#haley has opinions
six-costume-refs · 10 months
Opinions on the various red Cleves braids we've been getting recently?
I like them! Six has always struggled to figure out Cleves hair for the non-Black actors; of course they had to figure out something that felt appropriate, but it also had to fit in the overall vision for the show/character and couldn't feel too visually similar to the other queens. A lot of the previous hairstyles have checked some boxes but not all, or have worked with some other wig styles but not all (like the front poof/low pony that some of the UK actors used for a while would be too similar to the now-standardized back pony for Parr). I think this one is a good compromise between all those different requirements! Here in the US it's a popular hairstyle for pop stars and has some cultural associations, so it particularly fits these productions well.
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There is some difference in design so far, particularly in the color: - Marilyn Caserta has a dark maroon wig with fairly consistent color all over. She does have darker roots, but there's a very natural ombré effect into the maroon. - Haley Izurieta has a dark brunette base with mid-toned red highlights mostly built into the braid. - Krystal Hernández has some darker roots that fade into a maroon closer to Marilyn's, but the bulk of the wig is a consistent bright red.
Of course, the style is still fairly new and they always tweak specifics in these early days as they figure out what works. I'm very curious to see what they eventually land on. I do hope to see them continue choosing different shades of red to flatter each actor, just like they do for Howard. In the meantime I'm excited to see Darcy Stewart's, and very curious if Gabriella Boumford will have red in hers. ------------- Marilyn: @/marilyncaserta Haley: @/0haley0 Krystal: Joan Marcus, @/laurenmariasoosay
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bluefuecoco · 1 year
HONESTLY, in MY opinion
abigail is a good and valid choice, but you’re also so basic :/ leah is great, but also i dont have much to say about her so... penny is...she has a lot of potential imo but i think she got shorted in-game maru is also great and i think she’s gotten a better deal than penny, and i think she’s underrated tbh emily is an insane choice and i personally dont trust people who think she’s top-tier
and haley is best girl, simple as that
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heritageposts · 3 months
The Grayzone has obtained slides from a confidential Israel lobby presentation based on data from Republican pollster Frank Luntz. They contain talking points for politicians and public figures seeking to justify Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip. Two prominent pro-Israel lobby groups are holding private briefings in New York City to coach elected officials and well-known figures on how to influence public opinion in favor of the Israeli military’s rampage in Gaza, The Grayzone can reveal. These PR sessions, convened by the UJA-Federation and Jewish Community Relations Council, rely on data collected by Frank Luntz, a veteran Republican pollster and pundit. [...] The Luntz-tested presentations on the war in Gaza urge politicians to avoid trumpeting America’s supposedly shared democratic values with Israel, and focus instead on deploying “The Language of War with Hamas.” According to this framing, they must deploy incendiary language painting Hamas as a “brutal and savage…organization of hate” which has “raped women,” while insisting Israel is engaged in “a war for humanity.” [...] Luntz’s Gaza war presentation puts his poll-tested tactics back in the Israel lobby’s hands, urging pro-Israel public figures to stay on the attack with incendiary language and shocking allegations against their enemies. In one focus group, Luntz asked participants to state which alleged act by Hamas on October 7 “bothers you more.” After being presented with a laundry list of alleged atrocities, a majority declared that they were most upset by the claim that Hamas “raped civilians” – 19 percent more than those who expressed outrage that Hamas supposedly “exterminated civilians.” Data like this apparently influenced the Israeli government to launch an obsessive but still unsuccessful campaign to prove that Hamas carried out sexual assault on a systematic basis on October 7. Initiated at Israel’s United Nations mission in December 2023 with speeches by neoliberal tech oligarch Sheryl Sandberg and former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a recipient of hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations and speaking fees from Israel lobby organizations, Tel Aviv’s propaganda blitz has yet to produce a single self-identified victim of sexual assault by Hamas. A March 5 report by UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence Pramila Patten did not contain one direct testimony of sexual assault on October 7. What’s more, Patten’s team said they found “no digital evidence specifically depicting acts of sexual violence.”
They also advice to use different language for Democrat and Republican voters, which inadvertently provides one of the most succinct explanation of the difference between the two genocidal parties that I've ever come across:
To make their arguments stick, Luntz recommends pro-Israel forces avoid the exterminationist language favored by Israeli officials who have called, for example, to “erase” the population of Gaza, and to instead advocate for “an efficient, effective approach” to eliminating Hamas. At the same time, veteran pollster acknowledges that Republican voters prefer phrases which imply maximalist violence, like “eradicate” and “obliterate,” while sanitized terms like “neutralize” appeal more to Democrats. Republican presidential candidates Nikki Haley and Donald Trump have showcased similar focus-grouped rhetoric with their calls to “finish them” and “finish the problem” in Gaza.
One of the slides, illustrating what language to use:
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There are several more slides in the article. I recommend reading the whole thing, start to finish. One more thing I'd like to highlight though:
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Luntz acknowledges Israel’s mounting PR problems in a slide identifying the most powerful tactics employed by Palestine solidarity activists. “Israelis attacking Israel is the second most potent weapon against Israel,” the visual display reads beside a photo of a protest by Jewish Voices for Peace, a US-based Jewish organization dedicated to ending Israel’s occupation of Palestine. “The most potent” tactic in mobilizing opposition to Israel’s assault on Gaza, according to Luntz, “is the visual destruction of Gaza and the human toll.” The slide inadvertently acknowledges the cruelty of Israel’s bombardment of Gaza, displaying a bombed out apartment building with clearly anguished women and children fleeing in the foreground. But Luntz assures his audience, “It ‘looks like a genocide’ even though the damage has nothing to do with the definition.” According to this logic, the American public can become more tolerant of copiously documented crimes against humanity if they are simply told not to believe their lying eyes.
. . . full article on GZ (6 Mar 2024)
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timdrakesbussy · 5 days
Some of my™ Stardew Valley HCs
TW: mention of miscarriages
Emily listens to all kinds of music but despite not looking like it, she mainly listens to heavy metal. It's one of the thing that brought her and Shane's early friendship together. And because of that, Haley shares a bit of fondness to the genre that she enjoys Sam's band (but don't tell him. this will mess with her rep).
Sam is pretty educated when it comes to literature, and English was always his favorite subject when he was in school. He's the main songwriter of his band and while Sebastian could also write, Sam manages to be witty and clever with his lyrics. Other than storytelling through song, he loves his double and triple entendres. Suffice to say, he could get along pretty well with Elliott and it's one of the reason why Penny loves hanging out with him.
Ever since she was a child, Maru thinks that Sebastian is really cool and she wants to be like him one way or another. Of course, she still wants to be herself but Sebastian is just so damn cool. During her time at school, she made herself learn how to ride a motorcycle using a friend's bike because she knew Sebastian would never lend her his.
Elliott was from an esteemed family from a foreign land (just Stardew's equivalent of Europe tbh) and was a licensed lawyer until he stopped to be a writer. Needless to say, his family are not happy by this sudden decision. Not that he needs their opinion on the matter, he was pushing thirty when he made this decision.
Harvey was an ER doctor in Zuzu City until the incident™. He knew that with his line of job, he can't save everyone. However, he can't help but feel guilty and terrible afterwards. Which is why he has routine check-ups for the villagers, and if they can't visit him, then he will visit them. You cannot escape him because he will find you (affectionate).
Both Haley and Alex believed that at one point, they actually liked each other romantically. But when they had their first kiss together, they realized that they weren't meant to be. They have this deep platonic connection that even Emily doesn't really understand, but she's happy that her baby sister have someone she can rely on and trust for all her life.
Robin takes pride in her name even if her parents weren't supportive over her work at first. She have Sebastian share her last name, and when she married Demetrius, she hyphenated their surnames instead of just taking his.
Demetrius and Sebastian were close when he was a child. Sebastian was an overly curious and precocious boy and Demetrius was happy that he could share something with his stepson, their interest in biology. Although Sebastian was squeamish and even almost cried when he dissected a frog, he managed to calm him down. And even after their mutual parting as Sebastian grew older, he's the only one who knows what Demetrius' favorite animal is: moonlight jellies.
Jodi and Kent were teenagers when they had Sam. Jodi came from a highly conservative and religious family so they forced them to marry after Jodi gave them the news that she was pregnant. As they were teens, Kent took any odd jobs he could get in the city, from a corner-store clerk to a garbage man. Until he got offered into joining the military.
Pam was a trucker before she became a bus driver. In fact, she met Penny's dad in the business. But in her childhood, she was in multiple beauty pageants and even into her adulthood, she knows how to hairdo. She helped Penny with her hair since she was a child and hope that she could still do Penny's hair in her future wedding, whenever that is.
Alex's mom had multiple miscarriages before she have him, and that was into her ten years of marriage. She was beyond ecstatic with his birth that she immediately called her aging parents who also shared her happiness, they then invited her to the Valley a few days after Alex was born so they could celebrate in the Mullners' house. Lewis heard about the news and asked if they wanted to celebrate in the Saloon in which Evelyn denied because Clara wanted a small celebration with just her family.
Abigail is the only marriageable candidate to be born in the Valley. Sebastian moved in not long after Maru was born so he was close to her as he was the only child her age at that time. Penny moved in when she was seven with her parents until her dad left when she was ten. Haley moved in when she was ten years old while Sam moved in a year after. Alex often visited his grandparents but he officially moved in after Clara's death in his pre-teens. The rest moved in as adults.
Similarly to Alex, Shane only ever visited and stayed for a while in the Valley until he needed to take care of Jas. He wasn't close with his parents and they never tried to be anyways, Marnie is always the mother figure he has. So other than Marnie and Jas, the only people he considered as his family was Jas' parents. Her father, whom he met and befriended in college (as he was his roommate, before they mutually dropped out) and her mother whom he wasn't very close to at first until they both find comradery in bullying (affectionate) Jas' father.
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moremaybank · 8 months
pairing steve harrington x fem!reader
summary steve's overwhelmed by the love he feels for you and blurts out a question he can't take back. he's sure you'll think he's crazy, but do you?
warnings language, but it's basically just a whole lotta fluff and steve being the cute cutie he is
author's note did i pull inspo from haley’s dad’s speech in oth?? hell yes. also, i'm really happy with how this turned out, not gonna lie. please read if you have the chance, it'll make my day ♡︎
steve masterlist
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When Steve steps through the door after work with an exhausted sigh, he’s pleasantly surprised. He’s spent his entire life coming home to an empty house, always filled with a blaring silence that acted as a daunting reminder of how lonely he felt deep down inside. There was never anyone around to ask him how his day was. What was going on in his life, or if he was happy — and not the phoney kind. 
He’s so used to weathering the storm on his own, day in and day out, that he’s completely forgotten someone will be there for him this time. The previously empty home is now occupied by you and your bright, loving energy. The quiet was replaced with your music bouncing off the walls. You’re active in the mostly untouched kitchen, baking to your heart’s content and constantly stuffing your Stevie’s face full of sweets. 
