grotesque-grimoire · 4 months
I wish people understood that "folk magic" isn't just another homogenous flavor or type of magic, it's literally unique and different depending upon where you are in the world. Every culture and belief system will have folk magic and practices. They aren't 1:1. Some will have similar or overlapping elements, sure, but they're unique to where they come from and who they're practiced by, to the degree that two different individuals in the same area from the same culture could have completely different practices and methods. Often they lack larger structures and systems.
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holmesoldfellow · 7 months
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"Gaslight Grimoire" series, including the works of many authors, edited by J. R. Campbell and Charles Prepolec
"Gaslight Grimoire: Fantastic Tales of Sherlock Holmes," "Gaslight Grotesque: Nightmare Tales of Sherlock Holmes," "Gaslight Arcanum: Uncanny Tales of Sherlock Holmes," and "Gaslight Gothic: Strange Tales of Sherlock Holmes."
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grotesque-altar · 3 months
Quick About:
Counterpart to my witch blog, grotesque-grimoire. See more about my practice there.
Just a digital altar of sorts; mostly aesthetic stuff relating to my work and deities and spirits I work with.
Deity/Spirit Tags Below the Cut:
(WIP; it's currently like 3 am here so i need sleep lmao)
Deities OK with Being Known:
Santa Muerte
Deities Who Prefer to Remain Secret and are Thus Given Codenames:
Flint Fire
Lady Luck
Spirits OK with Being Known:
Spirits Who Prefer to Remain Secret:
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evermore-grimoire · 2 years
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The Evermore Grimoire: World Mythology
Jack O'Lanterns are carved pumpkins, turnips or other root vegetable lanterns commonly associated with Halloween. It’s name comes from the reported phenomenon of strange lights flickering over peat bogs, called ‘Will-o'-the-wisps’ or ‘Jack-o'-lanterns.’ The name is also tied to the Irish legend of ‘Stingy Jack,’ a drunkard who bargains with Satan and is doomed to roam the Earth with only a hollowed out turnip to light his way. It is also believed that the custom of making Jack O'Lanterns at Halloween time began in Ireland. In the 19th century, turnips or mangel wurzels were hollowed out to act as lanterns and often carved with grotesque faces and used on Halloween in parts of Ireland and the Scottish Highlands. In these Gaelic-speaking regions, Halloween was also the festival of Samhain and was seen as a time when supernatural beings, and the souls of the dead, walked the earth. By those who made them, the lanterns were said to represent either spirits or supernatural beings, or were used to ward off evil spirits. They were also used frighten people, and sometimes they were set on windowsills to keep harmful spirits out of one's home.
artwork by Indira Muzbulakova
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jurdannetrevels · 8 months
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🎃🔮 Darling revellers, creatures of the night, and spooky scary skeletons alike! For you we present a tricksy treat...
A playlist of melodies designed to send shivers down your spine 🦴💀 with music selected by YOU, you'll haunt the Brugh, you'll delight in BOOS! 👻🎶🎵
In this playlist, we have compiled all of the song prompts which so graciously haunted our suggestion box for Folktober 2023, and now we wish to cast your magic far and wide! ✨🦇
Are your teeth clattering in excitement? 🦷 Are your bones a'rattling with all-Hallow's glee? ☠️
Prepare yourselves for grave-rising ballads, grotesque bangers, and everything in between! 🔮🎃
▶︎ listen 👻
join the revel 🦇 | consult the grimoire 🔮
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
Harvest Moon Stolas putting out a cigar on Blitzø's horn (his body, putting out a cigar on his body) and then grabbing and yanking his cheek while calling him an "itty bitty imp" condescendingly. So shippable. I love abuse.
Insane how they got rid of every single moment that made this acceptable, even cute, in the animatic.
Animatic Stolas still puts out the cigarette on his horn and does the cheek grab, but he calls him a "little imp" instead of an "itty bitty imp" and doesn't do it in as grotesque a baby voice.
He suggests Blitzo and his employees accompany him to the festival "as my special guests" instead of just saying they can all come, which was a nice touch.
There's no horrible baby voice at the end, just a sincere "I do hope to see you there, I'm sorry your clients will have to wait."
Most importantly, the animatic released long before Murder Family, when Best Boy Sweetheart Instagram Stolas was letting Blitzo use the grimoire just because. This made it look like they were having sex for no other reason than they wanted to.
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jadegretz · 10 days
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Elisa Maza: Avenger in the Dark by Jade Gretz
Rain lashed against the gargoyle grotesques, each sculpted face reflecting back the city lights in a distorted, grimy mirror. Elisa, clinging to the rain-slicked shoulder of the Chrysler Building gargoyle, shifted uncomfortably, her cerulean trench coat plastered to her skin. Below them, Manhattan sprawled like a concrete jungle slick with the city's tears.
