#strife battle card
crystallizedcheese · 6 months
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prettyrealm · 3 months
a message from the universe 🌌
pick a card #2: sometimes we can all use a bit of direction! here’s what the universe wants you to shift your focus to and what you should work on to improve your overall quality of life 🌼
how to participate:
🌤️ ask yourself "what should I focus on?" “what should I put more energy into?”
🌷pick the spring sanrio plush that you feel most drawn to.
clear your mind & take as long as you need to choose. keep in mind that you may feel drawn to & choose more than one. you also may not feel drawn to any of them, so don't force it! please consider your headspace before participating as these readings will be honest. the piles are in order from left to right.
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🌸 pile 1
there’s something you’re in denial about and the universe wants you to know it’s best you summon the courage to come to terms with it. it’s time you try to acknowledge these issues now to overcome them and not carry this weight with you. be honest about yourself, your intentions and others. I feel this may have to do with someone trying to take something away from you that’s rightly yours, or the give-and-take dynamic of this situation is denying you of achieving your goals. there is no balance - you may be giving more to this person or project than you receive and your resentment is growing. you may even find yourself giving without true genuine compassion, now carrying a “you owe me.” mindset that only stresses you out. facing the reality of this situation, acknowledging it and making a change will bring very good things to you, and very soon at that. you may have gone through a time of hardship, but things are settling and the universe wants you to know that big and positive changes can and will come into your life be it you follow direction. release your fears. you are ready.
💐 pile 2
the universe wants you to know bright new prospects have opened up! you have and will be making immense progress towards your goals - big strides. you may have felt super optimistic lately and this isn’t for no reason, things will be looking up for you. you have nothing to fear. it is time for you to put trust in the universe and in yourself, something amazing is in store for you and you may even feel like a miracle is unfolding before your very eyes. the only downfall is a bit of conflict may appear before you get here - strife and conflict - prepare for battle, but no worries, you will come out on top. this competition will bring out your passion and show your commitment and may even cause others to admire you more for it. don’t be petty, fight fairly and stay honest. seek true understanding. this small hiccup aside, your desires are manifesting, and your new life is on its way.
(note: if you’re someone who has been trying for a child I can assure you it’s coming soon!)
☁️ pile 3
the universe wants you to look forward to new friends, a new environment and seeking knowledge. important things will be happening soon and you may need to prepare for a change in your relationships. you are being told you need to rid yourself of problems and memories you dwell on from the recent past and practice forgiveness. focus on the changes you and others are making to usher in and happily welcome this new change of scenery. moving past the trails you’ve faced will only strengthen your connection and appreciation for your family members. the universe also wants you to practice and strengthen your powers of reason, stop letting emotion cloud your judgement and make your decisions for you. come to solutions without blaming people, playing the victim or projecting. you’re being given the power to think more clearly and objectively at this time to make the changes to your life that you need, so use it. should you listen to the universe, a weight will be lifted from your shoulders and a sense of freedom will wash over you.
🐣 pile 4
the universe wants you to know your problems are or will be resolved! expect an end or at least an extended break from whatever adversaries you’ve been facing recently. the waters are nice and clear from here on out so feel safe jumping on any opportunity that arises - and they will. whatever your desires may be, the door to obtaining them will be opening up soon. it appears many doors have actually opened for you in the past, but you never took the chance. it’s likely you didn’t realize these opportunities were MEANT for you, but it’s time you stop taking them for granted and start receiving. all the universe asks is that you stop taking things for granted and appreciate what you have. count your blessings, maybe even start a gratitude journal. pay attention to the way you move and your influence on others, be kinder, more responsible and more sweet to those who aid you every day. do not bite the hand that feeds you, and opportunities and gifts will begin to shower you.
🦋 pile 5
the universe is asking you to look to an older male figure in your life. he’s looking out for you and he has the skills and connections that you need at this time. he will be very responsive if you ask for help and expect nothing in return, genuinely wanting the best for you. he is very well-educated and will help push you along on your path, but also provide you with valuable information that will greatest help you in the future. do not take his help for granted and make sure to show your appreciation along the way, this will strengthen the connection and only help you in the long term. you are being asked to relax and relinquish your burdens, accept this assistance and allow the weight to be lifted from your shoulders. you may be extremely stressed recently and these are all things that will help you relieve that stress, but also push you closer to your desires. spend this time day dreaming about, fantasizing about and visualizing what you want for your future.
🐝 pile 6
the universe wants to let you know that you’re on your way to perfecting your craft and rewards will so be yours as a result of your proficiency and hard work! I do see you need to work on getting more information before you make any big decisions. research throughly, consult with others, get a lot of data even if that means as far as going to seminars or watching online lectures. this aside, success and glory is on the horizon! life might feel pretty good right now, but there’s even more joy and happiness in store for you. the universe wants you to step out of your comfort zone, push the limits and stop playing it safe - you’ve been restricted for too long. do not fall victim to close minded thinking, moving off of assumptions and negative history. try to think from a new perspective and don’t get stuck in a loop of bad thought patterns. free yourself.
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biggaybunny · 2 months
Games I Don't Hear Anyone Talk About, So I'm Going To Talk About Them
There's no rhyme or reason to the order here, and maybe these games do have fanbases I've just missed! But that's the premise, here we go:
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The vibes to me are like, if Celeste were a metroidvania. It has exceptional platforming mechanics that are easy to learn, hard to master, and a colorful and expansive map that rewards exploration. The characters are all adorable too.
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A horde survival game a la vampire survivors with a stark and effective color palette. It has tons of atmosphere and the characters offer actual differences in playstyle from one another. I admittedly haven't put too many hours into this because it's tough as nails, but I still recommend it.