Steve finally feels as if he truly has a home, and not just a place where he stores his belongings and rests his head at night. 
He makes his way through the halls, finally reaching the entryway to the kitchen and leaning against the doorframe. The dimmed lights glow throughout the room, and the artfully scattered candles burn brightly in the darkened space. Further adding to the already homey atmosphere, the sweet aroma of fresh baked goods fills the air, thanks to the chocolate chip cookies you have baking in the oven. Even with all of this going on, though, Steve can only seem to focus on one thing. 
Your frilled socks glide against the kitchen floor as you jump and twirl around on the tiles. The sound of Say You Love Me by Fleetwood Mac quells the silence, your record player turned up the highest it can go (because, in your professional opinion, there was no other way to listen to music). You pull out your signature dance moves, screwing your eyes shut and kicking your legs in the air so many times that Steve fears you’re in an imaginary fight with someone — and losing. Terribly. He also takes notice of the spatula in your hand, acting as a stand-in microphone while you lip-sync along to the lyrics. 
You’re a goofball, through and through. Still, though, Steve is utterly smitten.
“Sweet moves, baby,” he says, loud enough to be heard over the music. 
Your eyes go wide as your body stills, completely mortified that Steve has caught you in your own little world. You turn the music down, swiping the stray hairs away from your slightly sticky forehead and clearing your throat. 
“Steve! H-hey. I was just, uh…cleaning the floors. You know, makin’ them all nice and shiny for you,” you laugh uneasily. It’s complete crap and you both know it, but you’re desperate. Frankly, you’ll say anything if it means distracting Steve from this whole performing your own world tour in the middle of the kitchen thing. 
Steve cocks a brow, tongue poking his cheek as he tries to hide the grin that threatens to come into view. “Hm,” he hums, “cleaning the floors, huh?”
“…With your socks?”
“Yeah,” you breathe, still slightly breathless, “It’s a…great way to incorporate exercise into daily household chores.”
Steve tries to stop it, but he can’t help but let a laugh escape from his lips. He walks over to you, arms wide open and ready to encircle around you. “C’mere, you goof. Gimme some sugar.”
You break out into a grin, happily stepping into your boyfriend’s embrace and giving him a tight hug. You feel his hands smooth down your back before wrapping around your waist and holding you tighter to him. After a moment, you pull away, and your hands come up to his face so you can press your lips to his. He hums into the kiss contently, melting into the touch he’s been longing all day for. 
“Missed you so much,” Steve pouts, his bottom lip jutting out adorably. 
“I missed you too,” you reply, granting him another kiss. “How was your day?”
Before Steve can answer, Say You Love Me comes to a stop, and the soft sounds of Landslide begin to bleed into the silence. Choosing to let you enjoy your favourite song, Steve shrugs it off, “We can talk about that later, wanna dance with you.”
Steve extends his hand toward you, silently asking for you to join your hand in his. You smile, sliding your palm into his and letting him pull you to his chest. He keeps his other hand on the small of your back, and your free arm curls around his shoulder as the two of you begin to sway together in time with the music. Steve feels you nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck and relax further into his hold, and he lets the voice of Stevie Nicks wrap around you both like a warm blanket as he holds you. 
The two of you sway back and forth, taking a peaceful moment to feel your hearts beat against one another. Steve never wants to let go. This is the closest and most intimate he’s ever felt with anyone, and that should scare him, he thinks. But it doesn’t, because being with you feels like heaven on earth. He can’t believe that he’s found someone who makes his heart soar the way you do. Who makes him smile so hard his cheeks hurt, and gives him a love so deep and true that it’s become a vital part of him. Just thinking of you makes his knees weak.
He’s completely enamoured by you.
“What are you thinking about?” You ask, breaking him free from his thoughts as you pull away from his grasp slightly. 
Steve looks down at you, remaining silent, and his gaze flashes over your features. The kind eyes he feels he’s always known. The tiny scar near your temple from where you’d gotten stitches as a child. The curve of your lips and how he swears he can feel them gliding over his own every single time he thinks about them. He then moved onto the oversized t-shirt your body is clad in — one you’d obviously stolen out of his closet, and the pair of boxers hanging from your hips (also swiped from his wardrobe). Your aforementioned frilly socks pulled your signature at-home look together, one that brought an incredible amount of comfort to Steve. It shows him that you consider his home to be your home too. That you’ve found a home in him, just as he has with you.
He can see himself doing this whole life thing with you forever, and he can’t explain it, but he suddenly feels compelled to speak up, and the words tumble from his lips before he can stop them. 
“Do you wanna get married?” 
Your head shoots up, and you peer up at him with a look of shock. “I’m sorry, w-what?”
Steve’s eyes threaten to bulge out of their sockets, and his heart rate skyrockets as the panic waves through him. “Oh god, I- I said that out loud,” he says, slowly letting go of you and running a hand through his long chestnut locks. “Wow. Uh— Okay.”
“Did— Did you just ask me to marry you?” You stammer, quiet as a mouse. You don’t move. Steve doesn’t think you can. 
It’s obvious that you think he’s gone certifiably insane. His hands raise in defence, and he manages to start blurting out everything he can in an attempt to rectify the situation. “Listen, baby, we can totally act like that never happened—”
“—In fact, it didn’t. I have no idea what you’re talking about, babe. No freakin’ idea—”
Finally, your hand cups over his mouth to stop him from rambling any further. His last few words sound muffled before they eventually come to a stop once he realizes what’s happening. His fingers curl around your wrist, moving your hand from his lips before giving you a small, sheepish smile. His cheeks flush profusely, “Sorry.” 
Oh, the things Steve would do if it meant he could take back the last few minutes of his life and go back to before he opened his big mouth and ruined everything. It’s not that he doesn’t want to marry you. That’s definitely not the case. But the regret he’s currently feeling after watching your horrified reaction play out…it’s enough to make him want to jump into his pool and never come back up for air. 
But then…when your eyes seem to light up and a small smile curves your lips upward, he thinks there just might be some hope left for him. 
“You wanna marry me?” You questioned, your hands finding solace on his lower arms. “Why?”
His brows pull together in confusion? Why? He can see the doubt eating away at you by how small you’ve become in the past few seconds. Are you truly doubting how much you mean to him? How much you’ve spun his world on its axis and changed him forever? 
“I— What?” 
“Why would you want me to marry you?”
“Yeah, I got that, I just…are you serious?” You nod, giving him the slightest shrug. Your shyness is peaking through far too much for you to offer him any more of a reaction. 
A soft and gentle laugh slips past his lips and his body relaxes. His warm palm smoothes up your arm and finds its resting place at the base of your jaw. His thumb swipes over your skin, and his warmth bleeds through your flesh. All the love he holds in his heart for you floats up to his eyes, and his chocolate orbs soften. He’s never felt so tender and full of affection as he does now. 
“You have no idea how special you are to me, do you?” 
He says it with such conviction that you know the words are true to his heart. Still, the way they hit you is all too much, and you can’t help but deflect them with a tiny joke. Your eyes fall away from his. “I mean, I figured you liked me a little.” 
“Stop,” he chides, albeit gently. He guides your gaze back onto his. “I’m serious.” 
It’s your turn to apologize as your cheeks heat up. “I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be sorry. Just, hear me out.” 
“Okay,” you murmur. 
His left hand mirrors the hold his right one has on your face. The ring you gifted him for your first anniversary is cold against your skin. His tongue darts out to wet his lips, and he takes a breath before speaking. “You— You’re staggering, honey. You’ve given my heart a home. You’ve had it since the moment I met you, and you’ve kept it safe. Cherished it and nurtured it. You’ve given me everything I’ve ever wanted. I— I look into your eyes and it's like I can see the rest of my life inside ‘em.” 
Your heart melts, and you feel the tears start to pool in the brims of your eyes. “Steve,” you whisper. 
“I have no idea what’s going to happen in the future. Not a freakin’ clue, especially with all the supernatural shit that goes on in this town. But I do know that you’re supposed to be in it. You are my future, baby. I might not know a lot, but I do know this. You are the girl I’m going to spend my life loving. And I’m gonna give you everything if you’ll let me.”
His heartfelt words are almost enough to make you forget about your doubts. You want them to. But you can’t seem to quiet the worries circling inside your head. 
“Steve, I love you. You know I do. But, aren’t we too young? I don’t want to risk losing you. I don’t think I could take it if I did.” 
His hands slide down your neck and land on your shoulders. His warmth spreads through you again, and already, you feel better. It’s almost as if all he has to do is exist to wash your fears away. 
“I know. I know we’re young. But, so what if we are? To me, that just means I get to be with you even longer.” One hand abandons your shoulder, and he hooks his index finger under your chin. The pad of his thumb strokes over the tip of your chin. Eyes boring into your soul, he holds them captive. “You can drive at sixteen, drink at twenty-one, retire in your sixties. How old do you have to be to know that your love will last? ‘Cause I know my answer, down to the second.” 
You can’t seem to hide the smile that forces its way onto your lips. The sincerity in his gaze, the vulnerability he’s shown you since day one, it’s all too much. You can’t imagine ever walking away from him, can’t imagine what your life would be like if he wasn’t in it. Mornings you shared where he’d pout as soon as you mentioned getting out of bed. Picnics on warm summer days. Hearing him sing along to the radio in the car. You want those memories and every single one that would come to you in the future — your future with him. 
“Ask me again.” 
“Yeah?” He smiled. 
“Yeah,” you confirmed. But just as he’s about to do as you asked, half of the words leaving his mouth, you can’t contain the excitement. Your lips slam onto his as you pull him closer. You murmur a few yesses against his lips and feel them spread into a grin. Soon, his arms are wrapped around your waist and he’s lifting you up and into the air, spinning you around with joy. The kitchen is soon filled with giggles, and Steve is exclaiming your news loudly, even though you’re both alone.
“We’re getting married, sweetheart!”
