#benny a work in progress lmao
holybananaoafshoe · 6 months
Team Dynamics 🐺
Scary Dog Privilege 1/10
Xiao, Zhongli, Benny, Kazuha
I’m not going to stop with the Tired Ice Dads, but I definitely need to start the Fontaine quests before doing more on them lmao. Buuuuuuuut, I have other main teams on my account that I shove together, and after doing the Ice Dads, I started cackling about the crack energy this group would have.
A little taste to enjoy~
Zhongli just wanted to fucking retire and flirt with Child but that’s besides the point.
He can’t help that his adopted son just does not have a single ounce of self-preservation in his body.
He morally can’t let him go off on his own too much, or else he’d get gray hairs from having to run to his rescue last minute *cough* the chasm *cough*
That and Xiao has been having a lot of issues with his karmic debt lately.
While he doesn’t like Barbatos, Rex Lapis can’t let his last adepti die like his siblings had he can’t fail him like the others, so he could swallow his pride and ask Batbatos to erase Xiao’s karmic debt.
And if he can help Xiao, that's an added bonus.
Or force him into some self care
He’s not exactly in the team yet. He just comes by to check on them every once in a while.
Much to Xiao’s distaste, his dad has been following him around--he’s a very capable adepti, thanks.
He really is, technically, he’s the strongest since Zhongli has to hold back his power now.
But, he secretly likes that Zhongli is looking out for him.
And maaayyybbeeee he enjoys listening to Zhongli talk about random things and lowkey put historians in their place.
Xiao meets Kazuha and Benny by chance tbh.
Kazuha was minding his business, honest, and wandering around the plains of Liyue because the Crux’s crew was taking a break from the sea.
He was lounging on a rock, playing a tune on a leaf, when the wind picked up and told him someone was in danger.
(listen, I don’t know how it works either. He’s just very in tune with nature ig).
So, he couldn’t just ignore the call… and he’s nosey, so sue him if he wanted to know what was up.
Low and behold, it was poor Bennett fighting off a Mantichural.
Look… it wasn’t his fault!!!
How was he supposed to know that climbing up a rock formation (it was more like a mini mountain really) to get a better idea of where he was, because of course he was lost, would end up with him tripping on a mist flower (yes a mist flower), falling off said rock formation, and land him on top of a very pissed Mantichural?!?!?!?!?
Not him!!!!
He was just trying to go on commissions for the guild!
Benny was handling it pretty okay, but the poor boy was having a rough day and was extremely grateful that Kazuha had come along to help.
Between the two, they were doing pretty solid.
Xiao heard the commotion and came over. It is his duty to make sure the citizens and travelers of Liyue were safe after all.
Both are very impressed and somewhat scared at how fast Xiao defeats the Mantichural.
He takes them to Wangshu Inn, and everyone thought they would part ways after that.
After hearing about Benny’s adventures, Kazuha decides to team up with him because he’s honestly worried about his safety.
Xiao winds up saving them both like five more times before joining them because he’s sick of saving them every hour.
He was headed to Liyue Harbor anyway.
The two are thankful, but his quiet demeanor and straight-to-the-point personality is off-putting.
They finally get to Liyue Harbor and part ways….
Not lmao
Xiao saves Benny from drowning in the harbor and finds a frantic Kazuha about ready to jump in the sea after the kid.
Literally, Xiao was just passing by after meeting with Madam Ping when he saw them.
Soon after that, he winds up saving Benny from choking on food during the diner. Benny and Kazuha invited him to thank him.
He really tried to tell them it wasn’t necessary, but Benny’s dads taught him well, and he’s going to properly thank Xiao.
Fuck, guess Xiao has to look after them now bc this dumbass is going to keep him awake at night.
So he joins Benny’s team :)
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rokurookajima · 12 days
What headcannons you have if Rock became corrupted? If he turned into a crime lord? And how the lagoon crew would react?
ohhhh i love this ask!! i actually wrote a fic sort of addressing my thoughts on this, lagoon crew years down the line (not to like .. plug my own work LMAO but it’s called Green Gloves, on ao3 & definitely close to the top of my black lagoon tag)
BUT more or less. i think dutch and benny would just accept it, they see the writing on the wall as is, and they’re too nihilistic to get in the way. they know that’s just how it is
revy on the other hand….i think it chews her up. i think he chews her up and spits her out — or that’s at least how she’d perceive it. i think she’d try to follow him as long as possible, because he is literally everything to her and in her view, by the end of the anime she has no purpose but to follow him, to protect him. but i imagine there’d be a point where she just …can’t anymore. for whatever reason that is. rock is not good at showing his appreciation for her — we can see that in the gun and bullet conversation. revy says “it’s not fair” — and it’s not, but it changes nothing for her. but if rock went too far, i think it’s fair to imagine he would leave her behind. probably passively, because i don’t think he could ever tell her to leave , but i think even revy has her limits. she doesn’t know how to love him if he’s not her white knight, like fabiola said. she doesn’t stop loving him, she never would, but she can’t get nothing in return forever. no one could.
and rock is jaded as fuck — i think he can’t see past what he perceives as his own failures ie: the people he’s failed to save. and in his eyes, the biggest failure is that he never could’ve saved revy, and everyone he wants to save is a proxy for the guilt he feels that he could not have “saved” her. but what he’s blind is that he already has, he already saved revy. i don’t think that’s the only driving force to send him toward corruption, but it’s definitely in the foundation. he has tunnel vision going forward, and revy isn’t in his line of sight. she’s behind him, following, protecting, always. but he can’t see her anymore. he sees power going forward, and he keeps moving toward it.
and when they reach the point where revy just can’t fucking do it anymore, she’d have to wonder — does rock even notice? does it even make a difference?
she’s the gun who ignited him; she had a hand in making him what he becomes. she’d ask did she do this to herself in the long run?
