#he is so boyfriend material it backfired on him
paziffic · 6 months
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This is how the progression of Clethubs throughout the life series has looked to me
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miharuutan · 2 months
Part 2
Once again, I took so long to put this out. I'm so sorry but at least I finished it~
This was originally requested by @sariel626 awhile back. I hope you enjoyed this.
________ Notes: Advid science lover, Painful Ability, Easily bribed by BF (Spending time together or extremely hard to get Materials for experiments)
Not automatic ability, Obvious when used, probably either has backfired or feels guilty using it Part 1 (Tecchou) Here!! ________
Saigiku Jouno (Promises materials)
Jouno...What a headache he'll be.
He cares, he really does but sometimes other things place higher.
He'll be the type to make it up to you later in his own way but he takes commands pretty seriously, even if it involves you.
Jouno's very interested in your experiments as well so he'll gladly listen to your rambles, will usually prompt them when he's ready to just sit and give you all of his attention.
He's not very much into PDA in public though, so any affection he'll give you would either be subtle and quick or behind doors.
It was quite an understatement to say that you was surprised to recieve such a request from your lovely boyfriend. Seriously? A slight chuckle broke the stupor you was in. Of course, Jouno knew how you was feeling just by listening due to his heighten senses.
"Hmm yes, my surprise and shock is very funny." You said dryly, moving one of your hands to rub your temple. The promise of hard to get materials was very enticing and your boyfriend knew it, Jouno did listen to your complains about it multiple times throughout the relationship afterall.
"It certainly is. Normally, I would be the one to undertake this task, but unfortunate measures are required this time. So, would you do it?" Jouno's facial expression didn't change, retaining the same slight smile he has on his face. You could only shake your head at him in exasperation.
"Fine, I'll do it. You better deliver those materials that you promised to my lab." This causes your beloved boyfriend to pat your head with a softness only reserved for you.
After using your ability, you was out of commission for a few days. Thankfully, Jouno took care of you while you was suffering from the excruciating pain. He really was a sweet boyfriend when he wanted to be.
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stay143p1ece · 11 months
Stray Kids As Your Boyfriend
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Chan - (방찬)
- Husband material fr
- LOVES hugs
- After a long day of work he would come home and waddle over to you and demand hugs
- Will take you to Australia to meet his family
- So shy and giggly around you
- Thinks you’re absolutely perfect
- Stares at you with heart eyes when you take care of him
Lee Know (리노)
- People think he may be a cold bf but I lowkey think he would be so soft when you’re alone
- He would deny it in public but then later that night would beg for cuddles
- Loves teasing you and seeing you flustered
- Cooks you amazing meals
- Loves kissing you and pinching your cheek right after
- If he came home from a long stressful day at work and sees you laying on the couch, boy would fall on top of you and just fall asleep 💀
- Would randomly stare at you and you think he’s mad but really he’s trying to figure out how you’re so perfect (You’re gorgeous bby 😘)
Changbin (창빈)
- Soft boi
- Cuddles all the time, even around his members
- Would want to be babied by you 24/7
- Def the little spoon
- Would do aegyo for you if you asked
- Gym dates with this man>>>>
- He would be the sweetest at the gym and wouldn’t get jealous if anyone is staring bc he knows you only love him
- One morning you were peacefully sleeping and he woke up first but was bored and decided to text the skz gc and laughed (yk which laugh I’m talking about) scaring you so bad 😭
Hyunjin (현진)
- Hopeless romantic but lowkey a drama queen
- When he gets home from work and finds you laying on your shared bed he would go FLYING on top of you 💀
- You’re his muse
- Boy has so many paintings of you bc he is stunned by your beauty
- When your talking about something you love, he would watch and listen with the softest smile and softest eyes 🥺
- Bro is whipped for you but too dramatic to admit it 🙄
- Loves getting pampered by you and will give you princess treatment
Han (한)
- Softest quokka bf ever 😭
- Bro is so in love and it shows
- Loves kisses and after you kiss he’ll look at you like 🥺
- Will randomly text the boys at 4 in the morning about how much he loves you and how amazing you are
- The boys are lowkey annoyed 😭
- Horror movie nights are a MUST
- When you stay the night he puts his head under your shirt and rest his head on your stomach
- ‘Now I can sleep peacefully’
- Will invite you backstage to his concerts
- If he gets and anxious and you’re not there he’ll look at a picture of you on his phone or listen to a recording of your voice and it calms him down
Felix (펠릭스/용복)
- Sunshine
- Always gives you the most adorable smiles
- If you’re just on the couch scrolling on your phone, he’ll walk in the room with the cutest, beaming smile and ask if you want to bake with him
- Loves playing video games with you
- Loves to hold your hand, even in public
- Gets so shy if you tease him
- Gives you QUEEN treatment
- Is so in love with you, can’t help when he rants to his friends about you
- When he’s away on tour, y’all will FaceTime for hours until you both fall asleep bc you miss each other sm
Seungmin (승민)
- Puppy 🥺
- Will look at you like 🥺 when you’re not looking
- If you catch him, he will deny it
- Not big on pda but still gives subtle affection if your love language is touch
- Will take so so so many pictures of you
- You’re his model
- Is so whipped for you but will never admit it
- Loves giving you nose kisses bc he thinks your adorable and loves your cute giggle afterwards
- Will send you the most random pics of random objects that reminds him of you
- Will gift you random small things like necklaces or something to show his affection
I.N (아이엔/정인)
- Baby Bread 🚫 Daddy Toast ✅
- Would try to seduce you but then ends up backfiring and he gets shy and flustered instead
- I feel like he would make dirty jokes
- Like everyone thinks he’s a cute baby, but is actually the most dirty minded 😭
- Rlly sweet and caring though
- Doesn’t like physical affection too much but will try if that’s your love language
- Usually brings home gifts for you that are so pretty
- His members would tease him if you guys hold hands around them
- Big spoon fs
- Doesn’t tell you he loves you that much bc is still kinda shy but he makes up for it with a bunch of gifts even though you tell him he doesn’t need to 😭
- Bf material
A/n: Hi my lovelies! So this was kinda rushed and I lowkey don’t like it so I’m sorry 😭 I have a few ideas for future stories but feel free to request any. I only do Stray Kids and P1Harmony right now but that might change in the future. That’s all, I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading. Have a great day!<3
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teruel-a-witch · 1 year
a fake dating/undercover au where steve decides to use the opportunity to show danny that he can be a great boyfriend, since danny keeps talking about how steve is the least romantic person he's ever met, etc and steve is determined to prove danny wrong (danny does seem to appreciate his looks, so maybe the problem is he doesn't see steve as boyfriend material) and steve truly outdoes himself and is the best damn boyfriend danny could ever dream about...
