#god I just finished ep 5 and SO FUCKED UP. that was really fucked up. but it does track with rileys character
dragongeek1 · 1 year
Midnight Mass Netflix is so fucking good oh my god, the show runners went “hey you know what’s got weird fucking text and subtext about blood and flesh? The Bible” and RAN WITH IT and knew exactly where to go with it, this is probably one of the best pieces of vampire media I’ve seen
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quijabored · 7 days
Just realizing I don't know how to do the whole colored text or different font thingy BUT ANYWAYS
Funny thing when I first started getting into the fandom bit for bsd and I saw Fyodor being simped on I was like "eeehh I mean I guess hes cool but I dont really get it. Like sure hes an interesting character but..." AND THEN I SLOWLY STARTED BECOMING A FYODOR SIMP AND I JUST SKDHKSJD I HATE THAT MAN I HATE THAT MAN HES SUCH AN ASSHOLE
please I love him so much hes such a bitch I hate him I love him so much
"If Fyodor told me to cut my skin off I would" FUCKING SAME
AND POE BEING LIKE "But if Ranpo were to die what would be my reason for living..." LIKE HELLO??? I LOVE MY OTHER SON (Poe)
ALSO FYODORS ABILITY?? From what I saw it seems that it's just kill by touch but if Dazais like "welp, idk" then I'm guessing it's a bit more complicated than that AND I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS AAAA
Also Mori and Fukuzawa did the sskk punchy thingy they did in the end of S2!! I'm not sure if people ship them (I refuse to take in any content about Mori) but if people do then win for them :D
Also Im extremely excited to see Nikolai cuz hes me minus the Ukrainian terrorist bit BUT AAAA I HOPE I GET TO SEE HIM SOON
I can't watch BSD until tommorow now cuz I wanna have a minute to process everything BUT AAAA I CANT WAIT TO WATCH S4
Fyodor made me feel so many ways I love him
THE SCENE WHERE ITS LIKE "Are you sure youre the real Akutagawa?"
"...And youre not gonna try and kill me?"
"What did you have for breakfast?"
Like don't get me wrong I love Aku how he is and I'm gonna love him more when I learn more about his character, but god damn it hurts to watch him seem so reliant on Dazais praise and Dazais approval like akdjkajsdj Ive been there my boy :(
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Twas talking about this scene earlier btw :3
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fuckyeahaudiodrama · 1 month
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hi i’m back, i’ve just finished my degree and do not have enough of a brain to write an in-depth of anything. but! here’s some of what i’ve been shoving in my earholes for the past month, in no particular order.
The Magnus Protocol — (season 1 ongoing) continues to blow my fucking mind. the sound design/music combo for this series is of particular note, it really just… mwah. elevates the text so much for me. i also continue to be impressed by how well this works as both a standalone series and as a delicious trail of candy for those of us who loved Archives. we’re halfway through s1 now and all i can think about is alice dyer.
Beef and Dairy Network — (ongoing @ 109 eps) a partially improvised absurdist comedy pod set in a world that is bizarrely obsessed with beef. my qpp listened to one episode and called it “distilled british humor” which feels… correct. i’ll be real, i’m actually mad at myself for not getting into this one sooner, but on the other hand having a long binge of it has been divine. i would kill to go to one of their live shows.
The White Vault — (5 seasons, 10 eps apiece) not including goshawk because i’ve barely started on that. but the main series… woah! god, i totally didn’t think this was going to be my thing but i could not put it down? the first season is definitely slower than i usually prefer but the characters kept me hooked and by season 3 the narrative completely took over my brain. i also love how well they sold the found audio format, it WORKS. gold fucking star, highly recommend.
Jackie the Ripper — (3 seasons, 5 eps apiece) put this one aside for a rainy day and binged it all at once. deeply wish there was more of it. it’s a raunchy crime drama with a downtrodden detective at the helm who i SWORE i wouldn’t root for but ended up doing so anyway. do recommend! if it sweetens the pot, the protag has the same VA as watson in the currently popular Sherlock & Co.
The Mistholme Museum — (6 seasons, soon to be complete) people have been recommending this to me for years and i just never got around to it, but on the bright side — it was an incredible binge. anthologies aren’t my strong suit but i found the framing device really strong and, crucially, it develops a meta plot that balances really well. biggest strength for me was the narrator, but i can’t explain why without spoiling some key plot developments. just trust me.
Wake of Corrosion — (4 seasons, final ongoing) very cool apocalyptic suspense/horror. i initially loved this show for the dynamic between the two leads, who are brothers trying to reconnect on a solitary camping trip when the world decides to go wonky. i ended up loving the worldbuilding as well. final episode drops very soon.
Neon Inkwell: The Pit Below Paradise — (miniseries, ongoing) this one has a bit of a western vibe and heavy religious/culty overtones, which isn’t my favorite genre. but i think each of the main characters has been developed really well thus far. + many fun cameos from members of the production team, those are really fun to try and spot :)
Twits: A Steampunk Distraction — (2 seasons, 5 eps apiece) very silly comedy of errors from the pov of a bumbling aristocrat. can’t say too much without giving the end of s1 twist away. i highly recommend it if you’re looking for some lighthearted listening. the ending credits are also very cute.
Planet Arcana — (ongoing @ 71 eps) i’m so bad at TTRPGs but this one has such a unique setting, i’m just captivated. tarot-flavored sci-fi adventure for anyone interested. i’ve made it through the first arc and the party has already experienced a crazy amount of development; stoked to see what happens next.
Selene — (ongoing) anthology about a spooky little town with a vintage vibe. single narrator, quite talented. i’m not always easily invested in anthologies but the narrator here really sells it for me, and (!) i think he writes children — both their thought processes and dialogue — very realistically. which is my grandest compliment.
Camp Here & There — (s1 complete @ 33 eps, hiatus?) i put off listening to this for a rainy day because i’d heard nothing but rave reviews and they weren’t lying. this is quite literally the ONLY pod i’ve come across that completely captures the same magic that WTNV did for me on first listen. the creator is kinda going thru it so idk if s2 is going to happen but i really hope so. even if not, s1 is very worth listening to. it’s wacky and sinister and i just love the narrator, it’s hard not to.
We’re Alive: Scout’s Honor — (8 ep miniseries, complete) imagine WA from the perspective of some awkward tweenagers. what’s not to love? the gore is really heightened by each characters’ stage of emotional development. i especially loved the conclusion but i won’t spoil it here ;)
Among the Stars and Bones — (2nd season ongoing) sci-fi drama with a solid first season, really nice narrative tie-up, but the second season was SUCH a glow-up nonetheless! + the most memorable karim kronfli performance of all time IMHO.
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shortpplfedup · 9 months
Only Friends Character Rankings Episode 5
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It's The Date Episode! And honestly, fucking outstanding. The core six pair off and spend the day lying to themselves and each other. It's mostly cute and sweet but the undercurrent of shit about to hit the fan hangs over the entire episode. It's sort of the calm before the storm. Last week, Boston held onto his top spot in the viewer rankings for the second week in a row, with Ray and Nick rounding out the leaderboard. Can the most miserable bastard in the world do the hattrick? Here's this week's winners and losers.
🔺1. Top (2)
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Why don’t you try Lasik? A friend of mine had it, and they said their eyesight is so much better. But now that I think about it…I don’t want you to get it now. I like you better looking like a nerd.
Look, ain't nobody more surprised than me, but this man legit got every goddamn thing he wanted this ep. Top putting on the perfect man act (and I am more convinced than EVER that it's an act) was fascinating to watch. Studiously ignoring all the various signals put out by various other men all day, knowing Mew's eyes are on him. The fucking INSTAGRAM COUPLE PHOTO. And then the knockout blow: when he looked Mew dead in the eye and said 'I love you' I said out loud OH YOU MANIPULATIVE MOTHERFUCKER WELL PLAYED. Do I think Top has bad motives towards Mew, no. I just think he likes the idea of Mew a lot more than he actually likes Mew. And now that Mew's given up that bussy, I'm counting down to Top finding a mistress to give him some variety.
🔺2. Nick (3)
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-You’re acting weird. -Weird how? I’m just… I’m just shuffling up my style.
