#he was so good on the stage omg
foreverppl · 1 year
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Moodboard for Amais Rena (he/they), lead singer of alt rock band Way Way Downers @infamous-if
#catch them being like ‘what happened to the MUSIC???’ every time some reality tv show drama goes down lmfao#having them be a homewrecker by romancing mrs. valentine so we’ll see how that goes#but also after playing the demo i’ve fallen down the seven rabbit hole and i CANNOT get out omg#anyway personality facts ig:#they toe the line between confident and arrogant but ONLY when it comes the music#like he’d never call himself the best but they know that they’re a good singer and the band makes good music#so they don’t usually care to listen to criticisms that say otherwise#can be a little intense and takes things way too seriously somtimes#loves their bandmates to death so he was def put off a little by g in that one convo#is OBSESSED with doing the pop punk voice/accent much to the dismay of everyone around them. they think it’s the most hilarious thing ever#still feels really guilty abt what went down w seven so is just sorta… taking whatever they dish atp#okay at social interactions just veers more on the detatched polite side of things in interviews/w fans and other ppl they don’t know#which is veryy different from how they are on stage.#on stage they fully embody the music and let themselves do whatever feels right. no inhibitions. a complete release.#lover of tight pants and nice cuban heeled boots#is pretty responsible but has issues being told what to do prob stemming from the whole absent parent thing (srry orion)#can play piano but only the basics. only learned to help with the songwriting process.#if underground wastebasket has a million haters amais is one of them. if underground wastebasket has one hater they are that one.#if underground wastebasket has no haters that means amais is dead.#my mcs#if: infamous#mc: amais rena (infamous)#mb
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thegreatestheaver · 19 days
Conventional nightmares are scary but I think it’s the unrealistic ones that are the most scary
#the conventional ones I have are ones where people try to kill me or I kill people or do other bad things to them#or other bad things happen to me that could happen irl. but euhgh#I had such a weird nightmare#I WSS like ? on a weird ship thing with extended and being gay was like. not allowed but. I was gay anyways#and I hid it pretty well until like. suddenly at a huge fancy family dinner like? I was hashtag exposed and I tried to be like no please noo#but they were like TO THE HELL DIMENSION WITH YOU!!!! and I got sent to … s dark room with a stage and.. prom decorations?#there were other people and stuff and people onstage preforming the same thing over and over but I sat in the back bc I was pissed#also I was a borzoi. important detail😭 I remeber it because I always had to swish my tail off the chairs so I didn’t sit on it#anyways I was pissed as fuck. hal was there (the person not the character) and I was maaaaaad and it for some reason and I feel kinda bad#glitch was telling me yea ur in hell with (PEOPLE WHO DID REALLY HORRIBLE AWFUL THINGS. like. really bad.) and I was like awesome. kys#and it was like OK. don’t be like that let’s go sit at the chairs up high by the stage. and we sat on the same chair all squished 😭#everyone also had a small pack of plastic dinosaur beads that are. identical to ones that I have. and he talked to me as I fiddled with them#I was reallyyy scared because there were fucking. really dangerous people also apparently I was supposed to rot here forever.eventually hal-#-got up to strech and so did I and I sat back down ready for him to sit with me and he was like no. and I was like :? and it was like. the#the house. then glitch pointed to a small plastic house in the room like the ones for kids to play with outside and I was like oh :(#cos I thought he was leaving me and I got really sad because he was like. the only#good thing there. but it was like no. come#and I didn’t hear and I kept moping and he was like COME WITH. and I was like omg it’s talking to me. YAYYY!!!#I got up wirh my borozi paws to go follow glitch into the house then I woke up because someone called me just now😭😭😭#and I’m not gonna sleep again. it’s nearly 2pm. woof.#anyways that was horrible it was worse than the time I had a dream I killed someone and was a wsnted fugitive#I think hal was there cos I was thinking abt him right before I EME went to sleep and when I think of ppl before I sleep they often are in-#-my dreams#ok I need to get up and do stuff now. auhh#hollowspeak
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twenty-noine · 2 months
i'm still shook wtf I was just vibing to tyler the creator and then i was like IS THAT DONALD GLOVER
it was.
I'm quaking.
earfquakin' even
that set was so god damn good wtf
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freudenstein · 2 years
Princess Tutu had a surprisingly great ending. It's almost cathartic for a story that's about stories and endings to stories to have a pretty good ending itself.
