#get ready to see this post OFTEN y'all I am shaking lol
rowanisawriter · 3 months
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She puts her hand in his hair and lets the strands slip between her fingers like she’s dreamed of doing so many times. Like she’s seen him do with the Weave. Her Lady’s essence, dancing between his fingertips.
i had the privilege of commissioning the wonderful @infernaldaydreams for art of the end of heretic, my exploration of religious trauma through a cleric of mystra tav/gale. i'm trying to be as normal as possible in this post but they have captured the scene utterly and this art is about to become my entire personality! thank you so much bestie!!
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mooniefics · 3 years
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okkk ermmm here have this blurb,, bc my brain is feeling so clogged rn and i’ve been seeing jean n connie content all over tiktok (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b  lowkey cucking connie here, lowkey more jean-centric, but i feel like connie would be the type to reluctantly admit that seeing u feeling good bc of another guy (especially one that y'all r good friends with) would reallllyyyy get him going LOL
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you couldn’t quite remember how you’d gotten yourself into your current position.
not to say that you weren't enjoying it—that was definitely not the case. you’d become accustomed to plans going awry, like when jean had accidentally ordered a two hundred dollar champagne bottle at the club, just to drop it to the floor immediately after the scantily clad waitress taking care of your group had handed it to him, or the time that you’d made a stop for fast food on your night as designated driver and had to order connie to physically restrain sasha before she crawled through the drive-thru window and terrorized the night staff. but for the most part, every evening out ended with all of your friends going home in one piece, sometimes jean or sasha crashing at you and connie’s apartment when you were truly worried for their health post binge-drinking.
though, you couldn’t recall a night when connie had been so insistent for you to wear one of your more revealing dresses, or so openly enjoying the way jean had draped himself across you on the dance floor, doing nothing at all to intervene when he ran his hands down your body or pressed himself close enough to you that you could feel the length of his cock through his pants against your ass. you thought he had always been jealous type, usually shooing his friend away from you or shouting for him to back off with a flushed scowl etched into his features. but the way he was looking at the two of you as you danced, low-lidded eyes filled with a hunger you’d helped sate countless times before—you knew the revelation meant trouble.
the entire night had started to melt together into one continuous blur after sasha managed to talk you into downing more than enough shots of vodka to make anyone’s head spin, the only thing occupying your senses being the warmth of jean behind you, how with each sway of your hips your boyfriend’s gaze would become more and more intense, solely focused on you and his best friend’s flagrant display. somehow, you’d all made your way back to the apartment, leaving sasha in nikolo’s care after she begged to stay for a bit longer. through the mess of grabbing hands and hushed words, jean tugging you one way only for connie to pull you back to him, uncoordinated fingers unzipping and unclipping every article of clothing they could find, they’d managed to leave you completely at their mercy.
“shit, jean. you’re makin’ me kinda jealous..” connie muttered, words stringing together with obvious inebriation, one hand pinching at one of your nipples while the other kept a firm hold on your jaw, turning your head over your shoulder to face him. 
he drew you back into another heated kiss before you could blink away the fog of arousal from your glassy eyes, muffling another whimper from jean’s tongue and it’s relentless motions over your clit. as if his slender fingers alone weren’t enough to make your vision spot with stars, he was ridiculously good with his mouth, leaving you a writhing, dripping mess in connie’s lap.
“not my fault i’m better at making her feel good.” jean snarked from between your legs, not stopping the snap of his wrist as he bit into the already marked flesh of your thigh, drawing another moan over connie’s lips, “maybe you should share with me more often, jus’ so she doesn’t get bored of sucking you off an’ getting nothing in return.”
“oh fuck off, you know that’s not true you fuckin’ ass.” your boyfriend grunted, tone taking on the typical aggression it had when he felt jean was getting too handsy with you, but doing nothing to actually stop him as he returned to kissing at your neck.
you allowed your back to rest against connie’s chest, a shaking hand working into jean’s hair, tangling in the thick, blonde locks when he crooked his fingers up into that terrible sensitive spot he’d been teasing as soon as he'd found it, hazel irises hungrily taking in your disoriented expression.
