashed it where it belongs behind the bar.
     "'M sorry you got hurt," he mutters. You just give him a small smile.
     "It's ok. I know you didn't start the fight." He shuffled back over to you and hovers awkwardly. "And you cleaned me up. Thank you."
     "My fault anyway," he says with a shrug. He still didn't meet your eyes.
"Well," you start, but hesitate. Daryl looks at you and waits patiently for you to continue. "I know a way you can repay me. If you really want."
"What's that?" He asks.
"Drive me home?"
From that day forward you and Daryl were somewhat inseparable. He always came to the bar if you knew you were working, sometimes even without Merle which you appreciated. He gave you the creeps, even though Daryl had assured you he wouldn't do anything to you. He also might've threatened to knock him out for you if he ever stepped out of line.
Despite your coworkers concerns, Daryl was pretty perfect— even if a little rough around the edges at times. He was sweet, and while Merle and most of the other bikers looked at you as if you were meat, Daryl always looked at you so genuinely. So sweetly.
He even drove you home most nights now ever since that first night you both really talked. He learned your car broke down, and between your aunt's medical bills and your job's shitty pay, you couldn't get it fixed. Daryl had tried to fix it, but the part you needed was way too pricey. He didn't like that you walked home at almost three in the morning, so he drove you after every shift. Even if he didn't hang out at the bar that night.
You were pretty positive Daryl was the greatest guy you had ever met. So kind, and attentive, and always doing his best to help you with whatever you needed. Helpful without expecting something in return.
     When your aunt eventually died, a few months after being close with Daryl, he was the first one you called. You were in hysterics, and he sped over to the hospital as fast as he could just to hug and hold you.
     He stayed with you for days, made your meals, even hunted so you would have fresh meat for him to cook you. But mostly, he stayed by your side like wet on water.
     Daryl wasn't the best with comforting people, or really with emotions at all, but he tried. And you always appreciated it. Even if he didn't know what to say, and he'd just hold you tight and let you cry. Or played with your hair when you couldn't sleep. Daryl was better with actions than with words, and you didn't mind a bit.
     It was during this time that you knew you didn't just care about him as a good friend, or even as a crush, but was in love with him. You loved how caring and loyal he was, how you were completely comfortable with him and knew you could always rely on him.
     "Daryl, I need to tell you something," you murmured, you voice cloudy with tears still. It was only a week after your aunts passing and while you were getting better, you had a really rough day. Memories flashing through your mind and making it nearly impossible to get through your day without breaking down.
     "Hm," Daryl hummed. You felt the vibrations in your chest, as he held you close to him and stroked your hair.
     "I love you," you said, nuzzling your face in his neck, too scared to see his face. To see that he didn't feel for you that way. Or try to push you away. You couldn't look at him.
     Hesitantly, he gently pulled your face away from his neck to look at you. Your eyes were still red and rimmed with tears, which he brushed away with a thumb. You were scared to see rejection, but when you worked up the nerve to look at his face, you saw anything but.
     You saw pure love.
     "Daryl," you called.
     "What?" He said from the other room, shortly before entering the living room where you stood. He was shirtless, wearing only jeans. His hair was still damp from his shower and you took a second to take in the sight before voicing your concerns.
     "I don't think you should go on that hunting trip." You looked back to the news, who was reporting about strange serial killings around the country, now hitting Atlanta. They were eating the bodies.
     He walked up to stand by you. You looked at him in worry. He smiled and brushed a hand down your face gently.
     "That's Atlanta. If anything, me and Merle will be safer from those freaks in the woods," he says and presses his lips to yours to smooth away your worry. "You should come, too."
     "I can't." You level him with a serious look. "My coworker is sick with some flu, I'll be taking care of the bar all by myself."
     Daryl pushes his face into your neck and lays down kisses on your neck, moving down to your shoulders, then chest. You adore the scratchy feeling of his stubble on your delicate skin.
     "Come on," he complains into your chest, and you giggle a little at his whining. "They can close the bar for one goddamn weekend."
