#for now... might just buy a used kindle voyage
vashti-lives · 3 months
I have finally conceded that gremlins have eaten my kindle voyage and I do, in fact, need to replace it. It's been more than year of waiting for it to "turn up" interspersed with frantic episodes of looking. It's not happening! It's in the negaverse now.
That's all! I don't need to be able to write on it! I don't need it to play videos! I don't need a big screen! I don't want to pay $200+ dollars. I just want to be able to read long fanfic on an e-ink screen again.
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trustdesign · 2 years
Synchronizacja kindle
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Only follow these steps if the above steps didn't work. Warning: The following steps might erase your message drafts and your signature, ringtone and other settings.
#Synchronizacja kindle Offline
A sync made offline will automatically be performed once the device connects to the internet.Step 3, Wait for your Kindle Fire to finish syncing. You do not need to be online to schedule a sync, but the Kindle Fire will not download any information while it is offline. Tapping this button will begin the syncing process. This will bring up the 'Quick Settings' toolbar.Step 2, Tap the 'Sync' button. I f you still can't sign in, follow these troubleshooting steps. Step 1, Swipe down from the top of your Kindle Fire screen.If you use two-step verification, you might need to sign in using an app password instead of your regular password.i send the attachments in app pokemon go and. It's far easier than doing it on the Kindle itself which I have done once before. please kindly solve the problem or send us the reasons why it happened in order to improve the quality. I'm trying to make and sync my collections via my Kindle-for-Mac. Synchronizacja cykli cenowych na europejskich rynkach mieszkaniowych. It sounds like the 'Import Collections' option is just what I need, but I cannot find it on my Kindle Paperwhite even when 'Cloud items' is selected.
#Synchronizacja kindle password
Make sure that you enter your username and password correctly. We kindly inform you that, as long as the subject affiliation of our 300.000+.
You're asked to enter your username and password over and over again.
If you can't sign in or get one of the errors below, sync won't work on the Gmail app.
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Remove Google Play music, books, films or TV shows that you've downloaded When you buy a book from the Amazon Kindle Store, you can transfer it to a Kindle reader or another device that supports.Delete downloaded files or files that you've created, or move files to your computer.“This app was not created or endorsed by Amazon.If your phone or tablet is running out of space, syncing won't work. 'Free Kindle Books' takes all the pain out of the process of finding the best new free kindle books. Czy kto wie jak rozwiza problem synchronizacji kindla z Amazon, Goodreads i aplikacjami mobilnymi obu platform oraz webowymi Problem nr 1 - Goodreads. It both lets you focus on one book at a time (no clutter) and quickly browse through available books.įor free you get - daily updates on the best new free kindle books, ability to filter by the genres you want to read. Genres Available - Romance, Thrillers & Mysteries, Fantasy & Science Fiction & Horror, Historical Fiction, Christian, Children & Young Adult, Adventure, Non Fiction.Ĥ) Lots of information to help you decide.īook Title, Author, Review Rating, SubGenres are all listed. W momencie, gdy bdzie niezbdna synchronizacja: ebooki na Twoim czytniku stan si niedostpne - nie bdziesz mg ich uruchomi w aplikacji Empik Go dla Kindle TM na Twoim komputerze pojawi si przycisk Synchronizuj Synchronizacja jest moliwa po opaceniu abonamentu na kolejny miesic. Please check the book price on the Book Product Page BEFORE buying.Ģ) Special Classification - Particularly good free books and deals have 'Recommended', 'Strongly Recommended' and 'Get It Now' tags attached.ģ) Filter by Genre - If you want to see only Romance and Non-Fiction, then go to the Settings Page and choose to Filter by these two Genres. So you don't have to waste your time sorting out good from bad. You get -ġ) 30 to 50 free kindle books every day. Pobierz dedykowan aplikacj na swj komputer. 'Free Kindle Books' brings you human curated free kindle books. Usuga dostpna jest dla posiadaczy modeli Kindle Touch, 7, 8, 10, Paperwhite 1-5, Voyage, Oasis 1-3.
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Czy musz instalowa jakie dodatkowe oprogramowanie na Kindle Jedyn aplikacj, niezbdn do korzystania z Legimi na Kindle jest suca do synchronizacji aplikacja desktopowa Legimi na Windows i Mac OS do. Please Note: This is an App with special features to make it easier to find books you want to read - filtering by genre, easy and quick navigation between books, information on Sub-Genres and Review Ratings. Usuga dostpna jest dla posiadaczy modeli z ekranem dotykowym: Kindle Touch, 7, 8, 10, Paperwhite 1-5, Voyage, Oasis 1-3. Free Kindle Books are directly in your browser 'Free Kindle Books' brings you daily updates on the best new free kindle books.
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thebibliosphere · 4 years
My Heart’s In The Highlands by Amy Hoff (Book Review)
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Hey fam, we ready to talk about a Scottish lesbian time traveling romance? 
Also, just an upfront disclaimer on this one: I received an ARC (advance review copy) copy of this book from the Publisher and am writing this review voluntarily.
A Quick Summary:
My Heart’s in the Highlands by Amy Hoff is a sapphic time travel romance set in Scotland, starting in the late 1880s.  Lady Jane Crichton is a learned woman of science (based on the historic ‘Edinburgh Seven’), who has spent her lifetime railing against the restraints of Scottish Victorian life and the expectations placed upon her. Fortunately for Jane, she finds herself in a marriage of convenience (he’s gay and needed a beard to protect his political career, and she needed the financial freedom and support of a wealthy patron. They’re buds about it.) and with the help of her husband, Jane is able to fund her own research and builds a functioning time machine. 
Unfortunately for Jane her time machine malfunctions during one of its voyages, and she finds herself thrown back in time, crash landing into the 13th century. And also into Ainslie nic Dòmhnaill, who is next in line to inherit the great Clan Donald. Which is one hell of a way to find out your a lesbian, but also 10/10 would willingly fall back in time and into the arms of a buff Scottish warrior woman. But Jane also holds a secret. She knows what will become of these lands, and to the people that live on them, and she must choose between her fairy tale romance, or the harsh reality of history that lies ahead. Can her and  Ainslie’s love survive? Or will they be torn apart by time? 
Okay, so for some perspective going into this review, I am a Scottish editor, and I have worked extensively in the realms of Scottish Historical Romance. Most of you have probably heard of the term ‘Britpacker,’ so if it helps, think of me as a ‘Scots Sifter’—I catch chunks of inaccuracy and gently nudge the phonetic (mis)spellings toward the realms of the accurate. And as a Scottish person who reads romance for both fun and work, it’s a breath of fresh air to read someone who knows what they are doing in this regard. The historical details many readers crave are there in spades, lovingly rendered through beautiful and flowing prose. The (accurate!!!) use of Scots and Gaelic are also masterfully included in the dialect without feeling contrived, and overall enriches the narrative. Hoff is someone who loves Scottish culture and knows it well, and it shows.
(A note for history foodie buffs: I caught one slip-up in the form of potatoes being mentioned in the 13th century when they didn’t arrive in Scotland until 1739. I am, however, willing to concede that perhaps our heroine Lady Jane is perhaps not the first time traveler to have crash-landed into the Highlands. The others were merely better supplied. EDIT: I’ve been informed this error will be corrected in the next print.) As a heroine, Lady Jane is charmingly out of time and place even before she sets foot in her time machine. A woman in her later thirties (a novelty I’ll never tire of in Romance), she holds many convictions and beliefs, both about history and herself. All of which are proven wrong the moment she is flung back in time and meets the charming (and I cannot stress this enough) incredibly buff warrior woman, Ainslie nic Dòmhnaill. Setting aside my more analytical interests in this text, allow me to just say, I would die for Ainslie; something which I feel secure in saying would not happen, as Ainslie would murder anyone that tried. (And I would hold her golden torque and flower all starry-eyed while she did it.) However, there were one or two things that jumped out at me, both as a reader and an editor. While some scenes are concisely eloquent, there are a areas where pacing (and grammar) fall down, and the book feels like it could use with tightening up with another pass at editing. There was very little build up to the romance itself, which is fine, the instant true love trope is a well-loved trope for a reason. But it felt out of character for Jane, who presents initially as either on the demi or ace spectrum, but then falls immediately, if not in love, then certainly in lust with Ainslie. If this was intentional, I cannot say, but her sudden switch in dynamic is jarring and could have used a little gentler development.
Once the romance begins, it is sweet and enjoyable for the most part, but also again not without issue. There’s a distinct lack of verbal consent which modern readers might find discomfiting, especially in the LGBTQ+ spheres which paved the way for better consent and relationship dynamics in modern romance, and if I were asked to tag this book, I’d likely opt to tag it as “dubious consent” just to cover any potential triggers for people who would be unsettled by that sort of thing. (“Tell me no” being met with silence is not the same as consent. It might have worked 20 years ago in publishing, but it wouldn’t/shouldn’t fly now.) I like the characters dearly. Ainslie is smitten with Jane the moment she sets eyes on her, even if Jane is initially very awkward and prickly. Jane is also taken with her glorious redheaded warrior, and frankly, who could blame her? The book also has several of my favorite romantic tropes in it, including the all-time favorite “There’s Only One Bed”, though I wish more had been made of them. The sex scenes are hot and also sweetly endearing at times, though again I would like to see more explicit consent. Overall, it’s not a bad debut novel into the forays of Romance for a first-time Romance author. It’s enjoyable, but I am left with nagging the feeling that it could have been so much more. To my mind, where this book truly excels is Hoff’s love affair with history and Scotland itself. Their narrative shines in moments of reflection, and the subtle and nuanced injections of historical detail, which in my experience, are rarely done so well in this genre. But this is however a Romance novel, and the time-traveling scientist lesbian and her buff redhead warrior girlfriend felt second fiddle to the history at times, which was disappointing because how often do you get to say those words together? Not enough, in my opinion. Overall, I’d rate this as 3.5 out of 5, though it would have been a solid four were it not for the issues surrounding pacing and consent. If Hoff chose to continue the series, however, I’d absolutely be down for more of it. I want to see the characters grow and thrive. I just think a little more experience with the genre (and better editing) is needed first. My Heart’s In the Highlands is available now on Kindle, Paperback, and most other online retail stores. You can also buy directly from the Publisher.
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youngadultquoted · 7 years
Hey! Do you think you can make a post about your kindle/e-reader? I would love to hear your thoughts on it. Thank you❤️
Yes, of course!!
I’ve had my Kindle Paperwhite since 2015, and I am absolutely in love with it! For anyone who doesn’t know, Kindles are e-readers created by Amazon.  There are four versions currently for sale: 
- Kindle: The basic Kindle device (which currently costs $79.99 on Amazon) is the cheapest e-reader Amazon offers and, consequently, the one with the least features.  It’s just a simple touchscreen, so you can either tap or swipe to change the page (to go either forward or backward).  As far as I can tell, there are really two things that set this Kindle apart from the Paperwhite: it has a lower screen resolution–only 167 ppi compared to the Paperwhite’s 300 ppi (for perspective, the iPhones 6 and 7 both have 326 ppi, at least according to a quick Google search I just did haha),which really isn’t a huge deal as the text is still perfectly visible for reading; and the screen doesn’t light up.  This second flaw is really the only reason I chose the Paperwhite instead.  While you would still be able to read just fine in daylight, you would have to turn on a lamp or something to read in the dark.  I imagine you could buy a book light and clip it onto the device, but I just personally felt that would be more hassle than I wanted.
- Kindle Paperwhite: The Paperwhite (which is what my Kindle is), currently costs $119.99 on Amazon.  You can pay more to get your Kindle with built-in WiFi and/or 3G, but I have never quite understood how that works and not having it has not been a problem for me, so I wouldn’t recommend that.  Again, the Paperwhite is just a touchscreen like the cheapest model.  It actually has the biggest screen of all the Kindle devices, which is interesting.  I pretty much already covered the differences, so basically it is just the basic Kindle with a built-in light and higher screen resolution.  In my experience, the built-in light is one of the best things about Kindles because it allows me to read in the dark without needing a lamp (which is especially convenient when I’m outside or in a car in the dark–I still remember the struggle of squinting in attempt to read in the car at night because my parents would never let me turn on the lights in the car).  The light is adjustable, so you can have it set to anywhere from 0 (basically no light) to 24 (AKA blinding light).  To give you an idea of how bright it is, I typically keep it at around 10 when I’m reading in the dark before bed and increase it to 15 or so during the day–it all depends on the lighting.  As you might expect, it definitely drains the battery more if you keep the brightness high, but it’s clearly not necessary to have it that bright.
