#gregory violet render
prof-kenny · 8 months
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Black Butler Gregory Violet Prefect Violet Wolf House
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yuusishi · 2 months
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It’s 11:30pm and I can’t sleep I have class in 7 hours and 30 mins here’s Gregory Violet
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wafflesandkruge · 1 year
lover, please stay (kathony)
Daphne gestures exasperatedly at him. “You taught me yourself, brother. I am not mistaken. Love is when your eyes meet and your heart begins to beat faster–”
“My heart,” Anthony snarls, “beats faster because she is aggravating!”
aka the very self-indulgent and niche bridgerton grishaverse au
a/n: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY @rietveldbrothers​ MY BELOVED MY PARTNER IN CRIME MY KATHONY ENABLER. i hope you like this incredibly niche au that probably only the two of us will enjoy lmao. anyway all you need to know is that anthony is a heartrender, kate is an inferni, and daphne is a heartrender. 
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The Bridgerton manor is quiet to all but Anthony this time of night. Exhaustion weighs heavy on his bones as he treads silently through the darkened halls. Call it superstition, or perhaps paranoia, but he’s never gone to bed without completing his nightly ritual.
Benedict’s room is first at the end of the hall. Anthony pauses for a second and slows his breathing. Beyond the brightly painted door, he can sense Benedict’s heartbeat. It’s erratic from what was probably another late cup of coffee, but strong. Beside him, Eloise’s pulse thrummed at a slightly slower rate. So the two were up late, again. Anthony had once caught them still up at dawn synthesizing a new compound for Benedict’s paintings, dark smudges beneath their eyes and matching grins splitting their faces before they registered Anthony’s presence. Anthony smiles at the memory. They are lucky he isn’t in the mood to spoil their fun today.
Colin’s room is empty as he is still on his Grand Tour, so Anthony keeps moving. Daphne’s room is next. His favorite sister is quietly asleep, her heartbeat slow and steady. Something in his blood calls to her, her powers briefly brushing his own. Even in her sleep, she is a formidable Heartrender, second only to him. Anthony lingers for a second longer. He wouldn’t be able to check in on her like this for much longer, given her impending marriage to Simon.
He pulls himself away with a soft sigh and moves on. Francesca is away as well, but Hyacinth and Gregory are sleeping peacefully in their shared room, tired out by the picnic they’d had by the lake earlier. They’d driven their nanny almost to insanity with their combined energy. Anthony listens for another moment, then continues on to the last bedroom.
Violet Bridgerton sleeps alone, as she has for the last fifteen years. Anthony’s powers weren’t developed enough before his father had died, so her solitary heartbeat is the only one he has ever known. He wonders how it could still be this strong when in the days after Edmund’s death, it was so quiet he thought his powers were broken. He could never do that to someone else, to leave them behind a shell of themself. His hands clench involuntarily.
Violet is strong. She’ll manage. He sends her good dreams, then forces himself to leave.
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Edwina’s pretty face breaks into a smile as she is ushered to the front of the room. Her dark hair had been pulled into an artful updo and silk flowers had been haphazardly pinned to the spill of curls. She wore a pale dress covered with sparkling beads that clicked together with every movement. There is a certain girlish charm to her that Anthony supposes is appealing, but he is hardly enraptured like half the men in the room.
At some unknown cue, the lights in the room are extinguished. A hush falls over the shadowed crowd.
Then, there is light.
Spidery sunlight pools in Edwina’s palms and catches on the beads of her dress, scattering light across the room. Her face is alight with joy as she spreads her arms wider and the light grows.
The crowd oohs and aahs at the display of power, but Anthony’s attention is elsewhere. Half-hidden in Edwina’s shadow is another woman, closer to his age than Edwina. She has the same eyes and nose as Edwina, and the light manages to catch her regal profile and render her a study in shadows. But the thing that catches his attention is that even in a room full of people, her heart seems to beat the loudest. He takes a step towards her.
Their eyes meet.
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“What are you doing here?” Anthony demands, his traitorous heart leaping at seeing Kate. She’s wearing a smart blue dress today, matching silk gloves covering her arms from the bright sun. Mud-stained riding boots peek out from beneath the hem. Clearly, she intends to spend a day with the horses, which is why Anthony is so bewildered by her presence at the training grounds.
Kate surveys the area with a critical eye, her head tilted at that aggravating angle that made it look like she was looking down at him despite the several inches he had on her. Anthony’s blood boils as she opens her mouth. “I wanted to see what the big fuss was about.”
