#fuuma isame
lady-byleth · 4 months
Random fandom switch of the day brought me back to Donten ni Warau and I realized just how fucking shitty the situation is the twins are born into and what especially Isuke (I like the names the movie gave them sm) has to live with
The Fuuma are weakened and in hiding, shinobi having grown mostly obsolete since the end of the Sengoku period and since the story plays at the start of the Meiji period there's the whole Edo period between these events so the Fuuma probably aren't doing great in general even without the ceremony whittling their numbers down cuz work is nonexistent for shinobi
So the Fuuma are a dying clan, desperately clinging to life
And into this the twins are born
But as twins they're considered bad luck and Isame is supposed to be killed but their parents refuse and hide Isame away
They probably manage to get by at first cuz the twins either switch places without anyone noticing until they get caught and Isame has to stay in hiding indefinitely or cuz Isame is always kept hidden and never really has any freedom
Isuke grows up watching his brother suffer cooped up in a cave while he and his parents have to pretend he doesn't exist so despite clearly adoring each other they have very little time together
Meanwhile Isame lives completely shut off from the world and watches his brother lead the life he's always wanted too
All they want is to live openly as a family and be useful to the clan
At the same time the people around them have to constantly kill each other off cuz of the ceremony demanding each potential Fuuma between the ages of 4 and 10 kill someone they care about
Then the ceremony comes around for Isuke and he's forced to kill his own father so now his mother can't look at him anymore
As a chosen candidate for next clan chief Isuke vows to change the Fuuma so his brother and mother can live in peace and cuz no one should have to suffer through the ceremony the current chief insists on
Of course it doesn't take long for Isame to be discovered again, he and their mother are captured and sentenced to death
She tries to save her son but is set on fire and falls off a cliff, Isame tries to save her but Isuke cuts off her hand to save his brother...which is when she smiles at him for the first time since he killed his father
So now Isuke has personally ended the lives of both his parents and is still looking at a clan chief who wants him to kill his brother
Then the chief also kills his best friends for talking back
Anyway, he and Isame kill the chief and now they're the chiefs but the Fuuma are still hanging on by a threat, shinobi are still obsolete, the Orochi is still gone, so what do two deeply traumatized teenagers decide to do?
Bring back the age of shinobi
Because, as the series likes to remind us of, shinobi don't know how to be anything but shinobi, they have no other purpose and were never thought to find another purpose for themselves
But in a world where shinobi are needed, necessary or even in charge there is absolutely no need for the ceremony, no need to hide away from the world, no need to watch their own clan fall apart in obscurity
They'd be free
Isuke, as the driving force in his and Isame's duo, comes up with a plan that will restore everything for the Fuuma and Isame of course happily goes along with it
Except Isuke inserts himself into the Kumo clan and spends 10 years living the way he's always wanted to, with a family that he can openly dote on and he begins to waver
Isame meanwhile has to once again watch his brother live a life he can't be part of
The 4-koma about them really shows he's just a needy little brother who wants Isuke's attention
Isuke gives up everything with the Kumo brothers because his biggest desire is still to give his brother and clan a good life but instead of getting that the Kumo destroy not only his plans but also the very reason the clan exists in the first place and the one thing Isuke had to actually make his dream come true
The Orochi
And to avoid that from happening Isame sacrifices himself
So now Isuke has killed his parents to survive and keep his brother alive, given up on the peaceful life he always wanted for his brother, made himself into the villain and cut all ties for his brother only for his brother to die
And he can't go back to the Kumo either cuz if he leaves the Fuuma to fend for themselves...they, without guidance, will die out for real and everything he's done would be completely in vain
Isame's sacrifice would be in vain
Everything he's ever done since the ceremony, where he was at most 10 years old, would have been completely pointless the second he goes back to the one place he was ever even a little bit happy in
The twins, especially Isuke, were born into a time and place where everything was falling apart around them, a time and place they could not be happy in and had no way out of because thinking as anything other than shinobi was not something they were ever taught, and in trying to fix things they lost what precious little they had instead
In his own words, Kinjou Shirasu is dead and Fuuma Isuke will never smile again
And this is why the twins make me cry every fucking time
The End
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blu-moon-art · 2 months
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*reappears from the fog*
*drops a fanart from a dead fandom*
*leaves again*
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fullmetalgirl98 · 4 years
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The three complete families of Donten Ni Warau and Rengoku Ni Warau ... 💕 The third picture does not formally exist ... however it seemed nice to me to introduce that complete family too, so I performed some tweaks on a scan of the manga, in order to insert Tanba-san 🙈🙈
The more I look at them, the more I feel like crying...
