#Ye Be Warned
theartofhellebarde · 2 years
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whoisnotmyname · 1 year
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Bigg Boi and Smol ‘n Swol
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silverskye13 · 3 months
I am queuing a bunch of RnS arts you guys have made because I blinked and suddenly You Were Legion [apologies I have been slacking].
This also means I'm going to up my queue count per day, which will certainly not have unforeseen consequences when I forget about it later.
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gaipirates · 1 month
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Yep. Ye twinkle toes be GAI! ARRRR!!!
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Previous Husband AU, Pt 7
(Content warning for abuse and violence)
Over the next week, Lena mutes Tom's number on her personal cell and routes her work cell through to her assistant for screening. She works from home-- well, Kara's home, technically-- rocking the satin blouse and pajama bottom look when she needed to be on video chat.
Besides that, she keeps a low profile as she worked out her next steps. During the day, she reaches out to her lawyers, quietly investigating her options before making any moves. Each night, when Kara returns home with takeout, Lena always asks before sharing what strides she's made.
"Are you sure you want to hear about this?" she confirms for the third night in a row. "I have people to help me with all this."
"Lena," Kara says bluntly. "I want to hear about it. I'm in this with you. I want to know what's going on."
Lena gives her a grateful smile. It helps to talk through it-- it not only vents the pressure of stress that builds in her chest throughout the day, but also makes her exit plan all the more real. The light at the end of the tunnel creeps closer by the day.
The good news, Lena explains that night, is that their finances were never joined. They'd signed a pre-nup-- the one thing Lena will ever thank her mother for insisting upon-- which means that besides a few joint investments that Lena won't be hurting to lose, her resources are safe.
Her main concern is her apartment, which has been Tom's home ever since he arrived in National City. Lena doubts he'll move out evem if she demands it, but if push comes to shove, she reasons she can have a team in to pack the place in one day and have the unit listed on the market by noon the next.
No reason for her to step another foot into the apartment again.
It stings a little, she confesses to Kara, to be driven out of her own home. To make even a single concession just to be rid of Tom. But to be rid of him with minimum fuss and zero risk of confrontation is worth sacrificing her pride.
In fact, despite the dread and anguish that had first driven Lena to Kara's door, she now feels... hopeful. She feels like in a way that makes her realize how miserable she's been-- and for how long.
So it's with a smile that Lena sends Kara to work a week to the day since she arrived in tears. Today she upgraded to jeans and a blouse that's soft on her skin, allowing her comfort while also remaining a tad more presentable than her previous hodge podge of dress codes.
Settling onto the couch to thumb through an R&D report, Lena takes a moment to pause, and simply breathe. She feels good.
When she opens her eyes to get down to business, Lena spies Kara's lunch and keys on the counter. Almost as soon as she notices the forgotten items, a knock sounds at the door.
"Dork," Lena mutters with a grin to herself. She plucks lunch and keys both from the counter on her way to the door.
When she opens the door, it's not Kara she sees on the other side.
The air instantly seems to suck from the room, leaving Lena's chest hollow. Every muscle tenses, teetering on the edge of fight or flight.
The smile Tom gives her would be considered congenial, if not for the dark glint of anger in his eyes.
"Hey babe."
Lena swallows the reflexive "what are you doing here?" that rises in her throat, clinging to what little dignity she feels she has left. She lifts her chin, jaw clenching.
"What do you want?"
Tom heaves a sigh. "I missed you too," he drawls sarcastically. His gaze scans the apartment behind her, before Lena too late tries to close the door tighter around her.
"I almost forgot how dramatic you are," he continues. "But a week is stretching it, don't you think? Even for you."
Saying nothing, Lena scowls at him. "You hurt me, Tom."
"You know I didn't mean to, Lee."
"Don't call me that." She's always hated that fucking nickname, and he knows it.
"Look, I'm sorry. It's just, sometimes you get so irrational, it makes me nuts. I snapped, okay? But I promise it won't happen again. We can work through it, together."
