#h50 season 8
teruel-a-witch · 1 year
McDanno according to CBS/L*nkov:
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McDanno according to fans/Alex&Scott/everyone who has eyes and a brain:
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sunnoah · 5 months
mcdanno fighting always makes me giggle like sorry how long have you guys been married?
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buckttommy · 4 months
I LOVE THAT YOU LOVE MCDANNO!!!!! I remember watching the first episode of h5o and as Danny was bitching at McGarrett about. Stuff. I knew that they were the stuff otps are made of.
They are so ride or die for each other, truly one of my favorite dynamics. In fact, like, the entire h50 ohana is one of my absolute favorite found families in any piece of media. It's all SO good. Chin and Kono and Max and Grace and Kamekona and Jerry and ADAM. God, Adam had one of my favorite arcs in the entire show — just all of them are so good. Even that kid Nahele that Steve quasi-adopted in the later seasons. Fucking love it.
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cowandcalf · 7 months
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Five 0 Friday Fluff
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ellena-asg · 1 year
It's Danny's big day, they said. Danny solved damn complicated case! Like fucking Sherlock! He saved the day. Governor was veeeeery proud, they said. So Gerard thought "I need to celebrate it". He went to home and painted Danny wearing Sherlock's outfit. Then he thought "I'll make a surprise!". So...
He took the painting and went to Danny's house. Or rather: he broke into Danny's house. Into the bedroom, to be precise. It was quite easy - Gracie wasn't at home and Danny... Danny was in the bathroom, yes - Gerard heard the shower running! So. Gerard quickly hung his gift on the wall and then hid under the bed.
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(present time)
Ooops! Someone has played games too long!
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He's still there, lying and waiting. Another minutes go by and he is more and more sleepy but finally, FINALLY!, Gerard hears Danny's steps. Yikes! Danny is so close. One... Two... Three... Danny opens the door and Gerard is so ready to jump out from under the bed and to shout "SURPRISE!" but then... Oh...
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Oh holy shit! Gerard sees not one but two pairs of legs. Very naked and very... male legs. Before he can think about anything, a kissing sound fills the room. Soon there is something like... Pat on the butt?
"You neanderthal animal!", Danny laughs. Neander... "Oh come on, you love me being an animal!" - definitely Steve McGarrett's voice makes Gerard's brain explode. Holy fucking manoly! Oh, of course that everyone knows how married Danny and Steve are but THAT married?! H-how? When? No, it must be a hallucination, maybe there was something in the paint. Easy, Gerard, easy...
Another kissing sound. Moan. Oh, it's real, it's... happening! "Mmm, you're right. I love you", Danny says. And BOOM! Both boys land in bed and...
And Gerard has to do something! But...
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What should Gerard do? 🤷‍♂️
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ilikemcdanno · 1 year
I forgot about Jerry’s haircut
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Sometimes, when you really love something the difference between a show being cancelled and a show ending can bleed together. 
I know we’ve reached the point where TUA has surpassed the plot points of the comics and with how networking is currently (Looking mostly at the monstrosity that is HBO atm but also side eyeing CBS for dropping Topangaland)...take as much peace as you can in a show ending naturally. 
*that peace does come with a varying amount of salt, I won’t lie to you. 
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redgoldblue · 7 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
Tagged by @luredin. Thank you!
How many works do you have on AO3?
