#gnashing teeth
kallasilya22 · 5 months
Aziraphale character meta and thoughts on the end of S2.
Here I am, writing one of these posts.
There are two fundamental Tenets of Aziraphale, equally weighted, and they are:
God is good.
Crowley is good (or at the very least 'not evil')
You will notice that these two facets to Aziraphale's existence are, of course, mutually exclusive; a benevolent God would never have caused Crowley to Fall, a 'Good' Crowley would never have disobeyed a benevolent God and Fallen.
But it is absolutely integral to Aziraphale's very self that he believes equally strongly in both of these things. A kind of double-think is required to achieve this: the tenuous idea that a perfect, omnipotent God made a mistake in allowing Crowley to Fall. Or, in the passive voice as Aziraphale would no doubt phrase it (when he doesn't avoid thinking too hard about the matter altogether): A Mistake Was Made.
A mistake was made, somehow, by a God that is simultaneously incapable of error. Obviously, Crowley never should have Fallen. There was some sort of oversight or administerial miscalculation. This is how his two fundamental beliefs remain in delicate balance, neither disproving the other (mostly because he does a whole lot of Not Thinking About It Too Hard).
To doubt either side would be to absolutely shatter him.
This is my explanation for the final fifteen (and a prediction for S3).
He asks Crowley to come with him to Heaven and become an angel again because he thinks it's perfectly obvious that he never should have Fallen in the first place; reinstatement as an angel (from Aziraphale's point of view) is not a fundamental change in Crowley's nature, but merely the righting of a cosmic wrong, a return to what should be the status quo. He doesn't even see that he's asking Crowley to change anything at all other than perhaps the colour of his robe, because to him, Crowley is already an essentially Good creature ("at heart, just a little bit, a good person").
When he says "We can be together. Angels! Doing good!" - it's because he understands this is basically what they've been openly doing together this whole time, at least since the birth of the Antichrist. To his perspective, nothing changes at all except for the label on the tin.
... The tragedy is that he's wrong, of course. Not about Crowley being Good, but about God.
And Crowley knows this - it's why the line "I understand. I think I understand a whole lot better than you do" is so gentle but so devastating. The audience, not being a victim of Aziraphale's desperately white-knuckled grip on his own double-think, understands just as Crowley does.
(The only thing I think that Crowley doesn't understand - and fair enough - is where his Angel is really coming from here. Hence the heartbreak.)
My season 3 prediction: The delicate balance of The Two Tenets Of Aziraphale will finally be broken beyond any hope of recovery. Aziraphale's self will shatter. He will have to choose.
And I think when it comes down to it, we all know where his faith truly lies.
Watching him realise that is going to be just delicious.
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lost-tardis-room · 4 months
ok but do yaz and thirteen just sleep in the tardis on a matress covered in blankets and stuff because. oh my god. they are teenage lesbians havong a sleepover in the living room
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fancyfade · 1 month
Uggg dc characters give aquafam a coherent status quo there are so many people who would be willing to help you with this like at least 3
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symmetricalscar · 20 days
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Gnashing Teeth - Repent
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possuminnit · 9 months
OK I've accepted awakeness now hello
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ceph-lol-pog · 2 years
I'm normal about Howl Jenkins Pendragon
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loneliii-aura · 1 year
Oh fucking GREAT.
In essance: Federal Judge says that it is unconstitutional that insurance nationwide be forced to cover preventative care including cancer screenings, heart screenings, std screenings, HIV-prevention measures, and so on. So they'd "leave it to states" to decide. What this means in actuality is that if this is sustained in higher courts, conservative states will continue to fuck over their people even more than they already have been.
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trying to restrain myself from not reading the "why I can't ship tom and greg" post
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necromancer-mango · 2 years
burnout is real I have been sitting with my notes and trying to write a 150 word blurb about a movie + readings since this morning and i don’t have anything yet.
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cloudcastor · 1 month
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some dungeon meshis 💥
from patreon
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beesinmymoth · 2 months
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Drew widgets for my phone
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snappingthewalls · 10 months
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dogstarblues · 1 year
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hydraxx · 1 month
iconic fjord/nott moments that live in my head forever, feat. travis and sam being inhumanly quick:
"if you comment on my strength, i might throw you into the lava." "you couldn't."
"nott doesn't care about me, but i care for her." "i care about you, fjord." "tell me again."
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brokeandfamouseu · 1 year
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Radamiz // Gnashing, Teeth // 2023
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misosuper · 5 months
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🧡✨AGIT Jazz appreciation post✨🧡
Sam || Paulina & Star || Valerie || Danny || Clockwork || Tucker
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