"Are you sure about this, Goliath?" Elisa shouted over the wind's roar. Her voice, usually laced with quiet strength, held a tremor of unease.
Goliath, the hulking leader of the Manhattan Clan gargoyles, stood stoic on the gargoyle's head. Rain streamed down his chiseled granite features, glistening like tiny waterfalls. "The grimoires are clear, Elisa. Demona awakened him. This is our fault."
Demona, Goliath's estranged sister, a fiery gargoyle consumed by rage, had recently unleashed an ancient artifact upon the city. The artifact, a pulsating black orb, had hummed with malevolent energy, summoning forth a creature that the grimoires spoke of only in whispers – Xaltotun, the Devourer of Dreams.
Elisa frowned. She respected tradition, but blaming themselves felt like a waste of precious time. Xaltotun, a colossal entity shrouded in a swirling mass of iridescent mist, hovered over the city. Its form, a shifting kaleidoscope of nightmares, was impossible to grasp with the eye. But its presence was undeniable, a suffocating pressure that leached the color from the world and replaced it with a chilling greyscale.
Suddenly, tendrils of mist snaked downwards, wrapping around a luxury apartment building. Shrieks pierced the night as figures materialized within the mist – twisted reflections of the apartment's residents, their faces contorted in eternal screams.
"He's feasting on their dreams," Elisa said, her voice grim. "We have to stop him."
Goliath nodded, a glint of determination in his obsidian eyes. "Together."
A guttural roar echoed from the mist as Xaltotun shifted its attention to the gargoyles. A colossal tentacle of mist lashed out, whipping through the air with a speed that defied its form. G …(see the rest of the story at deviantart.com/jadegretzAI). For more supergirl, chun li, batgirl, tifa, lara croft, wonder woman, rogue and much more, please visit my page at www.deviantart.com/jadegretzai - Thanks for your support :)
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partikron · 8 months
Gundam Bael and Demonology - Iron Blooded Orphans Spoilers:
All of the 72 Gundam frames in Iron Blooded Orphans are named after demons found in various grimoires and demonological texts, most famously the Ars Goetia in the Lesser Key of Solomon. The Gundam Bael is especially important to McGillis Fareed's master plan in Season 2, but who is Bael in the Lesser Key and elsewhere?
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The name "Bael" clearly connects the demon to the Canaanite deity Ba'al (an honorific term meaning something like "lord" usually used for the rain, fertility and storm deity Hadad), a deity that was something of a cultural and cultic rival to the worshippers of Yahweh in the area, a rivalry that's easy to pick up on if you read the Old Testament or stumble on fundamentalist conspiracy theories. Like many deities that were competing against Yahweh for followers, Ba'al became a demon in Judeo-Christian mythology and demonology.
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In the Lesser Key of Solomon, Bael is said to appear as a man, cat, toad, or even a combo of such, and the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum of Johann Weyer says he will appear with the heads of all three (as you can see above in an illustration found in the Dictionnaire Infernal, another grimoire of note). Bael is said to have 66 legions of spirits under his command, and is often described as a "hoarsely-voiced king" with the power to make men invisible, etc.
Personally, I think IBO made a huge mistake by not making the Bael Gundam frame three-headed and grotesque, but that's just me.
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sweet-child-of-night · 2 months
A murder mystery where every character beleives themself responsible for the death and try to cover it up
A veil of dust motes danced in the pale shaft of sunlight that pierced the high, arched windows of the Hemlock Library. The air, usually pregnant with the musky scent of aged paper and forgotten lore, now hung heavy with a different kind of weight, thick enough to steal Harold’s breath. It wasn't the usual hushed silence that normally accompanied the turning of aged pages. This silence was a living thing, pressing down on him with the weight of a thousand untold secrets.
In the heart of the vast room, sprawled amidst the lush chaos of antique bookshelves, lay Mr. Granville, the esteemed head librarian. His once imposing frame now resembled a discarded marionette, his usually crisp white shirt marred by a grotesque bloom of crimson that blossomed across his chest.
Harold's heart, a frantic bird trapped in his ribcage, hammered a chaotic rhythm against his trembling bones. Each solemn tick of the grandfather clock resonated like a death knell in the oppressive silence. A wave of nausea washed over him, a sickening counterpoint to the chilling certainty that bloomed in his gut. A cold sweat prickled on his brow. Had he done this? The memory of his earlier confrontation with Mr. Granville – his voice rising in frustration, fueled by a potent combination of anger and cheap sherry, over a missing first edition – played on an endless loop in his mind. It was his fault. completely and utterly his. a harsh discord against the backdrop of this grim tableau.