- Kindle Voyage: The Kindle Voyage, which was the fanciest model at the time when I was trying to figure out which one to get, costs $199.99 on Amazon at the moment.  Its screen is smaller than that of the Paperwhite (but slightly bigger than the basic Kindle), but its main feature is that it has “page press,” which is basically just these sensor-button things on either side of the screen.  You can still use the touchscreen as you would on the other Kindles, but you can also change the page simply by pressing the buttons.  Initially, this was the Kindle I wanted, but I tried it out in a Best Buy store and decided against it.  The “buttons” aren’t raised or anything, so instead you have to press pretty hard on the side of the device to get the page to turn, which just seemed like more effort than it was worth, in my opinion (granted, that was two years ago, so it’s possible they have since improved the technology–if you think you might be interested, I’d recommend going to a physical store that sells the devices to try it out for yourself).  In my opinion, it’s just not worth an extra $80 just for some buttons and a smaller screen.  
- Kindle Oasis: Finally the most recent addition to the Kindle family is the Oasis, which costs $289.99.  In my opinion, this is way too much money for not much improvement.  What makes it costs so much is that it comes with a cover that charges the device.  Frankly, unless you’re going to be somewhere where you won’t have access to electrical outlets for weeks (or, according to Amazon, months), there’s no reason to pay this much money (as far as I can tell).  As I will explain more later, all of the Kindles have incredibly long battery life even without this fancy cover.  I just don’t get the point of the device.
Kindle eBooks
As someone who doesn’t make a habit of purchasing new books, I love buying books on my Kindle.  I am fortunate enough that I usually receive several Amazon gift cards each year from family and friends, so I just put them on my account and constantly keep my eye out for deals.  I never buy Kindle books for full price (frankly I think $10 for just a digital copy is ludicrous), but Amazon constantly puts eBooks on sale for $2.99 or less.  Most books I buy are $1.99, and they’re not just random books no one has heard of.  To give you an idea, here are a few books I have purchased for $2.99 or less in the past year or so:
I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai
First & Then by Emma Mills
The Love That Split the World by Emily Henry
My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Jodi Meadows, and Brodi Ashton
Open Road Summer by Emery Lord
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
And the list goes on…
Also, as you may know, most classic novels can be “purchased” for free in eBook format as older novels are usually in the public domain.  This comes in handy when I want to have a more portable copy of whatever book I’m reading for class, as most are in the public domain.
While I love both of those features, the way I get most of my eBooks is through my local library’s digital book collection.  Many public libraries offer eBooks through Overdrive, and those eBooks can easily be sent to your Kindle for you to read while you have them checked out.  I absolutely love this because I could get a new book in the middle of the night without the obstacle of library hours.
As I alluded, the Kindles (or at least the Paperwhite) last forever without charging.  Depending on how much I’ve been using my Kindle, I can usually go at least one week, if not two or three without charging (and even then, I’ve never actually let it run out of power).  I never have to worry about bringing my charger on vacations because I know I’ll be fine, which is so great.  
Kindle Features
Here are a few of my favorite features of Kindles:
Goodreads: You can easily access Goodreads on Kindle, which is nice for finding new books and updating your reading progress.
Kindle Store: You can also get to the Kindle Store and purchase books right on your device, which lends itself well to impulse buying (thus how I have so many books on my Kindle, haha).
Highlights: It’s super easy to highlight quotes you like, all of which are stored in a “book” called “My Clippings” for easy access (it even stores highlights from library eBooks that have since been returned).  As you can probably guess, this is super useful for me in storing quotes to share with you guys, especially if I am at school when I come across them, though I’m weird and nostalgic so I like to go back and look at the dates and times when I highlighted certain quotes (I like to figure out what class I was in at the time lol).  Also, the highlights do save even if you are not on WiFi.
Dictionary: Even when you’re not connected to WiFi, you can always click on a word (or sometimes even a phrase) to look it up in the dictionary.  On WiFi, you can also look up a word on Wikipedia or have the device attempt to translate it into another language.
eBooks vs. Physical Books
I know lots of people are against eBooks (in fact, I used to be one of them), but I love them so much.  The Kindle screen really feels like you’re just looking at paper, so I don’t find it to be hard on my eyes at all, unlike how my phone and computer are.  It makes me able to read more books in more places and carry multiple books at once.  It has been so incredibly helpful with reading at school.  Now, I am able to sometimes walk to class while reading (I haven’t run into anyone yet lol), and it’s not quite so cumbersome to get a book out and start reading as it is with a physical book.  I do still love physical books and read them regularly.  I think they both certainly have their merits!
So, long story short, I absolutely adore my Kindle!  I use it almost every single day.  If anyone has any more questions about Kindles, please feel free to ask!!
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droneseco · 4 years
Onyx Boox Nova2 Review: The Best 7.8″ eReader of 2020
Our verdict of the Onyx Boox Nova2 Ereader: If you're familiar with Android, the Onyx Boox Nova2 is flat-out the best 7.8" Android ereader of 2020.910
Amazon Kindle eReaders are designed to do one thing: sell eBooks. For those looking for something more versatile, the best Kindle alternative of 2020 is the $340 Onyx Boox Nova2. It’s a stylus-compatible Android tablet with an E Ink display, optimized for reading, not for selling.
But it’s not for everyone. Its higher up-front cost and the complexity of Android make the Nova2 a poor choice for those who want a dead-simple device for buying and reading ebooks. But for those comfortable with Android, it’s the king of its class.
What Is Onyx?
Onyx‘s Boox eReaders aren’t as common as devices from Amazon or Kobo. But unlike the Kindle or Forma, Boox eReaders can install Android apps—and Android’s app store has a tremendous number of apps.
On the downside, Onyx’s earlier models had poor quality control along with a return policy that either required shipping it back to China or dealing with third-party importers, who often refused to honor warranties.
As Onyx has moved into Western markets, though, they have started to contract with American and European repair shops.
BOOX Nova2 7.8 ePaper E Note, 300 DPI Android 9.0 Front Light Dual Touch USB OTG E-Reader BOOX Nova2 7.8 ePaper E Note, 300 DPI Android 9.0 Front Light Dual Touch USB OTG E-Reader Buy Now On Amazon $322.99
Onyx Boox Nova2 Hardware and Features
The Nova2 won’t win any beauty competition when compared to the Oasis 3. No eReader would. It’s pleasant to hold and fairly lightweight for a tablet. But it’s almost twice as heavy as an Oasis and not nearly as svelte or pleasant to hold. It doesn’t automatically change orientation depending on how you hold it. And forget about taking it to the swimming pool as the Nova2 lacks waterproofing.
Think of it as an Android tablet that’s great for reading everything. It smashes through ebooks and plows through websites with tablet-like speed. If the Oasis is a lithe and graceful ballerina, the Nova2 is a chunky and powerful sumo wrestler.
Here are the device’s major features:
3,150mAh lithium-ion battery with a battery life of over a month (average 210mA power consumption)
Wacom touchscreen with 4,096-degrees of pressure sensitivity
Passive stylus compatibility with palm rejection technology (stylus included)
Snapdragon 625 system-on-a-chip
Bluetooth 4.1
Black plastic construction with a matte finish
3GB of RAM, 32GB of storage
Supports Power Delivery (PD) charging (USB-C to USB-C)
E Ink Carta screen
Variable warmth front light (as opposed to a backlight)
Android version 9.0
Screen DPI of 300
On-the-Go functionality on the USB Type-C (USB-C) port for external devices, including keyboards and mice
So what do these specs mean?
It’s one of the fastest eReaders ever made and comes loaded with features, such as USB-C PD charging. But most important, it supports stylus input for note-taking.
USB Type-C Power Delivery
It’s also worth noting that unlike many other eReaders, the Nova2 includes support for the USB Type-C Power Delivery standard, although without Quick Charge capabilities. While it may not charge as fast as a smartphone does, it works with any USB-C charger.
The Nova2 Is Fast (for an eReader)
Up until 2020, eReaders used low-end, obsolete processors based on ancient 28nm “transistor” technology. This is doubly true for eReaders from Amazon and Kobo. However, Android eReaders need a little more CPU juice in order to fluently run apps.
The Onyx Boox Nova2 is one of the first E Ink devices equipped with a modern processor. The Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 uses a 14nm process-node technology and the Arm Cortex A53 architecture.
Even though these aren’t exactly performance specs, within its class, these are some of the punchiest components around.
Great Battery Life Even for an eReader
The big advantage of its more advanced Snapdragon processor is battery life. Combined with power-saving optimizations in Android 9.0, the Nova2 tested at around 25-days of battery life with Wi-Fi turned on. To my knowledge, all other Android 6.0-based eReaders get around a week of up-time with Wi-Fi on. In comparison, the older Onyx Boox Nova Pro gets about a week of usage.
With Wi-Fi turned off, it can probably get in the range of two months of battery life.
E-Ink Fast Reading Modes
The Nova2, like a few Android eReaders, also possesses four variable screen-refresh modes, which trade text clarity for faster refreshes.
Speed: Speed mode provides a tradeoff between visual clarity and refresh rate, favoring clarity.
Normal: Normal mode maintains high screen clarity but uses jarring full-screen refreshes.
X-Mode: X-Mode is the fastest refresh mode but it also suffers from serious amounts of ghosting.
A2: A2-Mode, is a blend of fast refreshes combined with decent visual clarity. It’s not as clear as Speed Mode although its refreshes are faster.
It’s also worth noting that the Nova2 (like most of the Boox series) includes a partial refresh method that Onyx calls Snow Field. Snow Field is a software-based technique that allows for partial refreshes of the E-Ink screen. That means there’s less ghosting and higher visual clarity when running Android apps.
However, even with this technology, there are still visible traces of ghosting. Unless I use the fastest refresh modes, the ghosting doesn’t impact reading quality, though.
The Nova2 Is a Great Reading Experience
The 7.8-inch 1872×1404, 300DPI E Ink Carta display has great contrast with crisp, clear text. Even with a matte-glass finish, the display looks whiter than the previous Nova Pro model.
The Default Reading App Is Excellent
The Nova2’s default reading experience stands above its competitors. While you can install any ebook app (I recommend KOReader, which is on the open-source app store F-Droid), the native reading software onboard the Nova2 is versatile and efficient. Aside from being able to reflow any text, including sloppily scanned images, it can write notes directly onto ebooks. In other words, you can write on, highlight, and annotate your texts.
Using the Onyx Boox Nova2
Activate the Google Play Store on Onyx Boox Devices
As a full-Android device, capable of installing apps from the Google Play Store, the Nova2 requires patience. You’ll need to do two things: first, activate the Play Store and, second, learn how to sideload content on it. If that sounds too complicated, a Kindle Paperwhite, Oasis, or Kobo might better meet your needs.
The Boox Nova2 Launcher
The Nova2’s home page includes shortcuts to a Library ebook organizer, Onyx’s defunct ebook Store (which only offers public domain books), Storage, the app manifest, and a Settings menu. New to the Nova series, there’s a Notes feature, which takes advantage of a Wacom touch layer. Of these features, the ones worth mentioning are its Notes app and its native reader, which appears to be based on the open-source FBReader. Onyx brands the app as the Neo Reader.
The Native Ebook Reader App Is Crazy Good
If you launch any ebook from within the Library app, it opens in Onyx Neo Reader.
Neo Reader opened every book format that I threw at it, from EPUB, to massive 800MB PDFs, to CBZ. While it won’t natively open Kindle books, you can install Amazon’s Kindle app through the Google Play Store or convert Amazon’s ebooks using Calibre.
The best thing about the Neo Reader is that you can hand-write notes directly onto the text. While there’s zero margins to write in, the app will write-to and save all your marks. Personally, I’d feel more comfortable with a 10-inch eReader for annotations, but if you’re just highlighting text, then it’s perfectly adequate. For taking more detailed, handwritten notes, I’d strongly recommend the Notes app.
