#harry lambert i love you
pipecleanerweyesfp · 11 months
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I will never EVER forget about this show. He is unreal😭
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harrysfolklore · 4 months
30th birthday
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i just can’t believe harry is 30 and this is my way to cope, i hope you like this 🥲
The calendar marked February 1st as the date, which meant that it was finally Harry's 30th birthday.
You woke up earlier than him, in order to make him his special birthday breakfast that was a tradition by now, and as you stood alone in the cooking in the kitchen, you couldn't help but reminisce about all the previous birthdays you've celebrated with Harry.
From celebrating his birthday at a restaurant with his brand new band mates and friends after a day of The X Factor rehearsals, having big parties thrown for him with celebrities in attendance, flying off to Japan to celebrate there and throwing a concert to spend his special day with his fans, you couldn't believe Harry was turning 30 and you were able to grow up by his side.
"Love, where are you?" his raspy morning voice made its way to your ears, and you couldn't help but smile.
"Over here, in the kitchen!"
You turned around to see Harry stumbling into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes sleepily. His hair was tousled, and he was wearing an oversized t-shirt that you recognized as one of your favorites.
"Morning, birthday boy," you greeted him, leaning in to give him a soft kiss.
"Morning," he replied, his eyes still half-closed. "What's all this?" Harry gestured towards the spread of pancakes, eggs, and bacon you had prepared on the table.
"It's your special birthday breakfast, as always," you pecked his lips again.
"You know, you could've woken me up with a 30 minute long blowj-"
"Harry!" you cut him off before he could finish his sentence, "Every single year, you say the same thing! When will you stop being a menace."
"Can you blame me?" Harry shrugged, "You still look as hot as you did when we first met fourteen years ago."
"Fourteen, huh?" you said, tilting your head, "How does it feel to not be a twenty something anymore? You're basically an old man now."
"I feel good, honestly," he said sincerely, his eyes locking with yours, "I mean, I'm happy and healthy, I have the job of my dreams, a family that loves me, supporting friends and the best girlfriend in the world, I'm a very lucky old man."
"You're too cute," you kissed him again, "Now eat your breakfast, we have a lot of celebrations to do today."
The day went by smoothly, Harry answered a couple of calls and texts from friends and family and you spent the afternoon cuddling up before it was time for his birthday dinner.
Harry wanted something small and intimate, with just a handful of close friends and family invited, so you decided to host the birthday dinner at your home. As the evening approached, the house was filled with the delicious aroma of the special dinner you had prepared for him.
Jeff and Glenne were the first ones to arrive, carrying a homemade cake that Glenne insisted she had baked all morning. Sarah and Mitch came next with their baby boy who giggled and clapped as Harry made silly faces, clearly enjoying the attention from the famous Cool Harry, because he refused to be called uncle.
"Damn mate, I can't believe you're 30 now," Jeff said, wrapping his arm around Harry's shoulders, "I still remember when you were twenty and my parents basically adopted you, I feel so old."
"You feel old? Imagine how I feel, that's my baby brother!" Gemma chimed in, entering your house with her boyfriend Michal and Anne, "Happy birthday, H."
"Thanks, Gem," Harry smiled, hugging his sister tightly. "And thanks for reminding everyone that I'm officially old now."
As more friends and family arrived, the laughter and chatter of loved ones filled the air, the dining table was adorned with candles, flowers, and a beautifully set dinner that everyone enjoyed.
Once your bellies were full, Mitch opened the champagne bottle Harry Lambert brought with him, filling everyone's glasses to make a toast.
"Alright, everyone, gather around," Mitch announced, holding up his glass, "To Harry, on his 30th birthday, may this year be filled with even more success and love. Cheers."
Everyone clicked their glasses, smiles on everyone's faces.
"I think the missus should give a speech!" Gemma teased, pointing at you.
"Not a missus yet, still no ring," you teased back, raising an eyebrow at Harry and hearing the whistles from his friends.
"Well, uh, maybe we'll have to do something about that soon." Harry chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head.
The room erupted in laughter and even more whistles, and you couldn't help but blush and roll your eyes with affection.
"Alright, alright," you began, holding up your glass, "Here's to the man of the hour. Harry, you've filled my life with so much joy, laughter, and love all these years. It's been an incredible journey growing up with you, I still remember when we were just kids, celebrating your 16th birthday before you became the star that you are today, I'm so proud of you and living life by your side has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. Happy 30th birthday, my love. May this year bring you everything you desire."
Harry couldn't help but melt at your words, standing up and hugging you tightly and kissing your lips.
"Thank you, everyone," Harry began, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia, "I can't believe I'm standing here, celebrating my 30th birthday. It feels like just yesterday I was a wide-eyed 16-year-old auditioning for The X Factor, not knowing what life had in store for me," he paused, glancing at each person in the room with watery eyes, "But here I am, and I couldn't be more grateful for each and every one of you. To my family, who has been there from the start, and to my friends who have become family. And to this incredible woman right here," Harry said, placing his hand on your waist, "who has been with me since I was I was an annoying teenager, growing up by my side."
"You're still as annoying as a teenager," Jeff interrupted him, making the entire room laugh, "But we love you, mate. And we're grateful for you."
As the night continued, the homemade cake adorned with candles was brought out, and everyone in the room sag "Happy Birthday" together, Harry made a wish and blew out the candles, surrounded by the people he loved the most.
After the cake-cutting and more chatter, everyone decided to call it a night and head home, leaving you and Harry at me comfort of your house.
"Thank you for everything," Harry whispered, wrapping his arms around you.
"It's your day, love. I'm just happy I could make it special for you," you replied, resting your head against his shoulder.
"You always make every day special," he murmured, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
You stood wrapped around each other for a few minutes, enjoying the final moments of his birthday.
"This has been one of my favorite birthdays ever," Harry admitted, breaking the comfortable silence.
"I'm glad you think so," you smiled, snuggling closer. "And, by the way, the 'no ring yet' comment earlier, totally just teasing."
"Oh, really? Because I was serious, maybe it's time," Harry smirked, giving you a playful look.
"Don't tell me you're about to propose, not on your own birthday, Harry!" you said nervously.
"Not right now love, but soon enough," he winked and you let out the breath you were holding, "I love you."
"I love you more, Harry. Happy birthday."
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sweetest-devotion · 2 years
harry's wardrobe this tour cured my trypophobia
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avatar-anna · 23 days
would you ever write about harry and y/n finding out that they’re pregnant again with charlie 🥺
(for context: in a recent oneshot in this universe, it is revealed that harry and reader have a seventh and final child when they're in their thirties)
It would definitely be that cliche of Y/n and Harry going to some red carpet event, and Harry sees Y/n all dressed up and is just like...
"Fuck, Mama, must be the luckiest man in the world."
Y/n blushed and looked down at the gown she and Harry Lambert picked out some time ago. Being a mother of six, she didn't dress up much, but when she did, she tended to go all out. Perhaps part of her wanted to relive all the proms, homecomings, and formals she never got to go to, but she appreciated the art in a beautiful garment too.
The one she wore now fit her like a glove, the lace, almost handkerchief-like bodice draping over her shoulders beautifully, and the rest of the black-as-night velvet hugging her hips perfectly.
Harry was never one to shy away from paying his wife compliments, but each time he did, she felt it right down to her core. Every sweep of his gaze over her body, every earnest word, every searing touch, it all lit her up from the inside out.
This time was no different, so when Harry tried to unzip Y/n from her dress, she didn't notice at first, too caught up in his touch. Once she did, she tried to make lame attempts to ward him off to at least claim that she tried later on.
It was safe to say they were on each other all night. Whenever he could, Harry pulled Y/n away, desperate to get his mouth on her. It was no easy feat with the considerable length of the dress, but he never seemed to care or mind. All night, they whispered back and forth to each other, toying with jacket lapels and bare arms.
"You need me again, Mama?"
"Where's the zipper on this thing?"
"Quickly, while no one's looking."
"Keep your hands away from my tits, H."
"Don't act like you don't love it."
All night they went back and forth. Teasing and giving into each other and sharing stolen kisses when the cameras weren't pointed in their direction—though the next morning they found out they weren't as discreet as they originally thought, with photos of them in the background kissing and Harry's hands all over Y/n cropping up online.
At some point during the night, a friend even asked where Harry and his wife kept disappearing to, another if that was a hickey on his neck, and both of them stumbled through a lie as they blushed furiously.
So it shouldn't have come as a surprise when Y/n's period was late, but it does. She thought she had put her pregnancy days behind her, so she went to the doctor thinking she had some kind of stomach bug, only to find out that she was pregnant. Y/n wasn't upset by the news, just caught off guard, though she couldn't help but daydream about having a little baby in the house again now that her other babies were growing up.
Harry found out on accident. Y/n missed a phone call from the doctor's office, and they called Harry's number, which was also listed in her information. Thinking someone got hurt, Harry picked up in a panic, only to hear, "Hi there, Mr. Styles! We're trying to get a hold of your wife to reschedule her ultrasound. Will the following week work?"
Harry answered in a daze, agreeing to an appointment time and date without really listening. Part of him knew he should be excited, but all he could think about was why Y/n hadn'told him yet.
"Anything you wanna tell me?" he asked later that night. They were both watching TV, a show they'd been watching every night before bed the last few weeks. He'd been itching to get Y/n alone all day so he could finally ask what the phone call, and after picking up and dropping off at friends' houses and volleyball practice and study groups and one big family dinner, now was finally his chance.
Y/n hadn't caught on yet, so she just shrugged. "Collette is convinced she's going to Paris Fashion Week by herself, and I don't have the heart to tell her she's not going without one of us."
This was news to Harry, but he tabled that conversation for later. "I got a call from the OBGYN's office. They asked to reschedule your ultrasound."
Harry could feel Y/n stiffen beneath him as she sighed deeply. Before she could say anything, though, he asked, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was going to," she promised, kissing away the furrow in her husband's brow. "I wanted to tell you and the kids at the same time. And you know how hard it is to wrangle everyone up. Maeve wasn't even at dinner tonight."
"Oh." Harry had spun a number of different answers Y/n might've come up with, but that hadn't been one of them. "Do you...want to keep it?"
Y/n could tell Harry was asking for her sake, not his. He'd been dying for another baby for years, slowly giving up hope every time she turned him down. Now that they faced the prospect of actually having another baby, though, he didn't want her to feel pressured. He never had, but he wanted to make extra sure.
"Honestly? Yeah, I do," Y/n said, resting her and Harry's hands over her belly. "I'm just...kind of shocked."
"Really?" Harry asked. Now that he'd had time to think about it, about which night in question could've been the one, he wasn't that surprised at all.
"Yeah, I—I guess I thought that part of my life was over. But... I'm glad it isn't. I'm excited about this."
"Me too."
Y/n gave him an amused look as if to say, you finally got your wish. But all she said was, "You just like that I get super horny when I'm pregnant."
Harry gasped dramatically, which made Y/n toss her head back and laugh. "That is not even remotely true. Maybe. Sort of. It's perhaps in the top ten things I'm excited for, but not the first."
"You're ridiculous," Y/n said, shaking her head at her husband. "And I love you."
"I love you too." Harry leaned in to kiss Y/n, the feel of his lips on hers more familiar than anything else in the world. He knew every part of her, every inch of her body and soul, and she knew his. It was comforting, it was home.
"Any chance those hormones have kicked in yet?" Harry murmured jokingly as he kissed her neck.
Y/n held her husband by the back of his hair so she could look him in the eye. "Absolutely not. I love you, and I love the twins, but we're not doing that again."
"What? Come on! We're way past that window," Harry reasoned. "And the doctor said it was rare."
"Yeah, so is getting pregnant at my age, but here we are."
"At your age?" Harry asked incredulously, looking down at Y/n through heavy lidded eyes. Her cheeks were flushed, but her eyes were lit as she watched him, the way they always were when they joked around. He was pretty sure no one amused her more than he did, and that was saying something considering the collective craziness their children engaged in regularly. "You're just winding me up, aren't you? You want me to remind you how young and fun we are."
"I don't know if that's—Harry!"
"Shh!" Harry said as a laugh bubbled out of Y/n as he yanked her down until she was lying flat on the bed, her arms pinned high above her. "Do you want them to hear you, Mama?"
That sobered her up a little, her laughter subsiding. Then, she smiled up at him, her hand reaching up to cup Harry's cheek. "We're having a baby."
Harry's grin was immediate, excitement filling his whole body from those four words alone. "We're having a baby."
Young Dad! Harry x Young Mom! Reader Masterlist
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finelinevogue · 1 year
in this world, it’s just us
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summary - you and harry attend the Brits, drink a little and love each other a lot
warnings: alcohol consumption, swearing, pregnancy talk?!, tears of joy
word count: +4.3k
pairing: famous!reader x harry
“Y/N, babe? Jeff needs us to– Woah!”
Harry entered the bedroom where you were getting ready. You were surrounded by Harry’s hair and make-up team whilst you got dressed for the Brit Awards tonight.
You blushed a smile as Harry’s jaw dropped a little and put a hand over his heart, as if you’d just punctured him there.
“What?” You asked, pretending like you didn’t know you’d just given him a minor heart attack with how good you looked - because you did look amazing.
“You… Just wow, lovie.” He smiled.
“Wow to you too.” You replied, allowing him to come and give you a quick chaste kiss. He didn’t want to get told off for ruining your makeup yet, but later on in the evening there was going to be no stopping his flirtatious self all over you.
“Wow to you too.” You replied, allowing him to come and give you a quick chaste kiss. He didn’t want to get told off for ruining your makeup yet, but later on in the evening there was going to be no stopping his flirtatious self all over you.
“Y’going to the Brits like that, hun?” Bella, a make-up specialist, asked Harry as she pointed to his displayed abs.
“If m’wife lets me? Yeah.” Harry posed with his hands on his hips, making people whistle in admiration for him. Harry blushed and awkwardly laughed then, getting shy over the attention he was being given.
“Well, as much as I love your body I do love the suit as a complete look.” You explained.
“Y’love my body do you?” He raised his eyebrows and gave you a flirtatious look.
“Of course that’s all you took from what I said.” You rolled your eyes and shook your head playfully. “Now go get ready before Jeff tells you off.”
“Okay, okay! Couldn’t get enough of me this morning and now you’re sending me away like I’m an expired carton of milk.”
“What even..?” Harry Lambert laughed, standing in the doorway probably looking for Harry. People in the room started laughing too, but Harry was only looking at you to gauge your reaction. He didn’t care if he made a whole room of people laugh, because it was only your reaction that meant any value to him.
So when you chuckled, he couldn’t help but chuckle too because he had put that smile on your face and he’d be damned if he didn’t take a minute to soak up the sunshine radiating from you.
“Baby, you know I love you but we need to hurry up.” You calmed yourself from laughing too much.
“Okay. One more kiss, though?”
Of course you instantly nodded, bringing Harry in for a few more kisses than just the one. He repeatedly kissed you, until he knew that you’d got the memo that he loved you very much.
“Did I mention y’look beautiful?” He whispered against your lips and it made the people around you swoon over how perfectly he treated you. If only everyone had a Harry in their lives.
“Mhm.” You nodded, still in post-bliss from his kisses.
After a few more kisses and a stern shout from Harry Lambert, for Harry to come and finish getting ready, Harry was out of the room and you were back to getting ready yourself. Bella re-touched-up your lipstick and Kenna fastened the straps on your heels for you. Before you knew it, you were completely glammed up and ready to go to the Brits.
“That man’s love for you is unconditional.” Bella made heart eyes after your interaction with Harry.
“I like to think so, yeah.” You chuckled, walking across the room to collect your purse and start breaking in your heels.
“The man on the moon could see his heart beating for you, Y/N, seriously.” Kenna added.
You stood in front of the floor-length mirror and straightened out all the tiny creases in your dress. It was a gorgeous black dress, to match Harry’s black suit. You had never been too confident with your body’s shape, however with the warm embrace of Harry’s love you had come to learn to love yourself too. Tonight was a tribute to how much you’d fallen in love with your body.
“Yeah. I mean, I wish my fiancè looked at me like that.” Bella sighed. “Did Harry fall in love with you more after he married you?”
“I can’t speak for him but…” You started.
“Yeah.” Harry stood behind you and you viewed his outfit through the mirror. He looked absolutely incredible. “I fucking did.”
“Ugh.” Harry Lambert gagged over how romantic the room had just gotten. “You’re disgusting.”
You turned around as Harry walked towards you. You held out a hand for him to hold and you felt the cool of his rings burn your skin before his skin did. You hummed in delight as he interlinked his fingers through yours, tilting your head up to give him access to your lips once more. The strand of hair that dangled over Harry’s forehead had you in a chokehold and you delicately reached up to play with it.
“You look so pretty.” You smiled up at him, him smiling down at you.
Neither of you had started on the drinks yet, but the way that Harry’s eyes were glossed over slightly could have fooled anyone into thinking he was drunk. Turns out that’s just what Harry’s eyes do when he looks at the people he loves.
“Alright, before you two start mauling each other’s faces off, I want photos.” Harry Lambert ordered, pushing Harry’s shoulder lightly to get him to snap out of his focused daze on you.
Harry moved around you so that he was standing slightly behind you. His arm firmly wrapped around your waist and your hand rested over his hand that laid there. Your head slightly tilted into Harry’s chest, whilst Harry’s rested on top of yours. You knew these photos would become Harry’s newest home screen, because he always wanted the most up-to-date photo of you both to admire.
You swapped between a few poses, before Harry Lambert was satisfied and left everyone to do their final checks before leaving.
You pulled Harry back in front of the mirror and pulled out your phone to take a few photos with him, both his arms slinking over your shoulders and leaning his head down to be closer to yours. The photos were sickeningly cute. Only you could convince Harry to take a mirror selfie.
Harry kissed your cheek before saying, “Right. I’m going to go meet the driver and then we are ready to head out, yes?”
On the red carpet you and Harry stood separately, because Jeff wanted Harry to get some solo photos.
You had been taking photos together for a little while, posing next to each other and sending the media into a frenzy when Harry kissed you.
It wasn’t your first red carpet appearance together, but you and Harry did enjoy keeping your relationship as closed off to the public as possible. It was a little hard, since you were both A-list celebrities, but you made it work in the best way possible for you.
You and Harry had met each other through Tyler, Harry’s producer. You had written a few songs with Tyler before and had suggested that a song you’d written, called ‘Music For A Sushi Restaurant’, might be something that Harry would like. You’d seen him around and thought he was the kind of guy to enjoy a funky song like ‘Sushi’. You never actually expected him to feature the song on his album, let alone ask you out for a drink to talk more about songwriting together.
Harry’s House was a project close to Harry’s heart, not only because it was an album filled with such raw and emotional songs but also because you had written all of the songs with him. He had fallen in love with your style of writing so much that he didn’t want to feature a single song on his album that didn’t include you.
Thanks to Harry, Harry’s House and the hard work you both put in to writing the songs, you had both been nominated and won a Brit Award for ‘Songwriter of the Year’. You never thought you’d even be a recognised name in the music industry, let alone winning Brit Awards, and it was all thanks to Harry.
Over the course of writing Harry’s House you had taken a strong liking towards one another, until one day Harry had solidified his attraction towards you when he kissed you in the middle of writing ‘Grapejuice’ with each other.
The rest was history.
So, when you were stopped on the red carpet and asked to come a little further down to the presentation carpet you furrowed your eyebrows in compliance. You followed the usher down the carpet, hearing Harry ask Jeff, behind you, where you were going.
