#gareth is a sweetie pie
resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
Too Late - One
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summary: You’ve always secretly pined over Eddie Munson, your best friend, but when you find out he’s dating Chrissy Cunningham, you reach your breaking point. you seek comfort from Gareth, your second best friend. you figure out he’s got a crush, but you don’t know who, you were determined to figure it out though. but he was determined to keep his feelings for you locked away forever. but plans change, right?
warnings: (18+) alcohol, porn, mentions of masturbation, bitching about Chrissy (pls i love her irl, don’t attack me).
character description: fem, she/her pronouns, female anatomy, hair at least long enough to sweep back from face.
too late masterlist - find next chapter there :)
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“So you're the infamous Y/N L/N i’ve been hearing all about?” a sweet voice picked up from behind your shoulder, you almost didn’t hear it over the loud buzz of the party and the distorted music.
You turned in your chair slightly to find her sitting beside you, holding out a beer for you to take, “And you're the infamous Chrissy Cunningham i’ve been hearing all about.”
Too fucking much about.
she giggled, “it’s nice to finally meet you.”
“Likewise.” you smiled.
you wanted to be happy for Eddie, he was your best friend after all, you had to be happy for him. He actually managed to pull the girl he was crushing on… and that girl, of all people. It was strange to think about the pair. but, part of you couldn’t fucking bear it. you were in love with him. ever since that stupid party in middle school, you landed on him in spin the bottle/seven minutes in heaven. even with his trashy little buzz cut and zit ridden face and mouth full of braces, you thought he was beautiful. and so you walked into that closet with high hopes, and then he kissed you. and you freaked out, internally anyway. you stepped out after five minutes of making out (two minutes of taking) and you were head over fucking heels falling in love faster than you’d done anything before in your life. but, after that kiss, he never tried to kiss you again, even with your blatant flirting. no, to him it was just a stupid game. he probably kissed every other person he stepped into that closet with, just to have a try. but you, no, you only kissed Eddie… and you regretted it. but now, he was your best friend, and he was dating Chrissy. everything was becoming a little too heavy.
“So…” she started, oh god, here it came, the talk, “you and Eddie are really close.”
“Yeah.” you nodded, sipping your unusually expensive tasting beer.
“I hâte to be that girl…” she played with the hem of her perfect little skirt, “but… has anything ever… happened between you?”
“yeah.” you nodded, and her eyes widened, “the reason we became best friends was because we made out in a game of spin the bottle in middle school. He decided he was so disgusted by kissing me that he would never, ever do it again. Now I'm like… his guy.”
“his guy?” Chrissy asked, a few insecurities shining though.
you nodded, you wanted to be honest with her, you didn’t want her to hate you, because if she hated you she would prevent Eddie from spending time with you. And you had come to terms with the fact that you could never be with Eddie romantically, but you couldn’t deal with the idea of him leaving your life completely… especially not for some girl that would eventually break his heart and leave him in the dust for some preppy prick like Jason.
“Yeah,” you smiled, “we hang out all the time, and I know he definitely doesn’t see me like that at all because he’s really gross around me. like… boy gross.”
she quirked an eyebrow, “boy gross?”
“yeah, like he burps really loud and will walk up to me and fart in my face and laugh. and like, talks to me about girls and stuff, and is very open about his porn collection-“
“He has a porn collection?”
“Chrissy.” you deadpanned her, “every guy has a porn collection.”
“well..” she shifted in her seat, “what’s his like?”
“I don't know,” you shrugged, “it varies.”
you eyed her up and down, she was nervous.
“Don’t worry,” you smiled, “you fit the description of the girls in some of the videos and mags.”
“oh, okay.” she smiled, “should i be disgusted by that?”
you shrugged, “i mean, probably. most girls are… but that’s because they’re disgusted by porn. I would kill for the guy I'm into to have picked out a video specifically because the girl looks like me.”
“Okay, cool.” she relaxed a little, “y… you didn’t— the kiss you had, you said he decided you were… gross or whatever. What about you?”
your face turned red, “uh…” you smiled nervously, “yeah, i told you he farts in my face. he disgusts me.”
not true at all, you love him. He probably should disgust you though.
“oh that’s good.” she sighed, “phewph, i was really nervous you were gonna bite my head off and tell me you were in love with him or something, i used to think you stared at him a lot.”
your cheeks turned redder, “oh.”
“There’s my girls!” You both turned to see a tipsy Eddie stumbling towards you in the crowd, a big grin on his face.
Chrissy looked at you with doubt.
“Don’t worry,” you shook your head, “when he’s drunk he calls me his girl. i don't know why, he just always has. the first few times he did it sober I kicked him in the balls.”
Chrissy laughed a little, “oh, okay.”
“Heya pretty ladies.” Eddie grinned, standing between the two of you.
“nerd.” you scoffed, taking a sip of your beer.
“Hiya baby.” Chrissy smiled up at him.
He leant down and nudged his nose against hers. you made a gagging sound, smirking when they both turned to look at you. you hoped they’d take that as a cue to drop the PDA. apparently not. Eddie was drunk though, and Chrissy was probably trying to stake her claim. so. he brushed his lip against hers.
“How’s my princess goin?” He whispered, but you heard it.
it stung you.
that was his nickname for you, ever since he called you it in that stupid little closet at that stupid party.
‘you look like a princess,’ he grinned.
‘you think?’ you blushed.
‘yeah.’ he nodded, poking your pretty dress, ‘can I kiss you, princess?’
you felt like crying, but you skulled your beer instead, pushing the tears away.
“isn’t she pretty, Y/N?” Eddie asked, his arm around her, “She’s so pretty.”
he never called you by your name… ever… not unless he was mad.
“Yeah.” you smiled, “very.”
“She looks like a princess.”
you looked at her dress, it was white, and flowy… it looked a lot like that dress you wore to that party. that only made your gut wrench.
“Mhm.” you nodded.
“you okay, Y/N?” he asked, double fucking whammy.
“yup.” you nodded, speaking a little too abruptly.
“I think I'm gonna go play spin the bottle.” you smiled and rushed outside to Gareth.
you tapped on his shoulder, and he turned to look up at you with bright eyes, “Jovi! come play.” he grinned.
The nickname, the one you loved so much, came from that time he caught you drooling over a magazine filled with pics of Bon Jovi. he teased you about it, a lot.
“no thanks, can i talk to you?” the lump rose in your throat again.
“no, I wanna play and kiss a pretty girl,” he pouted.
“You can kiss me.” you teased, kicking his leg softly, but his heart skipped a beat, “cmon, i need to talk to you about something.”
he smiled softly, “alright, but only because i know you're gonna be really mean to me if i don’t.”
“correct.” you helped him up, and led him to a quiet room.
someone’s bedroom, the parents, you supposed. you sat on the bed and immediately started crying, finally letting your emotions out. Gareth locked the door and sat down beside you, stroking your back.
“What’s goin on, Jovi?”