Speaking of getting everything you want, Nick looked like he won the lotto when Boston started talking about settling down. Never mind that Nick is doing ALL of Boston's work for him. Never mind that 3 separate people have now told Nick that Boston ain't shit. Nick is euphoric. Nick has ascended. Nick is doodling 'Mr. Nick Boston's-last-name' in his Trapper Keeper. Nick is going to the gym and dressing more upscale. Nick is giggling when Boston asks to spend the night instead of fucking off as soon as they finish fucking. Nick is headed for a crash so great I'm SALIVATING.
🔺3. Boston (6)
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I feel like I should stop sleeping around for a bit. It’s been feeling so empty lately. In the end, I want to have sex with someone I can… talk to for a little, you know? Like, have great sex, have good chats, and…someone I can get affectionate with. Right now…there’s only you.
Told y'all you can't keep a bad bitch down for long and Boston's already bouncing back. He might have had a moment of weakness and tried to be nice for exactly one day, but Nick getting drunk and stoned and running his mouth about how cute Sand and Ray were activated his asshole glands. He smelled happiness and said NOT ONE FUCK OF THAT ON MY WATCH. Boston is that Marie Kondo gif, he fucking LOVES mess no matter how much he goes on about hating drama. He will always poke the hornet's nest. Shutting the fuck up was free, but he just COULDN'T. And thank god, because Ray punching him in the mouth was like 3 of the 5 top things that happened this ep.
🔻4. Ray (1)
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-That’s a nice top. Where did you get it? -This thing? It’s secondhand.
Whew Ray's day slummin' it was so classic I shed a tear. I can't really adequately describe his facial expression through the whole day, but 'condescending amusement' is closest. His enjoyment of Sand's company is very real, as are his attraction and hints of affection, but he absolutely does not consider that man his equal, and that's why he doesn't even consider the 'boyfriend' label. No matter what Ray's feeling, Sand's demi-monde, not part of his world. He likes that Sand treats him like he's special, he likes that Sand seems to always want him around, he likes that Sand will take care of him, but he'll never take Sand seriously. This would be true even if he wasn't in love with Mew, but being in love with Mew makes it all worse. Pathetic, I love it.
🔹5. Sand (5)
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I work. I save up money. I sleep. I dream. I go to bed alone, wake up, and go to work. Until…he came along. It’s like somebody presses pause on all my 24 hours. Next thing I know…I’m living my 25th hour. Ray’s extra hour.
Oh SAND. I've been saying from jump this is hurting most because SAND KNOWS BETTER. When Sand called Ray his 25th hour I wanted to SCREAM because BABY BOY YOU KNOW BETTER. This dude is either drunk or hungover all of those same 24 hours you are grinding out a living, but you wanna spend your birthday with him because he makes you feel sparkly. He stays sneering at how you ain't got no money and work 17 jobs, but because he does it with a twinkle in his eyes you're blind and deaf all of a sudden. He told you HIS MOTHER DRANK HERSELF TO DEATH and you pour him another drink. I ain't feeling sorry for Sand anymore, he did this to himself.
🔻6. Mew (4)
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-Does this mean I passed your test? -Yeah. You’ve convinced me that you really only have eyes for me.
Mew really tried to play a player and ended up playing himself instead. Like, in one way he's won: Top's his boyfriend, and honestly very likely to stay that way. But Mew should have been careful what he wished for because 'boyfriend' and 'faithful lover' are two very different things.
⭐7. Sand's mom
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You keep nagging at me, you know that? Who between us is the mother, exactly?
WE AIN'T MET THIS LADY FOR NOTHING! My Sand/Top half brothers theory LIVES!
⭐8. Summer
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Sorry to chat you up, but I’m alone, after all.
Poor girl's a hottie but didn't stand a chance.
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psychicpinenut · 2 months
netflix atla review
i decided that i wanted to see it through anyway so i finished the netflix atla. here are the things that made me want to hurl rocks at my tv (i might not remember a lot of things because i stopped watching after ep 4 and only continued this week so this might get rambly as i try to recall things)
let me start on the cast. no offense to these kids but my god. one of the things i hate the most is when you can tell an actor is acting. the whole time you could see that they walk up to their mark, stop there and recite the lines like they're in a high school play. and i get that they're young and probably don't have too much experience but i just keep thinking about the original voice cast who were children as well at the time of recording and they're some of the most talented actors i've ever heard. but then again i know they had to not only find people who resemble the characters but can do martial arts and act. so whatever, i hope they'll grow more during this. the only actor i liked was dallas liu who is the oldest of the main cast (i believe he was around 20 when they filmed this) which is probably why he doesn't have a chronic case of child acting.
constantly making up and/or changing lore:
why can aang only speak to past avatars in their shrines?
roku is sidelined in favor of kyoshi (who for some reason is extremely aggressive towards him) who can see into the future apparently because she gave aang a vision of the northern water tribe being destroyed instead of sozin's comet coming.
aang somehow being "lost" to the ocean spirit at the end which is ???
sokka and katara can enter the spirit world with aang
koh keeping his victims like some fucking spider and only gives them back after aang gave some stupid totem back. they also brought him so forward that he doesn't tell aang about tui and la which was the entire fucking point of looking him up in the first place
yue is a fox? in the spirit world?
wan shi tong is there also in the spirit world
i'm guessing they're already abandoning the ancient library storyline because they already intoduced wan shi tong and zhao was shown that he found out about tui and la from the fire sages in roku's temple. which is going to be interesting because that's where sokka finds out about the solar eclipse but i guess they'll come up with some other solution like toph can sense the moon moving through her feet or some shit
tui and la becoming mortals for only one night?
zuko having extensive research on the avatars should mean he knows that roku is his great grandfather but we're either leaving that one out or he's just not good at research
they took out sokka's sexism, thus eliminating any chance of character development, in favor of putting in actual sexism perpetrated by the show itself. suki is made into this small town girl, rapunzel type of character who needs sokka, the man, to bring the world to her and expand her mind. and then instead of sokka being grateful to suki for teaching him, she's the one that's thankful for ... going there? and bringing the world to her? because strong women mean they can punch right?
constant references to book 2 in the first season
they made so that aang didn't actually run away from his responsibility as the avatar - which is a pretty important part of his arc as that guilt follows him through the entire series - but that he only took a little trip to clear his head. which makes everyone accusing him of disappearing seem dumb and unfair
which leads me to bumi. why the fuck would bumi be so pissed at him? the whole episode he's antagonizing him and yelling at him to go do his job as the avatar meanwhile he's holding him hostage and making him do his challenges. like let him go so he can do his job maybe?? stupid
the entire ep 3-4. they really just shoved like 5 episodes together into one which i get because they don't have time to do everything but they did it so badly and the messages from each episode disappeared in favor of the CGI fight scenes.
like what do you mean sokka barely even got to interact with jet? that's the episode where sokka is proven to have good instincts and leadership because he saw jet for what he was.
why are teo and his dad here? what about aang's massive grief over the industrialization of his wiped out culture?
why would jet try to kill bumi? they completely obliterated the moral dilemma of jet wiping out a fire nation village because he sees that as justified even though he's killing civilians who happen to be fire nation.
for some reason they had sokka and katara go through the secret tunnel which is kind of fucking weird. i don't mind if they cut the kaang romance line but it is going to be interesting once it comes to the earthly attachments and some plotlines that revolve around aang having a major crush on katara. also what do you mean the badger moles sense "emotions"? toph is about to sense people's emotions in her feet and learn bending that way
they mary sue'd katara. she's bad at waterbending until she isn't and suddenly she's a master just from self taught basic waterbending she learned from the scroll gran gran gave her?? which is another thing they robbed us of because katara going to great lengths to steal the scroll shows how determined she is and desperate to learn waterbending but here she just gets handed the scroll. she's timid and lukewarm the entire season, the only time i can recall her even raising her voice is when she's arguing with sokka over jet. she gets mad at pakku for not letting her fight which is stupid because girl who is gonna stop you? go and fight?? you should be getting mad at pakku for not even trying to teach you waterbending. then she brings the entire untrained female population to the fight because girl power™. despite all of this, she's proclaimed a master without any actual training and beats zuko's ass purely because she's So Good. like at this point she shouldn't be able to hold her own against zuko without the full moon's help because as soon as the sun comes up zuko easily overpowers her ("you rise with the moon i rise with the sun"). which didn't happen here because she's a self proclaimed master now apparently
aang didn't bend a single waterdrop the entire season. it's book 1: water. it's called water. where's the bending aang? too busy doing another stupid walk and talk
stripped of iroh telling zuko he thinks of him as his son
stripped of one of the rawest lines i've ever heard on television: "my father says she was born lucky, he says i was lucky to be born"
which leads me into azula's character. they brought her in earlier just so her role in the whole season can be her groveling at ozai's feet, seeking his approval, trying to outdo zuko. which is insane cause she already outdoes zuko by a mile. she's a prodigy. they make it look like ozai favors zuko over azula which is so fucking insaaaane it made me so mad. she already knows she's better than zuko, she doesn't need her father's approval. also why isn't her fire blue.
