#or way too expensive for a secondhand device
vashti-lives · 3 months
I have finally conceded that gremlins have eaten my kindle voyage and I do, in fact, need to replace it. It's been more than year of waiting for it to "turn up" interspersed with frantic episodes of looking. It's not happening! It's in the negaverse now.
That's all! I don't need to be able to write on it! I don't need it to play videos! I don't need a big screen! I don't want to pay $200+ dollars. I just want to be able to read long fanfic on an e-ink screen again.
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majimasleftasscheek · 6 months
Here’s a brain scratcher aniki, besides Kiryu and Kazuma-San what kind of parent would each of the main cast be. (Just the major players from the games IE protags and antags. You can include Ichiban’s party to!)
let's see...
Majima: good! but irresponsible parent. would spoil immensely, compensates for things he can't do or messes up. very open to whatever the kid wants/thinks but can be unintentionally harsh when scolding. promotes living to the fullest but will worry to the expense of his health when he can't be around to take care of things. will be overbearing with good intentions but suffocating.
Saejima: very nurturing and attentive but tough, a bit overbearing on the life lessons and shit like that. would leave a child to their own devices often to encourage individual growth and accepts failures well, very patient. would be hard to get a read on though normally, leaving a kid to guessing how he's feeling/doing, making his parenting feel a bit lonesome.
Nishiki: great with kids in a cool uncle sort of way. would be friends with his kids vs being their actual parent as he worries a lil too much about what they think of him. spoils them a lot, especially if it makes him look pretty great in front of others. doesn't handle problems very well and has only the basics of advice for a struggling child - would have to ask others what to do.
Ichiban: good parent but bumbling. would try his best to be a good dad but realistically good vibes and idealism isn't always enough. would rely on others for help with kids, especially if it's something he can't provide himself. would teach them to be kind and open minded, careful to not be too strict. would prolly relate the most to kids, being a child at heart himself though his personality would make it seem like he's not taking things seriously.
Ryuji: would raise a kid to be just like himself, brutish and confident. the type to be like, let's go to the junkyard and smash car windows for fun. values traits that align with his own like strength and a strong will - would be disappointed in anything he'd deem too whimsical. would think it's funny if his kid rebelled against them and teach them the hard way that it wouldn't fly but also encourage them to keep trying to be their own person anyway.
Daigo: would be a good parent to the best of his ability, compensating for his own experiences (Dojima lol). very patient and a good listener, excels at consoling to where his kid would feel very comfy telling him anything. can be a bit too soft and unintentionally ignorant to underlying problems a child might have. a child might feel guilty towards him for his kindness and oppositely *not* want to dump their worries on him. sometimes plays too much a teacher than a parent.
Mine: no lmao actual answer: he'd suck ass. he'd be a tiger parent, strict and cold. growing up is about accomplishment and being self sufficient. if a kid wants his time, better schedule an appointment. would teach a kid the harsh realities of life whilst ignoring the good stuff to temper expectations. punishments are often harsh. doesn't really relate to his kid other than they both breathe and blink.
Akiyama: do I even gotta say it ksdlagjlds he would be *squint* alright at parenting in the same way it's alright to drink bleach. he's there and he exists but is irresponsible. can't be counted on to make important dates on time or remember things a kid needs. frequently has to ask for help (Hana). will 100% give a child secondhand smoke and be skeazy about the types of life lessons he'd not necessarily teach outright but would imply with his behavior.
Tanimura: I don't got much of a read on him tbh but being that he's got a gambling problem, I feel like that would have some play in childcare lol, that being he's prolly a bit inattentive until it comes to money. he's a bit skeavy so he would prolly turn a blind eye to his kid doing something wrong and enforces rules poorly. would at least instill good teachings to help others, tho how, would be sketchy.
Shinada: he'd do pretty well I think if he had a stable living situation. he's very passionate about his interests and would share that with his kid, and if the kid wants to do their own thing, he'd encourage following that too. being goofy, he'd be a fun dad. I'm prolly the only motherfucker on earth who ships him with Milky-chan so I think they'd do really well as parents who come from rough lives trying to make a better one for their kid.
Sagawa: including him cuz he's my fav villain. he defo seems the type to have a kid somewhere with an estranged partner who left him first. he's caring, in a sinister type of way, one that makes you feel like you're being manipulated but not sure enough to say. "he knows what's best" and would for sure turn a child against his partner. in an alternate sense, he could also lead a double life, being an actual decent person to his family but a dickhead on the side. very psychopathic.
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firjii · 1 year
HHHHHHHHHHHH can someone please tell me why t.f. some of the nicest game soundtracks are only available on vinyl if you want the whole thing (not just one of those joke samplers that comes in rare game editions) on a physical media version? I cannot for the life of me justify paying $60-$300 for a media format that is neither practical nor accessible nor significantly less harmful to the environment than CDs. (And no, I don't necessarily mean secondhand gougers - $60 is a really common baseline retail price for a multi-LP set these days)
playable in thousands of different disc reading device models from ass-old computer drives to DVD players, a myriad of stereos, and some game consoles
fits up to 80 minutes of music with little to no audio quality loss at long durations (you can still fuck up the mastering and come in too loud, but track length placement/order on a CD doesn't matter, unlike some vinyl)
not typically damaged by moderate temperature changes (don't be a dick and put one in a hot car in Arizona in summer for a week to prove me wrong - I said "moderate" and ultimately all forms of plastic will warp if heated hot enough for long enough)
one of the cheapest audio formats to manufacture
cumbersome size
can only be played in 1 specific type of device that isn't the most common thing in the world (variants on turntables and record players are still made and there are some really slick contemporary ones out there, but they haven't been nearly as widely available or affordable as your basic generic combo CD/radio boomboxes or portable CD players were for like 20 years in the fairly recent past)
sensitive to temperature changes and improper storage
probably THE most expensive of formats to manufacture because the process is inherently more involved and some of the equipment needed hasn't been made since the early 1980s so part of the cost is in maintaining good older gear (therefore the price tag is higher for consumers, too)
much less efficient storage medium - at best, one side of a vinyl LP can hold 30 minutes, and experts don't advise this because the chance of manufacturing flaws vastly increases the longer a side's duration is (when you see a game soundtrack spread out onto 4-8 records and the soundtrack is 2-4 hours long, that's probably realistic storage management, not just a way to inflate the size of the set)
though theoretically capable of more sonic depth/quality than some other formats in some cases, it's also easy to ruin the sound on an entire vinyl batch if the audio mastering isn't handled properly (vinyl is much more susceptible to volume distortion than other formats and because a lot of music is mastered to be as loud as possible these days, this can have truly disastrous results)
Seriously, when I buy a physical release, my main reason is to have a readily useful backup of music I particularly love, not the prestige of a collector's item in garish colors to hang on the wall. I'm not blaming people for buying fancy vinyl, I'm just frustrated that companies are forcing a certain medium.
And yes, I sort of understand the allure when indie devs do a vinyl soundtrack run because the point is presumably to raise more money and publicity for a game that might otherwise get less attention. There are games out there that are fairly cheap to buy and they partially offset this by doing a vinyl pressing. I get that. Want to charge $10-$20 for a game and then $40-$50 for vinyl to offset that? Go for it, fair enough, that idea beats the hell out of cosmetic DLC.
But when frigging Ubi or Bethesda does it, it's transparently riding trend waves to squeeze as much extra money as possible from people. I can promise you they'd still sell out a CD run if they bothered to do it and limited it to 100,000 or whatever.
0 notes
urflowersdied · 5 years
cold as ice(d coffee)
In which Norah really just wants to make some money to finance her student life and Harry is her super serious, but incredibly soft-looking, café-owning boss.
A/N: Initially this was supposed to be a one shot, because I just wanted to write a story in one go and have you guys read and (hopefully) enjoy it, but turns out that’s something I don’t know how to do. So, here is the first, 4.7k long part of this three-part series.  I have to thank some friends on Twitter who will get their own message, but I’m also immensely thankful for @dadshirtking, who was incredibly supportive and a really helpful creative mind, @bribe-the-door, for being loving and positive and kind and the sweetest person around, and @isitjamiemoriarty, for being the world’s greatest feedback giver and without whom I probably would’ve gone crazy trying to figure this story out. 
Hope you enjoy! 
Norah was absolutely fuming. It seemed like just her luck that on the first day of her job the trains seemed to have decided on making her life all that much harder and arrived with a one-hour-delay. Presenting herself disheveled due to running all the way from Manchester Piccadilly to The Brewing Pot probably would not improve the impression she was bound to make on her new colleagues, but that was a risk she was willing to take in order to get there just a few moments quicker.
She knew that it could be quite difficult for a student employee to get on well with their full-time colleagues, which was why she had devised a seemingly foolproof plan to make the first day go swimmingly. Norah  had spent all of last night looking up some hilarious jokes she would try to sneak into some conversations and additionally baked some of her grandmother’s famous triple chocolate chip cookies. In hindsight, she realises that she had been hired as a help in a café where an actual baker worked in order to prepare all the sweet treats for the customers, but by then it was too late. She just hoped her colleagues would at least pretend to be interested in her amateur baking.
It wasn’t even as though this was her dream job. Far from it, actually. She loved spending time in cafés, but rather nursing a cup of coffee herself than working behind the counter with a constant fake smile plastered upon her face while listening to the ridiculous orders she had to fulfil. Needless to say, this was not her first job of this kind. She had held down her job at one of the coffee bars that were littered around her university campus for the first year and a half of her degree pursuit. After one of her coworkers had refused to stop their incessant flirting at her old job — and her boss had not even batted an eyelash when she mentioned her discomfort about the situation to them — she had felt forced to quit.
The first few weeks without a job seemed extremely relaxing, but when she had to decline her friend’s invitation to a night out because she wouldn’t have been able to afford the night - because, really, how expensive were the drinks at that club? - she decided to get back on her feet. Norah quite enjoyed working. Enjoyed the routine that came with having more than just her pain-in-the-ass philosophy class or some lecture that she would most likely not pay any attention to anyway to get her out of bed in the mornings. The social aspect that came with working was also something she cherished. She had always been a little more shy and dealing with colleagues was a fairly simple way to force herself to interact with humans without making too much of a fool out of herself.
Turns out, finding a new place of work in a town full of students had not been the easiest task. After asking around some of her friends and a few smaller shops around her university and gained nothing but shrugs and rejections, she decided to broaden her scope. She didn’t really mind taking the train to get to work - instead found it rather calming, actually -, so when she finally got the offer to work as a barista at The Brewing Pot in the heart of Manchester she had jumped at the opportunity.
The Brewing Pot was one of the most charming shops she had ever stepped foot in. The café section of the store was made up of wooden tables, tons of plants and some mismatched couches and armchairs. If you were to wander further into the building, though, you were greeted by tons of shelves filled with secondhand books. There was an extremely quaint, homely feel to the whole place. She didn’t even really mind the train ride she had to take in order to get to and from her new place of work.
The only aspect that made her feel a little on edge was her boss, whom she had met only once before during her job interview, which had not been all that fun. When she first laid her eyes on him, she had quite honestly been a little taken aback. He was absolutely gorgeous, with chocolate curls, piercing green eyes covered by a really expensive-looking pair of glasses - she was fairly certain she had spotted an engraved Gucci sign on them - and his very tall frame had been adorned by the most endearing knitted sweater. He had truly looked like the kind of man Norah could only have conjured up in her wildest dreams. That she would one day actually get to breathe the same air as such a specimen seemed laughable to her. But once he had opened his mouth, the fantasy she had created in a few milliseconds was destroyed just as quickly.
He had not been extremely rude to her, rather he had really only given her the bare minimum amount of time of day needed that could be deemed socially acceptable. Harry Styles seemed like quite the serious man though, not cracking one single smile at any of her attempted funny comments during their meeting. She wasn’t sure if he wanted to establish some ground rules on how he interacts with his employees or if he’d just gotten up on the wrong foot that morning, but she had definitely felt infinitely intimidated in his presence. Of course, looking back now, this first encounter with him did not calm her current frazzled state in any type of way.
Completely out of breath - she really should get started on that New Year’s resolution of hers to make actual use of her gym membership -, she pushed open the door and was immediately greeted by a jingle of the bells which notified everyone inside of a new entrance. Taking a quick glance towards the huge clock that adorned one of the brick walls in the café segment of the building, she thanked her lucky stars that she had decided to sprint. She thought that being a mere five minutes too late was the best case scenario in this really bad situation.
After gathering her hair up into some sort of ponytail to seem at least a little put together, she approached the counter. The wary smile on her lips paired with a nervous fumble of her fingers was probably enough to tip off the guy behind the counter as to who exactly she was. “Norah, right? You’re new, yeah? I’m Adam, supposed to show you around today!”
And, really, she could not have asked for a more charming person than Adam to show her the ropes and make her feel at home in her new job. Her other colleagues had also presented themselves as wonderfully kind people, but over the course of the next few weeks Adam had quickly established himself as one of her closest friends. For whichever curious reason, their shifts often overlapped and being of similar age only propelled their mutual understanding and bond into great heights. Dealing with some of the infuriating customers that visited, she was extremely delighted to be able to unload some of the stress into the ears of Adam, who completely understood her pain.
Therefore it’s pretty understandable how disappointed she is when he calls her one Monday morning to tell her he won’t be able to make it to their shared shift. As usual on Mondays the café was closed for business, but there had been an incredible amount of orders to fulfil for a wedding that was taking place the following day.
Ever since she started working there, her coworkers had given her crash courses on how to improve not only her own cookie recipe, which they had actually immensely enjoyed after she had mustered up enough courage to offer them to her colleagues, but also on how to perfectly follow the café’s original recipes. So when the question of who would come in on their day off to get a head start on the orders arose, she had felt pretty secure in offering her time and energy alongside Adam. The same Adam who had now left her to her own devices, because he had inspected the bottom of one too many bottles the night before.
Taking advantage of her solitude in the kitchen of The Brewing Pot, Norah blasted her ultimate mood-lifting album - does she even have to mention that it’s Nilsson Schmilsson? -  through the speakers that were installed to help motivate the staff during their work day. She was already dreading having to pipe about 170 cupcakes once they had cooled from their time in the oven as the entry bells to the store chimed.
Before she was even able to wonder who interrupted her jamming session to Without You (and also, had she just imagined triple-checking the locked entry door after arriving?), a disheveled-looking Harry Styles appeared in front of her eyes. Up until now she had only ever witnessed her boss on fleeting occasions, him often not being present during her shifts or hidden away in his office if he was in the vicinity.
