#from a fic I'll never finish
Merlin and Arthur's prophecy:
“The Golden Age is promised. The Great King will come, born in love and death. He will be a miracle, Blessed by the Religion itself. The Great Purge of his Kingdom will follow. Dragon will slay dragon. Flame will die in flame. The kin of the Isle will burn. And from the ash, The Great Sorcerer will come, born in death and love. He will be Divine, Blessed of the Religion itself. They will mend the chasm. They will unite Albion. Two Dragons will rule the age of prosperity. They will come. It is promised.”
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iindigoeyed · 8 months
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saw this dress and purse and i KNEW i had to draw this, it's so her!!
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astromechs · 3 months
meanwhile, jyn while sick:
I’ll kill him, Jyn thinks. It’s not a thought that has much in the way of teeth, considering that it’s been at least three hours since she’s been able to lift her head from the pillow, but she holds onto it with all the strength she has as she watches Cassian settle into a chair on the opposite side of the room. Cassian, who can actually do things like walk around and sit down in a chair without losing his balance or collapsing, like she already has twice today. The nerve of him. How is it that they can have been on the same assignment, and therefore have exposure to all the same things, yet she’s bedbound and he doesn’t appear as though anything has happened at all? This isn’t fair. This is the biggest pile of bantha shit she’s ever seen in her life.
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magpiefngrl · 4 months
snippet from a fic i'll never finish #4
Sahara Nights in the desert brought cold winds and infinite, bright stars. At night, in the flapping tent, Harry traced constellations on Draco’s skin, giving each one a name: my darling, my sweet. No one who knew Harry would’ve guessed he was prone to endearments. Harry carried a whip and wore a broad hat and was usually sweaty, his clothes shabby from his adventures, his nails filthy from his excavations. Brusque and uncompromising, he’d never be accepted in polite society, where Draco grew up in stilted silence, surrounded by governesses and Latin textbooks. Harry had stuck out like a sore thumb in Cambridge among the other toffs, with his brilliant intellect and his impetuous temper and his handsome face, and until he kissed Draco by the river Cam on a night filled with the scent of spring grass, Draco had never known what it means to feel afraid.
drarry, sequel to Tangiers
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
catie I NEED more vettonso lore for your au. please. (love u)
Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! C!!! Thank you so much for asking!! This took me a bit cause there’s a lot of stuff I want to cover and I had to figure out how to balance the explanation of the historical context and how I apply it to my AU. But seriously thank you for asking because I did more research to write this post and learned a lot of things that make me feel deranged but I cannot bring any of this up to anyone irl without sounding like a lunatic. I’d apologize for the length but you should expect this from me by now! (I realized this doc for this was 1.5k+ my god)
Basic Info: early 1700s historical AU with arranged marriage plot 
Historical Context:
Okay, so this AU is based on a real historical event: The War of The Spanish Succession. Which is when the Spanish Throne was without a clear line of succession because the bloodline(Spanish Habsburgs) died out. So then, even though the previous Spanish King named his successor(Philip V, a Duke related to the French Royal family - representing Fernando in this AU), the Habsburgs still thought they should be allowed to keep the throne within their dynasty, thus offering up the second son(Charles VI - representing Seb in this AU) of the Holy Roman Emperor. So obviously they had to start a war because of it. But then the end result ended up being that because Charles VI’s older brother, the Holy Roman Emperor at the time, died during the war(because of illness though so it would have happened regardless), he became the next Emperor and Philip V ended up becoming the Spanish King after all, rendering it all pointless imo.
How does this relate to Vettonso?:
I'm not overly interested in either Charles VI and Philip V as people, but rather the roles they fulfill in this conflict, but obv I can’t help but draw on details from their lives. As I mentioned, Fernando is now Fernando I of Renault/France Spain and Seb is Sebastian I of Red Bull Austria. This is supposed to be like 2010-2012!Vettonso with Ferrari!Fernando and RBR!Seb(but like Fernando's title of Duke coming from France, because of his championships with Renault.) This AU is kinda just me looking at this historical event and thinking: wouldn’t a gay arranged marriage solve this succession quandary? But also just that it reminds me of Fernando and Seb’s rivalry, and the nationalities/kingdoms fit pretty well!!
