#got him on the first run bbyy
holybananaoafshoe · 6 months
Team Dynamics 🐺
Scary Dog Privilege 1/10
Xiao, Zhongli, Benny, Kazuha
I’m not going to stop with the Tired Ice Dads, but I definitely need to start the Fontaine quests before doing more on them lmao. Buuuuuuuut, I have other main teams on my account that I shove together, and after doing the Ice Dads, I started cackling about the crack energy this group would have.
A little taste to enjoy~
Zhongli just wanted to fucking retire and flirt with Child but that’s besides the point.
He can’t help that his adopted son just does not have a single ounce of self-preservation in his body.
He morally can’t let him go off on his own too much, or else he’d get gray hairs from having to run to his rescue last minute *cough* the chasm *cough*
That and Xiao has been having a lot of issues with his karmic debt lately.
While he doesn’t like Barbatos, Rex Lapis can’t let his last adepti die like his siblings had he can’t fail him like the others, so he could swallow his pride and ask Batbatos to erase Xiao’s karmic debt.
And if he can help Xiao, that's an added bonus.
Or force him into some self care
He’s not exactly in the team yet. He just comes by to check on them every once in a while.
Much to Xiao’s distaste, his dad has been following him around--he’s a very capable adepti, thanks.
He really is, technically, he’s the strongest since Zhongli has to hold back his power now.
But, he secretly likes that Zhongli is looking out for him.
And maaayyybbeeee he enjoys listening to Zhongli talk about random things and lowkey put historians in their place.
Xiao meets Kazuha and Benny by chance tbh.
Kazuha was minding his business, honest, and wandering around the plains of Liyue because the Crux’s crew was taking a break from the sea.
He was lounging on a rock, playing a tune on a leaf, when the wind picked up and told him someone was in danger.
(listen, I don’t know how it works either. He’s just very in tune with nature ig).
So, he couldn’t just ignore the call… and he’s nosey, so sue him if he wanted to know what was up.
Low and behold, it was poor Bennett fighting off a Mantichural.
Look… it wasn’t his fault!!!
How was he supposed to know that climbing up a rock formation (it was more like a mini mountain really) to get a better idea of where he was, because of course he was lost, would end up with him tripping on a mist flower (yes a mist flower), falling off said rock formation, and land him on top of a very pissed Mantichural?!?!?!?!?
Not him!!!!
He was just trying to go on commissions for the guild!
Benny was handling it pretty okay, but the poor boy was having a rough day and was extremely grateful that Kazuha had come along to help.
Between the two, they were doing pretty solid.
Xiao heard the commotion and came over. It is his duty to make sure the citizens and travelers of Liyue were safe after all.
Both are very impressed and somewhat scared at how fast Xiao defeats the Mantichural.
He takes them to Wangshu Inn, and everyone thought they would part ways after that.
After hearing about Benny’s adventures, Kazuha decides to team up with him because he’s honestly worried about his safety.
Xiao winds up saving them both like five more times before joining them because he’s sick of saving them every hour.
He was headed to Liyue Harbor anyway.
The two are thankful, but his quiet demeanor and straight-to-the-point personality is off-putting.
They finally get to Liyue Harbor and part ways….
Not lmao
Xiao saves Benny from drowning in the harbor and finds a frantic Kazuha about ready to jump in the sea after the kid.
Literally, Xiao was just passing by after meeting with Madam Ping when he saw them.
Soon after that, he winds up saving Benny from choking on food during the diner. Benny and Kazuha invited him to thank him.
He really tried to tell them it wasn’t necessary, but Benny’s dads taught him well, and he’s going to properly thank Xiao.
Fuck, guess Xiao has to look after them now bc this dumbass is going to keep him awake at night.
So he joins Benny’s team :)
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princessleechan · 4 months
“Choi Seungcheol must die” Chapter 30 + [BONUS 18+ WRITTEN SCENE]
📌chapter tags: MDNI, SMAU, inspired by “John tucker must die”, John tucker!seungcheol, college au, revenge fic, written scene under cute (2.6k w.c.) smut tags under cut off, lost friends, mystery mornings, and heart been broke so many times i....
