#harry potter and the philosphers stone
levforfakes · 4 months
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you mean literally just remus
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I'm really excited about doing a Harry Potter reading The Philosopher's Stone fic. I'm thinking that it will be a reader insert where the reader is Luna's godmother and Lucius Malfoy's ex.
Here's a preview of the fic:
"You've been dreaming about my godmother?" Luna asked curiously from behind Harry. The fifth year Gryffindor hadn't had much to do with the fourth year Ravenclaw after their ride to Hogwarts when Harry had found out that the carriages weren't pulled by invisible horses.
"She's such a kind, talented woman."
Harry bit down on his tongue, not wanting to disagree with Luna but unable to see how someone who had dated Draco Malfoy's father in her school days could be described as 'kind.'
Ron however, had no problems voicing his disbelief, "She can't be that kind if she was dating Malfoy Senior," he scoffed.
Luna's usual dreamy expression slipped and was replaced with a judgemental glare, "People and circumstances change Ronald. Or do you only offer forgiveness to those who were Sorted into Gryffindor?"
Eager to change the topic and wincing at the unintentional mention of Pettigrew, Harry spoke up, "How did you know where we were Luna?"
"Professor Dumbledore told me to come and find you," the Ravenclaw replied, shifting back to her usual demeanour. "He has a book called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. He wants to read the book to everyone in the Great Hall."
If you have any pairing suggestions for the fic, please comment them or send me an ask.
Once you have voted, please reblog so that this poll reaches a wider audience.
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justmorebtsffs · 9 months
Which one of my AUs is your favourite? I'm asking this because I know that most of them are less than half finished. 
If everyone has one that they really want me to finish I'll try to put some extra time this weekend into a new chapter (or two). 
I'm very sorry for leaving you all on hold with these for so long but, I'm trying, I promise.
💜 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 💜
My AUs are (the ones I can remember off the top of my head)
Monsters of Verity AU (Run To the Light | Taekook) (only about three chapters left to write max, probably will finish soon anyways)
Hunger Games (Taekook) (Only on echapter so far. I'm VERY stuck on Tae’s character sooo)
I Could Never Forget You | Namjin (technically finished but I wanted to write the wedding chapter and have been busy) Also I had an idea to do a story on Chanlix in the same universe.
Idol Tae, non-idol Jungkook breakup get back together AU Probably 2 - 3 chpaters left to write. (Can I Be Your One | Taekook)
Harry Potter AU (I don't think I posted it here, but if you'd like to see it I can clean it up and start posting it, let me just tell you it's a whole mess so it may be a while.)
President & Cabinet AU (Namjin, Sope, maybe possibly a maknae line ship.) (I started it on Wattpad, I don't think I posted it here at all. It's called West Wing AU)I have a Plane Crash AU that I haven't even posted yet but if you'd like to see it pls pls pls let me know. I'm stuck on Hoseok's character for the fic but I really want to write it.
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greenmoons · 2 years
The missing hours in the first chapter of the philosopher's stone
It's always bothered me where Harry and Hagrid where in the first book. Vodemort attacked the Potter's house in the Haloween's evening, so it was the evening of the October 31. That's means Hagrid picked up Harry in the late night of October 31 (like in eleven pm) or in the early morning of November 1 (like between midnight to four am).
Let's guess the conversation between Albus and Minerva in Privet drive was in eight in the evening of November 1. Minerva sat there a full day after the Potter's died, that's means she was in Privet Drive in November 1 (Albus canceled the lessons? She didn't suppose to teach that day? Ooo wait, she didn't! It's suppse to be Sunday and not Tuesday! Vernon shouldn't go to work this day, it's suppose to be his favourite day without mail!).
Anyway, that's means Hagrid needed to take care of Harry for more then twelve hours and it could be also near to twenty four hours. Now, it's Hagrid, I know Albus said he trusted Hagrid with his life, but how can he trust Hagrid to change a diaper to a baby? Hagrid doesn't have magic, if he would try to do that he could crash Harry. Well, Voldemort would have been happy if Hagrid will kill Harry instead, let a half giant change a diaper to a small baby it's much better way to kill a baby.
Besides, Hagird did this way on a flying motorbike, I checked and a car drive between the areas of west country and Surrey suppose to take five hours, but on a flying vehicle it's suppose to be faster, they should have been there after two hours, so where Harry and Hagrid were? I know it's more logical to leave Harry there in the evening, and Albus didn't know Hagrid will have a faster way to arrive, so maybe he thought Hagrid will walk this way and that would take him few hours. So Hagrid knew he can arrive there faster and had many hours to spare. So. what he did with Harry? They went to ride on Unicorns? They did a campfire? It's doesn't matter, Hagrid still could accidently kill the boy who lived.
