#good way to spend a day tbh
itischeese · 9 months
ok so day three uh... ran away with me... here you go! Terukane week 2023 day three: autumn! (posted late but shhhh)
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Bonus under the cut:
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pixelatedraindrops · 12 days
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Yuma Month: Day 31: Post Game
…for the sake of the world’s happiness.
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gratitude list time I'll go first
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This might not be anything, but while writing about your fics, the way you have the characters' mannerisms down PERFECTLY got me thinking about mirroring...
There's a lot of it in 7 (Horii is a directorial genius etc etc), most of it more intentional than these probably are, but there's something so interesting about mirroring that takes the tone of a (relatively) fond memory, a familiar gesture, and inverts it in the way shown here.
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OH I'M GLAD YOU'VE NOTICED THESE TOO I think I mentioned it months back (or I drafted a post 'bout it but didn't think it was anything noteworthy) but I always really did like how the Arakawa Family mimicked each other's mannerisms (also circling back to how Jo and Masato calling Ichiban 'Ichi' presumably after picking it up from Arakawa)!
Aoki actually does the same sitting gesture too! I went back to double check and skim through the rest of the game's cutscenes, and as far as I could tell unless I skipped a scene, it really is only these three that do this specific pose:
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It's such a small detail but I love it immensely and it really does highlight their connections with each other and it drives me insane
#snap chats#the fact aoki holds his left fist with his right like jo..... im gonna be sick... (crying)#potential hints that aoki really does favor jo and/or spends more time with him... or i might be delirious. could be both even..#focusing on how jo mimics arakawa though i dont think i have to say i love how it is inverted intention wise#like of course in arakawa's situations he's in a position where he's helping ichi and speaking calmly with him#while with jo Evidently each interaction is more tense and antagonistic#really is a cool way to emphasize that whole 'step parent' angle if that makes sense#OH BUT THANK YOU ON MY WRITING that's a huge compliment: i'm glad you think i have their mannerisms down !#accuracy is a big thing to me... in case we haven't picked that up yet.... i should relax a little tbh--#BUT i'd like to think my brain's good at visualizing things and i think i've 'studied' enough to get an acceptable result in what i show#it's like... if i can't see it in my head clearly or it doesn't look right then i wanna keep trying until it DOES look right yk#dont want a Hello Kitty Wouldnt Do Xanax moment... only on occasion.... a lil xanax wouldnt hurt as long as its not too far gone ☠️#alright im. DELIRIOUS.#to end this off i watched the first episode of Sailor Suit and Machine Gun !#my japanese is. HORRENDOUS BUT the art of inference and context clues and stray knowledge got me through it#i'm excited to watch the next episode even if i'm only really getting half the impact from the dialogue#BUT THE FEELING'S THERE... the emotion's there#embarrassingly i almost cried when izumi was crying in the theater over her dad while she was eating cause like Girl Me Too ☠️☠️#ill go one day without mentioning my dad i promise... todays not that day tho ☠️#IN ANY CASE. thank you for droppin the episodes on me !! i can't stress never tiring of having new things to watch#ill watch the next episode tonight probably. i was gonna go out to get lunch buuuut my moms home#so there goes that plan.. at least my bro got me food while /he/ went out today lmao
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theygender · 1 year
I may be considering the crime of... Getting a business degree 🤢
#i Like my new job where i get to play in excel all day and i also like having financial security for the first time in my adult life#i was originally thinking about switching my major to sociology bc its another area that im interested in#but my mom may have talked me into considering a business degree as an option since sociology isnt a great fallback option...#the thought of majoring in business makes me gag tbh. but i mean... i DO like data analysis and there IS a masters for data analysis#and the bachelors degree in information systems would teach me new things about computers which might be cool#and they have an international business program that links in advanced study of foreign languages and cultures#and theres even a certificate program for sustainability that includes direct work with grassroots programs#AND all of this is intentionally made to be accessible to people who are already in the work field so i wouldnt need to quit my job...#...all of this plus a sociology minor (or double major if i can pull it off) is starting to look pretty good actually#BUT... can i withstand the pain of spending the next few years in classrooms full of business majors 🤔#real talk tho i was wanting to use my social work degree to go into policy anyways which could mean government OR corporate#...if i get a business major i could potentially speedrun the process of getting into corporate policy to make a difference that way#and my sociology minor (or major) would still support that#fuckin. trojan horse the companies i guess#i am rotating the idea in my mind with the emotional state of that gif of someone trying kombucha for the first time#rambling
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parksrway · 1 year
one day I'll actually be able to go to a con
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cheekblush · 3 months
unfortunately it's still so fucking over 😔
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polaroidcats · 1 year
not me googling how much it would cost to play the harp :(
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gregmarriage · 5 months
okay, but dealing with depression and anxiety from a young age completely rots your brain and tricks you into thinking/believing things about yourself that simply aren’t true. for example: i spent literal YEARS thinking i was the ugliest motherfucker alive, like my face was FUCKED. and now, i’m in my twenties and i’m like, bruh you are the most normal looking guy ever