A strangled sob shattered the oppressive silence of harold’s thoughts, as jarring as a gunshot in a cathedral. Miss Penelope Featherstone, the mousy cataloguer, huddled in a corner, her tear-streaked face a mask of abject terror. Her eyes, red-rimmed and overflowing, darted between Mr. Granville's lifeless form and a porcelain vase clutched tightly to her chest. A delicate spiderweb of cracks marred its once pristine surface.
“Oh dear, oh dear," she whimpered, her voice barely a whisper that seemed to echo in the vast chamber. "It was an accident, it was dark, I swear! I didn't mean to…",
Her voice trailed off, lost in a choked gasp that spoke volumes of the horror that had unfolded. Across the room, perched precariously on a ladder amidst a sea of ancient tomes, stood Professor Finch. His spectacles, askew on his nose, offered a distorted view of the scene below. He clutched a leather-bound grimoire to his chest, his face a canvas of bloodless terror.
"I… I overheard your argument, Mr. Pinkerton," he stammered, his finger raised against harold but his face glued to ground, his voice a mere tremor that reverberated through the silence. "I thought… I thought dropping this on your head would silence you and might stop the commotion…but he pushed you..”
The scene was ludicrous, a tragicomedy played out in the grand theater of the Hemlock Library. A petty argument that escalated with the fumbling grace of a drunken walrus, a vase attacked in dark, a book mis-aimed . And yet, here they were, three unlikely conspirators, bound together by a shared, horrifying secret
Suddenly, the library door creaked open, a shaft of golden light slicing through the gloom. In walked Mrs. Higgins, the formidable cleaning lady. Her gaze, sharp as a hawk's, swept over the tableau. Her lips pursed into a disapproving line that could curdle milk. "Goodness gracious," she tut-tutted, her voice laced with a knowingness that sent shivers down Harold's spine. "Looks like someone spilled something red on Mr. Granville. And what's Miss Featherstone doing with a broken vase? Clumsy, aren't we?"
Her words hung heavy in the air, a silent accusation. Then, Mrs. Higgins shuffled closer, leaning in conspiratorially. Her voice, a low rasp, sent a cold sweat prickling across Harold's skin. "Don't you worry, dears," she rasped. "I won't say a word. After all, we all have something to hide, don't we?"
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you. grabs you. popular/staple dishes and/or cuisines in Soul-Bound. how do these vary by region? what about culture? what about class/status -- is there a difference? what is considered a delicacy or luxury food item?
Okay! So,,, to start: the current timeline of Soul-Bound is a lot like that of our modern-times, but with magical elements added in. That means you see a lot of the same foods and meals that we do in our own world and countries (ex: Vesper is technically Welsh, on his mother's side, so he enjoys those kinds of dishes).
The cultural system is similar, with minor differences in how society treats itself more than the foods they eat. I'd say that this concept is common with most of the works Kara and I make, since we'd prefer writing societies where social concepts like queerness doesn't really get mistreatment and confusion, it's just a staple of life and thus does not matter to the environment as a whole. Being a shapeshifter and being trans is like. Basic. There's no hate against whether you like the same gender or something else, gender is a loose concept anyways, you get the idea.
Tangent aside, random foods from pizza, ramen, beef wellington, pasta, to salsa and chips, brownies and cake-- all these things still exist and are still made regularly, but! The biodiversity is what has changed. The ingredients are more diverse. There are plants and animals that may have gone extinct or don't exist in reality, that still exist in Soul-Bound.
So while the recipes and foods conceptually are very similar to the foods here per region, what goes into them may change more so than their general makeup. For instance, a meatloaf, but one of the meats is ground griffon meat compared to simply beef may occur due to a population of said creatures nearby.
(I only recently got into Dungeon Meshi, but I'd say that what ingredients are used in that series are very comparable to Soul-Bound. Things like regular iceberg lettuce exist and can be used towards food, but you could also say, use mandrakes to make up your salad too. As Kara puts it, "You make a familiar recipe with unfamiliar ingredients.")
As for what cuisines are considered delicacies versus normal, that absolutely matters on your species. I'd say humans are the most adventurous in terms of eating odd foods, but demons will eat anything yet absolutely adore things that have an insane level of magical potential in their makeup (souls, being the most obvious thing here, but eating the spells from a grimoire is equally something appetizing for them).
Cannibalism is also, a thing too in terms of like, not everyone has the response humans do to eating their own kind. Some are like snakes and don't think twice about eating other snakes, a demon sure doesn't care about eating other demons. Mers will eat fish despite being half fish. It's also abhorrent to do this with some species and totally fine to others, even varying on the individual level.
