#haikyuu mothers day
ennoshitas-princess · 1 month
Mother's Day HC
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Pairings: Atsumu Miya x fem! reader, Osamu Miya x fem! reader, Shinsuke Kita x fem! reader Notice: these are just my ideas, doesn't mean that they are 100% true
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❀○◐●◑○ Atsumu Miya ○◐●◑○❀
He loves to tell you how much he is lucky to have you as the mother of his kids
Gives you the most extravagant presents like a necklace, perfume, a bracelet, etc
Without you, the whole house would be a wreck
You are a secondary ma to him if you will
When he comes back from practice, he takes you out to a nice restaurant (by nice I mean Onigiri Miya)
The two of them bicker and their ma stops them
She is proud of both of her boys still and loves them dearly
The amount of dedication he put onto the date was nuts
Will bombard you with all these compliments calling you pretty, beautiful, sexy, etc
He will show you off to the team saying YOU are the best mom in the world (aside from his ma)
Will make the night romantic and flirty like he is
Expect the Atsumu Smile™
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❀○◐●◑○ Osamu Miya ○◐●◑○❀
He is the type of guy who will do the cooking the whole day
Breakfast in bed with nice flowers from the local flower shop, lunch with the kids with a cute little card made by him and them, a nice lit up candle dinner
He gives you nice tiny presents like a teddy bear, some of his special onigiri, chocolate, a bracelet, etc
He helps to dress up the kids to go out together as a family
Will go out of the way to even be even more a gentleman and exaggerating in opening the door and kissing your hand all for his beautiful lovely wife
Rants on and about you to his friends from high school saying you are the greatest mother in the world, just like his lovely ma
After that long day, he will massage you and maybe even to bake at night
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❀○◐●◑○ Shinsuke Kita ○◐●◑○❀
He is the type to tell you that you will not do anything today and that he will do it all for you
Make meals, clean the house up, do the laundry, take care of the kids so you can relax on this special day
He will give you sweet and sensual gifts like flowers from the garden, strawberry jam from the patch, a nicely made painting, a knitted throw on, etc
He will take you out in the field to look at the wonders out in nature under a nice tree
A picnic with the kids to celebrate your efforts as the one who sails the ship
His grandmother simply loves how sweet you are to her Shin-chan and the tiny little things you brought along with your healthy relationship
You thank her and give her a big hug and tell her happy mother's day to her too
Kita could never ask for more than sweet kids, a gentle wife, and his loving grandma
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A/n: thank you so much for reading!! These ideas are so cute that I had to post them. I love them so much and I hope you enjoy them too!!
Thank you for stopping by darling!!
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All rights reserved copyright ©
Please DO NOT repost on any other platform!!
Reblogs are acceptable
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creative-crybaby · 1 year
Yep I was talkin bout sakusa n da twins with reader. I was thinking a bit of a yandere too cz that just slaps the cherry on top. Do tell me your thoughts on this.
bruh just thinking about it sounds life-draining--imagine actually being in that situation 💀💀💀
The Miya twins are already such a handful--now add the yandere element to them. Atsumu's known for wearing his heart on his sleeve, which will include his need for your constant attention and his temper growing short should you try to fight him off. But at least he's predictable.
Osamu appears level-headed in comparison; I think he's harsher with his punishments. He doesn't need to blow up in your face because his bite is bigger than his bark. That's only if you disobey, of course. Play along and he'll be just a tiny bit lenient with you, especially when his twin's involved. Atsumu, on the other hand, makes sure to bask in your pliancy through taunts and physical closeness that's almost suffocating.
And then we have Sakusa. I could see him as somewhat similar to Osamu, what with his silent aura. Though I feel like he'd at least offer a warning glare should you even think about standing up for yourself. Regarding leniency, it's even rarer coming from him. And since there's already such a messy dynamic between the Miya twins--disagreements on how to handle you, not willing to share, etc.--I feel like there's that opportunity for Sakusa to jump in. Not to say he doesn't lose his patience (looking at you, Tsumu), but it's different sharing your beloved with someone who you've been with since day one.
That said, I'm curious about the Osamu and Sakusa dynamic. There could be a silent agreement between them regarding their level-headedness, but that's as close to any peace you'll be getting.
At the end of the day, they're all still yanderes. They'll share you because they have to: you're their soulmate. That isn't to say they won't try and be selfish whenever they can, clawing their way to have you all to themselves. Never hurting each other, mainly arguments over who's hogging you for too long or if their methods work/have gone too far.
It's only when you try to escape do they all work together, and it's times like those you look at your soulmate mark (or however you're told about your soulmates--seeing colour for the first time, feeling a certain sensation, etc.) and wonder if this is the gods' idea of a cruel joke. A sick setup where there could've been a mistake with the soulmate assignment: it's possible for you to have more than one soulmate--surely there's someone else who has the same symbol as you and there's some crazy misunderstanding with the three you've been trapped with.
But that's not it. A joke normally implies a punchline, and you've been stuck on that hook for too long.
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uc1wa · 6 months
tags: christmas mentioning, long distance-ish relationship, uci haji
"maybe one day you can come with me for winter break. or part of it." hajime sighs the words from the other side of his laptop screen, the man who has small eye bags setting in under his eyes and an irvine crewneck covering his top half.
his hair is a mess; brown strands that ultimately look like porcupine spikes cover his head, one eye squished from the way that his palm holds his cheek, the other looking at his screen. his face illuminated in his dark room, the only source of light is his tiny lamp that sits on his bedside table. the other, your face that’s smiling and rolling eyes, making him grin fondly.
"i do wanna meet your family… eventually," you smile. your face is a bit more awake, night time on your side of the world and the early parts of the morning for hajime.
attending the same university was how you met the man you claimed was your other half. joining a similar club that led to volunteering in the same parts of campus. eventually, leading to holding hands until your boyfriend dropped you off at your classes before sprinting to his own. but living on opposite sides of the world was the realization that hit for the past two years around the middle of the school year.
sure, it was only a month. but when seeing each other was standard on a daily basis, you and hajime coordinated times to call.
and, hajime planned the call that was on your christmas eve and his christmas morning. sacrificing a spare hour of sleep to spend time with you while his sun was rising and yours had set.
"maybe next summer?" he questions, and you laugh with a small and tired yawn. "i’d love that," and though he’s just woken up, the light isn’t the only thing illuminating the room, given the smile hajime brings.
"i’ve gotta go soon, making breakfast for the folks," hajime starts, using the american slang he’s picked up from three years of living in the country that you reside in. "grab your present for me, baby. wanna open them now?" a nod and you’re leaning to grab a bag that hajime displayed prettily for you. on his end, he’s standing up briefly to grab the box that you’d wrapped him. a red bow adorning the top with a sticker that reads ‘to: haji’ and ‘from: your baby.’
he laughs as he reads over it, though he read over it when you handed it to him in the airport, too. smiled and gave you a kiss on the cheek, then the lips when he had thanked you and asked you to zip it up in his backpack.
"you first," you smile, and hajime gets the urge to fight you on that, but it’s christmas, and though his nervousness is building up in his stomach, he nods with a roll of his eyes.
"fine," a huff of air leaves his lips, and you laugh, knowing his morning breath would hit you smack in the face if it were you instead of a computer screen.
tan fingers untie the red bow, gently unwrapping the paper as if he was going to reuse it later (he wasn’t, but he learned to be soft in everything he did from you). when he unwraps it, a small box is held in his hands, with a showing of the box from him to you and a slight smile that’s never left his lips, he opens it, and his eyes widen.
"shit, you didn’t need to get me this." he takes the gold chain out of the box, one that reads his first name in cursive and is going to look all too pretty around his neck.
"i know, i know. but it’ll look so good on you. saw it when i was shopping once and couldn’t resist," you smile with a tilt of your head. it was just a little something, and after two years of dating, you’d start investing in presents that would last rather than small junk from the mall. (you still had a christmas themed stuffie to give your boyfriend, though; it was more for you to lay against when you’d be in his bed. his pillows weren’t the comfiest, and it wasn’t going to be the easiest to wrap; you’ll give it to him when he comes back).
"this is so… i love it, hun’." his smile has fallen; instead, a face that reads disbelief paints his features, lifting the chain around his neck to hook it against his skin.
"how does it look?" and you smile at the gold that shines, sitting below his neckline. "just how i imagined… maybe better," hajime smiles at your words, his eyes now crinkled by the giant smile he displays before he nods in your direction. "your turn."
hajime’s stomach twists a bit more, loving the chain you’d gifted him and hoping you’d love his gift just as much as he loved yours.
sifting through paper, you unwrap a rectangular figure in the bag, taking the paper off, and setting it on the floor until your bottom lip puckers out and your eyes fall soft.
"oh, haji’," you fond, and he let out an invisible sigh of relief that you liked part of the gift he’s prepared for you. a photo of the two of you on a road trip you’d taken, the outside of the frame held dried cherry blossom petals. ones that he’d taken from his hometown, especially for the frame he ended up decorating for you.
"cherry blossoms?" you question with a smile, looking back up to your screen at a hajime who’s biting his lower lip in anticipation. it takes him a second to realize what you’ve asked, and he’s nodding shyly, "mhm."
he gives you another minute to adore the frame made out of bamboo wood, which holds a picture of his arm wrapped around your shoulders and big smiles pulling both of your cheeks upwards.
"there’s another, probably at the bottom," he looks from the bag to your side and back to you, whose attention is reverted to your computer screen. "y’didn’t have to get me two things," and he shakes his head while you dig towards the bottom of the bag.
an envelope with your name written in fancy cursive, something that you weren’t aware that hajime was capable of doing. opening it, as expected, there’s a cheesy christmas card that he’d probably gotten from your local grocery store. one that makes you laugh and, in turn, makes hajime smile lovingly at you; still, with an upside-down stomach, though.
when you open it, it takes a moment to process what fell out of the card. a white slip filled with tiny words, but once you read them, your eyes widen, and your jaw falls slack. "no…"
"you didn’t," you say, looking up to the man who’s nodding to confirm that what you’re reading is… precisely what you’re reading.
"think you can make it?" he asks with a breathy and nervous laugh, his arm scratching the backside of his neck while he glances away.
a ticket to japan that leaves on the 28th of december, just in time for new years. a ticket that lasts until you two have to fly back to california and start your spring semester together.
"i- holy fuck, hajime. you didn’t have to do that," and he nods because he knows, but he also knows that he wants to share traditions with you. he knows that he wants to introduce you to his family and his best friends from high school. he knows he wants to share a miyagi snow with you and his first un-lonely plane ride back to university.
(and don’t worry. like a good future-son-in-law, hajime called your family to ask permission to buy the ticket beforehand.)
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lowkeyremi · 3 months
Haikyuu men as fathers pt. 5
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Ft. Ushijima, Kita, Kyotani and Asahi
Note: The age range of the kids will differ for each character but it’s from babies up til like 17 or 18. Bringing this series back for someone who requested Kita :3 @warriordemigosworld
content: Indication of pregnancy, relationships, marriage, certain styles of parenting, etc
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
When you arrive home you're met with the sight of both your husband and your baby girl knocked out on the couch. Her little head is resting upon his chest, her small hand curled up in a fist too.
You can see the drool on his shirt from her little lips. She's just so tiny and he's so big. Whenever you'd post them on your social media the first thing people comment on is the size difference. They always talk about how soft and gentle he is with his baby girl for such a big man.
Wakatoshi seems to notice your staring because his olive eyes open looking around for a second before they meet yours.
"Looks like you two had a good time." A smirk graces your lips. He chuckles quietly, rubbing her back when she starts to stir awake.
"She wanted to play animals so I dressed up as a tiger for her. She insisted that she should paint my face to make me look the part." Oh. So that's why his face is orange with smears of black on it.
"I'm guessing she was a baby tiger?" Your little girl's face was also colored in orange and black face paint.
"Precisely." Wakatoshi watches as you pull out your phone and snap a few pics.
"I'm sure Grandma and Papa would want to see what you two were up to today." He nods, a small smile gracing his face.