“’s okay, you can be honest with me.” he grinned, lips and chin drenched in the evidence of your arousal, “tell me the truth, baby.. i’ll let you cum on my fingers.”
“don’t tell him shit.” connie growled back, both hands squeezing at the soft flesh of your breasts, rolling your nipples between his thumb and forefinger.
if you were more sober, you would’ve acknowledged the fact that he would probably let you cum either way, but the stifled judgement planted the thought of an unwavering ultimatum in your mind, the idea that you might not ever get to taste the relief that lay beyond the mounting pressure in your abdomen, drawn tight enough that you felt as if you could snap at any moment. 
“p-please connie..!” you whined, grinding yourself down against his crotch in an attempt to appease him, fingers latching onto his wrist and pushing a hand further over your chest, words slurred and desperate, “need t’.. need to c-cum, please please please...”
“then tell me,” jean pulled your attention back down to him, licking his wet lips, pupils blown wide, “who's better at eating this pussy? him, or me?”
he barely gave any room for a response, free hand pressing into one of your thighs to make enough room for him to return to his previous position of lapping at your clit, pushing a mindless, strained response from your parted lips, “you—f-fuck—you! y-you’re better!!”
you couldn’t think to tune into connie’s upset exclamations as your head slumped back to rest on his shoulder, hips pressing up into jean’s skillful tongue and fingers, eyes squeezing shut as you moaned out a rambled string of curses, lips barely able to form around each syllable. any kind of control you held on your volume escaped you entirely, the hand in jean’s hair gripping tight as you nearly screamed, trembling and gasping, cumming around his fingers just like he promised you would.
your chest heaved in connie’s hands, body shakily lowering itself back against him, very cognizant of how hard he felt through his pants. as soon as you’d gathered your bearings enough to sit yourself properly in his lap, you looked to jean, who looked more than satisfied with himself sitting back on his calves, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and licking the two fingers that had previously been buried knuckle-deep into you.
“so, springer, ready to show me up?” he goaded, running a hand to push his hair out of his face, “it’s the least you can do after i got her all nice and wet for you.”
you felt your face heat, stealing a glance at your boyfriend, that flustered scowl weighing at his expression. “fuck yeah i am.”
“can’t wait to watch you try.” he laughed, grinning easily, hand sliding down to start undoing the button and zipper on his pants, dark eyes still roaming your naked finger as he pulled his cock free from the confines of his boxers.
you could tell this was going to be a long night.
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hellooo my friend very quickly converting me into a full-on jean lover (o^ ^o)
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
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Interesting question. I get why my Askbox is flooded with it. May thirteen was a disappointment. Most Jikookers were looking forward to a reinforcement of a long established Jikook tradition- well everyone except me and a couple others I think. Y'all don't be paying attention. Lol
Jikook are complex beings and like any complex organism they learn to adapt to situations and surroundings. They are predictable in that way but also they are not. It's paradoxical, I know.
If you paid any attention to what was going on from late March through to June you'd have known there was little to no likelihood May 13 was gonna happen.
And if it had happened, it would have taken on a whole new meaning at least to some of us. But hey, 5/8 right? Sure. Jimin smart. We stan a Bigbrain.
Anywho, tomorrow is not about Jimin or Jikook or any ship. It's about JK. It's about celebrating the gift of life that he is. For all the times he's been hated on, this is the only day out of 365 days that we as a fandom get to put our differences aside and come together to show our love and appreciation for him- I hope.
I don't see why Jimin wouldn't do the same for him. Especially since it's been a long established tradition not just for Jikook but for all the members.
They all celebrate eachother's birthday to varying degrees but at the bare minimum they wish each other a happy birthday. That's the norm.
All the other members will wish JK a happy birthday and that includes Jimim. If you understand why people celebrate others birthday you'll understand this is not complicated at all. So it's not a question of will Jimin post tomorrow.
Jimin is a very kind, thoughtful and a loving person. It would be weird of him not to wish his fellow bandmate a happy birthday on his birthday. He would. He should. Rest assured.