(click for hq)
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caiuxraven · 4 years
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Donten ni Warau Gaiden: Shukumei, Soutou no Fuuma (Launghing Under the Clouds - The Destiny of Twin Fuuma)
I just finished the 2nd film of Laughing Under the Clouds Gaiden film trilogy and I couldn't find the words to fully express how I felt. It left me heartbroken. It's even more painful than the TV anime series. It made me realize that Fuumas are among the villains that I hate to hate. It's amazing that we are able to have a glimpse at the background of Shirasu and his clan. We finally learn where he came from and how painful his journey was but he was still able to laugh during his time with the Kumou brothers. It's also good to see that he had survived from that climactic and dramatic finale of the TV anime. I'll say this again and again but Laughing Under the Clouds is such an underrated anime.
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soleilfemme · 3 years
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queensconquest · 3 years
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florabled said:  [Soramaru; Isake] Bleed!
(  FIND MY MUSE IN A STATE  ) Bleed - Find my muse injured.
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   A  bloody  trail ,  smeared  as  though  something  had  dragged  itself  along  the  forest  ground  ,  led  to  wear  the  Fuuma  laid  by  the  shore.  Rivers  ,  they’d  come  to  haunt  him.  By  the  riverbank  he’d  unknowingly  killed  his  father  ,  by  the  river  Shirasu  had  truly  died  as  he’d  lept  off  the  cliff  into  the  cold  waters.  And  now  here  he  was  again.  Would  it  be  this  time  ?
  A  hand  weakly  rose  to  press  to  his  chest  where  half  of  his  father’s  ,  and  then  Isame’s  ,  mask  remained.  Close  to  his  heart  ,  guarded  there  always.  Father.  Mother.  Isame.  Are  you  waiting  for  me  ?  A  tear  rolled  down  his  cheek  ,  glassy  gaze  staring  upwards  at  the  passing  clouds.  How  absurd.  The  desire  to  want  to  live  warring  with  that  of  accepting.  Would  even  this  be  enough  for  him  to  die  ?  Fate  seemed  so  intent  on  keeping  him  in  her  grasp  and  making  him  suffer.  Maybe  this  would  just  make  him  weaker  until  he  could  drag  himself  somewhere...  But  not  now.  He  could  barely  move.
   His  bloody  grasp  on  the  mask  slipped  and  his  hand  hit  the  sand  as  he  gazed  to  the  sky.  Nearby  ,  he  could  hear  the  familiar  sound  of  rushing  water  ,  but  his  vision  was  lost  to  the  skies.
   Glassy  eyes  continued  to  stare  up  at  the  sky  ,  unresponsive  to  the  footsteps  or  movement  of  leaves.  He  didn’t  react  till  anything  until  a  face  came  into  vision.  Purple  eyes  slowly  slid  to  look  towards  the  face  ,  towards  where  Soramaru  stood.  But  if  there  was  recognition  ,  it  didn’t  show  in  his  expression.  His  lips  parted  ,  but  the  nly  thing  that  came  out  was  blood  from  his  split  lip.  He  neither  pleaded  for  assistance  nor  told  the  other  to  leave  Instead  the  ninja’s  empty  gaze  shifted  back  to  the  sky  above.
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soleilfemme · 3 years
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queensconquest · 3 years
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florabled said:  Every other symbol for Isake!
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☠ : Are there any recent/daily thoughts they have about death or dying?    Not  really.  Isake  isn’t  one  to  dwell  on  the  thoughts  of  death  or  dying.  He  keeps  in  mind  the  situation  of  the  clan  and  what  the  effects  of  certain  actions  can  be.  But  otherwise  he  isn’t  one  to  focus  on  thoughts  about  it.