...which backfires spectacularly because it only makes danny furious: he thinks it's all one big joke to steve and he's taunting him with what he could never have (albeit unwittingly because danny doesn't think he's intentionally cruel).
poor steve doesn't know what he did wrong because he did everything right and still it wasn't good enough.
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kfanopinions · 2 years
Taeyong as a Boyfriend NSFW (Astrology Based)
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okay so with this one i will be looking at his moon, venus, and mars. it appears he revealed his birthtime/one is available so i will be working off of that which means house placements as well. ahhhh bubu is so cute in this screenshot >///&lt;
Leo Moon 6th House || Venus Gemini 4th House || Mars Virgo 7th House
creative and imaginative
drama king/overly dramatic
inner child
sharing everything! literally wants to share everything with his partner. going on fun dates, the pleasures of life, excitement everything!
listener will listen to all his partners ideas even if it doesn't seem like he's heard a thing
devoted to his partner will do anything to make his partner smile
devoted and supportive husband material
don't expect lots of hearts and flowers practical means of showing affection
in tuned with his emotions and wants to express them telling his partner or showing them through creative means
may not be the ideal boyfriend if his partner needs help leo moons are better with their own problems but not other peoples his 6th house placement actually loves being useful so this could be a "sometimes i will help you" other times "i'm nowhere to be found" lol
this came up again with his mars in the 7th house. the house of relationships sooo he may focus on himself more than others
adaptable boyfriend this is dependent on his partners own personality. however, this can backfire. if his partner has toxic behaviors he could end up being manipulative and instead of bringing up his partner he could end up crushing them
won't break up unless there is a good reason he wouldn't break up with his partner even if things start to get toxic. unless there is like i said a good reason he'll stick it out
hypochondriac this is more to get attention than anything else
sulky/pouty baby this is when something upsets him he may just stay in this until he gets bored or finds a solution or someone takes him out of it
may fall into negativity this is if he is super stressed out. the more things go as planned and aren't stressful the happier and energetic he is
freedom fighter he's an air sign. sorry air signs but you guys are some of the hardest people to COMMIT! and taeyong is a gemini in his venus (which talks about love...he maybe a little hard to pin down) plus with his pickier virgo mars...yep...good luck!
handy man type of guy
don't bother the man when he's working yeah...unless his partner wants to get a good talking to
competition may like competing with his partner, but he will need to learn to keep it light and airy
below the cut
if you are not 18+ stop here
this might be a little bland (sorry) but with his venus in gemini and mars in virgo it was a little hard to put the nsfw stuff into words
mental stimulation talking and or intelligence can turn him on
kissing loves kissing, french kissing, kissing during sex
oral pleasures this can go along with kissing or it can talk about being on the giving or receiving end of oral pleasures
good with his hands i want to emphasize GOOD WITH HIS HANDS also hand holding could be a thing before, during, or after the act
role-playing *cough* he legit talked about snow white cosplay *cough*
planning the deed this is coming from his mars in virgo. it's like routine with him. he wants to make sure things are in control. this may mean that he wants to make sure that no one or nothing will disturb him and his partner during the act
i will add here that with his gemini venus the intellectual side could be more of what he could want than the actual act (living in fantasy instead of reality)
performance wants to be good in bed and please his partner
pleasing this is in regards to his partner. he will want to know that his partner is feeling pleasure. their moans, gasps. hearing them beg for more - everything that lets him know that he is doing a good job (also this will totally boost the leo moon in him *wink*)
inequality where one person holds the power
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forcebookish · 10 months
ok so just some thoughts i need to get off my chest...but does anyone else find the "mew is secretly an evil manipulator" theories kind of cartoonish? 😭 like i just bust out laughing whenever i picture it bc i can't take it seriously. and call me boring but i would much prefer mew to be the "constant" of the friend group (bc let's face it in a show like this you need one) and it's gonna be earth shatteringly heartbreaking when he falls in love with top, has sex with him, and then realizes he just experienced the ultimate betrayal. idk that to me is way more interesting than "haha i was playing you all along." not saying he's not a flawed character (and i hope we see more of his flaws as the series goes on) but i really don't think it's in the way people think. but with that being said i will still be hoping for him to m*rder boston 🙏 (anyway thank you for allowing me to vent in here. i really appreciate all your theories/takes on the series so far!)
(thank u and ur welcome!!🥰 I'M GONNA WRITE A LOT AGAIN)
oh it's totally cartoonish! every time i see it i'm like, "...you guys know that they're, like, good writers, right?"😅😂
the whole point of mew as a character is his not being the stereotypical, wilting flower virgin but someone who is sexy and knows his worth. (and i'm not going to rehash everything else that tells us mew is definitely a virgin.) i agree, that is so much more interesting and smarter than 'actually, everyone's lying except boston, the character we've established is a pathological liar' lmao. the fact that BOSTON "confirms" their suspicion makes it even funnier that they're sticking to their guns.
i mean,
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"or maybe?" he's just making stuff up as he goes along. this isn't just an obvious lie, we see boston earlier tell ray to go after mew because they haven't been sleeping together, to make top jealous:
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and if they insist it's just to "secure" or "play" top for whatever reason, then what the heckadoodle-do is this about?
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side-note: notice how boston rarely speaks in absolutes when he's weaving his web? "maybe," "might," "probably," etc. he preys on everyone's preestablished doubts and insecurities, making his lies even more believable to them. little pokes and prods, like he's just helping them work through a problem - a problem he's creating. he can say, 'hey, i'm just saying it could be true.' fucking diabolical. he also has this smug, devious smile on his face - something that true deceivers who revel in the lie do. (and people have the audacity to say that top is smug? please.)
