#haurchefant x reader
killingdove · 1 year
could we perhaps get some headcanons for the ishgardian trio realizing the moment they fell for the reader/wol 👀👀👀
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A/N: ooh i love this request so much!! i hope these are to your liking dearest anon ♡
it was in the way you sliced not only your foes but the way you sliced through the air as well when you were in battle
you may or may not worship halone but either way you were clearly bestowed the gift of combat prowess by her grace
when you’d have sparring matches together, estinien would never go easy on you as he finds that disrespectful but you knock the breath out of him physically and metaphorically whenever you win
there was a day where the practice match ended in you managing to get estinien’s back to fall atop the ground and you were pointing your weapon’s tip at him proudly from your standing position
“don’t tell me you’ve gone easy on me, wyrmblood,” you smirk
estinien stares up at you with wide eyes as he feels his heart skip a beat
but he quickly schools his elegant elezen features into his usual scowl
“of course not. who do you take me for?”
laughing, you help him up and he swears the contact between your hands ignited something within him, something different and incomparable to nidhogg’s rage that he felt all the time
he comes to find your laugh is like music to his ears
he also realizes he wants to hear more of the sound, and he uses that dry humor of his to elicit more of them from you from that day onwards which results in more small smiles from him
he’s doomed
when he wrote and poured his heart into the missive that would later grant you and the scions access to ishgard, he stopped at one point after going on a spiel about you in ink
he had unwittingly went on to sing your highest praises and much of it read like a love letter
it was during his reminiscing of your good deeds as he wrote did he realize the pure adoration and emotion he felt for you
haurchefant gets embarrassed by himself, a blush rising to his cheeks as he sets the paper aside to start anew
he was nervous such a prodigious hero as yourself would not return his feelings
not only that but he did not want to risk his father blabbering about the contents of the missive to you
later, he sees you that day and feels his stomach doing somersaults
you were just so radiant, bringing hope and happiness wherever you tread
“be still my beating heart…” he mumbles to himself before he approaches you with a smile
as usual, he was his jovial and enthusiastic, caring self
but if one were to look closely enough, the dead giveaway of his love for you was evident within his eyes as they’d crinkle at the corners with his genuine smiles
he had always admired you from the moment he started following your expeditions and learning of your successes
but he never knew the extent of how deep his feelings ran for you as time had passed with working with you
it wasn’t until he invites you for a one-on-one dinner within the Borel manor
that evening he got to know you better, and the back and forth conversations you had over steak and wine did nothing but stoke the flames of his growing love
when the topic had shifted to romance, he felt heat circulating within his cheeks
the way you talked about your past lovers however, caused a different heat within him; one that bespoke of jealousy
it was an ugly feeling that twisted him on the inside, one he was not quite familiar with but nevertheless he hid it well
he had asked what you found attractive in a partner eventually totally for the sake of carrying conversation and not because he was curious to see if he was the warrior of light’s type nooooo
aymeric found himself comparing his likeness to your standards and it suddenly hit him with startling clarity mid-way through rejoicing internally that he shared your type’s physical attributes
uh oh
the concern on your face when he lets his mask slip for just a moment makes him fall even harder for you if anything
with his newfound revelation, he says nothing is amiss and diverts your attention towards sharing your experiences with beastmen
all the while he’s screaming inside
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cinnabun-faerie · 2 months
May I ask headcanons for a bitter-sweet scenario of a Reaper!Wol, who comes to learn their voidsent partner is no other than Haurchefant, making sure their WOL doesn't get possessed by someone more malicious? ;w;
A/N: I went on more of a protective thing for Haurchefant. I feel like if he's your voidsent, no one is gonna possess or harm you
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You wouldn't have questioned it
but your voidsent partner would linger
it would come out without your command to protect
you felt safe when you had your sythe with you
without it, you felt cold and lonely
you wanted to be close with your voidsent
though you couldn't understand why
while you were in a battle, you braced yourself to take the hit
but it never came
your voidsent would be infront of you, protecting you
just like he did that fateful day
it would bring tears to your eyes as the memory would flash through your mind
and then the voidsent would speak softly
you could recognize the voice anywhere
you heard it so often in your dreams
the voidsent would hum in affirmation
he was with you all this time
he was still protecting you, just as he did in life
you'd want to find a way to give him his form back just like Zero
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watanabes-cum-dump · 6 months
I didn't know you were also a ffxiv fan!! If you have any thoughts on yandere ffxiv characters, I would LOVE to hear them.