“Eddie.” you cried, leaning into his shoulder.
his heart sank. you told him about your feelings for Eddie last week when he announced to Hellfire he managed to get a date with the girl. you left the lunch table in a rush and Gareth was the only one to notice your shifted mood, he followed you and you sunk into his arms. his heart broke that day, but he decided that wasn’t important.
“Just why?” you whined, “why does he have to like her, Gareth? i’m right here! i’m right fucking here. i’ve always loved him, i’ve always wanted him, and what… nothing! nothing!”
He nodded and stroked your hair.
“why can’t he just see me, for once i just want to be seen, Gareth. i don’t care if it’s by some dumb jock at this point, i just want someone to see me.”
“hey.” he pulled you back, “you are seen, darling.”
that was new.
“You are seen.” he nodded again, wiping your tears, “you are beautiful, and kind, and soft, and warm… trust me, you are seen. it’s just… it’s just harder for us freaks because it’s never the people we want that see us.”
you frowned and rested your head against his palm, “It just hurts me so much, it hurts because he will never see me the way I see him. and i’ll always see him that way.”
that- that really fucking hurt him, but he didn’t let you see that. he would never let you see that.
“I know how you feel, darling.” he pulled you back into a tight hug and let you cry.
the next couple of days passed, and you spent your time wallowing away in self pity and cheep chocolate. but today Corroded Coffin had band practice, and you always went to band practice. you rocked up at Gareth’s house, finding him, Grant, and Jeff in the open garage. you hopped out of your car and walked inside.
“Jovi!” Gareth was the first to notice you and he flung his arms around you, drumsticks hitting your back.
“Hey Gar bear.” you scruffed his hair.
he blushed at the nickname, something he did every time you called him that, or any other nickname, or even when you said Gareth whilst smiling. you never noticed.
“Boys.” you smiled and greated them both, “Where’s Ed?”
“Dunno.” Gareth shrugged, “He said he was gonna get here an hour ago.”
“Probably got caught up on a deal man.” Grant suggested.
but you knew he was probably with Chrissy. you sat around talking with the guys for over an hour, Eddie was still a no show.
“Alright, i guess we’re not practicing today then.” Jeff huffed.
“We got that extra gig coming up, what the fuck is he doing?” Grant asked.
“Cant you just practice without him?” you suggested.
“yeah, but Eddie’s lead guitar and vocals, it’s not really the same.”
“I’ll fill in for him.” you suggested, “is his old guitar in your back room still?”
“Uh, yeah.” Gareth nodded and you hopped up.
you walked though his house, saying a quick hello to his mum before going to the back room and fetching the beaten up guitar. you were walking out when you noticed a mag splayed out on the couch. you picked it up to find it bent open to a page of a girl, sexy pink lingerie on, her head not in the shot, just her body, and there was a fucking cum stain on it. you dropped the magazine back on the couch in haste before heading back to the garage.
“Gareth…” you called, looking around for him, finding him perched behind his kit, “you really gotta keep your porn hidden better.”
his face blushed the brightest shade of red, “Wh- what?“
“imagine if your mum walked in there and picked up that magaizine. she would have had a fucking heart attack. it’s bad enough finding your sons wank material, even worse to find his cum dried on it.”
“oh my god.” he stood up, tripping over his kit a little as he did, the other two laughed in his face.
“Don’t be embarrassed, everyone wanks.” you shook your head, “i got a detailed tour of Eddie’s collection, you know, including his favorite sock to cum into, so your thing is the least of my worries.”
he was still extremely, extremely embarrassed. he was embarrassed because the girl looked exactly like you, the underwear even similar to a set you had, that he only knew you had because he walked in on you changing a couple weeks ago. it was sort of cute, he blushed bright red and tried ro run straight out the door, but crashed into the wall as he did. he was yelling apologies after apology though the closed door, and you just told him you couldn’t care less. because you didn’t, he was your best friend, he knew what colour your vibrator was for christs sake.
you turned on the amp, plugging in the guitar, “okay, so i know some of your shit, not a lot, Eddie taught me a handful, so don’t hate me if i fuck it up.”
“promise.” Jeff smiled, just grateful to get some practice in before the gig.
and then you had all started to play, and Gareth had never fucked up so much. he was playing terribly, but only because he couldn’t take his eyes off you, you looked so effortlessly cool and beautiful. he couldn’t concentrate if his life depended on it. you apologised, thinking your off key and sloppily playing was fucking him up, and he just shouted,
“No!” he shook his head, calming down a little, “No no, i’m just off my game today. it’s not you, i promise. your actually helping.”
no you weren’t. you were tearing him apart.
it has been three weeks, and the four of you had barely seen Eddie. the only time was at school, and he skipped most classes and only showed up to a couple lunches. he often snuck off to have some alone time with Chrissy. it pissed you off. so you sat in his spot every lunch, feeling a little pride, you often imitated him, amusing the rest of Hellfire. you knew if he ever caught you he would get very, very mad. but maybe he deserved it, he was basically replacing you after all. you spent a lot of your free time with the guys, more specifically Gareth. you were already best friends, but you felt like Eddie’s absence was only bringing you closer. you didn’t mind that part at all, he was great. always sweet, funny, made you smile, knew exactly how to cheer you up when you were down.
“No…” you shook your head, your feet up over the back of his couch and your head hanging off the edge, “that’s not right.”
“Yes it is.” Gareth pressed, he sat on the floor, his head right beside yours and due to your angle you could see up his nose, he handed you the joint you were smoking together, “we have never smoked alone before, it’s always with Eddie.”
“Nah uh!” you insisted, taking a long inhale, “course we smoked alone, your my best friend and we’re both pot heads.”
“Name one time where it was just us, then.” he grinned.
you thought for a moment, a very long moment… “oh fuck. maybe we haven’t.”
“told you, Jovi.” he smiled.
“huh,” you sighed, “well, we should do it more. it’s nice.”
“yeah.” he blushed and you blamed it on the weed.
“i’m missing Eddie less.” you bit your lip and he looked at you desperately, “well, i still miss him a lot, but the asshole has barely said three words to me in weeks.”
“yeah.” Gareth pressed his head further back into the couch, taking the joint from you.
“Yeah.” you nodded, “i mean, he’s been so pent up with that strawberry blonde priss, he’s completely forgotten about me Gar Bear. completely.”
Gareth sighed.
“I mean, he calls her princess now, for christ sakes.”
“Really?” Gareth quirked an eyebrow, “but that was his name for you.”
“i know.” you rolled your eyes, “why it sucks so much more. i’m full on being replaced with a prettier, preppier, more flexible version that he actually wouldn’t mind kissing.”
“your prettier.” he said, not really thinking, and your stomach flipped.
you had no idea why it flipped. but it did.
“i’m not, look at her.”
“i did look at her, when Eddie repetitively told me too.” he sucked down his pride and forced out his confidence, “your definitely prettier.”
you smiled softly, which made him grin.
“Thank you, Gareth.”