iroh being the one who kills zhao. this one pissed me off so badly because in the original, as the ocean spirit takes hold of him zuko reaches out to zhao to try to save him.... that man tried to have him KILLED. and zuko still tried to save him. but zhao's arrogance didn't let him take his hand and that was his demise. that single act tells us so much about zuko and they just??? took that out??? so iroh can just murder him?? instead of it being the ocean spirit's revenge for killing its partner? instead of giving us that glimpse into who zuko is as a person? i'm going insane
don't even mention the fact that zuko fought back against ozai during the agni kai. he was literally banished because he refused to fight him. he got the scar because he refused to fight him. that's who zuko is!!!! and then they show us that he, a 13 year old boy who is still fairly inexperienced at bending, could have defeated ozai but he chose not to?? i'm sorry???
during the meeting where he spoke out against their plan, they made it look like he only spoke up because the general taunted him and not because he thought what they wanted to do was morally wrong.
now tell me which line hits harder: "compassion is a sign of weakness" or "you will learn respect and suffering will be your teacher". yeah...
yue bringing sokka to the spirit oasis to heal momo?? it was so fucking stupid and unserious that they were cradling a cgi lemur that i was in tears of pain. i almost gave up there
sokka constantly talking about wanting to be a better warrior and bossing katara around but doing absolutely fuck all to prove himself was insane. sokka was just standing around the whole season making bad jokes (cause wow they made sokka unfunny somehow) and flirting with women.
there was no goofiness or lightheartedness to aang. he took everything so fucking seriously it actually hurt to watch because they blew things out of proportion that didn't need to be. why was he so afraid of his normal bending power? not even his avatar state power but just his airbending. constantly angsting over his responsibility and how he's failing as the avatar. jesus fucking christ.
since zuko never stole katara's necklace, june had to use some fuckin random fabric she found on one of the trees that could've belonged to anybody??
zuko was able to capture aang after june found him instead of getting his ass whooped and paralysed so when zhao basically forces him to hand aang over to him, it's easier to guess who the blue spirit is as zuko makes a whole scene about it earlier
truly the one thing i really liked was the addition that the 41st division was the crew he protected at the war meeting
circling back to the first episode where we start out in the past and we get to see the whole genocide of the air nomads instead of finding out along with aang. we also get to see how he ends up in the iceberg so we don't get his story paralleled with zuko's backstory like in the storm. i mean whatever but the aang and zuko parallels were always dear to me.
hated zhao's actor. instead of him being intimidating and scary, he was acting like a frat boy and talked like tom cruise's character in magnolia. just simply annoying
jet telling katara to just stop being sad about her mom and she stops being sad and suddenly she can bend again. and later when he tells her she can bend because he helped her, she straight up denies it because it was "all her" like i gotta disagree there cause no, it was definitely him who helped you.
icing on the cake was when zuko walks into a bar and the patrons there reference like 4 storylines that they skipped over
so anyway... that's all i could think of at the top of my head and i hope they fuck up less in the upcoming seasons god willing
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brookheimer · 1 year
OKAY i have gotten many many asks about this so!!! my much awaited predictions for/speculation on this ep!!!
(barely a prediction ljke this is just known fact at this point) rome gets beaten up by a rally which, like, deserved lol
the obvious jess prediction is that she's quitting but who knows cuz jesse loves his curveballs
been too long since we’ve had meaningful ewan content so i’m betting on a ewan speech. also i said this in a prev post but i think that if we're going to get any rose lore at all then it has to be this episode and i'm an optimist so i'm saying we get some rose fucking lore!!! if we do it'll prob be from ewan esp if he gives a speech so: ewan gives a speech and we finally learn more about rose
look. it has been four episodes since kendall signed off on the logan smear campaign. it has been three episodes since logan smear campaign was mentioned (shiv brings it up to the brothers briefly in kill list, like 'uh hey guys im getting word some outlets are gonna release anti-logan reports are you on top of this' or something and ken was like uhhhh uh huh im sure it's fine Anyways The Deal etc). it has got to come back some point, and just dramaturgically speaking, what better way to drum up conflict at a funeral than same-day news stories coming out about how terrible of a person the deceased was? and if anything were to send rome over the edge and turn his eulogy into a category 5 disaster, it would be everyone in the world suddenly finding out logan physically abused him throughout his entire life (or maybe he just finds out those news stories r gonna break even if they actually come out next ep or smth). so. there's nothing to back this one, just pure speculation, who knows, BUT: possibly an update on logan smear campaign that ken initiated in e4 (either news comes out or the roys hear about it early like cruise scandal or something) and rome handles it, like, really well (sarcasm. obviously) OH or or or maybe rome does his Logan Is Great I Love Him So Much Aren't I A Bit Like Him eulogy and then like an hour later it comes out that logan fucking hated rome's guts and spent his whole life beating him or something lollllll #awkward
not really a prediction here either, just, like, obvious succession stuff -- the deal will continue being A Prominent Thing even during the funeral 100%. mattson is totally going to try and wheel n deal and talk business w shiv during the funeral, the bros r gonna keep trying to stop it, etc; being a roy does not stop just because dad's corpse is in front of you!
trying to think of what other threads i'm forgetting... OH i think tom sleep deprivation arc will keep being a thing because like that's just how sleep deprivation works man. the only way to stop being sleep deprived is to sleep and god fucking knows he doesn't after the election when he's public enemy #1 for every single news organization in the country. so yeah tom is going to be so eepy it's not even funny. like it literally won't be funny it'll just start getting sad and concerning
OH ELECTION lol yeah no absolutely nothing is decided, mencken is not Actually President yet guys lol. a news org can't just declare the president that easily. there's still bureaucratic processes to go through. my money's on a veep situation (altho in veep the votes were lost not burned so they ended up finding them and doing a recount) -- congress decides (and also maybe there's a revote in wisconsin or something? again veep was recount so idk) and that will probably be a long fucking process
not a prediction so much as a hope: MASSIVE cunt serving by caroline, marcia, ewan, and stewy
OH EDIT — kenrava fight bc ken basically chose racism over his daughter so… lollll
ok i prob have more thoughts because i'm me and i always have more thoughts but i need to go finish this fucking final lol
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chungledown-bimothy · 11 months
Are you still doing d20 hot takes? These are admittedly lukewarm (some salsa that everyone at the table can enjoy).
1) I watch for the character arcs/development, not the story, so I really enjoyed Neverafter.
2) Both campaigns set in Calorum have been really hard to get into, even though they’re really good. But I also don’t like GoT so maybe that’s on me.
3) Hard agree with everyone who said they don’t really want sequel campaigns. I would, however, be down for the odd one shot a la holiday MisMag or Boys’ Night.
4) Coffin Run is so slept on, it’s not even funny. Jasmine’s props, the letters, the Dracula wings lighting, gorgeous sets & minis, incredible RP all around, great bits, all the campy horror movie references… Truly one of my faves.
5) I really wanna see Aabria or another guest DM do a full length/over 10 eps season. I feel like Aabria’s DM style would do well with a few more eps so she can explore more. And it would just be nice to hang out with a guest DM a bit more.
6) Confession: Never finished UC2 or Pirates =< UC2 was hard to pick up with less likeable characters (to me) + feeling like Chap 1 wrapped up so nicely + I’m bad with interpersonal conflict. And then I never got past the start of ep 1 of Pirates cause bad British accents is my pet peeve and B Dave’s character was first introduced 😭
oh i'm ALWAYS here for d20 hot takes. (god i love sam says that was so fucking funny, especially because what lou then gave was the most mild gossip i've ever heard)
1- completely valid. and to a large extent, i do too- i did ultimately enjoy the season, primarily because i love the characters so much.