     "The money doesn't hurt either, Mr. Dixon," you tease. He pulls away to look you in the eye, hands on your hips and that same soft and genuine look on his face that you fell in love with to begin with. And those eyes. Despite all the years you've been with the man, his sparkly blues were still the prettiest thing you've ever seen.
     "Fine," he obliges, but he still with a little frown. You wipe it away with a firm peck and a caress to his cheek. His eyes close momentarily, soaking in the feeling, before opening them again. He gazes at you with half lidded eyes, so lovingly and tenderly. "Whatever you say, Mrs. Dixon."
     That morning was the last time you'd seen your husband. The flesh eating 'serial killers'—which you now are reanimated corpses— made their way to your small town while he was gone. You tried to stay as long as you could, but soon a herd trying to make their way into your house and you couldn't stay.
     You tried to get to where the Dixons were camping, but was too late. They were already gone for god knows how long. And so you moved around, trying to find him. You had no clue where to look, you weren't a tracker like Daryl, but you tried.
     You moved through the woods and stayed at cabins you found, or made a little camp with cans on wire surrounding it so you can hear anything coming. Daryl had taught you that, when you stayed at a campground with him once where there were larger animals roaming around.
     You missed him.
     You missed how he could always ease your worries and calm you down. His gentle touches and soft kisses. How soft he was with you. The way he always looked at you with love and care. You missed all of him.
     You're ashamed to think that maybe you'll never find him. Or maybe he only lives in your memories now. Maybe the last time you saw him was truly the last time.
     You could still see his eyes in your mind whenever you tried to sleep. You stayed awake most of the time now.
     You move around an abandoned gas station. It was your little camp for the moment. It had four walls and the doors held well enough, for now anyway. It's been almost a year of this now. Of moving around trying to find Daryl, with not even a clue. You needed to hunker down for at least a week, you're growing too weak and exhausted.
     The gas station was littered with dirt and grime, along with some candy and other snacks that weren't scavenged. Some water bottles were still in the coolers, but barren shelves took up most of the space.
     You're moving some of the shelving to the door, hoping that blocking it would keep the monsters out. If they didn't hear or see you, maybe they'll just wander by.
     You set up a blanket in the corner and throw your pack down before laying your head on it. You take a deep breath and try to fight the tears. You can't do this anymore. You can't just survive anymore. Is there even a point? Tears burn at your eyes and you close them shut.
     You must fall asleep at some point, because when your eyes fly open to voices, it's bright out.
     "There's something blocking the door," a woman says, trying in vain to push the doors open. You grab your gun quickly and rush to hide behind some shelving.
     "Hang on, let me try," a man says, before you hear more loud screeching from the metal shelves scraping on the floor. You point your gun in front of you, really hoping you don't have to use it.
     You hear footsteps, and see light streaming in now that the shelves weren't blocking the sun. Your hands shake a little on the gun.
     "Seems clear," the man says. You hold your breath. Maybe they'll just leave. You peak ever so slightly over the shelve to see the two. Ones a Asian guy, and the other is a pretty brunette girl.
     "Glenn," she says, and points over to your blanket and pack. "Someone was here."
     You slink back down, slowly and carefully. You can hear as the two begin to walk cautiously around the tiny store. The guy—Glenn— begins to walk around the shelf you're hiding behind, so you try to move to block yourself from his sight. But you didn't see the empty can by your foot, and kick it, causing it to roll out in the open. Shit.
     "Whoever's back there, come out!" Glenn calls out. "We won't hurt you, just come out slow."
     You weight your options in your head, but decide to walk out. They looked put together and well kept, maybe they had some sort of camp? A stable enough place that they wouldn't kill you for a can a beans and a half empty bottle of water?
     "Put the gun down," the girl says, flanking you from behind while the man is in front. You oblige, and the gun drops to the floor with a metallic thump. Your heart beats a million miles a second.
     "You have a camp?" Glenn asks.
     "This is my camp," you answer. Your hands were raised slightly in front of you, not wanting to startle them in any way and end up with a bullet between your eyes.
     "What about a group? Are you with anyone?" He asks. He eyes your warily, but they seemed kind. The girl walked out in front of you, her gun in hand but not held up. They didn't seem malicious. Maybe this could work out?