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STEVE TAG LIST (JOIN HERE): @oncasette @taintedxkisses @findapenny @bmo-bri @hemogloban @slytherhoes @shawnspoems @vigilanteshitposting @poppet05 @earth2starkey @aerangi @cantstoptherecs @sarah5462 @slut4drudy @cilliansangel @darleneslane @sya-skies @gillybear17 @lovelyxtom @rcbuttercup @redhead1180 @runningfrom2am @thejuleshypothesis @scarlettocean @subconsciouscollapse @violetmacher @iluvteyqmm @buckyisveryhot
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spacelazarwolf · 9 months
i looked up the current candidates for the 2024 presidential election in the usa and it is. really fucking bleak.
joe biden - current president. doing...ok. he's pro trans rights and has been doing some good stuff to fight climate change, but he's like a hundred years old and
robert f kennedy jr - seems to have decent opinions on a lot of policy, but thinks that chemicals in the water are making kids transgender and has suggested that covid is a conspiracy by ashkenazi jews and chinese people
marianne williamson - anti vaxxer apparently, also i guess thinks love is the only thing that will defeat trump
ryan binkley - conservative pastor that thinks marriage is "between one man and one woman", anti choice, wants to Build A Wall
doug burgum - republican governor that has actively passed anti trans legislation, anti regulation (unless what you're regulating is trans people ig????)
chris christie - is apparently opposed to bans on gender affirming care, but vetoed a bill allowing trans people to change their gender marker, anti choice
ron desantis - i feel like i don't need to explain
larry elder - denies systemic racism and wants police to be harder on crime, anti crt and dei, pretty solidly anti trans
nikki haley - anti choice, extremely anti trans, anti immigrant, supports israel while also having an evangelical pastor who has a history of antisemitism and racism and queerphobia open for one of her events
will hurd - doesn't seem too horrendous, not noticeably anti trans, but supports 15 week abortion ban
asa hutchinson - great value brand trump
perry johnson - was republican candidate for governor of michigan but was disqualified due to fraudulent ballot signatures
mike pence - yeah
vivek ramaswamy - "anti wokeism", would pass a law requiring teachers to disclose to parents if they found out their kid is trans, supports bans on gender affirming care, wants to end sanctuary cities and address mental health through "faith based approaches", hedge fund bro
tim scott - said that america is not a racist country and the biggest problem facing black people is "fatherlessness incentivized by welfare", opposes same sex marriage and gender affirming care and thinks democrats are using school to "indoctrinate children"
corey stapleton - montana secretary of state, couldn't find much abt him
donald trump - donald trump
cornel west (green party) - seems really cool actually but two party system will fuck him over
i hate the two party system so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also congrats to the dems for yet another milquetoast kennedy, and congrats to the republicans for having the most racially diverse list of racist and transphobic candidates!!!
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hotchgirlsummer · 1 year
i'm a mess but
⤷ aaron hotchner x reader
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summary ⤷ Aaron has this date all planned out but things seem to fall apart and they're forced to improvise.
pairing ⤷ aaron hotchner x fem!bimbo!reader
warnings ⤷ fluff! slight angst - reader opens up about her horrible dates. aaron mentions haley, her death, and how he feels about it (briefly). not a warning but jack and jess make an appearance!
word count ⤷ 7k words
a/n ⤷ HELLLOOOOOO! i wasn't really expecting the first part to blow up but the support and love i received in my first bimbo!reader fic was so overwhelming 🥺🥺🥺 thank you to everyone who read the first one and i hope this second part lives up to your guys' expectation and to your liking. i received three requests involving aaron and bimbo!reader so i'll be working on the two before incorporating the third request in part three of this saga! also i have a possible plot for spencer reid x bimbo!reader and i'm trying to gauge if you guys would be interested in that? as always, feedback is appreciated. have a day as fantastic as yourselves!!! ❤️❤️
masterlist | part one: mess of mine
“And just as a reminder, we will be having the weekends off for this month as Strauss has deemed we deserve a break after the continuous cases that took away most of our time,” Hotch reiterates before they end their final meeting for the week. This announcement was met with cheers and applause by the rest of the team. “Anyway you can have them extend our weekends off for the next, say, 12 months?”
This time Hotch cracked a smile as he gathered his files and into his folder as he shook his head, “Only way you can have that is by making a wish to a genie.” The team looked among themselves, each of their faces etched with surprise and amusement as they rarely got to witness their unit chief ride in on their jokes; behind their entertained expressions, they were curious as to what prompted this change. Rossi schooled his expression as well, despite knowing about the cause for Aaron’s welcome change in demeanor, he knew that his friend wanted to share the little ray of sunshine he found on his own terms. “If there’s nothing else, you all are dismissed for the rest of the week. Have a good one.”
As the team slowly dispersed out of the room, Hotch found Rossi smirking at him to which he raised an eyebrow at him, “Penny for your thoughts, Dave?” To which the mentor looked around the round table to ensure that everyone but them had left, “So, I’m assuming tonight’s the first date then?”
The faintest shade of red littered Aaron’s cheeks as he nodded and exited out of the room, “Tonight is the first date, yes. I’m picking her up after her shift at 7.”
Rossi looks at his watch and smiles upon seeing that their unit chief had a solid hour prior to picking up his date for the night. “Normally I’d wish someone good luck on their first date,” Hotch appreciated in that moment how Rossi leaned into his ear to whisper that as to not catch the attention of the nosy profilers, “But something tells me you would not need it in this scenario. Have a great weekend, Aaron.”
“You too, Dave. Try sticking to one jazz club this time, yes?”
Chuckling when Rossi flipped him off, Aaron hurriedly packed all of his things in his briefcase before heading out of the office. As he waited impatiently for the elevator to bring him to the floor of their parking lot. Turning on the radio, Hotch found himself smiling upon hearing a pop song — that he once was not familiar with until he started talking with Y/N. What started as constant texts, transitioned into hour long phone calls where their topics of conversation ranged from her opinions on how the internet’s influence on fashion trends have both been good and bed, her singing him the new song she had stuck in her head — which explains how he was now familiar with a lot of the songs that were played in the radio — but the one thing that seems to be a constant subject is how he would look good in certain styles of clothing.
Once home, he was delighted to see that Jack had been all cheery from his day at school and soccer practice. He indulges in his son’s excited recollection of his day, relishing in the giggles he let out everytime his son praised the dinner that was prepared for him; though it was just chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, and some fries, he supposes that if it were made with love it would taste like a fine meal. It was like time passed by quickly after their meal as Jack was already bathed and dressed in his jammies before 6:45. After a quick chat with Jess, he was out the door and anxiously driving to the boutique. Once parked right out by the store, he was just in time to see his sweetheart exiting the front door and closing the aluminium security shutters. Jumping out of the car, he surprised her by gently pulling her back and lowering the shutters. “Aaron!” Came her surprised giggle, hugging his arm and looking at him like he was her whole world. “You’re here!”
“I did promise to take you out on a date, right?” He teased once he was sure the chutters were secured. Chuckling, she nodded her head as she smiled widely, “You did! And I was so excited for our date, you know? Phoebe got so annoyed with me talking her ears off about how handsome you were and how nice you are.”
Grateful that she was too busy rambling so she couldn’t witness Aaron blushing, he walked her to his car, opening the passenger door to reveal a bouquet of pink and white flowers; handing them to her with a smile he spoke, “For you, sweetheart.”
“Aaron! They’re so pretty!” She squealed excitedly and threw her arms around him, nuzzling her face in his shoulder, “Thank you, thank you! You’re spoiling me way too much already!”
“Well I have to, sweetheart,” He explained as he helped her in the car before quickly jogging to the driver’s side and continuing on, “Have to treat you like a queen, you know?”
“Does that mean you’re my handsome king?” Her question had him reciprocating the sweet smile she had on before reaching for her hand and placing a kiss on her knuckles and affirmed, “I’ll be whatever you need me to be, sweetheart.” And in turn, that made heat spread throughout her face.
The drive to the restaurant was short yet filled with so much light and conversation. Stepping out of the vehicle once Aaron opened the door for her, she smiled at him, “Thank you, Ay-ay-ron.”
Before entering the restaurant, the couple were met with views of disgruntled customers, some of them having wet stains on their dresses while others seemed to have  food stains on them. Puzzling her, she looks up at Aaron, “I wonder if they’re alright.”
They were about to find out for themselves upon reaching the host’s stand and announced their arrival, “Reservation for Hotchner, please.” The host who had their back turned faced them with an uneasy smile as they too were trying to rid the blemishes and food stains that unfortunately clung onto his work clothes; he looked down on the their tablet that served as their scheduler and frowned upon looking up at them, “I have to sincerely apologise, Mr. Hotchner. There has been an unfortunate incident, one of our servers tripped which caused this domino effect to the other servers, causing them to drench our customers and staff in food. Not to mention that one of our new chefs in training caused an identical chaos at the back.”
“You can use a butter knife to get rid off the food there,” She pointed to both the host’s shoulders that had some food residue that looked very well edged in the fabric; next thing she noticed wine stains by their chest, “And for the wine, putting hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing liquid in the stain for about ten minutes will get it out.” The way she shared the information so casually paired with the way she tilted her head to the side and pursed her glossy lips made it all the more surprising that she new what to do; but beside her, Aaron felt nothing but pride swell in his chest as he pressed her closer to him by her waist. 
“I appreciate your advice, ma’am,” The host then faced Aaron once more before saying, “Unfortunately we are not in any capacity to entertain our beloved guests for the rest of the evening. We’ll put a note to put you in our priority list for next time if that sounds fair?” Nodding as he held back a frown of his own, the unit chief understood that things were past their control, “That would be much appreciated, thank you.”
With that the couple then left the restaurant, Aaron tried to school his features as he tried to hide the panic in his face; however as Y/N looked up to see him she pouted as she saw that there was a slight furrow in his eyebrows. Reaching up to rub the skin between them she cooed, “Don’t frown, Aaron. Why are you even frowning?”
Almost immediately a smile replaced the mentioned frown as he explained, “Well since the restaurant is a bust, I’m sensing that I’ve just wasted your time, sweetheart. The date’s pretty much ruined already.” Her offended gasp took him aback, causing them to stop just as he was about to open his car door for her, “Well good thing a dinner is not the only you go out for a date! Plus, you just saved me, you know?”
“Saved you from exactly what, sweetheart?”
“From having a fancy dinner! Don’t get me wrong, the décor looks amazing and all, but sometimes their menu is so hard to pronounce too! Like just say roasted, why use sweltering? And don’t get me started on their alcohol — bordeaux, wine, brandy? It’s all just so confusing,” As he walked her to the passenger seat and helped her in, he just chuckled lightly as he tried to console her, “They do tend to differ in ingredients and alcohol percentage.”
“Even you get it,” She whines out to which he now smoothed the furrow she had which quickly disappeared upon feeling his touch in her skin. Swiftly moving to the driver’s side, Aaron looked at her with a soft expression before asking, “Why don’t I get your mind off of it then? How would you like to spend our time together?”
His heart melted at the excited grin she had as she thought deep about how to spend their date before rambling, “We could go bowling in this place on 6th Avenue, oh but they have league games today. Oh! How about we go to this drive-in theatre just by the outskirts of town?” Just as he was about to agree to her suggestion she pouted once more, “But wait, their movie for tonight is a kid’s one, Megamind, I think.” Her excited gasp accompanied by her light taps to Aaron’s shoulder made it evident how excited she was by her current idea, “We could go right into the city centre! They have different kinds of food trucks this day of the week!”