Like, zenos is obvious, but I totally have some thoughts on others 👀👀
Yandere Haurchefant is hopelessly devoted to you. Sure it's not super different from regular Haurchefant who is Down Bad™ for WOL but I think here it becomes more of an obsession. Is he capable of holding you down? No, you're the Warrior of Light for twelve's sake. He couldn't lock you away if he tried. His resolve? Be around you 24/7. And I MEAN 24/7 365 12 months a year. Bro worships the ground you walk on and I really do think he would have joined the Scions if you know... the Vault didn't happen. Having his devotion might be a blessing or a curse, bc he is NOT letting you out of his sight. Attachment issues fr fr. Honestly I don't think he'd do anything super insane. Like yeah he'd kill for you, but he'd do that normally. And he's not doing it just bc he wants to or whatever. If you're ever threatened or god forbid, hurt- someone is going to taste the steel of his blade. Yandere Haurchefant is just regular Haurchefant with a little added insanity and unhinged-ness. Maybe he's extra horny too, bit of a pervert that one.
Now, Yandere Aymeric is giving me many thoughts thanks to this fic called Captivate so though I am a firm subscriber to the idea that literally only Zenos might be able to lock up WOL, I can also make an exception to Aymeric because of this fic. Please read it this changed my feelings for Aymeric. Though, Aymeric locking you up would also require him to have a sadistic streak, which he doesn't really have and this fic itself also feels like an AU where Aymeric actually caved in and became a piece of shit due to his upbringing. However, my personal idea for Yandere Aymeric is that via his political power, he pushes you to be with him. Of course, he only does this if you reject his advances at first. He would 100% find a way to force you in a semi-political marriage with him. Like I said before, no one can hold WOL down, but, he can keep you on a leash. No matter how long, he can always reel you back in if he wants to. I think he would harbor a bit of guilt personally. Like, he knows it's unhealthy, he knows it's hurting you- but he just wants you so damn bad. And he tries to make it up to you with gifts and whatnot, but at the end of the day, your collar, no matter how gilded and comfortable, is still a collar. And the Lord Commander had the leash.
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lovehotelreservation · 7 months
you have a fear of riding chocoboback. this is a huge problem you see, as an adventurer who needs the convenience of a sturdy steed. luckily you know someone who is a bit of a chocobo pro himself. haurchefant is ready to help you learn to ride, starting with exposure therapy….… but do you have the stamina for it??!!!! 💦 (overstimulation, marathon sex, riding; but like im a guided way yk???)
"--your form is already so splendid as is, my dear!!! Though please have care, for once your steed encounters rougher terrain, that is when having steadfast grip is utmost key!!! Please let me demonstrate for you and you alone--!!!"
You had thought by this hour--how long had it been at this point?-- that you had gotten used to Haurchefant's energy. Despite having squared off against mighty foe after another during your adventuring, you were gripped by exhaustive euphoria as you did all you could to keep your body upright.
Your hands were braced firmly against his chest with red markings left by your nails with every pleasured scratch and claw--these same streaks of crimson would be badges of loving pride whenever he would inspect them after tucking you in for the day.
For now, he was beaming up at you with the widest of smiles, his large hands gripping your hips with affectionate security as he guided you through the vigorous tempo he had you bounce up and down his long, thick cock--far from brutish but direly eager. He laid beneath you in joyful devotion as he watched your face contort with pleasure, your back arch with each orgasm he brought you too, your hips grind back down needily to meet his thrusts.
Though, testing your focus, it was as he spoke that he suddenly snapped his hips up, lifting up off the bed, his mighty form pushing you upwards with ease. He let out a hearty laugh as he watched your euphoria shatter ever so as you scrambled to retain your balance, only to sink back into pleasure as you helplessly continued to grind down on his dick.
His hips fell back down to the bed as he proceeded to scoop you into his arms, hugging you close as he couldn't resist from kissing your face with absolute love.
"Marvelous, my joy, marvelous!!! You will master me yet!!!"
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zazter-den · 8 months
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"I'm actually not all familiar with Halone's teachings."
“If you permit me” Haurchefant's lilting voice low in your soft ear, “This night I would recite all verses between those thighs of yours”. He rose to his full height and leaned back to watch her poised expression widen in shock to his deep amusement. Your jaw dropped slightly as you wracked your brain for a retort, cheeks rapidly gaining colour.