And he was blushing, “Course, Jovi.” he smiled, “plus, who wants a prep? imagine all the basketball games he’s gonna have to sit though for her.”
“oh that’s gonna suck.” you laughed, taking the spliff.
“It would suck so much.” he continued, “He’s gonna grow sick of it after two games, guaranteed.”
you laughed.
“what time do your parents want you home?”
“ah, i don’t know.” you shrugged, “they were going out tonight so they wouldn’t actually care.”
“cool.” he nodded slowly.
“why, you tryina get rid of me?” you poked him on the nose and that nearly fucking killed him.
“Never.” he answered a little too quickly.
“mind if i just stay the night? i can’t be bothered walking.”
he raised his eyebrows, it’s not like you never stayed the night before… just Eddie or the other guys were usually there as well. someone else was always there.
“yeah, sure. of course.”
“cool.” you nodded.
you couldn’t help yourself, you were a snoop. everyone knew that. so the minuet Gareth went to go get you some clothes to change into, you dove back into his little porn stash he kept in the back room. you flipped though the magazines, looking at the dog eared pages, and inspected the dirty movies closely. a pattern? yes. all the girls had the same body shape, the same -or similar- hair colours, a lot of them had soft pink lingerie on. you furrowed your eyebrows. Gareth walked back in to find all his porn spread over your lap. he wanted to die.
“Jovi, I can-“
“who the hell do you have a crush on?” you asked.
you held up one of the dog eared pages and one of the videos, “they look the same. all the girls look the same, your into someone and your buying porn that looks like them. spill.”
“no.” he shook his head.
“oh, come on! you know who im into.”
“and it took you like, four and a half years to tell me.”
you squinted your eyes, “im gonna figure it out.”
“no you won’t.” he teased.
he was actually surprised you hadn’t already. could you not fucking tell it looked exactly like you? like your underwear? he thanked the gods you were so clueless.
“Come on, Jovi.” Gareth poked your arm, you were half asleep on the couch, “time for bed.”
“okay.” you nodded, not moving.
“come on, darling.” he was so soft with his words, “come inside.”
“but i always sleep on the couch.” you groaned.
“yeah,” he smiled, “because it’s usually pulled out to be a bed.”
“pull it out then.”
“it takes too long.”
“im okay here. you go inside.” you said, eyes shut.
“im not letting you sleep out here alone, Jovi.” he shook his head, “it’s not safe.”
you groaned.
“come on, it’s nice and warm inside, much more comfy.”
“okay.” you mumbled, still not moving.
Gareth’s softness made your stomach flutter a little, but you were too tired to notice.
“alright.” he stood up, grabbing your underarms and lifting you to sit upright on the couch, “you can keep your eyes closed but you need to use your legs a bit.”
you nodded, and he grabbed you again, wrapping his arm around you and he was pulling you up. he walked, your body weight completely slumped on him as you stumbled together out of the back room and into the main house. he guided you into his bedroom where he tucked you safely into his bed.
“thanks mummy.” you mumbled, half asleep as he brushed some hair out of your closed eyes.
he laughed a little, “goodnight, Jovi.”
he turned to leave his room, he was going to take the couch.
“where are you going?” you mumbled, forcing your eyes open, “your bed is this way silly.”
“your in my bed, Jovi.”
“So what?” you shrugged, “i shared a bed with Eddie all the time, at least i’m not secretly in love with you too.”
yeah, but he was with you.
“it’s okay, i’ll take the-“
“you said it’s comfy in here.” you mumbled, “really don’t mind, Gar Bear, i’m too old to think you got cooties.”
he laughed and hesitated a moment before climbing in bed next to you. his heart raced, very, very fast. he was surprised you couldn’t hear it beating. you closed your eyes again and mindlessly shuffled closer to him, laying an arm over his chest and pressing your face into his shoulder as you properly fell asleep. He didn’t move the whole night.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 6 months
Ok, so I've been thinking about my favorite Bridgertons (admittedly mostly I'm ANTSY for Season 3 news, but we're going to pretend I was doing something productive with that energy), and I have decided to make Book and Show lists of my favorite Bridgerton men and partners.
Disclaimer: I'm a Polin girl. Colin is topping every list and everyone else is competing for silver, so bear that in mind.
Book Bridgertons
Colin Bridgerton. Our boy is a writer and basically the human incarnation of a golden retriever. Best Bridgerton, no questions.
Anthony Bridgerton. Say what you want about the daddy issue, but this man managed to keep things together throughout his dad's death and the antics of seven siblings. As a fellow oldest child, RESPECT.
Gregory Bridgerton. Despite this man being objectively the dumbest of the Bridgerton boys, he's at least a bit of a sweetie.
Benedict Bridgerton. I do not understand why people like Book Benedict. He spends the entire book going "women are stupid." He has a literal bowl of rocks. Dislike.
Show Bridgertons
Colin Bridgerton. I warned y'all. Babyfaced boy who wants to be in love and has a white knight preoccupation? I feel like Angelica Skylar looking at Alexander Hamilton and going "I want to take him far away from this place".
Anthony Bridgerton. The single most relevant recipt: "Do you even know all the ways a woman can be seduced?" Also, despite flaws and arrogance, still a kickass older brother holding the ship together.
Benedict Bridgerton. Show Benedict is a sweetie pie and sensitive and frankly I am here for sensitive artist.
Gregory Bridgerton is ten. He should not be on this list.
Book Partners
Michael Sterling. I would bring the merry rake into the family. This man...yes, Michael, I do want another kiss AND I want you to tell me about when you were wicked.
Gareth St. Clair. Daddy issues aside, Gareth is a decent human with critical thinking skills and a wicked sense of humor. I can get behind this.
Simon Basset. He's...fine? I guess? I'm not super enthusiastic, but I'm also not necissarily kicking him out of bed.
Philip Crane. *yeets into a lake*
Who is at the top of your list of Bridgerton men and male partners? Or heck, your list of Bridgerton ladies and female partners? (I am a Penelope and Francesca girl myself!)
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ashes-writing · 2 years
g a t h e r | stranger things ; e.munson
** all images made by me. prompt credits go to the makers of the lists I used which can be found[ here ] [here] [ here ] [ here ] [ here ] [ here ] [ here ] [here] [here]and [here] - a huge thanks to all the wicked talented creators of these prompt lists. **
A/N: lowkey a pilot of a potential rewrite for sweet emotion, my henderson!reader fic, only reader is Dustin's cousin this time around... lemme know what you guys think.
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𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎 - 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐
↪ summary
---you invite Eddie and his uncle over for Thanksgiving dinner. Fluff -and chaos, ensues.
↪ pairing / fandom
--- fem!reader x Eddie Munson - Stranger Things.
Reader is the cousin of Dustin Henderson + has female parts and will be a bit characterized if I get enough people telling me to rewrite sweet emotion using her but I kept it vague here.
↪ warnings
--- tooth rotting fluff. friends to lovers, lots of chaos / family moments. reader is Dustin Henderson's cousin, so heavily characterized.
