#fried eggs worm
weirdmarioenemies · 2 months
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Name: Fried Eggs Worm (Archipheretima middletoni)
Debut: Real Life
What the! Whuzzah! That's a! WOW! This is how I felt upon learning about Fried Eggs Worm for the first time, and I hope you feel the same way, because MY GOODNESS! In this world, there exists an earthworm, which is a deep blue, and has spots that look just like sunny-side-up eggs. Sometimes it looks like the yolk was punctured and spilled out! Better hope a Toast Worm is nearby to sop that up!
I could not BELIEVE I had not learned about this creature until just a few months ago, and I could not let it be obscure any longer. This is one of the most incredible creatures, and now you know about it, too!
Perhaps the reason for its obscurity is that it was only "formally" discovered and named rather recently, in 2009. Of course, the people who had been living in its native range in the Philippines had known about it long before that! How could they miss it, really? I will remind you: this worm has Egg Imagery all over its body.
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Some local folklore suggested that these silly little wigglies might be the juvenile form of an eel species from a nearby river, and if you're familiar with eel development, something that strange doesn't seem all that out of character for an eel. The truth is, the Fried Eggs Worm is quite out of character for an earthworm! It is more of a leaflitterworm, because instead of burrowing in the soil, it burrows in the leaf litter. It is thought that the funny spots might help it camouflage in there by resembling light pouring through the leaves, kind of like a baby deer's or tapir's spots!
The Fried Eggs Worm does not spend ALL of its time in the leaf litter. Oh, no. It isn't even born in there. It's born in a doggone TREE. Their babies have been found in the leaf axils of the pandanus tree, meaning their parents CLIMB TREES in order to reproduce. Arboreal annelids! These limbless tubes are better at climbing trees than we are, and we're apes! And more ridiculous still, so far only one baby worm has been found per tree. These babies might each get an entire tree all to themselves with no competition. Is that really necessary? I think Fried Eggs Worm may be showing off, but it has every right to do that. I hope it continues!
Fried Eggs Worm should be the new Easter mascot. Nothing against rabbits, but they're one of the most popular animals. They have enough, I think. And they're not Egg at all! They don't lay eggs, and they don't have any visual egg motif. Fried Eggs Worm, however, lays eggs, and is covered in egg iconography! Second only to Fried Egg Jellyfish.
In conclusion, this eggcellent creature worms my heart, and I hope you feel the same way, especially if you did not know of them before! It feels representative of the fact that we will never know every creature of this world, and there will always be more to learn!
If you're a REALLY devoted Fried Eggs Worm Superfan and want to show it to the world, use this simple guide to steal their look!
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toadalled · 11 months
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Some wormy adopts that all have homes now!
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revvethasmythh · 9 months
objectively the Caduceus mushroom toast recipe is extremely simple, but it really is out here proving how delicious a simple recipe can be because DAMN. Will be having that for breakfast on many a morning, I imagine
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stab-at-me · 9 months
I'm getting a flail tattooed on my black and grey leg next week and I'm so excited I kinda wanna cry
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girl help i am receiving so many "oh my god, you're too skinny, eat more rice"
#dear diary today i went downstairs to eat breakfast at my usual time (abt two to three hours after my parents usually eat)#and there i see 大舅家 eating/preparing breakfast and i was like 'ohno' in my head but they had already spotted me for i had to go#into the powder bathroom to take out my contacts bc i am currently Banned from the upstairs bathroom for the month bc that is Their bathroo#and then 大舅媽 fried me an egg and said something abt my mother and soy sauce as i put soy sauce on my egg like my mother#and then 大舅舅 told me abt how my parents Forgot me at work last night but i didn't know how to respond in chinese so i just nodded my head#and told my dad when i was finished with breakfast to tell them that i understood but i just lacked the vocabulary to reply#and from what i could tell as i was returning to my room it was like 'OHHH okok everything makes sense now'#i felt kind of bad for 大舅媽 bc she was scurrying around the kitchen making various little meals for the rest of the family#while her own fried egg just kinda sat on the table for quite a while. n i was like 'well she certainly is a very good wife'#been also receiving a couple 'wow! just like 大舅舅!' which is funny bc i also heard that when last visiting taiwan#anyway it is also funny bc i will be sitting there composing my perfect little cn sentences in my head and then Never saying them out loud#the worm speaks#but yeah i imagine that if anything comes out of this month it Will be that i am fed more which is Good & Exciting & Necessary for Health
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snailspng · 3 months
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"Things that should be edible"-PNGs.
(1. Velvet worm: texture like a sugared gummy and taste like elderflower, 2. Microscopic vine: texture like a mango and taste like vanilla and ripe banana, 3. Glass paperweight: texture like soft jelly and taste like the smell of chlorine, 4. Eye retina: texture like an egg and taste like ramen broth, 5. Soap: texture like hard jelly and taste like canned fruit salad, 6. Velvet mite: texture like a raisin and taste like the most ripe and sunny raspberry you've ever had, 7. Limacodid slug: texture like a steamed dumpling and taste like butter and corn, 8. Grape agate: texture like tapioca pearls and taste like sugared violets, 9. Rhodochrosite stalactite: texture like fried dough and taste like smoked paprika.)
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emchant3d · 3 months
little blurb based off my son of the mafia Steve au - posted this on twt this morning and I want it over here too 🥰 I literally only have this and one other little bit written idk what this will turn out to be but have it anyway!!
Steve’s a morning person. Eddie is decidedly not. And yeah, Steve loves staying in bed with him, but the curtains in Eddie’s room are thin and the sun is cutting right across his eyes in a way that he can’t ignore, so he carefully extracts himself from the bed. It’s a delicate process, gently taking Eddie by the wrist to move his arm from around Steve’s waist, moving slowly to not jostle the mattress and startle his love awake.
Steve's making breakfast when he hears a shuffle of feet behind him. He turns, giving Wayne a little smile. "Morning, Mr. Munson," he says, nodding towards the coffee pot and looking back to the stove. "Coffee's made."
Wayne gives a thankful little hum, and moves in silence, the only sound the soft splash of black coffee hitting a ceramic mug and a slow sip.
He can feel Wayne's eyes on his back. He flips the bacon, poking it gently with the spatula, and he waits.
"I like you, Steve," Wayne eventually says. His voice is gruff and slow, and Steve smiles at him over his shoulder, knowing what's coming next. "But," and there it is. 
Steve straightens, turning to face him and rolling his shoulders back. "I don't know how good you are for Eddie. He's been through a lot, son. And you...well. We're not gonna stand here and act like you and your family don't come with a whole world of baggage." Steve hums his agreement.
"You're right," he says, nodding. "But which side of my family is the problem?" Wayne's jaw twitches.
"Ed's got enough experience with breakin' the law for a lifetime," he bites out, and that's an answer in and of itself. Steve smiles again, formal, small.
"I'm not involved in my grandfather's family business," he says, rote and regular, the same line he's been taught to use since he was a child.
"Don't give me that shit, boy." He points at him, mouth set in an angry frown. "You think I don't know your mama? You think I didn't see you runnin' round with your cousins when they'd visit?"
The eggs need to be flipped. He turns back to the stove, grabbing the spatula and keeping his eyes on the food as he takes a moment to think.
"I understand your concern," he says evenly, and Wayne scoffs behind him. "But I promise you, Mr. Munson," he picks up a plate, sliding two fried eggs onto it and adding a healthy serving of fried potatoes, "I won't let anything happen to him." He turns, meeting Wayne's gaze and handing him the plate.  