“You sure that’s what you want, sweetheart?” He got her affirmation as she buckled her seatbelt up and nodded, “Sure do, Aarbear! I heard there was a food truck that would sell raspberry and cherry cotton candy.”
“Aarbear?” He questioned the nickname although he could not deny the warm feeling that washed over him upon being granted to him. She hummed, “Ever since we last saw each other, I’ve been thinking of cute nicknames for you; since you call me sweetheart. Aarbear is my favourite just because you remind me of a teddy bear. Just so snuggly and cute.”
“Snuggly and cute? Sweetheart, have you taken a good look at me? I’m the farthest thing from that don’t you think?” Aaron playfully countered as he relished in their playful banter. “You know what? Yeah, I have taken a good look at you and if I say so for myself you always look dashing and,” Her train of thought was cut off when she gasped out loud and saw the coat he was wearing, “And I thought I told you to wear the pink suit I got you! Why didn’t you?”
By that time, they had already reached the public parking that was allocated for the food truck event, Aaron looked at her chuckling as he thought she wasn’t serious about her little plan for the pink suit she gifted him; but upon seeing her expression which consisted of a frown with her wobbly lips and a furrowed brow, he knew that it was serious and important to her. Hoping to appease her feelings, Hotch then lifted his hand up to rub on her cheek gently and as she nuzzled herself deeper into his warmth, “I’m sorry, sweetheart. But I might have mentioned it before, but I don’t really know how to pair up clothes, you know? That’s why my suits and slacks have always matched.”
Placing her chin centre on his palm, she shoots him a smile as her upset expression now melting into an excited one as she speaks, “Does that mean I get to dress you up? I get to rifle through your wardrobe?” Removing herself from his hold, they both tried to ignore how empty it felt when they were not within each other’s reach; but to help diminish the emptiness they felt Y/N then laced her hand with his large one and grinned, “Next time we go out for a date, we go to your house first so I can dress you up and make you even more handsome! Oh there’s this new sweater line that came out and I wanna see how the sweater brings out the brown in your eyes.”
“Already planning our next date, sweetheart? You already want me around you that much?” Unsure of whether he can handle the truth of her answer, Aaron kissed her knuckles as he made his way out of the car and opened the passenger door for her. Leaping out to wrap her arms around his large figure as she hummed against his shoulder, “I sure do, Aarbear. So hopefully you don’t get sick of me right away.”
“I don’t think I could ever get sick of you, sweetheart,”  Aaron reassured her as they began walking towards the plethora of food trucks that were present in the little festival going on, “Besides, the only thing I plan on getting sick on is a ton of cotton candy. Was raspberry your favourite flavour?”
Failing to hide how giddy she was at his sincere revelation, she smiled as she laced her fingers with his and dragged him to where the food truck that sold cotton candies were. “I do like the grape-flavoured ones, do you have a favourite?” It was in that moment that Aaron wished he had a camera permanently lodged into his brain so he could capture the way her eyes sparkled as she inquired more about his interests. He hummed as they stood in line in front of the food truck, “I don’t think I’ve explored enough of these flavours to have a definite favourite.”
Her gasp paired with the soft tap on the shoulder was another thing that was quickly becoming a favourite of Aaron’s. Upon reaching the front of the line, Y/N took charge and ordered three kinds of cotton candy. As she reached down for her wallet, she was caught off guard at how quick her date was in tapping his own credit card against the machine. 
“Aaron! Why didn’t you let me pay?”
The two walked a few feet away and sat down on the bench nearby before he smiled and pinched some cotton candy and offered it to her, “Now what kind of man would I be if I even let you touch your wallet throughout our date?” 
Returning the favour by feeding him some cotton candy as well, she pursed her lips as she concluded, “A handsome gentleman, still. And don’t ever think differently.” From there on they fell into an easy conversation which ranged from childhood shenanigans to workplace happenings. For Y/N this was a complete 360 switch to see Aaron’s eyes crinkled in joy and his posture relaxed; seeing him so serious and stiff on their first meeting gave her the impression he’d be too uptight. In her mind, she’d do anything to keep the beautiful smile on his face. “Wait, so Garcia was able to access the file that I didn’t know the password to?”
“Took her less than five minutes to do that, sweetheart,” Aaron informed her as the two wiped their mouths of any crumbs and threw the container in the trash before strolling once more to get more food, “What else are you in the mood for?”
“Can we get some tacos? It’s been quite a while since I’ve had some,” With that Aaron led the way as he spotted the specific truck sooner, “So Garcia can hack into anything?” As they stood in line in front of other patrons, Y/N made sure to only whisper her question so as to not attract any unwanted attention from curious ears, something that did not escape Aaron’s observant nature and something he appreciated.
“Absolutely, it only takes her about ten minutes to do so. There’s rarely anything she can’t crack,” He answers, however he’s left more puzzled as she stands on her tiptoes and whispers in his ear, “Do you think she can hack into something for me?”
“What exactly do you need to get hacking into, sweetheart?”
At that, her glossed up lips — which compared to last time that was a soft red shade, this time around she had a flushed pink hue with a slight shimmer to it — formed a pout as her eyebrows furrowed in frustration as she recounts, “Because I signed up for Snapchat a year ago and then now I forgot which password I used to it, it reached to a point where I’ve tried so many times that they told me I’m no longer allowed to try guessing. And I wanna get access back to it because everytime I take a cute selfie of myself I send it there.”
 By the end of her story, they reached the front of the line and Aaron paused their conversation for a while to order for the two of them; his heart fluttered when Y/N patted his shoulder gently as she whispered, “Extra cheese on mine, please.”
Once they were handed their food, the two stepped away and once again found a bench to give them privacy. Before even taking a bite from her taco, she faced him and her face was once again etched with concern, “So? Do you think Garcia will help me? I can give her a cute little outfit in the boutique if she does. Or whatever else she wants, promise.”
Smiling at her as he allowed his first bite to go down before replying, “I’m sure she’d love to assist you even without the promise of repayment.” She was midbite when she looked up at Aaron, cheese at the side of her mouth as she seemed confused with what he meant before he clarified as he wiped the corner of her mouth with a napkin, “I’ll let her know you need help, sweetheart.”
Shrieking out of excitement wasn’t the only way she expressed her relief but also with the way she tried her best to wrap her arms around him without causing both their tacos to crack as they hit the ground, “Thank you, Aar! Can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that! Do you think Garcia will like cupcakes or cookies more? I’ve been meaning to bake since it’s been a while, you know.”
“I know for a fact she wouldn’t mind either one, sweetheart,” He leaned closer as if he was sharing a secret and whispered in her ear, “But I do know you and her will get along well.”
Her nose scrunched up in excitement as she shimmied her shoulders in a little dance, “You did mention she likes little quirky gadgets and she dresses a lot like I do. Maybe she and I can go shopping sometime? You mentioned you work with other ladies too right? Alexa and GG?”
“Alex and JJ, sweetheart,” He gently corrects her as threw his napkin after finishing his taco in the nearby bin, “But yes, I’m sure they’d love to meet you. Maybe in the near future we can set that up?”
Her excited nod caused some of the taco sauce to spread past her lips, prompting Aaron to wipe the sides of her mouth as she replied, “Do you think they’d like me though? Some people I’ve met before say I’m too much or you know,” The slight pause between her train of thought made him worry about what previous perceptions were about her so he encouraged her on, “Know what exactly, sweetheart?”
Perhaps it was the way he gently coaxed her or the way he rubbed her back was full of care but it got her talking as she mentioned, “It’s just, people like my friends say that I’m dumb, that I’m no fun to be around with,” She sniffled a little which proved to be the wrong thing to do as it accidentally got some sauce on her nose, to which she scowled a little and threw the wrapper away and she felt a sudden wave of shyness take over her as Aaron was quick to wipe by her nose, “I don’t have very many people who stay — except for my family, I guess, but they don’t really have that much of a  choice — so I don’t know,” She looks up at him and it was only then that Aaron got a good look of her eyes that had a glimmer of both hope and sadness, “I’d really like for you to stay, Aar.”
“I’d like that too,” Came his immediate reply as he brought her into his warm embrace, tucking her head underneath his chin as he tried to get across every ounce of affection he had had for her, “I promise I’ll keep you close to me, sweetheart.”
Slightly detaching herself from his hold to take a good look on his face, she smiled up at him, “Have I ever mentioned that you’re one of the most handsome men in the world? If not the most? Like, inside and out,” She pulled away fully from his embrace and frowned as she recalled her statement, “No wait, I don’t think it works that way. Do you mind being called beautiful? I know some guys are uncomfortable with that. Or maybe I can call you a pretty boy?”
Shaking his head at her silly antics he just kissed her forehead and teased her, “I thought Aarbear was the nickname you had for me?”
“I guess that’s just one of the struggles for when you’re the most perfect man in the world, hm? Having too many options for a nickname since you’re everything good,” she giggled. 
Just as he was about to reply with some sort of a witty comeback, the shrill tone of his phone broke them out of their trance. Dread filled his gut immediately at the thought of a case whisking him away from a great date; he shot her an apologetic expression before saying, “Sorry,” And answering the phone and being pleasantly surprised that it was just Jess calling, “Jess? Is everything alright?”
Deciding to keep herself preoccupied while Aaron tends to his call, Y/N mindlessly grabbed for his free hand and slowly traced over the lines on his hand and smiled upon noticing how much larger his hand was and when she lined up her hand against his, she rubbed the skin of it and realised that she could get used to the warm feeling of his touch.
“I’m sorry about that, sweetheart,” Aaron apologised as he pocketed his phone and that seemed to break her out of her trance as she looked up at him and mirrored the small frown he was sporting, “That was Jess, she’s the aunt of my son. She said he awoke from a nightmare and won’t calm down. Apparently, he’s been asking for me and refuses to go back to sleep until he sees me.” 
“Then you should go to him,” Was her instant reply as she stood up on her feet and held out her hand for him to take, “Let’s go to your sweet boy, Aarbear.”
Taking her by the hand, he smiled at her as he led the way back to the car he decided to check in with her, “I’m sorry to spring this on you, sweetheart, but I’m a single father to a five year old.”
Upon being helped into the passenger seat she waited for Aaron to buckle himself in beside her before asking, “So what’s he like? And what’s his name?” The unit chief could not hold back the smile from how sincere she was in her curiosity. “Jack is a talented soccer player, he’s slowly getting into music and he can’t wait to audition for their spring play. I will say though he takes a lot of traits from his mom, which might be a good thing for him, honestly.”
Scoffing in offence, she gently scolded him, “Do not talk about yourself in that way, Aarbear! You’re smart, kind, funny, always keeping alert and all that. You have a lot of good qualities, you know.” There was a comfortable silence that took over for a few minutes before they were at a red light where it got Y/N thinking, “Wait, so if you have a son he has a mother, right?”