The last sounds almost like the promise Lena had made to Kara, but this time it rings hollow. Even as his words spark guilt and shame in her chest, Lena retains the presence of mind to recognize the red flags his tactics are.
Flipping the blame on her.
Casting her as hysterical, irrational.
Downgrading the severity of the event.
Empty promises to do better, next time.
Lena's hand curls into a fist at her side. There won't be a next time.
Tom looks her in the eye. "It's time to come home," he tells her.
Panic rises in Lena's chest. This is it. The final moment between reconciliation or outright confrontation. Lena hates conflict-- always has. She avoids it wherever possible, but right now, she has a choice to make: a single confrontation now to cut ties, or countless more in the future if she goes back.
She makes her choice.
"I'm not going anywhere."
Tom stares at her, his features suddenly unreadable. Then, before she has a chance to react, he lunges towards her and grabs her bicep in a vise grip.
"Hey!" Lena yelps in reflex, pulling back too late to escape.
"We're leaving," he growls. He yanks her from the doorway into the hall, and starts dragging her towards the elevator.
Lena's socked feet slide too easily on the smooth floor, even as she pries unsuccessfully at his fingers. "Ow! Tom, let go! You're hurting me!"
"Shut up!" he growls, yanking her sharply, making her cry out in pain. "If you had just come home, we wouldn't have to go through all this mess."
The elevator door opens, and Tom flings her inside. She bounces off the back wall with a grunt of air escaping her lungs, winding her. Before she can take advantage of her momentary freedom, Tom is right there, pressing against her to pin her against the wall as the elevator closes behind them.
"Stupid bitch. You're so fucking predictable. You know all I had to do to find you was think who would be gullible enough to take your pathetic ass in. And of course it's the cunt who tossed you aside like it was nothing!"
Lena hisses, grimacing as the handrail presses sharply against her spine. "You're the cunt, Tom," she snarls back. "Poor little boy who has to throw women around just to feel like a big strong man--augh!"
Tom's palm cracks across her cheek just as the elevator dings its arrival at the ground floor. He takes Lena roughly by the arm again and pulls her forward once more-- only to stop short of bouncing off another body waiting to step inside the elevator.
Relief isn't quite the word she'd use to describe the feeling that lifts in her chest. Fear still coats her throat, strangling her. Meanwhile, Kara's pleasant features freeze in surprise-- then darken a moment later as she takes in the scene before her.
Her gaze bounces once between Tom and Lena, scanning Lena for sign of injury before narrowing in on the grip Tom still has on Lena's bicep. Then her eyes flick up to the wide fear in Lena's, before turning her entire focus on Tom.
All this happens in the space of a heartbeat, and in the next breath Tom puffs upright and thrusts his chest out menacingly.
"Get out of--"
Kara winds back her right fist and punches Tom square in the face.
Lena's left to sag a little and catch her breath when Tom's hand lets go to fly up and cradle his face.
"Motherfucker!!" Tom yells, his voice claggy with blood. Even through his fingers, Lena can see his chin coated with the stuff. Before he can do anything more, Kara grips him by the shirt and hauls him around and out of the elevator, releasing him with a shove towards the door.
"Stay the fuck away from her," Kara growls. She plants herself in the threshold of the elevator, ignoring the repeated bumps from the door trying to slide close.
"Or what, bitch!" he roars back. Anger seems to have dulled the pain in his face, because he struts back towards them, seemingly ready for more.
This time, Lena is the one to stand between them.
"No!" she bellows, sharp enough to stop them both short. Tom only pauses a moment though, before continuing to press forward. Finding her nerve and fueled by her own anger, Lena smacks both hands into his chest, shoving him back. "No."
Lena cuts Tom's threat off with a glare. "I want a divorce," she declares bluntly. She scowls.
"Until then I'll settle for a fucking restraining order."