Wakatoshi is the kind of parent to let his child experience little moments that make them happy
He doesn't limit their imagination as his mother tried too when he was younger because of his left-handedness
He doesn't enjoy singing but he will hum his baby to sleep
When his baby was little he would always have her sleep on his chest which is why she's so used to it (i love his chest....)
all in all ushi is such a good dad
Kita Shinsuke
You were watching as Shinsuke and your little boy were out in the rice fields. There were two cold glasses of water waiting for them when they came back.
They had matching hats and overalls; the whole thing. Shinsuke insisted his six year old should be interested in little boy stuff like playing and discovering the world, but your little boy wanted to help his daddy out in the fields.
So of course, Shinsuke would show him how to do basic things around the rice fields. He made his son a mini bag of rice to carry since the normal bags are way too heavy for a six year old.
Little giggles escape your lips watching the two of them haul the bags of rice toward his truck.
"Are you helping daddy out?" You ask recording him.
"Yep! I'm almost as strong as daddy is!" To prove his point he flexes his little muscles.
"Oh wow!! You are super strong." Shinsuke chuckles too. He's sweating up a storm, wiping his forehead every few minutes.
"Do my two favorite boys want to come take a water break?" Your husband is grateful for your observation skills, he could use some water.
Your son looks to his father waiting to see what he says. The little boy admires his father with his life.
"Yeah let's get some water, bud." Shinsuke scoops up his son causing the little boy much joy.
Kita is very stern with his kids, he likes order (which is why they have so much respect for him)
Almost never breaks the rules like if there's not supposed to be any sweets before bed he'll listen to the rules even if his kids beg and beg
He teaches them to be honest hard working children (just like how he was when he used to help his grandma clean)
There are fun days too, he'll take them to amusement parks and such.. only for good behavior though
lmaoo I think he looks a little scary to other kids, so when he's chaperoning at field trips and stuff none of the kids (even the most mischievous ones) dare to act up
he's always taking his kiddos to onigiri miya because they always talk about how much they "love their uncle samu's food!!"
if they show any interest in volleyball he takes them to see the red falcons (aran) or the black jackals (atsumu) they always think it's the coolest thing ever
Kyotani Kentaro
The screaming match going on downstairs didn't concern you in the slightest.
Your husband and your daughters do this at least once a day, which is why you're still laying in bed minding your own business.
"IF YOU DON'T DO YOUR PROJECT YOU'LL FAIL!" Kentaro yelled at his ten year old daughter. She was; in your opinion a carbon copy of her father.
"I DON'T WANT TO!!! IT'S BORING-UHHHHHH." She drags out the last syllable, causing a giggle to leave your lips.
"WELL LET'S GO SEE WHAT YOUR MOM HAS TO SAY ABOUT IT." You pretend to sleep as the three of them stomp up the stairs to see what you have to say.
"[name], your child won't-" when he notices that you're "sleeping" he shushes his children and walks them out of the room.
You hear a mumbled, "Will you do it if I help you?"
The older daughter of yours agrees with her father's suggestion. The younger one has no clue what's going on but she wants to be included too. So, she also hums in agreement.
He communicates his love through snarky comments and eye rolls
Doesn't find them annoying, just could use a break sometimes
He thought being a dad would be a piece of cake.. imagine his surprise when he changes his first poopy diaper
Scary dog privileges still apply; no one dares to look at his kids wrong, much less try to hurt them
He girls think it's funny that he's "bald"
Will NEVER admit it but he is a girl dad
Azumane Asahi
"I think I'm gonna be sick, babe, what if we don't find him?" Asahi asks tugging in your shirt sleeve. This isn't your best parenting moment; your little boy is lost somewhere inside this huge Costco. Your son who's eight insisted he'd go grocery shopping with you even though he was probably gonna complain after ten minutes about his legs hurting.
Of course your husband wanted to tag along. He enjoys family bonding and he saw this grocery trip as an opportunity to execute it. The two of you had gotten so caught up in conversation that you didn't even realize your son went missing for maybe four or five minutes? You hope it was only that long.
"Ren! Where are you honey?!" You yell out, not too loud so it's not fairly obvious of your failure as a parent but loud enough that he could hear you and follow the sound of your voice.
To make matters worse he has his nintendo switch that his eyes are probably glued to.
"Oh baby, what.. what if someone takes him?" Asahi's voice sounds horrified. Little seeds of insecurity make their way into your brain, but you must keep strong because your husband is absolutely losing his shit.
"Management on aisle twenty-seven, we have a child climbing the racks." You two give each other a knowing look. That sounds 100% like something your son would do.
"You stay here with the basket, I'll go get him." Asahi says leaving no room for argument when he runs off to get his child.
Within a few minutes he returns with Ren. Asahi's confused by the way you giggle, but you find it cute how his man bun was undone, most likely from running fast.
"Man, I haven't ran that fast since high scho-"
"Dad you need to work out more!!" Naive little Ren says, causing his father to sigh loudly with a cheeky smile.
"And you," you say pointing to the little boy in question, "need to stay where mom and dad can see you. Are we clear?"
He nods in a respectful manner.
"Now let's finish shopping.. as a family."
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A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes
How Ace and Deuce Fantasise About Their Crush, The Prefect
Reader/Yuu is female
Ace Trappola
Deuce is his biggest rival so usually his fantasies involve you choosing him over his fellow Heartslabyul first year
Usually he would be goofing off ‘studying or doing homework’ and his thoughts would inevitably turn to you and he gets hit  with the visual of your beaming smile and shimmering eyes lighting up in adoration as you praise him over his marks on a test like “Wow Ace! I can’t believe you got all of this right - you’re so much smarter and stronger and more handsome and better than Deuce in every way!” and he’d be filled with determination to actually study so you would kiss praise him
Sometimes he would daydream about you wearing his basketball jersey to one of his matches and cheering him on (which you do already anyway - the cheering, not the jersey wearing) and during a tense sports anime worthy match with fast action and slow motion and reaction cuts where your gazing at him admiringly (this boy is literally filming an episode of Haikyuu in his mind) and the scores are neck and neck and he’s about to throw the winning shot and he looks at you winks and is like “this one’s for you” and gets it in, single handedly winning the game and his teammates are freaking out and everyone on the stands are cheering his name and he’s handed the trophy as he’s lifted onto his seniors' shoulders and then you’re there (abandoning Deuce and Grim at the stands) and you congratulate him and you’re kissing him and he’s woken up 🙁
He’s the type of guy to daydream about you in a cheerleading outfit, waving around pom poms and cheering him on - not in a creepy, weird way but more in a cute, endearing way
During the Ghost Bride incident™, you were dressed in a wedding dress to match with all of the suitors’ groom suits and his mind did an application.exe has stopped working before rebooting and immediately got flooded with visuals of you and him getting married
Since he did punch Riddle on the reader’s behalf and flip out at Malleus over Malleus’ completely harmless ‘prank’ during the Spectral Soiree (real king behaviour, what a man *wipes tear*), he does feel protective over them so I think he’d these fantasies where he’s protecting you from danger and bridal carrying you away and you’re swooning over him like ‘my hero ♡’ and peck his cheek
He really does like writing Ace x Reader fanfic in his head, doesn’t he?
I think many of his daydreams would be more ‘what-if’ scenarios where he would lay awake in bed at night, the lights are off and his dormmates are dozing off on their own beds around him, and his mind wanders into how the events of the day would’ve played off if he actually did have the courage to act on his own desires, if he actually did admit he found your smile beautiful during lunchtime, if he actually did hold your hand on your way to class, if he actually did confess his feelings…
If the legends of old are true and that whatever you wish for, you keep, he really really hopes that he gets to keep you
Deuce Spade
It’s canon that he’s a romantic since he has an admiration for the King and Queen of Hearts’ relationship so his fantasies are very reminiscent of classical romances
I headcanon that his mother loves romantic movies and shows (both period and modern) and he loves to watch them with her (he prefers period films/shows over modern ones since he’s been a sucker for fairy tales since he was five)
Even though his fantasies of you are super innocent, he still feels super guilty over having them over his best friend. He thinks it’s wrong to think of kissing someone so kind and sweet when they only see him as a friend and he kind of hates himself for not hating the visions his mind cooks up.
He’s very protective in nature so his daydreams usually feature him saving you à la traditional fairy tale or classic silver screen damsel in distress and her dashing hero or knight in shining armour (not because he sees you as a damsel in distress - you don’t just fight off overblots and live in Twisted Wonderland without being the strongest person ever in his eyes - but because he likes the idea of being strong enough to protect you from danger or you knowing that you can always rely on him to protect you). This, though, also kind of stems from his inner guilt at not being able to save you from the harm you’ve already undergone.
He likes to imagine the two of you stargazing, your figures draped in moonlight as you kiss each other, or the two of you on a white marble balcony, surrounded by doves and baby pink blossoms falling from the trees around you, or the two of you dancing in a ballroom, or kissing in the rain, or giving you piggybacks, or picking you up and twirling you around as you laugh in pure joy, or giving you his jackets or every other cliche he wants and yearns so badly to have with you
Sometimes when he does something good like finish his dorm chores or come first in track club he imagines your voice cheering him on like ‘I knew you could do it, Deuce’ 
He loves it when his daydreams get domestic. His favourite one is when imaginary you and imaginary him are in a chicken coop, surrounded by baby chicks.
Whilst his fantasies are very idyllic and so flowery they could put a florist out of business, he does like the ones that tap into his past as a bad boy where he takes you joyriding on his magical wheel, your arms wrapped around his torso and head resting between his shoulder blades, or he impresses you with his mechanical skills as he fixes a car, or your patching him up after a fight (a fight that happened because imaginary you was being harassed by gang of goons and he came in and saved the day like an action hero)
When he was a stargazer, you were the one who earnestly gave your full support in his dreams and your belief that all of his wishes will inevitably be granted so would you mind terribly if he told you his hearts’ greatest desire
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osamiiya · 12 days
AITA- Miya Atsumu x Reader
Summary: Am I the asshole for falling in love with my volleyball team manager? They’re also my childhood friend and I accidentally ran away from them after kissing them after we won the finals…
Atsumu kisses his team manager on accident (he’s in love with them) and turns to reddit for help.
Rating: Teen (For language!)
Warnings: Language!!
Notes: Mainly from Atsumu POV, lmk if we ever want the reader’s POV, no pronouns or gender identifying characters used in regards to the reader! The ending is rushed idk where I was going with this.
A/n: Hi it’s been a while i’m in college now and recently rewatched haikyuu so expect things (possibly) from me this summer
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Atsumu’s fingers hover above his phone keypad, glaring down at the blinking text cursor staring back up at him. He gnaws on his lip slightly, feeling the salty sweat from the days activities on his tongue.
He hadn’t meant for this to happen. He got caught up in the moment! It could happen to anyone, really!
One thing you know, you’re watching the ball hit the floor on the other side of the net. Heart pumping and ears ringing from the adrenaline and excitement of the successful setter dump. The poor, distraught faces staring up at him from across the net.
Atsumu promises he’s not a psychopath.
If anything, it was the cheers that erupted from the crowd, boosting his confidence and grinding his decision making skills lower than they already are (according to ‘Samu).
Heart pumping, his head whipped to the side, tunnel visioning on your bright smile from the sidelines. In fact, his feet moved without his consent, pulled by some invisible force dragging him to you.
Next thing he knows, he’s gathering your face in his hands, gently, a complete contradiction to the wild, vibrant, exhilarating emotions working their way through his body.
Atsumu’s eyes met yours, his tongue flicking out to wet his lips, then he was leaning in, then his eyes fluttered shut as he pressed his lips to yours.
He doesn’t even know if you closed your eyes.
And the kiss was… not like what he wanted his first kiss with you to be.
Sure, there were fireworks, and he’s been dreaming of this moment for years and years. And Atsumu thinks he could die in the next five minutes and die without any regrets. Then his eyes snap open, as realization pours over him like a bucket of ice water. Thinking about it now, Atsumu thinks the realization is more abrupt. Like a slap to the face, or like the time Osamu ripped his bandaid off his leg.