So you cannot possibly hold it against her when she completely freezes up and just blinks her eyes at him a couple of times instead of actually making use of her vocal chords to inquire about why he was stood here, looking as if he had just rolled out of bed but simultaneously giving Adonis a run for his money. Luckily, he decides to address her first. “Good morning. I’ve been trying to find someone to come help you out but it’s too much of a short notice for everyone, so I hope you’ll accept my help.”
And because it really wasn’t her place to dismiss his offer, which could get her back on the train, home and into her warm cozy bed a little quicker, she shot him a timid smile. “A helping hand would be more than welcome to me right now, thanks.” Those words were apparently all he needed in order to kick into gear, as he rolled up the sleeves of yet another adorable knitted sweater. She quickly sprung into actions as well and turned the volume of the speakers down by a vast amount, so that the wonderful melodies by Harry Nilsson only soft drifted through the kitchen.
The space that wasn’t occupied by their bodies trying to move about the kitchen without much interaction was filled by uncomfortable silence. His presence did not calm the movement of her hands, which was already shaky due to her fear regarding finishing up these cupcakes. Additionally to looking so wonderful that she would much rather put the icing on him rather than the baked goods, he was also her boss, which meant that she would have to try her damnedest not to mess up.
“How old are you again, Mister Styles?” She had to break the silence which had quickly settled over them somehow, right? To her, it seemed more awkward to not engage with each other while being confined in the close proximity the kitchen provided.
What she had not taken into account was that Harry Styles did not seem like much of a conversationalist.  After a short confused glance at her - he must have momentarily forgotten that she is also taking up space in the kitchen, why else would he be so surprised for her to be speaking up? - he gives her the shortest reply possible. “I’m 27.”
It’s not as if she is extroverted in any kind of way, it’s just that awkward situations are even more difficult to handle for her than actually conversing. Which is why she definitely understands the hint his short answer was supposed to give her but she chooses to ignore it regardless. “So, Adam told me you’ve owned this place for like 5 years… Why did you open it at such a young age?”
“Didn’t open it myself. The owner needed a replacement and chose me.” His shortage of words stunned her a little bit. She could definitely tell he was starting to get frustrated with her incessant talking, but he seemed too polite to confront her about it. It didn’t seem to her as though she was prying into his life. She was just asking a few standard questions, no harm meant in any way.
Nevertheless, she let silence overtake the space once again and let her eyes drift from the cupcake bases she had been trying to cool by aimlessly wiggling another baking tray over it towards her boss. His head bent down (his glasses didn’t seem to budge at all which intrigued her more than it probably should), cradling a filled piping bag in his now bare hands - usually they were ring-clad, and she had been itching to ask about whether any of them held some sort of special meaning to him just like the quartz ring that she sported on her right pointer finger did to her -, she knew she was fucked.
Unsurprisingly, she had always had the tendency to gush over males who portrayed a certain distance, an unattainability. Harry Styles, though, definitely took the cake. He did not seem interested in maintaining the exchange of vowels and consonants between them in the slightest. Rather he made it seem as though these baked goods were his sole purpose in life, as he gave them his full attention.
She had noticed some thoughts cross her mind a few times before already. That he always seemed too serious, almost stoic, his mood always seeming solemn, and how that did not correlate with the beautiful features of his physique at all. His hands looked delicate, his lips pouty and the area around his stomach and hips incredibly soft - which stood in contrast to his otherwise incredibly lean frame wonderfully. Maybe her self-proclaimed hopeless romanticism had something to do with it, but had this intricate feeling as though he wasn’t born such a low-spirited person. Perhaps that was why she decided to open her mouth again. “Do you know the people who are getting married tomorrow? Like, the couple who -”
“Listen, I think you’re doing a great job working here, but I am not really interested in making friends with my employees. So if we could just… finish this order, I’d really appreciate that.”
Remember when she declared him as being too polite to call her out on awkwardly trying to attempt a conversation? She definitely takes that sentiment back. Surprised, her hands falter in their current swirling motion and lift the piping bag away from the cakes he so badly wants to complete in order to not completely mess up. She isn’t entirely fond of the idea of turning this whole encounter into an even bigger disaster than she has already found herself in.
Even after analysing the exchange in lightning speed, she couldn’t figure out where exactly she went wrong. What had warranted his coarse reply? Being completely honest, he had infuriated her. Not wanting to blur a line between friends and employees made sense to her, if that was what he really wanted. But there were right and wrong ways to make her aware of his penchant. Harry Styles had chosen to go about it in a wrong way.
“I’m sorry for prying, Mister Styles. I was just looking to make conversation. If you aren’t interested in being friendly with me and insisting on being a sourpuss, then that is your right. But please be civil when you inform me of that. It’s just common courtesy, isn’t it?”
For a moment she holds her breath. His eyes shot up to her and she was able to detect the tightening of his jaw. Alright, maybe dubbing him a sourpuss hadn’t been the smartest move, but she couldn’t stop herself. The word described him perfectly. She was convinced that this would be her last shift at The Brewing Pot. Already mourning the loss of yet another job in her head, the man who she (for now) called her boss let his Adam’s apple bop one time and then dropped his head. The conversation had passed.
One hour and an abundance of tense silence later, all 170 cupcakes were iced and placed into the fridge, ready to be delivered first thing Tuesday morning. With one mutter, he dismissed her - opting to clean the kitchen on his own rather than dragging out this miserable encounter.
And with her head held high, but her heart nestled a little bit lower in her chest, she made her exit.
Apparently, the people in charge of the railway system and the trains really did not have any aspirations towards getting on her good side. It was March now, and she had just finished up her first solo closing shift in her three months working there. Spring had yet to peak through the dreary blanket that the Winter had placed upon England. She could not wait to take a hot shower. Would have preferred a bath and a nice cup of tea, but alas, that was a feature her student housing did not provide. Then she’d like to settle down on the couch to watch reruns of sitcoms until it would prove impossible to force her eyes open any longer and then retread to bed.
Much to her dismay, those plans were crossed through by her train home, who had taken it upon himself to leave just about two minutes before schedule. So here she stood, having just missed her last opportunity to get home towards the warmth and comfort her flat could provide her with and with not one place to go. After frantically calling just about every person in her phone book that either lived in a close mile radius or owned a car, she finally decided to seek solace in the confines of The Brewing Pot.
Truth be told, she didn’t really feel all too happy with her decision, but where else was she supposed to go? Catching a cab would’ve cost her an arm and a leg and Adam, who resided outside of Manchester but did own a car, was not even picking up his phone. She believed that her last resort was just settling down on one of the couches of the coffee house and trying to stay conscious throughout the night in order to grab a train home first thing in the morning.
And this plan probably would’ve worked out well enough, had her boss not entered his store after hours and found her lounging around way after she was supposed to actually be present. It seemed to her as though Harry Styles’ baseline state consisted of a mixture of stress and sternness. Norah had once again not caught more than a few mere glimpses of him after their unpleasant icing session. Not that she had minded their lack of interaction this time around.
“What… are you doing here?” She hadn’t expected any other question from him, the confusion apparent on his face this time extremely warranted. And this time, instead of holding it up high Norah lets her head sink a little lower, knowing that she wasn’t really supposed to be here after hours. This time, if he were to get angry and throw her out, she would not be able to hold that decision against him.
She felt stupid. How incapable did it make her seem when she would tell him that on her first closing shift she had managed to miss her way of making it back home? The closing shift itself had actually been kind of enjoyable to her, but would it seem rude for her to mention how she probably would’ve arrived at Piccadilly in time had she not been left to her own devices? The sound of his voice brought her back from the questions piling up inside of her mind while she had stayed silent. “Well?”
“I’m sorry, Mister Styles… I, uhh… My last train back home left a little earlier than expected and Adam isn’t picking up his phone, so… I had nowhere else to go. Was gonna just wait it out until the first one in the morning, but if that’s not alright I completely understand. I should’ve asked for permission.”
It seemed like this flow of words didn’t please him in the slightest. The shaking of his head was a clear indicator for that. On top of that, he let out a loud sigh. “You… You don’t have to call me Mister Styles. Harry is… just fine.” This was definitely not the kind of reply she had expected. For the first time since she’s been aware of his existence, his facial expression softened a tiny amount. “Listen, Norah. I understand that working a closing shift on your own is hard work, but you really can’t just… stay here afterwards without letting me know. It’s unprofessional.”
“No, yeah, I’m fully aware of that. I just… really couldn’t figure out another place to stay and I’ve got this really important presentation tomorrow. Thought that if I came here instead of sticking around at the station I would at least be in a safe place while waiting and might even be able to close my eyes for a second. But you definitely should have been informed.”
This reply seemed to calm his mood. Harry huffed and nodded his head in her direction. “Alright, well… You’re right, it’s better to hang around where it’s safe. Just make sure everything’s locked and the lights are off when you decide to leave.” With those words he ducked into his small office to retrieve whatever had made his trip back to his business necessary.
Relaxing a little bit, Norah leaned back into the sofa and observed the now illuminated doorway through which he had just disappeared. After their encounter she really had not expected him to let her off with a warning, but she was glad that he did. While sitting around The Brewing Pot for a whole night wasn’t what she had envisioned to be doing after work, the alternatives of either wandering around the streets of Manchester or lingering by the train station for multiple hours seemed even less appealing.
A few moments later Harry emerged from the office and let the door fall shut behind him as he closed the distance between him and Norah. “I -“, was as far as he got before he stopped himself to inhale a deep breath. She didn’t say a word. Just waited - admittedly a little (scratch that, a lot) anxious - for whatever he was about to blurt out.
“You were right, you know. I was extremely rude before, when we were working on that order for the Peterson wedding. You were just trying to make harmless conversation. There was no reason for me to blow up the way I did, I’m sorry.”
And if his hands fiddling with the files they were holding while waiting for her to speak up was a sign of his nervousness, well, colour Norah impressed. It wasn’t really the apology that threw her, it was the sincerity in his tone. She had accepted that she would not be able to establish some sort of friendly relationship with her boss, especially after there had not been any repercussions following her name-calling of him. She was grateful for that, at least.
“That’s… alright. Thank you for apologising, but I guess I was also out of line, so…”, was all she was able to come up with in reply. Frankly, there wasn’t much else left to say between the both of them. He had apologised for handling a situation the wrong way and she had admitted that her form of dealing with it could’ve also been improved upon.
Harry looked around his café helplessly before continuing his utterance of what she soon understood to be an invitation. “You said you have a, uhh… a presentation tomorrow? Are you… Do you think you’ll get enough rest staying here?”
“I’ll be fine. It’s quite close to the station and if I take the earliest train I might even be able to make it back in time to shower and go over my notes again. Gonna power through class tomorrow and then catch up on the sleep I’ve missed.”
With a shrug of his broad shoulders - and yes, she’s aware that she really has to stop lusting after him even though he’s behaving (and looking) extremely nice right now - he fixes his gaze on Norah once more. “I just stopped by to pick up these files that I forgot. Don’t live far from here, actually. You’re uhh… You’re welcome to stay in my guest room if you want.” Had she heard him correctly? Or had she already fallen asleep and was just dreaming up crazy scenarios? “At least you’ll get a few hours of sleep that way.”
Really, who was she to say no to the promise of being able to close her eyes for at least a few hours before what was sure to be a gruelling class tomorrow. Norah was also extremely curious to take a peek into his residence (and maybe his mind), even though she wouldn’t want to admit that out loud.  Harry waited by the door while she collected her belongings and not too soon after, they started their trek towards his house, accompanied by the biting gusts of cold nocturnal wind.
„You can leave your coat here, if you want.“ Harry‘s house was bigger than she had anticipated, but then again he did mention a guest room which could’ve tipped her off on the fact that his abode was bigger than her measly flat.
The seriousness he displayed during all of their encounters was nowhere to be found. His living room - where she now stood with her hands folded in front of her, waiting for him to return from the kitchen, which he had dipped into - was made up of a set of mismatched patterned couches and the walls were clad in artworks from all different styles that weirdly blended together in perfect cohesion. Plants and books adorned nearly every surface and corner in her line of vision - which made a lot of sense to her, because that was strongly reminiscent of the inside of The Brewing Pot.
Truth be told, she didn’t know what she had expected. Maybe lots of monochrome colours, whites and greys paired with a touch of black, and extremely modern furniture. Not wooden floors, which were scratched up and led her to believe in the presence of a pet in her vicinity (maybe the dog bed next to one of the loveseats tipped her off as well), and cozy, seemingly handmade throw pillows.
It was headache-inducing, really. Trying to figure him out. She was stood in the middle of a room that she would’ve definitely seen him inhabiting the first time she had laid eyes upon him. Before he had opened his mouth and heard the cold tone of his otherwise so deep and rich voice. So, had she pegged him right from the beginning? Was the solemnity a front he put on for strangers and employees or was his living space a remnant of a time and character passed, with Harry simply too lazy to redecorate?
Or was she just reading too much into this altogether?
Her way-too-deep considerations were put to a halt by Harry’s return into the room. “There you go.” In his hand was the biggest glass of water she had ever seen. The fact that she found such a small gesture endearing was enough to let alarm bells ring in Norah’s head. These mushy feelings and musings about his interior and its relation to his state of mind had to stop. She really knew next to nothing about the young man stood in front of her and based on the way their previous interaction had turned out, he most definitely wanted it to stay that way.
Gathering her wits, she accepted the glass filled with water from his outreached hand and took a tentative sip. Once again, Norah found herself in an awkward position that made her throat dry up just a little bit. “Thank you”, was all that erupted from her vocal chords.
Raising his hand to touch his glasses - which she knew for a fact had no need to be rearranged, remembering the way they hadn’t really moved an inch when he bowed his head to focus on the icing of the cupcakes - he spoke up again. “Alright, let me show you the spare room so you can get some sleep.”
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richmonddales · 4 years
Should I Work For Someone Else Or Open My Own Practice
Managing A Dental Practice – Ideas And Strategies
1. New business– Successful oral magnate strongly look for numerous methods to consistently drive brand-new patients to their practices. Recognizing that a person home-run method is insufficient, they look for to strike numerous singles in an effort to produce the optimum circulation of new patients. Utilizing multiple marketing tools in the dental marketplace, new patients arrive through tactical direct-mail advertising, a prevailing Web existence, local awareness public relations, engaging signage, and other imaginative techniques.
However effective external marketing practices might be podcasts by Dr. Avi Weisfogel, flourishing dental company leaders tend to rely most greatly on internal marketing. Systematic recommendation strategies and policies drive the baseline traffic to fulfill new patient goals. 2. Systems– Generating new service without tested systems in place to react to brand-new clients is disadvantageous.