2- skill issue. calorum campaigns slay absolute penis. (for real though totally fair, they're not for everyone. but i do think it's interesting in conjunction with watching for character arcs/development, bc i think acoc in particular is one of the best with that)
3- ooh yes one-shots are a different thing entirely, always a fun time.
4- coffin run FUCKS. my favorite non-intrepid heroes campaign, and it's only acofaf that comes sort of close. everyone needs to watch it, and if they've already watched it and don't appreciate it, they should try again. i could talk forever about it and how great it is.
5- yes. a million times yes please give us 20 episodes with aabria gming i'm begging. and in general yeah i'd love to see a guest dm have more time and space to flex. (except mercer please no more mercer in the dome)
6- i feel you. it took me a long time to get through tuc 2, this is a cody walsh hate account (half joking). and it took 3 attempts to get through pirates as well. honestly what got me through it was myrtle, cheese, and the little bit of garthy that we got. i found the other characters kinda annoying, big same on that accent, bob's was grating, too.
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toomuchracket · 1 year
Flatmate!matty anytime girly is sick. and this is before they get together btw because he doesn’t want to sound *too concerned* but then he’s also freaking out on the inside
god... let's say you come down with a particularly bad case of hayfever. not contagious, so matty won't get sick, but enough to floor you. it's summer, and the two of you have had windows open constantly (because weed), and at first you start out just sneezing every so often (which matty finds adorable), but then they start to increase in frequency and matty gets quite concerned. he's like "you ok, darlin'?" while you're sneezing constantly trying to fold the washing that you had hanging on the line outside, and when you're like "think it's hayfever" he literally pulls the washing basket from you and finishes folding it himself because "these have been outside, they'll be all pollen-y! go and have a rest, sweetheart". and you wash your face and go and have a lie down. the next couple of days, though, you get progressively worse with the sneezing, you're extremely drowsy, and your eyes start to get really sore. matty tries to keep his distance because he doesn't want to a) overwhelm you when you're ill and b) give off too many boyfriendy vibes (too fucking late for that one though babe!), but he's so worried about you - he's never seen you so lethargic, and your eyes look so painful. and i think he paces back and forth outside your door for like 5 minutes straight, before coming in and saying "darlin', i know you won't want to leave the house while you're so poorly, but i really really think we need to get you to at least a pharmacist, if not a doctor. i'm really worried about you". and even in your drowsy unwell state your heart flutters at how tender matty's being, and you know he's right so you just say "alright" and let him drag you to the car and then into the pharmacy.
and matty literally doesn't let go of your arm the whole time; you're like "matty babe i'm drowsy not narcoleptic or woozy lol you can let go if you like", and matty's like "i'm not risking any fainting, i'll hold on to you thanks", and both of you are very !!!!! internally about the prolonged contact. he does most of the talking to the pharmacist as well, actually, like "i'm not trying to silence women or anything, she'll just downplay how bad she feels because she always does, and she's really suffering with this hayfever" and like butting into the pharmacist speaking all "sorry to interrupt - would that be non-drowsy? she's scarily lethargic, we don't want that getting any worse" and "i read that if you get local honey it can build up some pollen immunity, is that true? are we worth getting some?" lol. anyway, you get a strong antihistamine, and in the car on the way home you're like "how'd you know that about the honey?" and matty honest to god does the jess mariano gilmore girls "do you yahoo?" bit - the two of you have been watching it together - and you laugh for the first time in a few days and do the rory "you looked it up!" line (a.n. i just made myself sick with that. god. when will it be my turn). and then when you get back to the flat you're like "matty, will you help me wash my hair, if i just kneel over the bath? need to get the pollen out but i'm too sleepy to do it myself", and matty's heart just BURSTS at how cute and domestic and genuinely painfully repressive this is going to be for him. but he does it, and you both love it, and then the two of you curl up on his bed to watch another gilmore girls ep and you fall asleep on matty. he just lets you sleep, foregoing the episode in favour of watching you, just aching with how much he loves you and how desperate he is to tell you <3
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snorlaxlovesme · 4 months
thoughts and feelings about the Netflix's Live Action Avatar, now that I've finished:
overall, net positive! as i said in my previous post about the first 3 episodes [x], i'm someone who goes into adaptations with minimal expectations, treating it more like fanfiction, so I can spend more time enjoying myself than being a butthurt baby, so with that in mind i can say that I enjoyed myself a lot! there are episodes that i'm actually really excited to rewatch (5 and 6 are bangers and i won't be told otherwise)
i'm not going to lie and claim that any of the actors will be winning Daytime Emmys, but there were a few standout performances for me at least:
-Zuko was incredible. i love the way this version leaned into Zuko's desperation to capture the Avatar, because now he finally had a real chance of being able to come home after all these years. his acting pre- and post-Agni Kai in the flashbacks felt so sincere. his optimism was adorable before the war meeting and his shattered expression after Ozai banished him was fucking heartbreaking.
-i really loved the boy who played Aang. he was so charming and cute! and i think as the episodes went along he gradually got better at displaying more subtle emotion. for such a young child actor i thought he was doing amazing
-Sokka's actor was putting in work in the back half! i was impressed! the first half of the show I was pretty neutral about Sokka's acting but the more development he got the more I appreciated what his actor was bringing to the table. i think he just needed to be paired with the right acting partners in a scene to bring out the best of his abilities. Katara didn't give him much to work off of, but his scenes with Sai and Yue really hit
-Zhao was great too! they really re-worked his character to be a lot more important from the jump and i loved seeing how underhanded he was being during all of Zuko's quest. normally seeing Zhao on-screen just annoys me but i loved this version and how patronizing he was to Zuko
-idk man every time Gyatso was on screen I was crying. that's just how it is. every time i saw his face it felt like a warm hug
i think the weird part of this adaptation is that the parts that were adapted were pretty mid (or sometimes just bad) in a lot of cases, but whenever they added in their own original ideas it really shined! i feel like that's not the case with a lot of adaptation, people want to see what they know, but honestly if they added in more of their own original writing in s2 I would not be mad because i loved what these writers were bringing to the table (for the most part)
-i've already said that the way they structured ep 1 to include the start of the war was awesome. that was a cool change to show the audience from the jump that they weren't planning on boring everyone with a one-to-one(but worse) adaptation. it also set the tone really well bc my GOD do firebenders be setting people on fire in this show
-big fan of the early inclusion of Kyoshi and the idea that Aang can only convene with past Avatars at their temples. that was not a Hard Rule in the original and it always felt weird to me that sometimes he needed to be at a certain place on a certain day to communicate with his past lives but then in the finale he just had to meditate wherever he was. but yeah, they used Kyoshi lore from the novels and did indeed lose my mind about it
-Zuko and the 41st division. that was SUCH a cool storyline that was woven in starting at episode ONE and i was genuinely impressed with how hard it hit. i didn't see that coming and it had me CRYINGGGG. so yeah, BIG thumbs up for that original storyline. and also they inclusion of the post-Agni Kai Zuko recovering in the hospital and getting banished for claiming that maybe the weak just need the opportunity to get strong. heartbreaking, devastating on its own (Zuko's actor truly was killing me, i loved him so much) but once we see Zuko and Azula start going toe-to-toe next season that line will hurt me even more
-the bonding moment about calligraphy between Aang and Zuko was a really good bait and switch. in the original Blue Spirit episode Zuko didn't talk to Aang at all before firing at him. i like that i was expecting it to play out the same way as before but instead they had a moment of connection before Aang triggered Zuko and all potential for empathy was lost.