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A choose-your-own-adventure VN with a light card battling element, I Was A Teenage Exocolonist was both comfy and a little melancholic about finding happiness and meaning in times of change and strife. It'll take you some time to uncover the full story, and I found myself doing four or five repeat playthroughs without feeling the repetition because there are so many branching routes to take. Also, while you can opt out of the card battling to focus on the story experience, mastering it is a lot of fun!
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Have you ever thought to yourself "The only thing wrong with XCOM is that I wasn't playing as a group of weird superpowered teens, also I need the plot to be more JRPG, also there weren't enough auxiliary mechanics for me to get lost in"? Have you ever wanted to see a teenage girl roundhouse kick a man so hard he catches fire?
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What if SimCity was set in the future, and also made by insane people? I admit, this game has a learning curve, and is niche. But if you're as much a fan of citybuilders as I am, this is a gem. This isn't a sandbox city builder, but doesn't follow the format of traditional guided city builders. But if you do succeed, the art style and level of detail makes regarding your successful metropolis all the more rewarding
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It's part battle chess and part deck builder, and all fun. Lots of combat styles to pick from as you work your way through ridiculous odds. Not much plot, but a good game for people who like games like Slay The Spire and Monster Train.
I think those are my top games I don't see talked about. Hope someone finds this interesting, but tbh, I just had fun talking about these. There's more I could add, but I could be here all day if I wanted to. There's just so much out there, I don't know why anyone's buying price-gouging triple-a games when you can get hundreds of hours out of a title asking less than twenty bucks.
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altocat · 2 months
Alto you can't stop there holy crud
This is now a spoiler dump for the longfic I will never write. Might as well lol
Zack and Aerith manage to drag a zombie Sephiroth across the continent, continuously trying to coax him back into awareness. Aerith actually takes to Sephiroth rather quickly, keeping him fed and clean. He seems to respond to her better than Zack, mumbling incoherently at her from time to time. Zack makes sure to ward off any Shinra soldiers on their tail, constantly on edge trying to protect them from danger.
Gradually, Sephiroth seems to come back to himself, but in a dazed childlike state. He clings to Aerith constantly, not initially recognizing Zack at all. He keeps referring to Aerith as his "mother", and also seems to recoil whenever Zack touches him. Perhaps he believes Zack to be Hojo. Or some unknown person named "Glenn".
Genesis shows up, naturally, looking to snatch up Sephiroth for his cells, still very much degrading. It isn't until Zack fights nearly to the death to keep Sephiroth safe that Sephiroth finally begins to trust Zack, his mangled mind associating the clash between Zack and Genesis with the fight in the training room that set off the entire mess. Genesis is successfully driven off for the time being. And Sephiroth finally opens to both Aerith AND Zack as his trusted allies/surrogate caregivers. His mind is still broken and childlike, but there are times when he seems almost himself again. It takes a while before he can actually start physically contributing to the group, his first instance back in battle an outright attempt to protect Zack the way Zack protected him.
Gradually, Sephiroth seems to be healing and the trio has formed a healthy found family unit. I'd imagine they'd come across many recognizable characters on their journey, along with the continued lurking threat of Genesis.
Back in Midgar, things are in complete chaos. The emergence of Avalanche coupled with Sephiroth's disappearance has left things in a state of total disarray. Infuriated, Hojo decides to play his final trump card in order to recapture his precious specimen.
A little "experiment" he's been cooking up over the past year, plucked fresh from the Nibelheim mission, now suitably trained, conditioned and ready to capture the target.
Experiment S-C119
Cloud Strife
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
Cursed Cards - Part I
So, on this blessed day (birthday of my beloved husband and wedding of an author I SO admire), I offer you a little gift.
Here's a commission by @sauroff for my very favourite boys!!! At the end of the small ficlet I've written for it, you'll find the extra Fingon-reaction-panel and the mini-comic I got (I am still screaming) on which I've based the last part of the story!!!
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Cursed cards
Words: 1,21 k
Warnings: Russingon (which is a half-cousin-incest ship)
Context: This might be read as a snippet out of my many Modern!AU stories. Either way, Maedhros and Fingon did not know each other well when they were younger because of their fathers' strife.
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“Ai Russo,” Fingon called from the door. “You won’t believe what just arrived.”
As he re-entered the room, he was brandishing a small rectangular piece of cardboard triumphantly; from his perch on the sofa, all Maedhros could make out was a cramped block of handwritten text followed by an eerily familiar, sprawling collection of signatures though.
“What do you have there?” he asked cautiously, craning his long, slender neck to get a better look at what he now clearly identified as a postcard of sorts. 
“Your mother has sent me a Christmas card!” Fingon whooped and threw himself on the sofa, the newly-obtained treasure protectively clasped against his broad chest. “And it is the best card anyone has ever received.”
At first, Maedhros was so elated to see his beloved brimming and gleaming with happiness at receiving a missive from Nerdanel that he almost forgot how mischievous his mother could be.
After a few seconds of Fingon cradling his precious card without making any move to share its excellence with him though, Maedhros was overcome by doubt and a terrible suspicion.
“What kind of card is it, darling?” he asked calmly, battling the frown that wanted to crease his smooth, pale brow.
“It’s a family picture,” Fingon said, his voice strained with the effort to suppress a merry guffaw. His eyes were glinting with boundless glee as if he was pondering an excellent joke his lover was not yet privy to.
Instantly, the smile on Maedhros’ face froze into a grimace of pure dread. She wouldn’t do that; his mother knew how much Fingon meant to him. She would never have risked exposing her oldest son to ridicule by digging out the worst holiday picture any family had ever taken.