How could he help but turn you into a stuttering mess when you were so easy to tease? He cocked his head and brushed his mint locks out of his line of sight, eyes still trained on yours.
He only needed to push you just a bit further.
“I wonder what kind of lovely chorus you'd accompany my performance with” he teased, brushing a stray eyelash off her cheek with his thumb.
That did it, he smirked. Your complexion flushed as red as possible in record timing.
“S-Sir” you sputtered. Head whipping to the side to avoid his intense gaze. Clinging onto some semblance of a polite admonishment, you tried to continue. “I-”
But just as quickly as you turned her head away, his finger swiftly ran along the underside of your jaw. In one smooth motion he was swiveling your face back to him. Your pulse raced under his firm touch, and he would be lying if he said he didn't take great pleasure in watching the way your pupils dilated wide at his actions.
Good. Your body knows exactly who it belongs to.
“You're no recruit of mine” he corrected smugly, “However, I gratefully accept your subordination.”
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Service Dom Haurchefant? Yiss Pls. Just a little blurb for my Camp Dragonhead babes.
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haurchefaymeric · 1 year
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POV: Your warrior of light goes on a day-trip to the Crystarium with Haurchefant and sneakily takes these candid photos. He's so effortlessly photogenic.
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buoyfriend · 1 year
The WoL Catches A Cold *a-choo* - feat. The Ishgard Elf Husbands, G'raha Tia, Ardbert, Hien & Zenos
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@eidechsejaspis asked:
Hello again:)
As new season of coughs ans sneezes approaches I have a question of how would Scions (choose any you like), Aymeric and Zenos (where would we go without him?) react on WoL catching serious cold? Time period is at your liking from Heavenward to adventures in Garlemald:)
Thank you in advance:)
It is sniffles season again! Thank you for asking, this was a really fun one to get back into HC writing with!
In moments you think he's not watching, he is. He adores the way you wince when reading an unpleasant part of a book, how you fidget in Alliance meetings, even the little whistle of your snore. Aymeric notices your first sneeze. It's hard to get allergies in Coerthas, and he recognizes the hacking from your lungs a few days later. This comes for everyone sooner or later, and politely asks you to quarantine yourself for a few days.
He isn't one to miss work to care for a sick partner or spouse but has a very attentive nurse stationed nearby
He has given his full itinerary for the next several days so he can be alerted as soon as you wake up from a much needed, multi-day sleep
Aymeric wouldn't argue that he knows cooking well, but he does make a point to assist in the kitchen after work to make sure that you have soup recommended by the best chirugeon available
He will dodge kisses from you for days to avoid becoming sick himself, but it's too late anyways
When Aymeric finds himself bedridden for a few days, he decides that it was worthwhile to give you that forehead kiss as you slept
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Estinien is familiar with sickness. Long campaigns through the newly snowy Coerthas as a young knight taught him much of seasonal illnesses. He's seen many a friend drink their weight in bitter root soups, gnaw on wild herbs, and the like to push through it until they can get home. He's seen you sick before. Still, he has some lingering anxiety. You looked far worse than a little aetheryte sickness. He's lost much and more, the thought nags at him that more concern might be warranted.
Estinien has his hands full with travel these days and assures you that he will indeed make it to tea with Vritra tomorrow afternoon
He does not make it to tea with Vritra
Estinien deftly slips into the bedroom but there was no need, you had been out cold for hours by then
He would like to keep his friend from waiting, but not until he's sure that your breathing is steady and your temperature not too high
What a sight to see! Had you been awake, you might have heard Estinien's dress shoes pacing along the floor, his hand nearly to his linkpearl while paralyzed by indecision on whether to cancel or not
He cautiously leaves a glass of water and your linkpearl on the bedside table, just in case, though he may never admit that it was he who placed both there
When he does return home, perhaps an hour earlier than expected, he denies all concern as he settles into bed beside you
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While he's not a sadist, Haurchefant absolutely loves the sight of you ill. You're always off somewhere, but for this small bubble of time, you're here. You're sipping hot chocolate and letting him read poetry to you rather than mailing it off to some distant locale. He can watch your tired face grin and sigh rather than imagining it alone from Camp Dragonhead.
His favorite thing to make for you, of course. Hot chocolate, every day you're sick. No matter how hard it is to get chocolate in Coerthas, no matter how many tall tales he must tell to provision it, you wake up to hot chocolate beside your bed every morning.
"You don't need caffeine, anyways, you need something calming and a smile."