49. which is insane to me. especially if you consider that 10 of those are actually 24 fic(let)s in one
What's your total AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Whichever bug bites me. But the major ones are Hawaii Five-0 and Starsky & Hutch.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I Would Break Into Your House Just To Put Sugar In Your Tea (H50)
think about how good these seeds have sown (H50)
If You're Waiting On Me You're Backin' Up (I'm Way In Over My Head In Love) (H50)
unfortunately, Hands (House MD) (me and Hands have a contentious relationship. many of my friends could tell you of it. i long for the day i knock it out of top 5)
Not A Booty Call (Suits)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Not usually :(. I used to respond to all of them, but then it was making me stressed out about doing it, so I made a conscious decision that i did not have to do that and now I only respond to the occasional one that I actually have a response for other than 'thank you [heart emojis]'
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh my dude. do i... do that? do I have literally any that fit that criteria? maybe To Love (Verb, Transitive) (S&H), although that should tell you how incredibly unangsty most of my endings are.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Happiest, as opposed to fluffiest. hm. different criteria. I think happiest might be either If You're Gonna Do It, Do It Right (which is actually one of my angstiest fics in its body) or I Would Break Into Your House (both H50). Or Come Take The Wheel (S&H). Or Smarties Cookies (Non-Violent) (Leverage), which literally ends with the word 'happy'. as you can tell, this is much more up my alley.
Do you get hate on fics?
I do not, although I did get a comment waaayyy back in 2013 which funnily did not mention my actual writing, which was terrible, my being 13 and only writing for a year, but did tell me that the premise of my fic was out of character. it's possible that contributed to why i'm now borderline spiteful about making fics in character.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah. Not a lot, but yeah. is bdsm/bdsm-overtoned a kind? That. Sometimes with feelings sometimes not particularly, but if it's with feelings it will be a truly stupid amount of feelings.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not for years, but my very first multi-chapter >10k fic was BBC Sherlock/Doctor Who crossover. it was 2014. don't look at me.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
...yeah. Avengers crack!fic. the only fic from pre-2017 I'm happy to link, bc pure crack doesn't care about how good your writing is.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Look. I would be a liar if I said anything other than Steve/Danny. Other ships may come and go but these fucked up obliviously married certified Dad™ middle-aged white guy cops made a permanent and large imprint on my mind and there are entire worm colonies living in that imprint.
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
The long Suits season 8 canon divergence fic, where Harvey's mother dies a season earlier than in canon and Mike flies back to help him through it. The first two chapters are literally like, 100 words away from being finished, so it's possible that if I ever feel the urge to watch Suits again I will drum up a truncated third chapter and post it but. it's also very possible I will not. There's a 5+1 Geraskier fic it would've been nice to finish too, but I don't ever see that happening.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, humour, emotional description that's just enough to the left of normal analogies that it makes you actually stop and think about/feel it. Occasionally, punch-to-the-gut-with-softness lines.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Physical description, good lord. Especially of settings. Having any reasonable idea of how long a fic is going to be. Actually doing the work of writing in between the times where the words just spontaneously appear in my head. Not as relevant for fic as for original work, but calculating how much backstory readers actually need.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't know that I've ever really done it in fic, other than the occasional Yiddish word for Jewish characters, but I am doing it a little bit in my novel WIP, bc 2.5 of my MCs are Latinx and occasionally speak Spanish with each other. I think it's fine in moderate doses, assuming the characters actually would be using it, but that it should follow the same rules as pop culture references: either the meaning is broadly deducible from context, or it's not either vital to the plot or hugely disruptive of flow if you don't understand it. Also if it's anything more than single words you should probably get someone who actually speaks the language to check it for you.
First fandom you wrote for?
...BBC Sherlock
Favorite fic you've ever written?
can i say a wip. my spouse/neurological infection state of disrepair. but okay no in posted fics... ykw even though it's a fandom i am off and on with, and mostly off, and currently off, When You're Loving Me (That's When I'm Loving You) (NCIS: LA) is a solid contender. But I also am quite happy with I Would Break Into Your House being my top kudosed, I think it deserves it.
Tagging: @actingcamplibrarian @osointricate @bookwhimses @faorism @gallantrejoinder
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h50 10x08, i find it hard to believe danny would leave the island after what just happened to steve, and he would definitely not just text him that
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hawaii 5 o season 10 episode 8 — 00:35 minutes —
it is from danny and it says
“4 missed calls
you ok?
trying to reach you
look, im worried about you”
which sounds like him but is definitely not enough? like very much ooc. he cares about his ohana sm i find it hard to believe he would take time off after doris death.
