#he's ev.er.y.thing
larrylimericks · 11 months
Black tank tops, the reason we died. H thirst trapped, his husband replied. Fans feral and jarred By arms sculpted and scarred ... The Larents said, “Bitches, it’s Pride.”
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howtosingit · 3 years
So I opened my ig after I got home from work and was attacked!!!!!! I think my eyes almost popped out of my head! And then my next thought was come see if Brian is still alive and what glorious tags he has for us! You did not disappoint my friend. Not at all 🤣 just popping in to say I love you and I love your love for Rafa bc same! 💙
The fact that I am your second thought after Rafa does something like that just KILLS me 😂😂😂 - I don’t know how we got here, but I am LIVING FOR IT.
Lauren, I love you and I love that you check in on me when Rafa goes wild like this - you (and the others that check up on me) sure know how to make a guy feel special 🤗🤗🤗
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icarus-suraki · 3 years
If you're still doing them 72, 121, 136 :D
Suuuuure, and I'm feeling down, so...
72. What colour are your towels? Blue. Technically. I have a couple of light blue towels that I got...longer ago than I realized until just now lol...and they're technically "my towels" but I supplemented my supply with a couple of very old and slightly tattered towels that I snagged from the linen closet at my parents' house that actually, like, absorb water? Where the blue ones won't (yet, at least). I supplemented those with a couple of cheap white towels because I had some sweaters that were supposed to be dried flat. I don't have the sweaters anymore but I do have the towels and I throw them in the dryer sometimes to help a load along. And then I got a couple of dark brown ones for cheap because I was messing around with henna hair dye and I didn't want to stain my other towels. Oh, and I think I got a dark blue towel for Christmas one year, but see above re: light blue towels that don't absorb any water and are just rude like that. Hopefully these inferior ones will improve with washing. Also my bathmat is yellow. Because that's what someone gave me, I think. I'm not very aesthetic, I guess. I'm just functional.
121. Are you mean? If you asked my "Mean Girl" classmates in high school they would definitely say yes. My college classmates would probably say yes. Given how I would argue with my parents and the things I’d say to them, they’d say yes. And if you ask me, I'd say yes too.
I mean, I'm snappish and angry and depressed and impatient and "bellicose." I'm bitchy and a bitch and sometimes a super bitch and sometimes a Super King Kong Mega Mega Biatch. People irritate me. I'm a snob. I'm grumpy and crabby. I used to be fucking anxious all the time, which didn't help, though now I'm not really anxious at all so I have a hard time giving a fuck about anything. I'm way too quick with cutting remarks and takedowns and shit. I'm always thinking I'm the smartest person in the room or at least being a giant snob.
Yeah, I mean, looking back on me in middle school, even the latter part of elementary school, even earlier than that--like, I was 2 and a half and tormenting my baby brother or fighting over dress-up stuff in 4 year-old preschool. Girls in my classes in high school were always like "Why can't you just be nice?" And I was like, tch, what does "nice" mean, anyway? And they'd say "It means not mean!" And I hated them because I thought they were shallow but also because they got way more positive attention that I ever did. They had people who liked them and boyfriends and nice things. I didn't have any of that and I knew I never would, so I wasn't left with much. I always wanted to be the smartest person in the room but I never was. I was just a snob, so I ended up covering it up by being a fucking asshole. I think I would have counted as a bully on a few occasions. I wanted people to like me, but that shit wasn't going to happen. I ended up with a couple of friends, not that that was always pleasant. I started shit with them a lot, probably out of envy.
College, I was always trying to bring on the sharp comments and starting arguments for the sake of starting arguments (I still think I'm right on a lot of what I said). I was made the editor of the school literary magazine by default, which was a fiasco, and I was bitchy about all the submitted works. I had basically no friends because I hated the people I thought I was supposed to spend time around despite our being complete opposites from art to politics to religion.
"Ha ha, I got so wasted in college all the time! What was college like for you?" Well, I was a sarcastic little shit in my literature classes and full of myself because I got to skip Freshman 111 English, but I mostly remember being woken up at 2 in the morning because my roommate needed her bible and concordances because one of our hallmates believed in predestination and my roommate disagreed.
And then I can look at how unbelievably shitty I was to so. fucking. many. people. from about c. 2007 to c. 2014, at least (probably more like 2016 or 2017) when I was involved in first Livejournal-based multifandom RP and later Dreamwidth-based multifandom RP. Like I was, in popular parlance, "a fucking psycho." I would fight with anyone about anything. How the fuck anyone put up with me I do not know. Ev.er.y.thing pissed me off and yet I couldn't walk away. It's literally been the closest I've ever come to an addiction because the very thought of leaving upset me, and let's not even get started about my constant fear of my games closing or just dying. I needed my RP fix. I needed it! But needing it like that made me an absolute shitheel. People who knew me both in person and online at that time can probably vouch for how shitty I was at the time. There's a huge number of people I would like to apologize to--not so they can forgive me or anything, but just so they can hear that I'm sorry. Won't get that chance, I don't think.
And that overlapped with retail hell and graduate school. Retail hell will make anyone mean. Graduate school was first boring and then frustrating because I was definitely not among the smart set there. I mean, I got my MLS, though I'm not using it anymore lmao.
Hell, even applying for jobs after graduating, I was given feedback that I have a reputation for being "grumpy and huffy" with patrons in the library. So fuck me, I guess. I got a library job where, if the library system sat down, that library would be immediately plunged into total darkness. The "red-headed stepchild" if you will. And that was like retail hell with less cash. Was I mean? Sure, I guess, because I got called to the manager's office more than a couple of times--once because I got tired of a creepy dude talking to me, so I brushed him off to go on my lunchbreak, and he told the managers and I got in major trouble for being "dismissive" of this guy. So then I wound up standing there from 5:15 (when my shift ended) until 7:30 while this guy talked at me and told me shit like "never cut your hair because it's such a beautiful color" or tried to figure out what color my eyes are and creepy stuff like that. And all because I just didn't want to get fucking fired. Nice, huh?