He knows he'll get sick if he sleeps next to you every night, but he's forewarned Camp Dragonhead. Emmanellain can hold his seat for a fortnight, it could be good practice for him.
Haurchefant watches you sleep, sliding his hand under the covers to grasp yours. For once, the cuts and bruises all over you are starting to heal. Days off the road, finally given rest. He wishes you both had more days like this.
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G'raha Tia
Just as your new adventures together have begun, you fail to keep up. You run a little slower, stopping after a few paces to lean into a cough, heavy sneezes punctuating the blows you attempt to land on monsters. G'raha is quick to notice but slow to bring it up.
He frets, wringing his hands beside you as you ready yourself for the day, struggling to put on your clothes. As you sigh in failure, dropping yourself onto the bed, G'raha can't help himself.
"You can admit you're sick. I know you've been on the road for a long time. Even with the help of your friends, the path you walk is a lonely one. But you're not alone this time. Let yourself rest and let me take care of the other things that come along?"
G'raha fields the many requests sent your way, trying his best to fulfill them, wondering how you do it all at full health.
In quieter moments, he finds his way to The Last Stand to get your favorite dinner, absolutely purring as he watches your sleepy smile. Alas, your sense of smell is back! You knew exactly what he'd brought you as soon as he opened the bag!
He can't help but laugh to himself as you find yourself exhausted from the walk from your bed to the dining table, cracking jokes about his hero losing the greatest battle thus far.
G'raha's excitement knows no bounds when you announce that you're well enough to continue your travels together. The ruddy cheeks, the soft ear wiggle. No sickness can stop his hero for long.
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(Assuming Ardbert is no longer a ghost!)
Ardbert is restless. He hasn't seen an open field, a forest, an ocean in days. He wonders if it's unsupportive to ask if you'd mind if he pops out for a fishing trip tomorrow. Perhaps if you're a little better in the morning?
He's not heartless, he left some hot tea beside your bed and made sure your medicines were in reach.
Though he did have some guilt by the third hour of his fishing adventure. The pangs of guilt grew until an idea sprouted from them.
He racked his mind as he navigated the markets. He had enough fish, but the right peppers...which peppers were correct. Tomatoes. Cream. Potatoes. Something was missing, some spice.
Ardbert has made a mess of things. He has put out the kitchen fire, somehow there are no more clean pots and pans. Yet, the soup is complete! It was his mother's recipe, it always had him right as rain after a day or so.
Though you tried your best to hold a straight face, the soup was...I don't know if it's fair to call it a soup. He looks absolutely crushed.
You fall asleep while he strokes your hair, his head pressed against yours as he told you stories. About Kholusia, fishing for cod with his father, his mother's miracle soup. He asks what they made where you're from, but it's too late. You've already drifted off, dreaming about magic fish.
Oddly enough, from a couple of sips of Ardbert's attempted soup, you feel some measure better. He, on the other hand, has the same horrible wheezing cough you had a day before.
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Hien is not the biggest believer in staying bedridden in a sealed room while sick. He frowns, hating to see you suffer, but a thought springs to mind as he twirls your lank, sweaty hair between his fingers.
The clean air of the Azim Steppe is just as promised. During the day, he haggles in the markets for the best Dzo to make stews, the best leaves to make tea. All while you watch the clouds pass from the hammock outside of your yurt.
It's hard to leave the hammock, not only for the comfort. Where else could you see so many stars? Hien points to his favorites, the brightest, the funniest shapes some constellations make.
There wasn't much for entertainment, but watching Hien in the distance sparring with friends was a welcome sight.
After a few days, he encourages you to come with him. On a little walk, at least. Another day, just a little spar. How do you know you're well if you don't test your skills?
The break from all the noise, the responsibilities, becomes intoxicating to you after some time. Hien never has to rush to some meeting, you never need to leave to be flung at a new problem.
You've been better for a week now, finding yourself testing your sharpness with Hien and his friends every morning. Though you may have been hesitant to travel while sick, the time spent together was precious. Perhaps next time you won't have to be sick to convince yourself to take a break.
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He's seen you weakened before, brought to your knees by your own frailty. It disappoints him and yet, he's fascinated by it in a way he doesn't quite understand. How could someone so pitiful occupy every hour of his day?
Zenos doesn't agree with the chirugeon, you could power through this with sheer force of will and merely shrugs as the medicines are set on the table.