Within the mere seconds of eye contact and lip contact, Atsumu has four different realizations:
1. His mother was in the stands, watching her son kiss the kid she remembers from her sons’ childhood, always knocking on their door asking if “‘Tsumu and ‘Samu wanted to pass the volleyball around with them.
2. His team was probably watching him kiss their team manager. He would get an earful from Kita no matter what, and he would probably disappear in mysterious and ominous ways if they quit the manager position because of this.
3. He was sweaty. Almost obnoxiously so. The hands cupping your face? Disgusting. They were on the floor, touching the volleyball, slick with sweat, and somehow dry all at once. His face? Sweaty. His hair? Probably all messed up from sweat.
The fourth and final realization is arguably the most important:
4. The two of you were not dating. In fact, you had no idea of these feelings he had been harboring for you. And by kissing you, not only had he revealed these feelings, but possibly, completely ruined the almost 10 year friendship between the two of you.
All of these realizations poured over Atsumu like a bucket of ice water.
He pulls away from you, like he had been burned by the slight pressure on his lips. He stares at you for a moment, barely registering the commotion around the two of you.
And he bolts.
Atsumu realizes that he doesn’t care about going to nationals anymore, and instead only cares about getting to the furthest location from Gymnasium 1. His legs, of course, also do not care that he played five sets, and carry him all the way to his backpack, tucked in some stairway with everyone else’s gear, and into the bathroom. Slamming the door behind him.
He mutters a few curse words as he locks the door, staring at the empty row of stalls in front of him.
“I’m going to live out my life and die in this bathroom.” He groans out, burying his face in his (disgusting) hands.
He fishes his phone out of his backpack. He goes through a mental checklist of the people he knows and is willing to ask for advice about.
Atsumu draws a blank.
‘The internet will know.’ Atsumu thinks. It would be better for random strangers to counsel him.
He starts typing.
“Am I the asshole for running away from someone after kissing them?”
Atsumu thinks he’s an asshole, but maybe the internet sees the situation differently.
“I (17M) am in love with my high school volleyball team manager. We‘re childhood friends, and I remember loving them as love as I remember how the sun feels on my skin. This year we won all of our matches and quality to advance to spring nationals.
The last match we won had everyone really hyped. In the midst of the excitement, I kissed my manager. In front of everyone. And then I ran. Because I’m scared.
I’m currently hiding in the bathroom, because I don’t know what else to do, and I suppose my excitement got the best of me, but i’m not sure I can continue daily life knowing what the pressure of their lips against mine was. I want to confess but If it goes wrong, everything in my life gets impacted.
Did I ruin any chance at anything by running? It was kind of a dick move.
He posts it.
A minute later his phone lights up with a notification informing him of a response. Several responses.
“Yes, you’re an asshole. People need to use this bathroom.”
“It was mad funny”
“Please come out so we can talk.”
A cold sweat forms on his neck when he realizes it was his personal account he posted from. Rookie mistake.
If he does die, Atsumu would rather be in the doorway of the bathroom, rather than surrounded but the smells of different bodily…things.
He opens the door, smiling at you sheepishly.
“Hey, what brings you here?”
Your smile doesn’t reach your lips, and Atsumu sweats.
“Have something to say?” Your voice only serves to speed up the heart palpitations in his chest. Atsumu is even sure that if you were looking at his eyes, you would see them dilate in affection.
He’s making a noise, he realizes. Staring dumbly at your lips, an “um” sound occupying the space as he tries to gather his words and not think about how soft your lips were, or how he could basically taste the smile on your lips.
“I like you… and not in the way I should. I’ve been in love with you forever, and ‘Samu’s always on my case about it and I really don’t know what to do about it and you looked so pretty smiling there after we won and I dunno I just-“
Your lips are on his again, interrupting the word vomit spilling from his lips.
He melts, and his hands come up to grip your waist as his eyes flutter closed and he leans into the kiss.
And suddenly the pressure is gone, your eyes sparkling with mischief as you mumble against his lips, before dashing down the hall.
“I like you too.”
Atsumu’s quick to follow, feeling the burn of overworked muscle in his thighs, and listening to the sound of your laugh echo down the hall.
He guesses he’s not as big of an asshole as he thought.
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luvymelody · 24 days
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NAME : karasuno team , haikyuu!!
SONG : old love , yuji + putri dahlia
SUMMARY : the second years have been complaining about finding suitable jobs for themselves. so ukai says that everyone can take turns working at his store for experience in a retail job. who knew that someone would be coming daily? wc : 1.8k
y/n slipped her shoes on, putting their hat on their hat just above her eyebrows as she zipped up her jacket.
“can you get me that one ice cream!”
her brother yelled from his room, popping his head from his door to look at the girl who was about to leave the house.
“don’t get your brother that ice cream! eating ice cream this late will get you sick!”
“ma please!”
y/n left the house, shutting the door behind her as the last thing she heard was her brother pleading their mother for ice cream.
y/n originally was gonna go buy food from the convenience store a few streets down, but she took a small shortcut to it, finding a new convenience store she’s never seen before.
‘ohh maybe i should start going here..’
y/n thought in her head, walking inside the store as she looked at the cashier. he looked about her age, orange hair, doing his homework at the counter, there was also another one, a blonde wearing glasses while he pointed at the paper.
the orange haired boy looked up, hearing the door open and stood up from his chair and greeted the girl. the blonde boy just looked up, nodding his head at her.
y/n smiled at the boy, then put her head down, turning to look around the store to see if there’s that one ice cream her brother liked.
she lifted her hat up a little bit to gather food, holding it in her hands. she got an instant bowl of ramen, onigiri, ice cream for her and her brother and two drinks.
y/n went up to the counter, the boy was doing his homework while the blondie was stood up, pushing the smaller boy away from the front of the register.
“is that all for today?”
“yeah. thank you.”
y/n thanked, nodding her head as she opened her hand bag, trying to find her wallet. the blonde boy looked up at the girl’s hat, admiring her white hat, it was a brand he liked.
“nice hat.”
“thanks- how much?”
“2,910 yen.”
y/n handed him three thousand yen bills and waited for her change, her eyes trailing down to the smaller boy and his worksheet.
“the answer’s 7.”
she said, looking up at his face as he stared up at her in amazement.
“really?! ha! she figured it out before you, stingyshima!”
“hah? what did you call me?”
“stingyshima! sorry, can you explain it to me?”
y/n blinked as the orange haired boy looked at the girl as the blonde haired boy glared at the small one, then started to bag her food.
"oh, sure. so-"
y/n explained it to him, the cashier placed her bag of food on the counter infront of her, looking between the two as he also started listening, understanding the problem.
"wahh! you're so smart! i'm shoyo hinata!"
"i'm y/n l/n, you are?"
y/n looked up at the other boy, who grumbled then introduced himself.
"kei tsukishima."
"it's nice to meet you-"
a buzzing was heard in y/n's pocket, y/n took it out, placing it against her ear.
"moshi moshi? sorry, it was really nice to meet you!"
y/n greeted the person in her phone, grabbing the bag and waving to tsukishima and hinata as hinata waved back excited, while tsukishima nodded at her. she exited the store, disappearing out of their sight.
"yeah, i'm coming. no i went to another store-"
the next day, it was practice, so the boys started changing in the club room, hinata was struggling to take his shirt off, tsukishima making fun of him as he laughed at pointed.
“hey hey! tsukishima, hinata, how was work?”
tanaka exclaimed, an arm over both of their shoulders once hinata finally took his shirt off.
“so good! we also saw this pretty girl- so pretty- hurts my soul.”
“well, there’s no one prettier than our goddess, kiyoko!”
“no dude..”
hinata said, then leaning in.
“she’s on par with kiyoko.. so pretty, i’m not joking!”
tanaka raised his eyebrow dramatically, tsukishima shrugging his arm off his shoulder and putting his shirt on. tanaka whipped his head to tsukishima.
“was the girl you saw… pretty?”
tanaka paused for a second, leaning into tsukishima closer so tsukishima got frightened, taking a step back.
“i don’t know?”
“ugh! you were probably going crazy, hinata!”
“what’s going on?”
nishinoya said, walking into the club room being a little late.
“can you believe that hinata thinks he saw a girl prettier than kiyoko?”
nishinoya exclaimed, dropping his bag and chasing hinata around the room until daichi grabbed them by the collars and forced them to run laps.
“no! bakayama- she was sooo pretty! tell me if you see her!”
hinata whined, standing infront of the counter which kageyama was behind. kageyama’s arms were crossed and hinata’s hand were on his hips.
hinata glared, tsukishima walked up behind him after getting food from the store with yamaguchi, then hitting hinata on the back of the head then.
“let’s go, pipsqueak.”
that night, kageyama and sugawara were working together. coach ukai thought that kageyama would scare customers off, so sugawara could be a face that people could rely on.
“let’s work hard, kageyama!”
sugawara said determined, his fists in the air clenched in determination while kageyama matched him.
“get me this again?”
y/n’s brother asked, his hands clasped together as y/n narrowed her eyes at her brother.
“get it yourself.”
“nooo! come on, y/n!”
“you go!”
y/n turned around, starting to walk back to here room, then her brother called out in hurry,
“i’ll give you money-“
suddenly, y/n was infront if her brother, hand stretched out waiting.
y/n entered the shop, seeing only one person at the counter, a black haired boy who nodded his head at her.
‘like tsukishima?’
y/n thought, then turning to find the onigiri.
for some reason, they had moved it to the top shelf when literally yesterday night it was at the midsection. y/n grimaced, stretching her arm up to try a grab a hold of the onigiri. on her tippy toes, she reached high as she held the shelf near her head for balance.
‘who the hell put it so high-?’
then, a hand went up, grabbing the onigiri and being held infront of her. y/n went flat on her feet, following the arm to the person right behind her.
“is this the one you wanted?”
he asked politely, y/n blinked, then grabbing the onigiri out of his hands.
“oh yeah, thank you..”
‘is this the pretty girl hinata was talking about? she is pretty..’
the grey haired boy thought, smiling at y/n.
“she was wearing a black hoodie, a white hat- wait what’s the name.. tsukishima! what was the brand?!”
“(insert random brand).”
“yeah! and she had h/c coloured hair. so pretty!”
“shut up about that girl!”
“why are you so rude, bakayama!?”
"is there anything else you need help with?"
the grey haired boy asked, gesturing to the top shelves that y/n couldn't reach. y/n nervously smiled, covering her mouth in embarrassment.
"could you also, get the one next to it?"
y/n pointed up as the boy looked up, picking it and holding it for the girl.
"i'll bring these to the front counter."
he smiled, bowed and walked away as y/n quickly followed, placing her things down on the counter infront of the two boys.
"you scan everything and tell her the price after, kageyama."
the grey haired one muttered to the boy as 'kageyama' nodded quickly, sliding them to the other as he bagged everything. y/n didn't hear, looking around the store to avoid awkwardly stnaidng there and waiting.
"that'll be- 1,922 yen."
kageyama said stiffly, but y/n just nodded, picking money out of her wallet.
"see! you're a natural."
the grey haired boy whispered to kageyama, bumping his shoulder as kageyama was surprised, holding his shoulder as the other slid the bag infront of the girl as she handed kageyama two thousand yen bills.
y/n waited for a change, even though it only took a few seconds, y/n could swear she saw the black haired kid before, something was familiar about him.
"thank you."
y/n thanked, bowing and grabbing the bag and leaving the store.
sugawara cheered, his hands in the air as kageyama nodded, lifting his arm slightly up to his chest.
"so, so?! did you see her!?"
hinata exclaimed, jumping and his hands smacking down on kageyama's shoulders as tsukishima, yamaguchi, sugawara, tanaka walked into the gym, waiting for the rest of the team.
"ow! boke- hinata!"
"the h/c haired girl?"
sugawara questioned, bouncing a ball on the floor to warm up,
"oh, yeah we did. you're right, she was pretty cute."
"see tanaka-senpai!?"
hinata shouted, pointing at his upperclassmen, still a little petty about getting a beating from nishinoya and tanaka.