ofc i don’t want this outcome lmaooo i don’t relish this thought because I WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY!!! but i feel in the tone of the series, esp the bleaker it feels as rock progresses toward the darkness , it is the realistic one and boy i do love a tragedy, and revy is most certainly doomed by the narrative. it hurts. they kill me…. literally 10 years since they became my literal actual fucking ONE TRUE PAIRING and they still make me so sad
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probablylilly · 1 year
hey!! can you tell more about your courier please? and what kind of relationship they have with benny hehehe 👀
thank you so much for the ask!! (also big fan of your work :))
this made me realize that i never actually mentioned her name lmao, it's juniper, but she mostly goes by june
i am actually in the process of changing her outfit a little bit after getting some inspiration from ulysses and his cool duster
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(a work in progress, not a final version)
decided to go full leather jacket and give her sleeves back, the idea is that the jacket was plain black at the beginning of the game with only the courier duster 21 logo, but she kept adding patches to it throughout her journey through the mojave (i will honestly need to make a separate reference sheet just for the jacket 😔😔)
has charisma of 10 and her tag skills are speech, sneak and guns, so she loves saying she's a lover, not a fighter and prefers solving problems with words, but will not say no to a good gunfight
only loyal to herself and her ideals, isn't big on greater good and stuff like that
she is also a huge hoarder, carrying a backpack filled with various random items she finds in her journeys, notable items include: many pressure cookers, garden gnomes, acoustic guitar
the shot in the head made her rethink how she actually wanted to live her life, but i'm still kind of deciding on her backstory because i've only ever played new vegas so far and i'm not caught up with all the fallout lore,,
her relationship with benny honestly started off as a gag after i made a joke about her only being attracted to people who want to kill her, but i decided to keep it because the interactions with benny are genuinely the funniest shit in the game and i love him as a character
i like to imagine that their relationship lasted longer than a few minutes? hours? (idk how much credit i wanna give benny) and they did talk more before him fleeing to the fort, but she still killed him there and took over his plan with yes man, a little out of her own ambition and also because she thought that benny would probably try to kill her again if he escaped,,
(i do have a little au idea where benny survives and him and my courier end up working together with yes man)
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Hi! 🙂
Ok, now I need to see Benny, or to know more about Benny and the time loop...
OH BOY!! You have no idea what you have just unleashed :}
Okay so Benny is from my original story Time and Again which I have been working on for about a year? Maybe 2? I haven’t made very much progress but I have a vague idea of where it’s going?
TaA is about Prince Benjamin of the White Pine Kingdom who’s on his way to his 8th (iirc) betrothal hearing (man has been rejected once a year for 7 years…). He’s accompanied by his Knight and Guard Sir Aspen of the Glade who at one point was his best friend until they both became to busy with their duties. Aspen came back into his life when they were both 18 and he was stationed as one of the prince’s main guards but their relationship was never as close as it once was.
Now they’re 25 and have no idea how to talk to each other without an underlying sense of awkward professionalism.
On their way to the meeting, they’re attacked by a group of lizard men with smokey eyes who take out a bunch of their men. Aspen is able to take them down but ends up mortally wounded. While comforting Aspen Benny is taken out by one of the lizard men who had one last burst of energy.
As he lay dying he makes a silent wish for a second chance and you’ll never guess what happens next… he wakes up back in bed with a very healthy Aspen greeting him like he had that morning.
A part of me wants to continue rambling about the plot but the other part of me wants to keep it a secret lmaoooo
Currently the only stuff I have done for it is a sketched out PMV, an unfinished animatic, a confession scene that I will probably rewrite but had to unleash it on the world, a story playlist, and like 1 actual image of Benny
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It’s main inspirations are: Re: Zero and like a handful of Stranger Things Steddie time loop fanfics back when I still liked Stranger Things. Now that I’ve played In Stars and Time there might be some influence from there too (specifically Loop influencing TaA’s Goddess of Life and Death)
I love my fucked up little guy… he goes through so many horrors and he’s burrowed so deep in my brain.
I may write a lil Time Infection AU piece based on that one post about telling someone about the loops and having them be pulled in. I think that would absolutely break Benny’s lil mind.
Like imagine…
You’re shouldering all of this trauma loop after loop, watching the man you love die because you’re too weak to save him. There’s a part of you that’s so pitifully lonely and another part that’s relieved that he’s oblivious to it all. That he won’t have to deal with the pain and suffering you do.
One loop you slip up, you finally break down and come clean. You tell him everything, the death, the loops, how you love him. He loves you too, he always has, he never stopped.
And then he dies. Again. The loop starts over.
You wake up and to your abject horror he doesn’t say his usual starting lines. Instead he looks to you with pain and confusion and TERROR. He remembers. He doesn’t remember all of it but he remembers the past loop. He remembers dying. He remembers you love him.
He remembers…
He’s not supposed to remember.
Yeah… like ughhh it’s such a good concept but it doesn’t work in the story I have written!!!! But I wanna write it ANYWAY!!!!
Also thank you so much for asking about him!! Sorry for going wacky crazy mode lmao, I’m going to go work on his PMV a little more now tee hee!
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blookmallow · 6 months
so i went after benny. walking through caesar's camp was a thoroughly unpleasant experience, i do not care for a single one of them but i didnt want to start shit since i knew there was no way i could fight them all off and i figured if they're gonna be stupid enough to invite me in im gonna take advantage and steal as much information as i can (which... unless im forgetting something i dont think i ever actually got to do anything with any of the info i found?? maybe there's more if you progress further in the ncr plotline than i did i guess)
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this is how i feel about legionnaires 💖
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god. they have children in here. i truly hate to think what a generation who grew up like this would be like. i dont even know what the solution is here. how to you even approach something like this
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i dont know how i was supposed to feel about finding benny like this. it didn't feel vindicating or satisfying to me at all. it just felt kind of pathetic. i know this man tried to kill me multiple times but i just had no desire for revenge. i honestly wanted to let him go but i tried a few times and he just kept getting dead immediately so i went to like. research if its Possible to get him out alive and it seems like even if you're REALLY determined nothing really happens and he just kind of vanishes from the game anyway. seems like he was Supposed to die here one way or another. i decided the machete duel was the most in line with my character - if i cant choose mercy (whether he deserves it or not, doesn't matter) im at least going to make it fair
fighting him with a knife and nothing else felt very. barbaric somehow. i did not like how it made me feel. but i like that it made me feel that, if that makes any sense. i dont know if it was supposed to feel like a victory or revenge but it just kind of felt like "what are we doing here, what is any of this for, why are we fighting like animals" and i feel like that goes... pretty well with the overall vibe/message of this game. war never changes and nobody ever wins, eye for an eye leaves everyone blind, etc, etc
i dont know, something about this whole section felt real heavy to me. i think my courier has some pretty serious trauma over it. i didn't go back to talk to caesar after the fight or anything. i just left. i just wanted to get away from them all
im headcanoning that the legion gave my courier benny's stuff as a like "to the victor go the spoils" type deal since, like, i wasn't just gonna leave it there but it wouldn't really make sense for her to go out of her way to go grab his suit lmao
