#from anonymous tumblrer
anonbinaryweirdo · 9 months
nope, no its not
girlie i will fight you come out/lhj
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nivasichakano · 1 month
I found you on AO3 right before Hiraeth finished and I loved your writing so much. I've been reading all of your fics, and even though I've enjoyed them all, I feel like they just keep getting better and better. Hustle is easily one of my favorite fics rn and I am always so excited when a new chapter is dropped!!!
I just wanted to thank you for sharing your beautiful writing and especially for writing Astarion as both serious/bitchy but also so soft (and lowkey silly sometimes) deep down.
I squeaked out loud 😭 Thank you so, so much for this lovely message! I'm very much enjoying the journey from the earnest romantasy of Hiraeth to... whatever the hells Hustle is 🤣 This silly Bloodweave YouTubers story is the most fun to write, pretty much because of comments like yours! And yes I am a soft and silly Astarion believer 4eva. Anyhow, just for you Anonymous Tumblrer, in thanks: here's a new chapter of Hustle 💖
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quocanhh55 · 4 months
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1. Tumblr - a social media platform with surprising statistics
These days, social media users may be very familiar with platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok with huge numbers of users and interactions. However, there is another digital community that not every one of those users already knows, which is Tumblr. Tumblr is a microblogging and social networking platform that allows users to post and share multimedia content. Founded by David Karp in 2007, it gained popularity for its unique blend of blogging and social features.
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Compared with the popularity of other competitors such as Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok, many people may think that Tumblr will need more competent growth. However, the statistics of this social media site may surprise: Tumblr is ranked the number 10 social media site in Australia. According to Civic and Social Media News 2023, the platform acquires 3.7 million users, which outrages a few competitors such as TikTok 1.1 million and Reddit 110,000 users, thanks to the platform’s unique affordances.
2. Tumblr’s abilities and affordances:
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Tumblr’s blog-like function allows account-holders to use the platform to create diaries of their daily lives, to post different types of information that inspire them, as well as to live about events as they happen or about TV shows as they are aired (Jo Dixon 2024). The platform also enables users to leverage the site’s anonymity, hashtagging, and relatively public or reduced surveillance. These functions contributed largely to the experience of “Tumblrers” as they can share their diaries and emotions publicly but anonymously without the fear of being spotted.
3. Digital community - a popular term in the digital era nowadays
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According to Indeed, An online community is a group of people with shared interests or a shared purpose who use the internet to connect. Groups on social media, members of online gaming platforms or support communities for software offerings all represent examples of online communities. Digital communities form around specific interests, hobbies, or goals. Members join these communities to connect with like-minded individuals, share information, seek advice, and collaborate on related projects.
4. Tumblr - a model of digital community
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From the functions that Tumblr enables users to perform, it can be seen that the platform works as a digital community that allows users to connect, engage, and join groups based on common interests, identities, or artistic activities in several ways:
Blogging and Content Sharing: Tumblr allows users to build their own blogs and share a variety of content types, including text entries, photos, quotations, audio, and video. Users can share their ideas, creativity, and passions through postings, which are discoverable and interactable by the rest of the community.
Reblogging and Interaction: Reblogging is one of Tumblr's core features, allowing users to share content from other users' blogs on their own. This feature promotes content discovery and a feeling of community by allowing users to interact with and contribute to content published by others. Users may also interact with postings by leaving comments, like them, and sending direct messages, which helps encourage conversations and relationships within the community.
Personalization and Online Identity: Tumblr enables users to personalize the appearance of their blogs, which creates a distinct online identity and personal image. Users can showcase their personality through the style, layout, and content of their blogs, attracting like-minded others and adding to the community's general diversity and depth.
1. Indeed Editorial Team 2022, FAQ: What Is an Online Community and Why Are They Important?, Indeed, viewed 1 February 2024, https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/online-community.
2. Jo Dixon, S 2024, Tumblr - Statistics & Facts, Statista, viewed 31 January 2024, https://www.statista.com/topics/2463/tumblr/#topicOverview.
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snipitty snip
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Hello, fellow Tumblrers!
With my NaNoWriMo 2020 project finally published, I’m now turning my attention to Camp NaNoWriMo for April.
As I have with previous camps, I’m turning to my readers to send me ideas for one-shots y’all would like written. This time, however, rather than focus only on Byeler or Reddie, I’d like to focus on other Stranger Things and IT ships, too.
So I’m looking for ideas for one-shot ideas! If you send them my way and have an AO3 account, make sure to send me that as well so I can gift the story to you when it’s published!