-which seems like a good time to address Zuko's character. i want to be clear when i say that i liked something because it was different from the original, it doesn't mean that i like it BETTER than the original. i simply think the new version is fun fanfiction that was written better than i expected. so when i say i like how they dealt with Zuko's obsession with honor, i'm in no way implying it's superior to the original. simply a good different
-anyways. in the original, Zuko's obsession with honor is fully connected to his need to be wanted by his father again. OZAI is the only one who can restore it, and it can only be restored by completing an impossible task for him. in the Netflix version it almost seems like Zuko's honor is tied to the disillusion that the Fire Nation itself is honorable. the bit about Lieutenant...Yi? sorry i'm getting his name wrong, but Lieutenant Yi gossiping about a superior officer, Zuko's disbelief that the Fire Nation would ever use such underhanded tactics like planting spies in Omashu, it was clear to me that Zuko bought into a rigid sense of morality and honor when it came to the Fire Nation. i hope we see more of that in s2 so that we can see Zuko's world truly rocked when he and Iroh become refugees
-Katara being hailed as a master was very sweet! i wish she would have gotten SOME training from Paku (could still happen at the start of book 2) but I did enjoy that during the Siege of the North that she got her own little battalion to command bc she was seen as worth warrior
-OH and I love how they explored Sokka's character. again, them taking out Sokka's blatant sexism didn't bother me, so i was happy to see that in taking that out they DID work hard to make Sokka's character motivations rich and meaningful. having him have the same complex about being a lacking warrior as the original cartoon but with the added twist of overhearing his dad's harsh words about his abilities really added something to Sokka's insecurities. i loved the inclusion of Sai encouraging Sokka to become an engineer because it was clear how much that meant to him. considering in the cartoon he does become a pretty badass warrior (while still being mainly an Idea Guy) i wonder how this storyline will play out later. if he'll try harder to fit into the warrior box he thinks he belongs in or if he'll blatantly begin to reject that role for himself and identify more heavily with his engineer side
-the cave of two lovers had me worried for a second because Sokka and Katara were paired together for that and im like UMMM so i thought it was pretty funny how they reinterpreted "love is brightest in the dark" in that scene. not as good as the original, obviously, but a funny reinterpretation that i didn't hate
i probably have more to say on the additions but this is getting long so i think it's time to get to some criticisms. this show was not perfect by any means and i have several gripes with it so i might as well get that out now
-WAIT first i must say that a lot of the bending looked phenomenal. particularly Zuko and Aang's bending. both actors (and their stunt doubles) were great martial artists and the fire effects and air effects were done really well. i was really worried about how they'd adapt airbending (since air is invisible) and they did a great job adding in dust cloud effects and making sure the props in the scene moved they like would if they were blasted by air
-AND i must emphasize that i was not mad at them chopping up storylines and mixing them together. the Mechanist/Jet plotlines had similar themes of seemingly Good People doing unethical things for what they believed to be a good cause, so putting them in the same episode made sense to me. and having Sokka and Katara getting spirited away and caught up in that mist (a fun LOK reference that time, i loved the easter eggs) and then captured by Koh was a good way to separate them from Aang the Blue Spirit arc could take place. that also made sense to me. people who get mad about the re-shuffling of episodes frustrate me to no end.
okay, now onto critique:
-unfortunately, Iroh was a giant flop. i don't know how else to say it. i didn't really like any part of him, from his costuming to his writing to his acting. something about him felt like he was plucked out of a campy low-budget stage play and just thrown into this show while only know his campy stage play lines. both Zuko and Zhao give pretty grounded, emotional performances and Iroh is SO jarring by comparison when he's in the same room as them acting like a caricature of himself for no reason. his wig was terrible, i wish they had made it more flowy because it stayed the same shape and position the whole time, he used the WEIRDEST announcer voice the whole time (like why are you using a voice?? no one else is using a voice??), and his robes seemed out of place when everyone else was wearing leather armor. and they had a moment in episode 4 where an Earth Kingdom soldier really laid into him because back when Iroh was a general he was responsible for the death of Earth Kingdom soldier's brother. i was interested to see this bc we BARELY get to see Iroh's Bad Side in the cartoon and i was curious to see where the live action would go with it. but it ended with Earth Kingdom soldier slugging Iroh or slapping his face or something and Iroh made some snoody remark about how war changes people, and he WASN'T talking about himself. like bro this man just told you you COOKED his brother alive he has earned the right to slug you, what are you talking about! i was expecting remorse, or at the very least a solemn look of guilt over the person Iroh once was, but nothing. it was bad. obviously having the iconic Uncle Iroh be so terrible is a huge mark against the show. i simply cannot defend that
-circling back to Iroh's wig. well. the hair and make-up department went out of their way to make important characters look like their cartoon counterparts and that was not always beneficial. why did Yue look like she was from Whoville. who okayed that.
-many people have already pointed it out, but it was weird in ep 1 that Aang's decision to leave was because he needed to clear his head, not because he was running away from his responsibilities. i have no idea why they made this change, unless the reason was to have every single person (including past Avatars) dog on Aang for not being around during the past 100 years. but even that doesn't hit the same bc it truly wasn't his fault! he went for a drive and got caught in a storm! he intended to be back in a few hours! idk that change didn't make sense to me. i know Aang felt guilt regardless but the guilt was supposed to be from the intentionality of Aang running away
-the way Katara broke Aang out of the iceberg was weird?? she wasn't angry at Sokka for his sexism, but she could have been angry at him for SOMETHING that caused her bending to grow out of control. or at the very least when she was bending the canoe towards her she could have done a sharp pulling motion towards her that ended with her arms behind her, therefore forming the cracks in the ice (kind of a callback to how in the pilot Katara could really only waterbend backwards at first). instead her hands were fully facing forward and she was gently bending in front of her and that led to the ice sphere exploding behind her. its been bothering me. whyyy
-character-wise, Katara was pretty one-note. like the addition of her guilt for getting her mom killed with her subpar waterbending, while not bad, didn't make up for how much she DIDN'T have going on. it felt like they toned down a lot of Katara's character strengths AND flaws to give Sokka more room to arc, then shoved all of Katara's development into the last 2 episodes. they didn't show much of her resilient hope in the face of adversity or rage towards injustice or how petty she could be. part of this could be her actor, who i won't dog on because she is a child actor who will get better with time, but i don't think the flimsy writing of her did her any favors
-score wasn't nearly as good as Jeremy Zuckerman/The Track Team's. remixing some of the A:TLA's score doesn't make up for the fact that all the original scoring in this adaptation was flat by comparison
-Bumi's whole thing was....weird. i didn't mind at first that they speedran through his reveal because i don't think there's a point to try and surprise the three people who haven't seen the original. 99% of the audience knew the King was Bumi, so I didn't see any problem with that. but the set-up flashback of Bumi lasted like 10 seconds and basically just showed him snort. it didn't give you a reason to get attached to him as Aang's past friend. and his current actions didn't help at all. the acting was very Michael Meyer's Cat in the Hat-esque. so. uh. SCARY AND OFFPUTTING. was not a fan of that all. and having him do a few random goofy tests for Aang AFTER already knowing his identity felt...weird? like what's the point of these now? and then having the reveal that he's NOT kooky, he genuinely IS pissed at Aang for being gone, well. hmm. it's not a bad idea in theory. i liked the concept of having someone FROM THIS TIMELINE (looking at you, Kyoshi, Roku, and Kuruk, and your unjustified rage toward Aang) be upset at Aang for leaving the world in such a state of imbalance. having Bumi be like DO YOU KNOW ALL THE SHIT I'VE HAD TO DEAL WITH SINCE THE WORLD HAS HAD NO AVATAR, was an interesting line of thought i could have rocked with, butttt.....idk man. it's BUMI. he's supposed to be a living memory of Aang's past to give him comfort and wisdom! it hurt to see this version be so cruel to Aang and basically force him to try to kill him just to prove a point. i would have rather had them write out Bumi altogether and use that episode for something else than to smear his name like that
-i'm tentatively alright with Azula's plotline right now. the Zuko line "Azula was born lucky, I was lucky to be born" is really essential to how their rivalry worked in the cartoon. Azula was a cold-hearted prodigy while Zuko was compassionate boy but average bender. i liked the idea of showing how Ozai intentionally pitted his children against each other. i liked seeing Azula's moment of defiance where she claims she's DONE being tested because she know how good her abilities are. i liked seeing the origin of her lighting bending. all of those were cool fanfiction. the thing that worries me is that we, the audience, have already seen Azula's doubt in herself, something we weren't privy to until the very end of the series. plus showing how hard Azula trains kind of undercuts the fact that Zuko is supposed to think he can't measure up to her because of her natural abilities that he DOESN'T have. they DID plant the seed to Zuko that Azula was the one backing Zhao the whole time, so we do have some of their rivalry primed to go. but the rivalry in the original is extremely one-sided. it will be odd to see Azula fighting just as hard to earn Ozai's affection, because intrinsically she should think that game was won a long time ago. so yeah. i'm not mad about it YET, just interested to see how it plays out
and then there are little nitpicks that could be resolved in season 2, should it get picked up again
-Aang not learning any waterbending or burning Katara with firebending can be woven into the early eps of season 2 before Toph's introduction
-the gaang's chemistry will only grow stronger with time. as the cast becomes better friends, as the kids become better actors with age, and considering they don't separate much in s2, i have faith that will iron itself out naturally
-tbh im sure there are more but this is so long i'm fizzling out. i'm fading. i must stop.
but yeah! good and bad! there's lots to unpack but in general i think it was fun. i'm excited for more.
