#he doesnt DESERVE
xamaxenta · 2 years
Basically i would like to see Ace fight for his life again
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@demolisherspork on tiktok soo talented
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reineydraws · 9 months
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kyojuro corruption arc
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srapsodia · 4 months
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Maaaaan, that was close...
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ffsg0jo · 1 month
related to this ex-boyfriend toji post
toji broke up with the reader btw. he saw how all the nights (and days) alone were affecting you, how your smile was slowly but surely dimming down. he wanted to be selfish and hold onto you; you were the closest thing to love he could find after his wife died, and he so desperately wanted to be with you forever.
but he could see that megumi was slowly becoming the only reason why you stayed. you loved them both, of this, he was 100% certain. that's why you tried your hardest and put up with all his shit. but it was breaking you, and that, in turn, broke him.
so he proposed you both broke up and you agreed. exhausted and heartbroken, you stupidly agreed. you didn't want to give up on toji and megumi, you loved them with all your heart. megumi did nothing to you, and you always visited him and spoke to him after the breakup. but you had become a glorified baby sitter with little perks in that relationship. maybe some distance from toji would be healthy.
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hydrostorm · 2 years
okay i dunk on acdc as much as the next guy but whu does FUNNY VALENTINE get the acdc stand. fucked up. i love dirty deeds done dirt cheap
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queenkinqs · 3 months
people love to talk about invincible for it's over the top gore and violence, but i really do think the show's writing is at it's best when it's just two people have a conversation
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praxeus-13 · 6 months
There’s something so heartbreaking about watching your favourite parts of a tv show, the parts that you have loved for years and found so much joy in, being misunderstood, forgotten and erased by it’s predecessors.
13’s beautiful TARDIS interior, and sonic screwdriver erased to make way for nostalgia.
13’s clothes, her entire outfit, burnt up never to be seen again without any explanation.
Yaz, who 13 was in love with, who she wanted to tell everything to and spend the rest of her days with, not even mentioned - not even hinted at!
13’s character, her core personality traits and storyline reduced to ‘woman Doctor’ and fundamentally misunderstood!
13’s fam, the family that she found and built, not even mentioned or reminisced about!
I’m glad that the Timeless Child wasn’t erased, but I feel like so much else was that RTD didn’t properly watch 13’s era. It’s like he was given a summary and only took the parts that he thought was interesting.
13’s memory deserves better! She deserves to have passed on the baton to Ncuti’s Doctor, to have him running around high on regeneration energy while wearing her outfit! To use her sonic for an episode before choosing to make his own!
13 deserves to be remembered as a Doctor who was loved dearly by her companions and fans, as a Doctor who went through so much tragedy right from the start and struggled to deal with that, but still managed to face down her foes! As a someone who was optimistic and kind, but could also be cruel and harsh when needed! She was complicated, she went through so much, I love her and she will always be my Doctor.
She deserves to be remembered as more than ‘woman Doctor’, because she was so much more than that.
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evermorethecrow · 4 months
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Beast chuuya :3
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findafight · 2 years
Steve shows up to work one day with a baby bjorn complete with sleeping baby on his chest and Robin is like Steve....what the fuck?
And Steve says "I would've called you last night but she'd only stop crying when I held her and my parents were fighting, obviously, and I had to figure out how to make her bottle then I fell asleep with her on top of me and I think my dad legitimately forgot about us even though this is his fault, and there's no one to take care of her so I had to bring her. Sorry."
That is a lot and answers very few of Robin's questions.
"who...is she?"
Steve brightens and smiles down at the baby who's tiny baby fist is scrunched up in his work vest. "Oh! My half sister. Her mom works for one of my dad's business partners and brought her to my parents while they were away last week so they came home, mostly to dump her off on a nanny they forgot to hire--hence my baby holder here--and fight. Turns out dad cheating is easier to ignore when there isn't actual proof of it."
"oh. Woah."
"yeah. Anyways, ready to rewind some tapes?"
So they start work Steve logging returns into the computer and cupping the baby whose name I don't know yet's head. Then the little baby wakes up, making little baby noises, and Robin is not one for babies really, but Steve coos and picks her hand off his chest and waves it at Robin.
"see, that's your auntie Robin! Say hiii auntie Robin!"
The baby chews her tongue at Robin and blows a spit bubble.
And how is Robin supposed to not be charmed by that?
"awww," she says, letting the baby grab her finger, "yeah, I'm your auntie Robin. Your big brother's gonna take care of you so good huh? You'll know your way around retail in no time."
Steve giggles.
It is then that The Gremlins decide to show up and Cause Noise. Baby sister starts to cry and Steve takes her to the back to get her to calm down and change her, comes out (ignores the party's questions. Giving them Ultimate Mom Pose with Bonus Effect of Baby) hands her to Robin who is a little nervous but she will not let her new niece (?) Down, and goes back to find and heat up a bottle.
Eddie, who drove the gremlins and was looking for something in his van comes in, sees Robin holding the baby and is like huh? What's this?
And then Steve comes out with a bottle and a baby blanket over his shoulder, reaches for the baby from Robin and tries to get her to latch on the bottle with quiet words and gentle hands and Eddie is not okay he's not fine he's having a melt down because Steve with the kids is one thing but Steve with a Baby is something very different and he should not be expected to keep it together seeing this
Part 2.
Part 3
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 28
Thomas stared down at Bruce-no- Danny as he led him by the hand toward what he had dubbed as his "Secret Lair" which was just an old fall out shelter in the woods that had been well hidden and forgotten about. The door to it was old and still buried under years of dirt and plant growth, requiring Danny to phase them into it which made Thomas wonder how his grandson had found it in the first place.
Inside was surprisingly high tech. "You have a secret lair filled with all this equipment but don't have any weapons or armor?" Thomas asked, making mental preparations to fix that.
Danny sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and explained his only allies were two other 14 year olds who were also untrained, unarmed, unarmored, and unsuper-powered which would explain why Danny was so excited to be working with an adult vigilante who at least knew what they were doing.
The kid didn't even mind when some of his more evil or harmful rogues "stopped showing up" thankfully no one would really question the reclusive Vlad Masters "going back to Wisconsin" only to never be seen again. No one saw much of him before coming to Amity Park, it made since he would become a hermit again once he had his fill of human interaction.
And if hes later found dead in his cheese castle? Well, the body had decomposed too much to really say what killed him. His will left everything to a Daniel James Fenton/Daniel James Masters which visibly infuriated Danny. Thomas mentally patted himself on the back. It was a good call to get rid of that one. The will was a surprise, though one that can only benefit Thomas in his crusade of protecting his grandson. Its not like he can return to a timeline that no longer exists anyway.
Unfortunately this doesn't stop the bats from hearing about "Batman" operating in a city in Illinois for the past few months...
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phoenix-art-official · 4 months
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act 2 bloodweave has a certain Flavor
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adharastarlight · 8 months
Sirius: would you still love me if-
Remus: yes.
Sirius: I didn't finish
Remus: I'd still love you if you were bald, if you were two inches tall, if you were a worm, if you were a dragon. I'd still love you even if you repeatedly woke me up at 3am to ask me if I'd still love you
Sirius: you would?
Remus: yes, but I also might kick you. Go to fucking sleep
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bxnnie-bxwl · 6 months
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glitchtrap is one manipulative bitch
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ksdesign · 1 year
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Glances 🌸
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canetteto · 4 months
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"You've never had a family You were always drawn to that word."
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