Wayne stares him down, silent. His eyes pinch, and he swallows hard. "How can you promise that?" he asks, and Steve's smile goes sharp.
"In my experience, it's best to not ask questions you don't want an answer to."
His eyes flick up when he catches a bit of movement, and he smiles as Eddie shuffles into the kitchen. "Morning, baby," he says, and Eddie grumbles at him, side-steps Wayne to worm his way into Steve's arms. Steve laughs and gives him a gentle squeeze, kissing his bedhead.
"Sit at the table," he murmurs into his hair, "I'll make you a plate." 
"Coffee," Eddie demands, and Steve's smile widens.
"Coming right up."
"Kiss," he demands next, and Steve beams at him, gently lifting Eddie's chin to press a soft kiss to his mouth. He lingers for just a moment, giving a gentle bite to Eddie's lower lip and feeling Eddie smile into it. 
He pulls away then, sleep-rumpled and gorgeous, and Steve flicks his eyes to Wayne, gauging his expression.
He doesn't look happy. Eddie's too tired to notice, though, and soon the two of them are talking quietly at the table while Steve fixes Eddie's coffee the way he likes and fries two sunny side up eggs.
Wayne doesn't like Steve, and that's fine. He doesn't blame him, not a bit. He understands.
He sets the plate in front of Eddie, brings the coffee pot to top off Wayne's mug, and knows regardless of how Wayne feels, he isn't going anywhere. Not unless Eddie asks.
And he's going to make damn sure that Eddie never asks.
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needle-noggins · 5 months
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The Biology and Riding of Thoma
Thoma, also known as Thomases (singular: Thomas), are the primary animal used on No Man's Land for transportation, meat, eggs, feathers and oil. The meat can be eaten fresh or dried into jerky, and thoma meat, fried in thoma oil and sprinkled with worm dust, is a popular street food. These massive birds were genetically engineered early on in No Man's Land history and are well-suited for the desert, making them easy to raise and care for. Plus, they're easy to ride.
Thoma are a combination of several bird species, genetically similar to Emu and Ostriches, but with the stature of much larger birds such as the extinct Terror birds (Phorusrhacids), standing near 5-6 feet tall at the withers. Their bright blue plumage and loosely-packed feathers helps dissipate heat. They have long eyelashes to keep out dust, and they have a second eyelid that protect the cornea from grit and bright UV light. This does, however, decrease visibility, making them more prone to tripping over rocks.
Thoma have a long, feathery neck that helps balance them at faster speeds along with the heavy, muscled keel. The keel is engineered to be similar to that of a broiler chicken, as their vestigial wings are useless except for thoma mating displays. Under the throat is a vocal sac, which can be used to transmit low rumbles over long distances. Most thoma, however, prefer to chirp at a frequency easily heard by their human caretakers and riders. They have long, powerful legs, capable of galloping up to 40 iles an hour, and a kick that can disembowel an attacker or rip into a worm's exoskeleton. The three talons on their feet need to be trimmed by an experienced farrier every 4-8 weeks, depending on a bird's mileage.
Thoma eat a diet of seeds, grains, worms, and (when available) fruits and vegetables. Like many birds before them, they will sometimes ingest small rocks and pebbles to help grind their food in the gizzard. The thin, short beak is perfect for pecking at the ground, and when provoked, they will also peck at an enemy. Thoma are, however, generally good-natured creatures, as they have been bred to be.
Thoma are easy-going and very trainable with a nice floating gait, making them great mounts for humans on No Man's Land. Like many birds, they can move their legs independently from the movement of the spine, which allows the use of saddles. Most saddles are similar to old Western saddles, and are optimized for comfort and long journeys. However, in the bigger cities, some people may ride Thoma in competitions, typically using more English-style tack for greater control of the bird. typically two straps are used to secure the saddle - a breastplate to keep it from sliding back, and a girth/breeching to prevent it from sliding forward. The strong legs are left free to move as needed, giving the bird great flexibility.
The tack on the head often consists of a bridle, a canvas covering on the neck, and a headpiece with blinders. Headpieces and bridles may vary, as the design has been through several different iterations, but the general idea is to generate gentle pressure on the beak when the reins are pulled and to protect the eyes. The headpiece often has blinders and a screen over the eyes, allowing the bird to travel without using the second eyelid. This allows the thomas to move with greater agility, picking its way around desert rocks even at high speeds. The canvas across the neck protects the feathers from the reins and keeps the bird cool. Some headpieces also include a protective metal beak piece that can be used as a weapon.
Thoma make excellent mounts as they are docile, easy to train, have very few natural predators, little fear of humans, and can live on worms alone in a pinch. They do require some water, not having ability to store much themselves, but their ability to dissipate heat and the ways in which the tack can help keep them cool minimizes the need. There are a few wild herds, but most thoma live on ranches or in stables, marked with a leg band or brand.
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 22 days
Favorite food? and least favorite food
John Dory - Troll equivalent of beef jerky. Bug jerky? Yeah let's go with that. 😏 Snail jerky, cricket jerky, worm jerky! And steak! 🥩 Hates mushrooms! 🍄 There was a time when it was all he could find when foraging! Yes it kept him alive, but it was disgusting!
Bruce - absolutely LOATHES eggs🥚At one point when he was younger, to keep up his physique he would eat only boiled eggs for days at a time. He quickly got sick of them! His favourite food now is fried chicken wings 🍗. Yaaaasss!
Clay - Clay likes sandwiches. 🥪 They are efficient! They can be custom made to whatever he is craving or whatever is he has available. They are quick and easy to make and he can pack one to eat later. At the Hole n Fun, sunflower seeds were a staple. They could make them into flour, then into bread. Clay hates sea food. Can't stand the smell of it! He tolerates it the best he can when visiting Bruce, but if he can avoid it, he will! 🐟
Floyd - he likes a specific dish that's made by the Hard Rock Trolls. It's a very spicy pizza-like meal from a restaurant called 'Upper Crust'. 🍕 He has tried to recreate it but it never quite tastes the same. Cannot stand the taste of olives. 🫒 He will sit there and pick every last one of them them out of a dish before he can eat it.
Branch - If you ask him he will say his favourite food is he will say potatoes. 🥔 They can become many different meals, he can store heaps of them and regrow them from cuttings. Buuuuut secretly his favourite food is his Grandma's Fluffleberry Cake. 🍰 He likes sugar like any other Troll but he can't tolerate OVERLY sugary things e.g. candy floss, meringue. Too much of it reminds him off the taste of Ring Pops and it makes him sick.