"until i see her with my own two eyes, kiyoko is my queen."
tanaka argued, pointing at hinata and then turning and launching a ball in hinata's direction as the orange haired boy yelped, dodging and running from tanaka.
"good thing it's your shift today, with noya."
sugawara said, catching the back of tanaka's collar to stop him as the shaved haired boy choked.
"and then suga said that hinata was right- and that she was cute! unbelievable!"
"what a traitor to our goddess kiyoko!"
the two were talking about the 'pretty girl' that sugawara and hinata kept talking about. the two kept talking, not hearing the front door open and two people came walking in.
"what are they on about?"
y/n's brother, tendou, asked, his hands shoved into his hoodie pockets.
"how am i supposed to know? c'mon satori."
y/n tugged her brother towards the ice cream section, him following behind her.
"wait shit customers came in"
nishinoya said, looking at the two who disappeared from their sight behind the aisles of food.
"shut up and act professional."
"you act professional- and you shut up!"
the two teenage boys argued with each other, then a bit later, hearing stuff being dumped on the counter, looking at the noise and seeing two people, a red haired boy and h/c coloured hair girl.
"hey, don't dump them on the counter.."
y/n murmured, hitting tendou on the arm as he winced, rubbing his arm.
"ow, that hurt y/n.."
"no way it did."
y/n and tendou conversed as tanaka and nishinoya started scanning the items, looking up a few times and then making eye contact with each other.
'shit, is that her?'
'they were right, she's so pretty..'
'are them two dating?'
they both thought as the same time as tanaka handed them their bag.
"4,958 yen- please.."
y/n turned her head towards tendou, as he looked back at her.
"pay asshole."
"i'm so nice to you and this is what i get?"
tendou rolled his eyes, placing money down on the counter.
"thank you- let's go."
"the change bro"
tendou left the store, bag in hand as y/n waited for the change. tanaka dropped the change into her hand, and then y/n smiled, bowing.
"thank you so much."
y/n turned, leaving the store and yelling at tendou. while tanaka and nishinoya turned to each other. nishinoya nearly silently said,
"shit, suga and shoyo were right.."
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some headcanons about dating timeskip!Kenma please!!
thank you Anon, I would absolutely love to share some stuff about this beautiful boy~ As always, feel free to send any other requests you got, I’ll be more than happy to share my thoughts~
status: unedited
word count: 1.4k (damn that’s the most I’ve written in a hot minute)
warnings: cursing, pure fluff, mentions of weed, crackfick a little suggestive? Idk man I’m sleepy
wrote this instead of studying for my physics final exam😋
🩵Aged Up Kenma Headcannons🩵~
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Ok first off we gotta get the basic facts down. This boy may be sweet as sugar, but he’s also one lazy mother fucker. And For the most part, I’d say that he really doesn’t change much from when he was a kid. The most I can say about him, is he definitely is a lot more confident being in front of people, ( I mean that’s kinda his job now, but bear with me) and has become less awkward around people. Very different from when he first met Hinata, he can actually hold a good and relaxed conversation now. That’s not to say he isn’t introverted anymore, (he definitely still would rather be at home) but he is more confident in himself to be able to actually be able to engage with someone. Is he gonna go out of his way to talk to someone? Hell no, but he can at least handle being approached without overthinking and triggering his anxiety.
This definitely also translates to his relationship with you. You still will have be the one who makes the first move, or at least initiating conversations.
But one things for sure, once he likes you, he loves you. Like wanting to wife you up regardless of gender. And I feel like, (later on in the relationship ofc) if you ever had kids, he would be the best most present dad ever. Like he wouldn’t be a house husband, (his YouTube gig is completely paying for your mortgage) but because the majority of what he does has him, stream for like an hour, go on call for a few minutes, or just edit his videos for a bit, he would be able to make a lot of time for any and all children he has. But that’s way later on in the relationship.
Once he’s comfortable in the relationship with you, I can definitely see him involving you in his content. Not like a whole boyfriend and girlfriend couples channel, but like a once a year “reacting to fucked up shit with my girl” type beat.
And since we’re on the subject of content, <<<<<<<<
Like imagine having the most shitty day possible and you come home to your boyfriend streaming COD or some shit. You just face-plant into the bed next to him and he snaps his head towards you.
”shit baby you good?” he asks as he raises an eyebrow, looking at you concerned as you mumble angrily. He recognizes the nonverbal gestures and just pats his lap with a quick, “c’mere baby,” and hugs you, letting you muzzle your face into his neck away from the camera, and wrapping a fluffy blanket around you, before he kisses you head and say, “gimme ten more minutes to finish this and we’ll order some takeout k?”. He gives you the most sincere and adorable smile ever sending butterflies not only to you, but all his fans watching, as he smiles and goes back to playing like nothing happened, the chat going wilddddddd. (My gay ass heart go brrrrrr)
I know for a fact that somewhere out there in haikyuu internet, there is a corny ass edit of y’all doing that shit, trust. (I need to keep my slang outta here man 😭)
ok, getting off the sidetrack, kenma is still like rlly introverted. Like his ideal date is just sitting at home watching some cheesy studio ghibi movie (His favorite is the boy and the heron, fight me on that, it’s the hill I’m willing to die on.)
If not some cute Disney movie, I also feel like he’d be into like some mystery or like not quite horoscope stuff. Like I feel like he would really be into Wednesday. If he had to watch an actual horror movie, I feel like I’d be like some of the older ones like scream or Nightmare on elm street type shit.
Speaking of scream, I feel like at least once yall would have to do the ghostface couples costume thing. Like I feel like this would just suit him so well. Idk my brains just going feral on it right now. (This was supposed to have a link attached, but it kept fuckin up and I’m to lazy to deal with it so just look it up, the couples version, it’s hot af)
aside from the specific stuff that I know people hate reading, the next thing you gotta know about this version of kenma is he is a TEASE. Like not even like an NSFW type tease. Just like a “he’s an ass but I love him.” Like when he was younger I feel like he was too nervous and flustered to point that kinda stuff out. But now? Man is a menace and a half. The type of dude to be like, “I have no idea how your ass fits in those shorts. Oh no, you’re not taken them off now~” or like the most basic annoying shit like bro fuck off and let me cuddle you in peace without being annoying. Like, he’d be like, “ damn someone’s neady today~ you tryna fuck me in front of everyone?” Like bro stfu I’m just tryna cuddle. Either that or he’d call you clingy for returning the affection he initiated. Like bro, quit being a lil bitch and let me be happy you butt muffin.
Man is putting full pussy into annoying you. He’s the type of guy to call you the most vile, disgusting, cringe ass nicknames, specifically to piss you off. You need him to take out the trash? “Yes my Pookie Wookie McSmoo Moo bear~” *gags while writing this* You’re yelling at him for some stupid thing, “I sorry my sugar booger~.”
Yeah this part is real OOC, and I was gonna write more but I physically cannot bring myself to do it so anyway, his other 3 favorite things to annoy you by calling you is, Cutesie Poopsie, Shnookums, and side piece #2. (Bro I just gave myself the ick)
Beige flags aside, he does have some green ones . For example, he’s a fabulous listener. Like, you just wanna rant and yell about your day? C’mere babes, he already got fluffy blankets, stuffies, and fluffy socks at the ready. You just wanna cry in piece? Looks like his lap has a vacant spot, he can play games and scratch your head at the same time. #bbgtreatment (regardless of gender. If tumblr has taught me anything it’s that nobody is to thug to be bbg, can I get an amen?🙏 )
The more comfortable he is with you, the more he will make jokes, but in the most monotone voice ever. Like you could be ranting to your bestie on the phone like, “I forgot my umbrella at work… yeah I’m soaked,” and you just hear him from his corner calmly shouting “that’s what she said,” not even turning away from his game, as if it was natural to him. It’s always so easy to talk with him, unless it’s about his problems, but we ain’t gon talk about that rn, I’m feeling too fluffy.
There is one thing that I absolutely have to address for this man though. The average female height in my country is 5’4. And Kenma is only 5’6. Chances are, he’s not gonna be towering over you or nothing. Especially if you a tall specimen like me. (AFAB but gender is a construct yolo on those hoes). So chances are, this mf is for a fact, stealing your clothes. No article of clothing is safe. Hoodie? Sorry boo he got cold streaming. T-shirt? None of his were clean. Miniskirt? Onlyfans- He was pulling a Gojo sorry 😋
Tbh I don’t see him ever really having a wedding, or really ever getting married. Too much social interaction and attention on him. Gross. The most I can see him doing is, one night while y’all smoking pot or something, being like “yo wanna get married?” He wants to be with you forever without the government getting involved, but hey, times are tough, and marriage helps with tax returns. So y’all just kinda go to the courthouse, get it done, then fly off to some place to elope.
in all Kenma is just a great loyal guy, who is the biggest pain in your ass, but the biggest cutie patootie this side of the nuthouse.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hope y’all enjoyed, this was so fun to write, if you liked this and want more content like this make sure to request and check out my other stuff. Love y’all bastards, Thots and Enby Hots🩵
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Complete Haikyuu smaus
(If you have any I should add just DM me or comment)
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Main master list
Atsumu Miya x reader
Match point (Summary: Seven years ago you moved to the Hyōgo prefecture, met two demon twins, and regretted every decision you made since. Osamu and Atsumu aren’t going away no matter how much you beg. Maybe, giving in and being their manager will finally shut them up….)
so... what do you say(After finding your fiancé you have been with many years cheating on your best friend. You tried to confront them but they never showed up…So what do you do? You drink at the bar trying to figure out what to do. And who else there to help you if not the good looking stranger you met at the bar?)
Don't Miss Me (you, not big on relationships? who would’ve thought, besides everyone who’s ever met you. for years, your friends have always seen how commitment-phobic you are, and it’s bled into every relationship you’ve had. and once you meet college volleyball player, atsumu miya, it becomes very hard to stick to these morals. especially when all the two of you do is sarcastically flirt. however, just maybe, he’ll get through to you and become your shooting sta)
How to fall in love (summary : maybe trying to get your crush, Miya Osamu, who you’ve been crushing on ever since first year to fall in love with you wasn’t exactly the smartest plan… especially if Miya Atsumu was behind it all.)
all i want for christmas (Rumi Miya has only ever wanted one thing for as long as she could remember. A Mother. Being the child of Atsumu Miya has made her dream nearly impossible with all the fake women trying to snatch her papa up)
osamu miya x reader
plug walk (in honor of your friends birthday your friends and you all decided to get high. buying the drugs from no other than osamu miya. the most attractive dealer you’ve ever laid eyes on.)
were good(are we)(Osamu is getting married, and he’s fine with it, until he isn’t, and the first thing he does when leaving the venue is hiding and getting drunk. Naturally, nothing good can come out of this.)
Ukai X reader
Coincidence? Let’s Hope It Is (The way it all started was by stealing a bunch of tomatoes, everything down spiraled from there.)
Suna Rintarō x reader
when world colide Synopsis: In which, Sakusa Kiyoomi’s sister, Y/n accidentally hits her childhood friend’s teammate with a softball when their batter missed her pitch. Will this miss lead to something more? or will just end with goodbyes?
Interact (Suna Rintarou, number #10 middle blocker on Inarizaki’s volleyball team, finds a semi-popular tiktok account, and is immediately attracted to the girl. But what he isn’t aware of, is how that girl goes to his school and he could’ve passed her atleast once in the halls.)
You’re everything (Suna was the best boyfriend you could ask for, after fighting with your inner demons that screamed you were ugly, worthless, and annoying. You finally decided to go the next step with your boyfriend, only to find out it was all a game)
Still(an awkward dinner brings y/n and her high school ex, suna rintarou, back together as friends. just friends, right?)
meet me in the hallway summary: oikawa tooru was a member of one of the most known boy-bands in all japan, ‘seijoh club’. but then, he wasn’t part of it anymore. why? no one knew one thing is for sure though, when suna rintaro and (l/n) (y/n) were looking for a lead singer for their band, they never thought the oikawa tooru would be interested in joining them.
club stupid SYNOPSIS - Club Stupid, an anonymous podcast meant for the dumb and dumbest to send in unspoken and nonsensical thoughts about issues they face in their day to day lives and for Y/n to speak out and give her opinions and feelings. Normal feelings though, nothing romantic like how she thinks this lazy guy with questionable hair in the volleyball club is actually pretty cute.
swipe left summary: where suna and y/n both coincidentally at the same time makes a bet. both of which relates to them having a date, where’s a better place to find that someone than a dating app online?
instant boyfriend summary: Y/N has always been known for being shameless, single, and eccentric. when her friend, oikawa, discovers an app for finding a boyfriend, it seemed as if all her problems vanished—but here's the gist; her boyfriend is a robot? yet human at the same time? kinda?