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why would mew go out of his way to vet top after he was already his boyfriend? and then dump him? (which could have easily backfired. top could have said no; mew knew that.) why would he care if top is his "type" and checks off his checklist? he wants to make sure that top is boyfriend material before he sleeps with him so he doesn't get his heart broken, which is NORMAL. even if he weren't a virgin that's a perfectly normal way to navigate a relationship with someone you don't know very well yet, especially after what boston said. all the "implications" and "foreshadowing" that i've seen the fandom bring up are literally just him... flirting lol
re: mew's flaws, mew's definitely got more going on than we've seen, especially since we know how perceptive and intuitive he is (and that, by his admission, he gets snoopy and obsessive when he's really into someone). of the boys, i think mew's the character we know the least about because most of what we see of him, he's reacting to other characters and he doesn't always say a lot. besides the "interview" shots and maybe one or two other fleeting, superficial moments, i can only think of one scene where he's actually left alone with his thoughts:
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and it's him feeling bad about making top sleep on the couch and deciding to get up to check on him/invite him to bed - not something a "manipulator" would do when no one is looking.
it is really ominous that production has hinted at nick and mew being "helpers." i could see mew going off the deep end and join in nick's, uh, colorful approach to relationships fjdlskjgjm but i just think he's going to snap or something, that won't have been his master plan all along lol (maybe they have to hide the body together) (haha jk... unless?)
yikes, i really did write a lot. thank you for enabling me, anon!💕
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Ok, I just finished watching the second season of Young Royals and it's like 6 am where I live so I didn't get any sleep rip.
Major spoilers warning.
I feel disappointed, I really, really loved the first season (watched it 14 times and forced all my friends to watch it) and was sooooo looking forward for s2 and I didn't really liked it.
Loved the confirmation of Rosh as a sapphic woman bc OF COURSE and the relationship between Simon and his friends was something I absolutly adored and was happy to see more of.
And that's really about it.
I really liked season 1 because despite being kind of a cliche concept (la plebe y la realeza) it brought something really different and cute and real.
I loved when Simon told Willhem that he could take all the time in the world to figure out his feelings and his sexuality, but that he had to do it alone. It was the perfect response and the most healthy outcome of that fucked up situation and I was soooooo proud and happy they made that choice but I feel s2 does a big injustice to that level of emotional maturity and responsability Simon had because it kind of goes nowhere?
Super mad about the poor dude that Simon sort of dated, I really liked them together and I think it was such an unnecesary thing to have him just so Simom would go on to cheat on him with Willhem. I truly didn't undestand that desicion, like make Simon move on and be happy with a super nice and supportive boyfriend or just make them friends so he can feel supported and not alone. I truly don't understand the inclusion of the dude (I DON'T REMEMBER HIS NAME SORRY) just to make Simon and Willhem act like assholes.
*sigh* Willhem.
He was such an asshole this season.
Don't get me wrong, he was never my fave (the whole press denial and then his intention of just keep going like normal with Simon was major FUCKED UP) but I could understand where he was coming from and his struggles. But this season was a real miss for me.
Starting with the actitude just because Simon (VERY UNDERSTANDABLY) wanted some space to the CELLPHONE CHEKING to the FELICE KISS(????????????) was a lot and again, he left off in a really shitty note with Simon last season so I was kinda waiting for a reedeming moment that never really came and that just sits wrong with me, idk I really didn't like him this season.
Like, I was ready for the Bad Bitch Revenge Willhem era (because I understood that was happening from the promotional material). Him standing up to his mom, his peers, FUCKING AUGUST, and fighting for Simon but that neverp happened? Like yeah, he was a petty little fucker to August but all that backfired? And he was shitty to Simon?
Plus the whole herarchy arc was really weird, it never had relevance before and now it super important?
Idk, I felt this season was really different from the first one in all the bad ways it could be and that really disappointed me. Most of the time Simon and Willhem talk this season is in bad terms and there's not really a lot of joy in their interactions so it just doesn't feel right (for me) when they get back together. Besides, when he comes out about the sex tape to the press he doesn't talk to Simon about it? Like Simon had a REALLY shitty time the first time around and Willhem just going off like that without talking to him or a heads up feels really bad for me.
This are just some thoughts and they are probs going to change when I re-watch it with more neurons and a better sleep schedule but overall a really disappointing season for me 😭
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miss-tc-nova · 2 years
Undeserving - Brain x Reader
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You know what? Fuck yes. I was on the fence about doing a fic vs a headcanon, so I decided, ficlet. Yay! 
Anyway, I am fully of the belief that Brain, while smart, is an idiot. Also, riddled with anxiety and depression, coping with sarcasm and self-depreciation. You’ll see. I fucking love it.
Also, warning for lots of cursing. 
Premise: Brain feels unworthy. 
Words: 999
              Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh FUCK!
              The frantic young man paces about his room, losing his gods damn mind. He didn’t know. But he should have known. How could he have not known?! The news that his dear, beloved sweetheart is a Princess of Heart has thrown him into an existential meltdown.
              He always believed that his dearest was perfect. There were, of course, flaws but they weren’t enough to be red flags. In fact, he found them endearing but maybe that was his lovesick heart talking. Still, the very person he found himself in a relationship with was truly pure and he just should have known.
              Now he’s literally banging his head against the wall to the amusement of his spirit guide.
              The feline shrugs. “I don’t see what the big deal is.”
              Brain turns on the cat. “The big deal, if you haven’t noticed, is that I’m not exactly perfect boyfriend material! I’m barely people material!”
              “You look pretty people to me.”
              “That’s not the point, Chi-chi!” Hands drag down his face with a groan. “Fuuuuck! Why couldn’t you just keep your mouth shut?!”
              “You asked how someone could be so perfect.”
              “It was a figure of speech! I didn’t need to know I was dating a literal embodiment of light! I’m freaking out here!”
              “I can see that.”
              Continuing to bemoan his reality, Brain gets back to pacing.
              It’s not that the young man doesn’t want to be in this relationship anymore; it’s that he never believed he deserved his partner in the first place.
              Brain is anti-social. On top of that, he’s a coward. It took him nearly two months just to buildup enough courage to introduce himself. The next year and a half were spent slinking around hoping he’d get a little kindness thrown his way—which he never wanted from anyone before. He just couldn’t help himself. He fell so hard and with the most ungraceful faceplant that it was a miracle that he succeeded in getting a first date.
              But his darling deserved so much more than him. Nothing but the absolute best could be enough—in his little lovestruck mind—and he was far from it even on his best days. Now, knowing that his beloved is a Princess of Heart, he can only equate to scum on a rock. His mind is racing. Such a pure heart in his presence could be in danger of being tainted. His rationality tells him that’s not possible due to what a Princess of Heart truly is, but that’s not going to stop him from thinking about it.