Eating another intelligent species sometimes doesn't matter; though it can become dangerous depending on the properties. Something can still be toxic to one species but not to another, and sometimes there are bonuses to eating certain cuisines. A human eating a mermaid's flesh could achieve immortality, but also said human could turn into a grotesque undying monster that lives forever in eternal agony! :) You never know!
Class and status affecting foods also depends entirely on the species too. Centaurs, being larger creatures, may have trouble traversing cities, and thus 'richer' centaurs may value such casual things as human street foods as something that could belong in a high end restaurant. Mermaids may like sushi and land-based meats because how the hell do you get beef in the ocean??? Fae may only enjoy fruits grown from trees that have only been watered using the most purified of water, and the most natural of soil (or they may only like soil that has been using compost from demon remains. crazy stuff).
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thewapolls · 8 months
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Man... I dunno wtf happened here... Poor Gargoyles really got put thru the ringer as far as redesigns go
GARGOYLE it's a gargoyle. You know one of these days someone will design a game with gargoyle enemies and actually acknowledge the fact that gargoyles are defined by their spitting water as a part of gutter and aqueduct systems. Without the water they're just grotesques.
ALBION is a frustratingly widely used name for towns and ships and such that I had trouble really pinning down to a direct reference. The root of the name is that it's a name for Great Britain meaning "White", quite possibly in reference to the cliffs of Dover and their iconic sheer white cliff face overlooking the english channel. And as a name for a variation on a gargoyle --also stone, also perched high up-- that may be the most sensible reference. But it could also be a reference to the character, Albion, in the lore of the writings of William Blake(?) That figure himself is based on the greek ALEBION/ALBION a giant and son of Poseidon, a figure briefly appearing in the myths of Hercules. But I don't see a substantive link between that and a thing that looks like a GARGOYLE, although it would make some sense for the aquatic looking model in WA3. (Blake is a fascinating figure btw, I won't try to summarize his life here but go look him up.)
DELPHIN & PREMIUM DELPHIN is odd, DELFIN or DELPHIN has been the name of various submarines throughout history, mostly German and one Russian, and is taken from their respective words for DOLPHIN. Which I guess accounts for the shift into an aquatic looking monster? But then there's the PREMIUM DELPHIN which is just a gold variant, which makes me think of pulling an ultrarare out of like a gatchapon machine? It could possibly even be a reference to Japanese pro-wrestler turned politician, Super Delfin.
VORRAC appears to be a misromanization of VOLAC/VALAC/VALAK, a demon included in various grimoires but almost always under some variant spelling. In the case of the spellings in question, the source would be either the classic Ars Goetia, or Pseudomonarchia Deamonum, which falls in line with most of the other demons used in WA. (It's the same demon name used in that stupid nun movie.)
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grotesque-grimoire · 2 months
A fun witch exercise I like to do is to look at different items and figure out how they could be used in a working.
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Tarohne, the Fell Grimoire, and Xebenkeck
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The Forbidden Ones are related to an ancient Tevinter tome called Fell Grimoire, that could be found in dark corridors underground Kirkwall. It allows the summoning of these ancient demons, and the bit of lore around it that DA games and books offer suggest they may be linked to the Forgotten Ones [”evil” elvhen gods]. Part of this vital information has been compiled by the forgettable character of Tarohne.
[Index page of Dragon Age Lore]
Who is Tarohne? She is not a big central character of DA2, but she is the first char we are presented who has some understanding of what Xebenkeck truly is.
To put it shortly in context, let’s refresh some quests in DA2
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Everything starts in the coast of Kirkwall, where we find Cullen with a Templar recruit called Wilmod who he suspects is meeting escapee mages. He tortures Wildmod until he turns into an abomination, presenting to us a unique piece of lore up to this point: that mages are not the only ones who can become abominations as the Chantry has been telling us so far. Of course, Templars didn't know about it, as usual.
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After some tracking of the responsible of the disappearance of Templar recruits, we find Tarohne who despite being a "sort of" unreliable narrator, she puts in context several points we learned or inferred from the codex The Enigma of Kirkwall: with the assistance of a mage, demons can possess anyone: a Templar, a noble, etc. In ancient Tevinter, she says, they could hold demons as allies. This is something that we see in DAI when Corypheus teaches the Venatori how to bind themselves to demons. This is the lore that explains all the plot about the Grey Warden raising an army of demons. I'm not saying the Grey Warden acquired this mastery, since it was altered [every time they bind to a demon, they became puppets of Corypheus], but that plot of DAI allowed us to see that the ancient Tevinter had a deeper knowledge of the demons to control them in similar fashion as Tarohne claims.