anyway she kept them but doesn't use them for anything. she has no desire to Display them like trophies but felt the need to keep them anyway. i think probably she still uses his lighter. claims its just useful and she doesn't care where it came from but i think it means Something to her. reminder of the past. i dont know
ANYWAY. that's. that on that
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i dont think that counts as a bed
i really dont understand the brotherhood of steel, like, they kinda weird me out and i dont get what their whole deal is but they haven't really done anything ive observed that was like... blatantly Evil or anything. i ultimately chose to just leave them alone bc i dont want them as my enemy and i just didn't see any good reason to kill them all. mr house told me to kill them. the ncr told me to kill them. yes man kinda went oooookay! terrible idea, but you're the boss! when i said i didn't want to. i dont understand what they're trying to do but i don't see why mass murder is necessary here either
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i love super mutants though. i love this guy
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i love this guy as well. i also feel like i probably shouldn't have supported the great khans, i know they're drug dealers who frequently work with fiends and raiders but like. when i tried to negotiate peacefully they were willing to work with me and i convinced them not to support the legion so i feel like that's a win. i dont know i really just went into most conflict situations in this game from a "how can i resolve this problem with the least amount of unnecessary violence possible" standpoint and was repeatedly quite impressed with the number of times i had that option. new vegas really gives you a lot of different ways to deal with a situation before you have to pull a gun on someone. i have connections all over the mojave, i have a lot of science/medical skill points and can usually find a way to pass a skill check one way or another, you really don't have to kill people all that often if you're willing to pull some strings
i pretty much only directly oppose/kill on sight if it's legion or fiends. both of which have a history of Known Rapists. legion has slaves. fiends mutilate people and leave their bodies hanging outside their camps. i feel like im justified there
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i found some aliens??? wake up america
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i really appreciate whoever felt the need to update this old sign
people making use of whatever busted up remains of civilization they can find is one of my favorite parts about fallout games i still love the novac thing
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the textures on this entire section of ground broke. thanks bethesda
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and this. as well
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and that robot over there which was awkwardly scooting backwards for a good 30 seconds before it finally got back on track
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what is happening here
this was a weird wasteland perk thing but i dont understand it in the slightest
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fallout-lou-begas · 3 years
You probably get this a lot lolll
But I didn't like Cass until I read your comics
Funnily enough, I do get this a lot! It just means my aggressive pro-Cass propaganda is working.
And that's actually not entirely a joke...Cass definitely seems to me the least popular human companion, at least as far as I can tell, and I can see why. She has an abrasive personality that's not endearingly sarcastic like Raul or intriguingly curt like Boone's. She's just blunt, and she doesn't give people any respect or courtesy that she feels they're not owed. But what I love about her so much is that beneath that bluntness is someone with strong principles and standards (her willingness to not only abandon Evil Karma couriers but to literally cuss your shit out before she does or even try to kill you for being too evil is the most prominent demonstration of this in-game, but my other favorite part of this is that it's canon, in-game, that she is willing to support you getting revenge on Benny because one of the "rules of the wastes" is not to fuck with who brings you your mail). She's older, she's worldly, she's well-traveled, and she has the most reactive dialogue to the player's progress and actions out of all the companions in the game (and that's not including her location-specific lines!). She's a smart woman, not smart like Arcade but very practically smart in ways of survival and business. And there's a depth to her, a sadness, from having her caravan destroyed, as she was very literally content to drink herself to death in Mojave Outpost before being convinced to come out otherwise -- and I feel like getting pulled from the jaws of death like that to get revenge on the people who put her there makes her the single most rich parallel to the courier among all the companions, an angle I lean into very intentionally in IKROAH and "Scar Tissue." It's really funny writing this volume of IKROAH, because Agnes is so soft-spoken and and deferential that it feels a lot more like Cass is the main character and Agnes is the companion! Cass certainly has more agency, and I love that about her and their relationship as companions so far. I think you'll all find the way that develops in Volume 2 to be...compelling.
I also understand people may not be familiar with her just because recruiting her in-game is a pain in the ass lmao. You have to get all the way to Crimson Caravan and then do some busywork for them before backtracking all the way to the Mojave Outpost. She's just so out of the way! In my own playthrough that inspired IKROAH I just used the console to advance that quest to where I had the buyout offer right away, rationalized as picking it up in Primm like in the comic, and if I had more modding knowledge than I did, I'd try to mod the game to make that possible organically.
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cassierobinsons · 2 years
it's no worries! i'm delighted you're answering my asks at all lmao. i really think you and i are on the same wavelength about this show, you're really cool, and you have really good and thoughtful takes.
i blocked that kitsune episode from my memory ugh. it really shouldn't have been a surprise what dabb ended up doing to billie even when she was his character considering how consistently racism creeps into his work.
i'm very sorry you're having to experience season 9, you're very brave to not just skip it. 10 i think is slightly better mainly because it introduces rowena who's a lot of fun and gets some depth as the show goes on (being a hot milf witch also helps a lot) but also mark of cain is not a good time. 12 is a trainwreck in terms of like. watching it as a form of television but the dean and mary scenes hit super hard and feel like they belong on an earlier season that would give them a real resolution.
"like i do not like s8 sam at all but at least there was something going on there! he was a hayes code homophobe and had the haircut of a premade sim but it was something!"
he was soooooo wack about benny lmao. i think it was meant to be portrayed as him projecting his own experiences with ruby but benny literally never did anything wrong so it just made sam look like a dick. which i prefer, i think sam being initially weird about dean being bi as something he never considered is more IC than ex-gsa member sam.
very much agreed on gamble-genuinely interesting ideas but not great execution. i can't think about what happened with lisa without wanting to bite. maybe it's for the best he wasn't paired with cassie instead post swan song because i can't imagine the awful shit they'd pull with her.
(following on from this ask THIS CHAIN IS GETTING LONG LMFAO)
aw thanks anon 😊 i'm enjoying the chance to longform chat about this terrible show.
dabb's racism is easily his worst quality. he's a dean anti and his writing is often mean-spirited but WOW does his racism dwarf everything else.
i've been stuck on s9 since early december and plan on going back to it once i've made some progress catching up on the shows i'm watching rn (namely search party s5, the expanse s5, hacks, AND yellowjackets) so like. realistically i'm not going back until feb lmfao. even then i don't give a shit about the plot rn so i'll only watch eps for cas or when minor characters pop up. i've said this before but the decision to kill kevin off reaaaally weighs on me as being spn's nadir, a real No Melanin Allowed moment. jeremy carver can meet me in the pit, idgaf.
yeah the mark of cain plotline sounds so 😒 and i know what i'm about to say sounds WILD considering the last 3-4 days of dean apologism but ultimately. i am a casgirl who loves dean but not a deangirl so while i love s4 dean's noxious era the prospect of a season and a half of it bores me to tears. toxicity? from a man? groundbreaking. i am looking forward to meeting rowena though. she sounds so cool as a character it's genuinely baffling that a show like spn came up with her.