"No, just me," you answer. He and the woman give you a long look.
     "We have a camp, answer our questions and we can take you back," the girl says, holstering her weapon. Glenn lowers his but keeps it in his hand. "My names Maggie, and that's Glenn." You nod, and your eyes dance from one to the other. They didn't seem bad, but you can't be too careful nowadays.
     "How many walkers have you killed?" Glenn asks.
     "I don't know," you say with a shrug. "I've been moving around a lot, so a bunch I guess."
     "How many people?" You gulp at his question.
     "I shot a guy trying to rob me, not sure if I killed him." The man nods, and you wonder what's going to happen to you. They have a camp, but is it safe? Even if it is, would you go? Daryl could still be out there...
     "Our camp is a prison not far, you can come back with us," Maggie says, a kind smile gracing her pretty face. "What's your name?"
     "Y/N, Y/N Dixon." The couples eyes fly open, their jaws drop slightly. "What?"
     "You wouldn't happen to know a Daryl Dixon, would you?" She asks, and your heart just about burst right out of your chest.
"Yeah, he's my husband," you say, excitedly. Your heart is thumping almost painfully against your ribs. "You know him?"
"Daryl's married?!" Glenn shouts out. Maggie thumps him once on the shoulder and gives him a stern look. "What?"
The whole trip to the prison you thought you were dreaming. Maybe this isn't happening. I'm asleep still. Daryl is gone.... You still tried to hold onto hope, your chest tight and fingers anxiously drumming against your leg.
Maggie and Glenn were sweet, both with matching grins at the idea of yours and Daryl's reunion. They asked questions along the way, how you'd met him and how long you were married. You answered them all happily, almost to the point of tears.
When the car drove up to the prison fences, you looked around in awe. There were animals and crop gardens, kids running around the fields. It was something you never thought you'd see again.
A man opened the fence for you three, and a grey haired woman followed after seeing you step out of the car. The man had a beard and cowboy boots on, and he smiled warmly when he saw you. The woman had a look just as kind.
"Rick, Carol, you'll never guess who this is," Maggie says, a huge smile plastered on her face as she jumped out of the car. They both give you a second glance and look at her a little confused, and the man— Rick— nodded for her to continue. "Daryl's wife."
"Oh!" Carol gasped, a big smile on her face. "So nice to meet you! I've heard so much about you!"
"Only good things I hope," you say. You're still buzzing, and your eyes fly across the field in hope of catching a glance of your husband. Your heart flutters, your knees feel weak, and you still feel this may be a dream. A figment of your imagination.
And then you see him.
Your eyes widen, and with one last glance at your four new friends, you book it towards him. Your feet barely touch the grass as you bolt towards your husband.
"Daryl!" He turns sharply at the sound of your voice. He's half bent over his bike, hands full of grease and grime, and still he's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. He stops in his tracks for just a second before running to meet you in the middle.
You jump into his arms, his grease caked hands rubbing all over you but you couldn't care less. His fingers tremble where they lay on your back. Your face is shoved into his neck and you relish in the feeling of him.
"I thought I lost you I—" he says, cutting himself off, like he couldn't even think of it. "I looked for you everywhere."
"Me too," you say, voice laced with tears. This has to be a dream, it has to be. Your burrow your face even deeper into him and tighten your hold. "I don't want this to be a dream."
     "Shh, it's not," he murmurs lovingly in your ear. "I promise, I'm right here."
     Tears flow down your face even faster. Negative thoughts still plague your brain. Daryl brushes his hands down your back, up to caress your shoulders, before moving back down to clutch at your hips. His touches become more desperate and clingy. You think he's never going to let you go, you never want him to.
     Finally, you muster up the courage to look at him. You slowly peel your face away from his neck. Daryl presses a kiss to your forehead, resting a hand on your cheek softly. You look at him with matching tear stained faces, smiling. Gently, you push his grown out fringe away from his face.
     He's smiling, probably the happiest you've ever seen him, even with tear tracks down his pretty face. And when you finally lock eyes with those sparkly blues you've only seen in your dreams for so long, you know he's really there.
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