              It’s just too easy for him to come up with a million reasons why he’s not worthy and his frail, little heart can’t take the guilt.
              A knock on the door tears into Brain’s mania.
              “Who’s that?”
              The Chirithy shrugs. “I dunno.”
              Trying to calm himself, he strides towards the door. That all backfires violently when, through the peephole, he finds his partner.
              He plasters himself against the door. “Shit!”
              “Well this should be interesting.”
              “What do I do?!” Frantic fingers snag dark hair. “Fuck! What do I do?!”
              “Open the door.”
              “Shut up, Chi-chi!”
              Another knock comes from the other side. “Brain?”
              That voice is a vice on his heart. “FuuuaaaAACCKK!” With the best—worst—smile he can put on, Brain opens the door. “Hey sweetheart. How’s it goin’?”
              Immediately, those brows furrow. “Are you okay?”
              “Oh yeah! Yeah. I’m fine.” Even he knows he’s not fooling anyone.
              Arms fold in disapproval. “Alright. Spill it. Why are you acting weirder than normal?”
              His shoulders droop. “Gee, thanks, darlin.’”
              “Ah, you know a love you.” Gentle hands press against his face. Though he feels gross and dirty, there’s no denying the serenity that seeps through him at the touch.
              Weak—he’s weak too. “Don’t you see that’s the problem?”
              “What do you mean?”
              “I…You…You’re perfect. You’re amazing and beautiful and I cannot for the life of me figure out why you agreed to date a lowlife like me.”
              “And it’s driving me insane wondering why you could have the most amazing person but you’re settling for scum. IAaaah!”
              The thumbs that had previously been caressing his cheeks suddenly jam into his mouth and start tugging.
              “Stop. You better not say another word about the man I love. Got it?”
              He can only make useless noises. This incurs more ire that pulls at his mouth and he frantically gives a “Got it!” as best he can. That leads to his freedom but then those thumbs smear saliva across his face.
              Brain recoils. “Gross! What the hell?!”
              “It was your spit.” Not even a little sympathy. “Besides, you were saying some pretty stupid things.”
              “But it’s true. You could—Please don’t stick your fingers in my mouth again.”
              “Look, I know you’re not exactly proud of yourself, but I am.” The words bind his heart, rendering Brain speechless. “You may not see it, but you’re amazing. You’re clever and funny—the jury’s up sometimes on being smart but when you’re not being dumb, boy are you smart. I don’t love you for who you think you are; I love you for who I know you are. And you are incredible, Brain.”
              A few moments pass as Brain tries to process everything being said to him. But the idiot just can’t help himself.
              “You know you’re just proving my point, right?” A fist meets his shoulder. “Ow!”
              “I love you, Brain. And you’re not getting rid of me that easily.”
              An embrace takes him, enveloping him in a calm that magically soothes the raging anxiety he summoned. Instinctively, his arms return the gesture the feels like he’s holding the universe in his grasp. He should have known better. He never stood a chance against the person he cherishes above all else. If it’s him that’s chosen, then he has no right to argue.
              “I still don’t get what the big deal is.”
              “Shut up, Chi-chi!”
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wizardingdiaries · 1 year
🥀 angst | ☁️ fluff | ✨ faves | 🔥 smut
🪐 already on notes | 🍂 to be read
Fred Weasley
By masivechaos
Put Your Head On My Shoulder 🍂
By potter-imagines
Roses 🍂 - Ravenclaw reader has been receiving gifts from an anonymous.
Not Like The Movies 🍂
Flowers in Braids ☁️✨🪐
Best-friends to Lovers 🍂 - Fred invites you back to the Burrow to spend the break there and you fall for each other.
Left Waiting at The Three Broomsticks ☁️🪐 - Fred Weasley imagine where he pisses off his gf somehow and so she gives him the silent treatment.
By writersblockedx
Just Material ☁️🥀 - When Fred finds Y/n wearing a jumper which isn’t her own (and certainly isn’t his), he can’t help but question who it must belong to.
Favours for the Falling 🍂 - Fred and Y/n couldn’t be more different, yet the boy can’t help but find himself falling for her.
To Fix what is Broke ☁️🥀 - After a teenage heartbreak, all you wish for is your bestfriend. He’s not there.
By georgie-weasley
Shenanigans 🍂 - You and Fred pair up to get George a partner and along the way you learn your feelings for Fred might not be just friendly.
By lobey-scribbles
Playing Dumb ☁️ - Fred Weasley has always had his eye on you and when Professor Flitwick sits you next to each other in Charms, he can hardly believe his luck.
By geminil0vr
what'cha listening to? ☁️✨ - a little friends to realising crushes to... well, who knows?
By sergeantbuckybarnes
something that we’re not ☁️🥀 - You and Fred are friends. Best Friends. Who happen to cuddle and sleep in bed together all the time.
By abookloverlmao
𝑆𝑡𝑢𝑐𝑘. 🍂 - What will happen when you get stuck with Fred Weasley (the person you despise) in a closet to hide from Umbridge?
By fortisfilia
Fake it till you make it 🍂 one | two | three - “I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend”
By helnjk
Only Us 🍂
Bad Idea 🍂 - Fred weasley has the ability to get under her skin in a way no one else can. he also sends butterflies straight to her stomach like no one else can. 
By Its Cover 🍂 - Fred knows he’s quick to act and to judge, but what happens when it backfires with the pretty healer he meets at st. mungo’s? 
By george-fabian-weasley
On the Rooftop of the Burrow ☁️ - Fred finds you all alone at night, at the rooftop of his house; that he didn’t even know has a passage to the rooftop.
Socks & Lighter ☁️ - Due to a heavy storm going through Diagon Alley, you are forced to stay inside your apartment with no electricity for a while and Fred, is, scared, of, the, dark.
By karahofthedawn
You Owe Us One 🔥
By hxlyhead-harpies
Congratulations Weasley ☁️🥀🪐 - Fred Weasley has been completely insufferable and mean since third year. Unfortunately the reader still feels for him even after he takes his teasing too far.
By awritingtree
Burnout 🍂 - Y/N has been pushing herself past the limit with school work. When Fred notices her unusual behaviour, he decides to intervene.
By heloisedaphnebrightmore
Half an hour 🍂 - Waking up next to Fred Weasley and starting your day within his arms means plain happiness. 
Obviously oblivious 🍂 - You have liked Fred for the longest time and Fred has been having a crush on you, but you are just being oblivious, until he finally takes the first step.