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alea-says · 18 days
Season 4 episode 8 thoughts...
Steve answering the phone thinking it's Danny with "Did you forget to tell me you miss me?"
Oh wow, Grover has a teen daughter. This opens up some interesting story possibilities.
Well, these two are gonna butt heads a lot.
See, the rivalry between Steve and Grover is what it looks like when two men who aren't interested in each other romantically argue.
What happens when Steve and Danny argue is completely different. Just saying.
Obviously, this ep is going to have Steve and Grover come to some kind of understanding.
Okay, and now Grover's mentioned a son.
And now Steve's giving tactical advice for the guys halo game.
Real gunfire. Now it's looking like a typical h50 ep.
Lotsa fighting.
Ooh. Steve's little slide on the ground was hot.
Now they're doing home science together.
Steve running around with blood and a makeshift bandage on his arm 😍
Okay. And now he's on a horse. I may need a moment.
The bank was robbed without them knowing.. da...da..dun..
Okay, seriously?? Why cut off your foot, when you could just cut off the tracking band?
This kid is a psychopath.
Okay, but... why can't they just contact the plane? Wouldn't the pilot be watching put the window? Windscreen?
Okay, not that I mind Steve has chilled a bit, but if this was s1, he'd be putting a grenade in the guy's pocket.
Wow. That little green square told her they had control back of the flight? I thought it was untested? Shouldn't they have called the flight?
And now they end the episode with respect for each other.
Also, I hope Grover got her laptop tested for spyware, etc after it was used by a hacker who also threatened her.
Considering the dude just hacked an atm just to speak to Steve... yeah, I'm a little worried about that laptop.
Deleted scenes...
They've caused so much collateral damage the state can't even insure they're unit anymore
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satashiiwrites · 1 year
Writing Goals 2023
No specific word count goal.  The goal here is to finish at least one (perhaps two) of my longer wips and then clean up a bunch of other wips to clear the slate for new works. Let’s go with finishing 8 fics this year from this list. This is me putting out goalposts for myself (that hopefully I won’t have to move closer). Please note that word totals are for current chapters only and don’t reflect how much I have written past them. I often am nonlinear in how I write then have to fill-in between scenes. 
Year-to-date posted word count: 445,976 words (updated 01.01.2024)
Finished fics:
Fragments and Fractals, 911 one-shot, 6b speculation/coda to lightning strike, first time/get together Buddie with a side of canon whump, written in one go. (1,518 words) Published 04.03.2023.
Promise Me You Won’t Let Me, Wheel of Time Cauthor reworking of Season 1. (35,895 words). Complete as of 22.03.2023.
Sleepless in LA, 911 holiday fic, Alternative Universe/Alternative first meetings. Complete as of 28.04.2023
Suspicions, a Teen Wolf Firefighter!Derek AU story, Sheriff Stilinski POV. Complete as of 20.05.2023
What are the Odds? 911 Buddie ABO kink fic that the muse went rabid on. Complete as of 18.09.2023
Bound by Blood, MReyder Spookyseason creature fic. Vampire/werewolf porn with plot. Complete as of 22.10.2023
Bradley the Damned. Generation Kill AU. Brad/Nate, Ray/Walt. Complete as of 31.10.2023
January writing goals:  priority works: 
Total words published this month: 13,939
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana: Chapter 9 SNAFU  (911, H50, NavySeal!Buck, SWAT) (9,904 words)—posted 22.01.2023
Death, Rebirth and the Jackal, chapter VII, Reyes POV—94 words  (MReyder)
Promise Me You Won’t Let Me, chapter IX Mat—2,041 words (Wheel of Time, Cauthor)—posted 26.01.2023
Mana’olana, Chapter 4, Steve POV—1,994 words (H50 McDanno, season 5 finale fix-it)—posted 26.01.2023
February writing goals: priority works:
Total words published this month: 28,831
Sleepless in LA (911) Valentine’s Day Fic 2023
Chapter 2 (4,782 words)—posted 6.02.2023
Chapter 3 (5,619 words)—posted 8.02.2023
Chapter 4 (3,131 words)—posted 11.02.2023
Chapter 5 (5,027 words)—posted 22.02.2023
Chapter 6 (5,522 words)—posted 23.02.2023
Chapter 7 (4,750 words)—posted 25.02.2023
March writing goals: priority works
Total words published this month: 32,314
Sleepless in LA (911 Valentine’s Day fic 2023–oh the shame….)