INDIRECTS summary : in which you & suna rintarō are table partners, now turned best friends, who are desperate for something more between each other & are cluelessly making indirect posts about each other without even knowing.
harts cut (when Karasuno and Inarizaki hospitals are forced to merge, Karasuno’s fifth year residents are the least happy for it to happen. If it was only the merger though, you thought)
match maker (Y/N L/N an overworked chief secretary who has no time for relationships or anything of the sort nowadays. But, when she’s met with her best friend downloading an app for just the thing she doesn't have time for. She grieves, matchmaking was already a scam, what’s the point of finding love anyways?)
love is not for everyone (after years of not talking to each other, your childhood best friend decided to reach out again, how will everything go?)
reconecting (you meet tons of people during your lifetime, most will come and go, but one person seemed to make an impact—only to leave your life out of the blue. but you believed that if they aren’t dead yet, you’ll always meet them again. no matter the circumstances.)
Lovers rock(When a guy asks for your number, you sternly insist on a condition that leads to unexpected love.)
I wanna be yours(Y/N is a small business owner, offering her services not only as a designer but an at-home makeup artist and cosmetic producer as well. She's perfectly content with her small life when she's approached by the manager of the INARIZAKI band, asking for her to fill the position of backstage artist on short notice. Needing the money, and wanting the experience, Y/N agrees. Little does she know of the fatal attraction she will share with the band's lead, Suna Rintarou.)
Affairs in Managing (Inarizaki is in need of a manager and luckily, someone rose up to the challenge. It is said that they are unpredictable, but there’s something unexpected that happens.)
AS IF (what you want is what you get. thats how its always been for you growing up. but the one time you let time and destiny do it’s thing, surprise, surprise! it’s not how you want it to be. maybe you‘re just clueless on how things should play out without having it your way)
Kenma x reader
Love is hard for a gamer(When a rumor spreads saying that Kozume Kenma rejected a girl, all of his friends start marking fun of him; implying that he will never have a girlfriend if he keeps playing games. To prove his friends wrong, Kozume and y/n —the manager of the volleyball team—, start pretending that they are dating. But when one of them catches feelings… What will happen to their friendship?)
Chose unlimited (kenma kozume is a successful streamer and youtuber who honestly prefers his alone time but when you crash into his life, literally, will he end up falling for you?)
Mute(𝕤𝕪𝕟𝕠𝕡𝕤𝕚𝕤: enroute to being a neurosurgeon, y/n l/n doesn’t have time for fun, let alone dating. after her friends set her up on a blind date gone wrong, she comes face 2 face with none other than her date’s best friend. her world flips on axis, and suddenly she has no idea how her brain works, or love-at-first-sight)
whats a ibff (Y/N is a shy youtube gamer from Fukuoka who becomes friends with a group of youtubers from Tokyo that she met online. Kenma is a youtube gamer and twitch streamer from Tokyo who happens to be friends with one of Y/N’s internet friends. The two meet online through their mutual friend.)
Mincraft bed(truthfully despite playing minecraft everyday all day, you had never played bedwars. not because it wasn’t interesting but because you were terrible at competitive games, of course shoyo didn’t know that upon asking you to play. but i mean can you really be mad at shoyo when it lead you to him?)
「 sᴡᴇᴇᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴀᴘᴘʟᴇ ᴘɪᴇ 」 (❝ Yn owner of a rising bakery cafe. One day a pudding head boy enter with his close friend looking for an apple pie. What will their future bring them when they keep meeting? ❞)
network love (this ones sad)(for Y/N, working for Bouncing Ball Corp. has been amazing. the salary is high, her co-workers are all genuinely kind and fun to hangout with, and lastly, her boss is hot as fuck. everything’s been good until she accidentally sends the wrong file—a file filled with her impromptu lingerie shoot.)
digging straight down (AFTER BREAKING the number one minecraft rule who knew you’d be pining after the one guy who made fun of you for it)
online friend(Y/N L/N is an anonymous gamer by the name of Sage that resides outside of Japan. While playing one day, they become friends with Kenma which leads to being dragged into his rambunctious friend group. With interactions becoming more frequent, Y/N is faced with decision of trusting their new friends and the conflicts of living miles away.)
fix it(You’re a second year at Nekoma with a burning passion to fix whatever is broken and finding out why it’s broken. One day, Kenma accidentally breaks his switch and needs help fixing it. One broken item that needs fixing is what you do best, so you help Kenma out. What else needs fixing?)
three step plane (With Kodzuken’s fans speculating about his relationship status, his friends start shipping him with Y/n. Falling in love is a three step plan, right?)
blind date ( as a youtuber, you see it as your job to be kind to everyone like you on the platform. however, one by the name of kodzuken continously pushes your buttons and has now been labeled your archenemy. but, what happens when the person your friends set you up on a date with, turns out to be the man who’s impartial attitude makes you want to rip your hair out?)
MY FAVORITE delete me from your contacts (Being a girl gamer has never been easy especially on a male dominated platform like twitch. Deemed as a mere e-thot by the masses, you never let the petty hate get to you. That was until the famous streamer, kodzuken, decided to call you another lazy, gamer wannabe. )
mr hotshot ceo (y/n is an outgoing and bubbly girl who just landed a job as a secretary for bouncing ball corp. kenma kozume, ceo of bouncing ball corp, works secretly as a gaming youtuber and streamer under the name kodzuken. after a miscommunication and y/n learns the truth about kenma both their worlds collide. what does fate have in store for these two?)
your voice (when kenma kozume met (y/n), he saw you as someone who was far different than him, but as he got to know you better, he was beginning to think that he actually has a chance. or maybe not?)
friends with benefits ()
thanks alot cupid (the worst part of having a secret crush on yn kuroo, in kozume kenma's case, is that she's one of his close friend's ex and his childhood friend's sister. although y/n makes it clear she harbors deep feelings for the blonde, the two reasons that restrict kozume from making any moves, don't necessarily limit her, “no tetsu, I do not have a crush on your best friend aka my ex-high school situationship aka my recent ex’s best friend… but if I said I did what would the consequences be?” summaries aren't my best suit but wtvr)
Beta tester (Y/N L/N is a popular mangaka)
Sakusa Kiyoomi x reader
i lysol you(the miya twins younger sister leaves for tokyo in order to join the junoir national gymnastics team while also studying at itachiyama institute )
heart on the ice (It’s the perfect start to your debut senior figure skating season, until it’s not. A minor run in with Sakusa Kiyoomi has you in hot water in the figure skating world, and the only solution is to pair with the Ice Prince himself and skate in pairs. Sparks will fly as you constantly butt heads with Sakusa, and you see your season melt away. Can you save your season before it’s too late? Or will Sakusa ruin any chance you have of becoming a Senior World Champion?)
Tempura (Yoomi Yum is a five star restaurant that has received nothing but positive reviews. It’s spotless clean, the service is great, the food is amazing! Owner and head chef Sakusa is proud of his restaurant, so when he received a bad rating from YN LN, a well-known food critic, he was shocked. Now he’s determined to change her mind using social media and his talent.)
It was never meant to be easy (y/n is Bokuto’s childhood friend who doesn’t take anyone’s shit. what happens when she crosses paths with someone who is very much the opposite of her? will they match or will it be easier to walk away? )
Sold out (Summary: Sakusa didn’t noticed that he ran out of masks. He immediately went to his favorite and only drug store to purchase a box, but when he asked for some, they told him that someone bought all the masks. He wanted to ask about who the culprit is so he can email them for being inconsiderate, what he didn’t know was that the said person rans a science channel with their friend)
caramel frap (in which sakusa kiyoomi tries not to fall in love with the girl who spilled her favorite drink on him; or sakusa being your breakfast buddy until you realize your feelings and eat together for every meal)
Secrets(Y/N L/N is the new manager of the MSBY Black Jackels volleyball team. With learning to deal and adapt to the many differing personalities, the team may discover that they have a secret of their own.)
why try (smau in which y/n’s sister and sakusa’s brother are set up with an arranged marriage and both y/n and sakusa being sworn enemies, desperately try to cut off this marriage, but during their attempt—both families and friends learn a little something about them)
lost bet ([y/n] has just lost a bet to one of her best friends, Kuroo. The deal was the loser had to do something chosen by the winner. What will Nekoma’s captain choose? But, why?)
figer it out (Sakusa Kiyoomi tended to avoid a number of things: germs, crowds, his teammates, and interviews. He preferred his life out of the limelight. When rumors spring up about his love life, keeping his fiancée a secret becomes a whole lot harder.)
i am the father (You and Sakusa have started dating on the second year of high school. On your 4th year of dating and second year of college, you found out you were pregnant. You were in a crisis. You were only 20 and didn’t know anything about motherhood. Worst case scenario, your boyfriend didn’t want kids.Your solution? Run away from Kiyoomi Sakusa. Raise the kid on your own. Never meet the child’s father ever again.That was your plan.You were doing great on your own, until you find out that Komori, the cousin of your ex, lives next door.)
tsukishima x reader
Doodles(Kuroo Y/n was finally moving onto University, happy to be attending the same on as her brother and that it was so close to all her other friends Universitys. What she didn’t expect was for her brother’s poor attempts to set her up with one Tsukishima Kei.)
Dorm buddies (you’re in need of a new dorm buddy because your current roommate sucks and tsukishima kei might just be the perfect candidate.)
Salty daddy (You decided to call your relationship over to focus on your career only to realize you were pregnant. About to tell him the good news and fix broken ties, you saw Tsukishima with another girl, unexpectedly happy despite your break up Leaving him was your choice. Surely it was challenging to raise a kid on your own. And when your boss gave you a promotion, you grabbed the opportunity Things were getting better, only to realize your job is being an accountant on the museum where Tsukishima is working. In addition to this, your son won’t stop saying ‘papa’ upon seeing his father’s pictures. )
Drums+acohal≠love(y/n who works as a bartender in a small bar in tokyo met a man who has been coming in for 3 days, what will happen if their life entangle with eachother? will they be lovers or will their relationship be just a one night stand?)
5000 miles away(you moved to America when you were ten years old. every year you visit Japan for a short while and at the eighth year, you meet the son of your parents’ old college friends, Tsukishima Kei. )
Oh my god they were roommates(when tsukishima’s best friend yamaguchi moves out of his way too expensive apartment, tsukki finds himself in need of a new roomie. when he replies to your tweet, he expects a quiet girl who keeps to herself but instead he gets you. will you be able to break down tsukishima’s walls or will you be forced to stand on the outside, looking in?)
make mistakes (after your soulmate first heard your music he dreaded the day youd meet, on the other hand you dreamed of the day youd finally meet them. surely the universe doesnt make mistakes when matching up soulmates… right?)
number neigbor (IN WHICH you’re bored out of your mind one night and upon scrolling through twitter, you’ve come across hilarious interactions with people’s number neighbors. Curious on what the hype was all about, you end up texting your number neighbor. Completely expecting some random middle aged stranger, you’ve actually come across a cute guy that’s your age and lives in the same city. The only downside is that he possibly hates your guts)
bread talks (when your mother tells you to deliver some leftover bread to the young man living above your family bake shop, you never expect to make a complete fool out of yourself. but things happen, and maybe, some small accidents were actually meant to be— just not in the way you expected.)
are you worth it (don’t get tsukishima wrong–he wasn’t extremely fond of anyone that wasn’t yamaguchi, even so, yamaguchi could be a pain. so nonetheless, he has his suspicions about sugawara’s little-first-year cousin, no matter how cute she is.)
kia (At a young age your parents dropped you off at your cousin’s house and left for business. Your cousin being Tadashi Yamaguchi. You two grew closer than ever from the time you were there. At the age of 10 you were sent back home to your parents and moved schools. Then at 15, you enrolled at Karasuno High, reuniting with your childhood friend and meeting some new ones.)
hate to love you (you, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi have been friends ever since you were all seated next to each other in high school. So when some dude at your school starts to bug you by constantly asking you out and not understanding the word NO, they were the first people you told. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi help to plot a way to keep this creep away from you.)
play date (kicked out of her home with no place to go, y/n is forced to move into her family friend’s home, who coincidentally is also the family of tsukishima kei, the boy who denied her confession.)
love is time(Amidst the turbulence of new adolescence and figuring out their path in life, nude model Y/N L/N somehow gets caught up in the drama of Tsukishima Kei's life. Although they're at each other's throats, the two both know when life throws you a curveball sometimes you've just got to roll with the punches. They've got plenty to learn from each other, willingly or not. Besides, they'll fall in love in time.)