While the Notes app isn’t as good as the Remarkable 2 for annotating eBooks or taking notes due to the limitations of a 7.8-inch screen, its pressure sensitivity is equal to the Remarkable 2.
In a nutshell, if you want to only take notes, you’re better off with a Remarkable 2. But if you want something more versatile, the Nova2 beats all competitors.
Note Taking With a Stylus
The note-taking abilities are outstanding for a $340 device. While larger, more expensive devices take handwriting input better, nothing in its price-range offers the same features for the money.
While the Nova2 lacks the 10.3-inch writing area of the Remarkable 2, it’s still a credibly better all-round device. But on top of that, the Nova2 can quickly transcribe your handwriting into digital text.
I was surprised at the Note app’s handwriting recognition accuracy, despite how sloppy my handwriting is. It got every single word right with 100% accuracy.
Amazon Kindles Vs. Boox Nova2
If you’re using an ad-supported Kindle, chances are you’re not reading EPUB documents, which is the most common electronic book format in the world.
You’re also probably not taking notes, or reading CBZ (comic books), or really anything outside of Amazon’s proprietary formats. While Kindles can, on paper, read PDF files, their limited hardware and smaller screen aren’t great at it. In comparison, the Nova2’s significantly beefier hardware opens even the largest of PDFs in seconds. And each page turn is a fluid, seamless affair.
In terms of heft, the Kindle Paperwhite weighs in at 182 grams with a six-inch screen, whereas the Oasis 3’s seven-inch screen and 188 grams weight make it one of the lightest models in its class on the planet. The Nova2, while 7.8-inches, also weights a whopping 265 grams.
On the other hand, not everyone wants to deal with what’s essentially a black-and-white Android tablet. If you just want a lightweight, pocket-sized, dead-simple eReader, you’re far better off with the much less expensive Paperwhite 4, Oasis 3,  or even the older Voyage.
Reasons to Not Buy the Boox Nova2
While the Boox Nova2’s hardware and software beat all competitors, it’s not a for everyone.
It’s Bigger and Heavier Compared to Kindles and Kobos
While the Nova2 may have a larger screen, it also weighs almost twice as much as the heaviest of the Kindle eReaders. And its 7.8-inch screen makes it difficult to pocket, particularly if you use the included case.
History of Poor Quality Control
Onyx’s earliest devices had a poor quality-control record (I’ve had four different failures between 2015 and 2016). Additionally, I’ve had issues returning devices through importers. Fortunately, in 2019 Onyx began contracting out repairs using Michigan-based iCare Repair, although the customer pays shipping costs. iCare Repair, a disabled-veteran-owned and operated service, promises a two-day turnaround on returns.
iCare Repair’s service included a “lifetime warranty” on the replaced components. In other words, they guarantee that if they replace a part, it’ll never fail. That’s a substantial promise.
That said, in the past four years Onyx’s newer devices have not failed on me in any way and their build qualities have improved substantially.
Onyx Doesn’t Release Source Code
Any manufacturer that modifies the Android operating system is required by the GNU General Public License (GPL) to regularly publish its source code. In other words, they have to share their changes with the larger Linux community, of which Android is a part.
Unfortunately, Onyx has not yet released any code, which means two things:
They are in violation of the GPL.
There will never be custom ROMs that will extend the lifespan of the Nova.
For most consumers, neither is a serious problem. In my opinion, however, it’s a serious black mark on an otherwise attractive device.
Boox Devices Aren’t Play Store Certified
None of Onyx’s devices are Play Store certified. That means Google hasn’t evaluated any of these devices for security vulnerabilities. No black-and-white E Ink device has official Play Store certification, and Google has dropped support for E Ink after Android 6.0. This has led to Onyx selling their devices in China and East Asia without the Google Play Store.
In other words, the problem is with Google’s refusal to certify E Ink devices, likely because of performance issues.
Android Is Too Complex for Some
Finally, Android is more complicated to use than other eReaders, like the Kindle. If you’re already using an eReader from a big-box retailer, and prefer its ease-of-use and straightforward interface, there’s no reason to buy a more expensive and more complicated device.
What’s the Best ~8-inch Android eReader?
The Nova2 is the best eightish-inch Android eReader ever made. It’s the kind of device you wish Amazon sold. But it’s not for everyone.
BOOX Nova2 7.8 ePaper E Note, 300 DPI Android 9.0 Front Light Dual Touch USB OTG E-Reader BOOX Nova2 7.8 ePaper E Note, 300 DPI Android 9.0 Front Light Dual Touch USB OTG E-Reader Buy Now On Amazon $322.99
While installing any app you want looks good on (pun intended) e-paper, it’s a lot more complicated than a Kindle. But if you can handle sideloading content and want the best possible reading device, or need to annotate digital texts, no better 7.8-inch purpose-built eReader around. (We’ve covered the best simple Readers elsewhere.)
For those interested in a color eReader, recent advances in E Ink’s ACeP display technology along with its Kaleido color E Ink screens may kill the Kindle in 2020 or 2021.
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Read the full article: Onyx Boox Nova2 Review: The Best 7.8″ eReader of 2020
Onyx Boox Nova2 Review: The Best 7.8″ eReader of 2020 published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
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grassroutes · 4 years
Onyx Boox Nova2 Review: The Best 7.8″ eReader of 2020
Our verdict of the Onyx Boox Nova2 Ereader: If you're familiar with Android, the Onyx Boox Nova2 is flat-out the best 7.8" Android ereader of 2020.910
Amazon Kindle eReaders are designed to do one thing: sell eBooks. For those looking for something more versatile, the best Kindle alternative of 2020 is the $340 Onyx Boox Nova2. It’s a stylus-compatible Android tablet with an E Ink display, optimized for reading, not for selling.
But it’s not for everyone. Its higher up-front cost and the complexity of Android make the Nova2 a poor choice for those who want a dead-simple device for buying and reading ebooks. But for those comfortable with Android, it’s the king of its class.
What Is Onyx?
Onyx‘s Boox eReaders aren’t as common as devices from Amazon or Kobo. But unlike the Kindle or Forma, Boox eReaders can install Android apps—and Android’s app store has a tremendous number of apps.
On the downside, Onyx’s earlier models had poor quality control along with a return policy that either required shipping it back to China or dealing with third-party importers, who often refused to honor warranties.
As Onyx has moved into Western markets, though, they have started to contract with American and European repair shops.
BOOX Nova2 7.8 ePaper E Note, 300 DPI Android 9.0 Front Light Dual Touch USB OTG E-Reader BOOX Nova2 7.8 ePaper E Note, 300 DPI Android 9.0 Front Light Dual Touch USB OTG E-Reader Buy Now On Amazon $322.99
Onyx Boox Nova2 Hardware and Features
The Nova2 won’t win any beauty competition when compared to the Oasis 3. No eReader would. It’s pleasant to hold and fairly lightweight for a tablet. But it’s almost twice as heavy as an Oasis and not nearly as svelte or pleasant to hold. It doesn’t automatically change orientation depending on how you hold it. And forget about taking it to the swimming pool as the Nova2 lacks waterproofing.
Think of it as an Android tablet that’s great for reading everything. It smashes through ebooks and plows through websites with tablet-like speed. If the Oasis is a lithe and graceful ballerina, the Nova2 is a chunky and powerful sumo wrestler.
Here are the device’s major features:
3,150mAh lithium-ion battery with a battery life of over a month (average 210mA power consumption)
Wacom touchscreen with 4,096-degrees of pressure sensitivity
Passive stylus compatibility with palm rejection technology (stylus included)
Snapdragon 625 system-on-a-chip
Bluetooth 4.1
Black plastic construction with a matte finish
3GB of RAM, 32GB of storage
Supports Power Delivery (PD) charging (USB-C to USB-C)
E Ink Carta screen
Variable warmth front light (as opposed to a backlight)
Android version 9.0
Screen DPI of 300
On-the-Go functionality on the USB Type-C (USB-C) port for external devices, including keyboards and mice
So what do these specs mean?
It’s one of the fastest eReaders ever made and comes loaded with features, such as USB-C PD charging. But most important, it supports stylus input for note-taking.
USB Type-C Power Delivery
It’s also worth noting that unlike many other eReaders, the Nova2 includes support for the USB Type-C Power Delivery standard, although without Quick Charge capabilities. While it may not charge as fast as a smartphone does, it works with any USB-C charger.
The Nova2 Is Fast (for an eReader)
Up until 2020, eReaders used low-end, obsolete processors based on ancient 28nm “transistor” technology. This is doubly true for eReaders from Amazon and Kobo. However, Android eReaders need a little more CPU juice in order to fluently run apps.
The Onyx Boox Nova2 is one of the first E Ink devices equipped with a modern processor. The Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 uses a 14nm process-node technology and the Arm Cortex A53 architecture.
Even though these aren’t exactly performance specs, within its class, these are some of the punchiest components around.
Great Battery Life Even for an eReader
The big advantage of its more advanced Snapdragon processor is battery life. Combined with power-saving optimizations in Android 9.0, the Nova2 tested at around 25-days of battery life with Wi-Fi turned on. To my knowledge, all other Android 6.0-based eReaders get around a week of up-time with Wi-Fi on. In comparison, the older Onyx Boox Nova Pro gets about a week of usage.
With Wi-Fi turned off, it can probably get in the range of two months of battery life.
E-Ink Fast Reading Modes
The Nova2, like a few Android eReaders, also possesses four variable screen-refresh modes, which trade text clarity for faster refreshes.
Speed: Speed mode provides a tradeoff between visual clarity and refresh rate, favoring clarity.
Normal: Normal mode maintains high screen clarity but uses jarring full-screen refreshes.
X-Mode: X-Mode is the fastest refresh mode but it also suffers from serious amounts of ghosting.
A2: A2-Mode, is a blend of fast refreshes combined with decent visual clarity. It’s not as clear as Speed Mode although its refreshes are faster.
It’s also worth noting that the Nova2 (like most of the Boox series) includes a partial refresh method that Onyx calls Snow Field. Snow Field is a software-based technique that allows for partial refreshes of the E-Ink screen. That means there’s less ghosting and higher visual clarity when running Android apps.
However, even with this technology, there are still visible traces of ghosting. Unless I use the fastest refresh modes, the ghosting doesn’t impact reading quality, though.
The Nova2 Is a Great Reading Experience
The 7.8-inch 1872×1404, 300DPI E Ink Carta display has great contrast with crisp, clear text. Even with a matte-glass finish, the display looks whiter than the previous Nova Pro model.
The Default Reading App Is Excellent
The Nova2’s default reading experience stands above its competitors. While you can install any ebook app (I recommend KOReader, which is on the open-source app store F-Droid), the native reading software onboard the Nova2 is versatile and efficient. Aside from being able to reflow any text, including sloppily scanned images, it can write notes directly onto ebooks. In other words, you can write on, highlight, and annotate your texts.
Using the Onyx Boox Nova2
Activate the Google Play Store on Onyx Boox Devices
As a full-Android device, capable of installing apps from the Google Play Store, the Nova2 requires patience. You’ll need to do two things: first, activate the Play Store and, second, learn how to sideload content on it. If that sounds too complicated, a Kindle Paperwhite, Oasis, or Kobo might better meet your needs.
The Boox Nova2 Launcher
The Nova2’s home page includes shortcuts to a Library ebook organizer, Onyx’s defunct ebook Store (which only offers public domain books), Storage, the app manifest, and a Settings menu. New to the Nova series, there’s a Notes feature, which takes advantage of a Wacom touch layer. Of these features, the ones worth mentioning are its Notes app and its native reader, which appears to be based on the open-source FBReader. Onyx brands the app as the Neo Reader.
The Native Ebook Reader App Is Crazy Good
If you launch any ebook from within the Library app, it opens in Onyx Neo Reader.
Neo Reader opened every book format that I threw at it, from EPUB, to massive 800MB PDFs, to CBZ. While it won’t natively open Kindle books, you can install Amazon’s Kindle app through the Google Play Store or convert Amazon’s ebooks using Calibre.
The best thing about the Neo Reader is that you can hand-write notes directly onto the text. While there’s zero margins to write in, the app will write-to and save all your marks. Personally, I’d feel more comfortable with a 10-inch eReader for annotations, but if you’re just highlighting text, then it’s perfectly adequate. For taking more detailed, handwritten notes, I’d strongly recommend the Notes app.