But I understand that what y'all are asking me as far as Jikook is concerned and shipping goes is whether Jimin would do something extraordinary for JK this year like he did last year, what he would do and whether he would post about it.
Even though I am certain he will post, I can't tell you what that post is going to be, I'm an alien not Jesus you know?
What I can speculate on is whether or not Jimin would make another grand gesture like that of last year. Which is what this post is going to be about.
The answer to that question is not as simple as yes he would or no he wouldn't. Personally, I expect him to do something a little bit out of the ordinary or coded this year. I'll explain in a bit.
To be clear, I don't expect a repeat of last year or anything of the magnitude of last year at all as much as that would make me uWu so hard. Although... what if he pulls a 360 on us and propose to Jk on his birthday?what? I'm speaking it into existence!
What Jimin did last year was an exception not the norm. You don't fly half way across the world just because. To me that was a grand grand gesture in the history of JK's birthdays and I don't expect a repeat of it unless the circumstances that lead to that moment repeats its self.
The circumstances being that they were broke up and he was trying to fix things. Cough, cough.
JK's birthday last year was an Echo of Manila. A general consensus among Jikookers, is that JK had been mad because Jimin was choosing to spend time with Taemin on the eve of his birthday hence why he had had posted that song knowing full well Jimin would see it as a way to guilt trip Jimin.
If that is right, then Jimin flying over to be with Jk would be a huge statement.
2015 and 2019 are the years that have stood out to me most, birthday wise: Jimin saying he wanted to give JK a kiss on his 18th birthday and him flying from Paris to South K to be with JK on his birthday.
If you've ever heard Jimin talk about money, he is prudent and wise about money. I mean rather than spend millions on a luxury apartment he chose to buy an investment property instead. He is a Libra, I wouldn't expect anything less.
On his vacation trips, he's known to share cost of expenses with the friends he travels with if he's traveling with them. I won't call him frugal though, thoughtful and selective is more like it.
So when he does something of this nature, it's not nothing. He was making a statement period. He was proving something to someone- if you say Army I'll smack the back of your head. Lol
JK. He was proving something to JK. It's always been JK- so help me lord if you say it's Fanservice! It is not. It wasn't for Fanservice.
I've seen people around corners of the internet saying he didn't have to post his Paris video if he was going to go see JK anyway to celebrate with him. That the whole video message thing on Twitter seemed very much private.
I agree with the part about the video seeming private. It seemed personal to me. But it also seemed like the point of that video was to let JK know his location at the time to perhaps throw him off the surprise he had planned for later.
People have argued JM was just pulling a 'prank' on JK with that whole Paris trip to begin with. They were on a hiatus, they had been together prior to JM leaving for France a few days to JK's birthday so it doesn't make sense that they would be broken up at that time period and it doesn't make sense that Jimin will leave for Paris and fly back home only to leave again so it must be a prank.
... Sure. Valid point. However, I don't see Jimin being reckless with money or honestly that shallow. If that was a prank that was an expensive one.
And yes, Jimin didn't have to go on the trip. It wasn't business. It was leisure. I can see how that would be confusing to JK especially when it seemed JM was choosing to spend time with someone, be somewhere else rather than with him on his birthday- yet again. Coughing in Manila.
But sure, I can see how that would be the best 'prank' surprise for JK. Shaking my head. I don't think that was all that was happening with Jikook around that time as I have hinted at several times across my blog posts.
Jikook were broke up around that time, that trip was a grand gesture, Jimin's way to make up with Jk let him know he's learned his lessons. His friends are important but JK comes first. The lightning struck twice for JM and he got a second chance to redeem himself- the definition of GRAND gesture.
If you are a Kpop enthusiast you would also know about the political climate in S.K around that time frame and how it was impacting the Kpop world in general. Certain Boy Bands were under investigation for certain 'offences' I don't want to get into.
On August 11th, one member of such said boy band was arrested- allegedly. I don't know what it had to do with BTS or whether it had anything to do with them at all and I'm not insinuating anything but I just found that impromptu hiatus in August a bit suspicious giving everything else that was going on in S.K.
