nature-nerd-sarah · 10 months
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"A lot of kids" means there's more than just Bocchi, Ryo, and Yoyoko. Kikuri is a bad role model for an entire generation of the dumbest young musicians. Love that for her <3
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symphonies-of-silver · 5 months
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Merry Holidays from your local drunkles~
Featuring Zhen from @lustrous-dawn
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floofangel · 5 months
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Lil christmas gift doodles for some of my friendos~
@nixnjix / @kitsurain / @asksavel
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lightofunova · 8 months
(( Wonder what a reshilugia would look like, so how about the goddess of truth and god of souls? XD ))
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Glimmering and gorgeous, Rin is a sassy mon’ who has the abolity to see the true nature of someone’s soul! Quite enjoys looking his best!
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lustrous-dawn · 2 months
“My life was like this game here,” Zhen murmured. He sat, legs crossed in front of the oval table. A hand was calmly placed over a brown dice cup. His lips kicked up into a playful smile as he reminisced over an age long gone. Yet the smile didn’t touch his eyes, his golden gaze lost. 
“I betted as if my life depended on it, Gin.” He addressed the man sitting in likeness across from him. He grasped ahold of the cup, vigorously shaking its contents before he rattled the cup across the surface of the table. The sounds of the dice were all that could be heard in the room. Loud and crisp. After a moment, the cup came to a sudden halt, a stillness to the air. “Even or odd, friend?” 
Ginjiro seemed to think long and hard about his answer. “Even.”
“Funny you would say that,” Zhen chuckled to himself. “I would always place an even bet when sitting at the table. My birthday landed on an even day, I would always use it.” He lifted up the cup, his smile lifting further. “Even. Nice call,” he commended him. 
“Zhen…” Ginjiro frowned. “You don’t have to talk about it if it affects you.” 
“You see, Gin. I’m tired of bottling all of this up. I have to talk about it. If I don’t, it’ll be as if I didn’t exist.”
“You sit here across from me now,” Ginjiro replied calmly. “You exist here. Now.”
Zhen clenched his teeth, his jaw protesting. His hand threatened to crush the cup in his hold. “I can’t stand it. How can you remain so calm?!” Like the waters he often saw. Tranquil and clear. It frustrated him. “Don’t feel sorry for me. I can see it,” he spat, seeing the sympathy in Ginjiro’s eyes. 
Crushing the cup in his hands, he discarded it recklessly. “I can’t stand this…,” he exhaled sharply, pinching the bridge of his nose. This sensation of emptiness, of restlessness. He had nothing. He left nothing behind. 
Not a single trace. 
A shuffle of movement. Ginjiro sat beside him, a complacent hand gently placed on his shoulder. “I am sure you know of my history… There was a point where I believed I could never be like her. But eventually… I began to think of what trace I can leave across the land. My presence, not hers. She is here no longer. I am here.” 
“I know that-”
“Then you know what I am saying,” Ginjiro interrupted, squeezing softly. “We are not them. We are who we are. And you must start making your prints across the land. You were never in her shadow but you are trapped in a shell. A shell of your own making. Break free from it lest you never move on.”
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life-of-kalos · 1 year
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@symphonies-of-silver @ask-the-royal-absol the fabulous birds make a great team
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the-last-of-alto-mare · 7 months
"Ah, haven't we crossed paths before? Enjoying the festivities?" The Lugia remarked with a chuckle as he caught sight of the Latias. "I couldn’t help but notice my boy, Jet, was making quite a ruckus speaking to you earlier. I do hope he didn’t cause you any trouble. He is usually more courteous than that."
The Latias just got back inside, after seeing the Latios left. She put the paper in her small pocket -because of course her dress has really small pockets.
Being addressed by the Lugia, she turned her attention to him with a small smile. She did recognized the older legend.
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"I'm the Latias from Alto Mare, sire. You did visit the garden there." she chuckled. "I didn't had the chance to introduce myself back then to you. You left so quickly. My name is Zipporah. Pleasure to meet you again, a-and thank you I think I become a bit more relaxed..."
Mentioned the Latios named Jet, she tilted her head. He just called him 'my boy'. Do they have a history? Should she ask straight ahead?
"I-it was fine." she blushed. "I m-mean, he didn't say or do anything weird. I m-mean, he did mentioned he was h-happy see an other Lati, hehe." she tidied her hair a bit. "I-if it's not a problem, can I ask w-what relation you h-have? I-I mean, he looked serious and worried."
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shimmeringtidepools · 7 months
“My, what prestigious invitees this world’s Arceus has brought forth. Another world’s very own son and daughter of creation. I am honored to be in the presence of such~” Ginjiro said, giving the two a bow as he greeted them. “If I may ask, is there a third joining you or is it only the deities of space and antimatter joining us from your universe?”
