#grassroots cricket
jobsbuster · 2 months
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leicamoments · 9 months
But to me it’s a sanctuary
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Saturday saw me take a short journey towards Pateley Bridge to visit one of those little gems of a ground – Glasshouses Cricket Club.
Now, those that follow cricket and especially Yorkshire cricket may recall that this club was in the news just before the start of the 2023 season. They were struggling to get a team together – almost a perfect storm of location, change in attitudes to playing village cricket and a good few other factors.
Stories in The Stray Ferret, Yorkshire Post and Cricket Yorkshire brought their existential fight to the attention of a larger audience and thankfully players responded, allowing the Theakston Nidderdale Division Five club to register a team and take part in this summer’s campaign.
I could regurgitate a list of facts about the club…one of the founding members of the Nidderdale league in 1894…won the league title 19 times…okay, I’ll stop [but if you want to read more in-depth articles about this club and many others, then hop across to John Fuller’s Cricket Yorkshire website – Glasshouses also feature in his first book ‘All Wickets Great and Small’]...okay, I'll really stop now!
Departing from the usual match report style that I do [probably badly], I’ll simply tell you that this game was pretty one-sided, with the visitors - West Tanfield second eleven batting first and reaching 210 for eight in their allotted 40 overs.
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In response Glasshouses struggled to get runs and by the 18th over they had been bowled out for just 76 – their opponents winning the game by a healthy 134 runs.
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But that tells just one aspect of the story of the day, and if I am being honest wasn’t the most important part either – well not to me at least.
Rewinding a little
I arrived early for the 12:30pm start and was greeted by a smiling Ken who showed me down to the ground, offered to open the clubhouse, and stood with me chatting for a good while.
Ken has been living next to the ground since 1960 and got involved pretty much straight away. Apart from a brief two-year break, he has been groundsman ever since, and when needed the 80-year-old has also picked up a bat and played for the club.
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He played last season, but the call for players through the media this season has been successful enough to raise an eleven, which means he hasn’t been called upon this campaign (although I believe he has stepped in for another team).
I’m in awe of people like Ken; devoted club members who work diligently year-in, year-out and are the pillars of grassroots clubs. Unfortunately, they rarely get the recognition they deserve from the outside world.
And now the end is near
Saturday was the final day of Theakston Nidderdale games in all leagues, and I was hoping against hope the good weather that we’ve experienced over the past few weeks would hold on for just a few more days…but alas, we had a return to typical UK September cricket weather.
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It was cold, grey and there was a constant, almost imperceptible drizzle floating around on the crosswinds. A nightmare for photographers who end up constantly cleaning the fine mist off the front glass of their lenses.
Despite the weather, there was a light-hearted jovial feeling between the two sets of players and smiles during different passages of play – the sort of atmosphere that adds to the day rather than detracts from it.
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That’s not to say there wasn’t anything to play for – I believe that West Tanfield had already secured the runners-up spot in the league, but Glasshouses needed some points to secure third [spoiler alert – they did].
There was the added drama of a dropped catch that resulted in a dislocated finger and an unscheduled trip to Ripon A&E for one Glasshouses player…I wish him a speedy recovery!
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The last time I was at this ground was in the 2018 season and as I recall it was a wonderful summer’s day, with few clouds and a cooling breeze.
Yorkshire is spoilt for choices when it comes to picturesque cricket grounds, set in the rolling hills of the dales and moors. If I had to pin my colours to a particular mast, then Blubberhouses would get my vote as a favourite ground for Cricket…but it is pushed so, so hard by Glasshouses and a couple of others.
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Let’s make no bones about this…the setting is pretty amazing and the views from the boundary rope are spectacular, however, as the cold grey skies of September cried a fine mist of tears, the peaks of the hills were obscured, and the valley was covered in a soft hazy grey blanket.
All very atmospheric.
When you draw up your own list of grounds to visit, you must put this cricket club on that list. I’m not going to argue with you…just do it!
The Future
The appeal for players in February was loud and worked this season, and for that, I and many others are truly grateful.
What I do worry about, and this isn’t just for Glasshouses, is that at a time when the game at grassroots is changing; cost of living going through the roof; players being more mobile; the draw of other sports; and the nature of league and cup games taking up whole days and/or weekends, competing for time and putting more stress on the work/family balance…one season, the call for players will fail and clubs will fold.
It's sad to see this happening and I hope that the 2024 league season will see Glasshouses get at least a starting eleven without the need for the same call to arms. I for one will be back to cover one of their games next summer.
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Final thoughts on my latest trip to this small village cricket club, situated down the bottom of a cul de sac: I could have gone and covered one of the games where teams were vying for promotion, to win league titles, or avoid relegation, but I didn’t and I’m so glad that I chose to finish this grassroots cricket season at a Theakston Nidderdale Division five game – a game that truly embodied what grassroots cricket is all about.