While the Notes app isn’t as good as the Remarkable 2 for annotating eBooks or taking notes due to the limitations of a 7.8-inch screen, its pressure sensitivity is equal to the Remarkable 2.
In a nutshell, if you want to only take notes, you’re better off with a Remarkable 2. But if you want something more versatile, the Nova2 beats all competitors.
Note Taking With a Stylus
The note-taking abilities are outstanding for a $340 device. While larger, more expensive devices take handwriting input better, nothing in its price-range offers the same features for the money.
While the Nova2 lacks the 10.3-inch writing area of the Remarkable 2, it’s still a credibly better all-round device. But on top of that, the Nova2 can quickly transcribe your handwriting into digital text.
I was surprised at the Note app’s handwriting recognition accuracy, despite how sloppy my handwriting is. It got every single word right with 100% accuracy.
Amazon Kindles Vs. Boox Nova2
If you’re using an ad-supported Kindle, chances are you’re not reading EPUB documents, which is the most common electronic book format in the world.
You’re also probably not taking notes, or reading CBZ (comic books), or really anything outside of Amazon’s proprietary formats. While Kindles can, on paper, read PDF files, their limited hardware and smaller screen aren’t great at it. In comparison, the Nova2’s significantly beefier hardware opens even the largest of PDFs in seconds. And each page turn is a fluid, seamless affair.
In terms of heft, the Kindle Paperwhite weighs in at 182 grams with a six-inch screen, whereas the Oasis 3’s seven-inch screen and 188 grams weight make it one of the lightest models in its class on the planet. The Nova2, while 7.8-inches, also weights a whopping 265 grams.
On the other hand, not everyone wants to deal with what’s essentially a black-and-white Android tablet. If you just want a lightweight, pocket-sized, dead-simple eReader, you’re far better off with the much less expensive Paperwhite 4, Oasis 3,  or even the older Voyage.
Reasons to Not Buy the Boox Nova2
While the Boox Nova2’s hardware and software beat all competitors, it’s not a for everyone.
It’s Bigger and Heavier Compared to Kindles and Kobos
While the Nova2 may have a larger screen, it also weighs almost twice as much as the heaviest of the Kindle eReaders. And its 7.8-inch screen makes it difficult to pocket, particularly if you use the included case.
History of Poor Quality Control
Onyx’s earliest devices had a poor quality-control record (I’ve had four different failures between 2015 and 2016). Additionally, I’ve had issues returning devices through importers. Fortunately, in 2019 Onyx began contracting out repairs using Michigan-based iCare Repair, although the customer pays shipping costs. iCare Repair, a disabled-veteran-owned and operated service, promises a two-day turnaround on returns.
iCare Repair’s service included a “lifetime warranty” on the replaced components. In other words, they guarantee that if they replace a part, it’ll never fail. That’s a substantial promise.
That said, in the past four years Onyx’s newer devices have not failed on me in any way and their build qualities have improved substantially.
Onyx Doesn’t Release Source Code
Any manufacturer that modifies the Android operating system is required by the GNU General Public License (GPL) to regularly publish its source code. In other words, they have to share their changes with the larger Linux community, of which Android is a part.
Unfortunately, Onyx has not yet released any code, which means two things:
They are in violation of the GPL.
There will never be custom ROMs that will extend the lifespan of the Nova.
For most consumers, neither is a serious problem. In my opinion, however, it’s a serious black mark on an otherwise attractive device.
Boox Devices Aren’t Play Store Certified
None of Onyx’s devices are Play Store certified. That means Google hasn’t evaluated any of these devices for security vulnerabilities. No black-and-white E Ink device has official Play Store certification, and Google has dropped support for E Ink after Android 6.0. This has led to Onyx selling their devices in China and East Asia without the Google Play Store.
In other words, the problem is with Google’s refusal to certify E Ink devices, likely because of performance issues.
Android Is Too Complex for Some
Finally, Android is more complicated to use than other eReaders, like the Kindle. If you’re already using an eReader from a big-box retailer, and prefer its ease-of-use and straightforward interface, there’s no reason to buy a more expensive and more complicated device.
What’s the Best ~8-inch Android eReader?
The Nova2 is the best eightish-inch Android eReader ever made. It’s the kind of device you wish Amazon sold. But it’s not for everyone.
BOOX Nova2 7.8 ePaper E Note, 300 DPI Android 9.0 Front Light Dual Touch USB OTG E-Reader BOOX Nova2 7.8 ePaper E Note, 300 DPI Android 9.0 Front Light Dual Touch USB OTG E-Reader Buy Now On Amazon $322.99
While installing any app you want looks good on (pun intended) e-paper, it’s a lot more complicated than a Kindle. But if you can handle sideloading content and want the best possible reading device, or need to annotate digital texts, no better 7.8-inch purpose-built eReader around. (We’ve covered the best simple Readers elsewhere.)
For those interested in a color eReader, recent advances in E Ink’s ACeP display technology along with its Kaleido color E Ink screens may kill the Kindle in 2020 or 2021.
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Onyx Boox Nova2 eReader Giveaway
Read the full article: Onyx Boox Nova2 Review: The Best 7.8″ eReader of 2020
Onyx Boox Nova2 Review: The Best 7.8″ eReader of 2020 posted first on grassroutespage.blogspot.com
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Travel Must-Haves for Summer 2019
http://tinyurl.com/y6ksdxt9 Summer is (almost) here, and hopefully you bought those plane tickets a long, long time ago. But there’s still time to buy last minute gadgets and accessories that will ensure you travel in style and (ideally) stress-free. Comfortable Shoes If you’ve walked around the San Francisco Bay Area even once in the last few years, chances are, you’ve seen someone wearing Allbirds sneakers. The most familiar model is the lace-up Wool Runners, but lace-up isn’t always the most convenient for travel—especially when having to slip shoes on and off quickly at TSA checkpoints. Enter the Wool Lounger, a newer slip-on option for men and women, made from the same Allbirds’s signature wool material. The casual shoes are light, breathable, water-resistant, machine-washable, and designed for comfort with a padded insole. SRP: $95. For something a bit more sophisticated in case you have a business meeting or more formal plans straight off the plane, Nashville-based shoemaker Nisolo has a number of options for both men and women—notably the Travel Derby oxfords, sporting a soft suede exterior and XL Extralight soles, made from closed-cell foam touted to be waterproof and anti-microbial with a natural shock absorber for stress-free foot and back comfort. Nisolo—which emphasizes all its products are ethically made (with fair trade wages, healthcare, and a healthy working environment for all of its producers)—also boasts that these shoes are up to three times lighter “than your average shoe” at less than a pound per pair, making them ideal for packing in your carry-on as well. SRP: $128 for the men’s Travel Derby, already available. A version for women is coming in June. For comfortable kicks with a simple touch of style during long days of walking, low-tops or high-tops are often the way to go. Born in Brazil with pop-ups in Los Angeles and New York, Cariuma has gained a global following on Instagram with travel “influencers” and their followers. That said, the shoemaker makes quality footwear in leather, suede, and canvas with an emphasis on naturally sourced materials and sustainability throughout the shipping process. (The company purchases carbon offsets In order to combat climate change, promising 100% carbon neutral shipping.) SRP: Starts at $79 for low-top canvas sneakers for both men and women, alike. Beats Solo3 Wireless headphones Bluetooth Headphones If you’re traveling across the country or across an ocean, noise-canceling headphones are a much for long voyages with longer periods of noise to endure. Regardless of what you might think of Apple’s $3 billion acquisition of Beats in 2014, there are fewer better makers of wireless headphones than Beats. The sound quality, whether you turn on the noise-canceling feature or not, is just above and beyond the rest. The 40-hour battery life on the Solo3 Wireless headset makes it especially appealing for extended travel, with the prospect of a 5-minute charge fueling up via microUSB for at least three hours of immediate playback. Users can plug in a 3.5mm RemoteTalk cable if the battery runs out entirely. The Apple W1 chip provides an one-step Bluetooth connection with the added ability to toggle seamlessly between iCloud-registered devices. SRP: $299.95 in (Product)RED, Pop Violet, Pop Blue, Pop Magenta, Pop Indigo, Defiant Black-Red, Matte Black, Gloss White, Satin Gold, Satin Silver, Gloss Black, Silver, Gold, and Rose Gold. Reading Material Yes, this is Amazon’s most expensive e-reader at the moment. It’s also the most powerful. The Kindle Oasis can hold between 8 GB and 32 GB of digital books, magazines, comics, newspapers, and audiobooks—depending on the configuration you select. It has direct links to other Amazon properties, not just the Kindle store, but also Audible for audiobooks and GoodReads for keeping track of your reading lists and sharing that with friends. And more than any other e-reader, produced by Amazon or others, the 7-inch display on the Kindle Oasis truly reads as close as paper as you can get without any annoying or fussy glare, regardless of the lighting in the room or direct sunlight outside. Finally, living up to the Oasis part of the name, this particular Kindle is waterproof. If you were trapped on a deserted island, this is the book (repository) you’d want with you. (You’ve got at least several weeks of battery life, too.) SRP: $249.99. Summer Fridays “Jet Lag” Mask Skincare If there is one beauty brand—besides Glossier—that has taken over Instagram by storm in the last year, it’s Summer Fridays. Much like another social media darling in skincare, Vintner’s Daughter, Summer Fridays launched with a single product that spread like wildfire—albeit it’s actually cool, refreshing, and restorative. So much of the brand and product’s collective success is built into the name: Who doesn’t love summer Fridays? (If you still get them…) Not to mention, including “Jet Lag” baked into the title succinctly identified when customers might want to have and use it most, make it ubiquitous in #jetsetter-tagged Instagrams. SRP: $48 for the Jet Lag mask. Roku Streaming Stick+ Courtesy: Roku Entertainment A portable streaming player is ideal for young professionals traveling for work or a recent college grad moving into a new apartment. Roku’s latest streaming device plugs into the back of a TV, whether at home, a hotel, or a friend’s apartment. The Streaming Stick+ also serves as an advanced wireless receiver (think smoother streaming for TVs that are farther from the router) and voice remote. Roku also offers subscription services, an alternative for cable cord cutters, which many younger viewers are these days. SRP: $59.99. Loungewear Speaking of jet lag, now there’s even clothing touted to help you get over the slump from long plane rides. Sleepwear startup Lunya has several lines of women’s pajamas and loungewear in a variety of fabrics that are incredibly travel-friendly, from washable silk to cozy cotton, intended to be versatile for vacillating temperatures. Then there’s the Restore Pima fabric, which Lunya says is comprised of durable fibers designed to increase blood flow and oxygen levels, inducing a faster recovery and improved circulation. Lunya’s Restore Travel Kit includes a matching tank, long sleeve crew shirt, leggings with pockets, socks, and a sleep mask—all bundled together in a mesh laundry bag that could be helpful in repurposing for washing delicates while on the road. SRP: $298. Outdoor Voices CloudKnit Sweatpants Another unisex option is the CloudKnit sweatpants from Outdoor Voices. Machine-washable and dryer-friendly, these 89% Polyester and 11% Spandex pants include pockets and a “a secure phone compartment.” No, you wouldn’t wear these straight off the plane and to a business meeting. But they’re so light—honestly, the “cloud” part isn’t that far off in terms of lightness—that they won’t be cumbersome to change in and out of quickly. SRP: $85 for both men and women. Swimwear The swimsuit that broke the Internet. But it was for the very best reason: these swimsuits are possibly flattering on virtually all body types, based on the thousands of reviews and thousands more on the waitlist. The “Sidestroke” might be Summersalt’s most popular—or at least, most talked about—swimsuit, but there are plenty of other designs that make the one-piece cool again. The brand has since expanded to trade in travelwear, including a monochromatic “24-hour” jumpsuit and a long-sleeve bodysuit for easy, transitional wear while traveling. SRP: $95 for most one-piece swimsuits; $145 for the jumpsuit. More must-read stories from Fortune: —Apple Powerbeats Pro vs. AirPods: Everything you need to know —The new Tulsa: This revamped art deco hotel is emblematic of a city revived —This remote ranch in Wyoming should be your next all-inclusive luxury vacation —A guide to the food and wine capital of South Africa —Listen to our new audio briefing, Fortune 500 Daily Follow Fortune on Flipboard to stay up-to-date on the latest news and analysis. Source link
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ozsaill · 5 years
Give the Cruising Dream! Last minute, no-shipping gift ideas
Need a little something at the last minute? Here are a few ideas to help inspire the hopeful cruiser in your life… or, put a smile on that cruiser across the anchorage from you! My favorite elves above, three years ago, on our mad road trip across South Africa to catch up with family in Yzerfontein.