Wrong approach 🍂 - Fred and you have been enemies since the day he decided to turn his back on you. But then a certain detention changes things and things get awkward. 
By iliveiloveiwrite
I think I’ll fall in love with you ☁️ - Lazy days like these with Fred, are treasured. 
Page After Page | Date After Date 🍂 - “Are you… Are you flirting with me?”
Half A Heart 🍂 - “Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.”
Love Me Now, Love Me Always ☁️ - Five times Fred has been in love with you, and the one time he tells you.
Say The Word 🍂 - “Just say the word and I’m yours.”
Not Now. Not Ever. 🍂 - “I’m never letting you go.”
Changes and Constants ☁️ - “Look me in the eyes and tell me the truth.”
Needy Fred 🍂
Fred Weasley and crushes 🍂
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lastchanze · 2 years
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(oscar isaac, he/him, human) To LEO ORTIZ, the whole world looks like an open page. With a leap of faith, their ability of CALAMITY grows a little stronger. They’re pledged to the HOUSE BELTRAN to defend the enchanted lands of Cagliostro with their WEDDING RING. For FORTY years, they have survived a world of magic with both their RESPONSIBLE and DISAGREEABLE nature. They work as the OWNER OF THE NINE LIVES MAGICAL SUPPLY SHOP, but if they could change their fate, they’d want to TO SET EVERYTHING RIGHT AND GIVE HIS FAMILY EVERYTHING.
bad luck. not from the moment he was born, but for as long as he can remember. with his parents, he grew up poor, whether that be material wealth, or emotional wealth. he was left to his own devices for his entire childhood. and like any boy with a natural inclination for abysmal luck who raised himself, he took to running the streets.
he smoked cigarettes before he was old enough to vote. taught himself art, specifically graffiti, indulged in cheeto's and video games to fill the void.
everywhere he went, things went from bad to worse. he began to accept it as comic bad luck, and as usual, attempted his best. 
when he was 17 his parents split up. his mother blamed him for causing rifts between their marriage, but he felt they had more than enough of their own problems. from them on out, his mother had a myriad of boyfriends, none of which made matters any better.
but one of them did however, make his mother scarce. she moved out with him and into a second marriage by the time leo was 19, more than old enough to make himself just as scarce.
he moved in with friends and ran the street a bit more. dabbled in magic, dabbled in handiwork, mechanic work, street art, anything and everything he could get his hands into.
after meeting a girl he would fall in love with, his life path shifted a bit. they bonded and he found a line to hold on to. he spent most of his time with her and her family, and over time his hobbies went from 100 to a handful.
with time they got married and things were good.
the news of his father's untimely passing came to him through a lawyer, a will, and a shitty old house that was now his. the one he grew up in, that his mother and even his father left. it had sat on the market since they each left it, unwanted. as it would happen, it went to him.
now married, now with a shit hole of a house under his name, he leveraged it with the bank, formulating a plan to invest in his future and build he and his wife their very own wealth from the ground up.
so the bank leveraged basically everything he owned, and some things he and his wife owned for that matter, and gave him enough money to open a shop!
enter the nine lives, a magical supply shop that he nurtured from nearly capsizing, broke and busted down, to being a bit of a staple in the area near where they lived.
when he and his wife had their first child, he was eager to leave it to her, and went about improving the shop with a vigor, and not only that, but improving himself. he wanted to be a better father for her. to leave more than a shop but a legacy.
his tampering with his fate didn't hold up well with fates ability to shit in his cereal. his bad luck peaked and of course, he accidentally ruined everything.
after a bit of a one two punch, his wife and then himself, accidentally allowed their daughter nat to get into a set of experimental potions they meant to sell exclusive to their shop. the potion  had the unintended effect of turning nat into a cat. :/
in a panic, to attempt to fix it, he brewed a potion meant to amplify his wifes powers.
this backfired horribly, and seemingly nullified her powers. and afterwards, haywire. 
now with 2 seemingly unfixable magical problems of their own bad luck making, he's in a panic, attempting to fix it all without knowing what to do...
fun facts
as of the last 7 months, leo discovered his world ending bad luck is actually, a source of magic that went unchecked for many years. he went to several sources to check his theory was correct and after it was confirmed, he went to the house of beltran in order to hopefully help with some of his chaos.
he can now legally hunt and work within their house, though he hasn't yet been called upon or tried to take any leads.
when he registered, he forgot to bring something with him and ended up just using his wedding ring as a binding instead lol. so his magical item he walked off with was a ring that gave him the ability to somewhat harness his calamity and open up "rifts" of sorts, of negative energy, to basically, mini curse anyone before him. but it also helps him to contain his powers to his ring and that's all he cared about.
his daughter was turned cat at the age of 6, and is now 8 years old.
he's been married for so long he doesn't even know what it's like to be single anymore, and literally couldn't function without his family around. despite the fact that his marriage is on the rocks lol.
he's almost always at his shop. either working on the floor, behind the counter, in the back, or fixing the shop.
a man of many talents, as talented as he is unlucky. a real of a jack of all trades.
some plots
anyone who can try to help him control, contain, understand his power. anyone who will understand his pain and help him sort through that shit. beltran psychics, come shush him somehow. therapists, give him help. potion masters, brew him something. enchanters, give him something strong. 
an unlikely friend he met through the shop. they'd ideally have an interest in potions, or some of the unique content in their shop. he hand enchants and brews all of the potions, and despite having bad luck, they're usually really high quality so there's that!
give him someone who was rivals with him in high school. someone in their 30's to early 40's, and they used to fight and compete about absolutely freaking everything and still to this day they do that shit even though there's nothing to fight about and it isn't high school anymore
a very complex friendship of a few years now. you don’t approve of half of the decisions you two make, you annoy the hell out of each other, tell each other straight, tease each other, but at the end of the day, still choose to stay friends and check in on each other. a very pure and cool friendship, despite it’s bumpy nature. people around you don’t know if you hate each other or like each other (ie. “hey asshole what’s up,” “was having a good day until you walked in” :D)
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xcamena · 2 years
HEADCANON -- the brothel. TW FOR: abuse, prostitution, rape
so midler worked at a brothel courtesy of her first love. the man she thought she would marry, who was well over twice her age, and had very much a lot of control over her. she was fourteen when it happened, and she lived there until she was about 22. in that time, she was subject to a lot of abuse.