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Glasshouses may have finished their league campaign, but they are having one final friendly game this coming weekend…maybe you could pop down, enjoy the game and take in those breathtaking views. You know you want to!
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meademalove · 21 days
Have the book on kindle so quickly swiping through, some favourite bits -
She won a cross country race qualifying for the next round right after a training session one day. Even though she was only there to watch her brother and got dragged in bc a girl hadn't shown up.
Reasons she didn't choose other sports = Hockey- didn't like the skirts (relaye veffy, hard relate). Cross Country - boring to just run. Swimming - boring to swim end to end. Cricket - too slow on the action
Top 3 childhood dream jobs in order= vet/animal care (Meadema Animal Farm project when they retire i bet), PE teacher, police officer
She's still close with Steph Bannon, her old captain at Sunderland (recommend a couple episodes of Roker Report where old Sunderland players talk about beth like Steph. Theres a funny story by another old teammate i'll send seperately if wanted)
Speaks a LOT about her love for David Beckham growing up.
Fullbacks she hates playing against in order = lucy bronze, ona battle, giulia gwinn.
Couldn't play in a final with her grassroots team bc she got a red card in the Semis (very adamant it was a yellow not a red) and they lost the final. First setback that upset her.
Top 3 ways to feel better in order - holiday (we know beth...we know), TV, food.
Sarina recognises her shooting and football IQ as two of her strongest assets.
Theres some fangirling over viv whose one of her listen heroes.
There's a lot more. Highly recommend. Wish I had this book as a kid.
Thank you, this is great! Yeah it's a great book, I recommend as well.
Please send the Sunderland story if possible.
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sports-culture · 7 months
Why Football is Not Famous in India
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India is a country known for its diverse culture, traditions, and a deep-rooted passion for sports. However, when it comes to football, a sport that enjoys immense global popularity, it hasn’t reached the same level of fame and recognition in India. Several factors contribute to the limited popularity of football in the country.
Cricket Dominance: Cricket has long been the dominant sport in India. The country’s obsession with cricket, driven by historical successes and an unending stream of cricketing idols, has left little room for other sports to flourish. The Indian Premier League (IPL) and the Indian national cricket team’s successes have only cemented cricket’s dominance in the sports landscape.
Lack of Infrastructure: Football requires significant investment in infrastructure, including stadiums, training facilities, and coaching academies. While cricket enjoys a well-developed infrastructure, football in India has struggled with inadequate facilities and poorly-maintained pitches, making it challenging for talent to thrive.
Limited Funding: In comparison to cricket, football in India receives limited funding. The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is one of the wealthiest sports bodies globally, while the All India Football Federation (AIFF) faces financial constraints, which affects the development and promotion of the sport.
Scarcity of Role Models: Cricket in India boasts a plethora of iconic figures who serve as role models for aspiring athletes. Football, on the other hand, lacks such figures, which makes it harder for young talent to envision a successful career in the sport.
International Performance: The Indian national football team has struggled on the international stage, which has had a dampening effect on the sport’s popularity. Unlike cricket, where India has excelled in both the One Day and Test formats, football hasn’t experienced similar success, leading to a lack of public interest and investment.
Regional Differences: India’s vast regional diversity plays a role in the varying levels of popularity of football. While some regions, like West Bengal, Kerala, and Goa, have a strong football culture, other parts of the country remain relatively indifferent to the sport.
Lack of Grassroots Development: Grassroots development is crucial for nurturing young talent. Unfortunately, football in India has struggled to establish an effective grassroots system that can identify and develop promising players from a young age.
Lack of Marketing and Promotion: While the Indian Premier League (IPL) has set the gold standard for marketing and promotion, football leagues in India have not been as successful in this regard. A lack of effective promotion has hindered the growth of football as a spectator sport.
Competition from Other Sports: In addition to cricket, India has a thriving kabaddi league and a burgeoning interest in badminton and wrestling, which further reduces football’s share of the sporting audience.
Despite these challenges, there has been some growth in football’s popularity in India in recent years. The Indian Super League (ISL) has brought attention to the sport, and with continued investment, grassroots development, and a growing interest in European leagues, football may eventually see a rise in fame in India. However, it will likely take time and sustained effort to overcome the formidable dominance of cricket and other sporting interests in the country.
Find out a detailed case study on why football is not popular in India by clicking on the link.