Gift certificate
Give the Gift of Cruising: our mentoring service, for standard durations (monthly increments) or our holiday special: a one-time session (up to an hour and a half) for $50. Several versions of gift certificates are available to personalize! Contact me for availability (limited number offered); printable PDFs will be mailed for gifting. See rates at TRU Coaching) and contact us for a certificate.
While a general gift certificate on Amazon is awesome, you can also give a specific ebook to someone – and, time it to work for a holiday surprise! Here’s how:
Go to the Amazon Kindle store, and search for the book you want to buy – maybe Voyaging with Kids?!
On the right side of the page, below the “Buy Now” button (or in this case, Read Now – I already own this book!), click on the button that says “Buy for Others.”
3. The next screen provides options to personalize you gift message, then — choose your delivery date, so you can keep the surprise intact! You can also have the gift email sent to yourself instead of the recipient (see that tiny text under ‘Recipient email?), then print to give them directly.
Make something!
While we were in Puerto Peñasco, we were gifted a bag of citrus from shipyard friends (thank you Nicole!). What bounty! Enough to enjoy and make citrus-based gifts in return. Oranges and lemons became marmalade, lemon peels turned into a percolating jar of lemon essential oil infused vinegar (fantastic for cleaning), lemon curd for holiday baking; a tasty bottle of limoncello came our way too. You don’t have to be skilled at canning or DIY boatkeeping. Things you can make and give are myriad: prepare a mix for your fave sailor to make hot buttered rum (just add rum/hot water), or chocolate chip cookie mix in a jar for example.
One of the best kids our kids ever got needed no wrapping paper. Our friend Brian of the MV Further (now based in beautiful Philippines) gave them funds with Kiva. The kids then browsed for micro-lending candidates to choose which to support. A great gift for our kids while supporting fellow humans! Our 2016 holiday gift guide includes a list of marine-related charities and foundations, one of which might just hit the mark.
Hope this was helpful for you! 
from Sailing Totem http://bit.ly/2Af31p2 via IFTTT
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the-connection · 6 years
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The Amazon Kindle Paperwhite is lighter, brighter, and now waterproof . figcaption>
Image: Amazon
There are very few gadgets in this world-wide I consider to be perfect. But one of them, or at least one that comes jolly damn close, is my Amazon Kindle e-reader. I’ve been a huge fan since I bought my first Kindle( third-generation) back in 2007, and my admiration for these wonderfully simple machines merely grew when I upgraded to the frontlit Kindle Voyage in 2014.
So when Amazon asked if I wanted to try the brand new Kindle Paperwhite -- available for purposes of pre-order today for $129.99 -- I couldn't pass up the opportunity. And as it is about to change, I was stunned during my short time messing around with it. Amazon, somehow, continues to refine a invention that now is teetering on the brink of perfection.
SEE ALSO: Here's how to get verified on Instagram
There's a lot to go over with the brand new Kindle Paperwhite, so let's is moving forward and lurch right in. The brand-new Kindle boasts lighter equipment, better stability, and more bonus content than ever before. So without giving further adieu, here are my first impressions of the new Kindle Paperwhite.
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The brand-new Kindle Paperwhite is 10 percent lighter and thinner than the previous generation.
Image: Michael Nunez/ mashable
Thinner and lighter than ever
One thing I’ve always loved about the Amazon Kindle e-readers is that they’re made for one particular purpose: displaying verse on a screen for a long period. I first fell in love with my Amazon Kindle while I was living in Seoul, Korea. I was speaking more novels than I ever had, and I desired that I could wander everywhere with my part library. Plus, it didn't add much weight to my luggage.
The new Kindle Paperwhite builds on some of the best elements of previous Kindle makes. It inspects nearly identical to the previous-generation Paperwhite, but it's 10 percent lighter, 10 percent brighter, and 10 percent thinner is in accordance with Amazon. It also has more storage than before, starting at 8 GB( twice the older generation) and maxing out at 32 GB. This ultimately means you can save more content on your manoeuvre than you are able in the past.
These tiny amends aren't accurately pronounced when you first pick up the maneuver, but the Kindle Paperwhite is still as impressive as ever. It's illuminated fairly that you can imagine read it for hours at a time without going a contraction in your hand( something I dealt with using previous-generation Kindles ). And the brand-new soft textile on the back is a nice bonus -- but surely not something I'd base an entire purchasing decision on.
Another small-time nip Amazon became was constituting the breast of the device totally flush, or flat, rather than having the screen ever-so-slightly set into the body of the maneuver. Consequently, the brand-new flat blueprint does not make a difference to the speak event, but it does help with the Kindle's durability.( We'll get deeper into that last-minute .) The presentation is still a touchscreen, means that you tap to steer, and sounds the right and left sides to flip-flop sheets forward and backward. It's still super instinctive, and frankly, almost impossible to mess up. This is why the make is damn near perfect!
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Loaded with helpful features
The Kindle Paperwhite too comes compressed with a cluster of new facets, but none is more interesting than the inclusion of Amazon's Whispersync For Voice engineering. What this necessitates is that you can now sync your reading progress, bookmarks, and digital annotations across all Kindle devices -- and also sync your progression with Audible audiobooks.
What this makes in practical terms is you can easily swap between the text and audio versions of the same bible. For precedent, you can start speaking something on your Kindle Paperwhite before bed, then switch to the Audible audiobook during your commute. This is a feature I had a limited time experimenting( only a few minutes ), but I plan to stress measure for our official recollect. It's a great use of Amazon's potent vapour engineering and one boast I can easily dream myself using.
Another great inclusion is X-Ray, though we should note that it was included on the previous explanation of the Kindle Paperwhite. The facet tells you soon search for situations mentioned in records such as ideas, fictional characters, historic representations, situates, and topics by sounding on them. An Amazon spokesperson said this can be especially helpful for young readers who might be wondering whether a word is a magical spell in Harry Potter, or whether it's a real oath. I'm a little skeptical of determining whether I'd actually use this piece( I'd probably just Google it ), but again, it's something that we'll have to measure in detail during our official review.
Finally, Amazon is obligating it easier for families to share a Kindle device by including personalized learning directs. Now you can save font size, boldness, and direction settles as a profile, and you can quickly switch between profiles from the residence screen. There is also the added bonus of including lineage libraries, which constitutes it easier for people to retrieve records from an account of a marriage or collaborator. In summarize, the Kindle Paperwhite does a lot more than expose text -- but it crucially remains free of distractions, which I consider to be quite an astonishing feat.
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The Amazon Kindle Paperwhite is now waterproof.
Image: Amazon
Drop it in the freaking hot tub
You’re maybe not going to be reading underwater very much, but now, technically, if you really want to, you are able to. The new Kindle Paperwhite is perfectly waterproof( IPX8 rated) in up to two rhythms of irrigate for 60 minutes. What that surely means is you can literally throw your Kindle Paperwhite in your swimming pool, represent video games of Marco Polo, then swim down to the surface to fish it out an hour eventually -- and it will still work.
The more practical use case is probably sitting by the coast or by the pond. The Kindle’s IPX8 rating means that you don’t have to worry about get sand on it or removing it, either. This is the most durable Kindle hitherto -- something that comes as a welcome acquittal to someone who shattered his old Kindle on an airplane. Now, the Kindle is ready to take a beating, and as someone who frequently convulses his in a case last minute, I genuinely appreciate this.
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The Kindle Paperwhite comes with six months of Kindle Unlimited for free ($ 60 significance ).
Image: Michael Nunez/ mashable
So. Many. Extras.
The Kindle Paperwhite is a great make on its own, but what really sweetens the administer this time around are all the different freebies. Let’s start with Kindle Unlimited.
Kindle Unlimited is a subscription service that costs $10/ month and gives you access to more than one million deeds from the Kindle Store. It includes bibles, audiobooks, and periodicals, and it also includes thousands of audiobooks on Audible( one of the things that stirs it such a great deal, in my view ).
Basically, if you’re reading anything favourite at the moment, it’s possibly available through Kindle Unlimited. What's immense about this consider is that most people maybe wouldn't buy Kindle Unlimited right after purchasing their e-reader( unless they expect to devour various journals every month ), but Amazon is manufacturing is much easier to justify by yielding owneds about half off of the first year.
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite owners will now get a six-month free experiment ($ 60 significance) with the purchase of the invention. The catch is that you need to remember to cancel your due at the end of the contest -- or obstruct experiencing the prodigious library and paying off full cost. Whether Kindle Unlimited is a good deal for you is dependent on how many works you plan to read each year, but six free months should be enough time to utter that determination.
Finally, there's the additive of Bluetooth and the Audible library. The inclusion of these is a great bonus for anyone who prefers to listen to records -- but I don't think it should really be confused with the core purpose of the maneuver. At the end of the day, if you buy a brand-new Kindle Paperwhite, you are able to invest the majority of members of your time on it reading and enjoying the weeks-long battery life. Audible is better on a smartphone or Amazon Echo speaker.
Final Thoughts
The brand-new Kindle Paperwhite is immense. In fact, it's better than I ever could have possibly imagined. As an owner and missionary of one of the best available Kindle concoctions to date( Kindle Voyage ), I was surprised by how much I relished each elaboration in the brand-new version.
With my limited time available of use, this seems to be the best available e-reader in terms of value. It's hard to say for sure, since I haven't spent days or weeks with the machine like I usually would for a full review, but my first impressions are immense. Who says e-readers don't have any more chamber to innovate?