“It’s dangerous for you here,” Anthony growls. It would only take a second of distraction from any of the Grisha dotting the course, and Kate could be hurt. The thought causes his skin to itch. “If you want to observe, do it from the house.”
“Oh please,” Kate says dismissively. “How can you expect me to be frightened when I saw Mr. Levington there fall off his horse last week because she spooked at a rabbit?”
Anthony looks at where Kate’s gaze is directed, and sure enough, Levington is trying to levitate water out of the lake with little success. The front of his shirt is already soaked, and wet hair is plastered to his forehead. What an imbecile.
When he turns back to Kate, she’s still staring at Levington, a small smirk playing on her lips. Anthony scowls and steps in front of her to block her view. “Leave,” he ordered.
Kate tilts her head to the side. “Do you always expect people to jump at every order you give?”
The two stare at each other, having reached a clear impasse. Anthony can’t help noticing the way the sun turns her eyes into warm honey, dark lashes blinking slowly as she glowered at him. Her heartbeat thumps steady in his ears, both a reassurance and an annoyance.
“Watch out!” a voice cries from the distance.
Anthony sees it a split second after the warning. A stream of bright fire hurtles toward them from behind Kate, too fast to be avoided. His pulse roars as he grabs her shoulders and shoves her roughly to the ground, his shoulders curved around her body. The air is unbearably hot. He squeezes his eyes shut and waits.
One breath.
Kate’s heartbeat slowing until it was silent.
Kate’s last breath leaving her body in a final gasp.
“My lord.”
Kate’s body still in his arms–
His eyes fly open. Blood rushes in his ears, everything is tinted red. Kate peers up at him from the ground, her brows furrowed in concern. Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes bright.
“Breathe,” she says as if calming a spooked animal. “Breathe.”
“You are unharmed?” he chokes out. His hands fumble at her shoulders, her arms. He cannot breathe. “Kate, are you–”
“I am fine.” Kate grabs his hand and holds it to the bare skin over her heart. Her skin is burning to the touch. “Breathe, my lord. Listen.”
Anthony forces a breath through his lungs and the fog dissipates just enough that he can remember how to use his power. Kate’s heart races, her lungs fill with air. Alive. He clings to the rhythm of her breaths like a lifeline.
“I am unharmed,” Kate repeats, more softly this time. Her other hand presses his free hand to his own heart so he can feel his own heartbeat. Warmth seeps through the thin silk of her glove.
He focuses on the brown of her eyes and slows his breaths. This close, he can count her eyelashes, each one ebony black and perfectly curved. Her heart beats on.
He leans in closer. She smells like lilies, the sharp scent of char cutting through. Her breath fans across his lips as her head tilts toward him and–
“Are you both alright?”
They spring apart. Anthony scrubs the back of his hand against the lower half of his face as Kate jumps to her feet. Her dress is hopelessly stained and wrinkled, but he can’t see any other damage. She still stares at him, her eyes wide.
“I must– I will go,” Kate says firmly before turning on her heel and striding purposefully back towards the house. Anthony watches her go, still a little dazed.
“Bridgerton!” Lord Lumley panted as he finally reached Anthony’s side. His jacket was charred at the cuffs and soot was smeared across his face. “Are you alright? I lost control of the fire for a second there.”
Anthony stares uncomprehendingly at the ground. The manicured grass is singed and blackened in a perfect circle around where the both of them had been laying on the ground. Had there been a squaller around who saw and aided them?
“I’m fine,” he responds curtly. “Stay off the training grounds if you’re not experienced enough.”
“Of course, my lord,” he says with a low bow. “My apologies, again.”
Anthony stares at the grass and wonders.
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“You’ve been lying to everyone.”
Kate laughs, throwing her head back and letting her curls tumble down her back. Anthony doesn’t think it’s a laughing matter, but he stares all the same.
“I’ve never lied, my lord. People see what they want to, and I’m under no obligation to correct them.” Her heart beats steady and strong, a sure sign she was telling the truth. But Anthony has no idea how he’s been so blind, how he couldn’t have seen what now is so obvious. Kate Sharma is flame and ash, burning everything in her path. Fire burns beneath her skin and in the curve of her smile and he suddenly wants nothing more than to touch her, to feel the heat of her skin against his.
