#he's so fucking SWEET
namig42 · 6 days
I was telling a friend how much I've grown to love Wyll recently, and his response to my commentary was, "but he's not cool, he's a dweeb."
Yeah, no shit dude. That's his fucking charm. He has a fucking superhero name he announces himself with and a pose to go along with it anytime he says the name. This man is an absolute nerd that'd be so big into Marvel and DC in our world. He'd know so much lore and history of the comics and absolutely take inspiration from his favorite heroes for his own OC.
The man also recites poetry to you in order to woo you like he's a peacock showing off his feathers through his vernacular. He talks so much with such flowery words that seem so cheesy, yet he makes that shit endearing as fuck. The way he talks about blushing after you kiss him at the tiefling party? It's the nerdiest first love shit I've ever seen, and it's so fucking funny and charming coming from Wyll.
Wyll is such a dork and it makes him so much more fun to spend time with. He doesn't need to be stereotypically cool in order to be worth appreciating. Literally no one in the bg3 cast is entirely cool. They're all idiots in their own ways. I just need everybody to at least understand how much of a dweeb Wyll is before deciding whether or not they vibe with him. Mainly because I also didn't give him much of a chance until my fifth playthrough, and I'm so glad I am now.
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best-enemies · 1 month
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Got to season 7 on my CSI rewatch and I need to talk about the final scene in s07e11, where Grissom is saying goodbye to Sara before leaving to go on his sabbatical. I mean, look at him. Look at what he does with his hands. *Agressively* Look at himmmmm. He's just a little puppy in love. And he does this right before whispering, "I'll miss you". I'm afraid I'm not gonna make it y'all
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angrybatart · 7 months
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I'm stuck listening to Christmas music, and am in sort of a Christmasy mood anyway, so WIP I've had in for a little while now.
Idea is that Peach will see a doll, and have the overwhelming desire to dress it up. (Who doesn't?) So her victim is Geno. She put together a wintery, Christmasy outfit for Geno, asked him to try it on, and then took a picture of him for holiday cards. Geno, embarrassed but grateful for the new outfit, politely posed for her.
Now I just gotta finish the sketch, ink it in, and come up with a color scheme. Kinda want to stick with blue.
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sugar-omi · 10 months
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takethebodymarc · 1 year
me after reading richarlyson's letter
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j-nightingalesb1tch · 2 years
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he's so cute
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spookycerezacola · 2 years
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90frogsinatrenchcoat · 2 months
I need to curl up on big soft boy and take a big fat fucking nap
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while we wait.
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may i offer you all a pubby?? lil bby barns?
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lotus-pear · 1 month
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jaypentaghast · 8 months
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please look at this for a second
wee john is holding him
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quick-catton · 5 months
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hey sorry "we had to kiss"?? what. what? was there a saltburn kiss scene that was fucking cut?? guys.
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madfoxx · 11 months
Not Laszlos going outside drenched in guillermos sweat almost making me cry holy shit
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like fuck me, this is the first time he´s ever seen his shawn in real sunlight! His best friend! His good time boy!! he´s so happy!
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really i mean LOOK AT HIM!!!
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imagine what it must feel like to be able to go to the beach on a sunny day for the first time in centuries *sobs*
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i could watch him draw dicks in the sand, bully teenagers and catch fish he can´t even eat forever, he´s like a little kid its killing me
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i. i just love him. he has done nothing wrong in his life ever and i want him to be the happiest little vampire in the world <3<3<3
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ikiprian · 4 months
I think Danny should get to be in more situations where he can’t use his ghost powers. I also think that suppressing this half of him ought to make more ghostly features appear on his human-self. Longer teeth, difficulty recording him on camera, tapetum lucidum and silent footsteps. He doesn't blink enough. He doesn't always breathe. If you sit too long in a room with him, you'll get a ringing in your ear.
Danny’s still a good kid! Kind and helpful and funny, there's just something about him that’s just a little too far to the left.
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comradekatara · 2 months
a really defining moment of aang and sokka’s relationship is that sokka literally lets himself get beat up for aang’s amusement and entertainment like a day into knowing him. like he is literally letting aang drop him onto the ground from a not insignificant height over and over again just to see aang smile and laugh. he is putting his own safety and physical wellbeing at risk because it makes aang happy. and there’s a lot we could get into here about how sokka fundamentally views himself and his body as a vessel through which to provide services to others instead of a whole human being in his own right, but what matters for the purposes of this post is that it’s very immediately established that sokka will do anything to see aang enjoy himself, to the point that he will quite literally put up with physical abuse without complaint to make aang happy. so when people are like “it’s crazy how sokka is so smart and yet loses all his braincells whenever he’s around aang,” it’s like yeah, teenage boy adhd2adhd communication will do that, but also a large part of it is sokka contorting himself into an image that he thinks aang will appreciate, because he knows just how valuable preserving aang’s childhood joy and laughter is.
and what’s beautiful is that through actively becoming this person for aang’s benefit, he also actually starts to internalize the sentiment. through the process of letting himself be silly and goofy for the sake of making aang happy, he also absorbs some of that sillygoofy happiness and regains some of his own childhood joy and laughter and sense of wonder he truly thought he had lost forever. he’s not just helping aang retain his childhood, but aang is also helping sokka regain his sense of humanity. the sokka of book 3 is someone who enjoys “wacky, time wasting nonsense” and throws beach parties, a far cry from the sokka of book 1 who thought fun and joy were luxuries no one could afford. his selfless love for aang is also self-affirming, helps him to embrace aang’s point of view, to love himself slightly more than he otherwise would have. because to love aang is to necessarily let kindness into your life; it’s to learn how to be free.
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teaboot · 2 months
My younger brother asked me to cut his hair tomorrow so I asked him what kinda style he wanted and he said "can you cut it like yours?"???? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 excuse me I'll need to be emotional now
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