marvel-teen-comics · 5 years
How I think the Xavier school should be run/x school headcannons
So here it is, the master post you've been waiting for on my head cannons on the incredibly interesting inner workings of the xavier/jean grey school for gifted youngsters. Or whatever they're calling it now.
I'm probably adding to this overtime so sorry if things seam strange, it also kind of fits into my bigger imaginary concept of how x men life is (because lets be honest the comics are hardly consistent) Basically marvel can't decide how the hell this schools run so heres how I imagine things
I’m also English so sorry if some thing aren’t common in American schools, I tried my best.
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Anyway without further ado heres what going to xavier's would entail:
- I imagine a system for x men recruits somewhat like in academy x, where students train together as a group however I expect this would be voluntary after ‘certain events’ where students complained about just wanting to live their lives and not be the x mens puppets.
- this group of x recruits would have costumes (think New Mutants, Generation x ect) and would be trained to eventually join the x men. This would start as gym activity and eventually move up to the danger room. (never understood the whole school danger room in WATXM, seams dangerous and wouldn't be good for students who don't want to be part of the x-men!)
- self defence would be mandatory (because being a mutant is dangerous) and obviously everyone would train to use their abilities to their fullest extent but the actual training with the goal of fighting in the x-men’s conflicts would be separate (no more schism)
- Basically emphasis on ‘child soldiers are bad’
- costumes for this group! ok maybe I miss the GenX and New Mutants days of costumes, but seriously, no one has a coherent costume! most Academy X kids are stuck in those old costumes, pixie seams to be wearing a old New Mutants costume and the poor WATXM kids have nothing since they dropped the blazers. I expect older kids such as academy x and I guess glob and quire (are they adults now?) would just wear the same stuff they've always worn. But kids who never really got a costume such as anole or the WATXM kids could defiantly get a definitive costume (would they even join the x men recruitment? idk) plus everyone would customise it (think surge with her baggy trousers, god I love that look!)
- i’ll probably make a bigger post on everything costumes would need but yeah, they need something thats bullet proof, or at least somewhat protective. plus I'm pretty sure its cannon that x-men costumes keep you at a good temperature and stuff like that so it should be implemented. I mean lets be honest these kids get in fights, might as well give them some armour.
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- Talking of armour (great segway) If we’re saying she's still a teen she’d be in the top year along with quentin and glob herman (tho maybe globs been held down idk was that confirmed?) because grant morrisons new x men came out right before joss wedons run so I'm thinking their around the same ages? so 17-18 is my guess for them
-the year below that I think would be the New X men and the hellions. So 16-17 (I know the age brackets seam weird but I'm willing to guess xavier's can't be to picky about keeping this strictly a high school situation as they can't really turn anyone away, I think its more like a british high school + six form which would be 11-18) So that Surge, Mercury, Hellion, Prodigy, Rockslide ect. Seeing as Pixie has kind of been aged up recently id also put her here. However I think she was probably originally meant to be in the year below.
- The year below this would be the younger academy x kids such as Anole, Blindfold, that purple guy I forgot the name of. As well as the WATXM kids like nature girl, eye boy, shark girl, Idie and Broo. Yeah I know nature girl got super aged up in age of x-man but we’re ignoring that event. So this would be 15-16. 
-The years bellow that I'm not really sure about because I don’t read most current stuff but I think Xaviers would accept kids above 11 yrs old so there plenty more years in the school! they'd basically have to accept anyone who's a mutant and seeing as that happens at puberty there could be students as young as 8
- I imagine parts of the school are named after dead x men, as we've seen with Proudstar hall, however would they name parts of the school after dead students? it would seam pretty morbid but they do have an onsite grave yard so.... if so, id expect Cypher and Synch to be commemorated and probably those who died in the bus massacre (tho thats probably too many dead kids, god thats depressing)
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- the schools had a lot of teachers over the years, but it think the core teachers would be 
Emma Frost - headmistress (honestly the only person I trust to do the job) teaching telepathy mutant politics
Husk - math teacher (since 90′s generation X we've never seen her as a smart character)
Jubilee (as seen in generation x 2017)
Chamber - we've seen him come in on occasion so he might not be full time, though to be honest I don't imagine anyones full time
Northstar - (as seen in new x men: academy x) teaching flight and french
Dani Moonstar - counselling and teaching mutant cultural studies 
Beast - science teacher
wolverine - gym and mutant history
Toad - janitor 
Kitty pryde - computing (do americans call it computer science?)
- Ive always loved the idea of the x men base bellow the school but that is hella dangerous so to compromise id say theres a medical wing, danger room, hanks lab and at least one x-jet.
- the danger room would be used sparingly till students proved they could use it, they would then be able to book sessions but the controls would be locked on non lethal and non harmful for younger years. 
-the school would also have some sort of bunker (seeing as it gets blown up every other week) and there would be evacuation drills all the time.
Ive been working on this post for months so I hope you like it, yeah this ignores cannon quite a bit and its mostly just me saying how id run the school. I’m also imagining Westchester which again probably isn't the case anymore because I stay away from current continuity. but based on my early 2000′s knowledge, this is what I came up with :)
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marvel-teen-comics · 5 years
1996 TV movie Generation X review
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So I watched it.
What can I say? Its a master piece. With its 90′s humour, sexual innuendos and obvious product placement I really can't think of anything else to call it. All joking aside it isn't particularly bad for what it is and I can honestly say I enjoyed the experience of watching it play out
Now I went into this movie expecting a dumpster fire of barely there acting and a blatant disregard for the source material and tho it did deliver on both of those things, its actually not as bad as I thought. Tho they did make jubilee white because 90′s.
If you you've read the original comic and you want a good laugh then pls watch it. Plus they made Angelo hot so..
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marvel-teen-comics · 5 years
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jubilee! trying to get better at digital painting, I’ve been drawing a lot of titans stuff that I'm not sure I can post here because this is a marvel account. So heres some jubilation lee as I've been reading a lot of generation X (90′s one) and I apparently only draw characters who have interesting styles. Obviously iv tried to update her look a bit because those plastic perspex glasses are a little 80′s. 
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marvel-teen-comics · 5 years
Will be watching the Generation X made for TV movie this weekend so i’ll do a review after I put myself through that level of hell
pray for me
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marvel-teen-comics · 6 years
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I have a rule not to read any books past 2012 because i don't think I'm caught up enough on the backstory yet. But the new generation x book has peeked my interest so i might give it a go. In the mean time heres a reminder of its sucsessor the incredible nineties generation x featuring some well known and lesser known characters and a weird fascination with skin based powers. 
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