You stood on the presentation carpet, next to a life-size Brit award waiting for what came next. Roman Kemp came on the carpet next with a microphone.
“Oh no.. I was promised no interviews!” You blushed, covering your mouth with your hand to hide the embarrassment. You were very shy when it came to public media interaction and found that as a result you were socially awkward.
You looked around to try and spot Harry, finally noticing him behind the camera’s smiling at you. He was stood with his hands behind his back and leaning his weight onto one leg, looking like the Gucci model he always is.
“Don’t worry. No interviews.” Roman clarified, calming your nerves instantly. “We are actually here with you, Y/N, because you have won ‘Songwriter of the Year’, correct?”
“I believe so, although I still can’t comprehend why!” You laughed, blushing even harder because you weren’t sure whether that was something to even laugh over. You looked to Harry instantly and saw that he was shaking his head in disbelief that you’d just said that about yourself.
“Well, I am here to present you your award. Congratulations Y/N on winning ‘Songwriter of the Year’!” Roman cheered and then the surrounding media, camera crew and Harry’s team all cheered too. Harry whistled using his fingers in his mouth, making you drop your head in embarrassment over the attention.
Roman handed you the award and you took it graciously, thanking him kindly. You looked towards Harry, again, and watched him continue to whistle for you. You laughed and put your hand over your heart, thanking everyone you could, which was a habit that you’d picked up from Harry.
You hugged Roman briefly and then moved over towards Harry. His arms awaited for you as you happily ran over. He bent down slightly to pick you up by your lower waist, before lifting you up off the floor and swaying you from left to right. One of your arms wrapped around the back of his neck whilst the other stayed to the side holding your Brit. You giggled into his neck as he left a few dozen kisses on yours.
“I’m so fucking proud of you, y’know?” He said, kissing over your skin once more with a little more bite.
“I know.” You whispered just below his ear, kissing his tiny ear lobe then making him chuckle.
“And I really do love you.”
“I really do love you too.”
The venue inside was magical.
The iconic tables were all set out and the audience were already sitting high in their seats. No doubt the fans were already recording videos of you and Harry walking to your table. Harry had invited so many people to the Brits tonight they had two tables reserved for him.
On one table was his band and other people from his record label, whilst the other was reserved for family, his management and you. Of course he was sitting on the table with you.
He held your hand tight as you weaved through the tables, turning around every so often to make sure you were alright still. At one point you spotted Jessie J and tugged on Harry’s hand to catch his attention. He raised his eyebrows to ask what was wrong.
“Jessie’s over there. I want to congratulate her on her pregnancy.” You said, tugging his hand again for him to follow you. Harry was quick to walk behind you and follow you without stepping on your dress.
“Are we sure she’s pregnant?” Harry asked. “The last time I assumed a woman was pregnant it did not go down well.”
“Yeah, I’m still not over that by the way...” You stopped short to pinch his nipple over his silk shirt. Little did you know that that one action from you would cause global fan casualties and trends on Twitter later on.
“Well, if you let me actually make you pregnant, baby, it’ll go down better when I ask.” He smirked, enjoying the feeling of you pressing up against him as you stopped. Your ass was pressed back against him and he moved in even closer to get a better feel.
“That comment just cost you drunk after-party sex.” You faked a small smile, before walking forwards a bit more, leaving Harry behind to feel sorry for himself.
You reached Jessie and congratulated her on her pregnancy, having a laugh with her. It had been a while since you’d seen each other and you both agreed you would have to start writing with each other again soon. Jessie told you to get Harry over to see her at some point in order to congratulate him on his opening performance.
Once you made it back to your table, Harry was busy talking to Rob Stringer and you assumed he wouldn’t notice you after your minor argument. You were wrong, however. Harry stood out of his chair and pulled yours back for you, all whilst keeping his conversation with Rob going. You thanked him kindly as he pushed your chair under the table for you and sat back down himself. His hand went straight to rest on the back of your chair behind you and he crossed his legs over, pointing his body towards yours. This was a silent tell to you that he was working up an apology.
Before you could start up a conversation with anyone, Harry pulled your chair closer to him which made you gasp at the sudden movement.
“What are you-”
“I’m sorry.” Harry said, kissing your cheek afterwards. “I won’t ever ask if you, or any other woman, is pregnant again. I’ll wait for you, and them, to tell me first.”
“Thank you.” You nodded and leant in to kiss him. He eagerly complied and gave you slightly more than just a peck, but enough to keep it P.G. in front of his team, family and thousands of fans. “It’s still a maybe to the sex, though.”
“I’ve got time to change it to a yes.” He smirked, before kissing your forehead and settling down as the lights went down in the arena. 
The screams increased and Salma walked on the stage to present the first award. You rested your head on Harry’s shoulders, leaning into him for some extra comfort. He was happy to let you lean on him, not caring if his suit was now stained a little with makeup from your cheek.
“And the winner of Best Pop Vocal/R&B act is…” Salma paused to create tension.
“It’s gotta be you.” You whispered to him and Harry nudged you gently with his shoulder, because if there was one thing he wasn’t capable of it was taking a compliment - like most British people in fact.
“The one and only..” Salma continued, making you sit up straight and look at Harry who was trying to hide his smirk. “Harry Styles.”
“Yes!” You screamed, throwing your arms around him. He was laughing into your neck as he tugged you back tightly. You knew you couldn’t hold him for long, but when you pulled away - because Harry never pulled away from your hugs first - he kissed your cheek generously. You continued to smile as he hugged Rob and then Gemma as he walked past her.
You continued standing as he reached the podium to give his awards speech, cupping your hands over your mouth to try and hide your very obvious grin. You tried not to vigorously scream when you noticed the single strand of hair dangle over his forehead, but it was very difficult considering he looked so hot.
“Uh…” He started by saying, holding his Brit in the air graciously. “Thank you so so much for this, uh. First of all..” He turned to his fans in the seats behind him, “Thank you. Um, first of all I know this was a fan voted award, so to all my fans who voted thank you so so much.” You mentally patted yourself on the back. “It’s, uh, I have so many wonderful memories at the Brits. Thank you for another one. It is so good to be home, thank you so so much.”
You cheered and screamed like everyone else around you as he continued to thank everyone. Gemma leaned over to you, already slightly tipsy on the prosecco. “Wonder whether by ‘home’ he meant you?”
You had spent so much time away from Harry, whilst both of you were so focused on various other projects, that it had been so long since you’d seen each other. Now you were back with each other, Gemma was right,  it felt like home.
As Harry made his way back to the table he had stopped off to get some shots. He had bought five and managed to spill none on his way over to his seat. He bent over next to you when he had made it back, kissing the side of your head before placing the shots on the table.
“One for you,” He said, handing it off to Jeff. “You,” to Rob, “Gem,” he passed one over to his sister, “And finally you.” He placed it in front of you.
“What’s this for?” You laughed, knowing Harry knew you hated doing shots.
“You’re taking this shot for me, okay?” He ordered, sitting back down in his chair.
“But.. What even is it?” You scoffed.
“Tequila.” Everyone groaned when he said that.
“Oh shut up, the lot of you.” He pulled a face, holding his shot up ready to cheer.
You all cheered each other's shot glasses, tapped them down on the table before knocking them back. Harry didn’t make a face after his, but you ended up coughing. It was so horrible. Harry already had a chaser in his hand ready for you and it made your heart warm that he knew you so well - or your heart could’ve just been warm from the tequila.
“Y’okay?” He laughed, just asking you. You nodded with a sour face. You had a feeling tonight was going to be a heavy one.
Harry had won two more awards and had progressively got more drunk, which only meant that he had gotten more flirty and handsy with you.
He had just kissed Lewis Capaldi and made his way back over to your table after winning ‘Song of the Year’.
You were slightly drunk yourself from having a few too many drinks with Harry - especially with the tequila shots. Your eyes were slightly drowsy as Jeff talked to you.
“What are you and Harry doing tomorrow?” He asked.
“Um, breakfast at that pub we like, then I think he said he’s got meetings with you all afternoon about tour.” Your words slightly slurred together as you tried really hard to concentrate on the words you wanted to use.
“Ah, fuck the meetings. Have him to yourself tomorrow.” Jeff waffed his hand like it was no big deal.
“Oi, you two better be talking about me here.” Harry came up behind you and slunk an arm over your shoulders, kissing your head for good measure.
Harry made you sit back down and handed you a glass of water that he’d picked up along his way back to you.
“Y’feeling okay? A little tipsy, hm?” Harry asked, sitting down next to you and bringing you in closer to kiss your forehead a few times.
“I’m okay.” You said, but it sounded like it was all one word.
“Drink this, alright? For me?” Harry asked, holding the glass of water up to your lips. You took little sips, until you took too much and it started to dribble out of your mouth. Harry stopped and used his thumb to wipe up the wet mess, smiling at you for being so chaotic when drunk.
“You cheated on me.” You pouted after he’d cleaned you up.
“What?” Harry furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
“Yeah. Y-You cheated on me with Lewis.” You hiccuped out.
“Ohh. To be fair though, you cheated on me with Rina.” Harry raised his eyebrows, smirking at you like two could play your game.
You hummed in delight and smiled when you thought about Rina, who was yours and Harry’s best friend. You’d spent copious amounts of time with her in Japan back in 2018 and you’d all quickly become really good friends.
“Guess we’re both cheaters.” You said, your eyes heavy under the influence.
“Don’t say that. Don’t like it when you say things like that. Kissing you is different to kissing anyone else. With Lewis, or-or with Nick, it’s different. Like they’re m’bestfriends and it’s just a friendly kiss. With you, though..” Harry stopped to hum and smile, “With you the whole world stops a-and m’heart feels like it’s never going to get enough. ‘Cause I love you in a way I never have, and never will, love anybody else.”
Your eyes teared up over listening to him and you leaned forwards, but stopped yourself short when a few tears started to fall. “Fuck.” You mumbled to yourself, wiping your tears away. “Dude, that was too much.” You groaned, trying to blink back any more tears.
“Hey, look at me.” Harry asked and you tilted your head to the side.
“Don’t you dare say anything more romantic. I’m not emotionally stable enough.” You chuckled.
“No. I was just going to say that I love you so much.”
You leant forwards and captured your lips with his, pressing yourself into him to give him a little more than a quick kiss. You pressed your lips deeper onto his, but pulled away before he could really get into it. Because once Harry got into it, especially when he was tipsy, there was absolutely no stopping him.
“I love you.” He repeated himself, looking hazily between your eyes and your lips with a half pout.
“I love you too.” You smiled and kissed him once more.
Then Stanley Tucci made it to the stage to present the award for ‘Album of the Year’. You and Harry settled back down, only after Harry reminded you to drink more of your water. You rolled your eyes, but listened to him nevertheless.
“And the winner for ‘Album of the Year is..” Stanley paused as he opened the card.
“Harry, Harry, Harry.” You repeatedly whispered under your breath, earning a laugh from Jeff.
“Harry Styles!” He called out and Harry went crazy, screaming and bashing the table in excitement. You rocketed onto your feet and cheered for him with every vocal chord you could strain. Gemma screamed with him and he hugged her first, making you awe at the moment. He was quick to turn around to you and pull you in for a bone crushing hug too, kissing your neck a few times.
“Have I changed it to a yes, now?” He spoke next to your ear above the deafening screams. Of course this man was thinking about his post-show shag rather than the actual award he’d just won. You laughed as he pulled back.
“Who wouldn’t want to sleep with a 4-time Brit winner?” You said and it made him smirk really hard, licking his lips quickly before he was ushered to walk to the stage. You continued to clap and scream as he walked up onto the stage, never wanting this moment to end. Harry’s time at the Grammy’s had been a lot more tense and sophisticated than this, so it was nice for him to let loose once in a while.
“Fuck.” He said away from the microphone, but it was still picked up. “Wow.” He recovered from his slip up on live television. “There’s literally no one in this world I love more than Stanley Tucci, so this means so much.” He giggled.
“Rude.” You said under your breath, but Gemma and Jeff laughed making you think you’d said that a little too loudly.
You stood tall and proud as you watched Harry um and awe over his award briefly, perhaps because he was drunk but more so because he’d won ‘Album of the Year’ at both the Grammy’s and the Brits in the same year. That must be some sort of record.
It was his final speech that made the tears restart and your heart fall in love all over again.
“This, uh, night has been really really special to me and I will never forget it. Thank you so much for the welcome home. I appreciate it so much. There is no place like home. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. So proud to be a British artist and so proud to be here tonight celebrating British artists and British music. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Oh and I should probably mention that none of this would have been possible without my best friend and collaborator, Y/N. This is as much your award as it is mine. Honestly, I have never worked with someone more dedicated to their craft than Y/N. Y/N, you inspire me to be a better person every day and I’m so happy, and grateful, to be doing this with you. I love you. Thank you.”
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twopoppies · 4 months
Hi Gina, Have you seen this article?
No. But thank you. I really love what the author had to say! Usually I highlight a few key comments, but I found myself highlighting almost the entire article.
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And that is all well and good, however there does come a time Harry Styles deserves some respect. We know he wasn’t the first man to ever wear a dress. Still, his appearance on the cover of American Vogue in December 2020 felt like a moment. Yes ok, he has pinched a few styling tips and lyrical flourishes from the great male frontmen of our times (David Bowie, Freddie Mercury, Mick Jagger, George Michael, et al). But like Bowie caused a scandal by wearing a Mr Fish dress on his album cover in 1971, Styles does too every time he flaunts another disco coloured, nipple-grazing jumpsuit. At least someone is still trying to push the boundaries.
More than that, though, Styles’ persistent drip feeding of all things “flamboyant” — on the fashion front, credit must go to his longtime stylist Harry Lambert — is exactly the antidote a world in a toxic masculinity choke-hold needs. His own range of unisex nail varnishes? Great. Pictures of him stomping about in little heeled booties and a pearl necklace? It really is delightful to see.
His relationships with queer creatives are a convincing testament to him as a person, too. He launched gender fluid designer Harris Reed’s career when he wore a selection of his blouses on tour in 2018. He did too for S.S.Daley, another queer-centric label, which the singer gave a leg-up to stardom by spotlighting it in his 2020 Golden music video. Taking his support a step further, this month it was announced Styles bought a minority share in the brand.
And on set, the stories that come back are similar. Pat Boguslawski, the movement director best known for his current role at Martin Margiela under John Galliano, worked with Styles on his viral 2020 Beauty Papers cover shoot. Yes, the one where he is naked save for fishnets and loafers.
“He was just incredible,” Boguslawski told me in a recent interview. “It was fascinating to work with someone who is a male but at the same time so open minded and willing to do anything.” First hand testimonies are a good place to start when it comes to reading mega-stars who have their image so tightly controlled (often it’s near impossible to get any sense of true character).
While Styles has not spelled out his queerness in black and white, every plumed, pink ostrich feather coat he normalises makes it a little bit easier for those wanting to express themselves in peace and safety.
It shouldn’t be like that. In fact, it’s sickening. But that’s not Styles’ fault — and by putting it to the forefront of pop culture, he is doing the LGBTQ+ community a solid. To my mind, that is something worth applauding, not tearing down.
Full article here
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venuscnjunctpluto · 1 year
Astro pt. 5
(I think it’s part 5😭)
* As a Venus conjunct pluto, Im so jealous of my cousins w Venus trine Pluto. They can easily become popular and have women drawn to them without as much drama.
*gemini rising babies are so much fun they smile so much as babies (shoutout to my niece and little cousin🥰)
* i have sun conjunct Neptune and people have compared me to a fairy
*cardi b has venus in the 8th (and a Scorpio venus i think) and she paid to get two strippers offset cheated w beat up. Scorpionic women + cheaters are a baddd combination.
*gwenyth Paltrow recently got body shamed and told to eat but shes also has a Pisces rising. They usually are very thin or have fragile looking bodies
*first house is also personality and my experience w Pluto in 1st people they are very very dominant. They’re friends follow them around, they’re used to getting their way, they have eyes on them at all times which can give them bad anxiety.
*Mars in the 2nd house men have some niceeeeeee voices like they’re so deep you can pick their voice out in a crowd
*I’ve seen Chiron in 11th be bullied as kids and grow up and become bullies. Also they might have a traumatic relationship with being in front of a camera. (Avoiding recording themselves or taking pictures)
*Virgo risings have some cool moms (sag in 4th)
*also Aries in 11th can get told they do too much on social media (posting too much or over sharing)
* I notice famous women who people claim are everywhere (basically overexposed) or in too many roles for actresses usually are Lilith dominant. (Ex: Jennifer Lawrence, GiGi Hadid, Megan thee stallion, Anne Hathaway) are they overexposed or are y’all just jealous?😭
*venus in the 1st can lead to jealousy it’s not always love and admiration. For ex: my friend saw this guy around our dorm and thought he was cute so she followed him on ig. Mind you a lot of girls in our dorm thought he was attractive (he had pluto in 1st) and many talked about him😭 well my friend saw his gf on his page and obviously left it alone but his gf picked her out of all the girls who lusted after him to be threatened by. Well his gf was an early degree cancer Venus and my friend has a Gemini Venus at 19 degrees so her Venus was in my friends 1h. She was clearly bothered by my friend specifically following him because she found her to be attractive.
*Three girls who talked about me behind my back and tried to bully me all had Aries venuses. One had my rising conjunct her Venus exactly.
*ONCE again mercury pluto are liars idk if it’s because they think they can get away w it or what but Sza has a conjunction and my good sis lies for no reason
*aqua Venus women are usually bisexual or lesbians
*Doja cat is a good example of Uranus-asc. I have a tight orb sextile and I’ve worn adventure time doc martens, strawberry earrings, bright orange hair. Think of Harper from wizards of waverly place.
*a good song for that aspect is “Secrets” by Mary Lambert. “I rock mom jeans, cat earrings, extrapolate my feelings”😮‍💨
*sun conjunct asc could make someone resemble their father or act just like their dad and I think Doja does resemble her father a lot
* also she has Saturn in 5th and her father was an actor/performer. Also she complained about working too much and many people w this aspect feel like the fun is delayed and comes after work or they very strict on themselves in fun environments. Let loose yall💕💕
* my favorite mercury sign is Taurus😭 they have beautiful voices but the way the cuss people out is so iconic to me (ex: azealia banks)
*it’s messy to bring him up after doja but idgaf😭 Joseph Quinn has mars conjunct Uranus. A lot of eddie munson’s mannerisms were erratic and I think mar-Uranus plus his aqua placements made eddie so great at the role.
*also I notice a lot of heartthrobs or men twitter went crazy for at some point have aqua placements (timothee chalamet, Harry styles, Justin Bieber, Joseph Quinn, Noah centineo, Pedro pascal) it’s opposite of Leo so I think people keep forgetting the attention magnet can go for aquas too esp online.
*since i mentioned the show another example of Venus-Neptune synastry could be Mason and Alex. All the art references, him hiding what he really was until he couldn’t, and the fears of cheating and deceit.
*a mix of Virgo, libra, and Leo can make someone the person who tries to help everyone. They will bring you food if you haven’t eaten and also lecture you but it’s coming from a good place. I think people forget how sweet Leo placements can be (ex: Bella hadid for someone who grew up w money she’s very humble and you can see this in multiple instances. For example sza thanked her for helping fix her hair at the met gala)
* she also have Venus conjunct ascendant which I think makes someone’s Venus traits stand out. I’ve noticed people w Venus square their ascendant don’t really openly express love for people and can even get called “cold” esp by family members.