If 'people' were looking into Kpop boybands then I am certain BTS was on top of that list just because they are the biggest boyband and have been a target of haters for years.
Needless to say, I do not think they were gonna find anything at all on the boys if in deed they had looked but if the boys had a secret- like say two of their members being in the LGBTQ plus community then I assume that secret was bound to be found out?
It is why I believe the boys were asked to lay low in August and that Jikook specifically had been asked by BigHit to tone things down while they navigated the muddy mess of public scrutiny- in my opinion.
I also find it a bit interesting that both of Jikook later that same month and period would be involved in a scandal involving women- But feel free to draw your own conclusions on that however you please. This is just mine: I think that move was straight out of the PR books. Classic Olivia Pope-esque move. Lol
I know some people think it is in the best interest of Jikook to hide their relationship if they are real and that Jikook want to hide their relationship: I disagree.
Just based on my own observation, I don't think they enjoy hiding at all. Especially JK. Well, he did say he didn't want to hide anymore in GCF Saipan didn't he? Can't argue with that.
But also, out of the two, JK is the one who seems the most grounded and sure about their relationship. This is seen best in moments where they've almost been caught. JK's been the least bothered or throw off. Almost as if he doesn't mind if people find out about them.
For instance, when BTS exposed JK for sneaking into Jimin's bed Jimin looked terrified as fuck. He pointed to JK, almost throwing him under the bus but for someone behind the camera asking him to chill, Jimin would have freaked out of his mind.
Then we have that infamous moment when Jimin and JK walked into JK's room and spotted the camera. The look on JM's face said it all. But JK seemed pretty chill about it to me.
Now these moments are relevant because JM was caught unaware. They were both caught off guard and so their reactions were instinctive. By instinct Jimin freaked out which says to me he is afraid to be exposed or outed perhaps because he isn't ready to come out- yet. While JK's reaction on the other says to me he doesn't mind at all if people found out about them which could be because he is ready to come out.
I know what you are thinking and no. That time in the track when they were caught taking photos- JK looked more like he didn't appreciate the invasion of his privacy rather then terrified he was caught. They were on set and so they knew there were cameras roaming around and anyone could stumble on them. They were both consciously self aware of their environment which is why JM was able to make a quick comeback.
I can go on and on about this about this topic but the post is already getting too long.
My point is, Jikook don't like to hide. When you are in love you want the whole world to know. And so often, they fluctuate between wanting to keep their relationship a secret for the sake of their careers and wanting to declare and openly claim eachother.
Keeping their relationship a secret is bound to be stressful on them physically and emotionally. Just because they don't like to be outed don't mean they enjoy hiding.
Their secret is not theirs alone to tell. They have people whose careers depend on them. Their secret is inextricably linked with five other people. People whose careers could end instantly if their secret so much as came out accidentally or even by design.
I don't think either of them is selfish enough to risk that. Not even in the name of love. And this is especially true for Jimin the way I see it. As for JK..... I don't think he gives a shit. Bless him.
This doesn't mean, however, that they don't enjoy teetering the line. It's part of the thrill that fuels their passions- when they get to play at being caught and exposed or just the mere thought they are out smarting the public- fucking exhibitionist!
Jokes aside, I believe there is a sense of comfort and security they get from knowing there are thousands of people out there who enjoy and celebrate their love as openly as they would want to and they live openly vicariously through us.
Our support and acceptance means so much to them. Which is why often you find them reaching out to us.
Being told to lay low even if it's for their own interests would get on their nerves especially for a rebel like JK and Jimin knew this hence why that public display of his affection for Jk on Twitter.
Thus, I do I think JM would make another gesture similar to what he did last year but whatever gesture of he does make one would be unique in it's own way from last year's and would be more of an assurance of his love for JK and a prove to Army that they are fine just because i think they have both been through a lot this year just as he said in the dynamite MV reaction VLive which was rudely sabotaged by Tae.
Jimin seemed like he wanted to have a 'public' moment with JK as explained in my previous post on the Dynamite Reaction Vlive. And given as that moment was interrupted, I expect him to try that again. Whatever message he wanted to deliver it seemed more intended for JK as much as us their supporters.