Thank you @highvern for helping me out a bit!
taglist: @silvsie @christinewithluv @stayinhellevator @aiforyuu @2youngsworld @justcruisingalonguntilbamkpop @asyre @simpxxstan @anzellll @hipsdofangirl @plskillme22 @lirtha97 @lixiel0ver @notevenheretbh1 @leah-rose03 @woozarts @expensive-idiot @doveblackboat @the-boy-meets-evil @tamakis-bbyy @freshdetectivenight @mrsdacherry @smilechannie @alltheshineofthestars-blog @ocyeanicc @horanghaezone @wonuqrtz @leewonkyeom @horangboosadan @kkooongie @myghobi @wonunuwoo @wonwootakemyheart @shuasunshine @dinonuguaegi @ckline35 @miriamxsworld @itsokaytobedumb00 @seokgyuu @nishloves @bmkgemz @conwunder @kawaiimusiccollection @humankimbap @huening-kawaii @writingbarnes @strawberryya
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Warning: Virgin sex, awkward sex, fingering, banter
Although things go according to plan, nothing prepared you for the events that would transpire the rest of that night.
You don't expect to find comfort in the person you've been bickering with for the better half of the last few months, and you can say the same about finding him drowning in his heartbroken sobs. His typical snarky demeanor decidedly gives way to a gentler, more subdued tone. It speaks volumes, underscoring that beneath even the fiercest of faces lies a simple, human vulnerability.
"Sorry, this is the first place I could think of. I just wanted to get out there."
Chan's apartment is cozy; fit for two people–barely–and has everything you could possibly need. The bare essentials like dish soap and nothing more.
Heading straight for the kitchen sink, Chan lets the faucet run, capturing the cold stream in his cupped hands. His damp palms collide against his face, washing away the evidence of his anguish. His fingers rip through his hair, locks clumping together in damp ropes; heartache radiating through the quiet space.
"It's alright. I wouldn't have been able to provide somewhere good either. Head's kind of all over the place," you respond, softly chuckling.
He turns towards you, cheekbones glistening under the play of water and fluorescent lighting. His lips curve into a subtle smile, a sight that retains its beauty amid the unfolding turn of events. "I get the feeling."
"It's funny," You muse, absentmindedly surveying the intricate details of his residence, each corner telling a story of his history living here. "We hardly see each other in person, having only ever texted, and now I'm in your apartment."
"Yeah? I guess it's kind of funny. Funnier than the shit we saw today."
The image briefly flashes in your mind before you dismiss it, shaking your head like an etch-a-sketch. "I’m surprised you saw that. Yeah, um, that could've gone better. Things got a bit theatrical because of it."
"I liked it," Chan shrugs, crossing his arms and leaning against the kitchen counter, "He got what he deserved and I stand by that."
"You would," you jest, slowly approaching him. "Haru must really have a hold on you."
He reveals a bittersweet smile. "Yeah, she does."
"Damn, things are really messed up," you express in disbelief. "What’ll happen now? We return to our normal lives and pretend this didn’t happen while Seungcheol’s in shambles?"
"Well," he responds, pushing off from the marble surface and shuffling into the living room. "I always figure Haru will eventually see the truth that he was just some guy not cut out for her. Show her that the guy meant for her is closer than you think, you know? Me."
"And then Jun…"
His chin jerks as you approach him. "It's never been me. No matter how many times I’ve tried convincing her. And I was so sure it’d turn around this time."
"I thought Jun and I would have something," you fiddle with your fingers, "I didn't know how off I was. Like I never even had a chance."
Chan shakes his head in disbelief. "How did things end up like this? Feels like we're stuck in some bad romantic comedy where everyone's paired up with the wrong person."
You shrug, "I wish I knew."
"To think that we were the ones who could have benefited the most from this, only for it to fail, huh?"
"We're a pathetic pair, aren't we?" You laugh bitterly.
He echoes your laughter. "Yeah…"
At that moment, your eyes exchange a blend of empathy, a silent understanding of the disappointment you both are consumed by in that moment; an unspoken acknowledgment of how awry your lives have become.
"It's crazy that he met someone like you," he admits, avoiding your eyes.
"Why do you say that?"
"Well, you're beautiful," he looks up, his gaze sincere. "Even before all the scheming. It's surprising Jun didn't try to approach you first."
Heat creeps against your cheeks, flustered by his honesty. "Maybe that would've changed things, hmm?"
"Maybe," he smiles. "I'm sorry things didn't go as planned… and I'm sorry that I blew up on you before."