*She also has Saturn in the 7th which could mean dating older partners or partners w cap placements. The Weeknd was older than her and he has a cap Venus + mars.
*certain placements can get away w a lot. Chris brown has a history of abuse yet women seem to still support him (moon conjunct Venus). He also has mars opposite Uranus which is a temper problem indicator
* fixed risings 🤝 pixie cuts/bobs (ex: Marilyn Monroe, Halle Berry, Zendaya, demi Lovato)
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honeyangelkiwi · 1 month
Coachella Weekend 2 | H.S.
Plot: A bet is made on whether Harry will address his album being leaked during his second set at Coachella…
Sexual content: fingeringish (f receiving), grinding, teasing, subrry
Word count: 3.1k
I started writing this the day after this performance and then set it aside and got distracted haha. I don’t remember exactly what he said on stage, and quite frankly I don’t care to look it up. You’ll get the gist, it’s only a few words here and there. Maybe posting this here will finally get me to finish the second part.
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I wasn’t sure if he was going to be able to top last weekend. His performance for weekend one completely blew me away. He wouldn’t let me see anything, saying it had to be just as much of a surprise to me as it would be for everyone else, which was very annoying. I’ll admit though, it made the performance so much better.
I almost forgot how much of a flirt he can be on stage. The little smirks, smiles, and not so subtle touches that drove me to so much pent up frustration that I jumped right on him when he came off the stage. I have a feeling tonight will be much more exciting.
The vibe from the crowd tonight is so much better. It’s been vibrant and buzzing all day and we all know why. Weekend two is nothing but harries. The lineup hadn’t been announced yet when weekend one tickets went on sale. However, as soon as the lineup dropped and everyone realized H was headlining, they came in full force. Nothing impresses me more than his fans and their dedication to him.
That leads us up to right now. H and I are sitting in his trailer in the artist village just lounging around while everyone else is out watching artists across the site. We wanted to stay back though, knowing he would get too much attention no matter where we were out there.
We’re sitting on the couch, watching the piece of shit YouTube live stream, but not really paying any attention to it. He’s laying back against the arm of the couch with one leg up on the couch and the other on the floor, my back pressed to his chest while he rubs soft circles into my left hip.
Both of us lay in robes, too lazy to get fully dressed even though he is on in two hours. That wouldn’t matter anyways because he, again, won’t let me see what he’s going to be wearing tonight. Knowing Lambert and Alessandro it will be nothing short of amazing and mouth watering.
“What do you think you’re doing H?” I question when I feel his left hand start to pull my robe open a bit and slip under it. He doesn’t say anything and continues his hand up, gripping the thin band of my barely existent panties.
Just the feeling of the pads of his fingertips on my skin heats up my body like a wildfire. I know the game he’s playing, he does it often. The game where he loves to work us both up, teasing not just me, but both of us, to the point it almost physically hurts. Just for him to go on stage and act like a whore in front of the world.
The result usually ends with me begging him to fuck me as soon as he gets off of stage, dragging him to the nearest secluded…ish spot so he can finger fuck me until we can get somewhere more private. He may act like a whore on stage, but behind closed doors we’re both filthy.
I gasp sharply when his fingers dip down to brush my clit lightly. My hips involuntarily shifting up to chase his fingers when he starts pulling his hand away. “Harry, please don’t do this tonight. I have a feeling I won’t be able to handle it.” I plead softly, knowing that since he’s already started I don’t want him to stop.
I feel his chest move as he chuckles at me. “C’mon babe, I know you don’t want me to stop. You were wet before I even started.” He whispers into my ear. His lips brushing up and down my neck with his breath tickling me, sending goosebumps erupting across my entire body.
I let my head fall back onto his shoulder, exposing more of myself to him. His lips start planting soft kisses up and down my neck, stopping to suck a bruise where it meets my shoulder.
His left hand moves up my body to my breasts, taking a handful while his free hand pulls the tie of my robe and lets it fall open, completely exposing me to him. I only had on panties, and a shiver ran through my body when my hot skin was met with the cool air conditioning of the trailer.
While his left hand starts playing with my freed nipples his right pulls my underwear to the side, and he runs his fingers from my opening up to my clit, spreading the arousal around between my legs. I couldn’t help the whimper that fell from my lips at the all of the stimulation he was giving me across my body. Enough to start a knot forming in my belly, but not enough to be chasing a release.
The soft sounds coming from me cause his hips to shift up and grind into my backside, allowing me to feel how hard he was from the little bit of work he was doing. Knowing this is what he loves doing I open my eyes to glance at the clock and see he has to leave shortly.
Mad at myself that I let him play his game I grab his hand that's still running up and down my heat and press his fingers to my clit, forcing them to rub in quick, harsh circles. Immediately my eyes shut again and a loud moan fell from my lips, drowning myself in the pressure that I needed to push me towards my end.
Harry, being the man he is, let me do what I wanted for all of a minute before pulling his hands away from my body. I wanted to scream, but before I could he was already flipping me over to straddle his lap, slamming his lips to mine.
I couldn’t help the moan that escaped passed my lips and into his mouth, the way he tastes never getting old to me. His hands grip tightly onto my hips, pulling them further into his lap, allowing me to feel how hard he is through the little barrier between us.
I weave my fingers into his hair and tug on the roots as I roll my hips into his to get some more friction. I know he can feel the wetness seeping through my panties. The slippery fluid dampened his briefs and surely let him feel how much he’s worked me up.
He groans into my mouth, pushing his tongue into mine and licking into it like he’s searching for more of the taste. A hand comes up to the back of my neck pulling me into him more and he obscenely starts sucking my tongue between his lips.
He pulls his mouth from mine and moves his face into my neck, pressing hot, open mouthed kisses, and starting to suck a bruise into my sweet spot. “Baby, please.” I beg, knowing and not knowing what I’m asking for.
My head is so far into the clouds that I don’t realize he’s pulled his mouth off of my skin until he’s gently pushing me off him. As he stands up he looks down at me with a smirk I could slap right off his face.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me H!!” I huffed angrily at him. I know I’m more angry at myself for falling into his trap again, but I could help it. He’s irresistible.
“Sorry babe. It’s about time for me to go get changed and make sure Lizzo gets her coat for tonight.” He shrugs like he hasn’t also worked himself up. I raise an eyebrow at him and glance down at his hard cock before looking back up at him.
He just smiles at me, popping those dimples out laughing. “Nothing I can’t take care of love.” And truly, fuck you, Harry Styles. As I’m about to snark back some quirky comment an idea pops into my head, and now I’m the one smirking.
“Are you gonna mention the leaks tonight?” I ask and watch his eyebrows furrow. “I am, why?” He responds back, confused because we’ve already talked about this yesterday.
“I bet you won’t. You’ll get up there and chicken out.” I taunt him. He’s too predictable. I know what I’m doing. If he wants to play games, then we’ll play games.
“Babe, I’ve told you already. I’m going to bring it up. I would never be rude to them, but I want to say something.” He sighs, rolling his eyes. He’s probably tired of me bringing it up, but I know he won't say anything. He would never make his fans feel bad, even if they did listened to the leaks.
“How about if you say something you fuck me and if you don’t… I fuck you tonight.” I say with the biggest smirk on my face. I know Harry can’t turn this down. Mister cocky and confident until he’s the one under me.
The shock on his face is something I wish I could have gotten a picture of. He stands speechless for a minute, mouth falling open and snapping shut a few times before he finally answers… or whimpers. From that alone I know I’ll be winning this bet, but it’ll be fun to see how he attempts to win anyways.
He walks up to me with a big smile on his face, like he didn’t just let it slip how much he would like to be the one bent over tonight. However, I also know he can’t deny a good competition between us. “Looks like we have a deal baby. I hope you’re ready for what I’ve already got planned.” He says and gives me a soft peck on the lips.
He steps away and turns towards the bathroom, undoubtedly to take care of the issue he caused himself and to get dressed and meet Lambert. I sit myself back down on the couch, thinking about the ways in which I will have him begging for me.
I’m pulled from my thoughts as he comes back fully clothed… kind of, in small shorts with a tee shirt layered over a long sleeve shirt. His hair is hidden under a bucket hat and his clip firmly attached to his shirt. It never ceases to amaze me how good he looks in something so simple.
Without any shame I slowly drag my eyes down his body, letting him see the look I’m giving him. When I get back up to his face he simply smirks, steps up to me and gives me a kiss to the forehead. “I’ll see you in an hour, love.” He states and heads out the door.
Harry Lambert and Alessandro have really outdone themselves this weekend. The pink leather, the cherries and strawberries… and the initials on Harry’s ass have me ready to drop everything and suck his dick right on stage in front of everyone.
He truly has no business looking as good as he does. The way his abs have been flexing as he dances around on stage is disgustingly attractive. During Carolina he came over to the side of the side stage where VIP was and gave me a big, teasing, cheesy grin.
“This is for you baby!” He yells at me. I couldn’t hear him since he yelled it away from the mic, but I could make out what he said. He does that often when he’s on stage. He turns around and gives his focus back to the crowd and continues on into Woman.
After Woman the high energy dies down a bit as Elin, Sarah, and Nyoh come up to the front of the stage to sing Boyfriends with Harry. His little speech last night ran through my head and made me laugh.
He steps up to the mic with his guitar and clears his throat. He takes a glance over at me and smirks, raising his brows playfully. I gulped nervously because I really didn’t think he would be saying anything. I catch Sarah nudging Elin and giving her a look with wide eyes. I guess I’m not the only one surprised by him.
“Respectful kings and queens…” he starts and trails off a bit as the crowd goes insane by the way he addresses them. As they continue screaming I see it. The hesitation flashes across his face and he looks over at me again with wide eyes and a nervous twitch of the lips. I feel the smirk spread across my face realizing that, even though there is still half of the show to go, I’ve won this bet.
He visibly gulps and shakes his head chuckling. “We’re going to play a new song for you, one that I’ve only performed once. Here’s Boyfriends.” He spares another glance my way, this one being much darker with his face on fire.
I quick a look towards Sarah and Elin and see them trying not to laugh and I know for sure that they had a bet on if he would say something or not also. The rest of the show goes by fairly quickly and the anticipation to get my hands on him has been growing and spreading like wildfire through my body.
The stage goes red and the old Kiwi intro starts. I am so glad he brought it back because there is no other feeling of the build up during this. He goes to grab a water bottle and all of the fans start going crazy knowing what’s to come.
He looks at me as he comes running down the catwalk, smirking and pointing at me. “You better not throw that water on me Harry!” I shout at him. I know he can’t hear because of the in ears, but he can read my lips. He simply laughs and turns to throw it on the fans opposite of me.
As the bridge comes around I take it as my cue to head to the side stage to meet him as he runs off. 10 minutes later and he’s finishing Sign of The Times and running off stage. As he approaches me I open my arms and let him pick me up, swinging us in a circle.
“I still can’t believe that was my first festival!” He shouts over the still screaming crowd. He leans in to kiss me but I pull back. When I look up to his face and see him pouting I chuckle at him. “I think you need to go shower and change baby, you’ve got a long night ahead of you.”
His face drops even more, eyebrows raising and lips parted slightly, wet and shining from having licked them. “Oh haha, you remember that little bet.” He speaks lowly, rubbing the back of his neck and avoiding eye contact.
“Mhm baby, I do remember. It seems like the band thought the same thing.” I say laughing and sliding my arms down to his hips, giving them a squeeze. “What happened? Why’d you back out at the last minute?” I ask, rubbing circles into his ferns.
“I don’t know. Just kind of choked up I guess.” He shyly mutters and I can’t help but give him a quick peck to the lips. He may seem overly confident on stage, but he's still just a cute little baby most of the time. He smiles down at me and kisses my forehead, wrapping his hands around me to pull me in for a hug.
For a moment we just stand like that backstage, embracing each other, forgetting that there are 50 people around us running around to deconstruct the stage and get everything set up for tomorrow. His face is buried in my hair, his sweat is sticking to my skin and he smells, but I don’t complain. Moments like these are meant to just live in for a bit.
After a few moments I slip my hands from his hips to his plump ass and give a firm squeeze. The whimper that came from his lips was low enough that only I heard, and it went straight to my core. I could feel him harden against my lower stomach already.
“Go get showered baby. Be a good boy and wait for me on the bed naked.” I whisper into his ear. His hips shift and rub against me and he moans softly, only for me to hear. “Hm, maybe you purposefully didn’t say anything because you wanted me to fuck you tonight.” I say to him, my voice having dipped down and dripping in honey.
“And if I did?” He says and steps back with a smirk. I cock an eyebrow at him, glancing down to the bulge in his pants. He unashamedly looks down and rubs his hand over himself. “I would say you better do what I say if you want my cock in your ass tonight.” I snapped at him.
His mouth drops open and his hand snaps back to his side. He turns around and starts walking away, but not before looking back at me with eyes blown in lust to tell me loves me. I look around and catch eyes with Sarah and Elin and see them laughing, knowing they saw the encounter.
“See you guys tomorrow!” I yell over to them and we all share a look. They know how H and I are. Not by choice initially, but when Harry came into rehearsal the first time a few months back with red cheeks and a limp, the whole band kind of guessed and teased him about it.
They waved back and I turned to make my way back to the trailer. Taking my time knowing how worked up he’s gonna be by the time I get there.
bully me to finish the second part
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lovecanyon · 2 years
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“Cherry is a strawberry?”
Jeff looks down at Cherry who was wearing a strawberry costume. Peaking out her head from the fabric, the one year old grins up at the man.
“For now she is.” Y/N says dropping her tote bag onto the couch. “She wanted to wear a costume because she saw one of the neighbors' kids all dressed up.” The mother explains making Jeffrey nod.
The family of three had just arrived at The Forum for rehearsals. It was sort of difficult touring with a baby but they worked together to make it run smoothly.
“Where’s Harry?”
“He’s getting my guitar and Cherry’s diaper bag.” Y/N tells him as she picks up her daughter and places her onto the couch that travels everywhere with Harry—even the pillows.
Just as she responded to Harry's manager, Harry himself walked into his dressing room holding Y/N’s guitar case and his daughter’s diaper bag. The father of one quickly greets Jeff and sets everything down onto the coffee table.
Once Jeffrey tells the couple their schedule for today he leaves their dressing room to greet the other band members that just had arrived. The plans for today were very different from all the other days and it made Y/N jittery just by looking at the paper taped onto the vanity mirror.
12 PM - Band’s arrival.
1:30 PM - Lunch provided by Sarah the tour catering.
2:00 PM - Stage starts getting set up.
2:40 PM - Rehearsels.
3:20 PM - Break from rehearsals
3:50 PM - Rehearsals continue.
4:40 PM - Free time.
5:30 PM - Last minute costume changes provided by Harry Lambert.
6:10 PM - Venue doors open.
6:50 PM - Free time.
7:30 PM - Dinner provided by Sarah the tour catering.
8:00 PM - Ben Harper goes on stage.
8:20 PM - Band gets makeup and hair done.
8:40 PM - Band changes into costumes.
9:10 PM - Band on stage performing.
“I’m not going to lie but this year I’m more excited to dress up.” Y/N speaks up, catching Harry’s attention. He smiles and walks over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Looking in the mirror, Y/N finds Harry staring right at her.
“I can tell. Last year during Halloween you were pregnant and uncomfortable.” Harry mumbles against her shoulder, slightly kissing the skin.
Y/N laughed at the memory of her being a pregnant Dorthy last year. She loved and hated it at the same time.
“Why are you grumpy sweetheart?” Harry bends down in front of his pregnant wife.
“I’m not grumpy.” Y/N grumbles crossing her arms against her chest. Harry knew that Y/N felt taken aback once she found out she was going to be replaced by another guitarist for the rest of the U.S leg.
But she was getting too pregnant to play guitar nonetheless even hold a one because her belly was too big.
Still dressed in his dorothy costume Harry stands up from his crouched position and brings Y/N up with him. Moving to sit on the couch, Harry drops down onto the sofa and plops his wife onto his lap. Letting her lean into his chest, he kisses her cheek and lays a hand on her belly.
“I know you hate seeing someone in your place but it’s not permanent, it’s temporary darling. I just want to see you and our baby healthy.” Harry softly explains to Y/N as he rubs her baby bump.
“I’m sorry Ha-”
“Hey don’t apologize. You’re used to touring and always being on your feet so you feeling like this is completely normal.” He reassures Y/N. “You have a break now so take the time to do whatever you want to do darling.”
Feeling better than ever, Y/N’s pigtails bounce as she laughs.
“Can we go eat please?”
After the family of three ate lunch, they started to get ready for rehearsals. Sitting in the free space of the pit right next to the stage, Y/N and Harry were taking photos of Cherry in her strawberry costume. With his camera, Harry snaps at least 100 pictures of his daughter before she starts fussing around.
Now wearing her pink noise canceling headphones protecting her tiny ears, Cherry stares up at her parent’s getting situated on stage. Harry Lambert was on babysitting duty today which he did not mind at all, he really adored Cherry.
Y/N swiftly plugs in her instrument and grabs a guitar pick from Mitch after she couldn’t find hers. The electric guitar she used frequently was a special one made for her that Harry gifted her when they first started dating.
It meant everything to her.
Wearing her husband’s sweats and Rolling Stones tee, Y/N grabs her guitar strap and slips it onto her shoulder. She never liked to dress nice during rehearsals so did Harry and the rest of the band members.
As the rehearsals begin, the band starts off with Daydreaming. During the performance Harry kept turning around and staring at Y/N in all her glory. He always felt drawn to her especially when she was playing guitar.
He felt so happy having her on stage with him.
Little Freak was one of Y/N’s favorites even though it was about her and Harry’s breakup—the song was originally written for Fine Line but Harry never had the chance to use it until now. She always regretted running off to someone once they had broken off their relationship.
But she was glad they found their way back to each other.
After performing the majority of the songs off the set list, a special song started to play. You're The One That I Want by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John blasted through the venue speakers as Y/N let’s Mitch grab her guitar.
The couple memorized the dance months before even deciding that their costumes were going to be Grease related.
I got chills, they're multiplying
And I'm losing control
'Cause the power you're supplying
It's electrifying
The words leaving Harry’s mouth makes Y/N giggle into the microphone. Her laughs were intoxicating as Harry started to laugh with her.
The next verse belonged to Y/N and she couldn’t have been more thrilled.
You better shape up
'Cause I need a man
And my heart is set on you
You better shape up
You better understand
To my heart I must be true
Nothin' left, nothin' left for me to do
Cherry sat on the venue floor with Lambert watching her parents smile and giggle at each other. A gummy grin formed on her face as she watched the two. She loved observing her parents being in love even though she didn't know what the word love meant yet.
The following part to the song belonged to both Harry and Y/N. One of their favorite parts of the song.
You're the one that I want
Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
The one that I want
Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey
The one that I want
Ooh, ooh, ooh
The one I need
Oh, yes, indeed
Harry even drops down onto his knees like Danny Zuko did in the movie. He eyes her up and down as a smirk crawls onto his face.
He fucking loved her so much.
Lloyd the tour’s photographer caught the moment between the two and snapped a few photos of the musician on his knees, looking at his wife like she was the only person in the world.
“Are you ready to change bunny?” Y/N smothered a kiss against Cherry’s cheek making her giggle. She was now out of her strawberry costume and in her diaper.
Harry had just finished getting his wig done and already was changed. He was in his leather jacket when Y/N walked into their dressing room with Cherry. She smiled once she saw her husband staring at her with an all too knowing smile.