He has been pretty active on social media lately in the days leading up to JK's birthday. He seems to be gearing up for something. He ain't slick.
So yea, part of me hopes and expect him to do something nice, to make a statement similar to last year's but I cannot ignore also that there's been a lot of eyes and attention on Jikook a lot lately. More so than usual.
Posting something of that nature would single them out and only escalate the situation especially if it is something that makes them both stand out from the others.
For context, I am talking about the heat they recieved as a result of the Dynamite MV. That heat is drenched in homophobia and they and BigHit could care shit about that as I explained in my previous post but you have to understand it can have a negative impact on their mental health.
I mean, NamJoon is constantly being paired with JK a lot lately. It's almost as if he is keeping an eye on Him constantly if you know what I mean. Tae has also been keeping an eye on Jikook, outing Jikook's schemes and shenanigans before they happen like in that Dynamite MV Reaction VLive where he asked JK not to look into the camera during Jimin's solo commentary.
It's understandable. Their interest is as stake too. If Jikook go down, they are going down too. It's daisy.
What I'm saying is, Jikook is being monitored and it would be daring of Jimin to do something as grand for JK openly like that.
But who knows. If it's gonna make JK happy because they've both been through a lot this half of the year then JM would definitely definitely do it. He is defiant like that and he can be a bit of a dare devil when it comes to proving his stance to Jk. He wouldn't hesitate for a second. I love that about him.
Mad respect for him if he does. Mad mad respect for him if he does. But if he doesn't you'd all know why.
In conclusion, I'm saying I'm expecting something more than a happy birthday text from Jimin this year. I'm expecting something more meaningful, deep, coded and uniquely Jikook.
If it happens to be a proposal Ayla you can have all my shmoney! Lol
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Year End Reflections (No, I'm not dead)
This year... hasn't been an easy one.
At the beginning of this year, I found out that my body wasn't working right. It was a relief, because I had felt for a while that things weren't right, but it was also scary, and upsetting, and overwhelming. Fast forward to the end of the year, and while some things have gotten better, we still don't have my Graves Disease under control. According to my doctor, if upping my medication for the third time doesn't help, we may have to look into killing my thyroid altogether with radioactive iodine, making me hypo for the rest of my life. I've known this was a possibility from the moment I was diagnosed, but I had been hoping that if it came to that, it would be my choice, not something I'd be forced to do.
I haven't tried to stay healthy in all this, even thoough with my health on the line, it would totally make sense to. I've been stressed, I've reverted to old habits, and consequently I've gained... much more weight than I would have preferred. I'm not where I started, but I've gained back at least half of what I've lost. And part of me hates myself for it, but another part of me is just trying to remind myself that I need to love and forgive myself, because that's the first step to being genuinely happy with myself again.
So, this year has been... a bit of a dumpster fire. Yes, there have been good things - I got to go to JAPAN, for god's sake, and that was fucking amazing - but it feels like everything outside of that has been a bit of a wash. But I'm ready to make a change. I'm ready to start over, so to speak. I'm ready to love myself again. And if I'm honest, I'm not sure if that means I'm ready to be back on here 110%, because I know it's gonna be hard, and I know I'm gonna slip up, and I have a really hard time feeling guilty when I do, like I'm letting people down. But I will try to check in, I will try to be more present.
I will learn to love myself again. That is my goal for 2018.
I'd also like to connect with people on here again, because while I myself haven't been super active, I log in multiple times every day and read so many stories y'all share, and I'm rooting for you, even when I don't say anything at all. So for that reason, I'd like to give a few shoutouts to the people I've been following, who have inspired me, who I've been silently cheering for. I hope y'all see this; if you don't, it's not a big deal, but I do hope you know how much you mean to me (and I'm sure to a lot of other people in this community).
@fatmaninalittlesuit - Dude, I don't even know what to say. I've followed you for years and you have always been such an inspiration, but this year you have absolutely killed it. You've worked so hard, and it's paid off tremendous dividends. I saw your ten selfies of 2017 post today and literally said out loud, "Holy shit, John, you don't even look like the same person - you look awesome!!" You look happy, you look strong, and you always have kind words of encouragement to share with us. Thank you for all you do in this community, and may your 2018 be rad as fuck.
