anythingredfox · 3 months
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A big Goodra lovingly hugging a Kingdra, requested by etfffggfbut! I decided to draw Kingdra looking shocked-ish, but happy. Feel free to let me know if you’d like me to change anything!
A different version where Goodra’s antennas are slightly bigger is at my Pixiv gallery (page 5 in the picture: “Goodra Hugging Kingdra”’s submission page).
I wonder if Kingdra’s fin thing on its back looks too squished in this picture. If I do edit this picture in the future, the final version will be at deviantART.
🖼️ Check out the rest of my POKEMON fanarts, in the “POKEMON” folder at my deviantART gallery for easier browsing! 🌸❗🎇🌅🌃🏞️🌇🌁🌆🏝️🌉🌄💖⭐🎆🏜️ I currently have uploaded 125 Pokemon fanarts!
- Title: REQ - Goodra Hugging Kingdra
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haydecay · 3 months
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Lil' Goodra
I am at a point where I can draw Goodra without reference or anything other than memory. I guess I kinda could do that before but this is better. Just ignore the wrong colors. Goodra is property of the Pokémon Company.
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generalsnivy · 10 months
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These two Goodras are offering free hugs to anyone and everyone who passes by them on this lovely beach. Would you hug them, even if it means that you're left in a gooey mess afterward? I would.
This was another interesting one to draw as both the regular/Kalosian Goodra and the Hisuian Goodra share a similar anatomy, much like how the Johtonian Typhlosion and the Hisuian Typhlosion do. There are some differences such as the thickness of the horns, the horns' length, the average height for the Goodras in general, the number of gooey dots on the head and "tail" respectively, and the fact that the Hisuian Goodra has a shell it can retract itself into while the Kalosian one doesn't have that. Despite these differences, their main body structure is very similar to one another, making drawing them a little bit easier. That doesn't change the fact that they're still difficult to draw, though. Strangely, I had a hard time drawing their head as when it came to the angle I was going for, things weren't quite lining up for a while. Eventually, I was able to figure it out and then was able to proceed. Once I finished drawing the Kalosian Goodra, I was able to copy and paste the sketch, mirror it, and then make the adjustments necessary to turn the 2nd Goodra into a Hisuian one.
When it came to some of the texture work for certain background elements such as the signs, the sand on the beach, etc., I really love the way it turned out as I was able to utilize some of the different brushing modes in Krita to add some realism to them. My favorite part of this was the ocean as I love making the water sparkle due to the light produced by the sun.
Shading both Goodras was another fun part of this drawing as due to the angle I was going for them, I had to experiment a little bit as to where to place the shading and how it would look drawing them the way I did. I also wanted to add a little bit of a glow to some parts of them due to them being slug dragons and typically, slugs are silky and glow on some spots due to the sunlight.
The final obstacle I had to figure out was how to go about having the Goodras hold their signs. I'm not 100% sure how Goodras can hold objects with their hands without dropping them outright so, I took a more humanoid approach and have their two "fingers" work like a human's fingers and thumbs to hold them. From what I looked up online, I have never seen a Goodra depicted holding an object with their hands, at least not without them using both of them or they use their long horns to hold the object.
Overall, I had a lot of fun working on this one and it was a learning experience. Plus, gaining additional experience drawing my favorite gooey dragon is always nice.
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haydecay · 5 months
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Goodra Rough Sketch
I wanted to start properly sketching in Krita. I drew it last night then shut down. I hope to finish this but I still wanted to show this so here it is. Goodra is property of the Pokémon Company.
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generalsnivy · 6 months
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This Kalosian Goodra recently learned that his favorite, beloved grandmother, who was a Hisuian Goodra who was in the hospital due to her age and cancer taking her, slowly, was being moved to Hospis, which filled him with great sadness. To help distract him and cheer him up, even if only a little bit, his friends and family gathered together and encouraged him to help decorate his home for the holidays. It took all day to finish, but everything was looking very festive and it lifted up Goodra's spirit a little. The very last thing they finished decorating was their 7-foot-tall Christmas tree, which was decorated with all kinds of shiny ornaments and they were all wrapped around with red and green Garlin. After everything was all said and done, they gathered around and took a family photo in front of the decorated Christmas tree so that they could share the holiday spirit with Goodra's dying grandmother. Sometime later, he took the picture to Hospis where his grandmother was being kept comfortable, showed it to her, and the two of them chatted for several hours. After a while, he gave his grandmother a big hug, told her how much he loved her, left the photo with her, and then went home.