WATCH: Does the Google Pixel 3 have the best smartphone camera? -- Mashable Reviews
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Read more: http :// mashable.com /
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plinettes-blog · 7 years
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amazon jack kit - township hack amazon kindle
amazon hack ebookI 19m back for another great share. Our team are currently working on Amazon, right now are mainly focused on acquiring free amazon gift cards that enables user to gift cards with monetary value as equivalent of course claimable on amazon.com only. And we are proud to introduce to your our finish product, now you do not have to buy any amazon gift cards or you do not need to rely on any store like At Walmart, BestBuy, Target and Walgreens or someone just to gain gift cards because you can get it yourself as easy as 1,2,3 trust me you will!**Amazon gift card codes are series of codes that has been widely popular among moms on shopping at amazon store to gain extra discounts on their product they are shopping. It comes with values from $5 13 $100. It may also come with percentage discounts from 5% 13 50% off.**What you will get?**This might be the very easy and most accurate system on gaining Amazon Gift Card Codes available today. You might see tons of websites offering the same exact feature but they are hell of a fake websites!**100% Free Amazon Gift Card Codes from $50 13 $150*100% Legit and Redeemable Gift Card Codes 13 Seriously try it yourself*1 Year Expiration*No Software Needed 13 No Fake Generators!*Very easy to use system even kids can do this!*You are Ready to Redeem your Codes**After gaining your gift card codes which we have sent on your email address provided you are now ready to claim them you may want to read this info on how to redeem your gift code. It 19s really easy though you might get the idea using the image below.Amazon cooperated with this article, but barely. I had a friendly conversation in Seattle with Clark, the guy in charge of delivery. It lasted for 12 minutes. Amazon said Bezos wasn 19t available.*Bezos did, however, briefly discuss his plans for delivery in June, onstage at Recode 19s third annual Code Conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. He took a seat in a red leather chair beside Recode co-founder Walt Mossberg, who would be his amiable inquisitor. Bezos fielded questions about everything from Blue Origin, his space exploration venture, to the Washington Post, to Amazon 19s own physical bookstores, which are opening in cities such as Chicago, Seattle, and Portland, Ore. The one thing Mossberg didn 19t mention was Bezos 19s recent appearance in Star Trek Beyond as an alien with a long, dimpled head that looks like a giant pecan. But before Mossberg got to all that, he brought up the white trucks with Amazon 19s logo that he 19d been seeing around his neighborhood.** 1CPersonally, I 19m utterly astonished sometimes that this box shows up on Sunday, and I only bought it on Saturday at 7 o 19clock, 1D Mossberg said.**Like a lot of other people, he wanted to know what was going on. 1CAre you aiming to take over that last mile? 1D Mossberg asked.*Bezos shook his head. He said Amazon was creating a delivery network that added to 14and didn 19t replace 14those of FedEx, UPS, and the U.S. Postal Service. 1CIt 19s not that we are trying to take over, 1D he said.** 1CYou 19re not trying to put FedEx out of business? 1D Mossberg prodded him.** 1CNo, 1D Bezos said.** 1COr get better prices from them? 1D** 1CNo, in fact what we want 09 26 1D Then Bezos paused for a moment and smiled. 1CWell, we 19d always like better prices, 1D he said. 1CYeah, feel free. 1D The audience laughed, and Bezos completed his thought: 1CWe will take all the capacity that the U.S. Postal Service can give us and that UPS can give us and we still need to supplement it. So we 19re not cutting back. We 19re growing our business with UPS. We 19re growing our business with the U.S. Postal Service. 1DPrime Members often receive exclusive discounts / prices on Amazon hardware**This is something of an unadvertised perk. Amazon will often provide significant discounts on both unreleased hardware and current hardware. For instance, the Amazon Echo was initially offered to Prime members for 50% off the $200 MSRP. The same happened for the Fire TV stick prior to release.**amazon-echo**In addition, Amazon will display exclusive coupons on the home page that are tied specifically to your Prime account. Last week, Amazon ran a $10 of $75 coupon on Prime Pantry. During early August, Amazon offered a $50 off coupon on the price of the Kindle Voyage.**29. Are you a broke college student? Get six months of Prime for free**Calling the service Amazon Student, kids in college can take advantage of free two-day shipping on all purchases for six months without paying for Prime. The other benefits of Prime, like photo storage or Amazon Instant Video, will be locked out until they upgrade to full Prime.**However, students can upgrade at 50% off the normal Subscribe and More Hack:
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akzfineart · 7 years
Today I’m sharing 8 books you need on your summer reading list! For some of these, I went with the obvious summer/water/beach theme. I also chose some books that are either really fantastic or I’ve heard amazing things about them. With these on your summer TBR, there’s no way you’ll be let down. I’ve reviewed a couple of these in the past, just click on the titles to view them.
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Summer of Sloane by Erin L. Schneider
Disney-Hyperion | May 3, 2016
Buy: Amazon | Book Depository | Chapters/Indigo.ca | B&N | Kobo
Warm Hawaiian sun. Lazy beach days. Flirty texts with her boyfriend back in Seattle.
These are the things seventeen-year-old Sloane McIntyre pictured when she imagined the summer she’d be spending at her mom’s home in Hawaii with her twin brother, Penn. Instead, after learning an unthinkable secret about her boyfriend, Tyler, and best friend, Mick, all she has is a fractured hand and a completely shattered heart.
Once she arrives in Honolulu, though, Sloane hopes that Hawaii might just be the escape she needs. With beach bonfires, old friends, exotic food, and the wonders of a waterproof cast, there’s no reason Sloane shouldn’t enjoy her summer. And when she meets Finn McAllister, the handsome son of a hotel magnate who doesn’t always play by the rules, she knows he’s the perfect distraction from everything that’s so wrong back home.
But it turns out a measly ocean isn’t nearly enough to stop all the emails, texts, and voicemails from her ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend, desperate to explain away their betrayal. And as her casual connection with Finn grows deeper, Sloane’s carefree summer might not be as easy to find as she’d hoped. Weighing years of history with Mick and Tyler against their deception, and the delicate possibility of new love, Sloane must decide when to forgive, and when to live for herself.
When I was planning this post, Summer of Sloane was the first book that came to mind. Hawaii. Summer love. Angst. Betrayal. This is probably the perfect beach read. I think this is also OwnVoices for a Hawaiian MC.
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Saints and Misfits by S.K. Ali
Salaam Reads/Simon & Schuster | June 13, 2017
Buy: Amazon | Book Depository | Chapters/Indigo.ca | B&N | Kobo
Saints and Misfits is an unforgettable debut novel that feels like a modern day My So-Called Life…starring a Muslim teen.
How much can you tell about a person just by looking at them?
Janna Yusuf knows a lot of people can’t figure out what to make of her…an Arab Indian-American hijabi teenager who is a Flannery O’Connor obsessed book nerd, aspiring photographer, and sometime graphic novelist is not exactly easy to put into a box.
And Janna suddenly finds herself caring what people think. Or at least what a certain boy named Jeremy thinks. Not that she would ever date him—Muslim girls don’t date. Or they shouldn’t date. Or won’t? Janna is still working all this out.
While her heart might be leading her in one direction, her mind is spinning in others. She is trying to decide what kind of person she wants to be, and what it means to be a saint, a misfit, or a monster. Except she knows a monster…one who happens to be parading around as a saint…Will she be the one to call him out on it? What will people in her tightknit Muslim community think of her then?
Saints and Misfits is one of my most anticipated reads of 2017. While there’s no beach/water theme, reading this can only enrich your summer (hopefully haha). This is OwnVoices for a Muslim MC. TW: Sexual assault.
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The Seafarer’s Kiss by Julia Ember
Duet Books | May 4, 2017
Buy: Amazon | Book Depository | Chapters/Indigo.ca | B&N | Kobo
Having long-wondered what lives beyond the ice shelf, nineteen-year-old mermaid Ersel learns of the life she wants when she rescues and befriends Ragna, a shield-maiden stranded on the mermen’s glacier. But when Ersel’s childhood friend and suitor catches them together, he gives Ersel a choice: say goodbye to Ragna or face justice at the hands of the glacier’s brutal king.
Determined to forge a different fate, Ersel seeks help from Loki. But such deals are never as one expects, and the outcome sees her exiled from the only home and protection she’s known. To save herself from perishing in the barren, underwater wasteland and be reunited with the human she’s come to love, Ersel must try to outsmart the God of Lies.
The Seafarer’s Kiss is another highly anticipated read! This has mermaids, vikings AND it’s a bisexual, Norse myth retelling of The Little Mermaid.
TW: Misogyny in a dystopian society, discussions of infertility/worth (#ownvoices: the author has a hormonal condition/fertility disorder, but the discussion in the book may be heavy for some), non-binary character is a villain (taken from the author’s website).
Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard
Harper Teen | July 24, 2012
Buy: Amazon | Book Depository | Chapters/Indigo.ca | B&N | Kobo
There’s something strange and deadly loose in Philadelphia. . . .
Eleanor Fitt has a lot to worry about.
Her brother has gone missing, her family has fallen on hard times, and her mother is determined to marry her off to any rich young man who walks by. But this is nothing compared to what she’s just read in the newspaper:
The Dead are rising in Philadelphia.
And then, in a frightening attack, a zombie delivers a letter to Eleanor . . . from her brother.
Whoever is controlling the Dead army has taken her brother as well. If Eleanor is going to find him, she’ll have to venture into the lab of the notorious Spirit-Hunters, who protect the city from supernatural forces. But as Eleanor spends more time with the Spirit-Hunters, including the maddeningly stubborn yet handsome Daniel, the situation becomes dire. And now, not only is her reputation on the line, but her very life may hang in the balance.
The first reason for including Something Strange and Deadly on this list is because it’s one of my favourite series of all time! The second reason, the entire series was just re-released with these shiny, new covers, so it was kind of the perfect time to re-share them. The cover on the left is the original one, the cover on the right the new. With zombies and necromancy, this steampunk novel will be unlike anything you’ve ever read!
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Girl Out of Water by Laura Silverman
Sourcebooks Fire | May 2, 2017
Buy: Amazon | Book Depository | Chapters/Indigo.ca | B&N | Kobo
Anise Sawyer plans to spend every minute of summer with her friends: surfing, chowing down on fish tacos drizzled with wasabi balsamic vinegar, and throwing bonfires that blaze until dawn. But when a serious car wreck leaves her aunt, a single mother of three, with two broken legs, it forces Anise to say goodbye for the first time to Santa Cruz, the waves, her friends, and even a kindling romance, and fly with her dad to Nebraska for the entire summer. Living in Nebraska isn’t easy. Anise spends her days caring for her three younger cousins in the childhood home of her runaway mom, a wild figure who’s been flickering in and out of her life since birth, appearing for weeks at a time and then disappearing again for months, or even years, without a word.
Complicating matters is Lincoln, a one-armed, charismatic skater who pushes Anise to trade her surfboard for a skateboard. As Anise draws closer to Lincoln and takes on the full burden and joy of her cousins, she loses touch with her friends back home – leading her to one terrifying question: will she turn out just like her mom and spend her life leaving behind the ones she loves.
I would definitely consider Girl Out of Water a summer read. You have the summer romance but there’s also angst, family relationships and friendship. It’s at the top of my TBR pile.
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The Abyss Surrounds Us by Emily Skrutskie
Flux | February 8, 2016
Buy: Amazon | Book Depository | Chapters/Indigo.ca | B&N | Kobo
Cas has fought pirates her entire life. But can she survive living among them?
For Cassandra Leung, bossing around sea monsters is just the family business. She’s been a Reckoner trainer-in-training ever since she could walk, raising the genetically-engineered beasts to defend ships as they cross the pirate-infested NeoPacific. But when the pirate queen Santa Elena swoops in on Cas’s first solo mission and snatches her from the bloodstained decks, Cas’s dream of being a full-time trainer seems dead in the water.
There’s no time to mourn. Waiting for her on the pirate ship is an unhatched Reckoner pup. Santa Elena wants to take back the seas with a monster of her own, and she needs a proper trainer to do it. She orders Cas to raise the pup, make sure he imprints on her ship, and, when the time comes, teach him to fight for the pirates. If Cas fails, her blood will be the next to paint the sea.
Sea monsters. Pirates. A post-apocalyptic world. Being set on the ocean doesn’t really make this a “beach read” but it has pirates in it, which makes everything better. The Abyss Surrounds Us was one of my favourite reads of 2016 and is perfect for fans of Pacific Rim.
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See You in the Cosmos by Jack Cheng
Dial Books | February 28, 2017
Buy: Amazon | Book Depository | Chapters/Indigo.ca | B&N | Kobo
A space-obsessed boy and his dog, Carl Sagan, take a journey toward family, love, hope, and awe in this funny and moving novel for fans of Counting by 7s and Walk Two Moons.
11-year-old Alex Petroski loves space and rockets, his mom, his brother, and his dog Carl Sagan—named for his hero, the real-life astronomer. All he wants is to launch his golden iPod into space the way Carl Sagan (the man, not the dog) launched his Golden Record on the Voyager spacecraft in 1977. From Colorado to New Mexico, Las Vegas to L.A., Alex records a journey on his iPod to show other lifeforms what life on earth, his earth, is like. But his destination keeps changing. And the funny, lost, remarkable people he meets along the way can only partially prepare him for the secrets he’ll uncover—from the truth about his long-dead dad to the fact that, for a kid with a troubled mom and a mostly not-around brother, he has way more family than he ever knew.
I recently finished this middle-grade novel and it was unlike anything I’ve ever read. I know I said that about SS&D, but so is See You in the Cosmos. The protagonist, Alex is a really smart but naive kid who wants to send his iPod into space so that aliens can see, or rather hear what life on earth is like. A really interesting aspect of this novel, the author has turned the recordings into transcripts, so it’s like the reader is the one who received them. Dialogue would either be Alex repeating or summarizing what someone said, or someone(s) talking as Alex is recording (like a script). If Alex didn’t record something, we didn’t hear about it. This book will make you happy, sad, laugh, and cry. And cry some more.
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The Blazing Star by Imani Josey
Wise Ink | December 6, 2016
Buy: Amazon | Book Depository | Chapters/Indigo.ca | B&N | Kobo
Sixteen-year-old Portia White is used to being overlooked—after all, her twin sister Alex is a literal genius.
But when Portia holds an Egyptian scarab beetle during history class, she takes center stage in a way she never expected: she faints. Upon waking, she is stronger, faster, and braver than before. And when she accidentally touches the scarab again?