This could not be what ends the object of his obsession, his first friend. He regularly checks that you're still breathing. He leans in too close to hear that your heart is still beating, only to be rewarded by a wheezing cough into his hair.
His size is quite the advantage, it's not a challenge for him to carry you from place to place. He leans low to the ground, scooping you up as the sight of you exhausted from standing up only leaves him with disgust.
Still, when you fall asleep each night, he leans his head to your chest. Your heart still beats, your skin glittering with sweat. He knew he would see you like this on another day, performing the great feats that brought him to you in the first place. Though he never understood your reasons, he knew you'd be back to fighting the mesmerizing fights that led the two of you here. To share a bed, a home, a life.
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yukiotacon · 2 years
Bunny outfit hcs
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Haurchefant edition
I am not kidding run for your life
You have no idea what kind of sexual beast you have unleashed upon thee
The moment he sees you in that outfit, you are target number one on his list
Just to be clear, Haurchefant's lust level was always in a respectable level ie 50
When you showed up in that, Halone he reached 1000
I mean the way the top accentuates your figure. The way the fishnets hug your strong thighs. Oh how the bottoms tease him no begg him to play with to his hearts content
Haurchefant is hungry
Unfortunately he is hungry for some rabbit
Yeah, he is definitely gonna let his second attend to his duties
He has a rabbit to hunt
Don't try to run, it just makes him want you more
If by any chance you try to escape, yeah Haurchefant is gonna carry you to your shared room
You can be the biggest race ( AuRa,Roegadyn) ,but he will still carry you to bed
Apparently horniness gives you the strength of a thousand men
He gently lays you down of course
Unfortunately, you hear the sound of a locked door afterwards
" It's seems I am quite famished my dear Y/n"
Long story short, Haurchefant hunger was completely satiated that night
You might want to save up some MGP
Because you don't need the echo to know, that outfit ain't gonna last the night ;3
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ladyramora · 2 years
Gosh that prompt about the supervillain nemesis makes me think of your villain!Haurchefant au… that was some good writing, I think I shall go reread all of it.
(Thank you so much, anon ❤️🥺 I really adore Villain Haurchefant. I hope you like this little snippet I wrote just for you and my other Villain Haurchefant lovers~ 💕)
The next time you see Greystone, you shove him against the wall and pin him there with you body, inspiring the villain to burst into delightful giggling as he gazed at you in surprise with manic, adoring blue eyes. "What ever is the meaning of this, hero?" He asks breathlessly.
"You tell me," You say, not allowing yourself to be swayed or softened by his charms or plain affection for you. "There was rumors of a new threat. Another villain on the rise that was gunning for me. All of the sudden it's as if they were wiped off the face of the planet. No one has heard a peep from them, let alone spotted them. Last I heard, they had gotten involved with you. So tell me, Greystone, what did you do?"
The villain had been flushing steadily red under the intensity of your gaze, his breath quick and heated with your forceful demand. Hahh, things had been so sweet between you for so long, he had almost forgotten what it could be like to be this close! To feel your gaze upon him as a villain, as a threat. But not to you. No, never to you. He adored holding your attention so, causing just enough chaos and discord so that you might have to deal with him.
The dynamic between you worked quite well. A song and dance just for him and for his lovely hero. Yet there were always others trying to cut in. To shove him out and claim his rightful spot as his hero's partner. It simply could not be tolerated.
"They overstepped, my dear," Greystone replies with a simpering smile. "They wanted to hurt you. To truly harm you and yours. I simply did what needed to be done to protect you. To maintain the status quo."
His hero's expression pinches and twists. What an unpleasant expression on their lovely face. Were they angry with him?
"Forgive me for intervening, my dearest," Greystone murmurs with a contrite pout, reaching out to stroke his beloved hero's face. Only to make a hurt expression as they brush his hand off.
"What did you..." His hero shakes their head and steps back from him. Looking troubled. "Did you... kill them?"
Greystone steps forward as they retreat from him, ever chasing after them. "Of course not, my heart." He had not. What his dearest, most loyal knight might have done was another story entirely. Though he no longer held such titles, he was still her lord. Her loyalty had not wavered all this time. Ger always did her best to take care of him.
His hero is tense as he grasps their shoulders, gazing at him warily.
"I did not harm them. They were quite well when last I interacted with them," Greystone reassures them, kneading gently at the tense set of their delectable muscles. His hands flit up to cup their face, cradling their cheeks in his palms as he gazes at them wide, compelling blue eyes. His thumb sweeping over the pursed line of their lovely lips. "I only issued them a warning. That to seek to harm you would make them my enemy."