↪ taglist, babes
--- my taglist is [here] if you'd like to be on it. huge hug to my bestie @tbmunson because between the two of us, this entire thing took on a life of it's own and you're amazing.
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“Mom, they’ll be here any second!”
“Sweetie, relax.” your mother coaxes. “Give me the can of pumpkin pie filling, please? And go drag your brother and your cousin out of the garage, tell them to get in here and change.”
You’re a bundle of nerves, honestly. Parts of you are afraid your classmate, Eddie Munson, won’t show. And this will suck for two huge reasons. One, you know that he and Wayne don’t really ‘do holidays’ so this means they’ll be at home eating raviolis out of a can -not that there is anything wrong with that but honestly, in the time you’ve been tutoring Eddie Munson, you’ve gotten a serious crush on him and you’ve come to adore Wayne as well and this leads you right smack into the second reason that Eddie deciding not to show will suck and the reason is simple… You’ve managed to fall in love with the ‘so called’ freak and lately, this has gotten harder and harder to hide, especially given that you’re running into him constantly when you pick up your cousin Dustin from DnD night at Hawkins High.
The phone rings and you’re filled with dread for a split second until you realize upon answering that it’s your best friend, Barb Holland.
“Are you nervous?”
“Oh god, you have no idea.” you twist the red phone cord around your finger as you pace the hallway. Dustin and your younger brother James race past, disappearing into Dustin’s room after Dustin stops to nag you about tying up the phone because his girlfriend Suzie was supposed to call at any second. You respond to him by holding up a finger and covering the mouthpiece, you mumble quietly, “I won’t be long, Dustin.”
“Just hurry, alright? Suzie is callin at any second.”
“You think she is.” you correct with a patient smile. Dustin grumbles, “She is real. I’m not making up a girlfriend.” to which your little brother James snickers, “My sister’s just being an asshole because she wants to play smoochie face with Eddie and she’s scared he won’t show.”
Dustin gapes and his eyes light up at the same time. “You asked Eddie Munson to come?”
Barb is laughing on the other end of the line. You pout to yourself and nod at Dustin.
“She likes him, he’s all she ever talks about, Dustin. She goes on and on and on, kid. Drives me and Gareth insane.” Barb calls out after hearing Dustin’s question.
“What? It’s true!”
There’s a crash in the kitchen and  you glance towards the room with widened eyes. Your mother pokes her head out and laughs. “I forgot how your aunt Claudia likes to stack and cram all of her shit into the cabinets. Dustin, think you could come in here and find the roaster pan? I wanna get as much of this done as I can before your mom gets off from her shift at Memorial.”
Dustin hurries into the kitchen and your brother runs out wearing his favorite Metallica shirt and a pair of jeans you know your mother is going to ream him out over wearing. “Go change now!”
“You’re not the boss of me, space cadet!”
“I’m not but Mom is never gonna let you wear those. They’re full of holes, idiot. Kinda like your brain!” you retort.
James flips you off and shrugs. “There’s nothin wrong with ‘em. Eddie and Jeff both wear holey jeans. What are you anyway, huh? The fashion police?”
“Whatever, doofus. I’m on the phone.”
“I gotta get off here, I think Gareth just got here and the last thing I want is to leave him downstairs with Dad.” Barb hangs up and so do you. You’re racing up to your room to change and by the third outfit, you’re convinced that this isn’t going to play out like your favorite Molly Ringwald movie, Sixteen Candles, did.
You end up settling on a soft white sweater with little red hearts all over it, your favorite pair of 501 jeans, the medium stonewash ones, and your favorite brown leather riding boots. You’re just finishing your mascara when the door to the room flies open and James sticks his head inside. “Hey space cadet, guess who showed up?”
This is when you realize that the sweater you’ve chosen has a stain on it. It’s not that noticeable, but you’re not about to tell the boy you have a crush on that you have a crush on him looking anything less than perfect.
You dig around and find a bold red and black leopard print off the shoulder sweater and you swap out the brown boots for the scrunch socks that go with the sweater and your black boots. You’ve just gotten your earrings in when you hear your mom call out to you from down the hallway.
You take a deep breath and stare at the door, frozen for a few seconds as your stomach flutters lazily.
You step out of your room and wipe your hands on the front of your jeans. Dustin and James have dragged Eddie into the garage and your mother is making small talk with Wayne.
You smile and hug the older man and he smiles back. “Eddie tell you yet, kid?”
“No, what happened? He didn’t fail that big exam, did he?” you gaze up at the older Munson in concern. Wayne chuckles. “Passed. An A+ at that.”
Your grin has Wayne grinning too. “Your brother and your cousin dragged him out into the garage.” and there are hints of teasing in Wayne’s smile. You gaze at the door leading out into the garage and you try to pull yourself together.
You make your way out.
“Dude, show him the grabber!”
“James, no!” you try to stop it from happening, the grabber on Dustin’s latest robot is a little… Faulty, to put it mildly. But before you can stop it, there’s wood stain on the cement because the can of stain they were trying to make it grab wasn’t closed all the way and naturally, the robot picked it up all wrong to begin with and the can pours out.
Eddie chuckles and the sound dies away as his gaze settles on you. “Hey, uh.. You were serious about me comin today, right?”
“I invited you.” you smile as you say it.
Your little brother is standing behind Eddie and both him and Dustin are trying to make kissing faces to fluster you and tease about your crush on Eddie but you try to ignore them. Dustin nudges your little brother and nods to the door leading into the house. “Let’s go in and see if aunt Sophie needs any help.”
This leaves you alone in the garage with Eddie.
Eddie shuffles his dirty sneakers against the concrete and you’re fidgeting with the ends of your sleeves.
“Mhm?” he hums the word, distracted because he’d been staring so hard at you yet again. All while going over the infinite list of reasons having a crush on you was not a good idea at all. You step closer and you’re toying with the front of his denim vest, running a finger over the patch you’d given him as a random Halloween present. You’d called it an unbirthday present and he’d laughed. But it was one of few sweet things anybody has ever done for him.
,, and you owe the fact that you might actually graduate this year to her too, man.” the thought comes and it’s quickly hijacked by a second one, ,, if you tell her how you feel, she’s going to laugh. And you’ll make everything awful and awkward.”
You’ve melted against him though and now he’s fucked for focus. “I.. There’s something I need to tell you, okay?” you mumble quietly and you pause almost immediately after because what you want to say is so much harder to get out than you ever thought.
“Yeah?” Eddie’s stomach sinks and he tenses up, he’s bracing himself to hear what he’s used to by now. You’ve made more friends lately. You’ve gotten involved in FHA and you’re on debate. You’ve gotten a job at the makeup counter in one of the department stores in town after school and you’re just.. Not the kind of girl he thinks would ever want to be with him. 
But you’re one of very few at Hawkins High who doesn’t call Hellfire a gang of freaks. You’re the one who played cupid with his best friend Gareth and Barb Holland. You’re the one who has been tutoring him since you moved to Hawkins at the end of the last year. And you never pretend you don’t know him if he calls your name in a store or in the hallway, you’ll always smile and either hug him or talk to him.