the man was a foreigner, and was skilled in the sex trafficking business, as well as what drugs to give to what girls to make them listen to him. midler never experienced the latter, but she did get introduced to alcohol at a very young age.
he was very good at manipulation, and while he never physically hit her, he would allow other men to do so as long as it wasn’t in the face since he had to keep her looking good to keep her as one of the top requested and highest money makers for him. midler never saw a a cent of what he charged for her, but he did buy her anything she wanted in order to keep her close and prove his affection for her.
the particular abuse he put her through was breaking down her self esteem, but never directly insulting her. it was all very underhanded and sneaky, and if a man got too handsy, he would always be the one to “Save” her from them, though it was always after the event. on more than one occasion, those events would be rapes, never violent, but midler would very frequently freeze up and cry during it. it wasn’t until she got older that the crying stopped, and that she would become reliant on alcohol to toughen herself up. around age 16 is when she finally learned to accept whatever came her way, since that was what would make it easier and go by quicker.
there were exceptions, as some of the clients she had would be kind to her. one in particular is who would slip her money directly rather than just give it to the man who ran the brothel. he was the one that helped her discover what she liked best, and would treat her rather well and make sure that she was well kept. make sure she had something to eat, and that her health was okay. he was very much older than she was, and his wife had died many years ago, he was from Europe. a British businessman, named Charles.
however, on the other end, men would pay copious amounts to get much too handsy with her, physically abusing her since her occupation wouldn’t allow her to go to the police anyway. not if she wanted to stay out of jail, anyway. one in particular that nearly choked her to death that was the first person she ever used her stand on, turning the tables and killing him before he could kill her. panic set in and midler excused it as he suddenly collapsed, and it was enough to satisfy. she wasn’t sure what happened after with the body or anything, as her then boyfriend took care of it.
when she did finally get out, she was a jaded woman, trying to make up for the childhood that she lost. it’s why she’s kind now. it’s why she clings a lot to those that show her kindness and affection. she’s never truly had that in her life, and it’s something that she craves. intimacy, even beyond sex. she wants people to like her, and she wants to make friends. however, behind all of that, she’s very mistrusting since those that were supposed to take care of her took advantage of her and tore down who she was.
it makes her susceptible to things, and she tends to gravitate to those that do take advantage of her. the teachings of her parents and how she had her self esteem torn down lead her to believe she deserves nothing, and it’s why she acts demanding when it comes to material objects.
she protects herself that way, so that people won’t try and take advantage of her, not realizing how that could backfire.
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peterbrian128 · 5 months
Master the Art of Capturing a Girl's Heart Through Friendship
<h2>The Best Way to Get a Girl's Attention</h2> <p>Many guys approach girls looking for a relationship with the mindset of being a "suitor." But this often backfires, as the girl sees them only as someone chasing her rather than as a potential friend. As a result, the guy's efforts hit a brick wall because the girl is wary and defensive. Even if he eventually wins her affection, she may still see him only as a suitor rather than as boyfriend material.</p> <p>In the girl's eyes, these guys were doomed to fail from the very beginning. That's because the identity most likely to succeed in getting a girl's attention is not being a suitor - it's being her friend first. We often see how boys get close to girls by starting as friends. Only later does the girl realize her feelings have developed into a crush on the friend she's gotten to know well.</p> <p>So what really works best? Let me explain the identity that is most effective for capturing a girl's heart. </p> <h3>Being a Senior</h3> <p>Girls enjoy seeing a guy who can teach them something. Many girls look up to guys who are more experienced or knowledgeable than them. Why? Because these guys have more wisdom and life lessons to share. A girl respects and admires a senior figure who can impart knowledge to her. Naturally, she is then more open to seeing him as boyfriend material too.</p> <p>The key is to approach a girl you're interested in, not as a suitor chasing her, but as a friendly senior willing to offer wisdom and support. Share common interests, make her laugh, and give advice when asked. Over time, she will come to see you less as a pursuer and more as a true friend - one who she may develop strong feelings for in return.</p> <p>So in summary brothers, your best chance at love is finding a girl's heart is through friendship first. Instead of forcing a relationship, let one develop naturally through shared experiences and understanding each other as people.</p>
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crossover-enthusiast · 8 months
With Project 'Ma' underway, Adam put his own genetic material into the God Seed so that the children born of the selected 'Ma' would be biologically related to him. He additionally met with Gammon and revealed that he was Maria Moonlit's son, detailing his plan to marry the project candidate and reestablish the monarchical line in Levianta as a hereditary one with the Project 'Ma' children as his heirs. Once Gammon agreed to help, Adam used Gammon's contacts to get the recipe for Venom and to obtain Miroku's journal, through which he learned that Seth was the retainer that had thrown him in the river long ago, and began plotting to get him out of the way.
As part of 'Project Ma', the institute conducted a series of "Witch Hunts" to quickly acquire candidates. Despite Gammon's objections, Adam decided to pursue the infamous Apocalypse member Meta Salmhofer as a candidate, plotting for Seth to be killed during the excursion to Merrigod Plateau. The plan backfired, however, leading to every researcher being killed except for Seth.[1] Meta was later discarded as a potential candidate. Afterwards, Adam and Seth, along with Gammon's contingent of soldiers, ventured to Held's Forest to seek another potential candidate, the alleged Witch of the Forest who used her great magical power to protect the local inhabitants.
As they traveled, the researchers' entourage was attacked by Raisa Netsuma's army. While the soldiers continued the fight, Adam and Seth were rescued by Eve Zvezda and brought back to her village, Nemu, and to her father Raiou Zvezda. Adam and Seth soon explained their purpose in coming and their suspicion that Eve herself was the Witch of the Forest they sought. When Seth eventually tested Eve, they found her level to be too low, in truth due to interference from Eve's spoon. Once Seth then departed to receive medical treatment from a proper hospital, Adam and Gammon remained to continue their search, with Eve taking them to several villages nearby, to no avail.