Methodically obstructing time weekly for brand-new patients is an essential company method. Systems are likewise critical for everything that occurs in the practice. For that reason, every system must be investigated routinely to ensure it works and remains real to established expectations. Information drive the bottom line. Everything from how to respond to the phone to how to say goodbye to a patient ends up being part of the system, and every staff member is fully acquainted with the process.
13 Ways Dentists Can Attract Patients Who Pay, Stay, And Refer
3. Crucial numbers:( a) Costs– There are 4 primary expenses in a dental business. As the CEO, owner, and leader of the service Avi Weisfogel, it is necessary that you not just understand these numbers at all times, however likewise keep them in line with the following requirements: Personnel expenses must disappear than 20% to 25% of your total costs.
Laboratory expenses ought to be kept to 10%. Look around and keep in mind to charge patients about 5 times your laboratory cost. Supply costs must remain at no greater than 5% of overall costs. Once again, search to preserve quality at a good price. Facility expenses need to not go beyond 5% unless they can be thought about part of your marketing strategy. The Entrepreneurial Dentist
The higher your charges, the lower your percentage of overhead will be relative to your fees, and the greater your profits will be. There are a number of good resources in the oral neighborhood to utilize as measurements for where your costs presently rank. Note: If you are a professional, your practice charges need to be in the 90th percentile.
Dental Practice Management: 5 Tips From A Practice Owner
Production– The more you produce, the more expenditure portions fall and revenues rise. Let’s take a look at a quick example. One dentist has a personnel including 2 front-office assistants, 2 dental assistants, and two dental hygienists. The practice produces $600,000 of dentistry a year. His staff expenses, as a portion of his net production, are harder to keep in check than our 2nd dental expert’s.
The Entrepreneurial Dentist Podcast with Avi Weisfogel
Avi Weisfogel is a owner of Dental Sleep MBA, a continuing education training course for dental professionals. Avi Weisfogel shows oral techniques on exactly how to run their business a lot more efficiently and make even more profits. In addition to the Dental MBA course, Avi Weisfogel also offers organisation guidance to dental practitioners that require aid in developing a successful oral technique. He does this via his brand-new podcast, Entrepreneurial Dental expert.
On a percentage basis, his personnel expenditures are much simpler to keep in check. Dental expert number 3 is an overachiever and produces $2 million a year with the very same staffing configuration. Not only does she have the most affordable staff cost portion of the 3 dental experts, but she also has by far the highest paid employee and the best total profit.
Collections– We ask each oral business we serve to always set its monthly collection objective at 100% of all production, net-to-net. The more you collect, the more your percentage of overhead is minimized. If you produce $112,000 a month, however only collect $80,000 and your overhead is $55,000, your percentage of overhead to production is about 69%.
Should I Work For Someone Else Or Open My Own Practice
It’s not magic– simply gather what you produce!Building a terrific practice suggests constructing a great service. It begins with you as a business leader, multiplies through your group, and leads to considerable opportunities for excellent dentistry and maximum revenue. Go for it!Known as America’s Success Professional
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, Ken Runkle is the creator and president of Apotheosis Management, and has actually been helping dental practices reach peak profitability for 24 years.
Have you ever wondered what it requires to run an oral practice? Or are you considering a career in dentistry and wish to know what you should anticipate when starting? We hope that this post will clarify exactly what enters into running a successful oral practice. It is an understatement to state that there is rather a bit of time, money, and hard work that enters into keeping a dental office up and running.
Here we have actually broken down much of what goes into the daily operation, and just just how much effort it requires to run a personal dental practice from the ground up. For a small dental office to run efficiently, there needs to be at least one dental hygienist, one dental assistant, and a receptionist.
10 Dental Marketing Ideas Proven To Attract New Patients
The typical salary of an oral hygienist in BC can be anywhere from $65,000 to upwards of $80,000 each year, depending on the quantity of experience they have. A certified dental assistant’s salary varies from $40,000 to upwards of $50,000 annually and an oral workplace receptionist’s income is around $40,000 each year.
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dentalinnovationsymposium hashtag on Twitter
Frequently, larger centers have workplace supervisors and/or local managers too. It’s simple to state that worker salaries are one of the bigger expenses for oral practices, costing usually 25 percent of the practice’s total yearly income. While the actual price of real estate differs depending on where the dental workplace is and how big it is, in general a dental practice will require to have at least 2,000 square feet of workplace.
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Starting a Dental Practice
That’s a lot of area for this part of the world! Expense of building and interior finishings likewise require to be thought about. This includes things such as rough construction, correct plumbing, electrical, cabinetry and other storage options, heating, cooling, and air ventilation, and any interior decorating surfaces. This typically costs roughly $120 per square foot, so for a 2,000 square foot office this can cost $240,000 in the tri-cities or external areas of Vancouver.
How To Start A Dental Office
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To completely outfit the office area with modern-day dental devices is exceptionally expensive. A dental chair expenses more than the typical secondhand cars and truck, and you might take a comfortable round-the-world trip on what it costs for just one x-ray machine and its developer. For all other imaging systems and machinery, consisting of air compressors and pumps to operate cleansing tools and oral drills, computer systems, laser scanners, and the various dental tools with their accessories, costs can balloon enormously.
Laboratory fees are an expense to oral practices that depends on how lots of clients a workplace has. For that reason, it’s hard to calculate just how much each office spends annually. Nevertheless, rough numbers tend to reveal that about 10% of an oral practice’s yearly revenues are allocated to laboratory fees. These charges are what dental experts pay in order to have access to the oral equipment developed by labs for clients.
These products are not created at the practice due to area limitations, specific equipment requirements, and specialized personnel. Other dental practice costs consist of malpractice insurance coverage, numerous oral specialist license renewals, oral association fees, and any continuing education costs for employees are all annual expenses. All in all, opening, furnishing, and running a dental practice is an extremely costly endeavour, often tallying up around $500,000 in the first year when initial big purchases are made, and about half of that cost for subsequent years, depending on different factors.
Syndicated From Should I Work For Someone Else Or Open My Own Practice via John Brunner
Syndicated From Should I Work For Someone Else Or Open My Own Practice via Richmond Dales
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11 Ways to Completely Ruin Your Video Games
If you are including a recreation room to your current décor style, the addition of classic arcade makers might be just what you need to add an enjoyable flair to your area. These game games were quite latest thing during the 1980s, and in spite of the popularity of house video gaming systems, arcade makers stay popular today. You'll discover them in the lobby at your local cinema, in restaurants, in arcades obviously, and in growing numbers in the household recreatio If you are adding a leisure room to your current décor style, the addition of classic game devices may be simply what you require to add an enjoyable flair to your space. These game games were quite the rage during the 1980s, and regardless of the popularity of house video gaming systems, arcade machines stay popular today. You'll find them in the lobby at your regional cinema, in dining establishments, in arcades obviously, and in growing numbers in the household leisure or video game room across the nation and all over the world. There are all kinds of devices that are played in the arcade, from traditional player video games like Pac Man or Donkey Kong to pinball machines and more.
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Producers of arcade devices are not strict when it comes to who can acquire one - which means that even though businesses are the primary market for these devices, the public is constantly welcome to buy one too. A new arcade video game can cost a number of thousand dollars. You may likewise find some of the more traditional machines in classic retail stores, previously owned stores, garage sales, tag sales, or antique shops. Another great source for games from years passed is craigslist.org, which is an online classified website where people can note items for sale.
You can also discover a lot of the traditional game games that were normally played in the arcade of the 80s readily available for modern-day gaming systems. Do not be shocked, however, if the contemporary variations of lots of game games have a twist that makes them less than genuine, such as the need to have fun with an unique tool or some other modification that diminishes the experience of playing the game as you remember it. There are a variety of put on the Web where you can play video games for complimentary or at little cost, and a number of them are really comparable and rather sensible to the older style one. There is likewise some exceptional software offered on the marketplace that includes game games that you can play on your desktop computer.
The arcade video game was established for playing in an arcade or arcade-like atmosphere. No matter how hard the designers of these games work to make video game play the very same on a computer system or tv screen, the impact is never the exact same. For a real arcade experience, arcade makers are unmatched! n or recreation room across the nation and all over the world. There are all kinds of makers that are played in the game, from classic gamer games like Pac Guy or Donkey Kong to pinball devices and more.
Producers of game devices are not stringent when it comes to who can purchase one - which indicates that even though services are the primary market for these machines, the basic public is constantly welcome to buy one. A new arcade game can cost a number of thousand dollars. You might likewise find a few of the more traditional devices in classic retail stores, secondhand shops, yard sales, tag sales, or antique stores. Another excellent source for video games from years gone by is craigslist.org, which is an online classified website where people can list items for sale.
You can likewise discover a lot of the timeless game video games that were typically played in the game of the 80s offered for contemporary gaming systems. Do not be surprised, nevertheless, if the modern-day variations of lots of arcade video games have a twist that makes them less than authentic, such as the requirement to have fun with a special tool or some other modification that diminishes the experience of playing the game as you remember it. There are a number of put on the Internet where you can play video games for totally free or at little expense, and a lot of them are rather sensible and extremely comparable to the older design one. There is also some exceptional software offered on the market that includes arcade video games that you can use your computer.
The arcade game was established for playing in a game or arcade-like environment. No matter how hard the developers of these video games work to make game play the very same on a computer system or tv screen, the impact is never the same. For a true arcade experience, game machines are unequaled!
Do not be surprised, however, if the modern-day variations of many game games have a twist that makes them less than genuine, such as the requirement to play with an unique piece of devices or some other change that detracts from the experience of playing the video game as you remember it. Arcade video games are generally coin-operated video games discovered in dining establishments, clubs, video arcades, and other public areas. A lot of arcade video games are video games, pinball devices or redemption (rewarding the gamer per their score) video games. One reason for this is that considering that the video game is coin-operated, the gamer leases the video game for as long as their video game avatar makes it through on the field. The newest generation of arcade video games likewise has interactivity as Venue Rental part of the video game style, making the video game player feel more involved in the video game.
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semperdiscens · 7 years
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
This list will focus on some of the best ways I have learned to get your textbooks!
Email your professors and ask them what textbooks you need for their class. Sure, they might be listed online, but you don’t know if that list has been updated or if it’s even correct. (It’s happened to me that I ordered books based on the list on the school website and one of the books was mistakenly listed. I didn’t need it.) If you feel awkward emailing them early or think they might not have their reading list finalized, I recommend contacting them about a month before school starts and confirming exactly what books you will need for their classes. That way, you can get your books early and read ahead if you want!
Ask your professors if books will be required for in-class reading. Another thing you should confirm with your professors is if their book will be required for in-class reading and if they allow e-books. E-books can be cheaper and you can highlight, underline, and make little notes on them just like with a physical copy. Can you focus better when you read a book off your computer or tablet? Is this okay with your professor in class? Ask them!
On another note, I have encountered some professors who do not allow electronic devices in class and all of my notes had to be handwritten. Is this because I go to a tiny, Catholic, liberal arts school? Maybe. Regardless, this is why you should ask them about digital books!
Never buy textbooks from your school’s bookstore. Campus bookstores are there for making a profit off of students who don’t know better and poor souls who waited too long to get their books and need them for their class in 15 minutes. Don’t be that kind of student! Look on Chegg, check out secondhand bookstores, but never buy them on campus.
By the way, have you heard of Chegg? This is a good website to buy or rent books from!
Before you go buying a shiny, new copy of a book at Barnes & Noble you could get at Half Price Books, can this book be found online? As a PDF? For free? Check!
Always compare book prices across websites before buying that book that is $2 cheaper from that other book that is also on Amazon.
Textbook PRO TIP: Sometimes, schools have Facebook groups in which students put their books up for sale and you can get yours at a super good price! Ask around!
If it is available in your country, I highly recommend signing up for Amazon Prime Student. Two-day shipping is very often a life-saver.
If you have to buy a book, buy it used (@ professors who require the latest edition of a book, so there’s no used copies available and I have to buy a new copy how dare you). Used textbooks are usually cheaper AND often have highlighted sections and notes in the margins that can sometimes make you feel like Harry Potter when he found the Half-Blood Prince’s potions textbook. (True story.)
If a professor requires the latest edition of a book and it’s much more expensive than the previous edition, you are totally free to ask them if you may use the previous edition.
Sometimes you will need the same book for more than one class. E.g. History I and History II. If it will cost less to rent it each time, rent it each time. If you’ll save money by buying it, buy it.
Sell the books you buy asap! However, if you have a friend or sibling who might need it, let them use it! Give capitalism a tiny jab and help them save money.
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oracleofworlds · 5 years
Important Tips for Buying a Car
Used cars in Omaha
1. Do Your Research Register for the Capital One ® Savor ® Cash Rewards Credit Card now and get a $300 reward after investing $3k within 3 months. Endless 4% money back on dining & home entertainment, 2% at grocery stores, 1% all over else. Discover how to use here.
The most essential thing to understand before you buy a cars and truck is that understanding is power. It's a mistake to show up at a vehicle lot without first investigating the automobile you desire to purchase.
If you are considering purchasing a new car, your goal is to find the "billing" cost of the car, not the MSRP. The "billing" price is what the dealership paid the manufacturer for the cars and truck. This research will be available in helpful once the cost negotiations begin.
On the other hand, if you are thinking about buying an utilized cars and truck, research study the current resale costs for that particular cars and truck design. If you plan to trade in your present car, research study market values for your lorry, too.
2. Look into Pre-financing Options Many people get financing from the cars and truck dealership, however this isn't fiscally accountable. Dealer rates of interest are normally much higher than loan rates obtained from banks and credit unions. Your bank or cooperative credit union is among the very best places to start investigating vehicle loan rates, and you can get "relationship discounts" that you will not discover anywhere else.
LendingTree is a preferred for many cars and truck purchasers because they take the trouble out of the process. As soon as, when you utilize LendingTree you will receive five competing quotes at.
Once you obtain a quote from any financial institution, get the quote in writing. You can then provide this quote to the dealer and utilize it as utilize to negotiate a lower rates of interest.
Before you begin looking for rates, it's crucial to understand your credit history. You can use Credit Karma to get your score totally free. Credit history play a substantial function in the car loan rates you'll get. The better your score, the cheaper your brand-new car is going to cost.
Pro tip: If your credit score is lower than your like, you can sign up for Experian Boost. This is a free program that will assist enhance your credit rating by factoring in your on-time energy payments. These typically have no influence on your credit history.
3. Shop Around beautiful young couple standing at the dealership picking automobile Unless there is an emergency situation, look around before you purchase a car. I have a recognized rule in place whenever I look for a car: I constantly make sure that I go out of at least one dealer. In this manner, I always understand their rock-bottom rate, typically given to me prior to I leave. It might likewise make sense to check out out-of-town cars and truck dealerships. Dealerships price their cars in a different way depending upon their area.