Chapter 8 (4,923 words) posted 07.03.2023
Chapter 9 (6,986 words) posted 30.03.2023
Promise Me You Won’t Let Me,
Chapter X (3,071 words) posted 18.03.2023
Chapter XI (4,246 words) posted 21.03.2023
Chapter XII (3,271 words) posted 22.03.2023
Epilogue (727 words) posted 22.03.2023 and COMPLETE
Death, Rebirth and the Jackal chapter VII, Reyes POV (2,947 words)—posted 11.03.2023
Fragments and Fractals, one-shot, Buddie, 6b speculation/coda (1518 words) posted 03.04.2023
The First Spectre, Eventual Buddie slow burn Mass Effect AU, Chapter One: A Milk Run? (4,625 words) posted 09.03.2023
April writing goals: priority works:
Total words posted this month: 33,989
Mana’olana, chapter 5 (3,550 words) —posted 29.04.2023
The First Spectre, Chapter Two: Eden Prime (1,865 words)
Sleepless in LA
Chapter 10 (4,925 words)—posted 02.04.2023
Chapter 11: (4,926 words)—posted 08.04.2023
Chapter 12: Valentine’s Day part 1 (3,343 words)—posted 16.04.2023
Chapter 13: Valentine’s Day part 2 (8,184 words)—posted 18.04.2023
Epilogue (9,061 words)—posted 28.04.2023
May writing goals:
Total words posted this month: 20,708
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana, Chapter 10: FUBAR
Buck (3,430 words)—complete and edited 24.05.2023 ✔️
Steve (1,189 words)
Eddie (479 words)
Danny (4,529 words)—complete and edited 30.05.2023 ✔️
Suspicions, Firefighter!Derek verse, one-shot, Sheriff Stillinski (14,764 words)—posted 20.05.2023
Bradley the Damned, Generation Kill AU, BradNate, RayWalt, WIP Big Bang fic
IV (1,365 words)
The First Spectre, Chapter Two: Eden Prime, Part 1 (5,944 words) (april hangover writing)—posted 13.05.2023
June writing goals:
Total words posted this month: 16,143 words
Bradley the Damned, WIP Big Bang fic
IV (2,704 words)—first draft done 11.06.2023 ✔️
V (5,866 words)—first draft done 12.06.2023 ✔️
VI (4,564 words)—first draft done 15.06.2023 ✔️
VII (4,887 words)—first draft done 18.06,2023✔️
VIII (2,485 words)—first draft done 18.06.2023✔️
IX (3,522 words)—first draft done 24.06.2023✔️
X (2,914 words)—first draft done 25.06.2023✔️
XI (2,463 words)—first draft done 29.06.2023✔️
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana, chapter 10: FUBAR (hangover may chapter) (12,515 words)—posted 01.06.2023
Afterthoughts, a 911 rewatch collection of codas
1.01 (1,050 words)—posted 26.06.2023
1.02 Buck (1,127 words)—posted 29.06.2023
1.02 Athena (1,451 words)—posted 29.06.2023
July writing goals:
Total words posted this month: 41,633 words
Scintillation, July Rough Trade project—goal 25,000 words written in July. Sentinel/Guide, MCU. Tony Stark/James “Bucky” Barnes, Erik Killmonger/T’Challa, Tony Stark & Yinsen Ho, one-sided Steve Rogers/James “Bucky” Barnes. Not Steve Rogers friendly at first. Current WC: 24,953/25,000–SO CLOSE!!