Stepping back into the elevator, Lena grabs Kara by the hand and pulls her inside as well. Together they stand side by side, glaring at Tom until the door finally slides shut. They both bristle from the altercation on the ride up, storming back down the hall to Kara's apartment.
Only then, after the door has closed behind them and Kara turns all the locks, does Lena's chest catch. Her breath suddenly shortens, and her next attempt to inhale is sharply abbreviated.
Kara's arms wrap around her as Lena's anger falters, leaving only a bubble of tears that soon bursts into a bevy of sobs. Kara says nothing, and simply holds her as she cries.
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greaserink · 9 months
welcome my dears, thank you for being here i am more than welcome to scratch that sundrop y moondrop itch for ya~
.. .. .. ... .but just as a heads up you'll be seeing a LOT of goth content on here now that you've followed-
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flintstill · 9 months
I've entered my “I want to fuck David Tennant” era recently, which is, granted, a little delayed compared to most, but better later than never
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max-imumbooks · 3 months
I'm listening to The Excalibur Curse rn, and in the final 3hrs, and hooboi I'm gonna have some thoughts. Stay tuned!
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grotesque-grimoire · 4 months
Hey there, I'm H (they/them) and this is my side blog focusing on witchcraft.
Blog info below; I recommend reading before you view the rest of the blog; definitely read before following. Enter at your own risk.
My main blog is homo-adaptionem. My herbalism blog is practical-herbalist. My YouTube channel is H. adaptionem. I have an on-going series called Witch Wednesday that's all about witchcraft. You can see all of my playlists at h-adaptionem.tumblr.com/witchytpl. Read the FAQ here: grotesque-grimoire.tumblr.com/faq
Do not repost any of my content.
Stay safe and stay weird!
disabled, LGBT, an adult
largely independent from other paths; original/unconventional correspondences & methods
curse positive
not Wiccan
some discourse
EXCESSIVE TAGGER; most trigger tags have "CW" before them; tags all slurs
doesn't mind like/reblog spam
doesn't check mentions or replies; send an ask if you need to get my attention
Like/reblog spamming is fine, I don't mind at all.
If you want my attention, you have a better shot if you shoot me an ask, as I rarely check my mentions/replies. I have a shit ton of stuff blacklisted, so I may not see your asks/mentions/posts if they include slurs, content triggering to me, etc. It's not that I'm ignoring you, I'm just trying to take better care of my mental health, y'know? Gotta police my own intake of content, etc. etc.
Most things are tagged, so block what you need to using tumblr's own blocking function, Xkit, or Tumblr Savior. Slurs and triggering content usually have a CW before them, even if the OP doesn't consider the content triggering. I tag excessively, deal with it.
DNIs/DNFs are useless and performative; I just block (& report if needed) who I dislike/etc, and I block liberally, for any reason. I respect most other people's DNIs, if they're accessible. If I can't read it, I won't bother. Don't like me? Block me.
OG tags: Answered - asks I've answered Face of H - pics of me grotesque-grimoire - refers to this blog H. adaptionem - refers to my YT channel of the same name Homo adaptionem - all og posts H's Adventures - pics from fun things I've done, outings, etc. H's Altars - my altars H's Bookstore Hauls - bookstore hauls H's DIY - my DIY shit H's Dollar Store Hauls - dollar store hauls, typically Dollarama and sometimes Dollar Tree when I've been back to the US H's Dumpster Finds - dumpster diving finds H's Hauls - all hauls H's Library Hauls - library hauls H's Plants - my plants H's Playlists - song playlists, usually on Youtube H's Recipes - all of my original recipes H's Thrift Hauls - thrift store hauls H's Vids - my Youtube videos H's Witchcraft - all of my witchcraft stuff H's Witch Hauls - witchcraft hauls H's Writing - my writing & related stuff Witch Wednesday - refers to my Youtube series about witchcraft
Disclaimers: /disclaimers
I don't consider myself to be a part of the LGBT community(s). Don't refer to me as "queer" or as "transmasc"/"transfem" cuz I'm not any of those things. I do not use the intersex label because I am not intersex; I am "hermaph". I sometimes use "tranny" for myself, but I don't want other people calling me it. I don't go to pride/LGBT events and I don't typically involve myself in LGBT spaces.