#me spending my teenage years dating girls and thinking they couldn’t possibly ACTUALLY find me attractive in any way#like it must be pity or something?#nah they genuinely thought you were pretty/hot etc#like you should have believed them but like i get why you didn’t bc your brain was tricking you and that’s not your fault#genuinely can’t describe what i thought i looked like tbh#like i thought my face/body was wrong™️#like yeah normal puberty shit#but also depression/anxiety and gender confusion played a part#like i would look at other girls and think there was something deeply wrong with me because i didn’t look like them (pretty)#but like i know for a fact that those same girls felt as wrong as i did#like brains will completely fuck you over and it’s the WORST#but then you get to a place where you’re like kinda okay?#like i’m still unlearning a lot of that old shit but being able to actually look at myself in the mirror and not feel gross is progress!#like obviously i still have days where i don’t feel attractive but like that’s so normal#no one feels good 100% of the time#either about themselves or in general#i’m not the outlier#even tho i spent half my life thinking i was#also i’ve found that the most beautiful people in the world tend to not believe that#like the outwardly beautiful people who KNOW it don’t tend to feel bad about themselves in quite the same way? ya know?#genuinely have known some of the most beautiful amazing people who don’t believe it about themselves and it’s so bizarre to me#and like okay vaguely hypocritical but imao we know this#i will always make other people know they’re beautiful and i love them before myself and i always have#but again i’m working on that#working on trying to do both#loving my friends and reminding them they’re beautiful bc they are#and also learning to not be so hard on myself#anyways idk random thought i’ve had lately#gwen rambles#gwenposting
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hella1975 · 1 year
i have an exam on monday but also my last exam was on the 9th. they really said 'give that little guy 2 whole weeks to prepare for a single exam' and expected me to get anything done. i havent even clocked it yet. you gave me way too much time. there is zero fear here. the Terror hasn't kicked my ass into productivity and i fear it never will. i'll fail it and come back later idc
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skrunksthatwunk · 5 months
just found out rascal (babycat)'s been with his owner this whole time instead of my roommate which is. something. :|
#if you dont know whats happening basically mr and my roommate (dorms) have been raising an abused kitten belonging to our floormates#we had him for a month and a half i think and then a month of break has gone by with my roomie staying on campus and me going back home#to my prey-driven dogs and snake and cat-allergic mother among other things. hence the inability to really take him in easily.#i mean shit. if she decided to actually take care of him instead of making everyone around her into free childcare then that's a good thing#*petcare#and admittedly both me and my roommate should've been more in contact about him whether this was going on or not#we both have really bad object permanence + flow of time issues though so it kinda... didnt happen#i thought about him a lot though. i planned on coming back early to spend a few days just chilling with him before the semester started#but other stuff got in the way and i had the 'its too late so dont ask at all' guilt#idk. it seems like hes alive but i don't know much more than that rn. it makes me nervous yk#but i never thought she'd just. still have him. i never expect what she does with him tbh#i almost feel better about getting stuck and not figuring out visiting or shared custody (in my house that is Not Ideal For Him) knowing it#wasn't even really attainable but. shit.#i want her to treat him like he deserves and if she's doing that i have no right to complain. he's not my cat. he's not.#but it means she'll probably just leave with him someday. no thanks or payment or future contact. idk i just. thought this would end sooner#in taking him to a shelter or a new home or us taking him in or her putting her foot down. but instead it's like im drowning in gelatin#what am i even doing. i love him. so much. and i want a cat so so bad. i want *him* so bad.#but i didn't rescue him and i didnt even try and. god idk. i love him and i still couldn't get my ass up to visit in a whole month#i want to say it's because i was stuck and it's not untrue. but i just. idk. i still feel like i shoulda pushed through or whatever anyway.#it makes me feel like im just as bad as his owner when i know im not. im not.#he's probably a lot bigger now. assuming she's actually feeding him. god. i really thought he'd be with my roommate#for reasons im not even gonna bother getting into. and i was reassured that my roomie would tell me if something was up with him. and she#didnt. and im not mad at her it's not her fault i didn't reach out when i wanted to know. but i feel just. ough. stupid ass situation i got#myself into. stupid sad ass consequences of being nosy and big hearted and wanting to help in stupid ways#at least her dogs didnt eat him. i was worried about that. i don't think i could take it if she got him killed and i didn't push harder to#help him. but i can't just fucking. kidnap him. he's not mine and we're neighbors and i can't even keep him at my home. not really.#god i miss him so much. i hope i didn't hurt him by leaving. fucking hell.#but he needs somebody and his owner is almost certainly not it. and maybe im not either but i want to try for him. man.
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buriesitsteeth · 5 months
the untreated depression is depressioning so bad today 👍
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risingsunresistance · 7 months
my inbox is piling up :(
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lady-tortilla-chip · 8 months
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un-pearable · 2 years
i have zero desire to actually get into dragon ball but damn do some of their character concepts slap
#as said before all my db knowledge is secondhand and mostly from my bros excitedly showing me random arcs or movies#but hey. gohan’s whole ‘i want to find a way to power WITHOUT anger’ is REALLY GOOD#good for him. good for him. he deserves to pioneer his own way to heroism#and even!!! stop being a fighter!!! and just be an academic!!!! hell yeah!!!!!!#it’s so predictable but i love super powerful characters that choose to just chill#the fact that gohan’s special non-supersaiyan power ups not only WORK but are EVEN MORE POWERFUL#and!!! he still is happy spending his life studying. and having plans other than fighting his friends all day#i know jackshit about most of db but this guy has watched his dad spend his entire life in an unending cycle of fighting for fun and#fighting for his life. him saying you know what? fuck that. i want to live my life and get to be a dad to my kid and not have to#constantly plan for the next crisis is refreshing. i like him. i know it’s a ‘bad thing’ that he got demoted to side character and ‘just spe#ends all day studying’ and it’s VERY clearly framed as a joke and that he’s stupid for picking it.#but i think it’s a fascinating decision given EVERYTHING about db. and he’s cool#i know he was supposed to take over as the MC but tbh i like this too. he’s so much fun in dbs superhero#that’s like the one thing that he’s a major player in and i’ve watched but it sold me on him#as i said i have. zero patience to actually get into db but yeah. they got some good ideas#kaba or however you spell his name… him too.#text✨#dragon ball#please please don’t show up in the tag this is my mess of an organization system
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hollowedpurple · 6 months
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