His heart is racing and there’s nothing he can do to slow it despite his powers. He takes a step closer, relishing the warmth radiating from her. His fingers brush the side of her face. “Show me,” he says, his voice almost a whisper.
“You and your orders.” But still, she cups her hands together and a small flame appears, white hot and blinding in the dark. Anthony stares until the shape of it is imprinted into his retinas. It twines around her fingers like a ribbon before she clasps her hands together and it snuffs out. The library is plunged into darkness, but Anthony doesn’t need light to hear the thrumming of her pulse, the air in her lungs. Even with the hundreds of souls currently under the Bridgerton roof, all he can feel is Kate.
He lets his hand cup the side of her jaw, keeps it there as he matches her breathing and stares. Kate traps her hand there with her own, her palms calloused and feverishly hot. Her dark eyes are alight with the small use of her power, splinters of moonlight reflecting in their depths. He feels as if he’s drowning.
“How long has it been since you told someone?” At this point, he knows he’s only grasping at straws to keep his sanity in check. He desperately tries to focus on the rhythm of her heartbeat and not her full lips as she parts them to answer him.
“Years. Longer since someone has asked.”
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Daphne gestures exasperatedly at him. “You taught me yourself, brother. I am not mistaken. Love is when your eyes meet and your heart begins to beat faster–”
“My heart,” Anthony snarls, “beats faster because she is aggravating!”
Daphne’s features shift between expressions for a moment before they settle on displeased. “Deny it all you want. But feelings like these have a way of surfacing, sooner or later.”
Anthony poured himself another generous drink. He could feel an oncoming headache. “If I wanted your advice, I would have asked. Don’t you have a wedding to plan?”
Daphne scowls and Anthony’s chest suddenly feels like it is being squeezed by a giant.
“Don’t be childish,” he rebukes, slightly out of breath. Her scowl deepens, but the pressure on his chest disappears. He sucks in a deep breath.
“I only want for you to be happy. And if that is a future with Miss Sharma, then so be it.”
Anthony slams the decanter back onto the table with a little more force than necessary. His heartbeat is deafening.
“There is no future with Miss Sharma, Daphne. Do not bring it up again.”
If he thought she looked angry before, she is downright furious now. Her brows slant downwards and her hands clench into fists. He is just beginning to seriously worry for his life when she finally nods.
“Fine. As you wish, brother.”
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“It is my fault,” Anthony mumbles as he pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes. Starbursts of light erupt across his vision. “It is all my fault.”
He can feel his mother’s hand on his arm, but he feels detached from his body as if he might float away at any moment. Everything is too loud. The pounding of rain on the window pane. The creaking of floorboards from the story above. His own heartbeat, two for every one of Violet’s.
“Oh, Anthony,” Violet sighs. Her hand pats his shoulder and he slumps into her side like he is still a child. This far from the Danbury residence, he can no longer hear Kate’s heartbeat, but the slow rhythm of it is ingrained in his mind like the ticking of a clock. He wants to cry, to scream, but all he feels is a dull ache in his chest and a lightness in his head that makes it difficult to focus on anything at all.
“Cure me,” he implores. Violet had healed all his scrapes and bruises as a child, magicked it away with a warm hand and a kiss to his forehead. What is this if not another gaping wound? He puts a hand to his chest. “Cut away the part that hurts.”
“My sweet boy,” Violet says gently. She hugs him to her side.  “There is no cure for love.”
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Anthony Bridgerton is an early riser, but that is something he is willing to sacrifice for the sake of his wife. He runs a hand through Kate’s curls as she dozes on his chest, her skin warm against his. There’s a furrow in her brow that does not disappear even in sleep and he can’t help pressing a kiss to it.
She shifts and mumbles something unintelligible, but soon settles back against him. Anthony has never felt so content.
Their hearts beat in synchronization, strong and steady and true.
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27th February >> Mass Readings (USA)
Monday, First Week of Lent 
(optional commemoration of Saint Gregory of Narek, Abbot and Doctor of the Church)
(Liturgical Colour: Violet. Year A(1))
First Reading Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18 Judge your fellow man justly.
The LORD said to Moses, “Speak to the whole assembly of the children of Israel and tell them: Be holy, for I, the LORD, your God, am holy.
“You shall not steal. You shall not lie or speak falsely to one another. You shall not swear falsely by my name, thus profaning the name of your God. I am the LORD.
“You shall not defraud or rob your neighbor. You shall not withhold overnight the wages of your day laborer. You shall not curse the deaf, or put a stumbling block in front of the blind, but you shall fear your God. I am the LORD.