His hero seems reluctant, but does not fight him as he draws them into his embrace. "You had nothing to do with their disappearance?"
Greystone smiles. "Not a thing." It was true that he had no involvement in such matters. His most capable knight took them upon herself, not wanting her lord to sully his hands. His lionheart dealt with threats so neatly that he need not lift a finger. He really should reward her more.
"Now, where is that smile I so adore?" Greystone purrs, delighting in the hesitant quirk of his hero's lips in response. "Aha, there it is! How splendid, how sweet. I simply must have a taste!"
His hero gives something of a startled sound as Greystone tugs them into a fervent, hungry kiss. The villain purring in his throat approvingly as they melt into him.
The subject of other villains who may or may not have been a threat was quickly forgotten.
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yasuosexual · 4 months
How would the ff14 best boys sleep non-sexually 👀
(I have healthy thoughts about Aymeric I SWEAR)
as someone with 0 healthy thoughts about aymeric, thank you for bringing some into my head 🫶🏼
warnings: drunk thancred, swearing, suggestive hint
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- sleeps like a fucking rock
- once he finds a position that he’s comfortable in, thancred is NOT moving. you can try everything within your power to get him to budge but you’re shit outta luck lol
- snores loud as fuck too so get ready for those earplugs. he got that dad snore bro
- 75% of the time he’s sprawled out like a starfish, taking up the majority of the bed. 25% of the time he cuddles you to sleep. you won’t be moving for the entire night so i hope you’re comfy:)
BONUS: when he’s drunk he’s extra clingy so he will pull you on top of him and death grip you so moving is harder than before (which is somehow possible)
- he’s a back sleeper and loves it when you lay on his chest
- won’t grip you to death like thancred will, but gets grouchy when you try to move. he will try to stop you, whether he’s awake or asleep, but won’t keep you from moving when you’re uncomfortable.
- aymeric won’t sleep unless you’re literally on top of him lol. he uses you like a weighted blanket!
- will play with your hair until he passes out. aymeric will keep himself awake to see that you’re asleep first and won’t ever let himself fall asleep without kissing your forehead first.
- haurchefant on some big spoon little spoon type shit like he wants every inch of your body lining his like …
- he just wants to hold you all night long!!! like aymeric, he will try his best to make sure that he’s holding you safely from behind, but will let go if you are uncomfortable.
- wakes up when you stir too much and makes sure that you have enough blankets to cover you
- if you do wake up in the middle of the night, he’s right beside you to make sure everything is okay. will get you a glass of water if you’re thirsty or another blanket to cover up… although he’d rather warm you up in another way ;)
- i feel like he sleeps like a victorian child
- estinien actually loves to cuddle before he goes to bed!!! come here pookie ~ like he wants to hold you and give you a kissy and then hopefully fall asleep like that (you on top of him)
- if you get uncomfortable and roll away, however, be warned that he is not nearly as nice as the others.
- hogs ALL of the covers so you have to fight him throughout the night for warmth. you moved away from him so now you play the price.
- even though he can be a meanie pants… if he senses that you’re having a tough time sleeping or a nightmare, estinien will bring you close to him and hold you to his chest, giving you a light kiss and a ‘i love you’ so you know it’s okay.
thank you again, anon, for this awesome rq! so much fun to write and inspired me for the next thing i’d like to do!
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killingdove · 1 year
immortally wounded ➳ — (h.g. & a.b.)
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PAIRING: haurchefant greystone x gender neutral!wol (ft. aymeric de borel x gender neutral!wol)
GENRE(S): angst, hurt no comfort, drabble
CONTENT WARNINGS: heavensward spoilers, major character death, implied suicide
A/N: ...so the vault huh
ao3 mirror
You should’ve died.
With your fists trembling at your sides, you throw your head back, baring your throat to the heavens. The ache in your beating heart does not hold a candle to the ache left behind by the anguished wail that claws its way out of your chest.
It should’ve been you.
The heavens make no indication of hearing you.
If only…
A half sob follows, then–
It settles deep, a blooming that reaches the apex of your next sorrowful cry to the skies of Coerthas above. You vaguely wonder if he can hear you from Halone’s halls.
To have your other half torn asunder so suddenly leaves you broken, a lance having pierced you straight through your heart much like his shield.
If only you weren’t in the way.