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Later, we find Keran, a Templar recruit, restrained in a magical cage, tortured by nightmares as, I imagine, the demons keep pushing him in order to accept the possession. 
This situation immediately brings to my mind what Flemeth said to Morrigan: "a soul cannot be forced upon the unwilling". This is a lore deeper and truer than any Tevinter knowledge we can get in DA series, since it comes from one of the first Elvhenan: Mythal. So I’m going to assume this is the true statement to understand what’s going on, lore-wise. 
It's never explained explicitly what happens if a soul is forced upon the unwilling. I can speculate two options:
It may produce the destruction of the souls, since it seems to be the procedure that allowed the Grey Warden to destroy the Archdemons, preventing their further rebirths.  
Another possibility is that this is the case when abominations occur and demons take total control of the person, changing their bodies into grotesque shapes. 
However, option 2 seems to contradict a lot of situations where we saw a mage accepting possession willingly and becoming a deformed abomination afterwards. One could argue that this is because these abominations were product of accepting the possession of a spirit with "negative” behaviour [rage, desire, pride, etc], while the non-abomination possessions we know in DA series have occurred with gentle, kind, and positive spirits, for example, Flemeth [with Mythal, uhm...I know, she is not super positive as a goddess of Revenge], Wynne and Evangeline [with a spirit of Faith], Anders [with Justice, who didn't transformed Anders even when Justice transformed itself], Sigrid Gulsdotten [with some kind spirit  of teaching for sure]. There are other anomalous cases of possessed people that were un-possessed later, like Fiona and Mihris, but I'm not counting them. They are not possessed anymore.
If we see what Keran says, it seems to show a small contradiction with what Tarohne said: the demons can’t simple take control of the person without their acceptance first. So they try to push and tempt the person in question, torturing and tempting them in dreams, but never forcing the possession straightforward. We can infer that in nightmares, Keran was tempted to accept the possession but he "resisted". If we keep into consideration Flemeth's words and all what I said before, it seems that only through a willingly person the possession [with or without a deformation of the host body] can be performed. Certainly, in all the instances where we saw possession in DA series, we saw demons making deals and tricks to convince the mage to accept them. So Flemeth's words strike true, and I'm inclined to think that the only situation where we see unwillingly possession is when the Grey Wardens kill the Archdemon, and it ends up in a blast that destroys both souls. If this is true, this could explain why the souls of all the previous archdemons were not born again after being slain, as the Avvar and Solas told us that it happens with spirits [Urthemiel can show this with Kieran too].
In any case, when we get rid of Tarohne, and save the Templar Order in Kirkwall from a wild corruption of Templar abominations, we assume this quest has been concluded. However, years later, in the following act, we have this curious quest of collecting "Evil tomes". As we collect them, we obtain the complete version of the codex Forbidden Knowledge, where we learn several interesting things gathered by Tarohne:
She has been studying other mages that made contact with something called Xebenkeck, a Forbidden One. It requires a lot of blood for that.
She claims that the first mention of the Forbidden Ones is in 4:2 Black [1495 TE]. This is after the Third Blight and the Schim of the Chantry between the Chantry of Orlais and the Imperial Chantry of Tevinter. To me, it looks like a very late age for listening about the Forbidden Ones for the first time, specially if we keep in mind that Tevinter have always been in contact with spirits or “Old Gods” before. That this denomination appeared so late makes me suspect that they were named in another way before [maybe Forgotten Ones?].
Her research seems solid because she wrote that the first contact with  Xebenkeck was done in the "deep Fade". We had found a soft connection between the more reliable codices of the Elvhenan:  Exile of the Forbidden Ones and the The Deepest Fade, which makes us suspect that maybe the place of exile of the Forbidden Ones had been the Deepest Fade, and it is there where these first Tevinter magus went to contact Xebenkeck. It’s coherent, at least.
She implies that the Fell Grimoire has the names of the Forbidden Ones and names them: Xebenkeck [DA2], Imshael [The Masked Empire, DAI], Gaxkang the Unbound [DAO], and The Formless One [I bet, in DA:D].