She wakes up in ancient Egypt—her sister and an unwitting freshman in tow.
Mysterious and beautiful, Egypt is more than they could have ever imagined from their days in the classroom. History comes alive as the three teens realize that getting back to the present will be the most difficult thing they’ve ever done. Stalked by vicious monsters called Scorpions, every step in the right direction means a step closer to danger.
As Portia and the girls discover that they’re linked to the past by more than just chance, they have to decide what it truly means to be yourself, to love your sister, and to find your way home.
I’ve been meaning to read this for the longest time because it sounds incredible! Time-travel, ancient Egypt and a beautiful cover, what’s not to love?!
8 Books to Add to Your Summer Reading List Today I'm sharing 8 books you need on your summer reading list! For some of these, I went with the obvious summer/water/beach theme.
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stellacarriersgifts · 7 years
Song and Dream Apartment Listing In Addition to A Book Listing of Books That Went to Bookholders in College Park, Maryland on Saturday April 1, 2017
Song and Dream Apartment Listing In Addition to A Book Listing of Books That Went to Bookholders in College Park, Maryland on Saturday April 1, 2017 but I intend to keep as reference to be able to eventually repurchase, when the time is right, in Amazon kindlebook andor Amazon Audible form. Fortunately, I am blessed to have enough in my life with a sweet and handsome husband. However, it was actually a tricky decision for me to let go of the books listed, especially when it came to authors andor subjects of the book who I admire. Yet, I understand that I must do it for practical reasons as well as intuitively guided reasons that I prefer to avoid going into right now. However, one happy reason that I enjoy sharing is to facilitate my husband and I having to travel lighter when it comes to moving into our dream apartment in College Park Maryland andor Greenbelt Maryland (our ideal choice is College Park, Maryland due to the close proximity to our jobs/employment at the University of Maryland College Park). The listing of books that I put a 30 by are especially some of the books that are challenging for me to completely let go but I understand that I can instantly give to Bookholders for potential resale value. Additionally, they are some of the books that I definitely intend to eventually repurchase in Amazon kindle andor Amazon Audible form once I have a secret amount of money saved andor my husband and I are eventually settled into our own home (my husband had an uplifting dream less than 24 hours ago that pertained to he and I living in and having our own home and my supportive mother in law/his mom was coming by to visit to show her encouragement). I also choose to go ahead and list what dates some of the books were purchased on Amazon as a way to help me understand/analyze my thought processes and what was going on in my life at that time (and how this might have indirectly affected my purchasing decisions). I truly believe that keeping track of the dates that I purchased the books is going to help me understand various things within 4-5 years from now or less. Additionally, I actually started this list Saturday April 1, 2017 with the fact that the listed books did go to Bookholders. However, it is today Monday April 3, 2017 where I finally had the chance to post the book listing. Additionally, I had to finish completing the book listing as I left off on The Secret of the Highly Creative Thinker today and resumed typing/documenting the book list with the Astral Codex book. I am definitely not doing this book listing to show off and I’m well aware of some of the public judgment I may attract for doing so. However, I have faith and truly believe that I am going to be glad that I made this book list in the future, additionally what I am doing now in documenting and publicly releasing this book list online (on my googleplus, tumblr, and wordpress blogs)is going to more intuitively and logically make sense to me within 4-5 years or less from now.
Songs for me to keep in mind-Freestyle Amateur DJ List; I Can’t Stay Away by the Veronicas, Boys of Summer by Don Henley,Lady Marmalade, 19 by Paul Hardcastle, Jump by Van Halen, Lucky Star by Madonna, You Spin Me Round Like a Record by Dead or Alive, Morning Train by Sheena Easton, Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins,The Last Worthless Evening by Don Henley, Addicted to Love by Robert Palmer, The Look of Love by ABC, She Works Hard For the Money by Donna Summer, A Groovy Kind of Love by Phil Collins, I’m So Excited by the Pointer Sisters, I Knew You Were Waiting For Me by Aretha Franklin and George Michael,Starboy by the Weekend, You’re Still the One by Shania Twain, Hungry Like the Wolf by Duran Duran, I’m Real (album version) by Jennifer Lopez, Take My Breath Away by Berlin,The Impression That I Get by the Mighty Mighty Bosstones,  Mercy by Shawn Mendes,Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen, Push It by Salt N Pepa, The Look by Roxette, Just What I Needed by The Cars, Rock Me Amadeus by Falco, Love At First Sight by Kylie Minogue, Dance Hall Days by Wang Chung, Fame by Irene Cara, The Power of Love by Huey Lewis and the News, Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard, Take Me Home Tonight by Eddie Money, Back 2 Life by Soul 2 Soul, Shadow of the Day by Linkin Park, One Week by Barenaked Ladies,  Sail by Awolnation,Heathens by Twenty One Pilots, By Your Side by Jonas Blue, I Touch Myself by the Vinyls Carry On Wayward Son by Kansas &Will Ferrell, Give It To You by Jordan Knight,Irresistible by Fall Out Boy and Irresistible by Fall Out Boy feat. Demi Lovato, Shake it Out by Florence and The Machine, Tom’s Diner by Suzanne Vega, Motown Philly by Boyz to Men, Head Over Feet by Alannis Morrissette,Connected by Stereo MCs,Little Bird by Annie Lennox, Til I Hear It From You by Gin Blossoms, Losing My Religion by Rem, Smooth by Santana feat. Rob Thomas,Slide by Goo Goo Dolls, I Can See Clearly Now by Jimmy Cliff, Smile by Shanice, Crash by Dave Matthews Band, Fields of Gold by Sting, Fantastic Voyage by Coolio, Getting Jiggy With It by Will Smith,Whatta Man by Salt N Pepa, Rise by Katy Perry, Angel by Shaggy, Good To Be Alive by Andy Grammer
From Indie Radio yesterday-iheartradio lists it to be a diverse mix of Indie Rock, Pop & EDM, London Thunder by Foals, Boyfriend by Tegan and Sara, Keep On Keepin On by Bleached,
 Dream apartment, but I obviously wish for something cheaper for my husband  and I
The Holy Bible
Creating Money Attracting Abundance by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer
Life On The Causal Plane A Glimpse of Heaven by Marian Eileen Charlton
MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom by Tony Robbins
A Beginner's Guide to Investing: How to Grow Your Money the Smart and Easy Way
By Ivy Bytes and Alex Frey-fortunately I was able to purchase A Beginners Guide to Investing; How to Grow Your Money the Smart and Easy Way as an affordable 99 cent kindle purchase
How to Invest $50-$5,000 10e: The Small Investor's Step-by-Step Plan for Low-Risk Investing in Today's Economy (How to Invest $50 to $5000) Paperback – December 29, 2009
by Nancy Dunnan  (Author)- You purchased this item on February 12, 2015. 
  Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story (Thorndike Press Large Print Nonfiction) Hardcover by 
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Start Your Own Public Relations Business: Your Step-By-Step Guide to Success (StartUp Series) Paperback – April 9, 2007
by Entrepreneur Press (Author)
Mobile Home Wealth: How to Make Money Buying, Selling and Renting Mobile Homes Paperback – November 15, 2007
by Zalman Velvel  (Author)
It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be: The world's best selling book Paperback – June 1, 2003
by Paul Arden  (Author) You purchased this item on December 30, 2015. 
 Manifest Your Millions!: A Lottery Winner Shares his Law of Attraction Secrets Paperback – September 17, 2013
by Eddie Coronado  (Author)
Writer's Market 2016: The Most Trusted Guide to Getting Published 95th Edition
by Robert Lee Brewer  (Editor) You purchased this item on November 19, 2015. 
  The Fun of Staying in Touch: How Our Loved Ones Contact Us and How We Can Contact Them Paperback – August 27, 2014
by Roberta Grimes Esq. (Author) You purchased this item on October 8, 2015. 
 Smart Women Finish Rich: 9 Steps to Achieving Financial Security and Funding Your Dreams Paperback – January 8, 2002
by David Bach  (Author)
 Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman Hardcover – Deckle Edge, November 8, 2011 30
by Robert K. Massie  (Author) You purchased this item on September 18, 2016. 
Terry O'Neill: Every Picture Tells a Story Hardcover – December 20, 2016 30
by Terry O'Neill (Author) You purchased this item on November 18, 2016. 
Celebrate: A Year of Festivities for Families and FriendsHardcover – October 30, 2012 30
by Pippa Middleton  (Author) You purchased this item on March 28, 2014. 
 Hard Choices: A Memoir Hardcover – June 10, 2014 30
by Hillary Rodham Clinton  (Author) You purchased this item on November 5, 2015. 
 The Last Ship: A Novel Paperback – November 27, 2013 30
by William Brinkley (Author)
Date When I purchased the Last Ship, however I do intend to eventually repurchase in kindle andor audiobook as well as I’m on the lookout for the next season of Last Ship (expected to come out in summer 2017
July 18, 2016
 Confessions of an Heiress: A Tongue-in-Chic Peek Behind the Pose Hardcover – September 7, 2004-30
by Paris Hilton  (Author), Jeff Vespa (Photographer), Merle Ginsberg (Contributor) You purchased this item on July 30, 2016.  View this order
  The Trump Card: Playing to Win in Work and Life Paperback – April 20, 2010 30
by Ivanka Trump  (Author) You purchased this item on December 18, 2014.  View this order
 Food Lovers' Guide to® Virginia: The Best Restaurants, Markets & Local Culinary Offerings (Food Lovers' Series)Paperback – January 14, 2014 30
by Lorraine Eaton  (Author), Jim Haag (Author) You purchased this item on October 8, 2015.
Glorious Angels Coloring Book (Dover Coloring Books)Paperback – January 24, 2013
by John Green (Author), Coloring Books (Author) You purchased this item on April 4, 2016. 
 Angels Coloring Book (Dover Coloring Books) Staple Bound – December 18, 2008
by Marty Noble  (Author) You purchased this item on April 4, 2016. 
The Author Training Manual: A Comprehensive Guide to Writing Books That Sell Paperback – March 18, 2014 30
by Nina Amir  (Author), James Scott Bell (Foreword) You purchased this item on September 10, 2015. 
 Out of Body Ecstasy: The Anywhere, Anytime Orgasmic Experience Paperback – September 24, 2013
by Allie Theiss  (Author) You purchased this item on February 25, 2015.  Already purchased as a kindlebook on You purchased this item on November 12, 2016. 
 How to Make a Living as a Writer Paperback – October 31, 2014 30
by James Scott Bell  (Author) You purchased this item on December 6, 2014. 
Fortunately, I am happy/overjoyed to say that I was able to purchase the kindlebook matchbook version of James Scott Bell book for free on amazon today when I noticed the free matchbook price offer
 Adventures in the Afterlife Paperback – June 16, 2013 30
by William Buhlman  (Author) You purchased this item on March 27, 2014. 
 Moon Virginia: Including Washington DC (Moon Handbooks) Paperback – June 10, 2014 You purchased this item on April 9, 2015. 
by Michaela Riva Gaaserud (Author) 30
 Pick Me : Breaking Into Advertising and Staying TherePaperback – August 26, 2005
by Nancy Vonk  (Author), Janet Kestin (Author) You purchased this item on January 4, 2016.  30
Living with Joy: Keys to Personal Power and Spiritual Transformation (Earth Life Series) Paperback – June 7, 2011
by Sanaya Roman  (Author) You purchased this item on June 30, 2011. 
Put Your Intuition to Work: How to Supercharge Your Inner Wisdom to Think Fast and Make Great Decisions Paperback – July 25, 2016
by Lynn A. Robinson  (Author)  You purchased this item on June 23, 2016.  30
90 Days to Your Novel: A Day-by-Day Plan for Outlining & Writing Your Book Paperback – December 20, 2010
by Sarah Domet  (Author) You purchased this item on September 10, 2015. 
 The Occult Sciences: How to Get What You Want Through Your Occult Powers Hardcover – April, 1971
by Norvell.  (Author) You purchased this item on March 18, 2015. 
The Freelance Writer's Bible: Your Guide to a Profitable Writing Career Within One Year Paperback – January 15, 2006
by David Trottier (Author) You purchased this item on February 19, 2015. 