♥ : Name one thing about the way their emotions work that they despise.   That  they’re  not  difficult  to  override.  Isake  ,  like  all  true  Fuuma  ,  puts  his  own  emotions  after  the  needs  of  clan.  Even  though  he  HATED  (  and  i  mean  REALLY  HATED  in  the  movie  )  the  former  clan  head  for  making  him  kill  his  father  (  aka  his  father  tricking  Isake  via  disguise  to  kill  him  so  Isake  could  become a  full  Fuuma  )  ,  even  then  Isake  didn’t  act.  It  was  only  after  the  former  head  said  screw  Orochi  ,  protect  me  ,  that  Isake  attacked  and  ultimately  killed  the  former  head  bc  that  was  what  was  best  for  the  clan.  Isake...does  sometimes  wish  his  own  emotions  were  stronger.  Unfortunately  ,  they  are  not.
☁ : Describe how they would spend a stormy, overcast/rainy day.    Isake  would  do  whatever  he  needed  to  do  ,  regardless  of  the  weather.  But  ideally  ?  He’s  not  really  sure.  It’s  not  like  he  has  anyone  to  spend  it  with.  Maybe  bake  some  and  sit  by  the  windows  and  just  watch  the  rain  for  a  while  or  do  some  light  readings.
εжз : What about nature do they find calming? What about nature do they find disagreeable?     He  grew  up  on  the  mountains  in  the  forest  by  cliffs  and  rivers.  Nature  is  extremely  calming  ,  he  far  prefers  being  in  nature  than  in  a  bustling  city.  He  enjoys  the  sounds  ,  from  chirping  birds  to  the  murmur  of  the  river.  That  said  ,  the  natural  disasters  can  be  quite  terrible.  It  has  the  inconvenience  of  isolation  at  times  too
☛ : What is their typical response to being given orders?    To  follow  them.  Freedom  is  hell  to  a  ninja.  Orders  mean  that  there  is  a  purpose  to  fulfill  and  a  role  to  play.  Isake  typically  follows  orders  ,  even  asked  Tenka  to  give  him  some  as  Shirasu.  Now  that  he’s  actively  the  leader  ,  he  isn’t  given  orders  ,  and  if  he  was  ,  he’d  think  about  it  for  the  sake  of  his  clan.
✄ : Are there any reasons why they would ever think of self-harm? If so, what are they?    No  ,  i  don’t  see  Isake  ever  actually  doing  it.  He’d  feel  it  would  be  dishonorable  to  his  father  and  mother  and  his  twin.  They’re  all  gone  now  ,  he’s  the  only  survivor  of  his  bloodline.  To  hate  the  life  he  has  thanks  to  his  family  giving  up  theirs  ,  he  could  never.  No  matter  how  much  he  hurt  ,  how  alone  he  might  feel  ,  he  couldn’t  do  it.
❥ : Describe a verbal way they would express complete trust.    A  verbal  way  to  express  trust  for  Isake  would  be  talking  about  his  family.  He  doesn’t  talk  about  them.  His  twin  he  does  a  bit  more  just  because  some  saw  and  met  him  ,  however  brief  that  time  was.  But  talking  about  his  family  is  a  sign  of  trust.  Even  in  the  story  he  told  Tenka  ,  he  never  explicitly  mentions  his  parents  or  twin.
⊗ : What is something that causes them to question themself?    His  emotions.  Even  though  he  ultimately  always  chooses  the  clan’s  needs  first  ,  his  emotions  do  call  him  to  question  himself.  As  Isame  noted  ,  and  Isake  remarked  ,  meeting the  cloud  brothers  was  his  mistake.  He’s  more  emotional  than  he  would  have  always  been.  Even  though  Shirasu  Kinjou  was  a  lie  ,  not  everything  was  a  lie.  But  definitely  being  more  AWARE  of  his  emotions  causes  question  occasionally. 
☤ : Is there anything about their health they are continuously on edge about? Something they disregard?       Not  particularly  ,  no.  He’s  in  very  good  health  and  didn’t  have  any  issues  (  unlike  his  twin.  )  He  does  tend  to  disregard  injuries  pretty  quickly  though  which  isn’t  great.
❣: Describe a way that will earn affection (whether platonic or romantic) from them.    Ooo  this  one  is  hard.  Just  spending  time  and  getting  close  to  him  will  earn  affection  over  time  (  as  long  as  its  neutral  or  positive  time  spent  together.  )  Conversing  ,  having  a  meal  ,  it’s  the  simple  things  like  that  which  earn  affection  from  him.