As they prepared to head back, Adam began chatting with Eve before the two were interrupted by another attack from Raisa and her army, with Eve unleashing her power to defeat them. Upon returning to Nemu, Adam and Eve found all the village women, and Raiou, slaughtered by Meta's forces, while the village men were brainwashed into becoming more of her Red Devotees. After a tense confrontation with Meta, reinforcements arrived from the capital and the Apocalypse members withdrew. With Eve revealed to be the Witch of the Forest, and her home being destroyed, Adam took her with him on his return to the capital to submit her as a project candidate. He also, as part of his plan, began slipping Eve Venom mixed with coffee,[1] unaware that Venom had no effect on her.[3]
After taking Eve back to the research institute, Adam had her magic potential properly quantified; With Eve's magical power recorded as more than high enough for the project, Adam prepared her for a ritual to get the current queen to accept her as her successor, downplaying the high risk the ritual involved to ensure Eve's cooperation. During the days they spent together, Adam struck up a relationship with Eve as he tutored her in the history of Levianta and its politics and helped her get settled in the capital.
Before a month had passed, Adam managed to make himself Eve's boyfriend, though the two kept their relationship secret to avoid complications. As part of this, he promised Eve they would be married in secret after she became queen, the two deciding to do it in Held's Forest.[2] As Adam continued to play the part of a perfect boyfriend, he spent one night drinking with Gammon and complained about how stressful he found it. The two also further discussed their plans for overthrowing the government once Eve became queen.
(Stopping so ya can read)
Oh wait, the two don't know they're siblings? Doesn't make this any less gross but I thought Adam was aware of it lmao
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ikkaku-of-heart · 1 year
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@shiigures​ asked: "Why does Roronoa call you babygirl?" ( I made a ship and a humorous one for this meme since I don't think Zoro would call anyone babygirl. xD )
Send my muse "why does [NAME] call you babygirl?" for their reaction! (Still Accepting!)
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“I uh...” Ikkaku trailed off, staring at Tashigi, going red from her cheeks to her ears. Ok then. So the Marine had heard him say that. She was really hoping nobody had heard that. Especially not her captain. Not that he wasn’t aware, but she just knew she’d either get a mocking smirk or a judgmental stare in response. At least everyone else was too distracted watching Zoro and Sanji fight to bring it up. Everyone except Tashigi, apparently.
“It’s...kind of an inside joke,” she finally mumbled, rubbing the back of her neck. “Sanji was yelling at him about needing to be more openly affectionate. Said if he and I were a thing, Zoro needed to actually, you know, act like it. Like with nicknames and public displays of affection. ‘Course, Sanji suggested ‘princess’ or ‘darling’ or ‘my love.’ Franky suggested ‘babygirl’ as a joke, which Sanji thought was terrible. So, of course, Zoro went with that. Because spite.”
Looking back at her swordsman battling the cook, Ikkaku had to chuckle. The nickname itself was utterly ridiculous and so out of character for him, it was impossible not to laugh. Really, Sanji should have known his attempt to make Zoro “proper boyfriend material” would backfire like that. If he’d wanted anything to actually come from it, he should have outsourced that lesson to Robin or Chopper. People he’d actually listen to.
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I'm in love with you by dedalujagat
Anime » Naruto Rated: K+, Indonesian, Romance & Humor, Words: 1k+, Published: Sep 15
[[ A]]
I'm in love with you
Masashi Kishimoto
Boru Sara
Romance, Teenlith
Gaje, OOC, Typo(s), aneh, abal, etc
The girl walked briskly, her footsteps seemed inconsistent with each other. In his arms, stacked many books with an unbelievable total weight, able to carry a girl as small as her agile.
Uchiha Sarada was just about to complain and put down all the books when a man, her senior, approached Sarada with light steps. Her onyx whirled frantically, she was just about to turn away when her foot tripped over the steps.
And all the books fell. Creating a commotion in the quiet school corridor.
"Let me help you, Sarada." The man, Uzumaki Boruto, lowered his head and picked up all of Sarada's books, carrying in his own arms, "Where are you going?"
"No need." Sarada adjusted her glasses, for some reason, she became nervous, "I want to return it to the library, Boruto-san."
Boruto glanced at him, refusing when Sarada reached out, asking for all her books back. Instead of following Sarada's wish, Boruto said, "I'm also on my way to the library, really. So, let's be together."
Sarada didn't have time to protest, because her best friend's sister, Himawari, had already walked over while holding all the books that Sarada had borrowed. The Uchiha girl tried to keep up with Boruto's wide and fast steps.
"So, how's Uncle Sasuke and Aunt Sakura?" Boruto asked, as they walked side by side. Sarada's heart had been out of her mind ever since, but she tried to ignore it.
"Okay..." Sarada cracked a smile, and the next second, when both of them entered the library, Sarada was silent beside a large shelf of philosophy books. He looked at Boruto's straight back.
His blood rippled.
It's no secret, that between Sarada and Boruto, something crucial is intertwined. Sarada has liked Boruto since she was little—, ever since her mother took her to visit her best friend's house, Naruto's uncle and Hinata's aunt. The guy is handsome, very considerate, and Sarada likes the way Boruto looks at him.
Until when Sarada was in junior high school, she heard from Himawari's mouth that her sister already had a boyfriend.
Since then, Sarada has been lazy to visit Himawari's house again, and tries desperately to stay away from Boruto, destroying his feelings.
And all his efforts, in vain. Sarada still really likes Boruto.
"Is there anything else you need, Sarada?" Boruto's question brought Sarada back to reality.
Sarada shook her head, "No, Boruto-san. I just want to go home."
"Alright, let's go home together." Bring Boruto. Sarada was wide-eyed, her reason for staying away from Boruto actually backfired. The girl jumped into the sidelines of the bookshelf.
"I think I should find another book for study material, Boruto-san," Sarada said, "You can go home first."
Sarada didn't wait for a reply, instead just stomped her foot away, leaving Boruto, then sinking between the bookshelves.
The raven black haired girl was just about to get lost in her activities of reading books, when she glanced out of the corner of her eye, Boruto was still standing at the end of the shelf. Sarada stuttered, then looked away and walked away, but the eldest Uzumaki followed her instead.
"You really like reading books, don't you?" Started by Boruto, "Hima said you often borrow books from him."
"I can recommend some good books for you," continued Boruto, "Kaa-san has a private library at home, he just built it two years ago."
"When are you visiting again, Sarada? When you were little you used to come to my house and play with Hima."
Sarada stubbornly tried to ignore it. When the Uchiha girl was about to turn towards the literature bookshelf, Boruto suddenly grabbed her arm, grabbed her gently, and pushed her until her back was against the wall.
Boruto lowered his head, grabbed Sarada's blooming red lips and sucked them in. Sarada widened her eyes, her face reddened when she saw Boruto's face so close to hers, with her yellow hair bangs that fell along her forehead to slightly cover her eyes which were already closed completely.