And you’re always bringing him random little things.
Are you about to tell him that you’re tired of him holding you back?
And as he’s lost in thought, you’re a rambling mess, stumbling over your words and nothing you’re saying makes any sense. You’re pacing back and forth in front of him and with each second that passes and doesn’t bring with it a clear expression of how you feel about the lanky boy standing in front of you with kind doe eyes and frizzy brown curls, the more frustrated with yourself you manage to get.
,, Show him! Just kiss him, idiot! All your rambling isn’t gonna do anything!” your brain is screaming at you and you take a deep breath just as Eddie places his hands on your upper arms and chuckles quietly, gazing down at you.
“I can’t say it, I’m so bad with this stuff. So bad.”
Eddie frowns, but he’s giving you an understanding look. “It’s okay, I get it.”
You realize that he’s got the wrong idea entirely and you shake your head, desperate to clear up the misunderstanding. “No you don’t. I..” you grumble when the words hang in your throat all over again and every little insecurity you have manages to pop up and taunt you. In a fit of desperation, you grab the front of his vest and step as close to him as you can, pulling him down a little. You tangle one hand in his hair and crash your mouth against his and at first, Eddie Munson is completely stunned. 
You’re just about to pull away and bolt out of the Henderson garage but he catches you just as you reach for the knob because it finally sinks in for him.
His hand covers yours on the metal doorknob and he presses against you from behind. “You.. Okay, wait.. You just kissed me.”
“It’s okay, I’m.. I’m sorry.”
Eddie chuckles.
And then he turns you around. His hand settles against your hip awkwardly and his other hand caresses your face, brushing hair out of your eyes. He’s grinning a little. “Hey, no.. No, it’s okay. It’s absolutely fine. I.. I kinda liked it. I definitely wanted to kiss you too.” he laughs nervously and so do you. When the two of you go in for another kiss, you bump noses and pull apart.
But then the laughter dies away and you’re staring at each other, leaning in slowly.
Outside the door, Dustin and James are trying to press their ears against it, whispering back and forth. “Do you think she finally told him?”
“I hope so, J. Eddie really, really, really likes her, man. Like, a lot. He even based the princess in our last Hellfire campaign on her, I saw the drawing.” Dustin whispers.
“Will you two stop eavesdropping at the door and get over here to help me set the table?” your mother asks Dustin and your brother, smirking at them both. Wayne chuckles at the two boys that he’s gotten used to seeing around the Munson trailer.
“Kid, you get into that thing you were gonna do?” Wayne asks your brother.
James grins and nods. “I did. Teacher said I’m gonna be the first freshman to take Auto Shop in like, five years.”
“Sir, James. He’s an adult.”
“Ma! That’s Wayne, he’s cool.”
“Son, he’s still an adult.”
“It’s okay, hon.” Wayne flashes a grin at your mother and your mom smiles back, nodding at James as she lightly taps the back of his head. “Get to your room and find better jeans. You know we have family photos at the mall after this, kid.”
“And stupid shopping.” James grumbles.
“It’s not so stupid if you’re getting that tool kit you want, hm?” your mother asks and Wayne snickers to himself. It’s been so long since he’s had a family Thanksgiving that he’s honestly forgotten how much he truly missed the chaos.
The last one he had was years ago. Back before Eddie’s mother -his little sister, died. And it had been filled with tension. It felt nice to be around other people.
“Maybe different jeans isn’t a bad thing, kid.” Wayne suggests and James nods. “Yes sir.” he makes his way down the hall to change. The phone starts to ring around the same time that Claudia Henderson steps into the house, shedding her jacket. 
“Sophie? Did you cook?”
“I’ve been up since 5, Claudia. We talked about this last night. Or were you too busy drooling over Thomas Magnum to hear me when I told ya I got the turkey on my way in from the bar, hm?” 
Claudia grins and gives Wayne a warm hug. “Oh good! My niece invited you and your nephew today. I was hoping she’d do it, it’s not right to spend Thanksgiving all by yourselves.”
“I brought a key lime pie.” Wayne shrugs as he says it and Claudia smiles.
“I’m gonna change, Sophie. You kept Dustin out of the turkey, right?”
“It was hard, but I managed. Thought the neighbor’s dog was gonna pull a Bumpis on it for a minute but I got Anita to tell her husband to put his dog back in the garage.”
“You ladies need help with anything?” Wayne asks, glancing from one sister to the other.
“No, no. You’re the guest, sir.”
“My sister is right. Our mother would roll over in her grave if we made a guest help out.”
“There’s gotta be something..”
“Wayne, no.” your mother, Sophie insists.
“Did either of you boys invite that Mayfield girl and her mother? Any of your other friends?” Claudia asks your brother James and your cousin Dustin as soon as the two of them are done washing up and changing.
Dustin nudges your brother. “You could invite her, man. You know it’s been rough for her this year. And Lucas did break up with her. I’ll call around too. Maybe Will can come.”
“Hey, then we can play like… Football or that card game you’re always playin after school with everybody.”
“DnD is not a card game, James.”
“Whatever, it’s the same thing, Dustin.”
“No, it’s not. It’s really, really not.” Dustin chuckles, shaking his head as the two of them race off to call around and make sure none of their friends are left out of Thanksgiving meals.
Hearing the commotion inside the house, you and Eddie pull apart and share a look. You giggle quietly and raise up on your feet, dragging the tip of your finger over the outline of his lips. “My mom’s got this dumb tradition.. She’s gonna ask us what we’re thankful for when we sit down to eat. I… I wanna say it now.”
Eddie chuckles because you’re blushing and flustered and your hair is sticking up a little where his fingers were carding through it a few seconds ago and you’re just so damn cute right now. “Yeah? What’s that, little bit?”
“Well, I’m thankful for you, Eddie Munson. And your uncle, because he’s really helped James like.. Adjust to dad being gone.. But mostly you. Because you’re the kindest and the most metal boy I’ve ever met.” as you say it, you’re flustered, blushing with your cheeks on fire and Eddie chuckles and pulls you closer by the belt loop on your jeans. “Y’know, for a pop princess, you’re kinda metal too.”
You scoff and laugh, shaking your head. “No, no. I’m not, I’m a dork.”
“A hot one, though. C’mon. Let’s go inside. I wanna annoy Henderson and your brother.” he slips an arm around you and grins and you smile back at him, nodding as the two of you walk into the house.
When he spots his uncle being fussed over by your aunt and your mom, he and Wayne exchange smiles and Wayne mouths, “I told you, kid.. World’s still got a little good left in it. Did you tell her?”
“She told me, actually.. She uh.. Kinda kissed me.” Eddie mouths back. Wayne chuckles to himself.
“Ma! The dog is outta the Martin’s garage again. I’m gonna go over and tell Mrs. Anita.”
“Don’t stay over there begging for food either, kid. We’re about to have plenty to eat here.”  your mother calls out.