12 is a trainwreck in terms of like. watching it as a form of television but the dean and mary scenes hit super hard and feel like they belong on an earlier season that would give them a real resolution.
there are a plethora of moments i hear about in the later seasons have me like. damn. this would've been Masterpiece Theatre if it happened 5 years earlier. still, i'm looking forward to watching some of the motws in s12. regarding dean will probably revive brainworms that have lain dormant since my s1-2 deangirl days.
sam was so fucking terrible about benny jdsfdjkfjs and i get that they were trying to parallel it with ruby and especially amy but man. the whole point of the slice girls is that sam killing emma is meant to cancel out the amy thing like pemdas. and it's an evil and wrong point! but it's a point. so having sam get pissy over benny makes him look so bad because bro you literally put a bullet in his daughter, you DO NOT get to be precious about this. but it does lend credence to my personal theory that it's hard for sam to draw from his supposedly deep well of empathy for other supernatural creatures if he cannot directly project his issues onto them 🤭
i've posted briefly about the queer subtext in citizen fang (bonus commentary by @softbrah) and yeah, it is strong evidence that sam has no fucking clue dean desires men carnally. in the secret good s9 that exists in my head dean & human!cas start fucking after like 3 weeks in the bunker and sam is sent into a tailspin.
the lisa&ben thing was gamble being at a 10 when she should've been at a 2. or like a 6 tops. you can tragically bury dean's dreams of being a dad without having him do this horrible thing to his exgf and her son i promise! you don't have to make a writing choice this evil! makes me extremely glad that he didn't go to cassie in canon because gamble handling a black female character is the stuff of nightmares. i do want more deancassie in fic though, stat!
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nanamikeento · 4 years
Follower Milestone Celebration!
A few days ago I realized my audience has grown even more, so I thought of maybe celebrating in a different way. I’ll list some of my mutuals and their masterlists as a way to celebrate them too, because they’re also a part of my followers and I get so much support from them. I also love them very much. So if you don’t follow them, please take a look and consider! Thank you so much for following and putting up with me, lol. 💖✨
@hiscyarika: She has an on going Javier Peña series that I absolutely love with all my heart, and she writes for most of the Pedro Boys, and I love everything she writes. (masterlist)
@vercopaanir: omg, Brandi has a lovely story in progress! I love love her writing style, it makes me Yearn™. I love her version of Din, if you want some dad!Din, she’s the one you should go for! (masterlist)
@forever-rogue: bruh, Patricia writes the best version of Oberyn Martell, In Name Only is literally my fave and I think about it every single day. There’s also a professor!Peña fanfic that sometimes I think about and Yearn. I just love it so much? (masterlist)
@goldafterglow: I present to you, the Ezra Queen. Her words are like poetry and she manages to capture his character so well. Her writing always makes me yearn with her angst and hurt/comfort 🤧 (masterlist)
@bestintheparsec: Lauren is honestly so talented, she writes and make lovely gifs. Her stories are so easy to read and she manages to capture the characters so well! I love her The Same Coin series with Javi, I just love it so much (masterlist)
@hansoulo: lari has a wonderful on going series with Javier Peña that makes me y e a r n. I love it so much. Besides, she writes for other Narcos boys and i love her writing style, so much?! (masterlist)
@aerynwrites: Aeryn is one of the most talented people here. I seriously love everything she posts. She write for Pedro characters and more (apparently for DBH too?? how am i just seeing that??) Anyway, go follow her, she’s so talented and such a sweetheart! (masterlist)
@dindjarindiaries: Molly is the sweetest, most humble mutual I have. She writes fics and little blurbs for Din Djarin and honestly??? She's the Queen. I love her stuff so much and every time she shows up in my notifications I get so happy! (masterlist)
@yespolkadotkitty: If you’re a fan of Pero Tovar you have to read Querida and I’ll Do My Best By You. You just have to. She manages to capture Tovar’s character so well and I love it very much, thanks. (masterlist)
@haildoodles-writing: She’s honestly so talented and sweet! Writes for Pedro characters and dbh as well :’) (masterlist)
@catfishingmorales: Lex doesn’t have a masterlist, but she writes a lot for the Triple Frontier Boys (except for tom, cause f*ck him) and I really recommend if you want to read something sweet and sexy for Benny or Will Miller 🥺
@tiffdawg: Tiff knows I love her professor!Peña version, I freak out whenever she updates it! And she also writes for other characters!! Honestly, she’s such a sweet person, I love her so much! (masterlist)
@agentpike: Marcus Pike Queen. I love her work so much, I don’t think she knows it. I love loveeee her set it up au!!! tbh i wish we were bffs she’s literally the sweetest person!!! (masterlist)
@adikaofmandalore: Adi is so talented and they write Ezra and Jack so in character! I honestly love their writing style and their fics give me the serotonin I need to get through the day! I feel like they’re very underrated and they deserve all the love! pls go follow them, they’re amazing! (masterlist)
@maxlordd: yes, she’s the Maxwell Lord Queen. yes, even though the movie didn’t come out yet. You can see her love for the character, she knows about him a lot and I love that, because you can see she’s read the comics in her writing. And I’m not really a fan of the character but Dreide’s series A Gilded Lie is so good. Honestly, to write such story about the WW1984 without even watching the movie??? Patty Jenkins who?? I love it so much (masterlist)
@huliabitch: Julia writes one of the best smut I’ve ever read?? And she makes beautiful moodboards for her stories too!! Her clan!leader Mando x OFC is amazing!!!! (masterlist)
@softpedropascal: literally the Frankie Morales Queen. She’s got everything covered about him and still manages to come up with more headcannons, written differently and her grasp on his character is so well done. Her Pragma series makes me yearn so much. I love it. (masterlist)
@santigarcia : Taylor’s main blog is currently unfairly flagged for some reason, but if you like Oscar Isaac, she’s the one you should go for! She’s super talented and she writes Santiago Garcia so well and I just love it so much!