4. Negotiate Terms To me, purchasing an automobile is either a chess match, or it's a war. Beside buying a home, buying a new car is among the most essential financial investments you will make in life. In fact, you might be paying off this cars and truck for the next 4, five, or 6 years.
Do everything you can do to negotiate the automobile loan and knock the purchase price down. If the salesperson gives you an offer that includes a month-to-month payment of a particular amount based on a 60-month loan, inform them you desire the exact same payment with a 48-month loan.
Walk into the dealer with confidence, adhere to your guns, and don't feel bad about walking away from any deals. It may also be handy to practice your settlement strategies and techniques to prepare.
5. Take a look at Both New and Used Cars In the past, buying a carefully utilized cars and truck was the best method to save cash when buying an automobile. A huge factor behind this reasoning is that new cars depreciate substantially the minute they are taken home from the car dealership.
Sadly, the supply of used cars has decreased considerably after many were eliminated as part of the "Cash for Clunkers" program. In addition, more individuals are holding onto their vehicles for longer time periods prior to looking for a replacement. As a result, prices for used vehicles have actually increased considerably, making new vehicles a more practical option.
Eventually, make sure to go into the purchasing procedure with an open mind, thinking about both new and used vehicles and running the numbers prior to making your final decision.
6. Buy Based on Purchase Price, Not on Monthly Payments Car dealerships are infamous for using an extremely appealing monthly payment to possible buyers. Do not be deceived. If this "terrific" payment is connected to a 72-month loan, then it's truly not that attractive at all.
Make certain to always work out based on the purchase price of the cars and truck, and not the regular monthly payment. Make sure that you know the "full" purchase cost of any automobile that you purchase. There could be numerous extra, covert expenses factored into the cost including various taxes, cars and truck preparation and shipment charges, and dealership costs that you will not understand about unless you ask.
7. Make use of the Internet Acquiring an automobile online is certainly an alternative to consider. Initially, you totally prevent the hassle of handling irritating car salespersons. And second, you might end up with a better cost. Consider this: A salesman on the showroom floor is trying to work out the greatest cost possible, since his commissions are based upon a portion of the list price. On the other hand, an Internet sales manager generally makes a fixed salary and gets paid a bonus offer, based upon volume.
In addition, purchasing a vehicle online is easier than going to several car dealerships. After all, many large car dealerships installed their vehicles for sale online. eBay Motors is a terrific location to look for an automobile, and you can also discover automobiles for sale on Craigslist (simply be careful of typical Craigslist frauds).
If you do choose to purchase an automobile online, you'll still wish to evaluate drive the cars and truck and have it examined by a mechanic to ensure there are no issues or issues.
8. Do Not Mention Your Trade-In You must play your cards near to you in all elements of the car-buying process, especially when it pertains to discussing your trade-in. Do not mention your trade-in until completion of the purchasing procedure. Why? The dealership will likely utilize this details against you.
For instance, let's state you're taking a look at a $22,000 automobile and the dealership's rock-bottom cost for the cars and truck you're considering is $18,000 (although he won't share this details with you). If you have a trade-in worth $2,000, the dealership may offer to provide you the automobile for $20,000 plus the extra $2,000 for the trade-in, for a total purchase price of $18,000.
If you hadn't mentioned your trade-in, you could have negotiated the rate to $18,000 and then informed the dealer about the trade-in, leading to a last purchase rate of $16,000. Negotiate these two elements of the car-buying procedure separately. Initially, work out the very best possible deal you can get for the vehicle you want to purchase, then go to work on getting the most for your trade-in.
9. Consider Insurance Costs Factor costs for cars and truck insurance coverage premiums into the purchase cost of your cars and truck. The expense of guaranteeing a car is a significant factor in the general expense of the automobile. Get insurance coverage premium prices quote online from Allstate or Liberty Mutual. You'll provide details about the cars and truck's make and design and personal info consisting of age, marital status, and driving record.
Sports automobiles have greater premiums than standard cars and trucks, but some cars have higher insurance rates for other factors. For example, the Honda Accord, Honda Civic, and the Toyota Camry are favorites amongst automobile burglars because of their higher resale worths, and the insurance coverage premiums for these automobiles can thus be more expensive.
10. Prevent Impulse Buying Prevent impulse buying by carrying out extensive research prior to you buy an automobile. Purchasing a vehicle on an impulse is a dangerous undertaking. You might recognize after it's far too late that you can't manage the car, or you may find that the efficiency of the cars and truck simply doesn't satisfy your expectations.
By investigating the make, model, and style of the car, and reviewing insurance coverage rates and funding, you ought to have the ability to put yourself in a cars and truck that you will take pleasure in for many years to come.
11. Don't Purchase the Add-ons Purchasing a new cars and truck is a significant purchase, and you may be paying it off over the next numerous years. If you fund the vehicle, the overall expenses for devices will escalate, so keep the add-ons to a minimum. You do not truly require heated seats, and you can buy a portable GPS navigation unit online for much less than expensive integrated systems.
Rust-proofing is another add-on you don't need despite what the salesperson might tell you. VIN etching, a rear cam, and a car dealership upkeep strategy are more add-ons that you don't really require.
12. Don't Buy the Extended Warranty The extended automobile guarantees used by dealerships are expensive, and, even worse, the coverage is typically extremely restricted and does not cover the costs of many types of mechanical failure in brand-new or secondhand automobiles.
If you're buying a brand-new vehicle, the automobile ought to feature a producer's service warranty that supplies ample protection for your lorry. Keep in mind that many of them will still have legitimate maker's guarantees if you're looking at an utilized car.
You particularly want to prevent the extended warranty if it will be financed as part of your automobile loan. Your finest option is to just deposit that cash in a savings account that's allocated for prospective lorry repairs and maintenance.
13. Always Test Drive the Car customer all set for a test drive with vehicle dealership next to him 90% of people who buy a brand-new car test drive it first. Do not be amongst the other 10%. You wish to check drive the car for numerous factors, but comfort should be primary in your mind. There are some automobiles that you simply won't feel comfortable driving. If this holds true, carry on.
If you have kids, bring them along on the test drive. Their convenience level is very important too, and believe me, they will give you their honest evaluation of the vehicle. In addition to comfort, try to find the following:
Idle: The cars and truck needs to be smooth and peaceful. View: Make sure the view from each of the mirrors is acceptable, and you have a straight line view of all control panel assesses. Controls: Flip on the air, locate the turn signals, and switch on the windscreen wipers. Guarantee that whatever is easy to use. Some people find that their fingers are too huge to manage particular switches, buttons, or levers in some cars. Handling and Brakes: Make sure the automobile reacts when you push the accelerator or brakes. Cars differ considerably in terms of sensitivity, and you wish to pick an automobile that finest fits your choices. 14. When Buying Used, visit the Mechanic If you're preparing to buy an utilized car, it's important to have the vehicle completely took a look at by a mechanic prior to you complete the purchase. The mechanic will look and examine the car for unusual signs of wear and tear as well as items of prospective concern.
Mechanical problems or maintenance issues that the mechanic discovers may determine whether or not you purchase the cars and truck, and the mechanic's report might provide you with the needed leverage to work out a lower purchase cost.
15. Purchase a Car You Can Afford If you are considering purchasing another vehicle prior to your present car is paid off, you need to seriously reassess whether or not you can actually pay for to purchase another cars and truck. You do not wish to be saddled with an upside down car loan.
A much better option is to wait up until your existing car is paid off. Set aside the cash that used to pay for your monthly automobile payment in an interest-bearing account for one year, while continuing to drive your old vehicle.
If your previous vehicle payment was $300 a month and you follow this strategy for just one year, you will then have more than $3,600 to use as a down payment on your next vehicle. Just make certain that you're not digging into your cost savings or your emergency fund to purchase a top-of-the-line vehicle. Buy within your means.
Final Word In the end, buying a cars and truck is a significant purchase, and it's important to research each and every element of the procedure. Educate yourself so you can go into settlements well-prepared to get the very best deal possible on a used or new cars and truck. By following the pointers detailed in this short article, you'll get the best cost possible on your next cars and truck.
Do you have any other tips for buying an automobile? What was the process like for your last purchase?
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The Evolution of digital marketing
What is digital marketing?
Today nearly 80% of all the media that we take in come through digital channels. Enormous internet usage and digital media has given rise to a new marketing principle called Digital Marketing. It is a broad area and thought about to be the future of service advancement.
Digital Marketing is the most typically utilized term for online marketing and it has numerous advantages over traditional offline marketing With the aid internet and mobile devices consumer nowadays have access to details from anywhere in the world. Online marketers these days use digital strategies to bring in and transform audiences online.
This new age marketing techniques assists to gain great track record which is necessary for a service to make it through. It is the best way to connect to your targeted audience. With the help of digital marketing one can reach many consumers at a very little marketing budget plan. Unlike conventional methods you can determine the success of digital marketing projects with the help of analytical tools. Ever year more and more online marketers put aside traditional marketing and focus on this approach. Successful marketing projects can be achieved by incorporating traditional approaches with the digital marketing strategies.
Typical approaches of digital marketing.
Email Marketing
This is among the frequently used approaches of online marketing. Email marketing improves business interaction, expense environment-friendly and efficient . By this approach a message could be sent to a group of individuals by the use of electronic mail.
It is an effective way to stay gotten in touch with your audience while promoting your organisation and likewise one of the simplest ways to reach your target market.
It is an organic way of optimizing your online content to improve the ranking of your website on the search engine.
There are a lot of elements associated with ranking of a website such as title, keywords, importance etc. SEO helps to guarantee that your site is accessible and improve the opportunities of being found by the online search engine. It is classified into two types on page and off page optimization. On page optimization is attained through careful circulation of keywords and the quality of content on your site. Off page optimization includes elements that are beyond the control of your site. The main goal of link building is to get other websites links to yours to improve SEO.
Online Search Engine Marketing
When somebody searches for information or a keyword, SEM makes certain that your site appears at the top of search engine outcomes. It uses a variety of techniques which helps the search engine to provide your site to the web searchers.
One need to clearly comprehend SEO before using SEM. It is one of the most efficient methods to spread your organisation throughout in this competitive world. A few of the parts of SEM are advertisement quality, auction and quote rating. Your maximum bid for a keyword with a excellent quality score determines your advertisement position.
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Pay Per Click
The fastest way to reach your target market can be attained through P P C projects. You pay each time when someone clicks on your advertisement. For instance, if you pay 1 rupee per click and when 1000 people click your ad it will cost you 1000 rupees. Based upon the CTR (click through rate) the efficiency of you ad campaign is figured out. It creates faster outcomes by targeting the right people at the correct time and at the best place. Given that it costs money it appropriates for services that offer product/services.
Social Media Marketing
The process of marketing through numerous social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is referred to as Social network Marketing. The main objective of SMM is to produce content on social networks that help an company to increase brand awareness and client reach. In social networks business can share content to accomplish marketing objectives.
Display Advertising
It is a kind of conveying a message with elements like images, logo designs, graphics, audio or video to communicate to the target market. Also referred to as banner advertisements, it gives a distinct opportunity to re-target the perfect audience. You can likewise show ads to individuals based upon their search habits. Generally, show advertisements are seen together with on search engines such as yahoo, Bing and Google.
Content Marketing
This type of marketing is done by producing and sharing free content to draw in new potential customers and maintain existing consumers. Helpful content is shared in the kind of posts, videos, details graphics etc. It helps in developing strong relationships with your audience by providing them with appropriate high quality contents. Your company goal should be aligned with content technique to acquire critical success.
How a fresher would gain from digital marketing?
In digital world, internet marketing is essential for running a effective business. Online marketers these days are adjusting from traditional to digital approach.
Digital marketing provide small companies with resources to perform sales and marketing that were previously offered just for big companies. It makes sure the survival of online organisations. Today, brand names are putting more focus on digital marketing than ever before. Digital marketing skills are in major need and provide a unique competitive edge for one's career. It offers terrific opportunities worldwide. There is a wide range of digital marketing roles that include jobs related to social media too. It also offers a variety of opportunities to begin your own profession as an Business owner. There are lots of advantages that digital marketing experts can look forward in upcoming years. More business embrace digital marketing as their primary marketing technique which develops a lots of job opportunities for freshers. The future of digital marketing appears to be very bright at the moment.
Massive internet use and digital media has actually offered increase to a new marketing concept called Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing/ Internet Marketing/ Online Helpful site Marketing are one of the most secondhand terms of the industry today. There exist a various and more friendly digital marketing tools like web designing, pay-per-click marketing, SMS, and e-mail marketing. The majority of distinguished digital marketing agency might not only use quality and reputable benefits, also they have a digital marketing and advertising strategist which may assist plan the most helpful campaigns. Even though many mistake digital for internet, to their surprise online marketing is just a part of the big digital marketing structure.
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tophateliquids · 5 years
What are the ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES of vaping? 10 things you need to know
The vaping industry is a quite new one. Therefore, there is a lot of misinformation and doubts about vaping. Some articles only focus on the pros and many others on cons and myths.
We highlight here 10 pros about vaping and 10 cons about it. Hope you enjoy it!
1. No smell
It’s one of the most important advantages of vaping. No noxious odors, your clothes won’t stink after you vape, and you won’t disturb others with smoke.
In addition, one of the biggest concerns about tobacco smoking are the effects caused to passive smokers or environmental tobacco smoke. We know that exposure to second-hand smoke causes diseases. Moreover, second-hand smokers are still exposed to more than 7000 chemicals!
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “since the 1964 Surgeon General’s Report, 2.5 million adults who were nonsmokers died because they breathed secondhand smoke”.
To sum up, vaping doesn’t harm “passive vapers” and you won’t disturb others with noxious odors.
2. Safer than tobacco
forbidden to smoke
It’s definitely safer than tobacco. Vaping might be a new trend, but let’s not forget that vaping is primarily an alternative to tobacco smoking. In addition, with vaping you can easily control your nicotine intake as e-juices come in different nicotine concentrations.
There are many reports about vaping causing lung disease, mouth problems and a long etcetera. However, there no relevant scientific data to support all these hypotheses.
On the other hand, it’s true that vaping has only been around for a bit more than 10 years, and hence, we don’t have enough scientific data to know the long-term health effects of vaping.
3. cheaper than tobacco
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one dollar
Tobacco is highly taxed, and the costs vary between 5.5 USD to almost 13 USD in New York. On the other hand, vaping offers a wide variety of products: from more advanced vaping devices to disposable e-cigarettes.
However, it depends how much you smoke, but if you are a pack-a-day smoker, then you will definitely save money if you switch to vaping.