“Yeah, if you don’t burn the turkey like last year.” your little brother calls back, smirking as he ducks out of the way of your mother, who has raised the sprayer on the sink menacingly. “I’ll do it too, James Daniel.”
“That kid is somethin else.” Wayne laughs and your mother nods. “You don’t know the half of it, sir.”
“Oh, I can imagine. Had me laughin so hard the last time ___ brought him to the trailer with Dustin to see Eddie that I thought I’d never catch my breath.”
“Hey ma!” Dustin peeks in. “Joyce wants to know if she needs to bring anything and she wants me to make sure I say thank you for inviting them.”
“Tell her to just come on over. I think we have everything covered.” Claudia answers, smiling as she sips a cup of black coffee. “I’m so glad we could all get together like this.”
“Me too.” Wayne agrees and so does your mother as she sips her own mug of cocoa and gazes out of the kitchen window, shaking her head. “I have no idea how that dog keeps getting out. James better not be over there bothering Anita for apple pie again.”
Your brother makes his way back in and he’s got his jacket hugged to him.
“Oh no.. What are you hiding?” you stop him.
He opens the front of his jacket to show you a kitten, cold and shaking. “Found him outside. I thought that since Aunt Claudia’s cat died..”
“It’s hissing.” you laugh softly, fluffing at your brother’s curls as you nod to your aunt. “Go find that red ribbon we got for presents and tie a bow on it first. I think she’ll like it.”
James rushes off to put a bow on the kitten he found and Eddie chuckles to himself. “So the collecting of strays is a family thing, huh?” he asks, stepping up to you and putting his arms around you. You poke out your tongue and smile, nodding. “Kinda.”
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
You're such a talented writer! I have your notifications on to make sure I never miss anything. 🖤
I have an idea that is angsty but kinda cute. Gareth and the reader have been best friends since they were born, because their moms are best friends. It's a completely platonic relationship, but the two are attached at the hip, meaning that of course the reader is in hellfire.
The reader has a crush on Eddie, and has for years. Gareth knows, and while he loves Eddie he's not super sold on the idea of him dating his best friend, he also knows the boy has been making heart eyes at Chrissy for years.
Eddie comes up with this wonderful idea for the reader and him to fake date. Eddie secretly likes the reader, but thinks that her and Gareth secretly have feelings for each other and are too chicken to admit it. So he hides his feelings. He tells the reader it'll help get the guy she likes jealous, and he thinks Chrissy would be jealous. The reader blindly agrees, and agrees to the terms that they tell no one it's fake.
Gareth is suspicious, he feels like somethings off but can't really confront them about it. Eventually through this fake relationship the reader gets upset and realizes that they'll never be good enough for Eddie and has a breakdown in the bathroom. Who happens to come into the bathroom during this? Chrissy.
Reader spills everything, from her crush on Eddie to their fake relationship. Chrissy is dumbfounded, and says she was actually kinda rooting for them. She thought they were cute. She's also pissed because why on earth would Eddie think she's a jealous person, and selfish enough to break up a relationship. She's also so sad that the reader became collateral damage in this situation. Chrissy always thought the reader was a sweetie pie. She's fuming and confronts Eddie. Once she's done giving Eddie the verbal beat down of his life, she also tells him she thought they were cute together. Chrissy and Eddie have a heart to heart, and she asks when he's finally going to accept that he loves the reader. Eddie says he thinks they're into Gareth, and she tells him they wouldn't be crying in the bathroom if that was true. Chrissy then opens up about her own unrequited love interest, which is Gareth.
Now Eddie has to get through the reader's body guard- Gareth. Eddie corners Gareth and explains everything an apologizes, begging him to just let him talk to the reader. He also offers a piece of information in exchange. That the queen of Hawkins herself has a crush on him. I don't have a solid idea for an ending 😂 I guess something cute and mushy. Maybe they all go on a cute little double date. Idk my brain stopped working at that point 😂
This sounds so cute ❤ might take a few days to post as I have a lot of requests to finish up but will deffo write this 😘 Thank you that's so sweet of you ❤ makes me so happy that people love my writing so much.
Quick edit the story is up its called Fake ❤ Enjoy :)
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ollifree · 3 years
OCs as B. Dylan Hollis cooking vid quotes
Terron: “I don’t know if I need a knife and fork or I need to tie my hair back.” (Candle Salad)
Lani: “Nixon wished it was this easy.” (Watergate Salad)
Caedan: “Honey you can’t dilute a war crime.” (Chocolate Mayo Cake)
Nasi: “Are you still here? Damn it.” (Water Pie)
Gareth: “Are you nine inches yet? Said fifteen year old me.” (Fake Apple Pie)
Maria: “Lady your cake has tomato soup in it, this is the least of your worries!” (Tomato Soup Cake)
Damien: “We’re not concerned about the almonds!” (Spam Pie)
Marian: “The last time I made that mistake I wound up stunned and quite self-conscious.” (Magic Ice Cream)
Fanari: “Not bad, dead people.” (Chocolate Potato Cake)
Kendra: “This is personal now.” (Bean Pie)
Darrell: “I should’ve gone to church.” (Soured Raisin Pie)
Surana: “Thought this was a joke. Turns out I’m the joke.” (Chocolate Sauerkraut Cake)
Tabris: “It’s only electrocuted me twice.” (Avocado Pie)
Cassidy: “Which is an interesting idea because it’s awful.” (Pepper Cake)
Skylar: “Sweetie none of this is my liking.” (Vinegar Pie)
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ltcdr-clem · 5 years
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More characters I’ve played (or never got the chance to) in DnD and other such games 
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
Too Late - Sixteen
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summary: You’ve always secretly pined over Eddie Munson, your best friend, but when you find out he’s dating Chrissy Cunningham, you reach your breaking point. you seek comfort from Gareth, your second best friend. you figure out he’s got a crush, but you don’t know who, you were determined to figure it out though. but he was determined to keep his feelings for you locked away forever. but plans change, right?
too late masterlist - this is the final chap :(
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December rolled around the corner faster than expected. You and Gareth had just celebrated your nine months together, and everything was going great. You and Chrissy had begun to grow closer again, but she ended up moving to California for the summer with Jason, he went to stay with family before college, so you hardly saw her. You did call a lot though. She got back about a month ago, and you’d both just been so busy, you’d only managed to catch up once. The only times you had seen Eddie, was when you’d pass each other in the grocery store, or that one time when you had gone to the movies with Gareth and he was just leaving the cinema with Dustin. You hadn’t spoken, just sharing a glance that lasted no longer than a few seconds. Tonight was Christmas eve, and the air was cold and snow was falling. You were cozying up in Gareth's poolroom with him and the boys, just listening to the Bon Jovi record your boyfriend got you for Christmas. It was a peaceful night. You'd just stuffed your faces with a delicious dinner with Lizzie and Scott. 
There was a knock at the glass door, and you all turned your heads to see Scott himself, wrapped up in coats and scarfs, shaking in the cold. You quickly jumped up to pull him into the warm room, slamming the door shut behind him. 