It’s nothing special (The life of a singer is not as glamorous as it seems. Sure, there is the fame and the fortune but what no one ever talks about is what happens behind the scenes or rather, behind the screens.)
kuroo x reader
serotnin (Chemistry student Tetsuro Kuroo has a huge crush on creative studies y/n who he meets thanks to his long time best friend Kenma.)
Gamer girl(summary: y/n and her four friends are known as one of the most chaotic squads in youtube gaming history. even more chaos ensues when another squad joins in and streams with them.)
operation sweetheart (y/n l/n has been dating kuroo tetsurou for a year, but will a training camp that brings the pair back together actually tear them apart?)
A MODERN LOVE STORY (in which Y/N is a college student and youtuber just trying to enjoy life with her friends, and Kuroo is a part time model and full time suffering stem major trying to get by.)
Serotonin (Chemistry student Tetsuro Kuroo has a huge crush on creative studies y/n who he meets thanks to his long time best friend Kenma.)
Runaway Hearts Running, a perfect way to clear the mind and to get a good exercise in. Kuroo loves running in the early morning. But every morning he sees you on his route. And everytime the two of you compete to see who’s faster. Hearts are pounding and now it’s time to see who reaches the finish line first.
Keiji Akaashi x Reader
Frienemims(Akaashi was polite, yes, but even he had people that he didn’t really like. You were one of them. Not like you cared since you hated him too, but all of a sudden you were paired with him for a project. Now that’s when you care.)
akaashi x fem reader smau (Akaashi was polite, yes, but even he had people that he didn’t really like. You were one of them. Not like you cared since you hated him too, but all of a sudden you were paired with him for a project. Now that’s when you care.)
Count on Me Masterlist (Practice. Study. Prepare. Gigs. The band members of 3G are slowly getting a bigger and bigger fan base. In order to stay connected to their followers, they created social media accounts for their band but soon realized that they either sound really stupid or really serious. They weren’t sure if they could promote their music. That is until one of their friends managed to get them a marketing manager from the marketing department. Now YN, the new marketing manager, and Akaashi, the bassist, must work together to make the band grow. Can they count on each other?)
song for you (celeb! au. singer akaashi keiji isn’t too keen on relationships. when up and coming artist y/n moves into the apartment below him, will she be able to change that?)
jane austen and redbull(You’re desperately trying to juggle classes, teaching, and your dumb friends as you navigate grad school. When the opportunity of a lifetime pops up - a contract professorship that could change your career in academia - you and a co-teaching assistant go head to head for the position. He’s cold and calculated and definitely doesn’t respect your intelligence, but he’s also undeniably smart and, well frankly, hot)
Toru Oikawa x reader
Hit Me Up, Buttercup!(You are just stalking your favorite volleyball player, Oikaw Tohru, in his most active social media as usual when you finally got him to notice you. No one expected him to hit you up, buttercup!)
He loves me he loves me not (You’re Karasuno’s first-year manager, someone everyone thought would end up with Tobio because childhood friends win, right? Of course Oikawa would want to wrap you around his pretty finger the moment he knows that. Are his intentions pure and genuine? Of course not. Will you end up hurt? Most likely, though not for the reason you think. )
Hit it till it Barack’s (Y/n, 3rd year manager of the Karasuno Volley Ball Team along with Kiyoko, Very good manager but needs a little hyping up from her boys sometimes. She loves to bake and cook for the team, earning her the title of team mom. She gets all hyped up for the Aoba Johsai and Karasuno match, but when the worst happens, her least favorite player Tooru Oikawa hits her in the face with one of his powerful jump serves. How will this play out?)
Nonsense (you were oikawa tooru’s #1 fan, until you became his #1 hater. you hated him so much you went viral on twitter (accidentally) and literally became known as “the oikawa tooru hater”, doesn’t help that he keeps fueling the fire by subtweeting you. everyone is all in for this new drama. what isn’t known to the public, is that this particular drama’s been on hold for three years (him being your ex and all)
Like this (it wasn’t supposed to go like this. you weren’t supposed to meet your boyfriend’s best friend, only for his best friend to end up being your ex boyfriend. it was not supposed to go like this. )
so far but connected (A phone that connects to another universe created by Sora Kato, a student from UA Class 1-H, but it was turned down because ‘it was useless’. It’s not like you’re going to end the villains with just a single call from another universe. He spent months creating it for only to be laughed at by his classmates. But when a student from Class 1-A heard about the gadget they immediately went and purchased it from Kato.)
dont hate the player (The most popular female gamer on YouTube. Debatably the most popular volleyball player alive. A bad breakup sent you packing to Argentina for new perspective. Who knew the new perspective had a witty personality and beautiful eyes? Tooru only sees a broken girl whose heart he wants to mend — his goal is to be the best neighbor possible... and maybe a little something more)
may we meet agian(when she was studying in Kitagawa Daiichi’s middle school, yn met Oikawa Tooru. She fell in love with him but things didn’t went well. Years later, as she is in the same high school than him, they meet again.)
Take Care — An Oikawa Toru SMAU (Oikawa Toru is dedicated to volleyball, above all else. Even his health. Kyotani Y/N might put up a rather aggressive front, but they can’t stand to see their friends repeatedly hurt themselves. Can a friendship last between them, will something more come from the obvious sexual tension and care, or is everything going to fall apart because Oikawa can’t listen to the two people who care most about him?)
kageyama tobio x reader
Eagal Eyes (in which you, the younger sister of ushijima wakatoshi, decide to put on a children’s volleyball camp at shiratorizawa and meet kageyama tobio, who steals your heart, despite the warnings of your older brother.)
On repeat (in which yn just got out of a bad breakup, and the only thing helping her is this one song on repeat )
stranger danger (Famous Pro-volleyball Player and Bachelor extraordinaire. Not by choice, but mostly by circumstance. All Bokuto wants is to find someone to do cute couples costumes with, watch scary movies with, and snuggle. He’d also like to FINALLY pull one over on Atsumu and Kuroo considering they win the couples costume contest every damn year.)
love is war(Sports Psychology major Bokuto never understood the rivalry between the Sport Psychology majors and the Biochemistry majors. There was some sort of unspoken rule between them. YN, the Biochemistry major, didn’t understand what the big deal was either. By chance, the two rivals exchanged numbers during a study group and hit it off. Little do they know that there’s obstacles in their way. Love is war.)
it started witha praty(Y/N is the manager of Nekoma, friends with all the boys, ecspecially Kenma. After a late night party on her walk home Y/N discovers a teen passed out on the side of the road she couldn’t just leave him there. Who knows what he’s going to do next.)
a matter of vollyball (y/n was the best female volleyball player of all Japan and the setter of the star school, Shiratorizawa. Despite being the pride and joy of her school and family, she had lost her passion for playing. Winning was everything to her, even if she didn’t show emotion when her team scored a point. Alongside her teammate Tsukasa Emiko, and the infamous Shiratorizawa players Ushijima Wakatoshi and Tendō Satori, she’ll go to Tokyo for Nationals, where they meet the crazy and cheerful, Bokuto Kōtarō.)
adore you(After a fair share of bad breakups, Y/n L/n had enough of relationships. Until she’s paired up with Koutarou Bokuto, for a group project, sadly, all he wants to do is adore her instead of work)
if this is it (The Tsukishima brothers are considered, by all standards, good. But their sister Y/N has always been exceptional. A second year with a budding figure skating career and a boyfriend who just so happens to be one of Japan’s top five spikers, Y/N is living the dream. What could possibly go wrong? Well, everything apparently.)
Noya x reader
Find Forever (After your mom gets a new job your forced to leave all of your friends at Nekoma High and start over at Karasuno High. The only good thing about it is your childhood best friend Hinata will be there. After being convinced by your best friend you decided to join to girls volleyball club as their libero. One day while you two are practicing receives in the gym a boy comes in and starts complimenting you and starts asking you lots of questions. Your startled and leave in a rush leaving the two boys looking at each other in confusion. Hinata explains how shy you are and later takes it upon himself to introduce you guys properly and soon after a beautiful relationship blossoms.)
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ibeatmywifeandkidss · 1 month
Pair: Sukuna x Reader
Summary: Your bully boyfriend Sukuna always Teasing his sensitive girlfriend
Warning: Fluff, Short fic
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Bully bf Sukuna Who always find a way to bully and tease you, You know it’s all outta love and he doesn’t actually mean the stuff he says to you Sometimes.
Bully bf Sukuna Can’t help but tease his sensitive girlfriend.
Bully bf Sukuna who would sit your favorite snacks on higher shelf because you’re too short to reach them.
Bully bf Sukuna bullying you on your favorite shows even though we would always watch them with you and probably likes the show more than you do.
“ Ughh, Y/n Cmon talk to me, I was joking “ You pouted can turned your head crossing your arms under your breast “ Women you’re such a baby” Sukuna rolled his eyes looking at your back, “ I am NOT a baby” you gasped turning to face him before pouting & turning back around “ I just want you to apologize “ you mumbled underneath your breath but loud enough for Sukuna to hear, “ If I apologize would you stop crying “ “ I’m not crying! But yes I would like for you to apologize “ Sukuna let out a loud sigh “ Im sorry for saying you’re a big head & a nerd… Even though you are” mumbling the last part “SUKUNA”
Hi my name is Lili I am a poc writer and I am new to writing these so I do hope you like this and in the near future my fics will hopefully get better, But feel free to leave requests! I will write a fic for any anime but I mostly will write for Hxh,jjk,mha haikyuu ,saiki k & one piece.
Also happy Mother’s Day to all the hard working beautiful mothers out there!