So, there are something like twenty missing hours, what happened to them? Who played with a time turner and ruined the timeline? Wait, we have an anwer to this question Albus and Scorpius did it! They went back in time to this date, they went in back in time for few decades. We know from Eloise Mintumbe case that if you're return years you messing up the timeline. After she return to the present (that happened in 1899, and Gelbus fanfics really needs to start mentioning it!) Tuesday lasted for two and half days and thursday was only four hours and Wednesday wasn't exist. That's explained it all! That is the explanation of everything! Albus and Scorpius return's to 1981 cause the November 1 be Tuesday instead of Sunday and influenced the hours of the day so Hagrid and Harry got there in the evening without feeling twenty hours pass! Maybe the area of Godric's Hollow was somekind of loophole or something like that.
The point is that the Cursed Child was written to explain and justify Rowling's math problems, it's not mistakes Albus and Scorpius just ruined the timeline! Everything is working out now. Albus and Scorpius blame in it.
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Welcome to our final ever Page to Screen episode! Reeah re-writes several scenes because she claims she can make "fix them", while Jem has chosen an extremely controversial hill to die on...
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itswalky · 1 month
So did your parents ever explain why you shouldn't get involved in anyhting potentially occult or supernatural? Or why the focus was on stuff like Dungeons and Dragons or Harry Potter and not characters who predated them like Dr. Strange or Dr. Fate?
Most of this question can be answered by noting that most of these examples were irrelevant to my childhood either by How Old I Am or I Didn't Know They Existed.
Harry Potter didn't exist until I was in college! I remember the day, while I was employed at the Warner Bros Studio Store during art school, that the managers had a meeting and told us that The Next Big Thing, By Corporate Decree, would be something called Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone. And we would sell it. And we would have exclusive rights to sell it. And by god it was going to be the big thing or fucking else.
So that didn't come up much with my parents, no.
Also, I'm not sure I knew who Dr. Strange or Dr. Fate were until I was in my twenties. They wouldn't be an example I'd know to bring up.
And so the focus was on contemporary things I knew about, like He-Man or Disney's Gummi Bears or the Black Cauldron PC game I got for my birthday and got to play like five minutes of before it was discovered that there was magic in this.
(five minutes was enough to get frustrated and stuck in it, anyway, so not the hugest loss)
I got to watch Star Wars, which ""promoted eastern religion," because "it was good."
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fanfic-lover-girl · 3 months
Every time Draco called Hermione "Mudblood" when speaking to her
So I wanted to compile here all the times Draco calls Hermione a "mudblood" as a follow-up to this post.
Not referring to her in third person as one but actually using it while speaking to her individually. And how Hermione responded. This is mainly for my own fun.
I did this examination by searching for "mudblood" in all the pdf files of the books.
Philospher's/Sorcerer's Stone
Chamber of Secrets
“At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in,” said Hermione sharply. “They got in on pure talent.” The smug look on Malfoy’s face flickered. “No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood,” he spat.
Note: He only acknowledged Hermione's presence on the field when she insulted him.
“He did,” she said. “But I don’t know what it means. I could tell it was really rude, of course —”
Note: It's weird how no focus is put on Hermione during this debacle. All of the focus is on Ron's rage. Even after Hermione learns what the slur means, there is no description of a reaction even several paragraphs later. This is the most I see of a reaction which is kind of nice but disappointing at the same time if JKR truly wants me to feel the plight of mugglebornes in her story.
Prisoner of Azkaban
Goblet of Fire
“Want one, Granger?” said Malfoy, holding out a badge to Hermione. “I’ve got loads. But don’t touch my hand, now. I’ve just washed it, you see; don’t want a Mudblood sliming it up.”
Note: Draco was harassing Harry. Hermione entered the exchange by snarking at Pansy and her female gang. Then, in a continuation of humiliating Harry, Draco engages her.
“Harry!” Hermione said warningly.
Note: Once again, no reaction from Hermione. Here, she tries to prevent Harry from escalating by attacking Draco. And once again the reactive party is someone else - this time Harry, a guy. Yay, feminism!