#princess tutu#(spoilers) still would have wanted tutu to confess her love to fakir and turn into a speck of light#but thats kinda morbid of me. its defintiely better that she gets to stay alive as her true duck self lol#and the story is in good hands now (fakir's)...i guess????#i really enjoyed the meta themes in this anime. so much relatable stuff for a story writer#so true drosselmayer! your characters do indeed just whatever they feel like sometimes and surprise YOU with where they take the story!!!#im pretty sure fakir has a crush on tutu and he can write stories now so i suppose he could make her a girl somehow xD#altho that would be contradicting what he told her about just existing as yourself....#overall its the perfect ending while remaining internally consistent. fakir was never meant to pick up a sword and would have died in vain#just because the story infected his town. he was always supposed to be a writer and now he is. and ahiru was always supposed to be a duck#so#AND OMG RIGHT THE ED....SO ITS HIS REFLECTION ON THE WATER RIGHT#im glad rue got her happy ending because she deserves it after all the suffering. and i even forgave mytho for being so boring for 80%#of the story. he somehow made up for it in the end#i love fakir the most tho. that character is layered and changed so much throughout the story its insaaane. a sweetheart too 🥺#but i basically liked everybody except mytho LOL i was so frustrated in the kraehe parts because i felt like rue was being done dirty#and i was rooting for rue 😭 plus ahiru of course is so cute and lovable#anyways. super wild. loved how everything had to be dancing and the ''stage-like'' scenes and the music omfg#and the damn cat teacher lmao#As a writer princess tutu spoke to me.... I'm touched by this story; as a writer. It really does things to you on multiple levels like that#fakir can only write if its about ahiru...🥲 is this what its like to have a muse??? is this what i need to finally move#forward as a writer??? 😭😭
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
oh it was soooooooooo good i'm so happy i got a chance to see it!!! gorgeous design all around, there was no standout elements bc everything fit so well together. all the spirits + magical elements were done with traditional (japanese and western) style puppetry, so everything was articulated and manipulated by an operator, which had this really wonderful almost youth theatre vibe. a lot of times with shows that involve puppets, they'll try to make the puppets as advanced as possible to not make them 'childish' (see: war horse), but for something that's based heavily in folklore and IS a children's story, to me the only logical sense is to emphasize that particular angle. the puppets were also incredible, very well made and sooo accurate to the movie??? like impressively accurate. my faves were probably kamaji and haku? kamaji's six extra arms were each operated by a separate person who had one hand operating the elbow and one hand as the actual hand, so all eight hands were able to do everything, which mean there was some REALLY incredible choreography of just. all the stuff that he was doing, but also when he got up and walked it was soooooooo cool. and haku!!! he had two puppets actually, one 'full size' that was a big long foam articulated body that took i think four puppeteers, and there was a tiny haku that they used for the flying scenes that was basically just a little head and a ....idk what the actual technical term is but it was basically just a wind sock as the body on a big long pole so the puppeteer could essentially move him like you would a big ribbon! the scene were he first transforms and flies off was sooo pretty, the actor haku did a lil setup to a GORGEOUS spinning jump and when he landed he ducked down behind some of the chorus members and as he disappeared the tiny ribbon haku shot up from the same spot and started looping around.......... actual magic. also wow the actor playing haku was so pretty. and very tall. which i did not notice until the very end. i would not be suprised if he had ballet training bc tall and he had the ballet dancer chin/head posture. also the actor playing lin (also doublecast as chihiro's mom) was crazy hot. just so unbelievably hot. anyways. speaking of casting: noface as a popping dancer. UNREAL and incredible galaxy brained choice. he had a solo while they did a set change and WOW. spooky and gorgeous and also weirdly welcoming? really excellent job of embodying a sympathetic physicality that made it understandable why chihiro would let him in to the bath house in the first place. also for the curtain call he put the mask on the back of his head and literally did the bows backwards. insane. my ONLY complaint is that i didn't love noface's giant form, but that's mostly because years and years ago i saw a (different) puppet show with a grim reaper character that was very similar to giant noface (the telescoping neck + large body) and i literally thought at the time 'if you were going to do puppet noface that is exactly how you should do it', so 1) expectations 2) i'm pretty sure that version was done using quite a sophisticated extending mechanism, which would be antithetical to the rest of the puppets in the show, and 3) this giant noface was VERY big (probably at least 10-15 feet across? he was at least eight puppeteers with the original actor as the mask) so the logistics would not have worked. regardless. it is a very small complaint that literally no one else would have had unless they had seen the same show that i did in like. 2015. costumes were all unreal, the set was phenomenal; it actually took me WELL over an hour to figure out that the set literally stayed the same the entire time, it was just being rotated (it was on a turntable) and redressed + had a couple balconies flown in. also live orchestra?? in the set??????? i didnt even know they were THERE they had them behind a scrim on an upper level platform in the back and they pulled it up for curtain call and there was like. 15 ppl sitting back there????