“Hi, sorry to intrude on your teenage bonding time,” he smiled as he spoke, “but Liz just hopped into the shower and I thought I’d take the opportunity to talk to you… Gareth.” 
“Oh god.” Gareth mumbled, lifting himself up from the bean bag, “What have I done now? I promise you, the tap was already broken when I woke up thismo-”
“No, no.” Scott shook his head, “You're not in trouble… the opposite of that, actually.” 
“What’s the opposite of being in trouble?” 
Scott thought for a moment, “I don’t know.” 
Gareth nodded. You walked up next to him, looking at Mr Clark expectantly. He cleared his throat. 
“Right… so… Gareth, I don’t ever expect you to call me dad…”
You gasped, a smile spreading over your face as you realised what was coming. Gareth didn't. He raised an eyebrow and scrunched up his face with confusion, “Okay…”
“But.” Scott nodded, burying through his pockets. You wrapped your arms around Gareth's bicep, jumping with excitement, watching with anticipation. Scott smiled, noticing your excitement. The other two boys were smiling too, sending a few ‘ooh’s his way. Gareth was still confused. Scott held out a little blue box, “May I please have your blessing to ask your mother… to marry me?” 
Gareth looked up at him wide eyed, “You want to marry my mum?” 
You squeezed his arm again. 
Scott took a shaky breath, offering the box to Gareth, “If you’ll allow me, yes. I know your opinion is important to her, I just hope I have won you over…” He tipped his head, “it’s not much. A teacher's salary only really pays the bills, but…”
Gareth hesitantly took the box, opening it up slowly. You peered over his shoulder to see a gorgeous gold ring with a diamond in the centre, pearly stones surrounding it to look like the petals on a flower. It was perfect. Gareth stared at the ring, silence lingered in the room. Scott stared at him, wiggling his fingers as he started to worry with Gareth's lack of response. 
He looked up, finally, closing the box. Emotionless, he spoke, “Why do you want to marry her?” 
“Uh…” Scott glanced over at your confused expression before looking back at your boyfriend, “Because I love her, and she makes me happy. I’d- I’d love to make her happy, and nothing would mean more to me than your blessing.” 
Gareth stared at him. 
“I want… I want to spend my life with her.”
“What makes you think you're good enough to spend your life with her?” Gareth quirked an eyebrow, and you gave him a dissatisfied look. 
“I…” Scott looked to the ground, “I’m-”
“Nah, I’m just messin with ya.” Gareth laughed, handing the ring back to Scott and slapping him on the shoulder, “Course you can marry my mum. I’m surprised we haven’t scared you off yet.” 
Scott smiled, “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Gareth smiled, “But I’m never calling you dad.” 
“No, of course not.” He shook his head and started for the door. 
“Go get her Mr Clark!” You shouted. 
“It’s Scott.” He shouted back with a smile. 
“No it’s not.” You waved him off. 
You turned to Gareth with an excited squeal and hugged him tight. 
The second knock on the door you got that night was from Chrissy. Jeff let her inside so her teeth would stop chattering in the cold, and you quickly pulled her into a hug, both to warm her up and because you missed her. She handed you a gift, perfectly wrapped with a lavish bow, and you handed her one too. 
“Thanks Chris.” You smiled, tearing open the paper. Inside was a new pair of boots, “What the fuck?”
“Wh- do you not like them?”
You lifted up the leather shoe with wide eyes, “I… how much did these cost you?”
“It’s not about the money.” 
“But now I feel bad.” You huffed. 
She tore open her present to find a mixtape, a bracelet with a cute flower charm, and a pin to stick to her leather jacket. You had been decorating yours over the year with buttons and pins, one of them matched with one on Chrissy's jacket from the last time you had hung out. Little hearts with arrows through them. This pin was a Blondie one. Chrissy liked Blondie a lot, they were the crossover between her beloved pop and your rock. She squealed, pulling you into a hug. 
“Thank you!” 
You laughed, “You’re kidding right? Thank you!” 
She rolled her eyes, “Don’t stress it, babe. I knew you had been eying them off for a while.”
You smiled and hugged her again. 
“Look, I can’t stay. Jason’s out the front, we’re heading to my parents for the night. Big Christmas celebrations and were running late. But I’ll see you new years, yes?”
“Yeah.” You smiled, “Come on, I’ll walk you out. Say hi to Carver.” 
“Okay.” She helped you pull on your boots and a thick winter coat. 
You both waddled out the front to find Jason leaning up against his car, smoking a cigarette. You found that a little strange, a guy of his ‘status’, smoking, funny. She ran right into his arms for warmth. 
“Carver.” You nodded at him, keeping a metre or so’s distance. 
“L/N.” He nodded, extending his hand out, “Truce?”
You raised your eyebrows for a moment, looking between him and his hand. 
He sighed, “Sorry for being a dick back in middle school.” He shrugged, “Sorry for being a dick always, there's no excuse. I’m just sorry.” He sighed. 
You wobbled your head, thinking for a moment, “You did bully me.” 
He scrunched up his face, “Yeah…” he sighed, “If it makes you feel any better, all that bullying really fucked me over. I didn’t get into college… at all.”
Your mouth gaped open, “Yeah, that does make me feel better, actually.” You laughed. 
There was a flash of light, and all three of you turned to see who had pulled up out the front. The lights switched off, and you realised it was Eddie’s van. Shit. Wayne hopped out, bag in hand. He waved at you, “Y/N!” He smiled, “Merry Christmas, just droppin’ off some gifts.”
“Merry Christmas, Wayne.” You smiled back, “I’ll be in in a sec. Boys are out the back.” 
He nodded and walked up to the front door. Eddie hooped out of his van, seemingly not having noticed you yet. He leant against the hood, lighting a cigarette. You looked at Chrissy, who was looking at the ground and frowning, Jason's arm getting tighter around her. Eddie took the first puff, looking out at the night sky, brushing off the snow that fell down on his face. Jason cleared his throat. Eddie snapped his head in your direction and the cigarette almost fell from his mouth. You noticed a moment of panic in his eyes before he resumed his calm manor. 
He nodded his head once, “Carver… Cunningham…” He looked at you for a moment, “L/N. Merry Christmas.”
“Yeah.” You nodded back. 
“Very merry indeed.” Jason smiled at him, “Got any plans, Munson?”
Eddie sighed, “Quiet night with Wayne… heading over to the Hendersons tomorrow.” 
You nodded. Jason smiled, rubbing hand up and down Chrissy's arm, “That’s nice. I’m heading over to Chrissy’s for the night. We’ve got a big family celebration tomorrow, don’t we, baby?” He watched Eddie tense. 
You couldn’t help but smirk behind your scarf. Jason was a mean girl, and you hated it, but god, right now you loved it. You were inspired, “Sounds lovely. I’m spending the night here, celebrating the morning with Lizzie and her man. Then Garebears comin over to mine for Christmas Dinner.” You grinned, Eddie always used to spend Christmas dinner at your house. 