Bradley the Damned, WIP Big Bang fic
XII (5,118 words)—first rough draft done 01.07.2023✔️
An Andromeda Tale: Arrival in Andromeda (Book 1) (rewrite)
Prologue (4,129 words)—posted 07.07.2023
Chapter 1 (12,149 words)—posted 15.07.2023
Chapter 2 (6,563 words)—posted 23.07.2023
Chapter 3 (8,844 words)—posted 30.07.2023
Afterthoughts, a 911 rewatch collection of codas
1.03 Bobby (983 words) posted 03.07.2023
1.04 Hen (1,877 words) posted 7.07.2023
1.05 Karen (1,383 words) posted 08.07.2023
1.06 Bobby (981 words) posted 13.07.2023
1.07 Hen (433 words) posted 14.07.2023
1.08 Karen (1,010 words) posted 14.07.2023
1.09 Buck (595 words) posted 16.07.2023
1.10 Buck (795 words) posted 23.07.2023
2.01 Buck(881 words) posted 23.07.2023
2.02 Eddie (1,010 words) posted 23.07.2023
Words posted this month: 62,996
An Andromeda Tale: Arrival in Andromeda (Book 1) (rewrite)
Chapter 4 (10,905 words) posted 08.08.2023
Chapter 5 (10,251 words) posted 12.08.2023
Chapter 6 (10,572 words) posted 19.08.2023
Chapter 7 (9,739 words) posted 27.08.2023
Bradley the Damned
Chapter IV (2,700 words) posted 08.08.2023
Chapter V (3,522 words) posted 14.08.2023
Chapter VI (5,866 words) posted 22.08.2023
Chapter VII (4,905 words) posted 29.08.2023
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana Chapter 11
Buck (4,250 words) ✔️ rough draft done 08.09.2023
Eddie (2,457 words)✔️rough draft done 24.08.2023
Steve (3,465 words) ✔️ rough draft done 06.09.2023
Danny (2,511 words)
Afterthoughts, a 911 rewatch collection of codas
2.03 Karen (645 words) posted 02.08.2023
What are the Odds?
Chapter 1 (1,655 words) posted 21.08.2023
Chapter 2 (2236 words) posted 28.08.2023
Words posted this month: 77,257
An Andromeda Tale: Arrival in Andromeda (Book ) (rewrite)
Chapter 8 (9,115 words) posted 04.09.2023
Chapter 9 (8,277 words) posted 10.09.2023
Chapter 10 (10,283 words) posted 27.09.2023
Chapter 11 (10,556 words) posted 30.09.2023
Bradley the Damned
Chapter VIII (4,887 words) posted 05.09.2023
Chapter IX (2,485 words) posted 12.09.2023
Chapter X (2,914 words) posted 18.09.2023
Chapter XI (2,463 words) posted 26.09.2023
Alley with a View (Buddie Spooky season 2023 fic)
Chapter 1 (3,174 words) posted 19.09.2023
What are the Odds?
Chapter 3 (2285 words)
Chapter 4 (1897 words) posted 13.09.2023
Chapter 5 (3296 words) posted 17.09.2023–complete
Afterthoughts,a 911 rewatch collection of codas
2.04 Eddie (1,286 words) posted 05.09.2023
2.05 Athena (1,042 words) posted 06.09.2023
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana: Chapter 11: Proof of life (13,297 words) posted 08.09.2023
**update 20/10/2023–cutting expectations for the month due to job search/negotiations creating a black hole of a time suck
Words posted this month: 36,311
Bound by Blood (3,678 words) posted 22.10.2023–COMPLETE
Bradley the Damned
Chapter XII (5,118 words) posted 02.10.2023
Chapter XIII (3.687 words) posted 15.10.2023
Chapter XIV (3,338 words) posted 20.10.2023
Chapter XV (4,877 words) posted 23.10.2023
Chapter XVI/epilogue (2,390 words) posted 31.10.2023
Arrival in Andromeda
Chapter 12 (8,762 words) posted 01.10.2023
Scintillation—chapter 1 (4,461 words) posted 01.10.2023
Words posted this month: 6,720
Choices and Regrets, NaNoWriMo/November Rough Trade. Goal 50k words. 911/Dark Matter (book) fusion/crossover. Buddie.
