#fluffy f/o
A Look @ Cola (A Cowtale Ship)
Cola (Combination of Coyote and Illa)
Anxiety bros. But tbf Coy is far more stable than Illa. Their relationship would be rather soothing and the only way it’s happening is if Coy is patient enough to coax it out of Illa. Since Illa is a motherhen and pretty protective, it comes in handy for dealing with any of Coy’s anxiety and her own, she can try to help him work through his and it’d be much the same in return. There really isn’t any pressure on this relationship aside from Whip. But they’re both big dorks who can be shy at times. Basically an idiot couple. There’s not so much fighting as a lot of crying on Illa’s part, Coy is a bit too patient with her lol They match pretty well in some sense and it can make for a very easy relationship or one with too much hesitation, they could possibly bond. Friendship wise it’s more or less the same but Illa is far more invested in helping Coy come out of his shell comfortably and setting him up to be comfy. A breakup would be...bad. Illa is likely to just try the “stay friends'' routine but it’s doubtful Coy is gonna be down for it. They would likely end up actively avoiding each other because neither of them can adult feelings. 
Random HCs
Coy sometimes does her hair, not well but he likes hair and she likes hers being played with. Yes they’ve had to cut her hair out of his hands.
Illa pretty much lives in Coys clothes, particularly his jacket. But that’s his jacket so he pouts. 
Is terrified of Fernweh, Coy teases her about it but is also trying to work with her and her fear of birds. She thinks falconry is cool tho, just ten million feet away. Or more. Coy does zefrank style commentary to soothe her nerves. 
When frustrated with her, he talks to her in German, she likes to respond in Spanish then it’s a war. It makes pointless arguments a lot easier because no feelings are really hurt and they get to be frustrated and vent before actually, ya know, working it out. 
They’ve each picked up a bit of each others languages because both of them forget to elaborate when using a word the other doesn’t. They speak in awful mishmash at times.
Coy is amazingly the more “optimistic” of the two. But the bar is in hell so.
They’re pretty good at managing each others panic attacks. They’ve gotten to the point where they can mostly predict each others and work to mitigate or remove the other from the situation. 
Both of them are flirty drunks and together they are idiots who try to outflirt the other. They are 100% the couple that flirts like they aren’t already together. 
They sleep in trees a lot. If you can’t find them they are likely up there hiding and fell asleep.
Illa literally thought Whips name was Mi’Lord and Coy decided not to tell her because he thought it was hilarious. To this day he still teases her endlessly about it. 
Coy is the little spoon more often than not. Illa calls herself his jetpack and it often leads to piggy backing once they can be bothered to get up. 
Illa hates puns but there is nothing more enjoyable to her than seeing Coys exasperation every time she makes one. She makes them as ridiculous as possible on purpose. 
Illa has object permanence issues with humans and Coy tends to forget people exist when working. This had led to both of them literally forgetting they are dating for weeks at a time. It amuses everyone around them to no end. 
When Illa is being particularly stubborn and without self preservation Coy has a habit of sticking her up in trees so she can’t get down. She has absolutely broken an arm being stubborn about it and trying to climb down. 
She wears his magic colors to make him blush. Particularly when its not her outerwear. 
Illa is unaware Whip knows Spanish and tends to yell at him in it. Coy knows this and finds it hilarious and refuses to tell her. 
She has no sense of direction and gets lost, Coy has to find her quite often and wonders how the hell she got there and how does she not know how she got there?! 
Both are colossal dumbasses and therefore try very hard at romance but fail spectacularly. Candle light dinner? Oops the tablecloth is on fire. Get flowers? Oops she’s allergic. 
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clownsuu · 1 year
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I got really bad art block atm again so take some mini doodles I did in my spare time 👍
cw minor implied(?) blood
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I almost forgot about the existence of my Emo howdy w h o o p s KSHHHDJDHD
also sometimes I get reminded that Howdy’s “blood” is blue instead of red and I get surprised every single time
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synf3ll · 9 months
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you know?
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l0v3sickl0s3r · 2 months
Murder Drones x Reader
Character: Serial Designation N | Requested: ❌ | Category: Fluffy Cuddling Headcanons
• my guy has quite literally been living under a rock for his whole life so he doesn’t know shit about being affectionate let alone cuddling 💀
• doesn’t mean u can’t teach him tho 👀
• he’ll try his best to make sure ur comfy, both emotionally and physically. <3
• he will DEEEFINITELY wrap his tail around u! ^^ just… be mindful about the stinger. pop a cork on the tip and u should be fine :3
• he rlly likes laying his head on ur chest or vice versa <3333
• if he’s tired enough, he’ll fall asleep in ur arms 🥰
• he occasionally mumbles in his sleep too i’m sobbign
bonus lil drabble: tired bodies, limbs draped around each other. the occasional glance at one another, and the shy embarrassment when the sweet bot looks away from you. you softly chuckle and cup his cheek in the palm of your hand, guiding his gaze back to meet yours. he blushes and looks at you timidly, yet oh so lovingly. you smile, give him a lil peck on the lips and nestle into his chest. you don’t have to look up to know that he’s blushing a little bit more than before. the pats on your back slowly become a haze in your mind as n lulls you to sleep…
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deuces-ninth-live · 9 months
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(Stole this meme from a anti)
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self-shipping-doll13 · 5 months
Btw if you have problems remembering things, imagine your f/o accepting and not judging you!