Sarada tried to fight back, but Boruto squeezed the girl's hand and raised it above her head. The yellow man's kiss got deeper, more daring, until he didn't realize it, Sarada replied.
When the kiss broke, both of them gasped for air. Boruto's body is still tightly attached to Sarada, he is reluctant to take the initiative to take the distance.
"Shit, you broke my self-control, Uchiha."
Sarada looked up, her onyx staring at the much taller Boruto, "What are you doing, Boruto-san?"
The man was silent, still adjusting the rhythm of his breathing, then moved away with a heavy heart, "Use the suffix kun, Sarada. Don't call me that formal."
"Why?" He asked in surprise, "I called you that because I wanted to be polite to you."
"I'm your best friend's brother!"
Boruto looked down, stealing a kiss from Sarada's lips, "When you were little, you were so cute because you always did what I said. Why have you changed now?"
Sarada is sure, her cheeks are now transformed as red as her mother's hair, Sakura. The girl gently pushed Boruto's hand away, then quickly left.
"He's playing me, Hima!" Sarada sighed, laying her head down on the cafeteria table, two days after Boruto stole her first kiss, "You said Boruto-san was dating Inojin's brother, but why did he treat me like that?"
"I think they broke up a long time ago, since nii-chan is rarely seen with Sanma-san anymore." Himawari replied, her face suddenly changed, "Damn, my stomach hurts again. Do you want to stay here or accompany me to the toilet?"
"Just here," replied Sarada, still holding her head asleep on the cafeteria table. Himawari stood up, then rushed to the toilet. Next time, he will definitely listen to kaa-san's advice not to eat spicy ramen again.
"Aren't you going to the toilet?" When Sarada felt someone sitting on the cafeteria chair next to her, she sighed. Still with her head down, the girl thought it was Himawari who came, "What should I do Hima? I'm really confused why Boruto-san kissed me. Did he return my feelings? Does he also have the same feelings as me?"
"I told you, right, stop using that suffix and call me, 'Boruto-kun'!"
The baritone voice jolted Sarada's head. He was stunned when he realized, the person sitting next to him was not Himawari, but Uzumaki Boruto!
Sarada's face was completely red. Unlucky.
"Gomen, I... I have to go!" Sarada was ready to get up when Boruto grabbed her arm, and the man forced her to sit back down.
"I want to answer your question, Sarada."
"Which question?" Sarada said nervously.
"Why did I kiss you, and do I reciprocate your feelings." Boruto repeated Sarada's question, enjoying the awkward girl in front of him.
"What, that..."
Cups. Boruto pressed his lips on top of Sarada's quickly. The girl's onyx widened, when the next second, Boruto cupped his cheeks, kissing Sarada's lips again and again. The atmosphere of the cafeteria, which was previously busy, immediately turned silent when he realized what the two successors to the Uchiha and Uzumaki families were doing.
"Jesus, what are they doing?"
"How dare Boruto kiss Sarada-chan!"
"Kyaa~ So sweet!"
"No, no, Boruto-kun is only mine!"
Sarada fell silent, focused her gaze on Boruto's sapphire who was looking at him gently.
"Yes, Uchiha." Boruto whispered, "A long time ago. Why did you just notice, hm?"
"Tap... but..." Sarada's voice caught in her throat, "You're dating Yamanaka-san..."
"Ah yes, because I want to know your reaction." Boruto took their distance, making Sarada feel lost, "And you just dodged. At least, I know how you feel now."
Sarada's cheeks reddened.
"You're in love with me, right, Uchiha Sarada?" Boruto's sapphire stared mischievously. Sarada's heart seemed to be about to jump out of her chest cavity.
The son of Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Sakura smiled, "Of course, Boruto-kun!"
And their distance was instantly erased because Boruto immediately took the girl into his arms. It didn't matter if the entire cafeteria stared at them with a million expectations, no matter if at the end of the hall, someone was smiling broadly.
Himawari cheered, whispering to herself, "Mission accomplished!"
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ordinarytitan · 2 years
Once upon a time, I met with Fotis, a good friend. He was, at the time, constantly flirting and seducing girls. One of his last conquests was a divorced 40-year-old woman that was amazing in bed. She hadn’t any inhibitions and was ready to fulfill even your most dirty fantasies. In one of their meetings, Fotis even brought another friend with him, and she was eager to please them both! Fotis pushed me to go to the shop she was working and simply ask her for a date. With 90% probability, she would immediately say “yes,” he assured me! I went to the place she worked and did as Fotis instructed me. Indeed, she quickly agreed to go on a date with me and gave me her contact with joy. On our first date, everything went according to plan. We started talking sexually from the start. She encouraged me to talk to her dirty and tell her exactly what I wanted to do to her! Not surprisingly, this date ended in my home. We started making out. I took her blouse and bra off fast, began kissing her titties, then proceeded to her pants and there… She stopped me! Her mood changed, and she said we should stop because we progressed “too fast!” And she meant it. I tried my best to make her horny, but it was pointless. We wouldn’t do anything naughtier that day because she wanted to take her time with me. Crazy, isn’t it? So we went on another date… And another… As you can imagine, I became extremely frustrated, and on our third date, I confronted her. I asked why she played these stupid games. Why at first, she was ready for everything and then suddenly changed her behavior. Her reply revealed amazed me. I was the cause for her change! Without realizing it, I gave her hopes that I was interested in becoming her boyfriend! She said that I told her in our first date that “I love to connect with women. To learn who they are as human beings.” So, she thought that I was implying I saw her more seriously. Therefore, because she began to see me as boyfriend material, she wanted me to commit before she gave me pussy. When I thought about it, she was right! I was an idiot! There was no reason to tell her, "I love to connect with women.” I indeed gave her hopes and shot my feet. In the end, because I had zero interest in starting a relationship with her, and now she demanded it from me, I left the date and never saw her again. As you see, I lost some great moments of pleasure for no reason. You should learn from my mistakes… Of course, demonstrating your will to commit is something great if you are really into a woman. This will multiply the chances of seducing her. Yet, if the girl is already hot for sex, and you show that you want to commit, it can backfire completely. It will force her to delay giving pussy to you. As it happened with me in today’s story. She was eager to sleep with me from the first moment, and I destroyed everything. That is it for today. If you want to read more stories on flirting, dating, and seduction, just click the link below and subscribe to my mailing list: www.OrdinaryTitan.com
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