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Is it just different middle class demographics though? Cos cricket is massively disproportionately played by wealty people / private schoolers. A lot of guardian-recognised diversity is just different middle class demographics with roughly the same politics, outlook etc it's miles off genuinely diverse grassroots sports like boxing or football (both derided)
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I want to get my hopes up about Kate’s start next year, but I guess it depends if/when she has a new private secretary in place? On the other hand there are things she can do, like some more information about the royal foundation partnering with Olena Zelenska, or just more about her early years work. Righty now there’s just so many meetings about it. I also want both William and Kate to diversify their engagements a bit more and not just focus all their time on mental health, early years, and environment. Those three things are huge and can mean different things for different people, but idk, sometimes I feel like they leave out things that they could do because Kate wants to do early years stuff (which is important, I’m not trying to minimize it). I’d love to see her do something with charities connected to the Irish Guards, or rugby accessibility for girls in school.
(Also for William to actually visit girl’s and women’s grassroots football, and special team’s football. It’s all well and good to wish the national team good luck and drag yourself to one match in over 15 years, but he should also show up to the smaller things that matter almost more. Attend the women’s FA Cup Final)
I'm battling flu and there are so many words here I have to be honest I am not sure I fully understood it. But essentially I agree. I'm intrigued by the Private Secretary situation because we haven't officially been informed she's stepped down and also we don't know who the new one is or even if they have a new one.
I want to see more regular work as a key area to focus on going foward. I would also, like you, like to see a bigger range. I'm happy for Kate to do 6 early years-related, Royal Foundation-linked engagements in one month, as long as she also does engagements with mental health, and the outdoors, and art, and visiting communities. I loved your idea of rugby accessibility for girls in school - she could visit school's which have interesting approaches to sport or even ones which promote a healthy mindset through physical activity or being outside!
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interplay-sports · 1 day
A Brief Overview of Sports Analytics
Sports analytics is the process of using statistics to improve individual and team performance. It is done using the sports analytics software. It's a novel strategy that eliminates the guesswork from coaching, providing concrete insights that aid enhance training and tactics.
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This strategy is transforming numerous sports by making it easier to identify what makes an athlete or team succeed.  At its heart, sports analytics epitomizes the intersection of data science and athletic performance, offering a framework for decision-making processes ranging from game strategy to individual skill refinement. Its importance in today's sporting landscape cannot be emphasized.
As competition heats up, the margin for mistake shrinks, making the subtle benefits discovered through data analytics in sports not just desired, but also necessary. This fundamental component of sports analytics lays the door for a new age in sports, one in which informed decisions lead to unprecedented performance on the field.
Sports analytics is the art and science of using data analysis techniques in the sports sector to improve player performance and gain a competitive edge. It entails a systematic computer examination of sports-related data.
At its most basic, sports analytics converts the huge and complicated statistics generated in sporting situations into relevant insights that can be used to drive decision-making and performance improvements.
The clear success stories of organizations and individuals who embraced data analytics laid the groundwork for mainstream adoption. Today, it is seen as an essential component of modern sports, from grassroots campaigns to the highest levels of professional leagues.
Transcending Traditional Boundaries
The sports analytics software goes beyond statistics, providing a detailed assessment of performance that includes physical condition, tactical skill, and even psychological preparation. The heart of sports analytics is the translation of raw data into actionable insights that raise the performance standard, ensuring that athletes and teams not only stay up with but also outperform their competitors. Sports analytics, by transcending traditional coaching and training approaches, offers up new avenues for performance development, ushering in a future in which data-driven solutions will be the foundation of athletic achievement.
As we explore deeper into the uses and implications of sports analytics, it becomes evident that this is not a fad, but rather a fundamental shift in how sports performance is handled and improved. Sports analytics, with its precise techniques, illuminates the route to triumph, giving a prism through which the future of sports is not just imagined but methodically built.
Sports analytics have transformed the game. It has gathered vast amounts of data from several sports and turned it into valuable recommendations to help athletes and teams improve. Data plays a significant role in sports, from enhancing how players prepare and play to keeping them injury-free.
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Successes in football, basketball, cricket, and other sports demonstrate that data-driven decision-making is effective. Companies like Interplay-sports are at the forefront, demonstrating how understanding the data can lead to successful strategies and improved performance. Sports analytics done with sports analytics software is essential for helping a team plan its strategy or an individual improve their game. Sports analytics is more than just dealing with statistics. It's about realizing aspirations, maximizing potential, and elevating athletics to the next level. The significance of analytics will only expand in the future, making this an exciting time for the sports world.
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zerogate · 7 days
Hakuin returned home, took up residence in the temple, and attended his ailing father. Even though the temple was in a terrible condition and sited in the centre of a bustling village, Hakuin carried on a version of the retreat schedule he had followed when he was up on the mountain. He describes in his autobiography how every night he would adopt the zazen position, then instruct one of the temple boys to wrap a futon around him and tie it on with a rope to keep him in an upright position. He would sit tied up in meditation right through to morning.
