crystallizedcheese · 6 months
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ryvdraws · 5 months
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hi take a wiggly i forgot i drew
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lesbincineroar · 1 day
omg chelsea youre GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH WHOA COOL!!!!!!!!!
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theshmeepking · 1 year
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green queen
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idanwyn-et-al · 2 years
Where is...
...the Prompt?!
Seriously though, I hope everything is okay on Moen's end. I'm just full of hair salon chemicals and want to Behold It.
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tankycinna · 7 months
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Thank you for the suggestion! I love smashing my autisms together. Wanna see me go crazy go stupid? Cute little infodump under the cut!
So I actually put more thought into this than you would think.
Zoro is a warrior, obviously, so I dressed him up like Hikari (but I green'd the outfit because Zoro looked weird in all red.) His daytime Path Action would be Challenge and his nighttime one would be... probably Ambush? The rest don't really fit for him in my opinion.
Sanji was more difficult because there's no job equivalent to "cook" in the Octopath roster for now. My friend suggested Apothecary because they have a sort of "crafting" ability with Concoct, but since apothecaries are doctors in lore, that felt off to me. So I settled on Merchant. His daytime Path Action would be Purchase (gotta buy ingredients to cook with), but I think his nighttime one would be Befriend. Befriend allows him to "recruit" people temporarily by giving them an item they want (which, in his case, would be food.) Anyway, he's a Merchant. So I dressed him up like Partitio, whose outfit fits Sanji super well actually? Crazy.
The reason I went with Octopath 2 job outfits is because uhhhh even though I love Olberic, his outfit is really difficult to wrap my head around. Plus Hikari's kind of fits with the style of clothing Zoro seems to tend towards after the timeskip (at least from pictures I've seen. I'm only on Little Garden.) And since I was going with Hikari's fit for Zoro, I just picked Partitio for Sanji. He gets to wear Partitio's silly little fedora. For fun. Partitio gets his hat from his dad if I remember correctly, so maybe Zeff gave Sanji this one.
Anyway, I'm sooooo normal about Octopath can't you tell
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lindwur-fr · 11 months
I'm dyin over The Great Misclick. Poor Undel. But also this is the silliest thing to happen on this site I think. We green'd em by accident, chief.
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g0mens · 10 months
the fact that the creator of good omens is allowed to roam this website freely is a mistake and a travesty. we should've john green'd him on sight. we could put the fear of god in him, instead we're putting polite questions in his askbox
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mhbcaps · 6 months
I got tagged again for this by @chevvy-yates :3 thank you!
OC INTERVIEW: Sanctuary Zelenko & Joey Armas
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"Named myself Sanctuary after my favorite cologne, back when I was twenty. Company went under a year later, and then someone drank the rest of the only bottle I had. You remember Axis, baby?"
"That dumb piece of shit? Wait, that why you scrapped with him? Over the cologne?"
"Yeah. That's how I ended up with this. Couple people called me Zipperface for months."
"I 'member that. Won't lie, I thought it was pretty funny."
"'Course you did. Answer the question."
"Oh, my mama prob'ly named me Joseph or John or something but I've been Joey all my life."
"I want you to guess."
"C'mon, I don't wanna be here forever. I'm a boy, and they're Sanctuary. 'f you try to make it make sense, your little head'll explode."
"I'm a man of many tastes."
"Nah, he likes anybody who looks like they'd grab his hips and make him beg. Isn't that right, baby?"
"Ain't denying. Hey, what're you squirming for? You asked the question, choom. We're just bein' honest."
"Born and raised here, but my parents both came from Ukraine. Don't really know what that makes me."
"You know more than me. Which is fuck-all, honestly. Whole family is dead now, though, so what's it matter? Sorry, 'm I makin' you uncomfortable again? Don't feel bad. Not like you killed 'em. Fuckers who did were taken care of years ago, don't worry."
"Depends on what boots I'm wearin'."