You shake your head, a mixture of understanding and regret in your expression. "You didn't mean it. We were both hurt and devastated… I suppose I projected that onto Seungcheol when I had the chance."
"And it's amazing, the best expression I see on his face. He looked human for once," he adds with a light-hearted chuckle.
"Still, I feel a little bad. Maybe I was kind of harsh. I was just so…"
"Frustrated? That everything you worked towards didn’t go exactly how you want?"
"Yeah. I admit that my feelings right now are a little jumbled up, but I still really like him.."
"Maybe this was a sign for both of us to move different paths. Do something we otherwise wouldn’t do to…get over this?"
You tilt your head curiously. "Do you think we can actually do that?"
“I think you can.” He shrugs, crossing his arms. "I, on the other hand, might take some time."
You extend an open palm toward him. "Shake on it? That we’ll move forward from this."
Chuckling at the ridiculous offer, he reaches out and accepts your hand, fingers curling around yours with a gentle, reassuring grip. The warmth of your hand melds seamlessly with his own, sending a subtle shiver down your spine. You notice how his palm envelops your slightly smaller one, a natural alignment that feels surprisingly right.
When you look up, a subconscious voice prods you with questions threatening the gravity of this premature pact. And all of a sudden, things escalate from there in the blink of an eye. You could never explain how your mouth ends up on his; too lost in the softness of his lips to wonder how it can feel so natural.
For a fleeting moment, Chan snaps out of his trance, distancing himself with his hands planted on your shoulders. His eyes search for answers, blinking frantically as if committing sin for the first time. "W-What are you doing?"
"I-I don't know. I thought maybe this is what you had meant?"
"No, not exactly, but—"
"Do you not want to? Did I make it weird?"
"No, I–,” he pauses to think, lightheaded from the lack of oxygen. “I've never had someone kiss me like that before. I'm not really sure how to process it."
"Well, you can reject me, and I can move on?" you tease, tension thick in the atmosphere.
He shakes his head with parted lips, rapidly closing the space between you with sudden determination. “Instead…”
His mouth meets yours cautiously before chasing after your pace; hands finding your body eagerly, cataloging your figure for the first time. The coolness of your exposed skin registers beneath his fingertips, palms gliding across your soft curves.
You lean into him, softly moaning as your lips part open, and you taste his experimentation. When your hand finds the wet tips of his hair, you comb through from behind, deepening your union before stumbling backward into the single sofa.
Before you could clumsily fall backward, Chan claims your hip to pull you out of the way, only to clutch you like a personal vice. You're startled, releasing from him momentarily to read his intentions, and instead finding him dazed and disoriented.
“Wait, what are we doing?” You ask sincerely, catching your breath.
Chan ponders your question slowly and a metaphorical lightbulb flashes above his head before he blurts out, “I’m a virgin!”
Your eyes slightly widen, taken back by the words coming from his lips. “I didn’t mean—I mean me too, but you probably figured that out.”
His eyes grow as big as saucers. “I don’t know why I said that, that’s not probably what this was—“
“It can be,” you look down, batting your eyes, “If that’s what you wanted?”
“Is that what you wanted?”
You look back up, gulping down a lump in your throat. “I wouldn’t mind it.”
“Are you sure? Swapping virginities?”
You groan. “Swapping—god, what are you in? High school?”
“It’s a serious question,” he answers defensively, “I don’t wanna be—I don’t wanna put you in a position that makes you uncomfortable. It should be something we both want.”
You nod gingerly, “I want to.”
He squints at you. “You haven’t been drinking—“
“No I haven’t,” you interject, irritation simmering beneath your reply from all the questions.
“So we’re really doing this? And you don’t think you’ll back down?”
His shirt wrinkles in your hold, forcing him to meet your eyes as you assert, “We deserve this more than anyone.”
You feel like a pair of sloppy sexually deprived teenagers.
Everything feels new the moment you enter his bedroom, glued to one another like flies in a sugar trap. Clumsily, Chan manages to tug off his shirt and press his bare, taut torso against you; every inch of his skin blistering against your own.
You gasp as he crowds you onto the bed with the simple maneuvering of his lips, urging you to lower yourself into the comfort of his worn-in scent in his sheets. He crawls over you, arms bracketing your figure and backing you up against the bed frame before he escapes your liplock. You finally look at him; sweat kissing his forehead, pink heat covering his entire body, and his erection almost bursting at the seams of his jeans.