♆ : Are they prone to violent outbursts or thoughts?     No.  Isake  has  always  been  more  level-headed  and  calm  out  of  the  twins.  Even  when  he  does  have  an  outburst  ,  it’s  a  very  calm  and  cold  anger.  He’s  careful  and  analytical  about  it.  In  some  ways  ,  it’s  far  more  terrifying.  Isake  doesn’t  make  the  same  mistakes  someone  in  a  fit  of  rage  does.
✉ : Do they tend to rely on words or actions more?    It  depends.  Isake  has  certainly  used  his  words  a  lot  in  his  life.  His  words  tend  to  preface  his  actions  ,  so  I  would  say  he  relies  more  on  words  than  anything.  To  gain  support  of  the  Fuuma  killing  the  old  head  ,  telling  his  story  to  Botan  ,  even  his  threats  tend  to  come  before  his  actions.  So  words  for  sure.
۞: Are there any inner demons they can never seem to get rid of? What are they?    Sometimes  the  though  that  twins  are  a  curse  ,  that  he  is  cursed.  He  lost  his  father.  He  lost  his  mother.  He  lost  his  twin.  He  had  to  give  up  the  Cloud  Brothers  for  the  sake  of  the  clan.  Everything  slips  between  his  fingers  like  water  ,  he  can  never  keep  anything  himself.  Sometimes  Isake  wonders  if  the  curse  of  twins  is  true.  He  knows  logically  it  isn’t  real  and  it’s  a  horrible  belief  ,  one  that  is  no  longer  part  of  Fuuma  culture.  But  it  hurts  him  still  ,  especially  in  the  middle  of  the  night  ,  because  that’s  when  he  used  to  talk  with  his  father  or  go  visit  Isame.
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queensconquest · 3 years
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florabled said:  [Isame; Isake] “ I will follow you until the end. “
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   The  comment  is  one  that  catches  Isake  by  surprise  only  in  the  fact  nothing  seems  to  have  prompted  it.  But  after  ten  years  of  planning  ,  of  the  slow  passage  of  time  ,  everything  seems  to  be  happening  so  fast.  This  is  the  make  it  or  break  it  time.  That  thought  might  be  what  has  prompted  Isame’s  sudden  remark.
   He  raises  his  hand  to  rest  it  on  Isame’s  shoulder  as  they  stare  out  at  the  dark  waves  and  black  clouds  in  the  sky.  “  And  as  will  I.  After  all  ,  we  are  together.  Where  you  go  ,  I  will  be.  Where  I  go  ,  you  will  be.  “  They  have  always  been  part  of  each  other  ,  connected  even  when  there  were  miles  between  the  two  of  them.
   Death  is  never  something  feared  by  the  Fuuma.  Not  when  they’re  taught  to  lay  down  their  lives  for  the  clan  (  and  for  Orochi  if  they  should  live  to  see  such  an  honor.  )  But  it  doesn’t  mean  that  Isake  likes  what  implication  is  held  in  the  tone.  What  is  going  through  Isame’s  mind  ?  They  will  both  come  through  this  together.  He  just  got  Isame  back  ,  and  though  they’re  both  certainly  willing  to  lay  their  lives  down  if  necessary  for  the  plan  or  safety  ,  Isake  has  no  intentions  of  them  being  separated  again  after  all  they’d  endured.
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queensconquest · 3 years
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ISAKE FUUMA’S FAMILY: Eishirou Fuuma , Rikka Fuuma Isake Fuuma ,  Isame Fuuma
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queensconquest · 4 years
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THE  FAMILY  (  basically  just  canon  info  but  delved  into  a  bit  more  )
   The  first  thing  to  know  is  that  Isake  and  Isame  were  viewed  as  cursed  because  they  were  twins  The  head  of  the  Fuuma  at  that  time  saw  twins  as  vile  curses.  One  could  be  allowed  to  live  ,  but  the  other  must  die.  Rather  than  kill  one  ,  Isake’s  mother  hid  his  twin  inside  a  cave  where  the  family  continued  to  visit  and  raise  him  in  secret.  Isake  was  the  twin  to  be  in  public  and  ‘survive’.  He  had  a  ‘  normal  ‘  life  of  a  Fuuma.