If it’s short term like forgetting to do things or misplacing an object, they might help you keep track of things better. Maybe they’ll remind you to note things down or keep a schedule. They might tease you lightly, and if you’re comfortable with it, it’s something you can laugh about together.
And If you have larger gaps in memory? They understand and want you to enjoy making new and loving memories with them 💫 because they absolutely do! Maybe they’ll frame pictures or write things down so that memory will be treasured and preserved, and you can both look back on fondly.
Their memories likely aren’t perfect either, because they’re human and fallible. They’ll appreciate everything you to to help them as well!
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eicalors · 5 months
i get so happy when people post art of their selfships
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valentivy-creates · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day!
It's actually my birthday today too! So I drew this as a present for myself hehe
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elliotthedork · 8 months
New favorite picture of Wukong
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kissgoodknight · 1 year
the support for self shippers with f/os that have canon love interests is fantastic, but this one is for people with f/os who sleep around a lot in canon. your f/o choosing to be with you and be loyal only to you isn't "out of character." it's completely within reason and easy to believe when you consider how they feel about you. maybe sleeping around or dating/flirting with a lot of people was what they wanted in the past, but they have you. they choose you and will continue to do so. any version of your f/o where they end up in bed with someone different every night? that's just because they haven't met you. when they do, you change their mindset and their world. you're everything to them and nothing can change that!!!
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A Look @ Lint (A Cowtale Ship)
Lint (Combination of Illa and Flint)
If this is pre-sober Flint then we have the issue of neither wanting a relationship which is actually why it could possibly work. Essentially a relationship without the pressure of one because Illa won’t admit to shit and Flint doesn’t want shit when he isn’t sober. They have clear boundaries and are actually pretty good at maneuvering around each other. Illa’s an ex-addict and alcoholic so she can deal with Flints Flintness and Flint when he feels he needs to step in to handle Illas meltdowns. There could be mutual growth or they’ll tear each other apart. Post-sober Flint is more likely to succeed but also quicker to burn out. Flint is stable and knows what he wants, Illa never does because she is her and dumb. It’d depend a lot on how stubborn Flint is and how long he cares about waiting and willing to deal with her getting through it. A breakup in any version is likely to be unpleasant and both would say things neither would forgive the other for after. Best avoided. As friends they actually would actively not sleep together and tend to seem more like they can’t stand each other. Frenemies?
Random HCs
Flint likes to make up languages, he also understands Spanish. This irks Illa to no end. He has a habit of making up languages and convincing her they are real. Some are some aren’t. He finds it hilarious that he has her speaking French but also gibberish, and her thinking gibberish is also a real language. He refuses to tell her which are real and probably never will. 
Illa likes to wear clothes the color of Flints magic. He likes it but would rather tell her everything wrong with her outfit and that she is a simp instead. She’d like to strangle him and purposefully wears more and more ridiculous outfits.
Speaking of outfits. She steals his clothes. He steals hers except he is taller and now they don’t fit. It has become a war in which Flint is amused when she thinks she can fit in his pants and that her dress fits him better. 
Neither Illa nor Flint use their “original” names. Illa teases him relentlessly after being named after a font and paper and in retaliation he purposefully pronounces her name wrong all the damn time.
When Illa is being particularly difficult, Flint is very good at making bird calls and will use her fear/hatred of most birds to make her shut up. 
They are notorious for sleeping and sleeping in inappropriate places. 
Both are surprisingly protective of the other and neither has much sense of self preservation. It can make for the most interesting of arguments and situations. 
Flint likes to watch sunrises and Illa stays up with him, even if she tends to bitch about it later because she is grumpy when tired. But she is insistent and will pout if he doesn’t wake her for it. She absolutely takes pictures of his face when he watches it and he may or may not pretend not to notice. 
They are both spectacularly bad at relationships. A main reason they didn’t fail is only because when the other is being ridiculous they simply refuse to break up with the other. 
Flint sucks at cooking, intentional or not and thus he is banned from Illas kitchen. He is however, allowed to get her stuff from the top shelves. Something he never fails to gloat over. 
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royalbluefandom06 · 2 years
Whether your f/o’s eyes (eye) are naturally bright or even dull, they have a certain shine to them whenever your around with such an obvious loving gleam in their eyes even without needing words to be said to say how much they love and adore you for coming into their lives.
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zhongrin · 1 year
drawing selfship art is such a liberating and happy experience. 100/10 would recommend. i feel so soft rn
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deuces-ninth-live · 9 months
shoutout to self shippers whose s/i is literally just them. like you might change how you look a bit but it’s just you. being in love with your f/o.
(Stolen from a anti)
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pinky-in-blankets · 6 months
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{ I may have just designed myself a sticker of "Plushie Bunny"; but Corruption!Au version. }
In case you were wondering, it's a Strawberry Seltzer Float ✨️
Imma print it out tomorrow hopefully sksksk
Tadc corruption!Au belongs to @rabid-mercenary15
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geek-fashionista · 2 years
Marinette in love with Chat Noir is so soft
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