“Show me!” he demanded shakily and gave a small cry when his worst fears came true. “Oh, no!”
As he tried to snatch the card away, Fingon threw himself around, shielding it with his very body and all but baring his teeth in a territorial frenzy. “No,” he grumbled, “you shall not have it.”
Just by the look on Maedhros’ face, he could tell that he’d destroy the missive if he could.
“Oh, how could she?” Maedhros exclaimed and curled up on himself. “We thought, we really believed, that we had destroyed every last copy of that accursed picture!”
“Why?” Fingon asked cautiously, still keeping his prized possession out of the reach of those terribly nimble and strong hands he so loved to feel on his skin. “It’s an adorable photograph…and you look glorious in it!”
“I…what?” Maedhros combed his fingers through his hair nervously; he was mortified at the mere thought of his dishevelled hair and the awful sweaters his parents had made them wear, so he didn’t so much as glance in the direction of the picture Fingon stared at as if it held every truth of the universe. 
“The twins were in the process of strangling me and scalping Káno,” he informed reproachfully. “Moreover, we had to take Moryo to the hospital. It was an awful night!”
Immediately, Fingon’s huge eyes turned compassionate, and Maedhros’ discontent was mellowed by the earnest empathy he read in them. “How come?”
“Moryo tried to wrench himself free and Tyelko toppled backwards over Curvo…” Maedhros rubbed his forehead with a long-fingered hand; in hindsight, he could appreciate how ludicrous this sounded and cringed. “Either way, Moryo then refused to let us see his hand, Tyelko had hit his head against the edge of a table, Curvo was no longer cackling but wailing. Even the twins stilled in their mayhem upon witnessing the chain reaction of disaster.”
When Fingon merely blinked, Maedhros sighed deeply. “They all still have the scars and, apparently, my parents do not think that reason enough to annihilate the incriminating evidence!”
Fingon had started caressing the picture with a tender fingertip, tracing those noble, gorgeous features he saw every time he closed his eyes; he was, of course, sorry that Fëanor’s children had paid this work of art with blood and tears, but he could not bring himself to truly regret their sacrifice.
“It’s fascinating,” he whispered reverentially, “to see that you’ve all made good on the promises of your childhood days.”
“I guess,” Maedhros agreed grumpily, “I am still awkward, Moryo is still ill-tempered, Tyelko is a savage still, and Curvo never stopped being a sneering pest.”
“I was thinking more along the lines of the prodigious beauty, valour, and strength of your line, but suit yourself,” Fingon laughed and nudged his head against the other’s sharp, bony shoulder. “I wish we had known each other back then!”
“I am glad we didn’t.” Maedhros grimaced in deepfelt embarrassment; he was convinced that his unusual complexion had not done him any favours back in the day. 
Nevertheless, his face softened as he finally looked upon the round, chubby faces of the brothers he thought of constantly – with equal measures of love and exasperation – and found that the memories of their younger days made him smile wistfully.
“I love it,” Fingon swore perfervidly, “and I love you!”
What else could Maedhros do but sling his arm around Fingon and press a kiss against that temple behind which his beloved would keep the memory of that darned picture forevermore, even if he managed to wrench the card from him and throw it into the fire?
“Don’t let Maglor see it though,” he mumbled insistently, “or Moryo. They hate it with a passion!”
All too soon, Maedhros understood that he might as well have saved his breath though as Fingon proceeded to carry the card on his person all the time.
More than once, Maedhros was fooled into believing that his lover had found some rare new treasure upon finding him gaping at something – evidently immensely precious by the look on his face – clasped in his hands, only to discover that it was the vexatious Christmas picture all over again.
Unfortunately, all his earnest endeavours to take it from Fingon ended in bitter defeats though.
“No way,” Fingon grinned as they companionably stood in Maglor’s living room, “I’m sending this to Ingoldo!”
With his impeccable sense of comedic – or tragic, depending on whom you asked – timing, Maglor suddenly appeared at their side to see Fingon gauchely trying to snap a picture of a postcard while swatting away Maedhros’ hand. 
“Nelyo,” Maglor squawked in a melodramatic voice, “please tell me it’s not that photo again!”
He recognised the colour scheme and the chaotic composition even without getting a good look at the object Fingon so ferociously defended from Maedhros’ half-hearted attempts at theft.
“The very same,” Maedhros huffed, “and – if we cannot dissuade him – Finno will make sure everyone with eyes to see will be made aware of our shame!”
Maglor pondered this for a second and then shrugged. “I look somewhat cute in it,” he declared in a regal act of grace, “and it’s – oh, so much – worse for the others, so…I shall condone the propagation of the monstrosity.”
Astounded, Maedhros merely blinked at this utterance; he had just lost a valuable ally.
“Also,” Maglor continued, his eyes glinting sharply, “I shall have my revenge. Charming a middle-aged lady into handing over pictures of her beloved children should be child’s play!”
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Here are the promised extra artworks:
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I hope you've all liked this, please give @sauroff a big round of applause for being delightful, generous, and absolutely lovely to work with.
As always, lots of love from my little person!
A hooray to love, to friendship, and to happiness. May December be good to you all!!!
-> Part 2
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yermes · 11 months
PAC: 🧸
I was abt to trauma dump all this unnecessary childhood information but it turns out I was just really sad and hungry. BUT because I love all my squishmellow sons, my dino nuggies and ketchup daughters, random obscure void creatures and everyone else I decided to abstain from that. HOWEVER! I am no stranger to toxic relationships and friendships and with how the occult/practitioner community is heres a reading on potential toxicity around you atm.