It seems that it was during this time that Hakuin worked out a way to combine the teachings of Hakuyushi with his Zen koan study. Gradually word got out about the earnest and deeply realised monk in the tiny temple, and students started to appear – not only the local villagers who began to enquire about Zen, but also male and female monastics from further afield. Hakuin began to teach, somewhat reluctantly, as he felt his own practice wasn’t yet complete.
And then one night, in 1726, when he was 41 years old and had been resident at Shoinji for a decade, he sat studying the Lotus Sutra, perhaps the most venerated Buddhist text in Japan. A cricket started to shrill in the foundations of the temple and, as he heard this noise, the whole universe opened up for him. He let out an involuntary shout and began to weep. From this time on Hakuin lived in a state of complete liberation, and for the next 40 years he devoted himself to his students. This teaching effort included sanzen (one-to-one interviews), as well as lecturing to increasingly large groups. He also wrote many books on Zen.
Before long the tiny temple was filled with Zen students. Hakuin didn’t move to larger premises; instead, he began to gather the overflowing monks into groups of three, and sent them off into the surrounding countryside. These monks would live in old shrines, fishermen’s huts, under trees – anywhere they could find shelter. Eventually it reached a point where the whole landscape was a kind of monastery without walls.
We have an account from a famous poet, Takatsuki Rikei, who came to visit Hakuin in 1753. Rikei describes how there were about 150 monastic students, of whom ten lived in the temple. The other 140 would come in at different times during the day for their sanzen and then return to their dwellings. This grassroots, spontaneous dharma centre was unique. Nothing quite like it has happened since.
-- Skinner Julian Daizan, Practical Zen
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The IPL's global expansion strategy hinges on tapping into new markets with untapped cricketing potential.
The IPL's global expansion strategy hinges on tapping into new markets with untapped cricketing potential. Emerging cricketing nations and regions with a burgeoning fan base have become prime targets for the league's expansion efforts. By staging matches, conducting talent scouting programs, and promoting grassroots cricket development initiatives, the IPL aims to nurture the growth of the sport in these markets while simultaneously expanding its own fan base and commercial interests.
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tvbuzzerstory · 19 days
Sports Spectacle : Catch the Latest India Updates with Buzzerstory
In a nation where cricket is akin to religion, and athletes from diverse disciplines are rising to international acclaim, staying updated with India's sports scene is nothing short of essential. With the adrenaline rush of victories, the heartbreak of defeats, and the inspiring journeys of athletes, the Indian sports landscape offers a captivating spectacle for enthusiasts. Amidst this excitement, Buzzerstory emerges as the quintessential platform, offering a comprehensive glimpse into the latest developments, triumphs, and challenges in India's sporting arena.
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Celebrating Victories
India's sporting triumphs resonate deeply with its citizens, serving as a source of national pride and inspiration. Whether it's a historic cricket win on foreign soil, a gold medal at the Olympics, or a breakthrough performance in lesser-known sports, Latest news today india sports Buzzerstory celebrates these victories with fervor. Through engaging articles, interviews, and analysis, readers are transported into the heart of the action, reliving the euphoria of each triumph.
Unveiling Athlete Journeys
Behind every success story lies a journey of perseverance, resilience, and unwavering determination. Buzzerstory delves into the lives of India's athletes, unraveling their tales of struggle and triumph. From humble beginnings to global stardom, these narratives serve as a beacon of hope, inspiring aspiring athletes and enthusiasts alike. Through insightful features and exclusive interviews, Buzzerstory sheds light on the human side of sports, fostering a deeper connection between athletes and fans.
Spotlight on Emerging Sports
While cricket enjoys unparalleled popularity in India, the nation's sporting landscape is brimming with potential across various disciplines. Buzzerstory shines a spotlight on emerging sports, showcasing the talent, passion, and dedication driving their growth. From kabaddi to wrestling, from badminton to hockey, Buzzerstory's coverage transcends boundaries, amplifying the voices of athletes and organizations striving to put India on the global sporting map.
Tackling Challenges Head-On
Beyond the glory and accolades, Indian sports grapple with numerous challenges, ranging from infrastructure deficiencies to administrative hurdles. Buzzerstory Latest news today india sports doesn't shy away from addressing these issues, fostering meaningful discussions and advocating for positive change. By bringing attention to grassroots initiatives, policy reforms, and success stories amidst adversity, Buzzerstory galvanizes its audience to contribute towards a brighter future for Indian sports.
Interactive Engagement
In the digital age, sports fans crave real-time updates, interactive content, and engaging discussions. Buzzerstory caters to these needs with its dynamic online platform, offering live scores, interactive polls, and social media integrations. Whether it's participating in debates, predicting match outcomes, or sharing reactions, readers are actively involved in shaping the narrative, fostering a vibrant community of sports enthusiasts.