Order of the Phoenix
“The Inquisitorial Squad, Granger,” said Malfoy, pointing toward a tiny silver I upon his robes just beneath his prefect’s badge. “A select group of students who are supportive of the Ministry of Magic, handpicked by Professor Umbridge. Anyway, members of the Inquisitorial Squad do have the power to dock points. . . . So, Granger, I’ll have five from you for being rude about our new headmistress. . . . Macmillan, five for contradicting me. . . . Five because I don’t like you, Potter . . . Weasley, your shirt’s untucked, so I’ll have another five for that. . . . Oh yeah, I forgot, you’re a Mudblood, Granger, so ten for that. . . .”
Ron pulled out his wand, but Hermione pushed it away, whispering, “Don’t!”
Note: Same note as above. But this time it's Ron instead of Harry.
Fun fact: Most of the mudblood usage comes from Kreacher in this book.
Half-Blood Prince
Deathly Hallows
Final Count! In direct conversation with Hermione, Draco called her a mudblood...3 times...over 7 years? Is that it?? Gasp! I thought Draco was such a big bad meanie to poor defenceless queen Hermione 😭. She's oh so hurt and traumatized!
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All jokes aside, I do admire Hermione's almost utter lack of regard for Draco's taunts. She does not walk around acting like a victim so her fans need to do the same. And as for the Draco antis, there's no need to overblow Draco's bullying to make your point. When you look at it, Draco was not that great of a bully. He's honestly mostly bark and his bite always seems to backfire on him in the end instead of his intended victims.
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somesortofinsideout · 6 months
The Locked Tomb Books as Mysteries
The Locked Tomb is not a book I'd expect to be as popular as it is. I love it, read Gideon and Harrow in about a week each and am currently reading Nona (no spoilers please), but still it is undeniably gory and confusing and WEIRD. Like the plot is so convoluted, the worldbuilding so dense and specific, that the only way to describe the story is "lesbian necromancers in space" and even THAT oversimplification is something I've never ever seen before in a mainstream book.
So how is it so popular? Perhaps because of its weirdness and uniqueness. But I'd argue a different factor is more important. Each book is a mystery, taking the "Harry Potter Approach" explained in this video essay:
It's an incredible video, but if you don't have time to watch, here's the gist. Each Harry Potter book sets up a central mystery that the story is structured around. Who's trying to get the philospher's stone? Who is the heir of slytherin? Each book is loaded with red herrings to throw readers off the scent. What's more, the mystery being set in a fantastical world distracts us. We're too busying gawking over wands and dragons to fully take in some of the clues, yet we can think back on them when all is revealed later.
The Locked tomb series takes this concept and turns it up to an 11. Not only is each book a mystery, but the overarching plot and question of the world is a mystery.
Gideon's book is a proper murder mystery. Who's killing the heirs of the houses and their cavaliers and why? Harrow's book is more a psychological mystery. Why doesn't Harrow remember Gideon? Why is she half a lyctor? These questions drive us through the books, interspersed with questions about how the world works, how necromancy works, a thousand little bits of foreshadowing that only make sense on a reread. In the midst of all the confusion, we know answers are coming and we hunt for hints ourselves as we read.
But these books cheat where I'm not sure Harry Potter does. When the killer is revealed in Gideon's book, it's somebody the reader has never met, someone whose name we haven't heard, performing feats we thoughts impossible. In Harrow's book again, the reason for the mystery is something previously not thought possible.
Questions are always left open at the end of each book, even as the central plots wrap up. Perhaps because they are part of a greater mystery. What exactly is necromancy? Who is the real enemy? And I don't know about you, but it's working for me so far. I eat up those little crumbs and hints about what's going on, and when I make a correct guess I feel so damn smart. It's what keeps me going through the confusion. Like seeing the bigger picture without having all the puzzle pieces. I wonder if anybody else had this same thought.
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samatheia229 · 1 year
Story Prompt: Rise Dark Gods AU w/ a side of TMNT mega-crossover
Participants, the Bale welcomes you. Only one can reign supreme in the Battle Nexus. Will it be you?
In a world where everyone is either immortal or a god, life and death means very little. Nobody's had a good grasp of the sacrality of life in at least five millenia.
To a society that cannot die, certain death is fascinating. It is why Lady Octavia's Battle Nexus is so widely celebrated; her team does a phenomenal job of creating the illusion of certain death. Yet an illusion can only sate their obsession for so long. The surge of offerings at Leo's temples is a sign that people have gotten bored.
Perhaps it is time for the Battle Nexus to go multi-dimensional. Surely, the people will enjoy seeing alternate versions of their princes battle to true death.
⚠️TW: suidical undertones, blood, gore, graphic depictions of violence, MCD (but kudos to you if you somehow manage to get around it)
Reckless endangerment in the first degree - Beings of power blatantly disregarding the preciousness of life, either because they do not care or do not understand it. Either way, life is meaningless to someone who can live forever.