Pick a meme
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Pick a card
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Wheel of fortune 🎱
Lord of the Forces of Life, Caph, Palm, Ezekiel, Jupiter
Toxicity in fate and destiny. To me this is like being the only one in the group project that does anything. Feeling trapped in circumstances such as a sucky job or class. Theres always that “why don’t you quit” question when the answer Is “I can’t” either you NEED this for a degree or you have to put food on the table the strings of fate have woven kind of a tricky situation for you. THANKFULLY this card is upright which may indicate a turn of the tides in your favor.
Completion 🎡
Venus 3. In Aries, Chesed through Fire, four of wands
If this seems like the wrong card for the reading you are INCORRECT BABE. This card points to some form of toxicity in the physical which is needed for growth in the spiritual. As of NOW you seem to be going through it but god gives his silliest battles to his funniest clowns and you will learn a lesson which will broaden your spiritual horizon. This is showing that the toxicity going on as of now in the physical is needed to bring completion in the non-physical.
Five of wands (reversed) 🪄
Lord of Strife, Geburah, Saturn in Leo 1°–10°, Angels Vahaviah and Yelayel
Its seems like theres a lot of complex emotions with whatever the fuck is going on over there. Lust, desire, and trickery. Your friend group could be the Real Housewives of Weird ass occult discords. The Saturn with leo is straight up just a bad vibe. It seems to me that almost theres a severe power imbalance that someone is either abusing their power over you, or someone is jealous of your power and status within your group and is praying on your downfall. Wth.
Prince of wands 🎟️
21° Cancer to 20° Leo, Vau, Air aspect of fire Aziluth, Tiphareth
Learning without understanding does absolutely nothing. You may be making a toxic situation for yourself which in turn attracts toxic people. Misery does love company after all. You may be becoming destructive and the people around you are just fanning the flames. Its great you have all this energy for magic and this vest for life but you may want to start putting that into more productive ways so you can actually use instead of abusing what you can do. Not saying im anti-hex I love a good hex phase but not and the expense of who you are as a person. We are as above so below people I do agree you can recognize and celebrate primal fury without succumbing to it.
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latenitewaffles · 3 months
Ok full team. The Book Club, my group of Persona OCs, consists of;
Melanie Alatorre, Wild Card; She's a writer, an aspiring teacher, and all of this is gonna end up in her novel
Jake Kekoa, Magician Arcana; Mechanical genius who created a robot with his girlfriend who vanished (I miss my wife sonic)
Lilian Fairbanks, Lovers Arcana; Butch lesbian biker girl who wields a claymore like Cloud Strife or Undyne who's ALSO studying medicine
Zahra Rouhani, Priestess Arcana; She's studying psychology to become a therapist! She's also incredibly aware that this experience will make her need a therapist too.
Ethan Harper, Chariot Arcana; Soccer player who is pathetically in love with the goalie of his team. Incredible tactical mind, but generally? Pure of heart, dumb of ass.
Tobias Larson, Fortune Arcana; You'd think this guy was the group brawler with how big he is but no he's the Navigator and he's very normal about plants.
Beni, Justice Arcana; The robot kid of the above robot maker, who gained a soul and is making it everyone else's problem. Bnuuy.
Kyoka Tanabe, Temperance Arcana; Method actor Theater kid who practices her characters in battle and honestly at every waking moment
Enzo Marquez, Emperor Arcana; They're so cool from the outside but absolutely feral about fashion when you get to know them. They're still cooler than everyone else though.
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cloutchase · 1 year
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SUBHEADER AND WEAKNESS FONT (also strife specibus)
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your faves are NOT free!! heres dndads but homestuck
* i ate the gender alignments . the classes dont have genders anymore . also homestuck classes are different to dnd obviously bards in homestuck are wildly different to dnd bards ok anyway
[s1 dads]
- bard of rage
- prospit dreamer
-strife specibus: throwingaxekind . this is very specific they Have to be throwing axes .
- heir of life
- derse dreamer
- strife specibus: staffkind , id say its a family heirloom (the one his dad fought with before . barry has a more powerful one now though)
- knight of time
- derse dreamer
- strife specibus: guitarkind . "soren thats not a weapon" Guess the fuck what yes it is now . picture him fighting with a rlly cool guitar merged with an axe (from darryl) that he can use to TIME TRAVEL . (kinda like daves turntables but different)
- rogue of space
- prospit dreamer
- strife specibus: businesscardkind. i absolutely could give him a cooler better more fighty type of specibus but i think fighting with business cards is peak homestuck. also theres a char that fights with playing cards sooo uhh I Win nerd emoji
- knight of doom
- prospit dreamer
- strife specibus: riflekind . What fucking else (if you saw the og version no you didnt stop lying)
- prince of blood
- derse dreamer
- strife specibus: clawglovekind . its like nepetas claws merged with a glove. also has a Gun .
-sylph of breath
- prospit dreamer
- strife specibus: also clawglovekind, has the other hand of the claw glove Thing . doesnt have any other weapon its Just that
- heir of void
- derse dreamer
- strife specibus: guitarbattleaxe kind . think battle axe of hatred p much . its glenns old guitar merged with a battleaxe but as he keeps leveling it up n shit its on fire and its So cool
terry jr:
- page of mind
- prospit dreamer
- strife specibus: pistolkind . crochet needles in the sylladex as a backup
[the teens]
- knight of hope
- prospit dreamer
- strife specibus: gunkind . he is Gun Person in the magical scenario .
