#hazbin hotel alter
the-silent-fellowship · 7 months
Made me these for myself, I’ll be using them on blogs I help run or post in so. Woop woop
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The flag is a “evil gay” flag, I can’t find the Original creator sadly but this is the Pinterest post where I found it(link).
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beaconcollective · 30 days
My headphones are dead and I have to sit next to these three stupidly loud and overstimulating girls in my class and I'm suffering I jsut wanna lay down and die right here and now
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shattered-sun-sys · 2 months
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Adam’s Intro
SUP! I’m Adam, the one and not fuckin only! I’m from Hazbin Hotel and I swear I’m. Less. Of a dickbag here than I am in source! I wouldn’t mind some sourcemates, but I doubt any demon fuckers would wanna talk to me, so. . . But hey! Feel free to prove me wrong or somethin! Uhm. That is? Yeah, that’s fuckin it. I’m over this intro already. This was worded like shit, but here I am posting it or whatever the fuck.
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angelicspyder · 3 months
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hii :3
call me angel, oooo intro posts are so scary and i am trying my best
i am an angel dust fictive !! host yada yada yada things
19 (bodily too)
any pronouns (no she tho) transmasc nonbinary
autistic + disabled + DID system (traumagenic)
i needed a silly little place to ramble / rant / talk about source things
any sourcemates please interact!!!! any kind!!!! doubles especially!! (i ask very nicely)
blog will handle nsfw \ nsft topics sometimes + a few triggering topics below cut, so no minors please!
more info under cut <3 thank u for reading!
stuff about blog stuff.. ! ! !
few facts abt me: dance is one of my special interests, i like cosplay, kandi, monster high, n i collect LPS! trinkets! i am also aro/ace spec and mlm!
i like to rb a lot, fanart n stuff and pretty things! i made this blog bc the source memories have NOT left me alone LMFAOO so im like damn ok fine ill make one!! so id love for any sourcemates to interact at all.. . .. silly friends in my computer....
that being said though some rambles will have stuff thats triggering, involving: hypersexuality, abuse, s/a, probably anything that is manic related, so on. but it will all always be tagged for the proper thingy! (also some posts will be kink / nsfw / nsft talk but ill keep it down most of the time) (oopsies)
i will also specifically post a lot about either vox, husk, or val. source memories + i just love vox LMFAOO but will always tag as always!
there might also be a few vents but ill be sure to tag n all that stuff!! always feel free 2 ask me if u need me to tag something specific as well!
i think thats it..?? oo that was scary..... thank you for reading this far! take the trinket
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systiveboxes · 8 days
Hazbin hotel introjects - 1
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Requested by no one
Blocking if uncomfortable
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Alter in a system.
No filter. Only fuckin warning.
Oh and spoilers.
No DNI outside of pedos.
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notanothersystem · 2 months
heyo so uh, were slowly workin on this Tumblr and other socials. We sorta knew we been a system for 5 years now but not really accepted it.
If any systems wanna be mutuals wed be totally excited for it! We're bodily 21+ so request any moots be 18+, and traumagenic. Endos make us comfortable.
Also specifically any Hazbin alters for me. We don't got any others and it's.. super lonely. So if anyone from source wanna talk I'd appreciate ya!
- Angel
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Alastor twirling his microphone appreciation post
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hazelfoureyes · 3 months
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tv3headz · 4 months
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More huskerdust/ casinohearts doodles <33 [Literally all hurt comfort because the fanfiction has consumed me] Angel is supposed to be helping Husk’s creaky old wings like Niffty messed with in episode 6 btw
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the-silent-fellowship · 10 months
We where looking at Pintrest, and found these like candles(link) that are being sold on Etsy.
Now, as a Fictive of Angel dust im questioning something. They kinda remind me of like prayer candles? Do you think there is someone, out there, that praises me or my other sourcemates as if their like dogs or spirts? Like someone praying to me or the others. This is going to be living in my mind now.
If anyone is willing to answer, are there those who worship fictional characters? /genq
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🕸️ Angel Dust [He/It/Sinner]
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beaconcollective · 30 days
System shenanigans in a nutshell
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heuffopla · 1 month
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Canon sapphic couples series n. 2 : Chaggie!
This series is really making me appreciate watercolours again, it's so relaxing to use
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sysboxes · 2 months
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[Text: This alter is proud of being Angel Dust]
Like/Reblog if you save or use
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vagabondangel · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Live Q&A
Interesting notes from today's Hazbin Hotel live Q&A session with Viv, Erika (Charlie's VA), and Amir (Alastor's VA):
Alastor's fatherly tendencies towards Charlie aren't genuine; Viv said Alastor feels threatened by Lucifer's power and wants to get under his skin in any way possible, and undermining Luci and Charlie's relationship is simply the easiest way to do that
So apparently, someone on twitter asked Amir how Alastor can be aroace when he has so many cute lil gay poses, and Amir's response was "you don't have to fuck to be fab", which I guess someone made into a t-shirt? Lol
(Side note: people in the chat are paying money to ask questions about romantic Alastor ships through superchats and I'm so mad grrrrr let him be canonically aroace in peace you absolute ghouls)
Amir shows off the Oh Deer mug someone made for him!
They talk a bit about the fan screening - audience members were clapping along to the "My name is Charlie" drama game scene, and people were audibly grossed out at seeing Al eating a dead deer
Charlie has a really cool outfit in the finale episode!!!
Alastor and "I'm not the stepdad, I'm the dad who stepped up" jokes, apparently Amir laughs at those kinds of shitposts and he loves the jokes and the fanart and the cosplay, so much love for the fans!
Erika and Amir love the art of their characters in their red carpet outfits
Viv says that a lot of the theories floating around about Hazbin Hotel, especially stuff regarding the finale, is super accurate, and she doesn't engage with accurate theories on social media because she doesn't wanna spoil anything
Eventually, Viv will answer the question of whether or not Al has a tail. Sadly, today is not that day.
Viv and Erika imply that Charlie's perspective on redemption and her worldview will develop and grow more complex over the course of the next few episodes.
The next few episodes will offer a peek into Al's relationship with Nifty; Viv says that Alastor is very fond of Nifty and he finds her to be fun and endearing in his own way
When asked who their favorite Vee is, Erika says Vox, Amir says "no comment" lol
Amir says "Alastor enjoys Vox the way he enjoys his area rug" THE SCREAM I SCRUMPT
Viv, on the finale: "Someone dies, but I'm not saying who" ...she implies that Angel Dust won't die in the Season 1 finale, so we can sleep easy tonight
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alastors-left-antler · 4 months
alastor and vaggie get stoned and listen to system of a down together send tweet
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