Fun fact - All of the brothers like the taste of coriander/cilantro. To Poppy and Viva it tastes like soap. 🫧
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lord-amaranth-12 · 11 months
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(Almost) every food/drink etc. mentioned in obey me nightbringer and shall we date
I'll update with links to the sources soon just bare with me. Also please tell if the link arent working
Update: ill stop linking stuff for now
Update: i alphabetized everything (using https://onlinetoolz.net/alphabetical-order) and removed the ingredients for potions cause i will be moving it to another list. I also edited the layout abit to make it more readable
Update: ill start linking stuff now, have to get all out of my storage and posted here before i get full storage again
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• Abyss crimson bee honey
• Abyss crimson wasp honey
• Alla death cream
• Artic butterfly scales
• Ash fall chocolate brownies
• Assam
• Backstabbing sandwich
• Barely cooked black tapir steak
• Bat leaves
• Bavarian cream
• Bell peppers
• Black cloud chocolate gâteau
• Black coffee of melancholy
• Black shark flavored gummies
• Black tapir casserole
• Bloody marmalade
• Bloody rice omelets
• Bloody soda
• blood-red velvet cupcakes
• BLT devil sandwich
• Blue rose crystal pickles
• Blue rose petals candied in crystal syrup
• Bufo egg milk tea
• Bufo egg milk tea hell poison honey flavored
• Bufo toad
• Bufo toad sushi
• Bulbul bird eggs
• Butter pancakes
• Castella
• Cat cookies
• Colossal jumbo surprise parfait
• Comfort candy
• Crazy ghoul hamburger
• Crimson bonito flake
• Crimson bonito flake dressing
• Crimson dogwood
• Crimson tea
• Crispy chicken nugget LXXXIII
• Crushed millefeuille
• Dark star fruit sandwich
• Death maggot sauce
• Death mask bat chips
• Deaths door sauce
• Deep-fried devil zebra skewers
• Demi-glace sause
• Demon salmon
• Demonic Sausage
• demon silk moth-flavored gummies
• Demonkiller remora
• Demonkiller remora sauté
• Demonus-infused chocolate
• Demon-luring seaweed salt kalbi chips
• Devil cabbage
• Devil cacao bean
• Devil canelé
• Devil chocolate
• Devil chocolate canelé
• Devil duck confit
• Devil flower fruit trifle
• Devil ham
• Devil lohas milk tea
• Devil moray sushi
• Devil salmon meunière sandwiches
• Devil salmon rolled sushi
• Devil salmon terrine
• Devil zebra bacon
• Devil zebra meat sushi
• Devilbee popcorn
• Devildom gummy Horror house flavored
• Devildom-style boneless pararucu
• Devildom-style vampire bat sandwich
• Devils soft serve
• Dragons mark pie crust
• Dreamfeather cookies
• Dreamfeather meringue cookies
• Dried bufo egg
• Earl grey cookies
• Eternal night herbal tea
• Family pack sushi
• Fish meunière
• flaming hot mushrooms
• Flaming toad
• Fluffy egg pancakes
• Fluorescent rich yogurt
• fried devil chicken
• Fruit of wisdom jelly
• Galaxy burger
• Galaxy fries
• Garlic anchovy dip
• Giant shadow sea cucumber cream pasta
• Glazed Shadow chestnut
• gold demonus
• Gold hellfire newt syrup
• grilled vampire bat
• Hamburger gummies
• Hamburger stake
• Hamburger steak
• Haunted hamburgers
• Havoc devil
• Havoc devil ribs
• Hawthorn berry powder
• Hell demon salmon
• Hell pudding
• Hell velvet parfait
• Hellfire chocolate pie
• hellfire curry rice
• Hellfire mushroom rooled cigar
• Hellfire mushrooms
• Hellfire rose
• Hells kitchen hamburger combo
• Heros herbal tea
• Horror's horror cheesecake
• Hunter sandwich
• Instant noodles (hell-sauce flavor)
• Juicy shadow hog rice bowl
• King-sized fried devil chicken
• King-sized hellfire curry rice
• King-sized poison bleu cheese hamburger
• King-sized shadow hog ramen
• Laughingshroom powder
• Little devils white sauce
• Madam scream's super sweet scones
• Magma butter
• Magma butter pasta
• Magma butter scone
• Mandragora powder
• Marinated bufo toad
• Melted cheese
• Mimic latte
• Mint chocolate chip
• Mont blanc
• Nightshade cream
• Ocean of cloud cake-parfait
• Ocean of Clouds cake
• Ordeal orange fondae
• paradise blue
• Pasta alla death cream
• Pickled vampire bat
• poison bleu cheese hamburger
• Poison strawberry
• Poison veggie juice box
• Poison viper worm al ajiilo
• Poison worm sauce
• Poisonous cheese burgers
• Poisonous cheesecake
• Poisonous marsh pudding
• Princess poison apple
• Promised glory donut (?)
• Purgatory mustard
• Quattro Hungry Pizza
• Quetzalcoatl brains
• Quetzalcoatl brains soup
• Rainbow paw print chocolate
• Red riding hood sandwich
• RedxRed apple pie
• Region exclusive Devildom gummy
• RIP burger
• Ruby chocolate éclair
• Sabbat salad
• Salted hell rose petals
• Salt-grilled black goat bat
• Scorpion syrup
• Shadow caramel
• Shadow chestnut
• Shadow chestnut paste
• Shadow chocolate
• Shadow chocolate brownies
• Shadow hof stir fry in demi-glance sauce
• Shadow hog
• Shadow hog buns
• Shadow hog dumplings
• shadow hog ramen
• Shadow hog soup
• Shadow hog steamed bun
• Shadow hog stir fry
• Shadow pork ragu pasta
• Shadow tuna sashimi
• Silver birch sap
• Simeons special BLT devil sandwiches
• Siren bench caviar
• Smoked cocktraice glizzard
• Smoky black loco moco
• Spicy rainbow pizza
• spiderweb powder
• Sponge cake
• Stardust soda
• Starry-sky waffle
• Stonefish Meunière
• Strawberry shortcake
• Super-sized limited-edition beef
• Sweet and salty canned kraken assortment
• Sweet milk tea
• Sweet tears donut
• thick-cut giant devildom slug sauté
• Thunder sparkle flavored gummies
• Toe bean stamp salad
• Troll coffee
• Ultra D
• Unhappy Mega Combo
• Vampire bat
• Venti brashberry frappuccino with double whipped cream and extra berry powder
• Whole roast shadow hog
• Wicked cupcake
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Not in devildom
• Camping meal (Witch camp)
• Cursed goat cheese tartar sandwich (TSL)
• Ema datshi (human world)
• Ginger ale (human world)
• Hamburger (mama's cooking) (levis animes)
• Herbal tea (celestial realm)
• Huckleberry (human world)
• Hyper chili dog (human world)
• Japanese giant salamander (human world)
• Mapo tofu (human world)
• Tornado tomato (human world)
• White mochi balls in syrup (march comes in like a Panda)
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• Barbatos's homemade cake
• Barbatos's homemade pudding
• Celestial tea
• Demon lords castle edition premium demonus
• Demonus with scorpion syrup and spiderweb powder
• Devilcats favorite food
• Leviathans homemade granola
• Lobster
• marshmallow
• Moryo Town's special demonus
• multi colored Jelly
• Popcorn Deaths door flavored
• Popcorn lava salt flavored
• Popcorn magma butter flavored
• Popcorn Tree sap caramel flavored
• Pudding from devilmart
• Ramen infernal bahamit flavor
• Rare flower used in baking as a sweetener
• Really big chocolate bar
• Really big chocolate coin
• Salad from Sound Off, Symphony! Summer band camp storyline
• Sheep cake
• Star-shaped chocolate
• Sun and moon cookies by simeon
• "Little cake thingies"
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• Chocolate mold
• Devildom miso
• Egg berry whole mil
• Marinated bufo toad
• Marzipan
• Meunièr
• Newt
• Surströmming
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needyfeedee22 · 4 months
Tummy so full but I still want more….
My menu for today:
Breakfast- Eggs, a pancake, a piece of bacon and sausage
Lunch- Oreo milkshake, fries, cheeseburger
Snacking- 5 chocolate covered strawberry halves, honeybun, several pieces of chocolate, a couple gummy worms
Dinner- 2 giant slices of a big sandwich and some bbq chips
Encourage me to stuff myself more and get bigger and softer, in a praising, worship-y way please! I only engage with specific degrading feederism content. I don’t want you to be a total stranger if I give you permission to degrade me.