“You shall not act dishonestly in rendering judgment. Show neither partiality to the weak nor deference to the mighty, but judge your fellow men justly. You shall not go about spreading slander among your kin; nor shall you stand by idly when your neighbor’s life is at stake. I am the LORD.
“You shall not bear hatred for your brother in your heart. Though you may have to reprove him, do not incur sin because of him. Take no revenge and cherish no grudge against your fellow countrymen. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.”
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 19:8, 9, 10, 15
R/ Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.
The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul. The decree of the LORD is trustworthy, giving wisdom to the simple.
R/ Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.
The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart. The command of the LORD is clear, enlightening the eye.
R/ Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.
The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever; The ordinances of the LORD are true, all of them just.
R/ Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.
Let the words of my mouth and the thought of my heart find favor before you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.
R/ Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.
Gospel Acclamation 2 Corinthians 6:2b
Behold, now is a very acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.
Gospel Matthew 25:31-46 Whatever you have done to the very least of my brothers, you have done to me.
Jesus said to his disciples: “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne, and all the nations will be assembled before him. And he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’ Then the righteous will answer him and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?’ And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’ Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the Devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.’ Then they will answer and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?’ He will answer them, ‘Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’ And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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rubysunnday · 3 years
Request by @ynbridgerton - could I please get bridgerton!sis with #8?
A/N: This was one of my favourite ones to write, lol. 
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Y/N Bridgerton and Eloise Bridgerton made a fearsome pairing. Twin sisters who both shared a dislike of society and hatred of men, they’d become known for their wit and their ability to make even the most confident man doubt their appearance.
But when they were around their siblings, all bets were off. Being the fifth and sixth siblings of the family, respectively, it meant an awful lot of bullying and teasing from the four older siblings and an awful lot of bullying towards the three younger siblings. 
Y/N had quickly grown to have a sharp wit and shot back at her older siblings with quips that tended to render them speechless. 
Colin was often Y/N’s favourite target - mainly because he was the one to incite the bullying and she simply returned the favour.
“Are you sure the ton wasn’t simply eyeing her two left feet?” Colin asked.
Y/N rolled her eyes and smiled as she shook her head. She’d attended her first ball the previous evening and had been the one everyone was watching. 
Y/N leant past Benedict and looked at Colin. “Are you sure Penelope wants to dance with you willingly or does she simply do it out of pity?”
Colin gawped at her. Usually, Y/N let his insults slide and ignored him but today she’d come out to fight.
Surprisingly, Anthony burst out laughing. He just sat there and laughed for a few  moments before he turned back to his newspaper with a chuckle. 
“Yes, thank you, Anthony,” Colin grumbled, picking up a scone and taking a bite out of it without adding any jam or cream. 
Y/N giggled, far too pleased with herself and her insult. She sat back down and smiled to herself. She glanced up at her mother and saw her struggling to hide her own smile. 
A scone smacked Y/N in the head. She yelped and jumped up from the sofa. 
“Colin!” She exclaimed, glaring at him.
Colin shrugged. “My hand slipped.”
Y/N picked up the scone and launched it at her brothers head - smiling happily as it pelted him in the forehead.
“Children,” Violet chastised tiredly. 
Benedict grabbed Y/N’s hand and forced her to sit back down and all but pined her to the sofa to stop her from throwing anything else at Colin.
As a result of the sibling feud that had formed over many years, and because of Gregory and Hyacinth’s inability to sit at a table without throwing peas at one another,  a seating plan had formed for family dinners. 
Anthony and Violet set at the opposite ends of the table - the typical seat for the  Viscount and Dowager Viscountess. Either side of Anthony sat Francesca and Eloise - perhaps, the two most responsible children in the family. 
Next to Eloise sat Gregory and next to Francesca sat Hyacinth. The two youngest siblings had been put in the middle of the older siblings in the hopes they would squash the pea throwing (it never worked).
Y/N sat next to Hyacinth and Colin sat next to Gregory. They used to sit next to each other - it’d gone Gregory, Colin, Y/N and then Benedict but the prank war of 1810 had forced Y/N to sit opposite her brother.
Benedict had moved to sit next to Y/N (presumably to stop her from kicking Colin or throwing something at him when he was annoying her) and Daphne sat next to Colin. Violet, at the opposite end of the table, had a close eye on all of her children. 