Eddie frowned, “Ah.” he nodded a few times, “Good to see you girls as friends again.”
You both stared at him for a moment, sharing a little look of disbelief. Chrissy raised her eyebrows, “Yeah. Having regretful feelings for a jackass really builds a bond.” 
Eddie sniggered, looking away for a moment, “Yeah.” 
“Anyway.” Jason broke the tension, “We gotta get going. I got some Cunninghams to suck up too.” 
Chrissy giggled, “It was lovely seeing you again. Thank you for my gift.” 
“Of course.” You smiled, pulling her in for a hug and giving her a little cheek kiss, “We will have to catch up more in the new year.”
“Absolutely.” She smiled. 
“Maybe I can even rope Gareth into a double date some time.” You looked at Jason, “Though, that might take some convincing.”
“Mhm.” He nodded, putting his hand out to shake again, “Can we be civil… for Chris?”
You sighed, slapping your hand into his and giving it a firm shake, “For Chris.” 
He smiled and saluted you as he opened the door for his girlfriend. You stood watching as they climbed in and drove off, sending them a little wave as they disappeared down the street. You turned to Eddie and walked up to him, plucking the cigarette from his lips and sticking it between your own. 
“Okay then.” He huffed. 
“It’s the least you could do, jackass.” You leant back against the hood of his van beside him. 
He sighed, looking to the ground, “Sorry.”
“No you’re not.” 
He looked at you, “Fine. I’m not. Happy?”
“Mhm.” You nodded half heartedly, refusing to look at him as you took another drag. 
“You and Gareth are still together then?”
“Nine months.” You exhaled, tapping the ash off the end of the smoke, “It’s great.” 
Eddie nodded, “That’s good then.”
“Yep.” You popped your lips on the ‘P’. 
There was silence for a moment, and Eddie turned to you, “I still love you.” 
You sighed and dropped the cigarette, stubbing it out with your toe, “Good for you.” 
“Can you just-” He interrupted himself with a deep breath, “Please, hear me out?”
You looked at him, “What? What’s there to hear, Eddie?” You rolled your eyes, “You’ve already forced yourself on me, begged me for forgiveness and love… I don’t know what else there is to do.” 
He rubbed his brow, “I know I’ve fucked up. I know that now, I do… but I can get better. You can- you can help me-”
“Why would I want to do that when I have a perfectly good boyfriend in there, who loves me unconditionally, and wants nothing but my happiness?” You raised your eyebrows and shook your head, “Unlike you, Eddie, Gareth is actually loveable.” 
He closed his eyes, taking that like a stake to the heart, “Please-”
“Merry Christmas.” You scoffed, walking back to the house. 
You decided to not tell Gareth, or anyone about that interaction with Eddie tonight. It wasn’t the time. The mood was high and people were happy, and talking of Eddie would just ruin that entirely. You’d stash it away for another time. 
The third time you got a knock on the door was right around midnight. 
You and the boys were all in a pile, lazing on one another. You’d just hotboxed the shit out of Gareth's poolroom, and you were all hazy and warm with bloodshot eyes. You had heard a scream, all sitting up in fear. And about two minutes later, when you were all halfway through pulling your boots on sloppily, the knock came. It was from Lizzie, and she was dressed in pyjamas and socks and nothing else, tears streaming down her face. Gareth slid open the door and she hugged him tight. You saw Scott running out the back door with a coat and scarf and beanie slung over his arm for her. 
“What?” You asked, rubbing your eyes, your speech was slow. 
“I’m engaged!” She shrieked, jumping up and down like a child on Christmas morning. 
“Fuck.” Gareth smiled, his voice just as slow as yours, he hugged her again, “Congratulations, mum.” 
She wiped at her tears and came to hug you too, “Ah, look at it.” She pulled back and shoved her hand in yours and Gareth's faces, then in Jeff and Grants, “Isn’t it gorgeous.”
“Hell yeah.” Jeff nodded. 
“Totally rad, Missus E.” Grant smiled. 
“It’s like… so cool.” Gareth began to laugh. 
“Looks like somethin in a movie, Lizz.” You grinned. 
“Yeah… like,” Gareth thought for a moment, “like a secret spy gadget, you know?”
You laughed, “Like it shoots lasers.”
You and Gareth started pretending like you had laser shooting rings on and fought. Gareth dramatically fell to the ground. 
“Are you high?” Lizzie asked. 
“What?” You asked, acting like you had no idea what she was talking about but doing a terrible job at it, “Us… high? Lizzie… we would never.”
“Never.” Jeff added. 
Gareth tried to stand up, but stumbled. He fell over and you all started laughing. He pressed his palms to his eyes, “God, I’m so high.” 
You all started laughing more. Lizzie glared at her son, and then at you. You pulled a face of embarrassment, and it had her rolling her eyes with a smile, “Okay weirdos. Be responsible.” She grabbed Scotts hand, dragging him for the door, “Don’t come inside. My fiance and I would like the house to ourselves.” 
“Ewww.” Gareth poked his tongue out, “Mum, that’s gross. That’s my teacher!”
“Not your teacher anymore.” Scott nodded as he was dragged away. 
You giggled and fell down on top of Gareth, “Go Lizzie, I think.” 
“Nah.” Gareth shook his head, “Mums can’t have sex.” 
“What,” You grinned, “you sayin you wont fuck me once I’ve been knocked up?”
“That’s different.” He shoved your face. 
“You guys are so weird.” Jeff fell backwards into Grant’s arms and Grant kissed his neck…
Oh yeah. That was something else that had happened in the past few months. Jeff and Grant had come out to you guys, saying they had been dating for like… a year. You were just confused as to how you had gone so long without noticing. 
“You guys are weird.” You poked your tongue out at them. 
“Nahahh. You are.” Grant added. 
“You are.” Gareth chimed in, crawling over to them to tackle. 
You all ended up in a pile, wrestling each other and calling eachother names and laughing, all high out of your goddamned minds. By the time you got really tired, you were laying splayed out like a starfish on the pullout, and Gareth was entirely on top of you, acting as your blanket because his weighted blanket wasn’t heavy enough. Jeff and Grant were cuddled up, already falling asleep on the mattress on the floor. 
Gareth nudged his nose past your ear so he could kiss your cheek, right by the corner of your lips, “I love you, darling. Merry Christmas.” 
“I love you too, Garebear.” 
“I can’t wait for tomorrow morning. I got you-”
“Guys. Can we not do this again, please?” Grant whined. 
“Fuck off.” You muttered. 
“You fuck off.” Jeff quipped back. 
“We get it, you're in love, yadda yadda. So are we, we're not being sappy.” 
“Be sappy then.” Gareth wrapped his arms around you tighter, “I wanna tell my girl I love her.” 
You giggled, “I wanna hear him say it.” 
“Jesus.” Grant rolled his eyes. 
“Please, save it for tomorrow.” Jeff huffed with a smile, “It’s too late.” 
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