Please, dm if you want to feed me. Spoil me so I can get more treats to gorge on. I want to take a video of me eating the most delicious, calorie dense foods. Get softer for you, show off what you’ve molded me into. I want to accept your praise as your hands sink into my fat.
(In reality, I can’t get as big as I want to be, due to family. In my fantasies I can think about getting however big and soft I want!!)
🫶🏻 Please reblog if any of this made you hard/wet. Dm me if you got off to me!! Please let me know how much you’re enjoying me sharing my kinks <3 it turns me on
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chameleocoonj · 9 months
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fried egg worm + green lynx spider
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lost-technology · 5 months
A Century-Old Cookbook
Ace Trigun Week Prompt 5: Food as a Love-Language Vash's mind carried over a century of recipes. There was always a special one he'd make for anyone who had broken down his barriers.
A Century-Old Cookbook Milly took a deep sniff as she entered the rental-cabin, returning from a trip to the post office to mail off reports.  “Oh, is Mr. Vash cooking again?” she asked.  Meryl looked up from her hunched position over her portable typewriter on the main room table.  “He hasn’t stopped cooking since we unpacked.”  “He really likes to, doesn’t he?”  “Fine by me,” Wolfwood said, wandering in from the back bedroom, taking a drag on a cheap cigarette.  “Do you have to smoke in here?” Meryl complained, “Go outside.”  “What’s he making?” Milly asked.  “And yes, Mr. Priest, you really should go outside.  It’s not good for any of us.”  Wolfwood grumbled as he stubbed out his cigarette in an ashtray.  “At least Needle Noggin makes the best fried rice on the planet.” “Oh, is that what we’re having?”  “It’s ready!”  Vash came in from the kitchen with a heaping bowl of his signature dish in one hand and a stack of plates in the other.  The aromas of toma-egg, fermented sauce, Geoplant-grown green onion and salty canned meat (probably from leftover tins from the spacefaring age - they were the cheapest one could get) filled the air.  “All right! Let’s eat!” Milly chimed.  “Are you going to say grace, Mr. Priest?”  Wolfwood gave her a chuckle, sidling next to her at the table as Meryl put her typewriter away to make room for a plate.  “Good grub, good meat, good God, let’s eat!” he joked, dramatically penting his hands.   “This is good,” Meryl admitted between spoonfuls, looking up to Vash.  “How did you learn to make it this way?”  “A lot of…practice?”  Vash said sheepishly. A memory came to his mind of when he was small, his brother at his side, both staring in wonderment at a frying pan as Rem was behind them, praising Vash for how well he was tossing a mess of rice in it – the fluidity of his wrist, getting the toss just right. She praised Knives for his work with the soy sauce and a spoon.  She told them that this was a skill that would serve them their entire lives.  Teaching them to cook was a part of her inducting them into becoming grown-ups.  To this day, Vash remembered his meals on the SEEDS ships, the ones that Rem had prepared for him before she saw fit to induct him into the secret-adult-knowledge of the kitchen. He was surprised he wasn’t a chubby little kid.  Rem had been an excellent cook.  Vash had cooked many meals for himself and others over the years – most of them lonely out in the desert wilds.  Some were simple – nasty half-rotten meat scavenged from worm carcasses made marginally-edible over campfires kindled from the same worms’ chitin and skin that he ate for no reason other than staying alive in desperation. Some were complex, using Plant-manufactured raw materials and even, after a time, the grown crops some of the settlements had managed to wrestle out of the poor land. He’d worked in taverns as he traveled town to town, picking up whatever odd jobs he could, first under his own name and then under many assumed names when his bad luck caught up to him.  As a result, Vash knew many old recipes – some going way back to Old Earth while most were improvised for the times and the environment, either by the humans who were making their way here or self-invented.  Vash was a living example of a century-old cookbook.  He listened to the blissful sounds of his companions at the table as they ate.  He smiled.  That fried rice that Rem taught him to make was the favorite dish he knew to make for people he loved.  Inspired by this comic by @goathag
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crackedpumpkin · 1 year
|| ᴄᴀᴜɢʜᴛ ʀᴇᴅ ʜᴀɴᴅᴇᴅ || ᴘᴛ. ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ (ꜰɪɴᴀʟᴇ) ||
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Well, guys, this is it. Welcome to the series finale of Caught Red Handed. I won't make this a/n long; I'll post a separate one -> HERE! if you're interested in reading it! Other than that, I genuinely hope you all enjoyed this series with me :) - Love, crackedpumpkin
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This is it.
This is the day. The day the Sun Festival draws to a close and the day he leaves.
The day Leo leaves.
You stir at the smell of fried eggs, blinking sleepily as your eyes register the blurry ceiling above you. You turn your head to face the open window beside your bed, squinting when the sunlight almost blinds you. 
You hum softly, feeling the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe in the fresh air of the morning. You watch the birds soar past, flying off toward the forest beyond. The bustle of the streets hasn’t reached its peak hour yet, with most visitors and vendors still asleep or beginning to stir. 
You slowly sit up, wincing when you feel your arms ache. You slowly massage them, doing a quick stretch with your arms raised above your head before getting off your bed and opening your closet doors.
You grab a fresh set of clothes, heading into the bathroom to wash up. You emerge soon after with damp hair, a rough towel slung around your neck as you sit down in front of the vanity mirror next to your bed. 
You’re just starting to brush your hair when you hear a brief knock on your door. “Come in!” You call out, only to smile when Leo’s head pokes through the open door.
“Hey,” He greets you softly, entering the room and leaving the door open. He stands near the doorway, fidgeting awkwardly as he determines whether or not to move closer.
“Hey,” You respond with a warm smile, still in the middle of detangling your hair from the brush in your hand. 
“Do you need any help with that?” He gestures to your damp hair, eyeing the knots in it. You nod sheepishly, allowing him to approach. He stands behind you, his gentle hands reaching up and taking the brush from your grasp.
He starts combing through your locks, noting even the slightest wince on your lips and becoming more gentle with each brush. Your cheeks flush when his fingers just barely brush against your neck.
You sit in silence, your eyes flickering up every now and then and catching his in the mirror. You watch him purse his lips, fingers smoothly untangling your hair. You like it, the way he’s so gentle and considerate. 
You don’t want him to leave, you realize, your smile faltering at the thought that invades your mind. You want him to stay. Especially after yesterday, when you were panicked, wanting nothing more than to save him. 
He’s wormed his way into your heart, practically making himself at home. Your eyes dart to the swords that rest on his hip, recalling the first night you met. After only seven days, everything’s changed faster than you can even blink. You’ve experienced what it’s like to have someone around, to have Leo around.
It’s a good change, one you don’t want to let go of so easily.
He sets down the brush, both of your faces dusted with soft pink. You glance down first, unable to fight back the small smile that finds itself present on your lips. 
“I, uh, made some breakfast for you,” You look back up when Leo speaks, noticing how he averts his gaze. He gestures lamely towards the kitchen next door with a shy grin, rubbing the back of his neck. “Thought you might be hungry after last night.”
“Thanks,” You murmur softly, standing up and walking with him to the small dining table he had tidied up nicely. You smile in thanks, sitting down. He walks to the kitchen, bringing out a plate of egg sandwiches. 