One month passes, and Goodra receives the sad news from his sister that their grandmother finally passed away a few days prior. Unsurprisingly, this devastated him, and he was rightfully enraged because he wasn't told of her passing right away. The reason why she didn't tell him right away was because she too, was saddened by her passing and she needed time to get herself together and figure out the best way to tell her brother, which backfired massively. Goodra's sister then informed him of where their grandmother was buried and he raced off to her gravesite. On his way there, he raced by his friends as they were going about their business as tears were beginning to run down Goodra's face. Concerned, Goodra's friends dropped everything they were doing and followed their friend to the cemetery where his beloved grandmother was supposedly buried. When he found his grandmother's grave, the only thing he could do at that point was to sit down in front of it and begin to cry. Just as he began to sob, his friends showed up behind him and approached him slowly, without saying a word as they could tell what was going on right away. And so, they all gathered around Goodra, offering hugs and comfort as he grieves and mourns the loss of his favorite, beloved grandmother. As he continued to grieve, a ghostly apparatus in the shape of his grandmother appeared in front of him and his friends. The apparatus then gives a message to the grieving Goodra assuring him that everything is going to be okay and encouraging him not to cry. Even though they won't be around anymore, physically, they will always be with them inside their heart. Although the message was received, Goodra continued to mourn and grieve for his grandmother. So, he and his friends stayed together and kept each other company as Goodra's friends continued to comfort him as snow fell on all 4 of them throughout the night. The following morning, after he finally finished crying, he stood up and thanked his friends for being there for him when he needed them most. They then said goodbye to each other and went their separate ways for now, and then Goodra went home, apologized to his sister for taking out his anger on her, made up, and then hugged each other tightly as they went and spent the day together, reminiscing their happiest memories of their grandmother and how she blessed both of their lives with her presence.
This took quite a while to finish not only due to life getting in the way again, but I also revised this several times in my head before I drew what you see before you. Honestly, it took quite some time to figure out how I could best articulate my feelings into this drawing with my current skill set, which is why I didn't draw this right away when certain events occurred in my personal life, which I'll explain right now. Around the end of September, my grandmother, who was the wife of my 2nd late grandfather, who passed away last year, returned to her home after spending some time in the hospital after receiving treatment for some blood clots in her legs. She called me around the beginning of October before Mom and moved to our new home and we caught up with each other. I heard of what was going on with Grandmom from my sister prior to Grandmom calling me and as we were chatting and catching up, I told her that I was thankful that she was still alive after her ordeal and that I loved and missed her. Little did I know, that this would be the very last time I'd ever be able to speak to her again while she was alive as in November, she was back in the hospital again after suffering from a stroke while she was at home. The reason I knew this was due to the information received from my grandmother's daughter, which was then passed onto my sister, and then was finally passed onto my mother and myself simultaneously. My sister kept us updated and informed as we all live in separate states and my sister was the closest to where Grandmom was being kept. A short time later, my sister informs us that our grandmother was being moved to Hospis, which meant only one thing; it was almost time for her to go. While Grandmom was being moved to Hospis, my sister and my grandmother's daughter put up and decorated a Christmas tree in Grandmom's house and then took a picture of it so that they could celebrate one last Christmas with Grandmom before she inedibly passed on. On the evening of November 15th, 2023, my sister called Mom and informed us that our grandmother finally passed away. As I overheard the news from my room, I went over to Mom as she hung up the phone with my sister and asked her if Grandmom passed away. She told me "yes" and I then went over, sat next to her on the couch, leaned my head on her shoulder, and cried. This entire series of events is what inspired this drawing in the first place. The hardest part was figuring out the best way to express my feelings on this drawing. Even when writing/typing up this story, I began to cry a little bit. Needless to say, I loved my grandmother and it was fun talking to her over the phone during the past 10 years I've been living in Maine. I'll always cherish the memories of spending many Christmases with her, my dad, my sister, and my 2nd grandfather throughout the years while I was still living in Maryland.
Some of you may be wondering, why didn't I go to see my grandmother before she passed away and why was my sister the only one keeping my mother and I in the loop? There are a few reasons: 1) My mother and I live in Maine and my grandmother lived in Maryland. 2) My sister lives in Pennsylvania, in a town near the Maryland state line, which means that she lives closest to where Grandmom once lived. And 3) Mom and I just moved into our new home, which was further up in Northern Maine and we didn't have the money to purchase me a 2-way plane ticket between Maine and either Pennsylvania or Maryland. TL;DR: Financial difficulties and poor timing prevented me from seeing Grandmom off on her deathbed.
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generalsnivy · 2 years
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Original post date 4/24/22.
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