Think about the throne of Spain as akin to winning a race, but becoming Holy Roman Emperor as winning the whole entire competition.(Also side note: real life Charles VI didn’t become a king until he became Emperor and adopted all of his brother’s titles, but I want Seb to be a boy king in this AU, so he can have a title as a treat.) Imagine you’re competing for something and you win it, but the only reason you win is because the other competitor won an even bigger prize!!!! Yay you got what you wanted but the boy king is now the emperor of most of Europe. And now you are stuck with him through lawfully wedded arranged marriage because they let you have what you wanted but only under the condition that the two kingdoms are still united. Yeah Fernando got the title, but Seb gained even more titles(get it???) 
They probably have a lot of animosity coming into the marriage, like “how could I ever build a relationship with the man who tried to steal my birthright?” but then realize they’re pretty similar after all. Though obviously Fernando has a lot more resentment than Seb because Seb won the whole damn thing! He would have control over Spain as he’s the king but since it's still within the domain of the empire, Seb would always have the final say. And Seb tries to be magnanimous like “Don’t worry, I won’t interfere”, and Fernando is all snide with comments like “Oh thank you great imperial majesty, can I really? Would you really allow me to do so?” But eventually become loving co-rulers that still constantly snipe at each other over different decisions the other makes. 
Some headcanons(I guess you’d still call it headcanons even if it's your own AU bcs it still comes from your head) + some fun facts from real life that have brainrotted me so I’m putting them in:
Their dynamic is just Seb being a very righteous, bratty boy king emperor who is unabashed about being that way, because he feels that it is his right, but still has a heart of gold and wants to treat his husband well no matter the circumstances leading to their marriage. And then Fernando is like a stray cat that keeps hissing and scratching because it’s really hard for him to accept the circumstances because he still feels humiliated, even though he got everything he wanted, but he still can’t help but be charmed by this baby emperor because he sees attributes of himself in Seb, and can’t really fault him because he would be the exact same, flaunting his power, if he were in Seb’s shoes. 
They would have to speak in French to each other because that’s their shared language but eventually attempt to learn each other’s native languages! Imagine Seb has to travel to Spain to give some Emperor speech and Fernando then bullies him for his bad Spanish. 
They would probably split where they live based on a schedule or by need. Yes, Fernando is the King of Spain but he is also the Emperor’s husband so he does have to spend time in the capital, Vienna. And then since Spain is a part of the empire, Seb has to go routinely, but y’know also to spend time with his husband. They find that their marriage as well as their politics is full of having to make concessions and compromises in order to make it work. 
Something I find funny is that as compensation for not getting the Spanish throne back, Spain had to cede some Italian territories to the Empire. That is literally the Ferrari plot with the transfer from Fernando to Seb!!
I’m not sure how the titles would work in this AU because obviously a m/m political marriage has not ever happened(as far as I know.) But I guess Fernando would just be King Fernando I of Spain and then Seb would be Holy Roman Emperor Sebastian I with the million titles that come with being in that role(though like most importantly Archduke of Austria and King of Bohemia and Hungary, etc.) I like the idea that Seb tries to share some titles with Fernando as a show of good will but Fernando is so affronted, mostly just from embarrassment, like “oh you think I need your good will?? I can’t be happy with what I earned in my own right??” But their kids would receive both titles and would be split in the traditional way, like first kid getting it all mostly, but the others still being nobility obv(yes.. there would be mpreg because of the plot need for succession….don’t ask who…)
They bond through their love of horses, particularly fast horses. The first time they go riding together, they’re both like awkwardly trying to act very proper as a sense of showmanship to the other like “I’m more mature than you”, but then can’t stop trying to get ahead of the other person and eventually break into a full-on race. Their aids are mutually like “oh god, they’re both the same type of insane.” 