@curvymommy70 - You have been so sweet to me. It seems like every time I've made a post complaining for crying about my circumstances, you've always been there to pat me on the back and reassure me things would be okay. You have been a rock for me in this community throughout the year, and I don't feel like I've done enough to convey how much I appreciate you. Thank you so much for everything, and I cannot wait to see what 2018 brings you (I hope it's only good things). :)
@plussizeadventure - I haven't really said two words to you, but I followed you earlier this year and I'm so glad I did. I know 2017 has been shitty for you too, but I can't tell you how much I love seeing your smiling face on my dash. You are funny, and smart, and determined as hell, and I find myself cheering you on in the face of your challenges, whether it's shitty advisors or cancer. The fact that you can still smile at the end of the day puts things in perspective for me, and if you can find things to smile about, then I sure as hell can too. Thank you for being brave and sharing your story with us - I know I don't always talk often, but I am always rooting for you!!
@mystoryfortheaudienceoftheworld - Another person who I only just started following this year, and now I look back and ask why??? You are such a delight, I love seeing your smile, your passion for life, even when things are rough, and your dancing gifs and videos make me wanna get up and shake it too! You are Hayden are PRECIOUS together, and I am so happy for the next phase of life you two get to embark on. I love seeing you on my dash. Also - and I hope this isn't too weird - you're only about four-ish hours away from me and I wanna be like, let's get brunch sometime! I feel like that would be an awesome meal. :)
@sweetiefiend - I know we haven't chatted in a hot minute, and I'm not in the GG fandom like I used to be, but I just love seeing you on my dash. You are gorgeous and kind and encouraging, and it seems like you've always reached out to me when I needed it the most. Thank you for that, and I hope 2018 is fucking awesome for you.
@sahraylia - My wifey until I die~~ You are always there for me, you are encouraging, kind, loving, patient, and you're not afraid to call me out when I need it - all of which I love you for so, so much. I hope I can be as supportive to you as you've always been for me. You always encourage me to be myself, especially when I need the reminder, and I can never express to you how much that means to me. I love you so, so much, and I hope 2018 is better than your 2017 was. <3
@dysfunctionalkitsune - I'm gonna see you tonight, it's probably inane to but this here, but girl. I am so grateful for you in my life. I never would have guessed all those years ago when we met in middle school that we'd be as close as we are now, but I am so glad we are. You are the fire that keeps me going, keeps me pursuing my dreams, even when I fall off the wagon multiple times per week. You helped us get to Japan this year, you always take me on fun adventures, your thirst for excitement and life is contagious and I'm so glad I know you for it. Having you as a friend means life is never boring, and I love that. I love you so much, and I can't wait to see where our next adventure takes us!
@starfieldeyes - I don't even know what to say to you, because words seem meaningless. You have been there for me in my worst times, when I sobbed on the phone, when I felt like everything was lost. You've been there to lift me up, wipe my tears, and sometimes slap me in the face and tell me to get over myself - all from hundreds of miles away. You always seem to know what I need when I need it, and I literally cannot express how much I love you & how lucky I am to have you in my life. The college we met at was not a good match for either of us, but I will always be grateful that I met you (and Brittany) there, and I wouldn't change a thing about going there if it means I get to have you both in my life. Thank you. I love you.
@mynameisbirdie - I feel like putting a shoutout here is silly, because you're my sister and all, but I don't know if I tell you enough how much you mean to me. You have become one of my very best friends, and I'm so happy that we are as close as we are. I'm so grateful that I can literally tell you anything and I know you won't judge me. I love that we share our interests with each other and drag each other down into our respective fandoms, I love that we laugh over rip vine compilations and quote John Mulaney to each other, I love everything about us and our relationship. Thank you for always being there for me. I love you so much.
I know there are people that I'm missing, but this has gone on too long already, lol. Here's hoping for a better 2018 than 2017 - for myself, for all my followers, and to whoever might be reading this right now. Let's make 2018 our bitch.
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