You’ve never seen one so close before, unable to look away from its bold presence. Chan instinctively lowers his hands, blocking your view. The pink travels up to his ears and cheeks, lips quivering as he warns, “You’re staring.”
You swallow your nerves, “Well, you know. I’m…taking it all in.”
Chan snorts with amused laughter.
You roll your eyes, “Stop it.”
“You walked into that all on your own.”
“Just do the damn thing already.”
Chan’s moments of shock continue to expand. “You want it already? You don’t want, like, foreplay or anything?”
“I don’t know! I’ve never done this before.”
“Okay, okay. Let’s just make sure you’re wet enough. So uh, do I have permission to undress you?”
You feign a semblance of confidence, hoping to mask the underlying apprehension. “Y-yeah, whatever.”
He leans in to reach for the zipper on the back of your top, gradually sliding it down. The cool touch of the metal ghosts along your spine, sending shivers cascading through your entire body. Holding on to your gaze, you watch as he finishes laying you bare and tosses the articles of clothing aside. Chan takes his time marveling, noting every blemish and curve, retaining it to his memory bank and he grins. “You really are beautiful.”
“Shut up,” you huff before kicking him gently.
He laughs into your lips before moving on to your bottoms and slipping the fabric down past your legs. You can tell his gaze shifts facing you only in your underwear, like crossing foreign territory, Chan seems hesitant to tread lines. “You’ll tell me if somethings wrong, right?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Okay, I’m going in now.”
His hand lingers to the height of his chest. “Here I go, with my fingers—oh do you give me consent—“
“Yes! I give you consent. Just please hurry up.” You wince. “I’m nervous enough as is, but I trust you.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Finally, his hands make it underneath your underwear, finding your wet fold immediately.
You quietly gasp, “Oh, well that’s really new.”
He looks back up at you curiously. “If I fuck up—“
“I’ll tell you,” you reassure.
“Right. Okay.” Chan says more to himself than you.
He presses two fingers against your slit, letting them sink in soak in your arousal. His gaze fills with anticipation as he watches your reaction each pass of his fingers discovering more and more. His digits move deeper inside, softly stroking you and massaging fluttering walls, earning a small squeak you attempt to silence with your fist.
“Did that hurt?”
You shake your head furiously.
“Then it felt good?”
A nod.
He gives a relieved smile. “Good.”
His thumb strokes above your heat, somehow finding the thing so many people joke about being impossible to locate, and Chan did. Out of all men.
The back of your head knocks against his bed frame, suppressing your moans behind closed lips.
“You like that too?” He asks, circling around the raised flesh.
You nod again more gingerly. “Yes…”
“Am I moving slow enough?”
“You can move faster…”
It takes some time before Chan finds a comfortable pace, but once he reaches it, you grow limp under his touch. Your eyes flutter in response, small gasps leaving you. You continue to shyly guide him. Faster, harder, deeper. And finally—
“Oh gosh,” you twist the sheets underneath you, “that’s so good, keep going.”
He does as you ask, moving at your desired tempo. You writhe uncontrollably, hips bucking to chase his fingers. Nothing could stop the expressions between your lips, calling his name without meaning to while heat festered all over your body. Pride blooms within him and he's determined to see you through.
His efforts are rewarded when he feels you clench around his fingers. As excitement fuels him, he lets his last thrusts penetrate the deepest they’ve gone, and he hears what a climax sounds like for the first time in person.
You distance yourself with an empty kick, taking in the overwhelming sensations before you letting yourself continue. “Chan, oh my god…”
“Was that…did I—“
“Yes, you idiot,” You move quickly, grabbing him by the back of his neck to reconnect, and dress down until there's nothing between you.
Your bodies become a singular system, forging an invisible bond.
His hand wraps around his exposed cock, generously stroking himself to grow bigger, harder, thick enough to assure your satisfaction. Bigger is always better, right?
“That hurts a little bit…” you resound honestly.
The tip of Chan’s cock hardly makes himself known at your entrance, adjusting to your untouched heat stretched around his size. He gently pulls out, rubbing the condom-covered tip against your dripping slit.
“It’s a good pain,” You clarify, “Just take it slow.”