- mage of blood
- derse dreamer
- strife specibus: staffkind!!!! it is the same henry and barry fought with but he doesnt know it
- page of void
- prospit dreamer
- strife specibus: katanakind cuz What Else .!!!
- witch of doom
- derse dreamer
- strife specibus: pitchforkkind cuz i think its very fitting!! she can use it with her aspect too ,, she can use the bottom to direct doom energy to an enemy
- bard of heart
- derse dreamer
- stride specibus: needlekind . same needles he makes costumes with !!!
BONUS aka characters i classpected at random
willy: lord of doom . uses a fishing rod that does doom damage if it the hook hits u if that makes sense??
erin: witch of life. still unsure what shed use to fight though ......
paeden: thief of light . yes this is vriska classpect no i dont care
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comparativetarot · 10 months
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Five of Rods. Art by Claire Goodchild, from The Antique Anatomy Tarot.
The Five of Rods throws you into the ring for a fight, and only the most determined will win. Competition is fierce, and your rivals are all around you.
This card wants you to get your game face on and come up with a plan of attack. Having clear goals and being firm in your convictions will ensure you come out on top.
The Five of Rods can also indicate that the people around you do not have your best interests at heart. They have their own agendas and, unfortunately, they involve taking you down. Stand firm and appear strong, even if you don't feel it.
Keywords: Competition, battle, strife, success, obstacle
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dynamistimaeus · 8 months
This post is about to get long, so I added a ‘read more’. I was working on this back in December of last year (2022). Though, I am now sharing my thoughts and ‘theories’ as the HS2 writing team has changed and the story will go a slightly different direction.
I want to compile my thoughts involving the Homestuck Epilogues and Homestuck^2. Not necessarily just my opinions of it, but some things I noticed. More of an in-depth analysis, along with some of my own commentary and several ‘theories’.
There was originally a post that sparked this interest; however, I no longer have it and I don’t want this to become a debate. The person was voicing their opinion and that is totally fair and fine! They are in the right to do that. My thoughts on it still remain, though, as it got me thinking and theorizing more deeply. Something akin to igniting the fire, so to speak. While I don’t think opinions on fictional media are right or wrong, they are still just that, opinions. This being said, I feel like sometimes fandom runs with opinions and considers it factual (or canon) when in reality it really isn’t. At the end of the day, an opinion of something, and even theories, are still just those things. The important thing is that it is actually a good thing that someone can formulate their own opinions about media, and art, in general. Art is subjective and even if there is a very specific message to something, at the end of the day, if it can evoke something in you and make you think deeper.. Then, that is impressive and honestly really normal. It should draw some emotion from you, hence why it is subjective. You look at it from your own lens and determine what it means to you, using your own personal truths. Now, onto the fun part.
While I was thinking about what this individual said, it made me reconsider certain story elements. They had made a comment that Rose would have been a more interesting villain, and that is fair; however, technically, if you consider Ult Dirk a villain, then Rose would be too. Sometimes I think people forget that Dirk and Rose are similar (like how Roxy and Dave are), and this also goes into Jake and Jade being similar and the qualities that both Jane and John/June share too. For the record, I don’t necessarily consider Ult Dirk a villain, and it is definitely fine if you do; however, this goes a little into my theories surrounding things. In all regards, I think the fictional version of Ult would be more of a morally grey character, possibly someone that would fit better in an ‘anti-hero’ sort of role, since he clearly believes what he is doing is the ‘right’ thing to do. Furthermore, I believe his character always had the possibility of becoming this way and not necessarily ‘becoming what he hates,’ but someone that can control things and ‘fix’ things. We see a lot in the comic that Dirk pushes his friends in odd ways to show he cares. By extension, Bro Strider also tries to do these things— and, a side note here.. I saw someone make a theory about Bro trying to turn Dave into a Dirk splinter.. But the canonical points of Homestuck disprove that theory.. In that Dave doesn’t have a heart shirt as a kid because Bro is a Prince of Heart.. He has a heart shirt, because John has a spades shirt.. So on and so forth. It is just a nod back to the card suites, as well as the trolls quadrants. Along with this, Bro Strider— as a Dirk adjacent being, would be doing what he ‘thinks’ is best. We even see Dirk mirror this kind of behavior with his creation of Brobot to ‘strife’ with Jake to ‘prepare and train’ him better. In Dirk’s mind, he was doing what was ‘best’ or ‘correct’. And, even if it is bad what he was doing.. It is oddly his way of showing he cares. Furthermore, Bro Strider, with the knowledge from Lil Cal (and those inhabiting him) definitely tries to create the scratch or attempts to ‘delay’ or ‘end’ the game however he can.. We see him battle Jack. Bro Strider was technically one of the only Beta Guardians that actively tries to interfere with the game, while Grandpa Harley seems to have his own agenda and hand in things— we learn more about this when it comes to Hiveswap. Grandpa Harley has some very deeply rooted ties with the cherubs and their magic, as well as many other links back to the game.. But this post isn’t about that, so I will save that for a different time.
Back to looking at Rose’s character for a moment. I want to make it clear that Rose has always had the ability to dig deeper into the narrative and the game as a whole. Her seer powers allow that. The original post I mentioned, also explained this well. They made the comments about Alpha Mom. While the guardians are really interesting and helpful to give us insight on the kids.. I also want to reiterate the kids aren’t the guardians. And, in my mind, I am of the impression that they may share the aspect with their alternate timeline self, but not the class.. I made this theory from looking at the trolls: The dancestors and decendants— they all share the same aspect, but not the same class. With this information, I started to dig a bit deeper.. Which brings me to some other interesting finds.