“I missed my darlings” Harry coos, grabbing ahold of Cherry. Quite quickly the one year old leans her head against her father’s chest.
“We were gone for 10 minutes.” Y/N breathes out a laugh as she starts to get undressed. She had went with Sarah to hair and makeup—whom she was twinning with.
“That’s too long for daddy.” Harry says making faces at Cherry which makes her burst out laughing. He seriously loved his girls.
As Y/N begins to put her leather pants on she observes Harry interacting with their daughter. He had unconditional love for her and seeing that with her own eyes made her feel happy and fulfilled.
She had always known he would be a perfect dad even before Cherry was born, she just had a feeling that Harry was a perfect person to start a family with.
As Harry sets Cherry down in her crib that travels everywhere with them, he moves to help his wife put on her black top. Without ruining her curled updo hair, Harry fixes and adjusts the fabric on her.
Y/N murmurs out a thank you as she leans in to kiss Harry’s cheek. Still in her sweats, Y/N turns around and grabs her leather pants off the clothing rack.
Quickly she changes out of her baggy sweats and into the tight pants. As Y/N buttons up her leather pants she begins to hear Harry sing to their daughter.
Leather and Lace.
Of course it was a Stevie Nicks song. The woman that got them together. Without her, Y/N didn't know what her life would be now.
Y/N slips her red vans on when she hears a knock. The dressing room door opens revealing Jeff.
“We need you in the box in five Harry.”
Once Jeffrey gets a nod from Harry, he sends Y/N a smile before shutting the door. Turning around to her husband she grins at him.
“You wanna help me change your daughter into a pink lady before you go?”
Walking out from backstage was the Love On Tour band.
Y/N stayed next to Sarah as both girls had their arms hooked around each other. The two of them had the same costume and it was Sandy from Grease—they couldn’t be happier to match.
Sarah grins at Y/N as they make their way onto the stage. Screams of each band member's names just made the six individuals smile and wave at the fans.
Though that was nothing compared to when Harry appeared on stage.
Just before the first song starts to play, the musician sends his wife a wink which makes her blow him a kiss for good luck.
And of course that moment was caught by fans.
This was going to be a long night and Y/N didn't mind it, at all.
Seven songs into the show and nothing could have gone smoother. Mitch and Y/N were synced and playing amazing, Harry was singing beautifully, Elin was showing her talent, Nyoh was doing great and Pauli was keeping the energy up as always.
Y/N watching fans dance and sing along truly made her so happy. The smiles on their faces just encouraged her to keep on playing and playing her guitar.
Until water came soaking Y/N.
It wasn’t just a small amount of water, it was a huge amount that soaked her.
Even Mitch got some droplets on him.
The water made it difficult for Y/N to play the guitar and her fingers kept on slipping off the strings. The loss of his second guitarist made Harry turn around to find his wife soaked.
Her once curled updo was flat. Her leather outfit had water dripping from it. Her shoes were standing in a puddle. And even worse, her mascara was starting to smear down her cheeks.
The sight of his lover made him mad.
Almost instantly Harry stops singing making the band slowly halt to a stop. He quickly signals the lighting technician to shut off the lights.
Right as the musician waves his hand signaling to stop, the lights swiftly turn off.
Not giving anything anymore thought, Harry rushes to Y/N and grabs her hand pulling her off the stage. He decides to take her under the stage where he normally takes his five minute breaks.
Y/N lets Harry sit her down on a seat and take off her wet leather jacket. She felt so embarrassed and defeated. Out of all nights this could’ve happened, it happened on one of Harry’s important nights.
She ruined tonight for him.
“I-I’m sorry.” Y/N stares down at her cold hands wanting to be anywhere but here.
Harry lets out a scoff as he drops down to his knees wanting to be face to face with his wife. He didn't know why she was apologizing. This wasn’t her fault at all.
“Darling I don’t know why you’re apologizing.” Harry murmurs moving his hand to cup her cheek. “This is not your fault. Okay?”
Y/N nods as she leans into Harry’s hand. She always loved feeling reassured by him, it was a feeling she would never get tired of.
“I just feel like I embarrassed you-“
“No. Don’t say that. You did not embarrass me. You can never embarrass me.” Harry cuts her off with a shake of his head. Nothing she does could ever embarrass him.
“A-are you sure Harry?”
“I couldn’t be more sure, baby.” Harry tells Y/N making a soft smile form on her lips.
“I love you so much.” She whispers gleaming up into her husband’s green eyes. Y/N loved being this close to him. She saw his freckles that she adored, she saw his long eyelashes, she saw everything and loved everything she saw.
A throat clearing interrupted the couple’s tender moment.
Looking up, Harry and Y/N find Mitch and Sarah standing next to the stage’s entrance. The two couples stared at each other before bursting out laughing.
“Mr and Mrs. Styles, we were looking for you!”
The rest of the show went great.
Before Y/N went back on stage, Sarah offered her jacket to the Styles woman claiming she was too hot to wear the leather piece. The drummer also let her curled hair down to reflect Y/N’s sort of flat hair.
Sarah and Y/N were true best friends.
Harry had even found out which fans threw water on Y/N after Elin pointed the three girls out after the concert. He had a whole plan to get those girls banned from ever attending his shows and he succeeded with that plan.
Seeing his wife in distress made his stomach turn. He hopes he never sees her that upset ever again.
Though seeing her now giggling with Cherry over their performance of You're The One That I Want made him happier than ever. Their daughter kept on smiling as she stared at her mother’s phone.
Harry circles Y/N as he dances around her. She keeps on singing though letting out a few laughs. But once Harry falls down onto his knees and begins to sing with her, she couldn’t keep her cool.
Harry and Y/N’s laughs echoed around the arena making fans scream like crazy. Everyone loved the duo especially when they were dressed up as Danny and Sandy while performing such an iconic song.
“Daddy!” Cherry lisps pointing down at the lit phone screen. Harry plops down onto his and Y/N’s bed, leaning into his girls.
Now sandwiching Cherry, her parents continue to watch videos of the show tonight that Jeff had sent them. Harry loved watching videos of his concerts, especially of Y/N.
She looked so beautiful in the hue lights while she played guitar.
Harry was glad he ended up with Y/N.
tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @academiaghosts @japanchrry @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @seguin-styles1996 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @eunoiamaa @kaitieskidmore1 @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @iluvjj @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @teawithcyb0rgs @lomlolivia
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watchmegetobsessed · 1 year
A/N: so it was pretty random, but this idea came to me today and yall loves these two, i mean who wouldn't love plus size reader with ceorry?? so here is a little part 2 to infatuation!!!
WARNING: very slight sexual content, struggle with body image
SUMMARY: Making your first official appearance as Harry's girlfriend brings some struggles, but you realize that nothing really matters as long as you have his love.
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Waking up is usually your least favorite part of the day, your sweet dream is usually interrupted by your evil alarm, signaling that it’s time for you to leave the comfort of your bed and face the big bad world again. So it’s safe to say you’re not a sunshine of a person when you wake up.
But if instead of a blaring alarm it’s soft lips that bring you back to consciousness, peppering sweet kisses along your spine… well, then it’s not that bad.
You hum into the pillow, eyes still closed as those lips you know so well keep pressing against your naked back. It’s a little cold, because he has pulled the sheets down your body, but the kisses make up for the discomfort.
“Good morning,” he murmurs against your skin and his husky morning voice sends a shiver down your spine instantly.
“Mm, hope you had a good reason to wake me up on a Saturday.” You try to sound mad, but you can’t hide the smirk that stretches across your face when you feel his hand on your hip, sneaking underneath you until his palm is cupping your breast.
“I have several good reasons why I needed you awake,” he chuckles, maneuvering you until you’re finally on your side, pressed up against his front. He cranes his neck until his lips reach yours, greeting you with his usual morning kiss that usually makes you dizzy. “I needed your pretty lips,” he mumbles against your mouth. “And I needed… your…” His hand has slid down your body, over your tummy and between your legs. Your satisfied moan finishes his sentence.
Seven months. It’s been seven months of bliss with Harry and every moment you spend with him just keeps on giving. After that incredible night you spent together, the one that was filled with emotions and passion after you had to face Vincent, you didn’t think it would be something that would last. You weren’t sure if it was just physical, but when you finally managed to leave bed in the morning and sat down to eat breakfast, Harry made it perfectly clear that he was all in.
“Do I want to have you naked in my bed every possible? Yes, of course. Do I also want to listen to you talk about your day, take you out on dates and know you more than anyone ever did? Absolutely yes.”
He left you speechless and all you could do was kiss him until your lips went numb.
So you’ve been his girlfriend since then.
Now as you’re tangled in his sheets, you’re chanting his name while he fucks you from behind, making sure your day starts perfectly. He knows your body so well he can get you to come faster than anyone has ever. You’re fully satisfied way before the clock hits nine in the morning.
You shower together and then make breakfast, well, Harry makes breakfast because you’ve learned that he is practically a master chef, so you usually just stare at him dreamily while he makes eggs and toast, his mouthwatering cinnamon rolls baking in the oven.
“I have to leave in like… twenty,” he sighs as the two of you sit at the kitchen island, your plates are now empty and he is sipping on his coffee. “I’ll be here at six to pick you up, but Lambert will arrive soon.”
“You’ll be gone the whole day?”
“I know, I have some business to take care of,” he sighs as he leans closer and kisses your pouty lips.
“It’s Saturday!”
“I’ll make it up to you. We’ll have a blast tonight, okay? I can’t wait to see you in your pretty dress,” he grins, kissing you one last time before he slides off his stool and finishes the rest of his coffee before heading back to the bedroom to get ready.
As you clean up in the kitchen you try your best to push the bitter feeling to the back of your mind, but it lingers over you inevitably.
Tonight you’ll appear together at a charity event for the first time together. Well, officially. You’ve been out and about plenty of times, even got photographed which blew your mind, because in your head only celebrities got papped and you never saw Harry as one, but it turns out that big, influential people get followed around as well. But you’re yet to make your official debut as a couple.
You haven’t told Harry, but it’s been scaring you to death. Appearing by Harry’s side at an event means that your relationship would be out there in the public, allowing everyone to talk about it. And that would bring comments into your life you would rather not face.
Though Harry has been treating you like a queen, quite obviously obsessed with you inside and out, that doesn’t mean others’ opinion can’t bring you down. Part of you still thinks Harry is ridiculously out of your league and apparently people agree with you as well.
There’ve been a few articles about the handful of times you were photographed together and though what they wrote in those were nice, the comment sections did not pass the vibe check.
“Wait, what? That’s his girlfriend? Wow…”
“What is he seeing in her?!”
“That man could have anyone and decided to date her. Let that sink in.”
“Harry, blink twice is she is holding you hostage! Lol.”
You tried hard not let it show how much those comments hurt you, but Harry could see through your façade.
“Babe, they would find something to talk about no matter what. I think you look stunning just the way you are. Don’t listen to jealous, faceless commenters.”
Then he loved on you all night long, made you forget about the comments in the best possible way.
But it doesn’t mean you grew a thick skin overnight and you know you’ll have to face the wrath of the haters after tonight.
When Harry steps out of his bedroom he is dressed and he looks so good you just want to drag him back to bed and take your time with him.
“See you later, okay?” he smiles softly as he leans down to place a chaste kiss to your lips.
“Okay. Have a good day.”
“Thank you, I love you.”
“Love you too,” you sigh against your lips and then watch him approach the front door. When he opens it, a familiar figure is standing there.
“Babe, I think you have a guest!” Harry calls out with a smile, shaking hands with the man that just stepped inside. “She is the boss today,” you hear Harry say as he pats Lambert’s shoulder, switching places and he is on his way.
“Good morning, Princess,” Lambert grins at you, greeting you with two kisses on your cheeks.
“Morning, Harry,” you chuckle.
“Your man said you’re the boss today. But I have plans for us, so let’s get you dressed, we have a lot to do!”
Lambert did not joke, he did have plans for you, lots of plans, to be exact. You start off at a spa where you get the full treatment, a massage, a facemask, you get your nails done and then you are off to get your hair done. He doesn’t let you pay for anything, but when you see your boyfriend’s credit card in his hand you know it was all Harry’s doing. He probably knew you were nervous about tonight and wanted to pamper you.
When you’re glowing you have lunch break at your favorite sushi place and then it’s time to figure out what to wear, your least favorite part of any event.
“I have plenty of options for you, babe,” Lambert tells you when you’re back at Harry’s place and you see that a rack full of clothes has been delivered while you were away. “Now, let’s turn this place into a runway, let me see you try these on!”
Dress after dress, Lambert makes you walk back and forth, the two of you rating them all. Some of them are surely your taste, but some are definitely too daring for you. He is trying to get you out of your comfort zone and you’re fighting to stay in it, knowing how nerve wrecking tonight will be, you don’t need to add to the discomfort with the dress as well.
“Okay, this is the last one I have. If you say no to this, you’re going naked,” Lambert sighs dramatically, as he hands you the last dress off the rack.
When you put on you already know this will be the one even though you haven’t even looked in a mirror yet.
“Oh my God!” Lambert gasps when you walk out with a shy smile. “That’s it, you’re wearing this tonight!”
“I agree,” you chuckle, checking yourself out in the mirror.
The black dress hugs your curves at all the right places. The V-neckline is quite daring, but it’s still tasteful. The waist is synched, the skirt is just the right length, reaching down to the floor and the slit comes up high, flashing your left leg when you walk.
You feel powerful and beautiful, just what you need for tonight.
You’ve just gotten ready when your phone rings and Harry’s name is flashing on the screen.
“Hey,” you coo as you answer the call.
“Hey babe, I have kind of bad news,” you hear him sigh. “I’m running kind of late, so I can’t make it back home, I have to meet you there.”
“Oh,” is all you answer, anxiety weighing down in your stomach instantly.
“I’m really sorry, baby. But I’ve already sent a car for you and we’ll meet at the venue. And when we get home I promise to make it up.”
You can’t see him, but you know he’s got that cheeky smile on his face that you love so much.
“You’re all dolled up already?” he asks.
“Yeah. I can’t wait for you to see my dress,” you smile, biting into your bottom lip.
“I can’t wait either. And you know what else I’m excited about?”
“Taking that dress off you.”
“You haven’t even seen it!” you chuckle, warmth spreading through your body.
“I’m sure you look fantastic, but nothing compares to seeing you naked.”
“You’re like a horny teenager, just always wants to get into my pants!” you tease him.
“I can’t help it when I have the most beautiful woman all to myself. Alright, I gotta go, I’ll see you there, okay?”
“Okay. Drive safe, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The call ends and you’re standing in front of the mirror, watching yourself take a few breaths before you force yourself to put on your heels and head out. You were counting on having Harry with you when you walk in there, but now you’ll have to endure those curious stares on your own. You can only hope Harry won’t take long to get there. You really need him by your side.
Arriving to the venue you feel like you’re showing up uninvited to some major event, there are limos lining in front of and behind you, you see women in gowns, men in tuxedo and you feel oddly out of space, wishing you had Harry holding your hand, telling you it’s gonna be alright. He texted you not long ago that he is on his way, so you estimate him to arrive just a bit after you, so hopefully you don’t have to wander around on your own.
Walking up the stairs the kind man at the entrance asks for your name and for a moment you start sweating, because you fear you’re not even on the list, but then you see him tick your name and then gestures for you to walk in.
You’ve never been to an event like this, it’s luxurious and stunning, definitely an unusual sight for you. A waiter walks by and offers you a flute of champagne that you gladly take as you make your way further inside, trying to figure out what to do until Harry arrives. You spot the buffet table and you take a turn towards it, you haven’t had anything since your lunch with Lambert, so you definitely need something to fuel you for the night.
You’ve just reached the table when you feel like you’re being watched. Before you could get anything from the food you stop for a moment and look around, spotting a group of women definitely watching you, whispering among them, most likely about you. They don’t think you can hear them, but you actually catch some of their comments.
“Is she on her own? Did he dump her but she still came?”
“That’s a very bold dress for someone the size of her.”
“I know, right?”
They start laughing and suddenly you’ve lost your appetite. Takin a deep breath you turn around and walk away before you could hear anything else that could hurt you, you’ve heard enough.
Through teary eyes you search for the restrooms and when you finally spot it you rush inside, away from the curious stares. Suddenly, you feel like a teenager again, being made fun of for being bigger than the cool girls. All your life you’ve struggled because you didn’t fit into what was labelled pretty. Because of your size you never felt enough, never saw yourself worthy of love and here you are, still fighting your tears as an adult.
It takes you some time to calm down and be able to breathe regularly again. You take a moment to think and get your thoughts straight. You stand in front of the mirror and take yourself in.
When you left from Harry’s place you felt beautiful, why are you letting people you don’t even know change your mind about it? Why would you be less or different just because you’re a bigger size? Why would you let strangers decide your worth?
The longer you’re looking at yourself in the mirror the more confident you’re feeling. You’re a great person. You’re kind and funny and smart, you built up your business, you have people around you that love you for who you are, they are the people whose opinion you should care about.
By the time you step out of the restroom you’re facing the evening with a whole different attitude. Holding your head high you enter the scene again and you look around, checking if you see Harry anywhere and you spot him before he sees you.
He is wearing a black suit with a black, silky shirt underneath, the first few buttons undone, showing you a bit of his chest and it’s definitely a turn on. He is craning his neck, most likely looking for you, phone in hand and he is just about to text you when he finally spots you.
The look on his face… you’ll never forget it as long as you live.
It’s like the rest of the room stops existing when his eyes land on you. The smile that spreads across his face is full of love and adoration, you see everything you’ve ever wished for in him and realization washes over you.
It doesn’t matter what others think as long as you have him looking at you like you’re his whole universe.
You make your way over to him and he starts moving at the same time, you only see him in your tunnel vision and you have to stop yourself from running towards him. Every step you take that brings you closer to him strengthens the feeling that takes over you.
Why would you ever care about others when you have Harry?
Slaloming between the guests you finally reach him and he takes your face between his hands kissing you with all his love and desire for you.
“Hi,” you smile against his lips, holding onto his wrists as if he could disappear any moment.
“Hello gorgeous. Let me take a better look at you,” he grins, letting go of your face just to take one of your hands so he could twirl you around. “Oh my God,” he taps his chest with his free hand.
“What do you think?” you giggle, pushing yourself up against his chest, his arm curling around your waist out of instinct.
“I think that… It’s a shame we have to stay here any longer, because I would love to just take you home and have you all to myself.”
Everything that bothered you up until a minute ago is gone, it’s just Harry and his love for you that matters to you. You have everything you need as long as he loves you.
“Let’s make our rounds and wrap the evening up early,” you suggest, biting into your bottom lip.
“Great plan,” he nods, stealing another quick kiss before the two of you move along.
You don’t stay long, not even two hours later you’re on your way back to Harry’s place, taking a stop at your apartment to get you some clothes. Harry walks you up and waits in your living room while you gather what you need and when you reappear with a duffel bag you find him curiously eyeing your place.
“What is it?” you ask.
“Just thinking,” he hums. “Do you… Never mind.”
“What? Tell me!” you urge him as you put the bag down so you can curl your arms around his neck, his hands finding their way to your hips.
“I was just thinking about how you barely spend any time here anymore.”
“Well, I do stay over at yours a lot,” you chuckle, oblivious to what he is about to ask.
“Rationally, it’s not worth it for you to keep this place anymore. So I was thinking that… maybe you could… move in with me.”