It is stated that it is they who taught Blood Magic to humans. This is very interesting, because Solas claims this is a school of magic like any other [check section “magic” in Solar shares lore: Part 2].  Solas’ comment makes us infer that this was part of the Elvhenan arcane culture like any other magic school, and it may link the Forbidden Ones as part of the Elvhenan society at some point. We also know that Solas never saw spirits and demons as different entities, but the same one with twisted purpose. Considering this knowledge, the main question is why the Forbidden Ones became what they are? What were they forced to do that twisted them so much into what they are now? Was it the war against the Titans? Could it have happened that Forgotten Ones that were forced to the Evanuris and twisted their purpose to become Forbidden Ones? Or the Forbidden Ones are simply another way of being elvhenan, and since they were not forced into shapes like the elves, they remained spirits? Certainly, all of them have less impulsive desires, and can be very civil talking to them [For example, Felassan speaking with Imshael]. Sadly, there are no many answers to these questions, only speculations.
Tarohne claims that Andraste was a deluded fool and the Maker is a hoax, which is a sentiment that other characters who understand this world much better seem to share. Solas prefers to remain silent when it comes to Andraste and the Maker, but his most direct agent we knew about, Felassan, claims that the Maker is a human invention [** check the end of the post for the cite].
She claims that there is more evidence about the Forbidden Ones than the Maker, and we, as player, can totally support this statement.
As we seek all these tomes, we end up in a Forgotten Lair, in Darktown, where we find the copy of the Fell Grimoire made by Tahrone.
The Fell Grimoire is an important book in DA lore, it appeared in the codex The Enigma of Kirkwall, in particular in two sections that imply part of the story around this book:
In the back alleys of Lowtown you can find extraordinary things. Priceless tomes of knowledge can be bought with a handful of gold: The Chant of Archon Lovias, a whole chapter of the Midnight Compendium. Some of these books were thought lost forever!
And these are no forgeries. I've verified their authenticity myself. The fences have no inkling that what they're selling has value. Where did these books come from?
After several failed attempts, I got my answer underneath the city. There is a hive of hidden passages in Kirkwall's sewers. Now and then a lucky "sewer rat" comes across an unlooted chamber, and then a cache of ancient Tevinter relics spreads through the black market. We must search below the city.
—Underneath a cobblestone with curious markings, faintly glowing. It is signed, "The Band of Three"
A recent trove was uncovered. This one was big, perhaps the archon's visitation chambers.
And a flood of tomes is on the market. Even the simple fences know something is amiss—they've raised their prices at the frenzy of collectors. One said he sold a copy of the Fell Grimoire! I doubt he would lie; how could he know that tome is a mere legend?
If that is real, then what of the Forgotten Ones? This journey has taken us to many strange places, and made us re-evaluate many former truths. Where will it end?
—Hidden under a cobblestone with curious markings and signed, "The Band of Three"
So, long time ago, when Kirkwall was Emerius [Kirkwall history and design], an underground network of arcane research was developed. The relics left there reached the surface via the black market when looters explored this underground network and could unlock new chambers. That's how we track the rumour that someone may have got a copy of the Fell Grimoire. This book, somehow, ended up in Tarohne's possession, who made another copy to preserve the knowledge.
The book is supposed to teach how to summon the Forbidden Ones, ancient demons that, so far, we only know they are four: Xebenkeck, Imshael, Gaxkang the Unbound, and The Formless One. Each of them known and fought in each game of DA with the exception of the Formless One [probably they will be present in DA:D].
Now, up to this moment, this is all the information we have about the Forbidden Ones in the games. We have a more broad vision of Imshael's personality in the book The Masked Empire, but there is no mention of the Forbidden Ones  or their history. The only mention in the book is that Celene has studied about them.
However, as we saw in the codex The Enigma of Kirkwall, one of The Band of Three has a kind of a leap in their thinking process and realises that if they found the Fell Grimoire--which was supposed to be a book of legends and myths--now any legend and myth acquire a degree of truth: hence, the Forgotten Ones may also be truth. The last note of the codex straightforwardly connects Xebenkeck with a Forgotten One:
We went to the center of it all. F. is dead and I am alone and injured. I must go back and put an end to it. The maddening thing is there is still no answer. But the Forgotten One, or demon or whatever it is, must be destroyed. I fear one may already be unbound.
I foreswear my oaths. The magister's lore must be burned and the ashes scattered. No good can come of it. And Maker help us if someone does answer what we could not.
—Hidden near curious markings and signed, "The Band of Three"
At some point one suspected this was a typo in a rushed game, since Forgotten Ones and Forbidden Ones are names that can be easily mistaken. However, the World of Thedas book came up with the true intention of that last sentence:
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This exchange of letters between Seekers claims information we didn't see in the Enigma of Kirkwall:
Blood magic origin is not from Tevinter but from Arlathan. This is a very interesting piece of information because coincides and makes sense with the information we got about the Joining ritual of the Grey Wardens that faced the First Blight: they created the ritual and consulted Tevinter Magisters and Elves, who shared "ancient knowledge of Arlathan". This is not new for us after all the analysis we did with Murals in DAI, Fen’Harel’s mountain ruins, The Lost Temple of Dirthamen, and  Vir Dirthara, but we can appreciate the lore consistency in the details.