Some of the kids share some aspects with the trolls, and even with the cherubs. Now, before I get more into that, I want to brush up on my theories involving HS^2 and the turns some of the characters took.. First, starting with Dirk. It has been a bit since I read the story of Timaeus, but I already have a few correlating ties back to it and the turn Dirk’s character takes. Within the story of Timaeus, as Plato writes it.. Eventually, the character of Timaeus begins to take over the narrative completely. The full story never was finished, as Plato died prior to finishing the dialogues, but I think this is important.. It plays back into a few other things involving Dirk’s character too, but I don’t want to stay on this, as I have a lot of other thoughts to unpack. Now, another interesting thing about Dirk, and more specifically Bro Strider, is the ties they have with Kamina from Gurren Lagaan. Unsure of how many of you have seen the anime, but Kamina— one of the main characters, goes by the nickname of ‘Bro’, especially to the younger character Simon. Now, some of the methods Kamina uses to ‘help Simon’ basically.. Deal with the destroyed version of the world, aren’t ideal.. But a lot of the things Kamina does in that show are very identical to things Dirk, and Bro Strider, do in regards to the game.. And, well, end of the world, essentially. Along with this, Roxy (and adjacently) Mom Lalonde share a lot of qualities with Yoko from that show.. From the scarf to the amazing rifle action. Also, the weirdly overly fetishization of female characters that happened in the 90’s.. It was bad, and it even shows with Roxy a bit.. Her personality is also a little similar to Yoko’s.. Though, the other interesting thing about this is that Jake shares some qualities of her too.. The shorts, the guns, the infamous kissing in front of a volcano.. You know, among other things.. But I think Jake having more ties back to Indiana Jones and Laura Croft make a bit more sense.. Considering Grandpa Harley.. And, the fact Hussie has started they weren’t really sure what to do with Jake’s character for a while— sidenote: I love Jake and want to see him fully use his Hope powers.. But I’ll brush up on this a little more as I unpack some things..
I think the Epilogues and Homesuck^2 are.. Kind of replaying the events of things that happened with the trolls’ ancestors.. To the way Jane is becoming Condy.. Even her ties to Gamzee. It makes me think of the relationship between Condy and GHB.. Even the fact Jane, a human, is with a troll to the side, but is fine with destroying the rest. Condy was with a human because ‘he made her laugh,’ but was fine with destroying anyone else. With this, we even see in one timeline (the Candy one) that Karkat becomes a lot like the Signless, which makes sense, especially if Jane is filling the role of Condy. There isn’t a kid that shares the Rage aspect as Gamzee, so I wondered if this was why they ‘brought him back’.. But that doesn’t explain Vriska, because Rose technically shares a classpect with her and still is alive within both timelines.. Though, interestingly enough, Terezi’s relationship with Rosebot in the Meat timeline mirrors her past relationship with Vriska, as well as that of Redglare and Mindfang.. Now, this is the interesting thing.. Jake would then technically be in the same shoes as Cronus and Eridan if it was following this trend, but he isn’t. He’s an outlier.. Though, on the other hand, John/June being a breath player.. I think that is why they will ultimately still ‘be the hero’ in all of this. Having ties back to Tavros’ ancestor, and what that entails involving the Signless. We also only see John/June in the candy timeline, as it is believed they died within the meat one.. Upon being sent back.. Now, even more interestingly.. Dave shares an aspect with Aradia and her ancestor and dancestor.. Which we see Davebot currently traveling along with Aradia.. But he also shares an aspect with Caliborn, being the same ‘color’ of the cherub swirls.. Also, think of the parallels here of Lord English and The Handmaid… Which also brings me to the fact that Jade and Calliope also share an aspect (as well as Kanaya; however, she never goes Godtier).. And, the color scheme of Jade fits closely with Calliope.. In the Meat timeline, they have merged together— to an extent.. Which makes me wonder if Davebot and that Jade will eventually have to fight one another? Would Davebot win or would that version of Calliope be the actual winner? Since, as we know, Calliope was the one who was supposed to win between the two cherubs, which was the reason the session was doomed.. As Caliborn takes over entirely (becoming Lord English). I also would like to point out that Aradia accidentally left Sollux behind somewhere… Will he eventually become a power source for Jane? Just some random thoughts. I’m still digging into things.. But I do think some of the characters going the routes they do make sense more in this context.
Last notes, I also believe the reason Roxy (within the Meat timeline) is fine with executing Ult Dirk. When they talk to Dave about it, he seems uncomfortable about it (reasonably so), but Roxy doesn’t.. They also share an aspect with Equius (and we all know about his ancestor)…
Anyways, this is all of my findings for now. I’ll continue updating as I find more things to discuss (and have the energy to do so).
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theninthdoor · 2 years
aespa || alternative route; tarot reading
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✦ Crossroads (Circumstances of when other concept options were being considered):
cards: five of wands (sun, ace of wands), eight of swords reversed (six of swords), ten of wands (seven of wands)
At the time when SM Ent. was deciding on which way to go with aespa, it seems like many, many opinions were put on the table, and so there was a lot to consider. The excitment to be debuting a new girl group ended up resulting in a battle of creative visions and different priorities which, in addition to the immense pressure they were already under (since their previous girl groups were such big successes), all made it very difficult to follow one common line of thought. Unlike what we saw with Girls' Generation's planning (read » here), the strife wasn't due to lack of a strong creative vision or due to the need to really please the general public; but moreso due to the existance of an abundance of opinions and creative inputs. Simultaneously, I do believe SM wanted to pursue a riskier route from the get-go, but found it hard to figure out a way to communicate it corretly to the public. There were fears of them being misunderstood or of putting a lot of effort into something, only to be met with criticism and resistance. Also, because they were being faced with a lot of restrictions at the time, they found it very hard to adapt their system and ideas to those.