FATHER  -   Out  of  their  parents  ,  Isake  was  closest  to  his  father.  Isake  spent  time  training  and  learning  with  his  father.  He  accompanied  his  father  on  tasks.  It  was  his  father  who  was  the  first  who  asked  Isake  what  HE  wanted  ;  not  as  a  fuuma  ninja  ,  but  as  a  person.  Likewise  ,  his  father’s  bond  with  Isake  was  stronger.  So  strong  ,  that  he  tricked  his  son  into  killing  him  so  his  son  could  become  a  full  Fuuma  ninja.  He  knew  Isake  wouldn’t  kill  him  knowingly  (  not  when  he  answered  that  he  wanted  to  live  with  his  parents  and  brother  in  the  village  is  what  HE  wanted  ).  But  that  is  who  the  corrupt  head  of  the  clan  ordered  him  to  kill.   So  isake’s  father  attacked  the  head  of  the  clan  in  disguise  when  he  knew  his  son  was  in  charge  of  guarding  the  head  ,  leading  him  away  and  letting  his  son  kill  him.  Only  afer  the  fatal  wound  had  been  dealt  did  he  remove  the  mask  and  Isake  saw  who  it  was.  Isake  was  horrified  because  this  was  the  parent  he  loved  so  dearly.  he  loved  his  mother  too  ,  but  nowhere  near  as  much  as  his  father.  To  know  he’  struck  down  his  father  shattered  him  ,  it  sent  him  to  the  darkest  pits  of  despair  and  darkness  ;  which  is  where  one  has  to  be  before  they  get  locked  in  the  box  as  part  of  the  rite  of  passage.  It  was  this  act  of  self  sacrifice  ,  of  the  faith  of  his  father  that  he’d  change  the  clan  ,   that  pushed  Isake  to  murder  the  head  of  the  clan  and  take  over  the  Fuuma  clan  with  his  twin.
MOTHER  -  Isake  may  have  loved  his  mother  ,  but  their  ties  were  not  nearly  as  close.  She  spent  much  of  her  time  tending  to  and  feeding  his  twin.  But  things  grew  frigid  when  Isake  was  ordered  to  kill  his  father.  Even  though  he  was  tricked  into  it  ,  his  mother  never  could  look  at  him  again.  As  he  says  in  the  movie  “  I  knew  she  would  never  smile  at  me  again.  “  Isake  still loved  his  mother  even  then,  but  knew  to  keep  his  distance.  Yet  in  her  last  moments  ,  she  once  again  embraced  him.  Someone  had  followed  her  and  found  out  that  Isame  was  alived  ,  so  both  Isame  and  his  mother  were  dragged  to  a  cliff.  The  head  of  thte  clan  dug  out  her  eye  and  set  her  on  fire  and  threw  her  over  the  edge  of  the  clif.  But  Isake’s  twin  caught  her  ,  even  as  he  was  started  to  be  burned  alive  (  hence  the  bandaging  in  the  series  ).  It  was  Isake  that  had  to  wrestle  his  twin  back  and  cut  off  his  mother’s  hand  so  she’d  fall  but  Isame  wouldn’t.  In  that  last  moment  ,  Isake  saw  his  mother  smile  at  him  for  the  first  time  since  the  incident  with  his  father.  In  that  moment  ,  she  loved  him  fiercely  again.  He  had  never  stopped  loving  her  ,  and  it  had  pained  him  to  do  what  he  had  to  do  to  save  his  brother  ,  but  he  knew  it’s  what  she   wanted.  So  he  ignored  his  grief  for  the  sake  of  her  and  his  twin.
TWIN  -  Isake  and  Isame’s  bond  was  undeniable.  So  much  they  took  a  shared  name  as  the  clan  head.  But  isame  often  was  lonely  ,  given  that  Isake  got  to  live  an  actual  life  while  Isame  had  to  be  hidden  away  ,  especially  due  to  his  injuries  as  a  child  from  the  time  he’d  dared  to  sneak  out  and  their  parents  and  his  brother  had  had  to  save  him  from  being  killed.  He’d  never  fully  recovered.  But  their  bond  was  strong  ,  viewing  themselves  as  one  separated  into  bodies.  It’s  why  their  phrase  is  “  I  am  you  ,  you  are  me.  “  Through  everything  ,  Isake’s  always  tried  to  support  his  brother  the  best  he  could  ,  and  vice  versa.  Isame  even  refused  to  eat  or  drink  during  Isake’s  rite  of  passage  because  it  wouldn’t  be  fair.  They  took  down  the  head  of  the  clan  together  ,  lead  together  ,  and  put  a  ten  year  plan  in  place  together,  Although  experiences  shaped  them  differently  ,  Isake  fiercely  loved  his  brother  -  the  loss  certainly  took  a  toll  on  him.  Isake  still  considers  isame  a  part  of  him  ,  but  it’s  why  he  abandoned  the  name  they  shared  as  the  head.  It  was  a  shared  name  ,  the  name  of  a  whole.    but  isake  is  only  a  part  and  thus  why  he  goes  only  by  isake  in  the  present.