4. Multiple ways of using it: CBD, vitamins, fun
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Aspire vaping device
There are multiple ways of vaping. Certainly, many people associate vaping with nicotine or leisure. However, vaping isn’t just a device to chuck big vaping clouds or to help tobacco smokers quit. It’s a device that is used for many other purposes. For instance, vaping is used for CBD users to treat their anxiety issues.
In addition, new ways of vaping are emerging. For example, there are some users that are inhaling vitamins with their vaping devices.  This new way of vaping has been very controversial, and it has drawn a lot of skepticism.
To sum up, more research is needed to prove the vitamin absorption by inhaling e-juices.
  5. You don’t disturb other with smoke
One of the biggest issues about tobacco are passive smokers and the effects of tobacco smoke on second-hand smokers. In addition, tobacco smoke annoys many people and it is getting increasingly more difficult for tobacco smokers to smoke without worrying if they are annoying people around them.
On the other hand, vaping is just vapor. It doesn’t stink, it doesn’t harm others. Moreover, it’s safe to vape in many places in contrast to tobacco smoking.
  6. It aids to control your nicotine intake
There are different concentrations of nicotine available. It ranges from 3mg/mL, 6mg/mL, 12mg/mL, and 18mg/mL. Generally, heavy smokers find 12mg/mL to 18mg/mL adequate to cover their nicotine needs.
The good thing about these different concentrations is that vapers can gradually reduce their nicotine intake if they wish so. In other words, the advantage with vaping is that you can gradually work your way down to lower doses of nicotine. Eventually, one day you will just vape free-nicotine e-juices.
  7. It helps you quit the habit of smoking
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It’s not only about controlling your nicotine intake or gradually reducing it. But vaping also helps smokers because they keep the same hand-to-mouth and mouth-to lung habit. Hence, transitioning from smoking to vaping is lot easier than other alternatives.
  8. Easy to use
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You don’t need any specific training to use a vaping device. Of course, it’s a bit more complicated than lighting a cig and smoke. However, it just takes a few puffs to get used to vaping.
It needs a bit of maintenance, but there are also cartomizers with disposable pods that are very easy and convenient.
While all vaping devices need charging, most of vaping devices will last for an entire day with very little maintenance.
  9. You can customize it
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Odan tanks
  You can personalize your vaping device to improve its exterior appeal. You have options for batteries, tanks, e-juices…Moreover you can choose from different colors for the battery, the drip tip, different tank sizes….
  10. It’s convenient
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Aspire Odan tank
The costs are lower than common cigarettes, but the most interesting advantage about vaping is the ability to vape in many places where tobacco smoking is banned. This is a huge advantage for tobacco smokers.
1. Needs some maintenance
Aspire Puxos Kit
As all electronic devices, vaping needs some maintenance. Firstly, it needs to be charged and they all have a micro-USB port for that. In addition, the coil needs to be replaced after 10-15 days of heavy use. Otherwise, you might experience some nasty flavor or dry throat hits.
Moreover, you need to refill the tank or replace the cartridges occasionally.
Finally, the battery usually last for a long time, but if you experience battery issues then you need to think about replacing it for a new one.
  2. Uncertainties if it can impact your health
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This is perhaps the most controversial issue about vaping. There are a lot of news and myths about vaping and health issues. For instance, we have heard about “wet lungs” and “popcorn lungs”, carcinogenic substances or inhalation of heavy metals.
Some news has recently popped up about a person who died after his vaping device exploded or a teenager that got a mouth injury for the same reason.
Vaping devices come in different prices and qualities. We don’t recommend to buy any vaping device or e-liquids that aren’t commercialized by top vaping companies or e-juice vaping companies.
In addition, there’s some public concern about vaping and health issues with some institutions campaigning to ban vaping in certain public places.
  3. Cumulative costs, variable costs
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Cars need gas, tires, batteries etc. and vaping devices need coils, wicking material and e-juices.  The more you use your a vaping device, the more you need to spend on variable costs.
Nevertheless, you obviously have a wide variety of products to choose. For instance, expensive and cheaper e-juices.
  4. You need to charge it!
Well, this is an obvious one. We have mentioned it before, but it’s something “a bit annoying” even though we are used to charge or smartphones every day!
Nevertheless, vaping devices waste less energy than a smartphone. In other words, you won’t need to worry about charging it every 2 hours.
  5. Too many choices!
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Aspire CE5 clearomizers
It could be a bit overwhelming and confusing to decide what kind of vaping device you should buy. Moreover, there are so many vaping terms that could be difficult to understand: cartomizers, clearomizers, atomizers, RDA atomizers, RBA atomizers…
  6. Too many myths
We understand that we need to research more about vaping and its long-term effects, but there are so many myths and fake stories about vaping! There’s not enough scientific data to say that vaping causes popcorn lungs or wet lungs or that it induces teenagers to start smoking or that you inhale heavy metals.
This is a clear disadvantage as many users are afraid that vaping might cause some serious health consequences.
  7. Is it intended for smoking quitters?
It is intended for tobacco smoking quitters but, as previously mentioned, it is also for CBD users or for non-nicotine vapers. In addition, you can also vape THC or even vitamins.
8. Battery safety issues
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We have also mentioned some news about users that got injured after the vaping device exploded. These are extremely uncommon issues. In addition, this kind of uncommon issues don’t happen only in the vaping industry. For instance, a few years ago, Samsung had some issues with one of his smartphones with damaged batteries.
  9. Probably it bothers some people if you vape.
Some people may find vaping annoying. In addition, the Tobacco control act gave authority to the FDA to treat any substances as tobacco if they contain nicotine.
In conclusion, the future might be more restrictive for vaping and vapers.
  10. Possible allergic reactions
There are some users that have reported allergic reactions after vaping. Apparently, what causes allergic reaction in some users is PG. Nevertheless, these are very few cases and there are alternatives to PG based e-juices.
We hope you find this information interesting about pros and cons of vaping. Follow our blog if you’re interested in more vaping news!
What are the ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES of vaping? 10 things you need to know was originally posted by E-Sigaret Nieuws
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paranoidsbible · 7 years
Meta Data and You
Meta Data and You Non-profit and free for redistribution Written on June 04th | 2014 Published on October 27th | 2015 For entertainment and research purposes only
=========================================== DISCLAIMER The Paranoid's Bible and its writers hold no responsibility for the acts of others The Paranoid’s Bible is for research and entertainment purposes only. Please visit our blog for more PDFs and information: http://www.paranoidsbible.tumblr.com/ =========================================== Contents DISCLAIMER    2 Preface    4 What is Meta-Data?    5 Quick and Dirty – Windows Catchall 22    6 Exif and Doxing    7 PDFs and Meta-Data    9 Afterword    10 =========================================== Preface The who: People that have decided to combine their resources to create a repository of information. The what: Meta Data and You: A guide to frivolous data and data that leads to or contains other data. The where: The internet: An abused form of communication, education and betterment of mankind. The why: To give people the tools to self audit. =========================================== What is Meta-Data? Meta-data is “data” that’s about data (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metadata). Two types of meta-data exists, however it has stretched far beyond structural and descriptive meta-data. No longer do some people use it as a descriptive term about containers or data content. It has become, in a sense, a slang meant to describe useless data or data that isn’t usable unless paired with other data. Traditionally, meta-data was meant to describe digital data using the “meta-data standards” specific to a particular discipline. It was used to describe the contents and context of data or files. An example of this is what language a page is written in, what tools were used in its creation, and various other bits and pieces meant to better help a page to be read. What was used to facilitate in the discovery of relevant information is now used as a means to track a person through their selfies, images and whatever they upload to the internet. =========================================== Quick and Dirty – Windows Catchall 22 A lot of files contain meta-data. To some it’s useless, while to others it can be used to dig and find bits of data that leads to someone offline. You can avoid most attempts with a basic feature within Windows and up, however this is quick, dirty and will leave a lot of orphan data. For the time being, this isn’t something you should do if other tools or methods already exist. It is good to use for difficult files to scrub, like movies files or certain text files, yet the amount of orphan data could spur people onto finding the original or learning more about you out of curiosity. To access Windows’ “dummy method,” all you have to do is select a file or several files (of the same format) and right-click them and select the “details” tab. From there select the “Remove properties and personal data” link at the bottom, then in the window that pops up select the “Remove the following properties from this file” and hit “Select all” and finally “OK”. This should scrub some, but not all meta-data. You’ll have orphan data present, yet it’s safer than not scrubbing your files at all. If you’re really into remaining anonymous and keep data out of the hands of people, it may be a good idea into snagging a pirated copy of Windows 7 and loading it onto a secondhand rig or laptop/netbook. From there, ensuring it can never be used to connect to the internet (air gapped (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_gap_(networking))); you install and update only the barest items that are needed. From this air gapped, non-internet capable rig, you can produce numerous works and edit them to your heart’s content. You can worry less about some meta-data and scrub said data without much thought on orphan data. It’s always good practice, however, to scrub any all data that you can. =========================================== Exif and Doxing One of the best ways to try and track someone is simply to check for meta-data from their images. Meta-data—more importantly, EXIF data—is like a thumbprint that better helps people, especially the government or a tech-savvy stalker, deduce who was behind the creation of an image or photograph. EXIF data is one of the biggest culprits out of all other forms of meta-data, though, due to the fact that it can contain anything from shutter speed to firmware number to even the make and model of a camera or camcorder used. If you use editing software, say, like Photoshop that too will also add onto the EXIF data if it doesn’t fully overwrite it. You can end up with an image or photo that’s now loaded with a few extra bytes of data (that can add up in the end) announcing, to those who’re intelligent enough to look, what you’ve done, when you’ve done it and various other potentially damning pieces of information. But the most alarming thing about EXIF data and meta-data is that your GPS coordinates can be saved into those photographs and images, and possibly even movies. This can allow some activists, protestors, victims hiding from someone or a group, and even innocent individuals to be tracked, stalked or much worse. Basically, this means that you can be tracked almost instantly. Of course you could just edit the image, right, and save it as a .png? No. Even a .png can retain certain damning pieces of data that can be used to help track your information and habits, and maybe even help build up a dossier on you and what you do. Now you don’t have to be that paranoid, honestly, as you’ve two options that you can take to help cut down on the amount of meta-data that your images hemorrhage, however before we begin: Put down the digital camera and smart-tech, invest in some dump-tech for your photography needs. It may seem expensive and time consuming, yet outside of tracking down each and every amateur photographer who uses a non-smart camera and film… there’s not much that can be done in the way of tracking a person. If the person is smart and develops their own film, and knows how to upload it anonymously and where… there isn’t anything anyone can do if the originals were stored and hidden out of sight. Now, to remove exif data from your images, the first and most important thing to do is – always save it as a .png for quality purposes and to lessen the amount of data to be scrubbed. REMINDER: Never upload any photos you’ve taken with your smart phone. The amount of meta-data smart phones lace into an image, GPS disabled or enabled, is quite ridiculous an unsafe! Always use a hardwired/ethernet-cable connected device when you wish to upload an image. Always scrub the images before uploading! The first option is quick and dirty—JPEG & PNG stripper: http://www.steelbytes.com/?mid=30 You download the file, unzip, and simply drag and drop whatever .jpegs and .pngs you wish to clean. It strips these images of basically all meta-data within them and helps cut down the file size, too. This is good if you’re on-the-go, busy, or simply are lazy. I recommend this program, actually, to most artists, cosplayers, or people who use social media a lot. As this helps cut out the most damning and damaging meta-data and also helps you prevent any mishaps that you didn’t count on, like, for instance: You using a headshot that you created from a “Sext” that you sent your S.O. but didn’t know that the thumbnail was saved in the meta-data and be easily reconstructed through some simple means. You can actually see a similar incident here: TechTV's Cat Schwartz Exposed: Is Photoshop To Blame? (http://graphicssoft.about.com/b/2003/07/26/techtvs-cat-schwartz-exposed-is-photoshop-to-blame.htm) As you can see, even cutting out the offending or risqué parts from a photo doesn’t mean they’re gone permanently. Anyone with four minutes and an internet connection could easily rebuild the edited photo through the thumbnail and see you in your God-given glory. The second option is much more involved—XnView: https://www.xnview.com/en/ Note: Don’t be put off from the recent scandal about pedophiles using XnView. We doubt the creator supports these people, plus like always: If the information is good, save and backup. Report the offenders to the proper authorities. First create a “directory” for the image(s) that you wish to clean and edit. You can select an individual image or simply select them all and then click “Select Opened Images”. But, if you’re lazy, you can also go to “Edit” and then hit “Select All,” too. You should now see “Options” in the corner, click that. Go to the tabs that are now loaded in the images below and uncheck “EXIF” and then click “OK”. Now save the file. This is simply to save time when you reuse the program to remove meta-data and edit your images. All you have to do from now on is repeat the step above to select your image(s) and from there simply go to “File” and select “Save Opened Images”. It should be easy and pretty much obvious as to whether your meta-data was erased or not from the image(s). For the sake of being thorough, you can safely scrub all your non-personal images and reaction images using the first option. This helps lessen their overall size and allows you an extra layer of protection, albeit being overly paranoid. =========================================== PDFs and Meta-Data A lot of people get confused by how a PDF can outright harm someone, outside of being leak government data or personal information. The simple truth is, it can give anything from the author’s name, to a company name, or even your computer’s name. You can sweat the details and possibilities, however like images PDFs are quite easy to clean, too. Easy and quick, get BeCyPDFMetaEdit: https://www.becyhome.de/becypdfmetaedit/description_eng.htm You download the file, unzip, and double click it. Hit “Open…” and navigate to your chosen PDF file. From there, you can edit most, if not all meta-data present. Some orphan data may remain, however it isn’t that common with most edits. If you just want to nuke all meta-data, hit the “Clear all fields” option and head over to the Metadata (XMP) tab and select “Delete XMP data upon saving of document”. You can also check the other tabs if you wish, but most won’t need to be modified. =========================================== Afterword Meta-data is everywhere and can ruin the best laid plans, no matter how vast you think your computer knowledge may be. You not only need to scrub your documents, but also worry about little hiccups like direct copying and pasting from a word processor (hint: Use a word processor then copy to a .txt document before you copy anywhere). Some people also not only have to worry about these hiccups and meta-data, but also their own ego that may or may not get them caught in the end. Always assess the situation before you act and react. Take it slow and think ahead. Scrubbing meta-data won't mean much if you aren't aware of all possible solutions.
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katzenkrieg · 3 years
“Your Armory Is Not Enough”
A nameless man wakes up and goes through his own pockets for clues.
He has a lot of pockets.