✦ Alternative concept they almost went with:
cards: empress, king of swords, three of pentacles
From what we've got here, it feels like aespa almost went with a very classy, very dainty, royalty type of concept (something like Karina's teaser with the black/gold outfit and the crown), where beauty and femininity would've been at the forefront, but still with a taste of hi-tech (perhaps the AI characters idea that they have now). Also, everything would've been very detailed, with rich visuals and an abundance of pretty things to look at (clothes, accessories, sets, etc.). Essentially, a futuristic royal concept could've been it. The luxury and sensitivity of the Empress would've been present, as well as the attention to detail and complex constructions of the Three of Pentacles, and then, finally, the scientific and sharp characteristics of the King of Swords.
✦ Why it wasn't chosen:
cards: queen of pentacles (four of swords), devil (queen of cups), six of swords
They either thought it was better suited for another group or that it would've made them stand out too little from other girl groups. Really, it just felt too safe to go with, and it was thought that it wouldn't be enough to make them shine among the competition during that particular period. The company's ambitions were way, way higher. Even if it meant making very risky decisions, they were determined to stay on top and be "extraordinary". Also, there is a big external influence here that turned SM Ent. to another direction, by magnifying their already great desire to have control over the trends in the industry. Said influence could've sold them a master plan of how to turn the tide in the direction of their innovative visions, and worked hard to keep them emotionally invested in it, so much so that they were willing to deal with any possible negative consequences of pursuing it then. Big risk, big reward - they thought.
✦ Why they went with their present concept:
cards: ten of cups, ace of pentacles, four of swords (queen of wands), judgement
In the end, they went with the option that would give them their happily ever after, basically. The concept that aespa was presented to us with opened the door of opportunity, so SM Ent. could deliver more of the experimental ideas they have been keeping in the vault. As we know, the company has never been scared to be inventive and risky, so it seems like it was just a matter of them needing to new stage to stand on - specially considering the state of the world at the time of aespa's debut. Also, and in relation to that, this image allowed them to shine in those conditions, and to keep people interested and connected to them, even at a distance. Because since the majority of the public was highly dependent on technology and the internet to entertain themselves and communicate with others, more than ever before, it only made sense for SM to make that aespa's whole concept.
(Disclaimer: all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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esoteric-butcher · 1 year
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Star Date: Helios 8’44” Aries 29/3/2023
Hour of Saturn Day of Mercury
Luna 15’21” Cancer Mansion 6 “Al Hana” Phase: 2nd Quarter
Stellar Host: Alhena
Four Card Spread for the Week A.T.T.: IX of Wands, IX of Pentacles, The Hanged Man, and the V of Pentacles
Correlating Astrology: Rahu in Taurus I (5 of Disks)
Interesting Astrology: Rahu (5’33” Taurus) Square Pluto (0’06” Aquarius)
So after a week of Moon Rise Rituals I’ve already noticed a few things. The first surprising thing I found interesting is that it has helped SLOW DOWN TIME. I for one would/ve thought that ,with Luna being the quickest to travel around the Zodiac (once per month), if anything it would have sped time up. However, after contemplating it for a time I’ve realized that it is interrupting the “Hamster Wheel Effect” of daily living. Luna rises at a dramatically different time each day as she glide further and further from her monthly tea time with Helios. So my prayer is at a different time everyday. Also, Because each of her “Mansions” or “Stations” is named of a different star this adds even more nuance and deeper meaning to the 7 day cycle. This minutia added to each moment helps drag time down.
Speaking of slowing things down. I already noticed a slow down in my posts naturally and I think that I acknowledge this trend. So I’ll be posting once or twice a week intentionally instead of randomly posting when I feel I can fit it in. Another thing that this is going to do is broaden my spread’s and seek out more detailed meanings. So I hope you enjoy this journey with me.
The spread I’m looking at is a 4 card spread. I shuffled and cut several times between each pull to give time for the energies to speak for themselves. The first card is in the “Top” position and I asked that this card represents myself. The rest of the cards were pulled from left to right in order and for each I simply asked for “energies or archetypes to look for this week”.
For me is the Ram standing on top of the mountain. Battle hardened and wise. Behind me is the 9 Wands. Representing the achievement of will and succeeding through rigorous testing and trials. All “Nines” speak to a kind of pride of the moment. They also precede a moment of the cresting of the hill, turning of the wheel, and the end of a task completed.
The 3 cards below work together to tell a story. First we have another nine the IX of Pentacles, then The Hanged Man, and finally the V of Pentacles. This isn’t a linear story from left to right but there are energies here that can weave in and out of each other.
The Hanged Man is the ultimate fluid state, The sacrifice of the self to flow with the tide. In this deck it is a honey pot ant that sacrifices it’s own desires and no longer travels to the outside world in order to be the source of nectar for their fellow ants. This is a card that revels in the moment and has sacrificed will and choice to the greater or higher self. More refined than The Fool for the Hanged Man has shored up some knowledge and skill through its life and now can be used as a tool for a specific purpose by the higher united consciousness for the greater good. Also not to be confused with the Hierophant. Even though both have deep spiritual meaning. The Hanged Man is not tied to any one devotion or place of worship. It has no boat to traverse the mighty waters. Nor a flock to guide through the valley of death. The Hanged Man simply lays in the river and lets it pull them too and fro wherever the mighty tides shall take them.