“I do believe that is how biology works, sweetheart,” His lighthearted joke was his attempt to soften the upcoming difficult conversation they were definitely going to have  in light of her recent discovery of his son. 
“Where is his mom then? Wait,” She panicked as she looked at him and gently held onto his forearm, “Oh God, please don’t tell me I’m making you cheat on your wife. That I’m not the other woman.”
Her somber pout while adorable made his heart clench as he realised she was concerned about what Haley meant to him as it shows how serious their relationship is to her. So he reached over the console and rubbed her knee comfortingly, “You’re not the other woman, sweetheart. Jack’s mother, Haley, is not in the picture.”
“Why not? Is she okay?”
Her kind nature came through once more and every time Aaron has a glimpse of it, it makes him feel like he’s in this trance-like dream where his dream woman came to life by merely manifesting it. “She unfortunately passed away. We had this unsub — bad guy — who went after me and my family.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that, Aar,” Y/N sympathized once Aaron was parking his car in their assigned stall. Once parked he looked at her and there was a slight tremble in his lips as he shared with her, “She was killed, and he was about to go after Jack but I was able to put a stop to it before doing so.”
“You saved Jack,” She reminded him of his heroic act as she smoother over his trembling lips with her thumb as she tried to comfort him the same way he did her everytime she nearly spiralled into overthinking negatively, “You didn’t kill Haley, the bad guy did. That’s not your fault, okay?”
Slightly rotating his head so he could press a quick kiss to her palm, he smiled at her, “Thank you for that reminder, sweetheart; I needed that.” 
Feeling the heat creeping up her cheeks she smiled too and grinned before gasping out, “Wait, we’re here already, right?” At his confirming hum, she then quickly said, “We need to get to your boy!”
Aaron found himself frowning not because their moment was cut short, but he was unable to open the door for her and escort her out of the vehicle. Upon reaching the elevator of the building, he noticed Y/N was bouncing on her heels as if she were nervous. Just as he was about to check in on her, the elevator had a soft ping and opened the doors to reveal that they were on their floor. Gently placing his hand behind her back, he led her to their apartment and he hated that his sweaty hands slightly dampened her dress; but she didn’t seem to mind it and instead unknowingly calmed him down by smiling brightly at him.
Upon entering their living space, Aaron could vaguely hear Jess keeping Jack occupied by talking to him. “Jack? Buddy? I’m home,” Aaron called out gently as he made his way by the hallway while Y/N settled by their couch as she didn’t want to intrude any more than she already had.
Almost instantly the sound of pitter patter of tiny feet, “Dad!” Jack ran towards his father’s embrace and Aaron opened his arms as he allowed his son to nuzzle into his neck and carry him. “How are you feeling, bud? Aunt Jess said you couldn’t go to sleep?”
He rubbed his eyes with his hands as he frowned, “Yes, had a nightmare, dad. I was so scared I couldn’t get back to sleep with you.” As Jack laid down his head on his father’s shoulder that’s when he noticed a pretty girl sitting. “Who is she, dad?”
Y/N smiled warmly as she waved, Aaron sat him and his son on the armchair near the sofa she was sitting at and mentioned, “This is Y/N, she’s my friend, Jack.”
“Nice to meet you, Jack,” She held out his hand for a shake and while she understood that kids are naturally shy, especially around people they’re unfamiliar with, she was thoroughly surprised when he shook her hand and had a shy smile on his cute little face.
“Hi Y/N, I’m Jack,” When he retracted his hand she took a good look at him before mentioning, “You look like a princess.”
Indulging him she then leaned a little closer and playfully whispered, “Don’t say it out loud, this princess just snuck out to meet with her prince.” Jack giggled at her silly reply and mirrored her actions and came a little closer, “And? Where is he? Did you get your happily ever after?”
“Not yet,” She replied as she shyly smiled and took a quick glance at Aaron, “The story isn’t done yet. But you do know what a princess needs? A knight of shining armour who can be her best friend! Can we be friends, Jack?”
Looking up at his father, he shot Aaron a questioning look and inquired, “I know Y/N’s your friend but can I be her friend too?” Feeling his heart warm up at the way how gentle and considerate Y/N was to Jack — knowing that she couldn’t automatically assume Jack will see her as a friend and instead she’d have to earn it — paired with Jack’s interest in getting to know her, he smiled down at his son as he steadied his grip on his growing toddler who seemed to be wiggling a little at the excitement of having a new friend, “I’m more than alright with that, Jack. But it’s up to you, okay, bud?”
Nodding at his father before facing Y/N once more, Jack showed her his toothy grin that came out every time his father told him a silly joke before concluding, “I’d love to be your knight friend, Y/N. Does that mean we’ll go on adventures?”
Giggling and clapping her hands in delight, Y/N nodded before calming down and saying, “We sure can, Sir Jack! But maybe after you’ve had a good night’s sleep? That way we both will be energised and ready for whatever adventure comes our way?”
Right on cue, Jack let out a little yawn that Aaron partially thought Y/N induced out of him by mentioning he had to sleep, “Okay, I can’t wait for our adventure already!”
“After a good night’s sleep, okay, bud? I’m gonna put you to bed now,” Jack didn’t fight his father much and instead curled his arms around his neck, signalling that he wanted to be carried back to bed. As Aaron stood up, Jack unclasped one of his hands and waved at Y/N and smiled, “Bye, princess Y/N.”
“Sweet dreams, Sir Jack.”
Once the two men disappeared into the hall, Jessica came into view and walked towards her. Taking initiative Y/N reached out for her hand and introduced herself, “Hi, I’m Y/N. Aaron mentioned you were Jack’s aunt.” 
Shaking her hand, she confirmed, “Yeah, I’m Jessica. I’m Jack’s mom’s sister. Did he mention Haley to you?”
A sincere, sombre expression washed over her face as Y/N pulled Jess in for a hug, “He did, and I’m so sorry about what happened to her. From what he’s told me, Haley was such a lovely soul.” Noticing that Jess tensed slightly at the hug but relaxed because she didn’t realise how good a hug can be from someone earnest; which is why Jess was puzzled when they pulled away and Y/N had a frown. “I didn’t ask first before hugging you, sorry ‘bout that. My family did always say I was such a big hugger.”
“Don’t worry about it,” The blonde woman reassured her as she reached out and held Y/N’s hand, “I appreciated the hug and your kind words.” Beaming brightly at that, she looked down at their hands and her sharp eye couldn’t miss the blouse Jess was wearing and noticed, “Are you wearing Nanette Lepore?” Taking her aback, Jess then had her mouth open in surprise as she was unsure how to respond to that. Y/N, however, took this opportunity to babble on, “You have a good eye! She really shocked everyone when she revealed that her fall spring collection was mostly going to be perfumes but I was really excited to buy one, but shipping costs are a pain in the butt.”
“I’m sorry but our conversation took quite a turn here,” Jess tried to steer their conversation and Y/N smiled as she explained, “Oh sorry, I get so excited when the topic is fashion and all that. I work at a boutique, always thinking about designing my own clothes, but I don’t know.”
It was then that Aaron walked in the room, “Sorry for the delay, Jack requested quite a few stories tonight.” Placing a hand on his date’s shoulder and facing Jess with a tight-lipped smile, “Jess, I appreciate you looking out for Jack tonight. I was out on a date with Y/N earlier and I hope that it won’t  cause too much of an issue between us.”
Jess appreciated Aaron’s vulnerability at the moment as she knew how bad her brother-in-law’s mindset and confidence was following Haley’s passing. He was deep in his belief that he was unable to open up to someone and if he ever did, they’d walk out on him after having a good, long conversation with him. Reaching out to rub his forearm that she couldn't  help but notice was colder than usual before smiling, “I know, Aaron. And can I say just how lovely Y/N is.”
“Oh oh, before I forget,” Y/N reached for her bag and fished for something and made her way back over to them and handed a card to Jess, “Next time, please do swing by in the boutique. I’d love to give you some clothes that will really go well with your style! Plus, it’d be fun just chatting up with you and there’s a cute little cafe nearby too.”
Taking the calling card and looking at it first before pocketing it, Jess smiles as she hugs Aaron and gives the same affection to Y/N before parting ways, “I’ll definitely give you a call when I can swing by, okay? Enjoy your evening, guys.”
As she was putting on her coat and slinged her bag over her shoulder she looked at Aaron, “Oh and Aaron?” The man raised his eyebrows and just as he was about to ask what’s wrong Jess winked at her, “I think you found yourself a keeper.”
With that, Jess allowed the two lovebirds their privacy, the two snuggled with each other on the couch but just as they made each other comfortable Y/N looked up at Aaron and had another confused pout, “What did Jess mean when she said you found a keeper? Did you lose a tupperware container?”
Aaron chuckled lightly at her question before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead and shrugged, “I’m not too sure too, sweetheart. I’ll ask her the next time she swings by.”
Deciding to let go of the topic, she then nuzzled her cheek into his chest as her hand mindlessly drew random shapes on his chest; it was Aaron that broke the silence by apologising, “I’m sorry our first date didn’t exactly go as planned. I’ll make it up to you next time, I promise.”
Looking up at him through her lashes she smiled at him and gently shook her head, “It’s okay, Aarbear. I had fun at the food truck festival. If I only knew I was going to be meeting sweet boy Jack, I’d buy him a few cotton candy flavours.”
“I’m sure your sweet personality made up for the lack of treats you gave him, sweetheart,” He tickled her sides gently to elicit giggles from her and when she did he wished he recorded it as it was such a joyous sound, “Besides, he will be looking forward to some princess-knight adventures you two will be having.”
“Is that okay with you though? I’ve read some stories where kids don’t like it when their parents date someone else. I don’t wanna come across as evil or anything,” She worried and now she stopped her movements and just looked at Aaron with worried eyes. 
This time it was Aaron who had his hand rubbing her back gently to coax her back into her relaxed state, “Sweetheart, I wouldn’t worry about that. Did you see how at ease Jack was when you were talking to him earlier? I don’t see any scenario where he would treat you unkindly and you to him.”
Nodding her head softly she then leaned against his shoulder once more as she said, “Okay, but if he ever tells me or you that he needs some space from me, I’m gonna do it. And you can’t stop me from doing it.”
Humming as a reply, Aaron appreciated how Y/N was respectful of Jack’s boundaries. They were basking in a comfortable silence before Y/N asked, “Did you really have a great time with me, Aar?”
“Of course,” Came his immediate reply, “Did I give the impression that I didn’t?” He felt calm when she gently shook her head and sighed out before sadly recollecting, “No, you didn’t. But I just went on dates before where it ended up with them just calling it a night right away. They’d mutter under their breath that they can’t handle being around me for any longer.”