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queensconquest · 3 years
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florabled said:  ✘ + It's a question that's lingered on the tip of Soramaru's tongue for awhile now, yet he's been too afraid to ask it, too afraid of the answer he might receive. But the recent reminder of Isake's mortality leaves him uneasy. Brows furrowed, he swallows his pride and blurts out, "Was any of it real?" He doesn't know if he'll be able to trust the answer; the ninja's word is practically meaningless now, after all. "Those ten years as Shirasu... did any of it mean anything?"
( SEND ✘ + A QUESTION FOR MY MUSE TO ANSWER TRUTHFULLY ) 9/10 asks still available.
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   It’s  not  a  surprising  question.  Isake  figured  that  sooner  or  later  ,  with  their  continual  interactions  ,  it  would  inevitably  come  up.  Especially  for  someone  like  Soramaru.  Tenka  was  a different  story  ;  in  some  aspects  at  least.  Yet  despite  his  expectation  ,  it  made  it  no  easier  to  answer  the  question.  And  then  he’s  speaking  before  he  can  stop  it.
   “  Yes.  “  It  slips  out  without  wavering  ,  echoing  of  truth  that  demanded  to  be  free.  Are  you  me  ?   Isame’s  question  one  night  in  the  cell  came  back  loud  and  clear  -  and  Isake  hadn’t  been  able  to  say  the  words  without  knowing  he’d  by  lying.  So  he  hadn’t.  He’d  saud  they  were  both  the  head.  Who  was  the  half-haired  one  now  ?
   The  ninja’s  gaze  had  fallen  to  the  forest  floor  ,  wind  sending  the  last  few  leaves  dancing  into  the  air  to  the  ground.  “  You  may  not  believe  me.  And  I  do  not  fault  you  for  that.  Only  know  that  I  have  no  motive  to  lie  ,  and  that  I  speak  the  truth  now.  “  How  much  does  he  say  ?  His  throat  clears  before  he  pushes  on.
   “  A  lot  of  it  became  real.  Ten  years  ?  No  one  could  go  that  long  without  being  changed  ,  not  even  a  Fuuma.  Most  of  it  was  very  real.  Seeing  you  and  Chuutarou  grow  ,  the  memories  and  new  experiences.  All  of  it  became  real.  Wanting  to  see  all  of  you  reach  new  heights  ,  being  proud  each  time  you  did.  Laughing  with  you  ,  even  learning  to  genuinely  smile.  It  was  like  a  warm  dream  for  me.  Something  I’d  always  wanted  to  have  before  but  never  could  or  will.  I  couldn’t  help  it  all  becoming  real.  Shirasu  became  real.  I  admit  I  never  intended  it  to  at  the  beginning.  But  it  did.  “  
   Even  knowing  what  he’d  have  to  do  one  day.  Isake  had  always  been  good  at  compartmentalizing  his  emotions.  But  he’d  certainly  been  affected  by  his  time  with  the  brothers  ,  of  that  there  was  no  doubt.
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queensconquest · 3 years
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florabled said:  [Isake] how do they see themselves? do they have any pet peeves? how organized/disorganized are they? do they have any routines? how much do they care what people think about them? views on people in general? what qualities do they admire in other people? do they get nightmares? one thing they would hate anyone to know about them. what are they confident about? what is their personal kryptonite?