Your stomach grumbles, eyeing the pile of cut sandwiches hungrily. He takes a seat opposite you, picking up the nearest one and biting down. You gingerly grab one, your mouth watering before you bite down and almost swoon at the taste. 
“This ish reall goods,” You mumble through your chews with an impressed gaze, Leo raising a brow with an amused smile. 
“Thanks, I might’ve…used a little too many eggs,” He admits sheepishly, glancing at the many eggshells that fill your rubbish basket. You pause, taking in the sight of your messy kitchen. Raw egg splatters the counter, scattered dishes and utensils on the stove.
But you look down at the sandwich, take another bite and remind yourself that it’s worth the outcome.
“Oh, we’ll only be opening the store for half a day,” You tell him, and he gives you a curious look. 
“Only half?” 
“Yeah, because you should enjoy the celebration. It’s your last day here, after all.” 
The mood becomes sombre in that split second, and you wince, wishing the words never left your mouth. You continue your meal in silence, only to look up in surprise when you hear someone climbing up the steps to your living area.
“Y/n? Yokai thief? You there?” 
Leo automatically reaches for his cloak, slipping it on and covering his face right before Margaret enters. She spots the both of you sitting opposite each other, rolling her eyes and grabbing another chair to join you.
She picks up a sandwich, ignoring the way Leo’s body stiffens. He had made them for you, not her.
“Hey Margaret,” You greet tensely, eyes darting back and forth between Leo and the hungry girl. 
“Hey, Leo, you don’t have to put on your cloak or whatever, it’s not as scary or as intimidating as you think it is,” Margaret complains. You wonder how she got so obnoxious overnight.
“It’s Leonardo,” He responds tersely, pulling down his hood with a roll of his eyes and a grumpy scowl on his lips. He reaches out to grab the plate with the remaining sandwiches, pushing it closer to you. 
“Whatever. Just thought I’d let you all know that Leonardo is a free man now. Oh, and all the convicts except for the Stabbington Brothers. It might have something to do with the name; who knows?” 
“Really?” You ask hopefully, sharing an excited look with Leo. She nods, placing a newspaper on the table with the headline:
‘All crimes to be forgiven in the kingdom as part of the Princess’s celebration!’ 
“Looks like your bribery worked,” Margaret points out, leaning back in her seat. 
“Bribery??” Leo looks at you with a baffled grin, eager to hear more.
“It was nothing much,” You try to wave it off.
“She bribed the princess with her baked goodies, was no big deal. Except that we had to bake for god knows how many hours straight! I swear, I can probably win an arm wrestle against you now.” 
Leo sits back with an intrigued smile, not bothering to take her up on the challenge; his interest lies somewhere else. “So, you did all that for me?” He hums, a mischievous smile on his lips that hint at future teasing to come.
You stammer but compose yourself with a roll of your eyes. “Maybe I did, but that doesn’t explain how you got out of prison so easily!” 
“Oh, that? I happened to run into the Princess’s fiance. Duked it out - you know how guys are.” Leo holds up his hands, admiring his nails with a smug grin.
“Yeah, yeah. C’mon, we gotta open the store.” You stand up, already regretting moving so quickly, as your arms start to ache even more than this morning. You try to pick up your plate, only to wince. Leo arches a brow, smoothly taking it from your weak grip and heading to the kitchen to start cleaning up.
The rest of the day goes as usual, with you and Leo seemingly much closer than before. He’s constantly helping you out without any of the sly tactics he’d pull to get more money. Instead, he’s genuinely concerned about you, always hovering around, helping you pack small items, and dealing with difficult customers.
Time flies past, and the time to close your store reaches all too soon. Your store is laid bare; all your customers have bought every last item off the shelves.
You shut the door behind you, locking it and pocketing the key. Leo waits patiently for you, his hood securely on his head. You walk side by side through the bustle of the streets, vendors lighting up the traditional lanterns attached to the stores as the sun goes down.
They fill the streets with a warm glow, and Leo makes sure to stick to your side like glue. He’s still wary, eyeing the guards that come close every now and then. However, they don’t move to arrest him, merely sending him glares every now and then.
You spot him handing over a few crowns to the vendor selling some kebabs, noticing the money coming straight from the bag he had pocketed the money for ‘charity’ a couple of days back. Your heart warms at the sight, and he thanks the store owner before turning and walking back to you with a happy smile.
“Thanks!” You hum, taking a skewer from him and biting down before sighing blissfully at the wonderful flavours that coat your tongue. You look up at Leo who’s staring down at the remaining half of your skewer, hesitantly offering it to him. 
He bends down and takes a huge bite of whatever’s left, chewing with a mischievous grin. You gasp in mock offence, hitting his arm lightly. His shoulders shake with laughter, eyes shining with an amused glint.
You narrow your eyes, placing your hand on his arm and tiptoeing towards him, leaning in and stealing a bite off of his skewer as well. He gasps in dramatic horror, glaring playfully at you as you chew with a satisfied hum.
“Of your heart, maybe,” You shoot back with a grin, only for it to falter when you see his arm stiffen, looking away from you with a cough. However, you spot his smile under the hood, relaxing after.
You continue to look around the stores, holding up a few trinkets for Leo to decide whether or not you should get them. He’d usually shake his head with a grimace, but for some, he’d nod approvingly. His hood had fallen back a while earlier, sending you both into a panic until you realized that no one really seemed to care, only the occasional odd glances and murmurs sent your way.
He’s about to put his hood back up, but you stop him with a soft smile, your hand on his wrist.
“I like it better down.”
— — — — — — — — —
“How’s this?” You ask, holding up a flower crown and beaming. You place it on your head, and it tilts slightly, almost falling off your head had he not caught it. Your breath hitches, his face too close for your comfort. 
You pull away with a shy blush that dusts your cheeks, clearing your throat and focusing on adjusting it on your head to fit perfectly. He approaches the store owner, pulling out a few crowns to pay. 
“Five crowns, please!” 
“Five crowns??” His disbelieving tone makes you look over, slightly concerned from where you stand. He sends you a reassuring smile, looking back at the owner with astonishment in his eyes. 
“No way, two crowns at the most,” He tries to bargain, hating how his wallet practically cries out in pain.
“I’m sure your fiancée loves it, though; it’s a good spend!” The store owner whispers to him with a wink, and he’s left speechless, lips parting as he tries to find the words to deny it. 
“Oh, we’re not- she’s not- we’re-” He flounders, the store owner shaking her head with a pitying look in her eyes. 
“Young man, I can’t see your face, but I don’t have to, to know the way you look at her is special.” The store owner chides.
Leo flushes, hanging his head in defeat as he holds out the five crowns to the store owner, who gladly accepts. However, he looks back up at you as you check out the flower crown in the small mirror, placing it on different angles with pursed lips before looking back up and meeting his eyes. You smile warmly, and he almost loses all feeling in his legs. 
He’s never been so grateful to the inventor of the cloak.
You walk away with a happy purchase, giggling when Leo moves it so that it’s tilted. You readjust it, swatting his hand away. You’re distracted, however, when you spot a group of musicians walking around, playing the flute, violin, and accordion. 
You follow them automatically, drawn like a moth to a flame, when you hear the beautiful melody they play. It’s joyful and contagious, and you see many townspeople start to dance together, forming circles of couples dancing together. 
When someone holds out their hand to you, you hesitate but accept it. They pull you in, your hands in theirs as you dance. You spot Leo’s confused glances, giving him a quick wave when his eyes finally find you. 