"Flat, he's five-nine. And I'm five-eleven. I like to wear heels, though, so people look at me. Nothing gets someone's attention like a nice pair of heels. Or a big fucking knife."
"Yeah, I got the big fucking knife covered."
"I ain't even sure what my actual birthdate is. My citizen record says March twentieth but Mom always said she was just guessing. So that's, what, Aries or somethin'?"
"Not like it matters."
"Yeah, don't believe in that shit anyway."
"Ate a banana once. Real one. That shit was good."
"Where the hell'd you get a real banana?"
"Got a donor once who had a suite at the Highcourt, years back. Dub did her copycat thing and got in pretending she was a girlfriend experience or something. Stole everything she could carry. Not much, bitch had scrawny arms, but she got the fruit and some sweet threads."
"Don't remember that."
"Nah, it was right before we met. I remember, 'cause I was wearing the guy's underwear when we did meet."
"Do you still have the underwear?"
"No. Had to toss 'em after I got stabbed one time. Would've kept them 'cept that the bloodstain looked like I shit myself."
"You think the twenty-degree flux we get counts as seasons? Well, it's winter, anyway. Shorter days, less sun."
"Fall. I make good money in the fall. Everyone's done partying for the summer, got their new implants, lookin' for glory on the streets."
"I dunno dick about flowers. I don't even know what kinds I got tattooed on me. Guess those would be my favorite, 'f I knew what they were called."
"I don't pay much attention to flowers, either."
"Sanctuary. ...You didn't like it when we were talkin' about my "orientation" or whatever. Gonna really hate it if I go into detail about scent."
"I use pomegranate shampoo."
"Yeah, that's part of it."
"Don't like hot drinks. I'll drink lemonade, though."
"I used to drink coffee, but these days caffeine just fucks me up. I have enough headaches without it."
"Who keeps track? I'm a night owl, anyway."
"I try to get a reasonable amount in so I don't kill my patients."
"I've never met a dog. Friend of mine has a cat, though, and I like her well enough, so that's one-zero in cats' favor."
"I like 'em both. Hunters and survivors, in their own ways."
"Somewhere with a lotta trees. Grew up in the concrete jungle - a little more green'd be nice, y'know?"
"Yeah. I wouldn't mind visiting Ukraine. I don't know how much green is left, though - anywhere."
"Two, so we each have our own and nobody's stealing it - baby, what are you doing?"
"Fuuuuuuuuck! My fuckin' fries are cold. 'Cause I've been sittin' here answering stupid questions. Are we done now?"
"We're done now."
"I'm fucking hungry and now I gotta eat cold fries, that's a fact for you."
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stephen-bass · 1 year
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can we tajlk about how bass literally soylent green'd these guys. he made these guys into fuckint hamburger meat
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mistymilktea · 2 years
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i wanted to apply a vaporwave-ish aesthetic to this but it turned into something else 🌌 pov: you're about to be hierophant green'd
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dailyeca · 8 months
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get green'd idiot!!!!
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running2reanimation · 2 months
purple what possessed you to come up with a plan like that??
"It was really convoluted, huh? I thought all the fake outs would work to exhaust Green, and the whole potions of anthropomorphizing thing came from a conversation I remembered having with Blue. I figured if the giant cake didn't get him, Green'd be so shaken up he'd be easy to cake at that point. Getting Red out of the cake zone was just a matter of hidden trap doors and a tunnel," Purple folded his arms in satisfaction, "One of my better plans, if I do say so myself."
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maggot-monger · 1 year
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i did NOT consent to getting blue-green'd
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unwelllydrawnroxy · 6 months
*places uno color change* wrong, get green'd roxy
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thebulletsbang · 2 years
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I used to be your favorite shade of Red
Knuckles and Scourge doodle ('Sonny' when he was blue) for my AU I really do not like this doodle much but I really wanted to draw these two together so here it is. Doing this made me realize I had never colored Knux before?? I thought I had but I could not find any drawings where I had
They used to date/were best friends before Sonny got green'd and rebranded
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