Bridging the Generational Gap
Sports have a unique ability to transcend generational boundaries, uniting individuals from diverse backgrounds through a shared passion. Buzzerstory recognizes the importance of catering to audiences across age groups, offering content that appeals to both seasoned sports aficionados and younger enthusiasts. By blending traditional journalism with innovative multimedia formats, Buzzerstory ensures that its coverage resonates with audiences of all ages, preserving the timeless allure of sports storytelling.
Comprehensive Coverage Across Sports
Buzzerstory prides itself on offering a wide-ranging coverage that extends beyond the realms of cricket. While cricket undoubtedly commands a significant share of attention, Buzzerstory ensures that fans of all sports find their interests catered to. Whether it's football, tennis, athletics, or niche sports like shooting or gymnastics, Latest news today india sports Buzzerstory's dedicated team of journalists provides comprehensive updates, analysis, and insights, ensuring that no sporting achievement goes unnoticed.
Spotlight on Grassroots Initiatives
Recognizing the importance of nurturing talent at the grassroots level, Buzzerstory dedicates space to highlight initiatives aimed at fostering sports development across India. From local academies producing future champions to community-driven programs promoting inclusivity and access, Buzzerstory showcases the initiatives that form the bedrock of India's sporting prowess. By amplifying these stories, Buzzerstory not only celebrates the unsung heroes behind the scenes but also inspires others to contribute to the growth of sports at the grassroots level.
Advocacy for Sports Culture
Beyond reporting on matches and tournaments, Buzzerstory actively advocates for the promotion of a sports culture in India. Through editorial campaigns, opinion pieces, and collaborative partnerships, Buzzerstory raises awareness about the importance of sports in education, health, and community development. By championing initiatives that promote sports participation, gender equality, and inclusivity, Buzzerstory aims to catalyze positive societal change and foster a healthier, more vibrant sporting ecosystem in India.
In conclusion, "Sports Spectacle: Catch the Latest India Updates with Buzzerstory" encapsulates more than just a headline; it embodies a commitment to excellence, integrity, and passion for sports journalism. As India's sporting journey continues to unfold, Latest news today india sports Buzzerstory stands as a steadfast companion, offering a ringside view of the action and ensuring that every victory, every setback, and every milestone is celebrated and cherished by fans across the nation.
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leicamoments · 11 months
George Greaves Cup Final
Monday 17th July 2023 and I arrived at the ground slightly late, missing the first five overs...but I had just come from another shoot and it was unavoidable.
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The Harrogate & District Amateur Evening League George Greaves Cup final was being played at Ripley Cricket Club - a really nice location bathed in the warm evening's summer sun.
North Stainley were batting and ticking along quite nicely, at that point, an average of just under one run per ball.
There was a really good crowd gathered to watch the game, the wonderful smell of the BBQ, and what appeared to be two evenly match teams.
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I moved around the boundary rope, trying to gather a set of shots that captured as many of the players as I could while the light was good - conscious that the sun would soon disappear behind the tall trees and Ripley Castle.
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As the final five overs were played, North Stainley upped the run rate and pushed the score close to 150, putting the pressure on their opponents Goldsborough.
A short innings break and Connor and I downed a cool can of Sprite (other drinks are available) and salt and vinegar crinkly crisps bought in the club house to help stave off pangs of hunger (we hadn't had dinner at that point).
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Goldsborough started slowly and the game seemed to be swinging heavily in their opponents favour. They really seemed to be struggling to put the runs on the board, with the North Stainley bowlers and fielders restricting the ability of the batters to reach the boundaries.
From memory, with about five overs to go, Goldsborough were 70 or so runs short of their target and appeared to be about to lose the final.
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Then...a massive six was hit that seemed to kick-start a charge.
Could they do this? Where there enough overs left to allow Goldsborough to overhaul the 143 target set?
Boundaries started to come...their total rose significantly and by the final ball of the 19th over, Goldsborough needed 16 runs.
The final ball of the over was delivered and...a no ball! The ball was bowled again and was duly dispatched for four! This set up an intriguing final over.
The first two of the over were dot balls...raising the tension even more. Then a single...followed by a massive six and then the batters ran three.
Final ball of the game with the scores tied and Goldsborough had to either get a run on the board or avoid losing a wicket to win the game. North Stainley fielders closed in with all their fielders ringed around the batter on strike.
Down came the bowler, a good delivery...and...the batter left it to bounce through to the wicket keeper. There was a collective roar from the Goldsborough supporters and players - they had won the cup having lost fewer wickets.
The slimmest of margins...but what a game!
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Well done to both teams!
P.S. Why the photo of the geese? They flew low over the ground during the first innings making a real racket! But great to see!