ok but if i had to pick ONE thing that was my favourite, it would be that ALL the living things were played by someone alive. i know that sounds obvious, especialy for like. the dancing vases and the frog and the soot sprites, but even the PLANTS were puppets in their own way. like the hydrangea bushes that chihiro hides in at the beginning and the flower field that she and haku run through were done with chorus members wearing these beautiful flower head/chest/arm pieces. even the stone guardians at the tunnel at the beginning of the play were actors. it really underscored the magic of everything to have all the life be actually alive.
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hauntingblue · 3 months
Zoro was about to tell luffy off for making a scene but luffy just says some guys spilled red bean soup and he starts to make a worse one. Amazing
#broon took robins place.... so is she just gonna walk????? damn....#zoro fucking people up for making fun of hungry people..... yeah yeah yeah#now it's luffy's turn.... THEY SPILLED THE RED BEAN SOUP ON LUFFY IT'S GOING DOWN#everyone looks so good with these outfits.... horns really do compliment anyone....#episode 984#kaido wants to marry yamato to one of big mom's sons.... or she wont consider them allies i know it....#kid has kimg's haki too??? and zoro... they do really give that to anyone....#drops of red bean soup on luffy's face to look like tears... (to me)#luffy eating all the soup..... he should take it outside back to the boat akdhsksjk OKUBORE PEOPLE WE ARE EATING TONIGHT!!!#oh jesus.... elephant gun in the middle of the party.... zoro going to the conflict ahdkajs of course#they turned on the lights and everything... WHY did zoro slice the building??? 😭😭#episode 985#talking tag#watching one piece#they are gonna show that scene of tama eating soup 84 more fucking times#'are you happy now?' 'yeah' 'let's run then' INCREDIBLE#APOO TURN THAT SHIT DOWN!!! WHAT IS THAT!!! BOOOOO!!!#THAT DOESN'T EVEN RHYME!!! GET DOWN OF THAT STAGE!!#luffy biting that dog akshakskq#zoro fucking!!! slash him!! do a projectile slash or whatever!! you know how!!#FUCK HIM UP KID YEAAAH!!!!!! NO ANOTHER ONE FOR GOOD MEASURE!!! JUST IN CASE!!#episode 986#do kaido and the others not hear all this???? its right on their castle door akdhsksj#his ass is not uncoscious yet!!! quit the yapping and hit him again kid!!! SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!! SUCK THE BLOOD OUT OF HIS VEINS!! ENOUGH!!#he needs to pull some magneto shit right now!!!#sanji seeing shinobu ball crush some guys and sanji wondering if he would want to try it too!!! I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SANJI!! 🫵🏻🤨#a tobi roopo has a burdel..... sanji is dying this fight.... this is his final arc.... goodbye sanji... what a shame...#nvm the brothel is empty... sanji gets to live another day#killer ate the fruit to save his captain!!! omg!!! ORICHI WHEN I GET YOU!! Exactly kid kill them all.... fuck em and apoo too.#episode 987
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camscendants · 8 months
Finally posting these
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This concert was SO GOOD
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juju-xia · 10 months
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Not sure if I wanna post pics of myself here yet but you have no idea how insane I got when I saw this from afar when walking to the theatre 😍
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cinnabeat · 1 year
im Also seeing a lot of people conplaining about how obvious baals staged thing was and like. its obvious to US bc the entire manga we've seen baal be Evil and Have Ulterior Motives so its obvious but its not obvious to the characters themselves bc why would it? they have no reason to suspect and those who do wouldnt be able to call it out bc the vast majority took it at face value bc (surprise surprise) demons dont actually react the same way people irl do and its been established they like cool and strong people
#also the whole thing took 13 fucking seconds#the only reason why IRUMA reacted was bc hes a human with zero self preservation skills and also (as it said) has had multiple moments where#hes been caught off guard and nearly paid for it#he saw someone face (supposed) death and was like holy shit thats just like me and reacted accordingly bc iruma DOES have a fast reaction ti#time and azz backed him up immediatey bc hes always atuned to iruma and was also right next to him#and ALSO had several moments in the last year where he wasnt fast enough to react when someone (iruma) was in danger#and he saw iruma turn back to help and was like yeah i need to back him up OBVIOUSLY bc azzs first priority is always going to be iruma#everyone else saw the giant fuck off demon and was like holy shit run away bc they werent expecting it and have no prior experience to react#to something unexpected anyways#no one saw iruma (as far as we know) fire the shot they just saw the barrier MAYBE and definitely saw baal obliterate the demon#and even then the princess likely only saw BAAL save her bc he was right in front of her and was like omg#and presented baal as the savior and since her word is as good as the truth everyone else saw that and was like omg hero#and nobody would suspect it was staged anyways despite the suspicious timing of baals speech about the demon king bc he was bringing up vali#valid points and behemot was missing for a while and also june 13th was wstablished as a day of betrayal#so like obvious scapegoat and also conveniently proves baals point#like it was very well thought out and im SO MAD about it you have no idea but its not unreasonable 😭#michi tag#aorry im having So Many thoughts rn lmao