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mayumiiyuu · 1 year
“and that’s the way I loved you.”
how your relationship with different anime men would be like, categorized by mother Taylor Swift’s song :)
tw: none, unless u count a lil toxic relationship snippets in ‘screaming and crying and kissing in the rain’
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“you look beautiful tonight.”
loving him is easy. these men think the world of you, partly because to them, you are their world. expect flowers from them on any occasion, or sometimes just because. an absolute gentleman through and through, would rather die than be the reason why you cry. always there to listen to you when you’ve had a hard day, always remains patient & understanding; the type to hold onto your waist in a busy crowd to guide you through. he’s always so gentle with you, always showers you with compliments but is still honest. when you fight he always tries to remain levelheaded, he never takes out his anger on you. he makes a lot of effort for you, your parents greatly approve of him, overall such a loving and kind man who rarely ever does wrong by you.
jjk: nanami, choso, YUUJI, todo, inumaki, YUUTA, kokichi
haikyuu: HINATA, akaashi, OSAMU!!!, aran, daichi, asahi, nishinoya, kuroo, iwaizumi!!, tendou, TANAKA, kita!!!!, SUGAWARA!!
tokyo rev: draken, mitsuya, hakkai, inui, souya, shinichiro!!
naruto: NARUTO!!, itachi, gaara, shino, kiba!!
bnha: midoriya!!!!, iida, KIRISHIMA!!!, mirio, tamaki, natsuo
“screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain.”
loving him is complicated. there are days when he makes you smile and laugh so hard your ribs get taut, but there are also days where he leaves you feeling cold. when there are good times they’re the best you’ve ever experienced, when there are bad times they might be the worst. in a fight, he can be mean and blunt, he’ll brush you off and distance himself from you, sometimes you wonder if he’ll ever really open up to you; but through it all he’s there, apologies and gifts in tow to make it up to you. you’re the only person he thinks he’ll ever try to be good for, but there are times when he slips up. the love he has for you is so immense to the point where it scares him, which is why he acts the way he does. sometimes he thinks if he pushes you away enough you’ll find someone better for you. he can be hot and cold with you, one moment he’s sweet and loving and caring, the next he’s distant and resentful and irritable. your friends and family see you guys break up and make up all the time. overall loves you more than anything or anyone else in the world, but struggles with his feelings for you.
jjk: geto, gojo, TOJI???, sukuna
haikyuu: oikawa, kageyama, kunimi, TSUKISHIMA, atsumu, suna(?), daishou
tokyo rev: MIKEY, kazutora, ran, rindou, kokonoi, sanzu, BAJI, hanma, IZANA, shion
naruto: SASUKE, shikamaru huhu, neji (at first), sasori, obito, madara, kakuzu, hidan
bnha: FUCKING DABI/TOUYA, shigaraki, bakugou, keigo
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lyomeii · 1 year
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-> ft. bokuto (haikyuu); daniel park and johan seong (lookism); damian wayne and tim drake (dc comics);
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-> he got injured during training and made it a scandal. luckily you, the nekoma’s manager, was there to help him before it got worsen and since it was night, the others had already left the gym, leaving you and bokuto alone together.
-> his injuries wasn’t bad. a scrappy knee and a small cut on his hand, how did he get it? bokuto says he only remember the pain, so you keep focusing in getting him better for tomorrow.
-> bokuto was talking the entire situation or at least he tried. he often moved his knee or hand whatever you applied the remedies in the injuries, gaining a small scream of him and how much it hurt to feel the liquid in his injuries, making it difficult to help him.
-> he only stopped moving away when you promised a kiss if he didn’t move away anymore. that moment he become a statue and let you do the entire job without crying about it. In the end, he received that kiss you promised with such a big smile on his face.
-> another day of getting beaten, daniel felt like trash and unfortunately, he knows that even moving away from Logan and began a new life with his two bodies, he can’t have the best in his original body.
-> he feels horrible knowing that he could easily avoid using his original body and live a better life, however he would lose you if he did it. you, the person, who made him gain the goal to get better.
-> arriving in seoul, you befriend him and took care of his injuries regardless of his appearance, you didn’t care about it and said that he is a nice person to have around. He is a fool to fall in love with you that moment! Daniel knows that and yet, it was the first time someone (not counting his mother) did something like that to him.
-> usually, you used to visit him at that convenience store and stay there with him for a few hours before taking a nap in the back, that was your little night routine. now that he streams, you sometimes make small appearances in his lives, mostly off screen since he is afraid to show you off, and now you two spend more time together.
-> he can’t afford to go to a hospital after getting injured during a fight, so he just layer down in alley, hoping to feel better when waking up and to move on with his scars.
-> surprise! that didn’t happen and johan wake up inside of a little house where he sees you taking care of him with gentle hands patching his injuries. he thought of running away and leaving this place rapidly as possible, yet having someone taking care of him is nice.
-> when you finish taking care of him, at least as much you could do as a teenager, you feed him of the leftovers from lunch and made extra food when realizing how starving he was. Johan expect you to ask for something in return, but you didn’t and gave him sandwiches before he left your house.
-> johan didn’t get why you did it, why did you help him? he is still asking himself that for a long time and probably will til the day he gain enough courage to approach you again instead of watching you from afar.
-> damian lied, he said that he would arrive earlier to play with alfred(the cat) at your side, but he didn’t and only got home after hours and hours of fighting crime in Gotham. that didn’t make you upset, that made you worry about him even more.
-> his usual black and green uniform is now drained red, full of cuts in body and he kept saying that is nothing, that a trained assassin knows how to take care of himself and yet, you keep crying to him to seat down and let him guide you to how to stitches in his back.
-> he was grateful of your best attempt on the stitches in his back, damian joked that you should become his personal doctor (you didn’t like that). as he expected, the bandages you put on him aren’t excellent, but still good for him heal correctly. He is happy to have someone like you at his side and he won’t ever let you go.
-> he didn’t felt the stab at the moment and only realized when you screamed at him when he was doing a research in the batcave. you almost pass out for the amount of blood and tim almost jumped from your scream, however neither of that happened and you rushed to get the first kit aid.
-> it small and the stab didn’t got deep as you thought, making it easier to clean and patch tim. you are too focused to make him get better that you don’t notice how adorable you are, your toughest out of your mouth and how your hands hold him from moving away. Ah! He is lucky to have you in his life.
-> when done, you stood at his side, afraid that if you left him, his stitch would open and more blood would come out. In the other hand, tim knows that’s completely impossible to happen. He knew how precisely was his cut to know that wasn’t life threatening, he is a genius, yet you will never discover about it.
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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alieinthemorning · 7 months
Marry a Man Through His Stomach [Miya Atsumu]
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Content: Fluff, Soft, Marriage
Pronouns: None
Header: @/tsumoos
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don't forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work's concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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"Is that what I think it is?" He barely toed his shoes off at the entrance before bounding his way into the kitchen, coming right up behind you to take a whiff of the pot you were stirring. "Hell yeah!"
You rolled your eyes, dishing him a small portion into the soy sauce plate you had been using. He leaned down, eagerly slurping.
He hummed, smacking his lips before looking down at you with bright eyes.
"Man, I'm glad I married ya."
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It was a lunchtime like any other. You were sat at your desk, just finished with putting your materials away and finding a video to watch with your lunch. However, once you opened the lid to your bento, did someone decide to pester you.
"Oh lemme have some!" A hand reached for your food, which you quickly swatted at.
"I literally just opened this—can I have a bite of my food before ya start beggin'!" You huffed at him, taking a bite of gyoza.
"Fine, ya've taken a bite—lemme have some gyoza too!"
"Oh my—fine!" But just as you went to grab the gyoza to pass to him, a pair of chopsticks, that obviously weren't yours, snatched it up  and dropped it right into Atsumu's open mouth.  
His face went through the motions of: happy, disbelief, then finally happy again.
"Man, yer ma is a good cook."
You raised a brow, "Ma didn't cook this. I did."
"Ya made this?" He paused, taking another bite (from another piece of food he had stolen from you—the bastard) then nodded to himself. "Yeah, imma marry ya some day."
You blinked, felt the heat raising to your cheeks, then laughed.
"Yeah right!" You were sure he was just saying shit out of his ass.
"Ya laugh now, but I'm sure there'll be a ring on that finger." He tapped your left ring finger.
Then he left (making sure to swipe one last piece of food), leaving you to mull over the nonsense he had spewed.
This very quickly began to become a habit of his, pestering you for your food until you relented (which didn't take long) then commenting in someway about your alleged future marriage.
You didn't think much of it until you were making a bento for him (finally sick and tired of him stealing your food) and your mother said something to you.
"Feedin' a friend of yers?"
You nodded, "Somethin' like that..."
She hummed. "Well ya know, the way I won yer father's heart is through the stomach so—"
You whipped your head around so fast you were sure it was going to go spinning off.
She threw her head back, laughing loudly at your flustered face.
"Make sure to bring'em around soon, okay?" And she was out of the room before you could refute her.
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But in the end she was right—both she and Atusmu, actually.
You had won his love through his stomach, and just like he said, you were wearing that platinum band on your left ring finger.
You fidgeted with it fondly, a small smile gracing your fingers. The smile widen as he grabbed your hand, placing a kiss right on the band.
"You know, I'm glad ya begged for that gyoza that day..."
He raised a brow, a smirk threatening to split his face. "Oh really? Yer were that eager to marry me?"
"Not then no, but later...yeah." You leaned forward, placing a kiss on the corner of his mouth. "I'm glad I said yes."
"Well, I'm happy I put the thought in yer head." He pulled you closer, "Now come're..."
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I was supposed to write something else first, but then I had this thought and had to stop everything I was doing to write it. 
Anyway, I've been sucked back into the Haikyuu! Hole and Atsumu has been my hyperfixation, and there simply aren't fresh fics for him so, it's time I feed myself and the people.
Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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mattsunnn · 2 days
warnings(can be and not be): haikyuu season 3 spoilers!, platonic, fluff
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seeing them cry broke your heart.
you watched your team line up infront of the crowd by the bleachers, giving their thanks all at the same time before turning their backs and walking over to the coach.
you can see all of them with their heads down. sadness? regret? you don't know. you noticed shirabu in a dazed, eyes unfocused, and mouth a bit open. leon called his name to ask if he's alright but you couldn't hear the rest. but his last words reached you and it puts a weight in your chest.
"no one here thought we would lose."
not even you. you rooted for them, you cheered for them. you were there when coach washijo would make them do receives and spikes 50 times a day. you're there for them.
"we'll have a meeting when we get back. once the awards ceremony is over, get onto the bus." coach tanji stated, walking over to the exit.
"right." ushijima answered, nodding his head.
the demon coach stopped, looking back on his team. "and you'll be hitting a hundred serves later."
a lot of them grunted and tsked in unison. shirabu wiped his eyes before smirking in defeat. goshiki's still sobbing but he's trying to muffle them.
the team, looking solemn, was about to gather their things and do some stretching but they stopped when they heard you speak. all of them looked at you, turned their bodies to you and standing straight.
"i know i'm only a manager but... i want to say you guys did your best. that was a great performance and you guys did not disappoint." you smiled, "i am very proud to each and one of you."
all of them stared at you in silence before goshiki bursted into tears again, running to your arms and hugging you. he sobbed onto your shoulder as you carded your fingers to his hair. shirabu couldn't help but walk slowly to you, his forehead bumping on your other shoulder before you patted his head, letting him lean onto you for support as he, too, sobbed.
"thank you, y/n." ushijima said, slightly smiled in appreciation and you nodded your head in reply before the other guys leaned onto you as well to receive pats on the heads.
after everyone has calmed down-even though kenjiro's still beside you, clutching your sleeve in comfort- you gestured for them to gather their stuff. "after doing your hundred serves, we'll come into my home and i'll cook you guys dinner."
"yay! y/n-chan's cooking!" tendou cheered, hands coming up in excitement. you chuckled, shaking shirabu's hold on your sleeve before intertwining his fingers with you. "i'll make sure to make it delicious."
"i'll help with the preparations." leon said, clutching a bag on his side as he walked on the other side of you. you muttered a quick "thank you!", and hooking your arm on his before turning to the second year on your left.
"best setter you are out there, sweetie."
shirabu turned his head on the side, wanting to look unbothered. "thanks." you chuckled at his reaction before pulling him with you with the rest of the team as you guys made your way towards the exit.
they look like children following their mother.
well, they are your precious babies.
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finished season 3 and it was so intense with the scene of tsuki and hinata being pushed down by ushi and then everyone's just helping them😭 made me cry fr even though this was the second time i watched the series😭 but seeing bebi shirabu crying and the rest brought out the mother in me🙂‍↕️
probs not the best but i love em sm
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heich0e · 1 year
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the wake - miya osamu/f!reader (haikyuu!) part 8 in the bff!osamu series word count: 2.5k tags: angst, childhood friends to pining, every miya fic i write is just a thinly veiled love letter to the miya brotherhood and that is very clear here, angst gets worse before it gets better so be nice to me, ps: u ever heard the song vienna by billy joel?
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The longest that you have ever gone without speaking to the Miya twins was thirteen calendar days—a single day shy of a fortnight—when the three of you were eleven years old. 
It all happened because you’d invited the twins over to see the brand new lava lamp you’d gotten for your birthday—the one you had been longing for relentlessly, and talked about incessantly in the lead-up to your big day—and, well, one thing led to another (as it often has the tendency to do when Osamu and Atsumu are involved) and the beloved lamp had ended up shattered across your bedroom floor only a few hours after you’d torn it from its pretty purple wrapping paper. 