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sweetsweetscycle · 28 days
The Rise of Online Cricket ID: Revolutionising the Cricketing World
In recent years, the realm of cricket has witnessed a transformative revolution with the advent of Online Cricket IDs. These digital profiles have seamlessly integrated into the cricketing ecosystem, offering players, fans, and coaches a novel platform to engage, learn, and connect. In this article, we delve into the significance and impact of Online Cricket IDs on the sport.
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What are Online Cricket IDs?
Online Cricket IDs are virtual profiles that encapsulate a player's cricketing journey, statistics, achievements, and skills. They serve as a comprehensive digital portfolio, providing a snapshot of a player's prowess and potential. These IDs are accessible through dedicated platforms or apps, fostering a dynamic online cricketing community.
Empowering Players:
For players, Online Cricket IDs serve as a digital resume, showcasing their performances across various formats and levels. From budding talents to seasoned professionals, these profiles offer visibility and recognition, crucial in a sport where talent often goes unnoticed. Additionally, players can track their progress, analyze their strengths and weaknesses, and set goals for improvement, thereby facilitating personal and professional growth.
Engaging Fans:
Online Cricket IDs bridge the gap between players and fans, offering enthusiasts an immersive experience beyond traditional spectatorship. Fans can follow their favorite players, track their performances in real-time, and engage in interactive content such as polls, quizzes, and live chats. This direct interaction fosters a sense of community and loyalty, amplifying the fan base and enhancing the overall cricketing experience.
Enhancing Coaching and Talent Identification:
Coaches and talent scouts leverage Online Cricket IDs as invaluable tools for talent identification and development. By accessing comprehensive player profiles, coaches can assess a player's skill set, temperament, and potential suitability for specific roles or formats. This data-driven approach streamlines the talent identification process, ensuring that promising talents receive the recognition and opportunities they deserve.
Facilitating Networking and Collaboration:
Online Cricket IDs serve as networking hubs, connecting players, coaches, and stakeholders across the cricketing spectrum. Players can collaborate with coaches for personalized training programs, seek advice from peers, or even scout potential teammates for tournaments or leagues. This interconnectedness fosters collaboration, knowledge sharing, and camaraderie, enriching the cricketing community.
Impact on Grassroots Cricket:
At the grassroots level, Online Cricket IDs democratize access to opportunities and resources, leveling the playing field for aspiring cricketers. Players from remote areas or underprivileged backgrounds can showcase their talent on a global platform, attracting attention from scouts, sponsors, and academies. This inclusivity not only nurtures talent but also promotes diversity and representation within the sport.
Future Prospects:
The future of Online Cricket IDs is brimming with potential, poised to redefine the dynamics of cricketing administration, marketing, and analytics. Advanced algorithms and machine learning technologies can analyse vast datasets from Online Cricket IDs to identify trends, predict player performance, and optimise team strategies. Furthermore, integration with virtual reality and augmented reality platforms promises an immersive, gamified experience for players and fans alike.
In conclusion,  Online Cricket IDs represent a paradigm shift in the cricketing landscape, empowering players, engaging fans, and revolutionising talent identification. As technology continues to evolve, these digital profiles will play an increasingly integral role in shaping the future of cricket, fostering innovation, and expanding the boundaries of possibility in the world's most beloved sport.
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sjsports123 · 1 month
Cricket Store - Everything You Need to Improve Your Game
Shop your favourite Big Bash team jerseys, tees, hoodies and training singlets. The perfect way to show your support this winter.
The store also offers a range of other sports equipment from the top brands like Gunn and Moore, Gray-Nicolls, SS, Kookaburra, & DSC. Additionally, it has a cricket specialist and provides custom made jerseys & bat repair service.
We sell the finest quality Australian cricket store Brisbane bats that are used by players from grassroots to elite level. All our bats are hand selected and come in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit your playing style.
We are also the Official Cricket Store of Brisbane Heat and carry a large selection of Big Bash League t-shirts & training singlets. We also sell a range of hoodies & polos for both men, women and kids so you can support your team this season.
We are also the exclusive stockists of Str8bat – the world’s first pocket-sized bat sensor that allows you to analyse your batting performance with real-time data including your wagon wheel, sweet spot percentage, bat lift angle, timing index & more.
The right cricket shoes can make or break your game. They can help you achieve the proper stance and posture to face incoming balls, allow bowlers to grip the ground more solidly, and make fielders faster and more balanced. They also come in a range of styles, from rubber soles to full spikes, so choose the one that’s right for your position.
Whether you’re a batsman, bowler, or wicket keeper, you’ll find the perfect pair of cricket shoes at Rebel. They sell a wide variety of cricket shoes from trusted brands, including Kookaburra and ASICS, to suit players at any level of the sport. They’re available online or in-store, so you can pick up your new pair of cricket shoes today!