You've Got a Book in You: A Stress-Free Guide to Writing the Book of Your Dreams Paperback – May 13, 2013
by Elizabeth Sims  (Author) You purchased this item on September 10, 2015. 
 How To Win The Lottery With The Law Of Attraction: Four Lottery Winners Share Their Manifestation Techniques (Manifest Your Millions!) Paperback – September 10, 2014
by Eddie Coronado  (Author) You purchased this item on November 1, 2014. 
Fortunately, I am happy to say that I was able to repurchase as a kindlebook today for 99 cents
  Moon Spotlight Coastal Virginia Paperback – July 8, 2014
by Michaela Riva Gaaserud (Author) You purchased this item on February 12, 2015. 
 How To Make Fast Cash: Fun and Legal Ways To Earn More Money In A Weekend (Welcome Abundance) (Volume 1)Paperback – July 31, 2013
by Judy Helm Wright (Author), Megan Kay Herring (Contributor)
You purchased this item on February 12, 2015. 
Fortunate, I am overjoyed to say that I was able to purchase this kindlebook for free today.
The Fast-5 Diet and the Fast-5 Lifestyle Paperback – October 28, 2005
by Bert Herring  (Author)
You purchased this item on February 21, 2011. 
Fortunately, I am feeling elated/blissful to say that I purchased the kindlebook version of the Fast 5 Diet for free today when I noticed that it was available for free on Amazon to those who have purchased the print edition
  Good Self, Bad Self: Transforming Your Worst Qualities into Your Biggest Assets by Judy Smith (April 3 2012) Hardcover 30
How to Start a Home-based Public Relations Business (Home-Based Business Series) Paperback – June 5, 2012
by Randi Minetor  (Author) You purchased this item on September 10, 2016. 
PR Related: Starting & Building A Successful PR AgencyPaperback – June 2, 2014 30
by Anje Collins (Author) You purchased this item on February 4, 2015. 
 Wizardry 101- Awakening The Wizard Within You Paperback – September 1, 2006
by Mary F. Abbamonte (Author) You purchased this item on March 14, 2011. 
The Complete Encyclopedia of Angels: A Guide to 200 Celestial Beings to Help, Heal, and Assist You in Everyday Life Paperback – March 1, 2011
by Susan Gregg  (Author)  I took a chance and decided to repurchase the complete encyclopedia of angels by Susan Gregg in kindle form for just $2.99 today, but I intend to hold off on repurchasing other books in kindle form until I have met a savings goal that I have set for myself ( at least 4 months of what is the average of my current monthly paycheck)
 Eat, Drink and Succeed: Climb Your Way to the Top Using the Networking Power of Social Events Paperback – March 1, 2010
by Laura Schwartz  (Author) You purchased this item on March 18, 2015. 
Get the Job • Done!: 118 Career Tips, Tools, and Internet Resources Paperback – November 12, 2013
by Beverly A. Williams  (Author)
 Magickal Angels: Instant Contact With The Angels of PowerPaperback – January 10, 2015
by Damon Brand  (Author) You purchased this item on January 22, 2015. 
 Fasting: 18 Hours for Your God-Given Body Paperback – September 9, 2010
by Debbie Sweetser (Author)
 Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self Paperback – December 28, 1992
by Sanaya Roman  (Author) You purchased this item on September 28, 2014. 
An Angel for Every Day Hardcover – September 15, 2005
by Angela McGerr  (Author), Richard Rockwood (Illustrator) You purchased this item on July 24, 2011. 
A Detailed Guide to Self-Publishing with Amazon and Other Online Booksellers: How to Print-on-Demand with CreateSpace & Make eBooks for Kindle & Other eReaders  30
by Chris McMullen  (Author) You purchased this item on November 19, 2015.  Fortunately, I repurchased a detailed guide to self publishing with amazon for in kindle form for free today
 Backroads & Byways of Virginia: Drives, Day Trips & Weekend Excursions (Backroads & Byways) Paperback – June 14, 2010 30
by Bill Lohmann  (Author) You purchased this item on October 8, 2015
 The alli Cookbook Paperback – December 11, 2007 30
by Caroline M. Apovian  (Author) You purchased this item on February 9, 2017. 
 Skinny Meals: Everything You Need to Lose Weight-Fast! (Skinny Rules) 1st Edition 30
by Bob Harper  (Author) You purchased this item on January 3, 2017. 
The 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse: The Revolutionary New Plan to Melt Up to 10 Pounds of Fat in Just One Week!Paperback – November 24, 2015 30
by Kelly Choi  (Author), Editors of Eat This Not That (Author) You purchased this item on December 12, 2015. 
 High Paying Careers People Love Paperback – September 26, 200130
by Jeanne Kelley (Author) You purchased this item on February 25, 2015. 
 Southern Charm: A Novel Paperback – April 30, 2013 30
by Tinsley Mortimer  (Author) You purchased this item on October 21, 2016. 
 Multidimensional Man Paperback – August 12, 2008 30
by Jurgen Ziewe  (Author) You purchased this item on June 5, 2014. 
The Eventual Millionaire: How Anyone Can Be an Entrepreneur and Successfully Grow Their Startup Hardcover– February 24, 2014 30
by Jaime Tardy  (Author), Dan Miller (Foreword)
 The Smart Way to Your Ph.D.: 200 Secrets From 100 Graduates Paperback – December 25, 2008 30
by Dora Farkas (Author) You purchased this item on October 30, 2014. 
Make Money, Live Wealthy: 75 Successful Entrepreneurs Share the 10 Simple Steps to True Wealth: Money, Investing, Lifestyle, Entrepreneurship, Self-Help, Millionaire Paperback – November 6, 2014 30
by Austin Netzley  (Author) You purchased this item on December 22, 2014.  Fortunately, I am happy to report that I purchased the kindle book version of make money live wealthy by Austin Netzley for free today
 Can I Go Now?: The Life of Sue Mengers, Hollywood's First Superagent Hardcover – September 8, 2015 30
by Brian Kellow  (Author) You purchased this item on November 4, 2016. 
 The Secret of the Highly Creative Thinker: How To Make Connections Others Don't Hardcover – June 28, 2016
by Dorte Nielsen  (Author), Sarah Thurber  (Author) You purchased this item on October 7, 2016. 
       The Astral Codex: Using Dreams and Out-of-Body Experiences on a Spiritual Journey 5th Edition
by Belsebuub  (Author)
Money Magnetism: How to Grow Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams 0th Edition
by A. Norvell (Author) You purchased this item on March 3, 2015. 
The Wizard of Us: Transformational Lessons from OzHardcover – November 20, 2012
by Jean Houston  (Author) You purchased this item on February 22, 2015. 
   Higher Self Now!: Accelerating Your Spiritual EvolutionPaperback – August 25, 2016
by William Buhlman  (Author), Susan Buhlman (Author) You purchased this item on September 23, 2016. 
  A Writer's Guide to Fame and Fortune: Get the respect you deserve, the work you want, and the money you're worth.Paperback – August 29, 2012
by Amy Lorenti  (Author) You purchased this item on February 12, 2015. 
  Magickal Cashbook: Attract Money Fast With Ancient Secrets And Modern Wealth Magick Paperback – May 7, 2014 You purchased this item on November 24, 2014. 
by Damon Brand  (Author) Fortunately, I purchased the kindlebook version for free on August 2, 2016
  THE 3:00 PM SECRET: Live Slim and Strong, Live Your Dreams Paperback – July 27, 2007
by Debra Anne Ross Lawrence (Author) You purchased this item on June 15, 2011. 
  The Angels of Alchemy: Contact the 42 Angels of Magickal Transformation Paperback – September 28, 2016
by Damon Brand  (Author) You purchased this item on October 7, 2016. 
Fortunately, I was able to purchase the kindle version for free on October 30, 2016
  Liquid Luck: The Good Fortune Handbook Paperback – October 23, 2014
by Joe Gallenberger Ph.D (Author)
  What Can I Manifest?: Secrets of Successful Rituals - Foundation I (Foundations) (Volume 1) Paperback – July 1, 2014
by Dr. Thor Templar (Author), GM Scott James (Editor) You purchased this item on February 28, 2015. 
  Magickal Riches: Occult Rituals For Manifesting MoneyPaperback – June 29, 2015
by Damon Brand  (Author) You purchased this item on July 31, 2015. 
Absolute Beginner's Guide to Half-Marathon Training: Get Ready to Run or Walk a 5K, 8K, 10K or Half-Marathon RacePaperback – December 27, 2004
by Heather Hedrick  (Autho
The Creative Visualization Workbook: Second Edition (Gawain, Shakti) Paperback – June 28, 1995
by Shakti Gawain  (Author) You purchased this item on June 7, 2013. 
  Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life Hardcover – October 1, 2008
by Shakti Gawain  (Author) You purchased this item on October 25, 2011. 
  Writer's Digest Handbook of Short Story Writing (Vol 1) New edition Edition
by Dickson (Author), Smythe (Author) You purchased this item on December 2, 2016. 
The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles Paperback – January 11, 2012
by Steven Pressfield  (Author), Shawn Coyne (Editor) You purchased this item on December 3, 2015. 
  How to Start a Blog that People Will Read: How to create a website, write about a topic you love, develop a loyal readership, and make six figures doing it. (THE MAKE MONEY FROM HOME LIONS CLUB) Paperback – April 24, 2013
by Mike Omar  (Author) You purchased this item on November 1, 2014. 
Fortunately, I was able to purchase it in kindle version for free today Monday April 3, 2017
 RUNNER'S WORLD - COMPLETE GUIDE TO RUNNING. 2014. Single Issue Magazine – 2014
Complete Guide to Running (Runner`s World,2013) Single Issue Magazine – 2013
by David Willey (Editor)
   Wealth Magick: The Secrets of Extreme Prosperity Paperback– October 30, 2014
by Damon Brand  (Author) You purchased this item on November 24, 2014. 
  Words of Power: Secret Magickal Sounds That Manifest Your Desires Paperback – January 25, 2015
by Damon Brand  (Author) You purchased this item on February 12, 2015. 
Learn Songwriting (Learn to Play) Paperback – January, 2000
by Caroline Hooper (Author), Nigel M. Hooper (Author) You purchased this item on April 15, 2016. 
Writing Your Future: The Easy Way to Achieving Your Dreams Paperback – November 2, 2007
by Colleen O Neill (Author) You purchased this item on August 24, 2013. 
The Money Savvy Spending Journal: The Fast and Easy Way to Track Your Spending and Gain Control Over Your Money Paperback – September 16, 2013
by Nancy N. Ragno  (Author) You purchased this item on February 11, 2014. 
The Magickal Job Seeker: Attract The Work You Love With Angelic Power Paperback – September 3, 2014
by Damon Brand  (Author) You purchased this item on November 24, 2014. 
Mysteries of the Parallel Universes Revealed Paperback – 2010
by Osgood Stradt (Author) You purchased this item on April 9, 2015. 
  Discover Your Soul’s Path Through the Akashic Records: Taking Your Life from Ordinary to ExtraOrdinary Paperback – February 3, 2015
by Linda Howe  (Author) You purchased this item on February 12, 2015. 
  The Greater Magickal Angels: Instant Access To 133 Angelic Powers Paperback – April 23, 2015
by Damon Brand  (Author You purchased this item on April 29, 2015. 
  Magickal Protection: Defend Against Curses, Gossip, Bullies, Thieves, Demonic Forces, Violence, Threats and Psychic Attack Paperback – March 13, 2015
by Damon Brand  (Author) You purchased this item on April 9, 2015. 
  Isn't That Rich?: Life Among the 1 Percent Paperback – June 9, 2015
by Richard Kirshenbaum (Author), Michael Gross (Foreword) You purchased this item on November 4, 2016. 
  The Million Dollar Secret Hidden in Your Mind: Money Honors Fame (Tarcher Success Classics) Paperback – Deckle Edge, December 27, 2012
by Anthony Norvell (Author) You purchased this item on February 12, 2015. 
   How to Read the Akashic Records: Accessing the Archive of the Soul and Its Journey Paperback – September 1, 2010
by Linda Howe  (Author)-I bought from a new age bookstore in Alexandria Virginia around early August of last year –I think it was Saturday August 6, 2016
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