Neither of the boys had been willing to take responsibility at the time, each pointing an identically vehement finger of blame towards the other, and they both refused to offer you anything remotely close to an apology—lest that somehow imply an admission of culpability. 
Your mother had sent them home after a stern, disappointed talking to and a call to their own mother (which she then echoed in a far less civilized tone when they returned home to her) and then they didn’t hear from you for almost two full weeks. It felt like an eternity back then, when life was small and days were long and just a couple of hours felt like a lifetime. You refused to come to your door when the two of them showed up knocking, didn’t answer any phone calls or instant messages they sent, and outrightly ignored them at school each day—hiding in classrooms on breaks between classes or behind the backs of other girls to avoid the increasingly desperate attempts of the twins to get your attention.
And so, on the two week anniversary of The Incident, the twins showed up at your door one last time—sheepish but earnestly remorseful—with a new lava lamp in tow. Thus the silent treatment was ended, reconciliation was struck, and there has scarcely been a day that passed since then where you had not been in some form of contact with the twins.
Osamu hasn’t heard from you in 6 weeks.
After the night of Atsumu’s party, he’d waited with bated breath to hear from you. His phone was on, sound at full blast and never too far from his reach. He knew it wasn’t really his place to reach out first. Knew you probably needed time to process things. To forgive him.
That first night he’d barely slept a wink, staring up at the ceiling of his living room, sprawled across the couch the two of you should have been sleeping on together, regretting every single moment of his life that had led him to this misery. He had texted you a simple: Let me know when you’re home safe please. It was a message he’d sent you countless times before, but never with so much urgency—but it went unanswered. It didn’t surprise him, even if it hurt. Even if it only added to the twist of anxiety turning his stomach into knots. More time passed. Seconds bleeding into minutes that turned into hours, each more agonizing than the last. He thought about calling you. Texting you again. Pulling on a jacket and chasing after you like he should have when you walked away from him hours prior. But he didn’t.
Osamu texted Atsumu first thing the next morning, with bags under his eyes and exhaustion in the marrow of his bones, asking if you’d made it back to the party safely. He’d wanted to reach out sooner—he’d had an entire sleepless night to think about nothing else, after all—but he’d waited for the sake of saving face with his twin. 
When Atsumu finally woke up and saw his message, replying back with a frightening ??? didn’t she leave with u?, Osamu’s worst fears were realized. 
After hearing from his brother, Osamu immediately texted your roommate—a girl you’d gone to college with, who might even have been considered your best friend had the twins not beaten her to the punch by about two decades. She and Osamu had always been on good terms, seeing each other semi-regularly over the years by virtue of their shared connection to you. You’d even once implied she had a little crush on him after Osamu had met her for the first time, though he had (for obvious reasons) never acted on the information. He felt no hesitation reaching out to her about whether or not you’d made it home the night before.
Her icy reply came through almost immediately—even though it was early in the morning, even though he rarely ever texted her. The message was just three letters and a full stop, but it told him everything he needed to know: you were safe, and she knew what he’d done.
Osamu knew that the very least that he could give you in this situation was space, and he really did try, but he only made it two days of silence before he was reaching out to you again. His text had gone unanswered on that horrible, sleepless night where he had ruined everything, so after two days he finally tried to call.
It went right to voicemail.
His subsequent texts (and eventually calls) over the following days were similarly ignored, and every day that passed without hearing from you felt worse than the last.
Atsumu’s concern took root the day following his party, thanks to his brother's early morning text, and it only continued to grow. You were ignoring him too, the reason for which he had not the faintest idea, and the blonde inundated his twin for details as to what exactly had happened when the two of you had left his apartment that night.
But Osamu couldn’t tell him.
He couldn’t.
So he started avoiding his brother's calls and texts, too.
Osamu’s feelings for you were the only thing he’d ever, ever kept from his twin in all of their shared lifetime. And look where it had gotten him. 
But eventually—inevitably—Osamu finally broke. 
It was to be expected, really. He was hardly eating, scarcely sleeping, and any hours not spent robotically going through motions of keeping his business running were spent holed up in his little apartment. The apartment that now somehow reminded him far too much of you—like you had inked yourself as indelibly into the walls as you had the paint that you helped him apply when he'd first moved in.
Osamu showed up at his brother’s place at 11 o’clock on an otherwise completely unremarkable Wednesday night, still in his Onigiri Miya uniform, and as soon as Atsumu opened the door he burst—violently, spectacularly—into tears before he could even manage a greeting.
It must have been shocking, frightening even, for Atsumu to see his twin in that state. For him to have to help his brother’s crumpled frame across the threshold, over the step in the genkan, and to the couch in his living room—supporting the entirety of his weight to keep him upright. Atsumu had shown up a hundred times at Osamu’s door in not dissimilar states of heartbreak, but that was the first time he’d ever seen his twin—largely credited as the level-headed, rational one between them—like this. He’d always thought Osamu was just stronger than he was when it came to heartbreak; his relationships fizzling out with relatively little fanfare, and no substantial distress, and his exes sort of just faded into the background like they’d never even been there at all.
Atsumu never realized it was because his brother’s heart had never been theirs to break in the first place.
Osamu came clean that night in his brother’s apartment. Confessed to the sins he’d kept locked away in the recesses of his chest for so long, more fully and unequivocally than he had ever voiced the long-held secrets to anyone. And Atsumu listened. He didn’t tease him for his tears. Or berate him for keeping his feelings from him. Or yell at him for harming you and jeopardizing the friendship that the three of you had spent so much of your lives building. 
He just hugged him. Comforted him. Cried with him. Because that was what his brother needed from him more than anything else.
When Osamu calmed slightly, many hours later, Atsumu quietly admitted that he’d suspected there may have been feelings that his brother was harbouring but he’d never really known for sure. I figured ya’d tell me when you were ready. Those were the simple words he’d offered, with a little shrug and a gentle, wobbly smile. And it was the first time in all his life that Osamu realized that his brother had far more tact than he’d ever given him credit for.
Atsumu reached out to you again that night, though his messages to you for the past week had gone unanswered like his brother’s. He put his message simply. He told you that he knew what had happened. That he wanted to talk. That you were his best friend and he needed to see you.
The twins were laying side by side in Atsumu’s bed, neither asleep nor fully awake, when your reply came through.
I need some time, Tsumu.
The brothers shared a look across the mattress of Atsumu’s bed in the dim light of his bedroom, their eyes sore for crying and the harsh glare of the cellphone’s light.
They yielded.
A few day later, you finally reached out again, and agreed to meet Atsumu for dinner.
Just Atsumu.
The evening that Osamu knew the two of you were meeting without him, he was a mess. He burned half the food he tried to prepare at the restaurant, got a nasty cut on his finger when he was chopping carelessly, and almost charged a customer 250,000 yen for their 250 yen purchase. When the restaurant finally closed, he slumped over the counter with his head in his hands and waited.
Atsumu showed up not long after.
“It was weird," his brother confessed, fiddling with an edamame pod but never moving to bring it to his lips—curled down slightly as the corner as he spoke. "But I can’t go between the two of ya like this, and she can’t see me without thinking of you."
“She hates me,” Osamu rasped, a familiar, suffocating tightness swelling in his chest that had made a home there over the past two weeks. 
“She’s just upset,” Atsumu tried to console him, but Osamu could hear the wisp of frustration creeping into his twin’s tone. It wasn’t Atsumu’s fault—Osamu knew how hard this entire situation must have been for him, all as a result of the circumstances for which only he could bear the burden of blame. You’re Atsumu’s closest friend too, as much a part of the elder Miya twin’s life as you are the younger's, and Osamu didn’t take that fact for granted. Atsumu shut his eyes, sighing. “I think she’s confused, Samu. Hell, I’m confused and we shared a womb.”
Osamu’s eyes began to burn with a familiar, unpleasant prickle. He didn’t cry much about it anymore, now two weeks on, like he’d somehow run the well dry. But he’d occasionally get phantom pains behind his eyes, like the precursor to tears he knew couldn’t come. It was almost worse.
“I know,” the dark-haired twin finally muttered, his head hanging dejectedly.
“We’re gonna figure this shit out, but she’s gotta take some time to get things straight in her head first, alright?” Atsumu said softly, nudging his brother’s hand with his own, lending him encouragement in the warmth of their knuckles meeting. “Just give her that.”
So he did.
Osamu gave you another full month of time. 
Of space.
Of absence.
And now he’s here, six weeks to the day since everything went wrong.
Osamu drives home to Hyogo on a whim—the idea of spending another weekend holed up in his apartment, wondering each day if it would finally be the one where you call, is enough to make him feel sick. His apartment has never felt more suffocating than it has in your absence. Never felt smaller than it does without you in it, no matter how contradictory that sounds. It’s been a while since he went home to visit his mother and the boys from high school who stuck around into adulthood, and even though his childhood home is as rife with things that remind him of you as his current one, he can’t help but hope that the change of scenery might do him some good.
The Miya family home hasn’t changed much, if at all, since the twins were kids. As an adult, Osamu takes comfort from this fact—finds stability and familiarity in the walls and windows and roof that endure today in just the same way and in the same shape as they always have. His mother’s car isn’t in the driveway when he pulls in to complete the picture, but he hadn’t told her he was coming so he can’t blame her for not being there to welcome him. 
Osamu grabs his hastily packed duffle bag from the passenger’s seat of his truck, walking up the stone pathway his feet have trod upon so many times, in all their different sizes, to the door. He keeps his mother’s house key on his own keyring, because the last thing she’d said to him the day that he’d moved out—her hands, smaller than his own now that he’d grown so big, clasped around his as they held the little silver key—was that no matter what this would always be his home.
The genkan is the same. The coats in the closet are the same. The air smells the same, though there’s the faintest whisper of citrus in it as Osamu closes the front door behind him and toes off his shoes. His mother keeps two pairs of slippers at the door for him and Atsumu when they visit but his are missing for some reason, so he stuffs his feet into his brother’s designated pair before he pads off further into the home.
He can hear the television—the faint hum of a variety show or something similar drifting through the halls—and he laughs to himself that his mother has never quite been able to correct her bad habit of leaving the TV on even when she’s not watching it. He turns the corner into the living room, the sound of the television having grown louder the nearer he got.
And then he freezes.
The duffle bag he’d held loosely in his hand falls gracelessly to the floor.
And even though the television is right there, he can’t hear it anymore.
Because between him and the LCD screen, tucked under the kotatsu with a satsuma poised in hand half-peeled, is a face he hasn’t seen in six long weeks.
There, in the heart of the place that would always be his home, is you.
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haikyuu boys meeting your family! gn!reader
content warning: fluff, established relationship with reader
a/n: i chose 2 bois from karasuno!! stay tuned for a pt 2, also a nekoma version
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this boy XD
when you first told him that your parents would like to meet him, he nearly choked ("er, excuse me?")
so there he is at the day of the dinner, with rather fancy clothes on, standing at your doorstep, debating whether to ring the doorbell or to knock
when to his shock the door is abruptly opened by you
and you see him in a suit like-?
he has a little flower bouquet for your mother (he got that advice from suga) which he stiffly grips at his side when he sees your dad
i mean, you told him not to be nervous, it's just a casual dinner
he wanted to impress your family
when he sees your mom he fumbles around before giving the bouquet to her, saying that those are for her
throughout the whole dinner he is answering and asking questions very unnaturally politely
he's not very nervous!
to be honest, i feel like he'd be the type to meet your parents before he dates you (but whatever)
when you told him that your parents would like to have him come over for dinner, he was actually very happy ("really? what should i bring?" " you don't have to bring anything!!")
(he brings a whole casserole)
so when he is at your house, he introduces himself properly, and then he spies a little sibling!! (pretend you have one)
he goes up to them and says hi (he would like little kids :3)
he plays with them as if they were his own sibling, and now he has befriended a little tot!!
your parents like him!
he gives your mother a little present, and compliments her
he actually gets along very well with your dad! he tells your dad lots of things about himself
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