I'm not a part of any witchcraft, occult, heathen, or pagan communities. I don't belong to any covens, groups, or congregations. I am not Wiccan; I don't follow the Wiccan rede or believe in the rule of 3/the threefold law. I don't celebrate the Wheel of the Year or any Sabbats or Esbats. I don't adhere to New Age ideas like the law of attraction, law of assumption, law of radiation, etc. I don't believe in divination, astrology, or tarot, but I find them fun to play with sometimes. My correspondences, beliefs, and practices often do not align with popular/traditional correspondences, beliefs, and/or practices.
Despite being agnostic, atheist-leaning, and a secularist, I don't consider myself a part of those communities.
My opinions are my own and I speak only for myself. Don't lump me in with other people. Just because I like certain creators doesn't mean I share 100% of their opinions. Just because I like certain media doesn't mean I condone its creator's opinions or the content in said media.
I do not have time to vet every OP of every post I reblog. I don't use shinigami eyes bc it's incredibly flawed and has several trans/nb people marked as terfs bc they disagree with the creator.
If you find me at all annoying, block me.
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jelliclekitty · 7 months
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gaipirates · 27 days
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Prance like ye mean it. Happy freakin’ Summer ye mateys & Mary’s !!!
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 8 months
Usher AU Pt 1
Just thinking about Lena's introduction in S2 and how it would play out in the Usher AU. Lex puts out the hit and Lena is nearly blown out of the sky, and would have been if not for Supergirl.
The rescue isn't caught on film the but the wreckage and aftermath is. Camille and Leo catch wind of it on the news from an aerial vantage point-- sees the pilot pulled out of the smoking hull, and the small figure of their sister being led back inside the building by security.
They call Lena almost immediately, and send a dozen texts each before she finally calls them back.
"I'm-- I'm okay," she says straight off the bat, but the words catch in her throat. She's audibly shaken, and they pick up on it immediately.
"The fuck you are," Camille snipes.
Lena sighs. "Camille--"
"You almost died, Lena," Leo says, more gently than his sister but no less fervent. "I know why you left, but if you're not safe--"
"Just come home," Camille urges.
They know why she left, how desperately she needed a fresh start, after the trial. The deaths, both in the courtroom and out of it. But this was the furthest she's been from either of them, and most permanently.
A long moment of silence passes after Camille's plea. In it, Leo can practically hear the steel encasing Lena's spine.
"No," she says finally. Her voice is firm, authoritative, befitting an Usher. "He doesn't get to win."
Leo stifles a laugh, meeting Camille's gaze over the phone between them. He smirks.
"Risking your life out of spite. You really are an Usher."
"Careful, Leo, or I might start to believe you care."
"Perish the thought."
"We're sending Pym to vet you a better security detail," Camille declares, already firing off a series of texts to the man in question. "Clearly your current arrangement isn't sufficient."
"I don't know," Leo quips, "hard to go wrong with Supergirl herself." He grins into the phone. "Tell me, is she just as hot in person?"
Lena huffs, but Leo's job is done-- he can hear her relax, easing some of the tension wrought by a near death experience.
"Goodbye Leo."
"Bye, love. Call you later."
"Camille?" Lena asks.
Camille barely looks up from her phone. "What."
"Thank you."
That gives Camille pause. She lifts her gaze briefly, then issues a warning.
"Don't be stupid."
At that, Lena does chuckle.
"Never. Talk to you later."
The line drops with a beep, and Leo takes a moment to put his phone away before he looks over at his sister.
"We're going with Pym, aren't we?"
"Jet is fueling as we speak."
