#french skam
experience-century · 6 days
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vulpecoola · 2 years
GUYS! If you liked SKAM I have a great TV show for you. Its called ,,Mixte 1963" or ,,Voltaire high". Its got the same vibe like SKAM, but Its happening during the 60s in France. There's a lot of romance and it also discuss important stuff (feminism, lgbt rights,...). Give it a chance, I promise
Edit: Its also giving chaotic academia vibes sooo
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mchiti · 4 months
as a muslim I do ask myself a tons of weird questions that should not concern me, like: why italy has way less tradition christmas songs compared to the anglophone world, france, the scandinavian region etc... like o come, o come emmanuel. or o holy night. why those don't really exist in italy. is it because they stayed in latin so no one knew them anymore at some point. no seriously why I need someone to talk to SHSHSHSH
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bandzboy · 2 months
korean is probably the most fun language i have ever tried to learn the way that i still haven't given up on it and i still study every day says a lot 😭
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reggie-the-inferi · 7 months
i really wanna watch this show but it’s in FUCKING FRENCH and i don’t speak fucking french n it’s only on youtube where i live so the subtitles suck ass so now i’m being forced to do my french duolingo😔✊
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honeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy · 6 months
10 Prettiest French Actors (Boys/Girls) ⚜️🎀🍰🪞 Part.2
3. 𝑴𝒂𝒙𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒕-𝑭𝒂𝒖𝒗𝒆𝒍
Born in 1993, he made a name for himself thanks to the role of Eliott Demaury in the French adaptation of the television series Skam.
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#skam #France #french #Maxence Danet-Fauvel #boys
4. 𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆 𝑩𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒐𝒕
Brigitte Bardot, born in 1934 in Paris, is an actress, model, dancer, singer, animal rights activist and French writer. Female figure of the 1950s - 1970, she is a world star, the muse and muse of great artists of the time.
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#brigittebardot #Bardot #blonde #girl #50s #60s #actress #blackandwhite
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iconsfinder · 2 years
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dandelion-roots · 9 months
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[Image description: a black and white digital drawing of Sascha and Isi from druck season 7. Sascha is leaning on Isi's shoulder and looking up at them, and Isi is looking at Sascha from the corner of their eye. The two are listening to music from the phone Isi is holding, and each have an earbud in. They're holding hands and are covered by a blanket. We only see Isi's outfit- they're wearing a sleeveless shirt and a skirt. In the foreground are some leaves. End description.]
I go absolutely feral for couples that consist of just some guy (affectionate) and a literal goddess, and it didn't help that Isi is a mess and Sascha a 'I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed' sweetheart, or: I have many thoughts about these two.
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lexapokora87 · 8 months
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People need to realise that Skam France is produced by France TV. They are known to pushed shows to eternity when their audiences are good.
We are talking about the same people who pushed "Louis La brocante" through 13 seasons of ~43 episodes! Even after the main actor had a stroke on set and had sequela link to this incident making acting more difficult for him.
So be ready for skam france been around for 30 years, ahah they won't stop ever 😅.
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hugoscenteno · 1 year
Oh God no! 💀
unfortunately the word “no” does not exist in the french language
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parcai · 1 year
what the fuck is this racist apologist shit...
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alexiaugustin · 1 year
Oh God no! 💀
i just saw this. a season about arson next how exciting 🤗🤗
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msola · 2 years
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Maxence via instagram
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25 / 11 / 2022
🏳️‍🌈 COUPLE GAY DU JOUR #3 🏳️‍🌈
Cela fait longtemps que je n'ai pas écrit d'article sur un couple gay (fictif) qui me plaît. Voici donc un nouveau couple issue d'une série télévisée, après le Duc Philippe d’Orléans et le Chevalier Philippe de Lorraine dans la série Versailles, et Agron et Nasir de la série télévisée Spartacus, deux séries historiques, je vais parler d'un autre couple. Mais ce couple est composé de deux ados gays très touchants dans une série réaliste.
Surnommé Élu par les fans, ce couple gay est formé par Eliott (joué par Maxence Danet-Fauvel) et Lucas (interprété par Axel Auriant) dans la série SKAM - France.
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SKAM est une série télévisée norvégienne qui s'est exportée en Espagne, Allemagne, Pays-Bas, Italie, France/Belgique.... Chacune des versions est excellente mais je vais parler de la version franco-belge (depuis 2018) puisque c'est celle que j'ai regardé en entier. Chaque saison de chaque série peut se regarder indépendamment des autres, mais il est également possible de les suivre les unes après les autres afin de voir évoluer les personnages dont les intrigues se poursuivent parfois sur plusieurs saisons. En effet, chaque saison suit un (ou deux) personnage(s) différent(s) et développe une intrigue autour de lui (ou d'eux).
De manière générale, SKAM raconte la vie d'adolescents qui font face à des problèmes actuels (l'addiction aux drogues, le cyberharcèlement,....) mais parfois universels (la peur de l'avenir, de l'engagement,....). C'est une vision de l'adolescence qui n'est ni stéréotypée ni dévalorisante, elle est inclusive et drôle tout en étant émouvante.
Dans la saison 3, on se concentre sur Lucas, ado banal qui voit sa vie bouleverser par l'arrivée d'un nouvel élève, Eliott. Au cours de la saison ils tombent amoureux mais leur relation va être plusieurs fois bouleversée, notamment par le secret d'Eliott.....