That evening, following on from the scone attack of that morning, Colin and Y/N were glowering at each other from across the table. 
There’d been a few more incidents that day. Another scone attack, Colin singing obnoxiously loud when Francesca was playing the pianoforte and Y/N was trying to read and Y/N accidentally spilling her tea over Colin’s map because they were ‘in her way’.
Needless to say, both were... well, pissed at the other. 
Y/N had been silent the entire meal. She was studiously cutting up her dinner and stabbing it with some force with her fork and glaring at Colin as she did so. Colin, in return, was copying her and occasionally, like the child he was, firing a pea at her. 
A rogue pea landed on Benedict’s plate and his head shot up. He’d been talking to his mother and had, up until that point, been obvious to the glares his siblings were sending one another. 
Anthony, who’d been watching them closely, mouthed at Benedict and frowned, questioning what was going on. Benedict, who had absolutely no idea, shrugged. 
Y/N flicked a pea at Colin and glared at him. Colin flicked a pea back at Y/N. It sailed in a lovely arc in a completely different direction to Y/N and landed on Eloise’s plate. 
“What the -” Eloise frowned, looking down at the pea and then up at her siblings. 
“Don’t ask,” Anthony muttered, grabbing his glass of wine and almost drinking it all in one. 
“I do wonder if any of the suitors who have been calling will take one look at you in your natural habitat and just leave,” Colin said, looking up at his sister.
“It amazes me that any woman would want to dance with you considering how often you step on their toes and almost drop them,” Y/N snapped back. 
Colin, who’d presumably been practicing his come backs all day, narrowed his eyes. “You should stop wearing blue, it makes you look like you’ve been found on the shore of the Thames.”
“You’re like a geode - boring and unassuming on the outside, sparkly and kinda pretty on the inside,” Y/N replied.
“You think I’m sparkly on the inside?” Colin asked, tilting his head to the side, surprised at the backhanded compliment.
“Well, I mean... blood’s sparkly in the right lighting,” Y/N replied, shrugging.
Colin paused. “That was... that was morbid.”
“Yeah, I realised that as I said it,” Y/N said, nodding. She glanced at Benedict who was looking at her with a concerned expression. “I’m not a murderer, before you say anything. I just read a lot of books.” 
“I think we need to censor what books you read,” Benedict muttered, turning back to his meal. 
Y/N looked over at Colin and snorted into her wine. Colin burst out laughing and put his cutlery down with a loud clunk that attracted the attention of the rest of the table.
“Something funny, Colin?” Anthony asked, frowning at him. He’d looked over a moment ago and had seen his sister and brother about to murder one another and the sudden change of emotion was disconcerting. 
“Nothing,” Colin chortled. “Just... I think Benedict is now in terror for his life.”
Y/N, who’d chosen that moment to take a sip of her wine, choked on it as she laughed. Benedict reached over and smacked her on the back with a long, despair filled sigh.
Benedict looked to his mother. “Why couldn’t you have just stopped after two?”
Violet sighed. “Benedict, I wonder that every day.”
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imjustslytherin · 2 years
My two pennies on Bridgerton S2
Over all I am kinda disappointed for how little Kanthony screen time we got. While I appreciate the foreshadowing and see all of the characters, I cannot but be sad that Kate and Anthony were in fact not the focus of the season. I did certainly not expect for the season to be an exact replica of the film, but at this point, I feel like it was a different story. They completely missed the point of their love story, which I feel in the book was for them to admit their feelings and learn to love each other, not to “finally” give in their passion but rather overcoming their fears together and learning what loving, and to be loved, means. Instead, they made Kate out to be somewhat a villain and Edwina blind first, cruel later. There were many subplots I seriously could have gone without, the faetheringtons triangle for starters (EW!). Eloise and Penelope’s friendship as not been rendered justice. Francesca disappeared for half the season for no particular reason. it was, overall, a disservice to the beautiful story the book tells. I expected so much more from this season, Anthony is one of my favorite couple and we barely got to see them. 
There are however sono aspects that have immensely pleased:
Kate and Anthony were PERFECT to say the least. Simone and Jonathan did a splendid job with their characters. Although I did not much enjoy the storyline, it was impossible not to love the banter and the angst and the sexual tension. 
I loved all of the flashbacks, they made me so emotional, especially how they showed Violet’s pain and Anthony’s duty.