Current WC: 50,293/50,000
Chapter 1 (6,658 words) posted 05.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 2 (6,486 words) posted 07.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 3 (5,961 words) posted 10.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 4A(6,433words) posted 13.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 4B (3,136 words) posted 15.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 5 (7,880 words) posted 21.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 6 (6,188 words) posted 27.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 7(7,751 words) posted 30.11.2023 ☑️
Scintillation, chapter 2 (6720 words) posted 01.11.2023
Words posted this month: 75,135
Home Found (Big Moxie Q4 challenge—time travel), Eureka fix-it, Jack Carter/Nathan Stark
Chapter 1 (372 words) posted 01.12.2023
Chapter 2 (2,178 words) posted 15.12.2023
Chapter 3 (1,612 words) posted 16.12.2023
Chapter 4 (2,245 words) posted 17.12.2023
Chapter 5 (2,019 words)
Chapter 6 (2,890 words) posted 22.12.2023
Chapter 7 (3,304 words) posted 29.12.2023
Chapter 8
Arrival in Andromeda
Chapter 13 (11,061 words) posted 03.12.2023
Chapter 14 (11,753 words) posted 06.12.2023
Chapter 15 (13,383 words) posted 14.12.2023
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Scintillation, (4,814 words) Chapter 3 posted 01.12.2023
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana, chapter 12 (9,949 words)
Steve (4,541 words)—complete 24.12.2023
Buck (2,172 words)
Danny (2,144 words)—complete 30.12.2023
Eddie (901 words)
Choices and Regrets
Chapter 1: Are You Happy With Your Life? (6,922 words) posted 15.12.2023
Chapter 2: Cognitive Dissonance (6,527 words) posted 21.12.2023
Chapter 3: Distortions in the Mirror (6,055 words) posted 28.12.2023
All Works in Progress:
Mass Effect/Mass Effect Andromeda MReyder or MShenko
An Andromeda Tale
Reinventing Scott
Bound by Blood complete 22.10.2023
What Happens in Vegas, one shot
To Follow
The Marks We Leave on One Another
Your Guide to Andromeda, one shot
If I See You in My Dreams
Death, Rebirth and the Jackal
Sleepless in LA—complete 28.04.2023
Christmas for Cowboys (aka Christmas fic)
Alley with a View—aka Buddie Rear Window (Halloween 2023 fic)
A New Version of Foreplay
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana
The First Spectre (added March 2023)
An All Time High (added May 2023)
Choices and Regrets—November Rough Trade project (Added August 2023)
Teen Wolf/Sterek
To Catch a Fallen Star
Connie the Librarian one-shot (Firefighter Derek Verse)
Suspiscions—Sheriff Stilinski one-shot (Firefighter Derek Verse)—complete 20.05.2023
Generation Kill
Bradley the Damned complete 31.10.2023
Mayans MC
The Outlaw and the Cartel Boss
Cousin Harvey
Hawaii 5-0
Wheel of Time
Promise Me You Won’t let me—complete 22.03.2023
Scintillation—July Rough Trade. Tony/Bucky, T’Challa/Erik
Home Found—Big Moxie Q4 project (added 20.10.2023)
Reunion (added September 2023)
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teruel-a-witch · 1 year
while i was making my mcdanno+sunsets graphic i tried to google steve's quote about two guys on the beach watching sunsets, the first result was @stephmcx's post about 10x19, but it was the second that amused me greatly
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(unsurprisingly there's a whole separate page dedicated to the examples of HoYay in h50 on TVtropes, if you don't know what HoYay means here's the main article)
the entire article is psychic damage worth of reading when it's all laid out so plainly even tho it only covers 8 seasons and isn't even very complete but here's the rest of the blurb that google matched to the search
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nice to know it wasn't just me who thought the sunset setting is romantically coded.