Right now, I’ve got two ideas swirling around. An anonymous Tumblr user requested a Joyce comforting El fic a few weeks ago, so I plan on writing that one. In addition, I’d like to publish a story on April 7 in honor of Mike Wheeler’s birthday that features Mike getting a bunch of gifts from someone and he tries to figure out who it is.
Tagging some of my fellow ST and IT friends to spread the message and maybe send me some ideas of your own.
My main rule is I don’t write smut. Other than that, I’m pretty open to ideas!
Please send ideas and spread the word! <3
@willthecleric @mikewheelerthepaladin @poweredbycreativityandcake @mikebyerswrites @cipherthedisaster @byeler-trash @ps-lovewillbyers
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When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! Then, send to your last ten people in your notifications (anonymously). You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity
thank you!!! okay 5 things.
my boyfriend and iron maiden are tied at #1 here but i'm still counting them as 2
3. my beautiful fellow tumblrers
4. dogs
5. plants
and an extra one, 6. yarn
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roxannepolice · 6 years
Dark side of the simulacra
Simulacra and precession of simulacra are one of the concepts explaining postmodernity, one created by Jean Baudrillard. I’m about to elaborate on what he understands by these terms, but for the less engaged among you, here’s the shortest definition ever:
Death Star is a simulacrum and StarKiller Base is a preceeding simulacrum. Or so they are in the eyes of general audience.
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Ok, now for more elaboration. Simulacrum is basically a symbol which lost the connection with its meaning, destroying the meaning itself in the process. It’s in contrast to representation (which equates a meaning with a symbol), as simulation negates the symbol as value. Simulation encapsulates the meaning and the symbol and devours them both, transforming them into the simulacrum. A good comparison provided by Baudrillard is that of what simulation is commonly understood as and what are the result of its abuse. When you simulate a sickness (which is more than just pretending to be sick, to simulate you’ll force yourself to vomit, artificially heighten you temperature, etc.) you make people question if there even is anything like a sickness – because  if all the signs can be faked, then how can it be diagnosed? 
Baudrillard opens his dissertation by recalling a story about a country of cartographers – their great ambition was to create a map of their country which would be as accurate as possible. And so they would make it more and more accurate until finally they created a 1 to 1 map, basically a huge coloured blanket which covered their entire country. And if that sounds like apparent creative process behind The Force Awakens – then yeah, it should. I’ll say more, it’s the next generation of that cartographer country taking a satellite photo of that 1 to 1 map and covering that map with their satellite map.
Because Baudrillard presents four stages of relationship between a meaning a simulacrum:
a meaning, an idea (say, and idea of destruction, aggression)
an idea receives a tangible body (nuclear weapons. I mean the real ones.)
tangible reality receives abstract symbols, which don’t lose touch with the meaning – that’s the level of representation (Death Star. it’s overblown, it’s fictional but it represents a fear of a weapon capable of destroying entire planet, a fear very real during the cold war)
abstract symbols give birth to new abstract symbols, which may make an impression of being more real than the actual idea (StarKiller. Death Star only BIGGERRRRRRR, so more EVIL than the Death Star) – and this is also the point at which that symbol of a symbol may destroy its own meaning, become the exact opposite of itself (obviously both Death Star and SKB are negative symbols of aggression and how many people here on the hellsite met with very real aggression over a very not real StarKiller?)
Now, to the average viewer, that’s how TFA came to be. Take A New Hope and repeat it. Maybe make everything more – make Rey more abandoned than Luke, BB-8 cuter than R2-D2, StarKiller bigger than Death Star, Hux more skinny than Tarkin, First Order more nazi than Empire, Resistance more heroic than Rebels and Kylo Ren more evil than Darth Vader, underlined by giving him an even more evil looking lightsaber. Oh, and give Luke a more Jesus like hair than Obi-Wan had.
To fake. To dream. Perchance to watch The Last Jedi and throw a tantrum because what the hell is this?
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Yes, TLJ destroyed every illusion that the sequels will be simply an originals’ simulacrum. Resident Vader didn’t get redeemed when he killed the resident Palpatine, Luke didn’t happily jump back into action like Obi-Wan, a heroic Rouge One like disobedience got people pointlessly killed,  apparent neutral good Lando was a actually a selfish junk and celibate-to-be orphan looking for her parents actually knew all along her parents were dead garbage and, wait, wants a D? An evil D at that? PREPOSTEROUS, that’s against everything Star Wars is.
Well, thank the force we got such reactions. Because it shows the symbol needs to be reattached to its meaning before it gets devoured by simulation, which is exactly what I believe the sequels are here to do. Now, as I confess I didn’t recognize in 2015 but the fine people on this site have shown me, there were obvious clues this was not going to go the way we think already in TFA, but, well, they require a moment’s thought. On the most obvious symbolic level – the StarKiller didn’t simply get blown up like Death Star only once the shell fell off, a sun was reborn. Anyway, enjoy.