Gradually, Chan divulges deeper with your permission, hearing the bliss of your moans as you part way and give in to his length. You clutch his arm, steadying yourself with short breaths, counting the beat of your heart.
“It hurts?” He asks, eyes brimming with concern.
“I want it to move inside me.”
Chan swallows, forcing his attention back on the task at hand, stretching you out as he rolls his hips. He moans at your walls clenching around him, absorbed in the embrace that made him longingly ache for more.
You softly whimper, rolling your head back and accepting him, tensing up your lower body. “Mmh-hmm, so that’s what it feels like…”
“It’s good?”
“It’s the start of good.”
He scoffs, not too impressed by half-compliment. “Thanks?”
“W-we’re getting there. Are you ok?” You chuckle, feeling his length wedge deeper in your walls.
“I’m nervous, honestly,” He says, writhing. “But you feel really good.”
“So do you.”
Lowering down, he connects your lips with his smile, moving languidly as he rocks inside you. Your legs border his sides, claiming his shoulders and pressing yourself closer to him. Sighs slip between kisses with each desperate grind against his hips, pushing him deeper. The curve of your back harshens, fitting into his figure and taking every snap of his hips. The pad of your fingers digs into his flesh as you buck into him, his soft words of praise whispering into every liplock.
The end is blurred between shattered expectations and unspoken mourning. Between the sheets of his bed you connect again and again in hope to chase away the pain.
Navigating the realm of intimacy for the first time was expected to be awkward, and, in some ways, it was. However, with Chan, someone you find more like-minded than originally anticipated, a sense of comfort that alleviated the untamed anxious thoughts. You realize it’s what you needed these past couple of months.
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fireflykaizoku · 2 years
bbyy hiii ❤❤❤ ahhh saw your event and I have to come running right away to your ask box!!!
Can I please have the prompt “Do I really have to spell it out for you? I love you! Are you happy now?” for you-know-who-i'm-going-to-ask-but-yes-it-is-Ace-by-the-way?😉😉😉 Hmmm, and I will choose the road trip for places, and F!reader if you may <3333
Thank you so much in advance and ily🥰
rin my loveee hellooo! i had no idea you'd request for ace, it was a surprise! 👀😩 okay i had such a cute idea for this, i hope you like it! i love youu ❤
When your best friend, Ace, invited you to go on a roadtrip with him, you gladly accepted without asking when or where to. Being able to spend time with him was something you cherished, not only because he could light up the room, but because he was more than just a best friend. You liked him more than you wanted to like, but confessing was never part of your plans.
His brother, Thatch, was driving while Sabo was in the passenger seat. You, Ace and Luffy were in the backseat. Being in a car so close to your crush for hours made you a bit nervous, and the looks his brothers were giving weren't helping. You wondered if the three of them knew about your feelings for Ace. Were you that obvious? No, it couldn’t be. There was probably another reason.
You both listened to music together, watched a movie, and you even fell asleep with your head on his shoulder. On the first stop, you went to buy a snack while Ace and his brothers were outside filling the tank. They seemed to be giggling and whispering something, while Ace seemed to be flustered. But the moment they saw you approaching them, they changed the subject. This happened three times, and it was starting to make you anxious and quite annoyed. It felt like they were talking about you for some reason.
You stopped at a gas station, it was late at night and you didn’t want to walk alone. So of course, Ace, being protective as always, escorted you to the restroom while waiting outside, and then went to the convenience store with you to buy some snacks. You walked outside and saw Sabo and Thatch giggling and looking at you and the freckled boy. It was enough.
— Ace, what the hell is going on? Every time I approach your brothers, they seem to stop talking as if I was the subject. If I’m bothering you, you can tell me and I…
— You don’t bother, it’s the opposite… — he interrupted you, his throat was getting dry by now.
— What? The opposite? — you crossed your arms.
— Do I really have to spell it out for you? I love you! Are you happy now? — he said, cheeks red at this point, crossing his arms and looking away. He didn’t mean to be acting childish right now, but a part of him was getting ready in case you didn’t feel the same. Ace thought it’d be a way for him to protect his own feelings. — I love you… In every possible way, alright?
Your heart almost skipped a beat hearing his sudden confession. Something you’ve dreamt of for so long, something you fantasized and desired for who knows how long now. You realized you were taking too long to reply, and worried that he would think your silence was an answer, you tried to say something. Anything.