Irl Charles VI was so salty about losing the throne that he wouldn’t stop dressing like a traditional Spanish monarch. I can totally see Seb doing that and Fernando getting so pissed with him like “you became emperor!! What more could you possibly want???’ and Seb then fixing him with his biggest pout and saying “your throne!” But also Fernando being weirdly into it because it’s basically Seb presenting himself blatantly as Fernando’s spouse. 
In that same vein, I’m going crazy over how there’s a painting from before the war, of Philip V wearing vestments from both the French order of chivalry and the Habsburg order of chivalry. Like basically stating the desire to see those two lines combined into one kingdom, which fits so well into this AU. Just Seb going crazy over how Fernando is willingly branding himself as belonging to Seb’s house. 
A testimony of Philip V’s personality is that he was a “neurotic, vacillating ruler, concerned with outward decorum and brave only in battle,” god can you not sense the energy of Fernando in that statement???
Very important to me that Charles VI reportedly had many male lovers, and that his soulmate was one of his courtiers. Maybe there can be a bit of Martian or Sebson cheating plot with them being his courtiers hahaha  
Not very relevant in this AU but there’s something about how Philip V had the longest ever reign of a Spanish monarch. Is that not Fernando??? Old man who will rule on forever, or should I say, forever keep his seat 
I already obv posted the wip for this but I'll include it here again as visual rep hehehe:
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I've spent way too much time lately trying to research the fashion of the time ugh. But this, as I said, is like first joint portrait session into the marriage. And I guess I kind of want them to be wearing their corronation clothing, which I'm pretty solid on for Seb but still need to research more for Fernando. I think I'll maybe try and just put him in the afformentioned traditional Spanish monarch clothing, but the fact that it's all black kinda bores me, I'd rather he wear red!! This is like a typical royal couple type pose, except they're being more tactile. Also there's something to be said about the symbolism of Fernando being the one standing and Seb being the one sitting hehehe....
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theinfinitedivides · 6 months
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so much for not writing the fic
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noctisvixen · 9 months
I'm debating if I want to get into writing Hermitcraft fics to post on AO3.
Like, I write Hermitcraft fics for myself, they're super unpolished and 90% are abandoned because I know I don't have to finish them and I wanna do a different prompt. Though 7/10, I return to the older ones to add a little more to it because *brain rot*.
But like... What if I did write with the intention to post?? I have AUs that are story exclusive, where they aren't flippin animals. It'd be fun and then at least my AO3 account wouldn't just be blank.
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larkoneironaut · 6 months
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Just an Elikai sneak peek before the year ends 🫴🏽
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oh-ranpo · 2 years
Because I love you.
His heart, soul, and every cell in his body was screaming it - singing it, chanting it - and yet the words failed to form on his tongue as you waited patiently.
I’m in love with you.
Despite deserving to hear these words, and despite the ache he felt in his inability to properly articulate his feelings, Giyu simply whimpered out a small, “please” instead. It was all he could do, and he cursed himself and his cowardice for not being able to say more.
Little did he know that that one word held all the meaning in the world to you. He was asking you to stay. The man who held everyone at arm’s length - the man that shut out the world because he didn’t believe he deserved to reside in it - was asking you to stay.
You couldn’t have imagined a declaration sweeter.
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leofrith · 6 months
can someone please explain why the fuck every time i want to write but have no time i manage to come up with some of the best lines i've ever written in the notes app but whenever i want to write and actually have the time to sit down write everything is shit and i've suddenly forgotten every word in the english language and also how real people talk. please.
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tackytigerfic · 1 year
I'm literally vibrating with excited for this wartime fic!!! Can you tell what time the fic is set in ? As in how old are they/years since Hogwarts or do you dont want to tell yet ;)
Ah thanks, Anon! I'm so happy someone is excited 😅 I've been writing this for so very long, and it is itself so very long, so it is very reassuring to think that anyone might read it when it posts!
Funnily enough you've picked up exactly one of the questions I had for myself about the fic. I find as I get older (and maybe because i seem to be working through all my little traumas by writing about them haha) i am quite interested in writing them older. In fact, my next long fic plan (a sort of political, forced marriage fic) involves them as parents, with a magical Dursley baby, and Harry and Draco on the run with their kids.