steve and danny assigned not just romantic, impossibly romantic by google/TVtropes and the universe from the pilot. (not to mention the whole they dig each other bit)
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spoilertv · 11 months
0 notes
eightysix-baby · 1 year
The last episode of Moonlight was okay, it wasn't my favorite of the whole show but it wasn't terrible. (I've also rewatched it already 🙈🙈) I haven't seen Three Rivers, so maybe I'll start watching it tomorrow. I'm finishing up season 8 right now of H50. And you're 1000% correct that the ending of H50 really bothers me, so I'm just gonna take my time now to finish it.
lmao 🙈 well that's good ! at least the ending was ok and not terrible I hate when a show is ruined by the final or worse not having any resolution at all 😠
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h50europe · 2 years
#Throwback shared by @hawaii_isla808 Video night: shoot last of #AlexOLoughlin, #scottcaan and #ChrisVance set Shrimp truck near Hilton. July 2017
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To: Peter Lenkov, Re: Steve and Danny, “Hawaii 5-0” season 9
So we’re coming to the end of another season of “Hawaii 5-0,” the TV show that still refuses to accept the fact that it created one of the greatest love stories on television apparently by accident. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and tell myself that CBS won’t let you finally let Steve and Danny be together the way they should be, but even if that’s true there are some more practical things we have to address.
Namely, the fact that you people have apparently once AGAIN forgotten how to write Steve and Danny. Yes, we’re all mourning the lack of Grace Park and Daniel Dae Kim, but I promise you that part of the reason your ratings dropped AGAIN in season 8 (after rising in season 7, a year with some of the most excellent Steve and Danny writing we’ve seen in some time) is that you’re fumbling the reason that the majority of people still watch your show. Since I know I can’t trust any of you to do the right thing and acknowledge the world as it truly should be, here are some tips to help recover those fans you’ve lost over the current season.
1) Stop throwing around the absurd, heavy-handed Rachel/Danny hints
Every time you make even the vague suggestion that Rachel and Danny should get back together, or there’s still potential for them, the entire audience cringes. You’ve established repeatedly that the two are toxic together, and that was before you had her do the worst possible thing anyone could do to Danny short of killing someone he loved (she kept his son from him, for YEARS, by not telling him he was his father. Danny holds fatherhood SACRED, and the fact that he wasn’t there for those years of Charlie’s probably still causes him pain). They are so unhealthy it’s painful to watch, and Danny at least seems to understand that. For all our sakes, stop trying to throw her at him.
2) For the love of all that’s holy, put Lynn and Melissa out of their narrative misery
While I consider it a blessing that they haven’t even been mentioned in what feels like 500 years, there’s still always the terrifying possibility that you will shove a random mention of them into an episode and once again remind us of the absurd charade of Steve and Danny’s “dating” lives. They’ve dated these women for years, supposedly, and yet clearly have no more place in the boys’ lives than someone they’d been dating for a few weeks. The rare times they’re even mentioned, it’s solely a reference to dating or sex - never hanging out with the kids, or spending time with the rest of the team, or interacting with either Steve’s sister or anyone in Danny’s family.
That’s not a relationship, Lenkov. That’s you occasionally screaming at the audience that the boys really do have sex with women, really, you even have proof of it.
So, for the sake of everyone’s dignity, throw in a mention somewhere that both relationships have finally, mercifully ended. Mentioning how much sex they supposedly have (which, for the record, is a WEIRD WEIRD WIERD thing to supposedly be discussing between the two couples) does absolutely nothing to convince us of Steve and Danny’s heterosexuality. All it does is remind us of the embarrassing charades that sometimes happen when people continue to lie to themselves about their true feelings. If CBS really wants to pretend that Steve and Danny are NOT madly in love with each other, this is not something you want to be reminding us of.