You never thought you’d see Harry nervous, especially not about your reaction, but as he’s looking at you right now you can tell he’s afraid what you might say. Cupping his face in your hands you pull him in for a sweet kiss before you give him your answer.
“I would love to move in with you, Harry.”
“Yeah,” you chuckle.
“I was afraid you might find it too fast,” he breathes out in relief. “That my fascination might be a little too much for you just yet.”
“I assure you, the feeling is mutual.”
He kisses you, slow and sweet, taking his time to remind you just how much he loves you.
“Thank you for accepting me as I am,” you whisper against his lips before you rest your forehead against his.
“You’re perfect, Y/N. You will always be. For me.”
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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lonelycowgirls · 1 year
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"Fuck, you're so fit." Stella groaned as Harry walked her backwards, his forehead resting on hers. She chased his lips, growing frustrated as he kept retreating them in a teasing dance between them. "I just want you all the time." His one hand tightened on the side of her neck at her words and she licked her tongue out through her teeth as she smiled at the sensation. Harry watched her with hooded eyes, his erection swollen in his yellow trousers. He loved when she got like this, goosebumps rising on his arms at the thought of the night he was planning in his mind.
She'd been insatiable since she'd flown into Sydney and that night was no different. She wasn't sure she'd ever get used to how gorgeous he was - even after 13 years together - and she tried to hate how easy she was for him. But she loved it secretly as well.
"This fucking waistcoat thing is gonna drive me mad." Harry silently thanked Lambert a million times over and vowed to plant one on him the next time he saw him. He bent to wrap his arms fully around her waist and pull her into his bare chest, finally capturing her begging lips in a searing kiss.
"Steady on, Stell. 'M not a piece of meat." He smirked before his tongue lapped at hers as he walked her back to the wall of his dressing room. He'd barely gotten through the door before she'd pounced on him earlier. He pushed her roughly into the thin wall and she moaned languidly into his mouth, he knew what she wanted and needed in that moment. He put a hand on the wall over her head for stability, lifted her leg around his hip and ground his hips deeply into hers, hard and filthy. As she gasped he kept her mouth open with his thumb and fingers on her jaw and spat directly into her mouth. She looked at him, eyelids barely open before rolling her eyes to the back of her head and moaning unashamedly as she swallowed over a dirty smile. She pulled harshly at the hair at the back of his head to open his neck up and pressed open kisses over his jaw and down, biting and nipping along the way. His fingers gripped onto her hips for dear life, pulling her impossibly closer and making her drip for him. Ripping her hands from his hair, he slammed them up above her head and looked directly into her eyes, both of them panting. They stared at each other, hearts pounding. All she could think about was having him inside her. She needed the closeness, needed to feel loved and adored by him. Her person.
"Be good for me, yeah?" He nodded as he spoke, eyebrows raising in waiting for her acknowledgement of his words. She was hard work sometimes, but he couldn't help but love that about her. They'd been together long enough now that he knew how to charm her, even when she was being particularly difficult. She'd become her own woman and wasn't the quirky, sweet and innocent girl he'd gotten with when they were 16. She hadn't been that for a long time...
She'd make him work for her now, and made sure he knew she'd drop him like a stone if he stepped out of line. Rarely, she'd be pliable like this. The fire in her seemed to always be ignited. But every so often she'd let him snuff that flame out for a moment and become a vulnerable mess for him.
"Sure, baby." She whispered and kissed his bottom lip slowly. He kept his eyes open and on her. In a flash, he dropped to his knees in front of her. He lifted her summer dress and kissed up her thighs and around her thong. Smelling her and feeling his dick twitch. She held her hands on his broad shoulders and squeezed as she watched him. He looked up as he delicately puckered his lips over and over, watching her full chest rise and fall as her cleavage was pushed up by her arms. Her hair framed her face as she bit into her bottom lip, face flushed in the most gorgeous shade of pink with her arousal.
"You're fucking art, Stella." He murmured, taking a moment to rest his chin on her lower belly and tell her of his affection. He ran his hands up and down the backs of her thighs, caressing her thickness with the love of his touch. She cupped his face and pushed the curls back from his forehead, stroking his cheek with her thumb. "I'll never get over you."
Tears pooled in her eyes and she couldn't stop herself from sliding down the wall. She pushed him so he sat back on his heels and straddled his lap. She kissed him with everything in her, running her hands up his chest, over his prominent peck muscles, to rest her hands at his neck. She pulled back to look down at him. "Forever." She whispered. His forehead pulled in and focus took over. He turned her to rest her back on the floor next to them, she pushed his glittered waistcoat back from his shoulders as he loomed over her, pressing continuous kisses to her lips.
"Thought you loved the waistcoat?" He asked when the garment rested in the crooks of his elbows.
"I do, but I wanna see my man." She lifted her neck to connect their lips again and Harry threw the waistcoat away from them, pulling her legs up his sides. He pulled the top of her dress down to free her boobs. Kissing around her nipple before taking it into his mouth and glancing up as he sucked, she arched beautifully for him, whimpering at the feeling and rolling her hips up into his absentmindedly. "Come on, then. I'm ready, just want you inside." She whispered, stroking his shoulder as he came to rest his hands on the floor on either side of her head. He looked down as she undid the fastenings to his trousers and pushed them down over his bum, giving it a little swat and quietly giggling.
"Want me inside you? Wanna feel all of me, Stell?"
"Yes, Harry, come on. Make me full." She coaxed him along, rolling her hips and biting her lip. He pulled his hard dick out of his underwear and pumped it a few times, breathing heavily over the strain. "Give it to me, baby." And he did.
He groaned as he entered her warmth, pushing her thighs further apart and up his hips to get a good angle. She clenched hard around him and winked when he moaned sharply in response. Placing her hands on either side of his neck, she stroked under his ears with her thumbs, feeling the love for him bloom inside her.
"Make love to me, Harry." She breathed, gasping when he rolled his hips forward in a motion that would send any woman spiralling. He carried on with sultry thrusts, his lips hovering above hers, hot breath mixing in a passionate tangle. "God, yes baby." She moaned, dropping her head back and letting him completely ravish her.
"Always come back to you, eh? Got me wrapped 'round your finger," Stella nodded, her face contorting in pleasure as he hit her spot. "All those people out there would do anythi-ah!"
"Don't talk about other people when you're inside me, Harry." She chastised him, after clamping down on her muscles to shut him up. He then tilted her pelvis up so she was balanced on her upper back, before lifting up onto his knees and pounding ruthlessly. She squealed and threw her arms above her head, curling her fingers into the fluffy white rug. "Fuuuuck, right there."
"Yeah? Right there?" He breathed hard, hoping she was close. His stamina wasn't what it used to be.
"Yes, rub my clit and I'll come," she moaned, smiling slightly up at him. Always reading his mind. He did as she said, leaning down to kiss her, messily. "Mmm, that's it, feels so good." She said, barely above a whisper. His hair tickled her nose so she combed it back with her fingers, listening to the sound of his thighs slapping on the backs of hers and focusing on how good he felt. Harry watched as her face crumbled and her mouth fell open in a silent cry. She clamped down on him, fluttering repeatedly as her world came crashing down. She moaned from her throat and breathed harshly through her orgasm and he pushed through the ache in his thighs to guide her through it.
"Good fucking girl. Such a fucking sight to see you come under me." She let out a soft chuckle as she came down from her high.
"Never gets old, does it?" She said, pecking his lips before he set her back down and rested back on his heels, still pumping in and out of her. His pace became leisurely as he moved his hips and tried to catch a second wind. Moving his hair out of his face, he looked down at her beautiful body and felt shivers crawl up his spine. He manoeuvred her legs to lie across his thighs and linked his fingers through hers to pull her to straddle his lap once again. She clung to him like a monkey, soft and satisfied after her orgasm. "I love you." She whispered down to him, tracing his lips with her thumb. "Come for me, Harry." His face turned stoic as he lifted her hips up and down over his cock.
"Love you, baby. So much." He strained, slamming his hips up to get himself there. "Gonna make me come so hard." She coached him with pornographic moans she knew would help him along. She began to meet his upward thrusts and nodded repeatedly when his hips started to stutter. His eyes scrunched closed as she felt his warmth release inside her, connecting them once again. "Shit." He sputtered out, smiling wide up at her.
"You've still got it, H." She laughed with him, his fingers giving her tingles as they ran up and down her back. She patted his chest softly before rising from his lap and cupping her intimate parts to keep from dripping all over the carpet. He grabbed her wrist before she could move too far away, kissed her knuckles and tugged her down for another couple of pecks on her lips. He turned to collapse onto his back on the rug as she went to the bathroom to clean herself up.
"We haven't done that in a while, Stell." He called to her from the floor, playing with his soft member in the post-orgasmic haze.
"What, had sex?" He huffed a laugh at her sarcasm, though it had been a little while for that too.
"No, I mean fucked at an arena."
"Yeah, I'm sure the carpet burns will be a consistent reminder of why." He smirked at her deadpan response. "Prefer a good old bed in my old age." She joked, exiting the bathroom with her boobs securely back inside her dress. She rolled her eyes fondly at her boyfriend as he laid with his yellow trousers round his ankles and his underwear sat at his knees, fiddling with himself casually like he'd done out of habit since he was a teenager. "We going to the hotel or are you gonna lie there all night?"
"Secret third option, you'll carry me to the sofa and spoon me to sleep."
"How about we go to the hotel and I'll ride you just wearing this?" She said, in a completely innocent tone, dangling the waistcoat off of her finger by its Gucci label. Harry put his palms to his face with a boyish groan and sat up straight so quick it gave him a head rush.
"Alright, I'm up!"
Don't know where this came from, was really feeling that outfit last night... enjoy!
Nel xo
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harry-on-broadway · 1 year
My Rock Star
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Word Count: 3.6K || Rating: M 
A/N: I knew I wanted to write a Grammys fic and had drafted one a couple of weeks ago. But after last night, it underwent a major overhaul to capture the magic of the evening. I really enjoyed writing this one and hope you enjoy reading it. Would love to hear your thoughts! 
It was too soon.
And besides, he almost never brought anyone special to any of these events.
“You get that, right?” he whispered against your hair, fingers scratching lightly at the exposed skin of shoulder as he held you close in bed.
For anyone else, the two-year mark almost guaranteed attendance at your partner’s work events, but Harry’s situation meant you all played by a different set of rules.
“I get it,” you said, even though deep down a part of you felt hurt by his continued refusal to bring you into all facets of his life. You knew it came from a place of well-meaning, but that didn’t make it sting any less. You counted the freckles on his chest to distract yourself from the frustration brewing inside.
“I’m not happy about it,” Harry said somewhat forcefully. “If I could have you there I would.”
“And you can. You’re just choosing not to.” His hand stopped mid-scratch and you could feel him suck in a breath. “That was a low blow. I’m sorry.”
“You’re just being honest,” he said. It was clear he was trying not to snap back at you.
“No, I’m being petty and unfair.” You twisted and propped yourself up on your elbow to look him in the eye. “I know why you’re like this. It all comes from a place of love but sometimes I just want to celebrate my boyfriend. I want to support you.”
“And you do, love. Just because our situation isn’t traditional doesn’t mean it’s wrong or bad.”
You looked down at him. His eyes were clear, if a little tired, and you could see a faint puffiness under his eyes. He’d been working so hard recently, squeezing rehearsals, wardrobe fittings, and writing sessions in between shows. It was cruel to take out your anger on him when he hadn’t done anything wrong. You knew what you were in store for when you started dating and understood that this would always be part of your relationship. You ran your hands through his hair, gently scratching at his scalp. “You’re right,” you said. “What we have is pretty damn great.” You planted a kiss on his lips. “Now how about we go to bed. I’m a little tired and I think you are too.”
Harry sighed. “I am. And I have to be up in…” He squinted, looking at the clock on your nightstand. “...five hours. Fuck.”
“Don’t think about it. Just go to sleep.” You rolled over and turned off the light, hoping to force him into getting at least a couple of hours of rest. “Goodnight, H.”
Within minutes you were listening to the sound of his quiet snores as your mind continued to swirl with thoughts of what it would be like to share just one celebratory moment with him.
Sunday afternoon and you were still in your sweats while the man of the hour was being helped into a sparkly patchwork jumpsuit.
You’d offered to step out and grab lunch with a girlfriend to give him some space, but he’d been insistent that you stay near. Which meant you’d been orbiting him and his team all day, sitting far enough away that you wouldn’t be in the way as Jeff came in and out of the room with updates and Lambert helped with last-minute fittings, but remaining close enough that you could see Harry when he went looking for reassurance.
You bounced between your book and phone, reading a few pages before responding to messages from Anne and Gemma, giving them the play-by-play and glimpses behind the scenes they so desperately wanted, until you felt someone tap your shoulder. Looking up, you saw Harry.
The room had cleared out, leaving the two of you with a moment of privacy for the first time all day. Harry pulled you into his chest, holding you tight.
“Nervous?” you asked, lips pressed to his chest. You felt him shrug. “It’s OK if you are. If you can tell anyone you can tell me.”
“I–I know I tell everyone shit like this doesn’t matter, and it doesn’t, but I really want to win. Prove to everyone that I matter.”
“You do matter, Harry,” you said, cupping his face in your hands. “And if it wouldn’t make you late, I’d make you sit down and listen while I listed off everything you’ve accomplished in the past couple of years.”
“I mean I wouldn’t be upset if you did that.”
You pinched his cheek, earning a giggle from him. “What I do want to talk about is this outfit.” He was decked out in a tight, low-cut jumpsuit in a sparkly geometric pattern that somewhat resembled an afghan that had rested on that back of your grandmother’s couch for a number of years. “Maybe it’s a good thing I’m not going,” you teased. “I wouldn’t have been able to match you, fashionista.”
“I would have liked to see you try.”
“I’m sure you would.” You stepped back to fully take in Harry’s outfit. “You look really good, baby.”
You nodded. “Promise me something?”
“I’m the one that gets to take this off of you tonight.”
Harry licked his lips and you could have sworn you felt something stiffen below his waist. “Uh, I think I can make that happen.”
“Good. Because you owe me.” You pressed up onto the balls of your feet, wrapped your arms around his neck, and pulled him close, and slotted your lips over his. The kiss was gentle at first, but as soon as you got a taste, something came over you. You nibbled at his lips, and when he returned the gesture with even more fervor, you slipped your tongue inside, deepening the kiss and pulling a low groan from Harry. You dug your fingers into his shoulders and started to stroke his growing bulge when you heard a slight cough from the doorway.
You parted, only to find Jeff standing there, artfully avoiding eye contact. “Car’s here, H,” he said as you all caught your breath. “Need to head out now.” He nodded your direction before walking purposefully out the door.
“Going to need a sec, Jeffrey,” Harry called after him.
“Fuck, that was awkward,” you said, feeling your face grow hot with embarrassment.
“He’s seen worse,” Harry offered in an attempt to help.
“Not with me, so I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.”
“Oh stop, you know you’re my one and only.” Harry inhaled. “It’s going to be good, right?”
“Of course,” you said in one last attempt to reassure him and calm his nerves. “Just go out there and make me proud.”
“Don’t know if I’ll be able to do that.”
“Yes, you will. Just by being you.” You pinched his cheek again. “Bringing home the big one will just be a bonus.”
“H! Car is leaving now!” Jeff called from the hall. “Adjust yourself on the way there.”
Harry leaned down to steal one final kiss. “See you at the party?”
You nodded, acknowledging your plan to meet him at a private afterparty some of his friends had organized. “I’m counting down the minutes.”
“Harry, you need to go.”
“I know.” He picked up his phone and sunglasses from the table. “See you later.”
“Mhmm. And don’t forget your promise.”
“I won’t.” A cheeky grin had returned to his face. “You’re the only one undressing me tonight.” He turned towards the hall. “OK, Jeffrey,” he shouted, smacking his palm against the top of the door frame as he walked through. “Let’s go. We’re already late because of you!”
You rolled your eyes, pretty certain that Jeff would not appreciate Harry’s jokes when they were 15 minutes behind schedule and already fighting a losing battle against Los Angeles traffic.
Alone in the room, you turned your attention to your own outfit, a simple party dress you’d worn to bachelorette parties and nights out. In fact, you’d been wearing it when you’d first met Harry. It had to have some sort of luck, right? You slipped it on as you said a silent prayer for the night.
You’d already downed a drink before the ceremony started and were almost done with your second. Which meant you weren’t sure if Harry’s category was first or second or later in the show, so you played it safe and settled onto a small velvet couch, attention solely on one of the many televisions scattered around the room. You chewed on the straw as the telecast ran through the nominees, bracing yourself to hear a name that wasn’t Harry’s, only to be completely shocked when his name was read off the card.
The room erupted in screams as people shouted with joy, jumping up to hug one another, you stayed still on the chair, too surprised to move. It wasn’t that you didn’t believe he could do it. Hell, he’d done it once before. But you’d spent so much time preparing for the worst, thinking about how you’d soothe the sting of losing that you hadn’t spent much time thinking about how you’d be celebrating.
By the time you’d calmed down and returned to normalcy, Harry was already walking off stage. You smiled, thinking of how his short and direct speech was so…him. Seeing him holding that trophy had you breathing easier. One thing checked off the list.
Things slowed down after the win, you could tell he was nervy the second he stepped on the stage to perform, and after that, several losses in a row had dimmed the energy of your group. With just one category left, everyone was preparing to hype up the man of the hour when he arrived. You had started to tune out the broadcast as album of the year was announced, and you were convinced you were hallucinating when Harry’s fan read his name off the card. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as you watched Tom and Tyler and everyone around him pull him into a warm embrace before he made his way on stage. You tried not to think about how you wished you were the one holding him up there.
Waiting for him to finish up his interviews and photo calls after the show was the most agonizing thing you’d ever experienced, and no matter how many people you talked to, no matter how many appetizers you ate, you couldn’t stop thinking about Harry. Countless minutes later, you were alerted to his arrival when you heard screams and cheers coming from the entrance. You walked over to the bar to get him a drink, pausing when you felt someone behind you.
“Have you ever slept with a Grammy winner?” a voice purred in your ear.
You turned around to find Harry, curls flopping over his forehead, body clad in a nearly all black ensemble, save for the low cut white tank he had on underneath.
“Actually I have,” you said with a laugh.
“Shit, I messed that up. I was supposed to say three-time Grammy winner,” Harry slurred.
“Started the party early?” you teased.
“There may have been some libations passed around the backseat on the way over here, but I could never start celebrating without my best girl.”
“Who me?”
“Yes you!” Harry leaned his forehead against yours. “I-I really wanted you there,” he said softly. “Was thinking about you the whole time. How you should have been there beside me. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” you murmured, stroking his cheek. “I get you all night.” You kissed him. “And tomorrow.” Another kiss. “And the day after that.”
“You have me forever, love,” Harry said, eyes clearer than they had been all night.
You were about to respond when Tom and Ben bounded over, jumping on Harry’s back. “Fuck yeah! Album of the year!” Tom shouted, pulling Harry back to the center of the room. You laughed, picking up your drink and Harry’s, finding a quiet corner to chat with the band while Harry made his rounds.
It had been close to midnight the last time you looked at a clock. Any other night, you’d be fading about now, ready to head to bed, cuddling with Harry if he was in town, but tonight, you felt energized. A lull had fallen over the party as revelers searched for a third – or fourth – drink or chased down one of the trays of appetizers that had been moving around the room. You were trying to decide what your next cocktail would be, when someone grabbed your hand, jerking you out of your stupor.