I'm meaner externally now than I used to be. I'm putting that down to a lack of anxiety again. I used to be totally unable to contain my frustration and irritability with other people. Then I got to be afraid of what someone would say or do to me if I was irritable at them. And now I'm just like "fuck it, we're all going to die, climate change is real, why do I have to play by these rules?" I mean, in a hundred years, everyone I know will be dead. Whomst cares?
So am I mean? Fuck YES I'm mean. And I have been for most of my life.
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? O P E N and they must also be pushed ALL. THE. WAY. OPEN. Because of Boo Radley. "What?" I hear you cry. Here, I’ll let Scout explain.
Ever since seeing that scene in about 8th grade, I have had to push my door all the way open so far that the door is touching the wall just so no one is hiding behind it. Boo Radley is a sweetheart, so I don't want to vilify him and I actually feel bad about my whole response now, but I'm just not keen on having anyone standing behind a half-open door.
"And this is what you remember from To Kill a Mockingbird?" No, I remember plenty of it and I'll quote the opening passages with my mom in about late June when it's really hot and if you're from around here then you just about know all the characters personally, but I was briefly terrified by poor Boo hiding there--which says a lot about how people saw him, or didn't see him. It's actually a brilliant reveal, even if it did kind of unnerve me at age 13. (And now I watch horror movies like they're nothing lmao.)
Doors shut just feels kind of stifling to me. That's an easy answer.
You can ask the bitch who owns this blog stuff if you want.
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Both stories!
Slowly, night begins overtakes the dusk and by now, Roasted Chestnut has gone through every letter and handed out every gift, including gifts for the teens who knew better than to completely believe his shtick, but were nice enough to not ruin the fun for the younger cookies. 
“To. sum. it. up., a. few. months. a.go., my. friend. Saf.fron.-he’s. the. cook.ie. who. ran. the. bak.er.y. where. I. got. Dog.gy’s. lit.tol. cake.-Saf.fron. want.ed. help. mak.ing. sure. all. the. chil.dren. in. his. town. got. pres.ents. this. year.” He starts to fold up the sack. “Some. cook.ies. were....strug.gl.ing. this. year. and. los.ing. hope. and. cheer.. I. of.fered. to. help. out. by. po.sing. as. some. kind. of. ma.gic.al. hol.i.day. be.ing. that’s. ‘vis.it.ing.’ to. check. up. on. ev.er.y.thing.”
He stands up and holds the folded up sack under his arm. 
“We. both. worked. to.get.her. to. come. up. with. this. cha.rac.ter. and. let. him. spread. the. word. and. stor.y. of. me. be.fore. I. showed. up. as. a. ‘check.up.’ months. a.go.. The. chil.dren. were. so. ex.cit.ed...”
He watches the children as they run off to play with their new toys while the adults get started on a pit fire a little ways off and he takes a deep breath. This is magick-
Roasted spins his key indignantly as he turns to Saffron Bun, the bigger cookie laughing as he pats his back in a more gentle manner.
“Jag hör att du kommer att berätta historien om Herr Dasher, De Renbäraren?” (”I hear you’re going to be telling the story of Mister Dasher, The Reindeer Postman?”)
“Såklart jag är! Barnen älskar historien, eller hur?“ (”Of course I am! The kids love the story, right?”)
“De älskade det säkert när jag berättade för det.“ (”They sure loved it when I told them.”)
Saffron laughs that hardy laugh again as Roasted Chestnut smiles and rolls his eyes. Saffron softens and grips Roasted’s shoulder, shaking him gently.
“Tack för det här.” He squeezes his shoulder proudly. “Sanningsenligt. Du har ingen aning om hur glada alla har varit sedan du började göra detta.” (”Thank you for this. Truthfully. You have no idea how happy everyone has been since you started doing this.“)
Roasted Chestnut blinks in what one might consider disbelief before he smiles, tearing up a little.
“Det är mitt nöje.” (”It’s my pleasure.”)
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noonmutter · 2 years
Send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse! (For Anzhin ❤️)
My muse(s): Terry & Anzhin
Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other - eh whatever occurs to us
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship - boy anybody who's lived a while and is hordeside coulda encountered Terry in so many unpleasant ways...
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals (creatively) | allies | partner-in-crime (literal crime, probably) | enemies (also possible, he's an asshole) | protector - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other - EV.ER.Y.THING.
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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bookriot · 7 years
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I follow a lot of authors on Twitter. It’s practically a requirement these days that authors have social media followings (the less said on what I think about that, the better) (okay, I think it is REALLY SILLY AND NOT A GOOD LONG-TERM STRATEGY) and I got to thinking about my favorite authors of the past and how they might have gotten along on various social media.
James Baldwin would not be on any social media. He would claim to be too busy for it, and unlike most people who say that, it would be true.
William Shakespeare would be on everything. Everything. He would fucking love Tumblr, he’d be the king of Twitter, he would make fun of your racist uncle on Facebook. He would Instagram his lunch. He would have two dozen Pinterest boards just for parchment and quills (and dozens more for other stuff). Ev.er.y.thing.
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fatblackdiva · 6 years
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Esteban could have gone into the shop with Carla, but he was reluctant to give up a moment of the sun on his face ... And, too, there was Carla's insistence on using his skin as the sample palette for ev.er.y.thing. 5:21pm #NewYorkCity “Sun Worshipper” by @girlgriot #24hourproject #24hr18 #24hr18_NewYorkCity www.24hourproject.org 
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