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practical-herbalist · 4 months
Hey there, I'm H (they/them) and this is my side blog focusing on (practical) herbalism and herbal medicine.
There's also a lot of content relating to: medical chemistry, foraging, healthy recipes, cultivation and harvesting, bushcraft, and hunting/fishing.
There will be some content relating to: ethical/humane omnivorism, locavorism, animal welfare, worker's welfare and rights, anti macro farm / intensive farming, land stewardship, and environmentalism, though my blog specifically for ethical omnivorism is ethical-omnivore-h.
My main is homo-adaptionem. My witchcraft blog is grotesque-grimoire. My youTube channel is H. adaptionem. You can see all of my playlists at h-adaptionem.tumblr.com/ytplaylists. Misc Series, including Practical Herbalism: h-adaptionem.tumblr.com/miscseriesytpl.
I'm a witch, a home cook, a novice herbalist, a novice forager, and a newbie ethical onmivorous flexitarian. I am NOT an activist, just a dipshit with opinions!
Currently researching: practical-herbalist.tumblr.com/research Currently growing: practical-herbalist.tumblr.com/garden Disclaimers: practical-herbalist.tumblr.com/disclaimers FAQ: practical-herbalist.tumblr.com/faq
Foraging in: the Ozarks of the USA Ontario of Canada
Stay safe and stay weird!
Blog info below; I recommend reading before you view the rest of the blog; definitely read before following. Enter at your own risk.
disabled, LGBT, an adult
EXCESSIVE TAGGER; most trigger tags have "CW" before them; tags all slurs
doesn't mind like/reblog spam
doesn't check mentions or replies; send an ask if you need to get my attention
OG tags: Answered - asks I've answered Face of H - pics of me pracitcal-herbalist - refers to this blog H. adaptionem - refers to my YT channel of the same name Homo adaptionem - all og posts
Like/reblog spamming is fine, I don't mind at all.
If you want my attention, you have a better shot if you shoot me an ask, as I rarely check my mentions/replies. I have a shit ton of stuff blacklisted, so I may not see your asks/mentions/posts if they include slurs, content triggering to me, etc. It's not that I'm ignoring you, I'm just trying to take better care of my mental health, Y'know? Gotta police my own intake of content, etc. etc.
Most things are tagged, so block what you need to using tumblr's own blocking function, Xkit, or Tumblr Savior. Slurs and triggering content usually have a CW before them, even if the OP doesn't consider the content triggering. I tag excessively, deal with it.
DNIs/DNFs are useless and performative; I just block (& report if needed) who I dislike/etc, and I block liberally, for any reason. I respect most other people's DNIs, if they're accessible. If I can't read it, I won't bother. Don't like me? Block me.
I block anti-vaccine, anti-science, anti-chemo, anti-recovery, anti-medicine types, and those who promote quackery and fake "treatments" or "cures" on sight. This includes: New Agers, starseeds/indigo children, crystal healers, energy healers, faith healers, etc.
I block radfems of all types (febfems, perfs, terfs, tirfs, twerfs, swerfs, etc.) because their underlying rhetoric & theory goes completely against our understanding of biology, neurology, sex, gender, and DNA. Also they're sexist and LGBTphobic lmao
I also block trad weirdos (not trad goths, you are loved here <3) for reasons I hope are obvious. I'm a bisexual tranny they/them who hates organized religion, hugs trees and despises big oil, loves weird ass porn & kinks, and loves bodily autonomy & thinks abortion, tattoos, piercings, & transitioning is cool. You like natural medicine because you're under the delusion that it's a part of your (bigoted) heritage. I like natural medicine because chemistry is cool and plants are neat. We are not the same.
Stay safe and stay weird!
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mochiflxwer · 9 months
if youre following from the vtuber go away this is my dragon age corner
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cock-holliday · 2 years
Accidentally made a fatal fucking mistake today and got bottles of unsweetened tea
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bapydemonprincess · 11 months
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