Hints of classism - Beings of power using the lower class for their own entertainment. The Battle Nexus exemplifies this in its mirroring of the gladiator fights of Ancient Rome. The noble and powerful (gods, immortals, yokai) place bets and spectate the event from comfortable seats high above whilst the gladiators (mortals, in the case), typically slaves or of a lesser background, battle to the death for a prize/the title of champion.
The idea is that several TMNT iterations of your choosing are summoned to play a twisted, deadly version of the Lair Games in this Dark Rise AU's Battle Nexus. Their opponents are both each other and this AU's Rise boys, who control the arena and created the games being played. There are six rounds: one round against a space made by each brother, a fight amongst the players, and a final battle with the four gods in the flesh.
The space created by each brother reflects the domain they govern. Raph's round, for example, might involve facing childhood fears because he is the Patron of Childhood. Similarly, Leo being the Patron of Games and manipulative bastard that he is, would have his round be 4D chess, with him (White) as the opponent and the players (Black) as living pieces. Like the chess game from Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone except they actually die.
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llharrypotterfanll · 1 year
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Such exciting news. We are going to get a NEW HARRY POTTER SERIES!!!!! 🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎉🎊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Things I want to see. I'm assuming it'll be like season 1 is Philosphers Stone and each episode is a chapter or a mix of chapters. Hopefully the episodes aren't too short but not too long that they feel like a drag.
I don't want Hermione stealing most of Ron's moments. I want to see the ghost party in book 1, the midnight duel, giving away Hagrids dragon, actual accurate depiction of how horrible Snape was the movies really watered him down he was a horrible and abusive teacher. I hope the special effects budget is higher but that doesn't mean make it needlessly flashy the best magic sometimes looks more subtle as if its a natural part of the world. They can also give accurate ravenclaw colour/animal (its blue and bronze Eagle. Not blue and silver Raven) I hope they release a ton of new merch with accurate ravenclaw aesthetic.
I don't know how they'll replace Hagrid or Snape. Their actors were iconic and really made the role but I trust the new actors will do just as well. I'm also excited to see who's the next Harry, Ron and Hermione. THIS IS THE BEST NEWS I COULD HAVE RECEIEVED!!!
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junbugswritings · 2 years
the urge to make a harry potter rewrite returns
this time including, for some godforsaken reason, two pre-canon stories relating to tom riddle's ascent to becoming voldemort, and thne after one relating to the mauraders.
just !!! the riddle era fic leaving off in the perfect place where it'd seamlessly connect to the final chapters of the mauraders era fic when voldemort comes to kill the potters and then that leads perfeclty into the beginning prologue of philospher's stone....
it sounds so Fun, but then my mortal enemy arrives....actually writing it
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levforfakes · 5 months
oliver wood and marcus flint had some gay shit going
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collectmytears · 2 years
Tagged by the lovely @babssionate thank you, angel🫀
Last song:
- Stressed Out by A Tribe Called Quest & Faith Evans
Last show:
- Grey’s Anatomy (Season 3 Finale)
Currently Watching:
- Grey’s Anatomy and Good Trouble 💀
Currently Reading:
- Harry Potter & The Philospher’s Stone and The Outsiders
Current Obsession:
- I don’t think I really have one atm. Maybe medical shows? Such as Good Doctor and Grey’s 💀 I’ve been binge watching a heap of them lately.
Tagging: @nobrakes @enchantedaniel @mclaurenceo @daniallricciardo @wonderpodia @anniee @querencva
Feel free to ignore!!🥰
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vtgbooks · 1 year
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J.K. ROWLING Harry Potter and the PHILOSPHER'S STONE Hardcover Just Jacket 2015
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huffle200 · 2 years
Reading List
Books to Read 2022:
The Case of the Fiery Fingers - E.S. Gardner
The Eye of the World - Robert Jordan
Moments Asunder - Dayton Ward
The Tender Bar - J.R. Moehringer
Fool's Gold - P.J. Skinner
Harry Potter Series Reread Writing Down the Bones - Natalie Goldberg
Finished Books: Great Expectation - Charles Dickens Uncertain Logic - Christopher L. Bennet Miasma - Greg Cox Currently Reading: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philospher's Stone - J.K. Rowling
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emo-space-tea · 3 years
Harry Potter Dividers
Made by: Me @emo-space-tea
Harry Potter and The Philosophers Stone
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Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets
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Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
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Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
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Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix
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Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince
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Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1
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Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2
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If you save, please repost!
If you use them, please give credit!
Hope you Enjoy!
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