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   how do they see themselves?     Not  great.  He’s  confident  in  his  skills  ,  in  his  talents  ,  yes.  But  he  realizes  his  form  is  cracking.  Sometimes  ,  he  really  does  think  twins  are  cursed  because  he’s  lost  so  much.  He’s  aware  his  cold  armor  has  cracked  and  rusted  being  with  the  Kumo  brothers  for  so  long.  That  he’s  more  emotional  than  he  lets  on.  In  the  end  ,  Isake  is  a  logic  /  necessity  over  emotions  person  ,  but  it  affects  him  even  when  he  doesn’t  show  it.  He  sees  himself  half-baked  in  the  sense  of  being  more  emotional  than  before.  He  tends  to  be  at  war  with  himself.
  do they have any pet peeves?     Neglecting  giving  the  proper  care  to  items  or  ceremonies.  A  lot  of  it  comes  from  his  training  like  taking  proper  care  of  weapons  and  such  ,  but  this  applies  to  a  lot  of  things.  Leaving  dishes  out  overnight  also  bothers  him.
  how organized/disorganized are they?    Isake  is  extremely  organized  ,  and  this  applies  to  his  persona  as  Shirasu  as  well.  Everything  has  a  place  and  it  will  be  put  back  properly.  If  he  doesn’t  ,  something  is  seriously  wrong.
  do they have any routines?     Visiting  Isame  at  night  was  a  routine  ,  as  well  as  preparing  tea  in  the  morning  for  the  brothers  and  afternoon  tea  as  well.  But  otherwise  ,  each  day  happened  as  it  happened.  He  used  to  get  an  1-2  sleep  in  the  morning  before  the  Kumo  Brothers  woke  up  ,  and  then  would  nap  when  possible.  After  returning  to  head  of  the  Fuuma  ,  he  tends  to  have  a  more  regular  routine  in  that  he  usually  wakes  up  around  the  same  time  ,  checks  surroundings  ,  eats  ,  and  then  does  checks  on  the  clan  before  starting  the  task  ,  and  similarly  before  sleeping  he  does  a  check  of  the  area  around  the  clan’s  space  before  going  to  sleep  in  the  morning.
 how much do they care what people think about them?    He  doesn’t  particularly  care.  Fuumas  are  hated  ,  he’s  been  well  aware  of  that  his  whole  life.  So  others  views  on  him  don’t  matter  as  much.  He  just  wants  to  be  a  good  leader.  There’s  particular  people  who  he  does  care  of  their  opinion  on  him  ,  but  only  a  select  few.  Most  he  couldn’t  care  less.
  views on people in general?    Hm.  In  general  ,  Isake  doesn’t  cast  much  thought  towards  people  outside  of  the  Fuuma  clan  ,  (  except  certain  people  again  )  ,  so  he  doesn’t  have  an  opinion.  People  can  be  good  ,  they  can  be  bad.  Everyone  is  a  mix.  He  has  no  strong  attachment  to  humanity  in  general  ,  unlike  the  Kiga  ninjas  who  serve  humanity.  He  IS  however  deeply  suspicious  of  people  in  general  except  full-fledged  Fuumas.  Half-baked  ones  do  not  get  his  trust  either.  He  is  always  on  guard  and  places  greater  trust  in  people’s  greed  than  being  kind  or  helpful  without  motive.  
 what qualities do they admire in other people    Isake  admires  determination  and  strength  of  will.  A  lot  of  that  is  key  in  Fuuma  culture  and  just  something  that  Isake  himself  admires  as  someone  who’s  had  to  heavily  rely  on  that  himself.  Courage  to  ,  to  face  something  even  when  one  is  terrified  is  important  to  him  and  he  can  admire  it.  That  doesn’t  mean  he  won’t  criticize  it  though  ,  especially  if  it  leads  to  reckless  actins.
  do they get nightmares?     Not  particularly.  He’s  had  them  before  ,  especially  after  his  father  died  and  then  after  his  mother  died  ,  but  after  that  he  hasn’t  really.  They’re  extremely  rare  for  him.  Likewise  ,  dreaming  is  extremely  rare  for  him  as  well.
  one thing they would hate anyone to know about them.    Probably  just  how  deeply  things  affect  him  ,  or  his  own  demons  of  the  thought  that  being  a  twin  is  a  curse  on  occasion.  It’s  no  hatred  to  family  or  anything  ,  just  that  Fate  seems  especially  cruel  to  not  just  him  ,  but  Isame  as  well.  He  very  much  hides  his  emotions  most  of  the  time.  So  that  being  known  is  one  of  a  few  things  that  he  would  hate.