If you want to stay safe when you play cricket sports, then helmets are a must-have. These helmets absorb harsh blows and offer you unparalleled comfort. They also protect you from head injuries, especially if the ball hits your head directly. Moreover, they also help you keep your eyes safe from the sun. Hence, it is important to buy a highquality cricket helmet online.
This Gray-Nicolls Atomic Helmet is designed for players who love playing all forms of cricket. It comes with an adjustable chin strap and semi-automatic buckle, which ensures a comfortable fit. It also has a removable visor and is ICC approved.
Whether you’re a budding amateur or seasoned professional, Western Sports Centre is your one-stop shop for cricket equipment and accessories. The store offers competitive pricing and a deep commitment to customer satisfaction. Its range includes top-tier brands like SG, Gunn & Moore, SS, Kookaburra, and Grey Nicolls. Additionally, the company sells cricket bats, pads, shoes, and training equipment.
Training Equipment
Whether you’re a weekend warrior or an aspiring professional, we sell the cricket gear and accessories you need to improve your game. We’re also known for our competitive prices and deep commitment to customer satisfaction. Featuring top-tier brands like Gunn & Moore, Gray-Nicolls, Kookaburra, Adidas, SS, DSC, and MRF, our selection has something for every cricketer.
Our range of training equipment includes bats, shoes, gloves, helmets, and more.
We also sell the Str8bat cricket bat sensor, which allows you to analyse your batting. It displays your wagon wheel, bat lift angle, and sweet spot percentage to help you play better.
We also carry a wide selection of Brisbane Heat jerseys and clothing. These items are perfect for showing your support for your favourite BBL team this season. We also offer a variety of different purchasing options, including online pickup and delivery, to make it easy for you to get the cricket equipment you need. Our store also offers bat repair and training sessions on batting, bowling, and fielding by experienced Srilankan club cricketers.
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cricketlogomaker · 1 month
Personalize Your Cricket Logo: AI Cricket Logo Maker
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In the ever-evolving landscape of sports, branding plays a pivotal role in establishing a team’s identity. Cricket, being one of the most popular sports globally, relies heavily on its logos to represent the ethos and values of teams. Traditionally, crafting a cricket team’s logo involved extensive brainstorming sessions, collaborations with designers, and iterations to achieve the desired outcome. However, with the advent of cutting-edge technology, the landscape of logo creation is witnessing a paradigm shift. Enter the AI Cricket Logo Maker, a groundbreaking tool revolutionizing the way cricket logos are conceptualized and designed. The AI Cricket Logo Maker harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to streamline the logo creation process, offering unprecedented efficiency and creativity. Leveraging machine learning algorithms, this innovative tool analyzes vast databases of existing logos, cricket imagery, and design trends to generate unique and visually striking logos tailored to each team’s preferences. By amalgamating elements such as cricket equipment, team colors, and symbolic motifs, the AI Cricket Logo Maker encapsulates the essence of a team’s identity in a visually appealing emblem. One of the most remarkable aspects of the AI Cricket Logo Maker is its ability to adapt and evolve continually. As it processes feedback and learns from user interactions, the tool refines its algorithms, ensuring that each iteration surpasses the previous one in terms of quality and relevance. This iterative approach not only enhances the efficiency of the logo creation process but also fosters a dynamic relationship between teams and their visual identities. Furthermore, the AI Cricket Logo Maker democratizes the logo design process, making it accessible to teams of all sizes and budgets. Gone are the days when only elite teams could afford to invest in professional design services. With this innovative tool, even grassroots cricket clubs can now create professional-grade logos that resonate with their fans and stakeholders. This democratization not only fosters inclusivity within the cricketing community but also empowers teams to establish a strong visual presence in the competitive sports arena. Moreover, the AI Cricket Logo Maker serves as a catalyst for innovation and creativity within the sports branding industry. By automating the initial stages of logo design, it frees up designers to focus on more strategic and conceptual aspects, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in terms of branding and visual storytelling. This synergy between human creativity and artificial intelligence exemplifies the transformative potential of technology in shaping the future of sports branding. However, like any technological innovation, the AI Cricket Logo Maker also raises questions and challenges. Concerns regarding intellectual property rights, algorithmic bias, and the role of human creativity in design are pertinent considerations that warrant careful attention. As the adoption of AI-driven design tools becomes more widespread, it is imperative to establish ethical guidelines and best practices to ensure responsible and equitable use of these technologies. In conclusion, the AI Cricket Logo Maker represents a significant milestone in the evolution of sports branding, offering a glimpse into the future of logo design. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, this innovative tool streamlines the logo creation process, democratizes access to professional-grade design services, and fosters a culture of innovation within the cricketing community. As technology continues to advance, the AI Cricket Logo Maker stands as a testament to the transformative potential of human-AI collaboration in shaping the visual landscape of sports.