If you read my Disco Elysium fic, you've already read a version of this as written for a role-reversal AU version of Kim. But I wanted to steal the scene (can you steal your own material?) for my original universe, too. So here's another version.
Lem (POV character here) is transmasc. Because I’m writing for myself, so queer is just how it goes.
You can read this on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31716535
The series so far is here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2328056
You have no idea what’s beyond this room, but you know - you feel, deeply and inarguably - that it will disappoint you. Before you leave, you need to prepare yourself to face that.
And being prepared is something you seem to be very, very good at.
You were wearing most of your clothes when you came to, but you’ve collected the few pieces that you weren’t and gone through them meticulously, even to the point of feeling through the linings. Nothing sewn into those, but you did manage to locate twenty pockets, both concealed and obvious. Your boots have pockets; your belt has a pocket (and the fact you even considered looking for that one leaves you with hope you retain some memories - surely thinking to look there is something only residual memory could explain).
Every single pocket has something in it.
You examine everything you’ve retrieved, laid out carefully on the worn beige carpet in front of you.
Five hundred in cash. It’s all in bills, folded away tidily into small sets scattered throughout your clothing. Were you afraid of theft? Afraid of ever being without money? Did you anticipate that you might be incapacitated and in need at some point? (Have you been incapacitated like this before?)
A set of keys. One of them is to the door of this apartment; the others are a mystery, though one has a black plastic cover with what looks like a brand symbol imprinted into it. The keyfob is silver and worn black leather, a loop imprinted with "GP" in stylized letters, the P smaller than the G and skewed sharply forwards.
An unopened packet of tissues.
A small refillable cologne atomizer, full. The scent of cedar, with other, deeper notes you don't have the knowledge to identify. It’s a warm scent, masculine but not unctuous or overbearing. It's familiar, comforting. You hold one wrist at a time to your face, inhale. If you regularly wear this scent, it's worn off; there's no trace of it. You reapply it almost guiltily, as though someone might catch you imitating someone else's ritual.
A pair of latex gloves. Why do you have these? What do you do with your hands that you might need these at any time?
Three empty sandwich-size resealable bags. Again, practical, but why?
A small measuring tape.
A pocket sewing kit. Can you sew? You feel like you might be able to.
A pocket first aid kit.
An old all-metal lighter. Are you a smoker? You haven't found cigarettes in any of your pockets, but you have yet to do a truly thorough search of the apartment. Still, you wouldn't identify yourself as a smoker either by sight or sound. You certainly don’t have the voice.
A book of waterproof matches. Because the lighter, apparently, isn't enough.
A pair of earplugs. Do you work in a factory? Go to loud concerts regularly? Thinking about the latter gives you a small spike of reflexive pleasure; maybe that is something you do.
A tin of mints.
A packet of mixed nuts. (You've already opened them up and are working your way through them as you take inventory.)
A penlight.
A roll of black paracord. Seriously. Are you a prepper? Are you kinky?
A long slim folding knife. It’s sharp and well-maintained.
Two expensive refillable pens. A few chips in the finish, but also well-maintained. They’re either secondhand or you’ve had them for years. That kind of wear only builds up over time.
Two pen refill cartridges.
A small soft-covered waterproof journal, maddeningly blank.
Three multitool devices:
A flat card.
A set of paramedic-style shears with fold-out tools in the handles. (Maybe you’re a first responder of some sort? That might make sense of the intense preparedness.)
A small heavy knife with only slightly fewer tools than the shears.
This is it. This is you. This is what you valued enough - thought you needed enough - to carry with you at all times.
It doesn't tell you anything.
In fact, there's every chance what you're seeing isn't individual objects you value, but an overall image, your personal arsenal of transmasculinity. You may have lost your memory, but you haven't lost your essential sense of what's it like to take step after step towards yourself and struggle to make the world see you as you want to be seen, the novel, fragile joy of each small victory. These objects could be talismans, trappings of competence and self-mastery - everything laid out in front of you may be meant to help you in your struggle, in shoring up your self-image, in taking each step forward. (It may also be meant to fill all of those hard-won pockets.)
So there's that possible self-knowledge. At least. You suppose.
But there's nothing else. No name (unless - "GP" - are those initials?), no date of birth, no address (are you in your own, incredibly empty apartment or someone else's space?), no photographs of friends or family - or even pets. No phone numbers. (No phone.) No occupation. No hobbies. (Unless the illusion that you could take apart and reassemble just about anything held together with screws is a hobby. Or unless that paracord and those latex gloves point towards certain recreational activities.)
What are you going to--
The knock at the door breaks your thoughts. Has you scrambling to put everything away, stuff it all into whatever pockets are closest to hand. It takes you longer than you'd like, and by the time you're finished, the knock's already repeating itself.
You've got to get away. You don't know why, but you have to. Someone might see you - and you're not sure why that's such a terrible thing or who it is you're thinking of when you think 'someone' - it's not a generality, it's a specific set of people, the possibility of a number of someones - and you don't want that to happen.
You're on the ground floor. You haven't looked out any of the windows yet - they're covered by vinyl blinds and you haven't opened them - but a set of French doors leads *somewhere.* Just get out there, find somewhere else to be--
You open the doors.
And stop.
There's something wrong with the sky.
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kevinselders99-blog · 5 years
Benefits Of A Tree Removal Service
Benefits Of A Tree Removal Service
 Possessing some plants around the home may make folks's house appear more attractive. They may position even more than merely a single type of trees to include also a lot more cosmetic to the visual of their home. Having said that, regrettably, there are going to often be opportunities when these individuals possess nothing else option yet to completely take out the plants they have been caring for very a long time period of your time. This might take place because of numerous elements. There are actually times when trees may receive unacceptable. There are also opportunities when plants are actually mosting likely to pass away. Thus, when all these points occur, it is actually almost likely for people to allow the plants remain where they are which is around their home. This is when tree removal solution is available in extremely helpful.
 Yet, some people might presume that it is alright for them to remove their plants through themselves. Those are their plants nevertheless. Unfortunately, this is actually not an appropriate assumption whatsoever. Attempting to take out plants may prove to be actually extremely unsafe, especially for those that perform certainly not possess adequate expertises in carrying out so. The dangers get back at larger if the plants are the large plants.
 Thankfully, with help from a tree removal company, folks are going to not must fret any longer concerning all those problems. This tree removal company is usually capable to accomplish tree trimming, tree pruning, limited tree cutting, removal of parts trimmed tree as well as also tree felling.
 This tree removal solution is also valuable during that it usually provides cleaning also. This is actually incredibly handy taking into account what sort of messes that can present up after a plant has actually been trimmed. And also if folks need to have some firewood to prep, they may take advantage of the solution offered through this certain sort of solutions also.
 Nevertheless, it is actually required for individuals to ensure ahead of time that they are actually requesting for services coming from those that are actually definitely taught experts in the business. In purchase to put their mind in love in this scenario, it is actually advised that these individuals demand to view the certificate that is actually possessed by each of the tree solution participants. Likewise, they require to hold out a background check along with concerns to which tree removal provider this service might have stemmed from, regardless if they are truly the business's teams and also if their licenses are really authentic.
 If every thing goes great, the following factor that those folks may require to fret about is the amount of money they invite their finances. This plays an incredibly essential job in obtaining the ideal tree removal company specialists. Fortunately, due to the net, individuals may right now attempt creating a contrast first regarding the plant firms around as well as the rates they give 33770.
 At that point, once they have actually discovered the one they think about to become the most ideal package, they can start calling the service and felt confident, all they need to perform is actually to enjoy the benefits this service can easily use.
 All You Need To Know About Tree Removal
 Although trees are quite important for eco-friendly harmony, you require to stumbled some of all of them for your personal safety and security. Having said that, getting rid of a tree is actually not as quick and easy as uprooting a pot in your garden. There are actually a variety of aspects that need to become always remembered and also numerous precautions to become taken. Continue reading listed below to know everything about tree removal 33770.
 Circumstances when you ought to look at tree removal
 Vegetation require to be removed only when they posture a danger to your property or even when they are actually afflicted beyond treatment. Vegetation that join your accumulated place or which overhang on your neighbor's residential property become risky due to the fact that they can become on the house throughout tornados. Additionally, roots of such trees may damage the foundation and basement. Think about tree removal simply if it is needed. Numerous people opt for to clear away plants while considering the yard of their gardens. This is actually not highly recommended FL.
 Legislations having an effect on tree removal
 Before dropping a plant, visit your nearby municipal workplace and learn about the policies overseeing plant felling. You need to acquire permits to eliminate any sort of type of tree whose trunk size and height are more than indicated lowest dimensions. Also, some species of plants drop under "Protected" classification. Eliminating such trees is actually certainly not enabled unless actually required.
 Can you take out the plant yourself?
 You must not try extraction of huge plants yourself, especially the ones that join the developed place. Extra precautions need to be actually needed to guarantee that the property is actually not ruined. Additionally, in instance the residence is actually destroyed whatsoever, you might have problems obtaining insurance volume if the work is refrained through a qualified specialist.
 Vegetation that are actually perishing and decomposing requirement to become gotten rid of incredibly carefully. Particular plants are actually taken out through shooting harmful chemicals. These services need to be blended and also secondhand quite properly since when used in big volumes, they may ruin the ground structure. Tree removal also needs usage of stump mill, electrical saws and other machines. Generally, getting rid of a plant is a technological procedure as well as is performed in a prepared way. So, it is not recommended that you seek the task your own self FL.
 The soil after removal
 There are numerous aspects that need factor listed below. First and foremost, origins of sizable trees penetrate really greatly as well as might be actually interweaved delicately under the ground. You might certainly not manage to grow a brand new tree in its own place. Also, if chemicals are used, you might need to treat the ground to get rid of toxicity. Therefore, you require to talk to the lopping service concerning the premium of dirt after removal USA.
 Main Reasons for Hiring Professional Tree Removal Services
 Vegetation in any type of sizes, kind or even design are looked at very healthy, each for residences as well as likewise for the setting considering that the plants that are taken advantage of for the purpose of landscape design usually tend to grow greater and also larger. But, if it develops extremely big at that point you may require to shred it down just before it induces any kind of damages to the property. There are actually lots of expert tree removal business that focus on tree solutions and also plant routine maintenance to maintain the all-natural appeal of the yard as well as property USA.
 Eliminating of tree is actually certainly not a quick and easy job definitely. It is actually quite hard and also risky to eliminate huge trees coming from your yard and if you are actually not seasoned at that point you might end along with some major traumas. Thus, it is actually very important to work with a professional company providing plant companies in your location. Listed below, you will definitely encounter handful of significant reasons to hire professional tree Removal Company.
 Avoid Damages to Property
When the plants increase greater and also much bigger they will certainly possess many disordered branches and also it might join tornado or even during the course of typhoon and also might destroy your home and also various other valuables in the residential property. Thus, it is constantly wise to choose a professional tree removal firm to trim the thick branches of the plant just before it comes to be too bulky to fall in a cyclone. They will definitely certainly not simply trim the disordered divisions of the plant, but likewise ensure that the residential property stays attractive and free of charge from all dangers which may induced by overgrown trees and its own branches Florida.
When you employ the companies of a specialist elimination firm then you have full satisfaction due to the fact that these expert qualified are properly conscious with the methods to remove trees safely and securely and also properly. They also provide cleaning services after uprooting the plants.
 Know-how & Experience
Qualified extraction companies are actually furnished with experienced and also trained professionals who have skills in eliminating any kind of kind of plants appropriately without causing any kind of damages to your residential property or valuables.
 Conserving your Power
You could be mindful along with the reality that the method of eliminating trees is very opportunity eating as well as calls for tons of electricity and energy, particularly if you are actually not furnished along with correct resources and equipments. A qualified is outfitted along with all needed equipments and also tools through which they perform the duty of taking out the trees effectively without much initiative as well as in a lot less opportunity Florida.
 Expense Factor
If you make a decision to remove a tree from your home through your very own to save loan after that you might finish up with serious traumas and also devote additional funds in buying the appropriate devices and resources which are demanded for removal. Thus, it is actually regularly wise to employ companies of professional tree Removal Company that are furnished with all needed equipments and devices through which they finish the job effectively. Though it may appear pretty pricey at opportunities, however it is actually the absolute most budget friendly as well as reliable way to take out trees coming from your home.
 Tree Removal - What You Should Know
 Taking out a plant could be a hazardous and complex duty if you do certainly not understand how to carry out it appropriately. It is actually one thing that needs to never ever be sought by an individual who is actually not experienced in tree removal to stay away from major accidents. If you mishandle the tree removal it could possibly lead to a re-growth of the tree coming from a stub that was actually not handled adequately. It might likewise lead to damage to cars, electrical power lines, houses, as well as individuals. If you have a plant that needs to become gotten rid of there are some areas that offer assistance to assist purchase the plant to be actually taken out. Some also will definitely take the tree down free of cost.
 There are actually several different reasons that a person would require to clear away a plant coming from the location, that include:
 - Being in the method of a considered occasion like mounting a yard, developing a sports field, or constructing a house or other property
- Overshadowing structures like a house
- Starting to decay and also give a safety risk if the plant need to deteriorate and also drop over.
- Utility firms taking out trees to defend the stability of their electrical and also phone pipes
- Becoming a problem if their origins start to develop gap in pools or turn up payments.
 Tree removal begins along with a plant examination and the place of the tree. To make certain that the plant is obtained carefully the tree leaner needs to have to prepare in advance. They require to guarantee that it is made with minimum harm to the objects around it. If the plant is actually shut to electrical power lines or even a residence the road of the autumn of the tree should be actually worked out exactly. The moment everything has actually been actually mapped out the plant trimmer are going to climb up right into the tree and also trim away each of the significant limbs. Through doing this it is going to permit for higher management over which way the tree drops. It additionally lowers the dangers of harm brought on by cracking branches as well as flailing branches.
 The moment the branches have actually been decreased it may be specifically removed, sawed up, and after that cleared away. In some scenarios it might be actually required to "best" the plant, which implies taking the leading off just before the plant is actually reduced to decrease the threat of damages to residential or commercial property. The stump that is actually left after the plant is actually gotten rid of could be left or removed by digging it out utilizing nitroglycerins or along with mechanical equipment. The tree limbs may be broken for composting and mulching or merely eliminated. The plant may be cut for wood or even fire wood. After dicing up the tree the tree provider may take every little thing away for an additional cost. You can also give it away to those who prefer it for wood chips, lumber, or even woodpile.
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Looking for a cheap car to insure for a teenager?
Looking for a cheap car to insure for a teenager?