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Devil wears Boss or how to make nazis even more nazi
Trigger warning: I go unpleasant places in this paragraph relating to WW II and nazism, up to the point of actually quoting nazi agenda, but if you want to reattach a meaning with a simulacrum sometimes you have to go to unpleasant places. That being said, if it is upsetting to you, please stop here.
Arite, how many people here have been called literal nazi supporters for rooting for Kylo Ben’s redemption?
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How many for rejoicing over Darth Anakin’s redemption?
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Yeah. First Order is even more nazi than the Empire. Their weapon is more destructive, Hux is more Hitler, cinematography is more Riefenstahl, oh, and look, the protagonists are a woman and a POC, in case there was any question of power imbalance represented. Well, clearly, First Order are literal neo nazis, right?
Hold your horses. LITERAL definition of neonazism from online Collins dictionary: a modern extreme right-wing political movement and ideology based on a resurgence of support for Nazi ideological principles. Ok... So, Nazism? Nazi Party, byname of National Socialist German Workers’ Party, German Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), political party of the mass movement known as National Socialism. Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, the party came to power in Germany in 1933 and governed by totalitarian methods until 1945. I can’t see anything literal here to be applied to the GFFA, especially if Star Wars happen a long time ago. Mean question, but how many woken tumblrers knew there’s “socialist” in NSDAP?
I could rest my case here. But of course, what we do mean by “literal” Nazism is racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, cult of a leader, cult of power, belief in god given superiority... And to be fair, oversticking to historical circumstances may be just as harmful as overabstracting the subject, as I’m about to point out. But there’s still nothing “literal” in a sequel to kids’ movie.
That’s simulation at its finest. Symbols, appearances of imperialist ideologies have become completely detached from how they actually functioned historically – and themselves became a reason to send racist anons over a space opera. Now, I have a misfortune of living in a country where far right is doing well right now and if you think those guys are listening to Wagner, you’re badly mistaken. Of course, they won’t call themselves neonazis, because Nazism is a thing exclusive to Germans and European Union is heir apparent to Third Reich. And abortion is a nazi practice. And Hitler was a vegetarian, so vegetarians are evil. That’s what they actually say you know. But hatred towards people of other ethnicities and religions? Yes, very much there. Including suggestions of “final solutions”, albeit mostly in online discussions. Oh, and guess what, they can watch Star Wars and understand that they are supposed to be FO. Conclusion? Hollywood-jewish agenda. Believe me, showing the FO members die in agony won’t make actual neonazis rethink their ways. They’re romantic heroes on a quest against a globalist empire, strike them down and they’ll become more powerful.
The First Order aren’t literal neonazis. They are neo-frequent-villains-in-video-games-nazis. I would actually argue that the parallel to Nazism in Star Wars only became clear when we saw how Palpatine came to power – in thunderous applause of democratic rules, just like Hitler and it should above all warn us of the pitfalls awaiting a system as good as democracy. Making Rae Sloane, a co-creator of the first order a bisexual WOC was a conscious step at detaching FO from what the nazi party historically was. The original imperials are closer to a more abstract totalitarian system and imperial ideology, thus being more of a critique of generally understood western world in the 70s, finding its peak in Vietnam War. Interestingly, one of the movies which inspired Lucas while making ANH was Pontecorvo’s The Battle of Algiers, where “the Empire” would be... France. Somehow I don’t see Renperor being compared to de Gaulle.
Ah, but that’s not so simple. If we want to dig deeper, beyond the level of tangible history and into the world of ideas, then FO is indeed symbolic of Nazism understood as aggression, thoughtless hatred, war, will to destroy all opposition, army as a totalitarian subsystem, suspension of human rights, antiparliamentarism. That’s nothing good and historical circumstances have nothing to do with it. And Disney-LF brings this point home. Depiction of violence in the sequels is much more realistic than in the originals. 
Mind probe, in the originals shown as an evil looking syringe and Vader with Leia behind closed doors (no screams, next time we see her she’s fine), in the sequels is shown as a psychological violation of the worst kind
Death Star shot Alderaan we knew nothing about into smithereens and it was soooo coool and all we saw was Leia’s horror and Obi-Wan’s impression in the force – StarKiller was a slow scene with evil red rays and horror of people on Couruscant, planet we knew well, as they were about to be burned to death 
Vader was force choking anonymous imperials to death like nothing short of a comic relief, Kylo choking Hux not to death is unpleasant to watch even if you remember it was Armitage who rooted for using the SKB
Originals’ stormtroopers were faceless cannon fodder, sequels’ have Finn’s face and history of brainwashing. 