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jyoti-jindal · 2 months
Fueling Passion: Poonamben Maadam’s Drive for Sports Inclusion
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Poonamben Madaam, the esteemed Member of Parliament from Gujarat, is not only a leader in politics but also a fervent advocate for sports participation and wellness. With her unwavering commitment to promoting an active lifestyle, she has emerged as a catalyst for change, inspiring individuals across her constituency to embrace the transformative power of sports.
Recognizing the profound impact of sports on physical health, mental well-being, and community cohesion, Poonamben Madaam has made it her mission to encourage participation in various sporting events and activities. From grassroots initiatives to regional tournaments, she tirelessly promotes a culture of sportsmanship, teamwork, and healthy competition.
One of Poonamben Madaam’s key initiatives is the establishment of sports infrastructure and facilities in her constituency. Understanding that access to proper sporting amenities is essential for nurturing talent and fostering a love for sports, she has spearheaded efforts to build playgrounds, sports complexes, and gymnasiums in both urban and rural areas. These facilities not only provide a space for recreational activities but also serve as hubs for talent development and community engagement.
Moreover, Poonamben Madaam actively supports and sponsors local sports clubs, teams, and associations. She believes in the power of sports to unite people from diverse backgrounds and instill values such as discipline, perseverance, and resilience. By investing in sports programs and initiatives, she empowers individuals, especially youth, to unlock their full potential and pursue their dreams, both on and off the field.
In addition to infrastructure and support, Poonamben Madaam is a vocal advocate for inclusivity and gender equality in sports. She champions initiatives that encourage the participation of women, girls, and marginalized communities in various sporting disciplines, breaking down barriers and challenging stereotypes. Through scholarships, training programs, and mentorship opportunities, she ensures that everyone has the chance to experience the joy of sports and reap its countless benefits.
Furthermore, Poonamben Madaam actively organizes and participates in sports events and tournaments across her constituency. Whether it’s cricket, football, volleyball, or athletics, she encourages people of all ages and abilities to take part and showcase their talents. These events not only promote physical activity but also foster camaraderie, sportsmanship, and a sense of belonging within the community.
Beyond the realm of competitive sports, Poonamben Madaam also advocates for holistic wellness and healthy living. She promotes initiatives such as yoga camps, fitness workshops, and health awareness campaigns, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a balanced lifestyle and prioritizing one’s well-being.
In conclusion, Poonamben Madaam’s passion for sports participation and wellness reflects her deep commitment to the holistic development of individuals and communities. Through her tireless efforts and unwavering advocacy, she is not only fostering a culture of sportsmanship and camaraderie but also empowering individuals to lead healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lives. As she continues to champion the cause of sports participation, Poonamben Madaam remains an inspiration to all, demonstrating that through sports, we can build a stronger, more vibrant society for generations to come.
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aryapooja0501 · 2 months
The Global Cricket Gala: ICC Cricket World Cup
The ICC Cricket World Cup is not just a tournament; it's a festival of cricket that unites nations, transcending boundaries and cultures. Every four years, the cricketing world holds its breath as the best teams from across the globe compete for the coveted trophy. From nail-biting finishes to awe-inspiring performances, the World Cup has witnessed it all, etching unforgettable memories in the hearts of cricket enthusiasts worldwide.
The excitement surrounding the World Cup is unparalleled. Fans eagerly anticipate the clash of titans as teams showcase their skills and strategies on the field. Whether it's the thunderous roar of a packed stadium or the collective gasp of millions watching on screens, the atmosphere is electric, pulsating with the passion and fervor of cricket lovers.
The tournament serves as a platform for players to showcase their talent and prowess on the biggest stage. From legendary performances by cricketing icons to breakout stars making their mark, the World Cup has been a breeding ground for sporting excellence. Moments of brilliance and sheer determination have defined the tournament, leaving an indelible mark on the annals of cricketing history.
Moreover, the ICC Cricket World Cup is more than just a sporting event; it's a celebration of diversity and unity. As teams from different corners of the world come together, it symbolizes the spirit of camaraderie and sportsmanship. The World Cup transcends barriers of language, culture, and nationality, fostering a sense of belonging and togetherness among cricket fans worldwide.
Beyond the boundaries of the cricket field, the World Cup leaves a lasting impact on communities and economies. Host nations witness a surge in tourism and economic activity, as cricket enthusiasts from around the globe flock to be part of the spectacle. Moreover, the tournament serves as a catalyst for grassroots development, inspiring the next generation of cricketers and fostering a love for the game.
In essence, the ICC Cricket World Cup is more than just a tournament; it's a celebration of the spirit of cricket. As we eagerly await the next edition, let us cherish the memories of past glory and look forward to writing new chapters in the history of this beloved sport.
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