 what are they confident about?    His  combat  and  survival  abilities  namely.  But  he’s  also  confident  in  his  baking  abilities.  (  And  cooking.  He’s  wrong  ,  but  he  is  confident  in  it.  )  Also  in  his  ability  to  interact  with  kids  in  general  ,  at  least  those  not  afraid  of  him.  He’s  also  fairly  confident  in  his  role  as  a  leader  ,  even  when  he  has  concerns  or  feels  lost.  But  he  also  has  confidence  in  the  strength  of  his  bonds  as  well  (mostly  with  Isame  but  in  general  too).
 what is their personal kryptonite?     Family.  Family  means  a  lot  to  Isake  in  the  same  way  it  meant  a  lot  to  his  father.  Anything  to  do  with  his  family  tends  to  be  kryptonite  for  him.  He  wasn’t  even  sure  about  going  after  his  target  ,  even  though  obedience  is  everything  to  a  ninja.  That’s  an  area  that  brings  him  down.  The  Fuma  clan  in  general  is  too  ,  once  he’s  head  ,  but  not  quite  to  the  extent  as  family.
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queensconquest · 3 years
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florabled said:  "Your commitment is admirable." As he speaks, Isame rubs at his chin, fingers brushing against the mask covering his face; it doesn't hurt, but it's annoying nonetheless. If not for his loyalty to his clan, he may've allowed an unwise comment to slip. "Quite the uncouth child, isn't he?"
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   Fingers  curl  around  the  black  and  purple  bands  in  his  hair  ,  tugging  them  free  to  let  his  hair  fall  free.  In  the  same  instance  ,  it  is  like  a  mask  being  tossed  aside  ,  the  gentleness  of  Shirasu  discarded  for  Isake’s  calm  determination  -  the  head  of  the  Fuuma  now  one  once  again.  
   “  It  is  a  necessity  for  the  plan  after  all.  Yours  is  admirable  as  well.  “  Even  if  he’d  been  aware  of  Soramaru’s  plan  to  lash  out  at  his  twin  ,  it  was  necessary.  Although  ,  his  little  speech  had  been  rather  amusing.  
   Arms  fold  as  he  leaned  back  against  the  wall  of  the  cell.  “  Mm  ,  all  of  them  are  to  a  degree.  Our  biggest  problem  the  most  uncouth  by  far.  “  There  were  plenty of  ungraceful  and  lacking in  refinement  moments.  Including  their  arrival  back.  “  I  take  it  things  are  going  well  ?  It  seems  to  Yamainu  are  starting  to  poke  their  noses  around  ,  but  they’ll  be  off  track  soon  enough.  “
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queensconquest · 3 years
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florabled said:  Is there anything in Isake’s life he should ne letting go of? How much does he value companionship? How would he describe his childhood?
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   By  his  standards  or  others  ?  It’s  complicated.  He  knows  he  should  let  go  of  his  time  as  Shirasu  Kinjou  ,  knows  he  should  forget  all  about  that.  But...he  can’t  quite  do  it.  Not  all  the  way  ,  in  the  way  he  knows  he  should.  He  should  forget  about  them  ,  focus  only  on  the  clan.  And  his  clan  DOES  still  take  top  priority.  but  he  can’t  quite  let  go  of  it  all  entirely.
   Isake  does  highly  value  companionship  with  those  he’s  close  to.  His  twin  ,  family  ,  his  friends  ( before  the  corrupt  head  killed  them  )  ,  they  were  all  important  to  him.  All  he  wanted  was  to  live  happily  with  his  family  in  the  Fuuma  village.  Its  why  he  refers  to  his  time  as  Shirasu  Kinjou  as  a  warm  dream  -  because  it  was  like a  dream.  He  does  really  value  companionship.  He  can  survive  without  it  ,  but  he  does  prefer  having  others  around.
   Messy.  As  a  twin  ,  it  was  complicated.  He  got  to  live  out  in  public  with  the  other  Fuuma’s  ,  have  friends  ,  train  with  his  dad.  But  he  always  knew  Isame  was  in  the  cave.  Not  to  mention  he  almost  got  killed  because  Isame  ran  out  of  the  cave  one  day  ,  and  it’s  only  thanks  to  their  mother  and  father  they  both  survived  ,  albeit  Isame  had  a  permanent  nerve  injury  on  one  of  his  arms  after  that.  Overall  ,  although  it  was  complicated  ,  he’d  still  say  it  was  good.  Although  dark  ,  since  the  corrupt  head  was  going  insane  with  the  rites.  But  he  was  happy  ,  for  the  time  before  his  rites.
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