Saltine tears drop from your glassy eyes into the snow below, his gravestone and shield doing little to comfort you. Resting your forehead against the cold surface of the slab of stone, you can feel your soul yearn for what you’ve lost. From what Aymeric had taken from you.
The anger seethes, burns, forming an unyielding grasp around your quivering frame. It was Aymeric that had indirectly orchestrated the downfall of your beloved, it was Aymeric that tore, tore, tore away at what you thought was the inseparable tie that had bound you once to your beloved.
The bastard laid in bed with you that evening. His apologetic kisses left nothing but disdain in their wake. But you couldn’t deny what Count Fortemps had seen in the young commander. An uncanny resemblance to your dear Haurchefant.
You wonder what cruel trick of fate this was.
Looking past the dark curls and striking dual blue hues, you saw what you had once fallen in love with. And that was precisely what kept you tethered to the sheets, fists twisted in them as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear with remorse in deep blues that reminded you all too much of him. You moan and keen, but naught was for the man above you, this he knew.
But that didn’t stop him from loving you.
And love you he did— he was every bit the picturesque lover, attentive, kind, endearing with a heart of blinding gold. Haurchefant was no different. You figure if you closed your eyes, you could fool yourself into loving a man that you had once came home to.
You knew this would hurt him, but that pain would be nothing compared to the one you felt when a hand you had traced the palm lines of and tenderly squeezed many times before grew cold and lifeless in your own.
The sun sets in Ishgard again, and with it, your eyes did for one last time.
It was Aymeric that had found you.
Your hair sprawled on the ground reminded him so much of that of an angel’s halo. Your peaceful countenance was no longer streaked with the tears Aymeric had time and time brushed away with the touch of a sinner seeking repentance.
For the second time that waning moon, he felt despair and ice filled his veins. His mouth parted to call your name, to shout, to do anything other than gawk and tremble like the fingers that cradled your face.
The Lord Commander was not often rendered speechless and shocked to the core. Your name eventually emerges as a questioning whisper from the churning depths of his stupor, and the color drains from his complexion.
This couldn’t be…
But there you were. Silent, motionless. Unresponsive to his screams and shaking.
He checks for any hopeful sign of a pulse before burying his face into the crook of your neck, sobs wracking his body as incessant apologies interspersed with hiccups and tremors tumble out of his lips while his worst fears are confirmed.
The inquiry directed towards Hydaelyn echoes within his mind but there is no one to respond. His gloved fists crumple into your clothing.
It wasn’t supposed to be this way…
Aymeric couldn’t fathom it, wrap his clever head around it. It’d be a lifetime before he’d glean an answer, he reckons.
He stands, holding your fragile, limp body bridal-style, his expression a tumultuous display of emotion.
A familiar, blonde-haired figure awaits him at the foot of the Pillars, the descent feeling like an eternity without you. When Lucia catches sight of your cold body nestled within warm arms, she stands with eyes wide and mouth agape, realization dawning on her sharp features.
Aymeric’s armored footfalls come to a standstill at the bottom step. He raises his gaze to meet his subordinate’s.
“The Warrior of Light is dead.”
There was a unanimous agreement that you should be buried next to your true lover you had loved in your waking moments. Both of you overlooked Coerthas as Aymeric kneels, eyes shut. A fresh bouquet of you and Haurchefant’s favorite flora lies betwixt your tombstones.
There was no well in all of Eorzea that would hold all the grief and guilt the knight harbored for both a fallen comrade and the light of his life.
But alas, he couldn’t very well give into his heartsickness when the Dragonsong War remained at large and Nidhogg’s vengeance and thirst for Ishgardian blood still posed a threat. It was a Temple Knight’s duty to soldier on and carry out the will of the dearly departed that had died for the cause that had once united them.
These wounds of his would never truly heal in full, immortally afflicted as he was, but it is with honor that he continues the fight in both of your names. Aymeric just wished Eorzea’s two brightest lights weren’t snuffed out so soon and that the dolor doesn’t succeed in pulling him under.
“Come, Lucia,” Aymeric calls out. She nods in response, waiting for the commander to lead the way before trailing after him. The trek back was one of silence, rumination, and regret.
Ishgard felt darker and colder in the Warrior of Light and the Silver Fuller’s absence, he thinks to himself.
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cinnabun-faerie · 3 months
Haurchefant x Reader: Who would say "I love you" first?