As the duo walked, searching for the man described to them prior, they were stopped by another legend. A sigh could be heard from the younger of the two.
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“No, unfortunately the evening is drawing to a close. Our brother must not have been able to attend due to his work.”
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“Fine by me. We can finish this ourselves.” The pair’s eyes caught the lugia’s. “We appreciate your favor, it is a fresh change from others not giving us the time of day.”
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Palkia found herself a bit stunned. Her elder brother hadn’t been this well behaved in eons. What had caused him to start acting so nice? “We really wish we could talk more but, we have buisness to attend to.” She stated, tugging her brother’s arm along. “Perhaps a visit to us when we are less pressed for time would be nice.”
The two suddenly walk off, still searching for the dialga.
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nixnwrites · 9 months
A hand roughly shoved under the black vest, pressed tight against the Ho-oh's rigid abdomen.
"Argh!" Zhen took a frustrated bite out of Ginjiro's throat. It did not harm - a thing between lovers that made Ginjiro shudder. "How can you be so calm about this?! What if I manage to screw things up?!"
A lithe movement and he was out of Ginjiro's hold. The two of them faced each other. Shoving his hair from his face, Zhen clenched his jaw tight, his face that of torment. "What if I break us?" All this was new, this fleeting fluttering sensation of excitement coursing through him. 
Hell, he wanted to do more than the fleeting kiss they had shared. A twinge of a darker shade coloring his cheeks. 
Something changed that day, the confession. He knew there was no going back on those words. He found out he didn't want it to return to the friendship they once had. It was safer, yes. This fear gnawing at his chest would ebb away but it wasn't what he desired. 
Both desired.
Because they'd never been only that. 
All at once, the future was no longer a terrifying thing, a thing that foreshadowed the loss of all he cherished and held dear. A shift of understanding as he stared back into eyes unwavering.
"We hold?" Zhen asked, his voice rough.
"We hold." Ginjiro's voice was unbending.
Then he was in Ginijiro's arms, tangled, unsure where one started and ended. It all ceased to matter when their lips locked into a kiss that was as tight as their bond. 
When they came up together, Zhen laughed, "I'm so fucking scared I'll screw this up. But I rather screw this up together than get it right with someone else. Just how much trouble do you think we can get into?" There it was, his infamous grin as he wrapped his arms around Gin's broad chest, his neck, "Take it an easy on. Try not to snap me in half."
"I am being patient with you," a breath in his ear.
Holy shit. "Hey now. Baby steps. You can fold me later when I got the hang of it." 
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thenerdytomboy · 11 months
Mob ginjiro and mob tall
A faded melody
It echoed through the halls of the compound. A soft, but strong voice humming out a song in a language few there understood. It faded in and out each night, sometimes loud, sometimes quiet, but almost always present in the late hours of the night.
Yet no matter how loud it sang, how long the words flowed throughout the halls, it was only heard by one set of ears.
She crept through the halls after the first few nights, leaving Ryes room to at least confirm that it was who she thought it was. It was easy to get into Moxies' room, locked doors weren't a problem when you could no-clip.
There he was, sitting next to his sleeping son. Transparent hands hovered over messy black hair as Ginjiro continued to sing in his native tongue. It was hard to make out the exact words, however the tone made it easy for Tall to tell it was a lullaby.
"You know it's rude to enter a room without knocking." He laughed as he said it, looking away from Moxie to his feline-like friend, "Apologies if I woke you. I forgot you could hear me."
"It's fine." She says it softly, as to not wake the sleeping man.
"Bet you're wondering why I'm singing to my son even when he can't hear it?" Ginjiro hums, looking back down at his son for a moment, "Or maybe you're not. I can never quite tell what you're thinking."
"You can explain it, if you wish."
"If I wish, ha." His tone holds no bite, just warmth, "I used to sing to him when he was a baby. Often came home late when he had already been put to bed, so it became my only way to spend time with him, and it gave Margie a break to boot. Soon enough it just... Became a habit right up until the day I died. And then some, as you heard."
Moxie shuffles on his bed, turning onto his back as an arm swings through his father's spectral form.
Ginjiro can't help but laugh, "He still rolls around like he's in a washing machine. I swear if I wasn't a ghost he would've knocked me out a few times."
"I think it's sweet that you still sing for him." Tall smiles softly as she says it, for it was true.
"Thanks." Sighing, Gin runs a hand down his face, "Sometimes I wish he could still hear me. Or at least know I'm watching over him most of the time. It hurts to hear him call out for me when he has his nightmares, to hear that pain and fear in his voice as he yells out 'dad' before bolting up. I guess I just hope that if I sing he'll somehow hear it and that'll help him sleep..."