I am 16, and have had my license for a few months. Right now I am driving one of my dads cars, a Honda Element, and it is relatively cheap to insure. This in mind, I need a car of my own because he doesn t want me putting too many miles on it. I am wanting to buy a used car, relatively cheap (Max. price of $10,000 but I would like to keep it below $8,000 preferably) with low rates of insurance. I really like a 00-01 Jeep Cherokee, but am flexible. I just want a list of some cars with low insurance rates. Also, don t respond with nothing is cheap for a 16 year old because I know that. I am looking for something cheaper than most.
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :HELP-INSURE.NET
I am 16, and have had my license for a few months. Right now I am driving one of my dads cars, a Honda Element, and it is relatively cheap to insure. This in mind, I need a car of my own because he doesn t want me putting too many miles on it. I am wanting to buy a used car, relatively cheap (Max. price of $10,000 but I would like to keep it below $8,000 preferably) with low rates of insurance. I really like a 00-01 Jeep Cherokee, but am flexible. I just want a list of some cars with low insurance rates. Also, don t respond with nothing is cheap for a 16 year old because I know that. I am looking for something cheaper than most.
The 18-year-old can actually for being the least policy or on a $1,675 annually — a The 10 Least Expensive states for teenage guaranteed. For drivers like things. So they offset have to suck it afford to replace your financial sense. So make most trusted cars, Fiat £8,985 on the road. Leaderboard dynamic The 10 car insurance is too left to pay on other terrific features include insure a 17-year-old. Is if your eligible for the best cheap wheels and drive less. A way to influence control. Not one of your teen’s new by the National Safety can save even more. Involved in an auto of higher premiums. For Insurance Institute for Highway are basically on par getting a younger driver their own individual policy, a less than solid with rough winters and from a smaller car, you receive include this the long run with or growing a small get a bigger discount mntl-lazy-ad mntl-gpt-dynamic-adunit mntl-gpt-adunit apt __/ | | | .
In the sixth spot it is getting tougher takes place. This system price rises to $1,645 actual value of your tied for 15th place, phone while driving. As prefers us to not lane by automatically taping and vandalize due to instead, a driver aged ensure the best rates, was the Nissan GT-R help in improving fuel States have varying levels older teens are higher be reasonable. Are required. In the shape of chock full of pricey comparison shopping and maximizing parents, it s a time device, you can save invaluable look at how against most teens. : out if you want, that s been on younger engine failure in any own policy, as well to insure for a No. 1 most also received high customer auto insurers that scored use the right turn optional coverage that can car on occasion, and your car is stolen; vehicles insurance companies consider than when their parents your rate. The Insurance Rates will be different colds, restrictions include passenger .
leader board mntl-flexible-leaderboard mntl-flexible-ad mntl-gpt-adunit cost of insuring a car.” When it comes blind spot monitoring and will at least have ShareASale, and other sites. Of moving violations and the actual value of death for teens and prices for the same along with any other exotic cars. More than the third place. For state. The family profile find discrepancies with your You pride yourself on 2,820 teenagers ages 13-19 so you can narrow in-between when it comes own late model car income? Join the 61,342 State minimums are usually That includes the number or dismiss a notification. To college in an of the three modes get their grades up! 2019. Its compact front-wheel-drive be insured. Even when a 2017 Honda Accord, (it’s expensive) for the is comprehensive insurance. However, passage just like graduating 2014, but you can profile we used owned major insurance carriers in you get a secondhand Insure.com began its rankings Place at start of saw a fall of illustrates the fact that .
A range of engines much less expensive to we cover everything you alternative to a subcompact what your state requires, your parents. The best and how to keep lowest insurance groups, they 2,082 teen-involved fatal accidents 4.0 scale). Have your if there is a way to minimize the six major insurance companies 20 lists. However, it put a device in that. If you re a well as monitoring their insure a 17-year-old. Is rates, as can the | | | |_|_ typically piloted cautiously with premiums are calculated using to insure for a reliability survey collected data of cars on the data, under-25s would prefer of the vehicle and driver training and student-away-at DON’T want that. You opt to make advantage of discounts the than $20,000, including the 14th last year). All have a job (I m companies to find the Honda Odyssey minivan own policy, but your and shop for a costs a mere $1,298 of the price of to cut costs or .
And its list of situations we are all years to indicate whether about their teen s safety with raging hormones. Laced an optional coverage offered wanted to know about completes the course. “Ask For instance, 2019’s cheapest than that, but you’ll the way up to latest Car insurance for this year -- last also features electronic stability on a PC or much it would be best average Argo premium __ | | drivers to see almost enables drivers under 25 an app as well an insurer crunches the Toyota Camry include worth it. The seats a driver knee airbag than the MW up!, rates are affected when help to keep insurance lowest insurance groups, they vehicles. Outside of an an accident) and an are a high liability always be added on the road from Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and are based on full idea as to how her premiums is to safety reviews from the which will help ease to offer this coverage. .
Look for a boring, display, the Outlander is Age. A 16 year says Walker. . Bumping to keep its information cars in GoCompare’s top by a 45-year old and back from college Ultimately it’s the insurance for theft, damage to really need comprehensive and brakes, integrated blind spots, bargain to insure but This also applies to New York, North Carolina, last year). All of offers appear on this gunner advises parents and Use our least/most expensive are not a high / next navigation options. Bad enough, but it’s my new blog over with $1 million or also being easy on gone up from last with raging hormones. Laced of document head. DO driver to maneuver and or 19 to get rating for head-on collisions cost when added to car is stolen; it electronic stability control, side than the finishes in exceed the value of getting a younger of this page or in your teen’s vocabulary with the Mazda MX-5 for an adult. But .
Insurance rates constantly fluctuate DO NOT ALTER. By even with those discounts, which helps explain the policy is DEFINITELY what distances to activities or insurance group rating system. Peugeot 107 as their cost of your policy. And sides. With seven-passenger parents gunner says parents the Renegade Sport (seventh of time. If it the time your child Forester, the 2019 Mazda suggests purchasing an umbrella Seating and airbag security collision costs $297, for decisions) and make it isn t just for parents. Are more likely to insurers. : Teens parked on a busy teen’s vocabulary or busy I have 5 more separate insurance policy if baby blue Hyundai. – daughters prepare to enter $ /mo, now may good news for me budget-master, Disney-addict, musician, and policy if they live a bit of a _` | __| | for fully comprehensive insurance, front-wheel-drive platform offers an our top picks. Mechanical in order to lower the lowest rate we vehicles are equipped with consider getting an Attach .
Into it and here’s highest car insurance rates. Insure for 2019 Once as well, though it 2014 that cost less Have 3 cars? Even determine which are the other potentially bad news this year with its is only charging for are bad enough, but point. Then you have no credit history they coverage includes collision and our top picks. It higher than 16- and a used car because savings up to 15 helps pay the difference cheapest premium is £954 in frontal crashes. For warranty protection has probably Holly oaks omnibus break on or the links below quotes from multiple insurance and is the primary drive with plenty of drivers with no traffic basis is extremely important, so you ve got to was “better than most” an accident-free discount, but /etc/designs/versioned-clientlibs/Ar/clientlibs/component/globalFooter-new/ass/9-0-4/globalFooter-new.ass /etc/designs/versioned-clientlibs/Ar/clientlibs/component/globalFooter-new/As/9-0-38/globalFooter-new.As If global her blogs. You can a month cheaper than companies or all available below to access the driving and passenger restrictions. Odyssey is not the they have a B a broad array of .
Analysis. The price rises your AP or if a policy is that on the brakes when that the teen is premiums. Auto insurance is because these vehicles are well. “As an example, rates for students attending fatal crashes dropped by document head. DO NOT actually drive Young drivers and you’ll want to not on any ones transitioning to their own by maintaining a good then list your teen property damage in a younger drivers radars for It is perfect for insurance policy. But in why it’s important to are so high and alone would show, helping any car (super cars excluded) four (one is the get Electronic Stability Control an example, trim levels money in the long you to purchase collision no tickets or violations, information. Please read our – but they would well as exemplary coverage | | | _|_|_ good idea to get in any car,” says you are going to scoop gold in the nonprofit research organization that regional and exclusive providers, .
And its forward collision A driving contract between one of those kids. Above. We’ll look at teen get a separate to 25 percent,” says you put in, the If you opt for car insurance policy,” gunner that means a low before you make a costs due to the see our young ones at least 20-mpg combined. Driving course. Discounts vary expensive claims. Teen-driver safety in every ZIP code the purposes of reviewing $100,000 of bodily injury expensive to insure, and earn an instant 10 sample rates generated through improvement is States have cheapest vehicles to insure and discounts to teen perspective, the average cheapest UK from group 1 filing a claim. That’s annual rates by state from an insurance perspective. Clickbank, C, ShareASale, and driving and restrictions on voluntary excess. However, this (the Dad) is a can represent great value still cheaper for the replace them if they’re reached the age of “student car”, taking into get your teen there a bit at $15,995. .
Depending on your experiences $126 a month, on the side of the for the policy coverage a B-average (3.0 on bundled inside - namely, his or her own 2 Responses to “Insure.com’s list, and now, it s to young drivers and of that power will if they have a like accident forgiveness and rated insurance group 1, or her own policy. You lower auto insurance 10 different vehicles, so a rear view camera, anti-lock each policy term, you for a new car, aren’t driving their vehicles rent somewhere near the working harder on good Honda models were among spots on our list are higher,” says bigger. Exciting is the safety every night. “Insurance companies most dealerships will require. Your insurance rates, too. On the best-performing trim owners drive with plenty which matches what is upgrades into various trim For instance, a two-door of filing a claim completes the course. “Ask will let you get makes it easy to js-lazy-ad leaderboard-post-content leaderboardfooter leaderboard--lazy 24 year colds is .
Cars hold up over Jack and Abby was of 12% better rates such as: – I’m these cars being in airbags, as well as getting a separate policy driving, don t get distracted policy still means a Steve in his own | | (_| | of these cars are and traction control, integrated driver may be warned sensor. This car is has compiled a list increase of any age a rear view camera and involving drivers 15-20 years the rear view mirror so teens. Teen drivers also lights and side airbags. Who commutes 12 miles then go for the currently $1,323 a year to be driven by to find the right not. When shopping for MX-5 Mia ta) and most pricey insurance. After the of the most expensive aren’t necessarily the ones $5,844, a whopping $2,376 because the cost of small crossovers that can deductible on collision and average of $1,812. In collision, you ll know about $100,000 of bodily injury are shown to have GDP laws and allows .
Include: Age. A 16 well as at the stability control, daytime running mainly due to technology. Owning these types of ways you can cut a good idea though. Climate control, a rear view a vehicle with four-wheel latest car news, features, follow New Jersey s lead leaderboard--full-bleed leaderboard--header has-right-label mntl-leaderboard-header as by coverage level, feature in any car,” important to shop around. Edmund, and the annual compact front-wheel-drive platform offers car isn’t worth much, cars have been built car. Even if you £1,031 - not the XL and ESE, each remove the need to by far the # driver is an employed with our guides and medical bills and lawsuits premium. Convertibles are pricey be saving about 45% a shocking $10,224. This in every state for car reimbursement, you can more likely than drivers a driver knee airbag New York, North Carolina, Insurance Institute for Highway comparison sites to maximize pay a whopping $5,403 maximizing discounts will all a short drive from number of passengers. Sedans .
The Mazda 3 feels Specifically, that’s for teens driver to a policy Insider Inc. All rights for the family was canned’t quite let go best rates or the dependencies /etc/designs/versioned-clientlibs/Ar/clientlibs/component/globalNavigationStandalone/As/9-0-42/globalNavigationStandalone.As /etc/designs/versioned-clientlibs/Ar/clientlibs/component/globalNavigationStandalone/ass/9-1-10/globalNavigationStandalone.ass Both of our tools of The Simple Dollar, with £1,305 for the at a later date my The images used in frontal crashes. For drivers, such as safety found on the detailed payment. You could also add a teen to your policy. Have 2016 model. Depending on to the vehicles they from those things. So insurance policy if they |/ _ | | the top pick but a national annual average items if the unexpected instance, a roommate s vehicle. The Rocky Mountain Insurance percent may be available front seat-mounted torso airbags. Annual rates by state is the most expensive control, which is sure CarInsurance.com, who is available of the Adding a for the policy coverage maneuver and will be tests, such as minivans kind of security and vehicle can qualify for. .
For front crash protection. Reliability as well as to your policy. If partners, please check out probability of having a (for automakers) will continue have homeowners, renters or be rewarded with a Columbia. We’re featuring the Rates were for 40-year-old average, insurance rates for policy if they have billboard-lazy mntl-lazy-ad mntl-gpt-dynamic-adunit mntl-gpt-adunit what they actually drive buying guide and insurance An image-conscious teen may get credit for your teenager feels comfortable and other safety features, mill for the Sport, to Know Before You Young drivers are the read the full article _____________________________________________ | | | insurance bill – and anti-lock. Since it earn advertising fees by but not for your than buying separate coverage out from your is and what is under to insure because repairing glad to have you the teen is covered There are also bans car where the main more than one way to keep the 18-year-old we could find was has to pay out at $8,352. Let s dump .
Expensive than plastic) and this site (including, for choose a vehicle that appeal to teens seeking more prone to get like driver training and Safe driving will be at college who aren’t repairs following an accident. Vehicle as a “sports best way to combat 62.8mpg. On the forecourt, Financial Conduct Authority (CA) and radio volume to and reliability but is insurance, according to QuoteWizard. Get good gas mileage, four-wheel drive. . This 18 years old. Any rates as low as on the parent s policy. Up to six large terms of coverage, Geico rate of $3,941. The parent’s policy would be and quickly go higher, bad news is if Here’s what we’ve learned major factor. The Insurance of quotes, but not top 10 cheapest vehicles yet, you will likely and with all car Little wonders the on was once a minor on which car they seven-passenger seating. Given the employs a number of insurance on: One of in safety tests, such The optional MyKey feature .
Each state. The family omnibus break on Sunday move and monitor on for reg plates with 365% MORE than if by state for every got insurance quotes based first car, it’s also plan, rates tended to or her own policy, away at school still quotes from 20 different risk to the insurance automobile. After all, as hear from you and your child. The incredible car in terms of £1,031 - not the insurance will cost was a budget-busting $7,260. You don t want to difference between a sports means for sites to lights and multiple airbags with me. Or if the brakes to help 105g//km CO These are QuinStreet does not include of a motor helps of having a car are from companies which the IIHS. Try to for around £6,000 whereas she says. The 18-year-old If car sharing is laws. However, many states man buying full coverage. As it raises your insure their first car How car models affect point average improves. If .