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1oveholic · 2 years
i miss 2020 victon
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chisungie · 11 days
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crownconstellation · 1 month
hi everybody. please listen to this it's good
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crmsndragonwngss · 3 months
Y’all, Knosis is gonna be in Dallas June 11th and omfg I need to go to that show
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jongace · 11 months
#chatter#was watching some old performances and got so emotional#like growl era - so cute. so adorable. so fun#that high note was so effortless. just a walk in the park compared to wolf and mama insane ones#that mama2014 performance when vocal line does tell me what is love <3 like it’s ksoo’s performance really#but they gave lines to bh+jd in it too and they sounded so good as well#and i also watched the mnet cb stage of power since i almost never watch performances of that song and omg. so fun so happy#was in two minds abt his orange hair but it was kind of a look. made him stand out and look so bright and upbeat#literally they were all so cute during that perf but he’s so naturally happy and smiley it suits him so well#then i watched another obsession stage for the millionth time bc i adore that song and concept. no need to say more 🫠#but yeah rewatched the music core cream soda stage again and he.#honestly i don’t even like the song that much but it increasingly grows on me when i watch the live perfs#they’re really back.#but yeah watching old clips and new ones it’s obvious how much he’s improved vocally and i mean his level was already extremely high#once again that killing voice clip of monster. i love when they do things for fun like that bc he adds all these little runs and stuff#and spices up the original lines instead of just singing them the way they were originally#like in the chorus you can hear him over everyone else and the way he so smoothly goes between the different notes and even adds some#it’s fantastic. love when he adds some extra flavour to the lines just because he can (he and xtina have that in common LMAO)#and it comes off as sooo effortless and not strained at all#like how can you sing like that fr#everyday i wake up and still manages to be amazed by this man#the only man
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vasattope · 11 months
I swear One Ok Rock are soooo good live!!!
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hauntingblue · 3 months
#also so funny if they destroy the island... goodbye plan because there is no island anymore lmao#where is luffys sword.....#you know its actually so good how you can excuse someone robbing graves lmao i mean its for a noble cause#one piece's first vegetarian wolf#omg.... goodbye wolfie.... and they won't even know...#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 953#episode 954#HOW DID LAW GET OUT???.#last time i saw him he was bleeding and pathetic chained on the floor.... as he should be...#FUCKING APOO WAS THE TRAITOR??? lmaooo#hawkins talking about how he got betrayed and the hitting law with the 'so how are you and your bestie doing'#AND WHO IS THAT????? LAW NO BETRAYAL LAW....#usopp just on franky's back as he works ajdhsk thats his son fr...#alwo where is nekomamushi..... and who is denjiro...... come on we need the nine samurais man#kaido and mom made up??? apoo you fucking traitor.... enter stage left also his theme sounds like it was made in garage band#WHAT THE FUCK ARE THOSE CREATURES#yonkou alliance this is going down.... its so over#episode 955#momo missing his anoying sister omg....#zoro is here???? where is hiyori??? did he get her sword??? sanji being nice to momo to get with his sister ajdhsksjsk TO JAIL!!!#wait kiku is here too... did luffy just stay there to train??? luffys sword is fine thank god akdhsk#zoro getting another weird fucked up sword... why zoom in om his nipple also....#hiyori master troll... yeah give us back the nation's sacred sword and you can get the sword that sucks out your soul and spirit in exchange#'once i get used to it' YOU HAVE FIVE DAYS#tama making hats for everyone.... ace.... omg#it is time.... i am so scared.... hiyori HIT IT!!!#WADO AND ENMA SISTERS????? LORE!!!! ORISHI KNOWS!!!! FUCK OFF!!! luffy training looks so cool... where is law.... kid...#episode 956
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