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mo-ok · 1 month
Top 5 WORST sentais you’ve watched. or simply least favorite bc I know you’re more of a lover than a hater
OK SO these are simply the ones i think about the least since finishing them (i've enjoyed every season i've seen so far, but some just have less staying power in my brain than others)
OR the ones with the most "little annoyances"/characters i cared the least about/etc etc
So this is less of a "worst" list and simply more of a "i liked other things more" list 😂😂😭
5. Liveman - worst ending in the whole franchise. Absolute downer of a show. Two completely wasted rangers who really didnt need to be there/could have easily been made so much better. I would not recommend this show to someone unless i knew them very well and knew they'd get it. 10/10 i fucking love liveman but oh my god OH MY GOD.
4. Dairanger - very enjoyable episode to episode but really fumbled the bag in the second half imo. I love lots of aspects of this season, i love the characters (probably one of the only people in the whole world who doesnt hate Koh lmao), the suits and intro theme are some of my favourites in the whole franchise. But like... what actually happened in dairanger??? Daigo got a bird gf for a minute? Kemp hurt comfort episode???? We played baseball??????
3. King Ohger - i think i would have enjoyed kingoh a whole lot more if i was able to watch it at a faster pace. The general lack of longer fight scenes and robot fights started to weigh on me lmao, i didnt quite realise how important the robots were to me until kingoh took them away 😂😂 again, i enjoyed the show, but i havent thought about it much since it ended
2. Gaoranger - it was great fun and full on and i enjoyed it a lot, but boy howdy did it make me feel TIRED lmao. I watched this directly after watching Gingaman and was still very much in the Hyuuga trenches, which i dont think helped with Gao not sticking around in my mind. Also, didnt like the ending song (the theme song goes hard though, and Gaku remains a special boy in my special boy jar)
1. Kyoryuger - I remember really enjoying it and its characters, the bad guys were fun and the music goes hard. But there are a few factors that work together to sadly have it end up at the bottom of my sentai pile
- i find myself not really thinking about it AT ALL unless its right in front of me lmao.
- I have a lot of love and nostalgia tied to PR Dino Charge which kinda clouds most of my kyoryu memories
- tyler/shelby >>>>>> king/amy
- fav thing about kyoryu is Utchy and he wasnt even in the kingoh crossover eps wtf
- i think i have simply watched too much since watching Kyoryuger. I definitly am glad i watched it early on, cause i genuinly feel like i'd probably enjoy it less if i watched it now (i did however recently rewatch the Souji parents episode for the dynaman brain rot 10/10 junichi haruta my beloved)
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
So, I have just finished watching Love Between Fairy and Devil, and I thought I would write up my thoughts on it.
TL;DR version: It slapped and you should watch it.
Slightly longer version: I remember watching the first episode and there were a lot of computer effects and people waving their arms around doing Naruto jutsus and I thought "this is kinda silly but I'm gonna stick with it for a few more eps" and by the end, I was so into everything about this show.
Things that are great about it:
The leads are both incredible actors and it would be worth watching the show just for the facial expressions they make at each other
The love story has such a good balance of "love is an incredibly powerful things" and "love is a thing you build, it is a thing you choose"
Orchid, as a protagonist, was full of love and pacifism, and the show did not make her compromise that
The romance was Big and Epic and full of grand gestures, but it was also cute and supportive and it felt like they actually liked each other and would have had a healthy and supportive relationship if certain evil gods would give them, like, 5 minutes to just exist, you know?
Wonderful fun, meaty supporting cast
The plot had several distinct arcs that kept the show interesting and fresh throughout its length. The Lucheng arc was my favorite.
The world-building was ridiculous and I loved it. There were, what, 5 different versions of Arbiter Hall by the end and I did not care. I would remodel my house to look like Arbiter Hall, if possible. Every place was called something like the "Spirit Shattering Abyss" or the "Soul Transformation Cauldron." I loved the way they would slam you with worldbuilding out of nowhere, like "We are going to inject you with the Bone-Devouring Spikes" and everyone was like "Not the Bone-Devouring Spikes!!" and I was hooting and hollering, I simply love this shit.
Every single thing Dongfang Qingcang wore
45 minute episodes! The perfect length for an episode!
Additional thoughts with spoilers below the cut
I feel like Shangque was built in a lab for me to love him. Surprising no one: I did
💕💖 Jieli and her crimes 💖💕
Changheng wins the #2 prize for "character my affections have done a 180 for", coming in second only to Steve Harrington in Season 2 of Stranger Things. It was 100% due to his himbo stint as Xiao Run, but I continued to like him afterwards. Much like Steve, getting dumped turned out to do incredible things for his character.
Danyin was such a wild character, and I am obsessed with her. She was a bitch and then she went ride-or-die for Orchid, and she broke the law a few time, briefly had a dick, got hit by a car, died a few more times, and turned out cool at the end. I love her.
I liked the way every time DFQC or Orchid had a Nostalgia Montage, they showed the Cloud Whale
The first arc was so precious in retrospect and I loved every time they flashed back to it
Remember the time during the Lucheng arc after DFQC and Xiao Run skipped school to play soccer and DFQC looked straight into the camera and said "Ball is life"? That was magical.
Remember the time DFQC and Changheng went to go see the Arbiter and her Swole Magical Dragon Husband in whatever secret dimension they were banished to, and the Arbiter turned to her husband and was like "Fuck him up" and he did??? Couple goals.
Shangque should have turned into a dragon more often
Lady Chidi was a really cool character and I felt like she really got shafted. I did like that DFQC poured one out for her after she died, I really respected that.
Too much Rong Hao. I felt like the show was trying to get me to sympathize with him and I simply refused.
Xunfeng!!! He was such a bitch and I loved him so much!!!
The show sort of sprawled and gave the characters a lot of room to stretch and breath and I loved that. There was a scene where Orchid and Shangque stood around and had a conversation about how much they both loved DFQC and Jieli even though they are both mildly awful, and I loved this for all of us.
I also loved the scenes where Xunfeng would tell Orchid "my brother has duties toward Cangyan Sea that are bigger than you and I think you should die for him" and she was like "I agree actually and maybe I will". Their energy was insane.
The tribulation mechanic (characters could go live a lifetime as a human where they lost all their immortal memories for the time and could get plus-ups from this, but it put their immortal soul at risk) was really interesting, both narratively and as worldbuilding and I will be thinking about this for a while
Danyin's dad was such a shitty boomer dad, I loved to hate him!! I think maybe he died, because we didn't see him after the timeskip. Mr. P and I discussed this and at first, we hoped he was dead, but then we decided we hoped he *wasn't* dead so that he has to put up with Jieli bringing her himbo husband and all of her horrible adopted street urchins to his house every Thanksgiving.
Speaking of which, I hope that Danyin starts challenging Shangque to swordfights at family gatherings. Just, you know, one sword bro to another, all in good fun.
I was really worried the show was going to try to pair up Changheng and Danyin at the end. A few episodes from the end, I said that my dream ending would be for Changheng's awful brother to die, Changheng becomes the new lord of Shuiyuntian and Danyin becomes his advisor. That would leave it ambiguous, so that anyone who *did* ship them could assume it happened eventually, after they built a real relationship based on mutual respect. As it turned out, I think I loved the actual ending, where Changheng takes a gap year to backpack around the Human World and Danyin is like "I'm gonna take your job actually" and he's like "Hey, good luck! btw you're cool and I'm sorry I didn't reciprocate your crush" and she's like "Don't mention it, also, we're gender neutral besties now because I say so" and he's like "Based." Anyway, I'm mildly peeved that Changheng's awful brother basically didn't face any consequences, but other than that, I love this for everyone.