“This way,” he said, pulling you over to a door that led to somewhere unknown.
“What are you doing?”
“You’ll see.” You all wound up in an empty room that might have been used to store tables and other furniture when they weren't in use. “So,” Harry began. “I know I promised you something today, but I’ve clearly not held up my end of the bargain.”
You were confused. “Uh, what are you talking about?”
“I promised that you would be the one to undress me. And while you didn’t specify which outfit, I have a feeling you were partial to the jumpsuit. I’m hoping this,” he gestured to his jeans and tank. “Will suffice.”
You took a shaky breath. “I think I can work with this.”
“Well, go ahead.” Harry lifted his arms as you blinked incredulously.
“Wha-here? Now?”
“Why not?” He shrugged. “It’s not like anyone will hear.” You stared at him. “Love, you’re loud, but not that loud.”
“Everyone has been drinking since noon, they’re not going to notice we’re gone.” You chewed on your lip, unconvinced by his reasoning. “You know what, we can wait,” Harry said after a moment. “We’ll head home soon and then –”
“No! I don’t want that.” Harry’s brows jumped up his forehead. “I want you. Here. Now,” you continued.
“OK, love,” Harry said softly, as if he didn’t want to break whatever trance had come over you.
You approached him, kissing him fiercely as you pulled the jacket from his shoulders. He kissed you back, his dexterity not impacted by the large amount of alcohol he’d consumed that evening. When the jacket hit the floor, you untucked his shirt, grazing your fingertips along his skin as you pulled the garment over his head, depositing it on top of the pile. His pants were next, and you took your time undoing his belt, unbuttoning the trousers, and slowly peeling them down the muscle of his thighs and calves. You could hear him inhale, then let out a slow breath when your hands grazed over his hips, face just inches away from the bulge in his pants that was growing by the second. He kicked off his pants and was left standing nearly naked.
“Now this feels unfair,” he said, teasing evident in his voice.
“This was my consolation prize,” you said with a smirk.
“Well what do I get for winning?”
“This.” You brought his hand up your thigh and under your dress, pushing your panties to the side.
“Fuuuuccckk,” he moaned, feeling the dampness between your legs.
“You can’t expect me to watch you parading around on the carpet like that, walking up on stage, winning a fucking Grammy and not get wet for you.”
“Fucking hell,” he breathed. His fingers swiped at your center, barely there, the teasing touch only winding you up more.
“May I?” he asked.
“Of course.” You swallowed. “I got mine and now you’ll get yours.”
You could have sworn he growled as he thrust his fingers inside of you, thumb readily finding your clit. You were so slick that his fingers slipped out of rhythm several times before he was able to steady himself. The constant stopping and starting only built your desire, and you found yourself biting down on Harry’s shoulder to keep from crying out. He continued to circle your clit and you started to feel that sensation behind your belly button, like you were climbing up a hill and when Harry finally touched you just like that, you found yourself falling over the edge and into his arms.
“I’ve got you,” Harry said, his arms steadying you as you rode out your orgasm. “I’ve got you.”
You looked up at him, still dazed, and were only able to utter a single word. “More.”
Harry was quick to respond, stepping closer to you until you were backed up against the wall. “Up,” he said against the column of your throat where he was sucking kisses against every inch of exposed skin he could find. You jumped, or at least did the best impression of jump you could manage in your state, Harry’s arms catching you, and holding you close against him.
He could feel him, hot and hard against your core and in that moment you knew you needed him. All of him. Here and now in whatever room of this downton hotel you all had commandeered. You pawed at the waistband of his briefs, trying to pull them down. When they were pooled around his knees, Harry lined himself up with you, catching your eye and waiting for you to nod your consent before he pushed inside of you.
You all both cried out as you clenched around his cock. You always felt filled to the brim when he was inside of you, but tonight, it was like it had never been before. A perfect fit. Like you all were made for each other.
“Is this good?” Harry asked as you adjusted to him.
“Yes, so good,” you whined.
He rocked his hips, thrusting deeper, inching closer to the spot that drove you wild. He repeated the action again and again, moving farther each time until you were crying out with pleasure.
“H-, don’t stop, please,” you moaned.
You felt his fingers dig into your hips as he pulled you even closer to him as he increased his pace. His hips rammed into you, more aggressive than he usually was, until you could feel them falter. He was close and you needed to feel him spill over the edge.
“Come on, H, please baby, you’re close I know it.” You wrapped your fingers in the tangled curls at the base of his neck and tugged, pulling his face from your neck so you could look him in the eye. “Cum for me baby. My rock star.”
Harry groaned and when you felt his body shudder and that telltale warm wetness inside of you, you knew he’d finished. He was still for a moment, but when he adjusted, ready to pull out, he moved in a way that triggered your own orgasm, even better than the first. Numb and tingly in the best way possible, you gave him a hazy grin and leaned in to kiss him.
“Not the worst way to celebrate,” Harry said, breathless. “I should win awards more often.”
“There’s always Saturday,” you shot back.
“I like that way of thinking,” he said, patting your ass as you bent to straighten and adjust your panties. You’d need to clean up before you made your way back to the party. “That’s what I keep you around for.”
“My brain?” You smiled and tossed Harry his pants.
“Something like that.”
He’d just pulled his pants up when there was a knock at the door.
“H? You in there?” It sounded like Jeff and some others.
“Fuck!” Harry shot you an apologetic look.
“Go,” you urged, handing him his shirt and jacket. “They want to celebrate you.”
He pouted. “But maybe I don’t want to.”
“You were fine with celebrating a minute ago.”
“Yeah, because I was naked with you.”
“Go,” you repeated. “I’ll see you later.”
“Oh? You coming home with me?” He grinned and you swore you swooned. Dimpled grin and disheveled curls, he was a sexier version of a matinee idol.
“You know I am. I always come home to you.”
“Yes, you do.” He kissed your cheek, a surprisingly chaste gesture when he’d been knuckle deep inside of you just minutes earlier. “I really do wish you had been there with me tonight.” He cleared his throat. “Tom and Tyler might have helped make the album, but it never would have existed if it hadn’t been for you.” His eyes were watering and he swiped at them with the back of his hand.
“Well that’s bullshit.”
“It’s not,” he said, firmly. “I feel like I never treat you as well as I should and that you could do so much better.” He gave your shoulder a squeeze. “I have my reasons. Doesn’t make it better, but I do it because I care. One day, I hope I can give you everything you deserve.”
You were at a loss for words and settled for hugging him as tight as you could, until the crowd outside began to pound on the door. “I think your admirers are waiting,” you said. You pushed him forward. “Go, have fun.”
Looking over his shoulder, Harry walked across the room and opened the door. His friends embraced him and you had to fight the urge to intervene when a drunken Tommy and Tyler tried to hoist him onto their shoulders. Harry was laughing hard, and even from your distant vantage point, you could tell just how much love surrounded him.
There were a lot of challenges in your relationship, the chief one being having to share him with the rest of the world. But as you caught his eye and shared a smile, you were sure of one thing.
He’d always be your rock star.
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harrysfolklore · 11 months
love on tour memories - blurb
goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. you were bigger than the whole sky 😢 here’s a compilation of love on tour memories, some blurbs are new and some were already posted, i hope you like this trip down memory lane
september 4th, 2021 - las vegas, nevada
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Feather boas, pink hats and colorful flags all around could only mean one thing.
Harry Styles was finally back on tour.
After a long two year wait, Love On Tour was finally hitting the road, with the first stop being the iconic Las Vegas, Nevada.
You were beyond ecstatic to say the least, being on the road with Harry was your favorite thing to do, and you knew how much he wanted to finally be doing his favorite thing in the world again.
You were roaming around backstage looking for your boyfriend, already wearing your custom red dress that would match Harry's outfit for the night.
"Love! You look stunning," Lambert's voice made you turn your head, "That dress fits you perfectly just like I knew it would." You blushed as you walked together towards where Harry was getting ready with his bandmates in a few minutes.
"You're too nice, Lamby," you smiled at him, "Is he going shirtless like I asked? I couldn't be with him while he was getting ready."
"He is, darling. He said your wish was his command."
You rolled your eyes with affection; and as if on cue, Harry entered the room exuding an aura of confidence and excitement.
He was dying to get on stage.
"Hey, love," he approached you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. "Can you believe it? We're finally here."
You looked at him fondly, your eyes giving away how proud and excited you felt at the moment, "We're finally here," you repeated, "This is going to be the best tour ever."
Harry pressed a quick peck to your lips before turning his attention to the rest of his bandmates, who were gathered in the room.
"Alright, everyone," Harry announced, his voice full of enthusiasm. "This is it, the first night of Love On Tour," Jeff, who just entered the room with the rest of Harry's managers, let out a whistle in excitement. "Let's make it one to remember."
The band hugged quickly before walking down the corridor that would take them to the stage.
You walked by Harry's side, holding his hand and realizing how much you missed the tour life.
"Good luck kiss?" Harry turned to you as you reached what would be his 'soft goods' box for the next months.
"Wouldn't turn it down for the world." You smiled and connected your lips, and just like that he was off to the stage inside a storage box.
For the next two hours, Harry and his bandmates poured their hearts on stage for the first time in two years, and by the end of the night, everyone had the same thought in their minds.
This was going to be a tour to remember.
october 30th, 2021 - new york
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Outside of Madison Square Garden, fans were lining up dressed in their costumes of all kind, excited to be part of Harry's fancy dress party to celebrate Halloween.
However, backstage at the arena you were was growing increasingly curious and impatient about Harry's costume choice, since everyone refused to tell you about it.
"I can't take it anymore!" You said, your eyes darting between everyone in the room. "Somebody, please tell me what Harry's going dressed as!"
Jeff chuckled, entertained by your growing desperation to know. "Oh, YN, you're in for a treat. Harry's going all out, you're going to be gagged"
"Come on, you have to give me something!" Your eyes traveled to Lambert, hoping he would crack up and tell you what you desperately wanted to know.
"Nope, and don't give me those eyes. Sue strictly told us to keep it as a surprise."
You rolled your eyes before standing up and walking towards the door. "Well, I guess I'll try to bribe him with a blowie again.
Everyone in the room laughed at your words, and before you could even reach Harry's dressing room you were intercepted by Harry's assistant Luis, who told you that he instructed him to keep you out of the room until he was ready.
You got into your own costume for the night, a fairy dress with wings and a crown, you put extra effort in your makeup adding glitter and some gem stones.
You heard two knocks to your door followed by Jeff's voice "YN, you ready? Harry is and he wants to see you."
"God, why is he being so dramatic about his costume," you opened the door as you spoke and once you were met with Jeff and his costume, you couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Who are you supposed to be?"
"Miss Anna Wintour, the Toms are going like this too," he shrugged and walked towards Harry's dressing room, you following behind, "Come on now, your annoying boyfriend is waiting for you."
"You ready love?" you heard Harry's voice from the other side of the door, not opening yet.
"Come on just come out already! I need to see you!"
And after a few more seconds of mystery, he finally opened the door and you were met with his blue dress and bright red shoes.
He was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.
"Harry! This is- you look amazing!"
"Really? You like it?" he put his hands on his waist and tilt his head before giving a twirl and making you laugh.
"I love it, but I have one concern, tho."
"And that would be?" he looked at you questioningly.
"That skirt is too short! You're going to flash your bits to everyone!"
"Well, my love," he grabbed the hem of his dress, pulling it up, "That is what the bloomers are for!"
june 18th, 2022 - london, uk
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"How do you feel, mate?" Jeff asked Harry as they stood together on the wings of the stage, Mitski was just done with her set and Harry was already on his outfit for the show, minutes away from hitting the stage.
"It's a weird feeling somehow," Harry turned his gaze to his manager and best friend, "I never thought I was going to ever be able to fill this place on my own, you know?"
"And here we are, two sold out shows!" Jeff threw his fist in the air as a sign of celebration and both of them laughed, side hugging as they kept admiring the crowd.
"Are you guys having a sappy sentimental moment without me?" they tuned their heads towards the voice called for them, that belonged to you.
"I was just about to leave, actually, I have to check everything's running smoothly before this one hits the stage," Jeff ruffled Harry's hair for a moment, "You lovebirds enjoy your pre-concert shag, see you out there!"
You and Harry rolled your eyes and shook your heads, all the times you got caught doing your shenanigans before the shows resulting in a constant teasing from your friends.
"So, how do you feel, rockstar?" you asked, getting closer to him and wrapping your arms around his waist.
"You know, Jeff just asked the same thing."
"Okay, no talking, straight to the pre-concert shag I guess!"
Harry laughed, wrapping his arms around your shoulders as you looked out at the crowd together.
"I feel great," Harry said, turning his face to the side to lock his eyes with yours, "Being here again and having you by my side is something that I thought would only happen in my dreams, so I feel great my dreams came true again."
"This is a time where I actually feel good saying that I told you so," you smiled softly, "I always knew that you were going to be selling out this places on your own, baby. And I'm so proud of you."
"I know," Harry pecked yours lips for a moment, "And that's the reason why I'm here, because you had never allowed me to doubt myself."
"You're here because you've earned it by working hard and pouring your heart out in everything that you do, there's no one who deserves this as much as you do."
Harry's eyes got watery at your words, and he grabbed youe face to connect your lips, expressing everything he felt at the moment with a kiss.
"10 minutes till show time!" One of the crew members announced, making you break apart.
"Go sing about fruit and joke about dads, rockstar. I love you."
"Love you more, lovey."
And with a final kiss to your lips he was off to perform, ready to charm a crowd of 80,000 people on his own, something that he never though he would achieve.
september 21st, 2022 - new york
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Emotions were all over the place at Madison Square Garden’s backstage, the clinking of champagne glasses along with congratulatory speeches were heard all around the room as a way to celebrate the 15 sold out shows at the world’s most famous arena.
The grin on Harry’s face was evident as he thanked everyone who approached him to applaud his milestone, from his friends to the arena’s crew, and holding his own glass of champagne and wearing a small smile, his eyes started wandering around for you.
It was when he reached the now empty pit of the arena when he found you, just a few hours prior, the room was filled with feather boas, glittery hats and more than twenty thousand people who came together to celebrate him. Right now, it was just you and him, looking up at the brand new addition to the arena.
Was what the arena’s brand new banner said, a banner that would permanently stay there, as a reminder of what your boyfriend had achieved.
“You know I wouldn’t have done it without you, right?” he said as he approached you, bringing you closer by wrapping both of his arms around your waist, leaning his chin of your shoulder “All these songs are about you, all of this is because of you, my love.”
You smiled, the feeling of elation increasing at the sound of your boyfriend’s voice. Turning around to face him, you placed your hands on his cheeks before you spoke “This is all you, you did this, baby,” you said while looking into his eyes, and the fact that they were glossy and watery told you that he was still very emotional about the night’s events.
“Maybe I inspired you to write the songs, but the words aren’t mine, honey, they’re yours. All the people who filled those seats every night, they were here for you, because you have impacted their lives in ways no one else could. You deserve this, and I’m so proud and happy for you.” You finished, feeling your own eyes getting watery, still holding his face between your hands, and pressing your foreheads together.
“I’m so damn lucky to have you.” Harry chuckles, leaning in to press a kiss to your jaw and then nuzzle your neck, you put your hand on the back of his neck and caress his hair, letting him embrace you and holding him right back.
“I’m the lucky one, I mean, not everyone can say that their boyfriend has a banner permanently hung up high at Madison Square Garden, right?” you joked, feeling his laugh vibrate against your neck before he pulled his face out of it, looking into your eyes.
“I love you so much, YN.” he said looking right into your eyes, and his expressed what he had just said, you could feel the love radiate from him.
He’s walking joy, walking happiness, walking love
november 5th, 2022 - los angeles
From the moment you were woken up by the sound of Harry's dry coughs, you knew it was going to be a hard day.
Harry had been feeling under the weather the last couple of days, and today he was feeling his worst. As a professional, he pushed through, thinking it was just exhaustion from the intense schedule on tour.
However, as the day progressed, Harry couldn't shake the feeling of sickness off his body. His throat was sore, and his head felt heavy and he could barely sing during soundcheck, making his bandmates and managers worry about his health.
"Baby," you called out for him, caressing his hair softly, "Jeff just texted me that the doctor is here, he's going to check up on you."
Harry didn't verbally reply, he just stood up and kissed your forehead softly before leaving the room, you following close behind.
You knew what he was worried about the most: having to cancel the show.
The doctor examined Harry thoroughly and then delivered the unfortunate news, he had a severe throat infection and singing tonight could worsen it, so he had to cancel his upcoming shows.
He didn't speak, but you knew he was devastated.
After he delivered the news to his fans via an Instagram story, you wrapped your arms around him and kissed his cheek softly before speaking, "You did the right thing, Harry. Your fans love you, and they'll understand that your health comes first," you reassured him.
Jeff and Tommy, who were in the room too, nodded in agreement, "We'll handle the rescheduling and all the logistics. You just focus on resting and getting better," Jeff said, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder, "I'm so sorry, mate." and with a final pat to Harry's back, they were out of the room, leaving the two of you alone.
"Hey," you grabbed his chin, making him look at you, "Talk to me, love. What are you thinking?"
"I feel terrible, I hate disappointing the fans and I feel like I let everyone down."
You pressed a tender kiss to his temple again before speaking, "Your fans understand that you're human, just like everyone else. You're allowed to prioritize your well-being, and the fans will always be there for you, cheering you on, no matter what."
Harry gave you a tired smile and laid your head against your shoulder, and you felt proud of everything he does, even giving himself a break.
december 4th, 2022 - buenos aires, argentina
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“Holy shit! Look at how packed that pit is already.” Harry said as he got a peek of the stadium, it was still early but fans were already inside and waiting for him.
“You know how much your fans here love you, baby. Tonight’s show is going to be crazy.” You rested your chin on his shoulder, looking at the crowd with him.
“It’s going to be one of the best, I can’t fucking wait.” Excitement was evident on his voice and you couldn’t help but melt a bit, the man you love was happy and that made you the happiest as well.
“They scored!” Anthony Pham’s voice made you turn your heads, a bunch of the crew members were watching the Argentina vs Australia match on a small tv, and the screams from the crowd just confirmed that their country had just scored.
“Wait, put the match on the big screens, let’s watch it together with the crowd.” Harry said and guys from the tech crew quickly put the match on the stadium screens, making fans grow excited.
By the end of the match and by a close call, Argentina won and the crowd erupted in cheers and screams, the entire staff celebrating too and hyping the crowd.
“Go celebrate with them baby! Go on!” you urged Harry to go on stage, “You know what? Fuck it!” and he ran to the stage and hyped the crowd, celebrating the victory with them
Argentina gave him one of his best tour memories already and the shows were still yet to happen.
february 20th, 2023 - perth, australia
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“How are we feeling in here tonight Perth?” Harry said into the mic, looking out at the crowd cheering and screaming for him, “It’s been about 5 years almost since I last performed in Australia, feels so good to be back.”
The crowd erupted in cheers and screams, and you watched fondly as he moved around the stage.
“YN, my girlfriend, she loves to research each country we visit before the show," Harry pointed out to you and the nerves instantly hit you, despite being with him years, you still weren’t used to the spotlight and the attention. "She told me about some… peculiar traditions you guys do over here, like drinking out of a shoe.” Harry said and the audience went wild along with you, you knew his fans had been trying to get him to do a shoey since the last time he performed in the country and you insisted that he needed to finally do it.