However for this fic, I went back and forth and back and forth about their ages.
Some backstory: before the events of the fic occur, Draco joins the Order after 6th year, then he helps with the Horcrux hunts. They then spend a year living in Grimmauld together with their families, and become close friends, but then Draco fucks off abroad without telling Harry or saying goodbye.
The fic kicks off years later, with Ron being kidnapped, and when he goes to rescue him, Harry sees a familiar face... At first I was going to make it ten years later, so they'd have been 28. But the more I wrote the more I felt like that length of time wasn't working for the type of characters they were turning into, and the sort of lives they'd been living all that time. So in the end I brought the timeframe back to seven years after they leave school. It means they're mid-20s rather than late; it's long enough for the war to have really ground them down, but not so long that they've totally lost all hope for change.
It was important to me too that there's a sense of some real political and social adjustments in the world of the fic. As in, the wizarding population has been living through years and years of war, and there are political implications and boundary lines and changes to Hogwarts, and so on. I wanted to make sure that enough time had passed for those changes to be really embedded. These people can barely remember what life was like before the war.
It was a really tricky thing to decide on, and I'm still not sure that I shoiuldn't have made it even earlier. I do still have to finish the fic, and then it will need massive edits (not least because the earlier chapters were all written two years ago!) so maybe that'll change again, I don't know. But you can assume they'll be in their 20s at least.
Thanks again for your interest, it's very kind of you!
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windor-truffle · 29 days
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reason number 874569 why i cannot be trusted with asbel
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asbel you're not allowed to say that.
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toburnup · 2 years
Steve gives up and rolls over to grab his phone.
S: Almost 2. Not looking great.
E: you know what i do when i can't sleep?
Steve swallows, hard. Slowly types a reply.
S: What?
E: i think you know.
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stellerssong · 6 months
had a dream last night about a post-canon hadestown au where orpheus, deranged with grief, begs hades to eternal sunshine of the spotless mind him because he can't live with the guilt of his twofold betrayal of eurydice (he let her go. he failed to bring her back.) so hades strips him of his memory and transforms him into a black dog—one of his personal hunting pack, his errand-dogs and message-runners and border patrol. obviously a bad fit for orpheus, but without love or memory or anywhere else to go he has no choice but to fall in line and do his worst
meanwhile, eurydice is making ends meet as best she can in a hadestown struggling to return to the status quo after her failed escape—working during the day, plotting a rebellion at night on the sly with her fellow workers, and fighting to retain her memory and her selfhood and her very name as they all slip away under the underground's influence
scene opens on a workers' bar after hours, eurydice gathered with a few compatriots sharing drinks and talking strategy, when the door opens and a small crowd of silent, black-uniformed men and women with amber eyes and too-sharp teeth file in—
(does eurydice recognize the last man in line, his eyes too bright in his thin, gentle face and his hands awkward on his glass as he turns it around and around on the bar but doesn't drink? does he recognize her?)
(is it too late?)
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magpiefngrl · 1 year
snippet from a fic i'll never finish #3
Draco shut his eyes at the onslaught of images. His pulse beat faster, a tattoo urging him to grab Potter and shove him inside the nearest cupboard.
‘—I want to see you naked, sweating, helpless—’
‘Oh Lord.’
‘—writhing under me while I fuck you. Does that answer your question?’
Draco had never been the receiver of such an extraordinary proposition. He trembled with the force of it, the lust pouring out of Potter, tinged with desperation.
Potter stretched a finger to trace Draco’s lips. ‘Well?’
Heart galloping, Draco tilted his chin forward, provocative, and whispered against Potter’s index finger. ‘You’re full of promises.’
wavering light, drarry
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gideonisms · 1 year
had just like a wildly bad brain day from morning to night but what's most important is, tomorrow I have leftover Coffee Treat. mercy was literally right the world could be ending my life could be falling apart but I WILL have that delicious coffee like that's my priority everything else is secondary
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