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1000% him
honestly, once he realizes that he loves you, he's gonna let it out and tell you
if you aren't ready to say it back, he understands
no pressure whatsoever
he just needs to express how much he loves you
he can't keep it inside or he'll go mad
he cares about you so much and now he finally revealed to you, the true feelings within his heart
how would he tell you?
when you come to see him he might just burst out and say it while singing your praises
"Y/N, the one person I love that I have been waiting for to come through those doors! I was just thinking that we could make some hot cocoa and sit by the fire. I've been meaning to ask you about your recent adventure."
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watanabes-cum-dump · 5 months
Haurchefant: Maybe in another lifetime, my love.
WOL: That's not fair. I want you in this one.
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Haurchefant is a renowned pastry chef. Part of his routine while working on pies is to sing loudly, so that everyone around knows it's pastry time. He also makes sure to mark his masterpieces with raspberries, one of which caught an eye of his father :0
(loud moaner haurchefant leaves love bites on WoL and acts clueless when confronted about it)
"Be mindful, Haurche--unless you want to deal with your father's curiosity again."
A shudder crawled along your skin while Haurchefant's lips trailed over your neck. As you remained pressed against the edge of the kitchen counter, you were left to do all you could to prevent any pleasured mewls from spilling forth from your lips.
It was a discretion seemingly lost on your lover, what with how little control he possessed over the volume of his deep groans and sweet whines, let alone the lewd noisy slaps of his cock pounding away into your core.
And while he was much too earnest in spirit to consider outright mischief, the mention of his father only drew an amused chuckle from his lips as he proceeded to gingerly cradle your face with his hands, all while he only persisted in driving his dick in and out of you with little restraint. Eager to savor your taste with a longing kiss, he remarked,
"Worry not, my love! Surely, father would understand how temptingly addictive certain sweets are ♡"
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house-fortemptations · 8 months
An excerpt from my little word doc of half-written fics. This is one of the more finished pieces, thought it does still end rather abruptly. Apologies ; w ; I also haven’t written in a while, so this is rusty and very self-indulgent. Basically just written word flânerie. Enjoy!
GN!WoL/Reader x Haurchefant
The soft sound of crunching snow alerted you to his presence before he even uttered a word. This was becoming the norm, it seems—a cold and blustery Coerthan day, the muted chatter of the camp from below, two mugs of hot chocolate, and the unlikely pair of them—the Commander of Camp Dragonhead and Eorzea’s Champion.
“You needn’t have troubled yourself, my lord.” You said, your words belying the truth as you graciously accepted the warm mug from the Elezen knight. “T’would be remiss of me to use up the camp’s supplies. Pray however will your men fare without your lovely hot chocolate?”
His boyish laughter filled your heart fit to burst with unadulterated fondness. Haurchefant took his place beside you, the steel of his chainmail clinking against the cold stone wall as he leaned back.
“Perish the thought, my friend! You are the camp’s most esteemed guest, and as such, I will personally attend to the long and arduous expedition of replenishing the necessary provisions if it pleases you.”
Though his tone was overtly joking, both of you knew the underlying truth to the jest. As scandalously flirtatious as the man was, no one could deny the special attention he lavished upon you at any opportunity.
You craned your neck to look up at him, a soft smile forming on your lips to which his gaze unabashedly lowered to. You felt your chest swell with an emotion so strong and unbidden, the beating of your heart loud and fast in your ears that you were certain the other could hear it too.
Haurchefant’s lips held a smile of his own, his gaze lifting briefly to meet yours before allowing them to drift back down. A silent plea. The air around you two seemed to thicken, further blocking off the din of noise below you. You two were in your own little world, free from the demands of your stations. Free to just…
“Haurche..” His smile widened at the breathy way you said his name, at the way your body seemed to tremble naught from the cold as his one hand found its way to your hip, just barely touching.
You were so close, just mere ilms apart, all he’s ever wanted within arms’ reach. Finally. Finally.
“Commander, ser, a missive from Ishgard.”
And just like that, you were pulled back to the rest of the world, the intimate moment slipping through your fingers as Eorzea beckons her champion and her knight to its aid once more.
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haurchefaymeric · 1 year
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- Diary entry 1 -
"Last night I nonchalantly confessed in conversation to Haurchefant that I had never seen an Amaro up close, despite desperately wanting to as I'm absolutely in love with them, so of course, Haurchefant being Haurchefant, surprised me by taking me to the Crystarium today so that i could. My goodness it was better than I could have ever imagined and I will never forget it. He was so cute...and so was the Amaro hehe."
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