Her quiet sniffles had him fearing that she thought this was how their relationship too was gonna go; choosing to reassure her, he lifted her chin with his hooked finger and looked serious yet loving as he spoke, “I’m sorry to hear you’ve been on terrible dates with terrible boys. But let me reassure you that I do not, in any way, think of you in that way. Can I tell you a secret?”
Looking at him with curious eyes she nodded as he took his queue to reveal to her, “You bring so much happiness and joy in my life. I don’t think you can ever be those mean things that they said. In fact, I think you’re all I could ever need and want.”
Having to bite back her smile as she tried to not show how his words affected her she smiled and leaned in to press a kiss on his cheek, “You’re too sweet to me, Aaron.” She bit her lip before continuing her train of thought, “Would it be too soon to say that I like you a lot? Like, I know it’s only been nearly two weeks since we’ve talked to each other but you make me so happy. Whenever I get a text from you I smile so wide, it even got to the point where Phoebe has to tell me to stop smiling and giggling too much because it might creep out other customers.”
Laughing along her story as she did so, he shook his head as he shared, “I feel what you mean, sweetheart. I have to be careful of my reactions everytime my phone rings because of you. Which is hard to do around profilers.”
“Wait, profilers? Is that the ones who try to understand the bad guys or the ones who just do the research on how to find the bad guy?”
Chuckling as he found her confusion unfortunately adorable he clarified, “We do a little bit of both, sweetheart.” She gasps out loud as she frowns, “You do both? That sounds exhausting!”
“Well thinking of you does make me feel less tired, sweetheart,” Rubbing her cheek softly as he took in her features led him to focus on her lips that he had thought about kissing ever since they met, “Would it be too soon if I told you I wanted to kiss you, sweetheart?”
“Not at all,” Came her instantaneous reply, “I’d love for you to kiss me, Aar.” 
And with her consent he gently pulled her in softly by the cheek, tightening his hold on her without hurting her and slanted his lips overs. Feeling her smile into the kiss as she held onto his shoulders, bringing him even closer to her. Their lips felt warm and like puzzles fitting into place, after both of their initial shyness they both opened their mouths and allowed their tongues to entangle in a sweet dance as their hands took in every part of themselves that were new to each other. 
The couple poured all of the unspoken feelings they both were too frightened to share — all the premature love and companionship — was made evident by their sweet kiss that felt natural. Despite her unwillingness to do so, she had to slowly detach herself from his lips as she had to gasp for breath. Her fingers ended up playing with the short hairs at the nape of his neck and while she separated from his lips, she couldn’t pull away from his hair as she looked up at him, “That might be the best first kiss I’ve ever had with someone.”
Pleased with her conclusion, Aaron quickly littered sweet pecks all throughout her face before placing a long, loving kiss on her lips before nodding in agreement, “And the best part about it is that that’ll be just the first of our many kisses, sweetheart.”
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hotchs-big-hands · 1 month
might be tmi but i desperately want to eat Aaron’s ass 😳 it’s so cute and he deserves it so much and ughhhh 😮‍💨
Ya girl has to write a blurb abt this too so ummmmm NSFW! minors DNI
We can easily say Aaron has most likely had a very vanilla sex life. I mean he was with Haley since high school and then dated Beth for a while, and in my opinion I doubt they really got too frisky with it.
So you and Aaron are together now and you’ve definitely been exploring kinks with him, stuff he’s never done before and he’s got a grasp of what he likes. You’re enthusiastic when you suck him off, taking him down to the base but also nuzzling and kissing his balls whilst you jerk him off. But on one particular occasion, as you’re messily sucking and kissing the underside of his balls, your tongue slips out to lick down and it just barely brushes against his perineum and he gasps out, hips thrusting upwards as his cock twitches. Neither of you expected such a reaction, and he takes a moment to recover and apologise- although he definitely doesn’t need to.
You can’t stop thinking about it but you haven’t brought it up to him. Your mind wanders though, you’d fantasised about rimming him but you didn’t want to bring it up and make him uncomfortable if he wasn’t into it as well. But that reaction… you had yet to admit to him you’d gotten yourself off thinking about it since it happened.
On the flip side, Aaron has been thinking about it nonstop ever since. Ever since he began dating you and your sex life turned adventurous, he had done a lot of research. And in turn, discovered things he had yet to bring up to you. Before you he had never even considered the prospect of anything being in or around his ass, but now he’d seen and read about certain things- watched certain things- and he suddenly had a desire to try some things out.
You’re making out, he’d just gotten out of the shower and returned to your shared bedroom where you all but attacked him with your mouth on his, hands grabbing at him until he has you straddling his lap. You can feel his clothed cock hardening against your inner thighs and when you part for oxygen, you lazily trace your fingers over his chest as your mouth opens and closes a few times, deep in thought about how you were going to bring up what you wanted to talk to him about. He notices and raises a brow at you and squeezes your hips.
“Everything alright, honey?” He asks quietly and you hum with a smile. You tell him you want to talk to him about something and he chuckles.
“As do I actually. Please, go ahead.”
And so you do, watching the micro-expressions form and change with every word you utter about what happened the other night, admitting you'd not been able to stop thinking about it since. He shakily laughs and for a moment you aren't sure if that's a good sign or not. But he tilts his head as he scratches his temple and you realise he's blushing.
"I... would be lying if I said I haven't been thinking about it ever since either." He admits and smirks a little. "I... I did some research on it. I wouldn't- uh, I wouldn't be opposed to trying it with you."
He grunts when you shudder with excitement, inadvertently grinding on his crotch and his hands return to squeezing your hips again.
And it's a while later when you're both stripped completely nude and your lips are pressing kisses all over his body, trailing down his chest and his soft, hairy stomach in the direction of his leaking cock. But you merely lift your mouth away and smirk at him, pressing a single kiss to the tip of his cock before you move down to his balls and nuzzle into them.
He jolts and makes a quiet noise of surprise when you pull at him and grab a pillow to prop under his hips, telling him to hold his legs back by hooking his hands around the back of his knees. He bites his lip and complies, creases forming across his stomach from the curled up position he's in and his leaking cock smears precum through his thick happy trail. And now you have access to it, his puckering little butthole. It makes you salivate, but you check in with Aaron to make sure he's still on board.
With a nod and quiet affirmation from him, you lay down on your stomach and your hands come to grip the backs of his hairy thighs firmly. You lean your head forward and he swallows thickly and as you press a kiss to his inner thigh, he gasps and you feel the muscles move under your hands. You press another kiss to the other thigh and smile when he gasps again. You begin kissing inwardly, closer and closer to where he anticipated your mouth and finally your mouth reaches his pucker. His eyes widen and his head falls back against the pillows and you press another kiss to it.
“Fuck… oh fuck…”
With a grin, you slip your tongue out and swipe at his hole and his body jolts with another gasp. You lick it again. Then again. You begin circling the hole with the tip of your tongue ever so slowly, then swipe it up to his perineum and press a kiss there as well. And when he feels your tongue slip inside the slightly more relaxed muscle, he moans oh so prettily. He feels your grip on his thighs tighten further, almost bruising, and you wiggle your tongue inside him. He can barely form words, a cacophony of noise pouring past his lips whilst you makeout with his rim.
Then, one of your hands moves to grip his shaft and the other massages his balls.
He knows he’s a goner, he’s not going to last long- embarrassingly so- but the increase of broken moans and whines as you work his body eagerly. You want him to cum, he can feel your excitement as he realises you’ve been rolling your hips into the mattress. He grips onto the back of his knees desperately, holding for dear life as his lower body begins to move. He’s fucking your hand, fucking your tongue. And you’re lapping it up with pure delight.
“Baby, I- I’m not gonna last-” he chokes out and you work faster, sucking on his pucker and swirling your thumb around the tip of his twitching, leaky cock. It’s all it takes to push him over the edge. He tenses, his hole tightening around your tongue and he moans your name brokenly whilst the pleasure ripples through his whole being. You jerk him through his orgasm, and he idly feels the spurts of cum hitting his stomach and chest. But he feels so far from it, floating in pleasure as his eyes scrunch closed.
He only comes back to earth when he feels you gently moving his hands from the back of his knees, gently straightening his legs out on the bed and stroking his thighs. He smiles at you softly through hazy eyes and you smirk. You want to clean up the mess on his body, with his permission of course. He groans softly and his spent cock twitches. He certainly won’t say no to that.
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avrilsboy · 23 days
i have a singular opinion on stardew and it's that i think emily is your standard art school blue hair quirky straight girl who thinks it's sooooo funny that people think she's a lesbian like not in an outwardly malicious way but in a 'i think being gay is such a fun personality trait!' way to the point where she will go out of her way to bring up that people think she's gay but she's not but isn't it sooo funny people think that she is? and she's saying all of this to her extremely closeted lesbian sister who has never in her life been read as gay simply because she's a hyperfeminine popular girl type but if someone ever did ask if she's a lesbian she would respond with "ew no" as a kneejerk reaction so heavily laced with her usual mean girl standoffishness that she can't come back from it without outing herself which requires an eight heart relationship which won't happen because now everyone thinks she's homophobic. and emily would respond with "haley that's so fucked up :/ you know people think i'm a lesbian right?" which would give haley violent thoughts of shaving her sister's stupid blue head bald in her sleep.
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allovesthings · 14 days
Sometimes I think the Court of Owls should have been an elseworld story.
Objectively speaking,on its own, the Court of Owl is a good story with good characterization (for the most part looking at you Bruce slapping Dick ), it's fun to read and engaging but it has a lot of elements that are world breaking and which, in my opinion, go against the things established for certain characters earlier on (specifically for Dick and the Haley circus) which wouldn't be a problem in a elseworld story.
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multifandomfanfic · 1 year
you should totally do a messi x daughter fanfic. One where she is in a relationship with Kylian Mbappe’s brother, Ethan Mbappe.
I love you writing btw. it’s awesome. Keep the good work!
A/N: So about this request--seeing as Ethan Mbappe is underage, I'm uncomfortable writing something for him. I'll do the fic with Kylian Mbappe instead, but I'm sorry, I won't do Ethan seeing as he's 16 and barely even legal in France.
I also combined it with this request: "will u make a fan fiction about Messi x daughter in which the daughter is an actress and they all go to a, premiere or an award show where she is nominated (and she wins), with her. Also an after party part will be good!"