Speaking of the ending, why does every Asian drama end with someone dying, a somewhat inconvenient period of time passes, and then they come back with no real explanation? This is so specific and I think I have seen at least five dramas that end this way. I do not love it. I mean, the end wasn't terrible, but I definitely lost the thread of what was going on in the last episode. I was really hoping that DFQC and Orchid had switched bodies one more time at the end to screw Taisui, and I stand by that would have been a better ending.
Anyway, absolutely fantastic show. Loved it, would recommend, will probably watch it again at some point.
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hils79 · 10 months
Hils Watches The King's Avatar - Ep 40
It doesn't feel like 5 minutes ago that I started this drama. It's so very bingeable.
It's been a real journey. None of this has been what I expected beyond the very basic concept of 'it's a drama about esports'. There have been so many wonderful surprises. There are characters that I hated that I now love, characters that I loved that I now love even more, and more ships than I ever expected to ship.
While I'm at it I want to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has popped up in the replies to my posts or in my asks to either answer my questions or just yell about their favourite characters. I can tell this drama (and the novel and donghua) are so well loved and liveblogging this has really felt like a community experience. Thank you for not laughing at all the stuff I got wrong and for not making fun of me for shipping everyone. It's really been so wonderful and I almost don't want to press play on the final episode because I don't want it to be over.
But I need to see what happens so let's go!
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Ah, okay. I misunderstood what happened at the end of the last episode. I thought they'd lost the game but no they could still win they just didn't have enough points to win the championship.
Is there going to be some loophole like the whole 'oh the ref's watch broke so actually you won'
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HAHA! I fucking knew it! They got an extra two points for beating a league record. Because apparently that is a rule that has never been mentioned until now.
Eh, whatever. There was a nice moment with the fans before the found out they'd won
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Ye Xiu finally gets the hug that he's needed since episode 1
Good lord how is there 30 minutes left? What's going to happen now that they've won?
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God I hope Sun Xiang punches him
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Except of course he won't because he's all grown up now. Also, typically it's the coaches/managers that get fired when a team does badly. I hope he gets booted
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Love Shaotian dragging Wenzhou to his feet so he can cheer
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Remember when their entire fanbase was just this guy. I'm definitely not crying at all
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Look at that little half smile. He's grown so much considering they only lost on a technicality. I do think he's at least a little bit happy for Ye Xiu as the better player (for now)
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GDI I can't believe I'm crying over Sun Xiang AGAIN
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LOL remember when I thought he was going to be the antagonist of the drama when I watched the first episode. How wrong I was
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Haha yes let's have a little joke about the time when I nearly banned you for life in the middle of an important game and caused your team to lose as a result
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I have in no way been thinking about writing some King's Avatar fic with one based on the fact that Ye Xiu passes out after one drink
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HAHA! Mo Fan pretended to pass out too so he doesn't have to talk to anyone. He is such a mood
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Oh shit! I did not see that coming!
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Oh no he looks so sad to see his former team like this, and it's understandable. He built that team from the ground up and put so much time and work into making them the legends they were
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Yes, good. Baozi is cuddling one of his boyfriends as he should
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Ah, yay, I'd forgotten about the team graphic. Time to add one more person right before the end
And finished! That was wonderful! Definitely in my top 5 dramas that I've watched this year. Might even be the number one, actually. I definitely should have watched that years ago when people first told me to give it a try. But, you know, I firmly believe you find things when you were meant to find them. Now was good.
I'll be starting a new drama tomorrow. If you were just here for my King's Avatar posts it's been lovely to have you. If you're sticking around for other liveblogs I'll see you tomorrow for more yelling :D
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floof-writes · 5 months
Sorry, frightened anon.
Thanks for sharing the whole rant with Sephie/Sam, I couldn't agree more. I'm trying to stay out of The Seven tags for spoilers so I didn't actually know she was a fan favorite. But I have to say Sam/Sephie are my least favorite at the table. Sam being outright antagonistic about Antiope/Penny's things is really upsetting and immediately put a bad taste in my mouth. Her "why are we celebrating?" In ep 3 was another small moment. I'm only at ep 6 so maybe she brings it back and apologizes to everyone, but I don't know if that'll really make up for it.
I couldn't put it into words before but I think I have the same problem with Sam/Sephie taking bits too seriously, with both the fast food celebration and the viral video thing. Also I never feel like we see Sephie smiling/laughing along with the others? Or at least we super rarely do. Sam's whole thing just feels super "main character syndrome" to me. I don't know Sephie outside this but it feels like the assignment that comes with DND was kind of missed to me? Like everyone's the main character, this is an ensemble cast, that's how it works.
Those are my thoughts on the whole thing
God I'm so glad someone else agrees!!! As far as 'fan favorite' goes, I've just noticed that in the tag Sam seems to get the most stand alone art, and quite a few headcanons in relation to non-7 characters. This is at least partially due to the fact that she appeared more extensively in Fantasy High than any other PC member of the 7, but she definitely gets people's brains spinning. "Main character syndrome" is a great way to describe it concisely! And Sephie has a very calm resting face that she rarely breaks for sure, which makes it hard to connect with her. (The problem with 'knowing Sephie outside of this' is that D20 was her first credit. I checked, because I wanted to see what industry she came from, figure out if she's just better at something else. But she had no work in/on the internet, box office, or television prior to The 7. She must've worked on stage or something? She's been in a few other actual plays since.)
I don't want to hate it but I still haven't finished episode five because of how much it bugged me. I've heard great things about (MINOR SPOILER)(****) Ostentatia's religious arc serving as a great foil to Kristen/D20's other takes on religion and I was excited! I love Erika and wanted to see more from Aabria before I watch MisMag and CoFaF. Becca was fucking killing it as Penny, in character every second!! And I loved TaleSpire! There's only 5 more episodes but I hate that I'm going to have to 'get through it' instead of enjoying it.
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killerandhealerqueen · 5 months
iiiiiiiit's your fave, dropping in with a ridiculous number of questions for you to answer! 5, 6, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20
Hello my beloved!
5. What is an image/set of images that you’re particularly proud of?
I'm not really sure what this question is asking...sorry
6. Idea that you always wanted to write but could never make work?
Honestly, there's nothing that I haven't thought of that I haven't written. If I think it, I write it. And if something is fighting me, I either put it aside until it works itself out or I scrap it and redo it, like my fic Monster Like Me (I worked on this god damn fic for over almost a month...my one shots have never taken this long before...but it's also one I'm really proud of so I guess all the work I put in paid off)
11. If I’m showing off just one of your pieces to someone, which one should it be?
You better show this fucker off -> 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer
It's my baby and I love her and I need to get back to working on her because the 3 anniversary is coming up and I need to have the next couple of chapters done!
But honestly, you could should any of my fics off and I would be honored
12. What WIPs do you have going now? Are you excited about them?
Now that I've finished Monster Like Me, I can get back to working on my other wips 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer (I'm about halfway through ep. 26 of 37), CSI: Jing City (we're on the last case), KeixYaku: Abunai Aibou, Oil and Water (we're on the second to last case), 药剂师日记 | The Apothecary Diaries (and we've got a few more cases to go with this one). I'm excited for all of them! I've also got a few more wips in my folders (Friendline, Junchun Hero x Villain, Vampire Doctor x Boxer (Mignon au), and 2 S.C.I. Hero x Villain aus) but those aren't to be touched until one of the other wips are finished.
15. Does font matter to you when you’re writing a draft?
Nope. I usually use Helvetica for fic and Times New Roman for headcanons. I'm also slowly learning that if I have an idea to just start writing it out instead outlining it because outlining it for some reason fucks with my head and the flow (which was the problem with Monster Like Me)
16. 3 favorite comments ever received on fanfic.