He blinks, laughing to himself as he threads a hand into his hair, "Bah, where'd that come from? I'm all rambling again, haha. You should be asleep, kiddo. I'll try to keep it quiet from now on."
"Please, if you wish to sing to your son, then sing. I'll be fine." Tall smiles a bit before softly continuing, "I'm sure Moxie would be happy to know you still do this for him."
"Thanks, Tall. Now go to bed!"
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nixnjix · 1 year
Imma post this here because I'm a little stircrazy. It'll calm down after the day is over. I'm sure.
Artist here
Ginjiro belongs to pal @floofangel ~
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borealis-siblings · 8 months
“A Kyurem, hm? I’ve only ever heard of you in passing. Well, the “you” in my universe.” Ginjiro remarks as he observes the icy dragon. “What brings you here, if I may ask? Care for a drink perhaps?” He offers one of the glasses hovering around him with his psychic.
"Oh well.. As I explained to a few others I'm simply looking for my daughter Miriam- And my niece Venus.. Though I beginning to think they left... I haven't seen them around.. And it is October time... The festival probably has started and all..."
Kiko gingerly takes the glass, from mid air. Though, after he thanks Ginjiro and is ready to take a sip.. The glass suddenly freezes in his hands.. Startled Kiko drops the glass, and it shatters as it hits the floor..
"Oh dear bother... Not again..."
Kiko begins to become uneasy as the eyes of many look in his direction from the shatter of the glass...
(@symphonies-of-silver, Ginjiro)
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symphonies-of-silver · 9 months
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“Aren’t there more pressing matters to deal with, Sensei..?”
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“Oh lighten up, my boy. I’ve been cooped up in that cave for what feels like eons, and so have you! We could use a bit of social interaction. And what better way than a gala?
Nothing better than a medley of well dressed souls, food and drink!”
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“Maybe for you…”
The God of Souls and his disciple have arrived at the gala.
(( Ginjiro and Genji are open for asks again for the remainder of the event ~ ))
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princesheepish · 2 years
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Ahaha I’m being self indulgent again
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lightofunova · 9 months
Ginjiro @ Reshi: "My oh my, what a lovely sight! Such a pleasant surprise to see you here, Reshiram~ And who is your tailor might I ask? I must know! They did an exemplary job on that dress!"
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“Your outfit is gorgeous as well, I adore the embellishments so much! Your tailor is exceptionally skilled!” She laughed, excited to see a familiar face. It made it all the more relaxing to know that the effort that went into her outfit was noticed, rather than criticized by some pathetic absol. Inwardly she smiled knowing she did infact look nice and not like curtains.
It took but a moment for her to re-enter the conversation, noting the silver sheen on the deity’s skin had been brighter than when they had previous met. “Your shimmering more than usual! I assume you must be quite excited for the event?” She asked curiously, before giving a playful laugh. “I hope you don’t mind that I stole some of your sparkles, I just couldn’t resist!” She said referencing the gentle shimmer on her own skin.
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lustrous-dawn · 10 months
Zhen ran a trembling hand through his scarlet locks. Whether it be nervousness or excitement, it was difficult for even him to perceive. The energy coursed through his veins. He was… nervous, he realized. He nearly turned his back and took off like a coward. His golden gaze was intense as he spied his friend from the corner of his eye.
Where was the bravado he proudly displayed? He preened before Kyogre as the god graced him with this attire. He was delighted to see the rainbow in the cloth, the reflection vibrant in the sun. 
Rainbows to be proud of, light of his own. 
But would Ginjiro be impressed? 
He nervously bit down on his lower lip, his hand tightened over the bouquet.
He inhaled deeply, shoving the energy away in the deepest recess. 
When he approached Ginjiro, he greeted his counterpart with a cocky smile, "Speechless there, Gin?"
For a moment, Ginjiro was truly speechless. 
Zhen took his stunned expression with stride, his posture straightening, oozing with confidence, "Are you admiring my new threads? So much for looking prettier than me!" Zhen laughed. "Ha! I finally gotcha dead to rights!"
Ginjiro quickly pulled himself together. A cool expression as he mused with a smile, "I'd prefer the phrase "equally as pretty" rather." 
Zhen thought Ginjiro to be fine except that sparkle of his was most intense than before. More than it ever had been… 
"Equals?" Zhen scoffed. But it was all fun and games with him. Always with his friend. He gathered a rose in his hand and twirled it between his fingers as he grinned, "Well, my marvelous friend, for this moment only, I allow us to be equals ." Grinning ear to ear, he placed the rose in Ginjiro's hand. "See? I can be fair."
He relished in his friend's long stare. 
Yes! He was preening inside as he left his friend's side. 
He was too far away to hear. 
Too far to see the right grip over the rose.
"We have always been equals, my friend."
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