Face claim for most photos: Haley Lu Richardson
Messi x daughter!actress!reader (also Mbappe x reader)
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liked by leomessi, sydney_sweeney, dannyramirez, and 3,328,498 others
yourusername: tiempo familiar, pt. 1
monicabarbaro: this movie better be good if you dyed your hair for it 😭
yourusername: i promise its worth the wait!! chrishemsworth: I can attest to that!
leomessi: Te ves hermosa, cariño! (translated from Spanish: "You look beautiful, sweetie!")
comment liked by antonelaroccuzzo and yourusername yourusername: gracias papa🥺 antonelaroccuzzo: 💕💕💕
neymarjr: obrigado por vir ao jogo, y/n, foi bom ver você de novo! (translated from Portuguese: "thanks for coming to the match, y/n, it was good to see you again!")
yourusername: you too! ❤️ user307: 👀
fanaccount1: how is she so pretty as a blonde and brunette???? she's so lucky
user203: she's literally anto roccuzzo's daughter be fr
user892: my favorite nepo baby
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yourusername added to their story
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liked by pierregasly, ethanmbappe, and 837,238 others
celebritygossip: The first photo was posted on @yourusername;s story yesterday morning. The second one was posted by @k.mbappe just hours afterwards. Coincidence? We think not.
user487: i'm not sold at all but i'm glad it's not (possibly) neymar. i was not for the whole age-gap, dad's best friend thing.
fanaccount2: Totally agree. user008: me three, but we really shouldn't have any opinions on who y/n dates. we don't know her. fanaccount3: no one asked you to act all high and mighty.
user918: Y/N could have any man in the world and she choses someone who looks like a teenage mutant ninja turtle.
fanaccount4: She said we'll find out eventually, maybe this is it??
user773: i don't think she meant some random gossip account 'connecting the dots.' we still have to wait
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liked by leomessi, k.mbappe, glenpowell, and 2,385,019 others
yourusername: "Figures and Strangers" has officially ended production. I would like to thank everyone who I've worked with on this project; you have made every moment of this past year special, and I will remember our time together for the rest of my life.
"Figures and Strangers" is about family, love, and perseverance in the midst of hard times. While I may not have had hard times, the other themes of this movie pertained to my life when I auditioned:
Without my family's unwavering support and direction, I would not be where I am today; seriously, without my father, I wouldn't have been tipped off about Spielberg shooting his first film in Paris, and I would not be typing this today.
A year ago, I had gone on one date with the man I now call my love. Since that day, he has been with me through thick and thin: from nights spent crying over hard-to-memorize lines, to entire weeks when I was hardly home. He saw me through my highs in lows, through enjoying life then doubting every choice I've ever made. Honestly, I believe he's more love and understanding than man. I would have never known the man my father introduced me to would be such a blessing, but I am so glad to call him mine.
And, finally, perseverance: when I heard about this movie, I was still struggling with the notion that all I would ever be was my dad's child. I love my dad with all my heart and all my soul, but seeing myself called "Lionel Messi's daughter" instead of "Y/N Messi" in headlines about my own accomplishments damaged my self-esteem (not to mention all the "nepo baby" comments--yes, I read all of those). Yet, all of this motivated me to work even harder and persevere, as my character in "Figures and Strangers" does. I am glad to say that I am happy with where I stand right now, and I have made myself proud.
Anyways, to wrap this up, I'll quote the ever so wise Winnie the Pooh by saying how lucky I am having something that makes saying goodbye so hard. I am eternally grateful for everything that has happened in the past year because of "Figures and Strangers," and how it has transformed me as a person.
Thank you all again, and I'll see you in the movies.
~ Y/N Messi
leomessi: También nos has hecho sentir orgullosas, Y/N. (translated from Spanish: "You have also made us proud, Y/N.")
yourusername: muchas gracias, papá. te amo más de lo que sabes. ("thank you very much, dad. i love you more than you know.") comment liked by leomessi and antonellaroccuzzo
zoeisabellakravitz: Best Actress nom when
evanpetes: can't wait to see it!
psg: All of us are so happy for you!
comment liked by yourusername, k.mbappe, neymarjr, and leomessi
masonmount: seriously, y/n, congrats on everything. you deserve all the awards.
yourusername: ❤️❤️❤️ fanaccount5: guys???
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liked by celebritygossip, yourusername, chloegmoretz, and 3,389,291 others
k.mbappe: 🖤🤍
tagged: yourusername
chrishemsworth: Had a fun premiere with you both! Here's to more success yet to come!
comment liked by anyataylorjoy, jayrellis, and k.mbappe yourusername: you too!!
antonelaroccuzzo: You look stunning, sweetie 💕
yourusername: thank you mom 🥺🥺
user940: how did we NOT see this coming it makes so much sense yourusername: i told you you'd find out eventually 😉
fanaccount7: they're so perfect omg????
user038: my wife and husband
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liked by yourusername, cmpulisic, leonardodicaprio, and 7,289,064 others
leomessi: (translated from Spanish) I couldn't be more proud of my daughter tonight. I remember the little plays you used to put on with your cousins and brothers, and today I watched you walk across the Oscars' stage to accept the Best Actress award. All of your hard work and dedication has paid off, and you've truly made a name for yourself. Congratulations on everything you've done and will accomplish in the future. I love you very much.
tagged: yourusername
yourusername: i'm going to cry dad! i love you too!
antonelaroccuzzo: We're both thrilled for you, Y/N. You've exceeded our expectations and turned into an incredible young woman.
yourusername: thanks mom!
k.mbappe: proud to call you mine💕
comment liked by yourusername leomessi: Take care of her!
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liked by k.mbappe, keleighteller, antonelaroccuzzo, and 3,510,389 others
yourusername: can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you
tagged: k.mbappe
k.mbappe: mon amour ❤️
leomessi: The best daughter and son-in-law a man could ask for.
comments on this post have been limited
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mikaelsonharem7 · 2 months
Why it would’ve made more sense and played out better
So as we all know, Klaus and Haley had a magical baby that produced Hope. now I have always said that Haley being Hope’s mother never made sense logically and also by the standards of the TVD it never makes sense why Hope would be this powerful being when only her father is the most powerful being. it would have made more sense for them to create Klonnie, enemies to lovers and have Bonnie be her mother because you have the most powerful hybrid plus the most powerful, witch from the most powerful bloodline, that would give you your “death to all witches”.
Plus was talking about it and my moots made valid points:
“The problem with Klaus and Hayley is that they were both to extreme with their methods of parenting.
Hayley: Hope should hide her magic and identity and just be a wolf and play outside
Klaus: No one will ever understand Hope so she needs to be powerful enough to protect herself
Both have points, but either extreme would leave Hope unhappy. Hayley’s actually played out in canon an we saw how high spirited that baby was lol.
Bonnie would know the perfect balance and tone Klaus down. She had a fairly normal childhood *and* knows what it’s like to have power at a young age. She’d be able to teach Hope magic *while* allowing her keep her innocence.
And ~~no~~ full shade to Hayley, but Klaus has proven that he’s more willing to take Hopes criticisms parenting wise and adapt than she is lol.
The problem is everyone views Klaus ideas rooted in world domination and yes he was being extreme here. But forgets nobody protected him at his age and he couldn’t do anything about it bc he had no magic? No wolf powers
Plus Klaus was literally going through severe PTSD in s4. He was jumpy and uncomfortable from being in that dungeon for so long, you can’t expect him to be a perfect parent right away 😭
s4 spanned no more than what? 3 months? Hayley had the benefit of spending enough time with Hope to know her and what she wanted. Calling a 1000 year old man who was a victim of abuse “out of touch” for not knowing how to raise a toddler is kinda ridiculous.”
Like if Julie wasn’t Julie and was an actual good writer and person legacies would’ve been so great and the last two seasons of TO wouldn’t been trash. Yes Haley was an active parent but I also think she didn’t give Klaus the grace she gave herself. Why is it that Haley got Grace because of her upbringing but Klaus was condemned for his upbringing and how it played in his parenting roles? Just my opinion tho
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the-goose-caboose · 2 years
What your stardew valley bachelor/bachelorette says about you
In my opinion
Which is correct
You’re boring I’m sorry, you crave a life so simple that the only way I can describe it is beige
You heard “girl who does art and lives in the woods” and turned your brain off from there, you’re either super nice or a horrible person
You though crypto was cool at some point but you are now violently against it
You started to like her because she has purple hair and after her 2 heart event you were head over heels. Also you deeply wish you could eat items that are not edible
Masochist, pretty women who hate you is your type and you knew that she was the one you’d marry the moment you saw her.
You’re absolutely an incredibly kind person. You just enjoy stuff and have been championing cringe culture is dead for years
I assume you were doing all of the bachelors and you realized you actually really liked his story. Also I have to imagine you use a male farmer
You get way more hate than you deserve. You love dark academia.
I trust you implicitly, you give off incredibly good vibes. You’re sleep deprived but you’re doing your best.
You have 20 curated playlists for each specific mood
You’re incredibly basic but that’s ok, because you’re either an incredibly competent writer or artist (and if you say you’re not then you’re wrong)
No you cannot fix him. You loved shadow the hedgehog as a kid.
And finally
You are lovely and perfect in every way. You are correct.
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timdrakesbussy · 20 days
The First Kill and Final Girl Poll Results
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My opinions and also my thoughts are below.
Haley won the first kill poll in a landslide. It makes sense, in a way. She’s the hot blonde chick, she's destined to die early. However, since she's also very high on the final girl poll, she has high preservation and she put up a decent fight without actually fighting (think of Tatum Riley from Scream).
Alex is a jock. He won’t make it far.
All I wanted to ask is WHO VOTED ELLIOTT IN THE FINAL GIRL POLL??? WHY IS HE HIGHER THAN SAM, ALEX, AND EMILY?? What the FUCK would he do? I love him and all but he would absolutely die early on. He’s always alone in his cabin and nobody visits him except for Leah and maybe Willy so he’s an easy target.
Emily absolutely knows what’s going on and who did it with her witchy crystals and prophetic dreams. She would warn others about it, especially since she knew her sister isn’t missing but instead killed, though nobody believed her. But since she knew what the hell is happening from the beginning, she needs to die.
Shane is pretty difficult to think about tbh. From the poll, he's pretty average on both and I struggle to think how he could die. But I definitely think he would die, just not that early, and he actually puts up a good fight.
Harvey's results are average as well but he is slightly higher than Shane's. He is pretty useful, as the only one of two medical professional AND the only doctor, he needs to die possibly halfway through the movie.
Sebastian has less than a percent of vote in the first kill poll but surprisingly average on the final girl poll. I get it, I think he absolutely would die but not early. In my head, he and Sam (who has a small vote for final girl and pretty high on the first kill, dear Lord you guys are adamant for this man to get killed) would die together, Fear Street 2 double kill kind of way. Pretty scenic and beautiful.
Penny is divisive. People agree that she either would be the first easy kill or she’s the final girl. I do think she’d die, but on the later parts of the movie. She’s smart so she could outwit them but she doesn’t have the body skill to easily outrun her pursuer. I’d say she'd die à la Casey Becker from Scream, where she gets killed whilst trying to run away from them.
Now, here comes the fun part.
First we have Maru. With her stat, it makes sense she made it far. She’s a genius and definitely far more durable than Penny, I’d still think she’d rather use her brain than her muscles though. But she’s very useful, she’s one of the only medical professional and with Harvey dead, she’s the only one left. So, I think she would die near the end of the movie.