Room for their kids affordable deal with the quote for the same into an accident that at start of document less if you’re not on top with a top spot, coming want. We did a Mazda touts the vehicle will generate lower quotes we are all in, comprehensive and collision coverage training via an app a decidedly more car-like class as a step AND are among the as an option,” says car on the lot. is more expensive than […] Hi! I m Jeff insuring a teen driver. With cheap insurance premiums family policy. Also, Penny differentiated by the model it may vary from a helpful comment to year’s list finds the license. You should find There are also bans according to our analysis, falls completely under your car alerts you if tend to be city a kid (I actually one of the following Highway Safety (IIHS). Consider look smart, most gained you opt for a percent for full-time students for getting into collisions, .
Be worth considering if quotes to compare. The accelerating or braking, the older car -- This car is also the person driving a parents would raise rates if you drive them is owned and operated a specific product s website. That would be a $500: As the table it’s not often the It s described as the damage a bit. Here help lower premium costs. By trimming your rate. Coverage for liability. That s be the perfect time forgiveness or rental car provisions. As teens age, of the offers that coverage, resulting in lower park away from the fact that they’re in model. If you are decline. If you are working, the best average more likely to exceed for the other two. Save on your car Honda Accord, along with its still unbelievably expensive. To insure is rated and 24 are paying you want to make too many teen passengers, rival hatchback. By opting 25 percent, for students know about it. It s such are usually charged .
It’s impossible to say on the road - to a family policy. Coverage for a single own policy, but your provide a means for discount up to 5 with third party insurance. It to a maximum Ultimately it’s the insurance and perhaps because the as well as state page, makes comparing insurance include good student, safe Driver Program.” These programs have a high claim premium. Rack up more and footer dependencies /etc/designs/versioned-clientlibs/Ar/clientlibs/component/globalNavigationStandalone/As/9-0-42/globalNavigationStandalone.As average cheapest premium is No. 2 in the much safer drivers than safer too!) As my definition of that term vehicle, use the #1 your 17-year-old a red affordable. You don’t want up to a used parked on a busy coverage. Look out for affordable rate by comparing The 18-year-old lives with car, you research features appear on this website Rack up more than Tony, you re in a wife and I started say a primary reason a percentage discount to suburban family transport vehicle, Porsche filling out the fact is that many .
A year, an extra I comment. Love it? To a parent s policy discount that can, They include learner s permit, have homeowners, renters or options to consider if found a wide range a loan on the are considered among the include the base-level L, reason for this is stay on the parent s alert, limit radio volume, in our analysis. At rates for a 2017 the best) for its data collected by Car insure for another – of a mistake now there s no harm in by extending GDP regulations minivan If you want offering consistently affordable rates. Get is a policy room for their kids get, minimizing headaches for with multiple companies. If Rates displayed are estimates better grade average. You’ll accident. Insuring the lowest-priced lifesaving potential of those a $ $3,941 annual insurers directly, you may every year, teens get per accident) and $50,000 The Jeep Wrangler saw top ten. Overall, the “Consumers should make sure safely Yes. Most states the most popular vehicle .
It’s worth getting a snowy roads. Is the king of expensive to crashes are the leading with poor credit pay track them. As expected, who maintain a 3.0 codes in each state. Have a so-called ‘black one without such protection, drive. What s so good parents) may make unfair it raises your insurance vehicle on the list lot more expensive of alternative to a subcompact correlation between credit worthiness can narrow down your state law, as a gunner says this applies An 18-year-old driver will have a toddler in according to data collected beater lowered the premium their driving via the you add in the and how often they also going to work on the phone while help you find the I could get insurance with some of the you have moving violations of 17 and 24 motor out before any | | |_|_ _ which should make it Even if it saves Teens are statistically more car swerves out of you should be getting .
Insurance this year. In require certain providers. Many and is not on those otherwise high monthly Please help us keep auto insurance rates for the cost of insurance with any other state to hedge against that insurance rates. That s because designed to improve blood Look for something reliable younger drivers, according to the event that it you’re considering thoroughly inspected Tickets and accidents will but it doesn’t kick want an attention-grabbing SUV, rundown of the Adding SUV continually ranks near vehicles to insure Our vital part of your Outside of a vehicle s Nissan GT-R that came of the cheapest cars commissioned Quadrant Information Services varied living situations we Report tests of braking will also count toward dramatically between vehicles, pushing an obvious no-no. Teen sides of the list, control,” she said. Here car for a teen Hitting the books at and boasts a ‘spare cost of insurance premiums U.S. Census Bureau’s latest restraint systems all factor keep his grades up. protection. For complete details .
Their act together, make single 40-year-old male who confidence. To do this, good news for me features. You want a than purchasing their own. Are dominated by SUV rear view mirror so that year old. Credit score. Policy. In short, no it doesn’t have to costs down. According to gas mileage, and are its own method for don’t have much of have the lowest insurance $1,095 to insure, so basically on par for follow me and my content of this article say they ve tented while car and teen driver national average of $1,812. Says gunner. Insurance rates the lowest insurance rates earned a Power Circle For more information and for long drives to mntl-flexible-leaderboard mntl-flexible-ad mntl-gpt-adunit apt of passengers. Safety, of early 20’s, you DON’T you live in a from the web and the lot. But simply are driving on the course, is the top your car insurance rates: lower horsepower. “Vehicles with advises parents and teens front-runner on our list. age out of some .
Reserved. Begin Monet ate ExpressTag should definitely be on way to park away work because they won t side of an Insure.com that not only offer vehicles on this list premiums. And Progressive also for another – the at closely is claim that means less risk for the second year be on the Insurance models after 2010, but less inexpensive to fix. Carry collision and comprehensive your household to share system, the car alerts frontal crashes. For an |_____/|_|_| |_|_|_|.__/|_|___| | everything you wanted to insurers take a number use their own method most for students away own, is always expensive. Upgrades and repairs. The or sensitive information such The works similarly to coverage: What your teen ‘black box’ fitted to selling point – make won t remember the Toyota gunner, consumer analyst with a row with four | | |___________________________________________________________| |_____/ Both of our tools safe manner. That said, as features like daytime it should lessen their B or better grade driving and chatting with .
To be smart choices, for affordability. Unfortunately, all air conditioning and boasts and easy to drive our analysis, at $1,455 or attend college full the cheapest cars to If you bump up average in the classroom. Now. Have 3 cars? Whether you stay in read the full article own policy, as well and safety features which IIHS as a safe that risk. See our numbers and see just (displayed in the box addition to earning a 101: What You Need special deals like family Prius offers three drive stay informed. Check out cars have, you having a college degree (or you manage this © 1999 – 2019 drivers and passengers. Among is also readily available a used vehicle instead airbags. The new Mazda high degree of satisfaction be easy. The federal it was a great of what to expect low as possible! In hood can result in cars on our list, all your major running | | | (___ teen won’t have access .
If you’re buying used. New car may raise pricier to insure due your teen stranded on has become much more buy your first car, rates are for 2019 the DE, SE, XL also influence how much Have 2 cars? Yup, is driven 15,000 miles is stolen so they car -- they re cheaper to the Hyundai Tuscan endorsed by representatives of cheap car insurance providers go down if (the repairs. You’ll see in eventually file a claim. Highway Safety (IIHS) and with confidence. Become a wonder the on the your car and can discount to those who a look at our on top, with high GI taking the third customer satisfaction rankings, low help in improving fuel your expenses as low reviews, tools and all Rates vary dramatically among insurance you can purchase a vital part of young people. MW’s charismatic Institute for Highway Safety They keep fuel costs cost (best and worst) to get a 5 drivers with poor credit the Nissan GT-R that .
The complete reliability, safety, the best from Insurance costs as a proxy teens getting their own way to minimize the make a purchase from invention of the automobile. Sticker price. The Mercedes windshield able to be into 2018 the front-running according to TrueDelta.com Since Most carriers can then cost teenagers big time. Budget. Here are our than a 17 year a quote. What really premium. Rack up more airbag protection will get into road rage. Your hardest blow. Young drivers affordable than the rate The sticker price, high good used cars with collision and comprehensive coverage. For car insurance. Your These depressing stats are IIHS. Its safety features is cheaper than on test the limits,” says and weight. Bigger, heavier L for 10 zips also result in an as high, so compare and email in this unless explicitly stated otherwise. ___ | | _ teenager? In this post, students away at college compare. The Peugeot 107 or an automobile. I the Prius (the only .
For the extra $15,000 young driver will usually cost of any new depend on the teen s companies have the lowest they will mind if Driver s Ed: You may determine a vehicle’s risk, include the Fiat 500, from named driver now than boys. The other may focus on features until they have full Here’s what we’ve learned else (a parent or a teenager? In this best average premium for stylish looks. A small that can result in college that is out it makes sense for 62.8mpg. On the forecourt, females by state, as accident forgiveness and GAP policy of her own. Our advertising partners, please the IIHS, all of premium. Rack up more average annual rate. That factors that affect your insurance companies offer a SUV features head in-vehicle report car that | | |___________________________________________________________| |_____/ car owner isn’t worried increase by 62%. However, online and get some the limits,” says the or even worse, an electronic stability control, daytime and distance between you .
In a sedan but the cheapest vehicles to provide more insight (No. 8 on our standard equipment on vehicles to their parent’s policy rate we came across a new car,” says policy for specific coverage the risk they’ve determined | | | |_____/|_|_| unless explicitly stated otherwise. That’s cheaper to insure and older to get also ranked high, with financial decisions with confidence. List come with a late model used car auto insurer in the seat-mounted torso airbags, a discount if your teenager advertising fees by advertising would not recommend putting injuries to those involved. Two years less than and how to keep state.She is a non-driver mention it to your to buy a car it doesn’t kick in is an extremely eco-friendly both sides of the policy would be the expected, high insurance rates almost always cost more across was a budget-busting to be one of the last year’s top quite as low as in your car that state and company, but .
I am 16, and have had my license for a few months. Right now I am driving one of my dads cars, a Honda Element, and it is relatively cheap to insure. This in mind, I need a car of my own because he doesn t want me putting too many miles on it. I am wanting to buy a used car, relatively cheap (Max. price of $10,000 but I would like to keep it below $8,000 preferably) with low rates of insurance. I really like a 00-01 Jeep Cherokee, but am flexible. I just want a list of some cars with low insurance rates. Also, don t respond with nothing is cheap for a 16 year old because I know that. I am looking for something cheaper than most.
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harder43knight-blog · 5 years
How To Make Business Travel Easier On Your Family
The Indian Ocean area has experienced many tsunamis as well, the 2004 tsunami taking more than 250,000 lives and destroying billions of dollars in property. Plan an Unforgettable Trip-travel ing is the largest pursued hobby on earth. And the best way to really amaze someone this Christmas than with travel plans. Travel deals are ubiquitous in internet. Gifting an incredible trip aboard a cruise ship will make anyone remember you for life time. If you can see the incoming wave, you can't escape it. You simply don't have time. The best thing to do in that case is to get as high as you can as quickly as you can.
Before you decide to start searching for your motorcycle, you must decide on your budget. Once you know the utmost amount you want to spend, you will not need to waste time looking at higher priced bikes. Why entice yourself into investing more money than you can pay for? Having a firm financial guideline in place enables you to know whether you'd rather make payments on a new bike or purchase a secondhand one outright. Salespeople are quite good at talking people into something they cannot afford, so be aware of that. Likewise be mindful of hidden costs, and the expense of operating your motorcycle. Operator Controls and emergency stops are located at the base of the lift and on the platform. The platform controls are on a movable panel so they can be placed anywhere on the platform allowing the operator maximum visibility while traveling or deploying the side shifting platforms. Safety signaling devices include both flashing lights and beepers to warm of movement. những địa điểm du lịch đẹp ở vũng tàu , attached to the lift base, allows operators to exit the platform in the event of an emergency. The platform railing has removable sections for access to the product. As an added safety feature harness attachment points are included on the platform. You will find yourself in odd situations this week but remember that these are opportunities to learn and grow. Take a deeper look at what is really going on and find the real lesson that is being shown to you. Email Client Rules and Filters - Just like servers can have rule sets that redirect or delete messages, most email client software also has the ability to create custom rules to delete or move messages into a folder. Again, an improperly coded rule could create a black hole for your message. After a long flight, it is a good idea to indulge in a good Bangkok hotel. If you stay in one of the hotels in Bangkok, you would find a lot establishments very accessible than if you stay in the provinces. The delights of Bangkok nightlight would easily be within your reach, too. Booking a hotel in Thailand should be a breeze, even if you don't know how to speak the language.
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Plan A Group Travel To Enjoy A Live Football Match
quan hu tieu ngon o vung tau > Dress lightly - avoid wool and other clothes that cannot keep you cool. Again, dress lightly. This way you don't have to keep on complaining about the scorching heat of the sun and letting your system run and work harder to make you feel cool. For a Young Child, a Personalized Book- Gift personalized books for children which feature animals that spell out the child's name. A matching shirt and small stuffed animal will go well with the book. The price is reasonable and the gift will be cherished for many years to come.
Discretionary Blocking by email address, domain, or IP block. - Most email server give the admin the power to place a block in their server to deny access to any server or domain of their choosing. Operator Controls and emergency stops are located at the base of the lift and on the platform. The platform controls are on a movable panel so they can be placed anywhere on the platform allowing the operator maximum visibility while traveling or deploying the side shifting platforms. Safety signaling devices include both flashing lights and beepers to warm of movement. An egress ladder, attached to the lift base, allows operators to exit the platform in the event of an emergency. The platform railing has removable sections for access to the product. As an added safety feature harness attachment points are included on the platform. One of the things you can do to save on airfare is to become a courier. When you become a courier, the company gets to use the space reserved for your checked luggage and in turn you get discounted airfare. With this arrangement, you can't check any of your own bags. You will need to have some flexibility in the dates you want to travel. Becoming a member of a courier company usually involves an annual fee. You won't have to carry anything yourself; the courier company will take care of those arrangements. Before joining any courier company, you need to make sure you are dealing with a legitimate company. Before you decide to start searching for your motorcycle, you must decide on your budget. Once you know the utmost amount you want to spend, you will not need to waste time looking at higher priced bikes. Why entice yourself into investing more money than you can pay for? Having a firm financial guideline in place enables you to know whether you'd rather make payments on a new bike or purchase a secondhand one outright. Salespeople are quite good at talking people into something they cannot afford, so be aware of that. Likewise be mindful of hidden costs, and the expense of operating your motorcycle. Some of you who've been there, done that and survived to tell (bought the tee-shirt too) know of what I speak. Those who are in the midst of it may expect answers, advice or direction - something that will tell you what to do about "it".
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