“This is one of the most disgusting traditions I’ve ever heard of,” he paused to shake his head, “Fuck it,” and he proceeded to take his shoe off, making the entire audience roar in cheers.
“Can you do a Shoey with water or is that against the rules? YN?” the camera zoomed into you, putting your face in the big screens across the stadium, you couldn’t help but laugh and yell your responde, “She says no! Okay let’s just get this over with.”
And next thing you knew, Harry was drinking out of his shoe and the entire stadium was erupting in screams.
“I feel like a different person…I feel ashamed of myself. It feels so personal! Such an intimate moment to be shared with so many people!” at this point your belly hurt from how much you were laughing, and Harry couldn’t help but laugh as well, “I’ll be discussing this with my therapist at length…at length! And YN, you’re a terrible girlfriend for making me do this!”
Even though you were aware of the cameras catching your every reaction, you rolled your eyes with affection and jokingly flipped him off, making him blow an obnoxious kiss your way.
“Now, who’s ready for more music?”
march 26th, 2023 - tokyo, japan
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“Everyone who knows me, knows how incredibly special this country is to me. I came here a few years ago for 5 days, and stayed a LOT longer than 5 days. It was one of the best things that ever happened to me in my whole life.” Harry said, looking out at the crowd in complete awe, “I’ve always felt that my time in here in Japan was incredibly special to me & I would not be able to make those 2 albums if it wasn’t for that time. So thank you the people of Japan for whatever it was that you gave to me. I will love you for it forever”
You couldn't help but shed a few tears, adoration running through your veins for the man who was currently closing up one of the most special legs of his world tour.
"However, unlike the last time I came here, I'm not on my own this time, I'm here with this incredible band who gives me the honor to play with them every night, the amazing crew who makes every show possible, and most importantly," he put a hand to his heart before continuing, "I'm here with the gorgeous woman I get to call my girlfriend, and I feel like the luckiest man in the world for that."
It was safe to say that you were full on crying by now, aware of fans and cameras catching your every move but not ashamed to be vulnerable because of the man you loved.
Harry turned to look at you on the side of the stage before speaking again, "I love you so much, baby, thank you for being my muse and my best friend, none of this would be possible without you."
And as if it was the first sentence you ever learned, you instantly mouthed and "I love you to Harry, making him grin and blush before speaking into the mic again.
"Thank you, Japan! I love you."
june 10th, 2023 - slane, ireland
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Today was a day for the history books. Harry was going to make history as the first artist to ever perform in the iconic Slane Castle as a main performer for his own tour since 1985.
He brought up that he was offered the chance while you were snuggled in bed, listening to soft music that played from Harry’s record player.
“They offered me to perform at Slane Castle. You know, that venue where the only way to perform is if you get invited by Lord Henry.” Harry said casually as he ran his fingers through your hair.
“Baby! That’s amazing!” you said in a cheerful tone, but the way Harry pursed his lips made you guess what was going on in his mind, “Don’t tell me you’re second guessing this, it’s a great opportunity.”
“I know, I know,” he said, pecking your forehead softly before continuing, “But everything’s pretty intimidating, there’s a lot to live up to.”
“And you will absolutely crush it. So call Jeffrey right now and tell him to book the gig.”
And so he did. And now, you were leaning on his dressing room’s vanity table, watching as he got ready for one of the biggest nights of this career.
“How do you feel?” you asked softly, you knew that his nerves always kicked in during this time.
“Nervous, happy, excited,” he turned to you, giving you a soft smile and tender eyes, “I just want this to be a memorable show, I don’t want anyone to leave the venue feeling like the show wasn’t good enough.”
“Everything’s going to be fine, gorgeous,” he smiled at the pet name, one of his favorites that you use for him, “Every single show that you’ve done ever since you were sixteen has been absolutely incredible, this one won’t be the exception.”
And instead of giving you a verbal reply, he crashed his lips into yours, pouring all of his feelings in a kiss.
“Hershel, time to hit the stage!” you were interrupted by Jeff knocking on the door.
“Oh cut it out, Jeffrey. We’re in the middle of my pre show shag.” Harry joked, making you throw your head back in laughter.
“You have two minutes, you menaces.” Jeff timed his eyes, already used to your shenanigans.
Your laughs died down and you looked directly into his eyes, caressing the hair at the base of his neck before speaking, “You’re going to deliver an amazing show, okay?” Harry only nodded, letting you continue, “You don’t have to meet anyone’s expectations, you just need to be your loving carefree self and everyone will have the best night of their lives.”
He pecked your lips before speaking, “Thank your for that, and for just being you, honestly,” he shook his head for a moment, “I wouldn’t have the courage to go out on stage every night if it wasn’t for you.”
“You would. Because you were born for this. Now go make me proud, rockstar.”
And with a final kiss to your lips, he was off with his band, ready to hit the stage of one of the most important nights of his career.
july 22nd, 2023 - reggio emilia, italy
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The time had come to say goodbye to Love On Tour.
Surrounded by Harry's family and friends, you stood in the VIP area of the field watching Harry perform the last show of his biggest tour.
The night had been incredible so far, Harry pour his heart out performing just like he had been doing for the last two years, making the show extra special by adding new songs to the setlist and letting the crowd know how thankful he has for everything given to him.
"I will remember this evening and all of this for the rest of my life. Thank you for letting me be a part of this, thank you for dedicating your time to me, thank you for listening to me. Thank you for being amazing. Thank you for everything." Harry said into the mic, beginning with his final speech, one you knew would make you tear up.
"I have people here tonight who have supported me in so many ways over the past 13 years in which you can only imagine. I would not be on this stage without them and their love and support. My family are here tonight, my friends are here tonight," Harry's voice cracked up and his eyes got teary, making everyone in the crowd tear up along with him, "I was doing so well! Thank you for the support, thank you loving me for the way that you have. My friends are here tonight, thank you for having my back, always. I love you all so much. Thank you. I have a lot of things to feel incredibly lucky for in life but i feel the luckiest with my friends support. It allows me to do this. I am so full right now, I've never been happier in my entire life."
You held Anne's hand as you listened to his speech, both of you growing emotional at his words, just as the nearly 100,000 fans in the crowd.
"My girlfriend and life partner is here tonight, just like she was for all 169 previous nights, and all the most important moments of the last 13 years," eyes turned to you, but your attention was only on the man on stage, the one you loved, "I've said it countless of times before, but none of this would be possible without you. You're my best friend, my muse and my biggest supporter. Thank you for loving me, and giving me a love to write about. I love you."
You mouthed an "I love you" back to him, wiping some tears that kept falling from your eyes.
"Secondly, to you all," he turned to face his band, "Thank you so much for doing this with me, that you trust me, thank you for giving your time, your energy. This show is what it is because of everything you've done every night."
He continued his speech, thanking the fans for the same space they created over the years, and giving him the opportunity to be on stage every night doing what he loves the most.
After a 10 minute ballad written specially for the night, Love On Tour was officially over. But the memories created around it would last a lifetime.
taglist: @lightsoutstyles @willowpains @straightontilmornin @sleutherclaw @gimsaysay @hazzassmirk @platinumbarbie143 @musicforcinemas @celesteblack08 @scntfrhs @eleanordaisy @lomlolivia @iceebabies @iloveshawn @be-with-me-so-happily
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pleasingforharry · 2 years
Hi!! Could I request a one shot with H in his New York denim outfit from this year where the reader is totally obsessed with how he looks and she gives him head before he goes on stage and after the show is done he needs her so bad so they have the most amazing sex? If you feel like writing something along these lines that would be so great. Your works are amazing! Thank youu
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Blood Orange was currently performing as he played on the intercoms backstage. Harry and I watched him for a while in secret, even though we caught some cameras pointed at us, before Lambert scolded Harry to get changed.
We held hands as we skipped down the halls of Madison Square Garden, enjoying our temporary stay at the venue. I was joining Harry for his shows in New York before I’d head back home to LA for work. It worked out because we’d be apart for a little while until he was also in LA to wrap up the American leg of the tour.
“Okay, hurry up and change before I get blamed for your tardiness,” I laughed as I pushed Harry into his dressing room, keeping my eyes away from the outfit laid out for him. I liked to be surprised by seeing it when it’s already on him.
“You can always come in and watch me,” Harry winked as he stood on the other side of the door. I slowly closed it with a shake of my head. “You sure? I’ll let you undress me and everything.”
“Yeah, and then you’ll definitely be late on stage because you have the horny tendencies of a caveman,” I joked, shutting the door completely. “Hurry up!” Harry groaned dramatically before whining a childish, ‘fine’.
I ended up in a conversation with some of the crew that had passed by. They were all so kind and I couldn’t help but thank them for allowing us to use their venue and invite all of Harry’s wild fans join us.
In the midst of telling them an old story from the last time we were at MSG, I felt a pair of hands tightly grip my hips and lift me off the ground.
“Y/N L/N!” Harry yelled in my ear, causing a squeal out of me. The few crew members who were standing with me laughed and excused themselves back to work.
I was about to turn around and hit Harry in the chest, but he stopped me by wrapping his arms completely around my waist and stuffing his head in my neck.
“In my dressing room, first,” he whispered. I nodded and led us into his room, eager to see yet another wonderful tour outfit. I waited patiently as one of his hands went to shut the door and lock it behind us. “Okay, ready, baby?”
“As always,” I exclaimed, rubbing my hands together. I heard Harry walk to stand in front of me while his hands circled my hips, probably nervous of my reaction. He took my opinions very serious, for some reason. But he should've known by now that I loved everything he wore.
He sucked in a breath and said, “Open.”
I did as told and immediately gasped at the sight in front of me. My jaw fell agape as I unashamedly examined the outfit he was wearing. What immediately drew my attention was his exposed chest from his open vest, which is my favorite genre of tops Lambert puts him in. And the material of denim and rhinestones within the entire outfit was the cherry on top. As well as the actual cherry on the back.
My eyes wouldn’t leave his prominent abs as he laughed at my choked up words. “Cat got your tongue, baby? How do I look?”
“Very hot,” I blurted accidentally, before clearing my throat. “You look great, Harry. I love it.” A wide smirk grew on his lips as he took a big step closer so our chests touched. I tilted my head up at him from his hovering height.
“What else?” He cocked his head, teasingly, to the side with a shit eating grin.
“What do you mean? I like it, a lot. Your fans are gonna go crazy on Twitter,” I boasted.
Harry suddenly grabbed my jaw to turn my head to the side and his lips brushed my ears. It caught me off guard as I gasped under my breath. 
“Tell me what else you’re thinking, baby.”
The cold metal rings around his fingers squeezed against my jaw, bringing a hot stinging feeling. I bit my lip for a moment, but his thumb tugged it out, waiting for a response.
“I... uh... you look very... sexy, and I know everyone is gonna be drooling when they see you tonight,” I added, running my hand shyly down his chest. He slowly brought my face in front of his and our lips brushed each other. I felt his hot breath groan softly as his other hand squeezed my hip.
His eyes were hooded and drunk as he looked down at me. “Y/N, what else? What does this outfit make you want to do to me? Talk to me, baby. I want to know.”
I was never the dirty talking type, and I hated when he tried to bring it out of me because I always ended up feeling embarrassed. He loved to tease the blush that arose on my cheeks and force my eyes on him when I couldn’t hold that contact for long.
I knew exactly what I wanted to do to him. Sit him down and take his cock deep in my mouth. But I couldn’t just say that.
“Well, I want to... kiss you?”
An amused brow lifted as Harry smirked. He was just going to have to work with what he got.
“Where?” He asked, grabbing my hand and bringing my fingers to his lips. “Here?” I shook my head and flickered my eyes lower.
“Down there,” I whispered. Harry walked backwards, leading me to the couch against the wall. The sly smirk wouldn’t leave his lips as he nodded.
“Why don’t you just show me then?”
That I could do.
“Okay, sit,” I pushed his chest and he fell back into the couch. He stretched his arms down the length of the couch and spread his legs wide so I could slot between them. 
I dropped to my knees and began unzipping his pants while my eyes fixated on his chest. His abs were prominent, and I couldn’t help but lean forward to plant wet kisses along each muscle. Harry clenched from the feeling and it shot down to his hard cock, suffocating in his pants.
“Take me out, baby. It hurts,” he groaned, shifting in his seat. I blindly stuck my hands under his boxers to pull out his thick cock while brushing my lips along his warm stomach. I kitten licked and kissed his fern tattoos, before sucking harshly. “No marks.”
“I know,” I responded, pulling away and looking up at him. “Wouldn’t want everyone to see, right?” Harry smirked and nodded.
“For your eyes only.”
When I released Harry’s cock from his pants, he gasped at the cold air hitting his tip. He bit his lip and groaned softly. He was painfully hard, so I knew I could get him off quickly and out on stage before anyone came looking for him.
“Think you can take care of me before I have to go?”
“Is that a challenge?” I cocked my head to the side as my hand started to slowly stroke his long length. He sucked in a harsh breath and shook his head.
“If I wasn’t already thinking about feeling the back of your throat earlier, it would be.” I laughed and leaned closer to lick his cock. The underside of my tongue smoothed along and heated his tip, and I earned a soft ‘fuck’ from it.
Harry’s head lolled to the side as his chest heaved, trying his best not to buck his hips in the air. We both knew I loved to tease him by slowing down my movements, like my strokes and flat tongue licking up his length.
My lips puckered to kiss his tip, before I slightly opened my mouth to suck some of him in my mouth. His eyes darted to mine and his breathing stopped to watch carefully.
“Good girl, keep going,” He sighed as my head moved down to swallow more of him. I felt his girthy size slide against the walls of my mouth until it found my throat. I was caught off guard by a sudden gag, and Harry moaned loudly. “Fuck! Yes, yes, baby. Please.”
I pulled back slightly to breathe through my nose and tried it again. I sucked in my cheeks and swirled my tongue against his cock. His hands gripped the top of the couch to hold back from grabbing the back of my head and pushing me down like he usually did. He wanted to tease himself.
My head bobbed for a while and my hand joined to stroke him when he left my mouth. My other hand had found his balls and caressed them before giving them soft squeezes.
“Again, baby,” Harry mumbled as his words were getting mixed with rough groans. He was a raspy breather when he was in pleasure, so hearing him moan as well was my own nonverbal praise.
I did as he asked and fondled with his balls before trailing my sharp nail to outline their shape. Harry squirmed from the sensitive feeling, and the warmth of his cock deep in my mouth.
“Can I move in you, baby? I can’t sit still anymore,” He asked as more of a warning that his hips were threatening to move. I let his cock slide out of my mouth, but my hand continued to stroke him.
He bucked his hips as the cold air hit him again. I giggled and looked up at him with doe eyes. His head dropped down to watch me and my hand while a wide grin spread across his face.
“So fucking gorgeous,” He sighed, before biting his lip. 
I created spit in my mouth, and we both stared at it slowly drool from my puckered lips to his tip like come. My tongue spread it around his length, before I swallowed him back in my mouth. When my eyes met his, I nodded shortly for approval for him to thrust into me.
Harry wasted no time in reaching for the back of my head with his hand and lifting his hips from the couch. I relaxed my jaw and concentrated on my breathing as he repeatedly hit the back of my throat. My hands landed on his thighs to steady myself, and I dug my nails into his skin as he reveled the slight pain they caused.
“Yes, yes, yes, Y/N. Fuck me,” He whined drunklike, pounding his cock into my mouth without any remorse. It was hot, he was hot. He was puddy in my hands, and we both knew it. I moaned loudly around his cock, sending vibrations to his most sensitive point.
I lifted my tongue slightly, from where it rested at the bottom of my mouth, to rub against his thrusts and felt the burn of his fast speed. His thighs were tight from his contracted muscles pushing himself up. They were thick and hairy, and one was covered with a tiger tattoo that was usually ridden on by me. 
It became a tendency to kiss his thighs because of how obsessed I was about them. That’s why sucking him off was my favorite because they were both situated right beside me.
“I’m close, baby, so fucking close,” Harry panted as he got sloppy and inconsistent with his thrusts. He was getting tired and sensitive that I started to bob my head to finish him off. I hollowed my cheeks in and brought my hand back to stroke him. He had stopped his hips to let me take over again. “Just like that, Y/N. I’m gonna come so hard, baby.”
His balls were heavy as I toyed with them again. I pulled his cock out slightly so he wouldn’t shoot down my throat. I liked to swallow his come on my own and taste him on my tongue. My hand moved faster and my lips suckled on his tip. 
Harry’s head tossed back as his mouth fell agape and let out a raspy moan. Soon his come shot out his tip and his cock shriveled soft. I pulled him out and licked the corners of my mouth to make sure I swallowed all of him. 
I waited until he came back from his high to open my mouth and stick my tongue out. He leaned forward to rest his elbow on his thigh while his other hand grasped my jaw. He looked down my wide throat and smirked. 
“Good girl, baby. Did such a good job for me.”
I blushed and bit my lip shyly. He chuckled and moved to stuff his cock back in his pants. He looked freshly fucked as a layer of sweat formed on his forehead and exposed chest. His hair fell over his eyes as he looked down at what he was doing.
“You’re so hot,” I whimpered, feeling my panties dampen. “I need you.” Harry’s eyes met mine, and they were full of lust. His dimples poked out as he smiled at me. He leaned forward again so our noses touched.
“When I get back, I want you ready to take my cock,” He whispered before kissing me harshly. I smiled and nodded when he pulled away. He chuckled and kissed me once more. “I can’t get enough of you, baby. I’m gonna be so horny on that stage thinking about you that I’ll have to grind on the mic stand to relieve myself. And you’re gonna watch me, Y/N. How turned on you make me.”
“Or maybe it’s your own songs that are turning you on,” I shrugged.
“I couldn’t write Watermelon Sugar without becoming addicted to eating your cunt, now could I?” He argued. “I’ll be looking out there for you. And don’t touch yourself. Understand?” I nodded again.
Harry kissed my forehead before running out his dressing room. He gave me one last glance and a slight shake of his head. I was confused with what that was about, but just brushed it off and got into my outfit for the night.
He was serious when he said he was horny. Harry wouldn’t stop moaning and teasing himself with the mic stand. The screaming fans wanted him so bad, and I could only watch from afar with a proud smile on my face. None of them knew that their idol had his cock down my throat earlier, and soon to be deep in my cunt as soon as the show was over.
After Harry did the whale and threw up a peace sign, he stared out at the crowd and caught his breath. He blew out many kisses and turned to run off the stage while accepting numerous gifts. I watched him leave from my section, but stayed to listen to the rest of the band finish Kiwi before leaving. 
I returned to Harry's dressing room, but as I rounded the corner, he was already at the door, about to open it. His eyes darted to me like a predator, sending shivers up my spine.
“Hey, rockstar. The show was amazing as always,” I exclaimed as his smile grew wide.
“Thanks, baby. I saw you dancing like crazy,” He teased, grabbing my hand and shoving me inside his room. I yelped and was about to scold him for making me about to trip, but I was stopped by a pair of lips. My back slammed against the closed door, and his hands moved frantically under my black lace tank top.
I moaned within the kiss and snaked my arms around his neck. My exposed stomach met his and we both were wildly warm. 
“I saw what you were doing on stage,” I whispered as I pulled away from his lips. He grew a smug smirk and lifted a brow.