@mxndoscyarika: A fellow swiftie who’s talented and wrote one of the best fics for Marcus Pike (yes, I’m still thinking about that cardigan inspired fic), and she also writes a very lovely series with Javier and a chinese reader! (masterlist)
@absurdthirst: She writes a bit of everything and her writing style is so familiar for some reason? I love her smut, she writes it so well! (specially with Pero Tovar 🤧) (masterlist)
@rzrcrst: Also one of the best writers here??? She was the one of the firsts writers that I followed when I joined the fandom and I honestly aspire to be at her level. Her dialogue style is just perfect and I’m in love with the way she writes Ezra (ever since day one), but she also writes for other star wars characters and marvel too!! (masterlist)
@murdermewithbooks: The perfect balance between angst and fluff and smut? Her writing made me cry once and yes that is a compliment! She writes for Pedro characters and I love it so much! (masterlist)
@talesfromtheguild: Honestly she writes the best d*ddy k*nk I’ve ever read? lmao, I love the way she captures Agent Whiskey’s energy even though it’s nothing like he’s in the movie? I don’t know if that makes sense, but it’s just so on point and it makes my tummy churn. I love it. She writes for other Pedro characters too! (masterlist)
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sybilius · 3 years
fic breakdown datasheet
Tagged by @believerindaydreams and @dansedan (in a sense!). Thank you both!
I tag @girlfriendsofthegalaxy, @jaimehwatson and @bibright!
1. How many works on A03? 94.
2. Total A03 word count.  969042
3. Top 5 fics by kudos. 
1- ghosts in the machine (Death Note, my first longfic) 2- acute gifts (The Queen’s Gambit, a short Beth/Benny knifekink one shot that was there at the right place, right time) 3- burn this city (Death Note, my first fic on Ao3 \o/) 4- sword and the pen (Death Note, my second fic) 5- where owls no longer cry (The Old Guard, unfinished multichap) I think this list is useful to see for new ficcers, because it illustrates two key truths (1. the longer your fics are up the more kudos they will have 2. if a fandom is bigger, your fics will have more kudos). Absolutely none of those I would consider my best writing! 
4. Do you respond to comments? Always! I am a commenter myself and it makes me more likely to comment to see the author will write back :) 
5. Fic with the angstiest ending. flowers grown in forgotten lungs, the first fic I was genuinely proud of.  
6. Fic with the happiest ending. Let’s go with clean as our would-be tomorrows since I’ve been thinking about this line a while:
You want to laugh, you want to kiss him back again, you want to take him by the shoulders and ask again what he’s doing here, how you got here, both of you, you want to take the gun off the table under the paper-yellow light, you want him to be the number under your fingertips, the call you wait for every night.
7. Do I write crossovers- I end up writing more AUs or riffs than crossovers, I only think about those occasionally!
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic. Yes, but it was hilariously impersonal. Very transparent who it was and it was very clear they hadn’t even read the damn fic (they were Mad at Me for other reasons, lol)
9. Do you write smut. Awwww hellll yessssss
10. Have I had a fic stolen? Nope!
11. Have I had a fic translated? Not yet!
12. Have I cowritten fic? Yes!!! Favourite activity, shoutout to @dansedan my current cowriter, and @believerindaydreams who I speak fondly of all the time in my current fandom. 
13. Fave ship ever. Oh god that’s so hard I always love whatever ship I’m into the most at the moment. 
14. WIP I’d like to finish but won’t: The Helvetica longfic, probably :( 
15. Writing strengths. Character, atmosphere, emotion, smut.
16. Writing weaknesses. Plot. Sometimes setting but jury is out on that one. 
17. Using words in other languages in a fic: I do it, badly all the time, I should go back and tag all my unbeta’d nonsense. 
18. First fandom I wrote for. Batman, lmao. That fic is no longer online anywhere
19. Fave fic? It’s always whatever fic I’m working on, which means it’s Distant Stations, the unposted in-progress longfic by myself and @dansedan. Short of that, The Grey Desert Mythos will always have my heart. 
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
Okay babe, two top fives, top five my fics and top five your fics (including blurbs)
Okay okay okay after a lot of thought (and a lot of time being distracted re-reading things kshksdkfksd) I think I have my answers:
Your Fics:
1. To Do List
im sorry im just whore about it like....Ben + face fucking + open blinds + calling me a whore? he's right and he should say it i think about this fic constantly
2. Feel Good
Listen....I've been into pedro since I he was in game of thrones but i entirely blame you for just how much i love him now skdskjfncksjds and i will never get tired your Thots about his hands.
3. At First Glance
Ma'am you need to finish this! i love the relationships between all of the characters so much and especially reader and rog the slow burn is ugh so good and fun and i want them to just admit they like each other already dammit! (altho i know they're not There yet but cmon)
4. Voulez-Vous Rendezvous
Ummmm Gwil and edging and cockwarming? Like wtf girl!!! I'm feral.
5. Part of the Deal
Gonna round this out with more dom ben because uhhhhhhhh well im whore sljksjfkfjksdjkj and also you write him so goooood
(Shout out to the blurb about trying to be quiet with Gwil and also fucking dad rog in a pillow fort lmao)
My Fics: (it should be noted that im fucking deep in my ben feels atm so while i tried to keep it fairly balanced in who i chose, i think i failed that lmao)
1. A Different Kind of Education
Listen. This series is so much work and takes so long to write and its becoming longer than i intended but I fucking love it. I love professor Rog sm. I love exploring all these kinks and I love writing reader's progress in understanding dom/sub dynamics and ugh i love how into it everyone is and all the comments and stuff ya'll leave its fucking wonderful.
2. 5 Simple Rules For A Successful Fake Relationship
Another long series but I reread part of it the other night and like....its good? sfkjskjflakd Also im a sucker for soft benny
3. Platonically
This probably doesnt come as a surprise lmao this series is obvi v personal to me and I love writing about this QPR. Just two idiots being bffs and fucking lmao thats the dream.