— For how long? — you whispered, breaking the silence.
— I don’t remember. Long enough. — he shrugged. — Look, I’m sorry, alright? They’ve been telling me to confess for weeks now, and during this whole trip they kept wiggling their eyebrows whenever we were talking. — Ace rolled his eyes. — It got me nervous because… I know you don’t feel the same. But at least I can tell them I tried.
It didn’t even feel real. The man you loved was confessing, and he had feelings for you for so long. But he was so worried about your reaction that he never noticed you felt the same for him.
— I can’t believe I wasted all this time! — you exclaimed, making the man tilt his head and give you a puzzled look. — All this time I was swallowing my feelings, thinking you only saw me as a best friend, and now you tell me you feel the same? Here, in a gas station in the middle of nowhere, you decide to confess?
The dark haired man didn’t even know if you were upset, angry or if you were happy. Your words seemed to be a confession, but your voice was a bit hard to decipher.
— What I mean is… That I love you too, Ace. — you whispered with a soft smile on your lips.
The man’s heart was beating so fast, and he smiled wide. He felt a mix of happiness and relief, knowing that his heart wouldn’t be broken, and would be in good hands if you wanted to.
— Finally, love birds! — Thatch cheered, making you both feel embarrassed. — Now get in the car, but I’ll already let you know that you two won’t be sharing the bedroom in the beach house… I’ll need to keep an eye on you.
You both still needed to talk. After all, there were a lot of things you two needed to explain and decide, but there was no rush, you still had a few hours left in the car with him.
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sitaaronkepaar · 7 years
Daily Rikara Ramblings
Okay, starting the epi. God knows what’s in store for us today. Kinda excited for sulkyKara though. 😂😂😂
Hope it’s a cactus, hope it’s a cactus, hope it’s a cactus, hope it’s a fucking cactus…… 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
Pinky looks so hopeful, I bet it’s a cactus lol.
Everyone is low-key amused and smirking lol.
Poor pinky, but you brought this on yo'self bisssh!!
“Pinky!!!! Kyu bhadhak rahi hai?”
It’s like you don’t know your bahu at all daadi. 😐😐😐 Jab non issues pe itna bhadakati hai toh aaj toh solid bezzati hui hai lmao 😂😂😂😂
“Main kaise khel sakta hu……..gauri hi nahi hai”
Aww, Omkara seems so sad. Poor bbyy. 😢
“ab toh aa gaye hum”
Omkie’s face be like, “aap aaye bahaar aayi” 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Loooool look at him rushing to his wife’s side 😂😂😂
Do they really have to show reaction shots of every single person in the room? It looks borderline creepy. Ugh, These Oberois and their unhealthy shipping. 🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕
Omkara bas ek statue ki tarah khada ho gaya hai. Kuch toh bol bhai 😑😑😑
Omkara’s like why do i always get stuck with idiots. 😂😂😂😂
Aww, chubby, you so cute 😘😘😘😘😘
Omkara throwing up his hands in the air is me when i watch this show. LMFAOOO. 😂😂😂
Frustrated chirota is frustrated 😂😂😂😂😂
Gauri asking for divine intervention is also me when I watch this show. 😂😂😂😂😂
Awww, shankarji HALPED! Bro, why don’t you ever help me when I ask for it 😫😫😫😫
Aww, Saathiya ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Aww, they’re holding hands and Omkara’s sweet smile. Sighhhhh 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Gosh, forget the way Omkara looks at Gauri. The way Gauri looks at him is just ♥️. So much love and adoration packed into a single look. Fuck, Omkara is so fucking lucky. 10 janamo me kuch bahut acche karam kiye honge, tab jaake Gauri jaisi biwi mili hai. But does this ass appreciate his good luck? Nope. 😒😒😒
Shit, ab Omkara ki bari? Why do i think he’s gon fuck it up? 😑😑😑
Lol is this scene written by a Rikara fangirl? 😂😂
I just hope his shayari isn’t as bad as his paintings. I think I might have to take a break for a few years if it’s anything like that lol.