Ce couple est complice, partage de belles scènes, parfois très érotiques (la peinture 🎨 de la fresque, les fans sauront de quoi je parle 😏), et c'est bien de montrer l'homosexualité comme quelque chose de naturelle et vrai.
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Ce couple est très mignon car il y a une vraie alchimie entre les acteurs, devenus meilleurs amis dans la vraie vie. À l'écran, ils n'hésitent pas à s'embrasser de manière passionnée, ce qui est très tendre et très apaisant à voir. Bien sûr ils rencontrent des obstacles mais ils sont là l'un pour l'autre. Lucas est discret et même s'il a des amis il se sent parfois seul. Eliott est solitaire mais est pourtant très charismatique et n'hésite pas à dire ce qu'il pense même s'il lui arrive de rester en retrait. Cela s'explique aussi par son secret..... Pourtant, il est très protecteur envers Lucas, même si celui-ci va être d'une grande aide pour le garçon qui va être son grand amour.
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Lucas et Eliott ont marqués les fans Français et internationaux en raison de leur complicité, leur représentation réaliste de l'amour homosexuel, d'autant qu'ils sont tous les deux hétéros. Les acteurs ont d'ailleurs été les invités d'honneur de l'une des Marche des Fiertés de Paris, en 2017 ou 2018 je crois. En tout cas je les avais vu, et j'avais été super content de les y voir. Ils sont honorés d'avoir jouer des personnages gays et avoir créé de la joie et du bonheur pour les fans de SKAM.
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Voilà, je pourrais en dire beaucoup sur ce couple touchant, complice et plus sexy qu'il ne paraît, réaliste aussi mais qui donne envie d'être aimé, d'être en couple, de partager des sentiments amoureux pour une personne belle, drôle et intelligente comme le sont Lucas et Eliott ainsi que leurs interprètes dans la vraie vie, Axel Auriant et Maxence Danet-Fauvel. Je vous met les liens d'articles sur ce couple pour en savoir plus, ainsi que le lien de la saison 3 de SKAM - France consacrée à la relation amoureuse entre Lucas et Eliott, disponible gratuitement sur YouTube. J'espère que cela vous plaira. 😘
🏳️‍🌈 GAY COUPLE OF THE DAY #3 🏳️‍🌈
It's been a long time since I've written an article about a (fictional) gay couple that I like. So here is a new couple from a television series, after Duke Philippe d'Orléans and Chevalier Philippe de Lorraine in the Versailles series, and Agron and Nasir from the television series Spartacus, two historical series, I'm going to talk about a another pair. But this couple is made up of two very touching gay teenagers in a realistic series.
LUCAS and ELIOTT (SKAM - France, 2018)
Nicknamed Élu by the fans, this gay couple is formed by Eliott (played by Maxence Danet-Fauvel) and Lucas (played by Axel Auriant) in the series SKAM - France.
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SKAM is a Norwegian television series which has been exported to Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, France/Belgium.... Each of the versions is excellent but I will talk about the Franco-Belgian version (since 2018) since it is the one I watched in full. Each season of each series can be watched independently of the others, but it is also possible to follow them one after the other in order to see the characters evolve, whose intrigues sometimes continue over several seasons. Indeed, each season follows one (or two) different character(s) and develops a plot around him (or them).
In general, SKAM tells the life of teenagers who face current problems (addiction to drugs, cyberbullying,....) but sometimes universal (fear of the future, of commitment,. ...). It is a vision of adolescence that is neither stereotyped nor demeaning, it is inclusive and funny while being moving.
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In season 3, we focus on Lucas, an ordinary teenager who sees his life turned upside down by the arrival of a new student, Eliott. During the season they fall in love but their relationship will be upset several times, in particular by Eliott's secret...
This couple is an accomplice, sharing beautiful scenes, sometimes very erotic (the painting 🎨 of the fresco, fans will know what I'm talking about 😏), and it's good to show homosexuality as something natural and true.
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This couple is very cute because there is a real chemistry between the actors, who have become best friends in real life. On screen, they don't hesitate to kiss passionately, which is very tender and very soothing to see. Of course they encounter obstacles but they are there for each other.
Lucas is discreet and, even if he has friends, he sometimes feels alone. Eliott is solitary but is nevertheless very charismatic and does not hesitate to speak his mind even if he happens to stay in the background. This can also be explained by his secret..... However, he is very protective of Lucas, even if he is going to be a great help for the boy who is going to be his great love.
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Lucas and Eliott have marked French and international fans because of their complicity, their realistic representation of homosexual love, especially since the actors who played them are both straight (officially).
The actors were also the guests of honor at one of the Paris Gay Pride, in 2017 or 2018 I think. In any case, I had seen them, and I had been very happy to see them there. They are honored to have played gay characters and created joy and happiness for SKAM fans.
Here, I could say a lot about this touching couple, complicit and sexier than it seems, realistic too but which makes you want to be loved, to be in a relationship, to share romantic feelings for a beautiful, funny person and intelligent as are Lucas and Eliott as well as their interpreters in real life, Axel Auriant and Maxence Danet-Fauvel.
I put you the links of articles on this couple to find out more, as well as the link of season 3 of SKAM - France devoted to the romantic relationship between Lucas and Eliott, available for free on YouTube.
I hope you will like it. 😘
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