It claims that, at least, is worth investigating if there is a link between Forgotten Ones and Forbidden Ones. It doesn’t straightforwardly says that such link exists, but it’s something given to the player to consider.
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As a final detail that I’m not so sure how much to read into it, is that Xebenkeck  drops “Voracity”, a staff which has the same design than “Valdasine”, which is the only curious object we can find in the Vault of the Primeval Thaig.
Voracity has no lore in its description. Its design looks like a dragon’s jaw. There are some spikes of orange crystals that may or may not be a representation of red lyrium. Its stats only show that it’s related to blood magic, which makes sense since Xebenkeck seems to be deeply related to that magic. 
On the other hand, Valdasine, found in the  Primeval Thaig and tied to the codex  Valdasine, is described as “a staff of strange metal, it looks like lyrium and chills one's heart like a remembered sorrow.”  Sadly, sorrow is something that, lore-wise, we can relate to elvhes and titans alike.
[**] Felassan in The Masked Empire:
“We were an empire,” Felassan said again, and this time she heard the anger in his voice. “It was not the Golden City. It was not the peaceful afterlife of this Maker the humans have made for themselves. Take the richest district of Val Royeaux, and tell me how many fools are scheming against each other at every ball? How many servants are flogged for improperly arranging the silverware?”
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practical-herbalist · 4 months
Hey there, I'm H (they/them) and this is my side blog focusing on (practical) herbalism and herbal medicine.
There's also a lot of content relating to: medical chemistry, foraging, healthy recipes, cultivation and harvesting, bushcraft, and hunting/fishing.
There will be some content relating to: ethical/humane omnivorism, locavorism, animal welfare, worker's welfare and rights, anti macro farm / intensive farming, land stewardship, and environmentalism, though my blog specifically for ethical omnivorism is ethical-omnivore-h.
My main is homo-adaptionem. My witchcraft blog is grotesque-grimoire. My youTube channel is H. adaptionem. You can see all of my playlists at h-adaptionem.tumblr.com/ytplaylists. Misc Series, including Practical Herbalism: h-adaptionem.tumblr.com/miscseriesytpl.
I'm a witch, a home cook, a novice herbalist, a novice forager, and a newbie ethical onmivorous flexitarian. I am NOT an activist, just a dipshit with opinions!
Currently researching: practical-herbalist.tumblr.com/research Currently growing: practical-herbalist.tumblr.com/garden Disclaimers: practical-herbalist.tumblr.com/disclaimers FAQ: practical-herbalist.tumblr.com/faq
Foraging in: the Ozarks of the USA Ontario of Canada
Stay safe and stay weird!
Blog info below; I recommend reading before you view the rest of the blog; definitely read before following. Enter at your own risk.
disabled, LGBT, an adult
EXCESSIVE TAGGER; most trigger tags have "CW" before them; tags all slurs
doesn't mind like/reblog spam
doesn't check mentions or replies; send an ask if you need to get my attention
OG tags: Answered - asks I've answered Face of H - pics of me pracitcal-herbalist - refers to this blog H. adaptionem - refers to my YT channel of the same name Homo adaptionem - all og posts
Like/reblog spamming is fine, I don't mind at all.
If you want my attention, you have a better shot if you shoot me an ask, as I rarely check my mentions/replies. I have a shit ton of stuff blacklisted, so I may not see your asks/mentions/posts if they include slurs, content triggering to me, etc. It's not that I'm ignoring you, I'm just trying to take better care of my mental health, Y'know? Gotta police my own intake of content, etc. etc.
Most things are tagged, so block what you need to using tumblr's own blocking function, Xkit, or Tumblr Savior. Slurs and triggering content usually have a CW before them, even if the OP doesn't consider the content triggering. I tag excessively, deal with it.
DNIs/DNFs are useless and performative; I just block (& report if needed) who I dislike/etc, and I block liberally, for any reason. I respect most other people's DNIs, if they're accessible. If I can't read it, I won't bother. Don't like me? Block me.
I block anti-vaccine, anti-science, anti-chemo, anti-recovery, anti-medicine types, and those who promote quackery and fake "treatments" or "cures" on sight. This includes: New Agers, starseeds/indigo children, crystal healers, energy healers, faith healers, etc.