3) If Catherine comes back, it must only be as a bro
I started out liking Catherine, I really did. But then the whole “I love you, but I love danger more” nonsense happened (and happened, and happened) and I was filled with the burning desire to punch her in the throat. I feel like some of the things they talked about in the last episode were progress back to the friendship I actually enjoyed seeing, and if you keep that up I’ll start actually watching the episodes where she pops back up instead of skipping them. Given the ratings for the last Catherine episode to crop up, I’m guessing a lot of other people were skipping them, too.
4) Either move forward with the restaurant plot or end it
I liked the idea at first, but with everything that’s gone wrong it’s getting ridiculous. It’s clear that the only reason Steve is doing it at all is because Danny wants to, and Danny’s obsessed with it in a way that completely transcends the original idea of a retirement fantasy. It’s clearly a strained, increasingly painful metaphor for the life the two desperately wish they could build with each other, with heavy sprinklings of Danny’s fear about Steve’s physical health and I assume a metric ton of repressed longing. Every second they’re in there I want to get them both into therapy, stat, and I am begging you on my hands and knees to either let the damn thing start going right or give it a quick, merciful death and let both them and us move on with our lives.
5) Stop with the unsubtle hints that Steve/Danny would never work
Speaking of the restaurant, if this is your way of trying to convince us that Steve and Danny would never work as a romantic couple, let it go. They basically ARE a romantic couple, minus the sex, and we see that every second they’re onscreen. And, if the “being romantically involved ruined our friendship” comment was meant to be another allusion to this, it’s not even relevant. Steve and Danny are FAR more emotionally entangled than mere friendship would account for (I’ve lived with my best friend for more than a decade, and hoo boy what Steve and Danny have is so many million miles past even the deepest friendship), and the only thing that ever seems to give them trouble is when they try to fight that. Someone who’s a friend may have an equal slot to a person’s romantic partner, but for both Steve and Danny it’s painfully clear that (with the exception of Danny’s kids) they will always be the most important person in the other person’s life. No one else comes anywhere near close, including the long-term girlfriends they’ve both supposedly dated for years. (Danny even won out over Catherine, when he convinced Steve to come home from Afghanistan instead of going after Catherine). That’s not friendship, Lenkov.
You said it yourself in Danny’s fantasy flash forwards - all they really want is to spend the rest of their lives by each other’s side, and they can’t be bothered to add anyone else but Danny’s two kids into the mix. Adding regular sex into that would make it MORE normal, not less, and it certainly wouldn’t make things more stressful. Hell, it would probably make them both relax.
6) Junior and Tani are not a heterosexual replacement for Steve and Danny
Listen, I like them both. I really do. I even like their rapport. But despite the painfully, painfully obvious signaling you’ve been trying to shove down our throats, their banter does not even BEGIN to be a replacement for proper Steve/Danny banter. I understand you’re worried about both the boys leaving the show, but denying us their interaction while they’re still there isn’t the way to fix that - it’s just chasing us away early. Start giving us our regular dose of Steve/Danny banter, free of pointless restaurant angst, and let Tani and Junior develop their own thing.
7) Accept the truth, even if you never say it
What all of this is leading to, basically, is stop trying to pretend that there is some magical trick you can pull that will convince all of us that Steve and Danny are just bros. There isn’t one.
The thing is, you’ll actually draw less attention to that fact if you just let them be themselves. Clearly someone over there is convinced the world’s gonna end if you let them kiss onscreen, but they were practically married during the whole of season 7 and no one screamed about it. In fact, as I mentioned earlier, the ratings for your show actually went UP during that season, both in general and in that all-precious 18-49 year old demo (which, I hear, is supposedly the sort of thing studios like show ratings to do). Let them go back to that, cut out the ridiculous mentions of the women they supposedly are or should be dating, and let them have plots about other things (like, you know, maybe making Grace an actual character again instead of Hawaii’s newest urban legend).
I promise you - you, the studio, and the audiences will all be happier for it.
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