His hood is still down, watching you with a soft gaze. Your feet move to the rhythm, your body embracing the melody as you gesture for him to join you. He shakes his head at first, wanting you to enjoy yourself.
"C'mon!" You laugh, holding out a hand to him. He hesitates, glancing around at everyone else. You wait patiently, humour dancing in your eyes. He wants to refuse, to hide away back in the store and spend time with just the two of you. Even right now is scary for him with his hood down, exposing his existence to everyone.
But how could he say no, when you looked at him like that?
So he slips his hand into yours, letting out a loud yelp when you drag him into the town dance. You laugh and giggle, and he feels his lips automatically curve upwards into a warm smile at the sight. 
He tries to follow along, undeterred by his clumsy movements as you grin in pure amusement. He likes your smile. He wants to see more of it. 
He makes his way towards you, and your hands are just about to brush against each other's when you're both suddenly dragged away by other partners in opposite directions. 
You send him a sheepish grin, and he shrugs simply in response. You continue to dance the night away, always trying to find him in the crowd and yet, never being able to bump into him.
Unknown to you, Leo's eyes constantly scan the sea of people around him, trying to find the familiar head of hair he's grown to adore. He finally spots you, his eyes meeting yours that fill with relief once you see him too.
The both of you attempt to make your way to each other, Leo's breath hitching when someone brushes up against his side. He cranes his neck; having lost you in the split second, he looks away. 
There you are. You're just a slight distance away from him. Just a few more steps, and he'd be with you once again, maybe even be able to replicate the closeness from that special night.
Your breath hitches when he disappears once someone momentarily blocks your vision. Your eyes dart around, your heart sinking when you don't see him anything. Another man holds out his hand to you, but you twirl to avoid him. 
Your feet struggle to keep up with your quick movements, the violin setting a pace for your heart when it speeds up just as your eyes land on a hooded figure with clear, blue eyes filled with mischief and endearment. You're only a few steps away.
You're so close. 
Your breath hitches in your chest when you stumble, bracing yourself for a harsh fall.
Your back meets empty air, and you scramble to find something to hold as your eyes squeeze shut, fully expecting to meet the ground as the music builds to a crescendo before ending with a flourish.
"Hey there," Your eyes slowly open, blinking a couple of times as the corner of your mouth tugs up into a welcoming grin. Leo looks down at you, having caught you just in time before you'd have landed on the ground.
He helps you stand back up, his arm still holding your waist securely. You glance up at him with flushed cheeks and bright eyes, though the tender smile he gives you makes your heart quiver, melting into a pile of goo.
You stay there for a moment, finally parting when the both of you notice that the crowd is beginning to leave. You pull away from each other with flustered smiles, and you don’t know where to put your hands. You’re about to return them to your sides when one is suddenly caught in a warm hold. 
You pause, looking down at the green hand holding yours.
Leo looks down at you with care and earnestness, like waves of emotion crashing against each other in a sea of blue. His smile is contagious, one you want to keep in your memory forevermore. 
So you place your free hand on his bicep, tiptoeing and brushing your lips against his cheek. Your eyes flutter open, having subconsciously squeezed them shut with your brief kiss. You lean back, clearing your throat as red starts to spread up your neck and across your cheeks.
“We should probably get back to the store,” You murmur, trying not to smile when you see Leo’s dumbfounded gaze. His eyes are wide, officially rendered speechless. You wave your hand in front of his face, getting slightly concerned when he doesn’t react. 
“Hello? Leo?” You call out. He snaps out of his daze, looking back down at you. It’s useless, you have him in a chokehold, wrapped around your fingers, and he knows it. You breathe a sigh of relief when he finally reacts, lacing your fingers with his.
You make your way back to the store in bashful silence, only for you to suck in a sharp breath through your teeth when he slings his arms around your shoulders, pulling you close. You can barely meet his gaze, your heart racing a million miles a minute.
You reach the store all too soon, lingering outside the locked door. You pretend to be searching for your key, wanting to prolong your last few moments with him. Sure, maybe he’d come by for visits now and then, but you didn’t want that.
You want something more.
You pause, shoulders tense as you decide whether or not to do it. You slowly turn to face his questioning gaze, suddenly finding it hard to swallow. You part your dry lips, brain scrambling to search for the right words to say while summoning every last drop of courage in your body.
“Stay,” The words tumble past your lips before you can process them. Your heart is heavy at the thought of him leaving. You don’t know if you can live without it now, his cheesy retorts and witty remarks that constantly make you laugh, his very presence giving each day a brighter start.
You look down at his plastron as you struggle to find the words to express how you truly feel. Your hands grip his arms with a hold so tight you’re afraid to let go. “Stay with me,” You repeat in a whisper, cheeks turning scarlet.
A moment of silence passes, and you’re too scared to look up, arms falling to your sides. 
But he bends down, wrapping his arms around you, and it’s so soft and so gentle that you almost think it’s just your imagination. He buries his head into your shoulder, the hilts of his katanas barely brushing against your limp hands.
“Okay,” You feel his shoulders relax, all the tension leaving his body as he replies with a breathless chuckle. You feel his smile against your bare shoulder, your arms wrapping around his shoulders and hugging back just as tightly. 
So, Y/n and I? Well, we're living happily ever after in the castle after she made good use of her palace connections.
"Leo." You chide with a hint of amusement in your tone.
"Okay, so maybe we still live together in the store. But hey, now we have someone in the palace to bail us out when we need it!" 
You giggle, slapping his wrist lightly when he tries to take some cookie dough in your bowl. 
"Not just that, but whether or not Y/n and I stayed together after that? Well, after years and years of asking..."
Leo grabs your hands, a soft smile on his lips as his eyes look into yours. Flickers of warmth tickle your cheeks, and you flush, looking away. 
However, you're surprised when he suddenly takes a step back. You watch with intrigue when he takes a knee in front of you, the tails of his bandanna fluttering and resting on his toned biceps as he pulls out a small box.
You’re his beginning and end, the start and finish of the chapters in his life. 
You gasp, tears already stinging your eyes, when realization dawns on you. 
"She finally said yes."
And he wouldn’t prefer it any other way.
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dateless-bar · 3 months
Can I Follow You Home? - Loyalist Primarch Ver. (Modern AU)
If you ask Can I Follow You Home...
*: Character design from #projectepd, see character design pics here: ☆
He usually gets up early, so he might be awake if you visit him in the morning. He'll answer the door wearing a white shirt, with a faintly visible red stone pendant hooked inside his collar, and he'll have on a pair of white disposable slippers—like the ones you'd find in hotel. He might be holding a coffee pot or his favorite mug, usually filled with capsules or instant coffee as he hasn't learned to grind his own yet. He wonder if you want sugar when you ask for a cup.
Through the foyer, you can roughly see the living room, decorated in pure white and beige, with only a few wooden shelves on the walls that seem out of place. He nailed them up himself to display the precious first works of his offspring—though simple and bearing the marks of immature craftsmanship, they're treasures to Sanguinius.
If you peek further inside, he might have to move aside some unsorted art books and magazines scattered on the sofa and coffee table. They become more numerous near the workshop area, where various painting materials and unfinished sculptures are displayed, giving the room a complex yet traditional look. It not only boasts excellent lighting but also great natural light. When there are no other visitors, Sanguinius usually paints or sculpts here. And if a visitor delicately asks to see his collection, he'll gladly lend them rare art books and explain them carefully.