4. Ben being into dollification
It's a struggle to narrow down my faves because of the sheer number of things i've written lmao but I don't think I can ignore ben with a doll kink shdkjkajhfaksl i think its p obvious by now that the idea of being treated like a toy to be used is something im Very into so adding ben into it all makes me very tingly skjksfjslds
5. Fairy AU
idk if this series is one that would stay in my top 5 but atm it defs is ksjdksksdjks i've reread it ummm a few times lately 😳 the whole dubcon thing....being coerced/forced....hhhhhhhhhh
(shout outs to extreme bondage daddy rog and In A Rich Man's World because i love rich asshole ben talking down to me)
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kissesandcream · 3 years
PLEASE my classes are starting next week and I won't have much time to grind <//3 so im playing whenever I can to make as much progress as possible before my classes start ;; UHM, the ones on my new team atm is hu tao as main dps, kaeya as burst support, mona as support and bennett as a healer and atk booster :D it used to be xingqiu in mona's place but mona came home and her ult is really good for hu tao ult one shots hsghmd AND team resonance is like bonuses for your team, just like how artifacts have 2pc bonuses and 4pc bonuses, hu tao's team has pyro resonance which gives an 18% atk boost :D pyro resonance is really helpful hHHH I wanted venti TT but instead I got a razor and a c2 benny but im not complaining bcuz ive been wanting bennett, still surprised that I survived until ar52 without bennett nghwjjh bro I hope you get better! and I wish you good luck on your midterms as well !! but hhHhhHH I really hope that your sickness goes shoo shoo soon ;; OOOO my favorite npc is Katheryne hghdkh I see her everyday and I think I just became attached BUT my second favorite is herbalist gui in Liyue! do I even have to give a reason, herbalist gui is so sweet <33 OH AND what server do you play on? :O maybe we can play sometime when you're not too busy bcuz hgvhasgd I want more genshin buddies ;; but im too socially awkward to join random peoples worlds ( I play on both na and asia btw if you wanted to know ! although my na is sort of abandoned atm now that im hyperfocused on hu tao in asia ) ➤ with even more long rambles, 🐚 anon <3 yk I can just keep typing and typing abt genshin for hours but I won't do that bcuz it will be too long HBVHMGX
gl for ur classes!! irl school starts for me next month and i'm terrified since i'm new and know no one,,, also ive finished literally nothing LMAO
omg thats a good team!!! elemental reactions seem useful. i've never built a team with lots of them bc i have two anemos and a geo aside from kaeya 😭 hopefully i can change that with beidou <333
i have a c1 mona from the standard banner and i have no clue how she works so i never built her 😭 i used her for a bit though to freeze stuff bc dodging is overated amiright
razor is a sweetie i want to build him too but he'd need a whole team to work with him and i do not have the resources for that,,, also beidou is an electro claymore too and i wanna build different kinds of characters 😤 i got bennett very recently!! i didnt even have enough stuff to ascend him at lvl 20 bc i used all my pyro vines on diluc- but itll be nice to have a pyro healer once i get around to building him 😌
aaAAa i hope my midterms are easy T^T its been a long time since ive written a proper test so im concerned but i try not to think too much about it hah
ooo ive never interacted with gui before :0 and yes katheryne is so sweet, even if i cut her off at ad as- everyday 
my fav npc is tepei from inazuma!! idk why im so attached he was in the archon quest for like two scenes,,, HES SO SWEET THO 
i play on na!! i dont have a lot of genshin buddies too and everytime i join a random persons world and become friends with them something bad happens so i stopped LOL pls do dm me ur uid tho id love to play with u!!
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cheatdeathsarchive · 4 years
meta: courier six and robert edwin house
for a bit of time, six wasn’t sure who she wanted to back. it was between benny or house. it was why she spent a lot of time... not waffling, but working for both. benny was confident she would see reason. house was sure of the same. she asked house a lot of questions, he allowed her to stay in the lucky 38 as benny was illusive and slippery and she needed the perfect opportunity to steal the chip back. while she did, and benny knew what for, he spent the time teaching her what it was to live in new vegas. in their own ways each, house and benny really grew six into who she became.
benny was not afraid to get his hands dirty. he was working in the thick of it, had ambition and understanding. he was onto something when he said house’s being hands off. she could understand benny’s perspective in that regard. almost backed him. the reason she didn’t was because house saw her. or she felt like he did. i’m going to be jumping around a bit as i explain this, but there are several quotes that really resonated deep with her.
"You see that you and I are of a different stripe, don't you? We don't have to dream that we're important. We are." 
a lot of six’s failings with people and connections is that she feels she’s on the outside looking in, or that there is an invisible wall that keeps her from relating to people. she sees house as a man who is in the stars, who is also outside looking in, and the fact he is brilliant and that he saw her was powerful. it sounds romantic, like poetry, and it didn’t take long for her to associate this indebted feeling she had as passionate love. he was brilliant. he was so unlike everyone else, and those individualistic traits are things that six really finds herself drawn to.
he was smart. and oftentimes six would spend time between his jobs just... talking to him, hearing about his life before the war, about his academic pursuits. she ate it all up and house kept spoon feeding it to her. six has never been one to want to look back on the old world as a paradigm of how to live but? the way house speaks is so poetic and his accomplishments are so impressive that she feels like... for once, she is talking to someone who she understands as a rather intelligent woman herself.
he just... he saw her. he called her out, and he chose her. maybe not at first, not when she had just been a faceless courier who was traveling from the NCR to new vegas, but afterwards. he saw her enough to bring her back, to share with her his visions and plans, and to trust her enough to set them into motion.
unlike benny, house is not to be bothered by the things that both most people. his concerns are more to do with the bigger picture and what happens down the line. benny? not so much. six asked him plenty of questions too. his plans for this and that. he never really had any. she has always been someone who looks ahead, who cares about making things better, not maintaining a status quo. benny liked the luxuries he had grown used to. house didn’t see them or care about them. old money or something like that, idk lmao for example:
"Nothing to impede progress. If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows." 
"I'm not offering you an incentive as crude as money - though there'll be plenty of that. What I'm offering you is a ground-floor opportunity in the most important enterprise on Earth. What I'm offering is a future - for you, and for what remains of the human race." 
“With all that money pouring in? Give me 20 years, and I'll reignite the high technology development sectors. 50 years, and I'll have people in orbit. 100 years, and my colony ships will be heading for the stars, to search for planets unpolluted by the wrath and folly of a bygone generation.”
it was through all this that six decided house was the man to follow. he was handsome according to his pictures, he knew his way around computers and machines and she finds a very special attachment to those things. he had clear plans in mind and they were all for a greater good. he lived and existed beyond a localized moment. he wouldn’t be corrupted. at least, in her eyes he would not be. there was no room for it in his great vision to continue the progress of humanity.
six has always known her love for him is one sided. she has known from the beginning he is a man more enthralled with his pursuits and plans to care. she is aware of how she is the new world, one without proper decorum and manners. she’s killed, she is dirty. she is not like jane or marilyn. still to be in his vicinity helping him has been enough. at least until the brotherhood things, which really broke her heart.