The V of Pentacles is always a reminder of making due with what you can. All “Fives” reveal a conflict or a strife in the moment and the element. Here we see the element of Pentacles or material needs being met through the harvesting of pelts. This is a great reminder of how we live in a system that, more often than not, asks us to do things that we don't like in order to fulfill our needs. The fur trade is historically known to be a wasteful act in order to fulfill the greedy desire of the glutenous and slothy class. Thousands of miles away in a city in france they decide that Beaver Pelt is the most desired for fashion. Then along riverbanks all across the lands of “Turtle Island” beavers were swept up and dragged away by the thousands. Thus leaving their communities without their most skilled damn builder which provided eddy’s for both fish and birds to make use of for nesting and laying of eggs.
The IX of Pentacles draws us also back to a look out over accomplishments before we proceed on to the new. This regal looking tortoise has all they need to feel comfort and stability. Even the wall behind them aids in their protection. Sometimes the cards are speaking to the moment. However, this time I feel it is speaking to a future. Have you ever written a “Time Capsule Spell”? Have you ever made a “Story Board” for your future? All of us can identify the power of the mind. Especially when it comes to sending us into depression spirals or being frozen in worry and anxiety. The mind is also used the other way. As a way to create bliss harmony and desired results.
I feel The Hanged Man here is an act of remedy here. For in order to become “Co Creators” of our realities we must recede into the cave of ourselves. Carve time away from everything else. The screens, the music, the streets, and the vibration of lights around us. Sitting with ourselves. We can find a new path away from the burdens of the 5 of pentacles and bridge a path to the 9 of pentacles. Write a story about waking up in your ideal life. What does it feel like. Where are you? What’s out your window? Get all the details down. Then seal it up and read it on your birthday (or any day you think would be significant). Then rewrite it. Surrendering to the imagination can help us open doors to the world we want to step into.
I hope this helps.
As always. Thanks for listening,
End 11:15 am pst Hour of Mars
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melestasflight · 1 year
🐉and 🪄 plus the bonus card for the Silm, if you'd like!
Thanks for the ask!
🐉 A lot of figures in the Silm have weird Eldritch powers or possibly biology. Tell us about your headcanons for one.
I have so many hc-s on this, but my absolute favorite (and most commonly used in writing) is the Songs of Power. They are thrown all over the place in the Silm and seemingly have no rule to how they are used, but I strongly believe that Song is at the core of elvenness. Being so attuned to Arda and starlight, Elves can feel the song of creation much more than mortals, and those who've been tutored under the Valar have learned to use it to their advantage with incredible mastery.
It's what makes the High Elves special in that sense, they are able to use Songs of Power for individual healing (Fingon upon Thangorodrim), collective healing (Maglor and his Noldolante), to inspire others in battle (Fingon's cry at the Nirnaeth), do actual fighting (Finrod with Sauron), etc. Something that the Noldorin descendants inherit and some of that power lingers even if not so dramatically expressed even far down Elros and Elrond's line.
🪄 You can change how one (1) Big Event goes down in the Silm - either in favor of something in HoME or something you made up. What happens instead? Tell us the cool stuff!
Fingolfin lives! He actually wins the 1:1 against Morgoth and plucks the Silmarils from his crown. Fingolfin would remain High King and terrible events like the Nirnaeth, the ruin of Doriath, and the two kinslayings wouldn't happen.
But, I anticipate all sorts of other political challenges. In this scenario, Sauron's rise would happen much earlier, probably around the end of the first age, and the question of who owns the Silmarils would inevitably cause strife among the Noldor. The Fëanorians claim them as their birthright, and Fingolfin has them as his sole victory over Morgoth. Does he hand them over? Where does Fingon stand in this debate? And what kind of task does Thingol assign to Beren when he asks the hand of Luthien?
I don't have a single answer, but the possibilities are totally ticklish!
I think this also takes care of the bonus question haha, is it cheating? Give the card to daddy Nolofinwion!
Ask game prompts
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uptoolateart · 1 year
Next card! Explanation below image.
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Traditionally, the 5 of Swords depicts a group of 5, often soldiers, going their separate ways after a battle on a beach. Swords are the realm of air/the mind, e.g. thoughts, communication, while 5s indicate conflict. The beach is the realm of water, showing that mental strife has an emotional backdrop - and emotional consequences.
For my card, I went with this moment in Elation. They nearly had something wonderful, spoiled by reminders of who they are and what that means for them. Cat's moment of rationality, combined with Ladybug's rule on secrecy, creates this conflict, which then causes Marinette's mind to be taken over...only resolved through an injection of unthinking emotion. Even then, Marinette recovering her rationality puts up a wall between them once again.
We as the audience see this as tragic misunderstanding...and I believe that is often the case with the mental struggles we face in real life.
This card also speaks of moments when it really is time to step away - either permanently or simply to get fresh perspective on your situation.
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comparativeoracle · 2 years
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Siren. Art by Matt Hughes, from Mother Mort's Carnival of Souls.
The Sirens of mythology were beautiful mermaids whose songs would attract sailors towards rocks and danger and ultimately their demise. This card represents the two-faced nature of some people and sometimes within ourselves. People often present and image to the world and hide their true self. This card is a sign to avoid such people or remove them from your life or at the very least be distrustful of their advice or guidance. If you are the one suffering from this duality, it is a sign to show your true self and drop these pretense as they only harm you. The card also represents the struggle between good and bad or right and wrong, either within ourselves or outside of us. If the struggle is internal, this card is a sign to strive to be good and true to yourself and others. If the struggle is an external battle, it is a sign to ensure you are doing the right thing in respect of the other parties involved. In all of these things, honesty is imperative as lies will only lead to more trouble and strife down the line.
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