Actually, almost all of the family scenes were wonderful. Anthony’s talk with Gregory and his dance with Hyacinth were perfect additions and now hold a very special place in my heart. 
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abybweisse · 4 years
Hello :-) Was wondering what you think about the P4/S4. . . If they may come back or have any important role in the manga's future. Also, Violet seems to have some sort of supernatural powers (seeing into the future, for an example) doesn't he? They were all my faves and as much as I love where BB is headed I can't help but miss them.
To me (and my “Mother3 theory”), Violet is the most important one... though the others could come back into the storyline for various reasons. Oof, I have so many old posts about this. #gregory violet #violet #kumatora
The shortest way I can think to explain this here is that Mother3 (third installment of the Mother game series by Nintendo) has a prominent character named Kumatora. She was orphaned and lives in an old castle (one of the Magypsies, Ionia, essentially raised her as their own child). Typically, she wears a hoodie. Turns out she has very strong psychic abilities, including telepathy. In order to defy the self-proclaimed king of Nowhere Islands, she changes her appearance and starts going by the name Violet. She’s very important to Lucas’ efforts to fulfill a prophecy — to wake the Dark Dragon.
Lucas is the younger mirror twin of Claus, who has died and been turned into a Fascinating Chimera. The alive and the dead (but reanimated) twins have to fight over who gets to wake the Dark Dragon and control it. Their mother had previously been killed, as a random consequence of actions the Pigmask Army (military) carried out by order of the king, and their father is alive... but rendered useless by his own grief.
Without getting too much deeper into Mother3, I’ll say that Gregory Violet has already helped our earl more than the other three P4/S4... combined.
And it’s possible our earl could put Violet’s talents to future use. I have at least a couple posts in which I suggest Violet’s art skills could be used to give our earl information about Blue Sect members and other people... as well as completely unexpected clues that prove useful.
That said, the other three could show up again, too, and there could be some use for them.
Redmond could give more insight about his uncle, the Viscount of Druitt. Redmond really could use a serious chance of redemption after all the bad judgement he’s shown.
Bluer might know something about the Lords of the Stars. Even though Bluer’s a “Polaris”, Lord Vega (who seems to be twins) creepily reminds me of Bluer’s little pair of twin sisters... and someone with “Polaris” (Type-O) could definitely have “Vega” (Type-A) siblings. 👀 I hope his little twin sisters aren’t Lord Vega, and it does seem to be a long-shot, but I do have to wonder why he not only agreed to work for Blavat... but was also willing to work himself to collapse. Recall that Bluer collapsed from exhaustion sometime before Violet collapsed from anemia. And Bluer just got up again and went back to dance practice. Why push himself that hard... unless he feels he has more to lose than the others?
We don’t have much on Greenhill except that he’s committed to whatever he sets his mind to... though he can also act impulsively... before he’s given it much thought. He could be extra brawn for our earl’s side?
I don’t have terribly much to say about Redmond, Bluer, and Greenhill... but I could go on for days about Violet. Honestly.
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colleenfrakes · 7 years
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The Graphic Canon of Crime and Mystery is finally available! ...my name is on a book cover with Roberta Gregory and Megan Kelso, AAAAH!!
The first of two volumes builds on the brilliant and original Graphic Canon series in retelling classic works of literature as comics and other visual forms.
Organized thematically, Volume 1 opens with "The Act" (think In Cold Blood and A Clockwork Orange), followed by sections dedicated to "Criminals," Whodunit," "Judgment" (Scarlet Letter, anyone?), and "Punishment." Here you'll find stunning and suspenseful adaptations starring classic PIs Sherlock Holmes, Auguste Dupin, Hercule Poirot, Father Brown, Mike Hammer, and teenage girl-detective Violet Strange. But the mystery, intrigue, and foul play don't end (or begin) there. The artists also bring to life crime stories from the Arabian Nights, the Bible, The Canterbury Tales, China's Song Dynasty, Shakespeare, James Joyce's Dubliners, Patricia Highsmith, Truman Capote, and current writers like Stephen King, Jo Nesbo, and Sara Paretsky.    
Rick Geary brings his crisp style to Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. Teddy Goldenberg gives us a dense, murky treatment of Dashiell Hammett's "The Road Home," often considered the first hardboiled detective story ever published. C. Frakes resurrects the forgotten novella "Talma Gordon," the first mystery written by an African American; and Shawn Cheng renders the first serial-killer story, the so-called fairy tale "Bluebeard" by Charles Perrault.    
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