From @clawbehavior on my fic The City of Angels & Demons
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She's not even in the fandom but I love receiving comments from her
From @evil-moonlight on my fic Our Dining Table
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I love receiving literal book report comments, you don't even understand
From hellenatz on my fic 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer
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I love getting comments from people who are new to Killer and Healer and who find my fic/fics and comment. Warms my fucking heart man
20. Go nuts, and talk about writing
I'mma be honest, I'm real tired after spending a few hours with my best friend eating sushi, talking, walking around/window shopping, and getting sea salt matcha lattes so my brain can't really like...talk about writing but like...I love writing and my writing friends and I love talking to y'all and hearing the shit that y'all are working on and just...yeah. I love being friends with other writers. Sorry if you wanted to hear about my fics but my brain is like nah
Fic writing questions! | send me asks
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weirdcat1213 · 9 months
volume 12 already? damn that went fast. just yesterday we were crying about vash drinking in a church
anyway :D volume 12 thoughts time
chap 1:
-chronicaaaaaaaaa :3
-these quiet panels are the fucking best/worst thing that have ever happened to me
-too many memories :c
-YES LINA IS THERE THANK GOD (at the same time this is heartbreaking as fuck)
-all the enemies after all the people he has ever loved/helped
-im gonna go cry now
-i wonder what "anti plant" entails...is it a special material?
-ok fine, chronica can call knives a terrorist. she gets a pass
-oh sweet geesus
-oohhhhhh.....ok fuck
-nothing can stop the hatred of this man. kinda admirable but as the song says "your misery and hate will kill us all"
chap 2:
-"corrosive thunder", love the title
-OH SHIT DOMINA NO, pls dont let him get to you
-the plants kinda look in pain there....
-for pain purposes, i choose to believe that when they resonate they hum like vash did in stampede
-aaand shes gone
-oh god, the end of evangelion flashbacks
-tbh everything in your ship just being consumed by someone else so quickly must be scary af. nothing belongs to them anymore and soon, chronica could even loose herself
chap 3:
-oh shit oh fuck oh shit
-oh shit not thors hammer
-omg look! the laws of physics!
-noooo :c we dont get to know domina too much but its still sad
-ohhhhhhh okok i get it
chap 4:
-childish is a good word for it cuz knives just doesnt want to accept hes wrong and scared
-is vash pausing cuz even though his plan was to kill knives hes kinda sad that knives wants to kill him? i may never know
-let him use his fucking gun ok? hes an expert. also i like to think he uses it to stay grounded. like to stay with the people hes fighting with. hes not superior or anything
chap 5:
-omg right it hated this. hes just a baby :c
-so vash left with a stranger? i forgot about that
-honey just be glad YOU ARE ALIVE
-BECAUSE HES VASH THE STAMPEDE- i should rewatch that episode huh
-tbh vash, you should have. then and now
-tbh i would also think thats enough to break the chain. hmm
-"stay with me" vash pls i cant jump into the void rn
-GEESUS CHRIST, the cleanest cut in the west
-also you think vash made that face cuz the last time he made someone bleed was rem-
-"we dont belong in the future of this planet" dont fucking say that
chap 6:
-actually wanting to humans to talk with plants is a great step for improving their relationship but sure knives, whatever
-ive said this before but as someone who was mocked by wanting context before judging people, vash is so...reassuring. like it wasnt wrong of me to want to know all the sides of one story. im glad
-also i completely forgot about that town and radiation. how tf radiation happens in that planet, what am i missing
-oh nvm, thanks nightow
-WHY IS IT THEN? HUH KNIVES?- oh shit what
-yknow what, ill give knives the fact that humans are ignorant and we are repeating history etc etc, but im done. finish him vash
-for some reason this reminds me to that scene with the soldiers in ep 12. my man really cant catch a break
-"you've been abandoned" maybe by some but not by everyone. and thats the whole point
-awww :c
chap 7:
-ofc the military would be like this
-i literally cant say whos bleeding
-ah fuck ok
-ugh no...pls dont tell me hes fucking bleeding through his eyes...pls dont (if i see stampede vash bleeding like that i will eat my pc piece by piece)
-chronica :c
-OMG YES, YES, IM SO HAPPY. quoting 98 "and i know in my heart he would have done the same"
-oh well thats not fair, hes too cool
-wait why is knives not wanting to kill vash bad?
chap 8:
-considering the blockers chronica has, entering a fused entity must be scary but also exciting
-ngl i dont get the spikes on the screen thing
-wait no i want to see whats happening with vash- and its livio time
-oh hes alive thank god (this is my 2nd read why am i surprised)
-i hate seeing his eyes like that if im being honest, its scary
-OH SHIT its my wife
chap 9:
-omg its the legato episode
-what is happening, what am i looking at
-oh oh shit
-what is happening?
-ok flashback time
-yeap. its that time. shit
-geesus fucking christ. tbh ofc legato would think knives is right. there was nothing to prove him wrong
-yeap. i would do the same actually. stomp on his head
-oh honey...honey thats gay-
-is that why he has short hair...cuz knives gave him a name AND A HAIR STYLE??
-damn son
-also i may be wrong but where do people get the idea he inserted metal in his own brain to have those powers?/gen
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a-prawn · 11 months
Prawn, what's your favourite Data episode (or moment)? My personal favourites are Phantasms, just for the shot of data answering his own phone, and Thine Own Self. x
OOKKKKKKK i started answering this last night and it took me so long bc i have brain problems re: data and i had to go to bed before i could finish it so i saved it as a draft and tumblr deleted it so ok here we go again thine own self fucking slaps, it's like top three data eps for me if not top three tng eps. his little tights. getting his face ripped apart. getting murdered in the town square <3 wow i love that for him!!! datalore/brothers/descent 1/2 OBVIOUSLY bc anytime data and lore are on screen together i'm in a frenzy. noonian being there in brothers is an added bonus. the first 10 minutes of brothers when he's taking over the enterprise is, like... erotic... that sounds insane but it's true. i love it when androids malfunction, it's hot. any episode where data is malfunctioning or being opened up or ripped apart or plugged in to something is like... (chef kiss)
measure of a man (FUCK BRUCE MADDOX).
the offspring :^( clues is an underrated data classique. picard threatening him that he'll be stripped down to his wires? ummmm-
best of both worlds when he's plugged in to locutus? "processing.... processing..." LOVE IT. obsessed with that scene.
fistful of datas. actually any time data and worf get screentime together i'm psyched. especially if worf ends up having to carry him around bc he got his shit wrecked. which reminds me that the iconia episode is great in season 2, whatever it was called. i'm too lazy to look it up. contagion?
i also love any time data and riker get screen time together bc riker is obviously in love with that android. data's day is great, i love just seeing him be a weird little guy. calling geordi lunkhead. ruining o'brien's day. "i am not nervous. i AM confused." uhhhh whatever the episode is where he starts dreaming. birthright. if we're talking about data dreaming episodes, i actually prefer this one to phantasms, even though phantasms also rules. i loooove watching him and julian create a category 5 autism event on the enterprise. also data being like i had a crazy vision, please electrocute me again so i can give it another shot. and even though i hate noonian and want to smash his head with a brick, he is beautiful and i love getting to see him.
hero worship is great. as with the offspring, it's another, "wow data would be a great dad" episode.
love quality of life just in general. it's obvious that picard cares about data like all of his crewmen but they do frequently end up at odds with eachother, so this episode along with measure of a man really stand out to me bc i love seeing picard so enthusiastically being on data's side. he can't even make small talk with data on the turbolift but by god is he ready to die so data can prove some little robots are fellow sentient beings.
the most toys </3
SPEAKING OF TURBOLIFT SMALL TALK, i know starship mine is technically a picard episode but data's parts in it are all great. love that statistically data is either the only guy who can solve a problem or is the guy directly responsible for the problem.
the episode with his mom is sweet even though in my mind it's non-canonical bc i don't believe that noonian soong is capable of um... caring about a fellow human being enough that he could convince someone to marry him (i hate noonian soong. have i mentioned that? actually i hate the entire family except the androids, they're just all terrible people).
uhh and then any episodes that feature data getting his mind hijacked and the entity who does it being like, "this body rules i'm going to beat the shit out of/choke the shit out of picard specifically". thank you... good stuff.
deja q gets 1000000 bonus points bc it is a great q episode AND a great data episode and i wish we got more of them being bfffs.
masks sucks so bad but the, "what does it feel like when one is losing his mind?" scene breaks my heart every time.
also this is not episode specific but data's fascination/love of therapy is awesome i love it i love that he wants to go to therapy every day and i'm glad that (even though picard the tv show sucks) data got his wish of daily therapy sessions with troi in season 3. good for him. GOOD FOR HIM!!!
this post is deranged sorry. this is not even a complete list i am sure i'm missing something. (i know the sherlock data episodes are like fan favorites but i don't... care for them. i'm glad he's having a good time though. sorry :^()
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