Leaving the workshop, you'll notice that the decor and style of the house are quite different from the studio. The modern minimalist architecture doesn't exude much of a lived-in feel, and apparently, the fridge used to be just a fridge with hardly any groceries inside, but now it seems to have become richer due to the occasional visits from Horus and the other brothers. A is considering having the creative department make new commemorative fridge magnets for the Red Tear Modern, perhaps to help organize the messages and notes left on the fridge.
Rogal Dorn
He rises extremely early, arguably the earliest of all. Therefore, it's quite hard to disturb him; typically, by this time, he's already wide awake and seated at the table with a complete breakfast. This breakfast remains consistent year after year, with roasted beans, eggs, sausages, and toasted bread on the plate, neatly arranged. However, you might notice that his table salt and black pepper shakers are in the shape of LEGO bricks. By the way, there's an entire LEGO brick wall in his house—constructed into the pattern of Phalanx, magnificent and impressive in terms of both wealth and technology.
When you point out the monotony of his menu, he'll earnestly argue that he changes the type of eggs depending on the day—whether it's scrambled, poached, Benedict, or fried—but his accompaniment is always black coffee. He's someone who eats without distractions, solely focused on his meal. Therefore, after finishing breakfast, he'll browse through messages from Malcador and others, and reply before heading out.
After his meal, he rinses his mouth, then remotely opens the car door to prepare for his journey to the Imperial Fist Co. As they say, "the early bird catches the worm."
And if you visit Dorn in the evening, you might catch a glimpse of him working in the kitchen. The reason it's called "working" is because his state and movements hardly qualify as cooking; it's more like precision operation. Dorn uses various kitchen measuring tools to meticulously measure ingredients and follows authoritative cookbooks to prepare meals. Honestly, he despises descriptions like "a cup of water," "a pinch of salt," or "some olive oil," and sometimes wonders how Guilliman, who also values precise calculation, manages at these times. This brother's culinary skills are also well-regarded. However, while the food Dorn makes may not be unpleasant, it can probably be classified as ordinary, with its nutritional value being the only commendable aspect.
Roboute Guilliman
Guilliman, like his Loyalist brothers, wakes up earlier than most people. His alarm clock settings are very detailed, but he usually doesn't really need them because he always wakes up promptly half an hour before the alarm goes off, then manually shuts it off. He has a very meticulous way of making his bed, almost making it look like a hotel or military dormitory bed.
So if you visit his residence, where he lives with Lion, at this time, he'll most likely think you're a neighbor coming to complain or a postal worker delivering subscriptions—yes, even though Guilliman and his subordinates have fully transitioned to paperless offices, his roommate Lion still maintains the most classical habit of subscribing to physical magazines. He can tell at a glance whether you're a paparazzo coming to snoop around for gossip, and for the general public, he'll briefly answer questions within his duties and tell you to look for more in-depth answers on the Parliament's website.
After dealing with the morning troubles, it's usually time for Lion to rise—this isn't consistent, so you should pray you don't encounter this or at least not during their breakfast time. Because that often means a thorough critique of British cuisine and—family commotion, and this struggle never seems to have a winner.
During breakfast, Guilliman usually reads today's loyalist-supporting newspapers on an electronic screen, and when something big happens, he needs to wear headphones to reply promptly while eating. Office work begins at this time and continues until the end of the day. Lion dislikes this very much, so usually, when they have meals together, these matters are temporarily set aside.
Lion El'Jonson
Lion doesn't welcome visitors, so we can only talk about his daily routine at the beginning of the day. Although he wakes up early, his waking time isn't consistent. He still uses a traditional alarm clock, but he often breaks it by hitting it when he wakes up grumpy. Sometimes this happens in the middle of the night, triggered by noises like car sounds outside, a habit ingrained by years of battlefield experience. If you see his bed in disarray, it's very likely that his dreams weren't pleasant that night.
The first thing Lion usually does after waking up is to wash and shave. He uses a shaving lotion and aftershave with scents reminiscent of traditional formulas, and he still sticks to using a razor blade. His technique is extremely precise, and he demands high standards of grooming. After completing his preparations, he selects his clothes for the day—simple for everyday wear, but quite elaborate for important occasions. He has a separate box in his wardrobe for all his honors and medals.
However, at home, he typically wears only two layers in summer and three in winter. This dressing style might be too cold for ordinary people in winter, especially since this old house doesn't have underfloor heating (though Vulkan is planning to install it for his brothers), so they rely on fireplaces for warmth.
Lion's writing work usually takes place in the study, where the bookshelves contain many first editions or gifts from special collectors. Sometimes he works on a typewriter and then has someone transcribe it into electronic manuscripts for submission to publishers. The study overlooks the garden of the house, which Lion meticulously maintains. His gardening skills are impressive, and if you really want to visit him, you might try asking to see it—after all, as a typical old-fashioned gentleman, perhaps the only thing he wouldn't refuse is appreciation for his gardening work.
Would you like to see his RV? That's definitely a cool idea. And the best way to start is by visiting some specialty takeout restaurants. Pizza, fruit tarts, fried noodles—although the RV has a small but well-equipped kitchen, the high-powered oven is pretty much out of the question. After getting the takeout, Vulkan might enjoy it on the manually extendable steps of the RV, a hearty meal perfect for sharing.
This RV is sized to match his physique, looks a bit old but is well maintained. Its painted surface gleams with the logo of Salamanders Heavy Industries, and both front and rear have been modified to suit off-road camping and other activities. Of course, these designs and facilities were all done by Vulkan himself.
If you'd like to tour the interior of the RV, he'd be delighted! It's a bit cluttered inside, with various repair tools hanging on the walls or stored in cabinets. A small built-in sofa bed is placed under the windows, enough for one person to lie down. But for Vulkan, he needs to unfold the sofa bed to sleep. The climate control system inside the RV keeps the winter nights from being too cold, but it can get a bit warm in the summer. Besides design drawings, there are also some promotional posters on the walls, including one from the Raven Guards band, probably left by Corax during his last visit.
Notably, the RV's interior even has a small bathroom, which is a bit too small even for Vulkan. He only takes a shower inside when he's in inconvenient locations like remote wilderness areas. Because the bathroom is so small, towels, toothbrushes, and cups are all crammed onto the same shelf. The larger portion of the storage space is reserved for emergency equipment and first aid kits, which are regularly maintained or replaced. And if there are any special circumstances encountered during trips to remote areas, he always goes all out to help lost travelers.
Vulkan is usually behind the wheel, enjoying the beautiful natural scenery through the wide windows. If you're invited to try sitting in the passenger seat, it'll be a fantastic travel experience.
Corvus Corax
Corax's home is a rented modern apartment, and if you enter it, you'll be captivated by the mesmerizing city night view from the expansive floor-to-ceiling windows. However, unfortunately, it seems he didn't have much preference for the location of the house and didn't do any prior research, so he ended up renting a place next to a construction site where the developer had abandoned midway. It's quiet, indeed, but the sight of unfinished walls and debris below is quite amusing. Yet, as night falls, ignoring the dilapidated surroundings, you can see the distant city lights twinkling like fireflies.
Though it's a rented place, because of the long-term lease and signing agreements, a single room has been partitioned off and soundproofed to high standards for use as a home recording studio. If there's a live stream or online recording, Corax works here. However, most of the time, he performs outside or goes to collaborate in recording studios.
Sometimes he comes home in stage attire, which looks a bit too gothic or visual kei, even eerie at night, and he's gotten into trouble because of it. Upon returning home, he changes into loose sweaters and solid-colored pants, and fixes himself a cup of black cocoa. Sometimes he forgets to remove the accessories from his multiple ear piercings until just before bedtime.