“In any case... this is an employer - employee relationship. I've given you an assignment, and the directions are clear.”
six fought house for hours until he hung up on her and didn’t answer again until the job was done. to hear him say that out loud ruined all her daydreams and fanciful wonderings. just as well, because those kinds of things were unrealistic and she knew it, but it really does drive home for six just how business minded and focused he is on his goals. she went through with it after leaving the mojave to go to the sierra madre, and in her time away learned to understand that benny couldn’t have been the one to lead new vegas.
she is more professional after she blows up the bunker, pushing down her fancy and adoration, borderline idolizing of house, once she returns. she knows she doesn’t have the moxie to lead. she comes back humble, and though it hurt, it only strengthened her loyalty to robert edwin house.
six knows she is not someone who is meant to be loved. she is an outsider. if she can be an outsider with robert house that is good enough for her.
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lesbianrobin · 4 years
So hot take but... Hopper IS abusive. He’s not an abusive CHARACTER, like Billy and his dad are written to be, but he’s emotionally and psychologically abusive to El in the scene he tells her he could send her back to the lab. It’s for a lot of reasons - his anger issues he’s never dealt with, his trauma from losing Sarah and being in a war, his own resurfacing “anniversary effect“ - but I think it’s really important that people stop down-playing abusive behaviour, especially in parents, just (1
2) because they’re not villains. What he does is abuse, and how El reacts to it is very realistic. What I think is more important, and makes me disagree (respectfully) with your bullet point about him being worse in season two, is that they let him have scenes that show how hard he’s trying with her, and, most importantly, where he apologizes to her, and shows that he’s doing the work to be better. He’s not really a good or bad parent, but season two Hopper was doing his best in an impossible situation with no help, and he recognized that and was trying to be better. This is why season three Hopper was, to me, the worst: he’s still as angry and violent, but he’s allowed to swagger around and be framed as right, never apologizes once, we don’t see him with El enough to know how much progress he’s made, and his anger issues are played for laughs now (like a lot of things in season three that shouldn’t have been). I guess it’s the framing that I have the biggest problem with; he doesn’t have to try any more, or acknowledge how he hurts the people (girls and women) around him. He’s not okay, but season two Hopper knew that and wanted to be better for El, and season three Hopper seems to embrace it. 
You’ve given me a lot to work with here and I don’t know what to say!! I can definitely see where you’re coming from, and I thank you for sending such a well-thought-out ask. Before I get into this, I’d like to say that I am not an abuse survivor myself, and if you have experience with abuse and see Hopper in a certain way, I absolutely respect that and I think you have the right to interpret his behavior however you want, because he’s a fictional character! We can disagree!
People all have different ideas of what constitutes abuse and abusive behavior, and I personally don’t think that Hopper is ever abusive, because I think that calling him as such implies a pattern of extreme behavior that I don’t believe exists. I think that he has issues. I think that he does things that hurt El, but there’s a difference, to me, between harmful/unhealthy behaviors and abusive ones. My own parents have, at times, yelled at me, taken away things that I care about, and said cruel things that hurt me, like Hopper in S2. I would never go so far as to call them abusive, though, because these instances were not the norm, my everyday life is generally peaceful, they don’t intend to intimidate or harm me, and I understand that parents are just as capable of making mistakes as anybody. This same reasoning applies to Hopper.
Hopper most certainly has issues with anger, and he should not have yelled and belittled her the way he did, but it is El who escalates their argument to physical threat. He’s an asshole, but he’s not abusive. I think that he was short-sighted and struggled to understand how isolation would affect El, when he himself generally lived a rather isolated life and didn’t see the issue, and I think that he struggled with establishing age-appropriate rules with El. He treated her like a little kid sometimes and like an adult others, because his own daughter died when she was half El’s age and he’s only been around adults since then. Abuse implies, to me, patterns of unreasonably controlling and harmful behavior, but that isn’t what I see in Hopper’s relationship with El. 
He only really gets angry with her in S2 when she endangers herself unnecessarily, and I want to emphasize just how reasonable his fears are. Benny was murdered in cold blood just because he saw El. Hopper knows that there is an incredibly real chance that if El is seen, she will be kidnapped by the government and tortured for the rest of her life. I think the worst thing he does in S2 is tell El that he could send her back to the lab, and while he shouldn’t have said it, it was very clearly an empty threat, considering the fact that he’s only angry with her because she took a risk that might have resulted in her being taken again by the lab. It’s like when most parents say, “I brought you into this world, and I can take you out of it, too.” A fucked up thing to say? Yes! Abusive? No, not in my opinion. He’s overprotective, but it’s extremely reasonable considering El’s situation, and he takes steps to correct this behavior between S2 and S3, allowing El to come and go more or less freely and spend time with her friends and boyfriend so long as she’s safe and smart about it and keeps him notified of her location.
In S3, we don’t get to see El with Hopper much, but he seems to have relaxed a lot as indicated by the fact that she’s allowed to do whatever she wants with her friends as long as they stay away from big crowds, and he DOES make an effort to speak with her and Mike and have a heart-to-heart! I think that it would have been unrealistic for him to pull a complete 180 between S2 and S3, and it seems to me like he’s continuing to do his best while struggling with his own issues. I think they went overboard with his threatening Mike, but once again, I don’t think it crosses a line into abuse territory. Hopper set reasonable rules as a parent, rules which El and Mike flouted, and while he shouldn’t have lost his cool, he wasn’t intentionally trying to distance El from her friends/boyfriend or trying to control her behavior any more than is reasonable as the parent of a 13/14-year-old girl whose boyfriend knows a hell of a lot more about the world than she does, and who tends to trust her boyfriend’s word and follow his lead on everything. I think that his restrictions are reasonable, and while he loses his temper sometimes, he never intimidates El, he doesn’t try to seriously threaten her, he tries to teach her so that she can be safe and self-sufficient, and he knows that he has issues and is making an effort to improve.
So, basically, I believe Hopper is making an effort with El in S3, and he’s doing better than he did in S2. It’s not something that can or should change overnight, and I find it pretty realistic that he continues to struggle with his anger and control issues even while he adjusts his behavior with El to be better.