“Yeah, what was I doing, baby?” He asked, traveling his hands to my ass, covered by my red jeans, and squeezing as best as he could due to the material. I tried to open my mouth to speak, but his tongue immediately darted out and circled my own. He moaned and rutted his core with mine. “God I’m so high on adrenaline right now.”
“Please,” I whined, tightened my arms around his neck to bring him closer, if that was even possible. Harry chuckled and started blindly walking backwards. My eyes were fluttered shut as I was brought back into another intimate kiss.
We eventually returned back to the couch we were busy using pre-concert, and Harry turned us around so that I was pushed down first. I laid the length of the couch, but he immediately followed suit on top of me because my arms wouldn't leave his neck. And we were both desperate for our lips to meet once more.
“You never answered my question, baby. What was I doing on stage, huh?” Harry questioned in my mouth, slowly rolling his hips against my cunt and harshly breathing after each.
“You were teasing yourself.”
“How? What was I doing?”
I groaned when his lips left mine to nip at my jaw and suck an eventual mark. “The mic stand.” I couldn’t fucking speak with his newly hard dent in his pants roughly bucking against me. He was moving faster, and so was his breathing.
“Y/N, tell me. What was I doing to the mic stand?” He pulled his face away to meet eyes with me. His arms were planted next to both sides of my head so I felt very trapped under him. I liked it a lot. “Go on, baby.”
I sucked in a breath and nodded. “You were… uh grinding on it and…”
“And what?”
“You were getting hard. And moaning,” I finished, dropping my eyes down from his intense eye contact. I still felt the sly smirk grow on his lips as his hips slowed down, teasing both of us even more.
“Yeah, I was. God I was so hard, baby,” he moaned, craning his neck down so his lips met my ear. “And guess who I was thinking about.”
I knew the answer, but I didn’t want to say it. I was blushing drastically, and when he chuckled in my ear, I knew he was enjoying me getting shy. He gently kissed my ear then behind it, before sucking a mark. His hips picked up their speed, causing both of us to moan.
He wanted me to take his cock out of his pants. My hand slid between us, trailing my nails along his chest. His hips paused but his lips sucked harder, sizzling his teeth to create a bite mark. It felt so good.
“I bet you’re still wet from earlier, Y/N. You need me, don’t you?” He groaned at the thought. “I told you to be ready for my cock after the show. You better hope you are, for your own sake.”
I bit my lip to contain the loud moan I wanted to let out from his words. My hand blindly unzipped his jeans and searched for his cock over his boxers. It was very hard and sensitive because he suddenly jumped from the contact.
“I’m so ready for you,” I whimpered as I squeezed him, and my other hand left his neck to slide his vest off his shoulder. He caught onto what I wanted and shook it off completely and tossing it to the side.
He pulled his head back to brush his lips over mine and groan in my mouth. He tugged my bottom lip between his teeth as his hips rutted against my hand. I giggled softly, but it turned into a gasp as one of his hands found my neck to grab.
“I can’t wait to ruin you all over again,” He whispered, squeezing the sides of my neck and smirking at my words getting caught in my throat. “Are you gonna be a good girl at let me ruin you? Ruin your cunt?” 
My head nodded rapidly in desperation. He could do anything he wanted to me, at that moment. “Please,” I begged, squeezing his cock again. His eyes fell dark, and I couldn’t break the hard contact he held us in. 
“Need to undress you first, huh?” He suddenly sat up on his knees and looked down at me, the vision of pure sex. Naked chest, layered with sweat and hard pants from all the adrenaline. His hair was matted from being pushed back throughout the whole show but now curled over his forehead. 
His hands trailed up my thighs, scratching at the thick material of my jeans, until he reached the waistline and found the zipper. He swiftly unbuckled me and snaked my jeans off my legs. They were pointed to the air, and Harry took each leg to spread and examine.
“So pretty,” He mumbled to himself, before leaning forward to press his lips to my calves. “and so soft, baby.” He let out a long groan as his hips pushed against my center, causing my legs to attempt to close. His arms circled each to part them farther, and his eyes wandered down to my stained panties.
“Harry,” I sighed at each kiss to my legs. His attention wouldn’t leave my wet spot as his lips traveled lower to my inner thighs. I already had faded bite marks from him, not too long ago, which made him smirk and circle his lips around the spots. 
His fingers looped around my panties and he backed away slightly to slip them off my legs. My hips lifted to help him before he crumbled them in his hands and hummed. “You won’t be needing these for the rest of the night,” He smirked down at me.
The cold air of the room found my naked core and I shivered from the shocking pleasure. I bit my lip and threw my head back. “Touch me, please,” I begged Harry, yearning for him inside of me.
“Of course, baby. Anything for you,” He cooed, letting my legs fall on both sides of him and bend at my knees. He slid down so he could rest on his stomach and be found between my legs. His eyes locked with mine as his plush lips kissed both sides of my inner thighs. I whimpered and reached for the back of his head.
His tongue poked out and he hovered over my cunt with hard eye contact. I waited impatiently, but he didn’t move. “Fuck,” I whimpered as my hips snapped up on their own and connected his tongue to my cunt. I gasped as he immediately darted himself inside me and curled against my walls before kissing my entire cunt and doing it again.
One of my hands gripped his hair and tugged to pull moans out of him. My other slapped over my mouth to contain my uncontrollable yelps. Harry paused and extended one of his arms to me, holding up two fingers. He motioned for me to suck on them instead, and I gladly did. I grabbed his wrist and cried out around his fingers.
His tongue was doing wonders on my cunt. Thrusting and circling inside of me, before trailing up to my clit and flicking harshly. 
“M-m-more,” I stuttered, and it came out as a muffle around his fingers. He switched to sucking on my fold and clit, finally bringing me close to my release. He could tell without me having to say it as my hips moved on their own and rode his mouth. “I... fuck, Harry.”
I whimpered as his tongue left me and his fingers slipped out of my mouth. He sat back up on his knees to shake his jeans off his legs. He was basically throbbing against his boxers as his hand groped his cock to relieve himself.
“Take your top and bra off,” He demanded with his head tossed back in pleasure. I did as told and slid my lace top off, and unlatched my bra from myself, throwing them both to the side. My breasts laid flat but plush against my chest, and my nipples instantly hardened from the whiff of cold air.
Harry finally stopped torturing himself by taking his boxers off and letting his cock slap up against his stomach. He groaned and grabbed himself, stroking his long length, and his jaw fell agape.
I leaned on my elbows to watch him, and our eyes met suddenly, both of us smiling. “Ready, pretty girl?” I nodded desperately and bucked up my hips. He chuckled and brought his cock to my opening, lining himself up. 
His hands found my hips as he suddenly snapped his cock inside of me, both of us gasping together before moaning in relief from finally having each other like we wanted. Harry didn’t wait before pounding recklessly into me. 
My breasts jumped from the intensity of his thrusts, and one of my hands found my left to grope and flick at its nipple. I sighed and sucked in a breath.
“Yes, fuck!” Harry groaned, watching our centers meet as I clenched around him, already feeling close to my release. “You’re so tight, baby. I can’t fucking get enough of you.”
My hands found his biceps to grip and dig my nails into. I cried out and tossed my head back into the armrest. I was slowly being pushed up the couch from the intensity of his thrusts. I watched his hips roll, and the outline of his prominent V-line, turning me on even more. He was so fucking sexy.
“Whatcha look at, baby?” I heard him chuckle over me, mixed with groans. I glanced up at him with rolled in lips, and he leaned forward to hover over me. His face came close to mine, our foreheads barely touching from my body moving under him. “You look so fuckable under me, just like this. I can’t stop all the thoughts of what I want to do to you right now, Y/N. I’m trying so hard not to—”
“Ruin me... please,” I begged through staggered breaths. “Just, fuck me harder, Harry. I need it so bad.”
Harry’s eyes suddenly darkened. I couldn’t process what was happening by how fast he moved. He flipped me around on my hands and knees, still holding a tight grip on my hips, and giving me a second to steady myself.
He held his cock and pushed himself back in me. I gasped and dropped my head down. I felt the pleasurable burn of his grip holding my hips as he drilled faster into me. One of my hands came around to pull my right ass cheek apart and felt a new sensation. 
Harry moaned, “Such a pretty cunt, Y/N. I love it, I love you so much.” My back arched deeply as my teeth sunk into my forearm. I was getting close, but I didn’t want the pleasure to end.
He continued to pump his cock into me, twisting his hips slightly to change the angle and hit the spot he knew all too well. A loud moan escaped my mouth from the first thrust to my g-spot. “Yes, Harry!”
“I know, baby. Only I know your sweet spot, huh?” He sighed, slightly slowing down his movements to cherish the tightness of my walls clenching around him. “You’re close, I can feel you about to pop.”
“Yes, fuck, I am,” I nodded, mustering up the strength to look over my shoulder and meet eyes with him. His jaw was tight and tilted up, and I wanted to lick up his neck, mark it with all my love bites. 
His thrusts became sloppy as his hands ran up my spine. His body suddenly fell on top of mine, his chest against my back, and my ass cheeks snapped louder to his hips.
I felt his hard breaths against my neck as his face snuggled itself in my shoulder. He pressed delicate kisses, even though his thrusts were anything but that. His hand came around my body to find my clit, and his sole finger rubbed circles. 
“Don’t, don’t stop, Harry,” I moaned, rutting into his hand. 
“Never, baby. I can’t ever stop,” He panted, biting down on my shoulder and fastening the circles on my clit. He eventually slapped it and sent a shock all through my body, causing my walls to clench around his throbbing cock. He gasped and did it again to gain the same reaction from me.
One of Harry’s legs slightly lifted off the couch to change the angle once again. I began to sweat from how long and how intense his cock pounded into me, reaching all different kinds of places inside of me. I hummed and met his thrusts by pushing my ass back against him.
“I’m gonna come. Fuck, Harry,” I whimpered, feeling my legs grow weak as they began to shake. “I can’t hold myself.”
Once again, Harry’s cock left me and I was flipped around to my back. His chest met mine as he laid on top and slipped himself back in easily. His face found the crook of my neck and his hands gripped my hips before he was back to pounding at a faster pace than before.
“I’m right behind you. I’m gonna fill you up so much, and you better make sure you keep all of it inside until we get back to the hotel,” He whispered in my ear before kissing behind it. My legs instantly wrapped around his waist, and my heels dug into his ass cheeks. I felt each time he clenched to push himself into me.
“Are you going to let me wear my panties again?” I asked boldly, even though we both knew the answer. He chuckled into my neck, and blatantly ignored my question.
His hand found my clit again as I stuttered my release coming. “How does it feel? Hmmm? Gonna come around me?” My head tossed back as my nails dragged down his back. “Let go, Y/N. I got you, baby, I got you.” I squeezed around his cock and felt the pop in my stomach as I released. I moaned out his name and held him tighter.
“Shit, my fucking god, Y/N,” Harry groaned, bucking his hips into me once more and keeping himself as deep as he could. His voice was raspy and deep in my ear, instantly turning me on again. His release quickly followed suit, and he pumped a few times to push his come deeper. 
Our breaths fell in sync as we waited for them to slow down together. Harry unintentionally rutted in me again, causing both of us to gasp. “Shit sorry,” He mumbled, pulling his head back to find my lips. “Your walls are so fucking tight still. I could fuck you all over again,” He whispered before he enveloped us in a passionate kiss. My hands ran up into his hair and tangled my fingers in his curls.
Harry slowly pulled himself out of me and I whimpered at the lost of contact. He chuckled and toyed my tongue with his, capturing us in a steamy make out session.
Post-show sex. Adrenaline. Sweat. Moans.
I love it.
oh my ...
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meetmymouth · 2 years
bestie : harry styles x best friend!reader
helloooo this is just something short and sweet for you guys. lowercase intended. best friend reader x harry. reblogs and feedback are welcome! enjoy.
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yourusername has started a live!
she purses her lips as she tries to find a decent enough filter to hide the bags under her eyes. she wouldn’t normally care, but it was one of those days where everything about her and her face seemed so awful to her. she decides on a bright filter, and watches the number go up until people start gushing and saying ‘hello’ in the chat.
“hello, hello,” she laughs, seeing her brother’s username pop up as well as a few other familiar ones. “jack is watching my live, how sweet,” she refers to her brother, and starts reading other messages.
“i’m not drunk, it’s eleven in the morning!”
harry_lambert hi angel
ynlovesharry you’re so pretty!!!! hiii
harryscorn hi bestie where’s harry
“hi everyone– hi lambert,” she laughs when she notices his messages in the chat, followed by a few angel emojis. “you did well in toronto, they looked amazing.”
niallshorndog have you watched the red carpet???? omg
zaynxharry are you gonna watch my policeman? 
harry_lambert thanksssssss x
harrystyles hi
gracewalkers12 whens the album coming out??
wellbeafinelines harry is here omg
tobesoharryy y/n being supportive we love to see it
harryscorn HARRY IS HERE
“am i going to watch my policeman? of bloody course!” she says, itching her neck as the hot air in the bedroom seemed to suffocate her. “ha!” she laughs at harry’s message. “hi, harry. the album isn’t finished yet but soon!”
harrystyles you suck
ynupdates show us bambi!
ynandharry i love their friendship
harrystyles how do i join this live?
“bambi is outside,” she responds, eyes catching another one of harry’s messages. “harry, you’ve already joined the live, bestie.”
she watches other messages pop up, and starts talking about her favourite artists and the mtv music awards before she sees harry’s username pop up again.
harrystyles i sent a request.
harrystyles ahhh.
limabean89 are u and harry dating?
adele hi gorgeous
“oh my god, hi adele, what the hell?” she laughs, scrolling up to see harry’s messages again. she presses a few different settings before the screen doubles, and harry’s face pops up.
he’s in bed, only his forehead and eyes visible.
“am i on?”
“you are,” she confirms, laughing. “hi bestie.”
“hi bestieeee,” he says loudly, and fixes his phone so his whole face is in the frame. “what are you doing?” he asks.
“nothing much, to be honest. writing. what you up to– you seem bored.”
“i am. just chilling.”
ynupdates collab pls
ynsbananbread y/n pls date
harrysfineline HSRRY OMG
cherryxharry HARRY WTFHEBKFD
harry_lambert besties
jeffazoff two idiots
“okay i see,” she nods, reading the messages. “you love him more.”
harry snickers. “hard not to when you’re me.”
harry laughs. “the messages are coming through so fast, i can’t read anything,” he murmurs, eyes looking down as he presumably tries to catch up. “jeff called us idiots.”
she rolls her eyes. “takes one to know one, i guess.”
“someone just asked what i smell like,” harry clears his throat, and looks up again, eyes on his camera as it gives the effect of holding eye contact.
she does the same. “you smell good.”
he smiles. “thanks. niamh is asking what your favourite position is.”
“oh fuck off!”
kid_harpoon besties are live
ynupdates can yall date please lmao 
nialllovescamila how can you be just friends with harry styles
“’how can you be just friends with harry styles’,” harry reads, then laughs, looking back up again. “well,” he says, straightening up on the bed. he leans against the countless pillows. “she keeps letting me down.”
“let’s not go there,” she says, already knowing the articles that will be published after harry’s statement. “bridget asks how i smell like,” she wiggles her eyebrows, making harry roll his eyes.
annetwist hi loves
annetwist 🥰
butterflyyn NOT RUBBISH OMFG
ynsbreadsticks ANNEEEEE
watersmelonsugars omg anne is here
she ignores harry. “hi anne.”
“hi mum.”
“what inspires you,” she reads another message.
“is that one for me?” harry asks, rubbing his eyes.
“i guess for both of us? what inspires you?” she directs the question at him.
harry bites his bottom lip. “everything, really– people, love, heartbreak, happiness... mostly people.”
“i guess, same.”
“great,” he laughs. “copy my answer.”
“stop being mean to me, oh my god.”
lhhfeverdream harry would you ever date y/n?
ynupdates harry do you have another album coming out soon?
harryfashionarchive our faves! hi besties
“would i ever date–” harry reads one question in particular, though she cuts him off.
“we’re best friends.”
harry laughs, dimples widening. “don’t knock it ‘til you try it, y/n.”
jeffazoff as if she hasn’t already
ynupdates ???? WHAT NOW
gemmastyles this is disturbing
niallhoran 😂
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dayoldtea · 1 year
pairing: harry styles x brazilian!famous!reader
fc: bruna marquezine
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liked by user19, user76 and 17.841 others
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user111 HIS HAIR???!?!?!! IM FUCKING DEAD
user165 excuse me sir, where is your girlfriend?
user241 ok but yn was wearing this same hoodie a few weeks ago during a live on instagram
⤷ user268 i thought i was the only one who noticed! this hoodie is definitely hers
user344 this is giving frat boy harry in the best way
user417 the way he and yn are always wearing each other's clothes—
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liked by user13, user36 and 10.004 others
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user06 she and harry always find the camera
user51 she's so pretty, bye
user76 WHERE IS HARRY????
⤷ user105 that's a good question
user83 the most beautiful woman in the world
user99 @yourinstagram girl, you better be at the grammy tomorrow
user108 i love her so much
user417 MY WIFE
user420 literally everyone's favorite person
user590 why hasn't harry put a ring on her finger yet?
user622 if she really goes to the grammy with harry i will lose my mind 😃
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liked by user72, user81 and 20.542 others
harry_updatemedia Harry on the 65th #GRAMMYs red carpet tonight! February 5
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user92 HIS TATTOOS🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
user187 the real proof that harry looks hot in anything he proposes to wear
user236 harry lambert u had one job...
user248 i can only imagine what yn thought of this outfit
user301 IM NOT OKAY
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liked by chrisevans, arianagrande and 11.123.880 others
yourinstagram see you soon grammys
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billieeilish i chocked
⤷ user761 literally me
user891 i would also write two whole albums about her
user912 i just don't know what to say
zendaya excuse me, are you single?
⤷ user1021 lmfao half of the internet is asking the same question right now
user1066 wishing i was harry tonight
harrystyles holy shit
⤷ user2811 LMFAOOOOOO
user3181 MOMMY?? SORRY
jacobelordi wow 🔥🔥🔥
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liked by user91, user104 and 6.718 others
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user86 im so fucking proud of him 😭
user265 i'll never shut up about him
user295 this is art
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liked by user41, user77 and 8.912 others
ynandharryupdates "I want to take a moment to give a special thanks to my beautiful, brilliant and talented girlfriend. Y/N, absolutely none of this would be possible without your constant presence and support in my life. Thank you for being here tonight, and thank you for inspiring me every day to write songs that surely wouldn't exist if it weren't for you. I love you. I love you and I hope to keep showing you that every day as long as you allow me to." Harry Styles during his speech as the winner of the album of the year award at the #GRAMMYs
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user91 sleeping on the highway tonight... 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️
user104 "beautiful, brilliant and talented girlfriend" i'm biting my pillow
user131 lizzo recording yn's reaction was the cutest thing ever
user145 so many tears
user230 the way yn held harry's hand when they announced the names in the category, the way he immediately turned to her when his name was called, the way they clearly said "i love you" to each other before they embraced and he came on stage to accept the award, the way his voice wavered a little as he dedicated the award to her… im dead
user265 how can i not be single when harry styles is my ideal male pattern?
user410 crying, screaming, shaking, throwing up, pulling out my hair
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liked by taylorswift, gemmastyles and 9.972.021 others
yourinstagram meu amor (my babe) is a grammy winner
yourinstagram has disabled comments
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liked by liampayne, zayn and 14.755.941 others
harrystyles the real winners of the grammy for album of the year
harrystyles has disabled comments
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