#gaius the court physician
krug3r2312 · 1 year
Merlin whenever he gets back from saving Arthur’s life and the lives of Camelot’s citizens yet again only to find out Gaius used the tavern excuse again:
I am disgusted, I am revolted, I’ve dedicated my entire life to keeping this kingdom and its prince from certain death, and this is the thanks I get?
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sneakyboymerlin · 2 years
Merlin: Immortality? Eternal Youth?
Gaius: Yes.
Merlin: I am going to make myself look old anyway.
Merlin: On purpose.
Gaius: Why?
Merlin: To pursue the illusion of mortality. To grow and age alongside my companions. To maintain a humble life, overlooked by the masses.
Gaius: Okay.
Gwaine: [breaks in without knocking] You’re not ready? I thought we were going in for the early bird special! The 50% off deal is for seniors only!
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ktjmb · 2 years
thinking about the time that i went to france when i was 5 and wanted some sweets and my dad went into the shop to get me some, bumped into some knights in the shop who directed us to a field to watch them filming merlin, richard wilson in his gaius attire and a knight walked past and had ice cream and naturally i wanted ice cream, my parents said it’s just for the cast and richard wilson went and got me a bowl of ice cream. love you gaius
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whatevssatan · 2 years
I've been rewatching Merlin, because of course, and this time my famjis doing the remwatch with me (wack I know) and we just started s4 and all I want to do is go back to s1, where Merlin and Arthur were infinitely happier. Where Merlin did believe the best in everyone, and before he listens to the dragon. The moment when the dragon tells Merlin that him seeing the best in everyone will be his downfall, when if he only kept believing then Mordred would never have betrayed Arthur. Also it pretty much defies how TV shows should work, especially children shows, like for the whole 5 seasons it is leading up for Arthur and Merlin to unite Albion, and in any other show Merlin would have succeeded because it's his destiny, but he doesn't and it's heartbreaking and I just want them to banter like they do in the early seasons, and I want Gwen to have a personality again, as much as I love evil Morgana, I want her to help people, and the 4 of them to be besties again, and. I just have a lot of feelings even though this is approximately my 11th full rewatch and I have had the majority of these feelings before. Oh also, how had I not realised how true Gaslight Gatekeep Gaius was??
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4artfriends · 2 years
Ever Think about the fact that while Merlin and Arthur will be reunited again, they wont ever see the others. Like gwen is dead. Gwaine, Lance, Elyan, Percival, Leon (but hes immortal too so we will see him), Gaius, Morgana and also mordred (still not sure if I hate or like him...).
Like....they are gone. Even the servant who looks dresses like merlin whose name I always forget.
Well probs on being a merthyr shipper cause for me, I want Merlin and Arthur to be husbands after arthur rises again. That's the only good thing. THE ONLY.
Do you think kilgharah is still alive and gives merlin bad advice? Do you think they live together? Maybe even Aithusa is there, but idk Merlin is probably kinda pissed at her....well it was kinda his fault-
But no merlin shaming. I love him.
But Aithusa was a child-
Merlin is a bad parent.
I want to know how strong Merlin got. Is he better in healing magic now?
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i-d0nt-kn0w-anym0r3 · 2 years
Once again continuing my hyper fixation, here’s a Merlin edit I made :)
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scottishstoner · 2 years
Anyone else get the feeling Gaius knew more than he said tho?
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lovebotomy · 13 days
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gaius.. like actually
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an-entity-i-think · 8 months
I feel like Gaius slowly got used to the way things changed from magic being free to being a death sentence but what if he got Amnesia and the last thing he remembered was Ygraine being pregnant and the kingdom being free and excited for the birth of the new royal heir??
How would Uther react? 👀
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maraleestuff · 2 years
Merlin headcanon: Post S2 Ep1, Arthur always makes sure Merlin gets adequate time off, or gets lenient on chores/ duties whenever Merlin has to help Gaius with an influx of patients.
Even if he never figured out that it was what’s-his-face that knocked Merlin out in the stables, I’d like to believe Arthur started to make the extra effort to ensure his friend isn’t overworked.
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the-mushroom-faerie · 16 days
ive seen spoilers of the end of merlin. which didnt surprise me - i know how the myth ends. but im still sad about it 🥺
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krug3r2312 · 2 years
Gaius *walks into his chambers where he sees Merlin asleep at the table, head slumped in one of his magic books*
Gaius: Merlin!
Merlin *startles awake*: argh what?! what happened, who's dead?
Gaius: ...
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sneakyboymerlin · 2 years
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ktjmb · 2 years
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i edited gaius and dragoon in the beatles.
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emi-love · 11 months
All I want in my merthur is Arthur to trust Merlin to toxic lengths and Merlin to never, ever misuse that trust. I want Arthur to be slapped with one hundred evidences against Merlin but not believe in Merlin’s fault because Merlin said he didn’t do it, and he actually didn’t. I want Arthur to not know but know about Merlin’s magic, and Merlin to know that Arthur knows but doesn’t know because he cannot know because Uther is the king. I want Arthur to have absolute faith at all times in Merlin, that Merlin is able to save him and his kingdom, and Merlin being unsure of himself, but never giving up, because he knows that Arthur trusts him, even if he cannot say it, because he doesn’t know, but knows, and Merlin cannot let him down.  
I want everyone around them to see how they constantly bicker and banter and have that thought that they hate one another, that they think each other stupid, but at the same time to know not to come between them, because you’ll be lost if you take Arthur away from Merlin, or Merlin away from Arthur. I want the nobles to think that Merlin is stupid and incompetent but treat him with kindness because they are scared of what Arthur will do to them if they dare disrespecting Merlin. I want bitter sorcerers once in the while come in with the plan to finish Arthur, but back away, because they recognise Emrys, the greatness of his power, and they are too afraid of what he would do to them if they attempted to hurt his king.  
I also want Arthur to be badass, and Merlin to have trust in Arthur’s badassery. I want Arthur to actually be the greatest king to ever live, not just some vaguely okay king with good intentions and pure heart, and I want Merlin to actually be the saviour of magic, not a cute twink manipulated by bitter dragon and a little corrupted physician. I want Arthur to actually be that skilled knight he always claims to be, not a one who can be defeated by that one random blonde sorceress with little to no effort, I want Merlin to actually know something about magic except for how to use it, not to being forced to run between Gaius and the dragon and Freya and Catha and the druids to find everything out.
I want them to be so epic and so unhealthy (but it's okay because they are that way only about each other and Arthur would never break Merlin’s faith and Merlin would never break Arthur’s trust) and so skilled (I'm still thinking about that one secret room full of magical books that was introduced in the episode with the goblin and then never brought up again- like why was Merlin not getting any education. like I mean, the spells are important part of magic, but there’s other stuff, too, that Merlin should know. Merlin should have received the same education Morgana did. like, Morgause had Morgana for a year and Gaius had Merlin for ten. why is that twink so confused. and we all know how eager Merlin is to learn magic stuff. Gaius had completely failed him) and I want Arthur to be a fucking high king and I want Merlin to be his court sorcerer and consort and most trusted advisor at the same time.
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A normal day in the life of Court Physician, Gaius
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