I block radfems of all types (febfems, perfs, terfs, tirfs, twerfs, swerfs, etc.) because their underlying rhetoric & theory goes completely against our understanding of biology, neurology, sex, gender, and DNA. Also they're sexist and LGBTphobic lmao
I also block trad weirdos (not trad goths, you are loved here <3) for reasons I hope are obvious. I'm a bisexual tranny they/them who hates organized religion, hugs trees and despises big oil, loves weird ass porn & kinks, and loves bodily autonomy & thinks abortion, tattoos, piercings, & transitioning is cool. You like natural medicine because you're under the delusion that it's a part of your (bigoted) heritage. I like natural medicine because chemistry is cool and plants are neat. We are not the same.
Stay safe and stay weird!
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evermore-grimoire · 2 years
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The Evermore Grimoire: 🎃 Halloween Monsters 🎃
Frankenstein's Monster (‘The Monster’ or ‘The Creation’) is the legendary creature created by Victor Frankenstein. He built the creature in his laboratory through an ambiguously described scientific method consisting of chemistry and alchemy. The creature horrified Frankenstein making him immediately disavow the experiment. Abandoned, frightened, and completely unaware of his own identity, the monster wandered through the wilderness searching for kindness and acceptance. Frankenstein’s Monster found brief solace in a woodshed beside a remote cottage inhabited by a family of peasants. Eavesdropping on the family's conversations, the creature familiarised himself with their lives and came to regard them as his own family, referring to them as his 'protectors'. After much deliberation about revealing himself to the family, the creature introduced himself to the patriarch, a blind father, and who accepted him into his home and treated him with kindness. The blind man couldn’t see the creature's ‘accursed ugliness’ and considered him a friend. However when the rest of the family returned, they were terrified of the creature and drove him away. Still hopeful but bewildered, the creature then rescued a peasant girl from a river, but was shot in the shoulder by a man who claimed her. Heartbroken and enraged, the creature renounced all humankind and swore revenge on his creator for abandoning his grotesque creation to a cruel and intolerant world.
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makutamewtwo · 10 months
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This is the form of Asmodeus
The Goofy Grimoire of Asmodeus (a fictional story inspired by demonology.)
Asmodeus, also known by names including Ashmedai, Asmoday, and many other alternate epithets, is a King of Hell, a ruler of the Shedim and is the embodiment of lust. He appears in multiple forms but in most of them he can be seen as an uncanny combination of grotesque and comely. In the form illustrated here, he has a beautiful voluptuous body and strong cheekbones, but on the other hand has putrid gums, fiery eyes, and feet like a rooster's (A distinct trait of the Shedim.) If you believe that him being a demon of lust means that he is a fornicator you'd be half-right, he has a tendency to lust over singular women at a time, haunting them and murdering any who attempt to date or marry them. In a particularly infamous case a woman named Sara had her seven husbands strangled by the lustful Shedim and it was up to a young man named Tobias and the Archangel Raphael to shoo him from her. In the end the solution turned out to be the scent of the smoked heart and liver of a giant fish. He also had a few run ins with King Solomon, who was able to bind him with a sigil ring and chains and use his power for good. Unfortunately he was, in spite of his wisdom, tricked by Asmodeus to release him. Asmodeus swallowed Solomon's ring (represented in this illustration by the Star of David-like Sigil of Solomon being on the choker around his throat) and put one wing towards the earth and the other towards heaven and flung himself at incredible speed abandoning Solomon to beg in the middle of the desert. He then stole King Solomon's throne by shape shifting into him and took advantage of his power how you'd expect a demon of lust to, the local rabbis were suspicious however and working with his staff realized that he always kept his feet covered by stockings. Apparently Asmodeus' shapeshifting abilities did not extend to his chicken-like feet and he was quickly found out and the true King Solomon was returned to the throne. So that's his past, but what is he up to these days? After having his plans foiled for the umpteenth time, he set his sites on someone more "local" to hell. Lilith is known for being one of Hell's greatest and most beautiful demons, but while she still works her seduction magic on humans to lead them astray, among demons she is taken. She is actually in a wonderfully loving polycule with Lucifer and Samael but Asmodeus wants her for himself. Luckly for the lovers and unfortunately for Asmodeus, Lilith, Lucifer, and Samael usurp Asmodeus in power individually, and together they could overthrow him if they needed to. Asmodeus is eternally chasing someone who he has no hope of being in a relationship with, so this leaves humanity mostly safe from his temptations but do not underestimate a King of Hell and remember that the Archangel Raphael can be called upon to bind him. This has been the story of Asmodeus.
(If you read to the end, please consider giving me constructive criticism. This is the first in my "Goofy Grimoires" series of tongue and cheek demon stories. The beautiful love story of Lilith, Lucifer, and Samael will be expanded upon later.)
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