Second, Leah. Definitely a final girl material. Plus point other than her muscles is that she’s familiar with the wilderness, she knows her way if she needs to run to the forest to hide. And I think she’s the equilibrium to brain and brawn. But she’s not the winner of the poll so she had to die, though she won’t go down without a fight.
Lastly, we have our final girl.
Okay, raise your hands if you’re surprised because this is very predictable.
Abigail is a final girl material TO THE T. She’s vulnerable yet strong and skilled of a combatan enough to fight back the pursuer. And you know what’s lacking with Leah and Maru? They would hesitate to do stupid things that protagonists do, and Abigail would make stupid decisions that’d endanger her or her friends (the latter possibly causing their deaths).
Anyways, uh.. I can’t draw for shit so here’s a picrew of bloody Abigail with a badge I hastily made in canva. Congrats girl! Now hopefully you’ll get therapy, Lord knows you need them after losing everyone you love.
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BONUS: the final scene in my head is Abigail sitting in her battered kitchen with a cup of hot green tea. She didn’t drink the tea, not even a sip. She instead stared into her reflection as the camera pans out for the viewer to peek Caroline’s mangled body adjacent to the stove, blood splattered on the powder blue walls then it cuts to black.
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sillybucket · 11 months
“Warm in the cold” { Haley x g/n reader }
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I know there are many different opinions about Haley but I honestly really like her , especially her character development : I love the way she becomes a better person the more the player gets close to her , so I eventually felt inspired to write something for her :D
As always I apologize for possible ooc moments , and if someone already wrote about something similar know it’s not my intention to copy anyone !
🍃 Warnings 🍃 : none , this is just pure fluff featuring Haley keeping company to the Farmer on a winter day … oh by the way , in this story they’ve been married for a few years :) ❤️
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(Y/n) took a deep breath , staring at the snowflakes dancing in the cold winter breeze :
they had decided to spend the day fishing at the Cindersap Forest just below the Farm , however after spending so many hours out there they were starting to feel tired , a bit sleepy even , and the calming silence of the woods , interrupted only by the sound of the river’s water , didn’t help much .
The Farmer shook their head , trying to stay focused , but right when they were about to use the fishing pole to catch one more fish they heard a familiar voice behind them …
“There you are honey , I was wondering where you went !”
(Y/n) turned around to see Haley with two cups of hot chocolate in her hand , her long blonde hair fluttering in the wind . They knew how much she couldn’t stand the cold , and the fact that she decided to walk all the way there just to see them made them smile …
“Hi sweetie , sorry , I was just finishing some work and ended up staying here longer than expected …
How has your day been ? I remember you told me you wanted to spend some time with Emily today .”
, they replied while putting away the fishing pole .
“Oh that’s right , Em wanted to show me some new outfit ideas she had during the week , she even offered me to help her sew a dress , it was fun !”
While enthusiastically explaining all that she and her sister had done Haley stepped forward , handing one of the warm cups to (y/n) who gladly accepted the offer .
They looked at their wife with a loving smile , listening to her every word while occasionally taking little sips of hot chocolate …
The first time they had arrived in Pelican Town (y/n) and Haley didn’t exactly get along right away , given just how different they were from each other : actually Haley considered them to be quite a strange individual , and she just couldn’t help but wonder how could they possibly enjoy working on a boring farm all day .
But the more time she spent with them the more fascinated she was by them , and whenever she saw (y/n) walking towards her with a gift meant just for her Haley could feel her heart beating faster and an inexplicable joy that made her long to be by their side . Now that two years had passed and they were happily married , the love they felt for each other had only continued to grow more and more as the days went by …
When she finished talking Haley shivered , looking at the now almost completely dark sky .
“God , it’s so cold out here at this hour … maybe we should go home .”
(Y/n) nodded in agreement , and before their wife could say anything they gently picked her up and started walking on the path while holding her in their arms , the snowflakes still falling down all around them .
“Wh - (y/n) ?”
, Haley exclaimed , surprised by the sudden gesture .
“I have to keep you warm Haley , can’t risk to have you get sick because you chose to come see me … it’s really the least I could do for my sweetheart .”
As they leaned forward to kiss her forehead Haley let out a giggle , a little blush appearing on her cheeks …
“You’re always so corny …”
She sighed , not even feeling cold anymore as she stared into her partner’s beautiful eyes …
“… I really love that about you .”
❄️ . ❄️ . ❄️ . ❄️ . ❄️ . ❄️ . ❄️ . ❄️ . ❄️ . ❄️ . ❄️ .
Thank you so much for reading this little story until the end ! :D
Feel free to leave some feedback if you want :) ❤️
( btw I don’t think hot chocolate is even an existing item in-game , but since it’s my favorite winter beverage I wanted to insert it somewhere ;c;👍 )
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002yb · 5 months
We've all heard of accidental baby acquisition, but now get ready for:
Accidental pet acquisition!
Thoughts? 👀
Always of the opinion that we were cheated with Jason's lacking involvement with Haley. Specifically with 'Bitewing,' because that has Jason's wit all over it. So let's make an AU of that:
Specifically - roommate!AU
Where Dick and Jason are really just roommates (who happen to toe boundaries and flirt for fun. A lot.)
Basically, they're cool. Casual. Their relationship is better than its ever been (not just because they're little mutual flirts and Jason is thriving because of it) and it's a good time.
Side tangent: Jason settling so quickly and finding a newfound confidence with consistent companionship. All the bluster and bravado, fake-it-til-he-makes-it falling away to something more genuine because Dick is Dick and is just one of those people that gives confidence by association? Idk, but it's a positive impact that Jason doesn't even realize for a long while until he does and it's ;U;
But yeah, sometimes they work together, other times not. Always, always Jason is a nag about Dick's abysmal work hours and lack of care towards himself though. It's not necessarily a fight, but Jason gets sassy with it because if Dick doesn't want Jason taking care of him, then do it himself. )<
Dick turning this sort of argument around on Jason all the time as they flirt banter. Jason doesn't want Dick looking out for him/watching his back, then do it himself (which Jason puffs up because he's always prepared, to which Dick scoffs because yeah, sure, with a deathwish and Jason laughing because yeah, stop projecting bigbird i'll fight you and so on and so forth). Jason also doesn't want Dick treating him nice? Do. It. Himself. ;)
It's a good situationship. They challenge each other in the way they need to be challenged and surprisingly? Jason kind of loves it that way (because for once, it's mutual and fair)
That love of challenging and being challenged goes by the wayside the day Dick up and comes home with a dog
And it's not that Jason is scared of dogs, he just...has a consistent experience with them.
Experiences that make his knee jerk reaction of jumping over the back of the couch to shield himself completely warranted and valid
(Because, headcanon: it wasn't just stray kids and vagrants living on the streets. Starved, abused dogs? Just as vicious as any human).
Jason flustering because, 'what's that?'
'A dog.'
Were it not for Dick's guard dog (a three legged puppy), Jason would throw down and that'd be the end of Dick. Jason knows how to hide a body, damn it
'No shit. Why're they here? In our apartment??'
To which Dick goes into the harrowing story of how he saved this dog from being chased down and abused and Jason glowers because wtf don't just regurgitate Jason's life story to him and expect him to empathize, manipulative son of a-
Only Jason does [empathize] because puppy eyes (from Dick, the dog, or both - reader's choice)
Anyway, Dick picking up that Jason is scared of dogs and teasing him about it because it's wildly unexpected and goes against Jason's image in a comical sort of way
Of course Jason denying being scared of anything. Adamantly. Because he's not, he's just learned to be wary. Dick shouldn't be so trusting all the time, the ass l<
Which, yeah. Maybe. Though trusting and choosing to take risks has landed Dick with a whole lot of good in his life *pointed looks and smirks at Jason*, just sayin'
Which is like, such an underhand punkass thing to say, the bastard. It's so disarming that Jason can do little more than crouch behind the couch to hide his blush and glower and grumble in protest because 'stfu.'
Honestly though, Dick being at a loss on what to do. Though Dick supposes he can probably call Damian. Or Clark, maybe.
But Dick looks so bummed about it. Because for pragmatic as Dick can be, he's by default a fucking sap. Ain't no way Dick hasn't already emotionally adopted this dog as his own. Separating them not feels like such a dick move.
But it's fine. Jason can use this to his advantage. Aside from having one over on Dick for the future, Jason can certainly bargain with Dick needing to adjust his unbearable work schedule now. Because having a dog is a responsibility.
Finally, proper work hours and post-work hours and-
Only not because it's Jason's unemployed, homebound ass that gets saddled with looking after this hellhound
Dick being tentative about leaving Jason with her given Jason's not-traumas and fears, but Jason insists that it's fine even while trying to subtly hide behind a pillow that he fluffs to hide the fact that he's looking for shields here
Dick insisting that the dog is sweet, seriously.
'Yeah, so am I.' Jason would retort with bared teeth. 'Get gone and get back before I'm not.'
At which point Jason is left alone with a source of one of his many traumas.
And is marginally healed of it by the time Dick returns because this little angel ends up adoring him hahaha
That first hour being spent with Jason sitting curled up on the couch and the dog just sitting on the rug in front of him. Staring. Then laying down and staring. And Jason tries to ignore them. Working on a case or reading a book but the staring ffs. Every time Jason peers around whatever he's doing, the dog just watches him.
But then she wags her tail and Jason is a little endeared and ugh, fine
Basically Dick coming home to find Jason sitting on the couch with the puppy sleeping on his chest and Jason being all soft eyed and content because he's been chosen. Also, look at those little paws on his pecs? Adorable.
Dick snickering because paws? Adorable. Pecs? ԾᴗԾ
(Also: this is definitely his dog. Dick would love to gets his hands on Jason's tits, too).
Dick sitting next to them and asking after Jason's day. Which was good, thank goodness. Jason asking after Dick, too. To which Dick laughs and admits it couldn't have been as nice as theirs, but it was fine. Just casual and easy and domestic. //u///
Jason lighting up because he thought of a name.
Which Dick doesn't discourage him from even though they'd previously discussed only looking after her until they found a proper home.
It's sweet how attached Jason got, how proud he is when he turns to Dick with a brilliant smile and titters: 'Haley 'Bitewing' Grayson-Todd'
Dick having any number of playful, ornery retorts ready, only they all die in his throat because he's so caught off guard just- what?
He has one of those reboot moments because: Haley? Bitewing? Hyphenated last names!? It's too much for Dick's heart, just. Ffffffff.
This is the moment Dick realizes he might love this man.
But for the moment, Dick laughs and Jason preens as Dick scratches behind Haley's ears and catches Jason's gaze and tells him it's perfect and Jason gets a little timid, but loves on their pup too
And their fingers brush and it's !!! with awkward laughs as they pull away and ahhhhhhhhh
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