The living room is a bit messy and could use some tidying up. His sheet music, guitar picks, poetry collections, and philosophical readings might be piled on the sofa or stacked next to the cushions. Across from it is a wide 41-inch screen, with a stack of unopened concert Blu-ray samples underneath. Corax isn't good at taking care of plants, and the only splash of green in the house is a small cactus, thankfully still alive. His house doesn't have the metallic vibe of a band's visual plan; instead, it looks more like an ordinary nine-to-five worker's humble abode.
Corax's bedroom is slightly darker than the other rooms, with only a breathing lamp. The curtains are made of thick blackout material, and once they're drawn, it's nearly pitch black inside, perfect for sleeping through doomsday. His bedding is black and gray, and once he starts sleeping, the only light in the whole space comes from the digital clock on the breathing lamp.
Leman Russ
Russ's home—honestly, most people have no concept of it. Very few know that he does indeed have a longhouse cabin in Tromsø. If you visit there in winter, skiing is a must-do activity, but be sure to stay safe and not get fooled into actually mountaineering or seeking out ice fields by him.
The cabin is made of wood and is nestled in the mountains far from the resorts, almost making one wonder if it's the gathering place of legendary snow monsters or werewolves. Although it looks simple from the outside, it's fully equipped with all the necessary amenities and living facilities inside. The most noteworthy feature is the cellar below, where the stored wines range from mead and rum to many other rare varieties. Those brewed by the wild wolves are kept in huge wooden barrels, aged through the years, and the unique aroma of the barrels, frost, fruits, and fermented liquor is a rare specialty in the world, reputedly praised even by Malcador.
At the other end of the house, there's an essential sauna room. Here, not only can you enjoy sauna baths, but also wooden barrel baths. For Russ, enjoying a drink after sweating it out is truly heavenly—although if you don't have his robust physical constitution, it's best not to attempt it lightly.
The rest of the facilities in the house are quite simple, and due to its unique location, there are some necessary first aid kits stored for people exploring the nearby mountains. Although he no longer works as an emergency rescuer or special forces personnel, Russ still doesn't overlook the dangers nature might bring to others.
Ferrus Manus
You might need to apply for a visit to Ferrus's workshop. When he's busy working, he takes breaks in the adjacent room, and over time, he probably spends more time here than in his residence.
It's a room he's isolated for himself, where you can see various astonishing mechanical diagrams and test prototypes. Many movie prop prototypes even serve as everyday items directly, like a hammer-shaped model used as a toilet paper holder, which is quite amusing. The room's systems are interconnected with the entire workshop, allowing for real-time monitoring and retrieval of images and test scenes for tracking. Even the smart systems are integrated, with automatic sensor operations for lighting control, room temperature, dehumidification, and more.
Ferrus usually spends his time here resting, and when he wakes up, he goes straight back to the workshop. So if you knock on this concealed door, chances are you won't see him in his usual attire with mechanical arms, dressed in workwear for testing; instead, he'll be in simple attire, maybe just a work vest.
He rarely cooks, so if he's dining and resting here, it's either takeout or snacks personally delivered by Fulgrim. Of course, the air fresheners, towels, and bedding inside, just by looking at their colors and designs, you can tell they're brought by the latter. This rather narrow living space was originally intended for one person, and if two people squeeze in, neither will be very comfortable.
Jaghatai Khan
If you want to visit Khan's residence, the garage might be the place he frequents the most, rather than the living quarters themselves. The White Scars' garage will completely overturn your perception; it can be considered a factory or even an exhibition hall. Their testing, modifications, and painting all take place here, and Khan can spend days or even weeks here before the modified racing begins. The White Scars' garage is a bustling marketplace, with specific vendors selling their signature barbecue, homemade wine, and cheese, which are delicacies hard to come by elsewhere—though for outsiders, trying them for the first time might be a bit challenging.
Whenever modifications are complete and performance testing is needed, he heads to the special race track areas provided by sponsors. These tracks are often in vast border regions, and as he gets away from the hustle and bustle, Khan's mood always becomes a bit brighter. In these test track areas, there are villas reserved for professional drivers to reside in, but he prefers to set up camp and get close to nature.
If you're invited into his tent, you'll be amazed by its luxurious furnishings and unique aesthetics. There are not only beds but also tasting tables and calligraphy desks. The decor often carries the Chogoris style, with intricately embroidered gold and red threads on exotic-patterned rugs and tablecloths. After work, he might invite you to hop into his vehicle and go see the migration of nearby wildlife, witnessing the changing scenery from the magnificent horizon at sunset to sunrise. No matter how far you travel, as long as you're in his car, you'll always find your way home.
(tbc in Traitor ver)
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Random question but uh- what's Padraic and Sage's favourite meal/dish? (Maybe also the crew too? If it's alright to question it:D)
Oooh, this was fun to think about! Thank you so much for sending this!
Locke: Locke tends to forget to eat, especially when he’s in the midst of a case or an experiment. His usual meal consists of a simple egg and a cigarette. But for a meal that brings him comfort, true comfort, he has a fondness for buttered toast, eggs over easy, and black coffee with sugar, bittersweet and strong. 
Once upon a time, a certain someone would cook all sorts of things for him and he tasted heaven…but that was very long ago. 
Regal: Padraic has impeccable and discerning senses, especially when it comes to food, so when he eats he wants to relish in a dish, and while he has sampled a plethora of cuisines, he adores French and Italian the most. For French dishes, he loves a lavish coq au vin or a beautiful bouillabaisse, and for Italian…oh, nothing can compare to the carbonara his mother makes. 
Sorcha: Sorcha is a lot like Padraic, loving both French and Italian dishes, but she likes a lighter fare that’s still intensely flavorful, like a caprese salad or a salade niçoise, or an excellent fish dish. 
Lorcan: Lorcan loves his mother’s cooking, especially her spectacular lasagna. He’s also a big fan of a thick, hearty stew with fresh baked brown bread to sop it up and a big fat sizzling steak with a nice scotch.
Rilla: Rilla adores fresh fruit, especially apricots and cherries, raspberries and strawberries and blueberries. A bowl of fresh fruit with clotted cream? Heavenly. She also loves a baked sweet treat like scones! 
Brig: Nothing beats a big fat steak and the perfect glass of whiskey. She doesn’t get to have it because steak is so expensive but she had it with the Regal’s once and oh, she loved it. 
Luella: Luella loves her mother’s vegetable soup, warm and comforting, and the rosemary bread she would serve with it. Even now the smell of it brings back comforting memories. 
Bogdan: Bogdan is a bit of a health nut, and likes his food to reflect that - only the finest quality of cricket and moths for him, and lots of fresh caught fish cooked expertly over the caves fire pits, maybe drizzled with a light sauce to really set it off. 
Casimir: Casimir LOVES spicy foods, he would burn a hole through his tongue with his favorite if left to his own devices. He also enjoys the ground dwelling fatty worms he’ll claw up from the dirt, slurping them down in front of a disgusted Bog. His ideal dish would probably be a spice basted worm stew of sorts, and he would make a big show of enjoying it in front of Bogdan. 
Clifford: Clifford likes tucking into a classic full English breakfast - bacon, fried egg, sausage, mushrooms, baked beans, toast, potatoes and grilled tomatoes. Add a strong cup of coffee with a dash of milk, and he’s had a lovely start to the day. 
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