So, in this sense, FO are indeed metaphorical (because still not literal) neonazis in a very realistic war circumastances of blood, suffering and subjugation. And I have no doubt that as a collective there’s nothing good in store for them in this trilogy.
Allow me to quote the “best” expert on Nazism there’s ever been (yes, I’m using Hitler’s quote in tumblr post, I can’t believe it, Star Wars what are you making me do, don’t worry, I’m reaching the end of the political dissertation):
It is part of a great leader’s genius to make even widely separated adversaries appear as if they belonged to but one category, because among weakly and undecided characters the recognition of various enemies all too easily marks the beginning of doubt of one’s own rightness.
Talk about expertise in mass psychology. Take a breath, we’re about to return to the GFFA, but so many people use the nazi argument I feel they need contact with LITERAL nazis.
Consciousness of this technique of manipulating the masses is basically why I believe we’re about to get extremist Resistance and differentiated FO. Because right now we have no doubt of the former’s rightness and no recognition of variety in the latter (except for maybe stormtroopers). Additionally, we have coded them as good and bad guys before TFA’s opening crawl even appeared, courtesy of precession of simulacra, promos and how the good guys and the bad guys looked like in the originals. Sustaining this belief is a LITERAL totalitarian technique. And I believe Disney-LF is already making ground for a massive change, both with big game changers like Galen Erso and Finn, but also on a more everyday level in Solo, with actually surprisingly human imperial official coming up with Han’s surname.
FO are the bad guys because they use offensive violence and have no respect for human rights, not use offensive violence because they are the bad guys. And violence used by the Resistance doesn’t become good because good guys use it – they are the good guys because, so far, they’ve only used it defensively and avoided collateral damage. And when the agenda stops being rebuild the republic and becomes burn the first order down – we have reasons to believe it can change. Dehumanisation of the enemy is the first step to lose your own humanity. No extremists attack not believing it was the only way to achieve a noble higher goal.
To cut the long story short, villainy needs to be reattached to offensive violence and not Hugo Boss uniforms. And at this point, I’m afraid it can only be done by making it equally terrifying when dressed in cool leather jackets.
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reluctanthurricane · 4 years
Your recent text post about tiredness sounds possibly like Seasonal Affective Disorder - decreased sunlight, among other things, greatly reducing your energy. Did this tiredness only begin within the last month or two? This random anonymous tumblrer swears by using a full spectrum light in the winter for 45 minutes a day - might be something to look into. Without it, I feel crazy exhausted and just injustifiably physically drained by the afternoon. Either way, sympathies for what's going on.
Thank you anon frand. I almost certainly have SAD or at the very least the seasons impact my mood even if it doesn't always manifest as full depression. Unfortunaltey I'm also not a morning person. I'm chronically late to my job and even now I usually start my day late and if I don't have a meeting, from my bed in my pjs. 20-30 minutes of sitting in front of a light first thing in the morning sounds impossible to me. I do dream of owning my own place so I can hire someone to install a SAD light in my shower (electricity + water makes me think DIY is a bad idea) but until I can do that, SAD lights are a great solution for people who don't have my brain.
Also I imagine the fatigue that inspired that last post was more from the week straight of at most 5 hours of sleep a night because I also sleep procrastinate. In fact I'm doing it right now.
Still I appreciate you looking out for me. That means a lot.
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jheselbraum · 7 years
Casual reminder that it was a terrible narrative decision to have Ford, who is definitely gay and was about a year away from actually living through the AIDS crisis, not only support Reagan but be the direct narrative reason that Ronald Reagan was elected. Casual reminder that me talking about not just how awful of a narrative choice that was but also how fictional characters would react to historical events that they literally lived through does not automatically mean that I'm trivializing said events for entertainment purposes, and while there are incredibly disrespectful ways to go about discussing those kinds of things, fiction should not be ahistorical and while I apologize that a certain anonymous tumblrer was offended, I won't be taking down the post in question because 1) I'm super fucking gay and as far as I'm aware everyone else I know who's super fucking gay was ok with how I worded that post. 2) The way you worded your ask was condescending. And 3) That post literally has like 100 notes. It's also about 7 months back on my blog. The last time someone reblogged it was December. So you were either digging through my blog specifically looking for a post so you could start something, or you're one of those people who reads people's entire blogs before you follow them and you're just really dedicated. Cause it didn't just pop up on your dash. And it wouldn't have been in the character tags either, I didn't tag it.
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