“O cheenkta bhi hai toh bhi iski naak se 3-4 sher toh nikal hi aate hai”
Fuckin rudy, i can’t 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Looks like omkara has given this some srs thought before lol. 😏😏😏😏😏
I can’t
I can’t
This is so beautiful you guys
I can’t
“Tere mere beech juda hai ek rishta anjaane me,
Ek chota sa kissa kab badal gaya afsaane me,
Waqt ki gullak ke sabh lamhe tere naam pe kharach hue; aadhe tujhe satane me, aur aadhe tujhe manane me.
Ab dil ko tujh se kaam hai kya, iss rishtey ka naam hai kya,
main aur dil dono uljhe hai iss masle ko suljhane me.”
Omg omkara never talk normally again. Always talk in shayari. Always. Cause normally toh you suck at conveying your feelings but THIS.IS.SO.BEAUTIFUL. GAURI’S SO TOUCHED AND SO AM I. FORGET GAURI, RUN AWAY WITH ME. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Btw, my hindi/urdu is thodi kharab so i dunno wtf gullak or whatever the word he used is. So if someone could help me, it’d be much appreciated. Also, sorry if i got it wrong. But man i just couldn’t help myself from writing it down.
Oy, vey! He noticed the “you”. Aaj kal bahut attentive ho gaya hai omkara. 😘♥️
Watching this scene only for chubby. He’s so cute, i just want to pinch his cheeks. Lol.
Thank God finally mahurat nikal gya. 😌😌😌😌
But why were they even celebrating these rasams without mahurat? Then again, it’s not as if these rasams actually exist. Apni hi mann marzi ki rasame hai. 🙄🙄🙄
Aww, Shivaay’s so excited. Qyut!!
Lol. IBverse me toh 7 din bhi 7 mahinon ki tarah drag hote hain. Lord gimme strength to endure this pain. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
“Chalo, finally Shivaay ki shaadi fix ho gayi hai, FINALLY”
Omkara is Me, i am omkara 😂😂😂
Ring ceremony? AGAIN? KITNI BAAR KARENGE YE RING CEREMONY? *flips table*
Hain? Yahan 10 saal se shivika ki rasme hi chal rahi hai and bhavya ki shaadi bhi ho gai? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 Is this a dream? 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Lol, dream hi tha. Gosh, rudra, you’re so lame. Ffwding
Yeh kya, apne hi gehne utar k de diye? Yeh Oberois kuch zyada hi rich hai. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Ghar k beton ne bada naam roshan kiya hai jo daadi bahuon ko lecture de rahi hai. Meh. 😑
Mattress k neeche? Amateur move Gauri! Saath hi kyu nahi le jaati? Ya phir apne underwear drawer me daal de. Ain’t nobody gon look there(unless Omkie’s a pervert lol) 😏😏😏😏😏😏
Lol, again no bhaav. 😂😂😂😂😂
Oh, shit! Is this fucker going to misunderstand her again? God, if he so much as utters a word against gauri toh mujhe koi sambhal lena pls. I’ve legit lost all my patience with this guy.
Hain, yeh kaunsa moment hai Saathiya play karne ka? Kahin bhi chipka dete hai, but jaha chipkana hota hai waha jane nahi denge tujhe chalate hai 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Omg yeh epi pakka kisi Rikara fan ne likha hai. Like they’re seriously conversing without any bakwas and gol gol me baatein karna. This is something every Rikara fan’s been waiting for since aggeeeeessssss.
And, Omkara’s finally explaining his pov. 😱😵😵😵
Ab main kya kahun, at least watch this part if nothing else.
“hum kuch kehte hai, toh bhi aap hamein galat samjhte hai”
Love that tea, queen. Keep pouring ☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕
All this samajh, samajh overdose is reminding me of that old tongue twister, “samajh samajh k samajh ko samajho, jo ye na samajhen, woh nasamajh hai” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
“gauri, main apni galtiyon k liye maafi maang chuka hun, that means I’ve accepted it”
Maafi mangi hai ya daya ki hai? Maafi mangne ka point tab hota if you didn’t keep misunderstanding her, fucker. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
“ek do din k liye bahar jaa rahe hai”
But raat ko toh chunri and engagement ceremony hai? Who wrote this scene? Ib ki incompetence at display again. 🙄🙄🙄
And again queen leaves him standing 👏👏👏👏👏
But wait……….this must be the first time he’s stopped her. Be still my heart 💘💘💘💘
Lol, “have a safe trip” klpdddddd 😂😂😂😂😂
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