Thank you again for sending this ask! I obviously have a lot more thoughts, but I don’t want this post to be insanely long, so I’ll end it here lmao
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valleydean · 4 years
dean winchester and alexis rose
How I feel about this character: he’s my favorite character of all time. i don’t think i’ve ever connected with a character as much as him and i don’t think i ever will again. he’s it for me. i’ll carry him with me for the rest of my life. he’s a part of me and i often don’t know where i end and where he begins, what’s me and what’s behavior i learned from him. lmao not to be dramatic about it tho All the people I ship romantically with this character: cas obviously. benny. victor henriksen. kinda sorta ketch but idk if “romantic” is the right word for it. cassie from season 1. also bela but again, don’t know if “romantic” is right. i just.... kinda wanted them to bang out their hatred.... and that’s valid of me My non-romantic OTP for this character: sam! i mean, they’re brothers. they’re in it together forever and it’ll always be the two of them. love them with all my heart. My unpopular opinion about this character: ???? i’m sure i must have one... maybe.... idk if this is unpopular, but i guess his relationship with lisa.... obviously it was forced, but like - i feel like he was never in love with her. like, don’t get me wrong! i do think he loved her. i just don’t think he was in love with her. i think he was in love with the idea of her. other than that..... nothing, he’s perfect. One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: come on.... c’mon..... you know...... u kno..... confirm he’s bi, you cowards
How I feel about this character: she reminds me exactly of my older sister. like, exactly. they’re the same person. so that.... muddles my view of her... but i like her a lot. (alexis, not my sister.) (no jk!) i think, out of all the characters on the show, she came the furthest. she really became a better, more thoughtful person, and she really came into her own. she built a lot of confidence and, while i’m sad she and ted didn’t work out, i appreciate that she had the will to not follow his dreams and follow her own. i think that was very big of her. i really enjoyed the way she progressed throughout the show and i think, at the end, she could be a real role model for women. All the people I ship romantically with this character: ted! My non-romantic OTP for this character: maybe twyla?? My unpopular opinion about this character: she should have stayed in schitt’s creek. i call bs that she would just leave her brother and friends behind. i don’t think she had to move all the way to new york for a PR job, like come on. PR jobs are everywhere. but i’ve ranting about how i felt about the end of the show... i will not get into it here. One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i wish.... they hadn’t made so many jokes about her getting kidnapped all the time. i don’t think that was in good taste.
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@maudlinman​   said   :    1 & 14
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1. which muse is the easiest to write? Benny! Because he is a simple man doing simple things. He doesn't ask for much, he doesn't give much. Minnie is also easy, but I haven't written her [seriously] in a while.
14. what sort of youtube channel would your muses have? Ben usually puts his art livestream content on his Youtube page. He also does Q&A videos. And sometimes provides historical insight towards old 90s cartoons like, 'what happened to insert series here?"
Gideon's youtube channel consists of him low-key screaming at you about how you can make your life better and making wild ass claims about how you're the one blocking you're own progress. He's popular, for some reason. A little controversial though.
Jerrold's old ass would use Youtube for comedy purposes, like skits. His old man skits that nobody wants to be apart of it. He's likely posted old clips from The Chris Rock Show and Martin that have gotten his account snatched away for copyright.
Minnie would have a youtube channel where she makes slowed and reverbed edits of her favorite songs, and she does cute cooking things.
Louis use to have a youtube channel in the mid 2010s where it was just promotional, low-quality recordings of his band performing.
Sheila vlogs because she needs attention. It's not just her day to day life, but fashion shows and behind the scenes interviews. It's all very work-related.
In GTA, when Didi thought she was about to go broke she contemplated joining the beauty community but she's much too soft. They'll tear her up on there. She's appeared in Youtube videos though, that are filmed by other dancers she knows. she doesn't say much, or look at the camera much, but she's looking cute af. Cecilia just likes to broadcast her guinea pig Wilbur and provides good information on how to take care of them properly and keep them happy! 
Nick, Cassandra, Tony, Bianca, Greg and Leah don't have youtube channels. Well Tony technically does because he's a celebrity, but it's not managed by him. Nick's too old and paranoid. Cassandra's uninterested. Bianca is up to things that she doesn't want her family to know about. Leah already works heavily in the media so she has no need lmao and Greg ain’t trying to show his business.
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8, 22, 33, and 35?
8. Sexual partners? plenty. Romantic? That’s a whole different story. Before and during the events of NV Coyote has never had a significant other or even any particularly strong friendships. She’s a loner by nature and is naturally distrustful of other people due to her upbringing, and for good reason, considering how morally bankrupt the average New Reno citizen is. She has her share of romps consisting of caravan guards, mercenaries, NCR soldiers, her attempted murderer and FISTO. She’s not above sleeping around to get something she wants/needs (although it won’t be her go-to option). Post-game her canon diverges because I haven’t decided who to shackle her with yet, if at all. Possible candidates include Boone (fic currently in progress), Benny (because i love enemies-to-lovers) and Russel. Another option is nobody at all, she simply continues her life keeping people at arm’s length because that’s just the kind of person she is.
22. Coyote is 23, but she doesn’t know her exact birthday. She know’s she’s in her early 20′s (she’ll describe herself as 22-24) and the only time she had a birthday was when she received her tattoo at 5 years old, shortly before her mother left her. She was born on the 13th of May, 2258 which makes her a taurus
33. Coyote has 1 charisma. Coyote’s version of flirting is just taking her clothes off and seeing what happens.
35. coyote did all the companion quests, but she isn’t close with all of them. ED-E is her undying buddy and Raul and Boone are probably the only two that have a close-ish relationship with her. Coyote loves Raul and his stories and they exchange friendly insults all the time. She encouraged him to be a vaquero because...gunslinger. Boone and her have a solid relationship as comrades, although there is potential for a weird sort of romance between them (which im currently writing lmao). Cass and her are a lot alike, so they get along great when they’re together and are good drinking buddies, but not much further than that. They did have a lot of fun killing Gloria and Alice together. Arcade and her have a working relationship, but aren’t particularly chummy, she encouraged him to stay with the followers since doctors are in short supply and she doesn’t really give a shit about the enclave. Coyote secretly loves how much Lily spoils her and told her to take half-doses of her medicine so she would remember her family. Rex is a good boy, but he’s the King’s dog and she returns him after the battle for hoover dam is done. Russel (i basically consider someguy canon) is basically her feral asshole soulmate and they get along like a house on fire.
She has the worst relationship with Veronica. Coyote found her annoying and only had her join up to give another companion a rest. Shortly after returning from the Sierra Madre she broke into Hidden Valley at House’s request, but didn’t take Veronica. She was collared and this caused her to basically relapse into the stress of the Madre, which did a number on her mentally. Despite doing Veronica’s quest later, she never forgave the brotherhood members. She encouraged Veronica to join the followers and the slaughter of the outpost by brotherhood members basically confirmed her hatred for them, so she returned to the bunker and activated the self destruct sequence. Veronica found out threatened to kill her for it, but ultimately decided on leaving the mojave.
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